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WRIT 200 Workplace Writing Skills: Proposal

Course: Writ 200-0BH

Submitted by: Brian Jaimes
Submitted to: John McLean
Due Date: April 2nd, 2017
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DATE: March 28th, 2017

TO: John McLean

FROM: Brian Jaimes

SUBJECT: Proposal

The purpose of this proposal is to inform and give insight on the benefits of corporate
fitness centers. Through the many resources that we have researched, we have found
that corporate fitness centers are worth the money for employers. We want to update
the reader of the relevance and accuracy about the topic of an on-site gym facility within
a company. As well as, notify you of the different stand points of employers and
employees on the topic.

The feasibility for our topic is not much of a problem, but simply ways as to how to make
some of the negative points of corporate fitness centres become positives and use that
to help you better understand our stand point for this topic. My team has decided that
corporate fitness centres are beneficial and essential to companies and employers, and
although there are still many problems that come along with these fitness centres, there
are ways as to how to make them better. For example, having the audience being a
smaller target considering you are only targeting the companys employees. To fix this
what can be done is have a solidified plan with both long-term and short-term goals that
will help in getting the entire company involve in using the corporate fitness centres.
These are proven to work as there are many companies who have successfully installed
their corporate gyms and have had a plan to go along with them which prove to be a
great investment for the company.
Jaimes 3

The audience for our research topic involve, John McLean, our professor. Also, our
audience can include company heads and employers as they will have the option to
read our research to help them decide as to whether they will install corporate fitness
centres. We have made our research so that it is easy to read and identify what it is
being said in each portion or section.

Topics to Investigate:
There are a few topics/ questions we would like to discuss in our group report. Those
Is a healthier workplace more productive?
Are on-site gym facilities worth the money for businesses?
How on-site gym facilities bring a company more together.
The challenges to keep employees motivated and have constant involvement to
go to the gym.
Does the happiness and health of employees play a role in the growth of a

We have found a list of reliable resources to use:
1) Christie, J. (2012, October 9). Onsite Gyms Show Firms' Commitment to
Health. The
Globe And Mail. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from

2) Fickensher, L. (2004, March 8). Employers Finding Corporate Gyms Work Out Well.
Retrieved March 13, 2017, from

3) Love, J. (2014, September 15). Why You Shouldn't Build a Corporate Fitness Center
Without a Strategy. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from
Jaimes 4

4) Marsden, V. (2009, April 16). Working In. Benefits Canada. Retrieved


5) On-Site Corporate Fitness Facilities: Are They Worth Your Money? (2016,
November 1). IncentFit Fitness Magazine. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from

6) Pridham, S. (2013, October). Corporate Fitness Centres A Popular Amenity To

Attract And Retain. Retrieved March 13, 2017,

7) Vitullo, J. (2012, April 16). A Gym at the Office Benefits Employers and
Employees. The Toronto Star. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from

Though I may lack in many areas that would help me and my group in writing this
report, much of what I know can also be helpful. As a student in the Sports Management
program I have had experiences and classes which involve businesses and situations
having to do with these kinds of facilities, which largely involve fitness centres. With this
knowledge, I will be able to help identify what needs to be included and excluded from
this report with regards to the fitness centres and the business side of it. If I may fall
short of knowledge, I will turn to my business professors for professional help, as well
as my program coordinators as they have more knowledge of the business in fitness
and health section.
Jaimes 5

Work Schedule:

Assignment Time Spent on Assignment Due Date

Group Contract Memo (1 per - 2 weeks February 27
Annotated Bibliography - 1 week March 14
Proposal (Individual) - 1 week March 28
Informal Report (1 per team) - 1 week April 14
Presentation - 1 week April 18
E- Portfolio - 1 week April 18

If there are any questions or concerns do not hesitate in letting us know. You can
contact us through our e-mails, as listed below, if needed. We are open to all forms of
feedback as we are trying to make this report as best as we can.

Brian Jaimes

Nicole Watson

Taylor McConomy

Perri Schultz

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