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SSA, IMSS e ISSSTE Te Atendern Aun Sin Ser Derechohabiente.

SSA, IMSS e ISSSTE Te Atendern Aun

Sin Ser Derechohabiente.

Enrique Pea Nieto - Presidente de Mxico.

03/03/2017 18:03

La Secretara de Salud (SSA), el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) y

el Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado
(ISSSTE) suscribieron un convenio de colaboracin para dar servicio a la
poblacin en cualquier unidad mdica, sin importar si tienen o no seguridad

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SSA, IMSS e ISSSTE Te Atendern Aun Sin Ser Derechohabiente.

Las tres instituciones buscan aprovechar la disponibilidad de los servicios

mdicos para los pacientes que lo requieran, sin importar si estn afiliados o no
a una de estas dependencias de salud.

En la ceremonia, el secretario de Salud, Jos Narro, precis que el propsito

fundamental del acuerdo es aprovechar a cabalidad todos los recursos del pas
en materia mdica, utilizarlos de manera ordenada, sistemtica y convenida por
las instituciones pblicas y evitar que se vuelvan "ociosos".

Indicaron que en el futuro se firmarn ms acuerdos con el fin de establecer

obligaciones, mecanismos, tarifas y garantas que se asumirn para el
intercambio o prestacin unilateral de los servicios de atencin mdica.

Se tomar en consideracin la capacidad de las unidades mdicas para brindar

servicios excedentes y llevar a cabo el intercambio con base en un listado de
intervenciones, tratamientos, servicios auxiliares de diagnstico y tarifas.

En un comunicado, la Ssa seal que con esta accin se busca subsanar la

carencia de recursos al interior de cada institucin con la capacidad disponible
en las dependencias pblicas que forman parte del Sistema Nacional de Salud.


Noticia Recabada por M.C. Enrique Ruiz Daz.

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SSA, IMSS e ISSSTE Te Atendern Aun Sin Ser Derechohabiente.

Good leaders make people feel that they're at the very heart of things, not
at the periphery. Everyone feels that he or she makes a difference to the
success of the organization. When that happens people feel centered and that
gives their work meaning.
Warren G. Bennis.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Daz.

Con ttulo y cdula profesional 5632071 en la Maestra en Ciencias de la Computacin.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnolgico de Orizaba. Veracruz, Mxico.

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SSA, IMSS e ISSSTE Te Atendern Aun Sin Ser Derechohabiente.

Discover The VOA- ERD Collection for Your English.

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SSA, IMSS e ISSSTE Te Atendern Aun Sin Ser Derechohabiente.

Know the Project: Books of English, from English 1 to 5, for all

the CBTIS of the United Mexican States.

The Students can do the organization as they like it; but

absolutely, the Responses are written by hand, and the Works
are Presented by Groups with a Maximum of 5 persons.

I formulated a project for the CBTIS (Technological Industrial and of Services Center of
Bachelor Degree) 107 of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mxico consisting in giving to the Library of this
Institution with five volumes of English language, of my authorship. A book for each semester,
from the first English book to fifth English book (according to the plan of studies in this regard
of the CBTIS). At no cost to the Institution, because this is a donation (in the staff, I solve my
expenses of the project with income of my employment as a professor that I would be in this
One of the major advantages of this project is to solve the need of the student of
spending in books of English language because the books will be at your complete disposal into
the student community in the Library of the institution.
Afterward, in an immediate subsequent phase of this project is that among the student
community of this CBTIS and all the CBTIS of the United Mexican States will have these 5
volumes of English language by means of a page of Google; read it, neither cost nor restriction
to obtain them.
Well, as a last note, I must say that these books will have the format of 'workbook'.
This, as an intelligent work with foundations and then their respective exercises to resolve, into
a concurrent process.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Daz.
Con ttulo y cdula profesional 5632071 en la Maestra en Ciencias de la Computacin.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnolgico de Orizaba. Veracruz, Mxico.

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SSA, IMSS e ISSSTE Te Atendern Aun Sin Ser Derechohabiente.

Links, for Your Preparation.

The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you
are improving yourself in some way.
Anthony Robbins.
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other
people get what they want.
Zig Ziglar.
If there is hope in the future there is power in the present.
John Maxwell.

Get Instruments for your Training.

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