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EREESe ee Ree a a eT ae Mee me a ‘Undergraduate Major: ‘SPANISH Educational Level: ‘SENIOR (FOURTH YEAR) pee ails Sty se a8) ae —— = = ee PT — ——— 7 ‘Score Recipient Code(s) from CURRENT TEST DATE: EEREEOGN a aS eat Int ‘Test Name eS mases | ESTE cone Range | -Ronge sisi _|NATHEMATICS: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE ves | ozo | ewe | y | ¥ HIGHEST SCORE AS sour Dats | coos Yostnams ponest) Scere | meas | neve Taiazoie srs waTnevates Cowenrewomesce | esas] fomeis feriz [coreacan scusrorsoucresone | 90 | tooam | mw | w fovzois ferz2 foorescao suusrorsoucweme | ise | oan |» | ow foweis [ose [ooneacao suis com coue-uare te [aoa | ow | ow ene mee ee ren hqege pare ano etn ont ge tne so 7 _cooyraes © 2006 by Eaucatona Testing Servce All ngts reserves STS and he TS ogo ae regatered acerans ot EaucstonalTestng See, 4 san suse eran TEST TAKER: CASTANEDA, CAROL N Ree aap 2142016 haaTHEMATICS- CONTENT KNOWLEDSE UES rana2016 MATHEMATICS: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Foc more information on interpreting your scores. please refer “Underctanaing Your Praxis Scotes” valuble at waw ts orgprans. Fur Information on Sate requirements Ic also avalale onine. PasceaNot Passed formation not provided it more Tan ene qualifying seore I Used Tor atest, or quallying score ‘spot avalabe “THIS INFORMATION |S PROVIDED TO THE TEST TAKER ONLY. 4+ PASSEDINOT PASSED INFORMATION NOT PROVIDED BECAUSE TEST(S) TAKEN IS/ARE NOT USED BY THIS AGENCY. coop SSEIOESE ZU SavctenatTesteg Serves tgs eseves. a nde ETS gears eps Hacemans a Souter Tsing Sevct 2 ape cere eres @® PRAXIS Series. Prams en ea MATHEMATICS: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE NUMBER AND QUANTITY, ALGEBRA FUNCTIONS, AND CALCULUS 2 = ten I GROUETRY, PROBABLITY AND ETATIETES, AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS e 2 Bi * Salegory evel ntarmationIncuaies tne numnber of fest quesilons answered correcly for reatvely small suse ofthe questions. Because they ace based on ‘enalitunbars et quacsene, estagory estes ate le relabie ian te omiaal essen ecores, uh sre B3ez0 on Me ul est ot quectons. Funnetmore, m2 ‘questions i 2 category may vay in @-Teuty om one fet form io another. Therefore, he catagory c2ores of naduale who Rave faten @Merent Tons of 2 {esi arent necessarily comparable. For these easans, caiegory scoves snould not ue Considered a precise rection of a candlasie'sleve! of knowledge In that category and ETS recommends Mat category lnformaton not De Used Io inocmn any decisions SMecing cancldaies winout careful consigeraton of eu Inherent ack ot precsion. “The range of scares eamad by the mice $0% ofa oroup of est akers who took his form of he test at the most recent national administration o oer ‘comparable tme pares: NIC means tat hi range wat nef computes Becaure fear an 30 tees taker tk the form ofthe tet of DueaUee here Wate fever {han 8 quecttons Fa category or, fr 3 conetuced-fecponca mode Tewor nan & polis fo be awarded by Te raters. NIA mNgestes Dal WUE test ceCtON WaG ‘ot akan ang, mneetoee, me nforriation Isnt appicanie. qm SETEES IEE Eakananal ese Serice A pesmsered ETOand he ETO oars GEARS Esuetons Testa Sent. 3 aie keen seneresem

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