Acharya'S Bangalore B-School I Internal Assessment Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation III Semester M.B.A

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Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
III semester M.B.A

Max. Marks: 50
Time : 90minutes
Answer any three of the following. Each question carries two marks. (3*2 = 6)

1. a) How do you define Entrepreneur of today?

b) Briefly explain Kanters five F.
c) Just list the four arguments put forward in the Industrial Policy Resolution
1956 in favor of SMEs.
d) Expand 1. DIC 2. SIDBI 3. SISI 4. SFC
e) Explain necessity based and opportunity based entrepreneurship.


Answer any two of the following. Each question carries eight marks. ( 2*8=16)

2. Trace the evolution and development of entrepreneurship from the earliest

3. Women are better entrepreneurs. Put down your views both for and against
this statement.
4. Distinguish between managerial and entrepreneurial decision making.

Answer any one of the following. (1*13=13)

5. Explain in detail the entrepreneurial decision process.

6. Discuss the role of SMEs in the development of Indian Economy.
SECTION D (15 Marks)

Case study

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

When R.K.Pande boarded a LCC from Chennai to Bangalore for an emergency

meeting with the client, to his surprise he found a bartanwali seated next to him
asking a crew member as to how many minutes the gadi would stop at
Bangalore airport. He started asking to himself, an airborne housemaid? and
has the common Indians lifestyle changed? Pande may have missed the social
revolution, but for millions of average Indians, LCCs are nothing but their dreams
coming true.

Few entrepreneurs can be labeled as social entrepreneurs and who dared to

revolutionize the lifestyle for the real India. Captain Gopinath gave birth to Air
Deccan and he certainly has to be credited for kick starting the revolution in
Indian skies. Ratan Tata came forward with the cheapest car in the world. Kishore
Biyani gave Indians the taste of shopping in air conditioned environment with his
concept of Big Bazaar.

It is nice to read about those businessmen and their values toward employees,
integrity, discipline and vision for their companies. But there are few whose idea
creates a silent revolution till it becomes visible to the entire social fabric. While
both do business, the difference is that a lifestyle changer is a human being first
and then a businessman, whereas it is the other way round for the rest.

A similar kind of story is that of C.K Ranganathan of CavinKare whose father

Chinni Krishnan, a schoolteacher used to say I want to make products that are
affordable to even a rickshaw puller. He did the unthinkable by launching Chik
shampoo for 50 paise and Re 1. per sachet in the rural areas , thereby making
beauty accessible to all.

To walk on a new path has never been easy and to bring about a transformation
that cuts across society is the sign of a true entrepreneur. This is what some of the
personalities described above have proved that it is possible.


1. How do you distinguish between a businessman and an entrepreneur?

2. What do you understand by the term social entrepreneur? Can you classify the
above entrepreneurs as social entrepreneurs and why?
3. Do you agree that creativity and innovation are the harbingers of change in a
society? Relate from the case.

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