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Almost at the Easter Break. Do you think children should do homework during class breaks
(Christmas / Summer) Why? Why not?

I must admit that I still do not have a clear-cut position on this issue. I will try to think things
through here in the forum.

I consider homework something necessary and essential for students learning process, but
homework during class breaks is mostly perceived by students like a punishment. For its own
meaning a class break should break the normal routine, it should be a period of time during which
the student recovers from the efforts and pains of being a student, just like a worker rests and
recovers during its vacations. It would be unthinkable, unadvisable and probably dangerous for
an employer to say to his/hers employee: Tomorrow you start your vacations, enjoy them but
remember that too much leisure time would be bad for you, so Ill give you some work to do at
home just for your own good.

If the student is forced to study what kind of break is that then? Furthermore, homework assigned
for class breaks are very rarely done during the break; it is mostly something that the student does
the last day of break copying from whatever resource he/she can find while cursing school and
teachers. Therefore it loses any educational effectiveness to become a mere exercise to cunningly
trick the teacher.

Nevertheless, I agree that too much time wasted in playing video games during break is not the best
way to seize the day. Probably the best solution would be to convince the students to
spontaneously do some kind of educational activity they consider attractive, such as for example
reading, watching films in original language (suggesting them appropriate films and readings),
using educational apps, etc. but without imposing them to bring the proof of their work, just
letting them to share their experience with their classmates once back to class.

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