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Peter Bleksley Peter Bleksley worked in Wrestle: Take part in a fight, either as
police station is in Peckham sport or in earnest, that involves
grappling with one's opponent and
in south London and trying to throw or force them to the
Kensington, and he is an ground.
ex-drug addict. dragging from me:
He fought with many drug
offensive: Causing someone to feel
addict people and dealers. resentful, upset, or annoyed.
enact : Make (a bill or other
The drug addict people proposal) law.
include young people. misuse : Use (something) in the
wrong way or for the wrong purpose.
inexperienced : Having little
Comprehensive education
knowledge or experience of a
programs in primary particular thing.
schools should be required Criminalizing: Turn (an activity) into
for Prevention that young a criminal offence by making it
child use drug illegal.
gusto : Enjoyment and enthusiasm in
doing something.
store something up : Create problems
for the future by failing to address a
particular situation adequately at the
resentment : Bitter indignation at
having been treated unfairly.
hatred : dislike, hate
borough: A town or district which is
an administrative unit.
Quaff : Drink (something, especially
an alcoholic drink) heartily.
menace: A person or thing that is
likely to cause harm; a threat or
amidst: Surrounded by; in the middle
dodgy : Dishonest or unreliable.
Adore: Love and respect (someone)
ascetic: Characterized by severe self-
discipline and abstention from all
forms of indulgence, typically for
religious reasons.
licensed pharmacies or drugstores
rendering : A performance of a piece
of music or drama.
contaminated : Make (something)
impure by exposure to or addition of
a poisonous or polluting substance.
reap : Cut or gather (a crop or
comprehensive education programs
in primary schools
compulsory treatment programs
envisage : Contemplate or conceive
of as a possibility or a desirable
future event.

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