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ELED 3221
Date 3/24/2016


What are the Parts of a Plant?

Elementary Science

Big Idea: Explain the function of plant structures and how they relate to survival.

Grade Level: 3rd

Rationale: Why are you teaching this content? Why are students learning this material? Why is
it important for students to learn? How does it connect to their lives?
- My CT thought it would be a great reflection lesson
- Plants are all around us, it is important students understand their parts.

NC Essential Standard(s): 3.L.2.1 Remember the function of the following plant structures as it
relates to the survival of plants in their environments:
- Roots- absorbs nutrients
- Stems- provide support for the plant
- Leaves- synthesize food
- Flowers/Petals- produce seeds for reproduction and attract pollinators

Next Generation Science Standard(s): SC.3.L.14.1- Describe structures in plants and their
roles in food production, support, water and nutrient transport, and reproduction.

Instructional Objective:
- Conditions: Students will identify the parts of a plant and how they are used for survival
- Performance: Centers
- Criteria: Students are expected to earn at least 16 of the possible 20 points from the
worksheet. They will receive 10 points for the worksheet that they complete in the
centers, 5 points for labeling each part of the plant, and 5 for writing the two facts per
part. The other 10 points will come from the students plant, 5 points for drawing their
plant and the other 5 for correctly labeling the plant.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills:

- What a plant is
- What a plant looks like
- Teacher needs to know the parts of a plant and how it helps the plant survive.
Materials/Resources: What materials do you (as teacher) and students need? What resources
will be used? If materials are exotic, where can they be found? You need to be specific with
the amount of stuff you will need.
- Teacher: YouTube video, answer key, whiteboard
- Students: worksheet, pencil, computer paper, markers/crayons
- Centers: labeling papers, fact sheet

Source of your lesson:

- I got the standard from my CT. I found the activity on Teachers Pay Teachers. In
reading, my CT was focusing on comprehension. Together we decided on the idea of having the
students decide on which two facts of the four that are true and write them down.
- Centers were required: Dr. Alston

Estimated Time: 45mins 1 hour

Accommodation for Special Needs/different learning styles: What should be done for students
with special needs (both physical and emotional)? Different learning styles? ESL students?
- Read instructions aloud beforehand.
- I am providing a picture of the plant so that ESL students have a visual representation
- I am first going to do an example of the stations and the expectations of the lesson
(auditory and visual)

Safety considerations: How will you make sure students are safe in your lesson?
- I plan to show the students how to safely rotate stations without running into one another
or obstacles.

Content and Strategies (Procedure)

Engage: How will students attention or interest be captured? How will you identify prior
- Play YouTube video for students
- Cansomeonetellmesomethingtheylearnedfromthevideo?
- Cansomeonetellmewhattherootsdo?
- Iplantoengagestudentsbyfirstwalkingthemthroughthestations

Explore: What common concrete experience will the students have that allows all students
access to materials? What questions will you ask to facilitate exploration?
- CENTERS: the students will pick which 2 of the four facts are true about the part of the
plant that is on the top of the page. They will then write two down on a piece of notebook
paper that is stapled to their worksheet. They will then label on their worksheet the
corresponding plant part they are at. Example: Station- STEM they will correctly label
the stem on the worksheet.
Center 1: STEM
Center 2: ROOTS
Center 3: FLOWER
Center 4: LEAF
- I will walk around as the students are working and pause to ask each station why their
group thinks the 2 they picked are true about the plant part.
Explanation: How will you structure student sharing from exploration? How will you facilitate
students conceptual development? How will you help students connect explanations back to
their experience? How will you build on students explanations to help students use appropriate
vocabulary to label concepts and ideas?
- Class will return to their desks. We will then have a class discussion and label a plant
together on the board using the appropriate vocabulary.
As we label each part of the plant, we will discuss what 2 facts are true about the part. (if
students do not provide the correct response, I will read aloud all 4 and we will reason
together which 2 are correct)

Elaborate: What opportunities will there be for students to apply newly learned ideas, concepts,
and skills? (Another activity is ideal)
- Students will be given another sheet of paper. They will draw their own plant, label and
color the plant. For early finishers, students will give a description of each part labeled.

Evaluate: How will you assess each students progress toward the stated objective(s)? What
evidence will be collected? What type of assessment will be used (formal, informal, formative,
- Students will have to earn 16 out of 20 points in order to demonstrate mastery.
10 points from the centers worksheet (5 for labeling, 5 for facts)
10 points from their drawing (5 for labeling, 5 for drawing/coloring)

Closure: How are you going to close your lesson? Briefly describe how you will close the
lesson, help students understand the purpose of the lesson, and show how it will connect to future
learning. (Rather than an administrative closure, interact with learners to elicit evidence of
student understanding of purpose(s) for learning and mastery of objectives)
- I would review what the students did in the stations.
- Who can tell me which part of the plant makes food for the plant?
- Who can tell me which part of the plant holds it in the ground?
- Who can tell me which part of the plant holds it above ground?
- Can a plant survive without some of these parts? Why or why not?
no! plant needs all of them to survive!

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