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aywy2on (ance | Vedi Find Liter Vo erod (SDOBC ~ 6N0BC) ~ Cissy Chapter 4 | Vedic and Later Vedic Period (1500BC — 600BC) Note4Students Its important to understand the transformations that occur from the vedic to later vedic period as many of them are carried forward. During this time, the class divided society transformed into a caste divided one, polytheistic religion into sacrificial ritual dominated one, condition of ‘women deteriorated and simple tribal polily transformed into monarchy. ‘The table will help you visualize the contrast better. Vedic(1500BC - 10008C) Later Vedic(1000B¢ - 6008) All the other vedas. Towards the end, upanishads were ‘compiled. They enticized rituals and emphasized on philosophy, Sources Rig Veda Extended to whole of western UP, Ganga-Yamuna doab and also penetrated to the Deccan, Vindhyas & South India. Northern and westem part of Location Subcontinent. Sapt-Sindhu Region. They did't know land beyond Yamuna. aywy2on Polity Economy Agriculture Family and women Social Divisions No concept of teritory. Only Tribes (Jana) — Total members not larger than 4100. Kings(Rajan) were advised by assembles like Sabha & Samiti Had no standing armies. Wars known as Gavati are fought for cattle and not for teritory, Chiefs received voluntary offerings called Baliremember its not sacrifices) Predominantly pastoral. Catlle based herding economy. Man’s wealth was, measured in the number of cows he ‘owned Private land ownership was not yet, established. Agriculture was known. Mostly barley. Family ~ Kula. Household ~ Gra. Family was joint. Patriarchal society with indications of polyandry. Women could attend assemblies, they could offer sacrifices along with thelr husbands. Widow remarriage was allowed. No instances of child marriage ‘and marriageable age in the Rig Veda seems to be 16-17 Society was largely egalitarian. Varna was the term for color. The indigenous people conquered by Aryans wore called Dasas and Dasyus. Differentiation based on occupation existed Concept of territory and territorial ‘administration appear. Janapada- State. Rashta Territory. Royal power increases many folds. Character of Sabha & Samiti changed. The were dominated by chiefs and rich nobles. Women were no longer permitted Even in the later vedic times, King didn't possess a standing army(as per NCERT). Wars were fought not only for cattle but territory. Bali became mandatory. Settled life. Agriculture and crafts. Barley continued but rice and wheat became chief crops. Position of the father increased and ‘women were given lower position, Position of women became doplorable, They couldn't attend assemblies. Child marriages also came into vogue, Institution of gotra appears later vedic periad. Marriage within the gotra Society divided into 4 varnas. The growing cult of sacrifices addet the power of the Brahmanas. 4 Ashramas ~ Brahmachari grihast, vanprastha, Sanyasi aywy2on Nature gods are replaced by Nature gods. Indra ~ mentioned in most prajapati, Rudra & Vishnu number of passages. Agni - 2nd highest mentions, Idolatry appears. Pushan was regarded as the god of shudras Religion soma ~ sacred drink. Sacrifices less important. Mostly Prayers. Sacrifices became more important than prayers. ‘The rise of Buddhism and Jainism was the direct result of this socio-economic problem, Questions, suggestions and comments Submit

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