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APRIL 14, 2017

VOL. LXXXVI NO. 28 $1.00 86 2017


From the Reich to the Raj

Uncovering the story of

German refugees in India

Teaneck, NJ 07666
page 14
1086 Teaneck Road
Jewish Standard
2 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017
Page 3
A brush with the Omer
l Leave it to Judaism to feature a ritual that manages If youre the sort of Jew who spends every
to last for a full seven weeks while being eminently, evening at synagogue services, you have
and irritatingly, forgettable. decent odds of making it: The congregation
Yes, were thinking about counting the Omer, the recites the count every night. But if youre
49 days of ritual timekeeping (Day One, Day Two. not at synagogue, how do you remember?
Day 49) that begins the second night of Passover Hence, the opportunity to sign up for
and ends on the eve of Shavuot. The simple count- email and text reminders.
ing, preceded by a simple blessing, commemorates But those who tried to walk the path
the interval between the offering in the ancient Tem- of counting the Omer know that the very
ple on the day after Passover of an omers worth of first step can be treacherous, since the first
barley (an omer being between two and four liters) nights recitation Today is Day One of the
and the offering of loaves of wheat on Shavuot by Omer is recited toward the end of the
counting the days between them. second Passover seder. Doze off after only
What gives the ritual its challenge, its thrill, and its three cups and youve missed it! You better
annual brush with existential angst is the requirement hope you remember before the end of the
that you not skip as much as one day if you want to next day. customized toothbrushes imprinted with the motto:
recite the blessing (thank God for commanding us So: Congratulations to Rabbi Adam Starr of the Brush. Floss. Count Omer. And thank you to Green
concerning the Omer count.) Forget one night sure, Young Israel of Toco Hills in Atlanta, who brilliantly Orthodontics, also of Atlanta, which paid the bill.
you can count the next night, but no blessing for you! paired the Omer with another nightly ritual, and bought Larry Yudelson

Pop goes the Omer But seriously, folks

l Bubbles and not just for adults.
l Well confess. Weve never
brushes may be bril- Nor does the book
approached the nightly Omer
ritual with eager anticipation.
liant, but Jews are the leave it strictly to rab-
Theres been the omnipresent people of the book. bis. Each days combi-
FOMO (fear of missing Omer). The genre of Omer- nation of personality
Theres been the satisfaction of counting books dates traits is illustrated with
remembering to do the mitz- back just more than a quotes from people
vah, and the smug satisfaction 20 years, to Rabbi ranging from Albert
on those years we made all the Simon Jacobsons Einstein to Arnold
way to Shavuot without missing 1996 The Spiritual Schwarzenegger.
a day. Guide to Counting the So take the fourth
But anticipation? Yearning? Omer. Rabbi Jacob- day of the Omer,
Now, thanks to Josh Rosen- son, a Chabad Ortho- counted this year on
berg of Philadelphia, we can dox rabbi, based his Friday night, April 13.
approach the Omer with an ea- work on the chassidic Day four of week one
gerness thats practically addic- teaching that the days and the is, in kabbalistic terminology, net-
tive, that will make the inability weeks of the Omer count corre- zach she-be-chesed, or victory
to count only one day at a time spond to seven different kabbalis- within kindness. What does that
positively painful. Easy as eating only one potato chip. tic sefirot, or aspects of God and mean? She illustrates the idea with
Because when it comes to pop- When Josh posted this on Face- that each of the sefirot corre- a quote from popular childrens
ping bubble wrap, how can you stop book, he quickly discovered a de- sponds as well to an aspect of the author Rick Riordan: But remem-
at one? mand. He put the original file online human personality. ber, boy, that a kind act can some-
Yet that is the challenge of his at for those The result is a mystical yet ac- times be as powerful as a sword.
home-made Omer chart, formed by who want to print their own. He cessible, practical 49-step journey Rabbi Gavrieli teaches: Some-
printing a chart of days, carefully promised to hand deliver to friends. through the human personality, thing that seemed impossibly
calibrated to fit behind a sheet of half- But beyond that, broader produc- refining and perfecting your emo- difficult can sometimes be turned
inch bubble wrap. tion presented a problem, he said: tions and behavior allowing you around into an opportunity for un-
Each night, you mark the Omer by The irony is that its not entirely obvi- to grow and better cope with lifes expected growth and good.
popping that days bubble. ous how to protect these if I were to daily challenges and the expan- And she gives a gentle assign-
That days, and no more. ship them... Larry Yudelson sion of a numerical ritual into a ment, suitable for the middle
spiritual one. school children her book is targets:
More recently, there have been As you go through your day, look
several other guides to count- for an event, a story, a picture or
For convenient home delivery, ing the Omer, including one from experience to share tonight in
call 201-837-8818 or a Reform rabbi, published by the which you found kindness, creativ-
movements CCAR Press. ity, and ultimately triumph.
Now theres one from a Con- The book bills itself as a way to
PUBLISHERS STATEMENT: (USPS 275-700 ISN 0021-6747) is
published weekly on Fridays with an additional edition every
October, by the New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck
servative rabbi, Lea Gavrieli, that start meaningful conversations
Noshes4 Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Periodicals postage paid at Hackensack, takes a more family-friendly ap- between parents and children. No
briefly local 13 NJ and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
proach. Counting the Days: Grow- guarantee, of course, that your
to New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck Road, Teaneck,
cover story14
jewish world20
NJ 07666. Subscription price is $30.00 per year. Out-of-state sub- ing Your Familys Spirit by Count- children will take to it. But as they
scriptions are $45.00, Foreign countries subscriptions are $75.00.
oPINION 26 The appearance of an advertisement in The Jewish Standard does
ing the Omer starts from the say, you cant find out if you dont
dvar torah 31 not constitute a kashrut endorsement. The publishing of a paid assumption that counting is fun for try. You can count on that.
political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any
THE FRAZZLED HOUSEWIFE 32 candidate political party or political position by the newspaper or kids and that personality growth is  Larry Yudelson
crossword puzzle 32 any employees.
ARTS & CULTURE 33 The Jewish Standard assumes no responsibility to return unsolicit-
calendar34 ed editorial or graphic materials. All rights in letters and unsolicited
obituaries 37 editorial, and graphic material will be treated as unconditionally
assigned for publication and copyright purposes and subject to
Candlelighting: Friday, April 14, 7:17 p.m.
classifieds 38
JEWISHSTANDARDs unrestricted right to edit and to comment
editorially. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without
Shabbat ends: Saturday, April 15 8:19 p.m.
real estate41 written permission from the publisher. 2017

Standardmarch 3, 2017 3
april 14,
Take any forsaken city in the
world, you have a McDonalds
and a Chabad house.
New York public relations specialist Ronn Torossian, as quoted in Politico.


Tribe members
in the majors
The following is a beating favorites Korea,
list of Jewish Taiwan, and the Nether-
players on a major lands.)
league team roster as of SCOTT FELDMAN, 34,
opening day (April 1). All pitcher, Cincinnati. Like
these players (save the Breslow, Feldman has Alex Bregman Craig Breslow
last one, below) have at pitched for many teams
least one Jewish parent and has struggled for the
and dont identify with a last two seasons. Like
faith other than Judaism: Breslow, he planned to
RYAN BRAUN, 33, out- pitch for Team Israel, but
fielder, Milwaukee. A six- opted out when the Reds
time All-Star, Braun came offered him a one-year
back in 2016 after two contract late in January.
previous subpar seasons. IAN KINSLER, 34,
He batted over .300 and second base, Detroit.
Jake Tapper
hit 30 homers. This 4-time All-Star team
ALEX BREGMAN, 23, member really hit in
infielder, Houston. He 2016, smashing 28 hom-
made his major league
debut last July, and hit a
ers and setting a new
Tiger season record (8) Scott Feldman Joc Pederson Five mensches
respectable .265 after a
slow start. His family be-
for lead-off homers. Hes
also a great fielder. ter this year, with stints and her violent husband,
came back
longs to the oldest syna- JOC PEDERSON, 24, at first base. Perry. In the last two The original three-part Netflix documentary series,
gogue in New Mexico, outfielder, Los Angeles Reasonable people episodes, Reisman
Five Came Back, is good enough that its worth sub-
where Bregman had his Dodgers. A streak hitter, can differ whether to in- becomes an important
bar mitzvah. he has great stretches clude Ty Kelly, 28, a Mets character who sagely scribing for one month just for it. The title refers to
CRAIG BRESLOW, and long slumps. In infielder who played for advises Celeste on how five Hollywood directors who put patriotism ahead of
36, pitcher, Minnesota. 2016, he hit 25 homers Team Israel this year. His to save her life. I hope career and enlisted in the army or navy to make films
Another bar mitzvah but only batted .246. On mother is Jewish; but he Weigerts sterling for and about the armed forces during WWII (Frank
boy, Breslow has played opening day, 2017, he hit was raised more Catholic performance quickly Capra, John Ford, John Huston, George Stevens, and
for many teams. He hit a a grand-slam homer than Jewishand he now leads to meatier roles WILLIAM WYLER). Prominent contemporary direc-
rough patch in 2016 and the first Dodger to do so seems unsure where he for her.
tors narrate the interwoven stories of the five (STEVEN
was sent to the minors. since 2000. He played stands religiously. I spoke to her in 2006,
The HBO 7-part not long after she got an SPIELBERG, 70, does Wyler; LAWRENCE KASDAN,
He pitched for Team Is- for Team Israel in 2013.
rael last September and KEVIN PILLAR, 28, series Big Little Emmy nomination for 68, does Stevens, and so on).
helped it qualify for the outfielder, Toronto. An- Lies, which ended playing Calamity Jane Theres a lot of Jewish-related content in the series.
World Baseball Classic. other bar mitzvah boy, on April 2, garnered in Deadwood, and she The most, logically, comes in the Wyler segments. He
Minnesota offered him Pillar overcame a slow great reviews and big said she was hoping to won the Oscar three times for best director and risked
a major league contract start and ended up hav- ratings. If you did see it, land enough good indie his life to make perhaps the best WWII documentary,
shortly before the Classic ing had a good 2016 sea- its probably still resonat- film roles to have a ca- Memphis Belle. But I know that part of the pleasure
tournament began, so son at-the-bat. Hes also ing with you. If you didnt reer like Catherine Keen-
in viewing a bio-series is the revelations that come as
he had to opt out of the a great fielder. see it, you should. The ers. Now shes probably
tournament competition DANNY VALENCIA, 32, third episode introduced too old for that path you watch the series. So, suffice it to say theres a lot
last March. (Team Israel infielder, Seattle. A good ROBIN WEIGERT, 47, as but with so many new more interesting and kvell-worthy stuff about Wyler and
stunned everyone by hitter, Valencia, who was Dr. Reisman, a therapist streaming outlets a the other directors. (One footnote: director ANATOLE
making it to the tour- bar mitzvah, will prob- who begins treating series starring role could LITVAK, discussed in the series, also enlisted. Its not
neys second round, after ably be a designated hit- Celeste (Nicole Kidman) be in her future. N.B. mentioned that he was Jewish.) N.B.

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Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 5
Living with autism
Mother talks about her family at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly
JOANNE PALMER unreasonable either no one knows what theyre deal-
ing with, or how best to help.
Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is When Mickey first was diagnosed, the Carters tried
unhappy in its own way. frantically to help, and found themselves falling for
Leo Tolstoy told us that in Anna Karenina, almost scams. There are many theories about what causes
150 years ago. Its treated as received wisdom, but autism, some of them coming from a genuine need
when you think about it you realize that actually it to understand it, and others from the genuine need
doesnt mean very much. to separate desperate parents from their money. The
There is no such thing as two families that are alike; more sunlight on autism, the better, she said.
there is no such thing as a family that is so untouched And no, vaccines do not cause autism. That is a thor-
by disease or history that it always can be called happy. oughly debunked hypothesis, she said, and not vacci-
(There might be families unhappy all the time, and in nating children is unwise and dangerous. Mr. Trump
similar ways; luckily we need not go there now.) appears to be an anti-vaxxer, and I am afraid that he is
When Liane Kupferberg Carter and her husband, fanning the fear, but the idea never died out. I still hear
Marc, started their family, they made the same general people bring it up.
assumptions most of us middle- or upper-middle-class And I can understand it, she added. When you are
New York metropolitan area Jews make, about how desperate, and you dont have answers, you want to
they would have children, who would go on to excel blame something. That is human nature. And when the
in school and friendship, and then at college, and then possibility of autism being caused by vaccination first
have stellar jobs, and then marry and raise their own was brought up, it made sense to investigate it.
spectacular children. And it was investigated, and there were no links.
Of course, those assumptions always get a bit bat- Absolutely no links.
tered, but for many of us the basics remain. But the controversy still rages.
Its different if one of your children is autistic, as Ms. The desire not to look at autism or other special
Carter learned. The depth and ferocity of the love is the needs is changing in the Jewish world, Ms. Carter said.
same, but the assumptions get turned on their heads. Shes been on the board of Matan the orga-
In her memoir, Ketchup Is My Favorite Vegetable: A nization that works toward inclusion,
Family Grows Up With Autism, which she will discuss calls itself the national voice in Jew-
at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly on Sun- ish special education, and is run by
day, April 23, to mark the end of Jewish Disabilities and Dori Kirshner of Closter for a long
Inclusion Month (see the box for more information), time, she said. I think Im the only
Ms. Carter explores her familys life, their growing parent who has been on the board
understanding of autism and how their sons, Mickey, consistently for this long. Most of the
who has autism, and Jonathan, who does not, grew, other people on it are educators, spe-
and she also looks at some of the politics surrounding cialists in special education, and I am
the condition. a bit of an outlier, but I bring the par-
The Carters gradually learned that their younger Liane Kupferberg Carter with her ents voice to the discussion.
son, Mickey, had autism; they saw troubling signs, son Mickey. She thinks that Matan has helped. I
particularly his slow speech acquisition, but were far know that my own temple, in West-
more comfortable ascribing it to any number of other, less very sweet and very sunny, but he chester County, has gotten a lot bet-
scary sounding conditions. Once they realized that it was didnt have any language, and he ter, she said. In the beginning, they
autism, however, they devoted themselves to getting the didnt sit still when the teachers didnt know what to do with us. Almost
best possible services for Mickey, while trying to ensure talked. He wasnt paying attention. 20 years ago, the word inclusion was
that Jonathans life was as steady as possible. Its a hard It was easier to ignore him. He on almost no ones lips. Nothing was
balancing act, and Ms. Carter is forthright as she describes wasnt even in the school picture. done out of malice. We just werent on
some of the problems she and her husband encountered. And he wandered off thats very the radar. But as I became more com-
Mickey is now 23, and the world he and other people common with kids with autism. fortable in the community, and started
with autism face has changed a great deal since he was He could take off, and they didnt notice. It was scary and meeting like-minded other special-needs moms, I learned
a baby, when he was 2 years old and was kicked out of dangerous and hurtful. that we all had stories.
our temples nursery school, Ms. Carter said. It wasnt At one point, we took him for speech evaluation, and I Eventually, we sat down with our rabbi, Rick Jacobs
that he did anything bad. He wasnt stealing Legos. He was told the nursery school director that Mickey had just been who now heads the Reform movement as president of the
diagnosed with speech and language disorder. And she Union for Reform Judaism but then was her congregational
Who: writer and advocate Liane Kupferberg Carter said to me, Is that all it is? rabbi and we said that a lot of us are in crisis every day,
What: will talk about her memoir, Ketchup is my Fa- It was so hurtful. Maybe she just meant that it was a and no one here is meeting the needs of our families.
vorite Vegetable relief good, thats all it is but thats not how I heard it. To his credit, he was a tremendous listener. All of
Where At the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, 411 East And the next year, she told us not to come back. us cried, but he really absorbed everything we had said
Clinton Ave. in Tenafly That story encapsulates much of the hurt and worry to him, and then he created an inclusion task force. Its
When: On sunday, april 23, at 11 a.m. parents of young children with autism can feel. They an ongoing effort we have things like prayer books in
dont know exactly what they are dealing with, they know Braille, and having someone sign the service. Its about
Why: to conclude the JCCs recognition of Jewish dis-
their child is different from other children, they know its being more inclusive to everyone across the life span. We
abilities and inclusion Month
their job to protect their child but theyre not sure how, or are purchasing mezuzahs to go on doors at wheelchair
And: its free and open to the community against what. And the rest of the world isnt exactly being height. We have come a long way in 20 years.

6 Jewish standard aPriL 14, 2017


Ms. Carter writes about Mickeys bar hour, and they need only a high school dont want to live with staff. I just want to foot in it, Ms. Carter said. I wrote a piece
mitzvah, which made him happy and diploma or GED, and no special training. live with you. I dont know how we will in the Huffington Post seven year ago, and
brought the congregation to tears of joy; Turnover is high. We have been finding deal with this one. at the end of it, I called autism the enemy.
the party afterward was a release into that a lot of the programs out there are glo- Im not ready for him to move out, and That was the phrase I used.
healthy, age-appropriate fun. rified baby sitting, or taking them to the neither is my husband and you do hear I got a lot of heat for it. A lot of angry
Mickey was educated in a good pub- mall to walk around and eat in the food horror stories about group homes, and emails. And I did come around to seeing
lic school district; his parents had to be court. It is disheartening. that fuels my fear but I also know that it it that way. There are people on the spec-
eternally vigilant and often they had to He is in a program now that is accept- would be for the best to establish him in a trum who are fairly high functioning a
fight, but they were helped by dedicated able, but they are looking into alternatives, safe living situation now, because we wont term I hate, but its the one we use in the
teachers and administrators. Much of Ms. Ms. Carter said. be here forever. It would be better to do it sense that they are verbal and well able to
Carters book describes her run-ins with The political climate also is unnerving, now than when we are old and decrepit. express themselves.
the system, with figuring out what Mickey she said. People are afraid that the Trump Ms. Carter is a writer, and she finds that They feel that their autism is so inextri-
should learn how much academics, how administration will strip IDEA thats the it helps her deal with her situation. I hesi- cably bound up in who they are and the way
much life skills, with whom, by whom, for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act tate to say that it was therapeutic, because that they are wired that to say that autism is
what end and also the ways in which it that the new secretary of education, Betsy if writing is only therapeutic then you the enemy is to say that they are the enemy.
helped her and her family. Now, though, DeVos, said shed not heard of and havent done your job, she said. It was I would never use those words today. I
the situation has changed. After high defund public schools. People are worried excruciating to work through. would have written that piece differently.
school, you go over the cliff, she said. about Medicaid being slashed. They also I had taken really good notes over the I titled it A Call For Civility because there
The world of adult disability services is are worried about the general climate of years, and saved the emails, so it wasnt was such a war going on, and I was saying
very different than in school. incivility, to understate it. They are worried difficult to reconstruct the mechanics, or I hate to quote Rodney King, but really I
In school, everyone who works with about the presidents history, starting with what words were, she said. But to reread was saying Cant we all get along?
your child is a professional. It is a vocation. his mocking the disabled reporter. For the words it was excruciating, but also Next Sunday, Ms. Carter will talk about
People have degrees, and most of them are now, though, these are abstract worries; cathartic. It was a balance. the need for better inclusion in the Jewish
in it for the right reasons. They are very there are no specific cuts to special educa- And I wanted to be respectful of every- community. Shell also talk about how I
dedicated, and you are entitled to appro- tion programs in Mr. Trumps skinny bud- one in the family. Especially as Jonathan got from there to here. About the whole
priate education. get, at least as far as she knows, she said. got older, I made a promise to have noth- journey of pain and devastation, and mov-
Once you turn 21 in New York differ- Mickey still lives at home. He shows no ing in print before he saw it first. Not only ing from that to acceptance.
ent ages in different states, but all around interest in moving out, his mother said. in this book but in anything I wrote. And even happiness. I really do feel
there you go from that to vocational day Some of the people in his program have Even with the familys approval, writing that we have a normal family in many
programs where the staff are paid $10 an moved out, but he says to me, Mom, I can be dangerous. Once, I really put my ways, Ms. Carter said.



Wishing You a Happy Passover

201-530-WINE (9463)
247 DeGraw Avenue, Teaneck
Sun 12-10 pm Mon-Sat 10 am-10 pm
Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 7

Painting butterflies
River Edge library offers Butterfly Project for Holocaust remembrance
Abigail Klein Leichman

To honor a child murdered in the Holocaust, come and

paint a ceramic butterfly at the River Edge Library on It really brings
April 24.
To understand the significance of that art project, communities
you first will watch a documentary, NOT the Last But- together in memory
terfly, about the Butterfly Project, a nonprofit orga-
nization that grew out of a 2006 initiative at the San of those who were
Diego Jewish Academy. Its goal is to have 1.5 million lost and gives them
ceramic butterflies painted and displayed, in memory
of the 1.5 million children killed by the Nazis and their an understanding in a
collaborators. concrete way.
Butterflies have come to symbolize those young vic-
tims because of the poem The Butterfly by Pavel
Friedman, one of 15,000 Jewish children and teens area, those made at the library will be on exhibit for
interned in the concentration camp-ghetto Terezin/ a month because the library lacks permanent space
Theresienstadt. (Paul later died in Auschwitz.) The for them.
poem is included in several compilations of draw- Even a temporary display raises understanding
ings and writings by Theresienstadt children between and awareness, said Ms. Kelemen, who is looking
1942 and 1944, including the 1959 book I Never Saw into an installation space for the butterflies some-
Another Butterfly, titled after a line from Pavel Fried- where else.
mans poem. Holocaust documentaries screened at the River
The 2016 documentary was co-produced by Joe Fab Edge Library as part of this series, begun in 2012,
and former Paramus resident Cheryl Rattner Price to include Only a Number, produced by Steven Besser-
spread the word about the Butterfly Project. In the man; Paper Clips, coproduced by Joe Fab; We Are
film, Theresienstadt survivor Ela Weissberger one Still Here by Evan Kleinman of Rockland County;
of only 10 percent of the children interned there who Cheryl Rattner Price, cofounder of the Butterfly Project in Two Who Dared, co-produced by Ken Burns, and
lived to tell the tragic story describes how an artist River Edge, painted this butterfly. Prisoner of Her Past by Howard Reich.
and teacher in the camp-ghetto helped the imprisoned In past years, the films have been accompanied by
children express the trauma of their experiences through I had seen the film at the JCC in Manhattan, and it a personal appearance by the producer or an introduc-
the arts. really touches your heart and brings out insightful ques- tion by Dr. Michael Riff, the director of the Gross Center
The Butterfly Project sells kits, each containing 36 small tions and comments, Ms. Salkin said. People in all differ- for Holocaust & Genocide Studies at Ramapo College. I
ceramic butterflies for painting or glazing, colored glazes ent countries, of all different religions, have painted but- contacted Cheryl Ratner Price, and she is excited we are
(or acrylic paints for people who do not have access to terflies. It really brings communities together in memory doing this, though unfortunately she cant join us, Ms.
a kiln), paintbrushes, and 36 photo cards describing the of those who were lost and gives them an understanding Kelemen said.
lives of individual children who died in the Holocaust. in a concrete way. She finds documentaries to be effective in engaging the
The River Edge librarys adult services librarian, Jen- The film most recently was screened in our area at the community. Our job at the library is to inform and edu-
nifer Kelemen, explained that this will be the sixth free April 4 JCC Rockland Jewish Film Festival. cate, she said.
Holocaust remembrance program she has organized at Ms. Kelemen expects the program to be inspirational to
the library in partnership with the River Dell Chapter of everyone who participates in it. What: The Butterfly Project, a Holocaust remem-
Hadassah, the River Edge Cultural Center, and Friends The Holocaust is a tough subject, and I was looking for brance program co-sponsored by River Dell Hadassah,
of the River Edge Library. The sponsors cover all costs, something that could give some hope at the same time, Friends of the River Edge Library, and the River Edge
including licensing the documentaries and logos, and in she said. Youll sit and take time to meditate on what you Cultural Center
this case also the butterfly kits. just saw in the film, and be inspired during the painting Where: River Edge Public Library, 685 Elm Avenue
These programs are geared to adults since New Jerseys portion to focus on the children and honor their memory.
When: Monday, April 24, 7-8:30 p.m.
schools have mandated Holocaust education, but the pro- She points out that a public library is neutral ground,
gram this year is also appropriate for children because its For more information: Call (201) 261-1663, ext. 4; go to
not like a temple or Jewish community centers. This can; or email thebutterflypro-
a hands-on experience, Ms. Kelemen said. help people from all backgrounds and not only from
The idea of screening NOT the Last Butterfly along River Edge feel more comfortable participating.
Admission: Free and open to the public, including the
with a butterfly-painting activity originated with Wendy Whereas butterflies produced from the kits ordinar-
screening and butterfly painting
Salkin, co-president of River Dell Hadassah. ily are affixed permanently to a wall or other display

Suffering with Chronic Disease, Pain or Long-Term Conditions?

Learn positive strategies for adddressing common issues in a
supportive and nurturing environment.

Temple Avodat Shalom, 385 Howland Avenue, River Edge

Tuesdays beginning April 25th 7:30pm - 9:00pm

To RSVP or to receive more information please contact Paula Rozner at 201-978-2529 or email

8 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

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Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 9


Bonding through books

Reading buddies change lives; Bergen Reads organizes them
Larry Yudelson to embrace it. Rubin Camins is an
amazing person, she added. Just
Wouldnt you want to have someone the way he reads brings the stories to
hanging on to your every word for life. He makes it so concrete for their
half an hour? students.
Thats how Ruth Camins describes I love Bergen Reads. I love the fact
the appeal of being a reading buddy that they offer that service to us as
for Bergen Reads, the literacy pro- teachers and students. The fact they
gram of the Jewish Federation of have people who care enough to vol-
Northern New Jersey. Bergen Reads unteer their own time is amazing.
sends volunteers there are about So who should volunteer?
150 of them into nine elementary If you love to read and you love
schools in Hackensack and Teaneck to share your love of reading with
to spend an hour a week reading with
children who need help in learning to
Ms. Camins and her husband,
Rubin, started volunteering as read- All you have
ing buddies several years ago. She
had been a childrens librarian in
to do is like
the Oradell public library. But she children and
stresses that you dont have to be a
trained professional to help the chil-
like to read.
dren learn how to read. The children
All you have to do is like children
and like to read, she said. The chil-
love to read to
dren love to read to somebody and somebody and
with somebody.
The volunteers work for an hour
with somebody.
every week, splitting the time
between two children. Each works children, do it! she said. If you
with the same two children through- dont have that passion to see the
out the school year. little sparkle in a childs eyes when
Bergen Reads is the one-on-one they understand what theyve read,
time the children need because they or their mouth open wide when they
dont necessarily get it at home, listen to you read if that does not
Ms. Camins said. Its sitting there give you Goosebumps or make you
while the child reads, saying Do you smile, dont bother.
understand that word? or What a Barbara Selman is co-chair of the
funny thing! It means so much to the Bonding Through Books program.
children to sit down and read with She has been a Bergen Reads Read-
somebody who cares. They have our Nilene Evans Chase and her reading buddy at Hackensacks Fairmount School ing Buddy for seven years. I just
whole attention for half an hour. keep coming back every year. I love
The kids are great. They became our kids. We always school principals, teachers, family members of the stu- it, she said.
brought them something for Christmas and when we went dents, and volunteers and members of the Jewish Com- The name of the event is Bonding Through Books
to California we brought them back something from the munity Relations Council of the federation, which is orga- because thats what its all about.
desert, she said. nizing the event. I come home after my first session of each new school
Although the program demands very little from volun- Dina Heerema teaches first grade at Hackensacks Fanny year and my husband says, I know what youre going to
teers, Ms. Camins said, its rewards are great. It really is M. Hillers Elementary School, where the Camins volun- tell me: You have the greatest kids, the cutest kids, the
an hour of your time and the travelling once a week, she teer. Rubin Camin volunteered in her classroom, until he sweetest kids.
said. Most of us, particularly those who are retired, can had to stop this year because of his health. He has been I think every Bergen Reads volunteer will agree that
spare that very easily. nothing but a gift, Ms. Heerema said. Hes an amazing we get back so much more than we give, she said. We
Ruth and Rubin Camins will be honored on Thursday, reader. meet with these children who for whatever reason are
April 20, at a ceremony called Bonding Through Books, a Before taking aside his students for tutoring, he would behind with their reading skills. For some of the children,
celebration of Bergen Reads. It will take place at the Nel- read a story he had chosen from the public library to my it may just be because they come from Spanish-speaking
lie K. Parker School in Hackensack and will feature com- entire class and then talk with them about it. homes and no one can help with their reading at home.
munity leaders from Hackensack and Teaneck as well as As a tutor to the individual students, his assignment was For some, the reading skills arent bad but the vocabu-
to read them stories, help them understand the story, lary is not there. For others, who knows. They need help
What: Bonding Through Books, a celebration of Ber- give them a love of reading. with their reading, and its holding them back on every
gen Reads Ms. Heerema would pick students who are struggling subject.
When: 7-9 p.m. on Thursday, April 20 with comprehension, or hesitant about reading, or kind Thats where the students are when they start the year.
Where: Nellie K. Parker Elementary School, 261 Maple of a little afraid of it and because of how much he loves As a volunteer, you get to see the success as they are
Hill Drive, Hackensack reading, I know he can help them overcome it. tested during the course of the year, Ms. Selman said.
First grade is crucial for students, she said. If they The teachers tell us those kids are seeing success.
dont embrace reading in first grade, theyre not going And there is the matter of bonding, and the other ways

10 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017


Womens Philanthropy

invites you to join us at our

2017 Annual Spring Luncheon

Wednesday, May 17 | Rockleigh Country Club | Rockleigh, NJ
10:15 am | Registration and Raffle
11:00 am | Program
12:00 pm | Lunch and Raffle drawing

d Featuring

. Jill Kargman
n Helaine Hyman-Rosen and her reading buddy at Author, Writer, Actress and Star of Odd Mom Out

o Hackensacks Fairmount School

d of helping it brings. We are told in our training not Honoring

. to ask too many questions, she said. Dont pry into

their life. But these kids share a lot with their reading
The teachers have a very full plate. Its a room
full of kids. When you have a one-on-one with the
child, sometimes reading buddies notice something
that helps.
Some reading buddies have discovered theres not Lauri Bader Jodi Epstein Merle Fish Donna Weintraub
enough food at home and the child needs to be on the Womens Philanthropy Womens Philanthropy Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Shining Star
Past President Past President Award Recipient
special lunch program and given a breakfast at school.
There are other reading buddies who discover that
maybe part of the reading problem is that the child Spring Luncheon Co-Chairwomen Womens Philanthropy Co-Presidents
has a vision problem. Sharry Friedberg Samantha Gabriel Andrea Strahl Dana Post Adler Geri Cantor
Ms. Selman said that the connection between the chil-
dren and their adult reading buddies goes both ways.
Last week, I was invited to one of my kids dance Cover charge for lunch is $100 (price of lunch reflects our actual cost). In addition, there is a minimum
performance at school, she said. I got to meet her gift of $180 to attend which supports Jewish Federations mission of caring for people in need locally,
family members. You find out the children go home in Israel and around the world. | Dietary Laws observed.
and share as much about the reading buddies with | For more information call 201-820-3953
their families as we do with our families. You feel you
become a part of their lives and you want to give as
much of a positive impact as you can. We have some
Orchid Sponsors
former students who will say, Ill never forget my
reading buddy in second grade, and I still remember
what he said to me or what she taught me.
I dont know of any reading buddy who has tried it
once and didnt come back year after year, she said.
If youre interested in volunteering, you dont have JS-1*

to wait for the new school year to learn how to do it.

Sometimes we will have a reading buddy who
N page 6
STORIES page 8
KNISHES page 10
ROOTS page 37

JANUARY 6, 2017

14 $1.00 86 20177
Sign up for the
Jewish Standard daily newsletter!

has to stop in the middle of the school year and we

may need someone to fill in, Ms. Selman said. Or
a teacher may find theres another student who can Visit and click on
use help.
To volunteer, email Beth Figman, the Jewish Fed- SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY
eration of Northern New Jerseys director of volunteer Making

resource services, at, call her at (201) books
Englewood artist Irmari
makes volumes explode
and expand page 22

820-3947, or go to

Teaneck, NJ 07666
1086 Teaneck Road
Jewish Standard

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 11


Despair is not a strategy

Ruth Messinger says synagogue leaders can help achieve social change
Lois Goldrich being able to move from working with $3 million to $36
million a year this from a leader who launched cam-
Ruth Messinger has a new job not so different from her paigns to end the Darfur genocide, reform international
old one, but with a new title and a new focus. food aid, stop violence against women, end land grabs,
After 18 years heading the American Jewish World Ser- and respond to natural disasters around the globe.
vice she served as its president from 1998 until July 2016 She felt as if I had a lot to learn every day about what
she has passed the baton to Robert Bank, AJWSs execu- goes on in the world the dimensions of the problems,
tive vice-president. Ms. Messinger said. One of the things she learned was the
But she is not leaving the organization she worked so extent to which people are organizing to fight back, the
hard, and successfully, to grow. As the groups inaugural
global ambassador, Ms. Messinger will continue to engage
rabbis and interfaith leaders to speak out on behalf of
oppressed and persecuted communities worldwide.
Ms. Messinger is no stranger to big jobs. Before she took Our government
on her role at AJWS, she devoted 20 years to public service
in New York City, serving as both a city council member
should adhere to
and as Manhattan Borough President. But she is particu- international
larly proud of her accomplishments in the area of advo-
cacy and social change.
standards of human
She will speak about this work and what synagogues rights in their giving
can do to help bring about social change on April 29 at
Temple Emanu-El in Closter. In a talk called Whats Jew-
of aid and in their
ish about Global Social Justice? the former AJWS presi- diplomatic efforts.
dent will explore how AJWS turns Jewish values into
global impact. grassroots activism. Through her organizations in-coun-
On its website, AJWS defines itself as a community of try consultants, we found groups to work with in the 19
Jewish global citizens fighting for a better world. Through countries to which AJWS has provided assistance.
its grants, the group provides financial support to 450 Pretty consistently we find groups already fighting
local advocacy organizations in 19 countries in Africa, their own battles to end poverty, she said.
Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean that are working Ruth Messinger Jeff Zorbedian Ms. Messinger spoke of a fierce belief, reinforced by
to end poverty and advance the rights of some of the poor- Jewish values, that assumes people on the ground know
est and most oppressed people in the world. At home, the situation should be part of the discussion, she said, best their own vision of justice. Were helping to create a
AJWS mobilizes its supporters to persuade the United asking, What does the Jewish faith and Jewish texts say civil society to be able to do advocacy, she said, noting
States Congress and the president of the United States to about that? that in addition to working with countries following natu-
adopt policies and laws that improve the lives of people in Contributing funds is one way to help, she said, noting ral disasters, her group has been concerned with the sta-
the developing world. that giving money is not an idle activity. How people con- tus of women and girls, including child marriage, natural
The Jewish teachings guiding its work are the impera- tribute and think about charitable works is part of being resource rights, and environmental justice.
tive to repair the world, or tikkun olam; donating money an effective citizen motivated by Jewish values. But, she Our government, she said should adhere to interna-
to achieve justice, or tzedakah; believing in the inherent tional standards of human rights in their giving of aid and
dignity of every person, or tzelem elohim; understanding in their diplomatic efforts. Theyve threatened to cut 20
that international human rights law is part of the global percent in foreign aid, she said, although such aid con-
response to the Holocaust and promises a better world
for all; and furthering the work of earlier generations of
As the groups stitutes less than one percent of the total federal budget.
Ms. Messinger is hopeful that people will come to hear
Jewish activists for justice and equality. inaugural global her speak. The point is there are new challenges with this
Ms. Messingers accomplishments have been widely
recognized. She was named one of the 10 most inspiring
ambassador, Ms. administration, she said. We have to think strategically
and identify issues that individuals and congregations can
women religious leaders of 2012 by the Huffington Post, Messinger will continue work on. She also said that while AJWS traditionally has
the sixth most influential Jew in the world by the Jerusa-
lem Post, and was listed annually on The Forwards For-
to engage rabbis and made Passover readings available on its website,,
this year the organization has compiled a Haggadah, Next
ward 50 for nearly a decade. In addition, she sits on the interfaith leaders Year in a Just World, downloadable from the site.
State Departments Religion and Foreign Policy Working
Group, co-chairs the Sub-Working Group on Social Justice,
to speak out on While much of her work concerns the international
arena, Ms. Messinger who is married to Andrew Lach-
and is a member of the World Banks Moral Imperative behalf of oppressed man and has three children, eight grandchildren, and two
working group on extreme poverty.
And yet, she insists, much can be done on the local level
and persecuted great-grandchildren is also active in her own Manhattan
shul, the Society for the Advancement of Judaism.
to further the work of international development. communities
The likelihood is that we have an administration choos-
ing to ignore human rights issues, she said in an inter-
worldwide. Who: Ruth Messinger
view. If we dont pay attention to human rights, it will What: Will deliver a talk, Whats Jewish about Global
come back to haunt us. On the subject of land use and stressed, there are always other activities. Pick your Social Justice?
land abuse, she said, there is little protection for small issue. Whether someones concern is the lack of respect
When: On April 29 at 9 a.m.
farmers around the world. This will create new pressures for womens bodies or mistreatment of the LGBT commu-
for migration, ultimately affecting our national security. nity, synagogue members can track these issues and share Where: At Temple Emanu-El, 180 Piermont Road,
We live in a global universe, she said. With that comes their concerns with others.
global responsibility. While no one congregation or com- Ms. Messinger said she is particularly proud of grow- For more information: Call 201-750-9997 or go to
munity can do everything, despair is not a strategy. But ing an extraordinary organization with an amazing staff,

12 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

The group
is with an
officer, one of
the few female
officers on the
Courtesy JFNNJ

Dr. David Pelcovitz, Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger, and Peggy Danishefsky

 Courtesy Project Sarah

Project Sarah breakfast

Project Sarahs eleventh annual break- senior rabbi of Congregation Beth Abra-
fast will be on Sunday, April 30, at 9:30 ham in Bergenfield and rosh yeshiva at
a.m., at Congregation Keter Torah in YUs Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological
Teaneck. (Sarah stands for Stop Abu- Seminary, will receive the rabbinical
sive Relationships at Home.) It will support award.
benefit Jewish Family Service and Chil- Peggy Danishefsky, the founder of
drens Center of Clifton-Passaic. the Mothers Day gift baskets program,
Dr. David Pelcovitz, who holds the is honored with the volunteer recogni-
Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus chair in tion award.
psychology and education at Yeshiva The shul is at 600 Roemer Ave. For
Universitys Azrieli Gradate School of information, go to www.projectsarah.
Jewish Education, is the guest of honor. org, email,
Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger, who is the or call (973) 777-7638.

The group also visited religious school students at Temple Emanuel of the
Pascack Valley in Woodcliff Lake. Here they are with third graders at a
model seder. Courtesy TEPV

JFNNJ brings Nahariya teens to the area

Last week a group of Israeli high duties similarly to the way Israeli
schoolers from Nahariya visited their first responders perform theirs.
American counterparts. They trav- This young leadership delegation is
eled to area schools and interacted sponsored and organized by the Jewish
with hundreds of students. Highlights Federation of Northern New Jersey. It
included a visit with the Israeli delega- consists of 13 Israeli high school students
tion at the United Nations, packing and from three schools in Nahariya, JFNNJs
sorting food at the Center for Food Israeli sister city. The students were here
Action, and touring the Englewood for seven days, visiting schools, doing
Police Station for an understanding community service projects and meet-
of how first responders perform their ing their American peers.

Norpac invites Rep. Gottheimer

Judy and Bob Cook, Arthur Sinensky and Debbie Oremland, and Edmondo and Miyako
Schwartz will welcome Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-Dist. 5) to a Norpac meeting
on Thursday, April 20, from 7:30 to 9 p.m., in Englewood. For more information or to
make reservations call (201) 788-5133 or email

Temple Emeth
donates to Mazon
Every year since 1999, some of the pro-
ceeds from the mishloach manot program
at Temple Emeth in Teaneck have been
donated to Mazon: A Jewish Response to
Barbara Balkin

Hunger. This year, with Mazons This Is

Hunger truck in the shuls parking lot,
Rabbi Steven Sirbu, right, presented a
donation to Rabbi Joel Pitkowsky of Con-
gregation Beth Sholom, also in Teaneck.
Rabbi Pitkowsky sits on Mazons board. Temple Emeth congregant Judy Fox helps coor-
dinate the program.

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 13

Cover Story
Finding home
The little-known story of India
as a refuge for Ashkenazic Jews
MEYLEKH VISWANATH German-speaking refugees who escaped people so there was no room for more refugees who could contribute to Indias
to India. unskilled hands. People who had special progress. That stipulation that immi-

Professor Anil Bhatti and Professor skills were more likely to obtain visas. Of grants had to contribute to Indias progress
Introduction Johannes Voigt published their pathbreak- course, it was the British authorities who most likely was a concession to get the
any people know the ing study, Jewish Exile in India 1933-1945, decided who would get visas and who resolution passed; at other times Nehru
story of how large in 1999. Then, conventional wisdom was would not. fought hard to obtain visas for Jewish refu-
numbers of Jews flee- that there had been only about 1,000 Jew- There also were Indian groups who gees on humanitarian grounds. All of this,
ing Hitlers henchmen ish World War II refugees in India. How- did not want to allow Jewish refugees further, happened before the extent of the
found refuge in Shang- ever, building upon the work of Professor into India. Dr. Shimon Lev, who did com- Holocaust had become known.
hai or in Bukhara. Bhatti and Professor Shalva Weil, Dr. Franz parative research on Indian and Zionist Once the war had started, though, it was
Few, however, know has concluded that there were at least national movements at Hebrew University the British who made the decisions. Indi-
that India, too, provided refuge for many about 5,000 Jewish refugees who made (and who also spoke at the New Delhi con- ans views did not matter much to them.
Jews during the Second World War. Dr. their home in India during the war years. ference) points to Subhash Chandra Bose, Rulers of princely states nominally were
Margit Franz of the University of Graz, who It is not easy to count all those who came an Indian freedom fighter who was presi-
recently presented her work at a confer- to India, Dr. Franz says. For one thing, not dent of the Indian National Congress from
ence in New Delhi on the art, culture and all Jewish refugees identified themselves 1897 to 1945. In 1938, Bose blocked the
heritage of the Jews of India, called Sherei in that way; for another, India was not a passage of a resolution sponsored by Jawa-
Hodu, is working to bring India into the single country in those days. Not only harlal Nehru, who later became Indias
field of exile studies. India, she says, has was there British India, there were many first prime minister, to welcome Jewish
not been recognized as a host country for princely states as well. But through pains-
exiles, although it has provided refuge for taking research, however, Dr. Franz has
refugees over many centuries. tracked many of those Jews who came to
Those refugees include the Jews who India to find asylum.
came to India at various times in its history
(the Cochini Jews and the Bnei Israel) and How the refugees got to India
the Parsees. The Jews probably came as Most of the people who sought refuge in
early as 2,000 years ago (though the dat- India had exceptional skills, Dr. Franz says.
ing is unclear), while the Parsees fled Iran India had a large population of unskilled
and Islam about 1,000 years ago.
But Dr. Franz is not talking about
those groups. Her specialty is the

14 Jewish standard aPriL 14, 2017

able to make their own decisions, but in Lotte Eisenstaedt, worked for the Maha-
fact, the British had to approve them. The raja of Bikaner as a specialist on childrens
British controlled the princely states for- welfare. Another woman set up a factory
eign policy, so no Indian princely state to manufacture bras. It employed many
controlled any port. As a result, at the very people.
least, a British transit visa was required for None of this was easy. When the war
entry into India. started, the British shut down all German
German Jewish refugees in India were businesses, including large companies like
interned together with German Nazis, Dr. Siemens, AGFA, Kores, Scholl, and IG Far-
Franz learned. There were many Germans ben, which mainly employed Nazis. But
in Bombay and Calcutta, so Jews were put after 1940, the British allowed legitimate
in the intolerable situation of sharing close refugees to restart their businesses.
quarters with their erstwhile tormentors.
With the beginning of the war, in September Kindertransports to India
1939, all Germans were considered enemy India also figured in two different Kinder-
aliens, she said. In October, the British set transports. The Teheran Children was a
up a committee to distinguish between true group of about 1,000 Polish Jewish chil-
refugees and Nazi spies. Most of the refu- dren, mainly orphans, who fled first to the
gees were released by the end of 1939, but Soviet Union and then were permitted to
there was a second wave of internment in travel to Teheran, along with some 116,000
May and June 1940, when Hitlers attacks in Christian Poles. From Teheran, they went
Europe were particularly successful. Four Eastern European sisters and their families in India. by land to the Persian Gulf and thence to
Women refugees, Dr. Franz noted, were Karachi, Pakistan (which then was India)
in a very peculiar position in India. In teachers. There were few such jobs avail- women who worked had special skills, and on to the Egyptian city of Suez. The
other countries, such as in Britain, they able for women in India, although there and even those jobs were limited mainly children then crossed the Sinai Desert by
got jobs as housekeepers, tailors, and were some teaching jobs. Mostly, though, to Bombay and Calcutta. One woman, train and arrived at the Atlit refugee camp

Jewish standard aPriL 14, 2017 15

Cover Story

Art collector Rudolph von Leyden, above center and at far right, with Indian and non-Indian friends.

in northern Palestine in February 1943. Many of them were in the arts. Elise
The second group of children, which Braun worked on promoting the Montes-
again consisted mainly of Polish Chris- sori approach in music and Liesl Stary
tians, actually spent a fair amount of time was a Viennese piano virtuoso. Walter
in India. This group of about 1,000 chil- Kaufmann was a composer, conduc-
dren travelled overland in two convoys tor, musicologist, and educator. Born
from the Soviet Union through
Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan,
and thence to India proper.
B o t h t h e s e g ro u p s we re
expelled from the Soviet Union,
Among the Jews
and if it had not been for the were some mainly
Kindertransports, may have
been shipped to Siberia, as were
Austrians who
other Polish refugees to the Soviet were famous in their
Union, both Jews and non-Jews.
These Polish children were wel-
own fields, or
comed in two different camps developed new areas
around October 1942. One was
set up by the Maharaja Jam Saheb
of expertise in India.
of Nawanagar at Balichadi, about
500 miles northwest of Bombay. The in Karlsbad, Bohemia, he wrote books
other, established by the Maharaja of Kol- on the ragas of North India and of South Hilde Holger Boman-Behram, an Ashkenazi Jew, established a dance school in
hapur, was at Valivade, about 240 miles India. Hilde Boman-Behram, ne Holger, Bombay.
southeast of Bombay. Dr. Anuradha Bhat- established the School of Art for Modern
tacharjee told these childrens stories in Movement in Fort, Bombay, and was an out in 1933, first went to England and then Others were experts in the medical field.
The Second Homeland: Polish Refugees expressionist dancer, choreographer, and to India, where the maharaja of Baroda Richard Weingarten was the chief medical
in India, published in 2012. dance teacher. Rudolf von Leyden was a appointed him the director of the Baroda officer of the princely state of Bikaner. Drs.
Twelve of the Balachadi contingent were progressive art promoter, collector, and Museum and Picture Gallery. He also was Fritz Donath, Josef Tauber, Max Scheck,
Jewish children. The Jewish Agency ulti- critic, and a member of the prestigious the maharajas personal art consultant and Alfred Hollositz worked with him. Dr.
mately brought them to Haifa; they arrived Lalit Kala Academy. He also organized from 1934 to1939. Georg Politzer, an Austrian Jew and a radi-
on April 24, 1943. Rabbi Elias Shor chaper- exhibitions and published papers about Several of the Jewish refugees were ologist, helped Maharaja Bhupinder Singh
oned them from Mumbai to Israel. ganjifa, a variety of Indian playing cards architects. Viktor Lurje was a consult- of Patiala start an x-ray institute in his state.
A June 27, 2012 JTA article reports a that has 96 cards in eight suits of 12 cards ing architect of the maharaja of Jodhpur. Another interesting story is that of
fascinating interview with Zygmunt Man- each. Sometimes the cards are made of Hans Glas, a Viennese architect, went to Alfred Schafranek and Alfred Wachsler,
del, one of these 12 children. The Jewish precious materials, such as ivory, mother- Calcutta in 1938 and was befriended by the who both were expert in woodworking
Agency lists the names of the 11 other chil- of-pearl, or tortoise shell, sometimes they dancer Hilde Holger. Otto Konigsberger, a and in making plywood. They got visas
dren: Edmund Erlich, Paula Gilert, Avra- are encrusted with jewels, and sometimes nephew of the famous physicist Max Born, with help from Kundan Lal Gupta of Lud-
ham Magnushever, Fima Kaufman, Cyla they are painted exquisitely. was appointed chief architect and plan- hiana, a city in Punjab.
Rozengarten and the siblings Ilona and Kitty Shiva Rao, ne Verstndig, and ner to Mysore state in 1939. He designed The story began when Kundah Lal went
Janusz Goldlost, Roza and Rachel Hoch, Dr. Ernst Cohn-Wiener also were involved Bangalores town hall and Bhubaneswars to Vienna for medical treatment and met
and Eliza and Maria Spalter. with the arts. She, along with noted Indian town plan, and he did some town plan- Schafranek, who had a sawmill in Geder-
cultural activist Pupul Jayakar, launched a ning for Jamshedpur, the brainchild of the sdorf, Austria. By that time, though, the
Who were the refugee Jews? national program for handicrafts and han- industrialist J.R.D. Tata. After Indian inde- Nazis already had taken over Austria and
Among the Jews were some mainly Aus- dloom development in 1952 and was vice pendence he became director of housing begun what they called the Aryanization
trians who were famous in their own president of the All India Handicrafts for the Indian Ministry of Health from 1948 of Jewish property. Soon, they imprisoned
fields, or developed new areas of exper- Board. Ernst Cohn-Wiener, who taught art to 1951, working on resettling people dis- Alfred and his son, Bruno.
tise in India. history in Berlin until the Nazis forced him placed by partition. Kundal Lal moved quickly and was able

16 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

Cover Story

to procure visas not only for the Schaf- help the more hard-pressed recent arrivals between British Colonial Rule, Maharajas
ranek family but also for their friends, the by forming the Jewish Relief Association. and Gandhi. The book is in German but it
Wachslers. If not for his help, they certainly Clearly all of these Jews must have stayed. is being translated into English.
would have perished in the Holocaust. Bergwerks father organized the seder, Dr. Franz feels there is still a lot of work
Schafranek, Wachsler, and their fami- but he notes that Rosenfeld must have to be done. Up to this point, she has sim-
lies joined Gupta in Ludhiana, and they been the moving spirit behind it. The local ply followed the trail of individual Jewish
helped him in his woodworking business. Baghdadi community seemed to have refugees and tried to discover the circum-
With Schafraneks help, Gupta imported helped out a lot; the seder was held in a stances of their stay in India. She thinks
parts of a sawmill from Gedersdorf Lud- Baghdadi school and the bill for all of it, that what needs to be done next is to ana-
hiana, Punjab. including the wine, was paid by Sir Victor lyze the data, to see if there are any pat-
The final story is about Alfred Rosenfeld, Sassoon, a prominent Baghdadi Jew. terns, and to better understand the circum-
who is commemorated with a memorial I asked Dr. Franz how she came to study stances of the arrival of Jewish refugees in
stone in the Chinchpokli Jewish cemetery German-speaking refugees in India. She India, as well as their experiences there.
in Mumbai. He had emigrated to India from started laughing, and explained that even She also noted that although many of
Germany before the war and was already though she had trained as a historian, she the refugees left India after the war, many
a British citizen when war broke out. He had done her Ph.D. on the consequences others stayed. On the one hand, the British
worked tirelessly to help new Jewish refu- of the commercialization of the neem tree, were not keen to have them stay. On the
gees. His son, Peter Roland, remembers which is native to India and is used as an other, their home countries Austria and
that his father would ask Jewish refugees ayurvedic herb, as well as consumed as a Germany did not want them back.
to be very circumspect and would recom- food. This took her to the United States Many of the Jews who stayed married
mend that they not speak any German. It This plaque honors Alfred Rosenfeld. and the Netherlands. Eventually she went Indians. Their descendants are totally
would be better to speak only English, he to India, planning to study the biodiversity Indian today, and many of them would like
would tell them, because many of the Eng- and his parents got to Bombay on August movement. to learn more about their roots. Some get
lish people in India were not too happy at 24, 1939, nine days before war broke out. Once she was there, the Austrian ambas- in touch with Dr. Franz for help she men-
the arrival of Jewish refugees. He wrote: (t)here were several hundred sador showed her a sheaf of documents tioned a woman in Baroda and a man who
An article by a Walter Bergwerk in the German and Austrian Jews in India, many about German-speaking Jewish refugees in now lives in Canada but whose refugee
May 2011 Journal of the Association of Jew- of whom had come some time earlier to India and asked her to look into them. This mother stayed on in India. Dr. Franz also
ish Refugees, which can be found online, fill senior medical, commercial or tech- was the beginning of her interest. noted that Austria just now has elected a
recounts a seder for Jewish refugees in nical posts. Some of the established resi- She has written a book called Gateway liberal president, Alexander van der Bel-
Bombay. Bergwerk is a Viennese Jew; he dents were quite prosperous and tried to India: German-Speaking Exile to India len, a member of the Green Party, and that

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Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 17

Cover Story

Austrians are more open to come to terms

with their troubling history.
But more than anything, Dr. Franz wants
people to know about the role of India as a
haven for refugees.

The story of Dilsher Virk

I met Dilsher Virk at the Shirei Hodu con-
ference. With his light-colored eyes and
imposing build, he cut a fine figure. Dr.
Franz already had pointed him out to me
as the descendant of one of the Jewish ref-
ugees, so I knew who he was. Still, when
he told me his name, I was a bit taken
aback. Dilsher is a typically Punjabi name
and effectively means Lion-Hearted. A
handsome, lion-hearted Jew with such a
classic name!
Dilsher didnt think his story would be
interesting to American Jews since he was
not a practicing member of the faith, but I Dilsher Virk Mady Martyn, center, at home in a sari.
assured him to the contrary. I got to talking
with him and found out some details of his was 5, and her mother had to fend for She was barely 17; after she turned 17, she go back to Austria. At that time, there was
background. His mother, Hermine Speck herself and for her young daughter. She got grudging permission to marry him. In no immediate risk from the Nazis in their
(later known as Mady Martyn after her moved to the small mountain village of 1935, they moved to Dehradun in north small village
second marriage, which followed Dilsh- Hofgastein, south of Salzburg, where she India, in the foothills of the Himalayas. But in 1938, Hermines brother, Robert,
ers fathers death) was born in Vienna in ran a kurhaus a spa house. Dilshers Hermines mother, Helene, went to India was arrested and sent to Dachau and then
1918. Her mother, Helene Reiner Speck, father, Sardar Bahadur Uttam Singh, came with her daughter they took a steam- to Buchenwald, where he died in 1943, the
was Jewish; her father, Robert Speck, was to visit Hofgastein, and Mady fell in love ship through the Suez Canal thinking year Dilsher was born. By then, there was
Catholic. Hermines father died when she with this dashing Punjabi Indian engineer. that if things didnt work out, they would no question of Helene returning to Austria.

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7 18 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

Cover Story

Although Hermine was halachically when her grandmother, who came from a experienced no discrimination in India, wrote, directed, and produced a feature
Jewish, she was brought up in her fathers French Sephardic family, the Myers, had to she did have a harrowing experience dur- film, The Perfect Husband, which was
Catholic faith and never thought of herself flee anti-Semitism. The locals accused her ing her travels in Europe. shown at the Cannes Film Festival. Next,
as Jewish. She did not practice any Jewish family of practicing witchcraft. Somehow, She went to Edinburgh in 1943 to she embarked on a corporate career
customs. She was not, however, a strict Priyas grandmother got separated from study medicine. While she was there, she and then, in 2008, she had a life-changing
Catholic, and in later life she had no aver- her family and had to hide in the sewers. decided that she would go to France to experience.
sion to going to a Hindu temple or a Sikh Somehow, she found herself on a boat to look for her parents family. She did find Priya and her son went to the Taj Coffee
gurdwara. She spoke German and French Plymouth in England, and eventually she them, but she and they were caught shop for their regular weekly outing. This
no Yiddish but Dilsher remembers that made her way by ship to Bombay, which and sent to a concentration camp. Fortu- was the day that the Taj was attacked by
the language at home was English. She she expected would be a safe haven. nately for her, her British Indian passport Pakistani terrorists, who simultaneously
did help Dilsher with his school German. On board that ship, she met an Anglo- saved her but the rest of her family died. stormed the citys Chabad House and killed
He later on went to Vienna to work as an Indian, Edward Martin, who operated a She never went back to Europe after that. more than 150 people in several attacks.
apprentice in diesel engine manufacture, coal mine in Jharia, now in Jharkand State Instead, she stayed and worked in India as Priya and her son remained hidden under
where he learned spoken German. in North India. She married him, and an Indian, wearing a sari. She was proud a table in the dark for hours, until they
Helene Speck, Dilshers maternal grand- thus became Mrs. Martin. In time, in 1916, to be an Indian. were rescued. Since then, she has been
mother, split her time between her daugh- Sheila Therese, Priyas mother, was born Although Sheila grew up in an envi- involved in various human rights causes
ters home in India and the Reiner fam- to the Martins in Bengal. Sheila studied at ronment without any Jews, she consid- and other endeavors to counter terrorism.
ily in the United States. She died when Lady Hardinge Medical College in Delhi ered herself fully Jewish and brought her As far as her Jewishness is concerned,
Dilsher was 14. Dilsher went to school in and also served in the Indian Armys medi- daughter, Priya, up to be Jewish as well, Priya is part of the local Bnei Israel Jew-
Ajmer and Jaipur, then went to Dehradun cal corps before she met and married Bal- teaching her to say Psalm 23 The Lord ish community. She goes regularly to the
to study at the Doon School, and then at want Singh Paul, a Sikh lawyer who had is my shepherd, I shall not want. She also synagogue and commemorates all the Jew-
Imperial College in London. He is now a studied at Lincolns Inn in London. kept Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement ish festivals as well as the Sabbath. She has
software engineer in Canada, where he Dr. Sheila Singh Paul went on to become in her own fashion, and tithed from her raised her son, Daivik, in the Jewish faith
lives with his wife and children. Theyre a Fellow of the Royal College of Physi- income as an expression of her Jewish as well, and has given him a Jewish name,
mostly agnostic. cians in the U.K. and was a pioneer in faith. In fact, she gave her daughter Priya David, in addition to his Indian name.
pediatrics in India; in fact, she was the a Jewish name, Ruth, which she uses to Though living in India, she and her son live
The Story of first women pediatrician there. She was this day, along with her more Indian name. a Jewish life, reading from the Psalms daily
Priya Paul Singh founder and director of a large childrens Priya studied communication in Delhi and keeping away from prohibited foods.
The story of Priya Paul Singh starts at hospital in New Delhi and also taught at before she went on to make a name for As she says, culturally we are Indian with
the beginning of the twentieth century, Lady Hardinge Medical College. While she herself in Indian television. In 2003 she Israel in our heart.

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2/27/2017 2017 PM19
Jewish World

Its Jew vs. Jew as a conservative pols

popularity rises in Rio
Marcus Moraes

RIO DE JANEIRO A few days after they read from the Pass-
over Haggadah about how God split the Red Sea waters, Bra-
zilian Jews have never felt so split between right and left.
At the center of the divide, although hardly in the Moses
role, is Jair Bolsonaro, a 61-year-old conservative lawmaker
who appears to be as pro-Israel as he is anti-gay and pro-law
and order.
Bolsonaro, a member of the Social Christian Party, is
appealing to socially conservative voters, even as he alienates
the center and left with harsh anti-LGBT rhetoric.
Although not yet among the top candidates for president in

2018, his popularity is surging across the country, but mainly in
Rio de Janeiro state, which he represents as a member of what
some consider Brazils most conservative Congress in 40 years. Jewish protesters stand outside an event featuring Jair Bolsonaro at the Hebraica club in Rio on April 3.
Like evangelical and deeply conservative politicians in the
United States, Bolsonaro is divisive among Jewish voters, who activists including many teens and 20-somethings partnerships and quotas at universities.
tend to be socially liberal but want their representatives to be wearing the blue uniform of the Hashomer Hatszair Jew- It is extreme levity to preach the use of yellow stars
strongly pro-Israel. ish youth movement protested Bolsonaros appear- in a political event, Israels honorary consul, Osias Wur-
My heart is green, yellow, blue, and white, Bolsonaro said ance. The crowd yelled shameless Jews and fascist man, said. It is the most stupid and fratricidal way to
to an audience of 400 at the Hebraica club in Rio on April 3, in a Jews in unison at the club gate. Rios most establish- trivialize the Holocaust.
reference to the Brazilian and Israeli flags. He won big applause ment Jewish institution, Hebraica was founded in 1957 We do not need enemies. We have them within our
as he hailed the Jewish state for its power and social welfare by Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe. community. What a downfall! These sick-minded people
system, saying it should inspire Latin Americas largest nation. It is deplorable that a Jewish youth movement such have to be isolated from the healthy Zionist youth. They
Meanwhile, outside the club, nearly 150 mostly Jewish as Shomer, funded by Israel, offends other Jews with invade the memory of our 6 million innocents.
cursing and slurs, Hebraica Rio president Luiz Mairov- The president of the Brazilian Israelite Confederation,
ich said. Its unacceptable. I have never seen that in the countrys umbrella Jewish organization, took a more
my life: a Jew cursing another Jew. It was a case of anti- neutral tone to the talk and the protests.

S aam m yyss Semitism among Jews. We will listen to everyone. Those The talk generated, as expected, division and confu-
S m m same people who booed today will clap tomorrow. sion in the Jewish community, Fernando Lottenberg said.
Some protesters wore yellow Stars of David with We support the political debate and believe it is always
words like women and gay. During a TV debate in necessary even more at this moment of dramatic develop-
2003, Bolsonaro told a far-left congresswoman, Maria ments in national politics. However, we defend that it has
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20 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017
Jewish World

Peres, Israels former president and prime minister, of Jewish magazine still in operation, Menorah, interviewed youth movements abroad must refrain from local politics.
genocide days after he died. In 2009, other militants Bolsonaro last month on his TV show. On the other hand, she said, youth movement mem-
burned the Israeli flag in a street protest. In a democratic regime, protesting is the right action bers are citizens of their native country and are naturally
It is fundamental that the large society is aware that to the one who disagrees, said Gomlevsky, a former presi- entitled to have their own opinions on domestic and for-
the Jewish community is pluralistic, Gherman said. But dent of the Rio Jewish federation. But if I had been there eign policy issues. The choice is in their hands.
polarization is not healthy. We lack leadership to bring up and someone had called me a Jew without shame, all hell As Gherman said, more and more young Jews have been
a true debate. Today, its a tragedy. would break loose. I do not accept this coming from a non- taking an interest in politics. For instance, they have been
For Gherman, who has served as Hillel Rio coordinator Jew, and definitely not from a Jew. taking a growing number of seats at the biennial elections
and more recently as Jewish culture coordinator of Eliezer Shomer and [Habonim] Dror youth movements are for the Rio Jewish federations board of advisers. Five
Max, a community Jewish day school, the fact that Jew- linked to dying parties of the Israeli left, whose envoys young leftists were among the 36 board members in 2014.
ish youths who grew up in leftist youth movements have receive high salaries to brainwash the children whose par- Two years later, following an overhaul that reduced the
been fighting for their place in the Jewish community is ents still value this type of proposal. size of the board to 18, they held eight seats.
something new. Hashomer Hatzair has roots in Israels socialist Zionist Jewish young people also were among those on hand at
Guilherme Cohen, one of the new young leaders, used movement; it works closely with Habonim Dror, its former the Rio Hebraica to hear Bolsonaro, whom they refer to by
milder terms than the protesters to evaluate the demonstra- rival. Members meet regularly to talk politics, socialize, the nickname Bolsomito, from the word myth or legend.
tion. Criticized for being affiliated with PSOL, he said the plan social action, and promote their visions for Israel. With more than 4 million Facebook followers, Bolsonaro
messages conveyed during the Monday protest went too far. Victor Grinbaum, founder of the influential 5,000-mem- was the top vote-getter among 46 congressman elected
In such a protest, excesses naturally happen, he said. ber ArtiSion online debate group, agrees that their leftist from the area in 2014, and he won his sixth consecutive
I dont consider fascist everyone who listened to Bolso- politics are out of step with the pro-Israel mainstream. term in 24 years. His three sons, also politicians, have been
naro. Calling everyone shameless Jews was a mistake, The leftist movements are anachronistic remnants of photographed wearing T-shirts with messages in Hebrew.

but that was not bottom line, it was a protest against the an era that has been outdated for decades, he said. They At their Passover seders, Brazilian Jews said Next year
invitation. had their importance in the early days of Israel and the in Jerusalem. For many thats a reality mainly for young
It was positive to show that the Jewish community does Jewish community organization in Brazil, but today they singles, and for families who worry about limited job and
not embrace a fascist, there is resistance mainly among are a mixture of summer camp with scouting, sprinkled career prospects under Brazils faltering economy. A
the youth, added Cohen, who was assaulted by a Jewish with an ideological brainwashing that is similar to that record number of nearly 1,000 Jews are expected to make
official for carrying a Palestinian flag during a pro-Israel practiced by the Hitler Youth. aliyah in 2017 following last years 700 emigrants and
street demonstration years ago. Revital Poleg, the Jewish Agencys representative in another 500 in 2015. Before that, the annual average had
Ronaldo Gomlevsky, editor-in-chief of Brazils oldest Brazil, said that Israeli envoys who sometimes work with tended to be under 200. JTA Wire Service

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Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 21

Jewish World

The USS Porter fires a Tomahawk missile at a Syrian military airfield in the Mediterranean Sea on April 7.  Ford Williams/U.S. Navy via Getty Images

Why Israelis are happy about Trumps

missile strike and why they should be wary
Ron Kampeas faced against the Nazi genocide remains a Trump appeared to want an even further and North Korea. The prime minister and
defining national characteristic. retreat. Until last week, his sole concep- his government continue to see the 2015
WASHINGTON Israels government There was a genuinely strongly felt tualization of Syrian President Bashar nuclear deal that Obama negotiated with
and pundits are unabashedly pleased by moral issue, and that was something that Assad was as an ally in combating Islamic Iran, trading sanctions relief for a rollback
the missile strike ordered by President Israelis felt across the political spectrum State terrorists. That was an embrace that of Irans nuclear program, as a license
Donald Trump early Friday on the Syr- when the pictures emerged of people Obama, however feckless his chemical for Iran and its proxies to continue its
ian airfield from where Tuesdays deadly killed in the chemical attack, given the weapons retreat was, forcefully rejected. regional interventionism.
chemical attack is believed to have Jewish peoples history of being gassed in Trump officials said last week that they Israel hopes that this message of
been launched. the Holocaust, said Daniel Shapiro, who were ready to reverse stated Obama resolve in the face of the Assad regimes
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put until January was the U.S. ambassador to administration policy that any resolu- horrific actions will resonate not only in
out a statement out at 6 a.m. local time Israel and still lives there. tion to the Syria conflict must include the Damascus but in Tehran, Pyongyang and
unusually early just to make clear he Israelis in just days have raised hun- removal of Assad. elsewhere, Netanyahu said.
fully supports the strike. dreds of thousands of shekels for the vic- That concerned Israelis most promi- Andrew Tabler, a fellow at the Wash-
In both word and action, President tims; fundraisers have explicitly invoked nently Defense Minister Avigdor Liber- ington Institute for Near East Policy who
Trump sent a strong and clear message Holocaust imagery. man who were concerned that a resur- spent years in Syria, said in a media call
today that the use and spread of chemical No Jew can stay silent as children are gent Assad would allow Israels deadliest that the chief concern for Israel and
weapons will not be tolerated, he said. being gassed in the streets of Syria, Israel- enemies, Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Americas Sunni Arab allies was what was
Trump ordered the launch of 59 Toma- Gives says on its web page. Hezbollah, a foothold on Israels border baked into the nuclear deal: That Iran
hawk missiles on the airfield in northern with Syria. could use rump governments in Iraq and
Syria believed to be where a sarin attack The sheriff is back in town. Over the three days after the sarin Syria to shoot people into the region into
killed at least 72 civilians, including many Israelis were frustrated by the Obama attacks Trump did a 180 on Assad My submission while the principal U.S. con-
children. The missile attack, Syria said administrations hesitancy in confront- attitude toward Syria and Assad has cern was sustaining the Iran deal.
in reports that could not be confirmed, ing Assad. changed very much, the president said
killed nine civilians including four chil- In 2013, President Barack Obama said the day after the chemical attack and so, Whats not predictable
dren and six troops, and caused exten- the use of chemical weapons would trig- commensurately, have Israelis warmed 1. Do Israeli jets still get to take out poten-
sive damage. ger an attack. But when Syria crossed to Trump. tial threats without triggering a Rus-
Here are some reasons why Israelis are the line, instead of launching an attack, American leadership is once again sian response?
backing the strike and some reasons why Obama coordinated a deal with Russia credible, Maj. Gen. Amos Gilad, until last An ally of the Assad regime, Russia
it might not be so simple. under which Syria would divest itself of year the director of policy at the Israeli was furious at the missile attack and sus-
its chemical weaponry. It now appears Defense Ministry, told Israel Radio. When pended its deconfliction agreement with
The moral imperative clear to the United States and its allies you use nerve gas against a civilian popula- the United States one under which the
Images of children gassed a few hundred that Syrias divestment was more fraud tion, the message is clear. two nations give each other prior notice
miles north of Israel hits close to home for than fact. In his praise for Trump, Netanyahu said of any military action, particularly from
a country where the helplessness that Jews While campaigning for the presidency, the message should resonate as far as Iran See missile page 24

22 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

upcoming at Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
Community Supported Agricultral
healthy eating for less than $25 a weeK
Join us and meet our farmer, Ken, to launch the 2017
season with a discussion about organic farming and
backyard composting.
Wed, Apr 26, 7 pm, Free and Open to the Community
Buy a share in a local farm and receive 8-10 varieties of
fresh organic produce for 22 weeks. Full and shares
available, as well as shares of fruit, free-range eggs,
maple syrup and more. Registration Deadline: May 25
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Plaza & more. Lunch on your own on Arthur Avenue.
Contact Kathy at 201.408.1454; No refunds.
Mon, Apr 24, 9:30 am-4 pm, $65/$80

Yom Hashoah
To observe Holocaust Remembrance Day, join us
for a moving ceremony organized by the Israeli
Scouts, followed by a screening of Steal A Pencil For
Me, a compelling documentary about the power
of love and the ability of humankind to rise above
unimaginable suffering.
Sun, Apr 23, 6:30 pm Ceremony;
7:30 pm Film Screening,
Free and Open to the Community

FILM kIds aduLts

Top Films You May Have Missed thurnauer chamber music series presents
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survivor. As he learns the mysteries of the human actors. YOU, the audience, will create a story to of Mickey Taub, who established the Esther & Julius Adler
heart, both of their lives are changed forever. Film accompany the Duo for Double Bass and Violin by Semi-Annual Yiddish Concert Series Endowment
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stay in the Know! liKe us on

Kaplen JCC on the Palisades taub campus | 411 e clinton ave, tenafly, nJ 07670 | 201.569.7900 |
Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 23
Sandi M. Malkin, LL C Jewish World
Interior Designer Missile Fattah al-Sisi, lavished praise on Trump
(former interior designer of model from page 24 just this week was less than enthusias-
rooms for NYs #1 Dept. Store) the air, so theres no risk of an inadver- tic about the strike.
tent clash. Egypt affirms the importance of
Russia has a similar arrangement with sparing Syria and the Middle East the
For a totally new look using Israel. Does that go by the wayside? As dangers of crisis escalation in order to
your furniture or starting anew. recently as last month, Israel sent jets preserve the safety of the nations that
into Syria to stop the smuggling of Syr- comprise it, its Foreign Ministry said
Staging also available ian arms to Hezbollah. Friday, according to Al-Ahram. We
Gilad, speaking on Israel Radio, said see the necessity for swift action to end
973-535-9192 he was confident that Russia would con- the armed conflict in Syria to preserve
tinue to allow Israel to act. the lives of the Syrian people through
I dont think theres any threat a commitment by all Syrian parties for
on Israeli action as long as it is in the an immediate cease-fire and a return
defense of Israels interests, he said. to negotiations under the aegis of the
2. Is Israel more of a target than before? United Nations.
Israels most potent threat is Hezbol- Egyptian unhappiness could hamper
lah, which has positioned tens of thou- Netanyahus bid to use Egypt as a con-
sands of missiles throughout Lebanon duit to new peace deals with other mod-
since the last Hezbollah-Israel war in erate Arab states.
2006. Israeli brass believes Hezbollah Sisi sees Assad rightly or wrongly
could be positioning itself for another as part of the battle against Islamic
Israel war, if only as a pretext to draw extremism, said Shapiro, who is now a
attention away from Syria, where its alli- senior visiting fellow at the Institute for
ance with Iran and the Assad regime has National Security Studies in Israel.
taken hits. Theres also the more traditional
Hezbollah called the missile strike an Egyptian value of not wanting to see
idiotic action that was in service any foreign intervention in an Arab
to Israel and predicted that it would state lest it be directed at Egypt, he
increase tension. said. And Egypt has in recent months
3. Russias mad? But wait, we gone a bit closer to the Russians, and
like Russia. Russians have participated in coun-
Netanyahu has gone to great lengths ter ISIS operations in western Egypt.
to cultivate Russia, in part because Israel That creates some potential tensions
sees Russia as the likeliest agent to bro- between Egypt and its strategic part-
74th ANNIVERSARY ker a final status deal that would keep ner Israel and Sisi and his new friend
UPRISING Iran and Hezbollah as far as possible Donald Trump.
74th ANNIVERSARY from Syrias southwest, where Israels 5. Its open-ended which means,
WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING border is. duh, we dont know how it will end.
He endured a tongue lashing from Tabler cautioned against seeing long-
Russian President Vladimir Putin just term consequences because of a single
for intimating that Syria is responsible strike; no one knows yet where Trump
for the chemical attack. (Russia insists will take U.S. involvement.
there is no proof yet.) This strike is not the same as the inva-
The closeness of Trump and his team sion of Iraq in 2003, he said.
to Russia in Washington, increasingly Israel initially was supportive of the
seen as a burden, as it engenders a string U.S. action in Iraq, but soon grew appre-
of scandals is seen as a plus in Israel, hensive as the Bush administration
where it was hoped Trump would lever- neglected increasing threats from Iran
age his friendship with Putin as a means and its war radicalized Sunni Arabs in
of containing Assad, Hezbollah and Iran. the region.
Israel still sees Trump as a deal- Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sug-
maker with Russia, and they want to gested that the strike was a one-off.
know if Trump drives a wedge between I would not in any way attempt to
YIZKOR Remembrance
YIZKOR Remembrance Service Service Russia and Iran-Hezbollah-Syria, David extrapolate that to a change in our pol-
Makovsky, the Ziegler distinguished fel- icy or our posture relative to our military
forforthethe 6,000,000JEWISH
6,000,000 JEWISHMARTYRS MARTYRS low at the Washington Institute, said in activities in Syria today, he said.
Sunday, April Remembrance
April Remembrance
23,23,20172017/ /27 27Nisan
Nisan Service
an interview. That did not assuage concerns among

the 6,000,000 JEWISH MARTYRS 4. That Sunni alliance thing Democrats and even some Republicans
Community JEWISH Center of
East 304 Midland Avenue, of MARTYRS
Paramus, New
its complicated in Congress, who called for consultations
Sunday, April
East 23,Avenue,
304 Midland
Photo Exhibit 2017
3:30 //27
pm ~ Program27 Nisan
4:00 pm 5777
The conventional wisdom in Wash- with Congress before any further action.
ington after the attack is that Trump has Our prior interventions in this region
Jewish Community Beth of
Center Tikvah
Photo Exhibit 3:30 pm ~ Program 4:00 pm
Jewish Speaker: Dr.
Community Mordecai
East 304 Midland Avenue,Center
Paramus, Newof
Paramus revivified the U.S. profile in Israel among have done nothing to make us safer,
Keynote Speaker:
Topic: Jews Dr. Mordecai
Rescuing Jews
East 304 Midland Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey
the United States Sunni Arab allies. and Syria will be no different, said Sen.
Photo Exhibit 3:30 pm ~ Program 4:00 pm
Topic: Jews Rescuing Jews Except as much as Assad is despised Rand Paul, R-Ky.
Photo Exhibit 3:30 pm ~ Program 4:00 pm
For information call Dr. Wallace Greene 201-873-3263
among Sunni Arabs, both for his belong- Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said on
KeynoteFor Speaker: Dr. Greene
information call Dr. Wallace Mordecai
201-873-3263 Paldiel
ing to the secretive Alawite sect and his Twitter: Im deeply concerned the
Keynote Topic:
Jews Dr. Mordecai
Jews Paldiel
Rescuing JEWISH
of the JEWISH COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNTIL of alliance with Shiite actors like Iran and strike in Syria could lead the U.S. back
Topic: Jews
For information Rescuing
call Dr. Wallace Jews
Greene 201-873-3263 Hezbollah, direct U.S. intervention is not into the quagmire of long-term military
For information call Dr. Wallace Greene 201-873-3263
Sponsored by COUNTIL of necessarily popular. engagement in the Middle East.
Critically, Egypt whose leader, Abdel  JTA Wire Service

24 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

Jewish World

Hassan Dallal, a
survivor of the
chemical attack
in Syria, receives
medical treatment
at a hospital in Idlib
on April 5.
Mohammed Karkas/
Anadolu Agency/
Getty Images

Israelis respond to Syrian

chemical attack with donations
Andrew Tobin horrors play out. We need to act, and
here is a way.
TEL AVIV In response to the alleged Arik Marmorstein, the co-founder of
chemical attack in Syria last week, Israe- Mimoona, the popular crowd-funding
lis have donated hundreds of thousands platform on which Just Beyond Our Bor-
of shekels to help children and others ders launched its campaign, said the
caught in the conflict raging on their effort would soon be the countrys most
northern border. successful ever.
As Israel maintains a policy of nonin- You dont see campaigns like this,
terference, giving money has been a way Marmorstein said. People want to RESERVE BY APRIL 25!
for people here to respond to the brutal donate. Its obviously related to the Holo-
six-year civil war. Donations have spiked caust, with Yom Hashoah coming up.
since the release of a video seemingly Yom Hashoah, which remembers the
capturing the gruesome aftermath of the Holocaust will fall on April 23 this year.
attack, which killed at least 82 people, And geographically its happening so
including many children. close to us, he added.

Just Beyond Our Border, a volunteer Since it happened, Israeli media has

fundraising group that popped up in been full of talk about attack on the rebel-
December to send supplies to Syrian chil-
dren, has raised more than 115,000 shek-
held village of Khan Sheikhoun, which
has provoked worldwide outrage and
Bonding Through Books
els ($32,000) and counting in the past calls for action. And the video showing
few days. Overall, the group has received people, including children, gasping for
almost 1.5 million shekels ($411,000) breath and foaming at the mouth has A celebration of
from about 8,000 donors since Decem- been widely circulated on social media,

e n Re a d s
ber. It initially hoped to bring in just eliciting horrified comments.
600,000 shekels ($164,000).
The response has been amazing,
The United States, Israel, and other
countries have blamed Syrian Presi-
Be r g

Yoav Bakshi-Yeivim, one of about a dent Bashar Assad for the attack. He
dozen founders of the group and a Jeru- has denied responsibility. The U.S.
salem City Council member, said. Our responded to the attack Thursday night
campaign is just a drop in the sea, but its with a missile attack on a Syrian airfield.
made people feel they can do something
and not just watch. I think if countries
around the world had campaigns like
Israeli leaders welcomed the move, but
the country has seen little upside to inter-
vening itself, even as nearly half a million
Thursday, April 20, 2017 g |7:00 pm

this, we would make a big difference. people have been killed and 12 million
Bakshi-Yeivim, whose grandmother displaced by the war. An outright vic- Nellie K. Parker Elementary School
survived the Holocaust, said the group tory by either Assad or the myriad rebel 261 Maple Hill Drive, Hackensack
chose its latest fundraising target in groups fighting his regime likely would
honor of the 1.5 million children killed threaten the Jewish state. Nor has Israel Dessert reception RSVP at

by the Nazis. accepted Syrian refugees, though it has
Meanwhile, IsraelGives, an online treated thousands of the wars wounded.
donation organization, in a few days In an interview published last week, Honoring the hundreds of volunteer Reading Buddies who have

has exceeded its initial goal of raising Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman mentored thousands of students and enriched our community.

200,000 shekels ($55,000) thanks to condemned the murderous chemical Come see success and how we all achieved it.
more than 900 donors. The group has
pledged to send medical aid to Syrians
weapons attacks on citizens. But he said
the world, not Israel, must be expected g
through Israel Flying Aid, which is also
Just Beyond Our Borders partner.
No Jew can stay silent as children
are being gassed in the streets of Syria,
its fundraising page reads. We can-
not sit back any longer and watch the
to respond.
Why do we need to take the chest-
nuts out of the fire? he said This is
the responsibly of the international
See donations page 39
o Jewish Federation

Questions? Email or call 201-820-3944

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 25

Truth Regardless of Consequences

Trump removes the stain

halfway point of American inaction in Syria
o now were well into Pesach.
The seders are over, the last dishes washed, merica needs unity. And if we cant unite were hacked to death in three
the last pots scrubbed, the last matzah around the United States finally taking action months in 1994, while the U.N.
crumbs from the marathon dredged up. (And after Arab children are gassed, then nothing largely withdrew its peace-
thats a good thing; theyre nasty to sit or step on.) Now will bring us together. keeping forces and the world
the task of moving all that stuff back to where it stays For those who waited four long years to see the didnt lift a finger to save
during the year stares dully at us. United States reclaim its moral mantle as leader of the them.
And now its spring. The flowering trees are budded, free world and protector of human rights, news that Who among us has seen the
all pale pinks and purples, and the other ones are all President Donald Trump struck at the Syrian tyrant images of dead Arab children
baby green fuzz. Flowers are shooting up with wild Assad is electrifying. I am well aware that many in in Syria over the last few days
abandon. Its getting hotter out. America object to Trump. But is there a higher calling and not felt shaken to our Rabbi
Maybe by the time you read this, April the Pregnant for a president than to stop mass murder, and should core at the grotesque injus- Shmuley
Giraffe will have had that calf. (For those of you who we not salute bold leadership when it sends a message tice? Who among us has seen Boteach
have not become addicted, Aprils a giraffe at the Ani- that genocide will not be tolerated? the frothing at the mouth of
mal Adventure Park in upstate New York, near Bing- Just think for a moment how the Jews of the concen- innocent men and women,
hampton, whose pregnancy has been streamed live tration camps of Europe would have felt had they seen attacked by Assad with Sarin
since February. Giraffes, it turns out, have very long American bombers punishing the Nazi soldiers for oper- gas, and wondered how the world can stand by in
pregnancies 15 or 16 months and Aprils been on ating gas chambers at Auschwitz. Sadly, those bombers silence? And who among us has not felt shamed and
the verge of having her baby, on camera, for a very long never came and till today historians debate how a moral humiliated by our own impotence?
time. Those of us unfortunates who are addicted spend man like Franklin Roosevelt could have stayed his hand For all those who are objecting to Trumps missile
a long time staring at our screens as the long-necked, against Hitlers machinery of death. attack, I ask you, Have you lost your moral compass?
full-bellied giraffe sashays across it, still pregnant.) Its 2017 and people are still being murdered by poison
So now what? gas with the world watching in silence.
Now, as we count the omer, and move toward Sha- And now, finally, the United States rises to the occa-
vuot, we think about the extraordinary year that we sion and shows that human life has value. Those who
have lived through. We hope that the unlikely alli- Who among us has devalue it will suffer enormous consequences. Kill
ances, which often have blossomed into friendships, babies and you will be killed. Murder men, women,
remain; that the lawn signs reminding us not to hate seen the images of and children and we will hunt you down to the ends
take root. There is much to fear as we move forward, dead Arab children of the earth. So you better think twice before you fire
but we hope much to gain as well, if we just listen to gas canisters.
each other. in Syria over the last As a man who worships God I am well aware that I am
Were struck by the story about the Bergen Reads few days and not felt not God. We are not all-powerful. We are not omnipo-
program, which sees older, mainly retired Jews come tent. We cannot punish every unrighteous iniquity. We
to read with public schoolchildren in Teaneck and shaken to our core cannot strike at every bloody fiend. But we can punish
Hackensack. Real relationships develop; it could be at the grotesque the worst offenders so that others take heed. And the
noblesse oblige but its not. Its genuine affection. Even use of poison gas against civilians has proven to be man-
love. Thats what happens when two people two injustice? kinds foremost abomination. If gassing children is not
people very different in age, background, history, and evil then the word has no meaning.
social standing, and with very different amounts of I am well aware that the crime of the Holocaust is This past November Donald Trump won the elec-
time ahead and behind them really pay attention to unique and brooks no comparison. But poison gas is tion. But it wasnt until his attack against Assad that he
each other. poison gas. And America had a moral and righteous became the leader of the free world.
It goes with the story about people with autism. Peo- responsibility to strike at the air force that dropped As an American and as a member of a people who
ple with autism can off-put or even frighten those of us that poison gas. To see the Syrian air base smoldering were gassed to death for three years at a rate of 10,000
who have developed more typical. (Not that anybody in ruins is to believe that perhaps there is a small sem- per day, I offer my gratitude to the president for having
isnt odd if you look closely. Were all weird, and each blance of justice in the world after all. elevated the value of life in Syria, where more than half
one of us is sui generis. Weird in our own very special And how prescient that Trumps attack on Syria a million have already been murdered while the world
way.) But look more closely, go past your fear, and you came on 7 April, the day of the commemoration of the stood by in silence.
see another human being. Rwandan genocide, where nearly one million people President Obama betrayed himself and hi s
Maybe thats part of what we learn from Pesach. Look
past the matzah crumbs. Dont make assumptions. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach is the author of 30 books, including his most recent, The Israel Warrior. Follow him on
Talk. Look. Listen. Learn. Thats where freedom is. JP Twitter @RabbiShmuley.

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26 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017


Slavery and freedom

pril is a giddy time for those who love Passover, poetry, end: his Will[iam] will remain true
and Shakespeare: the month ushers in the holiday, no matter what the young man does.
National Poetry Month, and the Bards birthday. What makes this poem appealing
administration debased American values As I scrape a years worth of detritus off of my is that at first it appears light, almost
by allowing genocide in Syria with abso- kitchen shelves and layer aluminum foil over my stovetop, my careless, but then it becomes more sin-
lutely no response. Worse was his ambas- mind wanders to Shakespeares sonnet on slavery. Sonnet 57 is ister, as we realize that Shakespeare is
sador to the United Nations, Samantha a favorite, because its one of the best odes to the passive-aggres- enslaved by his feelings; ironically, he
Power, who had earned a global reputa- sive in all of us. Shakespeare tells the young man to whom he is without Will. Vendler points out
tion for calling out previous American addresses the sonnet that he doesnt mind at all waiting for his that the slyness of the sonnet rests in
government officials as bystanders to friend to spend time with him, and of course he doesnt sit and the fact that though Shakespeare is Tikvah
genocide only to become one herself. watch the clock until the young man reappears. And theres no bound to and employs the terms of Wiener
The nadir of the Obama administra- question that Shakespeare isnt jealous of whomever his friend is slavery, he also breaks those terms by
tion was December, 2016, when Aleppo spending his time with. Take a look: expressing himself in a passive-aggres-
was pulverized by bombs and President sive way. The negative language introduces what he really feels,
Obama, with nothing to lose politically, Being your slave, what should I do but tend and it gets us and presumably the young man to envision how
still did nothing to stop the carnage. At Upon the hours and times of your desire? Shakespeare is spending his time as he waits for him. Whats beguil-
the U.N. he orchestrated a condemna- I have no precious time at all to spend, ing about Shakespeare, particularly in his sonnets, is his awareness
tion of Israeli settlements at the Security Nor services to do, till you require. of the psychological states, many of them quite negative, danger-
Council while Arab children faced death Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour ous, and destructive, in which he places himself. Self-awareness is
d from the skies. Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you, crucial to ending an enslavement to harmful behaviors.
The world will never forget his passivity Nor think the bitterness of absence sour As I wash out cabinets and clean out my pantry, finding and dis-
in the face of such horrors. When you have bid your servant once adieu; carding matzah meal from last years Passover, I think about Morah
? The real sin of government officials like Nor dare I question with my jealous thought Nachama Leibowitzs analysis of Pharaohs behavior in the Exodus
Susan Rice is not allegations of unmasking Where you may be, or your affairs suppose, story. Commentaries have puzzled for centuries over the idea that
that currently pervade the news but rather But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought God would harden Pharaohs heart. One of the tenets of Judaism is
- her allowing 1,400 Arab civilians to die of Save, where you are how happy you make those. that humankind has free will, so why does it seem as if God removes
a chemical gas attack by Assad on August So true a fool is love that in your will, that free will from the Egyptian ruler? Morah Leibowitz cites Mai-
l 20, 2013, and then, as national security Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill. monides explanation that Pharaoh habituated himself into evil.
, adviser, to take no action. America is the She writes:
light of liberty and the beacon of democ- Helen Vendler, one of the foremost poetry critics today, notes At the beginning . . . man is free to choose any path of action he
racy. Those words ring hollow when Amer- that the poem relies on this passive-aggressive stance, repeating the desires. He is afforded equal opportunity to do good or evil. But as
ica witnesses mass murder in silence. words no and nor, to reveal that what the poet is doing is all the soon as he has made his first choice, then the opportunities facing
President Trump has helped restore things he says he isnt. He is watching the clock, the hours without him are no longer so evenly balanced. The more he persists in the
- America to its human-rights luster and the young man do seem to drag on forever, and he is obsessing first path of his choosing, shall we say, the evil path, the harder will
Arab life to the claim of infinite value that over who the young man is with when not with the writer. In short, it become for him to revert to the good path. . . . In other words, it
is the birthright of every child of God. the Bard is in fact a sad slave to the young man, and the rhym- is not the Almighty who has hampered his freedom . . . . He has, by
Trump is often accused of racism and ing couplet at the end of the poem explains it all: Love is a fool, it his own choice and persistence in evil, placed obstacles in the way
- is said to be especially hostile to Mus- makes slaves of us, so that no matter what a beloved may do, the leading back to reformation.
t lims. But the world will never forget that lover remains constant. Because hes Shakespeare, he also poeti- My colleague Dr. Shira Weiss, who introduced this explanation to
when Arab children were gassed to death cally, whimsically, but somewhat sadly too, plays on his name at the See Freedom page 31
- one president decided that he would not
spend weeks debating with Congress
whether America must protect them. He
stunned the world with his bold and deci-
sive action.
And in so doing he reminded us all of
f the biblical injunction demanding human
action in the face of murder. First in Gen-
esis when God says to Cain, The blood of
thy brother cries out from the earth, and
later in Leviticus in the most famous anti-
genocide commandment of all: Thou shalt
not stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor.

The opinions expressed in this section

are those of the authors,
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This is the illustration of the enslaved people shacked together in a coffle singing Hail Columbia in 1839.

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 27


Lets keep anti-Semitism out of the World Baseball Classic

have been a diehard fan of both base- Netherlands, South Korea, Taiwan, and Cuba Didi Gregorius until he was coverage, led by the New
ball and the New York Yankees ever we were watching history, anti-Israel rhetoric injured and had to leave York Times, seems to insinu-
since my father started telling me tales once again managed to force its way into the the team, is predominantly ate that Team Israels success
of the greatness of Don Mattingly and picture. made up of players from the was based on a loophole,
Bobby Meacham in the early 1980s. As I continued to sneak glances at my former Dutch colonies in the rather than on timely hitting
I admit, as much as I love my father, as I phone, looking for updated reports of games Caribbean. and quality pitching.
look back I still have no idea what he saw played in different time zones throughout I am aware of the rules that I grant you that the discus-
in Bobby Meacham. Nevertheless I was our east coast late at night, the press cover- govern player eligibility for sion every three years before
hooked. age began to be increasingly critical of Team the World Baseball Classic. I the World Baseball Classic is
While my beloved Yankees always have Israel. The New York Times provided one of am aware of how every team Michael littered with players of many
provided me with a saturated dose of New the opening salvos, declaring, For all the around the globe is formed Cohen heritages or national rela-
York pride, it wasnt until Israels Cinderella teams surprising success, critics contend that by taking its own countrys tionships struggling to figure
run in the World Baseball Classic that our Jew- Team Israel is essentially a bunch of Ameri- unique advantage of the rules out which of their respective
ish baseball pride had an outlet. can ringers. That was followed by articles provided. I am, however, also aware that families of origin to make proud. I grant
Frankly, given that Israel was not even such as that produced by Newsy, which made what Team Israel has done in building its you that this incredibly liberal set of quali-
expected to qualify for this international tour- sure to lead with: Team Israel took advan- roster is no different from what any other fication regulations may be far from opti-
nament (it never had qualified before), given tage of an unusual WBC rule. To play for a team in this global competition did, and it mal. But if the competition that Israel faces
that it had been ranked #41 in the world, team, you only have to be eligible to be a citi- is in no way in violation of the prescribed is set by the same standards that ensure a
and given that even after the team somehow zen of that country; you dont actually have to tournament methodology as currently level playing field for all, why the double
barely survived the qualifying round it was be a citizen. And since anyone whos Jewish constructed. standard about the Jewish state?
listed at 200 to 1 odds of winning, its chances can be granted Israeli citizenship, any Jewish What I do not understand is why most I am incredibly proud of Team Israel.
at the World Baseball Classic, played from ballplayer can play for team Israel no mat- press reports about Israels legitimately I hope that this beloved game of mine,
March 6 to March 22 this year, did not much ter where they live. shocking success in this years competi- which has struggled to gain a foothold in
supersede spring training in garnering our As a Yankee fan, I am very well aware tion feel the obligation to remind read- the consciousness of the Israeli general
attention. of the fact that our star reliever, Dellin ers repeatedly about what they called public, now will have another chance to
What is incredibly disturbing, however, Betances, played for the Dominican team the real makeup of Team Israel. Granted, succeed in the Holy Land. I do believe that
is that just as the world of Jewish baseball although he was born and raised in Wash- in most articles that I have seen there is as the World Baseball Classic eligibility
fans like me began recognizing that as we ington Heights. I know that Team Neth- the documented caveat that Israel is play- rules allow, any Jew should have the right
were watching Team Israels defeats of the erlands, which starred Yankee shortstop ing entirely by the rules. Still, some of the to play under the banner of the Jewish

Wanting to be free
Spartacus: All men lose when they die and all Not only Trumbo but many other artists as demanded that Iran release just for speaking out about
men die. But a slave and a free man lose differ- well now would be free to work and live their him. Levinson disappeared the Castros repressive gov-
ent things. lives as they wished. in March 2007, after travel- ernment. Recently, he was
Tigranes Levantus: They both lose life. It is interesting that both Preminger and ing to Kish Island in Iran. He detained for more than 24
Spartacus: When a free man dies, he loses the Douglas were Jews. Could the paramount is believed to be in Iranian hours. According to 14yme-
pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is importance of freedom imparted in the Exo- hands, but the countrys lead- dio, Cubas first independent
the only freedom a slave knows. Thats why hes dus have had some part in their willingness to ers deny knowledge of his very digital media outlet, Fer-
not afraid of it. Thats why well win. risk their own careers? existence. That is an inter- rer said, I spent more than
Spartacus (1960) How many people are blessed to be free, esting assertion, because we six hours in an office with a

to live as they want, and to be able to speak now know that Iran has tried Martha guard. Then they put me in
iewers who have seen Sparta- out as they wish? Sounds pretty simple, right? to use his possible release for Cohen a cell where you could have
cus, the movie produced by Unfortunately, we live in a time in which so concessions from the United filmed a horror movie for the
and starring Kirk Douglas, know many are not free, whether because they are States. Many people believe amount of blood on the walls
that the slaves fought hard but ruled by a tyrannical government or because that Levinsons release should have been part of someone who had been cut. Ferrer
ultimately lost the battle against the Roman they are held captive. of the negotiations over the Iran deal, nego- was just one person who was arrested that
Republic. Thousands of slaves were crucified Thus, on this holiday I am especially grate- tiations that led to other American hostages night. In fact, he said that from Novem-
along the road, according to the movie. The ful for being born an American Jew, as both being freed but not Bob. ber 2015 to date, there have been more
battles and carnage were not manufactured of these identities are steeped in the love of The FBI now has a reward for Levinsons than 140 raids of the homes of members
in Hollywood but instead based on the real freedom and the primal need for liberty. rescue its set at $5 million and his fam- of the organization. The confiscation of
Spartacus, who led an unsuccessful slave However, I am ever cognizant of the fact that ily recently filed suit against Iran under personal belongings ranged from aspirin
rebellion in the Third Servile War (73-71 BCE). freedom usually involves conflict because too the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. To to computers and hard drives. Accord-
The premiere of Spartacus led to many people want to oppress others. Perhaps keep updated, add @Help Bob Levinson to ing to many dissidents, the repression
renewed freedom for its writer, the Passover is the time for us to look beyond our your twitter account and call your repre- has only increased since the softening of
immensely talented Dalton Trumbo, who own story and begin to take action to help sentatives regularly to ask what they are Cubas relations with the United States.
had worked under a pseudonym since being those that are being silenced through impris- doing to bring Bob home. Stand up against And too many times arrests have been
blacklisted during the McCarthy era. Trumbo onment, torture or other forms of repression. any American money being sent to Iran, fatal. This past February, Afro-Cuban
finally would see his own name listed in a Yes, Syria is a focal point, but painfully, and against U.S. businesses making deals Hamell Santiago Mas Hernandez, a
films opening credits again. Kirk Douglas was there are countless other people who also like the one being reviewed now with Boe- healthy 45-year-old member of the Patri-
told that his career would be over if he used need our support. ing. Bobs life should be worth more than otic Union, died less than a year after he
a blacklisted writer openly. He did it anyway. Why dont we begin with an American, filling any companys coffers. was sent to one of the most brutal Cuban
That same year, Otto Preminger also would Robert Levinson? In February 2016, the Sen- And what about Jose Daniel Ferrer, prisons. According to the Wall Street Jour-
credit Trumbo for the film Exodus. The ate passed a resolution that recognized him leader of the peaceful Patriotic Union of nals Mary Anastasia OGrady, His real
blacklist was broken. as the longest-held American hostage and Cuba? Jose spent years in Castros prisons crime was advocating for a free Cuba

28 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

Opinion Letters

Smurfette scandal was manufactured

After reading Female Smurf removed from posters in
Haredi Orthodox neighborhood in Israel by Josefin Dol-
sten on March 28 on the Jewish Standard online, [EDI-
TORS NOTE: It also ran in hard copy on page 3 on March
31] I was quite disturbed by what the article said. This arti-
cle originally was printed in the Haaretz newspaper, a left-
wing leaning media outlet in Israel. Something just didnt
seem right. Why would a company promoting a film put a
poster in a Haredi Orthodox neighborhood when clearly it
is rare that those living in Bene Brak even own a television
or computer let alone go to see movies in a movie theater?
This just seemed absurd.
So I did a little investigating of my own. My niece,
Hadassah Schwarz, who works in the media and research
department of the Israel Press office in Jerusalem, was
given the following information from Benyahu Yom-Tov,
a media consultant for the Drug and Alcohol Authority in
Israel. Through his job as a media consultant, he received
the press releases from Forum Film about the Smurf
movie. Mr. Shem Tov was the person who contacted the
Bene Brak City Hall to find out whether there were any
complaints about the films poster for the Smurf movie.
Basically, as my niece explained the situation, this Smurf
Team Israel players line up for the national anthem before to their World Baseball Classic game against matter was a public relations stunt done by Forum Films
the Netherlands in Tokyo on March 13. Matt Roberts/Getty Images to promote their movie. It appears that the movie sales
from the movie were less than expected in Israel. So they
peoples homeland. To those in the world and the media Michael Cohen of Englewood is the eastern regional director came up with a brilliant plan. Lets promote the Smurf
who continue to single Israel out for unfair criticism, I of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. He represents his citys movie with posters of the female Smurfette front and cen-
say, either check the runs, hits, and errors of all teams second ward on Englewoods City Council, and he belongs to ter and place them in Bene Brak. Their thought was that
equally, or dont bother keeping score. Congregation Ahavath Torah there. the Bene Brak population would be so angry about this
Play ball! poster that the free publicity they would receive from this
would make others outside of Bene Brak go see the movie.
What Haaretz didnt mention, and was confirmed by the
Bene Brak City Hall, was that there wasnt a single com-
plaint from the population that lives in Bene Brak. To fur-
ther the sham, Forum Film removed the poster with the
Smurfette and instead used its other poster, with just the
three male Smurfs. This caused the media to ride the hate
while black. There are few more lethal combinations. wave and created the headline as you put online: Female
The black Cuban is supposed to show gratitude to the Smurf removed from posters in Haredi Orthodox neigh-
revolution to sustain the myth that he has been elevated borhood in Israel.
4 by communism. The grim reality is the opposite, but I thought you would like to get the truth out about this
heaven help those who dare to say so. situation. Its pretty useless to ask Haaretz to retract the
t Tragically, there are too many stories to tell about the article but I would hope that you would at least publish
violence against Cubans to report here but Google my letter to the editor in the hope that others will read this
our own Senator Menendezs speeches on the state of and learn the truth.
human rights in the island paradise, especially since Dr. Elaine T. Yaffe
n the warming of relations between our two nations. Englewood
e Or listen to Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen talk
e about reversing President Obamas post November More womens voices, please
s election termination of the wet foot, dry foot policy Oh, if Letty Cottin Pogrebin were a regular contributor to
r that enabled Cubans who touched U.S. soil to stay here. the Standard! The feature about her, How To Be A Holy
t With oppression only increasing since our upgrade of Troublemaker by Lois Goldrich (April 7), barely scratches
relations with Cuba, shouldnt we consider changing the surface of her remarkable life and career. She pub-
course before too many businesses become part of the Kirk Douglas in Spartacus lished a memoir, Deborah, Golda and Me; Being Female
s Raul Castro social suppression machine? and Jewish in America, in 1991; it remains a genuine inspi-
And there are too many others, from Venezuela to procedure. Theres more to be done, but this would be rational work. Sadly, the Standard lacked enough space
China, who are imprisoned, impoverished, and mur- a good start. to detail Ms. Pogrebins firsthand experience, now repeat-
dered for the sin of wanting liberty. The famous, erudite Moses was talking about the Jewish people when he ing itself, of what happens when a blossoming womens
n writer Lillian Hellman, who also was blacklisted during said, Let my people go. In recent years, we and our movement is confronted with anti-Semitism. Her memoir
f the McCarthy era, said, For every man who lives with- fellow Americans, with leaders like Senators Henry covers this and other challenges. A must read especially
out freedom, the rest of us must face the guilt. I dont Jackson and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Representa- when the road toward progress gets tough.
n think we need to be guilty, but we must be aware of both tive Charles Vanik, internalized this battle cry when we In contrast, the Standard now gives weekly space to a
n the individuals and the nature of the governments they fought to open the gates so Russian Jews could leave the June Cleaver throwback. Perhaps the Standard could send
a live under. Fake news to the contrary, not all govern- Soviet Union. Wouldnt it be something if we repeated Banji Ganchrow on assignment into a much wider world.
ments are the same, and if we believe in the sanctity of this by fighting relentlessly for all those who are suffer- Shes a gifted writer.
e each human life and their right to be free, then we must ing, because they just want to be free? Somehow, I think Keep up the good work on introducing more womens
n demand that news covers these stories regularly. Mak- Kirk Douglas and Otto Preminger would agree. voices into the Standard editorial pages . More. More.
ing sure that our government leaders always demand a More.
l visit with dissidents during official visits to those nations Martha Cohen is an award-winning producer and creative Robin Katz
a that incarcerate political prisoners should be standard executive. She lives in Fort Lee with her husband and son. Palisades Park

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 29


Ken Livingstone: Enabler of evil

ve written many times
about the anti-Semitism
that continues to plague
the British Labour Party
once a noble party of both
opposition and government
that has now, under its far-
left leader Jeremy Corbyn,
become a laughably ineffec-
tive opposition with little Ben Cohen
hope of attaining government
One key reason for that involves the scandals around
open expressions of anti-Semitism from party activists
and leaders alike, discrediting the party among voters in
general and forcing Jewish members to leave what once
was their natural political home in droves.
The anti-Semitism row returned this week, when the
party announced that it is merely renewing the suspen-
sion of Corbyns close friend and ally, former London
Mayor Ken Livingstone, rather than expelling him out-
right for the vile falsehoods he promoted in an inter-
view with the BBC. There, he claimed that Hitler had
supported Zionism before he went mad and launched
the Holocaust.
Across social media platforms, Jewish and non-Jewish
supporters of the Labour Party expressed outrage. You
can keep Ken, said one tweet, Im done. Other state-
ments implored the dissenters to stay and fight. Its
the anti-Semites who should leave, not us, declared
another tweet.
The partys refusal to address Livingstones offense Ken livingstone WoRLD eCoNoMIC FoRUM

properly comes not because of some bureaucratic error

or a genuine inability to understand the problem. It hap- a red line over chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian mouth, and other ill effects associated with these illegal
pened because Corbyn and his clique of fanatics agree regime only to erase it a few days later, the American weapons.
with Livingstone that, as he put it in a recent fawning climb-down was ably supported by a vote against mili- The attack, ultimately made possible by Russian and
interview, Basically, anybody who has criticized Israel, tary intervention in the British parliament. In spear- Iranian backing for Assad, led President Donald Trump
ends up being called anti-Semitic. heading a move that bolstered Syrian dictator President to shift away from his position of accepting that Assad
But what counts as criticism of Israel is very gen- Bashar al-Assad, former Labour leader Ed Miliband and remain in power, warning, These heinous actions by
erously defined. Talking about the influence of Jewish his anti-war lieutenants like Livingstone and Corbyn the Assad regime cannot be tolerated, and launching 59
wealth in the U.K., stoking blood libels against elected ended up smeared with the blood of hundreds of thou- Tomahawk missiles against it. Of course, it remains to be
Israeli leaders, repeatedly spitting in the face of the Jew- sands of Syrians. seen what else Trump will do, but he has recognized the
ish community by comparing Zionism with Nazism, cur- Here is Livingstone the great defender of Palestine profound moral challenge contained here without the
rying favor with Islamist terrorists like Sheikh Yusuf al speaking about possible British involvement in Syria irritating qualifiers of the previous U.S. administration.
Qaradawi and anti-Semitic dictators like the late Hugo in November 2015: We cannot put British troops on That is far more than can be said for a dictators stooge
Chavez in Venezuelaall of these monstrosities amount, the ground because they are too discredited after Iraq like Livingstone who has denounced Trump, in an arti-
in Livingstones mind, to mere criticism of Israel. and Afghanistan. But we should look to countries like cle for a rigidly Stalinist newspaper called the Morning
In a 1946 essay, George Orwell wrote that while British China. I think China would jump at the opportunity to Star, as a threat to the whole world.
anti-Semitism rarely takes violent forms, it is ill-natured be involved because it would bring them on to the global Livingstone is too insignificant to be a threat to the
enough, and in favorable circumstances it could have stage. Theyve got millions of troops. world. But throughout his career, he has faithfully sup-
political results. That speaks volumes about todays Livingstone made these ludicrous comments after ported the dictators and terrorist murderers who have
Labour Party. In the same essay, he said, People will go being charged by Corbyn with the task I really am not inflicted untold suffering, and has resolutely opposed
to remarkable lengths to demonstrate that they are not making this up of reviewing Labours defense policy. any effort to bring them down. He has, in short, been
anti-Semitic. That, too, speaks volumes about Labour. So let there be no misunderstanding about his conclu- an enabler of evil.
You only need to recall the insipid internal inquiry sions: After insulting the armed forces of his own coun- This shouldnt mean that others opposing action in
into anti-Semitism in 2016, which conceded that there try, he recommended that the troops of a genocidal Syria should be tarred with the same hideous motiva-
is an occasionally toxic atmosphere toward Jews in communist dictatorship be sent to Syria as what? tions driving Livingstone. Equally, it shouldnt escape
the party, and which employed the well-worn tactic of Neutral peacekeepers? Guarantors of the survival of our notice that there is a transparent link between the
recruiting a Jewish academic and virulent critic of Israel, Assads regime? If its the latter, the dimwitted Living- promotion of anti-Semitism and the support for dicta-
in this case Prof. David Feldman, to provide appropriate stone should have realized the Chinese were not neces- torships disfiguring so much of the political left. Living-
political cover. sary, as his Russian, Iranian, and Hezbollah friends were stone cannot recognize evil because, perhaps, he is evil
There is a broader point to be made here, and it is already doing the dirty work of keeping Assad in power. himself. Nobody of any political persuasion should fol-
intimately connected to Labours steady drift to the left. And now, almost three years after Obamas secretary low his example. JNs.oRG

The partys disturbing behavior is reflected not just in its of state, John Kerry, told us the worst of Assads chem-
deny-and-excuse response to anti-Semitism at home, but ical weapons arsenal had been removed peacefully, we Ben Cohen, senior editor of and the Tower
in its adoption of a similar stance toward grave human are again looking at sickening images of the victims of a magazine, writes a weekly column on Jewish affairs and
rights abuses abroad. gas assault in the town of Khan Sheikhoun. As I write, 85 Middle Eastern politics. His work has been published in
Nobody exemplifies this pattern more than Ken Liv- people are reported dead and hundreds more are said Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, the Wall Street
ingstone. In 2013, when President Barack Obama drew to be suffering from sickness, vomiting, foaming at the Journal, and many other publications.

30 Jewish standard aPriL 14, 2017

Dvar Torah
Pesach:When God throws us a bone

n the intermediate Sabbath of Even though the Israelites actions led land. Much like the Torah such an opportunity.
the Pesach festival, we devi- Moses to shatter the tablets out of anger portion, with its notion of Nineteenth century commen-
ate from the weekly cycle of and frustration, there is a sense of forgive- second chances, here in tator Rabbi Samson Raphael
Torah readings to read a selec- ness that emanates from our text, a sense the Haftarah, when hope Hirsch reflects on the actions
tion from Exodus 33 and 34. The passage that the text is providing the people with a appears to be lost, our tra- of the Israelites that lead to the
in our Torah follows shortly after the cre- second chance, another opportunity. God dition reminds us that Gods creation of the second set of
ation of the Golden Calf and its subsequent could very easily have chosen to abandon presence is with us, giv- tablets. He writes, Since the
destruction by an enraged Moses. As Moses the Israelites after their latest transgression, ing us strength, guiding us, people has broken the Law, the
ascended the mountain for forty days and but the Torah reminds us that God is wait- nurturing us, inspiring us to people must now hand to God
forty nights to speak personally with God ing for them to recognize their errors and keep going forward. Rabbi Paul the blank tablets, with the hum-
and receive the tablets containing the com- turn back to God. This message, that God A loving, hopeful, gentle Jacobson ble request that the old Law be
mandments, the Israelites became anxious, is waiting to welcome us back, holds true notion from a passage not Temple Avodat inscribed upon the new tablets
Shalom, River
fearful, and felt abandoned. They created not only during Pesach, one of our peoples read during the festival of Edge, Reform
by the finger of God (Hirsch
something tangible that they thought would most magnificent celebrations, but also on Pesach affirms this point. In Chumash, p. 347). As we retell
provide them with hope that they were not a daily basis. the book of Deuteronomy, our ancestors journey from
alone. The Israelites took a drastic step of A similar idea is found in the Haftarah we read, Even if one of your exiles should Egypt this season of Pesach, as we remem-
building an idol and worshipping it. portion for this Shabbat. The prophet Eze- be at the end of the heaven, God, your God, ber and celebrate their ultimate redemp-
But why read this passage on the Sabbath kiel finds himself placed in the midst of a will gather you together from there and tion, we partner with God in a process of
during the Pesach festival? Thinking beyond valley filled with dry bones. God invites will take you from there (30:4). It does not rededication, not only to our tradition, but
the idea that Exodus 34 contains a mention Ezekiel to prophesy over the bones so that seem to matter how far we may fall, how to one another, and to the world around us.
of Pesach in its description of the festival the bones come to life. God then explains distant we may be, how much we might be God is always giving us chances to rededi-
calendar, the opening verses of Exodus 34 that these bones represent the House in need of a second chance, another oppor- cate ourselves to the quest and sacred tasks
focus on a concept of second chances. God of Israel, bones that say, Our bones have tunity, a moment which allows us to begin in front of us. We may even want to say, per-
says to Moses, Hew for yourself two tablets become dried up, our hope is lost (Ezekiel again. Our tradition emphasizes that God haps God is the force that is always willing
of stones like the first ones; I will write upon 37:11). Here, God reminds the bones that is present with us, waiting to take us back, to throw us a bone, or more than that, be
the tablets the words that were on the first hope is never lost, that God will breathe waiting to embrace us, and continue guid- the helping hand that we so often need and
tablets, which you broke (Exodus 34:1). life into them, and bring them back to their ing us, if only we would avail ourselves of crave in our lives.

had taught racism in America for decades. the next man on the neck chain. The two of us feel lighter to throw things away, it makes
Freedom But for some reason the two works struck them would have to walk in step and next to us feel good to air out our homes and have
from page 27
a chord, and I was soon done with Harriet each other. . . . Ball sat stoically, but on the them look neat and clean. In Judaism, weve
me, provided the example of an addict who Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin inside, his emotions ran . . . wild: I wish I had attached that ritual to one that has resonated
at first might have chosen to smoke, drink, which strangely Id never read! and Fergus never been born. I want to die. I cannot even deeply not only among our co-religionists but
or use drugs, but then became unable to Bordewichs Bound for Canaan, which was kill myself because of these chains. all over the world. The freedom to be in pos-
break free of that behavior. And we also can a source for Whitehead when he wrote his As Baptist poignantly writes, The coffle- session of your own things, including your
turn to Shakespeare for an illustration of Mai- novel. The premise of Underground Rail- chains enabled [slave traders] to turn feet own person, is one that cannot be taken for
monides theory, in the character of Mac- road is that the railroad is an actual train line against hearts, to make enslaved people granted.
beth, a loyal nobleman of the Scottish king that takes escaped slaves to different places work directly against their own love of self, Shakespeare, and indeed the character of
who kills the king and then has to keep killing and times, where they confront racism in dif- children, spouses; of the world, of freedom, Pharaoh, remind us that sometimes enslave-
to retain the throne. He becomes so inured to ferent forms. of hope. Just as each time you examine the ment comes from dark forces within our-
murder and evil that he recognizes I am in Im now reading The Half Has Never Holocaust and wonder how it could have selves, while the history of American slav-
blood stepped in so far that should I wade no Been Told: Slavery and the Making of Ameri- happened, each time you read another story ery recalls the ugly and barbaric practice we
more,/Returning were as tedious as go oer. can Capitalism by Edward Baptist, and as I of slavery, you boggle at how a country osten- commemorate on our holiday. Identifying
He likens the blood he has spilled to a river unnecessarily decide to do spring cleaning in sibly founded on liberty could sanction it. with both has been useful for me, as I spray
he has waded into, and has ventured so far my childrens rooms theyre too old for me Slaves were aware of the irony: in 1810, a Windex on my windows. We have a responsi-
deeply into crossing it that he cannot return. to worry that theres bread in their rooms, coffle marching past the steps of the Capi- bility to see ourselves as if each one of us has
Shakespeares besotted lover, though will- but Im cleaning anyway; why not? I find tol building saw congressmen taking a cigar individually exited from Egypt.
less, seems positively benign when compared myself remembering a vivid image from Bap- break and began singing the patriotic song The process of preparing for Passover
with these more evil examples. tists book. Its of a slave coffle being taken Hail Columbia, a moment captured in an helps us reach that goal. It reminds us that
But, of course, on Passover were also down to Georgia. Black men were chained to illustration in 1839. we all have a will that bends toward God
focused on what it means to be an actual black men; black women pregnant and not Obviously slavery is on our minds a lot this and toward man; the arc we create when we
slave, not only a person tethered to her own were chained to other black women. season. You can start with the jokes about the remember to be thankful were not slaves is
faults and potentially destructive habits. Baptist writes: enslavement of those mostly women who between the One who liberated us and others
Over the course of the past school year, Ive The same heavy iron stringer now joined are making the holiday, but in truth, as I clean who yearn for either psychological or physi-
given myself a racism curriculum. It began [Charles] Ball [a slave who was sold down to and freshen the house my husband and I own cal freedom. Lets help them get it.
over the summer, when I read Colson White- Georgia, away from his wife and family] to in a lovely and crime-free neighborhood, as I
heads Underground Railroad, at the same the other thirty-two men. . . Then, for the last feel grateful for the family and friends who Tikvah Wiener of Teaneck will open the Idea
time that I had assigned Rebecca Skloots step in the process, the blacksmith took two have flown in for Passover and with whom School, a Modern Orthodox co-ed high school,
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks to bands of iron, put them around Balls wrists, we will share meals, I know that Ive been in Bergen County in fall 2018. She is the
a class of juniors for summer reading. Like and pounded down bolts to fasten the mana- born in a very fortunate time and live a very co-founder and director of the I.D.E.A. Schools
any graduate of the American school sys- cles. He attached the manacle on Balls right privileged life. Network and chief academic officer at Magen
tem, I knew about slavery, and of course I wrist by a short chain to the left manacle of Theres a psychology to cleaning. It makes David Yeshivah High School in Brooklyn.

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 31

The Frazzled Housewife Crossword
Play Time By Yoni Glatt
Difficulty Level: Easy

It starts with a giraffe

have been addicted to spring is finally here! The
April the giraffe. grass is growing, the birds
For those of you who are chirping, the gosh-darn
have no idea who I am woodpecker is hammering
talking about, April is a preg- away at my siding, and the
nant giraffe in an animal park New York Mets are back in
somewhere in America. She action. Hope springs eternal
is very, very pregnant and as every Mets fan knows,
is being filmed on Facebook you just gotta believe! You
live. At any given time, hun- Banji gotta believe that this will
dreds of people are watch- Ganchrow be the year we win the pen-
ing this poor pregnant giraffe nant. Hey, if the Cubs could
pace the confines of her pen. do it after 108 years, any-
We are all just waiting to see the miracle thing is possible. And this year is pretty spe-
of a giraffe giving birth. cial. It is my 25th college reunion (another
Why? I can only assume that is has seamless segue). It is also husband #1s
something to do with feeling hopeful for a 25th college reunion. (Yes, we went to the
miracle. People make random comments same college. Yes, we knew each other. No,
like, God bless you April, get some rest. we didnt start dating until 2 years later.)
And then there are the naysayers, Dont When I originally got the Save the Date
you folks have anything better to do? in the mail, I thought it was for someone
Dude, clearly you are addicted to April else. Twenty-five years since I graduated
too, or you wouldnt be commenting. And college? How is that possible? Where did all
then fights break out in the comments. It that time go? I loved college. I was able to
Across Down
is actually quite hysterical. take advantage of so many things because 1. Spray that can stop a ganef 1. Makes like Baldwin doing Trump
Some folks think that this a social exper- it was a small all-womens institution. 5. Fashion label in a Lauren Weisberger 2. Predecessor of Abbas
iment and that April isnt pregnant at all. (Husband #1 went to the boys division of book...and David Frankel film 3. Adelsons The Venetian, e.g.
10. Bowies widow who was in a Star 4. Crown Heights time zone: Abbr.
She did look thinner one day than she had the college, just to be clear.) I was on the Trek film with Shatner 5. Some might thank G-d after escap-
the day before, but maybe the baby just newspaper, the yearbook, drama society (I 14. Levin and Glass ing it
shifted positions. Giraffes can be pregnant played a very distinguished gentleman in 15. ___ up (wasnt so machmir) 6. City in central Israel
16. Lcha follower, in a Friday night song 7. Heritage of 53- Across
for about 15 months. 15 months. That is The Importance of Being Earnest. My col- 17. Fitting nickname for King Solomon 8. Where the lions did not eat Daniel
more than a year. (I am so smart.) Man, lege boyfriend had a hard time seeing me 19. Sinful son of Judah, in Genesis 9. Amplifies (like Pharaoh to the Jews
do I feel bad for April. I was two weeks late in full makeup with my three piece suit and 20. ___ were a rich man... work load)
21. Monster thats also a girls name 10. Worshipping them is 42-Across
with son #1 and I was going bonkers. Poor
in Hebrew in Judaism
April. If I had been on Facebook live for 22. Rabbi Carlebach of song 11. The Hebrews had one over water
those weeks that I was late, my audience 24. Possible name of a world made from during the first plague
Paskesz and Elite products 12. The first man
would have had the pleasure of watching a
250-pound 25-year-old eat tuna melt, piz-
Hope springs 27. The staff of Moses might have
become one
13. El ___ (weather phenomenon that
can answer the prayer of Geshem)
zas, and Entenmanns Marshmallow Iced eternal as 28. Outside spot for a schmooze on
Shabbat (in Brooklyn)
18. Exodus land
23. Classic tref
Devils Food Cake. They would have heard
me talking to my unborn son, saying
every Mets fan 29. Shofar source 25. Measures at Mount Sinai Hospital

knows, you just

31. Number of times Moses split a sea 26. What willow branches do
things like, Cmon kid, dont you want to 34. Natalie Portman achieved it at a 30. Biblical measurements

gotta believe!
meet me? Now that is entertainment. young age 32. Be a nudnik
38. Israeli airline 33. Samuels teacher, in the Torah
Speaking of son #1, I had another When 35. Baruch ___ ....
You gotta
39. Need for 11-Down
did I get so old moment. He is now an 42. Like eating on Yom Kippur 36. Medium for Howard Stern

believe that this

umpire for TBO the Teaneck Baseball 43. Vikings owner Wilf 37. AKA in the WSJ
44. Dead Sea Spa sounds 38. B___ Hashem (with G-ds help)
Organization. An umpire. He is now the
guy that all of the crazy parents yell at will be the year 45. David Frankel, of Lauren
Weisbergers 2003 novel
39. Daniel ___ Kim, actor on Lindelofs
when their kid gets a strike or an out or a
whatever they can get that is penalizing in
we win the 47. Jerusalem to Amman dir.
48. ___ Beta Kappa (Honor Society of
40. Malcolm played by Jeff Goldbloom
in Jurassic Park

baseball. My kid is now that guy. pennant. Benjamin Cardozo)

49. Title for Heschel or Boteach
41. Some security folk for 38-Across,
more or less
Wasnt it just yesterday that I was the 53. John who played Sulu in Abrams 46. Big ape coming to the Jerusalem
Star Trek Biblical Zoo
crazy parent storming first base? (Well, mustache, but that is for another column.) 55. Thunderbolt or Solomon 48. Drink with a heart logo that might
I was the crazy parent yesterday, but it It was amazing. And it was 25 years ago. 59. #1 Beach Boys hit parodied at be drunk on Rosh Hashana
wasnt at first base, it was probably just in But look at all I have to show for it. I Krusty the Clowns Wet n Wild 50. Pepto-___ (it can help with shilshul)
Bar Mitzvah 51. Jonathan Larsons Rent was based
my kitchen.) Wasnt it just yesterday that spend hours watching a pregnant giraffe, on this opera (with La)
62. He lives with Larry on Curb
son #1, in his 60-pound glory, was made the I have a son who is old enough to be an Your Enthusiasm 52. Daka echad
catcher because his coach was like 6 foot 4 umpire, and I am still hopeful that this will 63. Sheket! 54. Like a studio apartment in the
64. Alternative to Slicha bivakasha Old City
inches tall, and poor son #1 was afraid to be the year of the Mets. See, I just brought
65. 17, 24, 42, and 55-Across & 11 and 56. Judah Maccabee often made clever
say no? His catchers gear weighed more that all together. 41-Down, categorically ones before battle
than he did! I think that was yesterday. May your spring bring hope, beautiful 68. Bring on (like Balak of Balaam) 57. Like Elie Lichtscheins Middle Grade
Nope, it wasnt. And now he is the proud flowers and miracles. You cant ask for 69. Berts pal whos been on Horror podcast
Shalom Sesame 58. Literally, a pursuer in Jewish law
owner of a TBO-issued clicker, which more than that. 70. Wilders ___ Like It Hot 59. Madeline of Blazing Saddles
records the balls and strikes. He is a man. 71. Like a yenta 60. Indian state where Howard
Does this mean I have to go to his games Banji Ganchrows children have accused 72. Little brother of Yehuda and Shimon Metzenbaum was a Senator?
73. Baldwin who played Jack Ryan 61. What Moses did to all but one of
and make sure no crazy parents abuse him? her of not always being able to focus on one before Harrison Ford G-ds commands
That probably would not end well. thing. She apologizes that this column has 66. What the Menorah was made of,
The solution to last weeks puzzle en Espanol
And speaking of baseball (see how seam- proven their point, but hope you enjoyed is on page 38. 67. Palindromic king in the Bible
lessly I am going from topic to topic?), anyway!

32 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

Arts & Culture
Nitai A biography
essential good-

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a news conference in Jerusalem

last month. Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90

Jonathan E. Lazarus of Israeli politics. Every Netanyahu down- for different sectors of the electorate.

side seems to uncork an upside. There is no room for nuance in his nar-
s Benjamin Netanyahu navi- In his modest but helpful deconstruc- rative of survival, either for himself or
gates his way through a fourth tion of the prime ministers career, The for the state of Israel.
tour as prime minister of Israel Resistible Rise of Benjamin Netanyahu, Perhaps this obliquely hints at the
and comes within hailing dis- Neill Lochery plumbs the Netanyahu phe- Resistible Rise portion of the title.
tance of David Ben-Gurions record tenure nomenon. Spanning pre-Oslo through the But rather than generating opposition
in office, two salient facts emerge about election of 2015, Dr. Lochery, a profes- or rejection, Netanyahus predictabil-
his polarizing and persistent leadership: sor of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean ity and familiarity seem to breed only
(A) he seems noticeably less esteemed studies at University College, London, content with the electorate. And its a
by Israeli constituents than a leader content that Israelis, after two intifa-
should be (not that recent Israeli leaders das, Hamas and Hezbollah insurgen-
have been all that estimable; indeed, could cies, global boycotts, a leaderless PLO,
anyone be in the current climate?) and (B) bombings, and the existential threat of
he seems noticeably less esteemed by his There is no room Iran, choose to live with for the foresee-
shadow constituents in the United States
when they consider how the lone steward
for nuance in his able future.
Netanyahu is virtually a man with
of democracy in the Mideast should com- narrative of two countries, feet firmly planted in
port himself.
There probably is a C. And its that hes
survival, either for each, but without corresponding trac-
tion befitting either. A substantial num- DNA from his father, Benzion, a Revision-
been consistently underestimated by the himself or for the ber of Israelis complain that he is too soft ist Zionist who died an unreconstructed
parties to A and B. In short, Benjamin
Netanyahu seems to embody the perfect
state of Israel. and too Americanized, while a significant
group of American Jews chafe at his rigid-
hard liner at 102.
His flawless English, complete grasp of
porridge of Mideast politics: not too hot, ity and, well, Bibi-ishness (best summed American politics, and proper lineage
not too cold, just right; a blend of survival traces Netanyahus trajectory of winning up as dissemble and delay; code for deal- served him well during a Likud party
and resilience in a vocation and location elections (with one blemish) while leaving ing with the Palestinians). apprenticeship as a deputy envoy at the
where both are in short supply. a campaign trail littered with fear-based These competing criticisms attach to the Israeli consulate in D.C. and then ambas-
To put a point on it, hes not particularly politics and pandering appeals. first prime minister who was born in inde- sador to the U.N. from 1984 to 1988. The
admired in either geographical sphere, but Lochery structures the book, the first pendent Israel but who completed high old leaders, Eastern Eurocentric in the
he is extremely valued; hes not noticeably such purported study of the prime minis- school in the United States. Netanyahu extreme, regarded the newcomer with
inspiring or risk-taking, but he is aggres- ter published in English, with nine decisive grew up something of a hybrid, billing suspicion, if not outright contempt. And
sively nimble as a fundraiser and political and chronologically unfolding moments in himself as Ben Nitai when he resided along he was impatient, not willing to work the
infighter; hes not ideologically progres- the Netanyahu saga. But even more telling the East Coast, studying architecture at chairs or bide his time.
sive, but hes not regressive enough to is the brief listing in the preface of ten fear MIT and becoming a financial consultant. Netanyahu hit his stride during the Gulf
cause outright consternation in the thicket factors Netanyahu has repeatedly sounded But he inherited his ideologically wired See Netanyahu page 39

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 33

Water program in Shabbat in Closter: Commemorating
Mahwah: Temple Beth Temple Beth El holds Yom HaShoah in
Haverim Shir Shalom services featuring the Paramus: The Jewish
sponsors Let There Be Shabbat Unplugged Federation of Northern
Water, a program in Band, members of New Jersey marks the
conjunction with Jewish the congregation, and 74th anniversary of the
Federation of Northern klezmer clarinetist Marty Warsaw ghetto uprising
New Jerseys One Laskin, 7:30 p.m. 221 at the JCC in Paramus/
Book One Community, Schraalenburgh Road. Congregation Beth
noon. The shul will (201) 768-5112. Tikvah. Photo exhibit at
collect PBA-free water 3:30 p.m.; program at
bottles to be donated 4. Dr. Mordechai Paldiel
to Oasis: A Haven for is the guest speaker.
Women and Children. East 304 Midland Ave.
280 Ramapo Valley Road. Dr. Wallace Greene,
(201) 512-1983 or www. (201) 873-3263.
org. Commemorating Yom
HaShoah in Jersey
Blood drive in Teaneck: City: Congregation Bnai
Holy Name Medical Jacob and Temple Beth-
Center holds a blood Eric A. Goldman, Ph.D El, both of Jersey City,
drive with New Jersey and United Synagogue
Blood Services, a Shabbat in Teaneck: of Hoboken, host a
division of New York Film scholar and critic Yom HaShoah service
Blood Center, 2-8 p.m. Dr. Eric Goldman is the at CBJ, 4 p.m., with
718 Teaneck Road. Rabbi Louis J. Sigel guest speakers and
(800) 933-2566 or www. scholar-in-residence musical accompaniment.
april The newly formed Hobart Trio violinist at Temple Emeth, 176 West Side Ave.
Kathleen Butler-Hopkins, cellist Joseph speaking on The Jewish

(201) 435-5725 or
Bingo in Emerson: Experience Through
Kimura, and pianist Iris Perry plays Congregation Bnai Cinema. After services
chamber music in Lambert Castle in Israel has bingo with at 8 p.m., he will discuss Commemorating Yom
Paterson on Sunday, April 30 at 5 p.m.; doors open pocketbook prizes Hollywood and Its HaShoah in Cliffside
and a tricky tray, Jews; during Saturday Park: Congregation Beth
at 4:15. The concert is hosted by the Passaic County 7 p.m. 53 Palisade Ave. morning Torah study Israel of the Palisades
Historical Society. The trio is based in the William (201) 265-2272 or www. at 9 a.m., hell address hosts a Yom HaShoah
Paterson University music department and the The Coming of Age of service, 6:30 p.m.
American Jewry: 1945- Holocaust survivor
musicians have performed in orchestras across Europe 1960. After services at
and the United States. 3 Valley Road. Friday 10:30 and kiddush lunch,
Miryam Suserman is
the guest speaker.
or (973)247-0085. april 21 at 1 p.m., he will talk 207 Edgewater Road.
about The American (201) 945-7310 or shul@
Jewish Story through
Cinema. At breakfast
the United Synagogue of series, The Great Guide on Sunday at a 10 a.m.
Friday Hoboken after Havdalah to Jewish Practice, at
april 14
at 8:15 p.m. A discussion
with filmmaker Michael
Temple Israel & JCC in
Ridgewood, 7:30 p.m.
hell discuss The Shoah
Through the Lens of Singles
Cinema. Reservations for
Levine follows. Kosher The discussion is How
Shabbat in Hoboken: for Passover snacks. the End of Shabbat
kiddush lunch and bagel
breakfast. 1666 Windsor
The United Synagogue (201) 659-4000 or Can be the Beginning April 20
of Hoboken hosts a Road. (201) 833-1322 or of a Shabbat Practice
Passover Shabbat Seudah Shlishit and
dinner for young
Widows and widowers
professionals and Monday Havdalah for Families.
Series continues May 17 Sunday meet in Glen Rock:
Movin On, a monthly
services, 7 p.m. 115 Park april 17 and June 21. 475 Grove april 23 luncheon group for
Ave. (201) 659-4000 or St. (201) 444-9320 or widows and widowers, Tour in the Hudson meets at the Glen Rock
Eli Beer Valley: The Gomez Jewish Center, 12:30 p.m.
Saturday Thursday Shabbat in Closter:
Foundation for Mill House 682 Harristown Road.
april 15 in Marlboro, N.Y., offers $5 for lunch. Next date,
april 20 Eli Beer, founder/
half-price admission May 18. (201) 652-6624
president of United or email Binny, arbgr@
Shabbat in Closter: The on guided tours all day,
Hatzalah emergency
mens club of Temple starting at 10 a.m. The
response humanitarian
Emanu-El participates Gomez Foundation for
organization in Israel, is
in all parts of a special the scholar-in-residence
Mill House preserves the
300 year-old Gomez
service at the shul, 9 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El. April 27
180 Piermont Road. Rabbi Aaron Katz Mill Housethe oldest
During services at 7 p.m.,
(201) 750-9997 or www. standing Jewish dwelling
Lunch and learn: Rabbi he will discuss United Seniors meet in in North America. 11
Aaron Katz leads a Hatzalah: How Volunteers Orangeburg: Singles
Mill House Road, off
discussion on current Drop Everything to Save 65+ of the JCC Rockland
9W. (845) 236-3126 or
topics over lunch at a Neighbor. On Saturday, meet for dinner at
Congregation Bnai Movie series in Tenafly: during services at 9 a.m., Hogans Diner in
Jacob in Jersey City, The Kaplen JCC on the his topic will be United Commemorating Yom Orangeburg, N.Y., 6 p.m.
noon. 176 West Side Ave. Palisades concludes as One: United Hatzalah HaShoah in Emerson: Individual checks. 17
(201) 435-5725 or www. the JCC Us Signature Making a Difference Congregation Bnai Dutch Hill Road. Gene, Daytime Film School During a Time of Need. Israel marks Yom (845) 356-5525.
series with The White A dessert reception HaShoah (Holocaust
Ribbon, 10 a.m., with with a question and Remembrance Day),
Wednesday commentary by Dr. answer session follows. 10 a.m. The program
April 19 Eric Goldman, author, 180 Piermont Road. includes testimony
Passover film in YU adjunct professor, (201) 750-9997 or www. by congregants and
Hoboken: Streits Guide to Jewish and founder/president a candle-lighting
Matzo and the American of Ergo Media. Kathy, ceremony. 53 Palisade
practice: Rabbi Jacob
Dream is screened at (201) 408-1454 or Ave. (201) 265-2272 or
Lieberman leads a
a Passover program at
hands-on adult education

34 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

Celebrate Israel Parade set for June 4
This years 53rd annual Celebrate Israel guests will be at the parade, including
Parade is set for Sunday, June 5. As
always, the route goes up Fifth Avenue
this years honorary grand marshal,
the mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, as BROADWAY PREVIEWS
from 57th to 74th streets.
The parade, one of the largest in New
well as Jewish U.S. Olympic gold med-
alists and American athletes scheduled BEGIN APRIL 4
York City, runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to compete at the upcoming Maccabi
More than 30 floats with musical per- Games in Israel.
formers, 15 world-class marching bands, The parade will be held rain or shine.
and 40,000 marchers will entertain hun- For the latest information on the parade,
dreds of thousands of spectators for the go to, follow on
largest celebration of Israel in the world. Twitter, @celebrateisrael, or go to the
Several Israeli music artists and Facebook page: Celebrate Israel Parade.

Trauma of the Holocaust

In commemoration of Yom HaShoah, the adult education
committee of Teanecks Congregation Rinat Yisrael pres-
ents therapist Dr. Irit Felsen, who researches the traumatic
results of the Holocaust, on Sunday, April 23, at 8 p.m. She

will discuss The Effects of the Holocaust on the Children
of Survivors: A Tale of Courage.
Dr. Felsen is an adjunct professor at Yeshiva Univer-
sity and a researcher with the Yale University Trauma
Study Group, and was the clinical coordinator of services
for Holocaust survivors at the Jewish Family Services of Dr. Irit Felsen
Metrowest. For information, call (201) 837-2795.  Photo Provided

Wyckoff shul plans mitzvah day

Temple Beth Rishon is hosting its annual buffet breakfast, and activities. Collec-
Mitzvah Day event on Sunday, April 30.
TBR is partnering with Alzheimers New
tion boxes will be in the lobby for dona-
tions of music CDs, word and Sudoku
Jersey and Jewish Family & Child Services puzzles, and non-perishable food items.
of Northern New Jersey to raise funds Monetary donations for the partner-
and support for Alzheimers New Jer- ing organizations will be accepted. For
sey and the JFCS Wolff Caregiver Center. information, call (201) 891-4466 or go to
The day kicks off at 9 a.m., with registra-
tion, a brief presentation, a group walk,

Hatikvah concert April 22 at the JCC

The Hatikvah Show, a multi-
media concert by award-win-
ning pianist Astrith Baltsan,
is performed on Saturday,
April 22, at 8:45 p.m., at
the Kaplen JCC on the Pali-
sades in Tenafly. The show,
which marked its 300th per-
formance, tells the story of

Israels national anthem. For

information, call (201) 569-
7900 or go to or Astrith Baltsan Photo Provided


Camp Veritans to hold open house PAULA REBECCA

Camp Veritans in North Haledon will there will be food. Camp tours will be
hold a spring open house for new camp offered and administrators will be on
families on Sunday, April 30, from 1 to 3 hand. The rain date is May 7. Call (973)
p.m., at the camp, at 225 Pompton Road. 956-1220 or email Carla@CampVeritans.
The event will feature family-friendly com. If you cant make the open house, / 212-239-6200
activities, including arts and crafts, and call the office for a personalized tour.
CORT THEATRE 138 W 48th St, New York

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 35

Jewish World

Why are these seders

different from all other seders?
Christians throughout the U.S. adopt Passover tradition
Rich Tenorio

BOSTON While the majority of Amer-

ican Jews sit down to a seder this Pass-
over as usual, they might not be aware
that many Christians will hold seders of
their own.
Some of the latter will present both
the traditional Jewish narrative and the
importance of the holiday to Christianity.
Others combine the two narratives into
one, in which Jesus Christ stars as the
paschal lamb.
It emerged out of a more contempo-
rary understanding of the Jewish roots of
Christianity, the Jewish roots of Jesus, said
Alan J. Avery-Peck, the Kraft-Hiatt profes-
sor in Jewish studies at the College of the
Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. A
desire to get a better handle on the expe-
rience of what Jesus would have had in
his earthly moments of the Last Supper, a
Passover seder.
The Christian seders are taking place
across the U.S. this week heading into Good
Friday (April 14) and Easter Sunday (April
16). They include relatively small events, as
well as large-scale extravaganzas such as
The Road to Redemption on Easter week-
end near Charlotte, North Carolina.
Its one of the largest Passovers ever Michael Rood gives the pitch for one of his Passover celebrations. YouTube

done on the planet, said organizer

Michael Rood. There are some very large We walk through the significance. Roods Road to Redemption has been
Orthodox get-togethers, but this is a whole What were trying to find is Jesus. Where going on for several years. It is a multiday
weekend. Were running at 620 people. is Jesus evidenced in this Passover meal? event that begins on April 14 with partici-
Rood is a Messianic Jew someone who he said. pants making their own matzah.
calls himself a Jew and believes that Jesus When Davis blesses the unleavened I have constructed four gas-fired sahjes
is the son of God. He is the leader of what bread for his capacity audience of sev- [ovens] like the Bedouins in Egypt to cook
is described as the worlds largest Messi- eral hundred, he notes the Hebrew word flat bread, said Rood, who has lived in
anic congregation. lechem. Israel for the past 19 years. Over 600 peo-
I love to tell the Passover story, Rood Jesus body came up from the earth ple make their own matzah for the seder
said. People are on the edge of their seat. lechem, Davis said. Jesus is the bread of the following evening.
People are at the table weeping. life. Jesus was born in a town called Beit The Saturday seder itself is a grand
Rood and fellow Christian leaders are Lechem Bethlehem, the House of Bread. occasion, he said. Usually, I take four
preparing matzah, wine and Haggadahs Some Christian seder leaders have writ- hours to tell the story. We do not use a
for seders. At some Jesus is a guest; at ten their own Haggadahs. That includes traditional Haggadah. Every year, I make
others, he is at the head of the table. And evangelical pastor Jeanne Nigro, who did it different.
while the Last Supper occurred two mil- so in preparation for her event in Plano, Last year, Rood wrote a one-man play
lennia ago, Christian seders are much Texas, on April 12. about one year after the death and resur-
younger. Avery-Peck places their genesis What I teach is two, two and a half rection of Yeshua, the Messianics name for
within the past 20 or 30 years. hours, said Nigro, who also preaches on Jesus. This year, the theme will be 100 years
He notes they occur mainly within the CDs, on TV, and in her book, Unshaken. later, after the destruction of the Temple,
evangelical church, which tries to be Ill stop at each point and teach the Cup just before the Bar Kochba rebellion.
more experiential, more Bible-oriented, of Sanctification, what it reveals about Actors will wear ancient mythical gar-
[where] Jesus actions, experiences and Alan J. Avery-Peck how God sees you The Cup of Redemp- ments, he said. Well step out of Amer-
roots become significant. tion, what it says about your worth to God. ica, out of modern Israel, strip away 1,900
At Calvary Church, an evangelical con- represented, said Davis, who was born The matzah bread is pierced, striped, years of traditions to what they would have
gregation of about 3,000 in Santa Ana, into a Jewish family and is now a Messi- without leaven, she said. Jesus was with- been doing in the scriptures, what was
California, Pastor Matt Davis tries to con- anic Jew. Its fun. Well teach them some out sin. His body was pierced, striped, Passover to them back in the first century.
nect the Old and New Testaments, as he Hebrew. I have some atomic horseradish bruised. We look for symbolism. Jesus in Other seder experiences might seem
calls them. to give my Gentile friends. I give them an the Passover. And what Passover reveals more familiar to Jews.
We sit around the table and go through extra helping. Its one of my favorite about God, His character, and Jesus as the The Rev. Skip Wachsmann leads an
the Haggadah and all the elements moments. Messiah. Nothing is a coincidence. See Christians page 39

36 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

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Haviva Khedouri, 75, of Cliffside Park, died April 5. Womens American ORT, and Jewish National Fund. Graveside Services Parking Area
Born in Tel Aviv, she was a member of Congregation Predeceased by her husband of 68 years, Michael, Gary Schoem Manager - NJ Lic. 3811
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Conveniently Located
She is survived by her husband, Lawrence; children, children, Elliot (Barbara) of Florida, Fredric of Texas, W-150 Route 4 East Paramus, NJ 07652
Eliahou of Livingston and Nicole Fine of Los Angeles; Bonnie Olivenbaum (Kenneth) of Margate City, and 201.843.9090 1.800.426.5869
and three grandchildren. Sharon Kozinn (David) of River Vale; son-in-law
Arrangements were by Eden Memorial Chapels, Lewis Stone of Florida; nine grandchildren, and five
Fort Lee. great-grandchildren.
Arrangements were by Jewish Memorial Chapel,
Gorny Funeral Service Inc.
Gerry Lysogorsky Clifton. 1-862-354-8596 or 973-919-4570
Gerry Lysogorsky, 75, of Paramus, died April 4. WE SPECIALIZE IN
Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, he was self-employed Marion Schipper GRAVESIDE SERVICES
in the import/export industry. Marion Carol Schipper, ne Shapiro, 90, of Edgewater, COST-CONSCIOUS AND
He is survived by daughters, Yana of Paramus and formerly of Cranford, died March 30. RESPECT FOR TRADITION
Yelenea of Franklin Lakes; and a brother, Vladimir of She was a retired education professor at Jersey City
Old Tappan. State College.
Arrangements were by Eden Memorial Chapels, Predeceased by husbands Eugene Hausman and
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Hausman of Colorado and Gary Hausman of New York John M. Gorny, Manager NJ Lic #3563

Annette Ofsowitz City, and two grandchildren.

Annette Honny Ofsowitz, ne Cimmet, of Sarasota, Donations can be sent to Southern Poverty Law
201-791-0015 800-525-3834
Fla., formerly of Clifton and Passaic, died March 30. Center or Planned Parenthood. Arrangements were by
She and her husband were founding members of Eden Memorial Chapels, Fort Lee. LOUIS SUBURBAN CHAPEL, INC.
the Clifton Jewish Center and Hillel Academy. She Exclusive Jewish Funeral Chapel
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JCC suspect traded millions in Obituaries are prepared with
bitcoin on dark net, probe reveals information provided by funeral homes.
Correcting errors is the responsibility
Israels Rishon Lezion Magistrates Court Thursday
of the funeral home.
remanded a 19-year-old Israeli-American hacker from Ash-
kelon to police custody for an additional 12 days. It marked
the suspects third remand since his March 23 arrest as part
of an FBI investigation into allegations that he phoned in
bomb threats to Jewish institutions primarily JCCs in the
U.S., Australia and New Zealand earlier this year.
The Christopher Family
The case has seen significant developments in recent serving the Jewish community
days, as investigators analyzing the suspects computer dis-
covered he had traded millions of dollars in bitcoin digital
since 1900
currency on the dark net. Police believe the suspect used
the dark net to sell drugs and forged passports, drivers Paterson Monument Co.
licenses and other identity papers. Authorities are now MAIN BRANCH
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Arthur Musicant - NJ Lic. No. 2544 402 Park Street, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Frank Patti, Sr. Director - NJ Lic. No. 2693 ALAN L. MUSICANT, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 2890
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Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 37

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38 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017
Jewish World/Arts & Culture

Donations geopolitics of getting involved in Syria, we expected America to try to save us dur- Im doing the only thing I can because
from page 25 Israels historic enemy, a country with ing the Holocaust. Im feeling a bit powerless in this entire
I am not prepared to be the shmuck which it has fought many wars, would just I think these are the strong feeling ordeal, a demonstrator who gave his
that the whole world pisses on. The world be too complicated. among Israelis, he said. name as Lior said at the time. We have to
should take responsibility instead of just We understand that if we try to get Indeed, at a December protest orga- do something. So I donated some money.
saying it will. involved in the civil war, it will be a politi- nized by Tag Meir, the focus was on calling Im standing here.
Most Israelis seem to agree. Even activ- cal problem, he said. All the world could for the United States and Russia to find a Im not sure if it means something, or
ists working on behalf of Syrians caught turn against us. But seeing dying children solution. Among the hundreds of Israelis if it has the potential to change anything.
in the war did not see Israeli interven- is horrible, especially when they are dying who formed a human chain between the Asked why he did not protest the Israeli
tion as part of the solution. Yossi Saidov, from gas. It is happening just a few kilo- two countries embassies in Tel Aviv, it was government in Jerusalem, Lior said, What
the spokesman for the Israeli anti-racism meters from our border, and we believe hard to find anyone who thought the Israeli can we do, send our army into Syria? That
group Tag Meir, said Israelis know the something should be done, just as Jews, military should get involved in Syria. makes no sense. JTA Wire Service

Netanyahu premiership in 2009 and in two elections of a Ronald Reagan. However haltingly, Or the supplicant, salivating at the pros-
from page 33 since. But despite lengthening service, no Netanyahu keeps reinventing himself as pect of possibly exceeding the unprec-
War, when his telegenic ease and com- reservoir of good will or affection seems to the indispensable go-to guy of Israeli gov- edented amount of military, intelligence,
pelling sound bites mesmerized CNN coalesce around him; he has evoked noth- ernance. He continues to pocket elections, antiterrorism, and economic aid his coun-
viewers around the world, especially in ing like the loyalties engendered by his either directly for prime minister (since try received during the Obama era?
the States. His focus remained on Israel predecessors. He never will be endowed jettisoned) or as a coalition chief, blithely Netanyahus smile broadened as Trump
but his gaze went global. He hired a key with the eponymous qualities of a Ben- shifting positions (always rightward) while gave him a virtual pass on a two-state
Republican operative from the United Gurion; or the earthy, endearing appeals collecting or discarding new partners as solution and cautioned him only mildly
States and took aim at Likud leaders of Golda Meir and Menachem Begin; or someone else might replenish the contents on the expansion of West Bank settle-
(David Levy and Ariel Sharon) and, ulti- even the eventual gratitude and mellowing of a refrigerator. ments. Although the Iran nuclear deal
mately, the premiership. the country showed Shimon Peres. I resisted reviewing The Resistible Rise wasnt mentioned and a decision to move
Results came relatively fast. Lochery Martyrdom in the mold of Yitzhak Rabin of Benjamin Netanyahu until after his ini- the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem was put
attributes Netanyahus razor-thin victory is reserved for his older brother, Yoni, tial White House meeting with President on a back burner, you could almost hear
over Laborite Shimon Peres in 1996 to a the commander and lone casualty of the Donald Trump on February 15. I needed to Netanyahu exhale.
superior debate performance reminiscent Entebbe raid. Netanyahus own IDF ser- compare his tense, tendentious interaction At least with this president, he wouldnt
of Kennedy besting Nixon. But he presided vice as a captain in an elite unit making with President Barack Obama to his behav- have to make an end-run speech before
over a disappointing first term and subse- raids deep into Syria and Sinai during two ior with a new chief executive who is con- Congress. Nor would he feel pressured to
quently lost to Ehud Barak. His years in wars and being wounded several times siderably less polished and well versed in choose a vision for the state of Israel,
the wilderness proved profitable as both in the process was eventful enough, but diplomacy and policy than his predecessor. binary or otherwise. The resistible rise of
a freewheeling finance minister under the his military boss at the time, Rabin, didnt Which Netanyahu would show up? The Benjamin Netanyahu would, in all likeli-
Sharon government and as an entrepre- think him suited for higher rank. lecturer, ready to recount a history of the hood, continue unabated.
neur and motivational speaker. Official investigations of his dealings, Jews, as he did for a remarkably restrained
Though far from a fan, Lochery con- his admission of an extramarital affair, Obama? The opportunist, fresh off a Knes- Jonathan E. Lazarus is a former editor at
cedes Netanyahus stunning political and his wifes oft-scrutinized influence set victory to retroactively claim West the Star-Ledger and a proofreader for the
savvy and doggedness in reclaiming the seem only to bring out the Teflon qualities Bank land for legitimized settlements? Jewish Standard.

Christians thing to point out. land of Israel. Ironically, hundreds, if not thousands,
from page 36
A lot of times, Gentile Christians are Epstein wrote that the invitations would of Christians across the United States are
evening seder for 75 people at Lord of Life willfully ignorant, sometimes even sur- help combat rising anti-Semitism. doing just what Epstein recommended
Lutheran Church in Austin, Texas, using a prised by the connections between Juda- Interfaith seders have become a tradi- participating in the Jewish Passover ritual
Jewish Haggadah. ism and Christianity. Its something I try tion of their own. through Christian seders. And while
We stand in solidarity with our Jewish pointing out for interfaith understand- Generally, they are viewed positively these seders may not be recognizable to
brothers and sisters with that ceremony, ing. The thought of anti-Semitism from a in Jewish and Christian communities, Jewish audiences, their leaders speak pos-
Wachsmann said. I think, for us at least, it church is completely bizarre when were Avery-Peck said. In Boston, there is a itively about Jews and Israel.
invites us to journey outside our own faith. reading about all we owe to the Jewish tra- diplomats seder with all of the different I dont think many Christians have
Its very easy for Christians to get caught ditions out of which the church grew. representatives from countries in the Bos- an understanding that Jesus was Jewish,
up in that, because its our way, this is the Pastor Mark Day of the Cross Life, a char- ton diplomatic corps. Its a seder experi- Nigro said. We created our version of
only way. ismatic Baptist church in El Dorado, Arkan- ence where they reflect on freedom as Jesus and God. We see the Old Testament
To the northeast, near Dallas, Pastor sas, says the seder held at his church, led important to all of us. as being old, obsolete, not in effect any-
Drake Torp-Pedersen leads seders for by Messianic Rabbi Curt Landry, was his Avery-Peck said that in forums such as more. It grieves my heart.
almost 200 people at Terrell Bible Church, first experience with Jewish ritual. campus chaplains offices, interfaith sed- God is the same yesterday, today, for-
a nondenominational Protestant congrega- Before the Christian seder, he said he had ers are viewed as a very positive, authen- ever. His word in the Torah is eternal
tion. Torp-Pedersen studied the Old Tes- zero experience with any Jews. tic sharing of Jewish experience, history, God revealed himself first to and through
tament and Semitic languages at Dallas This year, Nadine Epstein, the editor of and ritual with non-Jews. the Jewish people. Jesus [was revealed] to
Theological Seminary, and spent one year Moment magazine, issued a public call for Its an opportunity to share values they and through the Jewish people. We need
in graduate school at the Hebrew Univer- Jews to invite non-Jews to a seder. connect to religious freedom, freedom to understand our roots. Its not we ver-
sity of Jerusalem. If as many Jewish families as pos- from slavery, mutual acceptance, he said. sus them.
We try to be more like Jesus time when sible invite an average of two non-Jews However, he added, The greater level Quite the opposite for Davis, the Messi-
the Temple was still there, Torp-Pedersen to a Seder this year, Epstein wrote in an of questioning and some criticism is when anic Jewish pastor at Calvary Church. He
said. We have lamb I suppose Sephard- online column, some 6 million non-Jews Christians hold their own seders apart says he is just as much of a Jew as I have
ics do as well. will be able to experience a seder this from actual Jewish involvement. been I believe more so.
And, he said, I address the Jewish year and at the very least taste traditional It would be viewed as impolite if I, as His family celebrates Shabbat together
backgrounds of the church whenever its Passover foods and learn of their signifi- a Jew, have a model baptism or ceremony and we love the Jewish people, he said.
appropriate. Our Bible is from the Jewish cance not to mention gain invaluable for some reason. There is some criticism We support the Jewish community. We
people, our Messiah is from the Jewish insight into Jewish values and under- of Christians taking over the seder its love the nation of Israel. Were Zionists.
people I teach both books. Its a natural stand the connection Jews feel to the almost supersessional, he said. Times of Israel

Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017 39


n 1 The Friendship Circle of Passaic County held a yoga class led by Shirley Veale
for moms and their special needs children. Other classes will be on Sundays, April
23 and May 21, at the Chabad Center of Passaic County in Wayne. Courtesy FC

n 2 The Glen Rock Jewish Centers gimel class held a mock wed-
ding, complete with chuppah, reception, and the Jewish tra-
ditions surrounding a real wedding. Courtesy GRJC

n 3 Religious school students at Shomrei Torah in Wayne en-

gaged in a program with Murray Spiegel, co-author of 300
Ways to Ask the Four Questions. Courtesy Shomrei Torah

n 4 The eighth National Russian Shabbaton was held at the Crown Plaza
Hotel in Stamford, Conn. Participants included Rabbi Mordechai and Shter-
ney Kanelsky, executive and associate director of Bris Avrohom in Fair Lawn.
Sofa Landver, Israels Minister of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption, pictured
center, was a guest speaker. Participants came from seven countries and 16
states; approximately 100 guests were from Bris Avrohom. Courtesy BA

n 5 Rachel Dewan led a

4 morning of Jewish Yoga
at Temple Emanuel of the
Pascack Valley in Woodclff
Lake. It was sponsored
3 by the shuls religious
school. Courtesy TEPV

n 6 Temple Beth Tikvahs

Rabbi Meeka Simerly, Can-
tor Charles Romalis and
its ritual committee intro-
duced the congregation
to its new siddur, Mishkan
TFilah, during services
on March 31. A cake repre-
senting the new book was
served at a festive oneg
Shabbat. Courtesy TBT


40 Jewish Standard april 14, 2016

Real Estate & Business

Friedberg Properties Holy Name hosts BANK-OWNED PROPERTIES

wins achievement award fashion show for High-Return
Friedberg Properties received the Momentum Club
Award presented by Leading Real Estate Companies
MS Center on April 30 Investment
of the World, a global community of the highest qual- The Holy Name Medical Center Foundation invites you Ringwood
ity independent real estate firms. The ceremony took to participate in its 20th annual Spring Fashion Fling BANK OWNED
$ 529,000
place during the LRE Conference week, a series of to benefit the MS Center on Sunday, April 30 at the
events that drew an audience of 2,000 real estate pro- Glenpointe Marriot. The afternoon luncheon includes GARDEN STATE HOMES
25 Broadway, Elmwood Park, NJ
fessionals from 25 countries. an auction and fashion show, with chic styles provided
The Momentum Club acknowledges members that by Lord & Taylor at The Fashion Center. Chris Cimino, Martin H. Basner, Realtor Associate
dramatically improve their companys outgoing refer- WNBC-TV meteorologist, will serve as the honorary (Office) 201-794-7050 (Cell) 201-819-2623
ral performance based on an increase in closed trans- chairperson and Meredith Vieira, journalist and talk
actions resulting from client introductions made to show host, will serve as honorary MS ambassador.
other affiliates throughout the network. To learn more about becoming a sponsor, attend-
Friedberg Properties is the Northern New Jersey ing the event, purchasing an ad in the journal, mak-
representative of LeadingRE. With five convenient
Bergen County locations in Alpine, Cresskill, Engle-
ing a donation, or donating a prize for the auction
contact the Holy Name Medical Center Founda- Happy Passover
wood Cliffs, River Vale, and Tenafly, Friedbergs tion at (201) 833-3000, ext. 3899, email futterman@
nearly 200 professional sales associates are avail-, or visit
able to assist in all real estate needs. Many of them
are fluent in a variety of languages and all are highly TEANECK BY APPOINTMENT
qualified and knowledgeable. As a member of Lead-
ingRE, Friedberg Properties provides a quality real
estate experience, global marketing reach and access
to top real estate professionals in virtually any mar-
ket worldwide.
For more information about Friedberg Properties TM

& Associates, please visit

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Jewish standard aPriL 14, 2017 41

Real Estate & Business

bergenPAC Performing Arts School showcased talent at gala

When the lights went down, the stars came the audience was treated to a variety of sing- The beyondDANCE Ensemble pre- Seeing the audience enjoy these
out at the Raise the Curtain gala at bergen- ing and dancing that showed the depth of miered an original piece choreographed incredible performances was so reward-
PAC on Sunday, April 2. The fundraiser for talent and artistic offerings at the school. by Tyce Diorio, celebrity choreographer ing for everyone here, said Dominic
The Performing Arts School at bergenPAC In addition to Rabke and Diaz, some of of the hit show So You Think You Can Roncace, president and CEO of bergen-
featured its students, alumni, faculty, and the featured performers included Scarlett Dance. They also performed two origi- PAC. We have so many talented indi-
board members, many of whom have gone Diaz, a young actress who starred in the nal numbers by Artistic Director Roberta viduals who have developed their pas-
on to grace the stages of Broadway and national tour of Shrek the Musical, actor Mathes, a Latin jazz piece and a soul- sions at our Performing Arts School and,
beyond. Anthony Crouchelli, an alumnus and for- ful modern Jazz number. The preteen thanks to their hard work, are finding
After a VIP reception in the Drapkin Caba- mer school faculty member, and opera Ensemble dancers performed a lyrical remarkable success as they continue to
ret & Lounge, which included a silent auc- singer Becky Hinkle, the schools manag- piece from Finding Neverland. pursue their dreams.
tion and dessert and beverage bar, it was ing director. Rebecca Sonia, a Tenafly native and Registration is now open for the
time to raise the curtain and start the show. The bergenPAC Chamber Chorus, directed alumnus who is now a dance and theater schools summer programs, which
Emceed by Broadway veteran Kelli Rabke by Jeffrey Bryant and accompanied by Dar- teacher at the school, performed Forget include musical theater, dance, early
and the schools creative director and an ius Frowner, performed Circle of Life and About the Boy from Thoroughly Modern childhood programs, and Hip Hop
accomplished performer Alexander Diaz, Bridge Over Troubled Water. Millie with some of her students. Explorer Summer Camp.

Yeshiva University launches

online masters degree
SELLING YOUR HOME? in enterprise risk management
Yeshiva University will offer a masters expose them to cutting-edge issues,
degree in enterprise risk management classes will be taught and informed by
through its Mordecai D. and Monique leading practitioners and thinkers in
C. Katz School of Graduate and Pro- the field, including risk managers from
fessional Studies. The 30-credit, fully organizations such as FEMA, Deutsche
online program will equip graduates to Bank, the New Jersey Office of Home-
steer their future employers through an land Security, Bloomberg and Apple
increasingly unpredictable world to suc- Leisure Group. In addition, students will
cessfully achieve their goals. have the option to take courses that will
Enterprise risk management is key prepare them to become a Risk Man-
to survival, as businesses and orga- agement Society Certified Risk Manager
nizations more and more frequently (CRMP), a highly respected industry
are confronted with the unthinkable, credential.
said Andrew Boyarsky, the programs Part-time and full-time tracks are
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preparedness and response scenarios professionals balance the program with
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The masters program at YU will pre- provost and dean of the Katz School.

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42 Jewish Standard APRIL 14, 2017

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