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Capstone Project Proposal

Students Name: Jalen Burke

Senior English teachers Name: Mrs. Green lass Period: 1st
C Signature:
CTAE/Fine Art/For.Lang. Teachers Name: Mrs. Oder Class Period: 4th Signature:

Project Title: The duties and services provided by a professional dental surgeon
A. Project Abstract: (Refer to the detailed information located in the proposal/letter of intent)
With my project I intend to educate myself on the many services I intend to perform in the field of dentistry in the near future.
Also with my creative venture, I will not only display my passion for my future profession. Ive always wanted to be a dentist
and with this assignment I will be stretched to educate myself while following a time limit. With the time I am given, I will
research some of the many procedures dentists provide such as the removal of tooth decay, the filling of cavities, the repairing
of a fractured tooth, and many more. Also, with my research I will discuss the provided advice and instruction that dentist give
on taking care of the teeth and gums. I will display my information on a tri-board. Using this tri-board as my final product, I
intend to be prepared and ready for my presentation while i educate others.

B. Learning Skills: (List 2-4 specific goals and how they will stretch you)
Goal/Skill How will you be stretched

Presenting It will make me become more comfortable speaking in front of others.

Time management I will be forced to keep up with time and due dates in order to be successful.

Staying Organized I will be challenged to keep track of my papers and evidence.

C. Project Steps: (If you need more lines, simply go into the last provided line and tab over)
Step/Major Estimate of time F. Resources: (consider both people and things you will When will this be
Component required Expense? need) completed?
(with brief (if
description) expected)

Brainstorming 2 days N/A Paper and pencil September 30, 2016

Researching topic Approximately 1 N/A Computer, books, and mentor October 30, 2016
information month

Shadowing my Approximately 1 N/A Paper, pencil, and camera November 30, 2016
mentor for month

Conducting a Approximately 1 $10 Tri-fold board, paper, pencil, and pictures December 30, 2016
successful display of month
the information on a

D. Project Justification:
I chose this project because I want to pursue a career in dentistry in the future. This project stretches me by allowing me to research my field of work
and teach others the services provided by dental surgeons.

E. Product Justification:

I will construct a tri-board to display my information. It will demonstrate what I have learned and how to be successful in this field.

G. Academic Integrity:
To show my academic integrity I will take picture of myself while I shadow my mentor . I will also document when I am in progress of finishing my

H. Mentor First and Last Name (if applicable): Jamie Oder Mentor Phone Number: 229-869-4300 Mentor Email

I. Student Signature: Date:

J. Parent Signature: Date:

Ctae/FA/FL Teacher Signature: _________________________

Senior Literature Teacher Signature: ______________________________________

Once approved, place in your portfolio

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