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Lori Ward

Data Analysis Presentation Lesson Plan

Standards: All NVACS data analysis is based on standards that are being

Teaching Model: Direct teacher led whole group and small group instruction.

Objective(s): Students will be able to understand what data analysis is and why
we should use data analysis.

Materials/Resources: Agenda with links on Google Drive, Horizontal Standards

Comparison Hand-Out, Standards Place Mat Hand-Out, Test Plan Hand-Out,
2.NBT.B.5-9 Data Analysis Worksheet Hand-Out, Reflection Questions to Guide
Data Analysis, 2.NBT.B.5-9 Sample Assessments, Answer Key for Sample

Instructional Procedures/Methods:


Ice Breaker: Students will draw a piece of paper from bag and share their

Focus Questions:

What is data analysis? Students will turn and talk to gather ideas before sharing.

SW share and then TW explain that data analysis should be an ongoing

collection of data aligned with content standards/objectives that we are
responsible for teaching. We cant analyze data that we dont have and it is
not useful to analyze data that is not aligned with our learning outcomes.

Why should we use data analysis? Students will turn and talk to gather ideas
before sharing.

SW share and then TW explain that we should use data analysis to determine
what your students have learned, what they need help to learn and how you
need to plan instruction to ensure that they all do learn. In an Educational
Leadership article entitled, "Developing Data Mentors," by Beverly Nichols and
Kevin Singer, the authors say that "gathering student-assessment data is not
enough. Administrators and teachers must learn to analyze the data and apply
this information in the classroom."
Lori Ward
Data Analysis Presentation Lesson Plan

TW explain that there are steps to take in order to efficiently and effectively
analyze data to drive our instruction.

Activities or Learning Experiences:

TW explain that the first step in data analysis is preparing for data analysis. We
need to to determine what were teaching and we have to plan purposefully.
In order to plan purposefully, we must have clear objectives to meet. Once we
know what our objectives are, we can plan an assessment. In order to plan an
assessment, we must unwrap the standards.


Unwrap standards: TW handout Horizontal Standards Comparison for students to

highlight. TW explain that they will be highlighting keywords and things that they
see in common in all standards. What do you notice about the keywords that
you highlighted? Students will share.

Standards Place Mat: TW handout Standards Place Mat. TW explain that since
we have unwrapped the standards, it is time to identify what we want the
students to learn. Because of time, TW share a pre-filled Standards Place Mat.
TW review information to quickly discuss how this will lead us to the next step.

Test Plan: TW handout Test Plan. TW explain that now that we have identified
what we want students to learn, it is time to create an assessment. TW explain
that we have to have a common assessment that is well written and matches
the standards and learning outcomes. TW remind students that we need to
have data that is aligned in order for it to be useful. TW briefly cover the Test
Plan handout as part of the preparation but will explain that we will not be
writing an assessment because thats another training!

Depending on time Break for 7 10 minutes

Teacher Data Analysis: TW explain that we are moving along in the steps and
now that we have unwrapped the standards, gone through the test plan to
create our assessment, we are ready to give the assessment and then analyze
the data. TW provide examples of previously analyzed data only to show tick
marks, notes, standards, etc. In order to get through activity quickly and
efficiently, TW form 3 groups of 3 (one with 4) and assign different tasks for each
person. One person will grade the papers, one person will be the speaker to tell
the writer what answers are correct or incorrect and the last person will be
recording the information on the data analysis form. After, TW handout guiding
Lori Ward
Data Analysis Presentation Lesson Plan

questions, data analysis sheet, sample assessments and answer keys to begin
the data analysis. Once students have recorded information, TW call on groups
for their data. We will analyze the student answers - #Correct vs. #Students that
got it wrong; we will analyze the standards #correct vs. #incorrect; common
student errors (how did they answer); and lastly any notes about the answers.
Next, we will analyze the questions in which the majority of students answered
incorrectly; are there any questions to throw out (possibly caused confusion or
poorly written). Lastly, we will discuss re-teaching. TW ask -> What needs to be
retaught (how do we decide). TW have students turn and talk to discuss the
following: How will we re-teach? Will we create special groupings for re-
teaching? TW explain the possibility of switching classes for re-teaching groups
such as students low in one standard go to the teacher that had the highest
number of students answering correctly -> intervention for the standard, while
students high in one standard go to the teacher that had the lowest number of
students answering correctly -> enrichment for the standard.

Student Data Analysis: TW briefly cover student data analysis. TW explain that
students can also analyze their own data. TW explain that students should take
responsibility of their own learning. They have to be involved so if were not
sharing with them then they dont know. TW explain that with Student Data
Analysis, teachers and students should identify their strengths and areas to grow.
TW explain that using feedback productively can be a way to communicate
this. A teacher can provide productive feedback by not just saying, hey good
job! but actually letting students know what they did that was good such as,
hey, I really liked how you used the number line strategy and how clear and
concise it was. I could really see your thinking! TW discuss student goal setting.
TW explain that its important for students to see their progress in order to
motivate them. TW show video Students Own their Own Progress on student
self-analysis of own assessment results.

Closure: TW close with that data analysis is definitely an important task.

Organizing the data in such a way helps to monitor learning outcomes and it is
the ultimately what will drive your instruction. TW show examples (Reach for
Reading and Writing Data Analysis) of how it helped in the classroom. TW ask if
they will take this back to their team or use it on their own.

Extension/ Contingency Plan: If time permits, TW open the floor for questions or
comments from the students.

Accommodations/Modifications: N/A

Assessment/Evaluation of Learning: 3-2-1 Exit Ticket formative assessment. The

Lori Ward
Data Analysis Presentation Lesson Plan

completion will be checked for understanding.

Homework Assignment: No homework is assigned


School Improvement in Maryland, Analyzing and Using Data

Staca Sadie, Assistant Principal, Harvey Dondero, Standards Comparison, Test

Plan, Data Analysis Form and Standards Place Mat.

EL Education, Students Own Their Own Progress, [Video], 2013.

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