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TPE 11 Summary

Over this year a used a variety of strategies including methods for promoting
positive behavior and social skills for building constructive and successful
relationships between all the students. I also spent a lot of time developing
and implementing a positive support plan and individual student contracts
with my classes as my school did not participate in a school-wide positive
behavior plan.

I started the year off with PowerPoints involving my classroom expectations,

rules and procedures. My expectations PowerPoint goes over my classroom
expectations and explains that I have high expectation for all of my students.
It talks a lot about what I expect and what that looks like. Some of
expectations that were really important to me were tolerance, the inclusion
of everyone, fairness, respect, collaboration, personal best, and a growth
mindset. I also explained what my expectations were for elbow partners and
group work. To me, collaboration is an essential part of education and also
promote positive behaviors and platform to build social skills. Also a part of
my expectations PowerPoint was my positive support plan of class dojo. I
implemented this in order to constantly positively award students for
behaviors I wished to see continue. In my procedures PowerPoint I discussed,
taught, and had my students get up and practice each procedure. Some of
the procedures included were how to enter a classroom, what to do after
test, and where cell phones go during class. I also had my rules PowerPoint
which implemented PBS with 4 rules. I chose the rules of take care of
yourself, take care of each other and take care of our classroom. I then
allowed the students to discuss with their elbow partners and then volunteer
what they think those rules mean and what they look like. As students
volunteered things, I added them to the PowerPoints. After the expectations
procedures and rules were discussed I had students think about and then tell
me what they wanted to work for, in other words what would positively
motivate them to be successful in my class. I then bought these things and
had students work for them. This really kept student behavior positive in my
class. These PowerPoints build towards TPE 9 by building constructive and
successful relationships within my classroom and develop the positive
behavior plans that are rewarding and effective with students.

Another PowerPoint that included directly promoted positive behavior, social

skills, constructive relationships as it instructed my students on how to be
peer tutors to students with moderate to severe disabilities. This was an
amazing opportunity that I implemented into my classroom. My students
really blossomed and enjoyed tutoring the students at our school with
moderate to severe disabilities. This allowed my students to foster
relationships with students they never would have and a lot of them found an
affinity for helping students with disabilities and working as a peer tutor. This
also built the self-esteem of my students as well as built positive peer

Lastly, is an example of individual student support plan that I implemented

with a student. This student was very unmotivated, but I found that when I
worked one on one with him as well as allowed him to work for either chips
an Arizona or leave class 2 mins early to lunch pass, he agreed to work a lot
harder and started completing his work. This helped raise the students grade
from 16% to 69% and is still getting higher! Positive support plans are very
important. I also would reward the entire class with dojo points sometimes
when this student would be on task, which worked really well! I also found
the more I invited the moderate to severe students in the harder this student
worked. He really enjoyed being a peer tutor and really blossomed during
these classes.

The pictures included on this TPE are of my students peer tutoring the
moderate to severe class during a speed challenge lab! This was super fun
and ended in my students helping their friends in math skills!

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