Edtc 5555 Final Project Marroquin Portfolio

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EDTC 555 Final Project

Laura Marroquin
FA2 2016
QUESTION #1: ISTE NETs-T Standard 5a:
Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative
applications of technology to improve student learning

In choosing the HTML elements and Web 2.0 tool(s) for my site, I sought
input from the following professional learning resources: (please check
at least one column in each row)
How I participated or contributed
by by by initiating I did not
viewing/ participating questions and participate
reading in dialogue sharing my in this
resources about experience community
provided resources with others or review
this resource
in making
my choices
classmates or
instructor in

online, databased
resources (e.g.

W3Schools, etc.)
live professional
communities (e.g.

colleagues at my
school, colleagues
with technology
expertise, etc.)
online discipline-
communities (e.g.

discussion board
in the subject I
teach, etc.)
online educational
communities (e.g.

Classroom 2.0,
EDTC 555 Final Project
Laura Marroquin
FA2 2016
Other (please
indicate sources

Social media
EDTC 555 Final Project
Laura Marroquin
FA2 2016
QUESTION #2: ISTE NETs-T Standard 5b:
Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating
in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership
and technology skills of others

Explain below which Web 2.0 tool(s) you included as a link to your
website. Explain why you chose this tool and how this would encourage
collaboration among your students or other audience of your site:

The Web 2.0 tool I put in my website was a link to glogster.com. This website
enables students to create their own interactive multimedia poster. This give
students opportunity to show off their work and to explain why they created the
poster that they did. They can learn from each other and listen to what other
students learned and how they can apply it to their own learning.

QUESTION #3: ISTE NETs-T Standard 5c:

Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular
basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in
support of student learning

Explain below at least THREE HTML elements or resources you chose for
your site to meet a particular student learning need and which resources
you consulted to make the best choice. Please cite those resources using
APA format in a resources list below. (For example, perhaps you chose to use
an online quiz as a pre-test and post-test to document progress in student learning,
and you might have referred to some reading you had done on data to improve
student learning to make that choice. Or, perhaps you used our textbook as a
reference regarding the best layout choices, in which case you would cite that as a

APA Formatting Guidelines can be found at


HTML Element/Resource #1: Reason Chosen:

Drug addiction survey So that students can understand what
addicts go through and how the choices
they made in their lives led to them to
the addiction path.
Source(s) Used to Inform this Choice:
I chose to do an addiction survey that I had done in one of my past classes. This
course had me do an assignment which involved using HTML elements such as
drop-down choices, checkboxes, radios, etc. I came up with the questions by doing
EDTC 555 Final Project
Laura Marroquin
FA2 2016
some searching online and getting some ideas.

HTML Element/Resource #2: Reason Chosen:

Another resource I used was a This newsletter contains information on
newsletter. Marroquin Monthly eating disorders that I want my students
to read.
Source(s) Used to Inform this Choice:
I created this Newsletter by using InDesign.

HTML Element/Resource #3: Reason Chosen:

Interactive website with games and This website comes from the National Institute on
videos Drug Abuse. It has interactive modules where you
can learn about the different effects of drugs.
There are also videos, games, and other activities.

Source(s) Used to Inform this Choice:

This website was found when trying to find more interesting websites based on the topic of my course.

QUESTION #4: ISTE NETs-T Standard 5d:

Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession
and of their school and community

Explain below how your website contributes to the effectiveness, self-

renewal and vitality of the educational community for which it was
designed. Please be specific about the educational community (your
sites audience), and what effects you hope it will have on the effective
operation and continued growth of its members.

Even though my website isnt completed to its fullest, this website is intended for
students to get an understanding of what certain types of health issues can do to a


My website is going to be based off of a course I designed last year titled Health 101. This
EDTC 555 Final Project
Laura Marroquin
FA2 2016
online Health course is designed to provide knowledge on certain health topics and to prepare students
for health concerns and risks that affect the human body. It will also get students thinking about how to
look for signs of possible issues and how to deal with those issues. This course will primarily discuss
sexually transmitted diseases and prevention, eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, as well as
substance abuse like tobacco, drugs, and alcohol to include prevention. This website will help not only
teens taking the course but parents as well. It will inform parents what the students are learning, what
their workload is like for the week, and any forms or announcements that I make for the semester. As a
more long-term project, I would like to eventually turn it into more health topics to cover other social,
mental, spiritual and physical health.


My target audience is for middle school students (6th grade through 8th grade) between ages 11
and 14. Since my course is online, any student in said grades in the local area for the school Im
teaching for can partake in my course. Because of the grades Im teaching, Im not sure if I can take on
the whole nation. Currently I live in a rural area and my students would be middle class. If I could
expand out across the country then I would assume that my class will be well diverse since its open to
all of the US. I would like my course to be available to students with special needs such as subtitles or
script for videos for the hearing impaired. Students should know basic knowledge of computers and
how to navigate using the internet. Students should know how to type, be familiar with research, and
have an idea of how to write papers/essays using software applications such as Microsoft Word.
Students should also know how to email, and send download attachments. I feel I should also include
parents in this target audience. I want the course to be family friendly and including parents is a way
to get them to understand what their child is going through. Parents will also be included in the
introductory portion of the course.

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