Quanti Fier

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Circle the correct words.

1. Mother brought (a,an) umbrella when she went out

2. How (many,much) pupils are there in this class?
3. There is a (few,little) oil left in the bottle.
4. Susan has (a,an) cup of milk.
5. (a, an) old man is begging for money by the roadside.
6. There is too (many, much) sand in my shoes.
7. We see a (few,little) coins on the pavement.
8. David is (a,an) hour late.
9. Can you put a (few,little) salt in my soup?
10.There are (many, much) chairs in the store room.
11.There are a (few, little) boys in the canteen.
12.There isnt (many, much) water in the basin.
13.I think there is (a,an) owl on the tree.
14.They live in (a,an) house made of mud.
15.How (many,much) books do you have?

Fill in the blanks with some or any.

Some is used in a positive sentence. Any is used in questions and negative

1. She has ..................... new books.

2. There isnt .................. dogs in the house.
3. There arent ................... dogs in the kitchen.
4. I need ................... help to move this cupboard to another room.
5. They keep ................... fish at home.
6. We dont have ................... toys in the house.
7. John wants ................... biscuits to eat.
8. Many doesnt have ................... stamps in her purse.
9. She has ................... friends in the university.
10.My mother wants ................... sugar to add to the coffee.

Change these sentence into questions as shown.

1. She has some book.
2. He has some eggs in the basket.
3. There is some tea in the cup.
4. My mother has some money in the drawer.
5. Mary has some pieces of paper.
6. He has a lot of stamps.
7. The biys have some toys.
8. He has some sweets in his pocket.
9. They have some red pencils.
10.The girls have many dolls.

Fill in each blank with many or much

1. .......................... people have signed up for the new yoga class.
2. Sam put too .......................... detergent in the washing machine.
3. Do not drink too .......................... apple juice.
4. We saw .......................... interesting insects at the nature reserve.
5. How .......................... library books can we borrow each time?
6. There is not .......................... traffic along the expressway on a weekday
7. How .......................... do you earn as a sales assistant?
8. My brother has .......................... superhero figurines in his room.
9. I do not have .......................... pencils. I only have two.
10.There is so .......................... dirt on the floor. Please sweep the floor now.

Fill in each blank with many or much

1. If you pour too .......................... water into the jug, it will overflow.
2. Stay under the shade. Too .......................... sunlight is not good for you.
3. How .......................... salt must I put in the soup?
4. Were there .......................... fish in the sea?
5. I did not receive .......................... help from my friends while I was doing
my project.
6. .......................... of the crops are dying because of the drought.
7. How .......................... money do you need to travel to japan?
8. Are there .......................... people in the restaurant now?
9. .......................... flowers were used to make that bouquet.
10.How .......................... times have you been to the zoo this year?

Fill in each blank with a few or a little.

1. We only have .......................... time left. Hurry up!

2. I hope to receive .......................... support from everyone, the president
of the charity organization said.
3. We helped ourselves to .......................... sweets in the bowl.
4. I am going cycling with .......................... of my friends.
5. We spend only .......................... dollars during racess every day.
6. The entrance of the church was decorated with .......................... bouquets
of flowers.
7. My mother added .......................... sauce to the fish.
8. There is only .......................... ink left in the pen.
9. The chef added .......................... pieces of chicke to the porridge.
10........................... monkeys escaped from the zoo yesterday.

Fill in each clank with a few or a little

1. There are .......................... colourful flowers growing on this plant.
2. Apply .......................... cream to the wound.
3. There were .......................... puddles of water on the ground after the rain.
4. The old dog eats only .......................... food every day.
5. We cycled .......................... kilometres along the beach last weekend.
6. There are only .......................... passengers left on the train.
7. There is .......................... soup for you in the pot.
8. I am donating .......................... of my old clothes to charity.
9. That wealthy man keeps .......................... guard dogs in his house.
10.Jasmine could speak a little French after taking .......................... lessons.

Fill in each blank with any or some

1. I do not have .......................... sugar left in the container.
2. Please add .......................... potatoes to the chicken stew.
3. Only .......................... students will be selected for the competition
4. If you have .......................... time, please help me with my project.
5. I do not have .......................... money with me today.
6. there isnt .......................... jewellery in this old jewellery box, said rosy.
7. You may donate .......................... amount you want to charity.
8. The police did not manage to find .......................... new evidance on the
hit-and-run accident.
9. There are .......................... leaves on the ground.
10.She does not have .......................... knowledge of what happened just

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