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John F. McManus
Associate Publisher
peaking to the House of Lords on spiracy, and the members ofthe CFR are not

Thomas G. Gow
March 2, 1770, William Pitt observed all new world orderites. Yet in the shadows Editor
that "There is something behind the - behind the CPR and other powerful inter- Gary Benoit
throne greater than the king himself." The nationalist groupings such as the Trilateral
Managing Editor
next century, another British statesman, Commission, behind the giant tax-exempt David W. Bohon
Benjamin Disraeli, expressed a similar sen- foundations , behind the Wall Street and
timent when he wrote in his novel Conings- Federal Reserve fmancial ilIld banking inter- Senior Editors
William F. Jasper
by, or the New Generation (1844): "[T]he ests, behind presidents and prime ministers,
William Norman Grigg
world is governed by very different person- behind the NAFfAIGATTIIMF ATO/UN
ages from what is imagined by those who axis, behind even the communist menace it- Washington Editor
William P. Hoar
are not behind the scenes." self - is the conspiracy for global control.
Here in the United States, this power be- An outlandish notion? Dangerous "right- Editorial Assistant
hind the throne is most often referred to as wing" paranoia? The major media rna ens Alton S. Windsor, Jr.
"the Establishment" and its most significant would certainly like you to think o. And Contributors
"front organization" is the Council on For- to help implant such thinking, they ha e Hilaire du Berrier
eign Relations (CFR). From the ranks of this even attempted to lump together re ponsible Samuel L. Blumenfeld
James J Drummey
Establishment powerhouse critics of the new world or-
G. Edward Griffin
come the captains and der with virulent raci t Jane H. Ingraham
kings of government, busi- who burn black churche Robert W. Lee
ness, and finance. Demo- and armed terrorists who Neland D. Nobel
cratic President Bill Clinton blow up federal buildings. Charles E. Rice
is a member, as is Repub- They have gone so far a U ewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Fr. James Thornton
lican Speaker of the House to warn darkly of a vast
Newt Gingrich. "right-wing conspiracy" Art Director
"[The CFR's members] that must be reckoned with Scott J Alberts
are the nearest thing we - through the imposition Senior Graphic Artist
have to a ruling establish- of unprecedented police Cathy L. Dercks
menL." Washington Post state measures and the sac- Senior Desktop
columnist Richard Har- rifice of some of our hard- Publishing Specialist
wood confessed in the won liberties. But a global Ste ven J DuBord
paper's October 30, 1993 conspiracy to destroy free- Marketing Director
edition. "This is not a retinue of people who dom? It doesn 't exist! Sharilyn M. Stanley
'look like America' .. . but they very defi- Yet in spite of the Establishment line, a
nitely look like the people who, for more conspiracy for global control does exist and Julie DuFrane, Mgr.
than half a century, have managed our inter- the evidence demonstrating the existence of Deborah Harvath, Asst. Mgr.
national affairs and our military-industrial that conspiracy is both plentiful and con-
complex." He should know . The Post 's vincing. Part of that evidence has been as- Thomas R. Eddlem, Dir.
principal owner and several of the editors sembled in the pages that follow. (Additional Thomas A. Burzynski
are also members of this exclusive Estab- evidence is listed in the three-page bibliog-
lishment club. Yet the Council on Foreign raphy beginning on page 73.)
Relations is hardly a household name, and Many observers of our national decline
anyone who condemns its awesome power
runs the risk of being branded a "right-wing
resist the notion of a conspiracy in high
places because they want to believe the best
of our leaders. But if the "fix" is in, the only
lew Ameriean
In this special report from THE NEW AMERI- way to reverse course is to expose that un- (I SSN 0885-6540)
T HE NEW AMERICAN is published biweekly by
CAN, we examine not only the power behind pleasant reality. American Opinion Publishing Incorporated,
the throne, but its objectives and modus op- We ask that you take the time to read this 770 Westhill Boulevard , Appleton, WI 54914.
erandi. We identify its ultimate objective as special report, to weigh the evidence, and to Phone: (414) 749-3784 Fax: (414) 749-3785
E-mail : tna@jbs .org
the creation of a totalitarian one-world gov- judge for yourself. If you decide that we are
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ernment, oftentimes euphemistically re- right - and we are absolutely convinced Rates are $39 per year (Hawaii and Canada, add
ferred to by the Insiders themselves (not to that we are - then we hope you will also $9; foreign , add $27) or $22 for six months (Ha-
mention other internationalists) as a "new become involved to expose and oppose the waii and Canada. add $4.50; foreign. add $13.50).
Air mail rates on request. Additional copies of
world order." That objective, of course, is conspiratorial designs. We hope you will do this special report: One for $2.50; 10 for $12.50;
not shared by the vast majority of the so, in fact, as if your lives and freedoms de- 25 for $25.00; 100 for $90.00. Copyright 1996
American people, and for that very reason pend on it, because they surely do . & 1997 by American Opinion Publishing Incor-
porated. Periodicals postage paid at Appleton,
the plotters must obfuscate their global de- - GARY BENOIT
WI and additional mailing offices. Postmaster:
signs. We dare call this plotting by many of To order additional copies of this issue at quantity- Send any address changes to THE NEW AMERI-
the world's rich and powerful a conspiracy. discount prices, see the stitch-in card between pages CAN. P.O. Box 8040. Appleton . WI 54913.
To be sure, the CFR itself is not the con- 62 and 63.


"Conspiracy" Issue ewAmerican 1997 Edition


Is there any hard evidence of a conspiracy to pull
our nation into an all-powerful world government?

For many decades the Council on Foreign Relations
has been the reservoir of this nation's globalist "wise
men" and their new world order schemes


From past to present, major CFR movers and
shakers are listed - with the roles they have filled


Semantics aside, a core of internationalist elites
insist on absolute control of the planet, with the
Godless United Nations as their enforcement arm

The atheistic world government envisioned by the

Insiders would be starkly different from our own
Republic, founded solidly on "unalienable rights"

Creating global crises. (page 47)

Government - particularly the totalitarian communist
kind - has been this century's worst mass murderer

Today's conspiracy for global control can be traced
back at least 200 years


A look at the record shows that our government
has consistently aided the advance of communism


Arguments supposedly debunking "conspiracy
theory" do not hold up against facts or logic
Two centuries of conspiratorial intrigue. (page 32)

Cover: NASA photo



The unconstitutional regulations and laws that
threaten our freedoms are based largely on false
alternatives and contrived rationales


Many of our most onerous federal chains - such as
the income tax - were guided into being by the very
folks they were supposedly meant to affect the most


The Insiders realize that to gain control they must
first create a "crisis" for which only they can provide
a "solution"


Tragic events such as the Oklahoma City bombing.
Faking the death of communism. (page 63)
are exploited by corrupt politicians to further centralize
governmental power


The Conspiracy uses the "pincers strategy" to create
"demand" for totalitarian laws they want implemented
Rumors of black helicopters, invading UN troops,
FOUNDATIONS PAY THE WAY 56 and a secret Zionist conspiracy are a few of the phony
An examination of foundation grants quickly reveals leads that neutralize good American patriots
the pincers strategy in action


THE WAR STRATEGY 58 The only weapon that will lead us to victory over the
An astute observer of history has noted that war has Conspiracy is truth in the hands and hearts of
ever been one of the tyrant's most effective tools courageous Americans


If the incredible metamorphosis of heretofore bloody This annotated listing emphasizes original sources
tyrants from hardline to "former" communists seems and the Establishment's own documents so the
a bit farfetched, there is a very good reason reader can witness the evidence firsthand


Far more important than ttie number of conspirators Merely knowing the truth is not enough; to win, good
is their strategic placement Americans must battle together against the Godless
Conspiracy seeking to enchain us in world government

About This Special Report

Most of the articles herein originally appeared in
the September 16, 1996 issue of THE NEW AMERICAN.
That issue proved to be so popular that it went
through four printings for a combined total of over
400,000 copies. This new expanded edition, now
in its second printing, pushes the total quantity to
over 600,000 copies in print.

War, the tool of tyrants. (page 58)


Conspiracy: Where's the Proof?

Is there any hard evidence of an Insider plot for a "new world order"?

Conspiracy theory is doing Amer-

ica real harm. Long incubating un-
derground, it has grown into the
greatest enslaver of human minds
since communism. It irrationalizes
thinking on every issue. It kills. It
turns millions of Americans against
their own country. It undermines for-
eign policy by vilifying our govern-
ment's every effort.
- Ira Straus
Christian Science Monitor

,,W hat is the milieu in which

criminal groups of 'free-
men' and Oklahoma City
bombers grow?" asked Ira Straus in a May
13, 1996 op-ed for the Christian Science
Monitor. His answer: " It is the under-
world of conspiracy theory, a subculture
in which people share fantasies of fight-
Is Rush right? His ridicule of conspiracy notion has become a stock in trade.
ing heroically against a huge Conspiracy
that is taking over the world." dinator of the Committee on Eastern Eu- ries fuel the [Patriot] movement" : theories
The Straus essay, "When Conspiracy rope and Russia in NATO, "Once a mind of a "New World Order," a "United Na-
Theory Replaces Thought," is subtitled, is trapped in the circular logic of con- tions-dominated global government," and
"The U.S. is threatened by Americans who spiracy theory, it rarely finds a way out on "an end to American sovereignty."
believe Washington is part of a plot to en- its own." And this is a very "dangerous" In like manner comes John J. Nutter,
slave us in a 'New World Order,' " and it thing indeed, he assures us, because PhD, an instant media-anointed "expert
is but one of the latest and most blatant "crackpots" infected with such "Birchist on extremism," whose utterances are
volleys in an ongoing campaign by the fantasy" are "capable of blowing up fed- uncritically accepted and reverently re-
establishment media to paint in blackest eral buildings." peated as gospel. In a syllabus he pro-
terms anyone who uses the dread "C" Similar rantings spill out of False Pa- vided to members of the law enforcement
word. triots: The Threat ofAnti-Government Ex- community who attended his seminar in
tremists, a slick, 72-page smear by the Oklahoma on "Criminal Justice and Right-
Crackpot s and False Patriots Southern Poverty Law Center/Klanwatch, wing Extremism in America," Dr. Nutter
In his Monitor piece, Straus defines the which is widely quoted in the media as an listed "Potential Warning Signs" which
"problem" further: "For decades, the John authoritative source on "right-wing" fa- may indicate that "an individual is active
Birch Society has spread word of the Con- natics. "The Patriot movement," claims in an extremist group, or planning violent
spiracy : The international bankers who the SPLC diatribe, "is a potpourri of the or criminal activity." Among the "warn-
pull all the strings. The ones who really American right, from members of the ing signs" according to Nutter: "Do they
control both the Communist conspiracy Christian Coalition to the Ku Klux Klan mention: The Council on Foreign Rela-
and the United States government. The - people united by their hatred of the tions (CFR), the Trilateral Commission
Trilateral Commission. The Federal Re- federal government." (Trilateralists), David Rockefeller, Henry
serve, which is ruining our money. The After thus employing the most rancid Kissinger, Bilderbergers, the Ill uminati"?
Council on Foreign Relations - psst, of tactics to unfairly associate everyone to Or do they show "excessive concern" over
they're out to destroy the Constitution, the right of Bill and Hillary with violent the "United Nations, loss of U.S. sover-
take away our guns, and enslave us in a KKK racists, the SPLC tract darkly warns: eignty to the UN ... U.S . participation in
United Nations One-World Communist "If America is to be saved, Patriots be- UN peacekeeping"? In Nutter's syllabus
government. Their code words: 'New lieve, our government must be destroyed." section entitled "Extremist Literature," we
World Order.' " Like Straus' screeching monitory, the find THE NEW AMERICAN magazine and
According to Straus, who is U.S. COOf- SPLC tirade warns that "Conspiracy theo- books by its publisher, John F. McManus;


its senior editor, William Norman Grigg; reductio ad absurdum for which "liberals" lectivist ideology and false "intellectual
and a contributing author, G. Edw ard are infamous, Limbaugh offers his listen- consensus," this writer fully appreciates
Griffin. ers a "pop quiz": "If Trilateralist A is the " power of ideas." However, what
By no w it is a tire somel y fami li ar driving West at 60 miles per hour and Bidinotto and his fellow "intellectual
theme redundantly shrieked by the usual Trilateralist B is driving East at 75 miles consensusists" fail to appreciate is the
cacophonous chorus: Bill Clinton, Janet per hour, how long will it take to control idea of power, and the will to power of
Reno, Louis Freeh, the New York Times, the country?" Or, even more typical of the evil men - men who combine and con-
the Washington Post, Time magazine, An- liberal-left he claims to hate, he fabricates spire to further their evil purposes, often
thony Lewis, Molly Ivins, Frank Rich, a straw man , falsely attributing positions using ard promoting a fallacious "intel-
Morris Dees, the Anti-Defamation League, to those he wishes to discredit, as in his lectual consensus."
the ACLU, etc. According to the frantic repeated false claim 'that the John Birch Yes , there are certifiably "wacko"
refrains of this querulous choir, those who Society has called "[William F.] Buckley conspiratorialists out there today promot-
mention "conspiracy" or oppose the "new a communist." ing a dizzying array of theories about in-
world order" and the United Nations share A similar but more highbrow approach vasions by extraterrestrial creatures, UFO
culp ability with those terrorists who is found among conservative intellectuals abductions, CIA assassination schemes,
bombed the Murrah Building in Okla- such as Robert James Bidinotto, a long- papal plots for world domination, Hitler
homa City. They are, shrills the choir, time contributor to The Freeman and a clones in the Brazilian rain forest, etc. But
"dangerous," "irrational," and "paranoid." lecturer for the respected Foundation for are these any more "wacko" than this of-
Those who take a principled, courageous Economic Education (FEE). In a Freeman fering from Mr. Bidinotto:
stand for limited, constitutional govern- piece entitled "Conspiracy or Consen-
ment, who seek change through legiti- sus?" Bidinotto takes issue wi th those In the 1950s, the puppeteers of
mate, honorable means, and who speak who see "deliberate direction" in "a kind world events were supposedly the "in-
out against the abuses and usurpations of of powerful force dragging modem soci- ternational Communist conspiracy."
big government, are denounced as "anti- ety down," or who "deduce that the world The conspiracy was centrally di-
government." is in the grip of a powerful, malevolently rected from Moscow, from which it
Drawing the most practiced tactic from directed conspiracy." "Conspiracy theory" extended globally like the arms of an
their slimy smear arsenal, the "liberals" is wrong, Bidinotto explains, because it is octopus. Iron discipline held the con-
attempt to silence all opposition and de- based on "false logic," "naivete," and "ex- spirators together; highly publicized
bate by falsely and cowardly tagging their planatory elasticity." "Yes - there is a feuds among various communist na-
adversaries with "fascist," "racist," "anti- powerful force dragging society down," tions were merely clever propa-
Semite," "Neo-Nazi," "KKK" labels. It is he writes. "But that undertow is not an in- ganda, meant to lull the West into
a performance worthy of Lenin, who ternational conspiracy; it's an intellectual complacency.
wrote: "We can and must write in a lan- consensus. What conspiratorialists fail to
guage which sows among the masses hate, appreci,llte is the power of ideas. " Recent Revelations
revulsion, scorn , and the like, toward Being a "conspiratorialist" who was Amazing! Absolutely amazing! Mr.
those who disagree with us. " And the once (long ago) an unwitting dupe of col- Bidinotto's mocking jab at the supposed
most intense hate, revulsion, and scorn
seems always reserved for anti-commu-
nists who see conspiracy.

Attacks From "Conservatives"

The liberal-left, to be sure, holds no
monopoly on hysterical antagonism to
"conspiracy theory." Many conservatives
likewi e erupt in paroxysms of pique at
the mention of anything that may sound
even remotely related to conspiracy. Or
they roll their eyes and smirk in ostenta-
tious displays of smug superiority to the
poor unsophisticated fools who "fall for
grossly sim plistic answers to complex
Radio maestro Rush Limbaugh epito-
mizes this type of pseudo-sophisticate. :2
The grand poohbah of broadcast blather >-
and bombast reserves his most vitriolic g
ridicule for those who express belief in !D
power politics, ruling elites, and the drive
for world government, calling them "con-
~--------------~~~------------------------------------------~ ~
American industrialist Armand Hammer: Friend of Lenin helped
spiracy wackos." Engaging in the kind of launder Soviet subsidies to the American Communist Party.


anti-communist paranoia and hysteria of United States they were serving a 'higher the notion that "the Soviet Empire disin-
the 1950s is an incredibly oddly timed ca- good.''' tegrated" (and we do not: see the article
pitulation to the lies, innuendos, and However, today - as in decades past on page 63), Communist China, Cuba,
treacherous deceits of the liberal-left - - American high school and college stu- North Korea, and other militant "Peoples
incredibly oddly timed because even dents are still subjected to the rabidly pro- Republics" continue as before. And why
many of the arch-avatars of the liberal- Marxist, anti-anti-communist propaganda should we now accept the received "wis-
left pantheon are today acknowledging as of subversive textbooks. When it comes to dom" of Sovietologists, Sinologists, and
true precisely what anti-communists were reading about communism, the Cold War, other so-called "experts" who were terri-
saying for decades and what Bidinotto and related topics, their resources are still bly, dangprously, obstinately wrong for so
now ridicules. Recently released docu- likely to be The Paranoid Style in Ameri- many decades?
ments from the Soviet archives and from can Politics, by Columbia University Pro- In a 1951 decision upholding the con-
the files of the U.S. National Security fessor Richard Hofstadter; The Politics of victions of U.S. Communist Party leaders,
Agency (NSA) prove (as if more proof Unreason: Right-wing Extremism in Amer- the U.S. Supreme Court correctly labeled
were necessary) far more than these ica, 1790-1970, by Seymour Martin Lipset communism "a conspiracy." This was ex-
charges. The documents released in 1995 and Earl Raab ; The Fear of Conspiracy, actly the same conclusion arrived at by the
from the Soviet archives, published in by Cornell University Professor David Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in
The Secret World of American Commu- Brion Davis ; Danger on the Right, by its comprehensive 1953 report entitled
nism (Yale University), and the "Interlocking Subversion in Gov-
NSA 's "VENONA Project" show, ernment Departments."
for instance: In 1956, the House Committee on
The American Communist Party Un-American Activities issued a
(CPUSA) operated a clandestine ap- 1,997 -page document entitled The
paratus called the "Brother-Sun" Communist Conspiracy: Strategy
network which worked directly with and Tactics of World Communism,
Stalin 's NKVD to penetrate the which substantiated in meticulous
Manhattan Project, steal U.S. atom detail the terrible enormity, nature,
bomb secrets, and pass them to the and deeds of the global communist
Soviets. criminal operation. That same year,
Much of the testimony of Whit- FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover stated
taker Chambers about the huge So- that in confronting communism,
viet secret underground apparatus in "the individual is handicapped by
the U.S. was true. Chambers' cred- coming face to face with a con-
ibility had been bitterly disputed by spiracy so monstrous he cannot be-
Alger Hiss ' supporters for decades. lieve it exists."
Moscow heavily subsidized the But we need not harken only to
CPUSA in its early years. "right-wing" sources to establish
Millionaire industrialist Armand this point. V.l. Lenin himself, in his
Hammer laundered Soviet subsidies famous instructions What Is to Be
to the CPUSA. Done?, confirmed with his words
Red "martyrs" Ethel and Julius what was obvious from his deeds:
Rosenberg were indeed Soviet spies "According to its form a strong
and guilty of atomic espionage. revolutionary organization may also
As we have said, even many ljb- Red "martyrs": Recent revelations confirm that be described as a conspirative orga-
erals have been forced to acknowl- Rosenbergs stole atomic secrets for Soviets. nization ... and we must have the
edge these truths. In a lengthy article in Benjamin R. Epstein and Arnold Forster utmost conspiracy for an organization of
the Washington Post (of all places) for of the Anti-Defamation League; The that kind. Secrecy is such a necessary con-
April 14, 1996, liberal columnist Nicho- Great Fear, by David Caute; and other dition ... that all other conditions (num-
las Von Hoffman confessed: "The Age of left-wing fare that has misguided the "in- ber, and selection of members, functions,
McCarthyism, it turns out, was not the tellectual consensus" of the past two etc.) must all be subordinated to it."
simple witch hunt of the innocent by the generations. Why is this so important to understand?
malevolent as two generations of high Because in fighting the evils of commu-
school and college students have been Communist Phenomenon nism (and its many collectivist permuta-
taught." Likewise, ABC correspondent Yes, Mr. Bidinotto, there was a com- tions) it is imperative - as in any battle
and syndicated columnist Jeff Greenfield munist conspiracy. And there is a commu- - to know one's enemy. It has been said
has noted: "The problem, of course, was nist conspiracy. Communism has been, that "communism is not an ideology in
that there were real witches - not in Sa- and remains, the single most dramatically which men believe, but a conspiracy in
lem, but in America. That is, there were significant phenomenon of our century. It which men participate. " That being an
people who believed that communism has enslaved billions of souls across our amply proven fact, it is the height of folly
was the one true cause ... and believed globe and has murdered between 100 mil- to persist in the belief that it is solely "on
that in serving Moscow by spying on the lion and 300 million. Even if one accepts the battlefield of ideas that the fate of the


world will be decided." Honest dupes and or formal agreement for an unlawful always a hierarchy in conspiracies of
misguided idealists may be intellectually scheme, or that they should directly, by any size.
converted, that is true, but those who have words or in writing, state what the unlaw- Conspiracies are a fact of human na-
consciously chosen evil are not likely to ful scheme was to be, and the details of ture, present throughout all of recorded
be converted by "ideas." They must be the plan or means by which the unlawful history. Pick up a newspaper in virtu-
morally and spiritually converted, or re- scheme was to be made effective." Kauf- ally any city on almost any day of the
strained by force. Sending missionaries man explained: week and you will find a story about
into troubled areas to help keep young- a grand jury issuing indictments for
sters from going into a life of crime may It is sufficient if two or more per- conspiracy. Most people have no diffi-
be a wise preventive measure, but without sons, in any manner, or through any culty understanding and accepting this
an essential police presence with adequate contrivance, impliedly or tacitly, idea of conspiracy. However, the idea
investigation and enforcement efforts, come to a mutual understanding to of a global, self-perpetuating conspiracy
common hoods and organized crimi- - a conspiracy immense enough to
nal elements will soon overwhelm manipulate and control governments
the unprotected. and economies - seems to many a bit
Defining the Terms
In his instructions to the jury in the Historical Precedents
trial of Soviet atom bomb spies Julius But it will not seem at all a foreign
and Ethel Rosenberg, Judge Irving R. concept to those familiar with history,
Kaufman gave this important explana- for there are ample precedents re-
tion of conspiracy: corded of vast, powerful, transconti-
nental, trans generational conspiracies.
For two or more persons to con- The diabolical cult of Thugee, for ex-
spire, confederate or combine to- ample, was as vile and dangerous a
gether to commit or cause to be criminal conspiracy as has ever ex-
committed a breach of the criminal isted. The Thugs were a criminal se-
law of the United States is an of- cret society in India which combined
fense of grave character which in- robbery with religious devotion that
volves a plotting to subvert the law. involved ritual murder (usually by
It is almost always characterized by strangulation) and human sacrifice to
secrecy, rendering detection diffi- the goddess Kali. This transgenera-
cult and requiring much time for its tional criminal conspiracy thrived dur-
discovery. Because of this the stat- ing the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries,
ute has made a conspiracy to com- but is believed by some historians to
mit a crime a distinct offense from AI Capone: Murderous Chicago mobster date back as far as the 12th century.
the crime itself. From the point of hid truth behind facade of philanthropy. During their long reign of terror, the
view of the law there is danger to the accomplish a common and unlawful Thugs claimed countless victims and it
public when two or more people con- design, knowing its object, and that took an all-out "war" by the British colo-
spire to do something that is unlawful one or more of them commit an overt nial government in the 1830s to finally
because by virtue of the aggregation act in furtherance of the conspiracy. deliver India from this terrible scourge.
of numbers the intent assumes a In other words, where an unlawful As notorious and fiendish as the Thugee
more formidable disadvantageous end is sought to be effected and two was the secret and infamous order of the
aspect to the public. or more persons, actuated by the Assassins, whose very name posterity
common purpose of accomplishing identifies with the most vile criminality.
The "aggregation of numbers" acting in that end, knowingly work together in Founded by Hasan Saba in 1090 in Per-
secret to carry out unlawful acts does in- any way in furtherance of the un- sia, the Assassins, or Hashishiyin (derived
deed multiply the danger, making it far lawful scheme, everyone of said from their use of the narcotic hashish to
more formidable. "What is a conspiracy?" persons becomes a member of the ensnare and inculcate fanatical adepts)
Judge Kaufman asked, and then answered, conspiracy, although his part therein soon spread their malefic influence
"A conspiracy may be defined as a com- be a subordinate one, or be executed throughout Asia and the Middle East.
bination of two or more persons, by con- at a remote distance from the other While professing fidelity to orthodox Is-
certed action, to accomplish a criminal conspirators. lam and maintaining an outward facade of
and unlawful purpose, or some purpose piety, Saba's sect, through which initiates
not in itself unlawful or criminal, by Notice that it is not necessary that all graduated in hierarchical degrees, was, in
criminal or unlawful means .... " members of a conspiracy be on the same fact, an atheist-materialist cabal motivated
"However," he pointed out, "it is not level, have the same motives, or the by an insatiable lust for power. This sect
necessary in order to constitute a con- same knowledge of all operations, plans, perfected the use of murder, deception,
spiracy that two or more persons should and goals of the conspiracy. In fact, corruption, and subversion to achieve its
meet together and enter into an explicit rarely is that the case. There is almost nefarious ends.


Remember Capone? accusers made him out to be. The most infamous mobster since Ca-
Closer to our own time, we are all So it was also with the crime bosses pone is John Gotti. Even though his rise
somewhat familiar with the huge criminal who followed after him. It wasn't until af- to the top of New York's Gambino crime
conspiracy run by AI Capone. According ter the New York State Police discovered family left behind a trail of corpses, the
to the World Encyclopedia of Organized a meeting of 61 top Mafia figures on No- "Teflon Don," as he was glamorized in
Crime: "Capone was a murderous thug vember 14, 1957 at a house in Apalachin, the press, seemed untouchable. Time af-
without remorse .... He was responsible for New York, that the FBI, the International ter time he skated free , basking in the
perhaps as many as one thousand or more Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), glory of his celebrity and mockingly pro-
murders, certainly hundreds. Worse, for a and many others in law enforcement even testing hi-<; total innocence. His attorneys
decade the city of Chicago embraced this acknowledged the exis~ence of the Mafia. and defenders sneered at charges that he
bragging, boasting, strutting killer, its Even J. Edgar Hoover had frequently de- was involved in any criminal enterprise.
newspapers paying homage to him and nied that such an organized crime entity Gotti was merely a hardworking plumb-
quoting his every cretinous statement, its existed. "They're just a bunch of hood- ing salesman and garment center entrepre-
citizens - a goodly portion of the popu- lums," he would comment. Likewise, neur, a family man who lived by modest
lation - nodding tolerantly, if not ap- politicians, prosecutors, and journalists means, they argued. "He's only on trial
provingly, in his direction." would dismiss talk of a Mafia with inter- because the government hates it that
With the fabulous wealth gained from national ties, blood oaths, and family people love him," declared Carlo Vaccar-
his criminal enterprises, Capone bribed structure as the product of the lurid imag- rezza, his loyal adman.
cops, judges, jurors, prosecutors, and re- inings of pulp fiction writers. When Gotti was finally convicted on
porters - and "gave generously to char- This writer once interviewed a chief of RICO charges in 1992, throngs of sup-
ity." Notes the Encyclopedia, "Capone police who had pioneered in the investi- porters "spontaneously" materialized out-
spent money lavishly on himself and those gation of the U.S. Mafia and who told of side the courthouse with "Free John
about him, projecting the image of gener- his exasperation over the years at trying to Gotti" and "We Love You, John" plac-
osity, of a philanthropist to the common convince his IACP colleagues of the ex- ards. When the verdict was announced,
man. Old-timers in Chicago still pay his istence of the Mob, and of his equal frus- the thousand-or-so "demonstrators" rioted
bloody memory offhand compliments tration with those who admitted to on cue, overturning police cars, smashing
about the so-called soup kitchens Capone knowledge of the Mafia but would not shop windows, and battling the police.
established in Chicago during the Depres- publicly say so, nor launch a concerted Perhaps this made-to-order mayhem was
sion to feed the hungry, little realizing that law enforcement drive against these orga- the product of mere "consensus," but
the crime boss did this at the suggestion nized forces of evil. conspiratorialists couldn' t help noticing
of attorneys attempting to improve his Not until 1963, when Mafia defector that this rioting mob had been transported
horrible reputation when he was being Joseph Valachi testified before the Senate to the site on chartered buses, provided
tried for income-tax evasion." Much of Rackets Committee, did we even learn the with pre-made signs, and received direc-
the public and many politicians were will- name the mafiosi themselves applied to tion from Gotti street hoods with walkie
fully blind, refusing to believe that Ca- their criminal syndicate: Cosa Nostra - talkies and cellular phones.
pone was in fact the evil crime lord his "Our Thing."
Mob/Red Partnership
The point is that the Mafia is a massive,
transcontinental, transgenerational, self-
perpetuating criminal conspiracy that has
operated in this country since at least the
turn of the century, and in Italy and Sicily
for perhaps three-quarters of a century be-
fore that. Yet only recently has law en-
forcement succeeded in penetrating the
surface of this dark menace. It is impor-
tant to note also that this criminal con-
spiracy has long worked in concert with
the communist conspiracy.
Much of what we know of the Mafia-
communist symbiotic relationship has
come from communist defectors such as
Maurice Malkin, a member of the Com-
munist Party's inner circle who had man-
aged the Daily Worker and kept the Party
membership lists. Malkin, a founding
member of the Communist Party, USA,
revealed details of this connection in his
New York Mafia don John Gotti : After his 1992 RICO conviction, an army of powerful autobiography, Return to My
"supporters" materialized for a riot stage-managed by Gotti 's lieutenants. Father's House :


They Dared Call It Conspiracy
[T]he government of the Western nations, whether monar- paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to
chial or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plu- properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions
tocracy, international in power and grasp. It was, I venture to of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things
suggest, this semioccult power which ... pushed the mass of the of national and international nature considered vital to the inter-
American people into the cauldron [of World War I]. ests of the purchasers.
- British military historian Major-General J.F.e. Fuller, 1941 - Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

This act [the Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most gi- . What is important is to dwell upon the increasing evidence of
gantic trust on earth .... When the President signs this act the in- the existence of a secret conspiracy, throughout the world, for
visible government by the money power, proven to exist by the the destruction of organized government and the letting loose of
Money Trust investigation, will be legalized .... The money evil.... Anybody who will for a moment tum to the outpourings
power overawes the legislative and executive forces of the Na- of Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati [which Weishaupt
tion and of the States. founded] may satisfy himself of that.
- Congressman Charles Lindbergh, 1913 - Christian Science Monitor editorial, June 19, 1920

[T]he real menace of our republic is this invisible government Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can
which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Con-
and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover gress, the President, or the people .... Outwardly we have a
of a self-created screen .... [A]t the head of this octopus are the Constitutional government. We have operating within our gov-
Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests and a small group of power- ernment and political system, another body representing another
ful banking houses generally referred to as international bank- form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our
ers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually Constitution is outmoded and is sure that it is on the winning
run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. side.
They practically control both [political] parties .... - Senator William Jenner, 1954
- New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922
In my view the Trilateral Commission represents a skillful,
The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a fi- coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four cen-
nancial element in the large centers has owned the government ters of power - political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesias-
ever since the days of Andrew Jackson .... tical.... What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933 worldwide economic power superior to the political govern-
ments of the nation-states involved .... As managers and creators
Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce of the system they will rule the future.
and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of some- - Senator Barry Goldwater, 1979
thing. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized,
so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so perva- Our final end is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolu-
sive, that they better not speak above their breath when they tion, the destruction forever of Catholicism and even of the
speak in condemnation of it. Christian idea which, if left standing on the ruins of Rome,
- Woodrow Wilson, 1913 would be the resuscitation of Christianity later on .... The work
which we have undertaken is not the work of a day, nor of a
The governments of the present day have to deal not merely month, nor of a year. It may last many years, a century perhaps,
with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but but in our ranks the soldier dies and the fight continues.
also with the secret societies which have everywhere their un- - Permanent Instructions of the Alta Vendita,
scrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the gov- Successor to the Illuminati as the supreme directorate
ernments' plans. of the revolutionary secret societies
- British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, 1876
[T]here exists a conspiracy in favour of despotism against lib-
The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise erty, of incapacity against talent, of vice against virtue, of igno-
power from behind the scenes. rance against enlightenment.... This society aims at governing
- Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter the world .... Its object is universal domination. This plan may
seem extraordinary, incredible - yes, but not chimerical ... no
In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuild- such calamity has ever yet afflicted the world.
ing, and powder interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got - Marquis de Luchet, a repentant Illuminist,
together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed warning France in 1789
them to select the most influential newspapers in the United
States and sufficient number of them to control generally the I think the Communist conspiracy is merely a branch of a
policy of the daily press .... They found it was only necessary to much bigger conspiracy!
purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers .... An agree- - Dr. Bella Dodd, former member of the National
ment was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be Committee of the U.S. Communist Party


The Communist Party of the advances of communism abroad and so- visited the New York City headquarters of
United States has had an agreement cialism at home had more to do with poli- the Ford Foundation at the invitation of
with the Mafia since 1924, with the cies and programs emanating from New Ford President H. Rowan Gaither. At that
arrival in the United States of Eneo York and Washington than from Moscow. meeting, Dodd later recounted, Gaither
Sormenti, alias Vidali Contreras It was the vast transfusion of Western brazenly told him that he and others who
Victorio .... Upon his arrival he rees- technology and money taken from Ameri- had worked for the State Department and
tablished the understanding between can taxpayers that time after time saved other federal agencies had for years "op-
the Mafia and the Communists that communism from collapse. It was re- erated under directives issued by the
was made in Italy by Bordiga, a peated betrayal by American diplomats , White Ijouse, the substance of which was
leader of the Italian Communist bureaucrats, and po!iticians that turned to the effect that we should make every
Party, and by Ercoli Palmieri Togli- scores of nations and hundreds of millions effort to so alter life in the United States
atti, alias Ercoli. of souls over to brutal tyranny. It was as to make possible a comfortable merger
The agreement called for the Ma- American officials who time after time with the Soviet Union."
fia to do work for the Communist
International, such as murdering op- The Seat of Power
ponents, distributing counterfeit cur- It was growing obvious to many that
rency and dope, stealing government that was exactly the course which our
documents such as seals and stamps government was following. Dr. Bella
for foreign passports, and other jobs Dodd, a former member of the National
which Communist agents could not Committee of the Communist Party,
carry out, but which the Mafia and its USA, who left the Party and became a
connections could. committed anti-communist, recounted
that on occasion top orders for the Party
According to General Major Jan Sejna came not from Moscow but from any
of Communist Czechoslovakia, one of one of three designated men at the
the highest-ranking defectors ever from Waldorf Towers in New York - all of
the Soviet bloc, the Kremlin launched a whom were extremely wealthy Ameri-
major global effort in the 1950s to more can capitalists. "I think the Communist
thoroughly penetrate organized crime in conspiracy is merely a branch of a much
all countries. As told in Red Cocaine, by bigger conspiracy," said Dr. Dodd. "I
Dr. Joseph Douglas, General Sejna ex- would certainly like to find out who is
plained the plan: "The Soviets reasoned really running things."
that if they could successfully infiltrate An important clue concerning "who is
organized crime, they would have un- really running things" was revealed in
usually good possibilities to control Ford President Rowan Gaither admitted 1966 when Professor Carroll Quigley of
many politicians and would have access to Insider merger plan with Soviet Union. Georgetown University published his
to the best information on drugs, money, appointed communists and communist massive history, Tragedy and Hope. Pro-
weapons, and corruption of many kinds. sympathizers to sensitive government fessor Quigley, who had access to the se-
A secondary reason was to use organized posts and then fought their removal when cret records of the international network
crime as a covert mechanism for distribut- they were discovered. It was many of of moneyed power elites who have formed
ing drugs." America's top financiers, bankers, and in- much of our governmental policies for de-
dustrialists who were arranging loans and cades, averred that "this network, which
"Rescued" by the West financial aid to the Kremlin. we may identify as the Round Table
Working hand in hand, these two globe- Informed Americans became alarmed Groups, has no aversion to cooperating
straddling conspiracies wield enormous at the key role that several of the large tax- with the Communists, or any other groups,
power. But this convergence of criminal exempt foundations - Ford, Rockefeller, and frequently does so."
interests and cooperation does not alone and Carnegie, particularly - had been That same year, Robert Welch, founder
begin to explain the incredible totalitarian playing in providing funds to individuals of the John Birch Society, published his
communist advances during the decades and organizations identified with commu- important essay entitled The Truth in
after World War II. The communists were nism and socialism. Even worse, some of Time. In it he stated that "the Communist
relentlessly carrying out their comprehen- the foundations had communists and movement is only a tool of the total con-
sive plan for global conquest, as detailed subversives on their staffs and boards of spiracy," and pointed to the West as the
in the Programme of the Communist In- directors (one of the most egregious ex- real seat of the conspiracy's power. It is
ternational, adopted at its 6th Congress in amples being the appointment of notori- our intention, in the following pages, to
Moscow, September 1, 1928. But, incred- ous Soviet spy Alger Hiss to head the present the truth about the Conspiracy and
ibly, they were also advancing their dia- Carnegie Endowment). the Conspirators, and their goals, strategy,
bolical design with indispensable help In 1952, the U.S. House of Representa- and tactics, in the hope that a sufficient
from the capitalist West (see page 35). tives established a formal committee to number of Americans can be awakened
More and more Americans began com- investigate the foundations. In 1953, the and moved to proper action - in time.
ing to the realization in the 1950s that the committee's top researcher, Norman Dodd, - WILLIAM F. JASPER



An Internationalist Prim er
riting in the July 17, 1926 issue with "a spiritual leavening."

W of The Saturday Evening Post,

author Arthur D. Howden Smith
presented a profile of an enigmatic man
Among the most cherished
reforms envisioned in Philip
Dru is the creation of.' a
named "Colonel" Edward Mandell House. "League of Nations" (the
Although few Americans beyond the rar- term specifically used by
efied realms of the political elite knew House in his novel) and the
much of Hou se, the austere Texan had submergence of the United
played a decisive role in many of the most States into a world govern-
important policy decisions made by Presi- ment.
dent Woodrow Wilson. On more than one When , in real life, the
occasion, Wilson described House as his League of Nations was
"silent partner," his "second personality," thwarted by the U.S . Senate,
his "independent self." Although this House and his colleagues
friendship would later disintegrate under found it necessary to con-
the stress of political disappointment, dur- tinue their struggle by other
ing the eight years of the Wilson Admin- means. House was part of a
istration, the President maintained of cabal called "The Inquiry," a
House that "his thoughts and mine are group of 100 "forward-look-
one." ing" social engineers who
Smith recounted that during and after created the Versailles Peace
World War I, House and Wilson had Treaty at the close of World
"dreamed ... great dreams of modeling War I. This group formed the
civilization anew" - dreams that would nucleus of the Institute of In-
collide abruptly with reality when the ternational Affairs , whi~h
Senate refused to approve U.S. enrollment was to have branches in New
in the League of Nations. Following this York and London _ the Wilson and House: League of Nations failu re led
defeat, Smith records, House "returned '1 F .
CounCI on orelgn e a- R 1 to CFR founding and second try at "world order."
[from Paris] to New York, heartbroken, tions (CFR) and the Royal Institute of In- In fact, this network, which we may
disappointed, in despair over the failure of ternational Affairs, respectively. This is identify as the Round Table Groups,
his ambition to make his country the bal- the basis of the "Anglophile network" de- has no aversion to cooperating with
ance wheel of a new world order." scribed by historian Carroll Quigley in his the Communists, or any other groups,
1966 book Tragedy and Hope: A History and frequently does so. I know of the
His Heart's Desire o/the World in Our Time. * operations of this network because I
House had long entertained notions of Although Quigley offered in Tragedy have studied it for twenty years and
remolding America - and the world - and Hope the de rigueur dismissals of was permitted for two years, in the
nearer to his heart's desire. Ac'cording to "conspiracy theories," he did offer some early 1960s, to examine its papers
Smith's admiring biography, House be- significant admissions: and secret records.
lieved that "the Constitution, product of
eighteenth century minds and a quasi- There does exist, and has existed The Round Table Groups, which were
classical, medieval conception of repub- for a generation, an international An- "semi-secret di scussion and lobbying
lics, was thoroughly outdated; that the glophile network which operates, to groups," were created to help "federate the
country would be better off if the Consti- some extent, in the way the radical English-speaking world along lines laid
tution could be scrapped and rewritten." Right believes the Communists act. down by Cecil Rhodes ...." The American
This ambition inspired House 's 1912 affiliate of this network, wrote Quigley,
novel Philip Dru: Administrator, in which * Quigley, a Harvard-trained historian who died in
"was known as the Council on Foreign
1977, was the subject of a personal tribute during
an "idealistic" Marxist conducts a coup Bill Clinton 's acceptance speech at the 1992 Relations .... " Although he did not endorse
and installs socialist reforms by dictatorial Democratic Party Convention. Recalling the "sum- all of that network's designs or decisions,
decree. mons to citizenship" he had received from John F.
Kennedy, Clinton said that "as a student at George-
Quigley was generally supportive of its
House described the novel as an expres- town, I heard that call clarified by a professor I had ends, stating that "my chief difference of
sion of "my ethical and political faith" ; named Carroll Quigley .... " Both Tragedy and opinion is that it wishes to remain un-
thus it is of some moment that the book's Hope and Quigley's much more important posthu- known, and I believe its role in history is
mous study The Anglo-American Establishment
hero seeks to establish "Socialism as are now available (see inside cover advertisement significant enough to be known."
dreamed of by Karl Marx," embellished for ordering information). It was this network, according to Quig-


ley, that "provided much of the frame- Morgan Bank, fell into the whole compli- in the name of "social justice," "world
work of influence which the Communist cated network of the interlocking tax-ex- stability," or some other grand abstrac-
sympathizers and fellow travellers took empt foundations." tion - and that seizure will be paid for
over in the United States in the 1930s. It T he subversive "network of interlock- by the money, liberty, and lives of the less
must be recognized that the power that ing tax-exempt foundations," through fortunate.
these energetic Left-wingers exercised which the moneyed elite has funded the
was never their own power or Communist efforts of "energetic left-wingers," is a The Power Elite
power but was ultimately the power of the fulfillment of one of House' s Philip Dru Although Quigley enjoyed unique ac-
international financial coterie .... " prophecies: "[I]t will be the educated and cess to the formal records of the "Anglo-
Quigley noted that the workings of rich, in fact the ones .that are now the phile network," he is not the only academic
this elite were partially revealed by con- most selfish, that will be in the vanguard who has documented its existence and
gressional investigators in the 1950s of the procession. They will be the first methods. In a study entitled The Power
who, "following backward to their source to realize the joy of it all [i.e., construct- Elite, published 40 years ago, Columbia
the threads which led from admitted ing world socialism], and in this way University sociologist C. Wright Mill s
Communists like Whittaker Chambers, they will redeem the sins of their ances- sought to dismiss the "conspiracy theory"
through Alger Hiss and the Carnegie En- tors." Of course, that "redemption" is to of modem political history - even as he
dowment to Thomas Lamont and the be accomplished by seizing total power vindicated the essential claims of the con-

Tracking the Trilateral Commission

n March 1972, David Rockefeller, who at the time was the Japan. Appropriately, Brzezinski was appointed to be the TC' s

I chairman of both the Chase Manhattan Bank and the first director. In purpose and composition, the TC is an interna-
Council on Foreign Relations, succumbed to a prolonged fit tional version of its immediate progenitor, the Council on For-
of idealism. In three separate speeches he described his vision eign Relations.
of an "international commission for peace and prosperity"'- - '"a-
"" -The :IC's membership includes roughly 100 members from
"private organization whose primary objective ... would be to each of the trilateral regions, and its roster is studded with the
bring the best brains in the world to bear on the problems of names of the wealthy, powerful, and influential. Three of the
the future. This organization would exa " e the interrelation- last four U.S. Presidents - Jimmy Carter, George Bush, and
ships between domestic and foreign preocc pations, stu y new Bill Clint n - have been Trilateral members. The "Former
approaches to the transfer of 'social tech ologies,' and hope- Members in GO-vernment Service" listed on the 1996 TC roster
full y come up with fresh insights on hbW we deal with common include . Clinton fou~ Cabinet secretaries, the CIA director,
problems." Rockefeller proposed that this c0mmission include the Federal Reserve' c airman, four U.S. ambassadors, and six
"a governing board of, say, 30 to 40 leading private citizens, under secretaries, assistan secretaries, or deputy secretaries (see
drawn from the Atl antic Alliance nations an :Japan." The page 19).
guiding objective of this brain trus would be nothing less than Oflcourse, TC spokesmen in ist that the group' s purposes are
"to rebuild the conceptual framework of foreign and domestic benign, and that it exercises its formidable influence only for
policies." good. In an interview published in ay 1996, Rockefeller dis-
Rockefeller's speeche merely eJao rated on proposals of- missed accusations that th~TC is bent on subverting American
fered in Between Two Ages: America 's Role in the Teclme onic libert)( as "so absurd I can' t hC}Ip' b t, to some extent, find it
Era, which was published in 1970 by Columbia University Pro- amusing.
fessor Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR). In tliat volume Brzezinski Perceptive observer are hardly amused that the Trilateral
insisted that "a community of developed nations must eventu- Commission' s intellectual progenitor has expressed approval for
ally be formed if the world is to resp,ond effectively to increas- e most malignant political philosophy in history - Marxism.
ingly serious crises ...." In Between Two Ages, Brzezinski wrote that Marxism "repre-
Furthermore, wrote Brzezinski, since "the emerging commu- sents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's
nity of developed nations would reguire some institutional ex- universal vIsion ... a victor of reason over belief."
pression ," it would be necessar to set p "a hi h-Ievel Speaking at Mikhail Gorbachev's State of the World Forum
consultati ve council for global cooperation [along with] some in Oct ber 1995, Brzez-inski restate the essence of the Trilat-
permanent supporting machinery [to] pro ide continuity to these eral approach: "We cannot leap i to world government in one
consultations." Although the council, as foreshadowed in Be- quic ' step .... [This objective] reguires a process of gradually ex-
tween Two Ages, would initially 'ok only the United States. Ja- pantling the-range of democratic cooperation .. . a widening, step
pan, and Western Europe, it would entually' embrace the 0)' step, stone by stone",{of] existing relatively narrow zones of
Atlantic states [and] the more advanced Europeao ommunis stability .... [Flhe precondition for eventual globalization -
states .... " Participating nations would grow increasingly inter- genuine globalization - is progressive regionalization, because
dependent "through a variety of indirect ties and already devel- thereby we move toward large, more stable, more cooperative
oping limitations on national sovereignty." units ."
In 1973 the joint vision of Rockefeller and Brzezinski was Step by step, stone by stone, the Trilateralists continue to "re-
realized with the creation of the Trilateral Commission (TC), an build the conceptual framework" of world society .
assembly of elites from North America, Western Europe, and - W.N.G.


spiratorial perspective. Although Mills secretaries, several of the assistant overwhelmingly at promoting the global-
claimed to find no conspirators in high secretaries and the department's le- ist concept."
places, he nonetheless admitted, "There is gal adviser. The president's national Admiral Chester Ward, who served as
. .. little doubt that the American power security adviser and his deputy are Judge Advocate General for the Navy and
elite - which contains, we are told, some members. The director of Central In- was a member of the CFR for 16 years,
of 'the greatest organizers in the world' - telligence (like all previous direc- offered a more emphatic denunciation of
has ... planned and plotted." He recog- tors) and the chairman of the Foreign the group, testifying that the CFR was
nized the existence of a definable network Intelligence Advisory Board are created for the "purpose of promoting dis-
joining elites in politics, academia, the members. The secretary of defense, armament and submergence of U.S. sov-
military, the media, and foundations, and three undersecretarie~.qnd at least four ereignty and national independence into
admitted, "Certain types of men from assistant secretaries are members. an all-powerful one-world government."
each of the dominant institutional areas, The secretaries of the departments of He noted that "this lust to surrender the
more far-sighted than others, have ac- housing and urban development, in- sovereignty and independence of the
tively promoted the liaison before it took terior, health and human services and United States is pervasive throughout
its truly modem shape." the chief White House public rela- most of the membership .... The majority
While many elements of this network tions man ... along with the speaker visualize the utopian submergence of the
are visible and identifiable, according to of the House [are members] .... United States as a subsidiary administra-
Mills, "the power elite is not altogether This is not a retinue of people who tive unit of a global government.. .. "
'surfaced.' ... Many higher events that "look like America," as the President
would reveal the working of the power once put it, but they very definitely Shaping a Consensus
elite can be withheld from public knowl- look like the people who, for more Admiral Ward, like Carroll Quigley
edge under the guise of secrecy. With the than half a century, have managed and C. Wright Mills, was careful to point
wide secrecy covering their operations our international affairs and our mili- out that the CFR is not the Conspiracy:
and decisions, the power elite can mask tary-industrial complex. "[The] CFR, as such, does not write the
their intentions, operations, and further platforms of both political parties or select
consolidation. " Were the CFR an organization number- their respective presidential candidates, or
Furthermore, Mills noted, the power ing in the millions, the state of affairs de- control U.S. defense and foreign policies.
elite provides for its own continuity, and scribed by Harwood might not be so But CFR members, as individuals, acting
"new men come readily into it and assume peculiar. However, the dominance exer- in concert with other individual CFR
its existence without question." The con- cised by an organization whose member- members, do."
tinuity of this elite was examined by his- ship numbers approximately 3,000 cannot This process has been described by
torian Michael H. Hunt in his 1987 study be mere coincidence, and, as the chart on Harvard Business School Professor George
Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy. Hunt pages 20-23 illustrates, the present domi- C. Lodge, who is himself a member of the
described the typical member of the East- nance of the CFR in government has been CFR and a trustee of the Carnegie Endow-
ern Seaboard "anglophile" elite into whose consistent for more than half a century. In ment for International Peace. Lodge writes
hands American foreign policy has been addition, CFR members hold important that there are "energetic and creative indi-
trusted for more than seven decades: "His positions in the tax-exempt foundations, viduals in government, interest groups,
formal education [comes from] private the media, etc. (see pages 14-19). and corporations [who] are quietly assem-
schools and Ivy League colleges and law bling global arrangements to deal with cri-
schools .... He practiced corporate law Goal: Global Government ses and tensions. For the most part, they
until gaining public office, usually by ap- The CFR's representatives and spokes- work outside of legislatures and parlia-
pointment. His soundness on foreign - men insist that the group is a scrupulously ments and are screened from the glare of
policy questions was insured by the values nonpartisan "discussion group." Former the media in order to find common inter-
inculcated in elite social circles, in exclu- CFR President Winston Lord once stated ests, shape a consensus, and persuade
sive schools and in establishment clubs and that "the charter of the Council on Foreign those with power to change."
organizations of which the Council on For- Relations is ultimately to help check 'mo- It is in this role of shaping a "consen-
eign Relations ... was the most important." mentary passion' and shape a 'mature de- sus" that the CFR exercises its power. As
sign' for America's place in the world." James Perloff noted in The Shadows of
More Than a Club However, commentator Joseph Kraft Power, the definitive survey of the history
But the CFR is more than a mere "es- (CFR), who referred to the CFR as a and purposes of the Council on Foreign
tablishment club"; it is, in the words of "school for statesmen," pointed out that Relations, the CFR "is not the Establish-
Washington Post ombudsman Richard the organization "has been the seat of ment, but a surface component of it. Nor
Harwood, "the nearest thing we have to a some basic government decisions, [and] is it a theater of illegitimate activities; it
ruling establishment in the United States." has set the context for many more .... " In publishes an annual report in which it
Writing in the October 30, 1993 issue of 1953, the congressional Reece Committee makes a good account of its finances, and
the Post, Harwood observed: (which was created to investigate tax-ex- generally it maintains the trappings of a
empt foundations) concluded that the CFR public-spirited institution. Behind all of
The president is a member. So is is "in essence an agency of the United this, however, is a movement to effect a
his secretary of state, the deputy sec- States government" and that its influence new world order."
retary of state, all five of the under- is "not objective but [rather] directed - WILLIAM NORMAN GRIGG


The New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) power over an extended period of time does at least indi-
CFR MEMBERS boasts fewer than 3,400 members (out of a U.S. population
of more than 250 million), many of whom are uniquely po-
cate that the dominance is no accident.
Because the CFR 's 'Ch ief architect, Edward Mandell
IN EACH BRANCH sitioned in the pinnacles of power in American government
and financial circles. Dominance alone proves neither con-
House, claimed he was seeking "socialism as dreamed of
by Karl Marx," and because the organization's publications
OF GOVERNMENT spiracy nor sinister motives about an organization's mem-
bership, but continued CFR hegemony in key positions of
promote global government, CFR dominance does raise
troubling questions about the organization's impact on gov-

NOTE: An asterisk indicates a nomination
pending as of January 10, 1997. State Department Defense Department
Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright' France - Pamela Harriman Secretary of Defense William Cohen'
White House Staff Chief of Staff for the Secretary of State Georgia - William H. Courtney Under Secretary for Policy
President William J. Clinton Thomas E. Donilon Honduras - William T. Pryce Walter B. Siocombe
Ass!. For Science and Technology Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott Hungary - Donald Blinken PrinCipal Deputy Undersecretary for Policy
John H. Gibbons Under Secretary for: India - Frank G. Wisner Jam M. Lodal
Deputy Ass!. for Economic Policy Political Affairs Peter Tarnoff Italy - Reginald Bartholomew Deputy Under Secretary for Environmental
W Bowman Cutter Economic and Agricultural Affairs Security Security Sherri W Goodman
Japan - Walter F. Mondale
Special Ass!. and Senior Director for: Joan E. Spero Ass!. Secretary for Special Operations and
Korea - James T. Laney
Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Global Affairs Timothy E. Wirth Low-Intensity Conflict H. Allen Holmes
Mexico - James R. Jones
Affairs Coit Blacker Arms Control and International Secu rity Ass!. Secretary for International Security
Morocco - Marc C. Ginsberg
Asian Affairs Stanley Dwen Roth Affairs Lynn E. Davis Policy Ashton B. Carter
Nepal - Sandra L. Vogelgesang
Special Ass!. and Counselor Ass!. Secretary for: Ass!. Secretary for Strategy, Requirements,
Nigeria - Walter C. Carrington
Richard Schifter Population, Refugee, and Migration and Assessments Edward L. Warner III
Oman - Frances D. Cook
Office of Management and Budget Affairs Phyllis E. Oakley Philippines - John D. Negroponte Deputy Ass!. Secretary for Counterproliferation
Director Franklin D. Raines' Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Policy Mitchel Bruce Wallerstein
Poland - Nicholas A. Rey
Associate Director for National Security John Shattuck Special Ass!. to the Secretary and Deputy
Romania - Alfred H. Moses
and International Affairs Gordon Adams African Affairs George Moose Secretaries Margaret C. Sullivan
South Africa - James A. Joseph
Associate Director for Health and East Asian and Pacific Affairs Secretary of the Army Togo D. West, Jr.
Spain - Richard N. Gardner
Personnel Nancy-Ann Min Winston Lord Director of Net Assessment
Syrian Arab Republic - Christopher WS. Ross Andrew W Marshall
Near Eastern Affairs Robert H. Pjllletreau Ukraine - William G. Miller
National Security Council Near Eastern Affairs Principal Deputy General Counsel Judith A. Miller
President William J. Clinton United Kingdom - William J. Crowe, Jr.
Assistant Secretary C. David Welch Joint Chiefs of Staff
Director of Central Intelligence South Asian Affairs Robin L. Raphel United States Arms Control
W Anthony Lake' Chairman John M. Shalikashvili
Intelligence and Research and Disarmament Agency Vice Chairman Gen. Joseph W Ralston
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Toby Trister Gati Director John D. Holum
General John M. Shalikashvili Air Force Chief of Staff Ronald R. Fogleman
Policy Planning Staff Director Deputy Director Ralph Earle II Army Chief of Staff Dennis J. Reimer
Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin James B. Steinberg Ass!. Director for: Marine Corps Commandant Charles C. Krulak
U.S. Representative to the United Nations Policy Planning Staff Senior Advisor Nonproliferation and Regional Arms
Bill Richardson' . Joint Staff
Luigi Roberto Einaudi Control Bureau Lawrence Scheinman
Ass!. for National Security Affairs Policy Planning Staff Member Director Walter Kross
Strategic and Eurasian Affairs Bureau
Samuel R. Berger' Miriam E. Sapiro Director for StrategiC Plans and Policy
Michael Nacht
Deputy Ass!. for National Security Affairs Wesley K. Clark
Legal Advisor Conrad K. Harper Acting General Counsel
Nancy E. Soderberg Director for Command, Control,
Member Secretary of State's Advisory Mary Elizabeth Hoinkes
Director for Global and Multilateral Affairs Committee on International Law Communications, and Computer Systems
Elizabeth G. Verville Ruth Wedgwood
United States Information Agency Arthur K. Cebrowski
Special Ass!. to the President, Senior Director Joseph Duffey
Ambassador-at-Large Robert L. Gallucci Other Military
Director for Commission Jill A. Schuker Agency for International Development
U.S. Representative to the United Nations Air Force Vice Chief of Staff
Office of National Bill Richardson' Administrator J. Brian Atwood Thomas S. Moorman Jr.
Drug Control Policy United States Representative to Vienna Office Deputy Adm inistrator Carol J. Lancaster Air Force Commander 5th Air Force (Japan)
Director Barry R. McCaffrey of the United Nations John B. Ritch III Ass!. Administrator for Africa John F. Hicks Ralph E. Eberhart
Alternate Representative for Special Political Ass!. Administrator for Europe and the New Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Logistics)
Office of Science Affairs in the United Nations Independent States Thomas A. Dine
and Technology Policy William A. Earner Jr.
Karl F. Inderfurth Commander in Chief of U.S. Naval Forces
Director John H. Gibbons United States Representative for
United States Institute of Peace
Associate Director for National Security Chairman Chester A. Crocker Europe Leighton W Smith, Jr.
Organization Economic Cooperation and Coast Guard Commmandant Robert E. Kramek
and International Affairs Jane Wales Development David L. Aaron Vice Chairman Max M. Kampelman
Associate Director for Technology Board Member Theodore M. Hesburgh National Defense University President
Permanent Representative to the North Ervin J. Rokke
Lionel S. Johns Atlantic Council (NATO) Robert E. Hunter Board Member Christopher H. Phillips
Board Member W Scott Thompson U.S. Military Academy (West POint)
Office of the President Ambassadors Superintendent Daniel W Christman
President Richard H. Solomon
Assistant for Science and Technology Australia - Edward J. Perkins U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis)
John H. Gibbons Executive Vice President Harriet Hentges
Chile - Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon Senior Scholar for Religion, Ethics, and Superintendent Charles R. Larsen
Office of the Vice President Czech Republic - Jenonne R. Walker Human Rights David Little U.S. Air Force Academy Superintendent
Senior Policy Advisor Elaine C. Kamarck Ethiopia -Irvin Hicks Paul E. Stein
Airforce Materiel Command Henry Viccellio, Jr.


Current CFR Dominance Over Government, Foundations,
Media, and Industry
ernment and society. James Madison noted in The Federal- world-government-pro motin g jo urnal Foreign Affairs
ist #47: "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, execu- boasts of being labeled "the most influential periodical in CFR MEMBERS
tive , and jud iciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a print" by Time magazine. Imagine how liberals would hoWl
few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or if it were revealed that the National Rifle Association , with IN THE MEDIA
elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of mo re than three million mem bers (1,000 times that of the
tyranny." CFR), had an equivalent strang lehold over government and Air Force Times/Army Times/
Alth ough the CFR clai ms not to have an agenda, its industry! Defense News/Federal Times/
Navy Times (Marine Corps Edition)/
Military Market/Space Times
Vice President and Executive Editor
James S. Doyle
JUDICIAL LEGISLATIVE American Journal (Radio)
Senior Supervising Producer
Supreme Court Justice Senate Dennis O'Brien
Other Cabinet Sandra Day O'Connor
Supreme Court Justice
Senator John Chafee (R-RI)
Senator William Cohen (R-ME)
American Journalism Review
Contributing Editor Hodding Carter III
Departments Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court Justice
Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT)
Senator Bob Graham (D-FL)
Contributing Editor Henry Catto
Treasury Steven G. Breyer Senator John Kerry (D-MA) American Purpose
Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin Editor George Weigel
District of Columbia Circuit Court Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)
Under Secretary for International Affairs Judge Laurence H. Silberman
Lawrence H. Summers
Senator Daniel Moynihan (D-NY) American Spectator
Second Circuit Judge Senator Charles Robb (D-VA) Editor-in-Ch ief R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
Deputy Ass!. Secretary for International Jose A. Cabranes Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV) Board Member Midge Decter
Development and Debt Policy United States Tax Court Senior
Susan B. Levine Senator William Roth (R-DE) Board Member Jeane J. Ki rkpatrick
Judge Theodore Tannenwald Jr. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Commerce The Anniston Star
Senator Olym pia Snowe (R-ME)
Deputy Under Secretary for Export Editor, Publisher Harry Brandt Ayers
Senator Bob Torricelli (D-NJ)
Adm inistration Barry Carter Armed Services Committee Senior Associated Press
Associate Director for International Professional Staff Member Vice President Claude Erbsen
Economics Gerald A. Pollack Environmental Protection Agency William E. Hoeh n
Under Secretary for International Trade The Atlantic Monthly
Ass!. Administrator for International
Stuart Eizenstat House of Representatives President and Chai rman of the Board
Activities William A. Nitze Mortimer B. Zuckerman
Counselor to the Department Jan H. Kalicki House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA)
Ass!. Secretary for International Economic
Export-Import Bank Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-MO) Contributing Editor Thomas Powers
Policy Charles F. Meissner of the United States Representative Howard Berman (D-CA) Business And Society Review
Deputy Ass!. Secretary for Service Director Rita M. Rodriguez Representative Sanford Bishop (D-GA) Editor and Publisher Theodore Cross
Industries and Finance Jude Kearney President/Chairman Kenneth David Brody Representative Barney Frank (D-MA)
Ass!. Secretary and Director General of the Representative Sam Gejdenson (D-CT) Business Week
Federal Deposit Editor-in-Chief Stephen B. Shepard
U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service Representative Lile Hamilton (D-IN)
Insurance Corporation Editorial Page Editor Bruce Nussbaum
Lauri Fitz-Pegado Representative Amo Houghton (R-NY)
Chairman Ricki Helfer
Representative Jim Kolbe (R-Al) The Capital
Energy Federal Reserve System Representative Jim Leach (R-IA) Pu blisher Phillip Merrill
Deputy Secretary of Energy Charles B. Curtis Chairman Alan Greenspan Representative Ro bert Matsui (D-CA)
Health and Human Services Vice Chairman Alice Rivlin Representative Susan Molinari (R-NY)
Capital Cities/ABC Inc.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Division of International Finance Staff Representative Ed Pastor (D-Al) (Corporate Member)
Donna E. Shalala Director Edwin M. Truman Representative Tom Petri (R-WI) Chairman and CEO Thomas S. Murphy
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) Directors:
Interior Robert P. Bauman
President William J. McDonough Representative Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt Nicholas F. Brady
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Representative John Spratt (D-SC)
Justice Chairman Maurice R. Greenberg Representative Louis Stokes (D-OH) ABC-TV President Roone Arledge
Immigration and Naturalization Service President of the Federal Reserve Bank Representative Esteban Torres (D-CA) This Week Host David Brinkley
Commissioner Doris Meissner of Chicago Charles C. Krulak Committee on International Relations ABC-TV Anchor Diane Sawyer
Inter-American Foundation Chief Counsel Stephen G. Rademaker ABC-TV Anchor Barbara Walters

Independent Board Member Ann Brownell Sloane

Board Member Norton Stevens
Committee on Government Reform and
Oversight Chief of Staff/Chief Cou nsel
Chicago Tribune
NY Bureau Ch ief Lisa Anderson
Agencies, Board Member Alexander F. Watson Robert B. Charles
Christian Science Monitor
Corporations, National Science Foundation
Board Member Frank H.T. Rhodes
Col umnist (Robert) Joh n Hughes
and Foundations Board Member Sanford D. Greenberg
Editor-at-Large Norman Podhoretz
Afri can Development Foundation Securities and Exchange Commission Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Chairman Ernest G. Green Office of International Affairs Director NewsHour Executive Ed itor, Anchor
Board member George E. Moose Michael D. Mann
James C. Lehre r
Central Intelligence Agency Smithsonian Institution NewsHour Program Director Susan Mills
Director W. Anthony Lake' Board of Regents Member NewsHourSenior Produce r for Foreign
Daniel Patrick Moynihan Affairs Michael David Mosettig
Corporation for National and Board of Regents Member NewsHour National Correspondent
Community Service Hanna Holborn Gray Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Board Member Thomas Ehrlich Under Secretary Constance Newman Firing Line Host William F. Buckley Jr.
Board Member Teresa Heinz The McLaughlin Group Panelist
Morton Kond racke


Washington Week in Review Panelists: Institutional Investor Senior Business Writer Marc Levinson Editor-in-Chief Norman Pearlstine
Thomas L. Friedman Founder and Chairman Emeritus Contributing Editor Tara Sonenshine Editorial Director Henry Muller
Georgie Anne Geyer Gilbert E. Kaplan Ass!. Managing Editor and Washington Executive Editor John F. Stacks
Jack Nelson Bureau Chief Evan Thomas Corporate Editor James R. Gaines
The Nation
Maryland Public Television To the Contrary Parade Senior Editor Nancy R. Gibbs
Editor Katrina vanden Heuvel
Panelists: Contributing Editor Ponchitta Pierce Managi~g Editor Walter Isaacson
Music Editor Edward Said
Lynn Martin Contributing Editor Carl Sagan Chief Political Correspondent
Eleanor Holmes Norton The National Interest Michael Kramer
Frontline Station WGBH-TV Producer Publisher Irving Kristol Petroleum Marketlntelligence/World Contributor Charles Krauthammer
June Victoria Cross National Journal Gas Intelligence Correspondent Jef McAllister
Children's Television Workshop Chairman Publisher Edward L. Morse Staff Writer Barbara Rudolph
Contributing Editor William Schneider
David Van Buren Britt Editor Ira B. Joseph fntertainment Weeklyl lnSfyle magazines:
Contributing Ed itor Bruce Stokes
Cu Iturefront Proceedings Editor-in-Chief Norman Pearlstine
National Review Editorial Director Henry Muller
Editorial Advisory Board Members: Publisher Captain James A. Barber Jr.
Editor-at-Large William F. Buckley Life/People/Sports Illustrated:
Linda Chavez President Thomas L. Rhodes The Progressive
Nathan Glazer Editor-in-Chief Norman Pearlstine
Senior Editor Peter W. Rodman AdviSOry Board Member Daniel Schorr Editorial Director Henry Muller
Ronald Steel Contributing Editor Eliot Abrams Advisory Board Member Roger Wilkins Corporate Editor James R. Gaines
Dallas Morning News Contributing Editor Eliot A. Cohen The Public Interest Money magazine:
International Affairs Correspondent Contributing Editor Vin Weber Editor Nathan Glazer Editor-in-Chief Norman Pearlstine
James Landers Editorial Director Henry Muller
Editorial Page Editor Rena Pederson
NBC TV Editor Irving Kristol
Anchor and Managing Editor Tom Brokaw Contributing Editor Marshall Loeb
Reuters America , Inc. (Corporate
Dow Jones And Co. (Corporate Chief Economics Correspondent Fortune magazine:
Member) Irving R. Levi ne
Washington Bureau Political Correspondent
Editor-in-Chief Norman Pearlstine
President of Dow Jones International Group Editorial Director Henry Muller
New Media Time Inc . Michael Posner
Karen Elliott House Editor Louis Kraar
Editor Walter Seff Isaacson Roll Call
Wall Street Journal Editor-at-Large Marshall Loeb
Chairman and CEO Peter R. Kann The New Republic Executive Editor Morton Kondracke
Turner Broadcasting System Inc .
Managing Editor Paul E. Steiger Senior Editor Michael Lind Columnist Norman J. Ornstein
Board Member Gerald M. Levin
Editorial Page Editor Robert L. Bartley Contributing Editor Eliot A. Cohen San Diego Union-Tribune CNN TV:
Foreign Editor John Bussey Contributing Editor Jacob Heilbrunn Editor-at-Large Gerald Lee Warren President W. Thomas Johnson
Staff Reporter Robert S. Greenberger Contributing Editor Charles Krauthammer
San Francisco Chronicle Sr. Vice President Pamela Hill
Deputy Editor Daniel Henninger Contributing Editor Ronald Steel
Columnist Allen Lawrence Chickering Crossfire Host Geraldine Ferraro
Weekend Editor Lee Lescaze Literary Editor Leon Wieseltier
Reliable Sources Panelist Ellen Hume
Deputy Editor George Melloan Newsday The Santa Fe New Mexican Both Sides Moderator Jesse L. Jackson
Staff Reporter Carla Robbins Editorial Page Editor James M. Klurfeld Publisher Robert M. McKinney Reliable Sources Host Bernard Kalb
Political Coordinator Gerald F. Seib Analyst William Schneider
Editorial Board Amity Shlaes New York Daily News Smart Money
Chairman and Co-Publisher Editorial Director Paul E. Steiger VP, Washington Bureau Chief, and Late
Contributing Editor Mark Helprin Edition Host Frank Sesno
Wall Street Journal- Europe, Managing Mortimer B. Zuckerman Straus Communications Inc.
Editor Fredrick Schumann Kempe New York Review Of Books Sparta (N.J.) Independent Publisher The Times Mirror Company
Editor Robert B. Silvers R. Peter Straus (Corporate Member)
The Farm Journal Chairman Robert F. Erburu
Contributor Joan Didion Chairman Radio Stations WFTR (Front
Washington Editor Sonja Hillgren
Royal , VA), WELV (Ellenville, NY) Executive Vice President Curtis A. Hessler
Forbes The New York Times Company R. Peter Straus Board of Directors:
Chairman Caspar W. Weinberger Board Members: President Radio Stations WELV-AM , C. Michael Armstrong
Reporter Justin Doebele Richard L. Gelb WWWK-Fm, (Ellenville, NY) John E. Bryson
George B. Munroe R. Peter Straus David Laventhol
Foreign Affairs Donald M. Stewart
Editor James F. Hoge Jr. Syndicated Columnists Harold M. Williams
Cyrus R. Vance The Los Angeles Times:
Publications Director David Kellogg New York Times: Kenneth Adelman
Eric Breindel Editor, Exec. V.P. C. Shelby Coffey III
Foreign Policy Executive Editor Joseph Lelyveld Chief Washington Correspondent
Ass!. Managing Editor Warren Hoge Zbigniew Brzezinski
Editor Charles William Maynes Jack Nelson
Ass!. Managing Editor Jack Rosenthal William F. Buckley Jr.
Associate Editor Thomas Omestad National Security Writer Robin Wright
Editorial Board David Unger Jimmy Carter
Freedom Review Georgie Anne Geyer Editorial Writer Nancy Yoshihara
Editorial Board Karl E. Meyer Writer Anthony Day
Publisher Adrian Karatnycky Richard Grenier
Editorial Board Michael Weinstein Times Mirror Center for the People and the
Gannett Company Inc. Editorial Board Steven R. Weisman Jesse L. Jackson
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Press Co-director Norman Jay Ornstein
Board Member Andrew F. Brimmer Editorial Page Board James L. Greenfield
Gannett News Service Washington Associate Editorial Page Editor Henry A. Kissinger U.S. News &World Report
Correspondent Wendy Margaret Koch Robert B. Semple Jr. Charles Krauthammer Chairman and Editor-in-Chief
Opinion Page Columnist Anthony Lewis Mortimer B. Zuckerman
Global Oil Stocks & Balances/ Flora Lewis Editor James Fallows
Thomas L. Friedman
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly Jessica Mathews Editor-at-Large David R. Gergen
Columnist Anthony Lewis
Publisher Edward L. Morse Hugh B. Price Senior Editor Louise Lief
Columnist Flora Lewis
Harper's Magazine Columnist A.M . Rosenthal Jane Bryant Quinn Contributing Editor Fouad Ajami
Editor Lewis H. Lapham UN Bureau Chief Barbara Crossette A.M. Rosenthal Contributing Editor Harold Evans
Contributing Editor David Rieff Police Bureau Chief Clifford Krauss William Schneider Contributing Editor Emily MacFarquhar
Boston Globe Editorial Page Editor Tony Snow Vanity Fair
Harvard Business Review Colonel Harry G. Summers
Senior Editor Nancy Nichols H.D.S. Greenway Executive Editor Elise O'Shaughnessy
Ben J. Wattenburg
Hearst Book Group News America Publishing Inc. Viacom Inc.
Chairman Rupert Murdock Time-Warner Inc. (Corporate Board Member Frederick V. Salerno
President and CEO Howard Kaminsky
New York Post Editorial Page Editor Member)
Hispanic (magazine) Eric Breindel President Richard D. Parsons Washington Post Company
Editor and Publisher Alfredo J. Estrada Board Members: Chairman of the Executive Committee
Newsweek (Corporate Member) Carla A. Hills Katharine Graham
National Empowerment Television Chairman of the Executive Committee Vice President Richard M. Smith
Freedom's Challenge Host David T. Kearns
Katharine Graham Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr.
Paula Jon Dobrinasky Time Warner Entertainment Company:
Editor-in-Chief, President Richard M. Smith Managing Editor Robert G. Kaiser
Chairman, President and CEO
Industry Week Editor Maynard Parker Ass!. Managing Editor Jackson Diehl
Gerald M. Levin
Contributing Editor Richard Osborne Managing Editor Mark Whitaker Editorial Page Editor Meg Greenfield
Time Magazine:
Senior National Editor Joe Klein Chief Correspondent Jim Hoagland


Ass!. Managing Editor David Ignatius Amnesty International USA Honorary Trustees: Security Affairs William J. Taylor Jr.
Ass!. Editor Susan Levine Chai rman of the National Advisory Council Louis W. Cabot William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy
State Department Reporter Rose Burgunder Styron John L. Clendenin Sidney Weintraub
Thomas W. Lippman William T. Coleman, Jr. Senior Associate for POlitical-Military Studies
Investigative Reporter Walter Pi ncus
The Asian Society Dov S. Zakheim
Lloyd N. Cutier
President Emeritus Phillips Talbot Senior Associate Robert B. Zoellick
Foreign Editor Eugene Robinson Doug las Dillon
Director Japanese Video Project
Deputy Editor Stephen S. Rose nfeld Charles W. Duncan, Jr. Center for Study of Human Rights
Rose Lee Hayden
Intelligence Reporter R. Jeffrey Smith Robert F. Erburu Directorate Chairman Louis Henkin
Aspen Institute Robert D. Haas
Washington Times President and CEO David T. McLaughlin Center for Theory, Politics and Policy
Managing Editor Josette Shiner Teresa Heinz
President Emeritus Joseph E. Slater Roy M. Huffington Director Aristide Rodolphe Zolberg
The Washingtonian Vice Chairman Henry E. Catto Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. ~ Committee for Economic Development
Chairman and Publisher Philip Merrill Director, Aspen Institute Berlin (Germany) Nannerl O. Keohane President Sol Hurwitz
National Editor Kenneth Adelman David Anderson :James T. Lyn n Trustee Clifton R. Wharton
Contributing Editor John G. Kester Senior Fellow David Gergen William McC. Martin, Jr.
Members of the Board: Robert S. McNamara
Concord Coalition
Washington Quarterly Co-Founder Warren Rudman
Editor-in-Chief Erik R. Peterson Paul F. Anderson James D. Robinson III
Mike R. Bowlin President Peter G. Peterson
Board of Editors Members: David Rockefeller, Jr.
John Brademas Ral ph S. Sau l Empower America
Anne Armstrong
Rita E. Hauser Henry B. Schacht Co-Director Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
Richard E. Bissell
Zbigniew Brzezinski Peter R. Kann James D. Wolfensohn Vice Chairman Vin Weber
Leonard A. Lauder
Amos A. Jordan Campaign for Peace and Democracy Ethics and Publ ic Policy Center
Gerald M. Levin
Max M. Kampelman President Joanne Veit Landy Senior Fellow Ernest W. Lefever
Bette Bao Lord
Robert Lieber
Frederic V. Malek Center for International Policy Federation of American Scientists
Edward Luttwak
Philip Merrill Senior FellOW Landrum Bolling CEO Jeremy J. Stone
Susan Pharr
William A. Nitze Senior Fellow Wayne S. Smith Heritage Foundation
Robert Scalapino
Stephen Sestanovich John J. Phelan, Jr. Board Members: Vice President Kim R. Holmes
Rozan ne L. Ridgway Mario Baeza Honorary Trustee Kathryn W. Davis
George Weigel
Jack Sheinkman Michael D. Barnes Trustee Midge Decter
Thomas Weiss
Alexander B. Trowbridge William Butler Trustee Thomas L. Rhodes
The Weekly Standard Paul A. Volcker Adrian DeWind Trustee William E. Simon
Contributing Editor Charles Krauthammer Linda J. Wachner Richard A. Falk
Westinghouse Electric Corporation Frederick B. Whittemore Sally Lilienthal Hoover Institution
Alice Young Director John Raisian
Board Members: Center for National Policy
Honorary Trustees: Distinguished Senior Fellow George P. Shultz
Frank C. Carlucci Chair Michael D. Barnes
Robert O. Anderson Senior Fellows:
David T. McLaughlin Vice-Chairman John T. Joyce
Sidney Harman Charles Wolf, Jr.
Paula Stern Vice-Chairman John A. Ladner
CBS TV: Howard W. Johnson Anne O. Krueger
Board Members: Henry S. Rowen
Chairman, President and CEO Henry A. Kissinger
John Brademas Abraham D. Sofaer
Laurence Alan Tisch Robert S. McNamara
John F. Cooke
CBS Inc. Board Members: Cyrus R. Vance Hudson Institute
. Maurice A. Ferre
Henry A. Kissinger Trustees Emeriti : Chairman Walter P. Stern
Thomas S. Foley
Henry B. Schacht Jack G. Clarke Trustees:
Benjamin W. Heineman, Jr.
Edson W. Spencer William T. Coleman, Jr. Kenneth Duberstein
Robert M. Ru bin
Franklin A. Thomas James L. Ferguson Eugene M. Freedman
Donald M. Stewart
James D. Wolfensohn Marvin L. Goldberger Alexander M. Haig, Jr.
Maurice Tem pelsman
CBS News Vice President Najeeb E. Halaby Trustee Emeritus Charles A. Zraket
Cyrus R. Vance
Joseph Felix Peyronnin III Shirley Hufstedler Staff:
Adam Yarmolinsky
CBS News Anchor Dan Rather Robert S. Ingersoll Mark Helprin
48 Hours Executive Producer Elizabeth J. McCormack Center for Strategic and International Lt. General William E. Odom
Barbara Cochran George C. McGhee Studies Norman Podhoretz
48 Hours Associate Producer Martin Meyerson President David M. Abshire
Mary Sue Holland Robert A. Mosbacher President Emeritus Amos A. Jordan Human Rights Watch
Sunday Morning Senior Producer Paul H. Nitze Advisory Board Co-Chair Diana Lady Dougan Executive Director Kenneth Roth
Marquita Pool James A. Perkins Vice President, Editor in Chief of Washington Institute for International Economics
Correspondent Edward R. Bradley Frederick P. Rose Quarterly Erik R. Peterson Director C. Fred Bergsten
Phillips Talbot Washington Quarterly Ed~or Michael J. Mazarr Chairman Peter G. Peterson
Wired Magazine Deputy Director America's Program, Mexico
Asian Editor-at-Large Bernard Krisher Glenn E. Watts Executive Committee Chairman
Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. Project Director M. Delal Baer Anthony M. Solomon
World Policy Journal Senior Adviser Richard Burt Board Members:
Editor James Chace The Atlantic Council of the U.S. Japan Chair Kent E. Calder
Co-chair Rozanne LeJeanne Ridgway W. Michael Blumenthal
Senior Fellow and Co-Director for Middle Jessica Einhorn
Brookings Institution East Studies Anthony H. Cordesman Maurice R. Greenberg
Chairman James A. Johnson African Studies Senior Associate Carla A. Hills
CFR MEMBERS Chairman Emeritus John C. Whitehead L. Gray Cowan
Senior Advisor Arnaud de Borchgrave
Frank E. Loy
President Michael H. Armacost Donald F. McHenry
Kenneth W. Dam
Domestic and International Issues Managing
Director Richard M. Fairbanks III
Reuben F. Mettler
David Rockefeller
Stephen Friedman
Islamic Studies Senior Associate
Shireen T. Hunter
Paul A. Volcker
Dennis Weatherstone
Vartan Gregorian Distinguished Scholar Fred C. Ikle
Marina v.N. Whitman
American Enterprise Institute Warren Hellman Senior Adviser Max M. Kampelman
Andrew Young
Resident Scholar Mark Falcoff Thomas G. Labrecque Middle East Studies Program Co-director Honorary Directors:
Resident Scholar Suzanne Garment Jessica Tuchman Mathews Judith Kipper
Alan Greenspan
Resident Scholar Joshua Muravchik Donald F. McHenry African Studies Chai rman Helen Kitchen
George P. Shultz
Resident Scholar Norman Jay Ornstein Constance B. Newman Senior Fellow for Preventive Diplomacy
AdviSOry Committee Members:
George Frederick Jewett Scholar Rozanne L. Ridgway Edward N. Luttwak
Robert Baldwin
Michael Novak Warren B. Rud man Senior Associate Richard W. Murphy
Rim mer de Vries
Senior Fellow Ben J. Wattenberg Michael P. Schulhof Eu ropean Studies Director Simon Serfaty
Rudiger Dornbusch
Resident Fellow Richard N. Perle Ezra K. Zilkha Senior Adviser Stephen J. Solarz
Peter B. Kenen
Resident Fellow William Schneider Senior Vice President for International


Lawrence B. Krause Bayless A. Manning Senior Vice President Victor Rabinowitch

Anne O. Krueger
Roger M. Kubarych
J. Irwin Miller
Elliot L. Richardson
Trustee Murray Gell-Mann
Trustee Shirley Mount Hufstedler

Robert Z. Lawrence
Jessica T. Matthews
William D. Ruckelshaus
William W. Scranton
Trustee Margaret E. Mahoney
Trustee Elizabeth J. McCormack CFR MEMBERS
Jeffrey D. Sachs Cyrus R. Vance Trustee Thomas C. Theobold
Lawrence H. Summers Mortimer B. Zuckerman Peace and International Cooperation AGIP Petroleum Company
Alan Wm. Wolff International Activities Center Staffer Program Director Kennette Benedict AGIP USA, Inc.
Robert Zoellick Michael L. Hoffman Peace and International Cooperation Senior Alliance Capital Management
Program Officer Andrew C. Kuchins Amerada Hess Corp.
Institute for Policy Studies Woodrow Wilson Center
Rockefeller Brothers Fund American Council on Germany
Co-director Richard Jackson Barnet Deputy Director Samuel Fogle Wells, Jr.
Assets in 1995: $400 million " American Express Company
Institute of Public Administration World Peace Foundation American International Group
P~e~ident Colin G. Campbell
President Emeritus Dwight A. Ink President Robert Irwin Rotberg American Standard Companies, Inc.
Executive Vice President Russell A. Phillips
Institute of World Affairs World Watch Institute Amoco Corporation
Trustee Jonathan F. Fanton
Chairman Ms. Geraldine S. Kunstadter President Lester Brown Archer Daniels Midland Company
Trustee Kenneth Lipper
Board Member Sumit K. Ganguly Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder, Inc.
World Wildlife Fund Trustee William H. Luers
Board Member John Foster Leich Arthur Andersen & Co., SC
President, CEO Kathryn Scott Fuller Trustee Richard D. Parsons
Advisory Committee: ASARCO Incorporated
Trustee David Rockefeller Jr.
Tom Brokaw Asea Brown Boveri
Advisory Trustee Russell E. Train
Robert H. Estabrook AT&T International
Rockefeller Family Fund
Michael H. Haltzel
Henry A. Kissinger
CFR MEMBERS Assets in 1994: $42 million
Atlantic Richfield Company
Avon Products, Inc.
Trustee Dana Chasin Banco Santander
Abaraham Ribicoff
International Center for Economic
IN FOUNDATIONS Honorary Trustee David Rockefeller
Chairperson of the Finance Committee
Bank Audi (USA)
Bank Julius Baer
Growth Bevis Longstreth The Bank of New York
Founder, Associate Director
Alfred Harcourt Foundation
President Michael Russell Winston Rockefeller Foundation Bankers Trust Company
Allen Lawrence Chickering Banque Indosuez
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Assets in 1994: $2.2 billion
International Center for Migration, Chairman of the Board Alice Stone IIchman Banque Pari bas Corporation
President Ralph Edward Gomory Bates Worldwide
Ethnicity, and Citizenry President Peter C. Goldmark
Director Aristide Rodolphe Zolberg Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Trustee Johnnetta B. Cole BDO Seidman
President William Gordon Bowen Trustee Peggy Dulany BEA Associates
International Center of Not-for-Profit Bear, Stearns & Co.
Sr. Fellow Alice Frey Emerson Trustee Frances FitzGerald
Law Vice President Harriet Zuckerman The Blackstone Group
President Leon Eugene Irish Trustee Karen N. Horn
Trustee Franklin D. Raines Bloomberg Financial.Markets
Carnegie Corporation of New York BMW (US) Holding Corporation
Joint Center for Political and Arts and Humanities Program Director
Assets in 1995: $1.2 billion Booz, Allen & Hamilton
Economic Studies Chairman of the Board of Trustees Alberta Arthurs
President Eddie Nathan Williams Health Sciences and Population Sciences Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Newton N. Minow
Meridian International Center Trustee Richard F. Celeste Programs Director Steven w. Sinding British-American Chamber of Commerce
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
President Walter Leon Cutler Trustee Caryl P. Haskins Russell Sage Foundation Cahill Gordon & Reindel
Middle East Forum Trustee Teresa Heinz Honorary Trustee John S. Reed Caltex Petroleum Corp.
Trustee James A. Johnson
Director Daniel Pipes Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Capital Cities/ABC
Trustee Helene L. Kaplan Caxton Corporation
Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom Director Thomas Krens
Trustee Thomas H. Kean CDC North America
Director of National Security Programs Trustee Vincent A. Mai Twentieth Century Fund
Peter Warren Rodman Chancellor Capital Management
Trustee Henry Muller Chairman of the Board
Theodore C. Sorensen The Chase Manhattan Bank
The Progress and Freedom Foundation Trustee Condoleezza Rice The Chatterjee Group
Senior Fellow Vin Weber President David A. Hamburg Vice-Chairman of the Board Jim Leach
President Richard C. Leone Chevron
Executive Vice President Barbara D. Finberg China Times Express
Rand Corporation Program Officer Yolanda C. Richardson Treasurer and Trustee Richard Ravitch
President and CEO James A. Thomson Trustee Jose A. Cabranes CIBC Wood Gundy
Sr. Counselor to the Pres. David Z. Robinson CitibanklCiticorp
Executive Vice President Michael D. Rich Counselor-in-Residence J. Wayne Fredericks Trustee Joseph A. Califano Jr.
Research Staff Associate Chair Jerrold D. Trustee Hodding Carter III Clayton Dubilier & Rice
Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
Green Executive Director Jane E. Holl Trustee Brewster C. Denny
Senior Adviser, Graduate School Dean Trustee Charles V. Hamilton The Coca-Cola Company
Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict
Charles Woff, Jr. Trustee August Heckscher Community Energy Alternatives
Advisor to the Executive Director
Senior Fellow Arnold Lee Kanter John J. Stremlau Trustee Matina S. Horner The Consulate General of Japan
International Security and Defense Policy Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict Trustee Lewis B. Kaden Corning Incorporated
Center Chair Gregory F. Trevorton Senior Associate Esther Brimmer Trustee Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. Cowen & Co.
Strategy and Doctrine Program Chair Task Force on Presidential Elections CS First Boston
Zalmay Khalilzad Carnegie Endowment for International Debevoise & Plimpton
Chairman James Hoge
Peace Dechert, Price & Rhoads
Renewing Congress Project Sr. Associate Adonis Edward Hoffman
Task Force on Intelligence Policy Chairman
Co-director Norman Jay Ornstein Stephen W. Bosworth Deere & Company
Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Other CFR members completing studies on Deloitte & Touche
United Nations Association Of U.S.A. Deutsche Bank AG
President Emeritus, Sr. Policy Advisor
Foundation contract from the Fund:
Board of Directors President Oscar S. Straus II David P. Calleo: Rethinking Europe 's Dillon, Read & Co., Inc.
Edward Carmichael Luck Directorship
Ford Foundation
Urban Institute Michael Mandelbaum: A New Foundation The Walt Disney Company
Vice Chairman Katharine Graham Assets in 1995: $7.5 billion for U.S. Foreign Policy Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
Board of Trustees: Chairman of the Board Henry B. Schacht Joseph S. Nye Jr.: American Interest in a Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Robert S. McNamara President Susan Vail Berresford New World Order Duracellinc.
Dick Thornburgh Trustee Kathryn S. Fuller Robert J. Art: American Grand Strategy Eli Lilly & Co.
Life Trustees: Trustee Robert D. Haas after the Cold War Ernst & Young
James E. Burke Trustee Vernon E. Jordan Jr. Richard Ullman: International Aspects of Estee Lauder Companies
Joseph A. Califano, Jr. Trustee David T. Kearns the Yugoslav Crisis The Export-Import Bank of Japan
William T. Coleman, Jr. Trustee Franklin A. Thomas David Callahan: U.S. Foreign Policy and Exxon Corporation
John M. Deutch John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Ethnic Conflicts Federal Express
George J.w. Goodman Foundation Lincoln Gordon: Brazil's Second Chance Fiat USA
Carla A. Hills Assets in 1994: $2.9 billion Carol J. Lancaster: Aid and Development Fischer Francis Trees & Watts
In Sub-Saharan Africa Ford Motor Company
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. President Adele Simmons


The Freedom Forum KPMG Peat Marwick & Co. L. L. P. Nomura Research Institute America Sony Corporation of America
French-American Chamber of Commerce Lagardere/Matra Hachette NYNEX Corporation Soros Fund Management
Future Management Services Lehman Brothers Occidental Petroleum Southern California Edison Company
Gavin Anderson & Company Lockheed Martin Oil Capital Ltd., Inc. Standard & Poor's Ratings Group
GenCorp Aerojet Loral Corporation Oxford Anatytica Stroock & Stroock & Lavan
General Electric Company MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc. Paul Ray Berndtson Sullivan & Cromwell
Global One Mark Partners PepsiCo Summit International Associates
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Marks & Murase L.L.P. Pfizer Texaco, Inc.
Guardsmark Marsh & McLennan Companies Pohang Steel America Corporation Time Warner
H. J. Heinz Company Marubeni America Corporation Poten & Partners Times Mirror
Halcyon/Alan B. Slifka Management Marvin & Palmer Associates, Inc. Price Waterhouse & Co. Titan Industrial Corporition
Company L.L.C. Mayer, Brown & Platt The Procter & Gamble Company ,Towers Perrin
Hypo-Bank AG McOonnell Oouglas The Prudential Insurance Co. of America 'Toyota Motor Corporate Services of North
IBJ Schroder Bank and Trust Company McKinsey & Company, Inc. Reader's Oigest Association America, Inc.
IBM Mercedes-Benz of North America RWS Energy Services TRW
Industrial Bank of Japan Merrill Lynch International Salomon Brothers Inc Turner Steiner International
Institute of International Bankers Met Life International Scarbroughs United Technologies
JETRO New York Mine Safety Appliances Company Schlumberger Limited Volkswagen AG
John A. Levin & Co., Inc. Mobil Corporation Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inc. E.M. Warburg , Pincus & Co.
Johnson &Johnson Morgan Stanley & Company Inc. Joseph E. Seagram & Sons Weil, Gotshal & Manges
Jones, Oay, Reavis & Pogue Morningside/Springfield Group Shearman & Sterling White & Case
J. P. Morgan & Company Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Shell Oil Company World Gold Council
K & M Engineering and Consu~ing Corporation NatWest Markets Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Wyoming Investment Corporation
Kidder, Peabody & Co ., Inc. Newsweek Smith Barney Inc. Xerox Corporation
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Nippon Steel USA, Inc. Snamprogetti USA Inc. Young & Rubicam

The Trilateral Commission has about Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Senator Jim leach, U.S. Congressman Ko-Yung Tung, Chm., Global Practice
300 members, about 100 each from Martin S. Feldstein, Pres., National Bureau Gerald levin, Chm. and CEO, Time Warner Group, O'Melveny & Myers, New York
North America (the United States and of Economic Research, Inc. Whitney MacMillan, Chm. of the Board Paul A. Volcker, Chm. and CEO, James
Canada), Western Europe, and Japan. George M. C. Fishe ~ Chm. of the Board and CEO, Cargill, Inc. O. Wolfensohn Inc.; former Chm. of
Following are the American members and CEO, Eastman Kodak Co. Jessica Tuchman Mathews, Columnist, the Federal Reserve
based on the February 1996 Richard B. Fisher, Chm., Morgan Stanley The Washington Post Glenn E. Witts, Pres. Emeritus,
membership roster. Group, Inc. Deryck, C. Maughan, Chm. of the Board Communications Workers of America
Paul A. Allaire, Chm. and CEO, Xerox Thomas S. Foley, Partner, Akin, Gump, and CEO, Salomon Brothers Inc. Henry Wendt, Former Chm., Smith Kline
Corp. Strauss, Hauer & Feld; former Speaker of Jay Mazur, Pres., UNITE Beecham
Dwayne O. Andreas, Chm. of the Board the U.S. House of Rep resentatives Hugh L. McColl, Jr., Chm., Pres. and CEO, Robert N. Wilson, Vice Chm., Board of
and Chief Executive, Archer Oaniels Paolo Fresco, Vice Chm. of the Board and NationsBank Corp. Oirs., Johnson & Johnson
Midland Co. Executive Officer, The General Electric Robert S. McNamara, Former Pres. , The Robert C. Winters, Chm. Emeritus,
Rand V Araskog, Chm., Pres. and CEO, Co. (U.S.A.) World Bank; former U.S. Sec. of Defense Prudential Insurance Co. of America
lIT Corp. Stephen Friedman, Senior Chm. and Allen E. Murray, Former Chm. of the Board, Robert B. Zoellick, Executive Vice-Pres.,
Michael Armacost, Pres., The Limited Partner, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Pres. and CEO, Mobil Corp. General Counsel and Sec., Federal
Brookings Institution leslie H. Gelb, Pres., Council on Foreign Michel Dksenberg, Asia Pacific Research National Mortgage Association
C. Fred Bergsten, Oir., Institute for Relations Center, Stanford University
International Economics John A. Georges, Chm. and CEO, Henry Owen, Senior Advisor, Salomon Former Members in Government
Stephen W. Bosworth, Pres., The International Paper Brothers Service
Korean Peninsula Energy Develop- David R. Gergen, Editor-at-large, U.S. Robert D. Putnam, Oir. of the Center for Bruce Babbitt, Sec. of the Interior
ment Organization (KEOO) News and World Report International Affairs and Professor of Warren Christopher, Sec. of State
John Brademas, Pres. Emeritus, New louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Chm. and CEO, IBM International Affairs, Harvard University Henry Cisneros, Sec. of Housing and
York University Joseph T. Gorman, Chm., Pres. and CEO, Charles B. Rangel, U.S. Congressman Urban Development
Harold Brown, Counselor, Center for TRW Inc. lee R. Raymond, Chm. and CEO, Exxon Bill Clinton, President
Strategic and International Studies; William H. Gray, III, Pres. and CEO, United Corp. Richard N. Cooper, Chm., National
former U.S. Sec. of Defense Negro College Fu nd Rozanne Ridgway, Co-Chair, Atlantic Council Intelligence Council, CIA
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Counselor, Center Maurice R. Greenberg, Chm. and CEO, Charles S. Robb, U.S. Senator Will iam J. Crowe, Jr., Ambassador to
for Strategic and International American International Group, Inc. David Rockefeller, Fou nder and Honorary the United Kingdom
Studies; former U.S. Assistant to the John H. Guffreund, Former Chm. of the Chm., Trilateral Commission lynn E. Davis, Under Sec. of State for
Pres. for National Security Affairs Board and CEO, Salomon Brothers Inc. John D. Rockefeller IV, U.S. Senator International Security Affairs
M. Anthony Bums, Chm., Pres. and Robert D. Haas, Chm. and CEO, Levi Henry Rosovsky, Professor of Economics, John M. Deutch, Oir., CIA
CEO, Ryder System, Inc. Strauss & Co. Harvard University Richard N. Gardner, Ambassador to Spain
John H. Chafee, U.S. Senator lee H. Hamilton, U.S. Congressman William V. Roth, Jr., U.S. Senator Alan Greenspan, Chm. of the Federal
William S. Cohen, U.S. Senator Carla A. Hills, Chm., Hills & Co.; former William D. Ruckelshaus, Chm., Browning- Reserve
William T. Coleman, Jr., Senior Partner, U. S. Trade Representative Ferris Industries; former Administrator, Richard Holbrooke, Assistant Sec. of
O'Melveny & Myers; former U.S. Sec. Robert D. Hormats, Vice Chm., Goldman U.S. Environmental Protection Agency State for European and Canadian Affairs
of Transportation Sachs International Kurt L. Schrnoke, Mayor of Baltimore James R. Jones, Ambassador to Mexico
E. Gerald Corrigan, Chm., International James R. Houghton, Chm. of the Board Albert Shanker, Pres. , American Federation Winston lord, Assistant Sec. of State
Advisors, Goldman, Sachs & Co. and CEO, Corning Inc. of Teachers for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Gerald L. Curtis, Professor of Political W. Thomas Johnson, Pres., Cable News Walter V Shipley, Chm. and CEO, Chemical Walter F. Mondale, Ambassador to
Science, East Asian Institute, Network Banking Corp. Japan
Columbia University Vernon C. Jordan, Partner, Akin, Gump, George P. Shultz, Honorary Fellow, Hoover Alice M. Rivlin, Oir., Office of
Jessica P. Einhorn, Managing Oir. for Strauss, Hauer & Feld Institution, Stanford University; former Management and Budget
Finance and Resource Mobilization, Donald R. Keough, Chm. of the Board, Allen U.S. Sec. of State Donna E. Shalala, Sec. of Health and
World Bank & Co. Incorporated, former Pres. and C.J. Silal; Former Chm. of the Board and Human Services
Roger A. Enrico, Vice Chm., PepsiCo, Inc. Chief Operating Officer, The Coca-Cola Co. CEO, Phillips Petroleum Co. Joan Edelman Spero, Under Sec. of State
Jeffrey E. Epstein, Pres., J. Epstein & Henry A. Kissinger, Chm., Kissinger Paula Stem, Senior Fellow, The Progressive for Economic and Agricultural Affairs
Co., Inc.; Pres., Wexner Investment Co. Associates, Inc.; former U.S. Sec. of State Policy Institute; Pres., The Stern Group Strobe Talbott, Deputy Sec. of State
Robert F. ErbunJ, Chm. and CEO, Times Thomas G. labrecque, Chm. and CEO, the Wilson H. Taylor, Chm., Pres. and CEO, Peter Tarnoff, Under Sec. of State for
Mirror Co. Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. CIGNA Corp. Political Affairs


The historic hegemony of the Council on Foreign Relations over the government of the United States.
1929-1933 1933-1945 1945-1953 1953,,1961 1961-1963
Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy
Charles Curtis John N. Garner Alben W. Barkley Richard M. Nixon Lyndon B. Johnson
Vice President Henry A. Wallace
Harry S. Truman
DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. Sidney W. Souers Allen W. Dulles John A. McCone
Hoyt S. Vandenberg
CIA Director Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
Walter Bedell Smith
Dillon Anderson
llati8lla1 Secllfity William H. Jackson
Gordon Gray

DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. Edwin G. Nourse Arthur F. Bums Walter W. Heller
llatianal EcOlomic Leon H. Keyserling Raymond J. Sau lnier
Secretary af HEWI DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. Ovetta Culp Hobby Abraham A. Ribicoff
Marion B. Folsum Anthony J. Celebreue
SeCretary of Health ami Arthur S. Flemming
Hutnaa Services
Andrew W. Mellon William H. Vtbodin Fred M. Vinson George M. Humphrey C. Douglas Dillon
Ogden L. Mills Henry Morgenthau Jr. John W. Snyder Robert B. Anderson
Secretary of Treasary

Roy A. Young Eugene S. Black Marriner S. Eccles William McChesney William McChesney
Federal Reserve Baard Eugene Meyer Marriner S. Eccles Thomas B. McCabe Martin Jr. Martin Jr.
James W. Good George H. Dem Robert P. Patterson Charles E. Wilson Robert S. McNamara
Patrick J. Hurley Harry H. Woodring Kenneth C. Royall Nei/ H. McElroy
Secretary of Warl Henry L. Stimson James II. FOlTestal Thomas S. Gates Jl
Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson
George C. Marshall
Robert A. Lovett
DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. Stephen T. Early Roger M. Kyes Roswell L. Gi/patric
Robert A. Lovett Robert B. Anderson
Depaty Secretary William C. Foster Reuben B. Robertson Jr.
of Defense Donald A. Quarles
Thomas S. Gates Jl
James H. Douglas Jr.
IIInnecretary of
Defense fir hrJCy
DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. John H. Ohly H. Struvel Hensel Paul H. Nitze
AssIstaIt SecreIaIy of James H. Burns Gordon Gray
Frank C. Nash Mansfield D. Sprague
Defea fir IatInIatiaaI John N. Irwin II
Security AffaIrs

DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. Gen. Omar Bradley Gen. Omar Bradley Gen. lyman L. Lemnitzer
a illt CIIiefs of Staff Ad m. Arth ur W. Radfo rd Gen. Maxwell D. flylor
Gen. Nathan F. Twining
CIIainIaII Gen. lyman L. Lemnitzer
DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Gen. J. Lawton Collins Gen. George H. Decker
Gen. Omar Bradley Gen. Matthew B. Ridgeway Gen. Earle G. Wheeler
Gen. J. Lawton Collins Gen. Maxwell D. flylor
AnIr QIef of Staff Gen. lyman L. Lemnitzer
Gen. George H. Decker

See pages 22 and 23 for State Department positions.


From 1929 to the Present
CFR members in the last 12 presidential administrations are indicated below by bold italicized type.
I 1963-1969
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard M. Nixon ('69-'74)
James E. Carter
.' Ronald w. Reagan
George H. Bush
William J. Clinton
Gerald R. Ford ('74-'77)
Hubert H. Humphrey Spiro T. Agnew Walter F. Mondale George H. Bush Dan Quayle Albert Gore Jr.
Gerald R. Ford
Nelson A. Rockefeller
Adm . William F. Raborn Jr. James R. Schlesinger Stansfield Turner William J. Casey Robert M. Gates R. James Woolsey
Richard Helms William E. Colby William H. Webster John M. Deutch
George Bush W. Anthony Lake'

McGeorge Bundy Henry Kissinger lbigniew Brzezinski Richard V. Allen Brent Scowcroft W. Anthony Lake
Walt W. Rostow Brent Scowcroft Wi lliam P. Clark Samuel R. Berger'
Robert C. McFarlane
John M. Poi ndexter
Frank C. Carlucci, 3rd
Gen. Colin Powell
Walter W. Heller Paul W. McCracken Charles L. Schultze Murray L. Weidenbaum Michael J. Boski n Laura D'Andrea Tyson
Gardner Ackley Herbert Stein Martin Feldstein Joseph E. Stiglitz
Arthur M. Dkun Alan Greenspan Beryl W. Sprinkel
Anthony J. Celebrezze Robert H. Finch Joseph A. Califano Jr. Richard S. Schweiker Lou is W. Su llivan Donna Shalala
John W. Garrfner Elliot L. Richardson Patricia Roberts Harris Margaret M. Heckler
Wilbur J. Cohen Caspar W. Weinberger Otis R. Bowen
, Forrest D. Matthews
C. Douglas Dillon David M. Kennedy W. Michael Blumenthal Donald T. Regan Nicholas F. Brady Lloyd Bentsen
Henry H. Fowler John B. Con nally G. William Miller James A. Baker II I Robert Rubin
Joseph W. Barr George P. Schultz Nicholas F. Brady
William E. Simon
William McChesney William McChesney Arthur F. Bums Paul Volcker Alan Greenspan Alan Greenspan
Martin Jr. Martin Jr. G. William Miller Alan Greenspan
Arthur F. Bums Paul Volqser
Robert S. McNamara Melvin R. Laird Harold Brown Caspar W. Weinberger Richard B. Cheney Les Aspin
Clark M. Clifford Elliot L. Richardson Frank C. Carlucci William Perry
James R. Schlesinger William Cohen'
Donald H. Rumsfeld

Cyrus R. ~nce David Packard Charles W. Duncan Jr. Frank C. Carlucci Donald J. Atwood William J. Perry
Paul H. Nitze Kenneth Rush W. Graham Claytor Jr. Paul C. Thayer William J. Perry John M. Deutch
William C. Clements Jr. William H. Taft IV John P. White
Robert F. Ellswotth

DID NOT EXIST. DID NOT EXIST. Stanley R. Resor Robert W. Komer Paul D. Wo/fowitz Frank G. Wisner
Robert W. Komer Fred C. Ikle Walter B. Siocombe
I. Lewis Libby
Jan M. Lodal
William P. Bundy G. Warren Nutter David E. McGiffert Francis J. West Jr. Henry S. Rowen Charles Freeman
John T. McNaughton Lawrence Eagleburger Richard L. Armitage James R. Lilley Joseph S. Nye Jr.
Paul C. Woirnke Robert C. Hill Frederick C. Smith
Ray Peet
Amos A. Jordon
Eugene V. McAuliffe
Gen. Maxwell D. Bylor Gen. Earle G. Wheeler Gen. George S. Brown Gen David C. Jones Gen. Colin Powell Gen. Colin Powell
Gen. Earle G. Wheeler Adm . Thomas H. Moorer Gen David C. Jones Gen. John W. Vessey Jr. Gen. John M. Shalikashvili
Gen. George S. Brown Adm. William Crowe Jr.

Gen. Earle G. Wheeler Gen. William C. Gen. Bemard W. Rogers Gen. Edward C. Meyer Gen. Carl E. ihono Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan
Gen. Harold K. Johnson Westmoreland Gen. Edward C. Meyer Gen. John A. Wckham Jr. Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan Gen. Dennis J. Reimer
Gen. William C. Gen. Bruce Palmer Jr. Gen. Carl E. ihono
Westmoreland Gen. Creighton W. Abrams
Gen. Fred C. Weyand
Gen. Bemard W. Rogers

' Nomination pending as of January 10, 1997.


1929-1933 1933-1945 1945-1953 1953-1961 1961-1963 ~.
Henry L. Stimson Cordell Hull James F. Byrnes John Foster Dulles Dean Rusk
Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius Jr. George C. Marshall Christian A. Herter
Dean G. Acheson .~

J. Reuben Clark Jr. William Phillips DllaQ G. Acheson Walter B. Smith Chester Bowles
Joseph P. Cotton Sumner Welles Robert A. Lovett Herbert Hoover Jr. George W. Ball
Under SecretaryJDeputy William R. Castle Jr. Edward R. Stettinius Jr. James E. Webb Christian A. Herter
Secretary of State Joseph C. Grew David K.E. Bruce C. Douglas Dillon

Undersecretary for Livingston T. Merchant W. Averell Harriman
Political Affairs
DID NOT EXIST DID NOT EXIST John E. Peurifoy Donald B. Lourie Roger W. Jones
Undersecretary for Carlisle H. Humelsine Charles E. Saltzman William H. Orrick
Management Loy W. Henderson William J. Crockett

Assistant Secretary DID NOT EXIST DID NOT EXIST Dean Rusk Robert D. Murphy Harlan Cleveland
John D. Hickerson David McK. Key
for International Francis D. Wilcox
Organization Affairs
DID NOT EXIST DID NOT EXIST Nelson A. Rockefeller John M. Cabot Robert F. Woodward
Assistant Secretary for Spruille Braden Henry F. Holland Edwin M. Martin
Inter-American Affairs Edward G. Miller Jr. Roy Richard Rubottom Jr.
Thomas C. Mann
DID NOT EXIST DID NOT EXIST George W. Perkins Livingston T. Merchant Foy D. Kohler
Assistant SeCretary James W. Riddleberger William R. Tyler
C. Burke Elbrick
for European and Livingston T. Merchant
canadian Affairs Walter C. Dowling
Foy D. Kohler
DID NOT EXIST DID NOT EXIST W. walton Butterworth Walter S. Robertson Walter P. McConaughy
Assistant SeCretary Dean Rusk J. Graham Parsons W. Averill Harriman
for East Asian John M. Allison Roger Hilsman Jr.
and Pacific Affairs
Assistant Secretary DID NOT EXIST DID NOT EXIST George C. McGhee Henry A. Byroade Phillips Talbot
Henry A. Byroade George II. Allen
for lear Eastern and William Rountree
South Asian Affiars G. Lewis Jones
Bir. of U.S. Arms Control
and DIsarIaIat Agency
DID NOT EXIST DID NOT EXIST Edward R. Stettinius Jr. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. Adlai Stevenson
Warren R. Austin James J. wadsworth

DID NOT EXIST DID NOT EXIST William H. Draper Jr. William H. Draper Jr. Thomas K. Finletter
John C. Hughes
Ambassador to uro George W. Perkins
W. Randolph Butyess

Charles G. Dawes Robert Worth Bingham John G. Winant Winthrop W. Aldrich David K.E. Bruce
Andrew W. Mellon Joseph P. Kennedy W. Averell Harriman John Hay Whitney
AIIIbassador to John G. Winant O. Max Gardner
tile United Kingdom Lewis W. Douglas
Walter S. Gifford
Jacob Gould Schurman William E. Dodd VACANT DUE TO WAR. James B. Conant Walter C. Dowling
AIIbassador to Frederic M. Sackett Hugh R. Wilson David K.E. Bruce George C. McGhee
GenaaIIy (West) Walter C. Dowling
NO DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS. William Christian Bullitt W. Averell Harriman Charles E. Bohlen Llewellyn E. Thompson
Joseph E. Davies Walter Bedell Smith Llewellyn E. Thompson Foy D. Kohler
AIIIItassador to Lawrence A. Steinhardt Alan G. Kirk
RIIssIaIUSSR William H. Standley George F. Kennan
W. Averell Harriman


CFR members in the last 12 State Departments are indicated below by bold italicized type.

I 19&3-1969
Dean Rusk
William P. Rogers
Cyrus R. It.ince
Alexander M. Haig Jr.
James A. Baker III
Warren Christopher
Henry A. Kissinger Edmund S. Muskie George P. Schultz Madeleine K. Albright'
George W. Ball Elliot L. Richardson Warren Christopher William P. Clark Lawrence S. Eagleburger Strobe TalboU
Nicholas deB. Katzenbach John N. Irwin II Waiter J. Stoessel Jr.
Kenneth Rush Kenneth W. Dam
Robert Steven Ingersoll John C. Whitehead
Charles W. Robinson
W. Averell Harriman U. Alexis Johnson Philip C. Habib Walter J. Stoessel Jr. Arnold Kanter Peter Tarnoff
Eugene II. Rostow William J. Porter David D. Newsom Lawrence S. Eagleburger
Joseph John Sisco Michael H. Armacost
Philip C. Habib Robert Michael Kimmin
William J. Crockett William B. Macomber Jr. Richard M. Moose Richard T. Kennedy Ivan Selin J. Brian Atwood
Idar Rimestad L. Dean Brown Benjamin H. Read Jerome W. Van Gorkom Richard M. Moose
Lawrence S. Eagleburger Ronald I. Spiers Patrick F. Kennedy
Harlan Cleveland Samuel De Palma Charles William Maynes Elliot Abrams John R. Bolton Douglas J. Bennet Jr.
Joseph John Sisco David H. Popper Richard Lee McCall Jr. Gregory J. Newell George Ward
William B. Buffum Allen L. Keyes Princeton N. Lyman
Samuel W. Lewis
Thomas C. Mann Charles A. Meyer Terence A. Todman Thomas D. Enders Bernard W. Amnson Alexander F. ~tson
Jack Hood Vaughn Jack B. Kubisch Viron P. It.ikY Langhorne A. Motley Anne Patterson
Lincoln Gordon William D. Rogers William Garton Bowdler Elliot Abrams

, Covey T. Oliver
William R. Tyler
Harry W. Shlaudeman
Martin J. Hillenbrand Arthur A. Hartman Lawrence S. Eagleburger M.T. Niles Richard Holbrooke
John M. Leddy Walter J. Stoessel Jr. George S. ~st Richard R. Burt John Kornblum
Arthur A. Hartman Rozanne L. Ridgeway

Roger Hilsman Jr. Marshall Green Richard Holbrooke John W. Holdridge Richard Solomon Winston Lord
William P. Bundy G. McMurtrie Godley Paul D. ~lfowitz
Robert Steven Ingersoll Gaston J. Sigur Jr.
Philip C. Habib
Arthur W. Hummel Jr.
Phillips Talbot Joseph John Sisco Alfred L. Athelton Jr. Nicholas A. ~liotes John H. Kelly Robert H. Pelletreau
Raymond A. Hare Alfred L. Athelton Jr. Harold H. Saunders Richard W. Murphy Robin L. Raphel
Lucius D. Battle
Parker T. Halt
William C. Foster Gerard C. Smith Paul C. ~rnke Eugene II. Rostow Ronald F. Lehman II John D. Holum
Fred C.lkle George M. Seignious II Kenneth Adelman
Ralph Earle II WilliamF. Bums
Adlai Stevenson Charles W. Yost Andrew J. Young Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Thomas R. Pickering Madeleine K. Albright
Arthur J. Goldberg George Bush Donald F. McHenry Vernon A. Walters Bill Richardson'
George W. Ball John A. Scali
James Russell Wiggins Daniel P. Moynihan
William W. Scranton
Thomas K. FinleUer Harlan Cleveland Robert Strausz-Hupe w. Tapley Bennett Jr. William H. Taft IV Robert E. Hunter
Harlan Cleveland Robert Ellsworth David M. Abshire Reginald Bartholomew
David M. Kennedy Alton G. Keel Jr.
Donald Rumsfeld
David K.E. Bruce
Robert Strausz-Hupe
David K.E. Bruce Walter H. Annenberg Kingman Brewster Jr. John J. Lewis Jr. Raymond G.H. Seitz William J. Cmwe Jr.
Elliot L. Richardson Charles H. Price II
Anne tegendre Armstrong

George C. McGhee Kenneth Rush Walter J. Stoessel Jr. Arthur F. Bums Vernon A. Walters Richard C. Holbrooke
Henry Cabot Lodge Martin J. Hillenbrand Richard R. Burt Robert M. Kimmin Charles E. Redman

Foy D. Kohler Jacob O. Beam Malcolm Toon Arthur Adair Hartman Jack F. Matlock Jr. Robert S. Strauss
Llewellyn E. Thompson Walter J. Stoessel Jr. Thomas J. ~tson Jr. Thomas R. Pickering

, Nomination pending as of January 10, 1997.



Target: World Government

hortly before the opening of the their true world-government ambitions. cept of federalism on the world scale."

S 1995 United Nations World Sum-

mit on Social Development in Co-
penhagen, Denmark, the Commission on
Obviously, it takes government to pro-
mulgate law, and for that law to have any
meaning and effect, it m!l~t be backed up
But, said Cranston in an interview in the
April 1976.,issue of Transition, a publica-
tion of the Institute for World Order, "the
Global Governance issued its much- by government force. Genuine world law more talk about world government, the
heralded report, Our Global Neighbor- requires real world government force ca- less chance of achieving it, because it
hood, which was presented as a guiding pable of overwhelming any national resis- frightens people who would accept the
star to the summit. In the foreword to the tance to its rule. That is elementary and concept of world law." Obviously, he un-
report, written by Commission co-chair- indisputable. derstands that a lot of folks still have a
men Ingvar Carlson, former so- strong suspicion of and aversion
cialist president of Sweden, and to big government. And a world
Shridath Ramphal, former presi- government is about as big as
dent of the World Conservation government can get.
Union, we are assured that the Like Mr. Cranston, Messrs.
Commission on Global Gover- Carlson and Ramphal are long-
nance is not advocating world time advocates of socialist world
government. "The development government. They note in Our
of global governance is part of the Global Neighborhood, "It was
evolution of human efforts to or- Willy Brandt who brought the
ganize life on the planet," write two of us together as co-chair-
the co-chairmen. "As this report men of the Commission on Glo-
makes clear, global governance is bal Governance." The late Willy
not global government. No mis- Brandt was at the time (and for
understanding should arise from many years before) the president
the similarity of terms. We are of the Socialist International, and
not proposing movement towards Mr. Carlson was a vice president
world government.. .." of the same socialist-world-gov-
ernment-advocating group.
What It Is en
However, one need only recur ~ The Rhodes Vision
to a standard dictionary to glimpse The necessity of world govern-
the semantic sleight of hand at work here. A major problem we face today is that ment is, of course, a fundamental tenet of
Webster 's New Collegiate Dictionary most one-worlders avoid explicit refer- the communists as well. Addressing the
gives but a one-word definition for "gov- ences and paeans to world government: It 1920 Congress of the Communist Interna-
ernance," and that is "government." And is viewed as counterproductive "because tional, Lenin stated: "This task is the task
world government is precisely what the it frightens people." So admits former of the world proletarian revolution, the
Commission on Global Governance is Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA), a former task of the creation of the world Soviet re-
proposing. That is plainly evident on the national president of the United World public." The official "Program of the
face of their proposals, all of which in- Federalists and a member of the Council Communist International" adopted in
variably advocate increasing strictures on on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Tri- 1928 called for "a World Union of Soviet
national sovereignty and the transferring of lateral Commission (TC) . Back in 1949 Socialist Republics uniting the whole of
legislative, executive, and judicial powers Cranston successfully pushed through the mankind under the hegemony of the inter-
to the United Nations or its subsidiary mul- California legislature a resolution memo- national proletariat organized as a state."
tilateral institutions - always in the name rializing Congress to call a national con- Odd as it may seem to the uninitiated,
of peacekeeping, nationbuilding, saving vention to amend the U.S. Constitution to the communists and socialists have been
the environment, helping the poor, disar- "expedite and insure the participation of aided and abetted toward this goal by or-
mament, fighting organized crime, etc. the United States in a world federal gov- ganizations founded and funded by some
"There should be no question of which ernment." He still wants the same thing; of the world's wealthiest capitalists. Cecil
way we go," assert Carlson and Ramphal. he just knows he has a better chance of Rhodes' biographer Sarah G. Millin wrote
"But the right way requires the assertion obtaining it if he goes about it quietly and of that South African diamond and gold
of the values of internationalism, the pri- calls it by another name. mogul, "The government of the world was
macy of the rule of law worldwide .... " Ah Cranston says he remains a World Fed- Rhodes' simple desire." And to fulfill that
yes, the "rule of law." Favorite weasel eralist because "I believe deeply in the desire, he established, in 1891, a "secret
words of globalists seeking to conceal need for world law ..... I believe in the con- society" (the words are his) called the


"Society of the Elect." In his first will Toward accomplishing this grandiose academe, science, and philanthropy.
(1877) he explained that his plan for goal, which Rhodes frankly described as Throughout this century, these interna-
world dominion must entail "the founda- "a scheme to take the government of the tionalist schemers have worked hand in
tion of so great a power as to hereafter whole world," a system of sister organiza- hand with (usually while publicly denounc-
render wars impossible." In establishing tions was established, the most prominent ing) communists, socialists, and fascists
this "power," Rhodes wrote to his associ- being the Royal Institute of International of every stripe. Which is not surprising,
ate William Stead, "The only feasible Affairs (RIIA) in England and the CPR in since, while a student at Oxford, .Rhodes
[way] to carry this idea out is a secret the United States . These groups have had become (and remained until his death)
[society] gradually absorbing the wealth drawn into Rhodes ' "scheme" some of the a fervent d\sciple of Professor John Rus-
of the world to be devoted to such an most influential men from the fields of fi- kin , a revolutionary utopian socialist.
object." nance, industry, politics, ~ommunications, (Ruskin wrote that "indeed, I am myself a

Snapshots of the New World Order

mericans increasingly are being told that local, state, and Constitution. Under U.S . law, American patent holders have had

A federal laws - even the U.S . Constitution - must give

way to "international law" - to UN treaties, conven-
tions, and agreements. And that is precisely what has been hap-
exclusive rights to their inventions for 17 years from the date
their patent was granted. Under GATIIWTO, much of this pro-
tection is being wiped out. Tens of thousands of inventors and
pening through GATT, NAFf A, and other internationalist hundreds of thousands of inventions are at risk, particularly
schemes. These deceptive promulgations of the global "rule of from aggressive Chinese and Japanese patent "raiders." Unless
law" are having real, concrete, injurious effects on the rights and congressional action is taken soon to rectify this, untold dam-
freedom of Americans, as the following examples show. age may be done.
The UN Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the One of the firstfruits of NAFT A was the collapse of the
Ozone Layer was adopted in 1987 and is already reaching out Mexican peso and the ensuing $50 billion bailout of the corrupt
and touching Americans directly in their homes, offices, cars - Wall Street investment bankers and Mexican politicians by U.S.
and wallets. Richard Benedick, the eco-fanatic who was the taxpayers.
chief U.S. negotiator for the treaty, admitted that he and his Eco-extremists are bringing lawsuits in U.S. courts to en-
globalist confreres had exploited "unproved future dangers ... force NAFf A environmental provisions that would override
dangers that rested on scientific theories, rather than on firm federal and state laws.
data. At the time of the negotiations and signing, no measurable Although the U.S . Senate has not yet ratified the dreadful
evidence of damage existed." Although there still is no solid evi- Biodiversity treaty which came out of the UN's Earth Summit,
dence that the earth's stratospheric ozone layer is being de- the Clinton Administration has nonetheless begun implement-
pleted, a sense of "crisis" was generated to mandate the phased ing it piecemeal. One of the Biodiversity programs, the Wild-
withdrawal of freon and other CFCs which are a tremendous lands Project, would convert at least one-half the land area of
boon to mankind. This is already costing the average American the United States into a huge "biodiversity preserve" - free of
family hundreds of dollars for home and auto air conditioning people, of course. It is the basis for the policies already in effect
and refrigeration. The late Dr. Dixy Lee Ray, in her book Envi- that are pushing farmers, ranchers, loggers, miners, and other
ronmental Overkill, cited evidence that this treaty would ulti- resource "exploiters" off the land, and that are making more and
mately cost the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars and may be more of our forest, desert, prairie, and mountain "ecosystems"
"as high as $5 trillion worldwide by the year 2005." And the off-limits to humans. Dave Foreman, the radical founder of
human costs are even more staggering. Dr. Ray notes that "due Earth First! and an architect of the Wildlands Project, says the
to the loss or greatly increased cost of refrigeration, estimates scheme "is a bold attempt to grope our way back to October
indicate that between 20 to 40 million people will die yearly 1492." In other words, it is a staggeringly arrogant attempt to
from hunger, starvation, and food-borne diseases." wipe out all traces of civilization that have accrued since Co-
Thousands of Americans who have had nothing to do with lumbus landed here 500 years ago.
criminal drug activities have had their properties confiscated - A decorated and exemplary U.S. soldier, Army Specialist
homes, farms, businesses, automobiles - under "asset forfei- Michael New, was ordered court-martialed by the Clinton Ad-
ture" seizures promoted as a legitimate tactic in the "war on ministration for respectfully refusing involuntary induction into
drugs." This direct threat to every American's constitutional the UN military and refusing to wear a "United Nations uni-
guarantees stems directly from U.S . adoption of the 1988 United form." U.S . troops have been, or are now, serving in various ca-
Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and pacities under UN auspices, under UN commanders, and under
Psychotropic Substances, and its similar precursor conventions the UN flag in dozens of operations all over the globe.
of 1961 and 1971. A host of UN conventions are under consideration which
As a result of the GATIIWorid Trade Organization (WTO) could override domestic laws on gun control, homosexual
agreement, the patent protection which Americans have enjoyed "rights," property rights, parental rights, child custody, abortion,
for two centuries, and which has so greatly benefitted all of and criminal law. Equally portentous are the many proposals for
mankind by fostering inventiveness, is under serious assault. global taxation on international travel, carbon-based fuels, au-
Our Founding Fathers recognized the need for patent and copy- tomobiles, incomes, and international monetary transactions.
right protection and included these important features in our - W.F.J.


communist of the old school - reddest world government. Affairs entitled "The Hard Road to World
also of the red.") In 1961, another internationalist Presi-Order." Since hopes for "instant world
dent, John F. Kennedy, presented to the government" had proven illusory, he
Education for the Elite United Nations his plan (which was actu- noted that the best hope for building "the
One of the important instruments Rhodes ally crafted by his CFR-dominated State house of world order" lay in a long-range
created to implement his breathtaking glo- Department, run by CFR one-worlder "end run around national sovereignty,
bal "vision" was the Rhodes Scholarships, Dean Rusk) for disarming America, en- eroding it piece by piece." This could best
through which (said Stead) he intended titled Freedom From War: The United be done, he noted, on an ad hoc basis with
his network would help into influential States Program for General and Complete treaties and intttrnational "arrangements"
positions thousands of "men in the - on enviro~ent, trade, security, etc.
prime of life scattered all over the - that could later be brought within
world, each one of whom, moreover, "the central institutions of the U.N.
would have been specifically - math- system." This is what Our Global
ematically - selected toward the Neighborhood calls "the hardening of
Founder's purposes." And what quali- so-called soft law." These treaties,
ties would be demanded of these men? which initially appear soft and non-
According to Rhodes: "smugness, bru- threatening, are gradually given "teeth"
tality, unctuous rectitude, and tact." to rend national sovereignty asunder.
One young American who appar- Rather than speak openly of world
ently exhibited those desired attributes government, the globalists more fre-
was Strobe Talbott, now Deputy Secre- quently employ code terms such as
tary of State in the Clinton Administra- "world order," "world law," "global
tion. A Clinton roommate and fellow transformation," "interdependence,"
Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, Talbott "convergence," "economic integration,"
(CFR, TC) provided critical support for "multilateral institution building," "glo-
the Clinton campaign at Time maga- bal community," "collective security,"
zine, where he was editor-at-Iarge. He etc. But there is no mistaking the fact
also provided heavy support for the ~hat the intent is to do away with the
RIIA/CFRffC drive for world govern- United States.
ment. Declared Talbott in a May 1992 Cecil Rhodes: His "Society of the Elect" During the first half of this century,
would fulfill dream of world government.
Time piece: "The U.N. as a whole prominent advocates of global gover-
needs more power and resources for Disarmament in a Peaceful World. That nance - socialists, communists, and capi-
peacekeeping, including an ability to call program called for "progressive con- talist internationalists - wore their colors
on American troops to serve under the trolled disarmament ... to a point where more openly than their successors of to-
world body's flag." In a July 20, 1992 no state would have the military power to day. Many volumes on world government
paean to one-worldism in Time entitled, challenge the progressively strengthened by these political, business, and academic
"The Birth of the Global Nation," he pro- U.N. Peace Force." In other words, the figures of yesteryear can be found in ma-
claimed that "it has taken the events in our President of the United States, who had jor libraries. * There, too, will be found a
own wondrous and terrible century to taken an oath to uphold and defend this multitude of volumes of more recent vin-
clinch the case for world government." country and its constitutional government, tage on "world order" and related code
For this outburst of internationalist ar- proposed to transfer all U.S. armaments to themes.
dor, Talbott received the Norman Cousins the UN and then subject America to an In 1976, Professor Saul Mendlovitz
Global Governance Award from the World all-powerful world government under the (CFR), director of the World Order Mod-
Federalist Association (WFA, the re- UN. This treasonous objective was made els Project (WOMP), prophesied that
named United World Federalists). At the even more unmistakably clear a few there "is no longer a question of whether
award ceremony on June 24, 1993, WFA months later, in 1962, when Freedom or not there will be world government by
President John Anderson (CFR, TC) read From War was superceded by a similar the year 2000." We are fast approaching
a letter from Bill Clinton (CFR, TC) not- disarmament document entitled Blueprint that millennial milestone, and unless suf-
ing that "Norman Cousins worked for for the Peace Race. This policy of disar- ficient numbers of Americans become
world peace and world government" and mament has remained the official policy aware of the planned destruction that
stating that Talbott "will be a worthy re- of the U.S. government through both faces us and actively join the freedom
cipient of the Norman Cousins Global Democratic and Republican administra- fight, the forces of "smugness and brutal-
Governance Award. Best wishes ... for tions and has been incorporated piecemeal ity" (and utter ruthlessness), as exempli-
future success." into subsequent disarmament agreements. fied by Rhodes , Mendlovitz, Talbott,
Yes, the President of the United States, Clinton, et al., will triumph .
a "Rhodes man," was praising the WFA Eroding Our Sovereignty - WILLIAM F. JASPER
and its most famous leader (Cousins), and In 1974, the Rhodes Scholar who is now
wishing "success" for the treasonous de- President Clinton's Ambassador to Spain,
* For a more detailed examination of this literature,
see William F. Jasper's Global Tyranny ... Step by
cades-long campaign to destroy America's Richard N. Gardner (CFR, TC), penned a Step, especially chapter 5. (For ordering informa-
national sovereignty and submerge us in a signal article in the CFR journal Foreign tion, see page 62.)



Target: Total Government

hortly after President Franklin cisions made by political elites

S Delano Roosevelt granted diplo-

matic recognition to the Soviet
Union, presidential adviser Sumner Welles
who understand the consequences
of their actions.
"Post-Soviet" Russia remains
(CFR) stated that "if one took the figure in the grip of a socialist"govern-
100 as representing the difference be- ment that denies the divine origin
tween American democracy and Soviet of individual rights. According to
communism in 1917, with the United Sergei Kovalev of the Russian
States at 100 and the Soviet Union at 0, Federation Human Rights Com-
American democracy might eventually mittee, "[Russian] Society is ac-
reach the figure 60 and the Soviet system customed to a situation in which
might reach the figure of 40." Welles' everything, good or bad, is given
prediction is a starkly candid description to it from above. In particular,
of the concept of convergence. Under this this applies to human rights, which
design, the Soviet Union would become are still not thought of in Russia
less overtly totalitarian, while the United as inalienable. A view that rights
States would assume more of the charac- are granted remains a part of pub-
teristics of Soviet socialism; this process lic attitudes and also a part of the
would continue until both nations became self-attitudes of authorities."
identical socialist twins.
In their 1968 work The Lessons of H is- "Giving" of Rights
tory, historians Will and Ariel Durant de- This view is also widespread
scribed convergence as an historical among American policy elites as
inevitability: " ... if the Hegelian formula well. Arguably the best summary
of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis is ap- of the Soviet view that "rights are
plied to the Industrial Revolution as the- granted" was offered by President Karl Marx: His Communist Manifesto has
inspired our nation's collectivist descent.
sis, and to capitalism versus socialism as Clinton during a television ap-
antithesis, the third condition would be a pearance on April 19, 1994. Mr. Clinton with another notable document - namely,
synthesis of capitalism and socialism; and opined that "when we got organized as a the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx's de-
to this reconciliation the Western world country ... we wrote a fairly radical Con- fInitive blueprint for creating a total state.
visibly moves. Year by year the role of stitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giv- A review of the Manifesto'S provisions
Western government in the economy ing a radical amount of individual freedom offers sobering insights into our nation's
rises, the share of the private sector de- to Americans .... " (Emphasis added.) But accelerating descent into collectivism.
clines ... East is West and West is East, according to Mr. Clinton, "there's a lot of The ftrst plank of the Manifesto, "Abo-
and soon the twain shall meet." irresponsibility" in contemporary America, lition of property in land and application
A more recent update on convergence and "so a lot of people say there 's too of all rents of land to public purposes,"
was provided by educatio nal theorist much personal freedom .... When personal has been implemented to a shocking ex-
Mortimer Adler in his 1991 book Haves freedom's being abused, you have to tent throughout the western United States.
Without Have-Nots: Essays for the 21st move to limit it." Thus, from the Presi- As property rights activist William Perry
Century on Democracy and Socialism. dent's point of view, the federal govern- Pendley observes, "The federal govern-
Adler predicted that within a very short ment retains plenary powers to take away ment owns more than 80 percent of Ne-
period of time, "the USA and its NATO "excessive" freedom. vada; nearly two-thirds of Idaho and
allies [and] the USSR and its Warsaw Pact The essence of our republican form of Utah; as much as half of Oregon, Wyo-
allies ... will be replaced by the USDR (a government can be summarized thus: The ming, Arizona and California; more than
union of socialist democratic republics) powers of the federal government are few , a third of Colorado and New Mexico; and
... as a penultimate stage of progress to- clearly specified, and revocable, and exist more than a quarter of Washington and
ward a truly global world federation .... " only to protect the lives, liberties, and Montana."
The creation of a "democratic socialist" property of the law-abiding. This concept An even more ambitious assault on pri-
America is, in fact, one element of a informs the ten amendments which com- vate property is presently underway: The
campaign to create a socialist world gov- pose the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Consti- "Wildlands" project, a scheme which origi-
ernment. As the articles in this issue dem- tution. However, President Clinton's nated with the United Nations but which
onstrate, these developments do not reflect notion that the Bill of Rights "give" is being implemented piecemeal by the
the workings of impersonal historical Americans "a radical amount of indi- Clinton Administration and radical envi-
forces, but are the result of conscious de- vidual freedom" is much more compatible ronmental lobbies. As Science magazine


has explained, the "Wildlands approach Planks six and seven, which deal with look at their country and feel about them-
calls for 23.4 percent of the land to be re- centralization of the means of communi- selves .... " The eventual goal, according to
turned to wilderness and another 26.2 per- cation and transportation and centralized the Administration' s Corporation for Na-
cent to be severely restricted in terms of control over agriculture and industry, tional and Community Service, is to en-
human use .... [It would mean] nothing less have been adopted in incremental fashion list all Americans to provide "seasons of
than a transformation of America from a through the federal government's regula- service" under federal direction.
place where 47 percent of the land is wil- tory behemoth. As investigative journalist Federally funded and mandated na-
derness to an archipelago of human-in- Warren McFerran noted nearly a decade tional service, according to Mr. Clinton,
habited islands surrounded by natural ago, "The socialism dreamed of by Karl will "bind u~ together as a people." Of
areas." Marx has assuredly been r.ealized in this course, Mr. 'Clinton's program simply
The second and fifth planks of the regard, for a host of government controls builds upon the vision of Soviet ruler
Manifesto, "A heavy progressive or gradu- and agencies ... have been created to Vladimir Lenin, who decreed: "We must
ated income tax" and "Centralization of regulate and control communication and organize all labor, no matter how dirty
credit in the hands of the State, by means transportation." Furthermore, "So exten- and arduous it may be, so that every [sub-
of a national bank," were both imple- sive are the regulations and agencies es- ject] may regard himself as part of that
mented in 1913, with the passage of the tablished by the government [concerning great army of free labor.. .. "
16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve agriculture, industry, and land manage- Plank ten envisions a consolidation of
Act. As Americans struggle to placate the ment] that they could literally fill an en- public education with government-man-
demands of the Internal Revenue Service, cyclopedia.... Total government dominance dated service; this was accomplished in
and as American consumers see the pur- over these areas is symbolized by the De- the Soviet polytechnical schools, in which
chasing power of their federal reserve partments of Commerce and Agriculture." (to quote Soviet educational theorist
notes succumbing to engineered devalua- This reflects the relentless absorption by Vladimir Turchenko) "the upbringing of
tion, they are suffering the effects of these the federal government of functions re- the younger generation [became] the af-
elements of the Marxist program. served by the Constitution to state and lo- fair of all members of society ...." In the
Planks three and four, "Abolition of all cal governments, in fulfillment of the Soviet system, children are placed on a
right of inheritance" and "Confiscation of ninth plank's call for a "gradual elimina- career track early in life and "slotted" for
the property of all emigrants and rebels," tion of the distinction between town and occupations selected by the state. This de-
have yet to be fully implemented in this na- country .... " sign is being followed in American edu-
tion. While the right of inheritance has not cational "reform" proposals such as the
been formally abolished, it has been greatly Working for Government Careers Act and the Workforce Develop-
injured by the imposition of steep inherit- The adoption of planks eight and ten - ment Act. Education activist Carolyn
ance taxes. Additionally, in early 1995, "Equal liability of all to labor" and "Free Steinke warns that these measures pre-
Senate Minority Leader Thomas Daschle education for all children in public schools figure "the complete transformation of
(D-SD) proposed a measure which would [and] combination of education with in- our republic into a socialistic, govern-
close a loophole in the income tax code dustrial production" - is ardently pursued ment-controlled, government-managed,
which now permits Americans who renounce by the Clinton Administration. Bill Clin- national system for 'human resources
their citizenship to retain a large portion ton has described his national service pro- management.' "
of their untaxed wealth. This proposal re- gram for youth as a way "to revolutionize
lates directly to the Manifesto. the way young people all across America Attack on the Family
Although family matters are not spe-
cifically enumerated through a plank in
the Manifesto, Marx and Engels did de-
mand the "abolition of the family" and the
replacement of "home education" with
"social" education. Anticipating the ob-
jections of their critics, Marx and Engels
declared: "Do you charge us with wanting
to stop the exploitation of children by
their parents? To this charge we plead
In this the founders of communism an-
ticipated the themes of the "children's
rights" movement, which depicts the tra-
ditional family as a bastion of exploitation
and repression. In her ghostwritten tome
It Takes a Village and Other Lessons
Children Teach Us, Hillary Rodham
Clinton - arguably the most notable
children's rights activist - claims that
Bill Clinton and National Service youth: Marching into government slavery. there are "terrible times when no adequate


however, writes Lodge, communitarian
regimes may impose consensus "auto-
cratically by fiat... . [T]he communitarian
believes that coercion - prisons and the
like - may be necessary to secure [con-
Not surprisingly, Lodge concedes that
communitarian regimes tend to be "auto-
cratic and, brutal.. .. [S]ome use naked
force, others more sophisticated devices."
Furthermore, "There is nothing inherently
good - or bad - about communitarian-
ism .. .. Stalin and Hitler were communitar-
ians, as are Lee Kuan Yew, and the
le~ders of Japan and Israel; even, it seems
to me, Bill Clinton."
By whatever name, the quest for total
government continues apace, led and di-
rected by people whom Lodge describes
as "energetic and creative individuals in
Strong traditional families form a major hindrance to the advance of socialism. government, interest groups, and corpora-
parenting is available and the village itself Managing Globalization in the Age of In- tions [who] are quietly assembling global
must act in place of parents. It accepts terdependence, Harvard Business School arrangements .... For the most part, they
those responsibilities in all our names professor George C. Lodge (CFR) insists work outside of legislatures and parlia-
through the authority we vest in govern- that the political options for America "all ments and are screened from the glare of
ment.. .. " Time magazine has noted that lie within a communitarian framework," the media in order to find common inter-
Mrs. Clinton "has been more forceful than and the traditional American concept of ests, shape a consensus, and persuade
some people in arguing for severing pa- individualism - God-given individual those with power to change." Some dare
rental rights in certain cases," and the First rights protected by a government with call such activities conspiratorial .
Lady herself has declared that "some par- limited powers - is dead. - WILLIAM NORMAN GRIGG
ents do not deserve continued authority Market-oriented free societies prefer to
over their children." make use of private means to achieve
But an even more forthright endorse- public ends. Communitarian societies, ac-
ment of the Marxist perspective on the cording to Lodge, prefer that "the commu-
family was offered by Dr. Mary Jo Bane, nity ... determine community needs by
the Clinton Administration's Assistant acting through its local, state, federal, re-
Secretary of Administration for Children gional, or global government.. .. " Com-
and Families in the Department of Health munitarian governments are presently in
and Human Services. According to Dr. place throughout the world, and, writes
Bane, "If we want to talk about equality Lodge, "differences among the various
of opportunity for children, then the fact forms of communitarianism seem to be di-
that children are raised in families means minishing"; this leaves political elites
there's no equality .... In order to raise with the task of "meshing ... the various
children with equality, we must take them forms of communitarianism together so as
away from families and communally raise to create the basis [of] the transnational
them." That pronouncement provides an government mechanisms the management
eerie echo of this directive, which was is- of globalization requires."
sued at a congress of Russian Communist In the American concept, the role of the
Party educators in 1918: "We must re- state is simply to defend individual rights
move the children from the crude influence and property. However, Lodge advises,
of their families. We must take them over "The role of the state in a communitarian
and, to speak frankly, nationalize them." society is to define community needs and
to insure that they are implemented. Inevi-
Quest for "Communit aria nism" tably, the state takes on important tasks of
The ideological doctrine that under- coordination, priority setting, and plan-
girds the quest for total government is ning .... " Where American constitutional- Check out our World Wide Web
known by several names - socialism, ism emphasizes equality before the law, page on the internet. We've got
communism, collectivism. However, in communitarianism requires "equality of
recent years a new label has been coined:
info "Insiders" wish we didn't.
result." In our free institutions, public
"Communitarianism." In his 1995 book consensus is achieved through persuasion; Set your web browser to:


The Price of Losing

, , w e shall have world govern- the communists, or their national socialist famine" in the Ukraine, which resulted in
ment, whether or not we cousins, or their forebears in the French at least seven million deaths. At the root
like it," declared interna- Revolution , took control. Can the mind of this at~ocity was the denial of basic
tional banker James P. Warburg (CFR) in fathom what might happ,en if such domin- property rights: Starving subjects were
testimony before the Senate Foreign Re- ion were global? Could ' ~e expect to fare imprisoned for harvesting food from what
lations Committee in 1950. "The question better than those who lost their liberty to had been their own land. In Harvest of
is only whether world government will be communist totalitarians - especially Sorrow , Robert Conquest writes: "A
achieved by consent or by conquest." In when the communist menace was nur- woman was sentenced to ten years for cut-
1994, Shridath Ramphal, co-chairman of tured and sustained by the West? ting a hundred ears of ripening com, from
the Commission on Global Governance, In Death by Government,. Professor her own plot, two weeks after her husband
proudly declared that the era of world had died of starvation .... Another
government had already begun, "be- woman was se'ntenced to ten years
cause there are no sanctuaries left - for picking ten onions from collec-
there's no place to run to." tive land. A Soviet scholar quotes a
sentence of ten years forced labour
"More Lethal Tha n War" without the right to amnesty, and con-
What would be the consequences if fiscation of all property, for gathering
the world government sought by In- seventy pounds of wheat stalk to feed
siders like Warburg and Ramphal the family ."
came to pass? Terror and oppression
without precedent, warns Professor Mass Murder in Red China
R.J. Rummel of the University of Mao Tse-tung' s campaign to create
Hawaii, a renowned expert on "demo- a "New Man" in Communist China
cide" - the systematic mass-murder caused, at the very least, more than 35
by governments. In thi s century , million deaths, according to Professor
warn s Rummel , "government has Rummel. While this figure is the
been truly a mass murderer, a global most modest scholarly estimate, it
plague of man's own making." Where represents the killing of approxi-
"absolute Power reigns," Rummel mately one of every 20 men, women,
observes, government is more lethal and children. Mao was nearly whim-
than war: " .. . even without the ex- sical about his murderous policies,
cuse of combat, Power also massa- telling his Communist Party cadre in
cres in cold blood those helpless 1958: "What's so unusual about Em-
people it controls - in fact, several times Rummel estimates those murdered at the peror Shih Huang of the Chin Dynasty?
more of them." hands of the Communist Party of the So- He had buried alive 460 scholars, but we
In George Orwell' s novel 1984, Big viet Union over six decades at nearly 62 have buried alive 46,000 scholars .... We
Brother's agent O' Brien explains to his million human beings. That is, as Rummel are 100 times ahead of the Emperor Shih
victim Winston Smith that "the Party puts it, more than four times the battle .. . in repression of counter-revolutionary
seeks power entirely for its own sake. We dead for all nations during the Second scholars."
are not interested in the good of others; we World War. Where early Red Chinese efforts focused
are interested solely in power.... One does In Th e God of the Machine , Isabel on collectivizing property and reconstruct-
not establish a dictatorship in order to Paterson recalls: "The Communist regime ing the family, the Cultural Revolution
safeguard a revolution; one makes a revo- in Russia gained power by promising the was a campaign against "thoughtcrime."
lution in order to establish a dictatorship. peasants land, in terms the promisers As Paul Johnson writes in Modern Times ,
The object of persecution is persecution. knew to be a lie. Having gained power, the Cultural Revolution "was a revolution
The object of torture is torture. The object the Communists took from the peasants of illiterates and semiliterates against in-
of power is power." Orwell' s fiction was the land they already owned and extermi- tellectuals, the 'spectacle-wearers' as they
a mirror of Soviet reality: Lenin explained nated those who resisted. This was done were called. It was xenophobic, aimed at
that "the scientific concept of dictatorship by plan and intention ; and the lie was those who 'think the moon is rounder
means nothing else but this: power without praised as 'social engineering' by social- abroad.' The Red Guards had a great deal
limit, resting directly upon force, restrained ist admirers in America .. .. " in common with [Nazi leader Ernst]
by no laws , absolutely unrestricted by Soviet "social engineering" included Roehm ' s Brownshirts, and the entire
rules." such grotesque campaigns as the forced movement with Hitler' s campaign against
History tells us what life was like when collectivization and man-made "terror- 'cosmopolitan civilization.' It was the


for energy-saving reasons, and in the Vendee between 1793 and 1799.
the crackdown on religious General Westermann, who presided over
figures .... " the campaign, proudly informed the revo-
Castro's war against the Cu- lutionary government that the Vendee ' s
ban people is vividly related in "women and children ... died under our
the harrowing account of Ar- sabers .... As you ordered, the children
mando Valladares, who spent were trampled to death by our horses, the
22 years in the Cuban gulag. women butchered so that they no longer
Valladares recalls the brave pa- give pirth to little brigands. The streets are
triots whp were gagged before littered with corpses which sometimes are
execution 'to muffle their shouts stacked in pyramids."
of "Long live Christ the King!
Down with Communism!" Val- Terror by Design
ladares recounts "baths" of feces Anarchist Prince Kropotkin acknowl-
and urine, and recalls merciless edged in 1909 that "the French Revolution
beatings by jailers using trun- ... was the source of all the present com-
cheons, electrical cables, and munist, anarchist, and socialist concep-
bayonets. In Against All Hope , tions." Indeed, Nazi propagandist Josef
Valladares observes that when Goebbels, who maintained that bloody-
the guards saw what terror they handed National Socialism was an "au-
inspired, it "spurred them to thoritarian democracy," stated without
greater and greater violence. equivocation that he "paid homage to the
They were drunk with it, it be- French Revolution for all the possibilities
came a means of pleasure for of life and development which it had
The regime in Red China has murdered millions. them." brought to the people. In this sense, if you
greatest witch-hunt in history .... " Such has been the course of power- like, I am a democrat."
But globalist-minded Insiders in the intoxicated utopians since the French The French Revolution was the ancestor
West never lost their enthusiasm for Com- Revolution, the progenitor of all modern of all modem experiments in terror-by-de-
munist China. "Whatever the price of the totalitarian regimes (see page 32). The sign: The atrocities committed by Lenin,
Chinese Revolution, it has obviously suc- revolutionaries in France sought to re- Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Ceausescu,
ceeded," enthused David Rockefeller in make society entirely - a new calendar, and the rest were planned, not incidental.
1973. "The social experiment in China new money, the baiming of private schools The same was true of the French Revolu-
under Chairman Mao's leadership is one and the creation of a centralized, secular tion, as Lord Acton observed in his Lec-
of the most important and successful in school system, government regulation of tures on the French Revolution: "The
human history." Even today, under a sup- the Church, and much more. First, though, appalling thing in the French Revolution
posedly "moderate" regime, the tortures came destruction . is not the tumult, but the design. Through
continue in China: Forced abortions, in- Barbarism was both systematic and all the fire and smoke we perceive the evi-
fanticide and sterilization; religious perse- commonplace during the French Revolu- dence of calculating organization. The
cution; and repressive labor camps which tion. Consider accounts from one history: managers remain studiously concealed
produce cheap goods sold to the West, in- and masked; but there is no doubt about
cluding the U.S., where our government "A murderer played the violin be- their presence from the first."
abets the regime in power. side the corpses, and thieves, with The same is true of the modem drive for
their pockets full of gold, hanged total power under a new world order: It is
French Revolution: A Pattern other thieves on the banisters." Still the product of "calculated organization"
Soviet and Maoist abominations have worse horrors took place that cannot by "studiously concealed and masked" fig-
been cloned elsewhere: Vietnam, Cambo- be written, nameless indecencies, ures whose actions we can identify through
dia, North Korea, throughout Africa, East- hideous debaucheries, ghastly muti- the fire and smoke of disinformation.
ern and Central Europe, Cuba, and Central lations of the dead, and again, as af- Those who would rule the world have a
and South America. ter the siege of the Bastille, cannibal large appetite indeed. Similar proclivities
In Romania, dictator Nicolae Ceau- orgies. Before great fires, hastily were commented on by the torturer in
sescu long enjoyed Washington ' s favors . kindled in the apartment, "cutlets of 1984, who gloried to his victim about the
Former U.S. Ambassador to Romania Swiss [Guards]" were grilled and "intoxication of power, constantly in-
David Funderburk has described how eaten .... creasing and constantly growing subtler.
Ceausescu oversaw everything from how Always, at every moment, there will be
far apart corn rows should be planted, The revolutionaries vented their mur- the thrill of victory, the sensation of
to the execution "of workers and peas- derous furies most memorably in La trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
ants for stealing meat from packing Vendee, a region of France inhabited by If you want a picture of the future, imag-
pl ants and grains of wheat from local devout traditional Christians who opposed ine a boot stamping on a human face -
cooperative farms , the pulling of plugs the new order. Historian John Wilson re- forever."
in hospitals killing babies in incubators calls that 250,000 people were liquidated - WILLIAM P. HOAR



Two Centuries of Intrigue

own through the ages there have members of the Paris Academy. This fra- Enter the Illuminati

D been many secret societies and ternity, which sought the destruction of Inspired by the radical Philosophes and
conspiratorial movements that Christian-style civilization, referred to it- instructed 9Y a mysterious occultist named
had as their goals absolute rule of the self grandly as the "Philosophes." Kolmer from what is now Denmark,
world, overthrow of all existing govern- Voltaire's influence o~er King Fred- Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon
ments, and the final destruction of all reli- erick of Prussia and the publication of Law at the University ofIngolstadt (in Ba-
gion. It is possible with much study (see Diderot's Encyclopedie , beginning in varia, Germany) established a continuing
the bibliography on page 73) to trace the 1751, testified of the Philosophes' early organizational structure to direct the
origins and developments of many such success. The conspirators hoped that the worldwide attack on religion and monar-
movements: The early anti-Christian mys- Encyclopedie would become a standard chy - a structure which would, he hoped,
tiCism of the Gnostics; the con- eventually rule the world. The
spiracy against orthodox Islam organization Weishaupt founded
founded by Hasan Saba in Per- on May 1, 1776 was called the
sia in 1090 AD as the Order of Order of the Illuminati.
the Assassins; the apostate Or- Weishaupt planned for the
der of the Knights Templar, Order to maintain publicly the
whose heretical leaders imitated image of a charitable and phil-
the Assassins' system for the de- anthropic organization. It was
struction of Christianity. this image which attracted so
From the 13th through the many German educators and
17th centuries such groups as Protestant clergymen to the Or-
the Luciferians, Rosicrucians , der. When they joined they were
and the Levellers continued the convinced that the goal of the
war against Christianity that had Order was the purest form of
begun in Europe with the Tem- Christianity, to make of all man-
plars. Because a few organiza- kind "one happy and prosperous
tional links can be found , it is family ." Once enlisted as nov-
even possible to establish that ices or "Minervals" in the Order,
some of these groups were not those who were prepared for
merely imitating each other or deeper commitment were al-
some older system of belief. lowed to advance to the rank of
Many of these earlier move- Illuminatus Minor, where they
All-seeing eye of Illuminati's "Insinuating Bretheren."
ments, however, have left very were told that the only obstruc-
fragmentary evidence, so it is not possible reference source wherein every literate tion to the Order's goal of universal hap-
to trace from 1100-1700 any continuing person would seek knowledge on all sub- piness was the power being held by the
organizational structure which was en- jects and thus receive propaganda against religious and governmental institutions of
gaged in a coordinated and centrally con- civil order and the Christian religion. Its the world. Accordingly , the leaders of
trolled plot for world rule. publication caused the influence of this these institutions - monarchs (or future
group to grow rapidly. monarchs) and clergymen - had either to
Early Associations Voltaire bore an implacable hatred of all be brought under the control of the Order
By the middle of the 18th century, rem- religions, of all monarchs, and of all mo- or destroyed. If such a prospect frightened
nants and parallels of various destructive rality derived from religious belief. He was the new Illuminatus Minor, he was kept
movements began to associate under a obsessed with a fiendish desire for the to- inactive at this level until his ethical con-
central group which was to create a con- tal destruction of all three. He ended all his cepts were altered.
tinuing organizational structure that would letters with the battle cry, "Let us crush the As Weishaupt stated, "These [ruling]
someday, its founders hoped, rule the wretch! Crush the wretch!" The "wretch" powers are despots when they do not con-
world after all existing religions and gov- to whom he referred, of course, is Christ duct themselves by its [the Order's] prin-
ernments had been destroyed. As Abbe and His Church. Christians, said Voltaire, ciples; and it is therefore our duty to
Augustin Barruel documented in his in- are "beings exceedingly injurious, fanat- surround them with its members, so that
valuable study Memoirs Illustrating the ics, thieves, dupes, imposters ... enemies the profane may have no access to them.
History of lacobinism (see ad on inside of the human race." In the war against Thus we are able most powerfully to pro-
cover), the intellectual base for this move- Christianity, according to Voltaire, "It is mote its [the Order's] interests. If any per-
ment was laid in the mid-18th century by necessary to lie like a devil, not timidly son is more disposed to listen to Princes
Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, and other and for a time, but boldly and always." than to the Order, he is not fit for it, and


must rise no higher. We must do our ut-
most to procure the advancement of lllu-
minati into all important civil offices."
After the candidate had proven his ab-
solute devotion to the secrets of the Order,
he was allowed to enter the top-level
circle of initiates as an llluminatus Major,
just below the position of Rex held by
Weishaupt. By now, all conventional ide-
alism had been purged from the candidate
and he was told about the real objectives
of the Order: rule of the world, to be ac-
complished after the destruction of all ex-
isting governments and religions. He was
now required to take an oath which bound
his every thought and action, and his fate,
to the administration of his superiors in
the Order.
But Weishaupt did not simply rely on
the sincerity of his disciples. He set up an
elaborate spy network so that all members Siege of the Bastille: "Spontaneous uprising" was creation of the Order.
would constantly be checking on the loy- founding of the Order, all but two of the Baron Adolf von Knigge (Philo), at last
alty of each other. The secret police of the professorial chairs at the University of had their chance. During that summer,
Order killed anyone who tried to inform Ingolstadt were held by members of the leaders and delegates of the continental
the authorities about the conspiracy. This Order. Furthermore, it is estimated that European freemasonic bodies met in a
band was known as the "Insinuating before 1789 there were at least 2,000 congress held in Wilhelmsbad. Acting as
Brethren" and had as its insignia an all- members of the Order in the German- Weishaupt's agent, von Knigge joined
seeing eye. speaking lands. Many of these were min- them and offered enticing promises of the
The structure of the Order was pyrami- isters, lawyers, doctors, and even a few secrets that the Illuminati had to offer.
dal, with Weishaupt at the top. Beneath princes. None were members of the lower Von Knigge persuaded many of the
him were two or three immediate subor- classes, the agricultural working masses, German and French delegates to join
dinates, each of whom had three men un- or the serfs. The influence of the Order on Weishaupt 's movement, and they ex-
der his orders; each of those three had German education and the German clergy tended the influence of the Order into
several men who carried out his dictates; was devastating. By 1800 many German their individual lodges. The two leaders of
and so on. In their correspondence, lllu- ministers no longer believed the most German freemasonry, Duke Ferdinand of
minists were required to use code names basic tenets of Christian doctrine. They Brunswick and Prince Karl of Hesse,
for themselves. Weishaupt called himself had been converted to the worship of joined the Order, thus bringing the whole
Spartacus; others were Cato , Marius, "reason." of German freemasonry under the control
Brutus, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Hanni- of the llluminati.
bal. Weishaupt, who had been raised and Widening Influence
educated by the Jesuits before rebelling The original writings of the Order in- French Connection
against them, adopted much of the orga- cluded detailed instructions for fomenting Another important new disciple was the
nizational system of the Jesuits for his hatred and bloodshed between different French Count Honore Gabriel Mirabeau,
Order. racial, religious, and ethnic groups - and who was brought into the Order while in
As a reward for selling himself totally even between the sexes. The idea of pro- Germany and who was chosen to take
to the Order, the top-levelllluminatus (of moting hatred between children and their Weishaupt' s system to France. Among
which there were few) was granted all the parents was introduced. There were even Mirabeau 's most important recruits were
material and sensual benefits that could instructions about the kinds of buildings the Duke of Orleans (Philippe Egalite),
possibly be obtained. Weishaupt intended to be burned in urban insurrections. In Brissot, Condorcet, Savalette, Gregoire,
that "the power of the Order must be short, virtually every tactic employed by Garat, Petion, Babeuf, Barnave, Sieyes,
turned to the advantage of its members. 20th-century subversives was planned and Saint-Just, Desmoulins, Hebert, Santerre,
All must be assisted. They must be pre- written down by Adam Weishaupt over Danton, Marat, Chenier, and just about
ferred to all persons otherwise of equal 200 years ago. every other leader in the impending French
merit. Money, services, honor, goods, and It was not until the summer of 1782 that Revolution.
blood must be expended for the fully the Order really began to grow in power The Duke of Orleans, leader of the
proved Brethren." and influence outside Bavaria. Having Grand Orient Lodge in Paris, was a key
This intricate conspiratorial structure already contemplated the possibility of in- Illuminatus. Through the Grand Orient
among the economic, social, political, and filtrating the freemasonic bodies of West- lodges, the Illuminati created and con-
cultural elite in Bavaria was tremendously ern Europe and then taking control of trolled the Jacobin Club houses in Paris,
successful: Within two years after the them, Weishaupt and his brilliant disciple, through which the most violent and sub-


versive revolutionaries were mobilized in whom were living quite comfortably in minati's devastation of France began.
anticipation of the revolution; Orleans and this "horrible monstrosity of despotism": Shortly thereafter, agents of the Illumi-
the Grand Orient were the crucial interme- Four forgers; two lunatics who were mad nati, such as French agitator Edward
diary between the French radicals and before they were imprisoned; and the Genet, began organizing insurrectionary
Weishaupt's directorate in Bavaria. How- Comte de Solages, who was incarcerated and secessionist movements to destroy the
ever, even as critical instructions were be- for "monstrous crimes" at the request of American Republic. Their efforts were
ing transmitted through this network, the his family. Needless to say, they found delayed by widespread public exposure,
Elector of Bavaria uncovered the entire none of the instruments of torture about thanks in no small measure to George
plot. which they had heard. Washingtpn, who condemned "the nefari-
The discovery of the plot was literally Not surprisingly, the ~l.ergy was singled ous, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of
providential: A courier sent from Frank- out as an object of relentless persecution the Illuminati .... " Another memorable
fort to Paris in 1785 was killed by a bolt and eventual extermination. Churches warning was offered in a July 4, 1799 ad-
of lightning. On his body were found in- were profaned and prostitutes were wor- dress by Timothy Dwight, president of
criminating papers about the Order and shiped on their altars. The campaign to Yale College.
the name of Xavier Zwack. Zwack's de-Christianize France included even the By 1815, Weishaupt's ambassadors had
home in Landshut was raided by the creation of a new calendar stripped of begun to extend their influence into many
Elector's police and his copy of Weis- religious significance. Assaults were parts of the world beyond Bavaria and
haupt' s writings was taken. The Elector mounted against religious education, and France. Among the personages and orga-
publicly outlawed the Order and closed the first conscription for military service nizations responsible for extending the
many of the freemasonic lodges known was put into effect. Illuminati's infiltration and power through-
to be under its control. The Elector also The rule of civil government and au- out Europe were Filippo Michele Buonar-
sent printed copies of the Order's writings thority in Paris dropped to an unprec- roti and his Sublimes Maitres Parfaits
to all of the important monarchs in Eu- edented low during the Reign of Terror (Sublime Perfect Masters), and Louis
rope. It was from copies of the Order's which began in 1794. The Terror also Auguste Blanqui and the Societe des
writings that Abbe Barruel in France and claimed the lives of many Illuminists as Saisons (Society of the Seasons). Those
the eminent Professor John Robison in mob violence spun out of control. two branches of the Illuminati formed the
England gathered the information con- Just before his execution in 1794, the source of the League of the Just, which
tained in their important books - Bar- Illuminist Robespierre, who had presided commissioned Karl Marx to write the
ruel's Memoirs and Robison's Proofs of a over much of the Terror, advocated the Communist Manifesto in 1848. Following
Conspiracy. systematic extermination of 15 million publication of the Manifesto, the League
The French Revolution was not a spon- Frenchmen so that the remaining food of the Just changed its name to the Com-
taneous uprising of the oppressed masses. supplies would be adequate. Although this munist League. The Illuminists provided
In France, the ten years prior to 1789 had prototype ecological "depopulation" pro-' the unseen hand behind the staged com-
seen the development of greater social and gram was not fully implemented, the Ter- munist revolts of 1848, which convulsed
political reform by the monarchy than ror did extinguish the lives of at least France, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.
ever before. The lot of the common people 300,000 Frenchmen - 297,000 of whom This inaugurated the era of communist
had steadily improved and there was no were members of the middle and lower subversion, infiltration, and control of
visible discontent due to economic mis- agricultural and working classes. As al- governments across the globe - an era
ery. The upheaval was not a chance event, ways, the "people's revolution" primarily which has not ended, contrary to "polite"
but an orchestrated effort to create a new victimized its alleged beneficiaries. opinion.
political order. As James H. Billington (CFR), an Es-
The siege of the Bastille on July 14, Suppression and Survival tablishment scholar who is now the Li-
1789, an event which has been persis- In 1788, after the suppression of Illumi- brarian of Congress , illustrates in his
tently misrepresented and romanticized, nism in Bavaria, Karl Bahrdt and Baron exhaustively documented 1980 study Fire
was an excellent example of how the Illu- von Knigge attempted to revive it under in the Minds of Men: The Origins of the
minati stage-managed the events of the the name of the German Union, which Revolutionary Faith, it is from "Bavarian
French Revolution. Only one out of every soon came to control the book selling and Illuminism" that "the modem revolution-
thousand people in Paris participated in publishing business in the German lands; ary tradition" descends. Among the sub-
this "siege." The incident was merely an this assured that only those books on reli- versive and revolutionary 19th and early
attempt to obtain the guns and ammuni- gion, philosophy, and politics which were 20th century movements created by the
tion rumored to be in the Bastille so that acceptable to the Order would be avail- Illuminati (primarily through European
those loyal Frenchmen who participated able and read by the public. However, it Grand Orient freemasonry, not British and
could use the weapons to put down a was not until 1810 that the Order was re- American freemasonry) were the Marxian
Jacobin disturbance in another part of vived in what is now Germany, this time and "utopian" socialist movements; anar-
Paris. Even though the guards at the under the name of the Tugendbund. chism; syndicalism; Pan Slavism; Irish,
Bastille did not know the true motive of But before then the Illuminists had al- Italian and German "nationalism"; Ger-
the mob, only one of the 15 available can- ready attempted to export Jacobin-style man Imperialism; the Paris Commune;
nons was fired at the crowd. revolution to the infant United States. The British "New Imperialism"; Fabian So-
When the mob got inside the prison, U.S. was established as a constitutional cialism; and Leninist Bolshevism.
they found only seven inmates, all of republic in 1789, the same year the Illu- - WILLIAM H. MclLHANY



Pipeline to Moscow
espots throughout history have Johnston, president of the U.S. Chamber than one percent) before reneging alto-

D employed the Big Lie to beguile,

manipulate, and control would-
be vassals. The Master Conspiracy de-
of Commerce: "Stalin paid tribute to the gether. Much of this aid was not military
assistance rendered by the United States equipmentto fight Hitler, but instead the
to Soviet industry befo~e. and during the wherewithal to industrialize after the war.
scribed throughout this issue of THE NEW War. He said that about two-thirds of all It included entire industrial plants, oil re-
AMERICAN, for instance, has for over two the large industrial enterprises in the So- flneries, railroad rolling stock, merchant
centuries honed the technique into a razor- viet Union had been built with the United ships, etc.
sharp tool for sculpting its new world or- States' help or technical assistance." Between 1944 and 1947, the United
der. And the biggest of its corpulent On May 18, 1921, Stalin declared in Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Admin-
fabrications may be the pretense that the Pravda that "it is essential that the trium- istration (UNRRA) received $2.7 billion
United States has been the world' s fore- phant proletariat of the advanced coun- from the U.S. - virtually all of its fund-
most bulwark against communism. tries should render aid, real and prolonged ing. UNRRA resources were extensively
In reality, the historical record brims aid, to the toiling masses of the backward employed by the Soviets to secure control
with hard evidence that rather than effec- nationalities in their cultural and eco- of Eastern Europe. So-called "relief' sup-
tively opposing communism, our govern- nomic development... ." He cautioned that plies were channelled through Soviet-con-
ment has consistently nurtured communist "unless such aid is forthcoming it will be trolled puppet governments, which passed
leadership with material aid and offered impossible to bring about the peaceful co- them out as rewards to those who be-
crucial strategic support for communism's existence and fraternal collaboration of nignly submitted to their rule and with-
advance. In short, our government, con- the toilers of the various nations and held them from those who resisted.
peoples within a single world economic
trary to the "official history," has been the
single most powerful benefactor of the system that are so essential for the flnal Wartime Aid to the Enemy
Master Conspiracy's communist arm. triumph of socialism." (Emphasis added.) During the Vietnam War it was well
The concept of foreign aid was thus known that North Vietnam was receiving
Bucks for Bolsheviks conceived for the purpose of having the the vast majority of its assistance from the
In 1918, even before Lenin solidified "advanced countries" finance and help Soviet Union and other communist na-
his power, U.S. businesses began clamor- communist and other collectivist govern- . tions . Our government, through massive
ing to "capitalize" the Russian economy. ments all over the world. Yet it was sold aid to and trade with the Soviets and their
Lenin granted hundreds of concessions to to the American people, by their own gov- satellites, indirectly stocked and replen-
dozens of flrms which in turn proceeded ernment leaders and the major media, as a ished the enemy arsenal.
to build Soviet industry. In 1944, U.S. means of opposing communism. In August 1966, with U.S. war casual-
Ambassador to the Soviet Union W. During World War II, the Soviets ben- ties escalating, the State Department issued
A verell Harriman (CPR) reported to the efited from our Lend-Lease program to a publication entitled Private Boycotts vs.
State Department on a conversation be- the tune of $11.1 billion, of which they The National Interest (Department of State
tween Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and Eric eventually repaid a mere $36 million (less Publication 8117), which branded as anti-
American those Americans who opposed
trade with the communists. The document
declared: "All American citizens should
know that any American businessman
who chooses to engage in peaceful trade
with the Soviet Union or Eastern Euro-
pean countries and to sell the goods he
buys is acting within his rights and is fol-
lowing the policy of his government. So,
too, is any American citizen who chooses
to buy such goods." However, according
to the State Department document, "any
organization, however patriotic in inten-
tion, that undertakes to boycott, blacklist,
or otherwise penalize or attack any Ameri-
can business for engaging in peaceful
trade with Eastern European countries or
the Soviet Union, is acting against the in-
terests of the United States."
U.S. soldiers in Vietnam: Hanoi was supplied by Soviets, who were aided by U.S. Shortly thereafter, a dispatch in the


Chicago Tribune for December 26, 1966 ment under which the United States pro- of his central achievements that " we
revealed: "Weapons of the Polish armed vided assistance to the project contained significantly slowed the transfer of valu-
forces are being shipped from Stettin har- no restriction on the use of the vehicles." able free world technology to the Soviet
bor in Poland in ever increasing quantities On April 13, 1982, Senator William Union." But as columnist William Saflre
to North Vietnam harbors .... While on one Armstrong (R-CO) began an important noted at the time, "it was during the
side of the Stettin harbor American wheat speech on the Senate floor with the star- Reagan administration that the floodgates
is being unloaded from freighters, on the tling assertion that "America's budgetary were opened" for the transfer of valuable
other side of the same harbor weapons are woes would not be nearly so severe if our free-world technology to the Soviets.
loaded which are being used against economy were not groaning under the
American soldiers .... The Poles receive strain of financing two mj.!itary budgets: Bankrolling Soviet "Reformers"
the wheat [from the U.S.] on credit and Our own, and a significant portion of the During the early years of the Bush Ad-
they in tum ship their weapons to North Soviet Union's." He charged that even as ministration, billions of additional foreign
Vietnam on credit." Americans were being asked to further aid dollars were pumped into the Soviet
tighten their belts to pay for U.S. defense Union, and later into many of the "for-
Building the Red War Machine needs, they were footing the bill "to offset mer" Soviet republics. Writing in the New
In 1972, the U.S. began its participation Soviet weapons that probably could not York Times for December 5, 1989, liberal
in construction for the Soviets of the have been built without our assistance." columnist A.M. Rosenthal noted how
world's largest heavy truck factory: the During the previous decade, Senator President Bush was committing "the po-
Kama River plant near Neberezhnyye. On Armstrong noted, "the United States and litical and economic power of the
August 15, 1972, Professor Antony Sut- other Western nations have sold to the So- United States to trying to maintain the rule
ton, a leading authority on U.S.-Soviet aid viet Union and its satellites more than $50 of the Communist Party in the Soviet
and trade, addressed a subcommittee of billion worth of sophisticated technical Union." Following the supposed collapse
the Republican Party platform committee. equipment the communists could not pro- of the USSR (see page 63), Mr. Bush
He told the panel that "perhaps 90-95 per- duce themselves. This equipment has asked Congress in early 1992 to boost the
cent" of all Soviet technology had come been used to produce nuclear missiles, U.S. commitment to the International
"directly or indirectly from the United tanks and armored cars, military com- Monetary Fund (IMF) by $12 billion so
States and its allies. In effect the United mand and control systems, spy satellites, that the lending agency could assist Rus-
States and the NATO countries have built and air defense radars." sia. The U.S. share of the IMP budget is
the Soviet Union ." Dr. Sutton amply On May 21, 1982, during an address to approximately 20 percent.
documented this shocking charge in ex- the Foreign Policy Association in New This same charade has continued under
traordinary detail in his monumental York, Secretary of Defens~ Caspar Wein- the Clinton Administration. During the
three-volume study Western Technology berger asserted that the U.S. had given the 1996 Russian presidential election, a "bad"
and Soviet Economic Development, pub- Soviet Union "the rope with which to communist - "hardliner" Yevgeny Zyuga-
lished by Stanford University ' s Hoover hang us" by allowing it to acquire West- nov - was trotted out to make a "re-
Institution. Regarding the Kama River ern technology on an "alarming scale." formed" Red - Boris Yeltsin -look good
plant, he predicted that once in operation Weinberger charged that "under the guise by comparison. This ploy gave the Clinton
it would be "50 per cent more productive" of purchases for benign, civilian objec- Administration a pretext to pour millions
than existing Soviet facilities in producing tives, the Soviets have obtained a wide of U.S. tax dollars into Boris Yeltsin's re-
trucks with military potential. range of equipment crucial to their mili- election effort, much of it via the IMP.
A few years later, the December 18, tary program." He specifically cited the For example, on March 26, 1996 it was
1978 U.S. News & World Report would re- "striking similarities" between the U.S. announced that the IMF had approved a
late that to "American businessmen based Minuteman missile silo and its Soviet three-year, $10.2 billion "loan" to back Yel-
in Moscow, the huge Kama River truck counterpart, claiming that it "very likely tsin's economic reforms. As reported by
plant stands as a living symbol of how de- resulted from acquisition of U.S. docu- Bloomberg News Service, "Approval of
tente can work when the politicians keep ments." In addition, Soviet ballistic-mis- the loan is important for Yeltsin," since he
out." The plant, U.S. News continued, sile systems have shown "qualitative "needs the IMF money to fulfill his cam-
"contains more than 1 billion dollars' improvements that probably would not paign pledge to help pay workers $4.35
worth of Western-made machinery - by have been achieved without ... acquisi- billion in back wages at a time when low
far the biggest single example yet of the tions of ballistic-missile guidance and tax collections leave the government short
West-to-East technology transfer." control technology." On May 25, 1983, of cash. Russia's treasury is also pressed
One year later, after the Soviets in- Navy Secretary John Lehman told Naval by the need to pay high interest rates to
vaded Afghanistan, the New York Times Academy graduates: "Within weeks many attract buyers for its bonds." Bloomberg
reported on January 4, 1980: "Trucks pro- of you will be looking across just hun- also noted that the loan "has enabled Yel-
duced at the huge plant on the Kama River dreds of feet of water at some of the most tsin to make promises of increased gov-
in central Russia that was built largely modem technology ever invented in Amer- ernment spending to Russian citizens .... "
with American technology have been ica. Unfortunately, it is on Soviet ships." Thus, the grand charade continues as
identified with Soviet military forces in President Reagan had pledged to curb Western Insiders sustain and support
Afghanistan, according to a confidential strategic assistance to the Soviets, and Marxists in Russia and throughout the
Commerce Department memorandum." It during a speech at the Heritage Founda- "former" Soviet Bloc.
was hardly a surprise since the "agree- tion on October 3, 1983 he touted as one - R OBERT W. LEE



Overruled by the Evidence

n spite of overwhelming evidence to ters at taking advantage of such human terred, he continued to gather evidence

I the contrary, many intelligent people

continue to insist that the downward
spiral of America and Western society
fallibility to make conditions far worse
than could ever have been the case with-
out their diabolic efforts . .'.
until, eventually, the proof of his asser-
tions was SQ overwhelming that his supe-
riors were forced to believe.
into anarchy and the concomitant growing Captain S leeman was given the re-
threat of statist world government are A Master Conspiracy could never sur- sources needed to systematically investi-
merely the natural results of the normal vive from one generation to the next gate, expose, and prosecute the Thugs,
cycles of history. They argue, against a without coming apart or being full y which he did with unswerving determina-
steady accretion of facts of already moun- exposed. The historical record argues per- tion. Thousands of Thugs, including their
tainous proportions, that the forces acknowledged leaders, were tracked
propelling us into chaos and tyr- down, tried, convicted, and impris-
anny are not at all attributable to oned or executed. Thus was India
"deliberate direction" by any ma- finally freed from one of the most
levolent conspiracy. diabolical and persistent conspira-
Here are some examples of the cies ever to afflict the human race.
most common, and increasingly im- Unfortunately, there are all too
plausible, objections to what should many other examples of large-scale,
properly be termed the conspirato- long-lasting transgenerational con-
rial fact of history: spiracies. The Mafia, for instance,
managed to evade public exposure
The conspiracy premise is too for generations. And even since be-
simplistic. The issue is neither sim- coming publicly known , and in
plicity nor complexity, but accu- spite of concerted efforts to infil-
racy. But, for the sake of addressing trate and prosecute it, it has resisted
this common and simplistic dis- eradication.
missal, let's examine the issue of
simplicity. If, as claimed, the Master Con-
Occam 's razor is a well-estab- spiracy is comprised of only a mi-
lished test for reaching a conclusion nuscule fraction of the world 's
based on limited information. It is population, how could it be so all-
named for the prominent 14th encompassing and influential? An
century philosopher William of examination of successful, large-
Occam. Formally termed the "prin- scale conspiracies throughout his-
ciple of parsimony," it suggests tory clearly reveals that a relatively
that the least complicated explana- tiny fraction of the populace acting
tion for a phenomenon that fits the in concert can indeed attain incred-
known facts is most likely to be the ible power and influence. Far more
correct one. Responsible advocates Pratt House in New York City: Headquarters of the important than the number of indi-
of the conspiracy scenario contend Establishment's Council on Foreign Relations. viduals involved in any conspiracy
that the least complicated and most is the strategic placement of those
believable explanation for many of the de- suasively otherwise. As cited earlier in conspirators. To the Mafia or the Cali
structive trends in politics, economics, this magazine, the cult of the Thugs was drug cartel, for instance, the control of a
morality, and other key areas over the past an immense criminal conspiracy plaguing single judge, prosecutor, customs agent,
two centuries is that a secretive, amoral , the whole of India for centuries, with its police captain , or newspaper editor -
well-organized movement has been striv- murderous adepts secretly placed in the whether through bribery, extortion, black-
ing relentlessly to make it happen. highest echelons of politics, the military, mail, or actual infiltration of one of its
It is important to note, however, that banking, commerce, and religion. The own members into the position - is far
thi s "Master Conspiracy" has not been re- British were involved there for over 200 more important than a hundred drug traf-
sponsible for all of our woes. The inher- years without even being aware of the fickers or other low-level operatives.
ent faults of even the best of men and existence of this satanic sect. When a bril- Likewise, the communist conspiracy
women are sufficient to assure an abun- liant young army officer, William Slee- over the past 150 years has demonstrated
dance of problems had the Master Con- man, discovered the horrible truth and time after time the ability to exercise enor-
spiracy never existed. But the Insiders of tried to expose the ruthless cabal, he was mous power through the leveraged power
the Conspiracy have indeed become mas- met with disbelief and ridicule. Unde- of its strategically placed members. As an


underground revolutionary movement in the role they are playing. Because of their Mazzini, as chief of the militant Carbo-
the last century, it was able to coordinate strategic positioning, the Insiders are able nari, chafed at being excluded from the
near simultaneous revolutions throughout to let down ladders which the selfish, ava- occult higher circle above him - the "in-
the European continent. In this century it ricious, and unscrupulous scramble to visible 40" - and is believed to have poi-
has grown into a de Jacto global, geopo- climb. soned Nubius to gain the latter' s mantle of
litical power exercising ruthless, dictato- leadership of the secret hierarchy. At
rial force over much of the planet with its If this Conspiracy r eally exists, then about the same time, Malegari wrote to a
fifth columnists effectively penetrating who are the top Insiders of its ruling fellow high-level Carbonarist about a
and subverting all of those societies it dir ectorate? John Birch Society founder power "tpat is unseen, that can hardly be
does not rule outright. Robert Welch once 9pserved that the felt, yet that weighs on us. Whence comes
One of history' s clearest lessons is that "enormous political and economic prob- it? Where is it? No one knows, or at least
events are determined by the dedicated lems" generated by the Conspiracy were no one tells. The association is secret,
few who know what they want, formulate "exacerbated by the fact that we can even for us, the veterans of secret socie-
a plan to obtain it, are willing to make and barely begin to identify the individual ties." That is the way sophisticated con-
take the necessary sacrifices and risks - Conspirators. We deduce their existence, spiracies operate, in ascending circles of
then organize. Lenin, for instance, was as we generally do that of salamanders secrecy and power. And if it is difficult
convinced that it would be virtually im- and moles, from their effect on the earth." even for those inside the conspiracy to
possible to maintain discipline over a In other words, simply because all of the identify the top leadership, it is immeasur-
large number of revolutionaries. He pre- top Insiders cannot be named does not ably more difficult for those of us on the
ferred instead "a small outside to do so.
tight kernel consisting of In 1971 , a U.S. Senate
reliable, experienced, and committee probing orga-
steeled workers" who An examination of successful, nized crime issued a re-
were "connected by all large-scale conspiracies throughout port which, among other
the rules of strict con- things , called Aniello
spiracy." In the Soviet history clearly reveals that a relatively Dellacroce "the mo st
Union, membership in the tiny fraction of the populace acting powerful boss in New
Communist Party seldom York." That, of course,
exceeded 5 percent of the in concert can indeed attain was not true; Dellacroce,
population, and it is about we now know , was an
that today in Red China.
incredible power and influence. underboss for Carlo Gam-
As the charts on pages bino, who had succeeded
14-23 make clear, the Albert Anastasia as the
membership of the globalist Council on mean that the abundance of evidence top Mafiosi in Gotham. But Gambino,
Foreign Relations (CPR), one of the most pointing to their existence should be ig- like many criminal kingpins, preferred to
visible front groups for the Insider Estab- nored, or that steps should not be taken to stay quietly in the shadows, far from the
lishment, wields enormous influence over stop them. Suppose, for example, that you public eye, and allow Dellacroce - who
our country's domestic and international are mugged in a dark alley, badly beaten, was by nature loud, brash, and violent -
affairs, yet its membership is a minuscule and robbed. But when you report the as- to serve as hi s front man. This same re-
.001 percent of the U.S. population. sault to the police, pointing to the obvious port and others like it have made many
signs that a crime has occurred (tom cloth- other mistakes in assessing the Mafia and
A single brain could never contr ol a ing, wounds and bruises, lack of wallet or other criminal conspiracies.
conspiracy on so vast a scale. It is indeed purse), you are told to name your assail- Likewise, authorities have learned over
unlikely that a "single brain," if by that is ant or forget it. Such an irresponsible law the years that much of the information
meant a single individual, sits alone at the enforcement policy would be intolerable. they had earlier thought to be reliable
Conspiracy's pinnacle. Far more likely is And it is similarly irresponsible to dis- concerning the makeup, leadership, and
a governing directorate comprised of a miss the reams of solid evidence pointing modus operandi of the global terrorist net-
relatively small number of persons ca- to the existence and operation of a Master works and drug cartels was terribly faulty.
pable of establishing policy and deciding Conspiracy simply because so many of its Moreover, investigators who have spent
who is to receive carrots and who is to re- top Insiders remain, for now , camou- many years attempting to penetrate the
ceive sticks to assure that the agenda is flaged. Once again , let us remind the dark recesses of these sinister under-
carried out according to plan and with reader that the Mafia and the communist worlds are frequently forced to admit that
minimal opposition . . conspiracy are factual entities. Yet the real they cannot prove in court what they and
While disciplined agents of the Con- hierarchical pecking orders and opera- virtually everyone else know to be fact
spiracy do carry out orders like puppets tional structures of their top leadership concerning the murderous activities of
obeying the puppeteer (as is demanded of circles remain shrouded in mystery. these malefactors.
Communist Party members, for instance), From 1814 through 1848, the global So, are we to conclude from these mis-
a far larger number of "dupes," "useful leadership of the secret societies under the takes and failures of intelligence gathering
idiots," and "self promoters" advance the Illuminati passed to the Alta Vendita, or that criminal syndicates and conspiracies
same objectives without fully recognizing High Lodge, of the Italian Carbonari . do not exist? Or that attempts to penetrate,


Major George Racey Jordan, Dr. Medford Evans, Otto Otepka, and Senator Joseph McCarth y (shown from left to right)
risked their careers and reputations to warn the American people about the com munist arm of the Conspiracy.
investigate, and prosecute them are use- that evidence in the pages of this sp,ecial tation of the Roosevelt Administration.
less? That would be worse than foolish; it issue. However, in most ' instances, be- Mixing with many of the top New Deal-
would lay all of society open to the preda- cause of space limitations, we have had to ers in FDR's "Brain Trust," Wirt was hor-
tions of organized criminality. Rather, we severely abbreviate our presentations - rified at the open subversion and betrayal
should be resolved to insist that the proper which is why the articles herein reference he encountered. He testified that at one
authorities redouble their investigatory numerous source materials, and this issue high-level dinner party he attended the at-
and prosecutorial efforts to root out these contains a detailed bibliography for those tendees openly boasted of soon having
criminal combinations and bring the shad- inclined to investigate further (page 73). FDR completely under communist control.
owy miscreant leaders to justice. However, not even the best of evidence Of course, that is exactly what was hap-
is self-executing; without the proper au- pening, as good old "Uncle Joe" Stalin's
If the evidence is as strong as you say, thorities taking action, conspiracies flour- agents piled on board. However, before
why have those involved not been pros- ish unabated. And if the forces of evil are Dr. Wirt could fully alert the American
ecuted already? It is worth noting that powerfully organized, it requires a very people to the treason that was underway,
most convictions in criminal conspiracy determined, organized, and vocal citi- the New York Times, Time magazine, and
cases - as in murder cases and other se- zenry to force the authorities to carry out other organs of the Establishment media
rious crimes - are obtained with circum- their duties, to bring the powers of the cartel carried out a campaign of ridicule
stantial evidence. Rarely are murderers state - to subpoena, convene grand ju- and character assassination that left Wirt
caught in the act by police or eyewit- ries, investigate, arrest, prosecute, punish a broken man.
nesses. Rarel y do the full records and - to bear against those who have com- o Major George Racey Jordan, whose

plans of conspiracies fall into authorities ' bined against society. In the past, the ef- job during World War II included expe-
hands, and rarely do members of cabals forts at investigation or prosecution - by diting Lend-Lease supplies at military
break their codes of silence and risk death the Cox and Reece committees, Senator bases, where he watched large quantities
to confess all. In this imperfect world, re- Joseph McCarthy, and other officials and of Lend-Lease items being channelled to
quiring perfect evidence of deeds done in agencies at the local , state, and federal Russia (including U.S. Treasury plates for
darkness would be tantamount to granting levels - have been sabotaged through the the printing of occupation currency), and
evildoers impunity. Thus, our system of orchestrated efforts of the Insiders. Soviet agents being smuggled into the
justice provides for the finding of guilt - United States on return trips. He kept
and juries do regularly find it - with a If this Master Conspiracy actually ex- notes and recorded his experiences in
burden of proof which is less than perfect. ists, wouldn't at least a few prominent From Major Jordan's Diaries. Among
In our case, we have been blessed with Amer icans who stumbled across it have other things, he revealed why the Soviets
an abundance of the rare evidence men- been willing to risk their careers and were able to explode their atom bomb ear-
tioned above - and more. We have the reputa tions to come forwa rd and tell lier than our "experts" thought possible:
testimony of official investigators and what they know? Yes , and many have Our officials had sent the Soviets ura-
eyewitnesses; confessions from high-level done so. Indeed, it is one indication of nium, thorium, cobalt, cadmium, and
defectors from the Conspiracy, backed up both the existence and influence of the atom bomb data from our own top-secret
by documents; high-level conspirators Conspiracy that their efforts have been so Manhattan Project.
and/or their agents caught red-handed; widely ignored or suppressed. Among the o Bryton Barron, a 25-year career man

self-indicting public and private commu- numerous heroes who have sacrificed in our State Department before bein g
nications of the Insiders of the Master their careers and even risked their lives to forced into retirement in 1955 due to his
Conspiracy; and blatant examples of sabo- expose the communist arm of the Con- refusal to distort historical records about
tage, cover-up, and damage control by the spiracy are: U.S . foreign policy during the previous
Conspiracy to prevent the truth of their o Dr. William Wirt, superintendent of two decades. The details are related in his
malignant deeds from coming to light. We schools in Gary , Indiana. In 1935, Dr. book Inside the State Department.
have presented a significant portion of Wirt went to Washington, DC at the in vi- o Arthur Bliss Lane, who was our am-


foretold the terrible events that were to
unfold during the next four years.
Also in 1789, Count Mirabeau ' s pa-
pers, including his Project of Revolution,
were seized, providing a comprehensive
outline of the Order's hellish plans. As a
leading revolutionary figure and an Illu-
minatus, this, together with de Luchet's
account, provides important primary cor-
roboration of the Illuminati's role in the
conflagration. But there are also the defec-
tions of the Duke of Brunswick and Baron
Von Knigge, two top associates of Weis-
haupt. In 1795, L.A. Hoffman and other
Freemasons published evidence that the
llluminati had penetrated and taken over
their lodges in Austria for its diabolical
Communists Whittaker Chambers (I) and Elizabeth Bentley were attacked In 1822, at the Council of Verona,
unmercifully after breaking with the Party to tell what they knew. Count Haugwitz, Minister of the King of
bassador to Poland when he resigned from media and the Conspiracy's court histori- Prussia, gave penitent testimony concern-
the service to write I Saw Poland Betrayed, ans that most Americans have been led to ing his long-running former leadership in
which chronicled, from his firsthand ex- believe that McCarthy - not the commu- the revolutionary services of llluminized
perience, the names, dates, places, and nists - was the real menace to our coun- Freemasonry. During the revolutions of
events of the deliberate betrayal of Poland try during the' 50s. 1848, Insiders Caussidiere and Picolo
by our government into Soviet hands. His Tigre provided written testaments of the
book should have shocked the nation, but But how about members of the Con- Conspiracy's continued existence and di-
it hardly made a ripple, and after selling spiracy itself? Wouldn't some have de- recting influence. Later Nubius would
only a few thousand copies was allowed fected and helped expose the alleged provide even more damning evidence
to go out of print by the publisher. plot? Many have done exactly that. In- against the cabal in which he and Mazzini
Dr. Medford Evans, who was chief of deed, it is truly amazing that such a large had played such leading roles.
security training for the Atomic Energy number of defectors bringing such a vast Closer to our own day , communists
Commission and all of its plants. In The quantity of high-quality evidence over such as Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth
Secret War for the A-Bomb he revealed such a long period of time have been so Bentley were instrumental in exposing the
that despite the atomic bombs which the effectively censored from the history existence of at least three communist cells
Soviets had detonated, they had yet to ac- books. We see this beginning with Weis- within the U.S. government. Included on
tually construct one themselves. Instead, haupt's llluminati, which many establish- the list of espionage agents was high-
their agents had walked off from our ment historians still insist was apocryphal, ranking State Department official Alger
plants with the necessary components and or certainly of no significant influence. Hiss (CFR). Hiss, who served as Secre-
sent them to Russia for assembly. Again , The facts show quite the opposite. In tary-General of the United Nations orga-
here was an expose that should have 1784-85 four professors of the Marianen nizing conference in San Francisco, was
rocked the nation, since it had to do with Academy who had been inducted into the eventually convicted and imprisoned for
the security of every American, but it re- Illuminati - Gruenberger, Renner, Utz- lying under oath about his pro-communist
ceived the silent treatment and sold less schneider, and Cossandey - all came for- activities.
than 3,000 copies. ward to give sworn testimony to the Both Chambers and Bentley were, in
Otto Otepka, chief of the State Depart- Bavarian government concerning the accord with the standard communist smear
ment's personnel security during the criminal activities and plans of the Order. tactic, attacked unmercifully. James Burn-
Kennedy Administration. Otepka tried in In 1786, the archives of the Illuminati ham recounted in The Web of Subversion:
vain to stop the flood of security risks ap- were seized, providing volumes of in- "The 1948 testimony of Elizabeth Bentley
pointed by Dean Rusk, Harlan Cleveland, criminating evidence. In 1789, before the and Whittaker Chambers set off against
and other pro-communist CFR members. French Revolution got too far underway, them a campaign of abuse almost unprec-
He was especially shocked when Cleve- the Marquis de Luchet broke with his edented in this country. Communist, fel-
land tried to get infamous Soviet spy revolutionary confreres and published a low travelling , and some liberal and
Alger Hiss back into the State Department. desperate plea to the people of France, government circles denounced and dis-
Senator Joseph McCarthy, the most warning them that "there exists a con- missed their testimony as ridiculous,
famous of those who tried to expose the spiracy in favour of despotism against lib- laughable, fantastic, maudlin. By rumor
massive betrayal at work in our own gov- erty .... This society aims at governing the and gossip, by cartoon and editorial, they
ernment. Although history has proven the world .... Its object is universal domina- were 'exposed' as thieves, degenerates,
validity of his substantive charges, he was tion .... [N]o such calamity has ever yet af- psychotics, perverts .... In whispered con-
so thoroughly smeared by the controlled flicted the world." De Luchet precisely versations at cocktail parties, washrooms


and bars, no phrase was thought too vile years has been the extent to which the In-
cover of the ideological confrontation the
if it was applied to Elizabeth Bentley or siders have been able to reward those who
conspirators are using every conceivable
Whittaker Chambers." (knowingly or unknowingly) play along
form of diplomacy, deception, pressure,
Considering the terrible abuse inflicted coercion, bribery, treason, and terror to de-
with it while punishing those who oppose
upon these and other patriots, it is amaz- it. This carrot-and-stick approach has led
stroy the present social order and to seize
ing that anyone would still dare to come many individuals to join the Conspiracy,
more and more power at every turn." He
forth and expose the conspiracy in our or at least promote its obvious interests,
lamented that "many conservatives and
midst. But brave souls did. Concerning well-intentioned Americans are like the
simply for their opportunistic self-interest
the Insider cabal behind communism, we in becoming successful, rich, famous, etc.
man wh..o accepts the invitation of a thug
have seen Admiral Chester Ward, a for- As Robert Welch w)."Qte nearly three de-
who says: Let's you and me argue heat-
mer Judge Advocate General of the U.S. cades ago, "For two centuries the primary
edly over our disagreements, while my
Navy, unmask the American Establish- motivation of the Insiders has been the
partner is slipping up behind your back to
ment's premier front organization - the cut your throat."
advantages which the Conspiracy offered
Council on Foreign Relations - from to their personal ambitions. If you wanted
Conservatives regularly win the ideo-
the inside. After 16 years' membership, to be a Prime Minister, or the president of
logical arguments for the free market over
Ward resigned, charging that the CFR a great university, or a famous novelist, or
socialism, for pro-life over abortion, for
was "promoting disarmament and sub- a celebrated actor, or an illustrious person-
balanced budgets over deficits, for lower
mergence of U.S. sovereignty and na- over higher taxes, for virtue over promis-
age in any field, you usually had two
tional independence into an all-powerful strikes on your competition if you were
cuity, and in many other areas. Yet in the
one-world government." one of the Insiders or made yourself
real world they are losing, and losing
unwaveringly of service to their plans."
badly, in each instance. One reason is the
Why would the super failure to recognize, and
rich promote such a realistically oppose, the
conspiracy when they conspiracy that is deter-
It is essential to understand
have the most to lose mined to achieve its
should it succeed? Actu- that communism/socialism agenda, by whatever foul
all y, they have the most means may be necessary,
to gain. The power and
is a control-the-wealth program, regardless of the outcome
infl uence which their not a share-the-wealth program. of ideological debates
wealth entails virtually and discussions.
assures (they believe) that It is the ultimate monopoly.
they will emerge as shep- The conspiracy sce-
herds , not sheep, once nario is too depressing
their new world order is in place. It is Since tbe question of whether a Mas- and negative. To the contrary, the most
essential to understand that communism! ter Conspiracy actually exists does not negative and hopeless scenario one can
socialism is a control-the-wealth pro- much matter, why bring it up? The imagine is that which would have us be-
gram, not a share-the-wealth program. It freedom fight should be waged on lieve that the dilemma in which we find
concentrates the control of all wealth into strictly ideological grounds. The Master ourselves has resulted from chance or his-
the hands of an oligarchical elite which Conspiracy is a combination of ideology torical evolution. In that event, there is
claims to administer it for the benefit of and conspiracy. Its communist arm, for little we can do to reverse the situation,
"the people." It is the ultimate monopoly. instance, is comprised of both Marxism anymore than we can push back a hurri-
From the very beginning, the Insiders (ideology) and Leninism (conspiratorial cane or contain an earthquake. On the
have labored to recruit into their ranks the organization). Rather than have us keep other hand, if such problems are being
sons and daughters of the powerful , fa- both aspects in proper perspective, how- purposely magnified and made far worse
mous - and rich. Colonel Edward Man- ever, the Insiders have sought to hide their than would otherwise be the case by a
dell House, a founder of the CFR, wrote activities by promoting the myth that ad- conspiratorial apparatus, there is realistic
in Phillip Dru, Administrator that "it will vocates of collectivism and freedom are hope that sufficient exposure of the Con-
be the educated and the rich" who would engaged solely in an ideological struggle spiracy can "turn things around."
bring about his plan of "Socialism as in which they battle on the academic and
* * *
dreamed of by Karl Marx." The historical political playing fields to see which can In 1831 , the Supreme Court heard a
record of the bankrolling of the Bolshevik achieve enough intellectual acceptance to case in which a dog that was peacefully
Revolution by Western Insiders confirms bring victory. This "it's only ideology" enjoying its supper was struck on the
the accuracy of his assessment. deception has been so basic to the strategy rump by a youth, whom the dog then bit.
of the Insiders that they not only wel- Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes observed
Most of the so-called "conspirators" come, but occasionally subsidize, opposi- in his decision that "even a dog distin-
must have known that their goal of tion to their collectivist program, provided guishes between being stumbled over and
world domination would not be achieved that such opposition remains on an aca- being kicked."
in their lifetime, so why would they demic or political plane, with no mention Make no mistake about it. We're being
bother? The "glue" that has held the Con- of the conspiracy at work below. kicked, and it's time to bite back .
spiracy together over the past 200-plus Robert Welch once wrote that "under - ROBERT W. L EE



Phony Alternatives
eventeenth century English horse

S trader Thomas Hobson told poten-

tial customers they could examine
all the horses in his stable, but if they
wished to purchase one, they had to
choose the horse in the stall nearest the
door. The term "Hobson's choice" thus
became synonymous with no choice at all
- or the choice between equally unap-
pealing alternatives.
Most Americans are completely unaware
that they are being presented with the
equivalent of a "Hobson' s choice" in the
political realm. Here are some examples:
Should government redirect foreign
aid giveaways from customary recipients?
(The unexamined alternative is an end to
all foreign aid.)
Should the "former" Soviet republics
and satellite nations be given seats in
NATO, or should we preserve the alliance
just as it stands? (The ignored alternative Clinton and Dole: Presidential candidates offered little choice for voters.
is for the U.S. to withdraw from NATO sis tent political ally of Mr. Clinton. For military missions - in short, the same
and allow Europe to provide for its own example, Dole provided invaluable help foreign policy pursued by both the Demo-
defense.) to the Administratio~ in shepherding cratic Clinton Administration and the Re-
Should Congress raise or lower farm through the Senate the disastrous NAFTA publican Bush Administration.
subsidies? Increase or maintain current and GAIT treaties, and approval of the
levels of aid to education? Provide fund- unconstitutional Bosnia occupation. Pattern of False Choice s
ing for food stamps and other welfare pro- Some conservatives may believe that Through its members, the CFR has suc-
grams directly or through block grants to Dole is preferable to Bill Clinton because, cessfully defined the national debate in
the states? (The missing alternative in unlike the President, he is not a member of lose-lose terms. Washington Post om-
each of these budgetary debates is the end the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. budsman Richard Harwood , who de-
of federal intrusion into these and any However, Insight magazine reported prior scribes the CFR as "the nearest thing we
other activities not authorized by the to the election (without mentioning the have to a ruling establishment in the
Constitution.) CFR) that a Dole Cabinet would probably United States," has examined the dorni-
Should the Federal Reserve raise or include CFR members Jeane Kirkpatrick, nant influence of the New York-based
lower interest rates? Expand or contract Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Richard globalist cabal in America ' s media or-
the money supply? Heat up or cool down Perle, Richard Burt, Paul Wolfowitz, gans. As Harwood observed in the Octo-
the economy? (Proper alternatives are Robert Ellsworth, and Paula Dobriansky. ber 30, 1993 Washington Post:
based on a recognition that no organiza- Republican foreign policy analyst Peter
tion should possess the power to deter- Rodman (CFR) confidently informed In- In the past 15 years, [CFR] direc-
mine the value of money and credit.) sight that the "internationalist ... senti- tors have included Hedley Donovan
Should the United Nations be re- ment will be represented in the next of Time Inc., Elizabeth Drew of the
formed ? (How about complete U.S. with- administration." To help assure this, Re- New Yorker, Philip Geyelin of The
drawal from the UN?) publican commentators William Kristol Washington Post, Karen Elliott
and Robert Kagan published an essay out- House of the Wall Street Journal, and
Arch Allies lining "A Foreign Policy for Candidate Strobe Talbott of Time magazine,
Perhaps nothing illustrates the "Hob- Dole" in the July/August 1996 issue of the who is now President Clinton's am-
son 's choice" principle better than presi- CFRjournal Foreign Affairs. Their recom- bassador at large in the Slavic world.
dential politics, as illustrated by last year's mendations boiled down to an admonition The editorial page editor, deputy edi-
choice of either Bill Clinton or Bob Dole. that the GOP nominee eschew the "pinched torial page editor, executive editor,
Although Dole properly derides President nationalism of ... 'America First'" and managing editor, foreign editor, na-
Clinton as a big-spending liberal, as Sen- commit the party to pursuing "benevolent tional affairs editor, business and fi-
ate Majority Leader Dole was a fairly con- global hegemony" through UN and NATO nancial editor and various writers


as well as Katherine Graham, the Shaping the Agenda Policy analyst Doug Bandow, a former
paper's principal owner, represent In 1978, CPR President Winston Lord member of the CFR, is a visible and con-
The Washington Post in the council's stated that one of the CFR' s key roles was sistent supporter of free market econom-
membership. The executive editor, to "mirror and shape the national mood." ics, sound constitutional government, and
managing editor and foreign editor The CFR's 1984 Annual Report reported U.S. disentanglement from NATO and the
of the New York Times are mem- CFR Chairman David Rockefeller's de- UN. What was his perception of the CFR?
bers, along with executives of such light about "the ability of the Council to Bandow told THE NEW AMERlCAN that he
other large newspapers as the Wall provide an even greater range and scope considers the CFR to be a "talking shop,
Street Journal and Los Angeles Times, of programming for its membership and an 0pP9rtunity for me to hear debates
the weekly newsmagazines, network the nation." In 1988 . the CFR's current among policymakers that I wouldn't have
television executives and celebrities chairman, New York investment banker had access to otherwise." However, he ad-
- Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Peter G. Peterson, bluntly stated in the An-mitted that he had been quite out of place
Jim Lehrer, for example - and vari- nual Report that he wanted the CFR "to on the Council because of his preference
ous columnists, among them Charles help define and illuminate the foreign for forbidden policy alternatives: "I sup-
Krauthammer, William Buckley, policy agenda for the future ." A year laterpose they can have a few people like me
George Will [a former CPR member] he announced that the CFR's "Board of on the Council from time to time, as long
and Jim Hoagland. Directors and the staff of the Council have as they don' t threaten to become a signifi-
decided that this institution should playa cant force. "
While some - Rush Veteran CFR member
Limbaugh being the most Paul H. Nitze offered an
notorious example - Washington Post ombudsman Richard even more compelling
might dismiss the prepon- glimpse of the organiza-
derance of CFR influence Harwood has described the CFR a s tion 's internal workings
in the media as unimpor- when he gave the fea-
"the nearest thing we have to a ruling
tant, Harwood reported tured address at the open-
differently. "The mem- establishment in the United States." ing of a new CFR branch
bership of these journal- office in the nation's
ists in the council, however capital in March 1990. He
they may think of themselves, is an ac- leadership role in defining these new for- began by paying tribute to the "enor-
knowledgement of their active and impor- eign policy agenda," and should "help de- mously important New York business
tant role in public affairs and of their fine new and broader meanings to the and intellectual community" - meaning
ascension into the American ruling class," concept of national interest." those CFR members who reside in greater
Harwood declared. "They do not merely In his 1993 "Letter from the Chai'r- New York. Then, referring to the period
analyze and interpret foreign policy for man ," Peterson proudly pointed to the prior to W orId War II and beyond, he
the United States; they help make it.. .. many government posts held by CFR stated:
They are part of that establishment whether members, and he joyfully noted that
they like it or not, sharing most of its val- "these appointments testify to the value of The State Department and White
ues and world views." maintaining a pool of leaders thoroughly House might conduct diplomacy in
Harwood's on-target analysis demon- informed about international issues and peace and raise and command armies
strates the fraudulence of the CFR's fre- prepared to assume the burdens of office. in war, but policy was made by se-
quently stated disclaimer, found in each That task is one of the hallmarks of the rious people, men with a longer
edition of the organization's Annual Re- Council on Foreign Relations." view, i.e. the great men of finance
port, that the Council "takes no institu- In 1994, Peterson enthusiastically wrote: and their advisers .... In the post-
tional position on issues offoreign policy; "Statesmen and politicians alike need a war years , the Council has contin-
it is host to many views, advocate of better informed public and better defined ued to represent an invaluable way
none." To illustrate the influence of the national interests. Our infusion of talent for many of us Washingtonians to
CFR's media cabal, Harwood pointed to and purpose enables us to respond to both tap the enormously important New
the Somalia debacle as "Exhibit A. Ameri- needs." And in 1995: "We must help York business and professional
can troops are there ... because of a deci- spark and shape the debate about the new community.
sion by NBC to air a BBC film of starving foreign policy challenges and our country's
Somalian children. It set off a chain reac- proper global role .... " Nitze's boast that this nation's policy
tion in the press and humanitarian concern All of these statements amount to ad- has been and is being set not by the
among the public, forcing the Bush ad- missions, however oblique, that the CFR elected and appointed representatives of
ministration to intervene." Of course, such does play the role of advocate, and does the people, but by "serious people" who
a "chain reaction" easily occurs in the promote specific positions on matters of can be found in and around CFR head-
CFR-dominated media, and the Bush Ad- public policy. quarters in New York demonstrates that it
ministration, larded as it was with CFR is a lie for the organization to claim that it
members and alumni (including the Presi- Inside Information "takes no institutional position" and "is
dent himself), was hardly "forced" to Occasionally, a CFR member will de- host to many views, advocate of none."
carry out the UN Somalia mission. scribe how the organization operates. - JOHN F. McMANUS



Life in the "Brier Patch"

in charge of security has been from the
Soviet bloc. Perhaps this is why they were
In 1954, a U.S. Department of Defense
report documented that Soviet General
Yuri Vasilev, who had been stationed at
the UN as head of the world body's Mili-
tary Staff Committee until January 1950,
had given North Korea the order to in-
vade. After Vasilev left the UN post to
preside over the North Korean buildup,
leadership of the Military Staff Commit-
tee was handed over to Soviet General
Ivan Skliaro. Thus, through the UN the
communist side was apprised of aU strate-
gic and tactical decisions made by U.S.
commanders before those designs were
carried out. By "letting" the UN Security
Council authorize a war against North
Korea, the Soviets were able to prevent
effective military action in the Korean
UN vote on Korea action: the USSR 's delegation was conspicuously absent.
Peninsula, compromise American military
oel Chandler Harris was not playing sist that the United Nations Security security, and empower the pro-communist

J at military strategy when he wove his

famous "Uncle Remus" stories, set in
the American South of the 1800s. But can
Council vote authorizing Ipilitary action
against North Korea was able to pass be-
cause of the inexplicabie absence of the
United Nations. Such were the rewards
for being thrown into the Korean "brier
there be any doubt that Br' er Rabbit was Soviet delegate. In short, we are
practicing such tactics when he prevailed expected to believe that at the
over his enemies by piteously imploring outbreak of the Korean War,
that the last thing he wished for was to be Stalin's man simply wasn't on
tossed into the brier patch - when that hand to protect the interests of
was just what he wanted all the time? the Soviet surrogate regime.
Duplicity is a standard element of both However, the true explanation
military and political strategy. Does Har- for the Soviet "oversight" can be
ris' example of homespun wisdom bring found in the fact that with the
with it a point for modem politics? We be- UN in charge of South Korea' s
lieve so. In matters of warfare, winning defense, the Reds wound up
stratagems do not always include a direct "fighting" a communist-riddled
attack. Things are not always what they UN organization that was op-
appear, which is why flanking move- posed to a Free World victory.
ments, hiding one' s tracks, ambuscades, Marine General Lewis Walt
treachery, and booby traps have long been pointed out in The Eleventh
basics to military success. In principle, the Hour: "The Soviet Union helped
same is true of politics. plan the North Korean invasion
and certainly knew not only the
Misdirection and Duplicity day but the hour the attack was
It can be misleading to guess at an to take place. If it was absent, it
enemy' s eventual goal by looking where was absent on purpose. The
he is heading at a given time. The "dia- charter provides that all peace-
lectic" of communists, for instance, is ex- keeping forces shall be under
emplified in the title of Lenin's work One the direction of the secretary-
Step Forward, Two Steps Back. The Ko- general and his staff. As I men-
rean War offers a remarkable example of tioned earlier, from 1945 until U.S. war dead in Korea : Soviets opposed to
this process. "Mainstream" historians in- the present, the under-secretary Free World victory directed UN police action.


Deceptive Appearances when it arrived, "was a siphon gradually cartel, the Federal Reserve System, to
Similar dialectical duplicity has been inserted into the pocketbooks of the gen- "protect" the economy against the vagar-
used by socialists in this country to im- eral public. Imposed to popular huzzas as ies wrought by the "Money Trust."
pose the income tax, a centralized banking a class tax, the income tax was gradually The Federal Reserve plan was put to-
system, and various centralized regulatory turned into a mass tax .... " gether at Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910 -
agencies. Such socialist advances have While the masses in whose name the with the intention of creating legislation
been achieved domestically by fooling the new taxes had been imposed were groan- that would not be identified as being Wall
masses into believing that statist "re- ing beneath their new burdens, the super- Street's bill. B.C. Forbes, founder of the
forms" would protect them from the evils rich established tax-free foundations magazine ..that bears his name, was only
of big business - even though big busi- (most notably Carnegie llpd Rockefeller), slightly melodramatic when he described
ness desired the "reforms" in the first which provided them 'with havens for the scene: "Picture a party of the nation 's
place. By propagandizing the public into wealth and from which they could con- greatest bankers stealing out of New York
believing that big business opposed the tinue to direct redistributionism for others. on a private railroad car under cover of
"reforms ," it became much easier to pass For those who were not among the shel- darkness, stealthily hieing hundreds of
legislation that would otherwise have tered, all the class warfare proved was that miles south, embarking on a mysterious
been flatly rejected by the public. when you dig a ditch for your neighbor to launch, sneaking onto an island deserted
The year 1913 was pivotal for the U.S., fall into, you are apt to tumble in yourself by all but a few servants, living there for
as it brought ratification of the 16th - especially if powerful Insiders behind a full week under such rigid secrecy that
Amendment authorizing a tax on income, the scenes planned it that way from the the names of not one of them was men-
and the creation of the Federal Reserve beginning. tioned lest the servants learn the identity
with centralized banking - two of the ten and disclose to the world this strangest
planks in the Communist Manifesto cru- Federal Reserve Scam most secret expedition in the history of
cial for communizing a nation (see page Since at least the early 1800s, Ameri- American finance ."
27). But the masses were told by their cans have had a proper suspicion of cen- Some of the reformers who fostered
"populist champions" that the income tax tral banking. President Andrew Jackson distru st of Wall Street found their re-
would "soak the rich." Propaganda in that ' called the Bank of the United States a con- forms hijacked by those same Wall Street
vein was a driving force. Below the sur- spiracy against the people, and he pulled interests. As Professor Gabriel Kolko
face, things were not what they appeared out the teeth of that beast. But powerful wrote in The Triumph of Conservatism,
to the casual observer. As New York advocates of central banking remained ea- the influential bankers " managed their
Representative Bourke Cockran put it in ger to create a new banking cartel; the own regulation, and under the aegis of the
1894: "I know that [Jay] Gould in an in- problem was finding some way to ma- federal government. ... UntiI passage of the
terview favored it, and I am told ... that nipulate the public into accepting a new Federal Reserve Act the relative power of
Mr. [Andrew] Carnegie favors it." Yes, central bank. Accordingly, banking elites New York was declining .... " However, af-
they wanted to be thrown into that brier adopted a cunning strategy: They would ter enactment, Insider domination became
patch. Just as many of the richest contem- inflame public opposition to the "Money even stronger. In 1914, when the decep-
porary folks , wrote Frank Chodorov in Trust" - and then create a new banking tion had been consummated and it was
The Income Tax: Root of all Evil,
mouth "communistic phrases in or-
der to appear 'advanced,' so in the
early part of the century some pf the
wealthy assumed a ' democratic '
pose and spoke nice words ab9ut in-
come taxation." J
There were other interesting sub
rosa developments . Considdr the
corporate lllcome tax. Th'IS) was
passed in 1909 under pressure from
one of Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller's
forebears, Rhode Island Senator
Nelson Aldrich, whose public posi-
tion was that "I shall vote for a cor-
poration tax as a means to defeat the
income tax." So the corporation tax
was enacted. But the states continued
to ratify the amendment authorizing
an income tax . Before long, taxpay-
ers discovered that they had the
worst of both worlds. In The Rich
and the Super-Rich, Ferdinand Lund-
berg pointed out that the income tax, Banking elites devised Federal Reserve scam to gain control of nation's currency.


possible for the conspirators to speak spirited businessmen, filled with the aris- "progressives." As a result, wrote Lasch,
more openly, Aldrich declared with some tocratic spirit of noblesse oblige, whose "Many progressives believed in the exist-
satisfaction that "before the passage of seemingly quasi-suicidal activities and ence of an 'invisible government,' if not
this Act the New York bankers could only programs are performed in the noble spirit in a conspiracy; and there was plenty of
dominate the reserves of New York. Now of sacrifice for the good of humanity." evidence to bear them out." Lasch pointed
we are able to dominate the bank reserves Rothbard observed that a skeptic, or to Woodrow Wilson's "alter ego," Ed-
of the entire country." Congressman Charles one who looks for other motivations, is ward Mandell House, as the embodiment
Lindbergh Sr., who saw through the de- "quickly and brusquely dismissed as an of that "invisible government" that wed-
ception prior to enactment, had warned 'extremist' ... a malcontent, and most ded monopolcY capitalists with socialists in
Congress: "This act establishes the most damning of all, a 'believ~r in the con- pursuit of total power.
gigantic trust on earth .... When the Presi- spiracy theory of history.' 'The question House's utopian novel, Philip Dru: Ad-
dent signs this act the invisible govern- here, however, is not some sort of 'theory ministrator, discusses at length the use of
ment by the money power, proven to exist of history,' but a willingness to use one's "brier patch" deceptions - for instance,
by the Money Trust investigation, will be common sense." Common sense would selling the public on the idea that "pro-
legalized." His warning went unheeded. dictate that increased federal regulations gressive" monopolists would use political
Even non-conspiratorial interpretations help preserve the interests of established control over the economy to "redeem the
of the Fed's origins, such as Ron Cher- business by raising the market entry price sins of their ancestors," rather than to en-
now's study The House of Morgan , ac- of newer competitors. This is one reason rich themselves.
knowledge that banking interests profited that the contemporary environmental Even when "brier patch" campaigns have
from the system that was been unsucces sful and
supposedly intended to partial strategic retreats
contain their powers. necessary, the socialists
Chernow notes that "the "[The Federal Reserve Act} establishes have been able to gain
House of Morgan moved the most gigantic trust on earth.... some ground by breaking
so artfully to form an alli- the initial resistance and
ance with the Federal Re- When the President signs this act setting crucial precedents.
serve Bank of New York the invisible government by the money Philip Crane, before be-
that for the next twenty coming an Illinois con-
years it would actually power, proven to exist by the Money gressman, wrote in The
gain power from the new Democrats' Dilemma
financial system." Why
Trust investigation, will be legalized. 11 about how the Fabian So-
should this be a surprise? cialists in England played
With the Federal Reserve "Br'er Rabbit" by pub-
Act, notes Rousas Rushdoony in The Na- movement, which supports draconian licly opposing an early version of social-
ture of the American System, "the very regulation of all productive human activ- ized medicine because it was not extensive
evils criticized were quickly enthroned so ity, is so lavishly funded by corporations enough. Yet after the measure passed,
that it could be said, 'Banking, as it is con- and their foundation fronts. Fabians filled the ranks of its imp le-
ducted today, is actually a conspiracy op- So it went with big business interests menters. The Fabian Society'S approach
erating against society.'" that supported "Progressive Era" legisla- was one of "patient gradualism" - using
tion. As Professor Robert Higgs recalls in lures, misdirection, and "brier patch"
Regulatory Lege rdemain Crisis and Leviathan , "The big meat- ploys to entice and beguile the English
As central bankers used "brier patch" packers who pushed for the Meat Protec- into adopting socialism piecemeal. Simi-
tactics to get the power to create a mo- tion Act, the shippers who fought for lar tactics have been used by Fabian-style
nopoly, so business monopolists have ma- amendments to the Interstate Commerce subversives in this country to create the
nipulated the regulatory process. The late Act, the proponents of trustbusting and entire superstructure of New Deal and
Dr. Murray Rothbard examined the "cor- the trade commission and the income-tax Great Society socialism.
porate liberal" posturing that character- amendment - all shared a willingness, It assuredly is easier to run the show
ized the Progressive Era. "If these policies often an eagerness, to expand the scope of when you control both sides of the debate.
are designed to tame and curb rapacious effective governmental control over eco- That occurred when the war against busi-
Big Business," Rothbard pointedly in- nomic decision-making." ness monopolies was fought with proffered
quired, "how is it that so many Big Busi- weapons that consisted of greater concen-
nessmen, so many Morgan partners and Invisible Government tration of government power. Yet many of
Rockefellers and Harrimans, have been so Some on the left, though supportive of the same folks who can see through a pro-
conspicuous in promoting these pro- the wrong solutions, have recognized the fessional wrestling match refuse to con-
grams?" Part of the reason is simple pub- "brier patch" gambit at work. The late sider that in real life a "straw man" or
lic relations: By supporting regulatory Christopher Lasch, in his book The New phony enemy position may be established
curbs on business "rapacity," big business Radicalism in America, 1889-1963, docu- simply to be knocked down or to draw
could "persuade the public with little dif- mented the fashion in which J.P. Morgan fire. In such a case, the reaction would be
ficulty" that it was, wrote Rothbard, the interests effectively seized control of their exactly what the conspirators desire .
domain of "enlightened, educated, public- supposed archenemies , the socialist - WILLIAM P. HOAR



Creating Global Crises

mericans have enjoyed the bless- tinue to exist.

A ings of liberty for centuries and

have remained, even in the pres-
ent age of foreign adventurism and the
We are living in a perilous period
of tral)sition from the era of the fully
sovereign nation-state to the era of
welfare state, largely patriotic and self-re- world government.
liant. How could the architects of the new
world order hope to persuade Americans Examples abound of this kind of think-
to surrender their hard-won birthright of ing during the Cold War period. Senator
freedom and national sovereignty? As we l.W. Fulbright stated in his book Old
shall see, since the end of World War II Myths and New Realities (1964): "[T]he
the Insiders have employed a highly suc- concept of national sovereignty has be-
cessful strategy for accomplishing this come in our time a principle of interna-
radical transformation, and that is to offer tional anarchy .... Our survival in this
a frightening set of false alternatives that century may well turn out to depend upon
will supposedly determine the survival or whether we succeed in transferring at least
destruction of man and earth. But what some small part of our feelings of loyalty
could be so horrific as to threaten the en- and responsibility from the sovereign na-
tire planet? The " unthinkable" choices tion to some large political community."
have included the threat of annihilation by And in a speech to the United Nations
way of a nuclear holocaust and environ- on September 25, 1961 , President Ken-
mental catastrophe. nedy warned: "Unconditional war can no
longer lead to unconditional victory ....
Fear of Nuclear Holocaust For years "The Bomb" was cited as Mankind must put an end to war or war
reason for need of global government.
Fantastic? Not when you review the will put an end to mankind." On that very
historical record, or read the writings of States Senate ratify such a scheme?.. day the President formally submitted the
the new world order architects. Consider, The quick answers to these ques- U.S. State Department document Free-
for instance, A World Effectively Con- tions, so put, tend to be negative. dom From War to the UN. That document
trolled by the United Nations (1962), called for a disarmed world in which "no
which was written by MIT Professor Lin- How then to bring about "a sudden state would have the military power to
coln P. Bloomfield (CFR) under a con- transformation in national attitudes"? One challenge the progressively strengthened
tract (No. SCC 28270) with the U.S. State scenario cited by Bloomfield is "a crisis, U.N. Peace Force."
Department. Not intended for the public at a war, or a brink-of-war situation so grave Of course, in the post-Cold War era this
large, this government-financed study was or commonly menacing that deeply-rooted argument for world government does not
amazingly candid. Therein Bloomfield attitudes and practices are sufficiently carry the same force it once did. Bloom-
explained that the contemplated global re- shaken to open the possibility of a revolu- field recognized this very problem when
gime "will occasionally be referred to un- tion in world political arrangements." he stated in A World Effectively Con-
blushingly as a 'world government' " and At the time Bloomfield penned these trolled by the United Nations: "[I]f the
that the notion of world government is words, the "crisis" that came closest to communist dynamic were greatly abated,
"the basis in recent American policy." providing a pretext for world government the West might well lose whatever incen-
Yet, the CFR luminary acknowledged, was the threat of nuclear war. According tive it has for world government." As re-
there is the question of whether the Ameri- to the internationalist line of reasoning, lations between East and West warmed in
can people and their elected representa- nuclear war is unthinkable because it preparation for a merger, other "crises"
tives would accept such a view: would mean the destruction of the planet, would obviously be needed to complete the
and the only way to prevent nuclear anni- revolutionary transformation. But what?
[W]ould the United States itself hilation is to disarm all nations and place
seriously consider disbanding its them under an international "peacekeep- The Green Crisis
own armaments and abrogating to an ing" authority. As expressed by banker One answer to that question was pro-
international authority beyond its di- l ames P. Warburg (CFR) in his book The vided in a 1967 book entitled Report
rect control the authority and the West in Crisis (1959): From Iron Mountain on the Possibility &
power to do those things which in Desirability of Peace.* According to the
modern history have been the pre- [S]ince war now means the extinc- original Dial Press edition, the report is a
rogative of the nation? It is not sim- tion of civilization, a world which leaked government study produced by a
ply a question of good faith by the fails to establish the rule of law over * A new edition of Report From Iron Mountain is in
policy-makers. Would the United the nation-states cannot long con- print. See the inside front cover.


special brain trust of 15 Insiders who met to keep the invitation strictly confiden- "beyond accepted notions of the limits of
at a secret facility at Iron Mountain, New tial. On two subsequent occasions I was national sovereignty and rules of behav-
York. Their daunting task was to come up consulted .... " ior" and for his "plan for a global code of
with a substitute for war that would pro- Galbraith added: "As I would put my environmental conduct" that "would have
vide the same "stabilizing" function. "No personal repute behind the authenticity of an aspect of world government, because it
modem political ruling group has success- this document, so I would testify to the would provide for the World Court to
fully controlled its constituency," the re- validity of its conclusions. My reserva- judge states." Lewis gushed that "it is fit-
port claimed, "after failing to sustain the tions relate only to the wisdom of releas- . ting that the environment be the topic for
continuing credibility of an external threat ing it to an obviously unconditioned what amol}nts to global policing .... Even
of war." public." Ah, but Galbraith must have used starting the effort would be a giant step for
And so Report From Iron Mountain ex-' the pen name "Herschel 'McLandress" be- international law."
amined a number of possible "alternate cause he too was engaging in brilliant sat- A step in that direction was taken at the
enemies" which might be used as a sub- ire! But to what end? Why mislead the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro with
stitute for war during a time of peace. "unwashed"? Did certain Insiders (Lewin the adoption of a comprehensive plan on
Such an enemy "must justify the need for and his one-world comrades) feel a com- "sustainable development" intended to
taking and paying a 'blood price' in wide pelling need to put their designs in print? guide the policies of national govern-
areas of human concern." Based on this ments. Known as Agenda 21, the 700-plus
criterion, most of the possible "alternate Insider Game Plan page plan proposes, in the words of envi-
enemies" were deemed "insufficient." Regardless of intent, there is no doubt ronmental-activist attorney Daniel Sitarz,
However: "One exception might be the that the report' s conclusions fit the Insider "an array of actions which are intended
environmental-pollution model, if the game plan. That game plan has been re- to be implemented by every person on
danger to society it posed was genuinely vealed time and again by the Insiders Earth .... It calls for specific changes in the
imminent. The fictive models would themselves. In November 1989, CFR activities of all people." Implementation
have to carry the weight of extraordinary "wise man" George F. Kennan stated in of this grandiose scheme, says Sitarz ap-
conviction, underscored with a not incon- the Washington Post: "[T]he great enemy provingly, "will require a profound reori-
siderable actual sacrifice of life .. .." If suc- is not the Soviet Union, but the rapid de- entation of all human society, unlike
cessful, "It may be ... that gross pollution terioration of our planet as a supporting anything the world has ever experienced
of the environment can eventually replace structure for civilized life." In March - a major shift in the priorities of both
the possibility of mass destruction by 1990, Michael Oppenheimer (CPR) wamed governments and individuals and an un-
nuclear weapons as the principal apparent in an opinion column in the New York precedented redeployment of human and
threat to the survival of the species." The Times: "As the cold war recedes, the en- fmancial resources." Sitarz is not misrep-
report even speculated that pollution might vironment is becoming the No. 1 interna- resenting Agenda 21; these words ap-
be selectively increased so as to "make the tional security concern." And in 1991, peared in an abridged edition of the treaty
threat credible much sooner" or that an World watch Institute head Lester Brown entitled AGENDA 21: The Earth Summit
"alternate enemy" might be "invented." (CFR) predicted in his annual State of the Strategy to Save Our Planet that was en-
The public has since been told that Re- World doomsday report, "The battle to thusiastically endorsed by Earth Summit
port From Iron Mountain is not really a save the planet will replace the battle over Secretary-General Maurice Strong.
government report at all but merely po- ideology as the organizing theme of the In an earlier 1991 UNCED (Earth Sum-
litical satire. Leonard C. Lewin, who new world order." mit) report, Strong left no doubt about the
wrote the book's introduction in 1967 and Indeed it has. On May 6, 1992, "former" kind of vision he and other custodians of
claimed therein that the report was leaked communist Mikhail Gorbachev, who sup- the international green gestapo have: "It
to him by "John Doe," let us in on this posedly helped end the threat of nuclear is clear that current lifestyles and con-
little secret in 1972, claiming that he him- war between the U.S. and the USSR, sumption patterns of the affluent middle-
self had written the report. By that time warned about this new enemy: ''The pros- class ... involving high meat intake,
the book had already appeared on the New pect of catastrophic climatic changes, consumption of large amounts of frozen
York Times list of nonfiction bestsellers. more frequent droughts, floods, hunger, and 'convenience' foods, ownership of
However, no less than Harvard Profes- epidemics, national-ethnic conflicts, and motor-vehicles, numerous electric house-
sor John Kenneth Galbraith (CFR), in a other similar catastrophes compels gov- hold appliances, home and workplace
book review appearing in the November ernments to adopt a world perspective and air-conditioning ... expansive suburban
26, 1967 Washington Post, attested to the seek generally applicable solutions." He housing ... are not sustainable."
authenticity of the report. Writing under then made clear that what was needed was In spite of all of the propaganda to the
the pseudonym "Herschel McLandress," "some kind of global government." contrary, there is no global environmental
Galbraith explained: "As to the authentic- Not surprisingly, Gorbachev has re- "crisis" that requires any such sacrifices.
ity of the document, it happens that this ceived the Establishment's blessing for But that fact does not deter the Insiders
reviewer can speak to the full extent of his his green agenda. He was invited to be- who are bent on shackling the planet and
personal authority and credibility .... I was come chairman of a new environmental its inhabitants. The threat of environmen-
asked to attend a meeting ... to discuss a group - Green Cross International. More- tal devastation, like the threat of nuclear
project of high national influence at Iron over, New York Times senior columnist war, provides them with a powerful pro-
Mountain in upstate New york .... I was Flora Lewis (CFR) has praised the com- paganda tool for world government.
forced to decline. I was then instructed munist-turned-environmentalist for going - GARY BENOIT



From Ancient Rome to OKC

greatly stretched credulity, the

rom antiquity to modern times, his-
tory is replete with examples of megalomaniacal potentate none-
ruthless and corrupt politicians who theless found a pretext for con-
have shamelessly exploited and manipu- demning them en masse by
lated tragic events and the criminal acts of claiming that the follo\'Vers of
a few to advance their own lust for power. Christ were "enemies of man-
In cases too numerous to mention, tyrants kind." Tacitus records that the
and aspiring despots have gone even fur- Christians "were convicted, not
ther, engaging agents provocateurs to carry so much on the charge of burning
out assassinations, foment riots and rebel- the city, as of hating the human
lion, precipitate financial panics, attempt race." Tacitus also records the in-
palace coups, feign foreign invasion, ini- credibly cruel tortures and deaths
tiate acts of terrorism, and perform other to which these innocent scape-
infamous acts - all for the purpose of es- goats were subjected.
tablishing a mass psychology of fear, a In England, controversy has
sense of "crisis," of imminent danger re- raged over the infamous Gun-
quiring the government to suspend normal powder Plot for nearly 400 years.
liberties and seize vast new powers to deal When Guy Fawkes was arrested
with the "emergency." History records on November 5, 1605 with bar-
that far too often these "temporary" as- rels of gunpowder in a tunnel un-
sumptions of power have given way to der the House of Lords, it seemed
permanent brutal oppression, and to terror apparent that a conspiracy of Hitler capitalized on the Reichstag fire
and mass murder by the saviors who Catholics against the government to gain control of German government.
promised deliverance from the "crisis." had been thwarted. Some historians, how- was set by a communist saboteur or by a
Yes, as all would-be dictators know, the ever, have argued (some more, some less Nazi agent provocateur, it is beyond de-
action is in the reaction. And as James persuasively) that the evidence points in- bate that the Nazis capitalized on the
Madison observed, " the people never stead to a plot by Robert Cecil, the Earl of event with a vengeance. Insisting that the
give up their freedom except under some Salisbury, against the Catholics. The hand Reichstag fire prefigured a communist on-
delusion." of Salisbury, the most powerful political slaught against the German state, Hitler
Considering the current gadarene stam- figure in England under Elizabeth I and persuaded President Hindenburg to sign
pede into dictatorship by the American James I, is seen also, say some scholars, an emergency decree "for the Protection
public as a result of the demagogic exploi- in the Babington Plot and Squire's Plot, of the People and the State," suspending
tation of the recent wave of terrorist acts, which preceded the Gunpowder Plot and constitutional liberties and allowing the
we would do well to reflect on a few rel- fed the growing anti-Catholic fervor. The state to exercise extraordinary powers in
evant historical precedents. A calm con- recent publication of books by two histo- the name of "public safety." The death
sideration of our present situation in the rians arguing opposite sides of this contro- sentence was expanded to cover a number
context of previous human experience versy will not settle this aspect of the of crimes. Sound familiar?
may help us avoid delusional flights into dispute, but there is a consensus among As a remedy for the supposed "crisis"
bondage and the pessimistic predictions many scholars of the period that Salis- facing Germany, Hitler proposed a pro-
that we "are doomed to repeat" the tragic bury's forces , at the very least, ruthlessly gram of Gleichschaltung (coordination)
mistakes of the past. exploited and exaggerated the plots to through which the central government
launch a new wave of brutal persecution would absorb the power and political
Enemies of Mankind and to provide a pretext for confiscation functions of the German states. On March
On July 19, AD 64, a terrible fire be- of monastic lands. 23, 1933, the Reichstag, succumbing to
gan near Rome's Circus Maximus, and the Nazis ' conspiratorial maneuvers ,
when the fierce conflagration ended days Staged Provocations passed the "Enabling Act," which made
later, most of the great city lay in ashes. Hitler's rise and reign in Germany pro- the central government responsible for
Whether or not the fire was actually vide many examples both of the use of all law enforcement and conferred on
started by the Emperor Nero, as many agents provocateurs and the opportunistic Hitler's cabinet exclusive legislative pow-
have maintained over the centuries, there exploitation of events to further evil ob- ers for four years. This one act provided
is no question that the Christians were un- jectives. Of these, the Reichstag fire of the legal basis for the transformation of
justly blamed for the disaster. Although February 27, 1933 is easily the most fa- Hitler from chancellor to dictator. It did
holding all members of the new sect re- mous example. Although it has never not take long to prove how empty and
sponsible for the blaze would have too been definitively settled whether the fire completely disingenuous were Hitler's


promises that "the government will make Stalin's best comrade-in-arms and friend.' conspiracy! Even after terrorism expert
use of these powers only insofar as they Stalin was shown in the honor guard, with Claire Sterling'S masterfully detailed
are essential for carrying out vitally nec- Kirov in old photos, a'n d as the first expose, The Time of the Assassins, un-
essary measures." mourner at the Red Square funeral." equivocally demonstrated (and was later
Following close on the heels of the But Kirov's murder in December 1934 backed up by the Italian judiciary investi-
Reichstag fire came the "Night of the served a design much larger than the mere gators) that Agca was a paid Soviet assas-
Long Knives" of June 30, 1934, an assas- elimination of a single competitor. Tucker sin, the U.S. State Department, the White
sination blitzkrieg in which Hitler wiped writes: "For the conspirator from above, House, the CIA, and the Western press
out his old friend Ernst Roehm and the the prime purpose of Kirov's murder was largely ignor~d the indisputable evidence.
top leadership of the brownshirted SA. to make possible an official finding that That evidence showed beyond a shadow
Roehm and his Storm Troopers had be- Soviet Russia was beset by ' a conspiracy of a doubt that the Soviet KGB, operating
come troublesome competitors and through the secret police of its com-
had to be eliminated, but a plausible munist proxy regime in Bulgaria and
pretext for the purge was needed. No the Turkish Mafia (which was head-
problem: A coup "plot" by Roehm quartered in Bulgaria) , had sprung
was fabricated which served the addi- Agca from a Turkish jail, trained him,
tional purpose of providing further provided him with weapons and false
justification for legalized government travel documents , and fabricated a
terror. Hitler's one-paragraph law false "right-wing" identity for him be-
read: "The measures taken on June 30 fore the assassination attempt.
and July 1 and 2 to strike down the Although the plot to kill the Pope
treasonous attacks are justifiable acts failed, the secondary objective, to pro-
of self-defense by the state." Many voke a widespread public reaction
more equally fraudulent "justifiable against "right-wing terrorism" and re-
acts of self-defense" would follow. ligious "fundamentalism," worked
On November 7, 1938, a Jewish marvelously - worked because the
refugee from Germany, Herschel Gryn- ~ Soviet agents, dupes, and sympathiz-
szpan, shot and killed a German dip- ~ ers in the West could count on the rul-
lomat in Paris. This was exactly the g? ing elites in our government and the
incident the Nazi regime needed to ~ media to cover up the Kremlin's role
fully unleash its attack on the Jews. On sO in this heinous act.
the night of November 9, 1938, Nazi- Would-be papal assassin Mehmet Ali Agca: Throughout the 1950s, '60s, '70s,
orchestrated mobs "spontaneously" ri- Plot exposed as Soviet KGB conspiracy. and ' 80s, Germany was plagued by re-
oted in retaliation , destroying Jewish that had done.. away with Kirov as part of curring rashes of anti-Jewish vandalism
shops and synagogues, beating and killing a larger plan of terrorist action against the and neo-Nazi activities: desecrated Jewish
Jewish residents. It is remembered as the regime." Thus Stalin had his excuse to be- cemeteries, swastikas painted on syna-
"Night of Shattered Glass," or Krystall- gin the Great Purge, which, ultimately, gogues, and threatening calls and letters to
nacht, and thereafter all opponents of the would claim millions of victims. Jewish leaders. In a number of important
Nazis would be demonized as Jewish sym- Stalin had already arranged to have cases, when the perpetrators were caught
pathizers and related "criminal elements." issued, a month before the murder, a stat- they turned out not to be neo-Nazis after
ute empowering the newly created Special all, but Soviet agents provocateurs. Soviet
Stalin's Purge Board (headed by Stalin) to pass admin- defectors, likewise, have repeatedly con-
Stalin, who had studied closely Hitler's istrative sentence on "persons deemed firmed the importance that the Soviet strat-
purge of Roehm, had his own "night of socially dangerous." No definition of "so- egists place on provocations of this sort
the long knives" - with a twist. His one- cially dangerous" was given, allowing for aimed at manipulating public emotions and
time friend and trusted aide, Sergei Kirov, the widest possible "discretion" in the ex- eliciting hatred not only for the neo-Nazis,
had become a potential rival for Commu- ercise of this formidable power. but primarily for the conservatives, Chris-
nist Party leadership and had to be elimi- tians, and anti-communists whom they
nated. Stalin, the ultimate "conspirator Plot Against the Pope falsely lump together with the Hitlerites
from above," arranged for Kirov's assas- When Pope John Paul II was shot and under the expedient "right-wing" label.
sination, with the murder to be blamed on very nearly killed in St. Peter's Square on
the Zinoviev faction. Under Stalin's direc- May 13, 1981, it was instantly hailed Rabin Assassination
tion, following the assassination, writes worldwide as the work of a lone fanatic, The assassination of Israeli Prime Min-
Robert Tucker in Stalin in Power, "the even though Italian authorities revealed ister Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995
floodgates of official adulation for Kirov iron-clad evidence of a larger conspiracy. provided another glorious opportunity for
opened wide. He was the 'Soviet people's When U.S. mediameisters and officials global "right-wing" demonizing. The al-
favorite' and 'our Kirov.'" Tucker re- were finally forced to concede the obvious, leged gunman, Yigal Amir, was said to
cords that "the instant Kirov cult was they insisted that, yes, Mehmet Ali Agca be a "fanatic Jewish fundamentalist."
blended into the Stalin cult, which took on was indeed part of a conspiracy - a right- What's more, we were told repeatedly, he
added lustre. Kirov became 'Comrade wing, Turkish, Islamic fundamentalist was part of a conspiracy of "religious ex-


tremists" - a conspiracy so nefarious and
immense, mind you, that it had achieved
meteorological significance, creating a
"climate of hate" and an "atmosphere of
violence." According to Time magazine,
Rabin's opponents had created climato-
logically "the equivalent of the right-wing
milieu that led to the Oklahoma City
bombing." In fact, said Time, even if Arnir
had acted alone, "he had many ideational
conspirators." (Emphasis added.)
Yes, the Insider opinion cartel was only
too willing to howl "conspiracy" when it
served their transparent purposes. But
when it came out that Arnir was actually
an agent ofIsrael's General Security Ser-
vice (also known as Shin Bet), and that he
had inexplicably been allowed through the
security perimeter, Amir began to look
more like a classic agent provacateur. Oklahoma bombing: Aftermath of federal cover-up and attacks on conservatives.
That perception only deepened when a mating the kind of vicious and thoroughly do promote paranoia .... "
suspected accomplice, the notorious "right-dishonest campaign of lies and distortion Even worse, charged the President,
wing" leader, Avishai Raviv, also turned worthy of Nero, Hitler, and Stalin as this "these people attack our government and
out to be a Shin Bet operative. (For an in-country has ever witnessed. The Clinton the citizens who work for it who actually
depth look at the Rabin assassination, see Administration and its political allies, guarantee the freedoms they abuse ....
"The Price of 'Peace'" in the February 5, fully aided and abetted by the establish- They can certainly snuff out innocent
1996 issue of THE NEW AMERICAN.) As ment media cartel, have relentlessly sought lives and sow fear in our hearts. They are
Shimon Peres and the Labor government to ascribe blame for the deadly Oklahoma indifferent to the slaughter of children.
rushed to cover up these and other untidy bombing to the entire "American right They threaten our freedoms and our way
facts, the evidence pointed more and more wing." At the same time, the Clinton Jus- of life, and we must stop them."
toward the likelihood that Rabin had been tice Department and the FBI have gone to It was an insidious attack clearly ca1cu-
assassinated by those in his own govern- fantastic lengths to obstruct justice by lated to smear principled opponents of so-
ment (who controlled Shin Bet) in a des- covering up and destroying extremely irn- ' cialist government by falsely associating
perate effort to save the phony CFR-made portant evidence in the case. (See the May them with the perpetrators of vile terrorist
"Mideast Peace Plan." 13, 1996 special issue of THE NEW AMERl- acts. And it was the same base tactic to
CAN, "OKC: The Case for a Cover-up.") which he returned on May 1, 1995 in an-
Oklahoma City Bombing In the week following the bombing, other disgraceful attempt to identify his
In the aftermath of the Oklahoma City President Clinton cleverly structured his critics with those responsible for the
bombing, the American people have been attack on "purveyors of hatred and division, deadly bombing: " ... we must also stand
subjected to a sustained propaganda bar- the promoters of paranoia," so as to broadly up against those who say that somehow
rage that may come as close to approxi- include virtually all of his conservative this is alright, this is somehow a political
opponents in the condernna- act - people who say, I love my country
tion. "They spread hate," he but I hate my government."
said. "They leave the impres- Mr. Clinton's harangues were so trans-
sion .. . by their very words, parently deceitful that even liberal colum-
that violence is acceptable." nist Charles Krauthammer (CFR) was
In a subsequent speech he de- moved to remark that the President had
nounced the bombing as an "repeatedly charged dark and unseen
act by "the forces of organized forces, a shadowy unnamed 'they,' with
evil" who, he insinuated, are spreading paranoia - a classic of the very
linked to mainstream conser- paranoid style of politics Clinton is osten-
vative and constitutionalist sibly decrying." Unfortunately, Krautham-
forces . This is so, he averred, mer's cogent observation was drowned
because "they do practice and out by the CFR-dominated media echo
they do preach violence chamber which amplified and intensified
against those who are of a the Clinton defamation campaign, and,
different color, a different borrowing a page from Nero ' s handbook,
N background, or who worship virtually branded all their opposition as
Rabin assassin Yigal Amir: Threads of conspiracy a different God. They do feed guilty of "hating the human race."
lead back to Israel's own General Security Service. on fear and uncertainty. They - WILLIAM F. JASPER



Applying the "Pincers" Strate gy

hroughout most of history, total- for new big government/police state leg- than to stay in office, it is easy for them to

T itarians have main tained their

power primarily by force of arms.
People were ruled by whichever warlord
islation. This legislation will be promoted bend to the Insider-created pressures.
as a solution to some kind of national . They willingly pass the legislation while
problem, but that will be a. ruse. The hid- claiming - and sometimes actually be-
fielded the mightiest army or the most den objective will be to expand the power lieving - that they are merely respond-
deadly weapons. But as the concept of of the bureaucracy and to move the coun- ing to the will of the people.
representative government spread across try closer to the ultimate goal of total With that, the process starts over again
Europe in the 18th century, the world was government. with recommendations for new legislation
introduced to the notion of popular elec- Pressure from below is created when from above, new demands from below, and
tions and of controlling one's own gov- other agents working in the media and in- new capitulation by the legislature. Through
ernment. At last, ruthless tyranny had side grassroots organizations cooperate to the strategy of Revolutionary Parliamen-
been vanquished by the ballot box. create the appearance of popular demand tarianism, the nation gradually becomes
Or so it seemed. Would-be totalitarians for the proposed legislation. Naturally, the totalitarian, and the people are convinced
did not vanish, but merely adapted to the rank-and-file members of those organiza- that they asked for it themselves.
new reality and found other ways to im- tions must be kept focused on the pre-
pose their rule. Instead of following mili- tended humanitarian objectives. They
tary careers, they became con artists, must not be allowed to see the totalitarian
mastering the art of convincing free men objective.
to accept their totalitarian agendas. How? The result is that the majority of the
By making it appear that everyone sup- population is caught in the middle. They
ports that agenda, from public officials to look "above" and see government spokes-
the masses in the streets. men calling for legislation for some new
expansion of government power. They
Two-pronged Attack
That strategy is called "Revolutionary
Parliamentarianism" and is well known in
modern totalitarian circles. William Z.
Foster, national chairman of the American
Communist Party from 1933 to 1957,
identified this strategy by name in his
1932 book Toward a Soviet America. "In
carrying out its class struggle program the
Communist party practices revolutionary
parliamentarianism ... ," Foster stated. "It
combines its parliamentary action inside
legislative bodies with its mass action out-
side and fights to force all possible con-
cessions from the government."
A detailed explanation of this strategy
appeared in print in the 1950s as two
chapters in a textbook used by the Com- Pincers strategy was used during
munist Party in Czechoslovakia. Written 1960s in such arenas as Vietnam War
by Communist Party "theoretician" Jan and civil rights demonstrations.
Kozak, this textbook was used in a train- look "below" and, with the help of the
ing program on how to seize power in mass media, see mobs of demonstrators
countries that have representative govern- shouting for the same thing. They say to
ment. The strategy involves a political themselves, "Has everyone gone crazy?
"pincers" movement - and these are the Or have I?" They may still be in the ma-
terms Kozak uses to describe it - a "pin- jority by far, but they don't know it. They
cers" movement applying political pres- think they are hopelessly outnumbered,
sure "from above" and "from below." and they bow to what they think is the
Press ure from above is created when democratic will of the majority.
agents inside the government marked for This process affects legislators as well.
takeover bring forward recommendations Since many of them have no higher goal


From the Top cation programs; crime must be curtailed create the illusion of national consensus.
Is it possible that Revolutionary Par- by providing the underprivileged with The President may then bow to the pres-
liamentarianism is being used in the more federally mandated "opportunities" sure by creating a commission to study the
United States? To answer this question, and by enacting more restrictive gun con- problem and make recommendations. As
let us first look at the pressure from trol laws; the rising cost of health care the pressure from above and below grows,
above. For at least the past four decades, must be prevented by socializing medi- Congress may even hold an emergency
there has been an unbroken succession of cine; unemployment must be addressed session to show its concern and dutifully
government reports issued by presidential through more federal jobs programs; po- pass the desired legislation.
commissions and federal agencies calling lice brutality must be checked by extend- The Kozak ',:pincers" movement made
for new legislation to solve some kind of ing federal control over poli.c!,!; riots and its American debut in the 1960s. It was
national problem; and those solutions in- terrorism must be fought through the en- used in such demonstrations as the Selma
variably involve the vast expansion of actment of police state measures; etc. March of 1965 , the subsequent Peace
government power. Such commissions Through such studies, the would-be totali- marches and Civil Rights marches across
have examined crime, civil disorders, civil tarians at the top are helping to create the the land, the Poor People 's Campaign,
rights, police brutality, illiteracy, infla- demand for more government leading to and, more recently, the Earth Day celebra-
tion, unemployment, national security, the total government. tions. Each of these became media events
environment, immigration, and countless When it comes to pressure from below, of great magnitude, and each was de-
other issues of national urgency. the Kozak strategy is equally apparent. signed to create pressure from below in
Once you have read one or two of Mass-action organizations pour into our support of more legislation from above.
these reports, you have read them all. In streets and hold press conferences to dra- Each wave of demonstrations created a
general, they call for an expansion in the matize their demands. And the media du- demand for more government in the name
size, scope, and cost of government. Pov- tifully report every bit of the action. These of some noble cause such as averting
erty must be eradicated through more militant groups are very small compared nuclear war, helping minorities, aiding the
federal welfare programs; illiteracy must to the overall population. Nevertheless , poor, or protecting the environment. In
be combatted through more federal edu- the images on television and in the press retrospect, the legislation has done little to

The Anti-Establishment Establishment

n 1968, Random House published a book by James Kunen the guys who wrote the Alliance for Progress. They are the

I entitled The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revo-

lutionary. The book glamorized the radical student move-
ment and helped to make it grow. (MGM also helped by mak-
left wing of the ruling class.
They offered to finance our demonstrations in Chicago.
We were also offered ESSO (Rockefeller) money. They
ing a movie out of the book.) Kunen carried the usual New Left want us to make a lot of radical commotion so they can
credentials and was a classic example of the extent to which an look more in the center as they move to the left.
intelligent person can be programmed by the Establishment into
thinking he is acting against the Establishment. Jerry Kirk, while a student at the University of Chicago, be-
Kunen was one of the leading participants in the first student came active in the SDS, the DuBois Club, the Black Panthers,
seizure of an American university, which occurred at Columbia and the Communist Party. Not only did he observe the support
in April 1968. Initially, the movement was not large and could provided by the Establishment during his revolutionary activi-
have been easily stopped by a simple police action. But the anti- ties, but he was able to detect the strategy of pressure from
Establishment movement received its greatest help from the Es- above and pressure from below at work. Kirk broke from the
tablishment itself. For several days the police were told by Party in 1969. The following year, he testified before the House
University officials not to interfere. Meanwhile, University of- and Senate Internal Security panels:
ficials groveled in the face of outrageous propaganda charges,
and the Establishment media made national heroes of the rebel- Young people have no conception of the conspiracy's
ling students. strategy of pressure from above and pressure from below ....
In The Strawberry Statement Kunen made this interesting ad- They have no idea that they are playing into the hands of
mission of the powers behind the scenes that bankroll the pres- the Establishment they claim to hate. The radicals think
sure from below: they're fighting the forces of the super rich, like Rocke-
feller and Ford, and they don 't realize that it is precisely
In the evening, I went up to the U. to check out a strat- such forces which are behind their own revolution, financ-
egy meeting. A kid was giving a report on the SDS [Stu- ing it, and using it for their own purposes ....
dents for A Democratic Society] convention. He said that
... at the convention, men from Business International Militant communists and other street radicals will never suc-
Round Tables, the meeting sponsored by Business Interna- ceed in overthrowing the U.S. government. But unless the Con-
tional for their client groups and heads of government, tried spiracy is exposed, they will scare the American people into
to buy up a few radicals. accepting the very totalitarian agenda that the Establishment In-
These men are the world's leading industrialists and they siders seek.
convene to decide how our lives are going to go. These are - G.E.G.


advance these causes, but it has greatly eration of an oppressed people, overthrow We are continuing to be guided by
expanded the power of government. of the capitalist system, death to the ex- just such directives.
Martin Luther King Jr., the man who is ploiters, and power to the people.
considered to be the father of nonviolent This could not happen spontaneously, That being the ultimate goal, the fol-
demonstrations, supported this strategy in of course. The effective implementation lowing are crucial to the strategy:
an article appearing in the Saturday Re- of the pincers strategy requires not only The UN would have to be strength-
view for April 3, 1965. This is how he that CFR elitists in and out of government ened so that it could become a true world
phrased it: take advantage of the pressure from be- government. In practical terms, that means
low, but that they help to create, sustain,that all national military forces must be
(1) Nonviolent demonstrators go and strengthen it. As we:s.hall see, there is
brought under its control and all national
into the streets to exercise their con- plenty of evidence of this in the form of currencies must be integrated into a world
stitutional rights. (2) Racists resist by grants from government agencies and the monetary system.
unleashing violence against them. (3) powerful tax -exempt foundations. * The U.S. would have to lose her abil-
Americans of conscience, in the The intent behind foundation funding ity to act independently in her own self-
name of decency, demand fed- interest. That means that she must
eral intervention and legislation. enter into treaties on international
(4) The Administration, under trade, the environment, etc.
mass pressure, initiates measures The American standard of living
of immediate intervention and would have to be reduced - ex-
remedial legislation. cept, of course, for the ruling class.
The Soviet Union and other
Once we understand the strategy, communist countries that have com-
attitudes, and statements that other- mitted monstrous crimes against
wise rrtight be overlooked suddenly humanity would have to undergo
take on enormous significance. For dramatic image changes to make
example, shortly after the 1966 ri- them appear more acceptable to the
ots in Cleveland (pressure from be- West. There would have to be West-
low), Senator Stephen Young called ern assistance and accommodation
for a federal "solution" (pressure on the road to merger.
from above), and his remarks were The constitutionally limited
reported with glowing enthusiasm government of the United States
in the August 2, 1966 issue of the would have to be transformed into
Communist Party newspaper The an unlimited albeit "democratic"
Worker (more pressure from below): government, complete with police-
state powers .
Senator Stephen M. Young Revolutionary Parliamentar-
(D-Ohio) declared last week that AIM terrorists at Wounded Knee were funded ianism would have to be employed
by grants from the federal government.
the recent riots in Cleveland's to beguile the American people into
Hough area were "not at all the re- was discovered in 1953 by Norman Dodd, believing that all of these steps are neces-
sult of any conspiracy, Communist- who was the research staff director of the sary, even beneficial.
inspired or otherwise." ... Congressional Special Committee to In-
The final solution to the problems, vestigate Tax-exempt Foundations. In that Subsidized Subversion
Young declared, lies with the Federal capacity he had a personal meeting with Not a pretty picture. Nevertheless, this
Government. "Only Federal action H. Rowan Gaither, who was president of program for the creation of the new world
on a large scale can strike to the heart the Ford Foundation. During the course of order has been and continues to be funded
of the urban dilemma," he said .... that conversation, as recounted by Mr. by government agencies and tax-exempt
"The housing program is too small. Dodd, Gaither explained: foundations. Consider, for instance, the
The poverty program is too small. funding for organizations promoting ra-
The program for slum schools is too Most of us here were, at one time cial conflict. In the 1960s and '70s, much
small.... It is clear that the elimina- or another, active in either the O.S.S., of the funding for militant racists came
tion of slum rrtisery will require new the State Department, or the Euro- from the federal agencies. A notable re-
programs and much money." pean Economic Administration. cipient was the Harlem Black Arts Reper-
During those times, and without ex- tory Theater headed by LeRoi Jones .
Role of Foundations ception, we operated under directives Jones authored a play called "The Toilet,"
During the milder stages of the "pres- issued by the White House, the sub- about a degenerate white man who mo-
sure from below," the cry is for jobs and stance of which was to the effect that lests blacks in the men's room. White
peace and civil rights and saving Mother we should make every effort to so al- people were described by Jones as "dev-
Earth. But as the "movement" becomes ter life in the United States as to ils, beasts, and liars." In an interview with
more radicalized and as the initial de- make possible a comfortable merger * For a glimpse of CFR influence in the foundations ,
mands are met, the goals escalate to lib- with the Soviet Union. see page 18.


David Susskind on WPIX-TV in New "national liberation" had been financed by Liberties Union; over a million dollars to
York, Jones said that white people were a the tax-exempt foundations . The Ford assorted environmental groups; $600,000
cancer that had to be removed and that it Foundation continues to make the Chi- to the NAACP; $700,000 to the UN; and
wouldn't be a bad idea to start "killing cano revolution one of its top priorities. - the largest single award of all -
them away." Yet Jones' Black Arts Rep- La Raza Un ida, a violent Hispanic orga- $1,800,000 to the CFR. In addition, more
ertory Theater received a grant of $44,000 nization, was founded with a $630,000 than $1,400,000 was provided for trans-
from the federal Office of Economic Op- Ford Foundation grant. In 1970, the Cali- porting feminists from Russia, Vietnam,
portunity (OEO). fornia Senate Fact-Finding Subcommittee Poland, and the U.S. to the UN's World
In the 1970s, the OEO also funded the on Un-American Activities had this to say Conference on Women in Beijing.
American Indian Movement, a Marxist- about La Raza Unida.: ,"Its president is In the spring of 1996, the Ford Founda-
Leninist organization which had been Maclovio Barraza. Mr. Barraza has been tion announced a host of new grants, in-
modeled after the Black Panther Party, identified by the Subversive Activities cluding $400,000 to the Environmental
with $400,000 in operational grants. The Control Board as a member of the Com- Defense Fund; $200,000 to the World-
four top leaders of AIM were ex-convicts: munist Party, and presides over the Coun- watch Institute; $1,425,000 for African-
Russell Means, Dennis Banks , Carter cil which recently received a grant of American study programs at six universi-
Camp, and Clyde Bellecourt. Between $1,300,000 from the Ford Foundation." ties; $500,000 more for the NAACP; an
them, they had 42 criminal convictions The Mexican American Youth Organi- additional $597,000 to Communist China;
dating back to 1957, and had served time zation was founded in 1967 by Jose Angel $543,750 to the Population Council of
for assault, battery, burglary, and armed Gutierrez. Gutierrez is another Marxist- New York; $173,000 to the Aspen Insti-
robbery . But with the arrival of money Leninist who shouts the slogan of national tute; etc.
from the federal government, they were liberation as a means of fomenting race The Ford Foundation is not unique in
instantly transformed by the media into war and anarchy. He declared at a Tijerina its giving. Virtually all of the nation ' s
noble revolutionaries fighting to liberate rally in 1967: "Our Black brothers call largest tax-exempt foundations have simi-
the oppressed American Indians from the him honky, but he is the same Anglo we lar records. Prominent examples include
yoke of Yankee Imperialism. They seized know. Our devil has pale skin and blue the Carnegie Endowment for International
Alcatraz in 1971, demolished the Wash- eyes." More recently, at a Latino summit Peace, the John and Catherine MacArthur
ington, DC offices of the Bureau of Indian meeting held in Riverside, California in Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation,
Affairs in 1972, and, in 1973, seized the January 1995, Gutierrez declared: "Grin- and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (see
community of Wounded Knee, located in- gos stole the land of the territorial minor- the chart on pages 56-57).
side the Oglala Sioux Indian reservation ity - us! We have a right to build our One of the most telling examples of a
in South Dakota. In that venture, a band homeland .... We are fighting as a new hidden agenda behind foundation grants is
of 200 revolutionaries held hostages, Mestizo nation .... Build Raza! We are go- the generous transfer of funds from these
plundered the trading post, burned a local ing to build Aztlan! We are here again!" establishment powerhouses to the suppos-
church, brutally beat a minister, demanded Revolutionary rhetoric of this kind is ex- edly "anti-establishment" radical environ-
60 million acres of federal land, called for actly what the Ford Foundation rewards. mental movement. Anyone not in on the
United Nations assistance, and gave inter- The American Mexican Youth Organiza- game plan would be surprised to learn that
views to the national media. At least half tion, the Mexican American Legal De- the Rockefeller Brothers Fund sponsored
of the self-styled liberators were actually fense Fund, and similar radical Hispanic a 1977 environmental study entitled The
social-welfare workers receiving federal groups have received over $35 million Unfinished Agenda that called for (among
funds. Only 20 actually lived in the area. from tax-exempt foundations since 1968. other things) "a progressively increasing
In the Southwest, the target of conflict gasoline tax, the proceeds of which should
has been the Mexican-American popula- Across the Spectrum be used to begin reducing the ill effects of
tion. On June 5,1967,150 armed "libera- Ford Foundation funding is not limited automobiles." The Unfinished Agenda
tors," under the leadership of Reies Lopez to the promotion of revolutionary anar- makes clear that we are experiencing "a
Tijerina, seized the village of Tierra chy. It has financed issues and groups and world transition from abundance to scar-
Amarilla, New Mexico and announced even governments which personify the city, a transition that is already well un-
that they were establishing a new nation entire spectrum of leftist ideology . In derway." It is, of course, a transition that
within the United States. It was a classic 1995, the Foundation granted more than would benefit only the ruling class.
mini-revolution offorce and violence with $1,444,700 to the government of Com- Federal agencies and tax-exempt foun-
all the required Marxist-Leninist phrases munist China and its Communist Party dations lavish ly fund those organizations
and slogans. Before the National Guard fi- organs; $600,000 to the communist gov- which create the appearance of pressure
nally restored order, two county officials ernment of Vietnam ; $30,000 to the revo- "from below" for more government. The
had been shot and another brutally beaten. lutionary Institute for Policy Studies; beneficiaries of this funding are not grass-
One of the men was beaten to death $545,000 to the United Nations Associa- roots movements; the entire operation is
shortly before he was scheduled to testify tion ; $25,000 to the UN50 Committee; orchestrated "from above" by the Insiders.
that it was Tijerina who shot him. $20,000 to Parliamentarians for Global These are the agents who constitute a
That much was fairly well reported in Action; $35,000 to the NOW Legal De- massive conspiracy to defraud the Ameri-
the press. What was not reported, how- fense Fund; $255,000 to the Sex Informa- can people of their economic security and
ever, was the extent to which the organi- tion and Education Council of the United their personal freedom.
zations supporting Tijerina and his war of States; $925,000 to the American Civil - G. EDWARD GRlFFIN


The establishment of the tax-free foundation tax-exempt entities to promote socialism, in- of funds illustrates how the Insiders at the
system, in conjunction with the Marxist gradu- ternationalism, and subversion as if the top work to sustain and strengthen the pres-
ated income tax, has enabled the Insiders to money were in their private bank accounts. sure groups at the bottom to create the de-
accumulate enormous liquid funds for them- Meanwhile , taxes collected from average mand for an authoritarian "new world order"
selves while simultaneously depriving the Americans are often used t6 'advance social- controlled by the very same Insiders. The
great midd le class of much of its wealth . ism , internationalism, and subversion by the amounts given are minimum figures based on
Through this brilliantly crafted arrangement- government that collects them . data supplied by the New York City-based
which was sold to the masses as "philan- The following is a compilation of grants Foundation Center for the three-year period
thropic" and "soak the rich " prog rams - the given by some of the larger foundations and 1993-95 and are not necessarily complete
Insiders have channeled their billions through their grant recipients. This massive transfer statistics.

ABORTION/POPULATION CONTROL Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, WA ....... . . .. ........ $260,000
Sierra Club of Western Canada .... . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. $120,000
Planned Parenthood Federation of America .............. . $25 ,000 Wilderness Society ..... . . .... .. .... . . .. . . ..... ..... $80,000
Sex Information and Education Council of the US .. ... . . .. $325,000 World Resources Institute . .. . . . ... ......... ... .... . .. $10,000
National Abortion Federation .. .. ....... . .. ... . . .. .... $120,000 Natural Resources Defense Council .. . .. . .. . . . . ... . .. .. $675,000
National Family Planning and Reproductive Health .. .... . . $110,000 Resources for the Future .. .. .. . . ........ .. . . ... . .. . . $111 ,600
Planned Parenthood Federation of America ..... . .. . ..... $200,000 CLARK FOUNDATION
Sex Information and Education Council of the US . .. ...... $180,000 Environmental Defense Fund .. . . . ..... . .. .. . .......... $60,000
FORD FOUNDATION Natural Resources Defense Council . . ... ... .. . .. .. .. . .. $420,000
Population Council .... . ..... . . .. .. .. . .. . ... .. . .. . $1,749,194 FORD FOUNDATION
Sex Information and Education Council of the US .. ....... $255,000 Environmental Defense Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 ,150,000
Friends of the Earth . ............... .. . . . .. . . . . . . ... $250,000
Population Council .. .. . . ....... ... .... . . ... . . ..... . $900,000 Natural Resources Defense Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1 ,025,000
National Wildlife Federation ..... ..... .. . ... . . . .. . .. . . $250,000
MELLON FOUNDATION Nature Conservancy'........... . ... ....... . . . .. .. ... $510,000
Population Council . . ..................... . ....... $7,170,000 Wilderness Society . .. . . . . .. .. ... . .. ....... . . . .... . $300,000
MERCK FUND World Resources Institute ... . ... . ...... . . . . . . . .. . . .. $478,500
National Abortion Federation . ....... .. . . . . .. . . ...... . . $90,000 World Wildlife Foundation . . . . .... ... . .. . ... . . . ..... . $925,000
Planned Parenthood Federation of America ......... .. . . . $160,000 JOYCE FOUNDATION
Population Council ....... . ...... . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . ... . $180,000 Environmental Defense Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1 ,051,000
MERTZ-GILMORE FOUNDATION Environmental Law Institute . ........ . .. ... .. . . .. . .. . . $50,000
Lam bda Legal Defense and Education Fund . ... . . . .. .. .. .. $90,660 Friends of the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $75,000
National Wildlife Federation ....... . .. . .. . ..... .. .... . $525,667
MOTT FOUNDATION Natural Resources Defense Council ........ .. . . . ...... . $664,445
Planned Parenthood Federation of America . . .. ...... ..... $35 ,006 Nature Conservancy ..... .. .. . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. $97,750
PEW CHARITABLE TRUST Sierra Club Foundation .......... . ... . . . ..... . ... . .. $465,000
Planned Parenthood Federation of America .... . ......... $130,000 Union of Concerned Scientists .... . .. . ... ...... . .. .. . . $590,000
Population Council ... ..... ..... ... . .. .... . . ... ... . . $300,000 World Resources Institute . . ........... . ... . ... .. . . .. $550,000
Zero Population Growth .. . .. . . . ... . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . ... $150,000 World Wildlife Foundation . . .. ..... . ... . ..... . ..... . . $251 ,950
National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Assoc. . . . $20,000 Center for International Environmental Law . ... . . . ....... $240,000
Planned Parenthood Federation of America .. ... .. . ... . .. $130,000 Environmental Defense Fund .. . ........ . .. . . . .. .. .. . . $800,000
Population Counci l .. .... . ........... . ............ $1 ,877,170 National Wildlife Federation .. .. .... . ... . ..... . . . . .. . . $225,000
Population Institute . . .... . . . ..................... . .. $20,000 Nature Conservancy ..... .. .... . .. .. ... . . ... .. . . . ... $235,000
Union of Concerned Scientists ...... . .. .. . . .. .... . ..... $12,000
CULTURE WAR World Resources Institute ...... . .. . .. .. .. .. ... . ... . . . $40,000
World Wildlife Foundation .. .. . . ...... .. .. . ..... . .. . . $940,000
Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation . ..... .. . .. .. $270,000 MELLON FOUNDATION
Nature Conservancy . . ....... . .. . . . ... ... . . ... .. . . . .. $10,000
ENVIRONMENTAL EXTREMISM Resources for the Future . .. ... . .... .. . . ... .... . ... .. $390,000
Environmental Defense Fund .... . .............. . . . . ... $75,000 Friends of the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000
Friends of the Earth . . .. ... . . ....... . .. .... . .... . . . .. $70,000 Natural Resources Defense Council .. ... ...... . .... . .. . . $50,000
Natural Resources Defense Council ... ... .... . .. . ... . .. $300,000 MERTZ-GILMORE FOUNDATION
Sierra Cl ub Foundation, CA .. . .... . ... . .. . . . . ... . . .... $42,000 Environmental Action Foundation, NY ...... . ..... . . . .... $25,000
Sierra Club FOundation , WA .................... . . . . ... $40,000 Environmental Action Foundation, MD .. . ... . . ... .. .. .... $70 ,000


Environmental Defense Fund . ............. . .. ........ $275,000 ROCKEFELLER BROTHERS FUND
Friends of the Earth .. .. . .............. . .. ... .. . ... . . $10,000 Council on Foreign Relations ... ....... . ... .. . . ..... $100,000
Natural Resources Defense Council . .. . .. .. . . . . . ....... $325,000 Trilateral Commission .. . ........ . . . . . ......... . ... .. $75,000
Sierra Club Foundation ... . .... ........ .......... .. .. $30,000 ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION
Union of Concerned Scientists . ........... ... . ....... . $270,000 Arms Control Association .. .. .. .... . .. .... .... . . .. .. $50,000
Worldwatch Institute ..... .. ... ... . ......... . ....... . $25,000 Council on Foreign Relations . .. ........... . . .. ...... . $100,000
Mon FOUNDATION Parliamentarians for Global Action .. ............. . .. ... $278,626
Center for International Environmental Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $97,139
Earth Action Network ..... ...... .. .. .. . . . ....... . ... $100',891 LEFT WING SOCIALIST
Environmental Action Council , MI .... . . . .. .. ... .. . . .. .. $90,720 CARNEGIE CORPORATION ~
Environmental Defense Fund, DC .. . . . . . . . .. . .... . .. . .. $325,000 .American Civil Liberties Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1 ,000,000
Environmental Defense Fund, NY .... . .... . . . . .... .. ... $250,000 League of Women Voters Educational Fund . .. . . . . .. . .. .. $75,000
Environmental Defense Fund, TX .. . . ..... .. ..... . .... . $100,000 People for the American Way ....... .. . .. ......... .. .. $200,000
Environmental Law Institute . .... .. . ...... ... . .. . .. . .. $80,000
Friends of the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325,000 CLARK FOUNDATION
National Wildlife Federation . .. ............ . ... . ..... $180,000 American Civil Liberties Union ...... ..... .. . ....... . .. $975,000
Natural Resources Defense Council , DC ... ........ ...... $40,000 National Organization for Women . . ... . .... .... ....... $100,000
Natural Resources Defense Council, NY . . . .... . ..... . .. $340,000 People for the American Way .. .. . ... . . ... . . .... .. . .. . $150,000
Nature Conservancy .. ... ..... .. . ...... . .. . .......... $75,000 FORD FOUNDATION
Sierra Club Foundation, CA .. . . ..... . .. . .. . .... . ..... $190,000 American Civil Liberties Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2,265,000
Sierra Club Foundation, Canada . ........... . . . ... . . .... $39,800 League of Women Voters Educational Fund ..... .. ... .. .. $375,000
Sierra Club Foundation, DC . ... .. . .... . .... . ..... ... . . $80,000 National Organization for Women . .... .. . . . .. . . . . .. ... $600,000
Sierra Club Foundation, WI .. . .. . .. ........ ... .. . .. .. $234,905
World Resources Institute ...... ... ... . . .. .... . . .. .. . $410,000 JOYCE FOUNDATION
World Wildlife Foundation ....... ........ .... . . .. . ... $210,000 League of Women Voters . ...... .. .. .. . .... ... .. ... . . $535,000
People for the American Way .............. .... .... .... $50,000
Center for International Environmental Law .......... . ... $200,000 MACARTHUR FOUNDATION
Environmental Action Foundation . .. .. . ... . ... . .. . .. .. $100,000 American Civil Liberties Union . .. ... . .. . .. ... . . ..... .. $300,000
Environmental Defense Fund .. . ............. . ..... . .. $320,000 People for the American Way ...... . . . ... ....... . . ..... $25,000
Friends of the Earth ...... .. ............... ...... . ... $45,000 MERCK FUND
National Wildlife Federation ... . . .. . .. . .. .. ... . ....... $240,000 National Organization for Women .. .. ........ . ......... $45,000
Natural Resources Defense Council , CA ... . .......... .. .. $56,000
Natural Resources Defense Council , DC ....... . . .... ... $350,000
Natural Resources Defense Council , NY ........ .. .. . . $1 ,515,000 American Civil Liberties Union .................. ...... $140,000
Nature Conservancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,668,000 People for the American Way . .. ....... . .. .. ... .. . .... $35,000
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund ... . .................... $50,000 PEW CHARITABLE FUND
Union of Concerned Scientists .............. .. .. . .. . . $300,000 . League of Women Voters .... .. .... . .. . . ............. $135,000
Wilderness Society ...... .. . . . .. .... .. ...... .. . .. . $385,000 ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION
World Resources Institute ............. . .......... . .. $575,000 American Civil Liberties Union ....... ..... . ........... $110,000
World Wildlife Foundation . . ..... . .. . .. ............ $1 ,410,000 People for the American Way .. .. .... . .. .. . ...... ..... . $75,000
Earth Action Alert Network ... ... .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. $75,000 RADICAL IMMIGRANT "RIGHTS"
Environmental Defense Fund .. ............. ....... . . . $350,000
Friends of the Earth .... . .. . ........ .... .. .. . . . .. .. . $120,000 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund . ... $750,000
National Wildlife Federation . ... ... . .. ....... . ... . . .. .. $60,000 National Council of La Raza, CA . ... .. .. . .. . .. ......... $300,000
Natural Resources Defense Council . . .. . ... . . .... .. . . .. $157,500 National Council of La Raza, DC . . ....... .. ... . . ...... . $164,000
Nature Conservancy .. .. . ....... .. .. ............ .. ... $35,000
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund . . .. . .. . . ... . .... .. . . .. $100,000 FORD FOUNDATION
Union of Concerned Scientists ..... .. . .. .. . . ..... .. .. $80,000 League of United Latin American Citizens .. .. . .. .... . ... $300,000
World Resources Institute . .... ..... . .. . .. . ....... .. . $150,000 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, CA .. $2,635,000
Mexican American Legal Defense and
Educational Fund Property ..... . .. .... . .. . . . .... . . $100,000
World Resources Institute ........ . ...... . ........... $260,000 National Council of La Raza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $3,050,000
World Wildlife Foundation . . .. . .. .... ..... .. ... .. . .. .. $15,000
INTERNATIONAL Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund .. .. $125,000
Arms Control Association ... . ...... .... . . ........... $200,000 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund . . .. . $30,000
Council on Foreign Relations . . . .... .. ... . . ....... .. .. $928,600 National Council of La Raza ..... .............. .... . ... $30,000
Parliamentarians for Global Action . . .. . .. . . .... . . .. .. $222,000 Mon FOUNDATION
FORD FOUNDATION National Council of La Raza ........ ....... . .. . .. .... . $418,000
Arms Control Association ... . . .. . . . ................. $140,000 ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION
Council on Foreign Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2,063,000 Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund . .. $2,110,000
Parliamentarians for Global Action . . ............. . .. . .. . $25,000 National Council of La Raza .. .. ... .. . .. .. . . ..... . ..... $65,000
Council on Foreign Relations . . . . ... ..... . ..... . .... . . $590,000 SUBVERSIVE -
Parliamentarians for Global Action . .............. ....... $25,000 Institute for Policy Studies .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. . . . .. . ... $50,000
Council on Foreign Relations .... ......... . . . ... .... .. $105,000 Institute for Policy Studies .. .. .. ... . ... . ........... . . $676,910



First Tool of Tyrants

lated Woodrow Wilson's latent passion
for one-world government at the expense
of national. sovereignty. But both Wilson
and House knew that Americans would
never accept this concept unless psycho-
logically induced by extreme circum-
stances - such as American involvement
in a devastating world war.
J.P. Morgan was also intent on embroil-
ing the U.S. in the war, as he was person-
ally at risk for a huge fortune if England
defaulted on her bonds and loans. Equally
determined to have the U.S. come in was
Churchill, Great Britain's First Lord of
the Admiralty at the time. How to engi-
neer a crystalizing "incident"? These
schemers saw their opportunity in the fact
that the U.S. and Britain, contrary to in-
ternationallaw, used passengers as cover
on British vessels carrying arms. The Brit-
ish auxiliary cruiser Lusitania, sailing
U.S. soldiers were deployed to help build a " new world order" during Gulf War.
from New York in May 1915, was such a
mbedded in the human conscious- ent. In the 20th century, the expansion of vessel, carrying a contraband cargo of 600

E ness is the belief that the purpose

of war is to defend or advance the
"national interest" - that is, to protect
power through fabrications and secret
agendas has been developed to a fine art
by the political and financial elites of Eu-
tons of explosives and six million rounds
of ammunition, all consigned through the
J.P. Morgan company.*
life, territory, or the "balance of power" of rope and America. The German embassy in Washington,
the nation from an external threat. But the aware of the cargo, filed a complaint with
real reason for many wars is far different. Europe's Suicide the U.S. government, citing this shipment
From ancient times to present, preeminent The assassination in 1914 of Archduke as a violation of international neutrality
among government methods for the con- Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of treaties. The U.S. denied knowledge of
trol of society has been the making of war. Austria-Hungary, by a Bosnian Serb was any such cargo, although it could be
No other combination of techniques for hardly of "national interest" to the other plainly seen being loaded on New York's
centralizing power or advancing revolu- European powers, and certainly of no con- Pier 54. The Germans then attempted to
tionary concepts can remotely compare to sequence for the U.S. But when Austria place ads in 50 major newspapers warn-
war in scope or effectiveness. unnecessarily attacked Serbia, the oppor- ing the passengers not to travel on the
West Point history instructor Wesley tunity for war was irresistible to the rulers Lusitania. The Wilson Administration's
Allen Riddle has observed that "warfare of Russia, Germany, France, England, and State Department used the threat of libel
must be viewed as an important contribu- eventually the U.S. suits to prevent publication of the ad in
tor to the state of things as they exist now From our present perspective, it seems every paper except for the Des Moines
in the Leviathan. New wars, in the context incredible that the U.S., which had re- Register.
in which we find ourselves, can only be mained utterly aloof from European con- The Lusitania left New York with
the handmaiden of omnipotent govern- flicts, could have been sucked into the 1,257 passengers; as it entered the Irish
ment. If patriotism is the last refuge of most avoidable of Europe's recurrent ca- Sea, Churchill ordered it to proceed at
scoundrels, then certainly, war is the first tastrophes. How did it happen? Four men reduced speed to "save fuel expense,"
tool of tyrants." were primarily responsible: Edward Man- withdrew its destroyer escort, and sent it
For society itself, the possibility of war dell House, President Woodrow Wilson, into waters where a German U-boat was
creates a sense of necessity to accept J.P. Morgan, and Winston Churchill. known to be operating. The expected tor-
political authority and thus a binding These men were already closely associ- pedo hit was followed by a massive inter-
allegiance to one's government. But al- ated through the secret one-world Round nal explosion and the Lusitania, one of the
legiance requires a cause and a cause re- Table Groups set up in London by the largest ships ever built, sank in 18 min-
quires an enemy. If there is no enemy, Lord Milner-Cecil Rhodes world govern- * For a detailedaccount of the Lusitania plot, see
governments are adept at creating one ment cabal. Colin Simpson's definitive 1972 study The Lusi-
through whatever pretense seems expedi- House was an evil genius who manipu- tania (Boston: Little, Brown & Co.).


utes. Seven hundred and eighty-five lives tute of International Affairs; in the U.S. it Japan abrogate its treaty with the Axis.
were lost, including 195 Americans. The is known as the Council on Foreign Rela- This, as hoped, proved to be the fmal in-
ship's captain was prominently blamed tions (CFR). citement to attack.
for the disaster. Wilson ordered the ship 's A mere 20 years later the Insiders had Meanwhile, military intelligence had
bill-of-Iading concealed in the archives of succeeded in positioning themselves for cracked the top-secret Japanese code.
the Treasury Department, while his Sec- an uncanny repetition of their 1919 world- Roosevelt and his inner clique, including
retary of State, William Jennings Bryan, government-through-war attempt. But Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall,
resigned in disgust and dismay at the first the war had to be brought into being. knew from these intercepts that an attack
duplicity. We now know that when Hitler launched on Pearl Harbor was planned. At least
The American plotters then moved to World War II by invading Poland in 1939, eight other prominent sources also warned
whip up war hysteria and hatred of Ger- the American financiaVcorporate/ politi- Roosevelt, yet no infonnation was passed
many. Morgan was ideally situated for cal elite had much to do with making it on to our commanders in Hawaii. The at-
this propaganda barrage with his control possible. The most authoritative account tack left over 2,000 Americans dead, 18
of 25 of the most important newspapers, of American aid to Hitler is Antony naval vessels sunk or damaged, and de-
including the New York Sun, Barrons, and Sutton ' s Wall Street and the Rise of stroyed the careers of Admiral Husband
the Wall Street Journal, plus countless Hitler, which details how top officials of E. Kimmel and General Walter C. Short,
New England newspapers on the payroll numerous leading corporations and banks who were used as scapegoats by FDR.
of the Morgan Trust. Wilson fired off a knowingly gave crucial monetary and
note of outraged indignation to the Gennan technical assistance to the development of UN Charter or Constitution?
government; House wrote that "America the Nazi war machine. But none of this, or the loss of life to
must determine whether she stands for Occupying the highest position in the come, mattered, for the Insiders had
civilized or uncivilized warfare. We can land was a Wall Streeter par excellence, achieved their purpose. In June 1945,
no longer remain neutral spectators .... " Franklin D. Roosevelt, posing as a "friend even before the war ended, the United Na-
Newspaper editors across the country en- of the people," but actually with intimate tions founding conference took place,
larged upon this travesty in their editorials. ties to both the financial and corporate with more than 40 CFR members in the
But the 1916 election was coming up, CFR elite. Thus, it was a relatively simple U.~ . delegation. This time, the Insiders
and, with public opinion not yet fully un- matter for the CFR elitists to literally take were determined to secure Senate ratifica-
der control, Wilson was obliged to run for control of the Roosevelt State Department tion. They saturated the country with the
re-election on the slogan, "He kept us out as early as 1939 with the secretive War slogan that the UN was the world's "last
of war." Only five months later, on April and Peace Study Project, funded by the best hope for peace." With hardly any de-
6, 1917, Congress succumbed to pressure Rockefeller Foundation. The CFR mem- bate, the Senate ratified the UN Charter
from Wilson and the J.P. Morgan press bers of this hidden "project" created the and America became a part of a world
and declared war to "make the world safe basic structure of the United Nations as a government-to-be.
for democracy." One billion tax dollars in war objective - for a war that we hadn't The biggest hurdle had been crossed,
credit was quickly extended to the Allies, even entered at that point. but this was only a beginning. Precedents
of which $200 million was immediately Re-enacting Wilson 's hypocritical peace had to be set to activate UN powers. As
applied to England' s debt to Morgan, with posture, Roosevelt pledged that "your part of the Pacific war settlement in 1945,
more to come later. boys will never go to war," while simul- the northern half of Korea had outra-
taneously secretly planning just the oppo- geously been handed over to Stalin, who
Repeat Performance in WWII site with Winston Churchill. But how to proceeded to make it a Marxist satellite
But the schemers had only just started. get America involved, with public opinion which invaded the South in 1950. The
In 1912 Edward Mandell House had pub- overwhelmingly opposed? Roosevelt bra- stage was set for another war entangling
lished the novel Philip Dru, Administra- zenly broke every international neutrality America - and another CFR coup. This
tor, in which he called for "socialism as law, even to depth-charging U-boats, in an time one of the objectives was to free the
dreamed of by Karl Marx" and a "league attempt to force Germany to strike first. Insiders from the constitutional require-
of nations" to ensure "world peace." At Thwarted by Gennany's refusal to fall ment that only Congress can declare war.
the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, this into the same trap twice, Roosevelt began U.S. involvement in the Korean War
was precisely the name given to the world planning a confrontation with Japan, an not only created precedents, but kept
body created there by one of Wilson's fa- Axis partner and our third most important America firmly in the grasp of entangling
mous "fourteen points." But this first at- trading partner. Henry L. Stimson, a hard- globalist commitments. This is docu-
tempt at world government failed, thanks core CFR member, was brought in as War mented in an essay published in the June
to the U.S. Senate, which refused to ratify Secretary and proceeded to box in Japan 1996 issue of The Atlantic Monthly by
the League of Nations Covenant. with a trade embargo, seizure of Japanese Benjamin Schwarz, a senior fellow at the
But House and the British one-worlders assets in the U.S., and denying Japan use liberal World Policy Institute. According
knew that a great deal more than the of the Panama Canal. After a meeting to Schwarz, former Secretary of State
Round Table network was needed. Ac- with Roosevelt, Stimson wrote in his di- Dean Acheson (CFR) gave a speech in
cordingly, front organizations were set up ary: "The question was how we should 1954 describing the growing opposition to
having as their nucleus the existing sub- maneuver them [the Japanese] into the po- the UN and American entanglements
merged Round Table Groups. In England sition of firing the first shot." The prob- abroad; at a critical moment, disclosed
this organization is called the Royal Insti- lem was solved when FDR demanded that Acheson, the crisis in Korea "came along


and saved us." power, so essential to Insider plans, had except our own, no PT boat wakes, not a
Following the North Korean invasion passed from Congress to the UN. candle light, let alone a burning ship.
of the South in 1950, the UN proceeded None could have been there and not have
to call upon its members to help South Rerun in Vietnam been seen on such a black night." Yet this
Korea. Although under no obligation to After Americans had absorbed the incident was characterized as "a great sea
answer the call, Truman dutifully by- shock of not winning, they then had to ab- battle" complete with burning ships.
passed Congress and sent troops under our sorb the greater shock of losing. The place But this Big Lie was only the first of a
UN commitment which was held to over- - Vietnam - couldn't have been further vast network of gross deceptions, false-
ride the Constitution. After all, as Ache- from our "national interest." As John F. hoods, betrayals, and treason woven about
son stated on July 29, 1950, the purpose McManus explains in his indispensable Vietnam. This was necessary to conceal
of the war was "to uphold the sanctity of book Changing Commands (see page 62), the evil plotting of those in charge - men
the Charter of the United Nations .... " our purposeful entanglement in the South- such as Robert McNamara (CFR), Dean
Fatefully, Congress failed to challenge east Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) Rusk (CFR), Arthur Goldberg (CFR),
this usurpation of its power and subver- and its UN parent was used by President Frederick Nolting (CFR), Averell Harri-
sion of our Constitution. For the fust time, Lyndon Johnson for authority to "counter man (CFR), Henry Cabot Lodge (CFR),
American soldiers were fighting as William Colby (CFR), Richard Nix-
part of a UN global police force - on (CFR), and Walt Rostow (CFR),
but not to win. Incredible restric- and a host of other Insiders who
tions never before known in war- prevented an American victory.
fare were imposed upon our troops This outcome was set in concrete,
to the advantage of the commu- for our bewildered troops and of-
nists. Communist Chinese General ficers were forced to obey insane
Lin Piao, who commanded the battlefield restrictions while Lyn-
troops that poured across the Yalu don Johnson personally abolished
bridges from Manchuria - bridges trade barriers on strategic goods to
which General Douglas MacArthur Eastern Europe and the Soviet
was forbidden to bomb - boasted: Union which came back to help kill
"I would never have made the at- 58,000 of our men.
tack and risked my men and mili- The March 1968 issue of Sci-
tary reputation if I had not been ence & Mechanics magazine inter-
assured that Washington would re- viewed high-ranking military
strain General MacArthur from officers, the "most experienced and
taking adequate retaliatory mea- astute military strategists" avail-
sures against my lines of supply able, about the conduct of the Viet-
and communication." nam War. These experts informed
When MacArthur publicly criti- author Lloyd Malian that although
cized the incredible restraints under the "war against Vietnam can be ir-
which Americans were forced to revocably won in six weeks" the
fight, he was sacked by President chosen strategy of America's lead-
Truman. His replacement, General President Bu~h looked to UN - not to ~ongress - ers insured that the war "may go on
Matthew Ridgway (who later joined for authOrity to send troops to Persian Gulf. for another five, ten, or more years ....
the CFR), stated in his book, The Korean communist aggression in Vietnam." We are fighting a war in a weak-sister
War, that his first task was "to place rea- Thus, the Vietcong insurgency in the manner that is unprecedented throughout
sonable restrictions on the Eighth [U.S. South was used by the Insiders as reason the history of military science."
Army] and Republic of Korea Armies' to send a few troops and get the U.S. in- In 1985, Senator Barry Goldwater (R-
advance" - or, as MacArthur famously volved. But in 1964, an enormous escala- AZ) pried loose a declassified copy of the
observed, to snatch "defeat from the jaws tion began with the congressional Tonkin Air Force rules of engagement for the
of victory." Gulf Resolution. As McManus writes, this Vietnam War and entered the document
Another illustration that the entire war was not a bona fide declaration of war, but into the Congressional Record. Those
was an Insider fix in partnership with our simply a green light to intensify the war. guidelines, stated Goldwater, demon-
"enemy" the Soviet Union was the fact The case for escalation was built on the strated that "the Armed Forces did not
that the Soviets, by exercising their UN spurious report of a PT boat attack on U.S. suffer a military defeat in any sense of that
Security Council veto, could have pre- destroyers in the Tonkin Gulf, a report term. Rather, it was civilian managers of
vented the UN intervention against their later disproved by witnesses. the U.S. Government who denied our
satellite. Instead, they staged a curiously One such witness, Navy pilot Com- military forces a victory by imposing a
timed walkout, not returning until after mander (later Admiral) Jim Stockdale, complex and lengthy set of restrictions on
the Korea vote. The war finally ended in told the Houston Chronicle years later that what the military could and could not do
a stalemate, the first no-win war in our "not one American out there ever saw a in South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and
nation's history. Nearly 54,000 young PTboat [during the famous August 4th in- North Vietnam."
Americans lay dead. But the war-making cident]. There was absolutely no gunfire After Henry Kissinger (CFR) put the fi-


nal betrayal in place at the Paris "peace"
negotiations, Southeast Asia fell to the
communists, who still enslave it.

The Gulf War Script

By 1990 the Insiders' plan called fo r
polishing up the tarnished image of the
UN with a military victory . Wi th the
American people hardly noticing the pro-
cedure or its portent, President George
Bush went to the UN for authority to send
troops to war against Iraq. In an unprec-
edented step, the UN directly authorized
the use of U.S. troops for battle. Although
an enormous military force was already c.,
being sent to the Persian Gulf by Mr. E
Bush, 54 courageous members of Con- ~.,
gress attempted to force the President to o
obtain congressional authority. In spite of .,
this, the House voted 250-183 and the o
Senate 52-47 to authorize the use of our U.S. troops in Somalia: Humanitarian mission changed to military operation.
armed forces pursuant to Security Council had a humanitarian obligation to feed the Bosnia without permission of the warring
Resolution 678, while Mr. Bush boasted hungry in warring Somalia . Well re- parties; the U.S. military was used to en-
that he didn' t need any such superfluous hearsed, this time the power play pro- force the UN arms embargo; UN officials
vote. Thus, the precedent was set for un- ceeded like clockwork; even the necessity ordered U.S. fighter planes serving under
limited use of our military on a global of an ' 'incident'' had become outmoded. NATO to attack positions in Bosnia with
scale by the UN. After asking the UN for a resolution of au- no U.S. permission whatsoever. Under
President Bush explicitly and repeat- thority, Mr. Bush simply sent 30,000 U.S . Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke
edly stated that the purpose of the Gulf troops to Somalia with no congressional (CFR), in an act of diplomatic arrogance,
War was to empower the UN and create a outcry. Newly inaugurated President Bill hammered out a peace accord creating a
"new world order." "We're now in sight Clinton quickly upgraded the "humanitar- UN-dominated political entity whose in-
of a United Nations that performs as envi- ian" mission to a military operation with stitutions are defined by "the purposes and
sioned by its founders ," Bush boasted in a unprecedented orders to capture one of the principles of the Charter of the United Na-
September II, 1990 address to Congress. nation 's leaders, disarm civilians, and re- tions" - and 30,000 American troops
"I hope history will record," he stated in build Somalia's infrastructure. For the were deployed to enforce this agreement
his National Security Strategy of the first time in our nation's history , our "under Chapter VII of the United Nations
United States (1991), "that the Gulf crisis troops were placed under the direct com- Charter" in a mission "authorized" by the
was the crucible of the new world order." mand of a UN foreign commander. UN Security Council.
Not only was the Gulf War undeclared, On the strength of the Somalia prece- Several years before the start of World
unconstitutional, and unwarranted, but dent and another UN resolution, President War I, the trustees of the Carnegie En-
there are many indications that it was as Clinton next sent tens of thousands of dowment for International Peace held a
phonily fomented as its predecessors. troops to tiny Haiti, call ing the situation meeting to discuss the question, "Is there
Shell Game, a recent book by Pulitzer there "a threat to international peace." Al- any means known to man more effective
Prize-winning investigative journalist Pe- though Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) tban war, assuming you wish to alter the
ter Mantius, documents the fashion in sought to bar funds for military action not life of an entire people?" Deciding that
which the U.S. government and taxpayer- related to protecting U.S. citizens, the there was none, a second question was ex-
subsidized corporations built up Saddam Senate defeated this end run around the amined, "How do we involve the United
Hussein 's military in the 1980s - and Insiders with a chilling 81-19 vote. Mr. States in a war?" According to congres-
how, following the war, "President Bush Clinton effectively ordered our troops to sional investigator Norman Dodd, after
[used] the vast power of his office ... to depose Haiti's anti -communist govern- America became entangled in World War
stall [Congressional] probes long enough ment, reinstall the Marxist terrorist Ber- I, the Carnegie trustees were so delighted
for the American companies that supplied trand Aristide as President, and disarm the with the new opportunities for social en-
Iraq to blend quietly into the crowd." An- civilian population. Here again the pur- gineering that they dispatched a telegram
other "enemy" invented, another staged pose of this seemingly senseless act was to President Wilson "cautioning him to
war, and another critical enhancement of the setting of precedents that are obvi- see that the war did not end too quickly."
the UN's power. ously a harrowing threat to the sover- War remains the most effective means
eignty of any nation, including our own. to alter the life of an entire people, and it
Somalia, Bosnia, and Beyond Meanwhile, the tragedy of Bosnia has will remain among the most potent tools
Hardly was the Gu lf War over than created yet more disastrous precedents. of conspirators seeking total power.
President Bush "discovered" that the U.S. UN "peacekeepers" were dropped into - JANE H.lNoRAHAM



Red Chameleons
ost Americans probably are not Soviet Union was ceded chunks of

M aware that communists often

undergo a peculiar kind of meta-
morphosis. At times certain communists
Poland and granted control over
Manchuria, and millions of Russian
nationals who had fl~d their com-
are held to be "good" while certain other munist-controlled homeland were
communists are held to be "bad." At other forcibly repatriated. Yalta set the
times their roles are completely reversed. stage for the enslavement of nearly
Certain other communists are presented as a billion human beings in Europe
not being communist at all. Knocking this and Asia.
image of communism back and forth to But alas, the euphoria about our
fit the occasion has been one of the Insid- noble ally Stalin was soon in tat-
ers' most effective ways to control the ters. Before Americans could prop-
public's perception of their international erly refocus their minds, Winston
machinations. Churchill had invaded our heart-
The Insider treatment of the Soviet land and our media with dire elo-
Union shows this technique at its loath- quence about an "Iron Curtain"; the
some best. When Hitler and Stalin carved Cold War was on with the suddenly
up Poland between them in 1939, commu- bad Soviets. In fact, they were so
nism was held to be thoroughly reprehen- bad that Americans were held hos-
sible. Stalin was accurately depicted as a tage for decades to the fear of
bloody tyrant who had exterminated nuclear holocaust, which served the
millions of his own countrymen, while Insiders well as a pretext for world
American communists were rightfully government.
condemned for their bold support of Of course, the frightful appear-
Hitler. Some idealistic, albeit naIve, ance of the Soviet Union at times
American communists even bolted the served as a pretext for showering Dismantling of Berlin Wall signaled the
Party upon hearing the shocking news of Western assistance on other com- beginning of phony Soviet liberalization.
the Hitler-Stalin pact. Others, of course, munis countries, such as Red China, chev and Yeltsin behaved very much like
fully recognized that Nazism and commu- which had supposedly broken with the the communists of old in their rapes of Af-
nism are ideological cousins and desired Soviets. So it was that in 1984 the arch- ghanistan and Chechnya has been glossed
the very totalitarianism that both Hitler anti-communist President Ronald Reagan over by the establishment opinion cartel.
and Stalin ruthlessly imposed. referred to China as a "so-called commu- If the velvet revolutions and political
nist" country. conversions leading to the demise of com-
Our "Ally" Stalin munism were genuine, one would have ex-
But then one of these arch-criminals A Faked Death pected an intensive "de-communization"
turned on the other. Overnight, Stalin be- Then a dramatic change took place that program at the very least, if not special tri-
came "good 01' Uncle Joe," a bosom shocked the world. After decades of glo- als to bring to justice still-living commu-
buddy who must be rescued with billions bal saber rattling, communist thugs who nist thugs responsible for monstrous
of dollars in U.S. aid. The beleaguered had been responsible for the murder of crimes against humanity - such as was
American communists suddenly became millions suddenly became "democrats" done in Germany following the defeat of
"just like us" and were even welcomed eager to curtail their own tyrannical pow- Hitler. But no such steps were undertaken
into high-level government posts and bu- ers and lead their people out of bondage. in post-Soviet Russia - just the opposite,
reaus. By the time the slaughter of World The Berlin Wall came down and the Iron in fact. Not only were the hardline com-
War II had ended, Uncle Joe emerged not Curtain was lifted. Without a shot being munists who led the failed coup against
only as a winner, but as a world leader. fired, the "Evil Empire" ceased to exist. Gorbachev not sent to the gulag or the gal-
The benign image of Stalin served its The ghastly menace that had held us in lows, they were released. How could this
purpose well. It made possible the accep- thrall for 45 years and cost us a tremen- be - unless, of course, the "demise of
tance by the American public of the trans- dous fortune to defend against had appar- communism" was less than genuine?
ference of enormous amounts of our ently vanished into thin air. Instead of It is much less than genuine according
wealth, technology, and food to the Soviet Lenin or Stalin, we now had Gorbachev to Anatoliy Golitsyn, arguably the West's
Union. It also misled Americans into not the Good followed by Yeltsin the Better, most valuable Soviet defector. Golitsyn,
recognizing the treasonous course of the "former" communists who have embraced an ex-KGB staff officer who specialized
war as the secret Yalta agreements began "openness" and "reform" and who have in counterintelligence, argues that the
to unfold. Under those agreements, the become just like us. The fact that Gorba- "liberalization" of the Soviet Union and


vides a good indication of which clique is
the senior in this partnership.
Looking at the fall of commuillsrn from
the perspective of the Western non-com-
munist elite, the purpose behind this latest
act is not hard to fathom. How could the
Insiders' world merger possibly proceed
with a regime as horrible and powerful as
the Soviet Union? CFR academic Lincoln
P. Bloomfield acknowledged this very
problem in his 1962 State Department-
funded report, A World Effectively Con-
trolled by the United Nations. "[G]iven a
continuation unabated of communist dy-
narrusm," he said, "the subordination of
states to a true world government appears
impossible .... " Bloomfield saw this as a
paradox, since "if the commuillst dynarruc
were greatly abated, the West rrught well
"Former communist" Mikhail Gorbachev and Russian "reformer" Boris Yeltsin. lose whatever incentive it has for world
Eastern Europe is nothing more than a to East Germany, demolition of the Ber- government." But other pretexts for world
KGB disinformation ploy designed to be- lin Wall might even be contemplated." government have been employed (see page
guile the West into supporting commuillst "Pressure could well grow for a solu- 47), and with the elimination of the "Evil
objectives, including Western assistance tion of the German problem in which Empire" the merger can proceed unabated.
and eventual merger. some form of confederation between East Recently, in spite of massive aid from
Significantly, Golitsyn identified this and West Germany would be combined the West, "former" Communist Party ap-
strategy long before the "derruse of com- with neutralization of the whole and a paratchik Boris Yeltsin has behaved very
munism." In his 1984 book New Lies for treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union." much like a dictator in his crackdown on
Old (published five years before the Ber- "The European Parliament rrught be- political opponents and in his crushing of
lin Wall came down), Golitsyn made a come an all-European socialist parliament Chechen rebels. The Associated Press re-
number of startling predictions: with representation fro.m the Soviet Uillon ported in June 1996 that "most of the 15
"[T]he communist strategists are and Eastern Europe. 'Europe from the At~ former Soviet republics are today domi-
equipped, in pursuing their policy, to en- lantic to the Urals' would tum out to be a nated by communists or their renamed
gage in maneuvers and stratagems be- neutral, socialist Europe." political heirs." And according to Wash-
yond the imagination of Marx or the In his more recent book The Perestroika ington Times columnist Richard Grenier
practical reach of Leilln and unthinkable Deception (1995), Golitsyn argued that (CFR), the "KGB lives on" - not only in
to Stalin . Among such previously un- "the current Russian leaders are following Ru ssia, but in " the newly independent
thinkable stratagems are the introduction the strategy of their predecessors and work- states bordering Russia" that inherited the
of false liberalization in Eastern Europe ing toward a 'New World Order.' " That dreaded police state apparatus. The name
and, probably, in the Soviet Uillon and the new world order, he made clear, would be may have changed, the players may have
exhibition of spurious independence on a one-world communist government. * been shuffled, a measure of freedom may
the part of the regimes in Romailla, Czech- be tolerated, but an overt Stalinist dicta-
oslovakia, and Poland." Insider Strategy torship could re-emerge whenever it suits
"If ' liberalization' is successful and Golitsyn views the stratagem behind Insider/commuillst purposes.
accepted by the West as genuine, it may the "derruse of communism" as originating The good communistlbad communist!
well be followed by the apparent with- from the communist KGB, not the West- former communist charade has served
drawal of one or more communist coun- ern power elite. But there is no denying the the Insiders well, enabling them to jus-
tries from the Warsaw Pact to serve as the fact that both cliques benefit from the tify accommodation, assistance, and con-
model of a 'neutral' socialist state for the planned merger. The assistance the West vergence that otherwise would not be
whole of Europe to follow." has provided communism over many de- tolerated. The bottom line is that the In-
"The 'liberalization' [in the Soviet cades (see page 35) makes perfect sense to siders have long been working in concert
Union] would be spectacular and impres- anyone who understands that socialism is with the top communists - for their ob-
sive. Formal pronouncements might be a "control the wealth" program, not a jectives are the same: Wealth, power, and
made about a reduction in the communist "share the wealth" program, and that some world merger.
party 's role; its monopoly would be ap- of the world's super-capitalists - perhaps - J ANE H. INGRAHAM & GARY B ENOIT
parently curtailed. An ostensible separa- even more so than their communist "part- * To order Golitsyn ' s books, see the inside front
tion of powers between the legislative, the ners" - seek the concentration of power cover. For our comprehensive examination and
executive, and the judiciary rrught be in- on a global scale with themselves at the expose of the deadly deception concerning "the
collapse of communism," see the September 18,
troduced ." helm. In our own view, the fact that the 1995 special issue of THE NEW AMERICAN, adver-
"If [liberalization] should be extended purse strings run from West to East pro- tised on page 62.



The Subversion Factor

owerful criminal/political conspir- travelers, and sympathizers - whom ex-communists Elizabeth Bentley and

P acies of great longevity and trans-

generational continuity are, as we
have noted in other articles in this issue,
the Soviet secret service succeeded
in ensnaring in some way into the
spy net - is probably an underesti-
Whittaker Chambers testified before Con-
gress that they had known White as one
of the chief government "sources" in the
facts not open to debate. It is also an un- mate. It is a formidable army, com- Washington espionage group. Attorney
fortunate fact that new cabals of this sort bined with a quarter of a million General Herbert Brownell reported that
are forming all the time. Moreover, it is a full-time agents and officials, and led Justice Department records "show that
fact that a major reason for the success of by an elite of 10,000 to 12,000 White's spying activities for the Soviet
these conspiracies is their effectiveness in trained master spies. government were reported in detail by the
systematically infiltrating strategic institu- FBI to the White House," and that "in the
tions, capturing key positions, and recruit- face of this information, and incredible
ing or suborning influential individuals. It though it may seem, President Truman ...
took more than mere brute force and nominated White, who was then Assistant
armies of street thugs for Medellin drug Secretary of the Treasury, for the even
chiefs Pablo Escobar and Jorge Luis more important position of executive direc-
Ochoa, Cali/Mexico cartel boss Juan tor for the United States in the International
Garcia Abrego, and other similar street Monetary Fund." The Senate, recalled
hoods to put together multi-billion dollar, Brownell, "was allowed to confIrm White
globe-straddling empires. They also "in- on February 6 [1946] , without the Senate
vest" an enormous amount of capital to being informed that White was a spy."
hire the brightest Ivy League lawyers, co- As special assistant to President Frank-
opt politicians and journalists, blackmail lin Roosevelt, Harry Hopkins dramati-
or assassinate judges and prosecutors, kill cally changed the course of history by -
or intimidate witnesses, bribe police offic- among other things - providing the So-
ers and evidence room clerks, employ viets with everything they needed to make
public relations propagandists, take con- an atomic bomb. And Alger Hiss, with the
trol of unions and legitimate corporations, aid he furnished Stalin and the UN alone,
form business association front groups, proved he was worth more to the commu-
and set up enormous philanthropic fa- nists than a hundred divisions.
cades. The same can be said for the crimi- The case of Walter Duranty is similarly
nal kingpins from Italy, Russia, China, Harry Dexter White: Soviet agent instructive. In the 1930s, '40s, and ' 50s,
Syria, the Dominican Republic, Israel, in the Roosevelt "Brain Trust." Duranty was one of the world's most fa-
etc., who operate in the United States. That formidable secret army, a veri- mous journalists, and without a doubt the
table global Trojan Horse at the time most influential writer on the Soviet
A Global T roja n Horse Cookridge wrote, had already played an Union. A Pulitzer Prize winner whose ar-
It is also true for the most successful indispensable role in the Kremlin's con- ticles filled the front pages ofthe New York
criminal enterprise in world history, the quest of much of the planet. As with the Times with gripping stories from Mother
communist conspiracy. Over the past 80 ancient Trojan stratagem, the Soviets Russia, he was the undisputed don of the
years, this abominable syndicate has per- proved time after time that agents and Moscow correspondents. One of Dur-
fected the diabolical art of penetration and sympathizers strategically infiltrated into anty's most notorious crimes was his
control, infiltrating its agents into the top the enemy camp are more valuable than deliberate cover-up of Stalin's mass-star-
echelons of political, military, economic, huge armies. vation genocide in the Ukraine during the
social, religious, and cultural influence in Harry Dexter White, Harry Hopkins, early 1930s. As many as ten million
virtually every country of the world. In his and Alger Hiss were but three of Stalin's Ukrainian men, women, and children per-
riveting 1955 book, The Net That Covers agents in the Roosevelt Administration ished in that communist holocaust. When
the World, former British Secret Service who caused incalculable harm to America British writer Malcolm Muggeridge and
agent E.H. Cookridge offers this assess- and the world. White held a number of other reporters tried to tell the world of the
ment of the global Soviet subversion key positions within the Treasury Depart- massive death toll intentionally being
apparatus: ment, including Assistant Secretary of the caused by Stalin's orders, and which they
Treasury. He was the chief U.S. technical were witnessing with their own eyes,
A suggestion that there are expert at the Bretton Woods Monetary Duranty used his prestige to discredit their
750,000 men and women in the Conference in 1945 and had a major hand stories. Famine reports were "mostly bunk"
world - semiprofessional agents, in designing the disastrous International and "a sheer absurdity" he claimed, even
informants, fifth columnists, fellow Monetary Fund and World Bank. In 1948, though he had witnessed the horrific dev-


astation himself. In like manner, he ex- the Conspiracy's controlled media and administrative posts, and even Cabinet
plained away Stalin's purges and show tri- kept politicians. Indeed, the communists positions. Ramifications were established
als. Duranty and the Times contin ued and criminal syndicates serve the Master in politics, high finance, Oxford and Lon-
covering for Stalin's crimes and were in Conspiracy in its drive for global tyranny don universities, periodicals, the civil ser-
large measure responsible for selling many and could never have attained their spec- vice, and tax-exempt foundations."
of the pro-Soviet policies of the Roosevelt tacular success without the constant aid But, as Quigley noted in his subsequent
Administration (and the administrations and protection of the Insiders above them, book, The Anglo-American Establish-
which followed) to the American public. who had infiltrated their adepts into the ment, "The power that was utilized by
Although many anti-communist writ- Milner and his Group was really the
ers, Soviet defectors, and even some lib- power of the Cecil family and its allied
erals tried in vain to expose Duranty's families." This political power of the
terrible lies and propaganda, the real truth "Cecil Bloc," as reflected in Prime Minis-
about this "celebrated" journalist did not ter Robert Arthur (Lord Salisbury) Cecil
reach the general public until many years and his politically active. progeny, was
after his death. With publication of Stalin's joined by Milner to the financial power of
Apologist by S.J. Taylor in 1990, the true the fabulous Rhodes, Astor, and Roth-
extent of Duranty' s villainy was unveiled. schild fortunes.
Besides being a communist agent-of-in- The American branch of the cabal,
fl uence, Duranty was a pervert of the most dominated by the J.P. Morgan and Rocke-
despicable kind, an opium addict, and a feller interests, worked in concert with
Satanic "priest" in Aleister (the "Beast") their British co-conspirators to advance
Crowley's infamous, fiendish cult. In fact, the world Marxist revolution at every
Duranty was a mentor of sorts to Crow- tum, as we see in the following examples
ley, who proudly claimed the title of the of the Federal Reserve, the Bolshevik
"Wickedest Man in the World." The two Revolution, and the Philby spy ring.
of them formed a menage a trois with
Jane (the "Scarlet Woman") Cheron, a Sa- Wall Street Bolsheviks
tanic priestess and heroin addict. All of It was primarily agents of J.P. Morgan
which prepared Duranty well for his sy- Walter Duranty covered up Stali n's who, at a secret meeting on Jekyll Island
cophantic service to the diabolical Stalin. mass-starvation genocide in Ukraine. in 1910, plotted the creation of a central
Because of Duranty's (and the Times') highest positions of government, the me- bank as called for by Marx in the Com-
lies covering Stalin's crimes, world his- dia, academe, finance, and industry. munist Manifesto. Years later, New York
tory was changed; tens of millions of lives Although he scoffed at the views of banker Frank A. Vanderlip, representing
were lost and untold evil and suffering "radical right" analysts who pointed to the the Rockefeller family interests, confessed
were unleashed upon the planet. conspiratorial connection between wealthy in a 1935 Saturday Evening Post article:
international elites and the worldwide so- "I was as secretive - indeed, as furtive
Capitalist Conspiracy cialist revolution, Professor Carroll Quig- - as any conspirator. ... I do not feel it is
If unschooled thugs from the streets of ley, in his monumental history Tragedy an exaggeration to speak of our secret ex-
Cali, Naples, Hong Kong, and Damascus and Hope, conceded "there grew up in the pedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of
can attain such awesome power as we see twentieth century a power structure be- the actual conception of what eventually
them wield today, and if communist revo- tween London and New York which pen- became the Federal Reserve System."
lutionaries can, in the span of one lifetime, etrated deeply into university life, the This communist program had no chance
achieve conquest of over one-third of the press, and the practice of foreign policy." of passing, except for the incredible
planet, is it not possible that the sons of Additionally, he documented - in con- disinformation campaign orchestrated by
wealth and privilege - educated at Har- siderable detail and with professed ap- the Insider-controlled media, together
vard, Yale, and Oxford, and with all the proval - the operations of this "power with the coordinated support of the con-
connections that old money and global structure" from its own "secret records." gressmen, bankers, economists, and cor-
corporate networks provide - might also The power structure Quigley described porate chiefs who were in the pockets of
aspire to attain the same power? And, if radiates out from a "secret society" estab- the Milner-Morgan cabal.
so, might they not employ the same lished by Cecil Rhodes at the tum of the The massive assistance of the Insiders
proven methods of infiltration and coor- century and run at the time by Alfred Lord to the communist revolution in Russia -
dinated control to achieve their ends? Milner. "Milner became director of a economic, diplomatic, technical , and ma-
There is overpowering evidence to show number of public banks," Quigley wrote. terial - was absolutely critical to Lenin's
that that is exactly what has occurred. "He became one of the greatest political success. Of the many examples that could
What is more, these upscale criminal In- and financial powers in England, with his be cited, the 1917 American Red Cross
siders of the Master Conspiracy absolutely disciples strategically placed throughout Mission to Russia perfectly illustrates the
dwarf in power and wealth, and certainly England in significant places, such as the importance of strategic infiltration and
at least match in ruthlessness and malice, editorship of The Times [of London], the control. The Mission was a cover for a
the street criminals and revolutionaries editorship of The Observer, the managing delegation of Wall Street fmanciers headed
who are the focus of so much attention by directorship of Lazard Brothers, various by William Boyce Thompson. Thompson,


a J.P. Morgan crony and one of the larg- John Cairncross, Leo Long, and former defies attribution to simple error and igno-
est stockholders in the Chase National head of MIS Sir Roger Hollis. But others rance, we see the communists and Insiders
Bank, was also the main director of the began to focus on Lord Victor Rothschild, join hand in hand to mobilize all of their
Federal Reserve Bank of New York - scion of the fabled banking family, former massive resources and agents-of-influence
the most important bank in the Federal MIS veteran, Cambridge Apostle, and in favor of mutual objectives. With their
Reserve System. Thompson wired Mor- mathematical and scientific genius, as the people carefully infiltrated into critical
gan in New York for a $1 million transfer probable "first man" who had recruited positions in government, the media, aca-
for the revolution. He also wrote a pro- the others. He was especially close to Guy deme, the clergy, philanthropic founda-
Bolshevik tract used widely in Russia, Eu- Burgess, and introduced him to his mother; tions, and phony "grassroots" front groups,
rope, and the United States. Thompson Mrs. Rothschild then hired young Burgess they have carried forward an incredible
went from Russia to London, where he as her financial adviser. "revolution from above and below."
was joined by Morgan partner Thomas Victor and his second wife Teresa were Whether it's enacting the Marxist gradu-
Lamont, who was then in Paris with Colo- named as Russian agents by Soviet defector ated income tax, obtaining recognition and
nel Edward M. House. Anatoly Golitsyn. The case for Rothschild massive credits for the Soviet Union or
With the "American" input from the as the "first man" has been convincingly Red China, lionizing communist terrorists
Thompson-Lamont-House cabal, Prime argued by British writer Morris Riley in such as Ahmed Ben Bella, Fidel Castro or
Minister David Lloyd George and the Philby: The Hidden Years. British intelli- Nelson Mandela, nationalizing education,
British War Cabinet - then decidedly gence operatives cognizant of the danger empowering the United Nations, legaliz-
anti-Bolshevik - swung over to the pro- to their careers of pointing out the Soviet- ing abortion, disarming America, promot-
Lenin and Trotsky camp. The British pro- Rothschild link, have nevertheless made ing homosexuality, or a myriad of other
Bolshevik policy , which proved destructi ve "causes ," these two
essential to the revolution, was rein- see mingly opposite forces have
forced from the inside by Cabinet come together repeatedly to jointly
member Lord Milner, whose Round wreak havoc upon society. They
Table agent, R.H. Bruce Lockhart, have hordes of impressive front
was brought back from Russia to groups - the World Council of
confirm Thompson's first-hand ac- Churches, Council on Foreign Rela-
count. Thompson left Raymond Rob- tions, Committee for Economic De-
ins in Russia to carryon the Wall velopment, Business Roundtable,
Street support for the Reds while he ACLU , NAACP, etc. - and full
and Lamont went back to win support stables of professorial prostitutes
from the U.S. business community. and bought-and-paid-for "experts"
The Phil by, Blunt, Rothschild from prestigious institutions whose
Red Cell is another strikingly illus- voices can be orchestrated simulta-
trative case. As head of the British neously with a chorus of strategi-
Secret Service (MI6) Soviet counter- cally placed politicians and officials
intelligence staff, and the liaison in and amplified by the Insider-con-
Washington after World War II be- trolled print and broadcast media.
tween MI6 and the CIA, FBI, and Having created the false appearance
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, of a popular consensus, they censor
Harold "Kim" Philby was in a posi- Carroll Quigley pointed to capitalist conspiracy. and smear the opposition and smother
tion to do incredible damage to the West. many references to a mysterious, power- the truth. Many years later - as in the cases
He was next in line to head MI6 when fel- fully connected agent known as "the of Walter Duranty, Armand Hammer,
low Soviet spies Guy Burgess and Donald Lord" which seem to fit Rothschild per- Frank Vanderlip, William Boyce Thomp-
Maclean were exposed. fectly. One knowledgeable British source son, etc. - the truth begins to leak out, but
Years later, a "fourth man," Anthony wrote: "Government after government has by then the damage already done is irrepa-
Blunt, was exposed. Blunt, a world-cel- been too scared to touch him." rable. We cannot afford to wait another 20,
ebrated art historian, Keeper of the Queen's So it has been in our own government, 30, or 40 years for exposes of the current
Pictures, and friend of the royal family , as time after time, treason and treachery betrayals to make their ways to the gen-
had, like the members of the Philby-Bur- have not only gone unpunished, but have eral bookstores. By then it will be too late.
gess-Maclean trinity, begun his treason- been rewarded, while heroic patriotism This diabolical perfidy will continue to-
ous journey as a member of Cambridge has been condemned and penalized. One ward the ultimate destruction of our coun-
University's elite Apostles society, which of the most remarkable and consistent as- try and the total extinction of our liberty,
was notorious for its homosexual, atheist, pects of these terrible betrayals has been unless the pervasive infiltration of this sa-
and communi st influences. All of the the strange symbiosis and collaboration tanic conspiracy throughout our society is
members of this ring, which proved so between the worldwide communist con- exposed and expelled now, with all of the
devastatingly harmful to the West, were spiracy and the globalist, one-world Insid- energy, strength and determination we can
allowed to get away or get off scot-free. ers - who include some of the world's humanly muster - and prayerfully re-
Later, attention focused on other sus- wealthiest "capitalists." Time after time, in quest from God above .
pected members of the ring, including decade after decade, with an obstinacy that - WILLIAM F. JASPER



Neutralizing Good Americans

t is useful to consider the etymology facie evidence of a larger conspiracy. Just speaking, within the more influential

I of the English noun "conspiracy" and

the verb "conspire." These words are
derived from the Latin verb conspirare,
as bank robbers fleeing a posse might
muddy their trail by running with a herd
of cattle, lay false trac!<.s going in various
strata of the countries and times in ques-
tion. From the answers to these questions,
then, we will see that indeed individual
which literally means "to breathe to- directions, or even guarantee their escape Jews were sometimes involved in un-
gether." A conspiracy is something crimi- in advance by bribing or blackmailing the pleasant episodes in history, but that indi-
nal or evil that is planned clandestinely, sheriff or deputy to bungle the chase, so viduals from many other groups were also
and conspirators, wishing to keep their conspirators of all types usually incorpo- involved.
activities from being discovered, natu- rate false leads, scapegoats, and fall guys
rally tend to conduct unsavory proceed- as integral parts of their schemes. If we re- Behind the "Protocols"
ings behind closed doors, voices softened member again the intrinsically secret na- One of the most well-known efforts at
to whispers, faces close together; hence, ture of conspiracies, then we understand calumniating Jews has been the notorious
in the act of conspiring they "breathe why finding irrefutable evidence about Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned
together." them is often exceedingly difficult. Elders of Zion, usually called The Proto-
The secret nature of all conspiratorial The frequently tentative nature of con- cols of Zion , or simply The Protocols .
activities engenders many problems for spiracy proofs together with the native First published in Imperial Russia in 1901
the historian. We know, for example, that prejudices of certain investigators, and, in by Professor Sergei Nilus, the document
the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln many cases, the laying of bogus trails by began appearing in American editions 20
and Kennedy have inspired sundry con- agents provocateurs, have given rise to years later and has been widely circulated
spiracy theories. In both instances there is several comprehensive, but false, con- in countless editions since that time. The
considerable compelling evidence of con- spiracy theories that have sometimes mis- work purports to be the minutes of secret
spirators beyond the officially cited assas- led conservatives. Let us explore some of gatherings of high officials in the "Jewish
sins, and in both cases we find prominent these. Conspiracy" wherein they plot to under-
members of government exercising their Widespread in certain circles through- mine the Christian nations of the world
power and influence to destroy and cover out the 20th century has been the belief and bring them under Jewish domination.
up evidence, obstruct justice, and mislead that the source of all 'of the problems of The text speaks luridly of plans subtly to
the official investigators, the press, and Western man, and the origin of most of gain control of the press and of parlia-
the public with false evidence. Whole the wars and revolutions of the last few ments, to ruin the land-owning nobility, to
books have now been written simply to centuries, are the Jews. It is usually as- encourage drunkenness and debauchery
catalog the hundreds of books and studies serted by proponents of this notion that among the people, to eliminate classicism
and the dozens of competing theories "organized Jewry" was exclusively the at universities and encourage curricula
about who killed John F. Kennedy. Was it force behind the machinations that led to, that might be easily controlled and ma-
Lee Harvey Oswald acting as a lone as- among other events, the French Revolu- nipulated , to plunge Christian nations
sassin? Oswald as a KGB agent? The Ma- tion, the Bolshevik Revolution , World deeply into debt and ruin their currency,
fia? Castro? Cuban exiles? The CIA? War I, and World War II. That some and so forth.
Right-wing Texas extremists? The "mili- people of Jewish extraction have been in- Although the actual authorship of The
tary-industrial complex"? Lyndon Baines volved in the aforementioned historical Protocols remains unknown, the strongest
Johnson? All of these theories - and events is doubtless true. Sufficient num- evidence and logic indicate that it is an
more - have their partisans. bers of them have lived in Europe long anti-Semitic forgery concocted either by
enough so that representatives of their the Tsarist secret police or by Lenin him-
Covering Their Trail ethnic group are bound to appear in the self. Nevertheless, faith in The Protocols
The very fac t that the JFK assassina- historical record, along with the represen- has stubbornly persisted among some
tion has produced such a profusion of tatives of other groups. One of the ques- persons despite the work's questionable
confusing and contradictory theories is of- tions we must ask, therefore, is whether origin and checkered history. Again, a
ten cited by the conspiracy debunkers as Frenchmen, Englishmen, Germans, and careful examination by dispassionate re-
proof that the search for additional con- Russians , or whether Cathobcs, Protes- searchers serves to put the document in
spirators is a delusional fascination, a chi- tants, and Orthodox Christians, have also proper context. Reading The Protocols,
merical chase by deranged or idle minds played prominent roles in these historical can anyone honestly say that it conforms
down mythical rabbit warrens and blind upheavals. We must ask, too, if the num- to the activities of most Jewish people in
alleys. Far from vindicating the debunk- bers of Jews involved in these episodes is our society? Of course not! That some
ers, however, or validating the official substantially larger than their proportion men who identify themselves as Jews
Warren Report, the multiplicity of theo- of the population in the countries in- have been involved in evil conniving
ries merely complicates the search for volved. Finally, we must ask if they were proves little. For every Trotsky, there are
truth, and may itself be considered prima more heavily represented, proportionally Lenins ; for every Bela Kun, there are


Stalins; for every Warburg, Rockefellers; of damaging the credibility of anybody "Racist" Burnings
for every Rothschild, Lord Milners; for who opposes the new world order. Let us note, too, that the circulation of
every Morgenthau, Roosevelts; for every Jasper mentions the infamous and mys- reckless conspiracy yams is not confmed
Kissinger, Eisenhowers. Those who insist terious "black helicopters" that many con- to anyone segment of the political spec-
that a particular ethnic or racial group is servatives were hearing about two years trum. In recent months the left has been
somehow responsible for all of the world's ago. According to a story then circulating, increasingly agitated about an alleged
problems ignore the fact that each indi- these belonged to an agency of the United "right-wing" and "racist" plot to burn
vidual member of the group makes his Nations and signalled the imminent occu- black churches all over the country, espe-
own choice for good or evil. There is no pation of the country by the UN. Upon in- cially in the South. They point to the 73
such thing as collective guilt. vestigation, however, it .was determined black church fires recorded since 1995.
Then there are the false conspiracy that many local police agencies had long However, they neglect the whole story.
theories involving the Catholic Church. been using black helicopters, as also do During the same period, scores of willte
These were especially rampant in the 19th some U.S . Army units, and that these churches have also been burned, and a
century, and continued through the compilation of the tallies of the last
1920s, but have abated to a significant six years shows 248 suspicious fires
degree over the last 30 years in par- at white churches, and 161 at black
ticular. Nevertheless, crude, tabloid- churches. Finally, statistics show that
style broadsides and preposterous such burnings have actually declined
leaflets alleging a conspiracy by dramatically in the last 15 years, from
Catholics to grab control of the United 1,420 in 1980 to 520 in 1994. A "rac-
States with divisions of Swiss Guards, ist" motive may indeed exist in a
place fanatical Jesuits in control of the small number of these burnings, since
media and internal security, and es- sick people with criminal proclivities
tablish a Papal dictatorship in North have always been and always will be
America still surface from time to with us to some extent. But there is
time. An alternative story portrays the not a scrap of evidence to support the
nation's priests and monastic clergy assumption that there exists a huge,
as an immense spy network, feeding nationwide "racist" or "right-wing"
information about opponents and the conspiracy to burn black churches.
national defense system to the Vati- Genuine patriots must take care that
can. The material is so obviously such leftist fantasies are not employed
whimsical in the extreme that one can by politicians to restrict further the
only marvel at the credulity of the au- constitutionally guaranteed freedoms
thors and of their followers. of law-abiding citizens.
Authentic conspiracies have indeed
Black Helicopters existed throughout history. In fact,
We see then that the study of con- MysteriOUS black helicopters: One of many evil has conspired to subvert good
spiracy involves certain hazards. The rumors that have sidetracked conservatives. since Lucifer's rebellion against God.
uncritical mind, when exposed to the were the aircraft being spotted by alarmed That subterranean rivulets of intrigue of-
knowledge of conspiracies both ancient patriots. Which isn't to suggest that citi- ten wind their way tortuously beneath the
and modem, will sometimes leap to unjus- zens should not be concerned about the in- surface of public events is an incontest-
tified conclusions about all of history and creasing militarization and federalization able aspect of history. Yet, one must be
about all of the events of our time, seeing of their police forces; rather, it is to em- ever cautious. Groundless fears about
conspiracies everywhere and believing phasize that concern must be grounded in imaginary conspiracies deflect the honest
virtually any rumor. Good examples of fact, not rumor. efforts of concerned Americans into un-
the products of this undiscerning frame of Another story, circulated on the Inter- wholesome channels, exchanging pro-
mind are discussed in William F. Jasper's net and through various computer bulletin ductive endeavors for unproductive or
excellent article, "Fact and Fiction: Sifting boards, insisted that the town of Peebles, counterproductive ones. Moreover, by
Reality from Alarmist Rumors," which Ohio, a tiny rural town of 1,500 residents, their irresponsibility such stories under-
appeared in the October 31, 1994 issue of had actually been occupied by "new world mine the reputations of responsible oppo-
THE NEW AMERICAN. In this essay, which order troops" and that townsfolk, suppos- nents of the new world order.
bears careful and repeated reading, we edly "scared to death" by the occupation, The best defense for honest Americans
see why a healthy skepticism and an in- were being required to submit to searches wisillng to remain on the path of truth, and
sistence on verifiable data are essential of their homes and cars. But phone calls to understand the real essence of conspira-
in this field. Furthermore, we see why by THE NEW AMERICAN to local officials cies, is to insist that all allegations and
naIvete, rashness, and hysteria can lead to in the town, and in neighboring towns, re- theories be backed by verifiable documen-
embarrassment for the people directly in- vealed that absolutely nothing out of the tation and insure that the documentation
volved in disseminating dubious con- ordinary had happened in Peebles. In fact, itself is derived from credible, reputable
spiracy stories, and how the establishment residents of the little town hadn ' t even sources .
media can point to such stories as a means heard the rumors. - FR. JAMES THORNTON



Our Most Effective Weapon

t is said that as one becomes increas-

I ingly interested in national and world

affairs, education without action fos -
ters frustration, while action without edu-
cation breeds fanaticism. A proper balance
of both education and action is essential
to effective and responsible citizenship. It
was to provide such balance that Robert
Welch, convinced that conspiracies can-
not withstand the light of day, founded the
John Birch Society in 1958.
Mr. Welch's own lifelong devotion to
scholarship, which included considerable
travel abroad and deliberations with many
anti-communist world leaders, enabled
him to dig out the truth about the conspira"
torial forces that are working to bind the
planet in a collectivist straightjacket now
commonly termed the "new world order."
At first Mr. Welch, like other informed
anti-communists of his day, discerned
only the communist arm of the con- Fidel Castro: Tagged by Robert Welch as a communist agent before Cuba coup.
spiracy. But as his understanding grew, he sor to THE NEW AMERICAN), he declared: Cuba, Robert Welch had warned in Ameri-
was forced to conclude that communism can Opinion for September 1958: "Now
is just one part of a larger conspiracy, that Vice-President [Richard] Nixon the evidence from Castro's whole past,
the principal seat of that conspiracy is in says that the Hungarian revolt dealt that he is a Communist agent carrying out
the West and not the East, and that the the Soviet empire a mortal blow 'Communist orders and plans, is over-
principal danger is sellout, not fallout. from whih it cannot recover. [Syn- whelming." Shortly thereafter, during the
But even before coming to that realiza- dicated columnist] Holmes Alexan- founding meeting of the John Birch Soci-
tion, he displayed an uncanny ability to der tells his huge newspaper audience ety, December 8-9, 1958, Mr. Welch said:
"call the shots." He had, for instance, ex- that Soviet power has fallen sprawl- " ... if you have any slightest doubt that
posed such Marxist luminaries as Yugo- ing on its face, and will not be able Castro is a Communist, don't. If he is suc-
slavia's Josif Broz Tito, Cuba's Fidel to get up again. In London, colum- cessful, time will clearly reveal that he is
Castro, Venezuela's Romulo Betancourt, nist Alexandre Metaxas writes in the an agent of the Kremlin."
Italy 's Giovanni Gronchi, India's Jawa- same vein, of "the twilight of the So- Castro came to power on January I,
harlal Nehru, and Indonesia's Sukarno viet system." ... 1959. In a " Dear Reader" letter dated
during a time when they were still being But we do not believe it. We be- that day in the January 1959 issue of
lionized and lauded by the major media lieve it is exactly the disarming con- American Opinion, Mr. Welch stated in
and U.S. government officials as "freedom clusion that the Communists have exasperation:
fighters," "moderates," and "democrats." wanted us to reach.
After freedom fighters rebelled against The criminal irresponsibility of so
Hungary's Soviet-controlled government Subsequent events confirmed the accu- much of the American press has
in 1956, many influential observers racy of Mr. Welch 's analysis. never been shown more clearly than
claimed that the revolution meant the on this very day. Fidel Castro, as
death knell of communism. Mr. Welch, Castro Comes to Power murderous and cunning an agent of
however, sadly predicted that the end re- On April 26, 1963, former President the Kremlin as [Red Chinese dicta-
sult would be the opposite. He unhesitat- Dwight D. Eisenhower told newsmen that tor] Mao Tse-tung or [Hungarian
ingly stated that the revolt had been "only a genius and a prophet could have despot] Janos Kadar, is right now
deliberately planned and precipitated by known for sure that Cuban Premier Fidel taking over Cuba. He has the bless-
the Soviets themselves, so that they could Castro was a Communist in the 1950s." * Mr. Welch's thoroughly documented critical biog-
cause the underground resistance move- Little did Mr. Eisenhower know that he raphy of the 34th President, The Politician. is
ments in those countries to surface and was paying high tribute to one of his avai lable in paperback at $7.95 per copy, plus
$2.00 postage/handling. Order from American
then eliminate them. In the March 1957 is- harshest critics. * Opinion Book Services, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton,
sue of his One Man 's Opinion (a predeces- Before Castro had seized control in WI 54913.


ing of our government. Our newspa- the John Birch Society Bulletin for No- using the phrase "new world order" in
pers are full of headlines and news vember 1959, Mr. WeIch urged members 1990, it was portrayed as merely a nice-
stories glorifying the event, with of the Society to write to Newsweek and sounding expression that he had coined to
hardly a line to tell us of Castro's point out that "Si Mustapha" was in fact a describe a new era of international coop-
Communist connections and support. German communist named Muller. eration. Not so! As Mr. WeIch had made
Moscow is establishing a terrifically At first Newsweek's editors were quite abundantly clear on numerous occasions,
important Communist beachhead argumentative about the matter. They the phrase has long been used by Insiders
right at our shores, without the Ameri- claimed that the article mentioning "Si (and others) to refer to their long-sought-
can people having any chance to Mustapha" had been carefully checked for after communistic world government.
learn this truth from their papers, accuracy and were emph!ltic that he could For instance, in the December 1972
radio, TV, or magazines of large not possibly be an East 'German commu- John Birch Society Bulletin, Mr. WeIch
circulation. nist. But the Birchers were persistent in bluntly declared that President Richard
Nixon " is doing everything he can" to
insisting that the editors delve further into
Indeed not. Months after Castro's as- the matter. On December 15, 1959, Dwight help one communist regime after another
cent to power, he was still being glori- "in every way that he dares and as rap-
fied as the "George Washington of idly as he can. You can soften that
Cuba," classified as an anti-Commu- harsh accusation if you wish, by put-
nist, and otherwise lauded by such pil- ting it another way. He is working for
lars of the Establishment as Walter a 'new world order. ' "
Lippmann, Ralph McGill, Senator J.W. Similarly, in the March 1975 JBS
Fulbright, Newsweek and Look maga- Bulletin he warned that "the revamped
zines, and the New York Times . United Nations will have all the power
The former head of Castro's Air it needs to serve as a tool of merciless
Force, Major Pedro Diaz Lanz, told an tyranny in the New World Order." In
acquaintance following his defection the April 1976 Bulletin he declared that
that if there had been even one chapter "the Insiders of a Master Conspiracy
of the John Birch Society in Havana are daily taking steps and exerting
prior to 1959, working to expose Castro pressures" to, among other things, "un-
as Robert WeIch was at the time, Cuba dermine the position, route the forces,
would not have fallen to communism. and destroy the weapons of the anti-
Lanz asserted that he and countless oth- Communists who still stand between
ers fell for Castro because there was no them and their long-projected new
one to tell them who Castro really was . world order." And in the November
Although the warnings raised by 1976 Bulletin he explained how the In-
Robert WeIch were ignored, the epi- siders considered it their "right to com-
sode nevertheless represents an accom- mit massive murder - even of their
plishment of sorts, in that it placed on Welch alerted Birch Society members to own servicemen - by financing, arm-
communist advance - and U.S. role in it.
the record early confirmation of hi s ing, and feeding both sides of a long
credibility and a classic example of how Norris, representing the editors, stated in and terrible war, as our government did in
the American people have been misled by a letter to Mr. WeIch: Vietnam, whenever the Insiders of the
the Insiders ' uncertain trumpets. Conspiracy considered such a war useful
Our editors have been checking in their plans for a New World Order."
Algeria a nd Newsweek closely with intelligence and all Many years before most Americans had
As noted, Newsweek was one of the other available sources into the story even heard the term, Mr. WeIch 's under-
sources that helped sell the nation on the to which you objected. And ... it is standing of the Conspiracy enabled him to
notion that Castro was a great guy. In its with real embarrassment and concern warn that powerful Insiders intend to es-
April 13, 1959 issue, Newsweek insisted that I must agree that we were off tablish a " new world order." Now , of
that Castro "is not himself even remotely line with this one. course, any American who is willing to
a Communist," and that he "is honest, For one thing, there is no question think about what he reads can see the In-
and an honest government is something but that Si Mustapha is indeed, as siders' plans unfold on the front page of
unique in Cuba." you wrote, the German Winfried any newspaper. Mr. WeIch passed away
A few months later, Newsweek glorified Muller, widely believed to be or to in 1985, but his legacy - the John Birch
yet another supposed "freedom fighter," have been a Communist. Society - battles on with the recognition
and Robert WeIch again moved to set the that the Conspiracy cannot withstand the
record straight. Communist terrorists were A combination of education and action light of day. Relying on facts and sound
striving at the time to take over Algeria. had succeeded in exposing another lie. scholarship, not rumor or overstatement,
A report on the conflict in Newsweek for the Birch Society has been highly effec-
October 12, 1959 glorified an individual Mr. Bush's New World Order tive in awakening others to the conspira-
supposed ly named "Si Mustapha," por- After President George Bush, a former torial threat facing America.
traying him as a North African idealist. In member and director of the CFR, began - ROBERT W. LEE


An Annotated Bibliography
he problem with documenting the existence of a Master Con- II. French Revolution and N a poleon

T spiracy is certainly not one of a lack of evidence. If anything,

the challenge is dealing with such vast, cumbersome, and
time-consuming research material, and then communicating a con-
The article "Croquis ou Project de Revolution de Monsieur de
Mirabeau" from Mystiires de la Conspiration (Paris 1791), and "Les
Idees de Mirabeau sur la Franc.!.Maconnerie" from Revolution
cise summary of the thesis clearly and convincingly. Franraise (October 1882) and (as translated by H.C. Bruce Wilson)
There are mountains of evidence, which can be organized in three Mirabeau 's Scheme for the Political Penetration of Freemasonry
standard categories: Primary source material, consisting of original (Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, vol. LVII, 1944, pp.
documents, diaries, records, correspondence, and physical evidence 138-148) represent two primary sources in which the Illuminist
fro m the persons directly involved in the events; contemporary Mirabeau expressed a plan to use French freemasonry to bring about
source accounts written about the events close to the time they oc- a revolution.
curred; and secondary source material, which is overwhelmingly the Essai sur La Secte des Illumines (Paris, 1789) was written anony-
easiest to obtain, consisting of accounts written much later. mously by the Marquis de Luchet in 1788 to warn that the llIumi-
Unless a secondary source utilizes verifiable primary or contem- nati intended to use French freemasonry to foment the revolution
porary sources, its content proves little more than the opinion of the which occurred after the book was published. Nesta H. Webster's
author. This is true not only of many so-called "conspiracy" books The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy (London: Constable,
in recent decades, but also of many mainstream histories and biog- 1919), a master work documented with primary sources, reads like
raphies. In this bibliography we have concentrated on primary and a textbook of subversive tactics that have been carried out ever
contemporary sources, using more available secondary sources only since. Other valuable insights and details are found in Webster's
when they contain and cite the original source material. Many of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Before the Revolution (London:
the original sources are available in major national, university, and Constable, 1936), and Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette During the
private libraries, and some are available in recent reprint editions. Revolution (London: Constable, 1937).
They can also be searched by antiquarian book dealers. Several of J.E.S . Tuckett's study "Napoleon I. and Freemasonry," from
the titles still in print are advertised in this issue on the inside front Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge (vol. XXVII, 1914)
cover (designated by an "*") and page 62 ("t"). offers evidence that Napoleon was initiated into French lodges con-
trolled by the Illuminati. The fashion in which the Illuminati used
I. Order of the Illuminati and then disposed of Napoleon is examined in the three-volume
The original published form of the Order's papers include: Einige w.ork Les Socihes Secretes et La Societe by N. Deschamps and
Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens (Munich, 1787); Nachtrag Claudio Jannet (Avignon: Fr. Seguin Aine, 1876), much of which is
von weiteren Originalschriften (Munich, 1787); and Die neuesten summarized in English in The War of the Antichrist with the Church
Arbeiten des Spartacus und Philo in dem Illuminatenorden (Munich, and Christian Civilization by Msgr. George F. Dillon (Dublin: M.H.
1794). Published collections of the Illuminati papers include: Rich- Gill & Son, 1885). This very important work has been reprinted
ard van Dtilmen, ed., Der Geheimbund der Illuminaten (Stuttgart- (with an inaccurate preface) as Grand Orient Freemasonry Un-
Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1977); and Henry Coston, La masked as the Secret Power Behind Communism (London: Britons,
Conjuration des Illumines (paris: La Librairie Fran~aise, 1979). 1965).
Two contemporary works which utilized the original documents Those who are new to the Master Conspiracy thesis might con-
were: John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Reli- sult Rev. Clarence Kelly 's study Conspiracy Against God and Man*
gions and Governments of Europe* (New York: George Forman, (Boston: Western Islands, 1969), which provides a scholarly but ac-
1798; reprint edition, Boston: Western Islands, 1967); and Abbe cessible examination of the Illuminati and the French Revolution .
Augustin Barruel's Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism,
4 vols. (London: T. Burton, 1797-1798). Barruel's study presents a III. Survival and Continuity of the Illumina t i
much more detailed and more persuasively written account than Authenticated reproductions of correspondence among Weis-
Robison's, and this very important work is now back in print in a haupt's agents up until 1814 are available in Benjamin Fabre's Un
single volume, after being unavailable for over a century. * Initie des Socihes Secretes superieures "Franciscus, Eques A
Nesta H. Webster's World Revolution (Boston: Small, Maynard Capite Galeato " 1753-1814, Portrait et Documents inedits
and Co., 1921) offers the most important secondary general history Nombreuses reproductions en Photogravure, Preface de Copin-
on this subject. The revised and updated edition published by Brit- ALbancelii (Paris: La Renaissance Fran~aise, 1913).
ons (Devon, England, 1971) contains an index and bibliography, as The role of Italian illuminist Fillippo Buonarroti in continuing
well as the important corrections Webster made prior to her death Weishaupt's work is examined in Memoirs of the Secret Societies
in 1960. Webster's Secret Societies and Subversive Movements of the South of Italy, Particularly the Carbonari, Translated from
(London: Boswell, 1924) is also very important, but unfortunately the Original Ms. (London: John Murray, 1821) and J. Cretineau-
the last two chapters were never revised. Joly's two-volume L'EgLise Romaine en face de la Revolution
James H. Billington's Fire in the Minds of Men: The Origins of (Paris: PIon, 1860), as well as in The First Professional Revolution-
the Revolutionary Faith (New York: Basic Books, 1980) presents a ist: Filippo Michele Buonarroti, 1761-1837 by Elizabeth L.
copiously researched history of revolutionary politics, beginning Eisenstein (Cambridge: Harvard, 1959), and Arthur Lehning's es-
with the Illumi nati. Billington, who is presently the Librarian of say "Buonarroti and His International Secret Societies" in the Inter-
Congress, is a respectable scholar whose findings cannot be dis- national Review of Social History (1956), Vol. I, pp. 112-140.
missed as "right-wing" fantasies. Scholarly treatments of the Illuminati's continuing influence upon


France can be found in The Cradle of Rebellions: A History of the George Katkov's study "German Foreign Office Documents on
Secret Societies of France by Lucien de la Hodde (New York: John Financial Support to the Bolsheviks in 1917" in International Af-
Bradburn, 1864); French Freemasonry and the Third Republic by fairs, vol. 32, no. 2 (April 1956) and Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Mildred Headings (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1949); and La Revolution by Antony Sutton (Westport, CT: Arlington House,
Republique du Grand Orient by Henry Coston (Paris: La Librairie 1974) document early Western support for the Russian communists.
Franc;:aise, 1976). Both sources present the evidence, rather than the conclusions, of
the respective authors.
IV. Communist Movement: Illuminist Spawn
The Utopian Communist: A Biography of Wilhelm Weitling, Nine- VIII. New Deal and Soviet I-:-filtration of Executive
teenth-Century Reformer by Carl Wittke (Baton Rouge: Louisiana Branch
State University Press, 1950) illustrates the pivotal role of the Wall Street and FD.R. by Antony C. Sutton (New Rochelle, NY:
"League of the Just" in the transition from Weishaupt's Illuminati Arlington House, 1975) and "Hearings, House of Representatives,
to the 19th century communist movement. This is also documented Select Committee to Investigate Certain Statements of Dr. William
in Karl Marx: The Red Prussian by Leopold Schwartzchild (New Wirt," 73rd Congress, 2nd Session, April 10 and 17, 1934 (Wash-
York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1947). ington: Government Printing Office, 1934) provide crucial back-
The continuation of conspiratorial efforts to use terrorism and as- ground to the collectivist revolution brought about by FDR.
sassination is documented in Anarchy and Anarchists by Michael J. Valuable background to this revolution is found in G. Edward
Shaack (Chicago: F.J. Schulte, 1889). Recently reprinted in hard- Griffin's monumental The Creature From lekyllisiand, A Second
back, Shaack's book is an exhaustive history of the Chicago Look at the Federal Reserve* (Westlake, CA: American Media,
Haymarket Square bombing in 1886 and its background in illumi- 1994).
nist-dominated European radical politics. The Web of Subversion by James Burnham (Boston: Western Is-
lands, 1965) and Red Scare or Red Menace? American Communism
V. Nazism's lIIuminst Origins and Anticommunism in the Cold War Era by John E. Haynes (Chi-
Rudolf von Sebottendorff s Bevor Hitler Kam (Munich, 1934) is cago: Ivan R. Dee, 1996) document the reality of Soviet infiltration
a valuable contemporary account. Details of the Nazi movement's of the Executive Branch, which began in earnest during the New
occultic/illuminist roots are found in Hitler et les societes secretes: Deal.
Enquete sur les sources occultes du nazisme by Rene Alleau (Paris:
Editions Bernard Grasset, 1969). Other studies include The Occult IX. Bringing on World War II
and the Third Reich by Jean-Michel Angebert (New York: David Irving's Churchill's War (New York: Avon Books, 1991)
MacMillan, 1974); and Satan and Swastika, The Occult and the Nazi may be the most important and best documented study of this topic
Party by Francis King (St. Albans, Herts: Mayflower, 1976). The by one of the outstanding historians of the century. Extraordinary
crucial linkages between Soviet Communism and German National insights are also found in Francis Neilson's The Churchill Legend
Socialism are documented in Cecil F. Melville's The Russian Face (Appleton, WI: C.C. Nelson, 1954), The Makers of War (Appleton,
of Germany (London: Wishart, 1932) and Jan Valtin's Out of the WI: C.c. Nelson, 1950), and his major five-volume work, The Trag-
Night (New York: Alliance, 1944). edy of Europe, A Commentary on the Second World War, 1938-1945
(Appleton, WI: c.c. Nelson, 1940-1946).
VI. World War I and the League of Nations The complicity of FDR' s administration in the Japanese attack on
How Diplomats Make War (New York: B.W. Huebsch, 1921) by Pearl Harbor is documented in Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its After-
Francis Neilson and How the War Came by The Earl Loreburn math by John Toland (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982). Many
(London: Methuen & Company, 1919) offer detailed accounts of earlier works proved that the Roosevelt Administration not only en-
diplomatic plotting in the buildup to WWl. Compelling explorations couraged Japan to attack in order to have an excuse to enter the war
of the duplicity that entangled the U.S. in WWI can be found in but knew in advance about Pearl Harbor. Those works include Per-
America Goes to War by Charles Callan Tansill (Boston: Little petual War For Perpetual Peace, Harry Elmer Barnes, ed.
Brown, 1938) and Colin Simpson's groundbreaking expose, The (Caldwell, ID: Caxton, 1953) and Back Door to War, The Roosevelt
Lusitania (Boston: Little Brown, 1972). Foreign Policy, 1933-1941 by Charles Callan Tansill (Chicago:
Detailed first-person recollections of "Colonel" Edward Mandell Henry Regnery, 1952).
House, one of the principal plotters, have been compiled in Intimate The role of Western Insiders in catapulting Hitler to power is the
Papers of Colonel House, Charles Seymour, ed. (New York: Hough- subject of Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton
ton Mifflin, 1928, 4 vols.). Philip Dru: Administrator, A Story of (Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press, 1976).
Tomorrow, 1920-1935 (New York: B.W. Huebsch, 1912), published
anonymously by House, offers the arch-conspirator's blueprint for X. The United Nations a nd the New World Order
socialist reforms of America's political system and the creation of a Primary source documentation of explicit plans of top U.S. offi-
"League of Nations." La Dictature de la Franc-Maronnerie sur la cials to submerge the U.S. under a UN-run world government can
France, Documents by A.G. Michel (Paris: Editions Spes, 1924) be found in Freedom From War: The United States Program for
documents the llluminist origin of the League of Nations. General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, Depart-
ment of State Publication 7277 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govern-
VII. The Bolshevik Coup in Russia ment Printing Office, 1961), and A World Effectively Controlled by
Edgar Sisson's One Hundred Red Days: A Personal Chronicle of the United Nations by Lincoln P. Bloomfield (Washington, DC: In-
the Bolshevik Revolution (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1931) stitute for Defense Analyses, 1962).
is a valuable firsthand account of the Bolshevik conspiracy in ac- Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet ed-
tion. Another riveting account is found in Stefan A. Possony's A ited by Daniel Sitarz (Boulder, CO: Earthpress, 1993) provides the
Century of Conflict (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1953). text of the UN's proposal for planetary eco-tyranny and enthusiasti-


cally endorses it as "an array of actions which are intended to be NJ: Transaction, 1990) and China's Bloody Century: Genocide and
implemented by every person on earth," and a plan which "will re- Mass Murder Since 1900 (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1991).
quire a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything
the world has ever experienced." XIII. Communist Strategy for Conquest
The mass murder of civilians in Katanga by UN "peacekeepers" The comprehensive Soviet blueprint for world revolution was set
is documented in 46 Angry Men by the 46 civilian doctors of forth in Moscow on September 1, 1928 as the Program of the Com-
Elizabethville (Belmont: American Opinion, 1962) and Rebels, Mer- munist International Adopted At Its 6th Congress, and has been fol-
cenaries and Dividends: The Katanga Story by Chicago Daily News lowed religiously by the Soviet strategists for nearly 70 years. This
correspondent Smith Hempstone (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, document can be found in The ..Communist International: Docu-
1962). ments, Vol. 2: 1923-1948, edited by Jane Degras (New York: F.
Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of The Commission on t~ss Co., 1971).
Global Governance (Oxford University Press, 1995) presents de- Rabbi Marvin Antelman's To Eliminate the Opiate (New York:
tailed plans for equipping the UN wi th taxing authority, a battle- Zahavia, 1974) explores the illuminist/communist subversion of tra-
ready military, an international criminal court with mandatory ditional Judaism. Mary Ball Martinez's The Undermining of the
j urisdiction over individuals, and every other attribute of a fully- Catholic Church (Published by the author, second edition, address:
functioning world government. Amsterdam 99-501, Mexico, D.F., 06100, Mexico, 1991) examines
Three amply documented critical studies of the UN are The Fear- the subversion of Catholicism.
ful Master, A Second Look at the United Nations by G. Edward Grif- The effort to foment racial antagonisms is explored in Alan
fin (Boston: Western Islands, 1964), Global Tyranny ... Step By Stang's It's Very Simple: The True Story of "Civil Rights" (Boston:
Stept by William F. Jasper (Appleton, WI: Western Islands, 1992), Western Islands, 1965) and William H. Mcnhany II's Klandestine:
and Freedom on the Altart by William Norman Grigg (Appleton, The Untold Story of Delmar Dennis and His Role in the F.B.I. 's War
WI: Western Islands, 1995). Against the Ku Klux Klan (New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1975).
The Soviet KGB international terrorist network is the subject of
XI. Domestic and Foreign Policy Elite Histoire Secrete des Organisations Terroristes, 4 vols. (Geneve:
Carroll Quigley's mammoth historical study Tragedy and Hope* Editions Famot, 1976) by Pierre deVillemarest; The Terror Network
(New York: MacMillan, 1966) includes a frank discussion of the (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1981), The Time of the As-
"anglophile network" which links the Council on Foreign Relations sassins (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1983), and Thieves'
to world-government-promoting elites worldwide, including the World (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), all by Claire Sterling;
communists. A detailed and documented history of that network is Red Cocaine by Joseph D. Douglas (Atlanta, GA: Clarion House,
offered in Quigley's The Anglo-American Establishment* (New 1990); and Terrorism: The Soviet Connection by Ray S. Cline and
York: Books in Focus, 1981) and Walter Nimock's Milner's Young Yonah Alexander (New York: Crane Russak, 1984).
Men: The "kindergarten" in Edwardian Imperial Affairs (Durham,
NC: Duke University Press, 1968). XIV. U.S. Foreign Policy After 1945: Promoting
William H. McIlhany II's The Tax-Exempt Foundations (New Communism Everywhere
Rochelle: Arlington House, 1980) contains the only in-depth cover- Ambassador Arthur Bliss Lane's I Saw Poland Betrayed (New
age of the findings of Norman Dodd, Research Director of the Reece York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1948) was suppressed immediately upon pub-
Committee congressional investigation from 1953-54, including the lication. A similar effort was made to spike Robert Welch's critical
roles played by Wayne Hays, former CIA Director William Casey profile of Dwight Eisenhower, The Politician (Boston: Belmont
and, regrettably, Rene Wormser in sabotaging the investigation. The Publishing, 1964). Alan Stang' s The Actor: The True Story of John
Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Foster Dulles (Boston: Western Islands, 1968) and Hilaire du
American Decline* by James Perl off (Appleton, WI: Western Is- Berrier's Background to Betrayal: The Tragedy of Vietnam (Bos-
lands, 1988) uses the CFR's own publications and official history in ton: Western Islands, 1965) provide elaborate background on the
compiling a compelling indictment of the group. perfidy of America's ruling elite. Earl E.T. Smith's The Fourth
Floor (New York: Random House, 1962) details the betrayal of
XII. Maintenance and Expansion of Communist Cuba, and Nicaragua Betrayed (Boston: Western Islands, 1980) by
Power Since 1917 Anastasio Somoza and Jack Cox documents the nearly identical be-
Antony C. Sutton's three-volume Western Technology and Soviet trayal of Nicaragua.
Economic Development, 1917-1965 (Stanford: Hoover Institution,
1968-1973) details the total dependency of the Soviet Union on XV. Glasnost and Perestroika: T he KGB's Massive
Western aid and technology, most of that from the United States or Deception Since 1989
subsidized by U.S. taxpayers. This work was summarized and up- Anatoliy Golitsyn's New Lies For Old* (New York: Dodd, Mead,
dated in his books National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet 1984) and The Perestroika Deception* (London & New York: Ed-
Union (New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House, 1974) and The Best ward Harle Ltd., 1995) are indispensable for an understanding of
Enemy Money Can Buy (Billings, Montana: Liberty House, 1986). the ongoing Soviet "reforms." Edward J. Epstein's Deception: The
Other important sources include: From Major Jordan's Diaries Invisible War Between the KGB and the CIA (New York: Simon
by Maj. George Racey Jordan (Boston: Western Islands, 1965); Red and Schuster, 1989) is another valuable source. Since 1991 , Soviet
Carpet by Joseph Finder (New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, Analyst, a journal edited and published by Christopher Story ($350
1983); Vodka Cola by Charles Levinson (London: Gordon and for 10 issues per year from: World Reports Limited, 108 Horseferry
Cremonesi, circa 1978); and East Minus West = Zero by Werner Road, London SWIP 2EF), has provided detailed analysis of Soviet
Keller (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1962). The bloody results disinformation strategy written from the perspective of Anatoliy
of this relationship are on display in R.J. Rummel's Lethal Politics: Golitsyn .
Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1917 (New Brunswick, - WILLIAM H. McILHANY



We Can Save Our Nation!

hen Robert WeIch founded the Small groups of activists will always suc- tors must always work in the shadows and

W John Birch Society on Decem- ceed against disorganized and apathetic hide their goals in a blizzard of lies, de-
ber 9, 1958, he summed up to majorities. No one knows this better than ceit, apd confusion. But it only takes a
a small group of friends and associates the conspirators thell)selves. It won't take pound of truth to overcome a ton of
just what needed to be done: "All we must millions to stop them, but it will take more falsehood. Our mission of bringing truth
find and build and use, to win, is sufficient than are involved today. If everyone who to light is much easier than constantly
understanding. Let's create that under- is aware helps another to understand; if the spreading the lies needed to deceive men
standing and build that resistance, with newly informed also awaken others; and into choosing their own slavery.
everything mortal men can put into the ef- if many of them come together in an ef- o Hope for victory exists because the
fort - while there still is time." fective action program to expose the Con- enemy is a conspiracy. We are not being
Mr. WeIch realized that no conspiracy spiracy, the tide of battle will be turned. victimized by the unfolding of unchange-
can withstand exposure, and he continued o There are more than enough good able historical forces. That's Marxist de-
to ills dying day to encourage good Ameri- people in our nation to accomplish this terminism. If some can make history for
cans to diligently light the way for evil purposes, others can make his-
their friends, neighbors, and loved tory for good and decent ends. In-
ones with the truth - and, above stead of wringing our hands and
all, not to give up. lamenting that nothing can be done,
It is certainly not difficult to find we can shape history our way by
Americans who have given up. demanding that principles guide
Their conclusion is that the enemy this nation's actions and by expos-
is too powerful, too strategically ing and routing the most foul and
placed , too well-heeled, or too determined conspiracy mankind
close to its ultimate objective of has ever experienced.
world domination. They have lost If we hope to succeed and to re-
hope and allowed discouragement ceive God's blessing for our ef-
to take control. Often that lost hope forts, everything we do must be
is a consequence of bad informa- based on morality. As Robert WeIch
tion - such as the myth that the noted in 1964: "We must oppose
country is already occupied by secrecy with openhandedness. We
countless thousands of UN/Soviet must publish to the world our be-
troops, our freedoms have already liefs, our purposes, and our meth-
been lost, etc. Our heritage of liberty can only be maintained ods as fully as the collectivists
What these discouraged patriots through education and vigilance of the truth. conceal and disguise their own. We
overlook, of course, is that we still possess goal. The struggle willch consumes our at- must oppose conspiracy, not with counter
freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, tention is, at its core, a contest between conspiracy, but with exposure, justice,
and freedom of the press - including the good and evil, light and darkness, truth and education. We must oppose false-
freedom to publish a magazine such as and falsehood. Robert WeIch, who always hoods with truth; blasphemy with rever-
this. We are still able to sound the alarm chose ills words very carefully, often re- ence; foul means with good means;
with our voices, our pens, our resources, ferred to our adversary as a "satanic and immorality and amorality with more spiri-
and our influence. We can still effect diabolic conspiracy." We agree. Locating tual faith and dedication; rootlessness and
change in government through the simple enough good people and energizing them chaos with tradition and stability; relativ-
process of informing our fellow citizens. with this fundamental assessment will ity with absolutes; pragmatism with
In short, we can still use our freedoms to lead to victory. deeper purposes; hedonism with a more
save our freedoms. If it were too late, such o No one wants to be a slave. It is fairly responsible pursuit of happiness; cruelty
freedoms would no longer be permitted easy to demonstrate that a continuation of with compassion; and hatred with love."
and the conspirators for global control present U.S. policies will in the not-too- Every element of what Mr. WeIch said
would no longer have to pretend. distant future lead all but the conspirators undergirds the great organization he
As we continue to reach out to fellow themselves into political and economic founded, the John Birch Society. Education
Americans to create needed understanding slavery. We are promoting freedom and is the key to returning this world gone crazy
and build effective resistance to conspira- responsibility; they are promoting abject to sanity once again. Men and women of
torial designs, we must realize that there slavery. Clearly, we have a distinct edge good conscience and humane ideals are
are many reasons for hope that our efforts in the battle for the minds of men - if we cordially invited to join us in this monu-
will bear good fruit. Here are five: use it. mental endeavor (see page 70).
o History is made by the dedicated few. o We have truth on our side! Con spira- - JOHN F. McMANUS


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