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Notes on the Legazpi Expedition:

Legazpi Expedition The onlyexpedition that was successful in colonizing the

Philippines.After the unsuccessful expedition of Villalobos, King CharlesI decided to stop

sending colonizers to the Philippines.When his son, King Philip II took over, he continued

the expeditions. Philip sent Miguel Lopez de Legazpi and Fray Andres deUrdaneta.

Urdaneta survived the de Loaisa expedition.

On February 13, 1565, Legaspis expedition landed in Cebu Island. After a short struggle

with the natives, he proceeded to Leyte, then to Camiguin and to Bohol. There Legaspi

made a blood compact with the chieftain, Datu Sikatuna as a sign of friendship.

On April 27, 1565, Legaspi returned to Cebu. He destroyed the town of Raja Tupas

andestablished a settlement.

While searching for survivors, one soldier Juan Camus found a statue of the child Jesus

still intact. Upon verification, it was the same Sto. Nino that was given by Magellan to

Queen Hara Humamay in1521.Legaspi ordered the construction of a church and called it


On orders of the King Philip II,2,100 men arrived from Mexico.Mexico was colonized by

Spain.They built the port of Fuerza de San Pedro which became the Spanish trading

outpost and stronghold for the region.

Hearing of the riches of Manila, an expedition of 300men headed by MARTIN DE GOITI

left Cebu for Manila.Goiti arrived in Manila onMay 8, 1570.At first they were welcomed

bythe natives and formed analliance withRAJAH SULIMAN, theirMuslim king. But as the

locals sensed the true objectives of theSpaniards, a battle between the troops of

Sulimanand the Spaniards erupted.Because the Spaniards are more heavily armed,the

Spaniards were able to conquer Manila.Soon after Miguel Lopez de Legazpi arrived tojoin

Goiti in Manila.Legaspi built alliances and made peace with RajahsSuliman, Lakandula

and Matanda. In 1571, Legaspi ordered the construction of the walled city ofIntramuros

and proclaimed it as the seat of government ofthe colony and the capital of the islands.

In 1572, Legaspi died and was buried at the San Agustin Church in Intramuros.In 1574,
Manila was bestowed the title: "Insigne y Siempre Leal Ciudad de Espaa" or


Notes on the Colonial Government:

- Spain reigned over the Philippines for 333 years, from 1565to 1898.Since Spain

was far from the country, the Spanish king ruledthe Islands through the viceroy of

Mexico, which was thenanother Spanish colony.

King of Spain

Viceroy of Mexico

- The Philippines
When Mexico egained its freedom in1821, the Spanish king ruled thePhilippines through a

King of Spain

Governor- General

The Philippines

THE POLITICAL STRUCTURESpain established a centralized colonialgovernment in the Philippines

that was composedof a NATIONAL GOVERNMENT and the LOCAL GOVERNMENTS that
administered provinces, cities, towns and municipalities.

Duties of the National Government:

maintained peace and order

collected taxes
built schools and other public works


- The Kings representative and the highest-rankingofficial in the Philippines


- Had the power to appoint and dismiss publicofficials, except those personally chosen by
the King.
- Supervised all government offices and thecollection of taxes
- Exercised certain legislative powers
- Issued proclamations to facilitate theimplementation of laws


The Governor General and other government officials had so much power that it was commonly
abused. To investigate the abuses, there were bodies created: THE RESIDENCIA ,THE VISITA,


- This was a special judicial court that investigatesthe performance of a Governor General
who was about to be replaced.
- The Residencia, of which the incoming Governor General was usually a member,
submitted a report of its findings to the King.


- The Council of the Indies in Spain sent a government official called the VISITADOR
GENERAL to observe conditions in the colony. The Visitador General reported his findings
directly to the King.


- The highest court in the Philippines during the Spanish Period.


- Served as an advisory body to the Governor General

- Had the power to check and report on his abuses.
- The Audiencia also audited the expenditures ofthe colonial government
- Sent a yearly report to Spain (e.g. The Archbishop and other government officials)

THE ROYAL AUDENCIA despite all these checks, however, an abusive governor general
often managed to escape stiff fines, suspension, or dismissal by simply bribing the
Visitador and other investigators.
The Magellan Expedition

Ferdinand Magellan a Portuguese navigator who planned to travel to the East through the
route from the West. He was not able to gain support of King Emmanuel I
of Portugal, so he decided to lay his plan to King Carlos I of Spain who
agreed to finance his expedition.

Five Vessels of the Magellan Expedition

a. Trinindad the flagship of the Magellan Expedition

b. San Antonio
c. Conception
d. Santiago
e. Victoria the ship that circumnavigated the world

The Goals of Colonization: (3Gs)

a. God to spread Christianity

b. Gold to be a rich country
c. Glory to colonize in order to be known and to be considered as a powerful country.

Two European Powers that ventured into colonizing countries:

a. Portugal (West Portion)

b. Spain ( East Portion)

Significant Dates of the Magellan Expedition:

September 19, 1520 The five ships of Magellan left Spain.

November 20, 1520 Magellan and his men entered the vast ocean and named it the Pacific

March 16, 1521 Magellan sighted the Island of Homonhon in Samar.

After a long and arduous journey across the Pacific, they reached the Marianas, made a brief
stopover before finally landing on the island of Homonhon in Samar on March 17, 1521, thereby
re-discovering the Philippines

March 31, 1521 Magellan and his men celebrated the first mass in Limasawa celebrated by
Fr. Pedro de Valderama and met Rajah Kulambu and Rajah Siagu, the
leaders of the island. It was also the date when Magellan named the island
Archipelago of St. Lazarus.

April 8, 1521 Magellan and his men arrived in the island of Cebu where they befriended Raha
Humabon, the chieftain of the Island of Cebu.

April 14, 1521 First mas in Cebu. It was also the day when Raha Humabon and Queen
Humamay together with some 800 natives were converted into the Catholic faith.
During this time, Magellan as well planted the Cross of Magellan as a symbol that
Cebu was now a converted Catholic island and is under the colony of Spain.

Carlos the Christian name of Raja Humabon

Juana the Christian name of Hara Humamay.

Santo Nio the gift of Magellan to the Queen Juana after their conver

April 31, 151 The Battle of Mactan. Lapu-lapu, the leader of Mactan did not recognize the
power of the Spaniards and the King of Spain.
The Battle of Mactan Showed the bravery of the Filipinos and willingness to die on their land
and freedom.

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