Edublogger Review: What Runs Through My Mind During A Software Demo

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July 19th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew

Edublogger Review
A "mash-up" of postings from nine engaging educational - I wonder what the kids are doing right now?
and e-learning bloggers.
- They're probably swimming. That sounds fun.

What Runs Through My Mind - I hope TG actually goes in the water this time.
During a Software Demo - She takes after me, poor kid.
- Hey, it can add up numbers! Nice use of server space in 2010!
By Dean Dad on July 19th, 2010

- Good God, I'm bored. - I wonder if I should get a Droid.

- Maybe if I shift in my seat... - Nah, too big. Besides, what would I use it for?

- Nope. Still bored. - Other than games during software demos, anyway.

- Ooh! A dropbox! However might it work? - At least I could hold it left-handed.

- Ayup, it drops. Color me impressed. - I don't know why they say only lefties are inconvenienced by
the iphone. I sometimes hold phones in my left hand, too.
- Why is the presenter staring at me? Am I rolling my eyes?
- Does that mean I go both ways?
- Try to look interested. Try to look interested.
- Just like Lindsay Lohan! But she doesn't
- Good God, I'm bored. have to sit through a software demo.

- I bet celebrities don't have to watch dropbox demos. - Look at all of us in here. I wonder what the hourly wage of
everyone in this room adds up to.
- I bet Lindsay Lohan doesn't have to watch dropbox demos.
- Your tax dollars at work. Look, you can refresh the page!
- I bet they don't even do dropbox demos in prison.
- He's looking at me again! Look like you care, look like you
- They should. care...

- Naw, that's cruel and unusual. - I wonder if the tech guys think we're losers, running the demo
on an xp machine.
- What's she in for, anyway? Doesn't crime at least require
actually doing something? - Yes, I know how to type in a box. You can stop demonstrating
- Maybe I should have turned to a life of crime.
- Anyone who misbehaves spends the night in the box.
- Cool crime, though, not lame crime.
- Whatever happened to Broderick Crawford, anyway?
- To “save,” hit “save.” Got it.
- “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” God, that's
- I wonder if those Witness Relocation people get to pick where true.
they go.
- Didn't Broderick Crawford do some sort of California cop
- I'd request San Francisco, maybe. Or Seattle. movie or something?

- And a cooler name, like “Brock Codpiece.” - California. I'll miss it when it falls in the ocean.

- Naw, then the kids would be little Codpieces. That wouldn't - Poor bastards.
be right.
July 19th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
- Of course, in the ocean, you don't have to sit through software work will be done by the people you talk to. For
demos. example, with most of the top 10 consulting firms the
partners sell the jobs (they call them engagements)
- I'd like to be under the sea, in an Octopus' garden... and the associates – relatively recent hires – do the
- TG used to love that song. What is it about girls and Ringo? Has Knowledge Management Been Bad For Us? by @rickladd
- Zooey Deschanel liked Ringo in that movie. But I think we’re missing the point about the real
value of knowledge. If, in fact, the largest (by far)
- How the hell did the dweeb from Third Rock get Zooey percentage of an enterprise’s useful knowledge is
Deschanel? locked between the heads of its employees and, if
(as we frequently say about tacit knowledge) much
- Third Rock was a good show. Surprisingly accurate about of it can’t be accessed until it’s required, why are
college faculty. we not spending more of our limited funds on
facilitating the connection and communication, as
- “Alpha order.” Nice. Just say “alphabetical.” Nobody's well as the findability and collaborative capabilities
impressed. of our employees?
@robpatrob – How to break through the culture barriers in
- Click “save.” Okay. Learned that one in '86, thanks. Social Media – Veterans Affairs [VAC] creates a Wedge

- They should 86 this presentation. So even before “Social Media” was a buzz word, VAC
had created a site, using kids, where the public could
- What does that even mean, anyway? find out about their loved ones online and where the
public could not only look but participate.
- Brock Codpiece would know. He'd google it on his Droid, on The key issue here in terms of culture and barriers,
his way to bust Lindsay Lohan out of prison. Then Broderick is that this is quite real – the public are really
Crawford would catch him, and he'd spend the night in the box. contributing and the service is authentic and valuable
– but that the risks are low. Above all that VAC is
- Sigh. learning by doing how to get a start.
@DanielPink “The real reason China is laughing at the US” -
- I wonder if I'll have time for lunch...
Creativity: one core skill here, via @charlesjennings
- Click “close.” @rossdawson – 5 graphic frameworks showing the future of

From Mark Twain to the

By Harold Jarche on July 19th, 2010

Here are some of the things I learned on Twitter this past week:
Mark Twain’s Posthumous Bombshells by @cburell
Why is Mark Twain’s autobiography only coming out
now, 100 years after his death? Because he stipulated
so before dying.
What he expresses in these screenshots from a PBS
Newshour clip of the manuscript suggests why he Haiti, Six Months After
might have wanted these thoughts to stay silent for a Source:
century. And they’re strangely resonant in our own By Marc Bousquet on July 19th, 2010
Joe Ramsey is a talented young scholar of the radical writing
via @couchlearner – The Most Important Question to Ask a that often characterized the American cultural landscape in
Consultant Before Saying Yes – by @timberry: the first half of the last century (and which the cultural
So the most important question to ask, before you criticism of the second half largely ignored). He writes
agree to a consulting job, is who is actually going to politically-relevant poetry under the name J. Gallant Ramsey.
be doing the work. Who will deliver it, and who will This piece on Haiti is presented here with his permission. Over
you talk to in the interim. Yes, you’d think that would one and a half million Haitians are still homeless, many of
all be obvious. But the bigger and more successful them the children of the quarter-million dead.
the consulting company, the less likely that the actual
July 19th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
Fault Lines –Six Months After, July 12 *
The Earth has traveled half way round the Sun Worldwide
Since the day it shook and sucked them down. They say there are a dozen cities
Down With at least a million people each
Down and Lying, waiting, sleeping on a fault line;
down Slum-dweller flesh to feed the breach.
everything fell: For every year the Earth, it shivers
Shacks and hovels smashed through sewers; In the endless cold of space;
Palace collapsed like an empty egg shell. Quakes and quivers, like a bull whose skin
Three hundred thousand, maybe fewer must knock flies from its face.
Thousands buried, never found. The fault is not the moving earth’s
A nation of souls, searching, searing –We know that quakes will come, and even where–
Buried in a human hell. The problem: a crooked scheming class
La Terre Tremble. That crams the poor into the cracks
Have we forgotten what that shaking ground And stitches them into the seams
Revealed for all to see, who cared to look?: Breaking their backs
The way the streets filled up with bloated bodies; Letting them choke
The way the troops drove on, and let them cook. Gasping for air–
The ‘aid’ delayed, Stripping them down to their dreams,
as if for fear of zombies Then bare.
Rising from their rubble graves to run– There is no plan
White eyes blazing bloody memories No care for the people
of how white masters came and took by gun. except for the juice
But—as we know—poor Haitians did not riot; that can be squeezed
worked to pull their brothers from the ruins. from their bones
Carried those who died, and those who wouldn’t to quench the schemers’ thirst:
for a while, Markets pressure
And those who lived. and hearts burst.
Gave until they had no more to give. (The heads of state remain aloof:
* Crisis equals opportunity, after all
A hundred miles of broken blister Helicopter blades
oozing, live on your TV, give the world a roof.
draped in pathos and then charity: And there’s plenty of sweat to catch, as they fall.)
Nightly News *
For about a week. But even then, Outside Port au Prince:
If I may ask: Refugee Cities–
Did they let the Haitians speak? tents made from tarps
What did the people have to say? Flap on and on,
When they look at us what do they see? But only the bugs can fly.
Do you dare to take a peek with me today? Eyes peer out through the fraying holes;
Caught in the sun, the pocked eye turns away. Fingers point
How much can the blinded stand to see? : At jet-liners tearing the sky.
Band-aids slap where barricades should be. First-class passengers,

July 19th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
Glide overhead,
EDUCAUSE/Cornell Institute
travelling onto milder climes:
if they look down
for Computer Policy and Law:
between shared clouds, Streamed Sessions Week of
see nothing July 19
By Lisa Gesner on July 19th, 2010
dirty laundry lines. The 15th Annual Institute for Computer Policy and Law (ICPL)
-J. Gallant Ramsey begins Monday, July 19, in Ithaca, NY. The keynote and four
sessions will be streamed live at no charge. Video of these
Somerville, Massachusetts
sessions will also be archived. This year's focus is issues related
July 12, 2010 to information technologies and academic libraries. Clifford
Lynch of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) is
the Keynote Presenter. His talk is scheduled for Tuesday,
‘Can I?’ is better than ‘I can’ July 20, 7p.m. Eastern Time (ET). The following sessions
Source: will also be streamed: "The Future of the Academic Library:
July 19th, 2010 Space, Digitization, Access, and Curation in the New World of
Interesting study suggests that interrogative self-talk is Information" Cliff Lynch, Mairead Martin, Susan Perry, and
actually more motivating than declarative gumption that Jay Schafer Wednesday, July 21, 3:30 p.m. ET
business leaders profess.
“Why is interrogative self-talk more effective? Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary
Subsequent experiments by the scientists suggested Source:
that the power of the “Will I?” condition resides July 19th, 2010
in its ability to elicit intrinsic motivation. (We
are intrinsically motivated when we are doing
an activity for ourselves, because we enjoy it. In
contrast, extrinsic motivation occurs when we’re
doing something for a paycheck or any “extrinsic”
reward.) By interrogating ourselves, we set up a well-
defined challenge that we can master. And it is this
desire for personal fulfillment - being able to tell
ourselves that we solved the anagrams - that actually
motivates us to keep on trying.”
Page 1 of 1 pages

Clayton Christensen Says

The Solution Is More Online I've been on vacation this week and have taken the opportunity
to enjoy some brilliant weather in Canada's Maritime
Education vacationland. Monday Andrea and I went down to Tidnish
Source: Dock (photos) provincial park, about an hour away. Yesterday
christensen-says-the-solution-is-more-online-education.html we went to the bird sanctuary at Amherst Point (photos , about
By StevenB on July 19th, 2010 45 minutes away. And today I took a longer drive, two hours,
The people who run many schools realize that they can save to explore the cliffs at Cape Chjignecto (no photos posted yet).
considerably by cutting back on traditional classroom versions Stephen Downes , Flickr , July 16, 2010 7:03 p.m.. [ Link ]
of non-core courses--advanced placement, foreign language, [Tags: Canada , Flickr ] [ Previous ][ Next ]
economics and so forth--and instead offer them online. More Comments
than 70% of school districts already offer some form of online
learning, and that number is growing among traditional brick- Comment
and-mortar middle and high schools. With big budget cuts You are not logged in. [Login]
looming, online learning is likely only to grow, as students
increasingly look to it to for courses they want to take and Title
credits they need for graduation. Read more at:
Your comment:
learning-leadership-careers-christensen.html Enter email to receive

July 19th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
Your comments always remain your property, but in posting
them here you agree to license under the same terms as this Warning: Suspicious
site ( Creative Commons ). If your comment is offensive it will Conferences
be deleted. Source:
July 19th, 2010
Automated Spam-checking is in effect. If you are a registered
user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users The word has been going out around our office to beware
cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain of some suspicious conferences advertising non-genuine
words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to advisory committees. Peter Turney writes, "Why would
make sure it makes sense. conferences spam researchers and add people to their
program committee lists without asking? Because conferences
make money, by charging hefty registration fees. Are you
Not Clear If Study Abroad a researcher in computer science? You might find your
name on one of these program committees." Peter Turney
Helps But It Doesn't Hurt , Apperceptual , July 16, 2010 6:37 p.m.. [ Link ] [Tags:
Students Marketing , Research , Spam ] [ Previous ][ Next ]
Source: Comments
By StevenB on July 19th, 2010 Comment
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Opinions are divided on the merits of study abroad: Does
it help or hinder an education? Is it a glorified vacation for Title
rich kids, or a program of study comparable in depth and
rigor to what the student would get back on campus? The Your comment:
University System of Georgia has spent a decade studying
these questions. The findings, briefed Tuesday in Inside Enter email to receive
Higher Ed, are encouraging. Outside the Georgia university replies:
system, study abroad programs are regarded as varying widely
in rigor. Read more at: Your comments always remain your property, but in posting them here you agree to license under the same terms as this
does_study_abroad_make_you_a_b.html?wprss=college- site ( Creative Commons ). If your comment is offensive it will
inc be deleted.

Automated Spam-checking is in effect. If you are a registered

July Podcast of the Month user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users
cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain
Features Interview with words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to
Rosalyn Metz on Cloud make sure it makes sense.

Source: Women Still Dominate Higher
By fyfthgeer on July 19th, 2010
Education Enrollment
The July podcast of the month features Rosalyn Metz, systems Source:
administrator for circular support, Wheaton College, on what dominate-higher-education-enrollment.html
cloud computing means for higher education. Metz also has an By StevenB on July 19th, 2010
article entitled, "Cloud Computing Explained," in this month's
EDUCAUSE Quarterly. Women account for a disproportionate share of higher
education enrollments at every degree level and likely will
Unless otherwise noted, EDUCAUSE holds the copyright become an even more dominant presence on college campuses
on all materials published by the association, whether in in the next 10 years. An annual study by the U.S. Department
print or electronic form. In certain cases the work remains of Education predicts women will account for 59 percent of
the intellectual property of the individual author(s) (see undergraduate enrollment and 61 percent of post-bachelor’s
Special Circumstances). Content from conference speeches, degree enrollment by 2019. Higher education leaders say a
presentations, blogs, wikis and feeds reflect the opinions of number of factors, such as high school graduation rate gaps
the author, and not necessarily those of EDUCAUSE or its and a pay disparity between working men and women that
members. spur women to earn more education, help drive this trend. The
national trend isn’t mirrored on some Iowa campuses. Read
more at:

July 19th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew understand what they can expect from public colleges around
feature/2010/07/14/women-students-are-‘big-man’-on- the country,U.S.News & World Report has combined data
many-college-campuses on the economic and budgetary strength of each state with
funding for each state's public university system to show which
state systems will likely face budget pressure in the coming 18
The Myth of the Echo Chamber months. Read more at:
July 19th, 2010 college/2010/07/12/most-public-colleges-face-budget-cut-
Karl Fisch says bluntly, "There is no 'echo chamber.' It's threats-in-2011.html
a myth." The comment is probably in response to Ethan
Zuckerman , though there is no link. Fisch writes, "Not
only do I think there is no echo chamber, I think there is If Then Why
also tremendous power in having discussions with people
July 19th, 2010
who do think in a similar (although not exact) way to you.
Communities of similarly-minded people, passionate people, Graham Wegner asks a series of good questions. I wouldn't
working in concert, can accomplish amazing things. We mind seeing people try to answer them. Also, I like the "if -
shouldn't denigrate that, we should celebrate it." Also: Mike then why" pattern he uses. Because I like patterns, especially
Caulfield writes , "I can't see Facebook as brilliant -- quite interesting ones. Graham Wegner , Open Educator , July 16,
the opposite, it succeeded by tapping into the two most 2010 7:46 a.m.. [ Link ] [Tags: none] [ Previous ][ Next ]
xenophobic markets in the U.S. -- college students and Silicon Comments
Valley." True, too true. Karl Fisch , The Fischbowl , July 16,
2010 6:26 p.m.. [ Link ] [Tags: none] [ Previous ][ Next ] Comment
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cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain
words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to
make sure it makes sense. This Year's Grads Who Got
Jobs Are Getting Less Money
Chart Shows States Facing Source:
Serious Funding Crising For By StevenB on July 19th, 2010

Higher Education Recent college graduates lucky enough to nab jobs are earning
Source: even less than their counterparts did a year ago, according
facing-serious-funding-crising-for-higher-education.html to a recent survey. The National Association of Colleges
By StevenB on July 19th, 2010 and Employers said in its quarterly report on salaries that
2010 graduates' average starting salary was $48,661, down
Continuing high unemployment and state budget crises could 1.3% from the initial salaries of 2009 graduates. People
lead to funding cuts to public colleges and universities in majoring in general studies saw some of the biggest drops in
Nevada, Louisiana, Illinois, and many other states. Unless compensation. Read more at:
officials in troubled states find new tax dollars to support their
colleges, administrators will have little choice but to impose college-job-salaries_N.htm
hefty tuition increases or reduce the number of classes and
services offered on campus. To help parents and students

July 19th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew

July 19th, 2010

I've thought from time to time about a 'newspaper layout' for

OLDaily over the years. I've never been happy with what I
could come up with. And while isn't exactly
it, to me, it's close. I like what Doug Peterson has done with
it to create Ontario-educators Daily . The Twitter feed on the
right works wekk, and it's good to have multiple contributors
(more evident from the list view ). Doug Peterson , doug –
off the record , July 16, 2010 7:36 a.m.. [ Link ] [Tags: Twitter
, Thomson Corporation ] [ Previous ][ Next ]
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