Mariosiep at A Glancedocument 3

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Student: Mario Antonio-Gutierrez Date: 9/28/16

IEP Goals

Goal 1: By 9/28/2017 Mario will attend class and participate in classroom activities as well as
complete class work for the purpose of accessing his educational environment instead of
being truant and non-compliant and avoiding school work. He will do this daily for every
assigned class period with 100 percent accuracy unless excused by a parent or doctor with a
note or verbally by telephone or in person. His Case Manager and the School Administration
will monitor Mario's attendance and work completion rate in the classroom.
Baseline: Currently Mario is truant or tardy daily to at least 2 periods. When he
is in class, he frequently leaves with or without permission or chooses not to
participate or complete classwork.

Goal 2: By 10/16/2015 Mario will demonstrate an understanding of algebraic method by

solving multiple step equations and inequalities by applying the distributive property,
combining like terms, and using opposite operations with at least 80% accuracy as
demonstrated by his performance on in-class assessments.

Goal 3: By 10/20/2016, Mario will complete and turn in assignments for all classes with 95%
accuracy measured by grade book, student interview and teacher interview.

Goal 4: By 10/20/2016, Mario will begin exploring, developing potential career interests and
look into requirements to obtaining a work permit with 100% accuracy as measured by
student interview.

Goal 5: By 10/20/2016, Mario will keep a logbook for each of his classes that lists assignment
due dates and test dates with 90% accuracy as measured by student grade, test scores, work
completion percentage and student interview.

Goal 6: By 10/20/16, Mario will participate in a small group discussion with appropriate eye
contact, expanding his ideas on a given topic, asking/answering appropriate questions with
other group members, and will supply sufficient information for listener's understanding, with
1-2 prompts per 30 minute session, in 4 out of 5 opportunities as measured by observation

Behavior Intervention Plan

1. The behavior impeding learning is (describe what it looks like): Truant to class, non-
compliance to school rules.

2. Situations in which the behavior is likely to occur: people, time, place, subject, etc.:
Mario is expected to go to class but walks around campus looking for someone to hang out
with or when in class, Mario is asked to complete a task he does not want to complete. He
says he has to go to the restroom or just leaves class without permission and wanders around
campus or leaves campus entirely
3. What environmental changes, structure and supports are needed to remove the
student's need to use this behavior? (Changes in Time/Space/Materials/Interactions to
remove likelihood of behavior) Limit cell phone use. Check in with mentor daily before
school starts, after nutrition, and after lunch. Mario will not be allowed to leave the classroom
during instructional and classwork time unless accompanied by an adult.

4. What teaching Strategies/Necessary Curriculum/Materials are needed? (List

successive teaching steps for student to learn replacement behavior/s) Break tasks
down into smaller steps, Praise Mario when he participates in class and completes work,
frequently check in with Mario to make sure he is making progress on his assigned tasks,
offer to help Mario when he appears to not understand the task he has been assigned

What strategies will be employed if the problem behavior occurs again?

1. Prompt student to switch to the replacement behavior
Prompt Mario to attend class and comply with staff requests. Remind Mario what he is
working for, remind him of the consequences of his behavior good and bad.
2. Describe how staff should handle the problem behavior if it occurs again
Redirect student, remind him of the consequences of his behavior, and give Mario time to
make a positive choice
3. Positive discussion with student after behavior ends
Debrief the incident and discuss what Mario did well and what he needs to improve on .
4. Any necessary further classroom or school consequences School Wide Discipline
applies to Mario's behavior Personnel?
School Administration/Staff/Case Manager

Accommodations Comments/Special Needs

Mario will receive 50% extra time on Limit cell phone use. Check in with mentor
tests/assignments, frequent checks for daily before school starts, after nutrition, and
understanding and homework, assignments after lunch. Mario will not be allowed to leave
or tests can be re-done for credit. As arranged the classroom during instructional and
with teacher classwork time unless accompanied by an

Break tasks down into smaller steps, Praise

Mario when he participates in class and
completes work, frequently check in with
Mario to make sure he is making progress on
his assigned tasks, offer to help Mario when
he appears to not understand the task he has
been assigned

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