Answer All Questions: GH 142, Preparatory Final Exam, Taha Shlibek, 2-7-2015

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GH 142, preparatory final exam , Taha Shlibek, 2-7-2015.

Answer all questions

Q1- Correct the sentences when necessary:

-The Chinese have invented paper

The Chinese invented paper

-Mary isnt at home, shes gone shopping

-Albert Einstein has been the scientist who developed the theory of relativity
Albert Einstein was the scientist who developed the theory of relativity

-Ive lost my key. I cant find it anywhere.

-Lucy has left school in 1999.
Lucy left school in 1999

-Have you been to Paris? Yes, many times.

- I dont like stories who have unhappy endings.
I dont like stories that/which have unhappy endings.

- Where is the nearest shop who sells newspapers?
Where is the nearest shop that/which sells newspapers?

- The driver which caused the accident was fined 500$.
The driver who caused the accident was fined 500$.

- We live in a world what is changing all the time.
We live in a world that is changing all the time.

- What is the name of the horse it won the race?
What is the name of the horse that/which won the race?
GH 142, preparatory final exam , Taha Shlibek, 2-7-2015.
- Unbreakable means something that cant be broke
Unbreakable means something that cant be broken

- Unusable means something that can be used
Unusable means something that cant be used

- Edible means something that can be eaten

-ABS has high impact strength but it is used for safety helmets.
ABS has high impact strength so/therefore it is used for safety helmets.

-Friction is essential in brakes but it is a nuisance in an engine.

Q2- put the verb in the correct form

1- When I got (get) home last night, I was (be) very tired and I went (go) straight to bed.
2- George wasnt (not/be) very well last week.
3- Molly lives in Dublin. She has lived (live) there all her life.
4- Sorry Im late. The car broke (break) down on my way here.
5- It was very noisy next door. Our neighbors were having (have) a party.
6- When I arrived, everybody was sitting around the able and talking. Their mouths were
empty but their stomachs were full. They had been eating (eat)
7- We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We had been travelling (travel)
for more than 24 hours.
8- The art exhibition finishes (finish) on 3 May.
9- We are going (go) to a concert tonight. It starts (start) at 7:30.
GH 142, preparatory final exam , Taha Shlibek, 2-7-2015.
Q3 underline the correct answer

- I meet / Ill meet you outside the hotel in half an hour, OK? Yes, thats fine.
- Im having / Ill have a party next Saturday. I hope you can come.
- What time does your train leave/ will your train leave tomorrow?
- I think Jenny will get/ is getting the job. She has a lot of experience.
- I cant meet you this evening; a friend of mine will come/ is coming to see me.

Q4: Rewrite these sentences. Instead if using somebody, they, people write a passive
1- Somebody cleans the room every day.
The room is cleaned every day.
2- They cancelled all the flights because of fog
All the flights were cancelled because of fog.
3- People dont use this road much
This road isnt used much
4- Somebody accused me of stealing money
I was accused of stealing money.
5- How do people learn languages?
How are languages learnt?
6- Somebody has cleaned the room.
The room has been cleaned
7- They have postponed the meeting.
The meeting has been postponed
8- Somebody is using the computer at the moment
The computer is being used at the moment.
9- I didnt realise that somebody was recording our conversation
I didnt realise that our conversation was being recorded
GH 142, preparatory final exam , Taha Shlibek, 2-7-2015.
10- When we got to the stadium, we found they had cancelled the game
When we got to the stadium, we found the game had been cancelled
11- They are building a new road round the city
A new road is being built around the city
12- They have built a new hospital near the airport
A new hospital has been built around the city

Q5- Chose the correct answer

What do you do for a living?
- I love chocolate.
- Im a doctor.
- Yes, Im married.

Do you have any children?

- Yes, I did yesterday.
- Yes, a son and his name is Harry.
- No, its cold here.

What are your hobbies?

- I like swimming.
- I am an engineer.
- My name is Elburky .
What are the branches of engineering?
- Civil
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- All the above.
Architecture engineering is concerned with:
- Drilling and producing oil
- Both process and the product of planning
- Electronics and electromagnetism
GH 142, preparatory final exam , Taha Shlibek, 2-7-2015.
Maintenance of the physical and natural built environments is the concern of
- Civil engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Mechanical engineering
- All the above.

Q6 give an example for the following:

A metal used to make aircraft, Aluminum

Plastics used for adhesives, Epoxy resin
A plastic with very low friction, Nylon
A plastic for car bodies, Polyester resin
A device which can produce a linear movement, paper trimmer

Q7: answer these questions

1- What does a cam do?

It converts the rotary motion of the engine into the reciprocating motion required to
operate the valves
2- What does oscillating mean?
Swinging backwards and forwards
3- What is the function of a crankshaft?
It changes the reciprocation motion of a piston into a rotary motion

Q8: match the columns:

1- Sheets, g a- Goes up and down

2- Reciprocates, a b- Goes round and round
3- Converts, h c- Goes in a line
4- Rotates, b d- Moving stairs
5- Escalator, d e- Swings backwards and forwards
6- Motion, f f-Movement
7- Has a linear motion, c g- Large, thin, flat pieces
8- Oscillates, e h- changes

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