Anh Dinh Resume

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101 W Daniels Street, Apt 527 Cincinnati, OH 45219

(513) 602-7229
Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Economics Expected: April 2020
University of Cincinnati, Carl H. Lindner College of Business Cincinnati, OH
GPA: 3.92/4.0
International Outreach Scholarship Recipient
University Honors Program

Vice President The Cactus Project, Hanoi, Vietnam July 2014 to May 2016

Composed sponsorship package

Contacted potential donors to raise fund to support cancer patients with hospital fees and personal expenses

Managed finance of the project

Schedualed meetings, arranged people for each mission and reported directly for all members about the work have to do

Member Cuc Phuong Turtle Conservation Center, Ninh Binh, Vietnam June to July 2015
Cared for turtles by giving food and building nest
Collected eggs of turtles to protect them from weather condition, measured eggs of turtles and filled in turtles information

Guided students from National University of Singapore on how to feed turtles and collect turtles eggs

Volunteer Clean Up Cincy April 2017
Worked within a team to clean the area around old buildings and factories in downtown Cincinnati

Volunteer Cincinnati Computer Cooperative Volunteer January

Provided assistance to company staff throughout various programs and projects
Learned how to work in a team environment with individuals from different backgrounds

Volunteer Volunteering for Education, Mai Chau, Vietnam September 2015 to January 2016
Sold handmade products to raise a fund for school in Ban Lac, Mai Chau
Taught Vietnamese and Math for ethnic minority children

Performed magic show for intercultural night

Volunteer Orientation Day, Chu Van An High School, Vietnam September 2013 to September 2015

Introduced the freshmen to their new school

Fostered a mentoring relationship between the freshmen and the upperclassmen to help the new students become closer
to their new school


Languages: Speak fluently in Vietnamese and English

Computer: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Pezi, Photoshop, Illustrator

Relevant Skills: S.W.O.T analysis

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