Complete The Text With The Correct Past Form of The Verbs in Brackets

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1. Complete the text with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets.

When I lived in London, Matt and I (1) __________________ (go) to the theatre every Friday
night. One Friday we went to see Romeo and Juliet and as we (2) __________________
(leave) the theatre the weather had become really treacherous. It (3) __________________
(snow) for quite a while and there was a thick covering on the road and pavements. While
Matt (4) __________________ (scrape) ice off the windscreen of the car, he (5)
__________________ (slip) and (6) __________________ (fall) in the road. I then (7)
_________________ (realise) he (8) __________________ (not move). He (9)
__________________ (hit) his head and I had to take him to hospital. Luckily he was OK, as
we (10) __________________ (fly) to New York the following day!

2. Complete the pairs of sentences with the correct past tense form of the words in
a) I arrived late at the party and everyone _________________________ dinner. I was
starving for the rest of the evening.
b) I arrived late at the party and everyone _________________________ dinner. Luckily it
was a buffet, so I just filled a plate and joined them.
a) Ive _______________ her autobiography. Its sad but it has a heart-warming ending.
b) Ive _______________ her autobiography. Im up to the part where she released her first
a) My uncle _________________________ in Nigeria for nine years when the political
situation deteriorated. He moved back to the UK last year.
b) My uncle _________________________ in Nigeria for nine years. He really likes it there.
a) My cousin went to university in 2010 and _________________________ in 2013. She
dropped out in her second year and became an actress much to my aunts dismay!
a) My cousin went to university in 2010 and _________________________ in 2013. Ive
kind of lost touch with her since she went away, so I dont know if she did get her degree.
a) I _________________________ through the park and managed to catch the bus on the
other side.
b) I _________________________ through the park when I saw a boy snatch an old ladys

3. Complete the text with the correct future forms of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Joe,
Only three days to go before Dereks surprise party! My train (1) __________________
(arrive) at 4.15 so it (2) __________________ (be) great if you can pick me up from the
station then. I think it (3) __________________ (be) best to meet at the north entrance. I (4)
__________________ (wait) at the escalators.
About the food and drinks: (5) __________________ (you bring) the champagne? I know
that Kate (6) __________________ (make) a load of sandwiches and I hope the caterers (7)
__________________ (deliver) the cake before 7.30. There is just one more thing. I (8)
__________________ (not have) a chance to change for the party before I arrive so (9)
__________________ (it be) OK to change at your place? It (10) __________________ (be)
a fantastic evening and Derek has no idea what (11) __________________ (happen)! I (12)
__________________ (see) you at the station!
4. Rewrite the sentences starting as shown.

1. I didn't join you because you were going there with Mike.
2. Justin's broke because he spent all his money on this guitar.
3. I didn't study hard and now I regret this.
I wish_________________________________________________________________
4. It's a pity your parents can't be here.
If only_________________________________________________________________
5. You should come at 5 o'clock if the manager doesn't tell you otherwise.
Unless _________________________________________________________________
6. As soon as I left the building, it started to snow. WHEN
Hardly _________________________________________________________________
7. Ben broke the DVD player not me! WHO
It _____________________________________________________________________
8. He won a Golden Globe and an Oscar for his performance. DID
Not ___________________________________________________________________
9. They need quality, not quantity. IS
What __________________________________________________________________
10. She really should go home now. SHE
Its time _____________________________________________________________
11. You musnt fail the final test. NOT
Its important for ______________________________________________________
12. A journalist reports that they are leaving Las Vegas tomorrow night.
They _____________________________________________________________.
13. The lecturer thought that Columbus never realized that he had discovered America.
Columbus _________________________________________________________
14. Their parents thought that the teenagers were dancing at the disco.
The teenagers ______________________________________________________
15. The children reported that their friends were swimming when they disappeared.
16. People believed that they had killed the animals during the night.

5 Rewrite the sentences to add emphasis, starting with the underlined phrases.
1 Prior to this visit, I had never stayed in a five-star hotel.
1 My father rarely eats breakfast before work.
2 The soldiers walked up the hill.
3 They lost the thread completely. Thats the truth.
4 Karen hardly ever went abroad.

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