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The Pure Opportunity

The Far Eastern Obsession

The Western Renaissance

The Unique Image

The Designers Medium

The Richest Heritage

Main Index

The Pure Opportunity

Platinums origins in jewellery go back nearly 2,000 years to the
pre-Columbian Indian civilisations of South America.

Its modern tradition begins with the European court jewellers of

the 18th century and extends to the exquisite creations of the
great jewellers of the Edwardian era and the Art Deco period.
Today, it is used by jewellers around the world with skill and
inspiration to create dazzling innovations in jewellery technique
and design.

Contrast the shimmering brilliance of Japanese gem-set rings

and pure platinum necklaces with the subdued satin finish and
technical virtuosity of German design. Or compare the ice and fire Platinum jewellery, its markets, its image, its design and its

of Italian platinum and gold combinations with the novel mixtures heritage - all can be your opportunities.

of materials and forms from the elite jewellers of New York.


The Far Eastern Obsession Lately, China has discovered the charms of platinum jewellery.
Demand for the white metal has surged in the 1990s, as young
The worlds principal platinum jewellery market is Japan. urban Chinese women seek to acquire the truly modern styling
Platinum, introduced after the Meiji restoration in 1868, rapidly that platinum jewellery represents.
achieved a special position in the minds of the Japanese people
that remains unchanged to this day.
World Platinum Jewellery Fabrication
Platinum combines high quality, prestige and value with an
1990 - 2000
Japan ROW Europe USA China
appeal, by virtue of its white colour, to traditional Japanese
modesty and sobriety. 000 ozs

The consumption of platinum metal by the Japanese jewellery 3,000
industry in 1980 was 14 tonnes; by 1999 it had almost tripled to 2,500

41 tonnes, and around 8 million pieces of jewellery containing 2,000

1,500 2000
platinum were sold.
500 1994
The rapid growth of the Japanese market has stimulated the
0 1992
manufacture of platinum jewellery in other regions. Production in 1990
Hong Kong, Thailand and India has increased for export to Japan
and the USA.


The Western Renaissance Italian jewellers began experimenting with platinum in the 1980s,
combining it with gold, creating warmth and softness around the
Platinum jewellery in Europe existed in the 1920s and 1930s, cool strength of platinum, imbuing each piece with characteristic
but virtually disappeared during World War II. Its post-war Italian sensuality. Expert at manipulating form, they have
resurgence began in Germany, where jewellers diversified out of achieved the illusion of volume without the corresponding weight
gold into platinum, introducing novelty to their product range and and expense and famed for their expertise in the design and
profit from the higher added value of platinum jewellery. They production of light pendant chains they now export all over
gave platinum a distinct identity characterised by stark modern the world.
design and the prevalent use of a satin finish. Platinum jewellery
became established in the high-value sector of the German
market, acquiring an image of exclusive confidentiality, and today
encompasses the mass markets through more classical
platinum designs.

Platinum Jewellery Demand 2000


USA Europe ROW

12% 8% 2%

During the 1920s the United States was the largest consumer of
platinum for jewellery - the role of Japan today. Now, platinum
jewellery in the USA is undergoing a renaissance, begun by the
individual style and limited edition creations of New York
designers, and carried on by the appeal of platinum bridal
jewellery - the expression of a relationship which is pure, valued
and unique.


The Unique Image untarnishable whiteness to show off diamonds at their best.
Today, the highest class diamond jewellery will usually be
Throughout the world, platinum jewellery is made in a purity of at mounted in delicate platinum settings to secure and preserve the
least 85 per cent platinum, and in Europe and the U.S.A., 95 per natural brilliance of the stones.
cent is the norm. Contrast this with gold jewellery, sometimes as
diluted as 8 carat. The buyer of platinum jewellery will be aware
of another special aspect of the metal - its relative scarcity. Only
a little more than 150 tonnes of platinum were mined in 1999,
compared to 2,576 tonnes of gold and 27,626 tonnes of silver.

Because 50 per cent of the worlds supplies are consumed in a

variety of essential industries, the quantity available for jewellery
is not infinite. Many jewellers reflect this characteristic of rarity by
limiting the production of their platinum jewellery to just a few
examples of each design.

Platinum is not just for women. It is also ideal for a mans

jewellery collection. Its cool, subdued look complements the male
psyche; discreet, elegant, imposing and strong.

Platinum need not be expensive to be special. As a young

persons jewellery in a lighter style it still carries the mystique of
the rare and the valuable, the hard won metal which takes
10 tonnes of rock to be broken to produce a single ounce.

Technically, no other precious metal compares to platinum for

strength and resistance to tarnish. This is why silver was
discarded as the material for setting diamonds. Once the
technique of melting platinum in the workshop was established,
jewellers could use platinums structural strength and


The Designers Medium

The techniques for working gold jewellery cannot simply be
applied to platinum, which makes different demands on the
jewellers skills. Platinum requires a scrupulously clean working
environment, melting and casting equipment capable of operating
at high temperature (pure platinum melts at 1769C) and careful
attention to polishing technique. Of course, there are superb
advantages in platinum too - it can be repeatedly heated and
cooled without the hardening and tarnishing effects produced in
gold alloys.

Perhaps the best modern example of platinums virtuosity is the

tension ring. A valuable diamond is secured by the pressure of
the ring shank alone. Only platinum, among the precious metals,
has the tensile characteristics that can achieve this effect.

Polished platinum provides a counterpoint to gold, the sharp

colour contrast of the two metals enhancing the beauty of each.
In platinum alone, the metals icy whiteness conveys its singular
message of brilliant elegance, and when understatement is
required, platinums true values can be concealed beneath a
subtle grey matt finish.

The techniques for working in platinum are already well

developed and, once mastered, allow free rein to the jewellery
designers imagination. Even the most slender sections of
platinum permanently retain their shape, giving the designer a
freedom not possible with other materials.


The Richest Heritage

Platinum jewellery has a proud heritage. Cartier, Tiffany, Faberg,
Van Cleef and Arpels, Buccellati, all have used and continue to
use and appreciate the fine qualities of platinum for mens and
womens jewellery of the highest character. The famed jewels of
the Duchess of Windsor were set in platinum. Platinum graces
the Crown Jewels of the Kings of England, the Tsars of Russia
and the Emperors of Japan.

Platinum, the metal which extends the boundaries of jewellery

design and amplifies the brilliance of precious stones, can add
value, excitement and prestige to your jewellery collection too.

Duchess of Windsor wears a tiara in

platinum made by Cartier.


The Designers Medium

Platinums Qualities

Stone Set Platinum

Textured Platinum

Combination Platinum

Delicate Platinum

Modern Platinum

Main Index

The Designers Medium

Jewellery designers have a tough job. They have to come to
terms with one of the oldest human conflicts, that of art versus
commercialism. In the search for success, inevitably originality
and innovation have to be sacrificed in favour of ease of
production, practicality and consumer acceptability.

Platinum is probably the only material that can bring balance to

this conflict. The superior mechanical, chemical and commercial
properties it possesses permit the production of jewellery designs
which would otherwise stay on the drawing board.

Platinums unique blend of properties, unmatched by any other

jewellery material, offers the opportunity to reconsider design
concepts previously shelved because they are impractical in
gold or silver.

Platinum also offers unlimited scope to develop carat gold

designs by providing an attractive colour contrast as well as the
strength gold lacks.

Platinums Qualities . . . and has low spring-back, which makes it perfect material for
setting soft or brittle precious stones.
Its ductile . . . and can be extensively deformed, even in a hard
condition, without becoming brittle. Fine or detailed structures, Its oxidation resistant . . . even when soldering or annealing, so
such as claw settings and filigree, can be worked without fear of component parts can be polished prior to final assembly. Intricate
cracking. designs where some parts are out of the reach of polishing tools
are thus achievable.
. . . and tough, assuring long term shape and rigidity and offering
benefits such as secure stone setting and durable necklet or . . . and solders easily, leaving small, neat but strong joints ideal
bracket links. for construction of delicate frameworks. Its low thermal
conductivity allows precise multiple stage soldering.
Its strong . . . structures have excellent shape retention even
when manufactured from thin sections, tubes or fine wire, and Its modern . . . a variety of finishes expands the design options
even after soldering or annealing. even further. Polished, brushed, grit-blasted, hammered,
repousse and embossed finishes all retain platinums lunar-lustre
. . . even when hot, this strength doesnt disappear and complex
which combines perfectly with all the shades of gold, from red to
soldering to a high degree of dimensional accuracy is possible
pale yellow.
with minimal jigging or support.

. . . and has unlimited design opportunities, so when you next sit

It work-hardens quickly . . . so annealed structures can quickly
down in front of a blank sheet of paper think what platinum has
regain rigidity with little further working
to offer and stretch your imagination.

Stone Set Platinum Combination Platinum
Use platinum for setting all precious stones, not just diamonds. Use platinum in combination with any shade of carat gold from
Its brilliant whiteness and high reflectivity enhances their colours. red right through to pale yellow. The attractive colour contrast will
Its strength and low spring-back means that once bent into add an extra dimension to any design and platinums strength
position the claws (prongs) retain the stones securely, an can be utilised in areas where gold might fail.
essential consideration when working with soft or brittle stones
such as opals or emeralds.

Delicate Platinum
Use platinum to build delicate but rigid structures. Its strength
Textured Platinum means that light sections can be used and its low heat
conductivity allows close proximity of numerous solder joints.
Even textured platinum has a lunar-like lustre. Try different
finishes to enhance jewellery designs. Brushed, grit-blasted,
hammered, embossed, granulated, repousse or chased finishes
are easy to apply using conventional techniques, even prior to
final assembly.

Modern Platinum
Use platinums properties to create innovative and original
designs such as the tension ring. Tension created by the
torque is strong enough to hold a gemstone as securely as
a conventional setting.

Platinum - use it for all its worth

List of platinum alloy options and selection
Alloys guidelines reviewing the two major parameters,
hallmarking and manufacturing requirements.

The investment casting process applied to
Casting/Melting platinum, covering all aspects from model design
through to recovering castings from investment.

Detailed information on how platinum can be
Handworking drawn, rolled and formed with ease using
recommended annealing techniques.

Lists platinum solders that meet international
Soldering/Welding hallmarking standards and describes soldering
and welding techniques.

Techniques and materials designed to improve
Finishing finishing times and effects, including polishing,
plating and texturing.

Describes techniques to produce various types
Setting of settings in platinum including claw (prong),
channel, pave and invisible varieties.

The fabrication of combination jewellery,
Combination techniques for the joining of gold and platinum
and the finishing of combined metals.

The process techniques for stamping and die
Stamping striking, with advice on tool and component
design and material specifications.

Techniques, new tool materials and lubricants
Machining that will help minimise the problem of tool wear,
and optimise machining efficiency.

How to assemble components, size rings with
Lasers near-invisible welds and repair potential reject
castings using lasers.

A glossary of terms
Glossary used throughout
The Technical Manual.
Main Index
Alloys 1

Selection of Platinum Alloys

for Jewellery

The Manufacturing Process

Wrought and Handworking



Alloys 1.1
Selection of Choosing a suitable alloy depends on: United States of America

Platinum Alloys 1. The method used to make the jewellery. Items must contain a minimum of 50% pure

for Jewellery 2. The market into which it is to be sold.

platinum and 95% total platinum group metals
(PGMs), to be described as platinum.
Pure Platinum Items suitable for sale in one country may not Above 95% Pt, they can be stamped
works beautifully, meet the standards of fineness required for PLATINUM or PLAT.
it can be readily hallmarking by another country to be sold
From 85% to 95% Pt, the platinum fineness
welded and as platinum.
must also be stamped, eg. 900 Pt or Plat
soldered and takes 900 for a 90% platinum alloy or 850 Pt or
Market Regulations
a lustrous polish, 850 Plat for an 85% platinum alloy.
but unless it is Most countries specify that for an item to be
From 50% to 85% Pt, all the PGMs
finished in a heavily described as "platinum" it must comprise not less
constituting and their fineness levels have to
than 85% platinum.
cold-worked state, be stamped,
it is too soft for Some specify how much platinum group metals eg.,585 Plat. 365 Pall or 585 Pt. 365 Pd.
hardwearing may be used in addition to a minimum platinum Only the USA allows carat platinum alloys.
jewellery. Small content.

amounts of certain Europe

Some allow a small negative tolerance at the
alloying elements nominal fineness levels. A few allow other marks Countries adopting the Convention of the
can give platinum and fineness levels above and/or below 850 fine. Control & Marking of Articles of Precious
the properties Metals of 1972 are:

that make it ideal Hallmarking and other standards for platinum will
Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark*,
be dealt with in detail in a later section of the
for jewellery. Norway, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal*
manual but to make a first selection, alloys may
and United Kingdom
be grouped according to the fineness acceptable
in the country where the jewellery is intended to Although these countries have previously used

be marketed. a single 950 fine (no negative tolerance)

platinum standard they have recently
introduced 3 other platinum finenesses in
Japan, China and Hong Kong
accordance with ISO recommendations. These
These countries allow 999, 950, 900 and 850 finesses are 850,900,950 and 999. Most
qualities. Japan allows a small (0.5%) negative others, including:
tolerance but China and HK do not. 900 fine
Belgium+, Greece+, Spain+, France+,
is the most common quality but in Japan 999
Italy*+, Netherlands+, Germany and
is commonly used for wedding rings.

customarily use the 950 fine standard. Some

(*) allow small negative tolerances; others (+)
allow iridium to count as platinum. Germany
allows other finenesses for special

Alloys 1.2
The Even a 5% alloy addition can harden or improve supply alloys ready-made for a range of carat
castability of platinum but, of course, there is platinum jewellery.
Manufacturing considerably more scope if regulations allow
Process greater additions, even if part of that must be Casting
platinum group metals.
The other aspect Cobalt and/or palladium have been used to
create casting alloys at various levels of fineness.
that affects the Table 1B summarizes the most commonly
Cobalt suppresses oxygen levels in the melt,
choice of a suitable available jewellery alloys. Melting ranges,
improves fluidity and castability and gives a good
properties, density and other remarks are
platinum alloy is final hardness without reducing the melting range
representative of the nominal compositions of an
the method of significantly. Palladium produces a softer casting.
alloy type. The table does not give every minor
manufacture of the variation since small percentage changes required
Copper alloy can also be cast if necessary but as-
jewellery. There are to comply with marking regulations have a
cast surfaces tend to be rougher and more
general purpose minimal effect on the properties of an alloy.
difficult to polish than cast cobalt alloys.

alloys but it is best Some countries allow a negative tolerance on the

Combining alloying elements can further enhance
to select one that fineness of the finished item and some do not, so
particular properties. For instance, a combination
is suited to casting, manufacturers may standardize their jewellery
of 3% cobalt and either 2 or 7% palladium may
alloys at slightly different levels. For instance, at
handworking or be used for 950 or 900 fine platinum to combine
the popular 950 fine level, casting grain, or
automated good castability with a particular polishing ability
wrought semi-finished products, may be supplied
production, and colour. All of the casting alloys can be joined
at 960, 955 or 950 fine but they are all intended
to wrought components by either soldering
depending on to finish with nominal 950 level properties.
or welding.
which is
If the platinum jewellery market demanded, and
marking regulations allowed, the technology exists
in fabricating
for the leading precious metals suppliers to
the piece.

Wrought and Copper, cobalt, gold, iridium, palladium and General working platinum is said to workharden
ruthenium alloy easily with platinum. Where the rapidly compared with gold. Compared with
Handworking hardnesses and ductilities in Table 1B are for 18 carat yellow gold alloy, this is true. It is
Fabrication annealed materials, the differences between the convenient for making strong finishing
alloys reflect the hardening effect of the alloying components but requires increasing power and
element itself. This affects the hardness of the more annealing stages. However, there is little
alloy in the annealed or soft state, typical at the difference between the rate of work-hardening of
start of operations such as rolling, drawing, general working platinum alloys and typical 18
stretching, stamping, texturing, soldering and carat white golds. Figure 1B compares typical
welding. Figure 1A shows that, of the platinum results for platinum with only 5% copper, a
group metals, ruthenium and iridium have a commonly used general purpose platinum
greater hardening effect than palladium. It is also working alloy, with results for 18 carat white and
possible to use limited amounts of non-platinum yellow golds.
group metals such as copper or tungsten; the
latter considerably raises the unworked hardness
and springiness for clasps, pins, bangles, and
complex stone settings.

Alloys 1.3
Automated Methods 280

Palladium is used when an alloy with a 240

Hardness, Hv.
comparatively low rate of work hardening is 200

needed, eg. for high profile stamping; and there

is evidence that copper reduces tool wear. An
120 18ct White Gold: 750Au/125Ag/125Cu
85% platinum/10% palladium/5% copper alloy is 18ct Yellow Gold: 750Au/150Pd/100CuNi
General Working Platinum: 950Pt/50Cu
used in Germany, Italy and Japan for the

Japanese chain market because of its balance of
softness without causing undue tool wear.

Co 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
% Reduction in Section
200 Ru*

Figure 1B. Effect of work hardening.
160 W
Hardness, Hv.



80 Pd*


*Platinum Group Metals

0 5 10 15
% Alloying Element in Platinum

Figure 1A. Effect of different alloying elements on the annealed

hardness of platinum.

Solders Usually, 3 to 5 solders form a range of working the total combinations of solders are too
temperatures to enable soldered joints to be numerous to classify in a simple table. So, Table
The development made efficiently at different stages of assembly. 1A quotes a range typical of what is available

of solders follows worldwide, but there are many variations.

Most platinum solders are mixtures of precious
similar lines to metals, not always including platinum (but, if not,
Table 1A.

jewellery alloys but then usually palladium) with melting ranges from Solder Working Fineness Flux
Grade Range C Precious
is further extra easy at about 950C., to extra hard at over Metals
complicated by the 1500C. At the higher melting point end of the Extra Easy 935-955 950 Required
Easy 1010-1029 950 Required
need to achieve range it is possible to accommodate more
Medium 1179-1217 999.9 Not Required
platinum and so there is less risk of the solder Medium Hard 1319-1342 999.9 Not Required
disqualifying a platinum item at the marking stage Hard 1422-1445 999.9 Not Required
temperatures below Extra Hard 1519-1533 999.9 Not Required
and there is no need to use fluxes. Overuse of
the melting point of solders is a common reason for an item to fail at
platinum and to final assay. The best practice is to buy to a Further Details
meet marking manufacturer's specification and not to make
The choice of alloys outlined in Table 1A and 1B
regulations. solders for platinum in-house; it is rarely
are dealt with in more detail in the context of
economical in the long run. There is already a
each of the manufacturing processes including
more than adequate range for jewellery purposes.
welding and soldering, in later modules of the
manual. Terms printed in italics are also defined
The use of up to 4 precious metals and
in a platinum jewellery context in the glossary.
sometimes other metal components, means that

Alloys 1.4
Composition: Pt/PGMs Melt Range Hardness Ductility Density Applications/Notes Countries
% of Alloying Elements Fineness Solid Liquid Hv %Elongn g/cm3 of Main Interest
999 1773 1773 50 40 21.4 Stamped "Pt 1000" JAP
990 1773 1773 50 40 21.4 990 fine, chuk pak gam HK; EUR
5% Copper 950 1725 1745 120 29 20.0 Gen purpose, medium hard GER; HK;
108(C) can be cast. EUR
5% Cobalt 950 1750 1765 135 20 20.8 Fluid for hard castings GER; HK; EUR
3% Cobalt/7% Palladium 900 1730 1740 125(C) - 20.4 Hard castings JAP
5% Cobalt/10% Palladium 850 1710 1730 150(C) - 19.9 Harder castings JAP
1.5% Indium/3% Gallium 950 1550 1650 225 26 19.3 Hard, springy, can be cast HK; EUR
5% Iridium 950 1780 1790 80 30 21.4 High work-hardenability for GER; JAP
10% Iridium 900 1780 1800 110 25 21.5 safety catches, pins, GER; JAP; USA
15% Iridium 850 1800 1820 160 15 21.5 springs, watch backs, JAP
20% Iridium 800 1815 1830 200 10 21.6 fine wire work, chain, mesh GER
5% Palladium 950 1755 1765 60 22 20.6 Castings, delicate settings HK; JAP;
68(C) 22(C) EUR
10% Palladium 900 1740 1755 80 22 19.8 General purpose in Japan HK; JAP
72(C) 22(C)
15% Palladium 850 1730 1750 90 22 19.1 Chain making HK; JAP
64(C) 22(C)
36.5% Pd/5% Copper 585Pt 1580 1650 160 - 15.4 Typical 14ct platinum USA
5% Ruthenium 950 1780 1795 130 32 20.7 Gen purpose, good machining HK; EUR;
properties USA
5% Tungsten 950 1830 1845 135 20 21.3 Hardenable for springiness EUR; GER

NOTES: 1. Hardnesses and Ductilities in Table 1B are for the annealed state except those marked (C), which are for as-cast state.
2. Pt/PGMs Finenesses are in Parts per Thousand.

Table 1B. Outline properties of alloys for platinum jewellery, internationally.

Casting/Melting 2

Alloying, Casting and Melting

Arranging Wax Models for

Platinum Casting

The Investment Process

The Casting Process

Recovering the Casting

Good Housekeeping
with Scrap

Casting/Melting 2.1
Alloying, Follow the route:
no such allowance because of the stability of the
special investment.
Casting and
Select the pattern(s), usually metal originals.
Melting Platinum casting alloys offer a high degree of
Form rubber about the pattern(s). fluidity to fill small sections and reveal textures.
Casting is a basic Make models in wax.
In some respects, because oxidation and gas
method for making Design sprues in wax and build selected resistance of platinum requires no fluxes or
claws and head models onto a wax base. degassing, the process is simpler than with
settings, ring 18 carat gold or standard silver.
Surround with a suitable flask.
shanks with or
Invest with refractory slurry and de-air.
without settings Casting scrap may be safely recycled and even

attached, charms, Allow to set. 100% scrap melt charges can be used.

chain links, bracelet Heat to dry, de-wax and preheat for casting. It is the rapid loss of heat on casting that
and brooch parts. Choose alloy and weigh out charges. presents the major difference.

Melt, stir and superheat to casting

This can be countered by:
Careful sprue design.
Spincast to preheated investment moulds.
Using the most refractory and dense
Cool whole cast mould.
Knock out the castings while hot and
A high investment preheat temperature.
quench in water.
Plenty of melting power, to obtain a higher
Clean up and trim sprues from castings.
casting temperature.
The use of platinum introduces nothing new in A high torque (acceleration) spinning arm.
principle nor in the sequence of operations. Most
platinum jewellery castings are custom-made by
Brief Reminder of Casting Alloys
specialists to clients' specifications and patterns.
But the precision casting of platinum is a logical Table 2A summarises the most commonly

extension of skills for gold, and can be done on a available platinum casting alloys. Several more of

craft or small commercial batch scale. Casting the alloys in Table 1B (Section 1) may be cast

platinum is not difficult. although they were not developed specifically for
casting. Other casting alloys are available if
If a master pattern is common to both 18 carat market demands and marking regulations allow
gold and standard platinum, the cast weight of their economic use.
the platinum alloy will be about 30% higher than
for the gold. Cobalt alloys are preferred for rings, brooch and
bracelet parts because of strength and hardness.
Weight for weight, platinum alloy is 19.5 to Palladium alloys are softer and are preferred for
20.5 times heavier than the wax, depending on settings and delicate patterns. The cobalt alloys
the alloy. are slightly bluer and the palladium alloys slightly
greyer than pure platinum.
With 18 carat gold, a 3% apparent contraction
compared with the master pattern is usually
allowed for the relative expansion/contraction of
the investment and gold alloy. Platinum requires

Casting/Melting 2.2
Composition: Pt Recommended Casting Temp Range C Applications/Notes
% of Alloying Elements Fineness Large Castings Small Castings
100 1973 2173 999.5 Fine PT
5% Cobalt 95 1965 2165 Fluid for hard castings
5% Cobalt/5% Palladium 90 1935 2135 Fluid for harder castings
3% Cobalt/7% Palladium 90 1940 2140 Hard castings
5% Cobalt/10% Palladium 85 1930 2130 Harder castings
3% Cobalt/12% Palladium 85 1930 2130 Med hard castings
1.5% Indium/3% Gallium 95 1850 2050 Hard, springy, can be cast
5% Indium 95 1965 2165 No metal-mould reaction
10% Indium 90 2000 2200 Smooth, bright surfaces
1.5% Indium/3.5% Palladium 95 1965 2165 Finer detail
5% Palladium 95 1965 2165 Softer castings, intricate settings
10% Palladium 90 1950 2150 Softer castings, intricate settings
15% Palladium 85 1950 2150 Softer castings, intricate settings
5% Ruthenium 95 1995 2195 Some roughness and difficult to
fill finest sections

Table 2A Outline properties of casting alloys for platinum jewellery.

Arranging Wax Small-Scale Single Layer inventory costs down and the productive yield of
Arrangement each melt high.
Models for
There is no reason why a jeweller should not
Platinum Medium-Scale Branching
cast, say, 35 to 70grams of platinum settings or
Casting the parts of a ring or brooch, in a single layer on
a flat cone, using short, straight sprues (Figure A more typical weight for a platinum jewellery
2A). This minimises the travel of the molten melt is 100 to 450 grams. If more is required in
metal during spin-casting and the distance of one session, a number of moulds would be used.
feeding with still-liquid metal during solidification. Bearing in mind the high density of platinum
casting alloys (20 to 21 g/cm3) this may mean,
say, 10 - 20 head settings or 4 - 24 ring shanks.
These are normally arranged along branches off
the base, but mainly in a single layer (Figures 2B
to 2D).

Tree Arrangement
Figure 2A. A small arrangement of head settings where waxes Waxes may be mounted in tree fashion where
spread from the wider part of the cone. Only about one third of
the cone would be filled with molten metal but this would still there is the capacity for melting and casting
ensure feeding with minimum scrap. shots of 400 grams and over, but the same
"short distance" sprues still apply. A tree might
The cone is more a gate to the real casting space
consist of a total melt of 900 grams with 500
than a reservoir of feeder metal. However,
grams in a central stem with short sprues off and
sufficient metal is still needed to fill a proportion
400 grams of castings. Although the stem may
of the base as well as the actual castings, to add
be tapered a little to increase percentage yield,
pressure when the metal is cast. If too much is
this configuration tends to be less effective in
used, some is likely to splash back when
metal utilisation. Casts of up to 1 kilogram have
spinning. Platinum scrap can be remelted with
been made.
virtually no losses, but minimising scrap keeps

Casting/Melting 2.3
Assemblies Versus Integral
It is sometimes better to design a piece in
sections and assemble them by soldering or
welding (Figures 2B and 2C). Cleaning and
polishing of separate parts may be more efficient
than with an integral casting (Figure 2D).
Figure 2D. Bulkier head settings cast integral with shanks.
As with any jewellery alloy, platinum casting is
more difficult with: Sprue Design.
Long wire & tube sections, Care at the wax arrangement and sprue design
Large thin areas, stage minimises the proportion of process scrap
and scrap castings.
Deep holes or cavities with small openings,

Forms that curve back on themselves, It is often thought that platinum castings require
thicker sprues than gold, but if the correct
Claws(prongs) thicker at the tips than the
amount of superheat is used there is no need.

Sharp inverted V-shapes. The minimum sprue cross-section should not be

less than the largest cross-section of the
Design should tend away from these extremes.
casting it directly feeds because the sprue must
freeze last to allow feeding to compensate for
casting shrinkage.

Where sprues join, they need smooth fillets to

avoid turbulent metal flow.

It may help to sprue a ring, offset tangentially,

or to several points at the edge of a horizontal
ring. Alternatively, two or three simple sections
Figure 2B. A typical single layer set-up for ring shanks weighing may be cast in a stack and parted on a
about 120 grams, contained in a 65mm circle by 45mm high
with its economical feeder head. It fits a standard 75mm lathe later.
diameter by 100mm high flask.

Figure 2C. A group of claw/head settings for part-finishing and

then joining to shanks.

Figure 2E. Examples of Sprue Design.

Casting/Melting 2.4
The Investment Platinum alloys are cast at over 2000C into mould and scrap castings. Details are important;
investment moulds preheated to about 1000C, shortcuts should be avoided and the investment
Process so the most refractory, thermal shock and metal manufacturer's instructions for a specific
penetration-resistant investments must be used, investment should be followed closely.
such as those developed for stainless steel,
nickel or cobalt superalloy precision castings. A whisk is designed to introduce air into the mix
and although this may help mobility of the
investment to some extent, this is counter-
Investment Compounds
productive. The investment has to be de-aired
While gypsum-based investments (a refinement of
again in the short period between pouring and
Plaster of Paris known as Hydrocal) are
setting. Finely divided air bubbles or foam is the
satisfactory for silver and most gold alloys, they
worst form to deal with and produces large
are unsuitable for platinum due to lack of
changes in volume between investment de-airing
refractoriness and sulphur contamination.
and setting. A dough hook is mechanically more
Platinum investment mixtures are normally the
satisfactory and introduces a more controllable
phosphate type. They consist of a refractory flour
amount of air.
such as silica, mixed with ethanol, or acid
phosphate and magnesia, to form a pourable
cream. They are usually thixotropic with the
powder more difficult to wet uniformly and easier Flasks must be made from metal that will

to re-separate than plaster investments. They withstand many uses at the burnout temperature,

need to be uniformly mixed using a dough mixer which is finally about 1000C. Stainless steel

rather than a whisk. may be used but flasks made from Inconel are
usually more economic, taking a balance of initial
cost and long life. Flask size is limited by the
clearances in the casting machine at its largest,
Attention to detail in investing the pattern is
but it must be large enough to comfortably
important. Adequate vibration and vacuum de-
contain the casting array, leaving not less than
airing is needed to get rid of bubbles, particularly
7mm between the inside of the flask and the
from the surfaces of the wax patterns. The
nearest wax. Suitable flasks are supplied in a
subsequent drying out, dewaxing, burnout, firing
range of sizes, typically 50 to 100mm high by
and preheat prior to casting differ, one formula
about 65 mm diameter for small machines, and
from another, for optimum results. For instance,
125 or 150 by 100mm diameter for large
while a gypsum-based formula sets in about 6-7
machines, cut from 1.0 to 1.5mm wall tube, or
minutes and may be dewaxed with steam, a
sheet, rolled and welded. The capacity of each
phosphate-based formula sets in about 14-18
size of flask without patterns in place should be
minutes and, once set, should not be kept moist.
noted so that a total amount of investment
(Steam dewaxing of phosphate may not be
needed for a series of casts can be estimated to
harmful but it does require careful control and
avoid shortfall or excessive waste.
most platinum casters favour dry dewaxing.) A
gypsum binder may benefit from a retarder while
Flask Lining
platinum investments may benefit from an
accelerator to speed up setting. Once started, the Until recently, most texts dealing with investment

burnout cycle should be completed or the flask for gold and silver jewellery casting advised that

discarded. Avoid reheating a partially fired flask an asbestos paper liner should be used on the

from a previous day. With the removal of moisture inside of the flask before pouring the investment.

in the initial firing, the subsequent re-expansion This acted as a blotting paper during investment

would probably cause serious cracking of the and as a mildly refractory cushion against

Casting/Melting 2.5
expansion and shrinkage of the investment during This is then reinvested, preferably with the special
firing. Modern substitutes for asbestos paper are refractory mixture described above for casting
available, but there is no need to use a flask liner platinum on its own. The new wax is melted out,
at all with the high refractory investments used leaving the platinum setting in place. Even
for platinum casting. preheating prior to the second casting stage does
not oxidise the platinum alloy. When another
Reinvesting or Co-Casting jewellery alloy such as molten 18 carat gold is
with Platinum injected it solidifies in contact with, and welds
firmly to, the solid platinum alloy piece already
The versatility of the lost-wax investment process,
in place.
and good hot strength and excellent oxidation
resistance of platinum jewellery alloys combine to
Many other combinations are possible, giving a
form an excellent basis for co-casting solid
versatile style of design for combination jewellery
platinum with another molten alloy. Probably the
where marking regulations allow. This subject is
commonest example of this in the past has been
dealt with more fully in the section on
to produce a gem setting in platinum, pre-polish
combination jewellery.
it and then attach it to a wax ring shank pattern.

The Casting The best way to avoid premature freezing of cone. It is possible to achieve a reasonably high
platinum alloy is to use a superheat of about rate of melting with an oxy-fuel gas cutting torch
Process 200C for a heavy cross-section such as a without using the supplementary cutting oxygen
wedding ring blank, increasing to about 400C for supply. This is the main method used for castings
a light cross-section such as a diamond setting. by the craftsman, usually with a spring-powered
To find the casting temperature, add this vertical spin casting machine (see Figure 2F).
The investment superheat to the liquidus temperature given in This is a cost-effective way of introducing
assembly cannot be Table 1B. This projects casting temperatures of platinum casting to a manufacturing operation
preheated much over 1850C to 2200C (see Table 2A). traditionally dominated by gold production.
1000C, so there is
Unlike most 18 carat golds, the difference
a 750C gap
between the beginning (liquidus) and end of
between the freezing solidification (solidus) for platinum casting alloys,
temperature of the is only a few C. They have a narrow
melt and the liquidus/solidus gap and freeze more like a pure
investment surface. metal, so there is no difficult pasty zone feeding
This chilling factor is that might lead to shrinkage porosity.
Figure 2F. Vertical spin casting machine.
high and solidification
time is typically only Melting More productive precision casting on a
three or four seconds Platinum alloys are melted by oxy-fuel flame or commercial scale followed the development of
medium frequency induction melting. Butane or crucibles that would act both as a melting pot in
compared with gold
coal gas may be the fuel composite but only an induction coil and as a pouring ladle in a high
at more than
oxygen is capable of giving a sufficiently fierce acceleration horizontal spin-cast machine.
20 seconds. With Melting losses are low, melting is rapid given
flame for melting and welding; air places too
18 carat gold the much of a cooling burden. The hottest part of the plenty of power, and the melt is homogenised by
temperature flame is just beyond the sharply defined inner the induction current.
difference is only
about 300C,
a much lower
chilling factor. Index
Casting/Melting 2.6
Power/heat conversion can be as high as 95% splashes or burning an image into the retina of
efficient. A 5kVA melting set is required for speed the eye. This also provides a consistent degree of
of melting and good temperature control, for up colour and intensity filtration for the judgement of
to 300 grams melts and lOkVA for melts up to casting temperature. Even through dark green
about 650 grams. welding goggles, the surface of the melt above
1800C is a glaring pearly white but, with
The Charge practice, it is possible to judge the difference
between nominal 1800, 2000 and 2200C.
It is difficult to guarantee homogeneity in small
melts starting with pure platinum and addition
Crucible life at these temperatures is short, so
alloy; particularly aiming at a precise fineness.
platinum casting specialists prefer to bring the
The safer practice is to remelt grain already to
melt up to about 2000C, hold on balanced
specification, or chopped sheet/rod which will
power while the mould is placed and then time
have been homogenised by prior working. No flux
the input of power to a small or large degree of
is needed when melting standard platinum
superheat. Pouring is to a time signal rather than
jewellery alloys because the melt does not
at an apparent temperature. Older machines can
oxidise. It is rarely necessary to prod the charge
just melt a limited weight of platinum with full
or stir the melt when using electric melting but, if
power. As the casting temperature is approached,
necessary, a refractory (eg., tungsten carbide or
heat losses just about balance the maximum
fused~silica rod) stirrer must be used because
power input and the temperature ceases to rise
most metals alloy too readily with platinum.
further. More recent machines have pre-
programmed power control with automatic
Crucibles frequency tuning so that heat generates well
Carbon based crucibles are not satisfactory within the melt. The power is automatically
because platinum is embrittled by dissolved reduced as the pre-selected temperature
carbon, so high temperature (up to 2300C), is reached.
refractory crucibles are used. Fused silica,
alumina or zirconia, (possibly with a cushion of Spin-Casting
magnesia granules or a prefired internal glaze)
The method that has produced the most
crucibles may be used, the choice depending on
consistent quality is spin casting. This centrifuges
the balance of cost and number of melts in one
the dense platinum alloy quickly into the mould
session. As a precaution against thermal shock, it
to minimise premature cooling. Some machines
helps to heat the crucible slowly for the first in a
have an electronic controller that cuts off melting
series of melts; preheating in the burnout furnace
power, lowers the coil quickly and powerfully
is useful provided the crucible does not contact
accelerates the spin arm carrying the preheated
any residual wax. It does no harm to preheat the
mould. Machines have generally developed with
first metal charge in the crucible at the
high acceleration and the necessary energy has
same time.
to be provided quickly at start-up. Nevertheless,
there can be too much acceleration and platinum
Judging When to Cast can impact beyond unrestricted sprues with
Molten platinum, free from oxides and flux, has considerable force and produce a coarse finish
very high emissivity. The photocell reading may due to mould penetration. A useful compromise
only be a guide to the right point to cast the is to use a horizontal sprue off the base and
metal, aided by its colour as seen through steeply angled branches off either the horizontal
familiar goggles. It is essential to always use or vertical stems (Figure 2C). This achieves high
adequate eye protection including ultraviolet and feeding pressure without direct impact.
colour filtration, to protect against remote

Casting/Melting 2.7
Recovering the When the casting array has solidified but not
cooled below red heat, the flask should be held
Casting in tongs and the array hammered out and Hydrofluoric acid (use 1 part to 3 parts water)

plunged into cold water. This begins the process is a very aggressive liquid, which:

of breaking up the residual investment around Fumes even when cold.

the casting. Do not quench the whole flask,
Corrodes through glass and most metals.
even horizontally, red-hot: it may cause
a scalding eruption! Dissolves away residual investment.

Can only be contained in lead, polyethylene

While flasks can be rounded again and re-used
or paraffin wax containers.
many times, it helps to knock out the casting by
hammering the open ends rather than the flask. Requires containers with easily removable
High temperature investments are tenacious and covers.
some or all of steam cleaning, hydrofluoric acid,
Must be handled with industrial grade
and grit blasting (alumina grit/glass beads) are
rubber or plastic gloves, wood or plastic
effective in removing them. A rough silicon
covered tongs.
carbide grain can clean most surfaces while
Must be washed off with plenty of water
smooth, ball-shaped grit is useful for compacting
after use.
and brightening surfaces.
Keep soda solution (100 grams sodium
Sprues should be removed as neatly as possible
carbonate in 4 litres of water) near to
to avoid lengthy filing. Short-nosed piano-wire
neutralise any HF burns or smears and carry
cutters shear through most sprues and pick off
out the whole process under a ventilated
other small nodules readily. A fine slitting disc is
hood. Use eye shields or protective glasses.
useful if there is good straight access to the
sprue root; otherwise, a piercing saw may be
used. Specialist casters normally leave a residual
sprue root of about 1mm to be removed by the
client rather than risk undercutting the profile of
the component itself. Castings may be readily
joined to wrought platinum components and there
is no clear different technique between joining
castings to wrought platinum components and
the repair of castings. Minor casting faults can be
closed by welding. This can be done by reducing
a cut-off sprue to wire and using it as a weld filler
using techniques outlined in the section on
soldering/welding and lasers.

Most platinum castings are hand-finished; hence

the need for as good an as-cast finish as
possible. However, barrelling is possible using a
tumble-polisher with burnishing compound and
polishing shapes in much the same way as
for white gold - as detailed in the section
on finishing.

Casting/Melting 2.8
Good Always carefully segregate, package and Keep a Record of Your Process
Housekeeping label cast trimmings, sprues and scrap Platinum alloys are valuable and should not be
castings, by alloy type if not by job number. mixed indiscriminately, either as good product or
with Scrap
Re-melt any specific casting alloy with a as scrap. All production should be recorded with

proportion of new grain or squares, but an job number, pattern configuration, alloy, casting

occasional all clean scrap charge is fine. temperature, weight yielded and notes of the
results. Batches of castings and scrap should
Small amounts of a single, clean, general or
also be correspondingly labelled with the job
handworking alloy can be fused together on
number. Good records build up good experience
a ceramic tile with a welding torch; forged,
for successful repeats and identify "lessons learnt"
reheated and used for small jobs such as
and economic recovery by minimising scrap.
drawing or machining.

Mixed, dirty or sweepings type scrap is best

returned for refining. It may first be burnt off
and steel filings/grindings removed with a
magnet, except with Pt-Co alloys which
are magnetic.

Handworking 3

Handworking of Platinum

Specific Handworking

Platinum Working Equipment

Handworking 3.1
Handworking of Hot-Working effect. In most cases, though not all, this is
undesirable because it complicates the finishing
Platinum At its simplest, an alloy is hot-worked above the
and polishing of the piece.
annealing temperature so that any work-
Mechanical working hardening is relieved as quickly as it is generated.
of platinum jewellery Hot-working is best if economic batches have to
alloys, whether by be subjected to considerable reductions or
repeated shaping blows. There are no significant
hand for individually
problems in hot-working normal platinum
crafted pieces or
jewellery alloys. Even casting alloys can be hot-
small batches by worked. A typical example of hot-working
specialist platinum is the open die forging of 5kg cast
manufacturers to ingots of chain-making alloys at 1100 to 1200C.
catalogue designs, Reductions of up to 70% may be made between
is similar to the reheats to form slabs for thin strip rolling or bars Figure 3A. Rate of work hardening of several (initially annealed)
for wire drawing prior to automatic chain making. platinum alloys.
working of most
white golds. For
Cold-Working When cold working platinum:
economic reasons,
most workers prefer The general annealing temperature for platinum Keep all tooling clean
alloys is about 1000C and the jobbing jeweller
as smooth a surface Do not use excess lubrication
rarely needs to work them so extensively that
as possible rather Keep roll surface and dies highly polished
prolonged or repeated heating above 1000C is
than remove metal. justified. Cold-working and annealing is normally Clean drawplates of beeswax, other
It is very important preferred because it more accurately controls the lubricants, and metal particles that could
to maintain properties of the piece prior to joining and damage a high finish
cleanliness to avoid polishing. Such cold-working operations include
There is a tendency to smear or drag wear
contamination that rolling, section-drawing, hammering and pressing.
on working tools
leads to A few platinum alloys work harden fairly rapidly
and the work necessary to continue deforming Keeping a high tool polish minimises wear.
those that start off relatively hard is significant;
particularly when Annealing
cracking is less of a problem.
Almost all platinum jewellery alloys resist
Otherwise hot and Figure 3A shows examples of some 5% and 10%
oxidation during annealing and either
cold working are alloys of platinum compared with a typical
conventional torch flames (air- or oxy-fuel gas) or
18 carat gold alloy. Alloys like platinum-palladium
standard. Platinum electric furnace annealing may be used. Furnace
have a lower rate of work-hardening. With most
alloys are oxidation annealing allows better control of the level and
platinum jewellery alloys it is possible to make
resistant, formable reductions in cross-section of up to 70% between
evenness of temperature and, in turn, the

and easily annealed, mechanical properties of the component. Most

anneals if there is adequate power. For good
cold worked alloys begin to stress-relieve at
but die and tool repeated practice it is better to choose
600C (dull-red) and they soften rapidly at
wear can be a reduction/annealing sequences to suit each alloy
1000C (bright orange) which may be regarded
problem for the and so control grain size and mechanical
as the general annealing temperature. Because
large scale producer properties. Normally, reductions of less than
of the speed and ease of annealing and oxidation
30% between anneals should be avoided
if suitable resistance, many workers use a gas torch for
because a combination of light cold work and
precautions are inter-stage anneals.
frequent anneals can cause coarse grain
not taken. growth and corresponding orange peel surface

Handworking 3.2
Annealing Temperature Guide
For most metals and alloys, the annealing temperature in C is a little over half the melting point in Kelvin.
(Add 273 to the normal melting point in C., to get K.)

mptC mptK AnnealC

Standard Silver 890* 1163 581
9ct Gold
14ct Gold
18ct Gold
Pt 1000 fine
} about

Pt 585 fine 1580 1853 927

Pt-5%Cu 1725 1998 999
Pt-5%Ir 1780 2053 1027
Pt-5%W 1830 2103 1052
Pt-10%Pd 1740 2013 1007

*mpt varies with ratio of the other metals alloyed with gold.

Annealing temperatures are not exact; they vary in practice with annealing time and with the amount of prior
cold work. Heavy work at low temperatures lowers the normal annealing temperature. Except for the extremes of
carat platinum alloys at the low end & Pt-Ir or Pt-W alloys at the high end, an annealing temperature of 1000C
is adequate for most purposes.

Where very thin, heavily cold-worked or highly to be caused by arsenic, boron, magnesium, or
stressed sections are to be annealed it is silicon. While it is not common, it is possible, in a
advisable to stress-relieve by heating for period reducing flame during melting, joining or
of a few minutes at 500 to 600C before full annealing, to liberate aluminium or silicon from
annealing or strongly heating for soldering or refractory materials such as crucibles or support
welding. Time at the full annealing temperature bricks, or carborundum (silicon carbide)
will depend on the thickness of the section, but abrasives. This can only occur under reducing
1 minute per mm of section thickness should conditions, when the platinum alloy is in close
be sufficient for thicknesses up to about 5mm. contact with the support, well above red heat.
Too frequent annealing or annealing for too Hydrocarbons such as oils or grease are typical
long can cause grain growth which may make contaminants that can give rise to unexpected
subsequent working or polishing to a smooth reducing conditions. It is important to avoid
surface more difficult. Except for platinum- trapping potential contaminants in the metal
ruthenium, platinum alloys do not generally age during working processes such as rolling, drawing,
harden and so can be either cooled in air or hammering, cutting or abrading. Good
water quenched from the annealing temperature housekeeping prevents these potential
without harm. problems by avoiding contamination.

Most metal contaminants of platinum surfaces

may be removed by pickling in hot, but not
Platinum combines with most molten metals.
boiling, 10% nitric acid, prior to annealing. Iron
While this is useful for making alloys with
contamination is best removed with hot
controlled characteristics, it can also cause
hydrochloric acid.
trouble. For instance, small amounts of
aluminium, lead or tin can cause low melting If contamination has occurred after heating, it is
point compounds with platinum and this can lead very difficult to correct other than by cutting it out
to intergranular cracking called hot-shortness and repairing by joining in a new piece of clean
(silver, indiscriminately alloyed with platinum alloy. Attempts to solder intercrystalline cracking
can cause intergranular cracking, but this is or to dilute the effect by annealing usually results
very unlikely under ordinary annealing in spreading the problem.
conditions). Intergranular cracking is more likely

Handworking 3.3
Some Possible Causes: Some Preventatives:

Lead-Tin solders on the same work bench Avoid reducing flames and furnace
Charcoal soldering blocks
Use oxidising conditions; platinum itself will
Abrasives rolled into the surface
not oxidise
Filings from other precious or non-precious
Avoid trapping contaminants in platinum
during working
Filings or drillings from gemstones or
Degrease and positively clean surfaces
mineral crystals
before heating
Oils, grease or soaps used for drawing,
Avoid contaminated supports during heating
rolling, etc.
and joining
Machining suds (lubricants)
Prefer refractory supports to charcoal
when joining

Specific Forging
Handworking The term "forging", while metallurgically correct,

Processes sounds heavy for jewellery processes. It covers

squaring or rounding by planishing, spreading
widthwise, (Figure 3B) tapering/pointing (Figure
3C), or upsetting the cross-section of the
jewellery component, usually between a smooth
faced hammer and an anvil or stake or swaging
between open or closed dies. Much the same
Figure 3B. Spreading platinum strip widthwise using a thinned
principle applies in ring forming, forming tube and polished cross-peen or small raising hammer to move
metal outwards at right angles to the long axis of the piece. The
sections, and on a small scale, hammer back of the hammer head needs to be weighty to provide force.
texturing, embossing and chasing. Platinum is
very malleable and forges well, but it does require
deliberate and forceful blows especially when
dealing with large cross-sections. A good
indication of its malleability in the annealed state
is that strip sections up to 3 or 4mm thick can
be folded double and compressed by hammering
without cracking. In fact, this is a good way of
combining the excellent strength of cold-worked
platinum in thin sections, with bulkier sections Figure 3C. Tapering/pointing a section. Hammer moves in a
achieved by folding and hammering without constant short arc, finishing normal to the taper angle
(otherwise, a square section will offset to one side to form a
soldering or welding (Figure 3D). rough rhomboid shape). Work may be rotated radially beneath
the hammer blows to achieve pointing (all round tapering) for
start end of section drawing.

Handworking 3.4
To maintain good shape control, use square or corners and re-entrant sections. While hand-
radial blows as appropriate; otherwise the made draw plates may be satisfactory (with acid
section tends to offset to one side or the other. cleaning) for an occasional piece of craft jewellery
Once the near final dimensions are achieved, the in platinum, economic batches demand best
section can be trued by planishing, die drawing or quality tungsten carbide drawing dies kept in a
even rolling. It can of course be finished by filing high state of polish, particularly in the work zone;
but it is always preferable to use compression otherwise platinum will further roughen the
processes to conserve metal weight and minimise surface and lead to platinum build up and loss of
the need for extensive surface finishing. cross-sectional accuracy.

Anneal after about each 30-35% reduction in

cross-sectional area even though platinum will
usually withstand greater reductions without
cracking; its workhardening ability is such that it
requires considerable increases in force to
continue working. Heavily work-hardened
platinum alloys can dent stake, anvil and hammer Figure 3E. Starting a thin walled tube from strip with a taper cut
surfaces, making it progressively more difficult to smoothly at the lead end, hammered into a channel to start
curving the tube wall and completed by die drawing (with seam
maintain a good surface finish on the work. welding if necessary).

Reducing tubular cross-sections with the wall

finding its own thickness is known as sinking
(Figure 3F). This is a simple variant on wire
drawing and wire drawing dies may be used.
Where the wall has to be controlled for short
platinum hollow sections for jewellery it is
convenient to use a mandrel. This is a polished
steel rod or hard-drawn wire (piano wire as
slender as 0.5 mm diameter may be used)
Figure 3D. Platinum strip/tape can be repeatedly doubled back
on itself and, in effect, cold forged to produce a thick section whose external shape matches that of the
(which may then be locally annealed, if required) attached to a
required internal cross-section of the platinum
filigree section (which may be left cold-worked).
component. The mandrel is placed inside the
starter tube and the two are co-drawn through
Section and tubular
the die sequence. In the first few passes the
section drawing
mandrel is loose inside the platinum, but after
With draw plates, channelled and taper-ended being drawn down onto the mandrel the platinum
platinum strip can be formed into more precise wall is controlled between the mandrel and the
channel sections, hollow ring stock and seamed die. The total reduction in the wall cross-sectional
tube (Figure 3E). Thin rod and wire can be area between anneals should be limited to about
modified to many different cross-sections. 35%, particularly after the platinum is in full
Prepolished dies are available commercially, but contact with the mandrel, so an inter-stage
some craft jewellers prefer to draw simple anneal before the platinum grips the mandrel is
sections through a hand-made draw plate. This is advisable. The mandrel must start with a length
still possible with platinum, but time consuming if greater than the finishing length of the platinum
complex sections are attempted. The limiting tube or it will be enclosed. The mandrel also
factor is the smearing ability of platinum on introduces another dragging friction interface
insufficiently polished die surfaces or where the that, with platinum, requires careful lubrication
interface pressure is very high such as at tight and techniques to remove the mandrel.

Handworking 3.5
than the outer diameter of the platinum tube to
be removed. These are played like castanets
along and around the mandrel/tube combination
to achieve many small pinching blows to loosen
the tube (Figure 3G). The loose tube, now off the
mandrel, may be given a finishing pass through
the last die hole again to clean up the surface
and shape.

Figure 3F. Tube sinking with relative wall thickening compared to Spinning and Doming
mandrel drawing for short lengths. the mandrel controls the wall
thickness and also takes part of the load at the short end.
The ductility of platinum makes it quite amenable
to spinning. The jobbing jeweller is unlikely to
Lubrication and mandrel need to spin large pieces into deep shapes but, if
separation so, the most ductile alloy is preferable to avoid
A hard soap such as Pale curd industrial in bar the need for too many annealing stages. Virtually
or powder form is used on the die and the all alloys can be spun to produce shallow dished
mandrel for lubrication and to ease the removal shapes for jewellery pieces in a single stage. The
of the platinum tube after drawing is completed. metal is worked against a former at a shallow
Bar soap can be applied to a stout mandrel by angle and the strain is not severe. Relatively deep
rubbing; soap powder can be tapped into the pieces may need two stages with an interstage
tube bore prior to mounting on the mandrel. To anneal, mainly to reduce the off-centre pressure
get a better finish, particularly on the outside of to be exerted by the burnisher (Figure 3H).
the finished section, it helps to use a soft soap Making small round shapes up to hemispherical
lubricant for the last two or three passes. depth is best accomplished by doming. Platinum
jewellery alloys respond well to this technique.
Indeed, doming of a blank, and perhaps
annealing, may be useful as a start to spinning.

Some of the larger scale (deep drawing and deep

spinning) or more continuous working processes
(stamping), and processes like ring sizing more
akin to finishing operations, will be dealt with
later in the Manual.
Figure 3G. Loosening the mandrel by tapping with parallel bars
or castanets.

Attempting to drag the mandrel out of the tube is

likely to tear or buckle the platinum. To free the
tube from the mandrel after completing the final
pass, it must be burnished off with one or two
passes through rolls that just pinch across a
series of outer diameters and impart a slight
degree of twist. In effect, the tube wall is slightly
expanded away from the mandrel. For occasional Figure 3H. Outline sketch of small scale spinning arrangement
for making a collet for a stone setting from a sheet-circle using
short lengths, it is possible to achieve the a burnisher. The bottom section may be parted off and may be
roller/twist effect with a pair of parallel tool steel useful as a bezel ring.

rods (or tungsten carbide for very long life)

gripped in a handle with a gap just a little larger

Handworking 3.6
Cutting angle (about 15 degrees or less) to the cut
surface to avoid excessive snagging at the leading
One of the most frequently used processes in
edge. Filing should also be done at a similarly flat
handworking a piece of jewellery is cutting to
angle with frequent changes of the file surface
shape or length, by piercing and sawing, slitting,
and cleaning. The lubricant "oil of wintergreen"
drilling, filing or grinding. On a small scale, there
has been proven to be effective in relieving wear
is little need to differentiate between tools,
on files.
grades and techniques for white gold and for
platinum. It is always worthwhile minimising the Sanding papers should be chosen for their free-
amount of metal removed or scrapped, by cutting ability, in which case the abrasive particles
carefully sizing the piece to minimise or eliminate will remain upright on a stiff bonded backing
the need for cutting. Often, platinum wires, tubes paper. 240 and 400 grades are usually adequate
or strips will be thin, taking advantage of high in two stages. It is often better to part off
strength. As with any hard jewellery alloy, it is platinum sections with thin alumina or silicon
unwise to cut thin sections with coarse settings. carbide disks running at 1300 to 3800 M/min.
Jewellers' (tool steel) saw blades are rated from peripheral speed rather than use a lathe tool
8/0 for the very finest pierced work, through 0,1 which tends to leave a coarse burr and
and 2 which are better for silver but too coarse undergoes rapid tool wear.
for most platinum jewellery work, and on up to
size 8.

Platinum alloys appear to wear out saw blades

and similar hand tools more quickly than do gold
or silver. This is because the alloys cold weld very
well. Metal builds up on cutting edges, followed
by stick/slip binding/removal of the debris, and
this causes extra wear. Figure 3I sketches the
different effects between aluminium, gold/silver,
and platinum alloys on a coarse saw blade.
Compromise between too smooth and too
coarse. Use around 3/0 grade which is a good
Figure 3I. Sketch of different modes of debris build
general purpose blade for white gold and up/clearance on a jewellers sawblade.
platinum. The blade should travel at a fairly flat

Platinum Ideally, rolls, dieplates, dies, saw blades, chasing If this is not economical, then the best
tools, files, grinding wheels, and similar tools alternative is to apply good housekeeping and
Working where there is a degree of sliding movement segregate tooling used for platinum; clean it
Equipment during working, should be kept specifically for and the working areas before and after
platinum alloys only. This is because platinum is platinum working. This ensures maximum
more vulnerable to contamination from other recovery of platinum scrap and sweepings and
metals picked up under working conditions. minimises cross contamination of platinum. For
Polished hammer and stake faces cause fewer instance, when the same rolls are used for
problems because the impact is normally square platinum and other metals, platinum should be
rather than sliding. Large platinum jewellery placed in 10% nitric acid at 70C to remove any
producers, in Japan for instance, dedicate separate residues of other metals before any annealing or
parts of the same factory, let alone separate joining process.
tooling, to platinum or gold jewellery production.

Soldering/Welding 4

Joining Processes



Eye Protection

Soldering/Welding 4.1
Joining Platinum jewellery alloy components may be bright hot flame using a little excess oxygen. With

joined efficiently by: practice, these can be used with pinpoint

Processes accuracy on platinum jewellery pieces either for
Fusion welding
welding or soldering (Figure 4A).
Pressure or friction (dry) welding
Order of preference of fuel gases with oxygen
for platinum welding/soldering:
Laser-welding (See Chapter 10)
Hydrogen 1

Propane, C3H8
Mechanical processes such as rivetting Butane, C4H10 2
Powerful adhesives. Natural Gas, CH4+C2H6

Since platinum alloys do not oxidise, fusion Acetylene, G2H2 3

welding and soldering are straight-forward
based on risk of carbon pick-up. Even
extensions of traditional precious metal joining
acetylene is OK with excess oxygen.
processes and so they predominate for platinum
alloys too. The good hot strength and oxidation Small flames need a low oxygen pressure under
resistance of platinum alloys allows them to tight flow control, otherwise the flame will lift off
stand up to intensive local heating in welding and the torch tip and extinguish. This may need an
soldering, without need for extensive jigging which additional low pressure regulator working at about
would otherwise restrict access and remove heat. 1 to 2 pounds pressure mainly to regulate
There are no adverse reasons, apart from lack of volume flow. As with all precision oxy-fuel gas
familiarity or the wrong scale of working, why flame control, the nozzle-tip sizes need to be
other joining processes should not be used. matched with a particular fuel gas and its
Platinum welds readily to itself by hammering, corresponding oxygen ratio.
friction and upsetting, electrical resistance spot-
welding and laser welding, but components may Platinum jewellery lends itself particularly well to
need to be selected or designed to take full soldering or welding using an oxy-hydrogen flame.
advantage of such processes. For instance, The gases may be supplied from pressure bottles
friction welding tends to be more economic as a but they may also be generated in situ by
medium scale batch process, while hammer electrolysis. There are transportable units (Figure
welding is a satisfying craft technique for chunky 4B) that use potassium hydroxide solution as the
rather than filigree work. electrolyte, which is split (only the water) into
hydrogen and oxygen which are fed separately at
Heat Sources low pressure to well designed burner jets. These
can produce an initially neutral flame so small
Most soldering and welding operations on
(22 gauge jet) as to precision weld a narrow
platinum jewellery alloys are carried out at
platinum band for sizing, or at the large extreme
temperatures above 1500C and often near
(13 gauge jet), melt more than 50 grams of
2000C, so an oxy-fuel gas flame or electric arc
platinum scrap. The rate of burning at the jet
must be used. While the electric arc (including
determines the pressure in the reservoir system
TIG welding) is used in fabricating platinum for
which, in turn, controls the rate of electrolysis.
chemical and similar industrial applications on a
The temperature of the flame can be lowered and
medium scale, it is not usually appropriate for the
the luminescence increased, by allowing the gas
jewellery manufacturer or craftsman. On the other
to pick up small quantities of volatile organics,
hand, the non-oxidising nature of platinum allows
such as methyl alcohol, methyl ethyl ketone
burners to be designed to give a very precise
(MEK), or acetone. The Williams Oxyflame

Soldering/Welding 4.2
Soldering system uses hydrogen peroxide and a
catalyst to generate oxygen and water. The calor
gas burns in oxygen from a small canister to
give another completely portable (no
electricity) version.

Figure 4B. Self-contained oxygen hydrogen generator set:


Figure 4A. (Annotated) sketch of parts of a typical oxy-fuel gas

flame. Above: complete flame profile; below: close-up showing
combustion zones.

Welding Apart from the high temperatures involved, as soon as fusion has taken place. If the joint is
platinum alloys weld readily without the need for longer in one direction, like a seam, the filler will
fluxes. Because filler metal, if needed, is the be a small strip with its long edge pointing along
same as the components to be joined, it is easily the seam, but still horizontal; concentrate on one
possible to close the seam without any visible end first and as fusion begins, move slowly along
colour change. This is a decided advantage in the joint. If the seam is extensive, it is possible to
sizing rings, for instance. Even so, it is good use a thin wire filler pointing into, from ahead of,
practice to minimise the amount of filler the flame. When welding or soldering, support
needed (whether welding or soldering) by the work on lightweight refractories such as
making joints as closely and accurately as Chamotte stone and avoid carbon bases such
possible; platinum alloys do not readily bridge as charcoal.
large gaps with filler metal (which is not pasty
at any stage).

If the joint is made tightly, the only filler metal

needed is a thin piece (0.1 to 0.5mm) of the
same alloy cut to just outside (say 0.5 to 1mm)
of the two sections (in ring joining, the two are
likely to be the same section anyway) and this
avoids any contraction of the whole joint.
Figure 4C. Platinum ring sizing/welding. A & B: tight set-up of
The two components to be joined are clamped on joint and filler; C: heat either side and then D: onto the filler
with hottest point of the flame; E: shallow profile of the finished
either side of the (vertical) filler and the whole joint prior to smoothing down.

joint is heated slowly, beginning with the heavier

sections on either side and gradually moving the Because platinum has relatively low thermal

torch flame to concentrate on the fringe of filler diffusivity, the heat tends to stay concentrated

metal. The filler should melt down into the joint near the point of application, unlike gold and

before the two components fuse any more than silver where the heat is conducted away readily.

superficially at the interface. Remove the flame This helps control the size of the joint and

Soldering/Welding 4.3
simplifies making multiple joints in the same previously soldered joint will give way. If so, a
piece of jewellery. The joint should finish with just solder repair is preferable.
the smallest "bulge" of matching colour which can
be smoothed down to the original cross-section.
This technique is well suited to joining relatively
heavy and particularly matching sections such as
ring shanks, shanks to head settings with
shoulders, bangle sections, and pendant and
brooch parts.
Figure 4D. Sketch of a seam weld with (i) strip filler in place,
and, (ii) filler wire fed towards the flame; both moving away
Warning from the already welded zone.

Even with very small oxy-gas flames capable of

dealing with small sections of platinum, never Laser Welding
attempt preheating, let alone welding, without (See Chapter 10).
using properly selected welding goggles. The
heat builds up in thin sections very quickly and Friction, Spot and Stitch Welding
the radiation emitted over 1000C is likely to
Freedom from oxidation at high temperatures, the
cause eye damage; radiation at the melting
tendency to smear by dragging at a platinum
point is certain to cause damage to the
surface and the need for very little additional
unprotected eye.
deformation, makes platinum an ideal material
On the other hand, it is not so easy to join thin for friction welding. In this process, a stud-like
sections of platinum this way because the heat shape is rotated under light pressure against a
will build up very quickly in exposed sections of flat surface to generate friction and heat. At an
the order of 1mm thick or less and lead to appropriate temperature (which with platinum is
premature melting. This may be overcome by theoretically cold welding) the rotation is stopped
using fine oxy-gas flames to fuse into a tiny bead, and pressure is applied to weld the two
thin wire sections that have already been pinched surfaces together.
or twisted together without any additional filler.
Wire as fine as 0.3mm can be welded if a small
enough flame is used.

Because platinum has low heat conductivity, it is

possible to make good repairs without damaging
either set stones or the surface finish of the bulk
of the piece. Obviously, one should avoid playing
the flame on any stone at all and keep well away
from sensitive stones such as opal. Traditional
ways of protecting stones with heat sinks such as
Figure 4E. Outline diagram of (small-scale) spot welder set-up
a wad of wet cotton wool should still be used. with schematic of the weld cycle characteristics.

When planning a repair on a platinum piece,

welding can be very useful in avoiding colour Spot welding is usually achieved by electrical
mismatch, but it is wise to consider whether resistance heating at an interface, with the power
there has previously been soldering near to the led in through stout electrodes that are also
proposed repair site. If there has and welding is capable of delivering a punch pressure to finish
carried out close enough to allow significant heat the weld. Stitch welding is, in effect, an
diffusion, then there is a danger that the overlapping series of spot welds, and in both

Soldering/Welding 4.4
cases, the timing of the whole process is
electronically controlled (Figure 4E).

Again, these processes are more compatible with

batch production of simple jewellery operations,
such as joining studs to front designs in earrings
and bosses to brooches, rather than a one-off
craft approach.

Soldering Platinum components may be soldered readily Keep the jig clear of the flame to avoid
with a wide range of solders, some of which can contamination with, for example, iron binding
be worked at temperatures low enough to use a wire, dirty steel clips and charcoal supports.
gas-compressed air torch. However, to obtain a Most of what has been said about avoiding
better colour match, it is advisable to select contamination in annealing and hot working of
solders that also include platinum, and some of platinum applies to soldering too; no
these flow at temperatures only achievable by carbonaceous substances, borates, or silicon
oxy-gas flame melting. This is the method under reducing conditions. Attempts to solder up
assumed in the following section. Otherwise, cracks or join parts broken due to contamination
sound joining of jewellery platinum components usually spread the problem rather than cure it.
is simply dependent on good standard
soldering practice: The highest in a suitable series of solders flows
about 100C below the melting point of the
Design for good soldering corresponding platinum alloy. There are roughly
100C temperature differences between the
Fit the parts as closely as possible
solders in a given series so this allows
Use the minimum amount of solder considerable flexibility during multi-stage soldering
Use a precise, oxidising flame just large operations. (See the section on solder
enough for the job compositions).

Keep the joint and its surroundings clean The wettability between platinum and solders is
You may not need a flux excellent, so there is no need to use excess.
Another reason for limiting the amount of solder
Parts may be prepolished before joining.
is to minimise the mismatch in colour in the

Platinum jewellery alloys retain their shape near resulting joint. Some solders, the low-platinum,

their melting points, so jigging is not difficult. Use low melting point ones in particular, differ in

low thermal capacity jig parts not too near the colour from the platinum alloy components, and

joint area and confine the flame close to the joint diffusion of platinum back into the joint is low so

with the solder in place. Use many small pieces the colour is not affected by the platinum in the

of solder uniformly along the joint rather than a body of the jewellery. As a general rule, solders

few large pieces. In this way the solder will flow with the higher melting temperatures give the

only where it is needed and heating should be nearest colour match to platinum and they are

stopped immediately flow occurs; no extensive also less likely to polish out of the joint. In the

preheating or any post-heating of the worst cases, the mismatch may be disguised by

components is necessary. rhodium plating but many workers prefer

simply to use closely matching solder in
minimum quantities.

Soldering/Welding 4.5
The absence of fluxes, except for the lowest combination of properties is achieved by varying
melting point solders (where the flux is to protect proportions of platinum, palladium, gold and
the solder, not the platinum), means that the silver; all precious metals that can contribute to
usual adhesiveness of flux cannot be used to the normal rule that solders for 950 fine platinum
support the solder paillons in place. In practice, a must also be 950 in precious metals total.
small amount of non-borate flux may be used for
this purpose, although it is not necessary The deep yellow of gold quickly gives way to the

metallurgically. Alternatively, solder may be white of platinum or palladium on adding a

clipped in the joint or supported by a thin relatively small amount of either. For example, an

extension of stock wire that is allowed to melt alloy of 70%/30% gold/platinum is only faintly

free at the last moment. yellowish and increasing the platinum to 40%
produces platinum white. This applies even more
with palladium and a solder of 20 or 30%
Solder Compositions
palladium in gold is a white metal. There may be
The development of solders follows similar lines
copper and zinc in lower melting point platinum
to jewellery alloys but is more complicated by the
solders as they alloy readily with platinum. As
need to meet marking regulations, match colours,
long as they amount to less than 10%, the solder
and also achieve working temperatures below the
will not discolour on heating, so retaining the
melting point of platinum. Usually, a series of 3
oxidation resistance which is so helpful in working
to 5 solders forms a sufficient enough range of
with platinum. Platinum solders at the higher end
working temperatures to enable soldered joints
of the range do not need fluxes.
to be made efficiently at different stages
of assembly. The use of 2 to 4 precious metals and
sometimes up to 3 other metal components,
Most platinum solders are mixtures of precious
means that the total combinations are too
metals, not always including platinum (but, if not,
numerous to classify in a simple table. So, Table
then usually palladium) with melting ranges from
4A quotes a (Hallmarking) range typical of what is
extra easy at about 950C., to extra hard at over
available worldwide, but there are many other
1500C. At the higher melting point end of the
variations, particularly where marking regulations
range it is possible to accommodate more
do not specify such close control of solders.
platinum and so there is less risk of the solder
Solders for platinum start at about 1700C and
disqualifying a platinum item at the
drop at about 100C intervals down to as low as
marking stage.
900C, but very few, if any, jewellery operations
require such a full range. Most standard platinum
Japan has a range of solders for platinum
alloy products are soldered with platinum
jewellery from several grades of 999.9 fine in
containing solders at perhaps no more than two
total platinum group metals plus gold and/or
or three stages in the higher temperature end of
silver, to ones at 700 fine containing some
the range.
copper and other non-precious metals.

It is rarely economical in the long run for the

craftsman or small manufacturing jeweller to
make his own solders for platinum; several
fabricators make a more than adequate range for
jewellery purposes. It is important not only to
control the high working temperatures of the
solders accurately, but also the colour and the
relative hardness of the soldered joint. This

Soldering/Welding 4.6
Solder Nominal Working Composition Fineness Flux
Grade TempC RangeC Approx. % Precious Metals Req.
Extra Easy 945 935-955 90Ag/5Pd/5Cu/Zn 950 Tenacity No5*
Easy 1020 1010-1029 45Ag/40Au/5Pt/5Pd/5Cu/Zn 950 Tenacity No5*
Medium 1200 1179-1217 53Au/32Ag/15Pd 999.9 No Need
Medium Hard 1330 1319-1342 48Au/23Ag/17Pd/12Pt 999.9 No Need
Hard 1435 1422-1445 65Au/30Pd/5Pt 999.9 No Need
Extra Hard 1525 1519-1533 45Au/40Pd/15Pt 999.9 No Need

*Tenacity No5 is a high temperature flux with extended life for use with extra easy solder. The residues of Tenacity
No5 are virtually insoluble in water, but can be easily removed by immersion in a 10% caustic soda solution
followed by brushing in hot water.

Table 4A. Typical solders for platinum jewellery subject

to marking

Soldering/Welding 4.7
Eye Protection Most soldering, and all welding operations on positioning and use safety filters which can be
platinum jewellery, involve temperatures in excess brought down as soon as the work begins to
of 1500C at the joint face and between 2000 radiate. Auto-darkening filters are also available,
and 2800C in the heat source. The white which change quickly between positioning mode
radiation at these temperatures is very intensive and welding mode. Because of the small scale
and the proportion of ultraviolet radiation is much and speed of operation, it is comfortable to wear
higher than for ordinary diffused daylight. This goggles with the appropriate filters when working
combination presents a very real hazard to the with platinum jewellery alloys. Heavier jobs and
unprotected eye. Even a short exposure is certain more extended spells are often better handled by
to leave an after-image on the retina that will using a filter screen between the head and the
persist for several minutes and distort both work area.
positioning and colour judgement. Longer
exposures will produce "arc-eye" or even Although perhaps less dangerous to the eye itself,

permanent damage to the retina. Choosing a the infra-red component of high-temperature

correct filter system requires a reasonable flames and arcs also needs to be guarded

compromise between filtering out all possible against. It is unfortunately quite common to find

dangerous radiation and leaving enough intensity precision arc-welders with bright, apparent "sun-

and colour to enable the operator to judge burn" around the lower face and throat, if not

position, temperature and melting in the work- screened. This is mainly due to infra-red direct

piece. Platinum sections are likely to be from the heat source. While an occasional short

lightweight, but they are melted at even higher exposure to the skin may not be harmful in itself

temperatures than steel. Grade 5/GW (Shade 5, (personal discomfort usually quickly reminds the

gas welding) filters can be used for short spells occasional operator that welding and soldering

when soldering platinum alloys but choose at heat sources radiate heat very directly!), repeated

least grade 6/GW when using the highest or prolonged exposure is dangerous. The skin

temperature platinum solders for long periods. should be covered or the head and shoulder area

BS679 9EW, or its international equivalent screened, not just the eyes.

(shade 9, electric welding), to 11EW filter

glasses, should be used for long welding Warning
exposures; grade 9 for the molten pool under the On no account try using even the densest
highest temperature flame, grade 10 for TIG Arc sunglasses; at the ultra-violet end of the
work. These are very dense filters which do not spectrum they may offer some protection
allow the operator to see well enough without the against general sunlight, but not against a
light from the heat source to position the source sharp concentrated image of an arc or
and workpiece. One way round this is to use flip- oxy-gas flame.
front goggles that allow a low density filter while

Finishing 5

Finishing and Texturing

of Platinum for Jewellery


Barrel and Vibratory Polishing

Rhodium Plating

Finishing 5.1
Finishing and Opinions differ on the difficulty of polishing polishability and are neither very easy nor very
platinum, although once well polished it stays difficult. Understanding the underlying process
Texturing of free from tarnish virtually for ever. As with any helps towards efficient (time, quality of finish,
Platinum for other metal, the polished surface of some of cost of equipment and consumables) finishing of
Jewellery the platinum alloys may scratch with heavy platinum jewellery alloys.
every-day wear. Matt-finished platinum tends to
burnish and highly polished platinum tends to Because platinum does not oxidise, it is good

matt a little. With reasonable protection from practice to polish individual components fully

knocks and abrasion, highly polished platinum as early as possible in the production

can be brilliant and kept that way. For example, sequence, while there is ready access to

a high proportion of Japanese platinum- surfaces that may be screened after

palladium alloy is plated thinly with rhodium, final assembly.

which scarcely alters the colour but does

impart some extra wear resistance. There are no easy short cuts, but:

Be very selective of the first grade of

Alternatively, platinum may be given one or a
combination of textured finishes ranging from a
"silky polish" to patterned or random texturing Choose the minimum first grade of
by, in effect, greater and greater degrees of grit/compound that totally removes the
milling of the surface. Platinum alloys respond deepest defects (castings) or scratches
to polishing or texturing well; most likely it is (wrought).
the wear or clogging of the polishing media or Cut/polish across line defect such as solder
texturing tools that gives the impression that lines to minimise dragout and see just when
platinum is difficult. Minimising this effect the defect is under control.
is the secret of good and productive
Work only on the defects until the local
platinum finishing.
texture matches the bulk of the surface.

The Polishing Process Work more generally with finer grades of

abrasives, to remove totally scratches from
A high polish is put on most metals by removing
the previous grade, polishing at 90 to the
pits and scratches with successively finer
previous direction.
abrasives. The abrasive particles are much harder
than the metal and act like tiny machine tool Finish by buffing with a rouge type of polish.
bits. The particles may break up, change cutting
Prefer points, wheels, buffs, mops, that are
angle, become debonded or clogged. When the
stiff or medium hard rather than easily
finest bonded wheel or paper mounted abrasives
have been used, the process is continued with
abrasives/polishes held in emulsified fats as Frequently renew abrasive polishing medium

soaps, waxes, or creams applied to rotating disks or use fresh surfaces.

or mops. The abrasive particle size may now be There is no need to use every intermediate
so small as to give the impression that they do grade, but sensible spacing is required.
not cut/scratch, but they continue to do so on a
Do not use a file and attempt to remove the
microscopic scale and there is a great increase in
marks with a fine emery paper - it will clog
the general friction at the interface. This heats a
very quickly!
thin layer of the surface that tends to flow rather
than be cut. This smears over the remaining fine
scratches and the surface presents a high lustre.
Platinum alloys differ one from another in their

Finishing 5.2
The secret is to choose just sufficient cut at
each stage to remove the previous marks After casting, or sawing or fine filing of only

before the new medium becomes clogged. This high spots, typical finishing might include:

is the reason for repeating the advice not to Fine, clean No. 4, No. 5 or No. 6 files.
remove any more platinum than is absolutely
Edges may be burnished with oiled tungsten
necessary, particularly at the start of the finishing
carbide burnisher.
operation. Choose the finest file, emery wheel or
paper that will just produce an even abraded (Tumble polishing might be inserted here for
texture. Follow with a grade two or three grades batch products).
finer for the next stage, and so on. It helps to use Sand with 240, 400 and 600 silicon grade
firm buffing wheels such as felt at the medium carbide or alumina papers.
polish stage and reinforced close stitched mops
Buff with alumina compound, then hard rouge.
for colouring/fine polishing. A typical sequence is
given in the box to the right; increase or decrease Use sound techniques; avoid sloppy filing
the number of stages with practice. strokes, wrong wheel speeds and cross-
transfer of abrasives.
Repeated practice allows operators to choose the
combination of techniques they feel happy with.
To choose a good series of grades it is helpful to
understand the various methods of grading
particle sizes and the way in which they are
presented to the metal.

Filing The favourite files for platinum are precision After minimum filing, decide whether to follow
Swiss watch maker's files from Vallorbe. All files traditional methods or a carefully selected
clog eventually with most metals, but these high sequence of graded abrasives.
precision cut files appear to clog less rapidly with
platinum and respond better to cleaning than do Traditionally, various stones, emery boards, and

cheaper, less precise versions. Platinum clogs a abrasive loaded thread would be used depending

file in much the same way as it sticks to a saw on access to fine detail. These have a decreasing

blade or machine tool tip (see sections on abrasive effect until the whole piece can be

Handworking and on Machining). Smearing is subjected to open polishing on mops. Traditionally

worst where the dragging friction at the interface named polishing media still available include

is highest, as in burnishing, and least when the Water of Ayr stone, pumice, emery, brown or

tool is presented as a knife edge with a positive yellow tripoli, emerald compo, ruby powder,

rake. As wear takes place, the interface will grow emerald powder, diamantine, white, green, red

and the situation will become progressively worse, and purple rouges, and also proprietary named

but not as quickly as when starting with a compounds (see Suppliers Database). Most of

negative rake, as Figure 5A shows. Good filing these will work to some extent with platinum, but

and most of the finer grinding operations on the difficulty is prejudging the likely depth of cut,

platinum follow the same principle on a smaller avoiding too much penetration or too slow a rate

and smaller scale. The file should be cutting of finishing, and premature clogging of

only on its forward stroke and not dragging in the medium.

contact with platinum on the return stroke.

Finishing 5.3
Modern abrasive systems are much more
The support medium:
predictable and consistent in their cutting effects.
In many cases, they are modifications of Wheel, disk, flap-wheel belt, paper, plastic

traditional materials, often synthesised rather mesh, etc.

than natural, but more carefully graded and The bond between the particles and medium.
standardised than the original natural product.
Optimum (linear) working speed at the
A carefully controlled range of white 'compo' bars
now consist of variously calcined alumina
particles, sized and suspended in different
Coarse and medium grain sizes are determined
formulae of emulsified fats rather than the
by sieve size, but national standards differ.
classical tripoli. The main development has been
Particle size decreases consistently with
to 'present' the abrasive/polish in a wide variety of
increasing sieve number within each standard
geometries, some long lasting, others
series, but a FEPA 240 grade may not give
consumable or renewable.
precisely the same result as an ASTM 240 grade.
In choosing sanding grades for platinum, the
differences are not likely to be noticeable, but it
is best to stick to one grading system.

The finest particles are sized by sedimentation.

Again, the grading is consistent within a given
standard system, but may not be precisely
comparable across different systems. As a result,
Figure 5A. The importance of having a positive rake between
the tool face (leading edge) and platinum. Shown here as a finer grades of silicon carbide papers may be
stationary tool face leading into a rotating platinum ring as in described differently by different manufacturers
gloss turning. The principle also holds for abrasion points
moving across or rotating against a stationary platinum piece. and also differ from diamond-based systems
rated in micron sizes.
Abrasives Grading Systems
Table 5A shows equivalents near enough to place
At the coarse end, there is an internationally different polishing media in decreasing order of
accepted method for describing grinding wheels. cutting/scratch depth.
At the fine end there is a little less consistency
due to different methods of size ranging and the The depth of scratches produced depends not
introduction of diamond dust and diamond only on the size of the abrasive particles but also
compounds as polishing media. A complete on their orientation and the depth to which they
system description includes: are sunk into the backing coat on the abrasive
cloth, paper or plastic film. The most precisely
The abrasive compound: distribution coatings are produced by electrostatic
Natural or synthetic. coating (Figure 5B) and this is the type preferred
for platinum alloys because the particles are
Its hardness.
upright, remain proud of the backing and so
Grain shape and so expected groove shape. resist clogging better. Cloth, paper and film

Grain size. abrasive surfaces appear as sheets, strips, belts,

discs, and flap brushes. A wide range of shapes
Friability, producing fresh surfaces.
and flexibility has resulted in recent years from
suspending abrasives in a 3-dimensional web of
plastic non-woven fibres, ranging from simple
hand-pads to rotary shapes that can be very

Finishing 5.4
Standard Grades Av. Grit Diamond Grade Emery
FEPA ASTM JIS diam. (mm) (micron*) Paper Grade
P60 0.25
P80 0.18
P100 0.13
P120 0.10
P150 0.08
P180 0.07 IG
P220 220 0.06
P240 240 0.05 60
P280 240 280 0.04 IM
P320 0.03 45 I
P360 280 320 40 IF
P400 360 0.02 1/0
P500 320 400 0.014
P600 360 500 0.010 30 2/0
P800 400 0.007 20 3/0
P1000 500 600
P1200 600 1200 0.004 15 4/0
(1500) 1500 12
(1800) 800 2000 9
(3000) 2500 5
(4000) 3000 4
(11000) 6000 2
(14000) 8000 1
1 micron () = 0.001mm; 1/1000in - 25
FEPA: Federation of European Producers of Abrasives
ASTM:American Society for Testing and Material
JIS: Japanese Institute of Standards

Table 5A. A comparison of orders of decreasing coarseness of

cut or finish based on gradings with grit or diamond sizes.

usefully adapted to jewellery making. For

instance, cylinders of such materials, loaded with
2-3 grades of alumina, are very useful for
polishing inside rings as a replacement for the
more usual flying brush (Figure 5C).

Figure 5C. Polishing using a hand-held machine tool.

Similarly, there are larger diameter wheels made

by a radial arrangement or spiral winding the
abrasive loaded plastic mesh followed by
Figure 5B. Schematic diagram of the process of attracting the
particles onto the initial bond layer of an abrasive controlled compaction and rebonding (Figure 5D).
cloth/paper/film. The particles appear to remain better
orientated for work on platinum than the more traditional
coated media does.

Finishing 5.5
The recent developments appear to offer
increased efficiency in working on platinum
surfaces, mainly because they wear away under
control rather than lose their cutting ability due to
early clogging. They are likely to at least partly
replace the traditional woven fabric and felt
buffing wheels loaded with fine abrasive waxes
and rouge polishes.
Figure 5D. A selection of wheels showing the shape and surface
texture typical of compacted plastic mesh, radial or spiral
wound, loaded with abrasive in situ: (Courtesy 3Ms The type of abrasive (corundum-calcined alumina;
chromic oxide; silicon carbide; quartzite or
Lightweight, slightly spongy, polyvinyl acetate crystobalite silica; cubic boron nitride; synthetic or
wheels, carrying a carefully chosen range of natural diamond) determines the hardness and
abrasives and polishing rouges, are used in Japan friability (which in turn determines the generation
for most finishing operations on platinum of fresh cutting surfaces). The bond (vitrified,
jewellery (Figure 5E). resin, rubber, shellac, wax, soap) largely
determines the porosity of the structure, its heat,
wear resistance and ability to keep particles at
the designed "cutting angle". The more the bond
the less the porosity and access of coolant or
lubricant, but the stronger the wheel. Varying the
abrasive, its size distribution, the amount and
type of bond (whether waterproof, oil-proof or
flexible) and the final shape (wheel, point, disc,
paper, and paste on a carrier), creates a vast
range of grinding/polishing characteristics.
Figure 5E. Japanese polishing using a rotating polyvinyl Careful choice is required to do an efficient job
acetate wheel.
on platinum jewellery alloys, varying from
Thirdly, there are abrasive-loaded rubber wheels soft platinum-palladium to deliberately
and points (Cratex type) that also work on the hardened alloys.
basis of controlled wear continually exposing fresh
A dimension that is not so easily transferred from
abrasive to the work face (Figure 5F). Indeed,
a large scale to finishing jewellery is the speed of
the working face should be dressed with a
rotation of wheels. What really matters is the
dressing tool to clean up and reshape the
relative linear speed between the abrasive
working surface. With all three types, the built-in
particles and the platinum surface. With hand
abrasive may be supplemented by carefully
finishing there is little scope for varying the
chosen white (calcined alumina) 'compo'.
speed, but using rotary hand tools and bench
polishers introduces a wide speed range.
Japanese practise (Figure 5E) in the final stages
of finishing prefers a high linear speed but
achieved by using 12" (300mm) diameter cellular
PVA wheels charged with polishing compound
working at a maximum of 1600m/min for coarse
(400 mesh) buffing, to a maximum of
2000m/min for fine (1000 mesh) prior to finish
Figure 5F. Rotary brushes, flap-wheels, shaped meshes and polish. This requires a speed of rotation of about
various types of points may be used in many ways to produce
textured/matt areas and patterns. 2120 rpm. For a hand rotor disc of, say, 25mm

Finishing 5.6
diameter, the rpm to achieve the same linear work. There is also a far greater chance of work
speed should be over 25000! This is scarcely snagging on wheels at high peripheral speeds
possible under load when the hand tool is than on the large-scale slower rotating versions.
actually creating useful polishing friction. The Table 5B relates when diameter, rotational speeds
same part of the surface of the small tool would and linear speeds. Note how wheel wear requires
also be in contact with the platinum many times increasingly greater rotational speed to achieve
more frequently than for the large wheel, thus constant linear speed.
encouraging more rapid clogging. Heat release is
Table 5B. The relationship between abrasive wheel diameter,
more concentrated and if not controlled, will revolutions per minute, and linear peripheral speed
(K = 1000rpm).
cause the bond to plasticise and smear over the

Wheel Diameter Linear/Peripheral Speed (Meters/Minute)

(MM) (INCH) 750 1000 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 3000

6 0.25 40K 53K
10 0.4 24K 32K 51K
20 0.79 12K 16K 25K 29K 32K 35K
25 1.0 10K 13K 20K 23K 25K 28K 31K
50 2.0 5K 6K 10K 11K 13K 14K 15K 17K 19K
80 3.15 3000 4000 6400 7200 8000 8800 9600 10K 12K
100 4 2400 3200 5100 5800 6400 7000 7640 8280 9550

125 5 1910 2550 4070 4580 5090 5600 6110 6620 7640
150 6 1590 2120 3400 3820 4250 4670 5100 5520 6370
200 8 1200 1590 2550 2870 3185 3500 3820 4140 4780
300 12 795 1060 1700 1910 2120 2330 2550 2760 3180

Barrel and Abrasive particles used in these processes are but, because of this, it also shows up lack of
usually chosen so that they break down uniformity in reflectivity as well. Indeed, it is
Vibratory progressively in use, exposing new smaller cutting usually better to matt finish unprotected,
Polishing edges, so effectively moving gradually to a higher particularly convex, areas that are likely to be
grade of polish than would have resulted from the subjected to heavy wear, than to rely on
Matt or polished finishes
starting grade of abrasive. Platinum pieces preserving the uniformity of a high polish long
can be obtained by
cannot be successfully polished in a batch term. Polished areas juxtaposed with matt
barrelling or in a vibratory
mixed with gold. Where there is an economic finishes are a very useful design feature. One
polisher, but since
batch, platinum may be first subjected to a mild may also progress to coarser but still attractive
platinum production is
abrasive compound with ceramic chips to pad out milled, engraved or diamond-cut patterns
usually on a small scale,
and disperse the abrasive medium, followed by produced by edge tooling. Platinum's tarnish
the processes are not
bright burnishing with a polishing powder and resistance ensures that the differences between
commonly used.
hardened steel shapes. This imparts a burnished mirror facets, polished areas and controlled matt
finish and is more suitable for smoothly rounded finishes are preserved long-term.
pieces than for intricate sharp cut edges that may
be rounded off to some extent.

Matt Finishing
Platinum lends itself particularly well to controlled
matt finishes ranging from a silky/satin near
polish to a distinctly directional brush line finish.
Figure 5G. A selection of diamond tools for producing deeper
Polished platinum has excellent light (both colour textures or faceted designs on platinum.
accuracy and brilliance) and image reflectivity

Finishing 5.7
A necessary feature of all these finishes is to chasing, embossing (including roll embossing)
produce them from at least one grade of finish may be used, preferably on annealed platinum.
more polished than the grade desired. This Thinner gauges may often be used, compared
helps judge the uniformity and boundary of the with, say, silver. Chasing 26 gauge (0.46 mm)
matt finish; it produces the desired effect in one platinum reacts much the same as chasing 22
pass with less risk of clogging. It is considerably gauge (0.71 mm) silvers. It should not be
more difficult to produce a good effect by necessary to re-anneal the platinum during such
approaching from the coarser abrasive work unless there has been repeated reversals
grade finish. locally (in embossing, for instance) which may
give rise to fatigue cracking or premature tearing.
Even without changing the grade of abrasive, it is
possible to produce an apparently different The most straight-forward way of emphasising
texture by changing the brushing direction. For texture contrast is by maintaining the tooling in
instance, on an occasional craft piece, stroking a as highly polished condition as possible, using
ring shank circumferentially with a hand-pad of single strong blows or cuts at each point rather
Scotch-Brite product will produce a medium matt than a series of overlapping applications and
finish, while careful stoking transversely across starting with a high polish on the whole piece.
the width of the ring band will give a distinctly The high spots should remain well polished and
more matt appearance. The depth of scratches is they, or alternatively other areas, may then be
much the same but there is greater scatter of matted with rotary brushes, abrasive mesh
incident light. shapes or points as described in the section
above. The alternative method of starting with a
Similar differential effects can be produced with matt surface and polishing the high spots after
grit blasting (mini-jet grit blasters may be used the decoration stage requires more patience with
like a fine pointed brush), steel wire wool, steel or platinum than with most gold or silver; chased or
brass wire rotary brushes. Rotary abrasive flap embossed platinum high spots do not
brushes and shaped meshes are the most automatically take up a polish from the impacting
versatile. Highlight lines and mirror streaks can be tools. On the other hand, starting with a matt
produced with highly polished sintered tungsten surface and deliberately matting the tools does
carbide minitools. Diamond tools can also be overcome the problem of slipping and inaccuracy
used, although there is a greater degree of wear of hammering during chasing. In general,
than might be expected from experience with platinum may be finished easier by burnishing
silver and white gold. This can be reduced by rather than by polishing.
minimising the area to be faceted and the depth
of each cut. Again, it is best to arrange these Platinum surfaces can be decorated by
deeper cuts and mini facets on a previously granulation, or beading back from edges with a
polished or carefully matted surface rather than welding torch. In both processes, the oxidation
attempt to use this method of decoration to save resistance is a great advantage, but the high
some previous stages in the overall finishing density of platinum tends to flatten the beads
process. Figure 5G illustrates some of the more towards a drop shape rather than spheres.
diamond tools for achieving these effects. It is possible to retain more bead height in
granulation by soldering than by welding, where
Indentation and Beaded wetting between the whole lower half of the bead
Type Textures and the surface is virtually simultaneous
with adhesion.
Platinum responds well to coarser textures being
superimposed on either a fine brushed or a
polished finish. Hammer texturing, repouss,

Finishing 5.8
For unusual textures it is well worth exploring the It is always useful to remember that individual
fusion of platinum wire clippings, platinum components can be textured differently and
powder, even carefully selected and arranged later assembled by soldering or welding without
lemels, to a platinum surface by welding or changing the texture contrast.
soldering. This requires no flux and the original
surface conditions are retained without need for
extensive polishing.

Japanese platinum jewellery makers rhodium insoluble electrode process (platinum, platinised
plate the majority of their production unless there titanium or stainless steel) the surface area is not
Plating is need to differentiate between a gold and critical but should be run at 35C with current
platinum finish in a mixed piece. The plate density about 10 A/ft2 (0.07 A/in2) or
imparts a greater surface hardness (about 800 0.001 A/cm2) to give about 1/2 to 1 of plate
HV) than for platinum alone and it also disguises thickness per minute. Bath concentration should
colour differences due to solder lines. It is only not fall below about 90%. It is not normally
effective on already well-polished surfaces and necessary to agitate the bath vigorously (this may
does not cover up surface defects. The plating cause crazing) but an occasional tap to remove
can be confined to specified areas by masking bubbles which can cause pits may be useful.
other areas (such as gold areas in mixed metal
pieces) with cellulose lacquer or chlorinated Large-scale producers have a fully automated and

rubber paint. controlled plant, with an overhead-placing gantry.

Each operation on the multi-batch process is pre-
Before plating, surfaces are degreased, followed selected by the process controller. Typical cycle
by hot electrolytic alkaline cleaning. The time for a complete tray of 18 to 40 pieces would
electrolyte is normally rhodium sulphate, supplied be about 45 minutes with a total production rate
as a concentrated solution of 100g/l of rhodium of 2000-4000 pieces a day. A typical finished
in dilute sulphuric acid, which is further diluted plate thickness would be about 4.5.
with distilled water to give a suitable
concentration, depending on the thickness of There is virtually no difference in brilliance

plate required. As little as 1/2 to 1 micron () is between a polished platinum finish and a

enough to give colour and some protection; 5 is rhodium plated finish except for slightly more

the maximum that should be needed for jewellery blue/white colour with the rhodium plate. It is very

pieces. These thicknesses may be achieved from difficult to see the difference as produced, but

solutions containing 2 to 4 g/l of rhodium after 12 month's hard wear the difference may

immersed for 1 to 5 minutes. Glass or polythene be greater.

vats are recommended. Since the process is an

Finishing 5.9
Good Housekeeping Store different grades of tripoli wheels,
buffs and compo bars in separate plastic
From what has been said above, it should be
bags or boxes.
apparent that the finishing of platinum pieces is
not fundamentally different from gold and silver, Keep abrasive papers flat, not face to face,
but that there is a greater chance of clogging or in stiff envelopes (photographic paper
apparently wearing out abrasive and polishing packets are just about right), each reserved
media. The time penalty in going back to correct for one grade only.
a deeper than necessary scratch or similar fault Keep points, hand-pads and rotary shapes
is more significant. Every effort should be made strictly in separate plastic bags or boxes
to avoid transferring coarser particles to according to grade.
finer processes.
Ensure that each operative wears rough-
surfaced rubber tips on all fingers (or gloves)
and only processes one grade at a time
between washing.

Separate grinding, buffing and final polishing

stages into separate chambers.

Always expose platinum to fresh abrasive/

polishing media rather than risk clogging.

Maintain working place cleanliness at a high

standard; even grease from the hand and
atmospheric dust can provide an
unintentional but effective grinding medium!

As soon as platinum jewellery is finished, wrap

it in tissue or put it into a presentation case.

Setting 6

Jewellery Settings
and Platinum

Setting and Mounting


Setting 6.1
Jewellery Although white golds and platinum alloys have If the designer wishes to take advantage of
improved in the last 40 years platinum jewellery the finer points of difference:
Settings and alloys still have the better combination of strength
Platinum and ductility. Modern design and fashion,
Pt-palladium alloy is a little softer for opals,
emeralds and similar "soft" stones.
particularly where "only the best will do", has
Platinum is extended platinum use not only to settings for Pt-copper alloy is better for raising grains
regarded as the other white stones but to virtually all gem quality and pav work. It usually gives the best
best available coloured stones too. It is not surprising that in colour match with solders.
material for gem countries where a white precious metal is
Pt-cobalt alloy is best for complex as-cast
settings, particularly preferred, the whole piece is made up in platinum
settings but it also retains good claw
for diamonds, both setting capability.
on the grounds of Design has developed to include other precious Shanks in any of the three alloys are good
complementary metals alongside platinum for attractive colour for stretching up to size.
colour and high contrast reasons where marking regulations
The shaping of platinum for jewellery has been
strength in thin permit; not as a cheap substitute. So, the original
good setting characteristics of platinum now dealt with under "Handworking" and there are no
sections such as
support a much wider range of designs. unusual problems in making settings by hand.
claws and collets. Ideally, the metal within the setting should be
The most notable left in a partly work- hardened state. However,
Making Settings - Design
feature of platinum Consideration it is now possible to make or buy stamped or
is its ability to dead precision cast settings in standard sizes, with
Because of the relatively high strength and
set, meaning that it bearer and setting areas already partially shaped,
stiffness of platinum, claws, bezels and collets of
or more complex special shapes with remarkably
stays very firmly fine section are stronger than expected on first
good surface finish as-cast. Even a cast setting is
where it is put and experience. Settings in platinum need not be
worked slightly when being cleaned up, trimmed,
neither springs heavy unless that is a desired design
eased into position and burnished. With a little
back nor sags. characteristic. For instance, wire no more than
preplanning, it is possible to confine the
0.6mm diameter is sufficient for claws to hold
annealing effects of soldering and welding to near
stones up to a third of a carat and shaping from
the actual joint and rely on residual work-
1mm wire is about right around one carat.
hardening further away for useful additional
Different grades of platinum alloy may be used in
strength in, for instance, the tips of claws. If
the same piece. For instance, a setting for a
there is doubt about the continuing ability to work
delicate stone such as an emerald may be
the setting without cracking thin sections, start
combined with a hardwearing shank and/or an
with material in the annealed state. Always get
ornate complex cast shape; all joinable after
as much of the finishing to size and polishing
finishing as individual components. All of the hall-
done before assembling the setting. Even
markable platinum jewellery alloys are equally
soldering, welding or annealing after that stage
suitable for different types of settings and the
does not oxidise the metal and it is all the
final choice may depend on the design of the rest
easier to finish the assembled piece, including
of the piece.
the settings, with a light final polishing
or burnishing.

Setting 6.2
Because it is necessary to work platinum settings piece. When working on a group of stones, the
with considerable firmness, it is also advisable to close setting possible with platinum dictates that
mount the piece being set in a very firm you work from the centre progressively outwards.
anvil/setting ball vice. Wax and shellac are both Claws are levered first against the centre stone
used as the bedding material with wax being until they are all spaced evenly around the girdle,
marginally the more resilient. Warm methylated using the surrounding material as the "purchase"
spirits will remove residues of either without for twisting/levering the setting tool. The process
having to disturb the potentially good prepolished is then repeated on the next outer position and
finish of the setting. A final detailed polish may so on. This is particularly important with pav
be applied with green rouge (chromic oxide), settings (no prongs) in order not to run out of
rather than crocus, because it drags less. beadable material around the centre stone.

Claw Settings
(Figure 6A.) The ability for platinum to provide
strong slender claws, for setting diamonds safely
but with maximum exposure, is sufficiently well
known not to need elaboration here.

Figure 6B. Claw settings.

An important application of platinum is in making
the settings for pav work (setting diamonds or
other small stones close together, similar to
Figure 6A. The claw setting is the earliest and best known
application of platinum in jewellery. Claws can be light in
cobblestones). In some respects this may be
section provided there are distinct notches near the claw end to viewed as a development of the classical cluster
locate the pavillion below the girdle; the "Radial Tightness" of
platinum claws is sufficient. A typical traditional but high and setting whereby a group of stones, not
open presentation of a solitaire diamond.
necessarily all the same size, are set in a shallow
domed circle. In pav work, (Figure 6C) a small
Platinum has been used successfully in all of the
plate, shallow dome or even a hemisphere of
classical claw type settings for single stone rings,
platinum can be drilled out until the holes are
two to five stone straight or waveform settings
almost touching, but there can still be enough
with scallop, arcade, scroll, organ-pipe styles or
decorations. It is certainly not limited to setting
diamonds. The common feature to most claw
settings using platinum is that stones can be
supported on thinner bezels, narrower bearers
and with fewer slender claws than with most
other hall-markable precious metal alloys. Most
users of platinum prefer to start with material Figure 6C. Pav setting. (A) A typical hole drilling plan for a
as near to finished shape and size as possible, close-packed hexagonal arrangement for 5-10 point diamonds;
(B) All holes are first drilled parallel sided; (C) Top bearers are
to minimise the amount of platinum scrap. This then made by countersinking; (D) Similar opening out of the
pavillion; (E) Adjacent almost radial cuts provide a tongue to
immediately emphasizes the advantage of form a bead over the edge of the girdle which is cleaned up
precision casting the settings or even the whole with a grain tool; (F) Each stone is held by three beads.

Setting 6.3
strong metal remaining in the network to retain
closely set stones at their girdles and show little
more than the raised bead. In this case, fully
annealed material should be used to avoid the
difficulty of hard spots in unannealed alloy
making the raising of beads or close fine
setting difficult, thus outweighing the Figure 6E. Channel settings. (A) to (c) handmade channel ring
for square or baguette stones with inside edges cut to form
advantage of increased metal strength. Of bearers from two flat rings and with spacers which must clear
the stones so they lie end to end (d) to (e) shows cast channel
course there is no point in reducing the thickness section with (f) cast-in bearing which needs finishing with an
of the platinum to such an extent that the culets onglette graver (use flatter 15 cutting edge than normal for
gold at 30to 40) to seat the girdle just below the rim of the
of the stones make uncomfortable contact with channel (F), before turning the edge back over the stones (h)
with a setting tool.
the wearer. Normally the pav platform is raised
on the ring shank or brooch surround with a
touching girdles. Cast channels may not need
gallery or basket back similar to those used for
many, if any, cross-spacers and the beginnings of
cluster rings. Pav and similar close display
the bearer recess may be cast into the inner
settings are normally prepared by drilling recesses
upper edge of a standard channel. This reduces
in small sections of sheet or cleaning up recesses
the amount of graver work needed to complete
in precision cast components and then producing
the bearer and of course reduces the weight of
an accurate seating with a precision burr or
the ring (Figure 6E). The bearer is deepened
fraise. As with any other setting material, it is
sideways into the channel edge with an onglette
important to match the stones beforehand so
graver, the baguettes are 'snapped' in and the
that it is not necessary to produce too much
thin top edge of the channel is forced over just
variation in seating sizes with the burrs. Only in
above the girdle of the stone.
mass production is wear of drills and burrs likely
to be a problem.

Figure 6F. Channel settings.

Figure 6D. Pav setting.

Invisible Setting

Channel Setting Platinum readily supports the principle of pav

and channel settings in that the continuity of the
Platinum is very good for making channel settings
stones from one to another is emphasized
for much the same reason as pav; baguette
without drawing too much attention to the setting
stones can be adequately supported by strong
itself because it is strong but slender. It is
but narrow edge bands, leaving the end girdles of
possible to arrange the stones in such a way that
the stones touching apparently unsupported in
no platinum is visible between them (Figure 6G).
the centre of the channel. In practice, the sides
This is done by cutting special grooves or inset
of the channel will be cross-braced with spacers,
slots in the gemstones just below the girdle.
particularly if handmade, but platinum does not
These receive very carefully prepared claws which
normally need cross-spacers below every pair of
allow the stones to touch at the girdles above.
Either the crown facets, or total internal reflection

Setting 6.4
stresses some gemstones will safely withstand,
it is possible to support the stones more
openly than would be possible using
conventional settings. In effect the stone is
clipped in a gap cut into a prestressed ring of
platinum. The gap is slightly less than the
diameter across the girdle of the stone and when
Figure 6G. Principles of invisible settings. (A) to (C): Triangular, clipped into simple curved notch seatings in the
square/rectangular, hexagonal stones are best for close
open ends of the ring, the stone is held firmly by
packing: (D) Six-rayed star-cut stone in plan and elevation; (E)
Double French or Cardinal cut similarly showing the position of elastic hoop stress. The stone appears to be
hidden grooves in all or alternate facets below the girdle into
which pre-set prongs spring to hold the pattern in place. suspended in space (Figure 6I). A similar principle
may be used to hold the stone in a "split
in the case of diamonds and some simulants, tube" setting.
hide from view the small penetration into the
pavillion. This type of arrangement obviously
depends on strong claws with some springiness
and they must still be small to be well hidden.
Platinum is ideal for this application.

Figure 6I. A tension ring setting.

Figure 6H. Invisible settings.

Unusual Settings
The high mechanical properties of platinum and
the fact that it does not soften or relax with time
(except at high temperatures) has led to its use
in some innovative types of settings. The basis of
most of these is that the stress created by
Figure 6J. Tension settings.
elastically deforming platinum is predictable and
can be relied upon to grip a stone without
relaxation. By combining engineering stress
calculations with a good knowledge of what

Setting 6.5
Setting and It is good practice with platinum to: lubricant for the next series of strokes after each
tool repolishing. For only occasional use,
Mounting Drill at a slow speed.
hardened tool steel scorpers may be used for
Techniques Start holes with a pilot drill and then use a platinum setting, provided the working face is
drill size smaller than the stone to finish. highly polished, though tungsten carbide tools
take and retain the best polish and should
Use sharp drills, resharpening often.
therefore be used for repeated work on platinum
Lubricate with beeswax or methyl salicylate settings. In particular, the cutting edge of a
(oil of wintergreen) frequently. tungsten carbide scorper gives the sharpest and
If the drill breaks, dissolve out with 30% neatest cut.
sulphuric acid.
Setter's Wrist!
Use a new or well-cleaned burr only as
much as necessary to finish the seating. Advice on firmness of support, sharpness of tools,
lubrication, leverage, and as-cast setting
Keep millgrain wheels and burnishers
surfaces, is given in the interests of good quality
meticulously clean and reserved only for
platinum settings, but there is another aspect.
The occasional worker in platinum often
Opinions differ as to the best tools for setting complains that "platinum is hard on the wrists"!
platinum against stones. It helps to have a matt Typical platinum settings do offer more resistance
texture, to get an accurate positioning without than, say, 18 carat yellow gold, but this is the
slipping in the initial stages of moving platinum reason for its success as an apparently slender
onto the girdle of the stone. On the other hand, but strong setting for the stones. There is usually
the finishing of the beading and the tidying up of no need to "move" as much platinum about in
the surrounding setting is best done with a highly cutting a seating, making a bead over a girdle, or
polished burnisher. Platinum burnishes well, but it setting a claw, as would be the case with softer
also drags easily in contact with the slightest alloys. Use short cutting strokes and frequent
trace of debris. lubrication; lever claws and material for beads
into place and maintain all tools in top condition.
Transfer of debris from tools is avoided by Above all, cultivate a policy of "right first time",
repeated retouching of the high polish on the tool with careful preplanning of each part of the
face after every few strokes. This is not as setting operation. Much of the frustration with
arduous as it sounds if the initial polish on the platinum comes from having to rework your, or
tool face is good. While a 4/0's emery finish is someone elses, previous errors, usually on now
good enough on a burnisher for gold, it is work-hardened material, and having to remove
advisable to use something better for platinum. defects in otherwise well-polished areas!
One classical method is to use putty powder
mixed with methylated spirits, spread on a
smooth piece of hardwood as the touch-up
polisher. Methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen) in a
piece of sponge also acts as a good quick

Combination 7

with Platinum

Combination 7.1
Combinations There is no technical reason why platinum should Assembling, Decorating, or
not be used in combination with other white Co-Working?
with Platinum metals, especially when using its very good
There are basically three routes to making
settings capability. However, it is unusual for
Platinum jewellery combination jewellery. For occasional one-off
platinum to be combined with silver, because of
alloys are attractive the low colour contrast and large difference in the
pieces, the jeweller may combine components

and versatile each made as far as possible in a different alloy.

inherent costs of platinum and silver. In some
This is assembly. Combining a platinum setting at
components in countries, marking regulations dictate that the
the shoulders of a gold ring shank is a familiar
combination with combined piece is described as silver unless the
example. Alternatively, he may finish the bulk of
other precious two metals can be separately distinguished. This
the piece in one alloy and add another of
metals, particularly would seriously undervalue the piece. The
different colour and/or texture. This is decoration.
inherent values of platinum and 18 carat white
with regard to Gold may be decorated with platinum and vice
golds are more comparable, so there is less
mixed colours versa by inlaying techniques, surface mounting,
deterrent to combining it with platinum,
and textures. particularly when taking advantage of the high
differential etching or plating. There may be no
clear distinction between assembly and
strength of platinum in light sections, delicate
heavy decoration.
settings and filigree work.

Some simpler designs lend themselves to batch

The most popular examples of platinum
production or a common design at an early stage
combinations employ white platinum jewellery
in the production sequence. For these, it is often
alloys in contrast with one or more coloured golds
possible to devise a combination nearer the raw
(Figure 7A). There are also ample opportunities to
material stage.
vary texture. With its high melting point, good hot
strength, and freedom from oxidation, platinum
Examples of combination nearer the
lends itself very well indeed to forming
semi-fabricated stage include:
components (even finished polished) and then
using soldering, fusion, welding, cold welding, Bar of alternating layers of two or
mechanical joining or even adhesives to more alloys.
assemble the combined piece. There are very
Sheet made from different alloy strips.
many combinations of alloy and methods of
joining possible and this section of the manual Tube with different alloys concentrically

simply suggests various strategies rather than layered.

trying to be an exhaustive catalogue. Simple platinum shapes distributed regularly

or irregularly within a matrix of gold.

Simple gold shapes distributed regularly or

irregularly in a platinum matrix.

These combinations may then be further co-

worked, or selectively cut, to form jewellery
components with some control over the resulting
pattern, but the basic arrangement is decided by
the initial combination pattern.

Figure 7A Platinum/gold combination jewellery.

Combination 7.2
The remainder of this section gives examples of Assembling Mixed Alloys by
ways in which platinum combination jewellery can Welding and Soldering
be produced, with the emphasis on the principles
The earlier section covering soldering/welding,
and design planning, rather than on pattern
shows that platinum responds well to both; no
details. It should be apparent that platinum
new principles are introduced by joining platinum
is a very versatile precious metal for
in these ways to other precious metals. The
combination jewellery.
general rule is to use platinum techniques when
joining platinum to fine gold (and normally,
Assembling Mixed Alloys by 22 carat gold) and carat gold joining techniques
Co-casting with Platinum
when joining to 14, or more usually, 18 carat
The high melting point, relatively good hot golds. In the former case no fluxes are needed,
strength and excellent oxidation resistance of but operating temperatures are over 1,000C. For
platinum jewellery alloys are an excellent basis for carat golds, temperatures below 1,000C are
co-casting solid platinum with an alternative sufficient, particularly when soldering. A flux
molten alloy. Probably the commonest example of appropriate to the carat gold or solder is used.
this in the past has been to precision cast a gem
setting in platinum, prepolish it and then attach it Combination welding and soldering
to a wax ring shank pattern. summary:

This is then re-invested and the new wax melted. Combinations of platinum and fine gold
The platinum setting is left in place such that it require no flux.
welds solid to liquid when another jewellery alloy Joining is a relatively simple process;
such as 14, 18, or even 22 carat gold is if the shape is already a good fit.
injected. Many combinations are possible, giving
When inlaying platinum with 18 carat
a versatile style of design for combination
golds, use gold solder flux; 18 carat gold
jewellery where marking regulations allow. If co-
can oxidise.
casting is intended from the start, it is best to
make the platinum settings with dovetailed or For surface decoration rather than inlaid,
similar shoulder protrusions, to aid wax use yellow gold solder and flux; they melt at
attachment and liquid/solid co-cast welding. lower temperatures than platinum solders
(Figure 7B) outlines the method. and are easier to match with yellow gold
at edges.
An extension of this method is to link together,
not weld or solder, platinum swivels, chain-links
or precast components, join them into the ends
of wax patterns, burn out and then co-cast with
another liquid jewellery alloy. The linked platinum
components are unaffected by the process and
can still swivel or slide on each other, but are
firmly joined to the other precious metal
components. This allows chains, bracelets and
similar structures to be produced already joined;
indeed, with the swivels already polished. Where Figure 7B. A precision cast platinum setting (A) can be co-cast
with, say, gold. It helps to have small projections at the
several links need to be made in one cast, it is shoulder to locate the wax pattern for the ring shank. after
reinvesting, melting out the wax and casting with gold, the
best to arrange them radially from a common liquid gold/solid platinum interface makes a sound weld.
feeder from the tree base, rather than in-line.

Combination 7.3
Co-Working Inlay Or Intarsia Work
Several simple arrangements of platinum with Originally, intarsia work referred to mosaic work
yellow golds can be made early in the working and in principle this can be done by inlaying
process, so that the basic arrangement survives platinum shapes into gold or vice versa. In
subsequent working operations, to form a built-in creating some simple combination patterns, it is
pattern. This may either be for stock or possible to cut out, or better still, punch out,
customised, depending on the size of batch. The shapes from platinum and fill the space with the
most common example is alternate strips of corresponding shape punched out of, say, 18
platinum and one or more coloured golds side by carat gold. The platinum shapes will then fit into
side in sheet or strip form. Coupons cut from the gold spaces. Start with, 10 to 20% thicker
such stock can be cross-rolled to broaden the gauge flat and annealed material than the finally
stripes, but normally further rolling is longitudinal, required gauge. Following carat gold techniques
in which case the stripes remain constant in rather than platinum, small paillons should be
width and are elongated in proportion to the placed at intervals along the interface and the
reduction in thickness. Similarly, platinum shapes parts soldered together from the intended
may be arranged in a pattern in a mould and gold front side.
cast around them. The original shapes completely
weld to the gold matrix and the resulting slab
may then be co-worked. The slab rolls down as
though it were a homogeneous solid, so the
shape will be elongated in the direction of rolling.
The plan shape can be controlled quite accurately
by cross-rolling or rolling at an angle, but the
amount may be limited by roll width and so Figure 7C. Representation of the predictability of shape
changes when rolling a coupon of platinum discs in a
requires careful planning. The principle is shown gold matrix.
in Figure 7C, for platinum discs in a gold matrix,
but other simple shapes would behave in a Finish the composite sheet by giving it a few light
similar fashion. Gold discs in a platinum matrix passes through the rolling mill (Figure 7D). 18
behave in the same way, although they are more carat gold solder melted into the holes of a drilled
likely to be incorporated by inserting solid gold platinum shank is an interesting design
discs in holes in platinum strip and co-rolling, alternative; the advantage being that the solder
rather than by co-casting (which is, nevertheless, melts easily into place (Figure 7E).
quite possible).

Design using composite stock is likely to follow

the lines of "what manipulation process can I use
to re-arrange the composite pattern into an
interesting jewellery shape". In other words, the
design will be relatively simple. Some designers
have combined a good knowledge of rheology
(plastic deformation of solids, including mixed
metals) with a flair for original design.
Nevertheless, most original combination pieces of Figure 7D. Platinum/gold combination sheet.
jewellery are created by decoration and/or
assembly rather than co-working.

Combination 7.4
One of the most popular and versatile decoration groove has been filled. If the correct gauge
techniques is to inlay wire sections into (usually between 0.25 and 0.75mm gauge) is
cuts/grooves, milled, sawn or chased into the chosen, the gold should just stand proud of the
other precious metal surface either previously groove and simply needs flatting down and
polished or prematted under control. Ideally, the polishing flush to finish.
section of the groove should be wider at the
bottom than at the top (Figure 7F). This may be
done by making two or three cuts; the first main
cut follows the drawn out design with a square
graver (vertical sides) and this is followed up with
a fine graver, slanted so that it does not touch
the opposite upper lip, but so that it undercuts
slightly one side, and then the other side, of the
base of the first cut. The wire to be inlaid should
Figure 7F. Inlay of a gold motif in platinum. the undercutting
have a diameter about half the depth of the cut of the channel is exaggerated for clarity. In practice, platinum
would not need much of a lip to retain the gold.
and is set by hammering with a flat faced punch
so that it remains slightly above the surface of
Wider gold shapes in platinum can be created by
the background when the groove is filled. A flat
chasing the outline of the shape into the
graver may be used to trim away the extra inlaid
platinum and fusing gold wire into the shallow
metal, or it may be ground down and the joint
recess until it is just proud of the surroundings.
surface polished or matted in the usual way.
Where the area to be filled is larger still, it is
better to cut the gold from thin sheet to fill the
recess, and make up any small gaps with fine
wire filler.

Filigree Platinum
Platinum wire section (not necessarily only round
wire) is strong, even in thin sections, particularly
if used in the half-hard or even harder condition.
It is particularly effective in suspending other
Figure 7E. 18 carat gold solder and platinum ring. precious metals or precious stones in a brooch
frame, or from a bangle, bracelet or necklace.
Platinum wire let into 18 carat gold requires little
One neat way of making an end join or
more than tamping into the groove, flatting and
suspension is to take the half-hard wire, say 0.15
polishing or matting. Platinum receiving fine gold
to 0.45mm diameter, fuse one end into a tiny
wire inlay may not need very much undercutting
sphere, thread the free wire through a hole in the
because the platinum lip is usually strong
other metal, say 18 carat yellow gold, tension it
compared with the very malleable fine gold. The
and then secure the free end by soldering to the
filling requires little force and the two metals will
gold surround (Figure 7G). Alternatively, the
virtually cold weld.
platinum wire can be given a head (and finally a
tail-end) by fusing on a small piece of fine gold of
For slightly more spread out lines, or bands, the
predetermined weight. No flux is needed and the
gold wire is first tacked into the start of the
fine gold fuses into a small sphere of predictable
groove, with a flame raising the temperature of
diameter. This enables you to make fine gold
the wire just to melting point. The wire is then led
nodes or connection points at the ends or
and simultaneously eased into the grooved
meeting points of platinum filigree wires, to form
pattern, following along with the flame until the

Combination 7.5
Check the marking regulations in the
intended market; while touching wire
sections may each be markable, co-worked
sections may not be individually

Start with the platinum and the other

metal(s) equally soft to avoid the softer
Figure 7G. Filigree platinum. a diamond ball supported by
platinum strings in a gold frame. Two ways of finishing ends are twisting more than the harder.
shown. the frame should be pressed inwards while making the
ends, then allowed to spring back to tension the wire.
Choose annealing temperatures to suit the
other precious metal, but allow a longer
single suspensions, spider webs, networks and
time for platinum to recover/stress relieve, if
meshes. Once the predetermined weight of fine
not fully annealed.
gold is tacked or twisted over the connection
point, it may be fused without flux by carefully In making a ring/bracelet band, match the
heating the junction just over the melting point of wire ends to be joined at a diameter the
gold (i.e. just over 1063C). If the junction is same as, or smaller than, finally required, or:
really overheated, the molten gold will dissolve Solder all the wire ends into a cross-piece to
the platinum wire! disguise the mismatch.

It is simpler to expand a band to size than

Wire Sections Combination
to cut back to size and attempt to rematch
Manipulating wire sections by twisting, plaiting the wire ends.
single or multiple strands, twisting several strands
on a core, twisting or cross-linking chains and coil Engraved/Etched Patterns
weaving, are ancient techniques for making
A simple arrangement with good design potential
jewellery. One of the easiest ways of exploring
for platinum/gold combinations is to laminate
platinum combination design and techniques is to
platinum with one of the carat golds or plate it
combine platinum and other precious metal wire
with 22 carat or fine gold. Fine line or broader
sections (not necessarily only round sections) by
pattern shapes may then be produced by either
twisting or plaiting (Figure 7H). This may be
engraving or etching through the gold surface to
followed by soldering (assembly) or by rolling or
expose the bulk platinum beneath, which may
forging (co-working) that will probably also cause
subsequently be matted rather than polished.
cold welding. Introducing platinum in this way
raises no fundamental problems, but the
An etchant that attacks gold but will stop acting,
following hints may help head off minor problems.
or slow down greatly, on reaching platinum is:
16% Hydrochloric acid,
8% Nitric acid,
1% Iron perchlorate,
75% Water.

Stop-out varnish, liquid asphaltum, hard ground,

and plating resist, all suitable for gold surfaces,
are normally suitable for protecting the retained
gold part of the design on platinum during
etching. However, once the platinum is exposed,
the gold does tend to etch away sideways more

Figure 7H. Combining metals by twisting or plaiting

Combination 7.6
rapidly than downwards. So, to retain (platinum) It is helpful to:
lines in fine outline, it is advisable to stop etching
Choose finishing techniques more
as soon as the fine lines have 'developed'.
appropriate to platinum than the other
metal, even when platinum is in the
Polishing Combination Pieces
Having gone to the trouble to make an effective
Prefer a sharp cutting technique to a smear
design by combining platinum with another metal
polishing or burnishing technique throughout
of different colour/texture, it is usual to try to
preserve the boundaries between the
components as precisely as possible. With a little Note that diamond paste polishing
pre-planning and careful polishing it is possible to techniques work on the basis that diamond
minimise both the smearing of the softer metal is so hard that it treats all precious metals
over the harder and the creation of a step as equally "soft", so differential polishing is
between the two. This is easier where the minimised.
boundary is simple, rather than convoluted, and Polish along the boundary rather than
the operator has some control over the local across, particularly in the final polishing
direction of polishing. stage. With intricate designs this may mean
using miniature rotary tools.

Any combination design has to be carefully
considered from the point of view of
minimising mixed scrap. While clean, single
precious metal alloy scrap can usually be
remelted or joined economically, this is not
usually so for combined alloys which often
Figure 7I. Platinum /gold combination jewellery. have to be recycled through an early stage
refining process. It is not surprising,
therefore, that combinations of platinum
with other precious metals are rarely made
for stock but rather to special order. Large
producers of platinum combination jewellery
tend to make up their own combination
semi-finished stock. They are skilled in
choosing economic routes, semis product
sizes and designs that are a good
compromise between versatile designs in
finished products that will sell well and
minimise precious metal scrap losses,
including the cost of slow moving inventory.

Stamping 8


Tool Materials


Closed-Die Forming


Stamping 8.1
Introduction Figure 8A sketches a sequence of operations
used to form a ring blank, so avoiding extensive
For the purposes of machining. Stamping might be extended to
include stretch-forming and deep-drawing of
this section of the
sheet and forming of wire, into chain links, for
manual, stamping
instance. Platinum responds well to stamping
means all those operations, as is shown by some of the coin and
processes using medal minted products seen around the world, as
punches and/or well as some of the product seen in Figure 8B. Figure 8A. Sequence of operations for forming a ring band
from thick strip.
dies in a hand - However, it is advisable to choose tool and die
operated fly-press materials along with tool clearances carefully, to

or a mechanical obtain the best tool life and dimensional

accuracies in the components. The amount of
single or double
power needed to work platinum is greater than
acting press. This
for gold and silver and thus tool hardnesses
includes blanking should be correspondingly higher also.
and punching, both
of which involve
shearing, an
operation similar to
coining and
embossing, that
shapes or imprints
a slug of metal
between closed die.

Tool Materials Except for the unusual case of continuous mass A high-carbon high-chromium tool steel might
production of platinum components such as in be chosen for continuous light working
chain making, there is no need to use exotic tool operations such as simple bending, because of
materials. It is more economic to use standard its superior hardness and increased wear
air-hardening chromium tool steels for both resistance. It would be more prone to distortion
cutting edges in blanking/punching and for and cracking in heavier coining operations.
closed dies. These are popular general purpose
tool steels capable of air hardening, as opposed A typical tool composition would be:
to oil-quenching, because of their molybdenum
%C 0.95-1.05 Heat treat tools to
content. As a result, they are less prone to
distortion and dimensional change in heat- %Mn 1.00 max 58-60 Rc (720-760HV)
treatment and have good wear resistance. The %Si 0.50 max by air quenching at
principal reasons for choosing this type of tool
%Cr 4.75-5.50 940-970C and tempering
steel are its good heat-treatability, good
machinability in shaping the tools and moderate %Ni 0.30 max at 250-450C (near flat
toughness, with medium cost for medium runs on
%Mo 0.90-1.40 response with tempering
light to medium stock. This would be the case for
most platinum jewellery batches. %V 0.15-0.50 temperature)

Stamping 8.2
Blanking/ There is an optimum clearance between punch Since there is usually no need to anneal
and die which will produce a blank showing a between cutting the blank and its further
Punching minimum amount of bending and with the edges shaping, it is usual to start with annealed
as smooth as possible. This varies from one material. However, some subsequent operations
metal to another, being least for metals of high work better with half-hard stock and it is not
ductility. The general rule for blanking and difficult to blank from stock at a hardness of 85-
punching platinum is that the clearance 100Hv. Die wear is increased in cutting harder
between the punch outer diameter and the material and if die life has to be maximised, the
internal diameter of the blank holder should be platinum alloy should be used in the annealed
3-4% of the stock thickness. condition (for likely hardnesses, see Table 1B).

Closed-Die The clearest example of closed- die forming is the polished, chromium plated, and re-polished
minting of coins and medals, but the principle periodically by specialists. The press operator can
Forming extends to the stamping of components for also increase the overall life by occasionally
making up into "catalogue" jewellery with more or stress-relieving the whole die or the die inserts for
less embossing on the surface. Coining demands a few hours at 200 to 250C.
the highest pressures within closed dies, due to
the requirement for intricate surface designs and
the need for accurate, repeatable blank volumes.

These conditions demand a rigid and accurately

aligned machine frame and accurately matched
and unyielding dies. Most other stamping
operations on platinum are less demanding, but
in all cases, dies must be polished and well
maintained to minimise die wear.

Simple shapes such as leaves, petals and hearts,

may be blanked and shaped in one operation and
subsequently welded (possibly laser welded)
Figure 8B. Stamped pieces.
together in a variety of arrangements. Similarly,
findings such as simple settings for calibrated There are no special problems in stamping
precious stones, earring parts and brooch smaller batches of platinum using closed-die
components may be made this way (Figure 8B). tooling, except perhaps that the dies wear
Forming chain links from tape or wire is a special slightly quicker than they would on gold alloys.
case of closed - die (continuous) forming. In such
cases, more specialised die materials or die
inserts, and processes such as plating, may be
used to extend the life of dies between recutting.
In long coining runs, the dies are usually

Stamping 8.3
Summary The variety of operations that might be included When stamping platinum:
under the heading of "stamping" are wide, but
Keep all tooling clean.
few jewellery manufacturers are likely to use
stamping machinery for long runs on platinum Do not use excess lubrication.
production alone. Alternating between platinum
Keep press surface and dies highly polished.
production and other precious metals does not
introduce any major problems; most platinum Clean plates of beeswax, other lubricants,

jewellery alloys are amenable to precision and metal particles that could damage a

stamping. However, platinum alloys usually high finish.

require more force/power than working with, say, There is a tendency to smear or drag wear
18 carat gold and, so, in long runs, there is a on working tools.
need for more robust dies and machinery. Dies
Keeping a high tool polish minimises wear.
should be maintained more frequently in order to
continue to benefit from the inherently good
workability of platinum. Good housekeeping is, as
always with platinum, cost effective. For instance,
tools and dies used for various precious metals
must be cleaned before and after use on
platinum. Platinum readily picks up and retains
(often by effectively cold welding) other metals.
Such local contamination could even cause an
assay sample to fail, but is more likely to have an
adverse effect on the good working properties of
platinum, particularly after heat-treating, soldering
or welding. The good housekeeping details
given in the sections on soldering, welding
and handworking, apply to stamping
operations also.

Finally, stampings are most likely to be made

from wrought stock of consistent uniform
analysis, so the scrap represents a valuable
resource well worth segregating into a separate
batch identified by a single batch number and
not mixed in with miscellaneous scrap, lemels
or sweepings.

Machining 9


Technical Background

Parting Off
Machine Facetting
Gloss Turning
Heat Generation


Tools Setting

Machining 9.1
Introduction Most batch producers will explore fully the to frequently re-prepare cutting edges or use
workability of platinum before resorting to continuously exposed fresh cutting surfaces.
The average jobbing extensive machining. For instance, as was Under such circumstances, the jobbing jeweller is
outlined in the stamping section (Figure 8A), ring likely to consider using machining methods, or
jeweller is much
blanks may be made by manipulating washers sub-contracting work to a machinist, particularly
more likely to use
from thick sheet and forming the outer band when making large items of jewellery or plate, or
handworking shape either by stamping or by ring rolling. in preparing batches of similar components.
techniques, Parting from tube would be an intermediate
including small- method that introduces cutting one stage earlier.
scale machining in Bending a precut length of rolled D-section
the form of sawing, around a mandrel or triblet and welding the join is

drilling, filing, and the method most commonly used by the craft
jeweller. Gloss turning would then be the first
texturing, than a
surface machining process in any of these routes
fully equipped
and the saving in terms of metal removal
machine shop compared with machining from the solid is
where machinability significant (Figure 9A). Figure 9A. Typical dimensioned sequence (A) to (C) of creating
of platinum needs a wedding band blank from a washer punched from strip. In
this case the cross-section is changed about its centroid at a
to be optimised. Platinum sticks to most forms of tooling and constant radius (C=9mm) from the axis. if the same end shape
were to be drilled machined from a solid right cylinder (D) It
cutting edges and it may remove some of the
The advice for would require almost 66% metal removed as swarf. Note: This
cutting tool material when it breaks away. This is not a fair estimation of the savings in scrap (by the stamping
handworking was to route) because cutting the washer from strip creates solid
gives the impression that platinum is inherently scrap too but this is usually more useful than swarf.
organise the design difficult to machine or that it is an unusually hard
and assembly to material. In fact, platinum is not unusually There is then a need at least to understand the
minimise the demanding in terms of work done in machining, techniques that a subcontractor is likely to use,

amount of provided the correct tool settings and particularly to optimise design and production
lubrication conditions are maintained. But, economy, and also to minimise process scrap.
metal removal.
frustration is easily caused by ignoring the need

Technical Machining any metal by lathe or shaper/planer done and heat is generated are separate from
(ie. with a single tool face) involves a significant each other and come into action in a cyclic
Background force opposite to the effective direction of cutting fashion.
and with the work required dependent on the
volume and speed of cutting. This work The main problem in machining platinum is its

overcomes friction at the interface, shears the tendency to cold weld to clean tool faces, teeth

metal and mostly appears as heat. This in turn and edges. If allowed to build up, this alters the

raises the temperature of both the metal tool setting, lubrication, interface geometry and

remaining and of the swarf removed. Lubrication temperature conditions, leading to clogging and

helps to reduce the friction and also to conduct the stick/slip wear of tooling. Platinum also has a

some of the heat away. low thermal diffusivity, which means that more of
the heat generated remains near the
The same principles apply in multiple tool cutting tool/platinum interface than would be the case for
processes. In effect, band saws and slitting and gold. This increases the interface temperature
grinding abrasive wheels are multiple tool cutting and "cold welding", which in turn leads to the
processes, but the points at which the work is removal of minute tool particles.

Machining 9.2
Optimising the machining of platinum depends depth, and cutting interface angles. Increasing
on minimising friction by correct tool settings speed and/or depth of cut increases the force,
and reducing and removing heat as efficiently the rate of metal removal and the rate of heat
as possible with lubrication. Alternatively, it generated, but not necessarily the rate at which
may be possible to use tooling that is the heat is removed. Altering the angle of the tool
specifically designed to break away cleanly, face to the work, mainly alters the area of the
thus constantly replenishing the interface as wear takes place, the ease with
cutting surface. which lubricant gets to the working edge and
consequently the rate of heat removal. It also
The principle forces involved in lathe turning changes the way in which swarf is generated and
(including gloss turning) the shaper/planer and cleared from the interface.
even boring and drilling, are similar. In lathe
turning, the tool remains stationary and the work
The forces, particularly Fc, but also friction,
rotates; in shaping, the work is clamped and the
and the heat generated:
tool moves over it, but the relative movement and
force vector set up are essentially the same. They Increase with
are shown in Figure 9B, which illustrates the
Cutting speed.
principle forces and tool angles that have to be
considered to maximise machinability of platinum Depth of cut.
by minimizing the cutting force and protecting the Hardness of the metal.
cutting edge as long as possible. The
arrangement shown is for the shaper/planer, but Decrease with
the principles extend to an external lathe cut,
More lubrication.
where the work surface would be convex, and to
drilling/boring, where the work surface is normally Optimum tool angles.

concave in relation to the tool tip. The most Sharp cutting edge.
important force contributing to the work is Fc, the
cutting force opposite to the direction of cutting.
Anything that can be done to reduce Fc will
reduce the total work done and heat
generated. Anything which increases Fc is likely
to increase friction, tool wear, distortion of the
interface and vibration.

What we need to do is to reduce the redundant

work more than the essential cutting work. This
Figure 9B. The tool/workpiece interface, showing the shear
requires careful choice of cutting speeds, cutting plane of the chip and the two main forces acting on the tool.

Processes Parting Off 0.3mm thick, provided they are run in disc guides
to avoid excessive flexing. Depending on the
It is common practice to part off tube into ring
diameter (the maximum safe speed decreases
blanks prior to gloss turning on a lathe. With
with diameter) the effective surface speed may
platinum, this can lead to rapid tool wear and
be between 1300 and 3800 M/min. The surface
give rise to large burrs, too much kerf and poor
finish of the cut surfaces is determined by the
edge surface finish. So, it is better to slit the
grade of abrasive used in the disc and may be
platinum using thin alumina or silicon carbide
about 2 microns () for a disc of 400 grade grit.
resin bonded discs. These can be as little as

Machining 9.3
A burr is produced on the inner surface of the lapping is needed to restore an acceptable finish
tube/band when finally slitting through. This is ability. The costs compare well with skills costs for
minimised by a fast feed rate, particularly just hand-finishing a high bullion value ring.
before break through, but this increases the rate
of disc wear. A compromise is to feed forward at It is possible to adapt the machine facetting

20 to 30mm/min at a disc peripheral speed of process to produce a prefinal polish state for a

about 1400 M/min, and to cool with water or plain band as a substitute for machine gloss

water soluble coolant/lubricant to prevent burning turning. The facetting machine is programmed to

the disc. Where there is sufficient demand to make very small shallow cuts all over the top

justify taking all steps to increase quality and surface of an accurately profiled and sized

productivity, it is also useful for the tube itself platinum ring blank. This produces a highly

to be rotated counter to the spin of the reflective finish automatically, but one which is

slitting disc. not absolutely smooth. If a smooth finish is

required, the final stage should be hand polishing
rather than a gloss-turning machine. The
Machine Facetting
difference is that the myriads of facets are
Platinum bands may be facetted using the same
produced by the diamond moving quickly but
type of machines as used for facetting gold
intermittently over the stationary ring surface,
bands. These machines scallop tiny pieces of
while gloss turning rotates the ring continuously
metal away in a geometrically planned pattern
beneath a single diamond point; there is no off-
using a rotating disc with a lapped diamond on its
load cycle time for heat to dissipate.
circumference. The only difference is in the likely
life between regrinds of the diamond cutting
Gloss Turning
edge. Whereas an average facet design might be
repeated on 100 or more gold bands before The most important small scale batch jewellery

regrinding the diamond, with platinum, the machining operation is the gloss turning of

number of repeats would be about 8-10. As the wedding bands, which requires more care when

depth of cut is also less, so each platinum ring employed on platinum than on yellow gold. The

takes about 4 times as long to facet as a similar standard jeweller's lathe tool for gloss turning gold

design on 18 carat gold. It is possible to make has a relatively obtuse cutting edge, with 15

deep facet cuts on platinum, but this shortens negative top rake and a narrow glossing flat

the life between diamond regrinds even more immediately below this edge. This is intended to

drastically. A new or reground tool can be used burnish after the cutting edge, but it also

initially on either gold or platinum, but once it has interferes with lubrication between tool and

been used to facet platinum it should not be workpiece (Figure 9C). With platinum, a tool with

used on gold; it will not give the expected high a more positive top rake lowers the cutting force.

finish, because of minute damage to the However, tool wear is slower, lubricant access is

diamond cutting edge. improved and deterioration in work surface finish,

although not burnished, is only very slight. This
This apparently expensive process should be seen tool tip arrangement is less robust than the
in perspective. The initial investment in diamond conventional negative top rake, but with the
tooling is no different, whether for gold or silver mainly shallow cuts for glossing this is not a
(assuming the operator is facetting both gold and problem. The effective machining speed in gloss
platinum), so it is the regrind costs that have to turning is a combination of the rotational speed
be compared. With careful process control of the mandrel/ring blank and the speed of
(shallow cuts, accurate setting, low rotor speed traverse of the tool over the width of the band
with plenty of no-load time between cuts) tools (which will often be radiused).
should last, say, 8 completed rings before a light

Machining 9.4
A high rpm combined with a slow traverse will Heat Generation
produce the finest grooves tightly packed.
The rate at which heat is generated will depend
Provided the tools are correctly set, sharp and
principally on the linear cutting speed, whilst the
clean, this will give the best direct gloss effect
rise in temperature will depend on the thermal
with platinum.
diffusivity of the tooling, the workpiece and the
lubricant. Doubling the surface speed from, say,
50M/min to lOOM/min will roughly double the
load, other things being equal, but it is unlikely to
increase the heat removal rate in compensation.

Gloss turning - Summary:

Figure 9C. Diamond glossing tool geometries. Start with fully annealed material.

Use a tool with 5 top rake and 5-7 front

However, a high rotational speed with worn tools
face clearance.
increases the rate of heat development,
decreases the specific heat removal capacity of A rigid lathe set-up is essential to minimise
the lubricant and causes the wear problems to "chatter".
rapidly escalate.
Adjust surface speed to 70-110M/min.

With platinum, gloss turning is best carried out Make very light cuts 0.0025-0.005mm
in two stages. Firstly, the surface is prepared deep.
with a ceramic tool to remove all but the finest
Use a slow traverse rate across the
blemishes, and then secondly, a diamond tool
band face.
produces the final gloss finish using only 2.5 to
3 micron cut depth. Use flush lubrication to remove heat
and swarf.

The preferred gloss tooling material is single

crystal diamond.

Materials The order of increasing tool life is roughly: Tools

Tool steel. All common tool materials will cut platinum; a
problem only arises when tool life is important, as
Cobalt bonded tungsten carbide tip.
in extended gloss turning or repeated batch or
Glass bonded (polycrystalline) alumina jobbing operations. Where tool life is a
(sapphire). consideration, tool steel and tungsten carbide do

Cubic boron nitride. not have as long lives as they do with gold or
silver and so more advanced materials should be
used. On the other hand, some large users take
Diamond. the view that the bullion value of platinum
products is high enough to justify rough
Polycrystalline diamond compact.
machining first with tungsten tooling, to get as
good a finish as possible for a few pieces, and to
then discard the tool and finish with only a light
demand on more expensive tooling which has

Machining 9.5
been kept in very good condition. The order of Lubricants
the materials in producing increasing quality of
Most machining fluids reduce tool loading
surface finish may be much the same, on the
considerably compared with dry running; their
grounds that surface finish depends on preserving
effectiveness to do so depends largely on their
a clean cutting edge, free from significant wear.
viscosity and, in turn, their ability to remain at the
However, there may be exceptions, as when
tool/work interface. However, different machining
polycrystalline tools begin to wear they may
fluids act in different ways. A cutting fluid is
expose fresh cutting surfaces, which, with
designed to assist swarf and heat removal from
platinum, helps continued sharp cutting. This will
the cutting edge, while others of a more viscous
usually spread the cutting edge and a broader cut
(thicker oil or gelatinous) nature tend to lift the
will often result in a poorer finish. To date, the
tool a little and so enhance the burnishing action
best combination of wear resistance and gloss
of the tool. The latter is better for gloss turning
finish has resulted from finishing with a single
for instance, while the former is more efficient in
crystal diamond tool. It also helps to spend time
precision cutting. Some fluids are compounded to
in setting up the tooling correctly and then to use
emphasize heat removal ability.
it on a run of all the same standard sized ring
blanks, rather than to change settings (with Traditional lubricants for slow speed or hand-
inevitable slight inaccuracies) between different working of platinum include oil of wintergreen
sized blanks. (methyl salicylate) and 10% (by weight) gelatin in
water. Neither were developed specifically as long
For consistent work on other than occasional
lasting fine turning or gloss turning lubricants; and
pieces it is necessary to use diamond. Both
neither contain inhibitors, so they can cause
single crystal and synthetic polycrystal diamond
corrosion or mould on the machine tool
have been used. Even so, the durability of the
components (not on the platinum!). Whilst they
diamond tool will be lower with platinum than
do appear to have about the right sort of viscosity
with other jewellery metals. Diamond is the
and penetrability into the cutting face at low
hardest material available, but diamond cutters
speeds for maximum tool life, some of the
are well aware that even the abrasion resistance
commercial cutting fluids are preferable. These
hardness of diamond varies with different faces
do contain inhibitors, so machine tools are better
and directions. Where a single crystal
protected and their dynamic viscosity and heat
diamond is used, it helps to orient the stone
scrubbing capacity can be better suited to
so that the front face of the tool is a (100)
penetrating and staying at the difficult tool
crystallographic plane.
platinum interface during high speed turning.

Machining 9.6
Tools Setting The rake angle () determines whether the tool Typical setting should be:
will remove metal in a ribbon or continuous chips
Rake angle ()=0 to 10.
or whether it will plough a furrow instead of
cleanly removing metal. To cut rather than plough Clearance angle =5 to 10.
requires a larger rake angle for a soft metal, such
Prefer annealed, to work hardened
as annealed platinum, than for a relatively harder
platinum alloy.
metal, such as steel. But, the practicable angle
also has to allow for the fact that the tool will Depth of cut <0.05mm (0.005mm

wear too quickly or even crumble if the angle is preferred).

too large. Some metals can be machined to a Slow cutting speed <50M/min.
better surface finish with a negative rake angle
Use good cutting fluid liberally.
which may also introduce a greater degree of
burnishing.The clearance angle affects the ability
to pass lubricant over the working interface and
the likelihood that the friction interface at the
back of the tool cutting edge will increase
significantly with only a little tool wear.

However, the clearance angle cannot be

decreased too much before the tool tip becomes
too fragile to maintain a firm stance and avoid
vibration. For platinum, avoiding interface friction
is of a higher priority than tool bulk, so rake angle
is always towards the positive side and the
clearance angle above average.

Lasers 10

Lasers and Platinum Jewellery

Laser Systems

Why Platinum Responds Well

Some Design Principles

Safety Considerations

Lasers 10.1
Lasers and Introduction beam that melts, burns or vaporizes most
materials. The laser beam is generated in a
Platinum Laser machines have become increasingly
cylindrical crystal with mirror polished ends by
Jewellery popular in the last ten years in relation to
applying intensive light pulses from a special flash
jewellery. They can be used for official precision
generator. The crystal likely to be used in a
marking in an assay office, marking out patterns
jewellery laser is synthetic Yttrium Aluminium
during design development or as a batch
Garnet (YAG) doped with neodymium. About 10%
production decorative finish technique. Machines
of the energy can be taken off by making one of
are well developed now for various joining
the end reflectors only 90% reflecting. The result
techniques, including welding and brazing. Those
is a brilliant beam of monochromatic coherent
same machines may further justify their initial
radiation that is highly directional and may be
cost by their versatility in upgrading castings and
very accurately focused. The principle is sketched
repairing components. On a mass production
in Figure 10A.
basis, dedicated machines are used for making
chain. Platinum alloys respond well in all these

Principles of lasers
The term Laser is an acronym for Light
Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of
Figure 10A. Diagram of the main components of a laser
Radiation that produces a sharply focused light generator. (Baasel Lasertech UK Ltd)

Laser Systems There are four main classes of industrial lasers Lasers for Jewellery
according to power rating; further sub-divided into
Laser machines used for jewellery are relatively
continuous wave (cw) and pulsed lasers. The
low powered and usually designed at the highest
effectiveness of all lasers depends on the
level of safety: Class 1. They are compact,
absorption, reflection and reaction properties of
moveable on casters, and arranged so that the
the target material.
operator sits at the machine, see Figure 10B.

Continuous wave lasers are typically used for

marking, scribing and soldering. Where energy is
absorbed, the material is heated and may be
melted, vaporized from the surface or (photo-)
chemically changed, usually oxidized, so that
there is interference in normal viewing light or a
colour change. The marking pattern is achieved
by using a mask, or by driving a focused spot very
precisely on x and y co-ordinates on CAD-CAM

Pulsed lasers are more typically used for welding,

surface modification and cutting where they
provide relatively high pulse energies but with Figure 10B. Typical laser machine used for jewellery operations.
Courtesy Baasel Lasertech UK Ltd, Daventry, UK.
limitations on the pulse repetition rate. Most
industrial lasers are Class 4 systems requiring
safety precautions but most jewellery lasers are
Class 1 and have built in safety devices.

Lasers 10.2
A typical laser machine can weld almost all materials can be made through trial and error but
metals and alloys quickly, reliably and precisely certain heat flow principles allow good predictions
but the efficiency does depend very much on the of suitable welding parameters. The overall speed
properties of the target materials. Components to of the process is largely controlled by the time
be joined, or upgraded in the case of castings, taken to position the work for each pulse. Pulsing
are arranged under visual control or jigged, and normally takes place in still air but some cooling
exposed to one or more laser pulses. A typical is possible by directing an air or inert gas jet into
pulse lasts 2 to 10 milliseconds, (ms). The device the work zone. Weld quality for reactive alloys can
is equipped with a stereomicroscope and a cross be improved by using inert gas shielding but this
hair to facilitate the exact positioning of the parts is largely unnecessary for platinum alloys. Any
and to target the exact position on the work piece vapour produced can be extracted from the work
where the laser pulse will strike. The height and chamber via an exhauster unit. Some machines
lateral position of the work piece can be adjusted allow integrated control of the laser pulsing and
slightly within the field of the stereomicroscope. air/gas flow by using a pedal switch with two
One of the characteristics of a good jewellery operating pressures and single or sequenced
laser machine is the effective depth of focus of pulsing is decided by the length of time of the
the beam. The beam in the working zone is pressure on the pedal. This leaves both hands
shaped by a multi-element lens at the exit of the free to position the work. Each pulse is only a
laser generator. Normally, a machine used only small part of the total energy dissipated within
for marking needs little depth of focus as long as the laser generator itself, so this is cooled
the marking field is in a plane normal to the effectively by a heat exchanger with an external
beam so the optics are arranged to give a flat cooling water supply.
field. The laser welder is easier to use if the
beam in the working zone is cylindrical because Approx Machine Size Range 700-1350 x 250-550
Ht x width x depth, mm x 650-860
the spot diameter does not change over several Weight, kg 85-150
millimeters of focus; see Figure 10C. As with a Input Power supply 115 or 200-240V/
50-60Hz single phase
macro camera lens, the depth of focus increases
Max average operating power 30-80W #
with increasing working distance from the exit Focal spot diameter 0.2-2.0 mm
lens to the work piece, the standoff distance. Pulse energy 0.05-80 J (Watt.sec)
Peak pulse power 4.5-10 kW
SW Performance - Pulse duration 0.5-20 ms
Why is a good beam quality so important? Pulse frequency Single to10 Hz
Good beam Bad beam Pulse energizing voltage* 200-400V
quality quality
# average light bulb power but because all in-phase,
Focal equivalent to an order of magnitude more.
Misalignment of work * Voltage used to trigger Xenon flash, which, in turn,
piece in beam
direction due to affects the energy of the laser beam output
manual positioning Spot diameter Spot diameter
remains nearly changes
constant dramatically Table 10A. Typical Parameters For Jewellery Laser Welding
Figure 10C. Laser beam shapes. Machines.

The total welding energy can be controlled by The very high heat intensity laser beam pulse
adjusting the intensity of individual laser pulses, generates a surface temperature well above the
pulse length and pulse frequency. Pulse to pulse melting point of platinum at a very small diameter
energy stability is also important so that target spot. This allows the user to weld, under
satisfactory settings for a particular job remain ideal conditions, as close as 0.2 mm from
consistent. Some machines can be pre- complicated and heat-sensitive component parts
programmed by storing different combinations of such as hinges, catches, fasteners, settings,
settings that have been found satisfactory for most precious stones, and even, with care, pearls
particular jobs. Suitable adjustments for various and organic materials. Provided the heat flow

Lasers 10.3
Alloy Composition Pulse Energizing Pulse Length Comments
Voltage* Milliseconds
Platinum - all 200-300 1.5-10 Very good welding results
Gold - 999 fine 300-400 10-20 Darken target area; high power necessary
Gold - 18ct yellow 250-300 2.5-10 Good welding results
Gold - 18ct white 250-280 1.7-5.0 Very good welding results
Silver - 925/835 300-400 7.0-20 Darken target area; high power necessary
Titanium 200-300 2.0-4.0 Inert gas cover recommended
Stainless Steel 200-300 2.0-15 Inert gas cover recommended

Table 10B. Typical Laser Welding Parameters For Different

Jewellery Materials.

away from the target is limited, it is possible to marked effect on the energy intensity needed to
retain heat-treated or cold-worked hardness in produce an effective weld. Welding is achieved
most jewellery alloys; this works particularly well only with adequate heat being absorbed through
with platinum jewellery alloys. the surface, not when the beam is reflected off
the surface. The colour and reflectivity of the
The parameters shown in Table 10B are based on surface is very important. Where there is a
an average beam diameter of about 0.5mm on combination of high reflectivity and high heat
the materials stated and may need adjustment dispersion (e.g. silver and high carat golds), it is
for other compositions. The three main control helpful to mark and darken the target spot or line
parameters have slightly different effects on a with a dark blue or black felt tip pen or
single material as shown in Figure 10D. Different permanent marker. This effectively increases the
materials can have very different thermal absorption coefficient of the surface.
diffusivity properties, melting temperatures and
latent heats of melting. The way these important
physical properties combine together have a

0.2mm. beam diam., 2.5 ms pulse, incr. volts 0.2mm. beam diam., 300V., incr. pulse
300V 350V 400V 2.5ms 10ms 20ms

C A Increasing voltage, increases

2.5 ms pulse, 300V., incr. beam diam.
0.25 2.5 4.5mm
B Extending pulse increases
total pulse energy and radial
heat flow.

C Greater beam diam., with

constant pulse energy gives
heat spread rather than

Figure 10D. Effect of varying laser controls on the cross

section of the heat affected zone.

Lasers 10.4
Why Platinum The efficiency of a laser welder differs from alloy Metal/Alloy Melting Thermal.
to alloy. The same set of control parameters will point C diffusivity
Responds Well result in the same power delivered in each
999 Platinum 1773 0.245
990 Platinum 1773 0.245
welding pulse but the melting effect of each pulse 5% Copper 1745 0.288
depends on the proportion of the heat energy 5% Cobalt 1765 0.223
3% Co/7%Pd 1740 0.229
absorbed through the surface rather than 5%Co/10%Pd 1730 0.220
reflected, and then on: 5% Iridium 1795 0.245
10% Iridium 1800 0.242
15% Iridium 1820 0.241
Specific heat from room temperature to the
20% Iridium 1830 0.237
melting point Palladium 1555 0.240
5% Palladium 1765 0.247
Melting point (liquidus) 10% Palladium 1755 0.247
15% Palladium 1750 0.247
Latent heat of melting
5% Rhodium 1820 0.250
5% Ruthenium 1795 0.255
Thermal diffusivity
5% Tungsten 1845 0.267
Fine Gold 1063 1.200
While the melting points for most platinum Fine Silver 962 1.702
jewellery alloys are very high, their thermal
Table 10C. Melting point and thermal diffusivity for
diffusivities are all similar and relatively low (table platinum alloys.
10C) so the laser is able to deliver enough energy
to melt a very small focused spot at each pulse components can be tack welded together,
but with only a small heat affected zone. With the adjusted until positioned correctly and the final
possible exception of palladium (lower melting welds can be made with laser settings that
point at 1555C) all the platinum group jewellery improve the cosmetic finish of the tack welds.
alloys respond to the laser machine settings in a While almost all platinum jewellery alloys fall into
very similar way. There are slight differences in this easily managed category, it is worthwhile
surface colour when melting in air (the copper studying how to make minor variations in laser
and cobalt alloys tend to be a little grayer, for settings to achieve optimum conditions for each
instance) but these differences have little effect specific alloy.
on the optimum control settings. On the other
Another feature of the localized heating effect of
hand, gold and silver alloys have much lower
the laser is that dissimilar alloys can be joined
melting points but five to seven times higher
more readily than when using more bulk melting
capacity to transmit heat away from the target.
processes. There are still some incompatible pairs
With platinum, the laser target can approach very but the laser welder can produce narrow weld
close to delicate stones and normally it is zones so that the change in colour or texture
unnecessary to remove stones before making between the two components is sharper and
repairs, for instance. A skilled operator can better delineated.
achieve welds with little or no scarring and in
most cases components should be near finish
polished before welding. Alternatively,

Lasers 10.5
Some Design The most obvious common feature of a typical joined by, in effect, a laser version of riveting; see
range of laser welded platinum jewellery is that Figure 10F.
Principles remarkably small sections, thin stampings, low
Drill hole to same diam. Drill hole to same
gauge wire can be at least stitch welded with as platinum rivet wire
throu both thicknesses.
diam. as platinum rivet
wire but not thro back.

Fuse one end of rivet Only tack weld needed

precision. Welds that are more extensive and wire to small bead. to back plate.

Thread rivet wire thro Thread thro top plate.

repairs of casting defects (see later section) are both plates.
Laser weld slight rivet
Laser weld slight rivet protrusion to shape.
made by a series of overlapping pulses. protrusion to shape.

Platinum components can be laser rivetted by a variety of techiques,

two of which are illustrated above.

The laser is limited to joints that can be hit by the Preformed hinges can be spot-welded or rivetted into place with
precision and without damage.

direct beam, so, deep and undercut sites should Rivets, in effect dowels, can be hidden by laser, thro the surface,
to the rivet end receased beneath.

Staggering the rivets or spotwelds helps give lateral stability.

be avoided.
Figure 10F. Simple "rivet-type" joining techniques.

Half hard 18ct gold,

Rod end drilled
1mm; spring wire Upgrading and Repairs
laser welded
welded in with filter
Some platinum jewellery manufacturers producing
pieces based on castings may feel that the initial
capital cost of a laser welder around $40,000 to
2 arcs free $50,000 is uneconomic. In practice there are
Pair of hard drawn to vibrate
Pt arcs laser welded probably as many laser welders used for
Figure 10E. Platinum and gold pendant where design and upgrading castings as there are for making
production take advantage of laser welding.
welded pieces so it is not so difficult to justify a
dual-purpose arrangement. In addition, laser
The essential points of the design in Figure 10E.
machines on low power can do a useful job in
are that cold drawn square wire is used (with the
cleaning up and assembling wax patterns prior to
main stress on the diagonals) and several of the
investment. Do not leave any wax residues
components are elastically stressed so that they
around when welding platinum alloys; it can
give a sense of springiness and rigidity. The tightly
easily cause carbon contamination.
localised and limited heat diffusivity allows springy
and hard components to be joined with little or
Ideally, platinum alloy jewellery castings should
no softening. This enables designs that make
meet a consistently satisfactory standard of
good use of lightweight springy sections or robust
soundness. Some small surface defects can be
fasteners. The very limited heat affected zones
repaired at the fettling stage but small pinhole
also allow joining of more dissimilar alloys (assay
defects sometimes only show up late during
rules allowing) than would be possible with large
polishing. The expense to both the finisher and
scale melting. In good commercial practice, it
caster of returning such components for recasting
would be advisable to bring all the components in
is often avoidable by using the laser welder to
Figure 10E to a higher degree of finish prior to
upgrade the castings. This applies particularly
joining. Most of the high finish is preserved and it
when the casting and finishing operations are on
is easier to clean up and polish separate
the same site.
components than the finished piece.
There are several techniques. A simple glossing of
The laser welder can also be used to make joints
a small area of rough surface texture may be
in other ways. With careful control it is possible to
achieved by using a rapid repeat sequence of
effectively spot weld through one light section to
pulses with the laser beam set relatively wide and
another beneath but unlike normal spot welding
shallow. Small pinhole defects (around 0.25mm)
this does involve melting through the top layer.
can be filled by similarly pulsing around the edge
Two or three thin components can be sandwich-

Lasers 10.6
of the defect. Larger defects can be effectively casting. The principles of the laser machine when
filled with fine filler wire touched into the defect used for upgrading castings and when welding are
and, in effect, cut to size with the laser beam virtually identical so virtually all of the advice in
striking the wire and then leveling the filler down the sections above still applies. In particular the
to the original surface. The colour of the filler can same safety principles apply.
usually be matched accurately to that of the

Safety There is an IEC standard for Radiation Safety of lasers should fulfill the requirements that apply to
Laser Products, including equipment a Class 1 laser device for the absolute safety of
Considerations classification, requirements and a user's guide. the operator and anyone else in the vicinity (i.e. it
The objects of the standard are to: has successfully passed official safety standards)
This should also ensure adequate eye protection.
protect persons from laser radiation in the
wavelength range 200nm to 1m by Typical safety devices include:
indicating safe working levels laser radiation
and by introducing a system of classification The laser will not operate until the operator has

of lasers and laser products according to put both arms through the hand openings and

their degree of hazard. activated both interlock switches. The

positioning of the interlock switches also
require both the manufacturer and the user
encourages safe and steady holding of the
to supply information and establish
work piece in the correct working position and
procedures so that proper precautions can
the arms safely block radiation escaping the
be adopted.
work zone.
ensure adequate warning to individuals of
hazards associated with accessible radiation The best working position is determined by

from laser products, by way of signs, labels using the microscope and this viewing field

and instructions. automatically restricts the position to the

controlled zone. Apart from direct safety, it
reduce the possibility of injury by minimizing
greatly helps to prevent back and neck ache if
unnecessary accessible radiation, give
the seating to the microscope is adjusted so
improved control of the radiation through
that the body is always upright and relaxed and
protective features and provide safe usage
the operator is calm and concentrating,
of laser products by specifying user control
particularly when triggering laser pulses.
The operator's eyes are protected against direct
The IEC standard, ref 2, defines four general laser
laser radiation (and some of the secondary
classes; but virtually all jewellery lasers are Class
radiation) by special shutters that close
1, with a pulse peak power of considerably less
momentarily over the view as the laser pulse is
than 1MW and are inherently safe or made safe
triggered. This happens so quickly that the
by engineering design. Most of the necessary
operator does not normally notice the
safety features are not only built in but the
disappearance of view.
machine cannot normally be operated unless the
necessary safety features are automatically
triggered, making them Class 1 lasers. Jewellery

Lasers 10.7
The laser beam generates secondary radiation, References/recommendations for
including infrared and ultraviolet light, from further reading.
most materials. This can be observed through
1. Utilization of lasers in the joining of gold and
the laser protective (filter) window without
platinum for jewelry, Costantino Volpe &
damaging the eyes but visible secondary
Richard D. Lanam, Proc. Sante Fe
radiation can cause headaches if the eyes are
Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing
directly exposed to it for any length of time.
Technology, 1998.
The laser beam itself remains invisible.

2. Laser Machine Safety Standard. BS/EN60825

To ensure unhindered observation of the
(IEC 825-1)
process, the laser protective window is
otherwise completely transparent. A halogen
lamp illuminates the work in the operating zone
even when welding is taking place.

The only voluntary danger is to the unprotected

hands of the operator who could inadvertently
place part of a hand under the pulsing laser
beam and suffer local burns to the hands or
fingers. At the power of most jewellery welding
lasers, one or two pulses on the fingers may be
experienced (like needle jabs) without more than
short-term discomfort. Multiple pulses,
particularly at the same spot can produce a small
but potentially deep burn and this merits medical
attention to ensure no infection results. Only
under very unfavourable circumstances will the
secondary/scattered radiation reach an intensity
significant enough to burn the skin of the hands.
Normal exposure of the skin to low levels of
scattered radiation at the wavelength of 1064nm
can be regarded as physiologically safe. The
infrared laser radiation acts like normal heat

Repeated laser pulsing of relatively high thermal

diffusivity materials can easily cause normal
heating of the component to a temperature that
can burn the fingers. Jewellery (rings, watches,
bracelets) should not be worn inside the work
zone as they may be struck by the laser beam
and even if they are not damaged they can
conduct heat to the fingers. A rapidly heated ring
is very difficult to remove from the finger in the
confines of a laser cabinet! In addition, jewellery
items can reflect or even focus the scattered
radiation and thus cause minor skin burns.

Glossary 11


Comparative Weights
and Measures

Glossary 11.1
Glossary Accelerator Arc-eye Burnisher
Definition of terms Speeds setting of investments, Painful, temporary, gritty Used mainly as a short-
mainly for economic production sensation apparent round the handled setting tool to
in italics and
reasons. Based on strongly eyeball overexposed to lever/wipe metal over the edge
crystalline substances such as intensive radiation from a of a stone and achieve a semi-
common salt, sodium citrate, welding arc or high polish effect by surface
Rochelle salts. Platinum temperature flame. Usually working.
investments are more likely to seems worst at night after the See also: Scorper,
need a retardant to allow time overexposure; lasts up to a day Onglette graver
for de-airing etc. or two; prevented by correct

See also: De-airing, goggles. Carat

Gypsum-based, See also: Ultra-violet radiation, Unit of weight for precious
Retarder White radiation stones: 1 carat = 100 points
= 0.2 gram. Also measure of
Air-Hardening Baguette fineness of precious metals:
An alloy construction or tool A relatively modern style of 24 carat = 100% (pure), so
steel capable of delaying stone cutting producing long e.g. 18ct = 18/24 = 75%
hardening after heating so that rectangular gemstones with precious metal content.
there is time for cooling parallel facets.
(quenching) in air rather than Carat Platinum
oil or water. Reduces cooling Beading Back An informal term applicable to
Decoration of a surface near some platinum alloys in the
See also: Quenching an edge by fusing the metal USA where platinum (as
locally and allowing it to ball distinct from platinum group
Annealing up and retreat with and over metals) may be present in
Softening work-hardened the remaining edge. various proportions between
metals by heating to a suitable See also: Granulation 50% & 100% to match typical
temperature (approximately carat gold proportions.
half the in K) to cause Bezel Setting See also: Final assay,
recrystallisation. For most Fineness,
A bezel or box setting used for
platinum alloys 1000C is a Negative Tolerance
cabochons and simple step cut
typical annealing temperature;
stones. Made by wrapping a
lower for heavily cold-worked Carborundum
thin strip around the girdle, cut
alloys. Silicon carbide, SiC. hardness
to length and joined (off a
See also: Cold-worked, corner), stood on edge and 9.5 on Mohs scale, made by
Hot-worked, further joined to a base that fusing sand and coke in an
Work-harden electric furnace, grinding and
supports the stone.
grading. Very brittle and best
See also: Claw (prong) setting,
adapted to grinding materials
"softer" than steel. SiC also
used as high-conductivity

See also: Corundum,

Wet and dry paper

Glossary 11.2
Castability Chasing Cold-Worked
The ability of an alloy to be Hammering of a design on the Reduced in section by rolling,
melted, poured into a mould, face of an article with a tiny forging, drawing, or worked by
retain sufficient fluidity, take up punch or moulding in relief by bending or even embossing,
an accurate detailed working directly on the surface sufficiently below annealing
impression of the mould cavity with a chasing hammer. The temperature to cause strain-
and be extracted without piece is usually supported on a hardening. With annealing
cracking. Difficult to quantify in yielding surface such as wax or temperature about 1000C., Pt
a single simple test. pitch. "cold works" at low red heat!

See also: Chilling factor, See also: Cold-working, See also: Annealing,
Fluidity, Embossing Hot-worked,
Lost-wax casting Springiness

Chilling Factor
Casting Grain Cooling capacity of a mould
Metals, or more usually alloys, calculated from volume Small horizontal parallel sided
prepared for melting and specific heat of the mould ring or with a conical taper to
subsequently casting, by material and the mould/melt form a seat for the pavilion of
dividing charge material into temperature difference. Value the stone.
small gravel sizes by pouring for plaster, low; silica, medium; See also: Bezel setting,
melt into water to form shot or cold copper, very high. Claw (prong) setting
grains. Scrap offcuts may be
See also: Casting temperature,
turned into grain for easier Superheat, Compo (sition) Bars
remelting. Thermal diffusivity Consumable bars applied to
See also: Induction melting, load polished wheels, buffs,
Lost-wax casting Claw (Prong) Setting etc., made from finely ground
Precision cast or fabricated oxides bound with wax or soap;
Casting Temperature from wire/strip with slots to grip the colour indicates the likely
Temperature at which power is the girdle or tips folded over oxide and cutting power.
switched off, coil lowered and girdle of a stone seated in a See also: Jewellers rouge
spin arm started up in bezel or collett.
investment casting. Platinum See also: Bezel setting, Corundum
alloy casting temperature Millegrain
Alumina, A1203, (NOT
usually 2000C or over so
Carborundum) used both as a
casting usually triggered by a Coining refractory and, in very finely
direct pyrometer signal in mv.
A stamping process where the ground (gamma phase) form,
See also: Emissivity, volume of the closed die as an abrasive/polishing
Induction melting, impression is the same as the compound.
blank; imparts a sharp
See also: Carborundum,
impression with no flash at the Emery,
parting line; often a final Refractory
operation after stamping a
rough shaped blank.

See also: Pressing,


Glossary 11.3
Coupon (Rectangular De-Airing Ductile (Ductility)
Blank) Removal of bubbles from a Capable of being drawn
A miniature sheet of metal of a slurry/cream/paste of mixed (usually cold) into wire or tube
convenient (postage stamp to and setting investment to avoid without fracture; usually
visiting card) size for jewellery, bubble defects on the final measured by % elongation and
cut from conventional sheet or castings. Assisted by vibration % reduction in area in a tensile
strip. Lends itself to angle or and or vacuum. Easiest before test.
cross-rolling and various hand- investing the mould but See also: Annealing,
working operations. desirable after investment too. Cold-worked,
See also: Semis See also: Invest(ment), Lost- Malleable
wax casting, Retarder
Crown (Facets) Embossing
The upper parts of a facetted Deep-Drawing Similar to, often combined with

gemstone above the girdle, A sheet pressing operation in chasing. Specifically, raising

including the table; facets are which the punch pushes the patterns in relief up from the

usually cut to maximise the sheet through a die and cause surface (like the boss of a

light gathering ability of highly the rim of the sheet to be shield) by hammering/punching

transparent stones and/or drawn in radially under from the obverse side. Doming

maximise multiple reflections controlled pressure, so is a special case of embossing

from both clear and deeply allowing relatively deep shapes with a lot of radial drawing in.

coloured stones. to be formed. Can be used to See also: Chasing,

start tube forming. Cold-worked,
See also: Pavilion,
Baguette See also: Pressing,
Crystobalite Work-harden Emerald Powder
Polishing composition made
The highest temperature phase
of silica, stable and with high
Diamantine from finely ground green
Polishing powder made from chromic oxide, NOT Beryl.
strength retention from
1470C to the, 1700C. calcined alumina, NOT See also: Jewellers rouge
diamond dust.
See also: Invest(ment),
Refractory, See also: Jewellers rouge Emery
SIlica Cheap and impure form of
Doming natural corundum used for
Culet Hammering sheet or a circle centuries as a natural abrasive,
The small facet at the base of with a spherical ended punch largely superceded by synthetic
the pavilion of a (usually) down into a matching alumina (corundum) for more
brilliant cut stone parallel to hemispherical hollow in a block closely controlled grinding.
the table. Mainly to prevent to form a domed depression. See also: Carborundum,
splintering but often omitted After trimming, two matching Corundum,
from modern stones. domes may be soldered to Wet and dry paper

See also: Pavilion, form a hollow sphere. Platinum

Crown alloys respond well.

See also: Cold-worked,


Glossary 11.4
Emissivity Final Assay Fluidity
The rate of loss of heat from Analysis of either individual Complex property describing
unit area in unit time at a components or of an average the ability of molten alloy to
given temperature (usually in sample of a piece of finished run into a mould and take up
the context of the surface of a jewellery, perhaps prior to an accurate impression of the
melt). Very dependent on the polishing, that may decide mould. Generally increases
principal wavelengths radiated whether the piece reaches a with superheat and freedom
and the character of the (Hall) marking standard. from oxidation. Evaluated by a
surface. See also: Fineness, variety of empirical testpieces.

See also: Casting temperature, Hallmarking See also: Castability,

Superheat, Chilling factor,
White radiation Fineness Superheat

Precious metal content

Ethanol expressed in parts per
Acidified ethanol, silica and thousand (ppt). In Europe Inorganic mixture fusing at a
water, hydrolyses to more or platinum is usually 950 fine; in lower temperature than
less fluid tetra-ethyl silicate gel Japan 850, 900, 950 and melting/soldering/welding an
which may be poured into a 999. 14 carat Pt, where alloy; cleans exposed surfaces
mould and set. It may then be allowed, is 585 fine (but must and protects against reactions
fired to pure silica with also contain 365 ppt of other such as oxidation that impair
expansion compensating PGM). the melt or joint. Pt alloys
shrinkage of most cast alloys. seldom need fluxes.
See also: Carat platinum,
See also: Gypsum-based, Final assay, See also: Induction melting,
Phosphate-based Hallmarking Soldering,

Feeding Flask
The necessary process of The outer container of an
Fraizer (Fraize or
feeding still molten metal investment casting mould,
through gates, sprues and into from the investment process A range of small tool steel or

the castings, to compensate through to knock-out of the tungsten carbide rotors used to

for contraction as castings finished casting. Usually cut a cavity or undercut a

solidify. Can be gravity or reusable and in standard sizes. seating to recess a stone.

otherwise pressurised. Fraizes tend to be miniature

See also: Invest(ment),
circular saws and burrs the
See also: Lost-wax casting, Lost-wax casting
more bulbous or counter-sink
Pasty zone
(shrinkage), style.
Sprues See also: Claw (prong) setting,
Bezel setting

Glossary 11.5
Fuel Gas: Oxygen Hallmarking Induction Melting
Ratio (Welding Torch) Strictly speaking, the term is Heating to above the melting
The volumetric flow ratio only applicable to gold, silver point by generating eddy
matching the molecular ratio and platinum goods stamped currents within a conducting
for complete combustion eg as good by UK assay offices material surrounded by a
(2H2+O2=2H2O: ratio 2) subject to the UK Hallmarking water-cooled copper coil
gives a neutral flame with a Act but often applied carrying an alternating current
sharp inner cone. A lower ratio unofficially to marking in other at medium (>150Hz) or high
gives an oxidising flame; countries too. (>1kHz) frequency. Also
higher, a reducing flame. creates a stirring effect.
See also: Final assay,
See also: Reducing flame Fineness See also: Casting grain,
Casting temperature,
Grains (or Beads) Hot Shortness Superheat,
A decoration medium usually Brittleness at high temperature
achieved by fusing scraps of during working, often
Infra-Red Radiation
metal to form tiny spheres by intergranular and caused by
either lower melting point or Radiation of longer wavelength
surface tension onto a surface.
other non-ductile grain than the visible red (say,
See also: Granulation,
boundary constituents. 750nm and above) not seen
Beading Back
by the eye but nevertheless felt
See also: Ductile,
by the body as heat. More
Granulation Hot-working,
Malleable easily reflected than ultra-
Decoration of a surface by violet.
attaching roundish granules by
fusion (not usually soldered) to
Hydrocal See also: Emissivity,
Ultraviolet radiation,
create relief in lines, patterns A medium refractory form of
White radiation
or shapes. gypsum (superior to ordinary
plaster of Paris) based on
See also: Beading back Invest(ment)
carefully controlled calcining to
calcium sulphate hemihydrate Pouring a fast-setting slurry of
Gypsum-Based silica flour and binder (ethyl
and controlled remixing with
(Investment) silicate or acid phosphate)
water, retardants or
A traditional medium refractory around a plastic or wax pattern
investment based on plaster of with detailed accuracy.
See also: Gypsum-based,
Paris (selected hydrated
Phosphate - Based See also: Lost-wax casting,
calcium sulphate). Not Phosphate-based,
refractory enough for platinum Refractory
alloys but OK for some of the
lower gold alloys.

See also: Hydrocal,


Glossary 11.6
Jewellers Rouge (and Laser Marking Lost-Wax
Crocus) Some laser machines are (Investment) Casting
Finely ground red to purple designed for marking. They Used many centuries ago for
ferric oxide, often bonded with have relatively shallow sculpture: now adapted to
wax, polishing medium for penetration but very precise investment casting to make
jewellery metals which tends to control of movement between intricate castings to close
burnish rather than cut. Often the beam and the target like a tolerances. Wax or plastic
preceded by decreasing grades miniature CAD-CAM machine. patterns form the cavity in the
of carborundum and followed Capable of reproducing fine investment and these are
by tripoli or fine alumina text, logos and background melted out in the firing of the
polishes. textures. Best with flat targets. mould.

See also: Corundum, See also: Invest(ment),

Tripoli, Laser Pulsing Wax models
Wet and dry paper
The operating parameters of a
laser machine are effectively Machinability
Jigging controlled by the intensity, A qualitative term suggesting
Temporary location of adjacent length (duration) and frequency the relative ability of a metal to
components prior to welding or of repetition of pulses. be cut in a machining
soldering with clear access for Intensity is controlled by operation with minimum power,
torch and filler but preventing energizing voltage and the area producing a good surface
sagging. Jigs can be used as targeted. finish, clearing swarf efficiently,
heat sinks but must not all at maximum speed.
contaminate. Most are spring Laser Welding See also: Redundant Work
clips off universal joints.
The light beam emitted by a
See also: Soldering, laser is focused on a small Malleable
Welding area to generate heat at (Malleability)
megawatts/cm2 with rapid Capable of being hammered or
Kerf pulsing. The focused energy is rolled extensively without
The slit, notch or channel sufficient to cause welding (not excessive work-hardening and
made by a saw in cutting but necessarily needing to melt the cracking. Malleability usually
also refers to the width of the Pt) of thin sections. increases with temperature,
cut and the volume of material See also: Spot welding, except for hot-shortness.
made into swarf. Stitch welding
See also: Cold-worked,
See also: Machinability Ductile,
Liquidus Hot-shortness
Laser A line on an equilibrium or
Light amplification by constitutional diagram (which
stimulated emission of plots the disposition of phases
radiation results in brilliant in an alloy with temperature
beam of monochromatic light and composition) above which
that is highly directional and the only stable phase is liquid
may be focused. (molten) metal.

See also: Casting temperature,


Glossary 11.7
Mandrel Tube- Nozzle/Tip (Welding Paillons
Drawing Torch) Small fragments of solder
Uses a hard straight rod or Describes the type (Nozzle- clipped from foil, thin strip or
wire to form the inside cross- mixed or Injection-mixed) and sheet, placed at intervals
section of a tube during cold- the size (usually the bore, across the potential joint zone
drawing through a die, so often in SWG sizes) of the and progressively flowed by the
reducing the wall thickness. gas/oxygen mixture exit on-coming flame. Often
Used for relatively short lengths controlling the flame diameter. located by a spot of flux.
instead of plug-drawing more Gas velocity controls the flame
See also: Flux,
continuous lengths. length. Soldering
See also: Cold-worked, See also: Fuel gas:
Section drawing, oxygen ratio, Pasty Zone
Work-harden Reducing flame (Shrinkage)
From liquidus to solidus,
Millegrain (or Oil-Quenching liquid/solid ratio decreases
Milgrain) An alloy steel requiring from fluid liquid, through pasty,
A setting tool consisting of a
quenching to harden at a rate to fully solid. Feeding shrinkage
fine wheel used to roll a
intermediate between severe with still liquid alloy under
millegrain border around the
water quenching and mild air- these conditions can be
edge of a box or bezel setting
cooling. Most alloy and tool difficult. Pt alloys do not
around the stone.
steels may be hardened by oil- usually show pasty zone
See also: Bezel Setting
quenching, in medium to large problems.
sections, to minimise cracking.
See also: Feeding,
Negative Tolerance See also: Air-Hardening Liquidus,
Quenching Solidus
Used in the context of
standards of fineness, and
Onglette Graver Pattern
(Hall) marking, implies a small
compositional allowance below A short narrow engraving tool A master (usually metal) or

the specified minimum that is for gouging metal using a consumable (lost wax process)

still acceptable in some working face rather like a model of a component to be

countries. miniature pointed finger nail; reproduced by casting. Pattern

useful for cutting side seating dimensions may need to allow
See also: Fineness,
in a channel setting. for net shrinkage or expansion
See also: Scorper over the whole casting
Burnisher process.

See also: Ethanol,


Glossary 11.8
Pavilion Platinum Group Quenching
The lower part of a facetted Metals (PGM'S) Rapid cooling in a fluid which
gemstone below the girdle; the Platinum is rarely mined pure. can be a cool air blast but is
facets are either angled to It usually occurs native as the more likely to be water, for
maximise total internal metal but often alloyed with platinum.
reflection in highly transparent rhodium, osmium, palladium,
See also: Annealing,
stones or deep cut to iridium, and/or ruthenium: Flask
maximise colour. these collectively forming the
platinum group of metals. Reducing Flame
See also: Crown (Facets)
See also: Carat platinum, A melting, annealing, soldering
Phosphate-Based Fineness
or welding torch flame with
(Investment) more gas than can combine
Investment with acid-
Pressing with the injected oxygen or air.
phosphate and magnesia, Using a hand operated (fly- Platinum itself does not oxidise
which first gels silica flour and press) or mechanical press to even with excess oxygen but
then bonds it by subsequent produce a batch of similar some of its alloying
dehydration. Working time components. May involve constituents do.
rapidly decreased by increasing stretch-forming, deep-drawing,
See also: Annealing,
temperature. coining, blanking, stamping, Fuel gas:
simple or complex bending. For oxygen ratio,
See also: Ethanol,
jewellery, a cold-working Soldering

Planishing See also: Cold-worked, Redundant Work

Malleable, Work done in overcoming
Smoothing by overlapping light
Work-harden external friction and in
blows between a polished anvil
unnecessary reversals of metal
or stake and a polished (1/2lb)
Pumice movement in the plastic
hammer face. The piece is
Spongy, volcanic rock used a working and the machining of
gradually rotated between tool
powder mixed with vegetable metals.
blows that cold-work the
surface rather than in depth. oil and applied to a felt bob or See also: Machinability
Planish marks may be left in in lump form to remove

for decoration. scratches and file marks. Refractory

Usually coarser than Water of (Materials)
See also: Cold-worked,
Ayr Stone.
Stake, High melting point materials
Work-harden used for furnace linings,
crucibles, moulds. Often need
Device in a laser generator
a suitable binder to hold the
that controls the pulsing of the
refractory particles together.
laser beam. Usually a quartz
Thermal shock resistance,
crystal activated by sound
acidity/basicity, surface finish
waves through a piezoelectric
(for moulds) also important.
transducer attached to the
side of the crystal and fed with See also: Corundum,
radio frequency power.

Glossary 11.9
Repouss Scorper Sinking
Technique for producing an A short cutting tool with a Type of tube-drawing where the
ornamental surface by chisel face, used for cutting or wall is allowed to find its own
hammering into relief from the improving narrow channels in thickness (as opposed to
reverse side while using a firm metal: usually broader than a mandrel drawing). Usually, the
but yielding support. Smaller graver. actual wall thickness increases
scale and more detailed than See also: Onglette graver as does the wall thickness as a
embossing. Often used with Burnisher percentage of the total cross-
chasing. section.

See also: Chasing Section Drawing See also: Mandrel tube-

Embossing Stretching out and cold drawing,
Section drawing
drawing the cross-section by
Retarder pulling through a die after
Many organics and colloids pointing the lead end.
retard the start of setting of Reduction in cross-sectional Joining metal or alloy
gypsum-based investments area is a measure of the components by fusing together
because they decrease the degree of working. Wire and with a further lower melting
solubility of hemihydrate. This tube drawing are the most point alloy known as a solder.
increases de-airing and common examples. Often uses capillary forces to
working time. draw the solder into the joint.
See also: Annealing,
See also: Accelerator, Cold-worked, See also: Flux,
Invest(ment), Ductile (ductility) Welding,
De-airing Wettability

Semis (Semi-
Rolling Fabricated Materials) Solidus
The most used cold-working Stock sizes of a wide range of A line on an equilibrium or
process for jewellery alloys. shapes (plate, sheet, strip, bar, constitutional diagram below
Uses plain faced polished rolls rod, wire, tube, blanks, circles) which all stable phases are
for sheet and strip: grooved and tempers (hardnesses), solid. Above the solidus there
rolls for bar, rod, and simple useful for further handworking is an increasing proportion of
sections; patterned rolls for at minimum inventory variety. liquid phase with rising
continuous embossing. % Major suppliers stock a temperature until at the
reduction in cross-section = % standard range and also make liquidus no solid remains in
cold-work. to order. equilibrium.

See also: Cold-worked, See also: Casting temperature,

Silica Liquidus,
Work-harden, Silicon dioxide selectively Lost wax casting
Wrought processed to form refractory
and abrasive materials. Exists
Ruby Powder as quartz, tridymite or

Polishing powder, more likely to crystobalite crystalline phases

be finely ground haematite in equilibrium at increasing

(iron oxide) than corundum temperatures.

(alumina, ruby) See also: Crystobalite,

See also: Jewellers rouge

Glossary 11.10
Spinning Sprue Stretch- Forming
Forming sheet metal into cups Wax "wire" feeder system. A sheet pressing operation in
by pushing a smooth-ended Forms the channel for the melt which the punch pushes the
tool against the spinning sheet to be propelled from the gate sheet through a die but with
to force it onto a former, of the to the casting cavity. Should be the rim of the sheet restrained
shape required. Can thin kept short and must not freeze so that radial drawing in is
(usually ) or thicken the prematurely. inhibited. Resultant shape is
resulting wall. Requires See also: Feeding, stretched around the punch.
malleability and ductility. Pattern, See also: Pressing
See also: Cold-worked, Wax models Deep-drawing
Doming, Ductile
Ductile Stake
Steel former, usually with Superheat
Spot Welding smooth curved surface, used An extra margin of temperature
Joining process, usually on for raising metal from sheet to above the melting point of a
overlapping sheet and strip, by deeper vessel form. metal or the liquidus of an
a short pulse of electric current See also: Planishing, alloy to impart fluidity during
led in through copper Spinning casting and allow the molten
electrodes with punch pressure metal to fill the mould without
applied to weld a spot at the Stitch (or Seam) premature freezing.
interface heated by local Welding See also: Castability,
resistance to or near melting Casting temperature,
Effectively, a sequential spot
point. Chilling factor
welding operation that
See also: Laser welding, produces a continuous seam
Stitch welding weld by overlapping spot welds Swaging/Swage
sequenced by an electronic
Springiness controller; the electrodes may Rectangular blocks of steel

Having a relatively high elastic be discs, rather than rods as in into which D-Section grooves

limit and low mechanical single spot welding. of varying widths and depths

hysterisis, the alloy, usually are cut. Used for hammering

See also: Spot welding
cold-worked, may be deformed strip into a sharp gutter shape

elastically (without acquiring a when beginning to make a

Stress Relieve
permanent plastic set) and tube section or for truing up
Low temperature heat
springs back to original shape bar or rod sections.
treatment reducing peak
with little loss of energy. See also: Mandrel tube
internal stresses (mainly after
See also: Cold-worked, cold-work); no recrystallisation
Section drawing
or phase changes, little change
in hardness, slight increase in
ductility; reduces distortion and
cracking in assembly.

See also: Annealing,


Glossary 11.11
Thermal Diffusivity Tripoli Wax Models
Ratio of thermal conductivity: A jewellery polishing compound Wax replicas of a master
heat capacity (density specific consisting of very fine pattern (made by injecting into
heat). A measure of chilling or diatomaceous silica whose rubber moulds cured around
insulation power. High density texture is porous and the master pattern) assembled
and specific heat, but lower absorbtive, suspended in a in groups on sprues and then
conductivity of Pt, gives its waxy medium and loaded onto melted (lost) out of an
thermal diffusivity at only about the face of a polishing wheel investment mould to leave
15% that of silver. for medium and fine polishing precise cavities for casting.

See also: Chilling factor stages. See also: Investment,

See also: Corundum, Low-wax casting,
Jewellers rouge, Pattern
Wet and dry paper
Change in viscosity due to
Water of Ayr Stone
alteration in shearing stress in
Ultraviolet Radiation A natural soft slate for
a fluid, slip or paste;
depending on prevailing Radiation of shorter removing scratches, file marks

conditions the material wavelength than the visible and firestain from small work.

appears fluid, jelly-like or stiff violet (say less than 400nm)

Supplied in small sticks
paste without apparent change and capable of affecting the
ranging from 2mm to 25mm
in temperature or composition. retina of the eye without being
square section. DIpped in
perceived as colour. Less easily
See also: Hydrocal, water, used like a handfile,
reflected than infra-red.
Investment, often preceded by pumice and
Phosphate-based See also: Emissivity, before polishing.
Infrared radiation,
See also: Pumice
White radiation
TIG (tungsten inert Tripoli
gas) Welding
Electric arc between tungsten Welding
electrode and weld face, Endwise compression of a bar
Joining process in which no
shrouded by inert gas (eg. or wire to increase its cross-
solder is used and the
argon) flowing around section locally, usually at one
components are joined by
electrode; filler wire may be end as for a rivet head. The
mutual fusion, with or without
fed into the arc. Pt itself does volume of head formed in one
a flux, or by hot solid-to-solid
not need inert gas protection "stroke" is limited by the ratio
pressure or hammer welding
but the electrode and arc are of unsupported stock length to
(which works well with
stabilised. head diameter required.
platinum alloys).
See also: Ultraviolet radiation, See also: Cold-worked,
See also: Flux,
White radiation Ductile, Malleable
Hot shortness,
Swiss town noted for
production of watch, clock and
jewellery-making high grade
tools: blades, files, gravers etc.

Glossary 11.12
Wet and Dry Paper White Radiation Wrought Semi-
Waterproof paper coated with Mixed wavelength radiation in Finished (Product)
carefully graded and oriented the visible light range of the Products intermediate between
silicon carbide particles spectrum (say 400 to 750nm) cast ingot and finished
(carborundum). Used between but may include certain components stocked in useful
filing and polishing stages. wavelength peaks (colour or standard sizes, typically:
bands) and also associated plate, sheet, coiled strip,
See also: Carborundum,
Emery, infrared and ultraviolet circles, bar, rod, extruded
Tripoli radiations. section; usually annealed but
may be half-hard.
See also: Emissivity,
Wettability Infrared radiation, See also: Annealing,
Solders/weld fillers more or Ultraviolet radiation Cold-worked,
less wet the joint according to
the liquid solid contact angle, Work-Harden
(must be less than 90). The increase in hardness which
Mutual solubility lowers the accompanies plastic
angle as does flux by removing deformation in a metal.
insoluble oxide, (not normally Alloying usually increases the
required for platinum alloys). work-hardening rate of a pure

See also: Flux, metal and increasing working

Soldering, temperature decreases the
Welding rate (to zero when hot-

See also: Annealing,


Comparative Weight Troy Weight

Weights and To Convert Used in Weighing the Precious Metals
Measures Pennyweights to grams Multiply by 1.55518
24 grains 1 pennyweight
Grams to pennyweights '' 0.64301
20 pennyweights (dwt.) 1 ounce troy
Ounces troy to grams '' 31.1035
12 ounces 1 pound troy
Grams to ounces troy '' 0.0321507
5760 grams 1 pound troy
Ounces avoirdupois to grams '' 28.3495
Grams to ounces avoirdupois '' 0.0352740 The troy ounce is about 10% heavier than the

Ounces troy to ounces avoirdupois '' 1.09714 avoirdupois ounce.

Ounces avoirdupois to ounces troy '' 0.911458 31.1035 grams 1 ounce troy
Pounds avoirdupois to kilograms '' 0.4535924 1 gram 15.432 grains troy
Kilograms to pounds avoirdupois '' 2.20462 1.555 grams 1 pennyweight (dwt).
Kilograms to ounces avoirdupois '' 35.2740
Kilograms to ounces troy '' 32.1507

Glossary 11.13
Avoirdupois Weight Length
Used in Weighing the Base Metals To Convert

16 ounces 1 pound Millimetres to inches Multiply by 0.0393701

16 ounces 28.35 grams Inches to millimetres '' 25.4
Metres to inches '' 39.3701
The avoirdupois pound is about 21.5% heavier than the
Inches to metres '' 0.0254
troy pound.
Linear Measurement
700 grains 1 ounce avoirdupois
1 decimetre = 3.937 inches

Carat Weight 1 metre = 39.37 inches

Used in Weighing Precious and Semi-Precious 1 metre = 10 decimetres

Stones 1 metre = 1,000 millimetres

1 inch = 25.4 millimetres
1 carat 0.20 grams
1 millimetre = 0.0393 inch
1 gram 5 carats
1 micron = 0.000039 inch
1 carat 3066 grains troy
1 metre = 1,000,000 microns
1 carat 0.007 ounce avoirdupois

The carat is further divided into points for simple Area and Volume
measurement: To Convert

1 carat 100 points Square inches to

square millimetres Multiply by 645.16
1/2 carat 50 points
Square inches to
1/4 carat 25 points
square decimetres '' 0.064516
1/8 carat 12.5 points
Square decimetres to
square inches '' 15.50
Temperature Square millimetres to
square inches '' 0.00155
To Convert
Cubic inches to
cubic centimetres '' 16.3871
Fahrenheit to Centigrade (Celsius) = Subtract 32 from
Cubic centimetres to
degrees Fahrenheit, multiply remainder by 5, divide the
cubic inches '' 0.061024
product by 9.

Centigrade to Fahrenheit = Multiply degrees Fluid Measurement

Fahrenheit by 9, divide product by 5, and add 32.
1 quart = 32 ounces (fluid) = 2 pints
= 1/4 gallon =57 cubic inches
Centigrade to Kelvin: Zero degrees Kelvin equals -
1 gallon = 4 quarts = 128 ounces (fluid)
273C and thus add 273 to the Centigrade reading to
= 3.78 litre and 231 cubic inches = 0.134 cubic feet
get Kelvin.
1 litre = 1,000 cc (slightly more than 1 quart U.S.)
= 0.264 U.S. gallons
1 cubic foot = 7.481 U.S. gallons
= 1.728 cubic inches
1 imperial gallon = 1.2 U.S. gallons = 4.59 litre
= 277.27 cubic inches


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