An Ape's Curiosity

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I don¶t consider myself much different from an ape albeit I often think that in the eyes of many it
is not human to think in a non linear way but I think our efforts usually go in vain. We chase
singularity which itself is dual in nature, in the sense it believes in existence and non existence...
I.e. two states and those who chase duality and multiplicity may be developing a singular natural
rule of differentiation. This very ambiguity serves as a good source to the thought process that
we usually follow. Ignorance itself is not absolute but more a response out of habit or/and gut
feeling but doing so one fails to be a good representative of the human race. Now the nature of
the human race though reflected in invention and discovery too pricks ones head to such an
extent that one fails to live easy which we humans wish to achieve through amassing knowledge
and exacting utility. Now this nature arises out of curiosity (so to say the prick).










This could be the case with a lot of questions and yes though you might see me taking a flip and
.From here on i would like to exemplify how curiosity can be a
sheer waste of time.While i write this blog a Sci Fi buff sitting next to me fails to become
involved in the methods of science (either through compulsion or choice) yet pricks curiosity
through certain questions which no one would discuss unless they are addicted to the prick but
not the cure.

Well he asks me about the Possibilities of time travel?

When one comes to think of it a scientist may think in lines of viable evidence and others may be
drawn towards either science journals and/or popular fiction. I would say we are already time
travelers traveling a second in a second and if any one of us manages to travel say 10 yrs in a
second it would less like an achievement for mankind and more like memory loss for you.









Talking about confusion out of curiosity « when one talks of time travel one tends to think
about the past, the present and the future. &



ães we are living in the present but we do not perceive ourselves this way. For example we look
at the stars the moon etc we do not see them in the present but we are viewing an image of them
of the past as light takes some time to reach our eyes from the object that we view. Similarly so
does sound so a lot of things around us that make for the visible and audible world actually
represent a world that was existent a few seconds or milliseconds back .We see our wrist watches
but our eyes get the time a few milliseconds before the absolute time. Our reflections in the
mirror are actually images of the past and the further we stand from the mirror the further we
look into our own past. Something like the religious philosophy of detaching oneself from the
worldly existence in order to discover oneself. The same applies to words cause sound too takes
a a little time to reach from source to destination. V 






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Well im back.And you really are a curious ape aren¶t ya? Well I choose to be ignorant to other
possibilities and believe you really are a curious fella.It makes things much simpler.The simple
reason being that if you have chosen to ignore the previous article, the simplicity of this one
would make things simpler for you to identify in the previous article and prick you( so to say
make you curious).So , I shall choose shorter sentences from hereon( I said shorter and not short-
if you don¶t agree then please ignore).

My ignorance of other possibilities is by choice. Because I choose my words, choose my

questions and also the answers. Nothing is evident or eventual. ãou may ask why? Curious?
Well When Newton saw the apple fall down« why did he not chose the apple to be his point of
reference? Ignorance towards other possibilities I¶m sure( Just like me).And the answer is that he
chose that possibility which satisfied his curiosity in a simple way. Now if his curiosity was
cured why did he then seek approval of others? The simple answer is that he wanted to end the
possibility where others would feel the pain of being curious about the same things as he is. But
what he did instead was make others more aware about their curiosities. The same can be said for
all scientists philosophers leaders artists« heck everybody.The point being that neither curiosity
is absolute « nor is ignorance« (again this conclusion is based on my choice to ignore other

ãou are still here? And you know that im serving the same purpose as Newton.My ignorance to
other possibilities has heightened your curiosity in one way or the other(I HOPE ãOU GOT
THE POINT).Anyway why bla bla silly curiosity ignorance crap and think about it and write
about it? Because im an ape and you are one too for reading on. So we move forward onto the
reasons behind my predicament. Thus I shall talk about cause and effect(my curiosity I
believe(reason-my ignorance towards other possibilities(and the loop continues))).The cause of
curiosity is the ignorance towards acceptance of what you already know or the ignorance towards
what others don¶t need to know(the decision about need is also based on ignorance of the
possibility that you need to enlighten others²What an Idea Sirjee is a poor idea ± but then again
I am ignorant).The cure of curiosity is either the ignorance of the route cause of curiosity(your
choice in framing the question that you believe needs to be answered) or the ignorance of other
possibilities that may serve as an equally satisfying answer.

If not cured curiosity equals suffering. When talking about suffering.. I have now come to think
about another possibility about why people like to seek approval of others(See I now ignore the
possibility of having a single possibility).The other possibility being that we seek to transmit
curiosity from us onto others(I cite myself as an example (out of ignorance)).Now the wise men
transmit their curiosity by serving their choices on a platter and then choose to ignore the
approvals that others seek in response to their curiosities.Otherwise people mend up in an
endless loop of spiraling curiosity(just like me in the current scenario).Therefore I choose to end
my choices for alternate possibilities(for some time) and hope that you rest your curiosities
too.Ashes to Ashes Dust to Dust

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