Beyond Borders Social Media Analysis

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By: Veranique Hudson
After analyzing Beyond Borders social media and

audience, I would like to make the following

Define Your Target Audience & Market to Them
Much of Beyond Borders target audience are millennials who attend

local colleges and universities in the Washington, D.C., area. When doing

community outreach to engage supporters and attain volunteers, staff are

given the task of researching local clubs and church groups that share a

similar mission with Beyond Borders and asking these groups if they would

be interested in fundraising for Beyond Borders campaigns or simply

spreading the word. But how do you keep these college students and young

adults engaged?
Research shows that you can engage millenials by marketing and

advertising a campaign on the social media platforms unique to this age

group. For example, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are very popular apps.

18.2 percent of all twitter users in the United States are ages 18 to 24. Also,

22.2 percent of all Twitter users are ages 25 to 34 ("Twitter: U.S. user age

distribution 2015"). These statistics reveal that Twitter is an extremely

successful social media platform to spread awareness about a campaign,

such as Beyond Borders Girl Power Haiti!

Likewise, Instagram is another successful way to engage millenials to

check out your organization and campaign. 55 percent of adults ages 18 to

29 use Instagram. Today, 59% of Instagram users are on the platform daily,

including 35% who visit several times a day (Duggan, 2015).

Also, Snapchat has the highest monthly usage per visitor compared to

Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and Vine (Chaffey, 2016). Snapchat allows

companies to advertise via Snapchats platform. Also, anyone can now

purchase a Snapchat filter and geotag, which can be very useful if Beyond

Borders has an event and wants to publicize it.

In addition, Beyond Borders also targets men and women age 50 and

over. A great way to connect with these individuals is through Facebook.

With that being said, Beyond Borders must become more active on

social media sites. Currently, Beyond Borders does not post every day on

social media. It is likely that the target audience will lose interest if Beyond

Borders does not remain active on social media.

Equally important, a great way to connect with your organization is to invite

key influencers in the media into the conversation. Research suggests that you

must find individuals who your target audience engage with and are influenced by

and get them involved in your campaign efforts and conversation. Ultimately, by

bringing key influencers into the conversation, these individuals can use their own

social media accounts to attract online participation (Young Entrepreneur Council,

Last but not least, use Hootsuite. Hootsuite is an online platform that allows

and individual or business to manage their social media effectively. Hootsuite allows

you to schedule your social media content for your different social media accounts

and content will automatically post at its designated times. For a small organization

like Beyond Borders, using Hootsuite is an easy tool that will make posting and

engaging with your audience successful.

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