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BACKGROUND INFORMATION Test Taker's Name ‘CASTANEDA CAROL N Candidate ID Number: Social Security Number: Sec F Date of Birth (tans 9m) EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION College Where Relevant Training WasRecewved: UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Undergraduate Major SPANISH Graduate Major: UNDECIDED Educational Level SENIOR (FOURTH YEAR) GPA: 35-40 era ee Oe edie) ‘Gone Recipient Name Coas # ‘Recipient Name [rans [UNIVERSITY OF UTAR IRBSTS(A) UTAH STATE OFFICE OF EDUCATION ‘Score Recipient Code(s) from Current Administration ‘Test d ‘Test Name Range | Range~ | secs | resrs lsscz ENG TOSPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES | 17s | 100-200 WIG n [oN eee ee) 0407/2017 Posse tats | coos “oetwame a favaaow over —uatsevarcs cowrewrmnomesse | ves —]-ieoaor] J Jcxviaor ses [sear nono cancuace t= | toao| + |v lcsisaor |ssee Jenstooreacensoromentancuaces | ze | como} n | x fovsaoe fone looneacso ouiscoscoucreaone | woo | toma) w | w foros forse [core acan sxuisroreouc warms | is2 | rooao| x | w foraois forse [come aco sxuis ror eouc-warm te | tooao | | ow La Seaen s Serer Thome rage ene ot coi SEEIRESS 3m by Seucrona Testy ec. ans sere, £79 and he £70 ope we epseedHaseman sf Eaucntons Tsing Serves 4 smn gene cor merOn @ PRAXIS Daal ns ao eee |PASSED/NOT PASSED INFORMATION BASED ON HIGHEST SCORES EARNED AS OF: 04/07/2017 |Passed! Not passed status provided inthis report is based on the passing score in effecton the test date or on the date reported (as indicated Jnext fo each score recipients name). Agencies reserve the right fe accept the reporing of scores but nol necessariy the passed/not passed DU US IRAP UE smac016 ono 242016 MATHEMATICS: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE oana07 | SPANISH: WORLD LANGUAGE For mare inermaton on intarpestng your esorae, please reer to “Ungaretanding Your Pravs Goores® availabe st www lt org)praue. Funmar nfornsten on iste TeqUNEMeMe i RED SvaRDIe One. OaEeeCNCt PacseG mMoeMston nol proved I more Mam one quale exons le UEes Tors tee, ot Qualying Eeare ‘Snot avaraDe “Tills INFORMATION IS PROVIDED TO THE TEST TAKER ONLY {+ PASSEDINOT PASSED INFORMATION NOT PROVIDED BECAUSE TEST(S} TAKEN IS/ARE NOT USED BY THIS AGENCY. ory SRCERE SERRE epee Ter grst wow sstnce eve mae ere eee an mgatens rasemams ctecienona tesng eee 2 vena ior steniatero @ PRAXIS Series. DETAILED INFORMATION FOR: ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (ESOL) Vi, PROFESSIONALIDM AND ADVOCAEY 2 eH wee = catagory-eval icormation mnaieaies tne numberof tect uactont answered corecty fr relzvely small euDéets of the questions. Because ey are based on ‘smal umber of quastons,eategory scores are les relabie an Me ofcal seated scores, which are based on ihe ful get of quesions. FurmeMmore, ne ‘questions ina eategory may vary in aTicuty wom one test form to anomer. Therefore, the eategory scores of Iniduats who Mave takan eter Torns ofthe {est are not necessanly comparable. For mise reasons, category scores SNoUld not be Considefed a prense fetecuon at 2 candiSai's level of anowe0Qe In nat ealegory and ETS recommend tat ealegory Information el be Used to Inform any dectsione 2Mectng candldates winout earetul concioertion oF Gucn Inherent ack of precision. ~The range of Scores eamed by the mioaie 50% of a group of test takers wno took ins form of he test athe mast recent: national aaminstraton or omer ‘comgarabe te period NIC meane iat this range was no! computed because fewer than 30 est taters 100k his for ofthe test of because Mere were fewer {nan 6 questions i ine category of, tora consiruciec-tesponge module, fewes nan & pois to De awaided by ine raters, NIA nlcaies nal tis test section was ‘ot taken ang, tnerefre, ie information is nat applicable. ‘cepyrgm © 2008 by Exuestons! Testng vier Agni rareres ETO anda ETO eps ave rteres wasemams of Eduestons Taztng Cece i) SRBPEAGo cents savasenan =e 3 same muoe neormeron

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