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Thomas, 13e

MAC 2311: Calculus

Section 3.2: The Derivative as a Function

f ( x + h) f ( x)
Definition: The derivative of f ( x ) with respect to x is the function: f ( x ) = lim .
h 0 h
Domain of f ( x ) : { x dom f f ( x ) exists}

f ( x ) represents either: 1) the slope of the tangent line to f ( x ) at x, or

2) the instantaneous rate of change of f ( x ) with respect to x at x.

Example 1a:
Use the graph of y = f ( x ) to estimate the value of each derivative function.
Then sketch the graph of f ( x ) . 8 y
f ( 0) 5
f (1) 3
f ( 2 ) 1 x
f ( 1) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -10 1 2 3 4 5

f ( 2) -2

What is the domain of f ( x ) ?

What is the domain of f ( x ) ?

Example 1b: Given f ( x ) = x 2 , use the definition to find the equation for f ( x ) .

Unit 1 p. 33
Thomas, 13e
Example 2:

a. If f ( x= x 1 , use the definition to find the equation for f ( x ) .

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b. Find the equation of the tangent line at x = 5.

c. What is the domain of f ( x ) ?

What is the domain of f ( x ) ?

d. Use a graphing calculator to graph of y = f ( x ) on the graph above. Interpret the graph using
slopes of tangent lines.

Unit 1 p. 34
Thomas, 13e
Definition: Differentiability: Given x0 domain f :

1. A function f is differentiable at x0 if f ( x0 ) exists, meaning, a function f is differentiable at x0

f ( x0 + h ) f ( x0 )
if f ( x0 ) = lim exists.
h 0 h
Note: This is a two sided limit. One way to interpret this is that the slope of the secant line from
the left and the slope of the secant line from the right both have to exist and be the same value.
If that is not true, the function is not differentiable at that point.

2. f ( x ) is differentiable on an open interval ( a, b ) if f is differentiable at every number in the


How a function can fail to be differentiable at a:

Example 3: Given y = f ( x ) :

a. Where is f discontinuous?

b. Where is f non-differentiable? Why?

Thm: Differentiability and Continuity

1. If f is differentiable at a, then f is continuous at a. Differentiability Continuity
2. Continuity at a doesnt imply differentiability at a. Continuity Differentiability

Unit 1 p. 35
Thomas, 13e
Graphical Differentiation Introduction Video
Example 5: Match the graph of each function (a-g) with the graph of its derivative (i-vii).
Functions, y = f ( x ) Derivatives, y = f ( x )



d. iv.


f. vi.

g. vii.

Unit 1 p. 36
Thomas, 13e
Alternate Notation for Derivatives

Given y = f ( x ) , the derivative of y with respect to x can be written many ways:

dy df
f ( x=
) y= = = Dx f ( x )
dx dx

f ( x ) is useful when referring to the derivative of a function, or interpreting f ( x ) as the slope

of the tangent line to f ( x ) at x.

is useful when interpreting the derivative as an instantaneous rate of change of y with
dy y
respect to x: = lim
dx x0 x

Recall the previous example, now written with alternate notation.

Find the equation of the tangent line to f ( x ) = x 1 at x =5.

f ( x) =
x 1 point: f ( 5 ) =
2 versus y =
x 1 point: ( x, y ) =
( 5, 2 )
1 1
f ( x) f ( 5)
dy 1 dy 1
= slope: = = slope:
2 x 1 4 dx 2 x 1 dx x =5 4

Example 6: Write the derivative with alternate notation.

a. For s ( t ) =
16t 2 + 80t + 100 , we found the instantaneous velocity at t = 1 sec.
Write with alternate notation.
s ( t ) =
32t + 80

s (1) = 48 ft/sec

B (1) = 2000 T ( 2000 ) = 30

b. c.
B (1) = 1200
T ( 2000 ) = 0.005

Unit 1 p. 37

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