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1. ______ sugar do you take in your tea?

2. ______ apples do you eat in an average week?
3. ______ real friends do you have?
4. ______ chairs are there in your house?
5. ______ times must I tell you?

1. __ onions aren't in ___ cellar. They are in ___ kitchen.
2. ____ whales and ___ elephants are _____ biggest mammals on earth.
3. There were ___ books and ____ comics. ____ books were broken, but ____ comics weren't.
4. "Could you give me ___ sweets, granny?" "Of course, love!"
5. I've lost ___ crayons I bought yesterday.
6. She hates ____ garlic, but I love it.
7. We would like to spend _____ week in Barcelona.
8. ____ pollution is destroying ___ earth.
9. There isn't ____ apple juice left. Let's buy ___ (apple juice).
10. "Did they drink ___ wine?" "No, they didn't."
11. Can I have _ change for this ten pound note, please?
12. Is there ___ good surf on those beaches?
13. "Can I have___ more time to finish writing this letter, Mr Jones?"
14. "But we don't have___ time, Mary."
15. "Well, maybe you should find_____ new secretary, then."


1. _______ much are the patotoes? One dollar.
2. _______ can I do for you? I want two white T-shirts.
3. _______ can I get a newspaper? At Park street.
4. _______ is your best friend? Its paul.
5. _______ does Lisa live? In Boston.
6. _______ colour is your new car? Its white.
7. _______ do you collect? Stickers.
8. _______ can help me? I can.
9. _______ about some grapes? No, thanks.
10. _______ was your first word as a baby? Mama.


1) ____________ some pens on the table.
2) ____________ two glasses on the shelf.
3) ____________ a lot of people in the bus.
4) ____________ a problem with my car.
5) ____________ one bottle of milk in the fridge.
6) ____________ eleven players in a football team.
7) ____________ an error in this English exercise.
8) ____________ three televisions in my house.
9) ____________ ten questions in this test.
10) ____________ a hundred centimetres in a metre.
1. Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Together with ____ mum,
she lived in a big forest.
2. One fine day, Little Red Riding Hoods mother said, ______ grandma is ill. Please go and
take this cake and a bottle of wine to _____. Grandmas house is not too far from ______
house, but always keep to the path and dont stop!
3. So, Little Red Riding Hood made her way to Grandmas house.
4. In the forest _____ met the big bad wolf.
5. Little Red Riding Hood greeted ______ and the wolf asked:
6. Where are _____ going, Little Red Riding Hood?
7. To ______ grandmas house. answered Little Red Riding Hood.
8. Can you tell me where _______ grandma lives?
9. ______ lives in a little cottage at the edge of the forest.
10. Why dont you pick some nice flowers for _____? asked the wolf.
11. Thats a good idea. said Little Red Riding Hood and began looking for flowers. Meanwhile,
the wolf was on his way to grandmas house.
12. The house was quite small but nice and its roof was made out of straw.
13. The wolf went inside and swallowed poor old Grandma. After that _____ put Grandmas
clothes on and lay down in ______ bed.


1. Which one should I choose, ____dress or that one ?
2. And look at ______birds in the background, they look so real they could fly !
3. ___ is what I will do: I'll ask my mother.
4. The scene is set in the 1800s, people were so poor in ____ days.
5. You're right, ______ is the best thing to do when you have a decision to make.
6. Look at ______little children here, on the left. They really look miserable !
7. Hey, Dad, what do you think of ______dress ?
8. He is so realistic ! ______ is why I love his painting.
9. Are you joking ? You can't buy ______ awful piece of clothes
10. I have just bought ______painting by W. Turner


1. John goes ____ school
2. Robert is ____ the house
3. The table is ____ the house
4. My mother goes ____ the office
5. John comes ____ the office with Mr Brown
6. My sister is ____ the house
7. My brother goes ____ the movies every day
8. My brothers are ____ the office
9. My father is ____ home
10. My littles brothers are ____ school
11. my sister comes ____ school
12. the letter is ____ the table
13. the song is ____ the radio
14. the pencil is ____ the notebook
15. The note ____ Wendy confessed that she had eaten the pizza.
James: I'm going skiing next week.
Tina: I'd love to have a holiday in November, but my children are at school now, so it's
(convenient) for them to go during the school holidays.I know it's probably
(bad) time to go on holiday, because everybody else is going too and the hotel
prices are (expensive) than now.
James: I know, but the Christmas holiday is also (lively) time for the skiing
resorts. If you want to make a lot of friends, it's (good) to go in December than in
Tina: My favourite time for going on holiday is September. The weather is (dry) than
in October and everything is (cheap) and (quiet) than in August, especially if
you want to go to the beach. I think September is (beautiful) time of the
James: I agree with you. It's definitely (sensible) to go on holiday when
everybody else is working!


I (work) very long hours so when I (get) home, I usually (prefer) a ready meal.
The problem is that I (not feel) great at the moment and I think it is because of the
food I normally (eat). I (try) to change my diet a little and this evening I
(cook) roast chicken with broccoli. The chicken (roast) in the oven while the broccoli
(boil) on the cooker. I (sit) at the kitchen table and I (read) the
recipe. I (not understand) how my mum (do) all this every evening. She is a


John lives in a small village near the sea. He (work) at the local post office. He
(not drive) to work because the office is near his home. He always (walk) to work. In the
afternoons, he (play) cricket with his friends. They (not have) much to do in the
evenings, but John (love) his life in the village.
This week everything is different. He (stay) with his brother in London. He
(drive)everywhere, but he (not like) it. He (want) to go back to his village.

6. ______ sugar do you take in your tea?

7. ______ apples do you eat in an average week?
8. ______ real friends do you have?
9. ______ chairs are there in your house?
10. ______ times must I tell you?


WAITER: Would you like to order now?
PETER: Yes, we are ready to order.
MOLLY: Have you got (1) fish soup?
WAITER: No, we haven't got (2). I'm sorry. But we have got (3) tomato soup.
Would you like (4)?
MOLLY: Oh, OK. So, the tomato soup for me.
PETER: And... Can I have (5) Spanish omelette? What about you, Molly?
MOLLY: Oh, no! Not for me. I don't eat (6) eggs. I have cholesterol!
WAITER: What about the main course? We have (7) chicken and (8) peas.
PETER: Well, I don't eat (9) meat so I want (10) grilled fish.Can I have
(11) boiled potatoes with it?
WAITER: Of course, sir. And for you, madam?
MOLLY: I would like (12) tuna in green sauce, please.
WAITER: Would you like (13) wine with your meal?
PETER: Wed like to have (14) white wine, please. What do you think, Molly?
MOLLY: Yes, (15) bottle of white wine.
WAITER: OK. Thank you very much.

Completa con What, Where, Why, When, How, Who

1. __________ sits next to Dries? Mo.
2. __________ does the boy come from? From Madrid.
3. __________ old are her children? Three and five.
4. __________ is Lolas birthday? In March, I think.
5. __________ much is the shirt? Its twenty euros.
6. __________ is best at playing tennis? Johann.
7. __________ are you going? To my parents.
8. __________ much is an soda? Its one euro.
9. __________ does the restaurant open? At ten oclock.
10. __________ can I get some ice cream? At the snack bar.

There is there are

1. __________ a bag on the table.
2. __________ a calendar on the wall.
3. __________ two posters in my room.
4. __________ a banana in this basket.
5. __________ six chairs in the kitchen.
6. __________ lots of books on the shelf.
7. __________ a mirror in our hall.
8. __________ 12 cushions on the sofa.
9. __________ a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.
10. __________ children in the yard.
Rellena los espacios en blanco con el pronombre correcto(pronombre personal,possesivo,adjetivo)

1. Some time later, Little Red Riding Hood came to the little cottage. She went inside and was
shocked by the sight of _____ grandma.
2. Oh grandma, what big eyes, hands and mouth ______ have got! Little Red Riding Hood
3. There, the wolf jumped out of bed and swallowed _____, too.
4. Then he lay down again and fell asleep.
5. After a while, the hunter passed by Grandmas house. _____ heard somebody snoring,
thought that there was something wrong and consequently went inside.
6. In the bedroom, he saw the wolf.
7. First, the hunter wanted to shoot ______, but then _____ saw the wolfs
big belly.
8. So, the hunter took out _____ knife and cut the belly open.
9. Out came Little Red Riding Hood and _____ grandma.
10. Thank you for saving us, whispered Little Red Riding Hood.
11. Then, all of ______ went to fetch some stones and put them in the wolfs belly.
12. Soon the wolf woke up. ____ was very thirsty and went to the well in the garden to drink
some water.
13. When the wolf wanted to lean over and drink, the stones in his belly were too heavy and
pulled ______ down into the well.
14. Grandma, the hunter and Little Red Riding Hood were happy, ate _______ cake and drank
the wine.
15. But the wolf in the well thought, Why do such things always happen to ______?

Rellena con this that these those

1. book here isn't very interesting but books over there are great.

2. Take glass here and put it in the cupboard, please!

3. is the funniest film ever! We can't stop laughing.
4. Jane, come and smell flowers! Aren't they lovely?
5. young man on the other side of the street is my brother.

6. are my keys. Put them in your pocket and don't lose them!
7. I love shoes on shelf over there. Can you show them to me, please?

8. Terry, can you hold bag for a minute, please? It's very heavy.

RELLENA CON IN,FROM,TO,AT,ON 23. My brothers are ____ the office

16. John goes ____ school 24. My father is ____ home
17. Robert is ____ the house 25. My littles brothers are ____ school
18. The table is ____ the house 26. my sister comes ____ school
19. My mother goes ____ the office 27. the letter is ____ the table
20. John comes ____ the office with Mr 28. the song is ____ the radio
Brown 29. the pencil is ____ the notebook
21. My sister is ____ the house 30. The note ____ Wendy confessed that
22. My brother goes ____ the movies she had eaten the pizza.
every day
James: I'm going skiing next week.
Tina: I'd love to have a holiday in November, but my children are at school now, so it's
(convenient) for them to go during the school holidays.I know it's probably
(bad) time to go on holiday, because everybody else is going too and the hotel
prices are (expensive) than now.
James: I know, but the Christmas holiday is also (lively) time for the skiing
resorts. If you want to make a lot of friends, it's (good) to go in December than in
Tina: My favourite time for going on holiday is September. The weather is (dry) than
in October and everything is (cheap) and (quiet) than in August, especially if
you want to go to the beach. I think September is (beautiful) time of the
James: I agree with you. It's definitely (sensible) to go on holiday when
everybody else is working!


John lives in a small village near the sea. He (work) at the local post office. He
(not drive) to work because the office is near his home. He always (walk) to work. In the
afternoons, he (play) cricket with his friends. They (not have) much to do in the
evenings, but John (love) his life in the village.
This week everything is different. He (stay) with his brother in London. He
(drive)everywhere, but he (not like) it. He (want) to go back to his village.


I (work) very long hours so when I (get) home, I usually (prefer) a ready meal.
The problem is that I (not feel) great at the moment and I think it is because of the
food I normally (eat). I (try) to change my diet a little and this evening I
(cook) roast chicken with broccoli. The chicken (roast) in the oven while the broccoli
(boil) on the cooker. I (sit) at the kitchen table and I (read) the
recipe. I (not understand) how my mum (do) all this every evening. She is a

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