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TPE 10 Summary

This year I coordinated, directed and communicated effectively with other

special education service providers, general educators, and paraeducators to
ensure effective and useful instruction and progress of my students.

In order to communicate effectively with general educators and special

educators on the progress of my students, I created google form surveys. I
created an IEP progress survey, a Triennial progress survey, and a progress
report survey in order to effectively communicate with general educators
and other special educators about student progress. This was so useful and
helpful the general educators requested that all special educators at our
school use the forms. I shared all three forms with my coworkers in order to
make all of our lives easier and the general educators happy. This was so
successful that our department chair at El Modena told our inclusive learning
department at our district office and asked if I would share with them to put
on our district education socialists PowerSchool haiku page as resources for
everyone to use. Even though SEIS creates an IEP at A Glance for us, I
quickly found that these were very confusing to general educators, so I
decided to create my own easy-to-understand version of an IEP at A Glance
that I got form Education Specialist Professionalism Class. I found this to be
the most effective way to communicate with general educators in order to
ensure the useful instruction of my students.

In order to communicate effectively with special educators about the

students on their caseloads I completely modified my gradebook to show
progress on student goals. I did this y creating gradebook categories that
reflected student goals like reading comprehension, vocabulary, content
mastery, real word application of math, class work, homework, and projects
and labs. This means I could have three different grades for one assignment.
I would have a classwork or homework completion grade, and then I would
grade for correctness on all of the following as applicable: reading
comprehension, content mastery, vocabulary, and real world application of
math. This was such a help at our school to other case managers, my
gradebook was displayed at a district training for things other education
specialist could do to make case management and communication between
case managers and special education teachers easier. In my gradebook I also
leave a detailed summary of the progress of the student for tests explain
exactly what they were and were not able to do based on their goals and
math abilities. Lastly, in my gradebook, I always add a summary of what the
students need to do as well as attach the document, so if they have not
turned in other case managers can print it out for their students which
ensures useful instruction and management of all students in my classes.
Not only can these things in my grade book be seen by other teachers, but
also administrators and parents of students in my classes.
In order to communicate with paraeducator and ensure useful and
systematic instruction of my students, I include his daily instructional plans
and duties right there in my lesson and give him a copy so that he can be
successful and all our lessons run smoothly. This enables us to keep track of
all the instructional goals and keep all of students on task. It also helps with
what is okay to let slide and what is not okay to let slide during a lesson. I
found this to be extremely effective for both me and my paraeducator.

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