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English 8th Grade

Lesson: Bellwork CaughtYa!

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing
or speaking.

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and
spelling when writing.

1. Students will be able to write sentences with proper English grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling.
2. Students will be able to use the necessary proofreading symbols to correct errors they
make in their writing.

5-10 minutes

CaughtYa! Book
CaughtYa! Bellwork paper
The daily incorrect CaughtYa! sentence should be written on the board

Anticipatory Set:
Students should already know to get out their CaughtYa! bellwork if its listed on the
Remind students of what we have going on in our CaughtYa! story. Have someone share
what our last sentence was. Connect the days sentence to what is going on in the story.

Steps in Lesson:
1. Have students write down the date and the day of the week.
2. Read todays CaughtYa! sentence to the class. Ask the class is anyone knows the
meaning of the bolded word (the word will have a box around it on the board).
3. Take any guesses and then describe what the word means, connecting it to the meaning of
the sentence.
4. Students will then write the sentence, making any necessary corrections.
5. The teacher will walk around to each student and look at his or her sentence. If any part
of the sentence is incorrect, say CaughtYa!
6. Students will then know that they still need to fix their sentence.
7. If any students get all of the necessary corrections, let the class know! It will motivate
them to want to try and get everything corrected.
8. After about 3-5 minutes, have students get out a red pen to make their corrections.
9. Call someones name off of a popsicle stick to come up to the board to make the
10. Call on names off of popsicle sticks for students to give a correction they made. The
student at the board will then make the necessary correction using the proofreading
symbols. (Students have a small sheet of paper with all of the suggested proofreading
symbols in their binders).
11. If there are any corrections that several students struggled with, explain them in more
detail. This may often be the case with punctuation, especially commas.
12. Once students share all of their corrections and the sentence is correct, have students
finish up their own corrections on their CaughtYa! sheet and put them back into the
bellwork section of their binder.


Walking around to each student and catching them (Saying Caughtya! if they have
something wrong)

After every 5-7 days of doing Caughtya! bellwork, students will turn it in for a grade.
They will be graded on their corrections.

Corrections done for the entire class on the board for all to see
Each sentence adds to a story (reading).

For those who take too long to copy down the sentence and make their own corrections,
have them copy down the correct sentence on the board as it gets corrected. The sentence
will usually be up for the entire class period and after school.

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