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Consulting Agreement Scope of Work: Consultancy for technical assistance to Implementation of the

SIS-GalenPlus in 11 micro-networks from San Martin Regional Health Directorate

Introduction to Health Financing and Governance Project inPeru

USAIDs Health Finance and Governance (HFG) is a five-year, $209 million project to increase the use
of priority health services, especially by women, girls, poor and rural populations, in developing countries
throughout the world. The project is led by Abt Associates Inc. with core partners including Training
Resources Group, Inc., Broad Branch Associates, Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI), Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Results for Development Institute, and Futures Institute.

The HFG Project will be operating in Peru from approximately December 15, 2014 to September 30,
2015. Given the limits of time and available resources for health assistance in Peru, the Project is
focusing on the implementation of a defined Health Exit Plan (HEP) that concentrates and intensifies
support for strengthening decentralization of the health sector in the region of San Martin. As part of the
HEP, it has been implementing a transferable Health Systems Strengthening Approach (HSSA) for
supporting decentralization at the regional/local level that results in the provision of effective and efficient
health services to the target population. The HSSA is based on the World Health Organization (WHO)
framework of six health system building blocks: Finance, Governance, Human Resources, Service
Delivery, Information Systems and Pharma/Medical supplies logistics.

In case of Information Systems the USAID | HFG project considers:

OUTCOME 3: San Martin DIRES has 11 micro-networks using SIS GalenPlus and GOP has scaled-up
SIS GalenPlus information system to 230 health facilities nationwide.

Achievement of this Outcome will require:

Training and technical assistance provided to RHD and micro-networks
Group of facilitators consolidated in the region under the leadership of RHD
A regional help-desk established
SIS GalenPlus software (program, source-code, interoperability, etc.) and guidelines transferred
(knowledge transfer)
Training and technical assistance provided to MINSA to use, maintain and update SIS GalenPlus
A national help-desk established

Scope for the Consultant:

Provide Technical assistance for the implementation and monitoring of GalenPlus-First-Level-of-Care in
11 health micro-networks from San Martin Regional Health Directorate
Task 1: Technical assistance provided to San Martin health facilities during December 2014

Task 1 Deliverable(s): To be submitted by December 26th, 2014 including: LOE 10 Days

Deliverable 1: Technical assistance plan for the implementation of GalenPlus in health micro-
networks in San Martin RHD
Deliverable 2: Monitoring report to December 2014 on the implementation of GalenPlus in San
Martin RHD, and short term plan of technical assistance for January 2015
o List of health facilities planned in the month to monitor them and give them technical
o Report of the training conducted in the month including the list of participants' attendance
o Report of the technical assistance provided to health facilities during December
o List of recommended activities in the coming months
o Updated scorecard to monitoring the SIS-GalenPlus implementation

Task 2: Technical assistance provided to San Martin health facilities during January 2015

Task 2 Deliverable(s): To be submitted by January 26th, 2015 including: LOE 20 Days

Deliverable 3: Monitoring report to January 2015 on the implementation of GalenPlus in San
Martin RHD, and short term plan of technical assistance for February 2015
o List of health facilities planned in the month to monitor them and give them technical
o Report of the training conducted in the month including the list of participants' attendance
o Report of the technical assistance provided to health facilities during January
o List of recommended activities in the coming months
o Updated scorecard to monitoring the SIS-GalenPlus implementation

Task 3: Technical assistance provided to San Martin health facilities during February 2015

Task 3 Deliverable(s): To be submitted by February 26th, 2015 including: LOE 23 Days

Deliverable 4: Monitoring report to February 2015 on the implementation of GalenPlus in San
Martin RHD, and short term plan of technical assistance for March 2015
o List of health facilities planned in the month to monitor them and give them technical
o Report of the training conducted in the month including the list of participants' attendance
o Report of the technical assistance provided to health facilities during February
o List of recommended activities in the coming months
o Updated scorecard to monitoring the SIS-GalenPlus implementation

Task 4: Technical assistance provided to San Martin health facilities during March 2015

Task 4 Deliverable(s): To be submitted by March 26th, 2015 including: LOE 20 Days

Deliverable 5: Monitoring report to March 2015 on the implementation of GalenPlus in San
Martin RHD, and short term plan of technical assistance for April 2015
o List of health facilities planned in the month to monitor them and give them technical
o Report of the training conducted in the month including the list of participants' attendance
o Report of the technical assistance provided to health facilities during March
o List of recommended activities in the coming months
o Updated scorecard to monitoring the SIS-GalenPlus implementation

Task 5: Technical assistance provided to San Martin health facilities during April 2015

Task 5 Deliverable(s): To be submitted by April 26th, 2015 including: LOE 19 Days

Deliverable 6: Monitoring report to April 2015 on the implementation of GalenPlus in San Martin
RHD, and short term plan of technical assistance for May 2015
o List of health facilities planned in the month to monitor them and give them technical
o Report of the training conducted in the month including the list of participants' attendance
o Report of the technical assistance provided to health facilities during April
o List of recommended activities in the coming months
o Updated scorecard to monitoring the SIS-GalenPlus implementation

Task 6: Technical assistance provided to San Martin health facilities during May 2015

Task 6 Deliverable(s): To be submitted by May 26th, 2015 including: LOE 21 Days:

Deliverable 7: Monitoring report to May 2015 on the implementation of GalenPlus in San Martin
RHD, and short term plan of technical assistance for June 2015
o List of health facilities planned in the month to monitor them and give them technical
o Report of the training conducted in the month including the list of participants' attendance
o Report of the technical assistance provided to health facilities during May
o List of recommended activities in the coming months
o Updated scorecard to monitoring the SIS-GalenPlus implementation

Task 7: Technical assistance provided to San Martin health facilities during Jun 2015

Task 7 Deliverable(s): To be submitted by Jun 26th, 2015 including: LOE 23 Days:

Deliverable 8: Monitoring report to Jun 2015 on the implementation of GalenPlus in San Martin
RHD, and short term plan of technical assistance for Jul 2015
o List of health facilities planned in the month to monitor them and give them technical
o Report of the training conducted in the month including the list of participants' attendance
o Report of the technical assistance provided to health facilities during June
o List of recommended activities in the coming months
o Updated scorecard to monitoring the SIS-GalenPlus implementation

Task 8: Technical assistance provided to San Martin health facilities during Jun 2015
Task 8 Deliverable(s): To be submitted by Agu 7th, 2015 including: LOE 22 Days:
Deliverable 9: Monitoring report to Jul 2015 on the implementation of GalenPlus in San Martin
o List of health facilities planned in the month to monitor them and give them technical
o Report of the training conducted in the month including the list of participants' attendance
o Report of the technical assistance provided to health facilities during July
o Updated scorecard to monitoring the SIS-GalenPlus implementation

Days of consultancy
158 days

Task name/code: 18669-9126

The payments will be done upon approval of the products, in the following way:

Deliverable 1 and 2: 10 days of LOE
Deliverable 3: 20 days of LOE
Deliverable 4: 23 days of LOE
Deliverable 5: 20 days of LOE
Deliverable 6: 19 days of LOE
Deliverable 7: 21 days of LOE
Deliverable 8: 23 days of LOE
Deliverable 9: 27 days of LOE

Required profile for the consultancy

Systems engineer (desirable) or information technology technician

More than 3 years professional experience, of which, at least one is related to health database
At least one year experience in PC networks configuration, software installation and configuration
At least one year experience in the operation of health related software applications
Advanced training in SIS-GalenPlus operation

This consultancy will be based in San Martin may require up to 3 trips to Lima

Mr. Luis Silva, the Projects Regional Advisor will supervise the scope of work, providing oversight of
the activities identified and products to be delivered to Mr. Jose Revoredo, USAID/Health Information
Team Leader, who can provide additional direction and input.

Other conditions
Work executed under this consultancy is property of USAID, and cannot be commercialized by any
means by the consultant. The execution of this consultancy does not generate any property rights on the
modules developed.

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