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Area 51 | Government Conspiracies

Area 51 is a US military base

located in south-central Nevada
and enclosed by mountains and
harsh desert terrains. It is
approximately 83 miles (134 km)
from Las Vegas and is
surrounded by the Nellis Air
Force Range and borders the
Nevada Test Site.

The base receives its names from

Area 51 numbered grid assigned by the
Atomic Energy Commission (now the
part of the US Department of Energy). Other names for the base include Groom Lake, Dreamland,
Paradise Ranch, the Ranch, Watertown (CIA director Allen Dulles hometown), Watertown Strip, Homey
Airport, and the Box.

It is often referred to as the most famous secret base in the world.

Google Map
371406N 1154840W

Although the base was never itself secret and

became widely known in the 80s. its existence was
not formally acknowledges by the US government
until mid-2013. Employees of Area 51 usually travel
through the base on buses with blacked out windows
or fly out of the JANET (Just Another Non Existent T
erminal) terminal at Las Vegas McCarran
International Airport.
Location of Area 51 (source: wiki )
The lack of official acknowledgment by the
government gave rise to a number of conspiracy theories and the base quickly entered UFO lore when
rumors of a downed saucer at Roswell secretly being transported to Area 51.

Heres what we know:

A Very Short History of Area 51

Between 1951 and 1954, the area was used by the Atomic Energy Commission to conduct most its nuclear
tests. The location is covered in debris due to gunnery practice by bombers at Nellis Air Force Base.

in 1955, the CIA begins Operation AQUATONE a secret project with the
purpose of designing an aircraft that could fly high enough to avoid Soviet

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surface-to-air missiles and photograph Soviet nuclear and military installations.
The CIA and Skunk Works, arm manufacturer Lockheeds elite devision begin
development on the U-2 spy plane.

Several surveyors from Lockheed fly over the area north east of Nellis Air Force
Location of Area 51 (source: base and spot Groom Lake, a dry lakebed surrounded by mountain range and
wiki ) Location of Area 51 sufficiently away from public area. In may 1955, the Atomic Energy Commission
(source: wiki ) One of the
images taken by NASA in 1974 publicly announces the building of a satellite Nevada Test Site installation via a
F-117 Nighthawk press release.

That same year, employees from the CIA, the Air Force, and Lockheed begin arriving at the base. The first
U-2 is disassembled in Burbank and secretly transported to Area 51 for testing. The plane is painted with
NACA (NASAs precursor) markings and operated under the cover of weather-related research.

In 1998, the CIA revealed some details of its U-2 program. and claim it was responsible for numerous UFO
sightings of the 50s and 60s.

1957 Soviet satellite Sputnik 1 begins orbiting around Earth and capturing shots of US secret
installations, including Area 51. Groom Lake employers are aware of the satellites trajectory and shelter
aircrafts in hangers. However, the Soviets are able to determine the aircrafts shape by heat signateurs left
on the tarmac.

The CIA begins Operation RAINBOW radar absorbing panels are glued on the outside of the U-2 plane
in order to make it invisible to radar. However, the panels increase drag, and its loss of aerodynamics also
results into slower speeds and lower altitude.

In 1958, President Eisenhower signs Executive Order No. 10633, establishing restricted airspace over the
Groom Lake base.

In 1959, defense contractor EG&G moves its radar testing operation to Area 51 and soon begin testing the
radar deflecting abilities of Operation OXCART, the new Lockheed A-12. EG&G conducts radar tests on
mock-ups and concept demonstrators.

Sidenote: The CIA sets up dummy corporations in order to acquire titanium from the soviets without their

1960 having successfully tested the U-2, the aircraft goes operational and routinely fly over Soviet
territory gathering intelligence. Soviet spies in Turkey have alerted the Soviet authorities of the existence of
the U-2, but the Soviets are unable to intercept any.

However, they finally succeed when Francis Gary Powells U-2 is shot down over Soviet territory. Powell is
soon embarrassingly paraded on international television, along with the U-2s remains, and photographs
taken of Soviet military bases. Powell returns to the United States in a prisoner exchange 2 years later.

1962 the first A-12 prototype arrives at Groom Lake. Unlike the U-2, the A-12 has radar repelling ability
built in. The A-12 goes operational in 1965. It leads to the development of the recently operational SR-71s.

1968 Area 51 receives a captured MIG-21 acquired from an Iraqi defector to Israel. They begin
Operation HAVE DOUGHNUT, to assess the MIGs capabilities. They determine that Soviets aircrafts
are not superior to American aircrafts and begin training American pilots against MIGs at Area 51.

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They receive two MIG-17s the following year and test them under Operation HAVE DRILL and HAVE
FERRY. Units assigned to the MIGs are known as Red Hats.

1974 Skylab astronauts photograph Area 51 from outer space leading to a dispute between the CIA and

1977 Researchers begin testing unusual flat-faceted

fuselage crafts in order to make planes invisible to radar.
Development of the Lockheed HAVE BLUE eventually
lead to the development of the F-117, the first US-built
plane to be completely invisible to radar.

1979 The CIA relinquishes

control of Area 51 to the Air

1981 The first YF-117A

One of the images taken by NASA in 1974 F-117 Nighthawk arrives at Area 51 for its maiden
flight. That same year they test
the F-117 Nighthawk.

1982 Defence contractor Northrops flat-paneled TACIT BLUE arrives at Area 51 for testing. The plane is
able to demonstrate a number of stealth technology concepts. The technology is based on the work of Nazi
scientists obtained through Operation Paperclip who had worked on the Horten Ho 229 during World War
2, the worlds first stealth plane. These technologies lead Northrop to the development of the hugely
expensive B-2 Stealth Bomber.

1989 Bob Lazar comes forward with claims of having worked at S-4, an underground secret facility
located near Area 51. Lazar reported having seen multiple flying saucers and that the US government was
reversing alien technology powered by element 115 at Area 51.

Lazars claims soon made national news and the location of the test site becomes mainstream knowledge,
bringing unwanted attention to stealth technology research conducted at Area 51.

1994 Former Area 51 employees file a lawsuit against the Federal government. Employees exposed to
toxic fumes from burning crafts and radar absorbing paneling covered in jet fuel in large burn pits are
getting sick and dying. The Air Force considered the radar absorbing materials (RAM) to be highly
classified and did not want to risk trucking it outside the base.

President Clinton exempts the base or any other black site from any environmental liabilities for reasons of
national security with the signing of Presidential Determination No. 95-48 in 1995.

1995 The Federal Government seizes additional land surrounding Area 51, including White Sides 11
miles (17km) from the base and Freedom Ridge, 12 miles (19 km) off, then the most popular spots for
viewing Area 51. Observers moved on to Tikaboo Peak, 26 miles (41 km) from the base.

If anything, this relatively recent seizure suggests that the base is still very much active.

William Fay, executive producer of upcoming Independence Day seeks the militarys assistance for the

Page 3 ofThe
4 Pentagon is always keen to help Hollywood with films that portray the US military
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film. The Pentagon is always keen to help Hollywood with films that portray the US military in a favorable
light. However, the Pentagon refuses to help the producers unless they remove all mentions of Area 51
from the film.

1996 Following the box office success of Independence Day, Nevada officially designates State Route
375 the Extraterrestrial Highway.

2013 The CIA formally acknowledges the existence of Area 51 and releases further details on the
research done at the base.

What is Area 51 used for today?

It is not known what Area 51 is used for today. However, we do know that JANET Boeing 737 regularly
take off from Vegas and the Air Force continues to make improvements to the base and its runways.

It is speculated that the base is mainly used for testing drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS).

Image sources: Area 51 satellite map, Google maps; F-117 Nighthawk, wiki; U2 bomber, wiki


Groom Lake/Area 51 Security Manual

CIA files on Area 51 (FOIA)

Area 51 Information and Photos

Timeline 1955 to 2005 a much more detailed timeline of Area 51

Area51tv YouTube Channel dedicated to gathering Area 51-related videos

Area 51 Documentaries:

National Geographic -Area 51: The CIAs Secret Files 2014

Running Time: ~44 minutes

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Assassination of Martin Luther King | Government


In 1999, New York attorney William

Pepper represented the King family
and won a wrongful death lawsuit in
civil court. They found that James
Earl Ray, was just a scapegoat in the
killing of Martin Luther King. One of
the people involved in framing Ray
also testified that Memphis police
officer Earl Clark fired the shot that
killed King.
An Act of State: The Execution of
Martin Luther King by William Pepper
Assassination of Martin Luther King Running Time: 1:19 hours

Assassination of John F. Kennedy Evidence of high-level government involvement in the assassination of

President John F. Kennedy.

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Cannabis Conspiracy | Government Conspiracies

Newspaper magnate William Hearst, Petrochemical brothers du Pont, US Secretary of the

Treasury/banker/oil man Andrew Mellon and his nephew-in-law, head of the Federal Bureau of
Narcotic, Harry Anslinger conspire to pass the unconstitutional 1937 Marijuana Tax Act,
effectively outlawing cannabis and eliminating hemp as a competitor in the United States.

The Cannabis Conspiracy, or the Marijuana Conspiracy had been floating around pot culture for
decades, but the legend was finally written into words in 1985 in Jack Herers The Emperor Wears No

Newspaper magnate and father of yellow journalism William Hearst stood comfortably atop his vast
empire when a new invention, the decorticator, who could turn hemp into a high-quality, more environment
friendly paper, could seriously affect his lavish lifestyle. Popular Mechanics soon heralded hemp as the
New Billion Dollar Crop. This greatly angered Hearst, who was heavily invested in the manufacturing of
paper and owned large tracts of timber land.

Fellow elite at the DuPont corporation, owners of a highly polluting wood pulp paper production process
patent and developers of synthetic fibers such as the soon-to-be-released Nylon realized they had much in
common with Hearst. A possible threat to corporate profits, and a general hate of anything
environment-friendly caused the men to conspire together in crushing their competitor.

US Treasury Secretary, Andrew Mellon, owner of the nations 6th biggest bank and largest shareholder
in Gulf Oil also realized that hemp might jeopardize the emerging and profitable petrochemical industry
built around toxic byproducts of the oil industry. Mr. Secretary, according to Herer, was also the du Ponts
banker. giving him further motive to oppose cannabis. (Note: The du Ponts actually preferred fellow war
profiteer JP Morgans bank.)

Nevertheless, Mellon appointed his nephew-in-law, Harry Anslinger as commissioner of the newly
created Federal Bureau of Narcotics.

Enemies of Weed

William Hearst Lammot du Pont Andrew Mellon Harry Anslinger in

Page 1 of 3 The newspapers returned the favor by printing Anslingers comments: If the hideous monster
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papers. The newspapers returned the favor by printing Anslingers comments: If the hideous monster
Frankenstein came face to face with the monster of marijuana he would drop dead of fright. Anslinger
kept a special file on Jazz musicians and was openly racist in his public remarks:

Colored students at the University of Minnesota partying with white female students, smoking
and getting their sympathy with stories of racial persecution.

Result: pregnancy.


Reefer makes darkies think theyre as good as white men.

The evils of weed was epitomized in the infamous 1936 film, Reefer Madness, in which normal high school
students are turned into psychotic killers after a few tokes of weed. Even the creators of Superman, Jerry
Siegel and Joe Shuster eventually joined the fray and exaggerated the effect of marijuana to younger
audiences. Marihuana The drug that causes the smoker to lose all moral restraint then this comes
under federal jurisdiction!

The gambit worked.

Congress effectively outlawed marijuana with the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 which
imposed a $100 tariff on each ounce of marijuana. The act was opposed by hemp farmers and the
American Medical Association.

Hemp farmers were forced out of business because the law did not differentiate between hemp and
cannabis. While both originate from the same Cannabis Sativa L plant, the difference between the two is in
its usage.

A high THC level is not necessary for production of industrial hemp products, while its a must for
recreational users of cannabis. For this reason, hemp producers grow hemp with a low THC content. (
Canada and a few European nations have legalized the growing of hemp with a THC content under 0.3

The law was a legal Catch-22. In order to purchase marijuana/hemp you had to have a stamp. In order to
get a stamp, you had to be in possession of marijuana/hemp. Possession was illegal without a stampThe
law itself was eventually overturned by the United States Supreme Court in Leary v. United States.
However, cannabis was criminalized in the same act which repealed the 1937 act.


Mass deforestation and clearcuts across North and South America.

The petrochemical industry continues its growth. Duponts, Melons, and Rockefellers get richer.
Women go wild for Nylons. Du Ponts get richer.
Hearst Corporation purchases Popular Mechanics in 1956. More flying cars less billion dollar
Big Pharma continues to sell overpriced medicine for simple ailments.
Widespread tar sands, fracking, deep-sea drilling and other dirty/unsafe oil extraction process.
Around 1% of Americans are incarcerated, the highest rate in the world.

However, critics have pointed out a few problems with the corporate agenda behind the Cannabis
Page 2 of 3 Specifically, Jack Herers claims that William Hearst, Andrew Mellon and Jul
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Conspiracy. Specifically, Jack Herers claims that William Hearst, Andrew Mellon and the Duponts
conspired to outlaw the cultivation of marijuana.

Hearst was a buyer of paper, not a seller. According to his biographer, Hearst was forced to sell some
of his art collection due in part, to his indebtedness to Canadian paper manufacturers. He would have
gladly welcomed an alternative to wood pulp.

Also, marijuana was already illegal in 30 states by the time Anslinger started his rant. It had been outlawed
in South Africa, Canada, Britain, and New Zealand decades earlier.

Herer might have seriously underplayed the role of racism behind the criminalization of cannabis. Moral
righteousness can often have a large influence on history and the shaping of society. (eg. Are you
non-Jewish and circumcised? You can thank John Harvey Kellogg.)

The first prohibition laws in the United States were opium bans aimed at Chinese immigrants. The laws
prohibiting marijuana seemingly targeted blacks and hispanics.

Nevertheless, the act crippled an entire industry that could have led to unimaginable innovations. In an age
of global climate change and an increasingly difficult access to fossil fuels, hemps potential as a viable
biofuel cannot be ignored.

It can also be a source of plastic and building material. As a fabric, hemp fibers are longer, stronger, more
absorbent and more mildew-resistant than cotton. A Stockholm Environment Institute study determined
that hemp appeared to be slightly easier on the environment than cotton.

It can be used as a source of nutrition. It is popular with vegans, as a source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.


Legal history of cannabis in the United States

Hemp and Marijuana: Myths & Realities by David P. West, Ph.D.

How to Make Hemp Paper

1916 USDA study on Hemp Hurds as a Paper-Making Material

Determined that hemp paper had 4 times the yield as wood pulp-paper.

The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer

Hemp cultivation at Thomas Jeffersons Monticello

Schaffer Library of Drug Policy

Chronology of Hemp throughout history

The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst by David Nasaw

Hearst family forgive Orson Welles for Citizen Kane after 71 years

Jack Herer Emperor Of Hemp

Running Time: ~58 minutes
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CIA Secret Wars, Coups, and Assassinations | Government


The CIA does covertly what the government is unable to do overtly. Wars fought without the
knowledged of Congress, routine assassination of foreign leaders, generally being dicks, and
causing worldwide mayhem.

Countries Involved: United States, Nicaragua, Israel, Iran

The Department of Defense and the CIA provide Iran with arms in return for money and hostages.

The proceeds are used to fund black ops in South America.


Countries Involved: United States, Guatemala

Guatemalan President rbenz is assassinated by the CIA after he privatizes unused land owned by the
United Fruit Company. rbenz reimburses UFC based on the value attributed to the land value declared by
the company on its fraudulent tax returns.

The land is given to poor farmers who are able to grow food (other than bananas) to feed their families.

The United Fruit Company fails to see the humor.

Operation AJAX

Countries Involved: United States, Iran

Following the nationalization of British oil interest, MI6 and the CIA join forces to overthrow the democratic
Mossadegh government and install the Shah of Iran and his brutal regime led by its secret police, the

The CIA trains the SAVAK.

Who go on a killing rampage for the next 26 years.

Operation Barracuda

Countries Involved: United States, Congo

CIA sends a lethal virus via diplomatic pouch to assassinate democratically-elected Patrice Lumumba.
Opting not to use the virus, the CIA helps Belgium assassinate and dispose of Lumumba. Mobutu, the
epitome of African kleptocracy, rules brutally for the next 35 years.

The CIAs Man in Greece

Countries Involved: United States, Greece

George Papandreou objects to US plans for Cyprus. President Johnson replies, F*ck your Parliament and
your Constitution.
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CIA-backed King Constantine dismisses Papandreou, installing military dictatorship of Papadopoulos the
first CIA agent to become a European premier.

Operation Hike

Countries Involved: United States, Indonesia

The CIA overthrows democratically elected Sukarno for control Indonesias rich oil fields. Sukarnos
replacement, General Suharto, murders between 500,000 to 1 million communists.

The US embassy supplies names of suspected communists to the regime.

Assassination of Che Guevara

Countries Involved: United States, Belgium, Bolivia

CIA leads the search for infamous revolutionary Che Guevara. Two days after his capture Che is executed.
CIA man at the scene steals his Rolex.

Guevara becomes a symbol of anti-imperialism.

Whitlam Dismissal

Countries Involved: United States, Australia

Prime Minister Gough Whitlam enrages the CIA by cancelling joint CIA-ASIS ops in Chile and demanding a
list of CIA operatives in Australia.

The CIAs man in Australia, Sir John Kerr, in his largely ceremonial position of Governor General,
dismisses Whitlams government.

All operations are back on.

Project FUBELT

Countries Involved: United States, Chile

Chilean coup dtat CIA overthrows democratically elected Salvador Allende and installs the military
junta of General Pinochet. Telecommunication giant ITT offers CIA $1 million to get rid of Allende.

Pinochet rules as dictator until 1990 and escapes trial for war crimes.

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Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers | Government


Tom A. Hidell Whistleblowers

Pentagon analyst leaks the Pentagon Papers, a secret report revealing that the US Government
had no intentions of pulling out of Vietnam despite public statements. It also documented
secret wars in neighboring countries Laos and Cambodia.

In June of 1967, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara commissioned a secret report giving a true
picture of the war in Vietnam compiled from classified material. The report, officially titled United States
Vietnam Relations, 19451967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense was not completed until
McNamara had left his post. One of the recipients of the secret report was the RAND Corporation where
military analyst Daniel Ellsberg was given clearance to read the report.

Outraged that Nixon continued the lies of the previous administrations of intending to pull out of Vietnam,
Ellsberg leaks part of the papers to the New York Times. After 3 months of meetings the Times decides to
publish parts of the documents in June of 1971.

Nixon calls foul and claims National Security. The Attorney General orders the paper to stop printing
material related to the Pentagon Paper and eventually wins a restraining order against the New York
Times. For the first time since the US civil war, a newspaper is prevented by law from printing a story.

Ellsberg then releases the Pentagon Papers to the Washington Post where Katherine Graham also decides
to print them. The Washington Post is also blocked. Ellsberg then gives the papers to the Boston Globe.
Newspaper after newspaper defied the order and printed sections and revelations from the Pentagon

The case quickly makes its way to the Supreme Court where 6 of the 9 judges rule in favor of the press. It
determines that the ban has less to do with National Security than protecting the reputation of politicians
involved. (Nixon wasnt happy)

Ellsberg is charged under the Espionage Act and faces up to 115 years in jail. However, revelations that
Nixons team of White House Plumbers had illegally installed wiretaps on Ellsberg caused the judge to call
a mistrial.

Ellsberg has since supported a number of whistleblowers, including Manning and Snowden.

Sources and further information:

Nixon Tapes: Nixon first learning about the Pentagon Papers from Haig. He is at first unconcerned since
the documents concern mostly Kennedy but he is convinced by Kissinger that failure to act could set a
dangerous precedent for future presidencies.

Containment of China


Mark Felt Watergates Deep Throat Mark Felt was the anonymous source known as Deep Throat that led
Bob Woodward and Carl []

Page 1 of 2 Smedley Butler and the Business Plot US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler testifies
Jul 12, to the
2015 05:27:37AM MDT
Smedley Butler and the Business Plot US Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler testifies to the
Special Committee on []
Chelsea Manning Exposes US War Crimes After coming across evidence of US war crimes in Iraq and
Afghanistan US Army []

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Federal Reserve | Government Conspiracies

How a group of bankers took the power of money creation from government and entrusted it to
unknown individuals and groups.

Secret Jekyll Island Meeting

November 22th 1910, seven men representing the banking establishment secretly meet at J.P. Morgans
Jekyll Island.

They create the plans for a new U.S. central bank. The banks name had to sound governmental, (despite
being privatized) and appear to be non-central, (despite being centralized). They named the new
privately-owned central bank, the Federal Reserve. (a.k.a. The Fed)

Nelson W. Aldrich Senator, (daughter married to Rockefellers daughter)

A. Piatt Andrew Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department
Frank Vanderlip president of the National City Bank of New York (Rockefeller)
Henry P. Davison senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company
Charles D. Norton president of the First National Bank of New York
Edward House the power behind President Wilson and founder of the Council on Foreign Relations
Paul Warburg Kuhn, Loeb, & Co

Picture a party of the nations

greatest bankers stealing out of
New York on a private railroad
car under cover of darkness,
stealthily riding hundred[s] of
miles South, embarking on a
mysterious launch, sneaking
onto an island deserted by all
but a few servants, living there
a full week under such rigid
secrecy that the names of not
one of them was once
government-conspiracy-secret-jekyll-island-meeting mentioned, lest the servants
learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history
of American finance. I am not romancing; I am giving to the world, for the first time, the real
story of how the famous Aldrich currency report, the foundation of our new currency system,
was written The utmost secrecy was enjoined upon all. The public must not glean a hint of
what was to be done.

Senator Aldrich notified each one to go quietly into a private car of which the railroad had
received orders to draw up on an unfrequented platform. Off the party set. New Yorks
ubiquitous reporters had been foiled Nelson (Aldrich) had confided to Henry, Frank, Paul, and
Piatt that he was to keep them locked up at Jekyll Island, out of the rest of the world, until they
had evolved and compiled a scientific currency system for the United States, the real birth of
the present Federal Reserve System, the plan done on Jekyll Island in the conference with

Page 1 of 2Paul, Frank, and Henry Warburg is the link that binds the Aldrich system and the
Jul present
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Paul, Frank, and Henry Warburg is the link that binds the Aldrich system and the present
system together. He more than any one man has made the system possible as a working

~ Frank Vanderlip autobiography

From Farmboy to Financier, 1935

After minor adjustments to the plans made at Jekyll Island, an empty Congress votes in favor of creation of
the Federal Reserve.

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Gary Webb, the C.I.A. and the Crack Epidemic |

Government Conspiracies

Tom A. Hidell Whistleblowers

Unable to provide direct assistance to rebel Nicaraguan Contras, the C.I.A. backs and protects
cocaine smugglers fueling the L.A. crack epidemic.

The early 1980s Boland Amendment placed severe restrictions on the C.I.A.s ability to wage its secret
wars against the Nicaraguan government. The Boland Amendment had also lead to the Iran-Contra affair,
in which the Senior officials of the US government were involved in a plot to sell weapons to Iran in order to
secretly fund the Contras.

The C.I.A. and the Reagan White House were aware that the Contras were smuggling cocaine into the
United Sates which was transformed into crack flooding the streets of Los Angeles and other major
metropolis with cheap cocaine and causing the crack cocaine epidemic.

Gary Webbs Dark Alliance detailing the plot was printed in the San Jose Mercury News series In August
1996. Webb determined that the drugs were coming from one source and that the money was used to
finance a guerrilla war in South America. He also documented that the C.I.A. was aware of the Contras
activities but failed to report them to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). It was later revealed that the
CIA had a get-out-of-jail card in the form of a 1982 secret agreement to allow their assets to break certain
laws, including drug smuggling

Initially there was public outrage. The government reacted by not reacting and let their gatekeepers at the
Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and at the New York Times do the talking. (See Operation
Mockingbird) San Jose Mercury News could not take the pressure and eventually backed down.

From that point on, Gary Webb was persona non grata and unable to work for a daily newspaper again. He
made all his information available on his Dark Alliance website so that anyone could verify his research for

In 1998 the Justice Department published a report revealing that the Reagan White House was aware of
the trafficking and that the CIA had directly interfered in DEA investigation to protect Contra smugglers.

That same year, the CIA Inspector General published his internal investigation in which he describes how
the Reagan Whitehouse gave protection to 50 Contras smugglers with the full knowledge of the National
Security Council and Oliver North.

Whistleblower Gary Webb was found dead in December 2004 with two gun shots to the head. His death
was ruled a suicide.

Sources and further information:


CIA Secret Wars, Coups, and Assassinations The CIA does covertly what the government is unable to do
overtly. Wars fought without []
Mark Felt Watergates Deep Throat Mark Felt was the anonymous source known as Deep Throat that led
Bob Woodward and Carl []

Page 1 of 2 Peter Buxtun and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study From 1932 to 1972, The United States Public
Jul 12, 2015 Health
05:23:42AM MDT
Peter Buxtun and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study From 1932 to 1972, The United States Public Health
Service studied the natural, []

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Government Conspiracies | Government Conspiracies,

Lies, and Cover-Ups

Newspaper magnate William Hearst, Petrochemical du Pont brothers, US Secretary of the

Treasury/banker/oil man Andrew Mellon and his nephew-in-law, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotic,
Harry Anslinger conspire to pass the unconstitutional 1937 Marijuana Tax Act

effectively outlawing cannabis and eliminating hemp as a competitor in the United States.

Area 51

Area 51 is a US military base located in south-central Nevada and enclosed by mountains and harsh
desert terrains. It is approximately 83 miles (134 km) from Las Vegas and is surrounded by the Nellis Air
Force Range and borders the Nevada Test Site.

The existence of the base was not acknowledged by the CIA until July 2013.

Project MK-ULTRA

MKULTRA is the most infamous of the known CIA experiments into mindcontrol.

The Agency and the Army Chemical Corps experimented with an array of hallucinogens and other drugs on
uninformed Americans and Canadians in an effort to discover the ideal truth serum, modify behaviors,
manipulate memories and other methods of mind control.

Operation Northwoods

Joint Chiefs plans to bomb American civilian aircrafts and military bases disguised as Cubans in order to
declare war on Cuba.


The FBI begins surveilling, harassing, intimidating and even assassinating leaders of civil rights
movements and other organization deemed too left, or too right.

Operation Mockingbird

CIA infiltrates mainstream media news organizations in order to influence and control the news.

CIA Secret Wars, Coups, and Assassinations

The CIA does covertly what the government is unable to do overtly. Wars fought without the knowledged of
Congress, routine assassination of foreign leaders, generally being dicks, and causing worldwide mayhem.

Watergate, the X Envelope, and the Paris Peace Talks

Beyond Watergate: What were the Plumbers REALLY after?

Government Surveillance

The NSA routinely spies on US citizens.

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Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

The US Health Department conducts human experiments on uninformed poor Americans.

Federal Reserve

How a group of bankers took the power of money creation from a corrupted government and entrusted it to
unknown individuals and groups.

Gulf of Tonkin

Johnson Whitehouse fabricates evidence of a Vietnamese attack on US warships in order to escalate the
Vietnam War.


Following the end of World War 2, the OSS (precursor to the CIA) secretly alters war records of Nazi
scientists and other war criminals in order to make them eligible for recruitment in the US.

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Evidence of high-level government involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

CIA and the Global Drug Trade

The CIA is complicit and involved in the production and distribution of illegal drugs.

Prohibition and Poisoning of Alcohol

US Treasury adds poison to alcohol in order to discourage illegal consumption.

Public Schools

Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller and other early 20th century industry giants redesign the US educational
system to create better workers.

Operation Gladio

Left-behind troops conduct terror campaigns throughout Europe following WW2 in order to discredits

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Operation 112 | Government Conspiracies

Project 112/Project SHAD, or Shipboard Hazard and Defense, was a series of tests conducted
by the Department of Defense from 1962 to 1974. Servicemembers [SIC] participated in
conducting the tests. The purpose was to determine the potential risks to U.S. warships and
American forces from chemical and biological warfare agents.

~ Project 112/Project SHAD

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment The US Health Department conducts human experiments on uninformed poor
Prohibition and Poisoning of Alcohol US Treasury adds poison to alcohol in order to discourage illegal

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Operation Mockingbird | Government Conspiracies

CIA infiltrates mainstream media news organizations in order to influence and control the news.

The CIA recruits journalists from mainstream news organizations. Were talking about the biggies like
ABC, CBS, NBC, Reuters, Associated Press, Washington Post, New York Times, Newsweek, Time and
Life Magazines.

In 1948, Frank Wisner was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (OSP). Soon
afterwards OSP was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). This became the covert
action branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. Wisner was told to create an organization that
concentrated on propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage,
anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states,
including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous
anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.

Later that year Wisner established Mockingbird, a program to influence foreign media. Wisner
recruited Philip Graham from The Washington Post to run the project within the industry.
According to Deborah Davis in Katharine the Great; By the early 1950s, Wisner owned
respected members of The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications
vehicles. Wisner called this propaganda network the Mighty Wurlitzer.

~ Operation Mockingbird

The CIA secretly bought the rights to Orwells Animal Farm and altered the ending. Instead of the pigs
becoming the same as the their former masters, they are deposed by animals from outside the farm. The
Agency also changed the ending of 1984.

The CIA, Operation MOCKINGBIRD, and the funding of the George Orwells Animal Farm
Animated Film

Animal Farm started out as a piece of political satire that nobody wanted to publish only to, ironically, wind
up a piece of government-funded propaganda in film. Regardless, both the novel and movie are true
classics; in fact, Animal Farm was the first theatrical animated feature film made in England, despite the
fact that the budget was funneled down from The United States Central Intelligence Agency.

The animation of Animal Farm isnt its selling point. Released in 1954, the animation is typical for the times.
Its the story and backstory that make it an invaluable piece of history.

Animal Farm, as a book, took years to get published because it was so critical of
the Soviet Revolution, given that Joseph Stalin was a powerful ally to the UK; it
wasnt until after World War II that the book was finally made available. A mere 8
years later, The Cold War had escalated to the point where the CIA gave money
to two-time Academy Award Winner Louis de Rochemont and Halas and
Batchelor, a British animation company that specialized in short animated
propaganda films during The War. They believed that funding a local studio, such
as Walt Disney could too easily be tied back to the Agency.

The irony of it all is truly fantastic, understanding the plotline and surrounding

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The film is painstakingly loyal to the book, because you cant really beat an
Orwellian masterpiece. There was one major alteration, however the ending of
the book is cynical while the film simply ends with another revolution (that had
never happened).

Most people find this to be a flaw, believing the film should have ended a few
minutes earlier, and kept true to the book.

The CIA had their own agenda, altering the story to push their agendawhich is a
central theme of what the antagonist pigs (Communists) do throughout Animal
Farm. Knowing these factors and watching all the subtle points of the film makes
it as timeless as the book; each time you view/read either, you will discover
something new, not because of complexity of animation or storyline, but because
of the knowledge of the facts surrounding the film, and what the film portrays.

Carl Bernstein, The CIA & The Media, Rolling Stone, October 27, 1977
Senator Frank Church on The CIAs Mockingbird
Running Time: 3:12 minutes
Animal Farm, 1954
Running Time: 1:09

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Project MK-ULTRA | Government Conspiracies

MKULTRA a cryptonym for a series of mind control experiments conducted by the CIA.

The Agency and the Army Chemical Corps experimented with an array of hallucinogenics and other drugs
on uninformed Americans and Canadians in an effort to discover the ideal truth serum, modify behaviors,
and manipulate memories.

Following the end of American involvement in the Korean War in the early 50s, CIA officials had become
intrigued by rumors of Soviet and Chinese advancement in brainwashing* methods. This prompt CIA
Director Allen Dulles to instigate the CIAs mind control research programs.

The CIAs mind control programs grew out of Operation Paperclip, a US intelligence program to protect
Nazi war criminals in return for aiding the United States against the Communists. The Navy began Project
CHATTER in 1947 with the objective of testing various drugs to aid in interrogations while the CIA began
Project BLUEBIRD in 1950 with similar goals.

Project BLUEBIRD was renamed Project ARTICHOKE the following year and continued research into
behavior modification and mind control.

A 1952 CIA memo asked Can we get control of an individual to the point where
he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of
nature? The following year Dulles appointed Dr. Sidney Gottlieb to head up
the CIAs new Project MK-ULTRA.

Operation MKULTRA consisted of around 150 subprojects each experimenting

with different methods to achieve the Agencys goals. Subproject 119 sought to
control a subjects mind remotely; Subproject 136 explored Extrasensory
Perception (ESP) and Subproject 128 involved experiments with hypnosis.
Dr. Sidney Gottlieb
The CIA used a variety of fronts to forge partnerships with al least 80 institutions,
including prestigious universities, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies At its height, MkULTRA ate up
6% of the CIAs budget.

MKULTRA included experiments with a variety of drugs such as heroin, marijuana, morphine, MDA,
MDMA, mescaline, magic mushrooms, sodium pentothal and alcohol. It also used electroshocks, hypnosis,
sleep deprivation and other forms of torture ANYTHING to achieve its goals.

The CIA soon heard of a discovery by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann at Sandoz Laboratories in
Switzerland. They had determined that Hofmanns lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) might just be the
elusive drug the Agency had been looking for. The CIA panicked after hearing that Sandoz was in the
process of synthesizing millions of LSD doses for market. They feared that the Soviets might gain
possession of the drug. The CIA was determined to buy the entire lot. Unfortunately, the CIA agent
providing the information was unfamiliar with the metric system and mistaken milligrams for kilograms, a
difference between 100 million doses, and 100.

In early 1953, pro tennis player, Harold Blauer checked into the New York Psychiatric Institute seeking
treatment for depression following a divorce. Blauer was unaware that the institute had a secret agreement
with the Army Chemical Corps allowing them to do test on patients as part of their mind control
Page 1 of 4 Blauer was giver a heavy dose of a mescaline derivative (MDA), killing him, leading
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experiments. Blauer was giver a heavy dose of a mescaline derivative (MDA), killing him, leading to a
subsequent 22-year cover-up. A US Judge finally awarded $700k to Blauers estate in 1987.

Later that year, Frank Olson, a chemists for the Army Chemical Corps, plunged to his death from a 13th
story window of his hotel. He had unknowingly been slipped LSD by his CIA supervisor and had grown
depressed. The family also eventually received an out-of-court settlement of $750k in 1975, as well as an
apology from President Ford and CIA Director William Colby. However, after having the body exhumed for
reburial, a second autopsy revealed that Olson had been murdered.

Olsons role in ARTICHOKE had made him privy to state secrets revealed in the course of interrogations,
including the alleged use of biochemical weapons (Anthrax) by the US in the Korean War. Despite the now
increasingly suspicious circumstances surrounding Olsons death, the family was unable to file suit due to
their previous settlement with Ford.

Dr. Gottlieb appoints George White of the Narcotics Bureau to head up Operation Midnight Climax. CIA
safe houses are repurposed as brothels in San Francisco and New York where agents begin observing the
effect of various drugs on unsuspecting patrons through a one-way mirror. These observations help
develop sexual blackmail and surveillance techniques that are soon used in CIA field operations

In Canada, psychiatrist Ewen Cameron at McGills Allan Memorial Institute

receives funding from a CIA front, the Society for the Investigation of Human
Ecology, to pursue his research into depatterning. Cameron treatment
involved electroshocks and drug-induced comas (of up to 3 months) that he
hoped would allow him to erase memories, reprogram human brains and cure
schizophrenia. His treatments soon became part of the KUBARK torture manuel.

The CIA financed university research programs and as a result made drugs,
especially LSD, widely available throughout the United States. Researchers and
Dr. Ewen Cameron
professors such as Harvard psychology professor Timothy Leary soon started
experimenting with the drugs themselves giving rise to the counterculture.

John Lennon said We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD, by the way. and
felt that the Mans plan had backfired They brought out LSD to control people, and what they did was
give us freedom.

On the heels of Watergate in 1973, CIA director Richard Helm gave the order to destroy all documents
relating to MKULTRA.

Rumors of MKULTRA experiments on human reached the public and published in the New York times.
The President formed the Rockefeller Commission while Congress appointed the Church Committee.
Fearful of what such investigations into the CIAs illegal activities might uncover, the CIAs General
Counsel Lawrence Houston travelled to the Washington to brief Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, then
part of the Ford administration, on Operation Dormouse.

Operation Dormouse, as Houston explained, was the Agencys plan to give the investigators and the media
a tasty morsel to chew on in the form of MKULTRA in order to keep revelations of Project ARTICHOKE
from reaching the light of day, which in Houstons opinion, would undo the Central Intelligence Agency.

They agreed to throw Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and others to the wolves as well as to reveal ties to Harvard and
other prestigious universities and hospitals. This would insure that the universities and the media
themselves would act as gatekeepers and justify the CIA excesses and experiments on US citizens.
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themselves would act as gatekeepers and justify the CIA excesses and experiments on US citizens.

The plan worked.

The Pandoras box that was ARTICHOKE remained closed.

Even to this day, the media and academia portray ARTICHOKE as having been absolved into MKULTRA
despite continuing for at least 17 years following the creation of MKULTRA. The death was of Frank Olson
is always mentioned in connection to MKULTRA despite him being a chemists for the Army Chemical
Corps and actually attending a ARTICHOKE meeting when he was dosed

To this day, the CIA and other intelligence agencies continue to experiment with drugs and methods that
will give them an edge in interrogations.


Researchers into MKULTRA and other government mind control programs are bound to run into claims of
Monarch mind control programming.

There is no evidence of Monarch other than questionable claims obtained through


If Nazis or US intelligence had been able to create perfectly docile, completely unaware, all-obeying,
all-forgetting, self-destructing mind-controlled slaves/assassins in the 1940s, there is little benefit in having

However, the claims of Illuminati blood sacrifice and alien reptilians by Arizona Wilder and Cathy OBrien
might be so outrageously unbelievable by design. In 1995, Valerie Wolf, Chris deNicola, and Claudia
Mullen testified for the Presidential Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (?) that satanic
ritual abuse (SRA) was most likely used as a cover for experiments as part of the CIAs MkUltra program.

*The term brainwashing had been coined by anti-Communist journalist Edward Hunter in his book
Brainwashing in Red China: the calculated destruction of mens minds. Hunter had been a propagandist
for American intelligence during World War 2 and was a collector of Chinese propaganda pamphlets.


1975 CIA memo on ARTICHOKE

U.S. Congress: The Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence
Activities, Foreign and Military Intelligence, report no. 94-755, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. 1976
Church Committee Reports Book I: Foreign and Military Intelligence (p.390+)

U.S. Senate Report

Joint Hearing before The Select Committee on Intelligence and The Subcommittee on Health and Scientific
Research of the Committee on Human Resources 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 1977

John Marks The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The Cia and Mind Control

Tables from The Search for the Manchurian Candidate

List of MkULTRA subprojects

Page 3 of 4 with Richard Helm ( Jul 12, 2015 05:20:42AM MDT

Interview with Richard Helm (

Cries From the Past: Tortures Ugly Echoes

Codename Artichoke The CIAs Secret Experiments on Humans Frank Olson Documentary (2002)
Running Time: ~53 minutes
ABC News CIA MKULTRA: Mission Mind Control (1979)
Running Time: ~47 minutes

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Public Schools | Government Conspiracies

Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller

and other early 20th century
industry giants redesign the US
educational system to create
better workers.

Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller and

other early 20th century industry
giants take it upon themselves to
redesign the US educational system.
As corporate masters, they needed
Public Schools workers who were more docile, loyal
and most importantly, obedient. They
needed to be able to follow orders without questions without thinking for themselves.

In 1902 Rockefeller and clergyman

Frederick T. Gates found the General
Education Board in early 1902 and
begin throwing vast sums of money to
anyone whose theories coincided with
their goals. Men like Stanley Hall,
John Dewey, and Edward Thorndike
become overnight sensations thanks
to Rockefellers and his boards
financial backing.

Schools true purpose became to

General Education Board Trustees, 1915. Front : Edwin A. Alderman, Frederick T. create better workers who completely
Gates, Charles W. Eliot (Harvard), Harry Pratt Judson (University of Chicago), Wallace accepted their lives of servitude.
Buttrick. Middle : Wickliffe Rose, Hollis B. Frissell, John D. Rockefeller, E.C. Sage,
Albert Shaw, Abraham Flexner. Back : George E. Vincent (Rockefeller Foundation),
In our dreamspeople yield
Anson Phelps Stokes, Starr J. Murphy, Jerome D. Greene.
themselves with perfect docility
to our molding hands. The present educational conventions fade from our minds, and
unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk.

~General Education Board,

Occasional Letter Number One (1906)

Page 1 of 1 Jul 12, 2015 05:31:01AM MDT

The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during
Quora Contributor
July 10 2015 12:09 PM

It was Christmas Eve 1926, the streets aglitter with

snow and lights, when the man afraid of Santa Claus
stumbled into the emergency room at New York City's
Bellevue Hospital. He was flushed, gasping with fear:
Santa Claus, he kept telling the nurses, was just behind
him, wielding a baseball bat.

Before hospital staff realized how sick he wasthe

alcohol-induced hallucination was just a symptomthe
man died. So did another holiday partygoer. And
another. As dusk fell on Christmas, the hospital staff
A police raid confiscating illegal alcohol, in Elk Lake, Canada, in tallied up more than 60 people made desperately ill by
1925. alcohol and eight dead from it. Within the next two days,
yet another 23 people died in the city from celebrating the season.

Doctors were accustomed to alcohol poisoning by then, the routine of life in the Prohibition era. The
bootlegged whiskies and so-called gins often made people sick. The liquor produced in hidden stills
frequently came tainted with metals and other impurities. But this outbreak was bizarrely different. The
deaths, as investigators would shortly realize, came courtesy of the U.S. government.

Frustrated that people continued to consume so much alcohol even after it was banned, federal officials
had decided to try a different kind of enforcement. They ordered the poisoning of industrial alcohols
manufactured in the United States, products regularly stolen by bootleggers and resold as drinkable spirits.
The idea was to scare people into giving up illicit drinking. Instead, by the time Prohibition ended in 1933,
the federal poisoning program, by some estimates, had killed at least 10,000 people.

Although mostly forgotten today, the "chemist's war of Prohibition" remains one of the strangest and most
deadly decisions in American law-enforcement history. As one of its most outspoken opponents, Charles
Norris, the chief medical examiner of New York City during the 1920s, liked to say, it was "our national
experiment in extermination." Poisonous alcohol still kills16 people died just this month after drinking
lethal booze in Indonesia, where bootleggers make their own brews to avoid steep taxesbut that's due to
unscrupulous businessmen rather than government order.

I learned of the federal poisoning program while researching my new book, The Poisoner's Handbook,
which is set in jazz-age New York. My first reaction was that I must have gotten it wrong. "I never heard
that the government poisoned people during Prohibition, did you?" I kept saying to friends, family
members, colleagues.

I did, however, remember the U.S. government's controversial decision in the 1970s to spray Mexican
marijuana fields with Paraquat, an herbicide. Its use was primarily intended to destroy crops, but
government officials also insisted that awareness of the toxin would deter marijuana smokers. They echoed
the official position of the 1920sif some citizens ended up poisoned, well, they'd brought it upon
themselves. Although Paraquat wasn't really all that toxic, the outcry forced the government to drop the
plan. Still, the incident created an unsurprising lack of trust in government motives, which reveals itself in

the1 occasional
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the occasional rumors circulating today that federal agencies, such as the CIA, mix poison into the illegal
drug supply.

During Prohibition, however, an official sense of higher purpose kept the poisoning program in place. As
the Chicago Tribune editorialized in 1927: "Normally, no American government would engage in such
business. It is only in the curious fanaticism of Prohibition that any means, however barbarous, are
considered justified." Others, however, accused lawmakers opposed to the poisoning plan of being in
cahoots with criminals and argued that bootleggers and their law-breaking alcoholic customers deserved
no sympathy. "Must Uncle Sam guarantee safety first for souses?" asked Nebraska's Omaha Bee.

The saga began with ratification of the 18th Amendment, which banned the manufacture, sale, or
transportation of alcoholic beverages in the United States. * High-minded crusaders and anti-alcohol
organizations had helped push the amendment through in 1919, playing on fears of moral decay in a
country just emerging from war. The Volstead Act, spelling out the rules for enforcement, passed shortly
later, and Prohibition itself went into effect on Jan. 1, 1920.

But people continued to drinkand in large quantities. Alcoholism rates soared during the 1920s;
insurance companies charted the increase at more than 300 more percent. Speakeasies promptly opened
for business. By the decade's end, some 30,000 existed in New York City alone. Street gangs grew into
bootlegging empires built on smuggling, stealing, and manufacturing illegal alcohol. The country's defiant
response to the new laws shocked those who sincerely (and naively) believed that the amendment would
usher in a new era of upright behavior.

Rigorous enforcement had managed to slow the smuggling of alcohol from Canada and other countries.
But crime syndicates responded by stealing massive quantities of industrial alcoholused in paints and
solvents, fuels and medical suppliesand redistilling it to make it potable.

Well, sort of. Industrial alcohol is basically grain alcohol with some unpleasant chemicals mixed in to render
it undrinkable. The U.S. government started requiring this "denaturing" process in 1906 for manufacturers
who wanted to avoid the taxes levied on potable spirits. The U.S. Treasury Department, charged with
overseeing alcohol enforcement, estimated that by the mid-1920s, some 60 million gallons of industrial
alcohol were stolen annually to supply the country's drinkers. In response, in 1926, President Calvin
Coolidge's government decided to turn to chemistry as an enforcement tool. Some 70 denaturing formulas
existed by the 1920s. Most simply added poisonous methyl alcohol into the mix. Others used bitter-tasting
compounds that were less lethal, designed to make the alcohol taste so awful that it became undrinkable.

To sell the stolen industrial alcohol, the liquor syndicates employed chemists to "renature" the products,
returning them to a drinkable state. The bootleggers paid their chemists a lot more than the government
did, and they excelled at their job. Stolen and redistilled alcohol became the primary source of liquor in the
country. So federal officials ordered manufacturers to make their products far more deadly.

By mid-1927, the new denaturing formulas included some notable poisonskerosene and brucine (a plant
alkaloid closely related to strychnine), gasoline, benzene, cadmium, iodine, zinc, mercury salts, nicotine,
ether, formaldehyde, chloroform, camphor, carbolic acid, quinine, and acetone. The Treasury Department
also demanded more methyl alcohol be addedup to 10 percent of total product. It was the last that
proved most deadly.

The results were immediate, starting with that horrific holiday body count in the closing days of 1926.
Public health officials responded with shock. "The government knows it is not stopping drinking by putting
poison in alcohol," New York City medical examiner Charles Norris said at a hastily organized press
conference. "[Y]et it continues its poisoning processes, heedless of the fact that people determined to drink
are2 of
Page daily
3 absorbing that poison. Knowing this to be true, the United States governmentJul must be charged
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conference. "[Y]et it continues its poisoning processes, heedless of the factthat people determined to drink
are daily absorbing that poison. Knowing this to be true, the United States government must be charged
with the moral responsibility for the deaths that poisoned liquor causes, although it cannot be held legally

His department issued warnings to citizens, detailing the dangers in whiskey circulating in the city:
"[P]ractically all the liquor that is sold in New York today is toxic," read one 1928 alert. He publicized every
death by alcohol poisoning. He assigned his toxicologist, Alexander Gettler, to analyze confiscated whiskey
for poisonsthat long list of toxic materials I cited came in part from studies done by the New York City
medical examiner's office.

Norris also condemned the federal program for its disproportionate effect on the country's poorest
residents. Wealthy people, he pointed out, could afford the best whiskey available. Most of those sickened
and dying were those "who cannot afford expensive protection and deal in low grade stuff."

And the numbers were not trivial. In 1926, in New York City, 1,200 were sickened by poisonous alcohol;
400 died. The following year, deaths climbed to 700. These numbers were repeated in cities around the
country as public-health officials nationwide joined in the angry clamor. Furious anti-Prohibition legislators
pushed for a halt in the use of lethal chemistry. "Only one possessing the instincts of a wild beast would
desire to kill or make blind the man who takes a drink of liquor, even if he purchased it from one violating
the Prohibition statutes," proclaimed Sen. James Reed of Missouri.

Officially, the special denaturing program ended only once the 18th Amendment was repealed in
December 1933. But the chemist's war itself faded away before then. Slowly, government officials quit
talking about it. And when Prohibition ended and good grain whiskey reappeared, it was almost as if the
craziness of Prohibitionand the poisonous measures taken to enforce ithad never quite happened.

Correction, Feb. 22, 2010: The article originally and incorrectly said that the 18th Amendment banned
the sale and consumption of alcohol. It banned the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol, not
consumption. (Return to the corrected sentence.)

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Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment | Government Conspiracies

The US Health Department conducts human experiments on uninformed poor Americans.

For 40 years, the US Health Department lies to around 400 poor African-Americans about receiving free
treatment for their bad blood, when in reality, doctors are observing the effect of untreated Syphilis.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

Running Time: ~10 minutes

Page 1 of 1 Jul 12, 2015 05:25:53AM MDT

Watergate, the X Envelope, and the Paris Peace Talks |

Government Conspiracies

Beyond Watergate: What were the Plumbers REALLY after?

The story of the 4 burglars breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the
Watergate complex is well known. What is less well-known is what the burglars were after that night. It
turns out that Nixons people had gone behind Presidents Johnson back to deliberately sabotage the
Paris Peace Talks.

Near the end of his presidency, Lyndon Johnson gave a mix of secret and top-secret files he had amassed
on Nixons treasonous behind-the-scene manipulations to his national security adviser, Walt W. Rostow.
Rostow kept the file and labelled it the X-Envelope.

With the climate the way it stood in 1968, there was a very good chance that the Peace talks would have
succeeded. However, Nixons team interceded and persuaded the South Vietnamese to boycott the talks

FBI Director Hoover informed Nixon that the Democrats had obtained wiretaps that could contain proof of
Nixons involvement in sabotaging the Peace Talk. This would surely cost Nixon the elections. Nixon his
National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger to find the potentially damaging wiretaps. And THAT is what
the Watergate burglars were looking for on that night. Nixon HAD to know what the Democrats could prove
about the Paris Peace talks.

Enter the plumbers.

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