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September series - Topic 2: God will show his love again! Let us read..

Israel and Judah are so stubborn - they never
stopped rebelling against God. However God
Welcome /Ice breaker: disciplined them, they didnt listen. But look
at the stubbornness of God's love to them. If
1. When did you first experience being away you will look at the circumstances one by
from your parents (e.g., having one, the stubbornness of God's love comes
sleepovers)? How does it feel? even to the point of 'changing the heart of
his children' and He does it by inspiring
2. Have you witnessed people having their them. His love for Israel reflects how
things stolen? Have you experienced stubborn his love is for us! God secures us
something was stolen from you? with His STUBBORN LOVE by protecting us
through Jesus.
3. How were you growing up as a kid? Are

Worship 1.Nothing can snatch us from the Stubborn

Love of God.
Read John10:28-30NIV
Jesus said "no one can snatch them out". In
King James "no one can pluck them out" in
[3]TheLORDhasappearedofoldtome,sayin my hand. There are two realities here. First,
g:"Yes,Ihavelovedyouwithaneverlasting when you receive the eternal life and
become a child of God, He is holding you in
his hand! Second, there will be a thing or
someone that will try to snatch you or pluck
God said "I have loved you with an you out in his hands. The word "snatch or
everlasting love". Do you fully understand pluck" in Greek is 'harpazo' which means
this? It means... 'I will give everything just to 'toseizeuponwithforceortorob'. What Jesus
love you.' What He is saying is 'I promise is saying is there will be forces that will take
that I will love you with all of who I am!' you away from God, or rob you from Him.
This does not just refer to simple
Remember that 'God is love'. His love for you temptations, trials, or demonic forces, but
is not based on what you will do for him, but forces which will use powerful force to take
on his character. That is what we call... you away from God! But He will hold you
Stubborn love! with his hand, to protect you, and fight for
To be stubborn means
torefusetochange,torefusetostop,unreaso (Read Romans8:1).
The only thing that will take us away from
If you can be stubborn in refusing his love, God is when we condemn ourselves and
God is more stubborn in loving you more. start to walk away from God because you are
afraid that you will be judged. It is always
He showed this love towards Israel. Jeremiah
the idea that we sin so much that God
summarized how God loves them and how
cannot love us anymore! It is the idea that
His love is not everlasting. Have you ever to follow him! The only one that can take you
felt away from God? What was that instance? away from his hands is... YOU!

Thats why He reminded us to remain in His

love! If God will never let go of you please
2.Nothing can Separate us from the stubborn never let go of God! Do not reject His love.
love of God The thing that hinders God to fully express
his love for you is when you condemn
Read Romans8:35-39NIV
yourself, so stop condemning yourself!
Most of the time we think and we feel that
we are in a place that is far from God's
presence. But Paul said... NO spiritual power APPLICATION:
and demonic forces can put a wall between
us and God which will hinder us in receiving 1. What are the things that are keeping
and experiencing God's love! How far we you away from God? Share to the
may feel from God's presence, His love will group.
never be separated from us! He will use all
of His power to fight for you and stay in His 2. Have you condemned yourself? Do
love! Gods love separates us from sin and you sometimes feel that you are far
not from Him. from God?

We now know that nothing can snatch and 3. What does James5:16say when you
separate us from his Love. His only request sin? In line with this verse, how can
is for you to remain in His love. this group help you remain in His love?

(Read John15:9-10)

Remain in His love; never turn your back Work

from God! Obey him, for he will enable you

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