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Voice Of Nature

Can you hear that? Voice of a crying child, or scream of slave. If ask you, do you able to hear
screaming of north pole? Or feel sadness of exploited borneo jungle. I think there are no difference
between North Pole and Children, or between jungle and a slave in this case. They fell the same thing, it
is sadness isnt it?
My opinion nature is like our best friend. They can feel sadness, anger, happines. Try to look at
very thankfull wheat field, when they gave food to farmer, like they said Thanks for your kindness for
nurturing us, this is for you and your family, or when flood cover the entire district or city, like they want
to said Im tired to put this trash in my arms, its like nature want to communicate with us. This things is
unscocious for many people, because until now, society always pursued by life target, which consume
much of our time. Until we forget nature try to reach us, they want to tell us, they want to share their
sadness with us.
Its like, what will you do if there are no one want to hear your complaint, yout opinion, cranky
isnt it? Nature is also like that, dont you realize. When global warming happen recently, it is the way
nature said I feel to hot here, it is uncomfortable, or when a district struck down by avalance, narute
want to said I am very fragile or very bad case when wild elephant enter village, it want to said Why
my house is so small now?
It is righteously that we humandkind, care about nature signal. They try to communicate with us,
teach us like friends want to share something. I remember, When I watched a video about two young man
name John Rendall & Ace Bourke whom save lion cub, because it was sold in the market with little cage.
That two young man raise the lion cub until it was get adult, and they name the lion Christian.. When the
lion was geting bigger goverment said that it was not safe again to raise the lion in their backyard, so the
lion had to released to the wild. After a year pass, two young man come to national park when christian
was release, then christian come to them and hug them as an old friend. If christian was human, he must
said Thank you very much, for nurturing me, i would never forget you in entire my life. The video
teach us situation when human can learn to listen sound of nature.
But occasionally, nature teach us in different way. Remember tsunami aceh, bigesst incident in
2004, when thousand of people swept by sea wave called tsunami. There, nature teach us that as a human
we have limitation in this life, but in other side they teach us to care to each other. Just now, i watch video
about orang utan which his habitat exploited because of deforestration of borneo jungle and replacement
of land to be cultivated by palm oil. That orang utan also got illegal hunting, so the hunter can sell orang
utan infant to black market. Please imagine and feel if our apartement or our housing destructed or
change by alien, they kill us and kidnap our child to be sold in their market. What do you fell? Its very
bad isnt it?

So please from now try to understand nature, learn from it, learn to listen to their voice, even if it
just a tiny frequency. Cause it is out responsible to take care of nature as God Said, Be fruitful and
increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and
over every living creature that moves on the ground. Then God said, I give you every seed-bearing
plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for
Written By : Stefanus Yudi Irwan
Identity : 15/384865/TK?43527

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