Emerging Strategic Competition Between US and China and Its Impact On Global Order

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Emerging strategic competition between US and China and its impact on global order

US-China Competition
World is marking a gradual shift from uni-polarity into multi-polarity. The US being the sole
hegemon of the contemporary world order is facing 'Rising China's Dilemma'. In this wake, the
country has devised a 'containment strategy' for China just as it had one for the USSR during
Cold War. China might not be equal to the US in all terms but is gradually reaching it. This
whole scenario leads both the countries into unannounced strategic competition which lays clear
impact on the global order.
Manifestations of Strategic Competition between the US and China
These manifestations are obvious in the following ways;
China has built an artificial island in the South China Sea. It is believed that in future China will
use it as its naval base. The US Naval vessels while patrolling in the Pacific Ocean entered into
territorial zone of the Chinese artificial island. Chinese government has warned the US of severe
consequences for violating its territorial sea. The US however says that the law of territorial sea
doesn't apply in artificial lands. The issue remains the latest manifestation of strategic
competition between both the countries.
China is in dispute with several South East Asian countries including Vietnam, Philippines and
Japan over the ownership of islands in the South China Sea. This dispute is exploited by the US
by supporting the South East Asian states for their rightful claims on the islands. China stresses
the US to stay away from their internal matters. This brings another manifestation of US-China
strategic competition.
Where US is in effort to contain China, there the latter is expanding its trade links to the Middle
East, Europe and Africa after South East Asia. Capturing the trade route in Arabian Sea via
Gwadar Port of Pakistan, China is playing the strategy to seek a hold and expel the US
interference in Asian and African matters.
Impact on Global Order
The impacts of this strategic competition include;
Regional alliances in Asia are shifting. The US is taking India as its ally to counter balance
China. While China is allying Pakistan with it to equalize the US-India entente.
Russia, China and Pakistan are getting closer to each other in their relationships. This can lead to
the formation of an important and powerful alliance in Asia.
US is trying to keep the South East Asian states allied to it against China. This task however
seems difficult in future as these countries need good economic ties with China.
Global order is transforming into multi-polarity from uni-polarity.
US is finding it uneasy to keep itself engaged in Asia in the distant future without a sufficient
Smaller Asian states are gaining importance depending on their peculiar weightage in each of the
undeclared new alliances.
China and US strategic competition is real but not fully apparent yet. Both the countries
cooperate where it is required. The strong competition will be seen once US gets its attention
deviated from the reviving Russia. The fear of China to overtake the US is genuine but possible
only in long term.

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