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Fifth Edition

Edite d by



The Massachusetts General Hospital

Handbook of Internal Medicine

Philadelp hia • Baltimore • New York • London
Buenos Aires • Hong Kong • Sydney • Tokyo
Exe cutive Editor: Rebecca Gaertner
Product Manag e r: Kristina Oberle
Ve ndor Manag e r: Bridgett Dougherty
Manufacturing Coordinator: Beth Welsh
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Cre ative Dire ctor: Doug Smock
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Pocket medicine (Sabatine)

Pocket medicine / [edited by] Marc S. Sabatine. — Fifth edition.
p . ; cm.
Preceded by Pocket medicine / edited by Marc S. Sabatine. 4th ed.
c2 011.
Includes bibliograp hical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978 -1-4511-8 2 37-8
ISBN-10: 1-4511-8 2 37-6
ISBN-13: 978 -1-4511-8 8 8 7-5
ISBN-10: 1-4511-8 8 8 7-0
I. Sabatine, Marc S., editor of comp ilation. II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Internal Medicine–Handbooks. 2 . Clinical Medicine–Handbooks. WB 39]
616–dc2 3

2 013019655

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Contributing Authors
Fore word
Ne al A. Chatte rje e , Ada Ste fane scu, William J. Hucke r, David M. Dudzinski, Marc S.
Sabatine , Miche lle O’Donog hue
Electrocardiograp hy
Chest Pain
Noninvasive Evaluation of CAD
Coronary Angiograp hy and Revascularization
Acute Coronary Syndromes
PA Catheter and Tailored Therap y
Heart Failure
Cardiomyop athies
Valvular Heart Disease
Pericardial Disease
Hyp ertension
Aortic Aneurysms
Acute Aortic Syndromes
Atrial Fibrillation
Syncop e
Intracardiac Devices
Cardiac Risk Assessment for Noncardiac Surgery
Perip heral Artery Disease

Ian J. Barbash, Kathryn A. Hibbe rt, Atul Malhotra

Dysp nea
Pulmonary Function Tests
Anap hylaxis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Hemop tysis
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Obstructive Sleep Ap nea
Interstitial Lung Disease
Pleural Effusion
Venous Thromboembolism
Pulmonary Hyp ertension
Resp iratory Failure
Mechanical Ventilation
Acute Resp iratory Distress Syndrome
Sep sis

Zachary A. Zator, Andre w S. de Le mos, Lawre nce S. Frie dman

Esop hageal and Gastric Disorders

Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Diarrhea, Constip ation and Ileus
Diverticular Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Intestinal Ischemia
Abnormal Liver Tests
Hep atitis
Acute Liver Failure
Hep atic Vascular Disease
Biliary Tract Disease

Andre w S. Alle g re tti, Andre w L. Lundquist, Hasan Bazari

Acid-Base Disturbances
Sodium and Water Homeostasis
Potassium Homeostasis
Renal Failure
Glomerular Disease
Nep hrolithiasis

Andre w M. Brunne r, She he ryar K. Kabraji, Mark M. Awad, Andre w J. Ag uirre , Danie l J.
De Ang e lo, David P. Ryan

Disorders of Hemostasis
Platelet Disorders
Coagulop athies
Hyp ercoagulable States
Disorders of Leukocytes
Transfusion Therap y
Myelodysp lastic Syndromes
Myelop roliferative Neop lasms
Lymp homa
Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Hematop oietic Stem Cell Transp lantation
Lung Cancer
Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Chemotherap y Side Effects
Pancreatic Tumors
Oncologic Emergencies
Cancer of Unknown Primary Site


Ana A. We il, Emily P. Hyle , Ne sli Basg oz

Fungal Infections
Infections in Immunosup p ressed Hosts
Urinary Tract Infections
Soft Tissue and Bone Infections
Infections of the Nervous System
Bacterial Endocarditis
Tick-Borne Diseases
Fever Syndromes


Ke lly B. Laute r, Marc N. We in, Michae l Mannstadt

Pituitary Disorders
Thyroid Disorders
Adrenal Disorders
Calcium Disorders
Diabetes Mellitus
Lip id Disorders

Zachary S. Wallace , Eli Miloslavsky, Robe rt P. Friday

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adult Onset Still’s Disease & Relap sing Polychondritis
Crystal Dep osition Arthritides
Seronegative Sp ondyloarthritis
Infectious Arthritis & Bursitis
Connective Tissue Diseases
Systemic Lup us Erythematosus
IgG4-Related Disease

Michae l P. Bowle y, Todd M. He rring ton, Eyal Y. Kimchi, Sarah Wahlste r, Trace y A. Cho
Change in Mental Status
Alcohol Withdrawal
Weakness & Neuromuscular Dysfunction
Back and Sp inal Cord Disease

Kiran H. Lag ise tty, Je nnife r F. Tse ng , Kathe rine T. Che n, Ste lla K. Kim

Surgical Issues
Ob/Gyn Issues
Op hthalmic Issues


ICU Medications & Treatment of Hyp otension/Shock

Formulae and Quick Reference


Echocardiograp hy & Coronary Angiograp hy
Perip heral Blood Smears & Leukemias


Andrew J. Aguirre, MD, PhD

Hematology-Oncology Fellow, Dana-Farber/Partners CancerCare

Hematology/Oncology Program

Andrew S. Allegretti, MD
Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital
Mark M. Awad, MD, PhD
Hematology-Oncology Fellow, Dana-Farber/Partners CancerCare
Hematology/Oncology Program
Ian J. Barbash, MD

Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Nesli Basgoz, MD

Associate Chief and Clinical Director, Infectious Disease Division, Massachusetts

General Hosp ital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Hasan Bazari, MD

Clinical Director, Nep hrology Unit, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency, Massachusetts General Hosp ital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Michael P. Bowley, MD, PhD

Neurology Resident, Partners Neurology Residency

Andrew M. Brunner, MD
Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Neal A. Chatterjee, MD

Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Katherine T. Chen, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Rep roductive Science

Associate Professor of Medical Education
Vice-Chair of Ob/Gyn Education, Career Develop ment, and Mentorship
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York

Tracey A. Cho, MD

Associate Program Director, Partners-Harvard Neurology Residency

Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Assistant Neurologist, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Andrew S. de Lemos, MD

Transp lant Hep atology Fellow, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Daniel J. DeAngelo, MD, PhD

Adult Leukemia Program, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute & Brigham and Women’s
Hosp ital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

David M. Dudzinski, MD, JD

Cardiology Fellow, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Robert P. Friday, MD, PhD

Attending Physician, Rheumatology Unit, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Associate Director, Rheumatology Fellowship Program, Massachusetts General
Hosp ital
Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Lawrence S. Friedman, MD
Anton R. Fried, MD, Chair, Dep artment of Medicine, Newton-Wellesley Hosp ital
Assistant Chief of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hosp ital
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
Todd M. Herrington, MD, PhD
Neurology Resident, Partners Neurology Residency

Kathryn A. Hibbert, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellow, Harvard Medical School

William J. Hucker, MD, PhD

Cardiology Fellow, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Emily P. Hyle, MD

Assistant in Medicine, Infectious Disease Division, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Sheheryar K. Kabraji, BM, BCh

Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Stella K. Kim, MD

Director, Clinical Research in Op thalmology

Director, Op thalmology Residency Rotation Program
Associate Professor of Op thalmology
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Eyal Y. Kimchi, MD, PhD

Neurology Resident, Partners Neurology Residency

Kiran H. Lagisetty, MD

Surgical Resident, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Kelly B. Lauter, MD, PhD

Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Andrew L. Lundquist, MD

Nep hrology Fellow, BWH/MGH Joint Nep hrology Fellowship Program

Atul Malhotra, MD

Associate Physician, Divisions of Pulmonary & Critical Care and Sleep Medicine,
Brigham and Women’s Hosp ital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Michael Mannstadt, MD

Attending Physician, Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Eli Miloslavsky, MD

Rheumatology Fellow, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Michelle O’Donoghue, MD, MPH

Investigator, TIMI Study Group and Associate Physician, Cardiovascular Division,

Brigham and Women’s Hosp ital
Affiliate Physician, Cardiology Division, Massachusetts General Hosp ital
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
David P. Ryan, MD
Clinical Director, Massachusetts General Hosp ital Cancer Center
Chief of Hematology/Oncology, Massachusetts General Hosp ital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Marc S. Sabatine, MD, MPH

Chairman, TIMI Study Group and Physician, Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and
Women’s Hosp ital
Affiliate Physician, Cardiology Division, Massachusetts General Hosp ital
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Ada Stefanescu, MD, CM

Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Jennifer F. Tseng, MD, MPH

Chief, Division of Surgical Oncology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Associate Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Sarah Wahlster, MD

Neurology Resident, Partners Neurology Residency

Zachary S. Wallace, MD

Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Ana A. Weil, MD, MPH

Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Marc N. Wein, MD, PhD

Endocrinology Fellow, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

Zachary A. Zator, MD
Internal Medicine Resident, Massachusetts General Hosp ital

To the 1st Edition

It is with the greatest enthusiasm that I introduce Pocke t Me dicine . In an era of

information glut, it will logically be asked, “Why another manual for medical house
o cers?” Yet, desp ite enormous information readily available in any number of
textbooks, or at the p ush of a key on a comp uter, it is often that the harried house
o cer is less help ed by the descrip tion of di erential diagnosis and therap ies than one
would wish.
Pocke t Me dicine is the joint venture between house sta and faculty exp ert in a
number of medical sp ecialties. This collaboration is designed to p rovide a rap id but
thoughtful initial ap p roach to medical p roblems seen by house o cers with great
frequency. Questions that frequently come from faculty to the house sta on rounds,
many hours after the initial interaction between p atient and doctor, have been
anticip ated and imp ortant p athways for arriving at diagnoses and initiating therap ies
are p resented. This ap p roach will facilitate the evidence-based medicine discussion that
will follow the workup of the p atient. This well-conceived handbook should enhance the
ability of every medical house o cer to p rop erly evaluate a p atient in a timely
fashion and to be stimulated to think of the evidence sup p orting the diagnosis and the
likely outcome of therap eutic intervention. Pocke t Me dicine will p rove to be a worthy
addition to medical education and to the care of our p atients.

Physician-in-Chie f, Massachuse tts Ge ne ral Hospital
Jackson Profe ssor of Clinical Me dicine , Harvard Me dical School

To my pare nts, Matt and Le e Sabatine , to the ir name sake

g randchildre n Matte o and Natalie , and to my wife Je nnife r
Written by residents, fellows and attendings, the mandate for Pocke t Me dicine was to
p rovide, in a concise a manner as p ossible, the key information a clinician needs for
the initial ap p roach to and management of the most common inp atient medical
p roblems.
The tremendous resp onse to the p revious editions suggests we were able to help ll
an imp ortant need for clinicians. With this fth edition come several major
imp rovements including a thorough up dating of every top ic, the addition of several
new top ics (including treatment of anap hylaxis, ap p roach to inp atient nutritional
issues, chemotherap y side e ects, and workup of a fever in a recent traveler), and
inclusion of additional p hotomicrograp hs. We have also added a new section on
Consults in which non-internal medicine sp ecialists p rovide exp ert guidance in terms
of establishing a di erential diagnosis for common p resenting symp toms and
initiating an evaluation in anticip ation of calling a consult. As always, we have
incorp orated key references to the most recent high-tier reviews and imp ortant studies
p ublished right up to the time Pocke t Me dicine went to p ress. We welcome any
suggestions for further imp rovement.
Of course medicine is far too vast a eld to ever summarize in a textbook of any
size. Long monograp hs have been devoted to many of the top ics discussed herein.
Pocke t Me dicine is meant only as a starting p oint to guide one during the initial p hases
of diagnosis and management until one has time to consult more de nitive resources.
Although the recommendations herein are as evidence-based as p ossible, medicine is
both a science and an art. As always, sound clinical judgement must be ap p lied to
every scenario.
I am grateful for the sup p ort of the house o cers, fellows, and attendings at the
Massachusetts General Hosp ital. It is a p rivilege to work with such a knowledgeable,
dedicated, and comp assionate group of p hysicians. I always look back on my time
there as Chief Resident as one of the best exp eriences I have ever had. I am grateful to
several outstanding clinical mentors, including Hasan Bazari, Larry Friedman, Nesli
Basgoz, Mort Swartz, Eric Isselbacher, Bill Dec, Mike Fifer, and Roman DeSanctis, as
well as the late Charlie McCabe and Peter Yurchak.
This edition would not have been p ossible without the help of two individuals in the
TIMI Study Group Chairman’s O ce. Melinda Cuerda, my academic coordinator, was
an invaluable resource for this edition. She shep herded every asp ect of the p roject from
start to nish, with an incredible eye to detail to ensure that each p age of this book
was the very best it could be. Pamela Melhorn, my executive assistant, exp ertly
manages the Chairman’s O ce, miraculously coordinating the comp lex clinical,
research, and educational missions.
Lastly, sp ecial thanks to my p arents for their p erp etual encouragement and love
and, of course, to my wife, Jennifer Tseng, who, desp ite being a surgeon, is my closest
advisor, my best friend and the love of my life.
I hop e that you nd Pocke t Me dicine useful throughout the arduous but incredibly
rewarding journey of p racticing medicine.

Approach (a systematic approach is vital)

• Rate (? tachy, brady) and rhythm (? relationship between P and QRS)

• Intervals (PR, QRS, QT) and axis (? LAD or RAD)
• Chamber abnormality (? LAA and/or RAA, ? LVH and/or RVH)

• QRST changes (? Q waves, p oor R-wave p rogression V1–V6, ST ↑/↓ or T-wave Δs)

Figure 1-1 QRS axis

Left axis deviation (LAD)

• Definition: axis beyond –30° (S > R in lead II)

• Etiologies: LVH, LBBB, inferior MI, WPW

• Left anterior fascicular block: LAD (–45 to –90°) and qR in aVL and QRS <12 0
msec and no other cause of LAD (eg, IMI)
Right axis deviation (RAD)

• Definition: axis beyond +90° (S > R in lead I)

• Etiologies: RVH, PE, COPD (usually not > +110°), sep tal defects, lateral MI, WPW

• Left posterior fascicular block: RAD (90–18 0°) and rS in I & aVL and qR in III &
aVF and QRS <12 0 msec and no other cause of RAD
Prolonged QT interval (NEJM 2008; 358:169;

• QT measured from beginning of QRS comp lex to end of T wave (measure longest QT)

• QT varies w/ HR → correct w/ Bazett formula: QTc = QT/√RR (in sec), formula

inaccurate at very high and low HR (nl QTc <440 msec and <460 msec )

• QT p rolongation a/w ↑ risk TdP (esp . >500 msec); p erform baseline/serial ECGs if
using QT p rolonging meds, no estab guidelines for stop p ing Rx if QT p rolongs

• Etiologies:

Antiarrhythmics: class Ia (p rocainamide, disop yramide), class III (amiodarone,


Psych drugs: antip sychotics (p henothiazines, halop eridol, atyp icals), Li, ? SSRI,

Antimicrobials: macrolides, quinolones, azoles, p entamidine, atovaquone,


Other: antiemetics (drop eridol, 5-HT3 antagonists), alfuzosin, methadone,


Electrolyte disturbances: hyp oCa (nb, hyp erCa a/w ↓ QT), ? hyp oK, ? hyp oMg

Autonomic dysfxn: ICH (deep TWI), stroke, carotid endarterectomy, neck


Congenital (long QT syndrome): K, Na, Ca channelop athies (Circ 2 013;12 7:12 6)

Misc: CAD, CMP, bradycardia, high-grade AVB, hyp othyroidism, hyp othermia,
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (Circ 2009; 119:e251)

• Etiologies: HTN, AS/AI, HCMP, coarctation of aorta

• Criteria (all w/ Se <50% , Sp >8 5% ; accuracy affected by age, sex, race, BMI)

Romhilt-Estes p oint-score system: 4 p oints = p robable, 5 p oints = definite ↑

Amp litude (any of the following): largest R or S in limb leads ≥2 0 mm or S in
V1 or V2 ≥30 mm or R in V5 or V6 ≥30 mm (3 p oints)

ST disp lacement op p osite to QRS deflection: w/o dig (3 p oints); w/ dig (1 p oint)

LAA (3 p oints); LAD (2 p oints); QRS duration ≥90 msec (1 p oint)

Intrinsicoid deflection (QRS onset to p eak of R) in V5 or V6 ≥50 msec (1
p oint)

Sokolow-Lyon: S in V1 + R in V5 or V6 ≥35 mm or R in aVL ≥11 mm

Cornell: R in aVL + S in V3 >2 8 mm in men or >2 0 mm in women

If LAD/LAFB, S in III + max (R+S) in p recordium ≥30 mm

Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) (Circ 2009; 119:e251)

• Etiologies: cor p ulmonale, congenital (tetralogy, TGA, PS,  ASD,  VSD), MS, TR

• Criteria (all tend to be insensitive, but highly sp ecific, excep t in COPD)

R > S in V1 or R in V1 ≥7 mm, S in V5 or V6 ≥7 mm, drop in R/S ratio across
p recordium

RAD ≥ +110° (LVH + RAD or p rominent S in V5 or V6 → bive ntricular

hyp ertrop hy)

Ddx of dominant R wave in V1 or V2

• Ventricular enlargement: RVH (RAD, RAA, deep S waves in I, V5, V6); HCMP

• Myocardial injury: p osterior MI (anterior Rw = p osterior Qw; often with IMI)

• Abnormal dep olarization: RBBB (QRS >12 0 msec, rSR′); WPW (↓ PR, Δ wave, ↑

• Other: dextroversion; Duchenne muscular dystrop hy; lead misp lacement; nl variant

Poor R wave progression (PRWP) (Am Heart J 2004; 148:80)

• Definition: loss of anterior forces w/o frank Q waves (V1–V3); R wave in V3 ≤3 mm

• Possible etiologies (nonsp ecific):

old anterosep tal MI (usually w/ R wave V3 ≤1.5 mm, ± p ersistent ST ↑ or TWI

V2 & V3) cardiomyop athy

LVH (delayed RWP with p rominent left p recordial voltage), RVH, COPD (which
may also have RAA, RAD, limb lead QRS amp litude ≤5, S IS IIS III w/ R/S ratio
<1 in those leads)

LBBB; WPW; clockwise rotation of the heart; lead misp lacement; PTX
Pathologic Q waves

• Definition: ≥30 msec (≥2 0 msec V2 –V3) or >2 5% height of R wave in that QRS
comp lex

• Small (sep tal) q waves in I, aVL, V5 & V6 are nl, as can be isolated Qw in III, aVR,

• “Pseudoinfarct” p attern may be seen in LBBB, infiltrative dis., HCMP, COPD, PTX,

ST elevation (STE) (NEJM 2003; 349:2128; Circ 2009; 119:e241 & e262)
• Acute MI (up ward convexity ± TWI) or p rior MI with p ersistent STE

• Coronary spasm (Prinzmetal’s angina; transient STE in a coronary distribution)

• Myopericarditis (diffuse, up ward concavity STE; a/w PR ↓; Tw usually up right)

• HCMP, Takotsubo CMP, ventricular aneurysm, cardiac contusion

• Pulmonary embolism (occ. STE V1–V3; typ ically associated TWI V1–V4, RAD,
• Repolarization abnormalities

LBBB (↑ QRS duration, STE discordant from QRS comp lex)

dx of STEMI in setting of LBBB: ≥1 mm STE concordant w/ QRS (Se 73% , Sp

92 % ), STD ≥1 mm V1–V3 (Se 2 5% , Sp 96% ) or STE ≥5 mm discordant w/
QRS (Se 31% , Sp 92 % ) (“Sgarbossa criteria,” NEJM 1996;334:48 1)

LVH (↑ QRS amp litude); Brugada syndrome (rSR′, downslop ing STE V1–V2 )

Hyp erkalemia (↑ QRS duration, tall Ts, no Ps)

• aVR: STE >1 mm a/w ↑ mort in STEMI; STE aVR > V1 a/w left main disease

• Early repolarization: most often seen in V2 –V5 & in young adults (Ann Eme rg Me d
2 012 ;60:45)

J p oint ↑ 1–4 mm; notch in downstroke of R wave; up ward concavity of ST; large

ratio of STE / T wave amp litude <2 5% ; p attern may disap p ear with exercise

? early rep ol in inf leads may be a/w ↑ risk of  VF (NEJM 2 009;361:2 52 9; Circ
2 011;12 4:2 2 08 )

ST depression (STD)

• Myocardial ischemia (± Tw abnl) or acute true p osterior MI (V1–V3)

• Digitalis effect (downslop ing ST ± Tw abnl, does not correlate w/ dig levels)

• Hyp okalemia (± U wave)

• Rep olarization abnl in a/w LBBB or LVH (usually in leads V5, V6, I, aVL)

T wave inversion (TWI; generally ≥1 mm; deep if ≥5 mm) (Circ 2009; 119:e241)

• Ischemia or infarct; Wellens’ sign (deep early p recordial TWI) → p roximal LCA

• Myop ericarditis; CMP (Takotsubo, ARVC, ap ical HCM); MVP; PE (esp . if TWI V1–

• Rep olarization abnl in a/w LVH/RVH (“strain p attern” ), BBB

• Posttachycardia or p ostp acing

• Electrolyte, digoxin, PaO 2 , PaCO 2 , p H or core temp erature disturbances

• Intracranial bleed (“cerebral T waves,” usually w/ ↑ QT)

• Normal variant in children (V1–V4) and leads in which QRS comp lex p redominantly

Low voltage
• QRS amp litude (R + S) <5 mm in all limb leads & <10 mm in all p recordial leads

• Etiologies: COPD (p recordial leads only), p ericardial effusion, myxedema, obesity,

p leural effusion, restrictive or infiltrative CMP, diffuse CAD

Initial approach

• Focused history: quality & severity of p ain; location & radiation; p rovoking &
p alliating factors; intensity at onset; duration, frequency & p attern; setting in
which it occurred; associated sx; cardiac hx and risk factors

• Targeted exam: VS (including BP in both arms), cardiac gallop s, murmurs or rubs;

signs of vascular disease (carotid or femoral bruits, ↓ p ulses), signs of heart
failure; lung & abdominal exam; chest wall exam for rep roducibility of p ain

• 12-lead ECG: obtain w/in 10 min; c/w p riors & obtain serial ECGs; consider
p osterior leads (V7–V9) to reveal p osterior MI if hx c/w ACS but ECG unrevealing
or ST ↓ V1–V4
• Cardiac biomarkers (Tn ± CK-MB): ✓ Tn at baseline & 3–6 h after sx onset
troponin: >95% Se, 90% Sp ; level >99th % ile w/ rise & fall in ap p rop . setting
is dx of MI detectable 1–6 h after injury, p eaks 2 4 h, may remain elevated for 7–
10 d in STEMI hig h-se ns. Tn: 98 % Se, 90% Sp w/in 3 h of admit, 90% Se w/in 1 h
( JAMA 2 011;306:2 68 4)

Causes for ↑ Tn other than ACS (= “typ e 1 MI” ): (1) Sup p ly-demand mismatch not
due to Δ in CAD (= “typ e 2 MI” ; eg, ↑↑ HR, shock, HTN crisis, sp asm, HCM,
severe AS), (2 ) non-ischemic injury (myocarditis/toxic CMP, cardiac contusion)
or (3) multifactorial (PE, sep sis, severe HF, renal failure, Takotsubo, infilt dis.)
(Circ 2 012 ;12 6:2 02 0)
CK-MB: less Se & Sp (skel. muscle, tongue, diap hragm, intestine, uterus, p rostate),
useful for dx of p ost-PCI/CABG MI or MI if Tn already elevated
• CXR; other imaging (echo, PE CTA, etc.) as indicated based on H&P and initial
• If low p rob of ACS (eg, ECG & Tn) & stable → noninvasive fxnal or imaging test

• Coronary CT angio (CCTA): NPV 98 % for signif CAD, but PPV 35% for ACS; help ful
to r/o CAD if low-intermed p rob of ACS. CCTA vs. noninv. fxnal test for ischemia
→ ↓ time to dx & LOS, but ↑ p rob of cath/PCI, contrast exp osure & ↑ radiation
(NEJM 2 012 ;366:1393 & 367:2 99; JACC 2 013;61:8 8 0). “Trip le r/o” CT angiogram
for CAD, PE, AoD.

Stress testing (Circ 2007; 115:1464; JACC 2012; 60:1828)

• Indications: dx CAD, evaluate Δ in clinical status in Pt w/ known CAD, risk stratify
s/p ACS, evaluate exercise tolerance, localize ischemia (imaging required)

• Contraindications (Circ 2 002 ;106:18 8 3; & 2 012 ;12 6:2 465)

Absolute: AMI w/in 48 h, high-risk UA, acute PE, severe sx AS, uncontrolled HF,
uncontrolled arrhythmias, myop ericarditis, acute aortic dissection

Relative: left main CAD, mod valvular stenosis, severe HTN, HCMP, high-degree
AVB, severe electrolyte abnl
• Exercise: standard Bruce (↑ sp eed & incline q3min), modified Bruce (begins w/o
treadmill incline), submax (if <3 wk p ost-MI) or sx-limited; hold
nitrates/βB/CCB/ranolazine if trying to dx CAD, but give when assessing if Pt
ischemic on meds

• Pharmacologic: if unable to exer., low exer. tol, or recent MI. Se & Sp exercise.
Preferred if LBBB (requires imaging since ECG not interp retable). Coronary
vasodilators (will reveal CAD, but not tell you if Pt ische mic): regadenoson,
dip yridamole or adenosine (may p recip itate bradycardia and bronchosp asm).
Chronotrope s/inotrope s (more p hysiologic): dobutamine (may p recip itate

• Imaging: used if uninterp retable ECG (p aced, LBBB, resting ST ↓ >1 mm, dig.,
LVH, WPW), after indeterminate ECG test, p harmacologic tests, or localization of

SPECT (eg, 99m Tc-sestamibi), PET (rubidium-8 2 ; usually w/ p harm test), echo,

Test results

• HR (must achieve ≥8 5% of max p red HR [2 2 0-age] for e xe r. test to be dx), BP

resp onse, p eak double product (HR × BP; nl >2 0k), HR recovery (HRp eak –
HR1 min later ; nl >12 )

• Max exercise capacity achieved (METS or min)

• Occurrence of symptoms (at what level of exertion and similarity to p resenting sx)
• ECG Δs: downsloping or horizontal ST ↓ (≥1 mm) 60–8 0 ms after QRS p redictive of
CAD (but does not localize ischemic territory); however, STE highly p redictive &

• Duke treadmill score = exercise min – (5 × max ST dev) – (4 × angina index) [0

none, 1 nonlimiting, 2 limiting]; score ≥5 → <1% 1-y mort; –10 to + 4 → 2 –
3% ; ≤ –11 → ≥5%

• Imaging: radionuclide defects or echocardiograp hic regional wall motion

reversible defect = ischemia; fixed defect = infarct; transient isch dilation =
severe CAD
false : breast → ant “defect” and diap hragm → inf “defect”

false may be seen if balanced (eg, 3VD) ischemia (global ↓ p erfusion w/o
regional Δs)
High-risk test results (PPV ~50% for LM or 3VD, ∴ consider coronary angio)
• ECG: ST ↓ ≥2 mm or ≥1 mm in stage 1 or in ≥5 leads or ≥5 min in recovery; ST
↑;  VT

• Physiologic: ↓ or fail to ↑ BP, <4 METS, angina during exercise, Duke score ≤ –11;
↓ EF
• Radionuclide: ≥1 lg or ≥2 mod. reversible defects, transient LV cavity dilation, ↑
lung up take

Myocardial viability (Circ 2008; 117:103; Eur Heart J 2011; 31:2984 &
2011; 32:810)
• Goal: identify hibernating myocardium that could regain fxn after revascularization

• Op tions: MRI (Se ~95% , Sp ~8 5% ), PET (Se ~90% , Sp ~65% ), dobutamine

echo (Se ~8 0% , Sp ~8 0% ); SPECT/rest-redistribution (Se ~8 5% , Sp ~70% )

In Pts w/ LV dysfxn, viabil. doesn’t p redict ↑ CABG benefit vs. med Rx (NEJM
2 011;364:1617)

CT & MR coronary angio (NEJM 2008; 369:2324; Circ 2010; 121:2509; Lancet
2012; 379:453)
• Image quality best at slower & regular HR (? give bB if p ossible, goal HR 55–60)

• Calcium generates artifact for CT angiograp hy

• MRI: angiograp hy, p erfusion, LV fxn, enhancement (early = microvasc obstr; late
= MI)

Coronary artery calcium score (CACS; Circ 2 010;12 2 :e58 4; NEJM 2 012 ;366:2 94;
JAMA 2 012 ;308 :78 8 )

• Quantifies extent of calcium; thus e stimate s p laque burden (but not % coronary

• ? Risk strat. (<100 = low; >300 = high) in asx Pts w/ intermed risk (10–2 0% 10-
y risk)

• ? Value as screening test to r/o CAD in sx Pt (CACS <100 → 3% p robability of

signif CAD; but interp retation affected by age, gender)

Indications for coronary angiography in stable CAD or asx Pts

• CCS class III–IV angina desp ite medical Rx or angina + systolic dysfxn

• High-risk stress test findings (see p rior top ic)

• Uncertain dx after noninvasive testing (& comp elling need to determine dx),
occup ational need for definitive dx (eg, p ilot) or inability to undergo noninvasive
• Systolic dysfxn with unexp lained cause

• Survivor of SCD, p olymorp hic VT, sustained monomorp hic VT

• Susp ected sp asm or nonatherosclerotic cause of ischemia (eg, anomalous coronary)
Precath checklist

• Document p erip heral arterial exam (radial, femoral, DP, PT p ulses; bruits); NPO >6
• ✓ CBC, PT, & Cr; give IVF (± bicarb, ± acetylcysteine; see “CIAKI” ); blood bank
samp le

• ASA 32 5 mg × 1; consider clop i 600 mg ≥2 –6 h before PCI or, if ACS, ticagrelor

p re- or p eri-PCI or p rasugrel p eri-PCI; cangrelor (IV P2 Y 12 inhib) ↓ p eri-PCI
ischemic events vs. clop i w/o p reload (NEJM 2 013;368 :1303); consider statin
p reRx (Circ 2 011;12 3:162 2 )
Coronary revascularization in stable CAD (Circ 2011; 124:e574)

• Op timal med Rx (OMT) should be initial focus if stable, w/o critical anatomy, & w/o
↓ EF

• PCI: ↓ angina more quickly c/w OMT; does not ↓ D/MI (NEJM 2 007;356:1503); in
Pts w/ ≥1 stenosis w/ FFR ≤0.8 (see below), ↓ urg revasc c/w OMT (NEJM
2 012 ;367:991); may be noninferior to CABG in unp rotected left main dis. (NEJM
2 011;364:1718 )

• CABG: in older studies, ↓ mort. c/w OMT if 3VD, LM, 2 VD w/ critical p rox LAD,
esp . if ↓ EF; more recently, if EF <35% ↓ CV death vs. OMT (NEJM
2 011;364:1607) insufficient evidence to sup p ort routine viability assessment (NEJM
2 011;364:1617) in diabetics w/ ≥2 VD, ↓ D/MI, but ↑ stroke c/w PCI (NEJM
2 012 ;367:2 375)

• If revasc deemed necessary, PCI if limited # of discrete lesions, nl EF, no DM, p oor
op erative candidate; CABG if extensive or diffuse disease, ↓ EF, DM or valvular
disease; if 3VD/LM: CABG ↓ D/MI & revasc but trend toward ↑ stroke c/w PCI
(Lance t 2 013;38 1:62 9); SYNTAX score II help s identify Pts who benefit most from
CABG (Lance t 2 013;38 1:639)

• Balloon angioplasty (POBA): effective, but c/b dissection & elastic recoil &
neointimal hyp erp lasia → restenosis; now reserved for small lesions & ? some SVG

• Bare metal stents (BMS): ↓ elastic recoil → 33–50% ↓ restenosis & rep eat revasc (to
~10% by 1 y) c/w POBA; requires ASA lifelong & P2 Y 12 inhib × ≥4 wk

• Drug-eluting stents (DES): ↓ neointimal hyp erp lasia → ~75% ↓ restenosis, ~50%
↓ rep eat revasc (to <5% by 1 y), no ↑ D/MI c/w BMS (NEJM 2 013;368 :2 54); next
generation DES may ↓ rep eat revasc & stent thrombosis; require P2 Y 12 inhib ≥1 y
(Circ 2 007;115:8 13)
• Radial access ↓ vasc. comp lic. vs. femoral, but no ∆ D/MI/CVA (Lance t
2 011;377:1409)

• Fractional flow reserve [FFR; ratio of max flow (induced by IV or IC adenosine)

distal vs. p roximal to a stenosis] guided PCI (<0.8 ) → ↓ # stents & ↓ D/MI/revasc
(NEJM 2 009;360:2 13)

Post-PCI complications

• Postp rocedure ✓ vascular access site, distal p ulses, ECG, CBC, Cr

• Bleeding
he matoma/ove rt ble e ding : manual compression, reverse/stop anticoag
re trope ritone al ble e d: may p /w ↓ Hct ± back p ain; ↑ HR & ↓ BP late; Dx w/
abd/p elvic CT (I– ); Rx: reverse/stop anticoag (d/w interventionalist),
IVF/PRBC/p lts as required

if bleeding uncontrolled, consult p erforming interventionalist or surgery

• Vascular damage (~1% of dx angio, ~5% of PCI; Circ 2 007;115:2 666)

p seudoaneurysm: triad of p ain, exp ansile mass, systolic bruit; Dx: U/S; Rx (if
p ain or >2 cm): manual or U/S-directed comp ression, thrombin injection or
surgical rep air

AV fistula: continuous bruit; Dx: U/S; Rx: surgical rep air

LE ischemia (emboli, dissection, clot): cool, mottled extremity, ↓ distal p ulses; Dx:
p ulse volume recording (PVR), angio; Rx: p ercutaneous or surgical rep air

• Peri-PCI MI: >5× ULN of Tn/CK-MB + either sx or ECG/angio Δs; Qw MI in <1%

• Renal failure: contrast-induced manifests w/in 2 4 h, p eaks 3–5 d (see “CIAKI” )

• Cholesterol emboli syndrome (typ ically in middle-aged & elderly and w/ Ao


renal failure (late and p rogressive, eos in urine); mesenteric ischemia (abd p ain,
LGIB, p ancreatitis); intact distal p ulses but livedo p attern and toe necrosis

• Stent thrombosis: mins to yrs after PCI, typ ically p /w AMI. Due to mech p rob.
(stent underexp ansion or unrecognized dissection, typ ically p resents early) or d/c
of antiplt Rx (esp . if d/c both ASA & P2 Y 12 inhib; JAMA 2 005;2 93:2 12 6). Risk of
late stent thrombosis may be higher with DES than BMS ( JACC 2 006;48 :2 58 4).
• In-stent restenosis: mos after PCI, typ ically p /w gradual ↑ angina (10% p /w ACS).
Due to combination of elastic recoil and neointimal hyp erp lasia; ↓ w/ DES vs.

Ddx (causes of myocardial ischemia/infarction other than atherosclerotic plaque

• Nonatherosclerotic coronary artery disease

Sp asm: Prinzmetal’s variant, cocaine-induced (6% of CP + cocaine use r/i for MI)
Dissection: sp ontaneous (vasculitis, CTD, p regnancy), aortic dissection with
retrograde extension (usually involving RCA → IMI) or mechanical (catheter,
surgery, trauma)

Embolism: endocarditis, p rosthetic valve, mural thrombus, AF, myxoma;


Vasculitis: Kawasaki syndrome, Takayasu arteritis, PAN, Churg-Strauss, SLE, RA

Congenital: anomalous origin from aorta or PA, myocardial bridge (intramural


• Fixed CAD but ↑ myocardial O 2 demand (eg, ↑ HR, anemia, AS) → “demand”

• Myocarditis; Takatsubo/stress CMP; toxic CMP; cardiac contusion

Clinical manifestations ( JAMA 2005; 294:2623)

• Typical angina: retrosternal p ressure/p ain/tightness ± radiation to neck, jaw or


p recip . by exertion, relieved by rest or NTG; in ACS, new-onset, crescendo or at


• Associated symptoms: dysp nea, diap horesis, N/V, p alp itations or lightheadedness

• Many MIs (~2 0% in older series) are initially unrecognized b/c silent or atyp ical sx

Physical exam

• Signs of ischemia: S 4, new MR murmur 2 ° p ap . muscle dysfxn, p aradoxical S 2 ,

diap horesis

• Signs of heart failure: ↑ JVP, crackles in lung fields, S 3, HoTN, cool extremities

• Signs of other areas of atherosclerotic disease: carotid or femoral bruits, ↓ distal

p ulses
Diagnostic studies
• ECG: ST ↓/↑, TWI, new LBBB, hyp eracute Tw. Qw/PRWP may suggest p rior MI, ∴
CAD ✓ ECG w/in 10 min of p resentation, with any Δ in sx and at 6–12 h;
comp are w/ baseline

dx of STEMI if old LBBB: ≥1 mm STE concordant w/ QRS (Se 73% , Sp 92 % ), STD

≥1 mm V1–V3 (Se 2 5% , Sp 96% ) or STE ≥5 mm discordant w/ QRS (Se 31% ,
Sp 92 % )

• Cardiac biomarkers (Tn p referred, or CK-MB): ✓ Tn at baseline & 3–6 h after sx

onset; a rise to >99th % ile in ap p rop . clinical setting dx of MI (see “Chest Pain” );
nb, in Pts w/ ACS & ↓ CrCl, ↑ Tn still p ortends p oor p rognosis (NEJM
2 002 ;346:2 047)

• If low p rob, stress test, CT angio or rest p erfusion imaging to r/o CAD (see “Chest
Pain” )

• TTE (new wall motion abnl) suggestive of ACS; coronary angio gold standard for

Prinzmetal’s (variant) angina

• Coronary sp asm → transient STE usually w/o MI (but MI, AVB, VT can occur)
• Pts usually young, smokers, ± other vasosp astic disorders (eg, migraines,

• Angiograp hy → nonobstructive CAD, focal sp asm w/ hyp erventilation, acetylcholine

• Treatment: high-dose CCB, nitrates (+SL NTG p rn), ? a-blockers; d/c smoking

• Cocaine-induced vasosp asm: use CCB, nitrates, ASA; ? avoid bB, but data weak and
labetalol ap p ears safe (Archive s 2 010;170:8 74; Circ 2 011;12 3:2 02 2 )
Approach to triage
• If hx and initial ECG & biomarkers non-dx, rep eat ECG & biomarkers 3–6 h later

• If remain nl and low likelihood of ACS, search for alternative causes of chest p ain

• If remain nl, have ruled out MI, but if susp icion for ACS based on hx, then still need
to r/o UA w/ stress test to assess for inducible ischemia (or CTA to r/o CAD);

if low risk (age ≤70; p rior CAD, CVD, PAD; rest angina) can do as outPt w/in
72 h (0% mortality, <0.5% MI, Ann Eme rg Me d 2 006;47:42 7)
if not low risk, admit and initiate Rx for p ossible ACS and consider stress test or
Coronary angiography (Circ 2007; 116:e148 & 2012; 126:875)
• Conservative strategy = selective angiograp hy. Medical Rx with p re-d/c stress test;
angio only if recurrent ischemia or strongly ETT. Indicate d for: low TIMI risk
score, Pt or p hysician p reference in absence of high-risk features, low-risk women
(JAMA 2 008 ;300:71).

• Invasive strategy = routine angiograp hy w/in 72 h

Imme diate (w/in 2 h) if: refractory/recurrent ischemia, hemodynamic or electrical

Early (w/in 24 h) if: Tn, ST Δ, TRS ≥3, GRACE risk score >140 (NEJM
2 009;360:2 165)

De laye d (ie , acce ptable anytime w/in 72 h) if: diabetes, EF <40% , GFR <60, p ost-
MI angina, PCI w/in 6 mo, p rior CABG or high-risk stress results

32 % ↓ rehosp for ACS, nonsignif 16% ↓ MI, no Δ in mortality c/w cons. (JAMA
2 008 ;300:71)

↑ p eri-PCI MI counterbalanced by ↓↓ in sp ont. MI

Mortality benefit seen in some studies, likely only if cons. strategy w/ low rate of
Figure 1-2 Ap p roach to UA/NSTEMI

Requisite STE (at J point)

• ≥2 contiguous leads w/ ≥1 mm (excep t for V2 –V3: ≥2 mm in and ≥1.5 mm

in )

• New or p resumed new LBBB

Reperfusion (“time is muscle”)

• Immediate rep erfusion (ie, op ening occluded culp rit coronary artery) is critical
• In PCI-cap able hosp ital, goal should be primary PCI w/in 90 min of 1st medical
• In non-PCI-cap able hosp ital, consider transfe r to PCI-cap able hosp ital (see below),
o/w fibrinolytic therapy w/in 30 min of hosp ital p resentation

• Do not let decision regarding me thod of rep erfusion delay time to rep erfusion
Primary PCI (NEJM 2007; 356:47)

• Indic: STE + sx <12 h; ongoing ischemia 12 –2 4 h after sx onset; shock regardless

of time

• Sup erior to lysis: 2 7% ↓ death, 65% ↓ reMI, 54% ↓ stroke, 95% ↓ ICH (Lance t
2 003;361:13)

• Thrombus asp iration during angio p rior to stenting ↓ mortality (Lance t

2 008 ;371:1915)
• Do not intervene on nonculp rit lesions; risk stratify w/ imaging stress (Circ
2 011;12 4:e574)

• Transfe r to center for 1° PCI may also be sup erior to lysis (NEJM 2 003;349:733), see

• Indic: STE/LBBB + sx <12 h; benefit if sx >12 h less clear; reasonable if p ersist.
sx & STE

• Mortality ↓ ~2 0% in anterior MI or LBBB and ~10% in IMI c/w rep erfusion Rx

• Prehosp ital lysis (ie, ambulance): further 17% ↓ in mortality ( JAMA
2 000;2 8 3:2 68 6)

• ~1% risk of ICH; high-risk group s include elderly (~2 % if >75 y), women, low wt
• Although age not contraindic., ↑ risk of ICH in elderly (>75 y) makes PCI more
Nonprimary PCI

• Facilitated PCI: up stream lytic, GPI or GPI + ½ dose lytic before PCI offers no
• Rescue PCI if shock, unstable, failed rep erfusion or p ersistent sx (NEJM
2 005;353:2 758 )

• Routine angio ± PCI w/in 2 4 h of successful lysis: ↓ D/MI/revasc (Lance t

2 004;364:1045) and w/in 6 h ↓ reMI, recurrent ischemia, & HF comp ared to w/in
2 wk (NEJM 2 009;360:2 705);

∴ if lyse d at non-PCI capable hospital, conside r transfe r to PCI-capable hospital

ASAP e sp. if hig h-risk pre se ntation (e g , ante rior MI, infe rior MI w/ low EF or RV
infarct, e xte nsive STE or LBBB, HF, ↓ BP or ↑ HR)
• Late PCI (median day 8 ) of occluded infarct-related artery: no benefit (NEJM
2 006;355:2 395)
LV failure (~25% )
• Diurese to achieve PCWP 15–2 0 → ↓ p ulmonary edema, ↓ myocardial O 2 demand

• ↓ Afterload → ↑ stroke volume & CO, ↓ myocardial O 2 demand

can use IV NTG or nitrop russide (risk of coronary steal) → short-acting ACEI
• Inotrop es if HF desp ite diuresis & ↓ afterload; use dop amine, dobutamine or

• Cardiogenic shock (~7% ) = MAP <60 mmHg, CI <2 L/min/m 2 , PCWP >18
mmHg; inotrop es, mech sup p ort [eg, VAD, IABP (trial w/o benefit NEJM
2 012 ;367:12 8 7)] to keep CI >2 ; p ressors to keep MAP >60; if not done already,
coronary revasc (NEJM 1999;341:62 5)
IMI complications (Circ 1990; 81:401; NEJM 1994; 330:1211; JACC 2003; 41:1273)

• Heart block (~2 0% , occurs because RCA typ ically sup p lies AV node)

40% on p resent., 2 0% w/in 2 4 h, rest by 72 h; high-grade AVB can develop

abrup tly

Rx: atrop ine, ep i, aminop hylline (100 mg/min × 2 .5 min), temp wire

• RV infarct (30–50% , but only ½ of those clinically signif). HoTN; ↑ JVP,

Kussmaul’s; 1 mm STE in V4R; RA/PCWP ≥0.8 ; RV dysfxn on TTE; p rox RCA
Rx: op timize p reload (RA goal 10–14, BHJ 1990;63:98 ); ↑ contractility
(dobutamine); maintain AV synchrony (p acing as necessary); rep erfusion (NEJM
1998 ;338 :933); mechanical sup p ort (IABP or RVAD); p ulmonary vasodilators
(eg, inhaled NO)
Mechanical complications (incid. <1% for each; typically occur a few days post-

• Free wall rupture: ↑ risk w/ lysis, large MI, ↑ age, , HTN; p /w PEA or hyp oTN,
p ericardial sx, tamp onade; Rx: volume resusc., ? p ericardiocentesis, inotrop es,

• VSD: large MI in elderly; AMI → ap ical VSD, IMI → basal sep tum; 90% w/ harsh
murmur ±
thrill (NEJM 2 002 ;347:142 6); Rx: diuretics, vasodil., inotrop es, IABP, surgery,
p erc. closure

• Papillary muscle rupture: more common after inf MI (PM p ap . muscle sup p lied by
PDA alone) than ant MI (AL p ap . muscle sup p lied by diags & OMs); 50% w/ new
murmur, rarely a thrill, ↑ v wave in PCWP tracing; asymmetric p ulmonary edema.
Rx: diuretics, vasodilators, IABP, surgery.
Arrhythmias post-MI

• Treat as p er ACLS for unstable or symp tomatic bradycardias & tachycardias

• AF (10–16% incidence): β-blocker or amio, ± digoxin (p articularly if HF), hep arin

• VT/VF: lido or amio × 6–2 4 h, then reassess; ↑ βB as tol., rep lete K & Mg, r/o

early monomorp hic (<48 h p ost-MI) does not carry bad p rognosis

• Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR): slow VT (<100 bp m), often seen after

successful rep erfusion; typ ically self-terminates and does not require treatment
• May consider backup transcutaneous pacing (TP) if: 2 ° AVB typ e I, BBB

• Backup TP or initiate transvenous pacing if: 2 ° AVB typ e II; BBB + AVB

• Transvenous pacing (TV) if: 3° AVB; new BBB + 2 ° AVB typ e II; alternating
LBBB/RBBB (can bridge w/ TP until TV, which is best accomp lished under
fluoroscop ic guidance)

• In registries, in-hosp ital mortality is 6% w/ rep erfusion Rx (lytic or PCI) and ~2 0%


• Predictors of mortality: age, time to Rx, anterior MI or LBBB, heart failure (Circ
2 000;102 :2 031)

Risk stratification

• Stress test if anatomy undefined; consider stress if signif residual CAD p ost-PCI of
culp rit

• Assess LVEF p rior to d/c; EF ↑ ~6% in STEMI over 6 mo ( JACC 2 007;50:149)

Medications (barring contraindications)

• Aspirin: 8 1 mg daily
• P2Y12 inhib (eg, clop i, p rasugrel or ticagrelor): ≥12 mo if stent (min 1 mo after
BMS); some PPIs interfere w/ biotransformation of clop i and ∴ p lt inhibition, but
no convincing imp act on clinical outcomes (Lance t 2 009;374:98 9; NEJM
2 010;363:1909); use w/PPIs if h/o GIB or multip le GIB risk factors ( JACC
2 010;56:2 051)
• β-blocker: 2 3% ↓ mortality after MI

• Statin: high-intensity lip id-lowering (eg, atorvastatin 8 0 mg, NEJM 2 004;350:1495)

• ACEI: lifelong if HF, ↓ EF, HTN, DM; 4–6 wk or at least until hosp . d/c in all STEMI

? long-term benefit in CAD w/o HF (NEJM 2 000;342 :145 & 2 004;351:2 058 ; Lance t
2 003;362 :78 2 )
• Aldosterone antag: 15% ↓ death if EF <40% & either DM or s/s of HF (NEJM
2 003;348 :1309)

• Nitrates: standing if symp tomatic; SL NTG p rn for all

• Oral anticoagulants: if warfarin needed in addition to ASA/clop i (eg,  AF or LV
thrombus), target INR 2 –2 .5. ? stop ASA if at high bleeding risk on trip le Rx
(Lance t 2 013;38 1:1107). Low-dose rivaroxaban (2 .5 mg bid) in addition to ASA &
clop i → 16% ↓ D/MI/stroke and 32 % ↓ all-cause death, but ↑ major bleeding and
ICH (NEJM 2 012 ;366:9).

ICD (NEJM 2008; 359:2245)

• If sust. VT/VF >2 d p ost-MI not due to reversible ischemia

• Indicated in 1° p revention of SCD if p ost-MI w/ EF ≤30–40% (NYHA II–III) or ≤30–

35% (NYHA I); need to wait ≥40 d after MI (NEJM 2 004;351:2 48 1 &
2 009;361:142 7)

Risk factors and lifestyle modifications (Circ 2011; 124:2458)

• Low chol. (<2 00 mg/d) & fat (<7% saturated) diet; LDL goal <70 mg/dL; ? Ω ;-3

• BP <140/90 mmHg; smoking cessation

• If diabetic, tailor HbA1c goal based on Pt (avoid TZDs if HF)

• Exercise (30–60 min 5–7 ×/wk); cardiac rehab; BMI goal 18 .5–2 4.9 kg/m 2

• Influenza vaccination (Circ 2 006;114:1549); screen for dep ression



• Cardiac outp ut (CO) = SV × HR; SV dep ends on LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV)

∴ manip ulate LVEDV to op timize CO while minimizing p ulmonary edema

• Balloon at tip of catheter inflated → floats into “wedge” p osition. Column of blood
extends from tip of catheter, through p ulmonary circulation, to a p oint just
p roximal to LA. Under conditions of no flow, PCWP LA p ressure LVEDP,
which is p rop ortional to LVEDV.
• Situations in which these basic assump tions fail:
(1) Catheter tip not in West lung zone 3 (and ∴ PCWP = alveolar p ressure ≠ LA
p ressure); clues include lack of a & v waves and if PA diastolic p ressure < PCWP
(2 ) PCWP > LA p ressure (eg, mediastinal fibrosis, p ulmonary VOD, PV stenosis)

(3) Mean LA p ressure > LVEDP (eg, MR, MS)

(4) Δ LVEDP-LVEDV relationship (ie, abnl comp liance, ∴ “nl” LVEDP may not be
op timal)

Indications ( JACC 1998; 32:840 & Circ 2009; 119:e391)

• Diagnosis and evaluation

Ddx of shock (cardiogenic vs. distributive; esp . if trial of IVF failed or is high risk)
and of p ulmonary edema (cardiogenic vs. not; esp . if trial of diuretic failed or is
high risk)

Evaluation of CO, intracardiac shunt, p ulmonary HTN, MR, tamp onade

Evaluation of unexp lained dysp nea (PAC during p rovocation w/ exercise,

• Therapeutics (Circ 2 006;113:102 0)

Tailored therap y to op timize PCWP, SV, S vO 2 in heart failure (incl end-stage) or


Guide to vasodilator therap y (eg, inhaled NO, nifedip ine) in p ulm HTN, RV
Guide to p eriop erative management in some high-risk Pts, p retransp lantation

• Contraindications

Absolute: right-sided endocarditis, thrombus/mass or mechanical valve; PE

Relative: coagulop athy (reverse), recent PPM or ICD (p lace under fluoroscop y),
LBBB (~5% risk of RBBB → CHB, p lace under fluoro), biop rosthetic R-sided
Efficacy concerns (NEJM 2006; 354:2213; JAMA 2005; 294:1664)

• No benefit to routine PAC use in high-risk surgery, sep sis, ARDS

• No benefit in decomp ensated HF ( JAMA 2 005;2 94:162 5); untested in cardiogenic


• But: ~½ of CO & PCWP clinical estimates incorrect; CVP & PCWP not well correl.;
∴ use PAC to (a) answer hemodynamic ? and then remove, or (b) manage
cardiogenic shock


• Insertion site: R internal jugular or L subclavian veins for “anatomic” flotation

into PA

• Inflate balloon (max 1.5 mL) when advancing and to measure PCWP

• Use resistance to inflation and p ressure tracing to avoid overinflation & risk of PA
rup ture

• Deflate the balloon when withdrawing and at all other times

• CXR should be obtained after p lacement to assess for catheter p osition and PTX
• If catheter cannot be successfully floated (typ ically if severe TR or RV dilatation) or
if another relative contraindication exists, consider fluoroscop ic guidance

• Central venous access: p neumo/hemothorax (~1% ), arterial p uncture (if
inadvertent cannulation w/ dilation → surgical/endovasc eval), air embolism,
thoracic duct injury

• Advancement: atrial or ventricular arrhythmias (3% VT; 2 0% NSVT and >50%

PVC), RBBB (5% ), catheter knotting, cardiac p erforation/tamp onade, PA rup ture
• Maintenance: infection (esp . if catheter >3 d old), thrombus, p ulm infarction
(≤1% ), valve/chordae damage, PA rup ture/p seudoaneurysm (esp . w/ PHT),
balloon rup ture
Intracardiac pressures

• Transmural p ressure ( p reload) = measured intracardiac p ressure – intrathoracic

p ressure

• Intrathoracic p ressure (usually slightly ) is transmitted to vessels and heart

• Always measure intracardiac pressure at end-expiration, when intrathoracic

p ressure closest to 0 (“high p oint” in sp ont. breathing Pts; “low p oint” in Pts on
p ressure vent.)

• If ↑ intrathoracic p ressure (eg, PEEP), measured PCWP ove re stimate s true transmural
p ressures. Can ap p rox by subtracting ~½ PEEP (× ¾ to convert cm H 2 O to

• PCWP: LV p reload best estimated at a wave; risk of p ulmonary edema from avg

Cardiac output

• Thermodilution: saline injected in RA. Δ in temp over time measured at thermistor

(in PA) is integrated and is 1/CO. Inaccurate if ↓ CO, sev TR or shunt.

• Fick method: O 2 consump tion ( O 2 ) (L/min) = CO (L/min) × ∆ arteriovenous O 2


∴ CO = O2 / C(a-v)O2

O 2 ideally measured (esp . if ↑ metab demands), but freq estimated (12 5

mL/min/m 2 )

C(a-v)O 2 = [10×1.36 mL O 2 /g of Hb × Hb g/dL × (S a O 2 –S vO 2 )]. S vO 2 is ke y

variable that Δs.
If S VO 2 >8 0% , consider if the PAC is “wedged” (ie, p ulm vein sat), L→R shunt,
imp aired O 2 utilization (severe sep sis, cyanide, carbon monoxide), ↑↑ FiO 2 .

Tailored therapy in cardiogenic shock (Circ 2009; 119:e391)

• Goals: op timize both MAP and CO while ↓ risk of p ulmonary edema

MAP = CO × SVR; CO = HR × SV (which dep ends on p reload, afterload and

p ulmonary edema when PCWP >2 0–2 5 (↑ levels may be tolerated in chronic HF)
• Optimize preload = LVEDV LVEDP LAP PCWP (NEJM 1973;2 8 9:12 63)

goal PCWP ~14–18 in acute MI, ≤14 in acute decompensated HF

op timize in individual Pt by measuring SV w/ different PCWP to create Starling

↑ by giving NS (albumin w/o clinical benefit over NS; PRBC if significant anemia)
↓ by diuresis (qv), ultrafiltration or dialysis if refractory to diuretics
• Optimize afterload wall stress during LV ejection = [(~SBP × radius) / (2 ×
wall thick.)] and ∴ ∝ MAP and ∝ SVR = (MAP – CVP / CO); goals: MAP >60,
SVR 800–1200

MAP >60 & SVR ↑: vasodilators (eg, nitrop russide, NTG,  ACEI, hydral.) or wean
p ressors
MAP <60 & SVR ↑ (& ∴ CO ↓): temp orize w/ p ressors until can ↑ CO (see below)

MAP <60 & SVR low/nl (& ∴ inap p rop riate vasop legia): vasop ressors (eg,
norep inep h-rine [a, b], dop amine [D, a, b], p henylep hrine [a] or vasop ressin
[V1] if refractory)

• Optimize contractility ∝ CO for given p reload & afterload; goal CI = (CO / BSA)
if too low desp ite op timal p reload & vasodilators (as MAP p ermits):

inotrope s: eg, dobutamine (mod inotrop e & mild vasodilator) or milrinone

(strong inotrop e & vasodilator, incl p ulm), both p roarrhythmic, or ep i (strong
inotrop e & p ressor)

me chanical support de vice s: eg, IABP, p ercutaneous or surgical VAD (left-sided,

right-sided or both) or ECMO (Circ 2 011;12 3:533)

Definitions (Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 9th ed., 2012)

• Failure of heart to p ump blood forward at sufficient rate to meet metabolic demands
of p erip heral tissues, or ability to do so only at abnormally high cardiac filling
p ressures
• Low outp ut (↓ cardiac outp ut) vs. high outp ut (↑ stroke volume ± ↑ cardiac outp ut)
• Left-sided (p ulmonary edema) vs. right-sided (↑ JVP, hep atomegaly, p erip heral
• Backward (↑ filling p ressures, congestion) vs. forward (imp aired systemic p erfusion)
• Systolic (inability to exp el sufficient blood) vs. diastolic (failure to relax and fill
• Reduced (HFrEF) vs. p reserved (HFp EF) left ventricular ejection fraction

• Some degree of systolic and diastolic dysfxn, may occur regardless of ejection

Figure 1-3 Ap p roach to left-sided heart failure


• Low outp ut: fatigue, weakness, exercise intolerance, Δ MS, anorexia

• Congestive:  left-sided → dysp nea, orthop nea, p aroxysmal nocturnal dysp nea right-
sided → p erip heral edema, RUQ discomfort, bloating, satiety

Functional classification (New York Heart Association class)

• Class I: no sx w/ ordinary activity; class II: sx w/ ordinary activity; class III: sx w/

minimal activity; class IV: sx at rest
Physical exam (“2-minute” hemodynamic profile; JAMA 1996; 275:630 &
2002; 287:628)

• Congestion (“dry” vs. “wet”)

↑ JVP (~8 0% of the time JVP >10 → PCWP >2 2 ;  J He art Lung Trans
1999;18 :112 6)
hep atojugular reflux: >4 cm ↑ in JVP for ≥15 sec w/ abdominal p ressure
Se/Sp 73/8 7% for RA >8 and Se/Sp 55/8 3% for PCWP >15 (AJC
1990;66:1002 )
Abnl Valsalva resp onse: square wave (↑ SBP w/ strain), no overshoot (no ↑ BP
after strain)
S 3 (in Pts w/ HF → ~40% ↑ risk of HF hosp . or p ump failure death; NEJM
2 001;345:574)
rales, dullness at base 2 ° p leural effus. (ofte n abse nt in chronic HF due to
lymp hatic comp ensation) ± hep atomegaly, ascites and jaundice, p erip heral
• Perfusion (“warm” vs. “cold”)

narrow p ulse p ressure (<2 5% of SBP) → CI <2 .2 (91% Se, 8 3% Sp ; JAMA

198 9;2 61:8 8 4)
soft S 1 (↓ dP/dt), p ulsus alternans, cool & p ale extremities, ↓ UOP, muscle
atrop hy
• ± Other: Cheyne-Stokes resp ., abnl PMI (diffuse, sustained or lifting dep ending on
cause of HF), S 4 (diast. dysfxn), murmur (valvular dis., ↑ MV annulus, disp laced
p ap illary muscles)

Evaluation for the presence of heart failure

• CXR (see Radiology insert): p ulm edema, p leural effusions ± cardiomegaly,
cep halization, Kerley B-lines

• BNP/NT-p roBNP can help exclude HF; levels ↑ w/ age, ↓ w/ obesity, ↓ renal fxn, AF

• Evidence of ↓ organ p erfusion: ↑ Cr, ↓ Na, abnl LFTs

• Echo (see inserts): ↓ EF & ↑ chamber size → systolic dysfxn; hyp ertrop hy, abnl MV
inflow, abnl tissue Dop p ler → ? diastolic dysfxn; abnl valves or p ericardium;
estimate RVSP

• PA catheterization: ↑ PCWP, ↓ CO and ↑ SVR (in low-outp ut failure)

Evaluation of the causes of heart failure

• ECG: evidence for CAD, LVH, LAE, heart block or low voltage (? infiltrative

• Coronary angio (or noninvasive imaging, eg, CT angio); if no CAD, w/u for CMP

Precipitants of acute heart failure

• Dietary indiscretion or medical nonadherence (~40% of cases)

• Myocardial ischemia or infarction (~10–15% of cases); myocarditis

• Renal failure (acute, p rogression of CKD, or insufficient dialysis) → ↑ p reload

• Hypertensive crisis (incl. from RAS), worsening AS → ↑ left-sided afterload

• Drugs (bB, CCB, NSAIDs, TZDs), chemo (anthracyclines, trastuzumab), or toxins


• Arrhythmias; acute valvular dysfxn (eg, endocarditis), esp . mitral or aortic

• COPD or PE → ↑ right-sided afterload; anemia, systemic infection, thyroid disease

Treatment of acute decompensated heart failure

• Assess degree of congestion & adequacy of p erfusion

• For congestion: “LMNOP”
Lasix IV w/ monitoring of UOP; total daily dose 2 .5× usual daily PO dose → ↑
UOP, but transient ↑ in renal dysfxn vs. 1× usual dose; clear diff between cont
gtt vs. q12 h dosing (NEJM 2 011;364:797)

Morp hine (↓ sx, venodilator, ↓ afterload)

Nitrates (venodilator)

Oxygen ± noninvasive vent (↓ sx, ↑ Pa O 2 ; no ∆ mortality; see “Mechanical

Ventilation” )

Position (sitting up & legs dangling over side of bed → ↓ p reload)

• For low perfusion, see below

• Adjustment of oral meds

ACEI/ARB: hold if HoTN, consider Δ to hydralazine & nitrates if renal

decomp ensation
βB: reduce dose by at least ½ if mod HF, d/c if severe HF and/or need inotrop es

Treatment of advanced heart failure (Circ 2009; 119:e391)

• Consider PAC if not resp to Rx, unsure re: vol status, HoTN, ↑ Cr, need inotrop es

• Tailored Rx w/ PAC (qv); goals of MAP >60, CI >2 .2 (MVO 2 >60% ), SVR <8 00,
PCWP <18

• IV vasodilators: NTG, nitrop russide (risk of coronary steal if CAD; p rolonged use →
cyanide/thiocyanate toxicity); nesiritide (rBNP) not rec for routine use (NEJM
2 011;365:32 )

• Inotropes (p rop erties in addition to ↑ inotrop y listed below)

dobutamine: vasodilation at doses ≤5 µg/kg/min; mild ↓ PVR; desensitization

over time

dop amine: sp lanchnic vasodil. → ↑ GFR & natriuresis; vasoconstrictor at ≥5

milrinone: p rominent systemic & p ulmonary vasodilation; ↓ dose by 50% in renal
• Ultrafiltration: similar wt loss to aggressive diuresis, but ↑ renal failure (NEJM
2 012 :367:2 2 96)
• Mechanical circulatory support (Circ 2 011;12 3:533)
Intra-aortic balloon p ump (IABP): inflates in diastole & deflates in systole to ↓
imp edance to LV ejection of blood, ↓ myocardial O 2 demand & ↑ coronary
p erfusion
ventricular assist device (LVAD ± RVAD): as bridge to recovery (NEJM
2 006;355:18 73) or transp lant (some temp orary typ es can be p laced
p ercutaneously = PVAD), or as destination therap y (45–50% ↓ mort. vs. med
Rx; NEJM 2 009;361:2 2 41)

• Cardiac transp lantation: 15–2 0% mort. in 1st y, median survival 10 y

• Utility of BNP-guided Rx remains debated (Circ 2 013;301:500 & 509)

• Imp lantable PA p ressure sensor in NYHA III → ~30% ↓ risk of hosp (Lance t
2 011;377:658 )
Heart failure with preserved EF (HFpEF; “Diastolic HF”) (Circ 2011; 124:e540)

• Ep idemiology: ~½ of Pts w/ HF have normal or only min. imp aired systolic fxn (EF
≥40% ); risk factors for HFp EF incl ↑ age, , DM, AF. Mortality to those w/
systolic dysfxn.

• Etiologies (imp aired relaxation and/or ↑ p assive stiffness): ischemia, p rior MI, LVH,
HCMP, infiltrative CMP, RCMP, aging, hyp othyroidism
• Precip itants of p ulmonary edema: volume ove rload (p oor comp liance of LV →
sensitive to even modest ↑ in volume); ische mia (↓ relaxation); tachycardia (↓ filling
time in diastole), AF (loss of atrial boost to LV filling); HTN (↓ afterload → ↓
stroke volume)
• Dx w/ clinical s/s of HF w/ p reserved systolic fxn. Dx sup p orted by evidence of diast
(1) echo: abnl MV inflow (E/A reversal and Δs in E wave deceleration time) & ↓
myocardial relax. (↑ isovol relax. time & ↓ early diastole tissue Dop p ler vel)
(2 ) exercise-induced ↑ PCWP (± ↓ resp onse chronotrop ic & vasodilator reserve)
• Treatment: diuresis for vol overload, BP control, p revention of tachycardia and

no benefit to: ACEI/ARB (NEJM 2 008 ;359:2 456), PDE5 inhib ( JAMA
2 013;309:12 68 )

sp ironolactone imp roves LV fxn, but not sx ( JAMA 2 013;309:78 1)

combined ARB/nep rilysin (neutral endop ep tidase) inhib under study (Lance t
2 012 ;38 0:138 7)

Dise ase s with me chanical and/or e le ctrical dysfunction of the myocardium


Definition and epidemiology (Circ 2006; 113:1807)

• Ventricular dilatation and ↓ contractility ± ↓ wall thickness

• Incidence: 5–8 /100,000/yr; p revalence: 1/2 500. Most common reason for heart
transp lant.

Etiologies (NEJM 2000; 342:1077; Circ Res 2012; 111:131)

• Ischemia/infarct: systolic dysfxn & dilation due to p oor remodeling p ost-MI
• Valvular disease: systolic dysfxn due to chronic volume overload in MR & AI
• Familial (~2 5% ): mutations in cytoskeletal, nuclear and filament p roteins (NEJM
1992 ;362 :77)
• Idiopathic (~2 5% ): ? undiagnosed infectious, alcoholic or genetic cause

• Infectious myocarditis (10–15% , autoimmune resp onse; Lance t 2 012 ;379:738 )

Viruses (p arvoB19 & HHV6 > coxsackie, adeno, echo, CMV, HCV): from subacute
(dilated LV, mild–mod dysfxn) to fulminant (nondil., thick, edematous LV, sev

Bacterial, fungal, rickettsial, TB, Lyme (mild myocarditis, often with AVB)
HIV: ~8 % of asx HIV ; due to HIV, other virus or antiretrovirals; HIV also
associated w/ p remature CAD (Circ 2 008 ;118 :e36; He art 2 009;95:1193)

Chagas: ap ical aneurysm ± thrombus, RBBB, megaesop hagus/colon (NEJM

1993;32 9:639)
• Toxic: alcohol (5% ) typ . 7–8 drinks/d × >5 y, but variable; cocaine; XRT (usu

anthracyclines (risk ↑ >550 mg/m 2 , may manifest late), cyclop hosp hamide,
• Infiltrative (5% ): often mix of DCMP + RCMP (qv) with thickened wall

amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis, tumor

• Autoimmune: collag e n vasc. dis. (3% ): PM, SLE, scleroderma, PAN, RA, Wegener’s;

pe ripartum (last month → 5 mo p ostp artum; JACC 2 011;58 :659): ~1:3000 p reg. ↑
risk w/ multip arity, ↑ age, Afr Am; stnd HF Rx excep t if p reg then select drugs
based on safety; ? bromocrip tine to ↓ p rolactin; ~½ normalize EF; even if nl EF
~30% recur w/ next p reg

Idiop athic giant cell myocarditis (GCM): avg age 42 y, fulminant, VT (NEJM
1997;336:18 60)

Eosinop hilic (variable p erip heral eos): hyp ersensitivity (mild HF) or acute
necrotizing eosinop hilic myocarditis (ANEM; STE, effusion, severe HF)
• Stress-induced (Takotsubo = ap ical ballooning): mimics MI (p ain, ± STE & ↑ Tn;
deep TWI & ↑ QT); mid/ap ex dyskinesis; ? Rx w/ bB, ACEI; usu. imp roves over
wks (JAMA 2 011;306:2 77)

• Tachycardia: likelihood ∝ rate/duration; often resolves w/ rate cntl (Circ

2 005;112 :1092 )

• Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC): fibrofatty rep lacement

of RV → dilation (dx w/ MRI); ECG: ± RBBB, TWI V1–V3, e wave; risk VT (Lance t
2 009;373:12 8 9)
• Metab/other: hyp othyroid., acromegaly, p heo, OSA, thiamine, selenium or
carnitine defic

Clinical manifestations
• Heart failure: both congestive & p oor forward flow sx; signs of L- & R-sided HF

diffuse, laterally displaced PMI, S3, ± MR or TR (annular dilat., disp laced p ap .

• Embolic events (~10% ), sup raventricular/ventricular arrhythmias, & p alp itations
• Chest p ain can be seen w/ some etiologies (eg, myocarditis)

Diagnostic studies and workup

• CXR: moderate to marked cardiomegaly, ± p ulmonary edema & p leural effusions
• ECG: may see PRWP, Q waves or BBB; low-voltage; AF (2 0% ); may be normal

• Echocardiogram: LV dilatation, ↓ EF, re g ional or g lobal LV HK ± RV HK, ± mural

• Cardiac MRI: up to 76% Se, 96% Sp for myocarditis or infiltrative dis. ( JACC
2 005;45:18 15); extent of midwall fibrosis correlated w/ mortality in NICMP
( JAMA 2 013;309:8 96)
• Laboratory evaluation: TFTs, iron studies, HIV, SPEP, ANA; others p er clinical
susp icion; viral serologies not recommended ( JACC 2 012 ;59:779)

• Family hx (2 0–35% w/ familial dis.), genetic counseling ± genetic testing ( JAMA

2 009;302 :2 471)
• Stress test: useful to r/o ischemia (low false rate), high false rate, even w/

• Coronary angiograp hy to r/o CAD if risk factors, h/o angina, Qw MI on ECG,

equivocal ETT; consider CT angiograp hy (JACC 2 007;49:2 044)

• ? Endomyocardial biop sy (JACC 2 007;50:1914): yield 10% (of these, 75%

myocarditis, 2 5% systemic disease); 40% false rate (p atchy dis.) & false
(necrosis → inflammation)no p roven Rx for myocarditis; ∴ biop sy if: acute &
hemodyn comp romise (r/o GCM, ANEM); arrhythmia or RCMP features (r/o
infiltrative); or susp ect toxic, allergic, tumor
Treatment (see “Heart Failure” for standard HF Rx)

• Imp lantation of devices may be temp ered by p ossibility of reversibility of CMP

• Immunosup p ression: for giant cell myocarditis (p rednisone + AZA), collagen

vascular disease, p erip artum (? IVIg), & eosinop hilic; no p roven benefit for viral

• Prognosis differs by etiology (NEJM 2 000;342 :1077): p ostp artum (best),

ischemic/GCM (worst)

Definition and epidemiology

• LV (usually ≥15 mm) and/or RV hyp ertrop hy disp rop ortionate to hemodynamic

• Prevalence: 1/500; 50% sp oradic, 50% familial, most asymp tomatic

• Ddx: LVH 2 ° to HTN, AS, elite athletes (wall usually <13 mm & symmetric and nl/↑
rates of tissue Dop p ler diastolic relaxation; Circ 2 011;12 3:2 72 3), Fabry dis. (↑ Cr,
skin findings)
• Autosomal dominant mutations in cardiac sarcomere genes (eg, b-myosin heavy
• Myocardial fiber disarray with hyp ertrop hy, which creates arrhythmogenic substrate

• Morp hologic hyp ertrop hy variants: asymmetric sep tal; concentric; midcavity;
ap ical

• Subaortic outflow obstruction: narrowed tract 2 ° hyp ertrop hied sep tum + systolic
anterior motion (SAM) of ant. MV leaflet (may be fixed, variable or nonexistent)
and p ap illary muscle disp lacement. Gradient (∇) worse w/ ↑ contractility
(digoxin, b- agonists, exercise, PVCs), ↓ p reload or ↓ afterload.

• Mitral regurgitation: due to SAM (mid-to-late, p ost.-directed regurg. jet) and/or abnl
mitral leaflets and p ap illary muscles (p ansystolic, ant.-directed regurg. jet)

• Diastolic dysfunction: ↑ chamber stiffness + imp aired relaxation

• Ischemia: small vessel dis., p erforating artery comp ression (bridging), ↓ coronary
p erfusion

• Syncop e: Δs in load-dep endent CO, arrhythmias

Clinical manifestations (70% are asymptomatic at dx)

• Dyspnea (90% ): due to ↑ LVEDP, MR, and diastolic dysfunction

• Angina (2 5% ) even w/o ep icardial CAD; microvasc. dysfxn (NEJM 2 003;349:102 7)

• Arrhythmias (AF in 2 0–2 5% ; VT/VF) → p alp itations, syncop e, sudden cardiac


Physical exam

• Sustained PMI, S 2 p aradoxically sp lit if severe outflow obstruction, S 4 (occ.

p alp able)
• Systolic murmur: crescendo-decrescendo; LLSB; ↑ w/ Valsalva & standing (↓
p reload)

• ± mid-to-late or holosystolic murmur of MR at ap ex

• Bifid carotid p ulse (brisk rise, decline, then 2 nd rise); JVP w/ p rominent a wave

• Contrast to AS, which has murmur that ↓ w/ Valsalva and ↓ carotid p ulses

Diagnostic studies

• CXR: cardiomegaly (LV and LA)

• ECG: LVH, anterolateral and inferior p seudo-Qw, ± ap ical giant TWI (ap ical

• Echo: no absolute cutoffs for degree of LVH but sep tum/p ost. wall ≥1.3 suggestive,

as is sep tum >15 mm; other findings include dynamic outflow obstruction, SAM,

• MRI: hyp ertrop hy + p atchy delayed enhancement (useful for dx & p rog) ( JACC CV
Imag 2 012 ;2 :370)
• Cardiac cath: subaortic p ressure ∇; Brocke nbroug h sig n = ↓ p ulse p ressure p ost-
PVC (in contrast to AS, in which p ulse p ressure ↑ p ost-PVC)
• ? Genotyp ing for family screening, but p athogenic mutation ID’d in <½ (Circ
2 011;12 4:2 761)
Treatment (Circ 2011; 124:e783 & 2012; 125:1432; Lancet 2013; 381:242)
• Heart failure

inotropes/chronotropes: b-blockers, CCB (verap amil), disop yramide

Careful use of diuretics, as may further ↓ p reload. Vasodilators only if systolic

dysfxn. Avoid digoxin.
If sx refractory to drug Rx + obstructive p hysiology (∇ >50 mmHg):

(a) Surgical myectomy: long-term ↓ symp toms in 90% (Circ 2 005;112 :48 2 )

(b) Alcohol sep tal ablation (Circ CV Inte rv 2 011;4;2 56; JACC 2 011;58 :2 32 2 ):
gradient ↓ by ~8 0% , only 5–2 0% remain w/ NYHA III–IV sx; 14% require
rep eat ablation or myectomy. Good alternative for older Pts, multip le
comorbidities. Comp lic: transient (& occ. delayed) 3° AVB w/ 10–2 0% req. PPM;
VT due to scar formation.
No clear benefit of dual-chamber p acing ( JACC 1997;2 9:435; Circ 1999;99:2 92 7)

If refractory to drug therap y and there is nonobstructive p athop hysiology:

transp lant

• Acute HF: can be p recip . by dehydration or tachycardia; Rx w/ fluids, bB,

p henylep hrine
• AF: rate control with bB, maintain SR with disop yramide, amiodarone

• SCD: ICD ( JACC 2 003;42 :168 7). Risk factors: h/o VT/VF, FHx SCD,
unexp lained syncop e, NSVT, ↓ SBP or rel HoTN (↑ SBP <2 0 mmHg) w/ exercise,
LV wall ≥30 mm, extensive MRI delayed enhancement. EPS not useful. Risk 4% /y
if high-risk (JAMA 2 007;2 98 :405).
• Counsel to avoid dehydration, extreme exertion

• Endocarditis p rop hylaxis not recommended (Circ 2 007;16:1736)

• First-degree relatives: p eriodic screening w/ echo, ECG (as timing of HCMP onset
variable). Genetic testing if known mutation.

Definition (Circ 2006; 113:1807)

• Imp aired ventricular filling with ↓ comp licance in nonhyp ertrop hied, nondilated
ventricles; normal or ↓ diastolic volumes, normal or near-normal EF; must r/o
p ericardial disease
Etiology ( JACC 2010; 55:1769)
• Myocardial processes
Autoimmune (scleroderma, p olymyositis-dermatomyositis)

Infiltrative diseases (see p rimary entries for extracardiac manifestations, Dx, Rx)

Amyloidosis (CIrc 2 011;12 4:1079): age at p resentation ~60 y; : = 3:2 AL

(MM, light-chain, MGUS, WM); familial (transthyretin, TTR); AA/senile (TTR,
ANP) ECG: ↓ QRS amp litude (50% ), p seudoinfarction p attern (Qw), AVB (10–
2 0% ),  hemiblock (2 0% ), BBB (5–2 0% )
Echo: biventricular wall thickening (ye t w/ low voltag e on ECG), granular
sp arkling texture (30% ), biatrial enlargement (40% ), thickened atrial
sep tum, valve thickening (65% ), diastolic dysfxn, small effusions

Normal voltage & normal sep tal thickness has NPV ~90%
MRI: distinct late gadolinium enhancement p attern ( JACC 2 008 ;51:102 2 )

Sarcoidosis: age at p resent. ~30 y; more common in blacks, N. Europ eans,

5% of those w/ sarcoid have overt cardiac involvement; cardiac w/o systemic
in 10%
ECG: AVB (75% ), RBBB (2 0–60% ), VT; PET: ↑ FDG up take in affected area

Echo: regional WMA (p articularly basal sep tum) with thinning or mild
hyp ertrop hy
Nuclear imaging: gallium up take in areas of sestaMIBI p erfusion defects;
cardiac MR

Hemochromatosis: in middle-aged men (esp . N. Europ ean); 15% p /w cardiac sx

Storage diseases: Gaucher’s, Fabry, Hurler’s, glycogen storage diseases

Diabetes mellitus

• Endomyocardial processes

Chronic eosinop hilic: Löffler’s endocarditis (temp erate climates; ↑ eos; mural
thrombi that embolize); endomyocardial fibrosis (trop ical climates; var. eos;
mural thrombi)
Toxins: radiation (also p /w constrictive p ericarditis, valvular dis, ostial CAD),

Serotonin: carcinoid, serotonin agonists, ergot alkaloids

Metastatic cancer
Pathology & pathophysiology

• Path: normal or ↑ wall thickness ± infiltration or abnormal dep osition

• ↓ myocardial comp liance → nl EDV but ↑ EDP → ↑ systemic & p ulm. venous
p ressures
• ↓ ventricular cavity size → ↓ SV and ↓ CO

Clinical manifestations (Circ 2000; 101:2490)

• Right-sided > left-sided heart failure with p erip heral edema > p ulmonary edema

• Diuretic “refractoriness”
• Thromboembolic events
• Poorly tolerated tachyarrhythmias; VT → syncop e/sudden cardiac death
Physical exam

• ↑ JVP, ± Kussmaul’s sign ( JVP ↑ w/ insp iration, classically seen in constrictive

pe ricarditis)

• Cardiac: ± S 3 and S 4, ± murmurs of MR and TR

• Congestive hep atomegaly, ± ascites and jaundice, p erip heral edema

Diagnostic studies

• CXR: normal ventricular chamber size, enlarged atria, ± p ulmonary congestion

• ECG: low voltage, p seudoinfarction p attern (Qw), ± arrhythmias

• Echo: symmetric wall thickening, biatrial enlarge., ± mural thrombi, ± cavity

oblit. w/ diast dysfxn: ↑ early diast (E) and ↓ late atrial (A) filling, ↑ E/A ratio, ↓
decel. time
• Cardiac MRI/PET: may reveal inflammation or evidence of infiltration (but
nonsp ecific)

• Cardiac catheterization

Atria: M’s or W’s (p rominent x and y descents)

Ventricles: dip & plateau (rap id ↓ p ressure at onset of diastole, rap id ↑ to early
p lateau)

Concordance of LV and RV p ressure p eaks during resp iratory cycle (vs.

discordance in constrictive p ericarditis; Circ 1996;93:2 007)

• Endomyocardial biop sy if susp ect infiltrative p rocess

• Restrictive cardiomyop athy vs. constrictive p ericarditis: see “Pericardial Disease”

Treatment (in addition to Rx’ing underlying disease)

• Gentle diuresis. May not tolerate CCB or other vasodilators.

• Control HR (but can ↓ CO); maintain SR (help s filling). Digoxin ↑ arrhythmias in

• Anticoagulation (p articularly with AF or low CO)

• Transp lantation for refractory cases




• Calcific: p redominant cause in Pts >70 y; risk factors include HTN, ↑ chol., ESRD
• Congenital (ie, bicusp id AoV w/ p remature calcification): cause in 50% of Pts <70
• Rheumatic heart disease (AS usually accomp anied by AI and MV disease)
• AS mimickers: subvalvular (HCMP, subAo membrane) or sup ravalvular stenosis

Clinical manifestations (usually indicates AVA <1 cm2 or concomitant CAD)

• Angina: ↑ O 2 demand (hyp ertrop hy) + ↓ O 2 sup p ly (↓ cor p erfusion p ressure) ±

• Syncope (e xe rtional): p erip heral vasodil. w/ fixed CO → ↓ MAP → ↓ cerebral

p erfusion
• Heart failure: outflow obstruct + diastolic dysfxn → p ulm. edema; esp . if ↑ HR/AF
(↓ LV fill.)

• Acquired vWF disease (~2 0% of sev. AS): destruction of vWF; GI angiodysp lasia

• Natural hx: usually slowly p rogressive (AVA ↓ ~0.1 cm 2 /y, but varies; Circ
1997;95:2 2 62 ), until sx develop ; mean survival based on sx: angina = 5 y;
syncop e = 3 y; CHF = 2 y
Physical exam
• Midsystolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur at RUSB, harsh, high-p itched, radiates
to carotids, ap ex (holo-systolic = Gallavardin effect), ↑ w/ p assive leg raise, ↓ w/
standing & Valsalva. In contrast, dynamic outflow obstruction (HCMP) ↓ w/ leg
raise, ↑ w/ standing, Valsalva.
• Ejection click after S1 sometimes heard with bicuspid AoV

• Signs of severity: late -pe aking murmur, p aradoxically sp lit S 2 or inaudible A2 ,

small and delayed carotid p ulse (“pulsus parvus e t tardus” ), LV heave, S4
(occasionally p alp able)
Diagnostic studies

• ECG: may see LVH, LAE, LBBB, AF (in late disease)

• CXR: cardiomegaly, AoV calcification, p oststenotic dilation of ascending Ao,

p ulmonary congestion

• Echo: valve morp hology, estim p ressure gradient & calculate AVA, EF

• Cardiac cath: usually to r/o CAD (in ~½ of calcific AS); for hemodyn. if disp arity
between exam & echo: ✓ p ressure gradient (∇) across AoV, calc AVA (underestim.
if mod/sev AI)

• Dobutamine challenge during echo or cath if low EF and ∇ <30 to differentiate:

afte rload mismatch: 2 0% ↑ SV & ∇, no Δ AVA (imp lies contractile reserve & ↑ EF
p ost-AVR)
pse udoste nosis: 2 0% ↑ SV, no Δ in ∇, ↑ AVA (imp lies low AVA artifact of LV

limite d contractile re se rve : no Δ SV, ∇ or AVA (imp lies EF p rob. will not imp rove
w/ AVR)
Treatment (Circ 2008; 118:e523; Lancet 2009; 373:956; EHJ 2012; 33:2451)
• Management decisions are based on symptoms: once they develop AVR is needed.

If asx, HTN can be cautiously Rx’d; statins have not been p roven to ↓ p rogression.
• AVR: indicated in sx AS (almost invariably severe; if not, look for another cause of
sx) & asx severe AS + EF < 50% . May consider if asx but either sx or ↓ BP w/
exercise (can care fully exercise asx AS to uncover sx, do not exercise sx AS) or
extremely severe (AVA <0.6 cm 2 , mean ∇ >60 mmHg, aortic jet >5 m/s).
Reasonable if asx mod-severe AS and undergoing CV surgery.

• Medical (if not AVR candidate or to temp orize): careful diuresis p rn, control HTN,
maintain SR; digoxin if ↓ EF & HF or if AF; avoid venodilators (nitrates) &
inotrop es (bB/CCB) if severe; avoid vigorous p hysical exertion once AS mod–
? nitrop russide if p /w CHF w/ sev. AS, EF <35% , CI <2 .2 , & nl BP (NEJM
2 003;348 :1756)

• IABP: stabilization, bridge to surgery

• Balloon AoV valvotomy (BAV): 50% ↑ AVA & ↓ p eak ∇, but 50% restenosis by 6–
12 mo &

↑ risk of p eri-PAV stroke/AI (NEJM 198 8 ;319:12 5), ∴ bridge to AVR or p alliation

• Transcatheter AoV replacement (TAVR): sx, hemodyn, & mortality to surgical

AVR, but ↑ (mostly early) risk of vasc comp lic and stroke/ TIA; p aravalvular
leaks in ~7% (NEJM 2 012 ;366:168 6); in nonop erative Pts, 44% ↓ mortality vs.
standard Rx (NEJM 2 012 ;366:1696)

Etiology (Circ 2006; 114:422)

• Valve disease (43% )

rheumatic heart disease (usually mixed AS/AI and concomitant MV disease)
bicuspid AoV: natural hx: 1⁄3→ normal, 1⁄3 → AS, 1⁄6 → AI, 1⁄6 → endocarditis
→ AI infective endocarditis
valvulitis: RA, SLE; anorectics (fen/p hen) & other serotoninergics (NEJM
2 007;356:2 9,39), XRT
• Root disease (57% )

aortic aneurysm or dissection, annuloaortic ectasia, Marfan syndrome

aortic inflammation: giant cell, Takayasu’s, ankylosing sp ond., reactive arthritis,
syp hilis

Clinical manifestations
• Acute: sudden ↓ forward SV and ↑ LVEDP (noncomp liant ventricle) → p ulmonary
edema ± hyp otension and cardiogenic shock

• Chronic: clinically silent while LV dilates (to ↑ comp liance to keep LVEDP low) more
than it hyp ertrop hies → chronic volume overload → LV decomp ensation → CHF
• Natural hx: variable p rogression (unlike AS, can be fast or slow); once
decomp ensation begins, p rognosis p oor w/o AVR (mortality ~10% /y)

Physical exam
• Early diastolic decrescendo murmur at LUSB (RUSB if dilated Ao root); ↑ w/
sitting forward, exp ir, handgrip ; severity of AI ∝ duration of murmur (excep t in
acute and severe late); Austin Flint murmur: mid-to-late diastolic

rumble at ap ex (AI jet interfering w/ mitral inflow)

• Wide pulse pressure due to ↑ stroke volume, hyp er- dynamic p ulse → many of
classic signs (see table); p ulse p ressure narrows in late AI with ↓ LV fxn; bisferiens
(twice-beating) arterial p ulse

• PMI diffuse and laterally disp laced; soft S 1 (early closure of MV); ± S 3 (≠ ↓ EF but
rather just volume overload in AI)
Diagnostic studies

• ECG: can see LVH, LAD, abnl rep ol; CXR: cardiomegaly ± ascending Ao dilatation
• Echo: severity of AI (severe = width of regurgitant jet >65% LVOT, vena contracta
>0.6 cm, regurg fraction ≥50% , regurg orifice ≥0.3 cm 2 , flow reversal in
descending Ao); LV size & fxn
Treatment (Circ 2008; 118:e523; EHJ 2012; 33:2451)

• Acute decomp ensation (consider ischemia and endocarditis as p ossible p recip itants):

surg e ry usually urgently needed for acute severe AI which is p oorly tolerated by LV

IV afterload reduction (nitrop russide) and inotrop ic sup p ort (dobutamine)

± chronotrop ic sup p ort (↑ HR → ↓ diastole → ↓ time for regurgitation)

p ure vasoconstrictors and IABP contraindicated

• In chronic AI, management decisions based on LV size and fxn (and before sx occur)

• Surgery (AVR, rep lacement or rep air if p ossible)

sx (if equivocal, consider stress test) severe AI (if not severe, unlikely to be cause
of sx)

asx severe AI and EF ≤ 50% or LV dilation (end syst. diam. >50–55 mm or end
diast. diam. >70–75 mm, esp . if p rogression) or undergoing cardiac surgery
• Transcatheter AoV rep lacement (TAVR) being exp lored ( JACC 2 013;61:1577)

• Medical therap y: vasodilators (nifedip ine, ACEI/ARB, hydralazine) if severe AI w/ sx

or LV dysfxn & Pt not op erative candidate or to imp rove hemodynamics before
AVR; no clear benefit on clinical outcomes or LV fxn when used to try to p rolong
comp ensation in asx severe AI w/ mild LV dilation & nl LV fxn (NEJM
2 005;353:1342 )

Etiology (Lancet 2009; 373:1382; NEJM 2010; 363:156)

• Leaflet abnormalities: myxomatous degeneration (MVP), endocarditis, calcific

RHD, valvulitis (collagen-vascular disease), congenital, anorectic drugs, XRT

• Functional: inferoap ical papillary muscle displacement due to ischemic LV
remodeling or other causes of DCMP; LV annular dilation due to LV dilation
• Rup tured chordae tendinae: myxomatous, endocarditis, sp ontaneous, trauma
• Acute p ap illary muscle dysfxn b/c of ischemia or rupture during MI [usu.
p osteromedial p ap illary m. (sup p lied by PDA only) vs. anterolateral (sup p l. by
diags & OMs)]

• HCMP: (see “Cardiomyop athy” )

Clinical manifestations

• Acute: pulmonary edema, hyp otension, cardiogenic shock (NEJM 2 004;351:162 7)

• Chronic: typ ically asx for yrs, then as LV fails → p rogressive DOE, fatigue, AF, PHT

• Prognosis: 5-y survival w/ medical therap y is 8 0% if asx, but only 45% if sx

Physical exam

• High-pitched, blowing, holosystolic murmur at apex; radiates to axilla; ± thrill;

↑ w/ handgrip (Se 68 % , Sp 92 % ),
↓ w/ Valsalva (Se 93% ) (NEJM 198 8 ;318 :1572 )

ant. leaflet abnl → p ost. jet heard at sp ine

p ost. leaflet abnl → ant. jet heard at sternum

• ± diastolic rumble b/c ↑ flow across valve

• Lat. disp l. hyp erdynamic PMI, obscured S 1, widely sp lit S 2 (A2 early b/c ↓ LV
afterload, P2 late if PHT); ± S 3

• Carotid up stroke brisk (vs. diminished and delayed in AS)

Diagnostic studies (NEJM 2005; 352:875)

• ECG: may see LAE, LVH, ± atrial fibrillation

• CXR: dilated LA, dilated LV, ± p ulmonary congestion

• Echo: MV anatomy (ie, etiol); MR severity: jet area (can underestimate eccentric
jets), jet width at origin (vena contracta) or effective regurgitant orifice (ERO;
p redicts survival); LV fxn (EF should be supranormal if comp ensated, ∴ EF <60%
w/ sev. MR = LV dysfxn); TEE if TTE inconclusive or p re/intraop to guide rep air
vs. rep lace

• Cardiac cath: p rominent PCWP c-v waves (not sp ec. for MR), LVgram for MR
severity & EF

Treatment (Circ 2008; 118:e523; NEJM 2009; 361:2261; EHJ 2012; 33:2451)

• Acute decomp ensation (consider ischemia and endocarditis as p recip itants)

IV afterload reduction (nitrop russide), ± inotrop es (dobuta), IABP, avoid

surg e ry usually needed for acute severe MR as p rognosis is p oor w/o MVR
• Surgery (rep air [p referred if feasible] vs. rep lacement w/ p reservation of mitral
ap p aratus)
sx severe MR, asx severe MR and EF 30–60% or LV sys. diam. >40 mm
consider MV re pair for asx severe MR w/ p reserved EF, esp . if new AF or PHT
if AF, maze p rocedure or p ulm vein isolation may → NSR and p revent future
• In Pts undergoing CABG w/ mod–sev fxnal MR, consider annulop lasty ring

• Percutaneous MV rep air: edge-to-edge clip less effective than surgery, but ? consider
for elderly, fxnal MR or low EF (NEJM 2 011;364:1395); p ercutaneous valve under

• Medical: clinical benefit in asx Pts; bB p reserve LV fxn ( JACC 2 012 ;60:8 33); if sx
but not op erative candidate ↓ preload (↓ HF and MR by ↓ MV orifice): diuretics,
nitrates (esp . if ischemic/fxnal MR); if LV dysfxn: ACEI, bB, ± BiV p acing;
maintain SR

Etiology (Lancet 2012; 379:953)

• Rheumatic heart disease (RHD): fusion of commissure s → “fish mouth” valve

from autoimmune rxn to b strep infxn; seen largely in develop ing world today
• Mitral annular calcification (MAC): encroachment up on leaflets → functional MS
• Congenital, infectious endocarditis w/ large lesion, myxoma near MV, thrombus
• Valvulitis (eg, SLE, amyloid, carcinoid) or infiltration (eg, mucop olysaccharidoses)

Clinical manifestations (Lancet 2009; 374:1271)

• Dyspnea and pulmonary edema (if due to RHD, sx usually begin in 30s)
p recip itants: exercise, fever, anemia, volume overload (incl. p regnancy),
tachycardia, AF

• Atrial fibrillation: onset often p recip itates heart failure in Pts w/ MS

• Embolic events: commonly cerebral, esp . in AF or endocarditis

• Pulmonary: hemop tysis, frequent bronchitis (due to congestion), PHT, RV failure

• Ortner’s syndrome: hoarseness from LA comp ression of recurrent laryngeal nerve

Physical exam

• Low-pitched mid-diastolic rumble at apex w/ p resystolic accentuation (if not in

AF); best heard in L lat decubitus p osition during exp i- ration, ↑ w/ exercise;
severity p rop ortional to duration (not intensity) of murmur

• Opening snap (high-p itched early diastolic sound at ap ex) from fused leaflet tip s;

MVA p rop ortional to S 2 –OS interval (tighter

valve → ↑ LA p ressure → shorter interval)

• Loud S 1 (unless MV calcified)

Diagnostic studies

• ECG: LAE (“P mitrale” ), ± AF, ± RVH

• CXR: dilated LA (straightening of left heart border, double density on right, left
mainstem bronchus elevation)

• Echo: estimate p ressure gradient (∇), RVSP, valve area, valve echo score (0–16,
based on leaflet mobility & thick., subvalvular thick., Ca ++); exer. TTE (to assess
∆ RVSP and ∇) if sx & severity of MS at rest discrep ant; TEE to assess for LA
thrombus before PMV

• Cardiac cath: ∇ from simultaneous PCWP & LV p ressures, calculated MVA; LA

p ressure tall a wave and blunted y descent; ↑ PA p ressures

Treatment (NEJM 1994; 331:961; Circ 2002; 105:1465 & 2008; 118:e523; EHJ
2012; 33:2451)
• Medical: Na restriction, cautious diuresis, bB, sx-limited p hysical stress

• Antibiotic Pp x recommended if h/o RHD w/ valvular disease for 10 y or until age 40

• Anticoag if: AF, p rior embolism, LA thrombus; ? LA >55 mm or lg LA w/ sp ont


• Mechanical intervention if: heart failure sx w/ MVA ≤1.5, or

heart failure sx w/ MVA >1.5 but ↑ PASP, PCWP, or MV ∇ w/ exercise, or

asx Pts w/ MVA ≤1.5 and PHT (PASP >50 or >60 mmHg w/ exercise) or new-
onset AF

• Percutaneous mitral valvotomy (PMV): p referred Rx if RHD; MVA doubles, ∇↓ by

50% ; MVR if valve score <8 , ≤ mild MR, AF or LA clot

• Surgical (MV rep air if p ossible, o/w rep lacement): consider in sx Pts w/ MVA ≤1.5

if PMV unavailable/contraindicated (mod. MR, LA clot), or valve morp hology

• Pregnancy: if NYHA class III/IV → PMV, o/w medical Rx w/ low-dose diuretic & bB

Definition and Etiology

• Billowing of MV leaflet ≥2 mm above mitral annulus in p arasternal long axis echo


• Leaflet redundancy from myxomatous p roliferation of sp ongiosa of MV ap p aratus

• Idiop athic, familial and a/w connective tissue diseases (eg, Marfan’s, Ehlers-Danlos)

• Prevalence 1–2 .5% of gen. p op ulation, > (NEJM 1999;341:1), most common
cause of MR

Clinical manifestations (usually asymptomatic)

• MR (from leaflet p rolap se or rup tured chordae); infective endocarditis; embolic

• Arrhythmias, rarely sudden cardiac death

Physical exam

• High-p itched, midsystolic click ± mid-to-late systolic murmur

• ↓ LV volume (standing) → click earlier; ↑ LV volume or afterload → click later,


• Endocarditis p rop hylaxis no longer recommended (Circ 2 007:116:1736)

• Asp irin or anticoagulation if p rior neurologic event or atrial fibrillation

• Primary etiol: rheumatic, CTD, radiation, IE, Ebstein’s anomaly, carcinoid, tumors

• Fxnal etiol: RV and/or p ulm HTN (may be 2 ° to L-sided dis.), RV dilation and/or

• Consider rep air, annuop lasty or rep lacement for sx and severe TR (eg, ERO ≥0.40
cm 2 )

Mechanical (60% )

• Bileaflet (eg, St. Jude Medical); tilting disk; caged-ball

• Very durable (2 0–30 y), but thrombogenic and ∴ require anticoagulation

consider if age <~65 y or if anticoagulation already indicated ( JACC
2 010;55:2 413)
Bioprosthetic (40% )
• Bovine pericardial or p orcine heterograft (eg, Carp entier-Edwards), homograft
• Less durable, but min. thrombogenic; consider if >~65 y, lifesp an <2 0 y or
Physical exam

• Normal: crisp sounds, ± soft murmur during forward flow (normal to have small
• Abnormal: regurgitant murmurs, absent mechanical valve closure sounds

Anticoagulation & antiplatelet therapy (Circ 2008; 118:e523; JAMA

2012; 308:2118)
• Assess for hig h-risk fe ature s: p rior thromboembolism, AF, EF<30–35% ,
hyp ercoagulable

• Warfarin: low-risk mech AVR: INR 2 –3 (consider 2 .5–3.5 for 1st 3 mo)
mech MVR or high-risk mech AVR: INR 2 .5–3.5

high-risk biop rosthetic: INR 2 –3 (and consider in low-risk for 1st 3 or even ? 6
• ASA (75–100 mg) for all p rosthetic valves; avoid adding to warfarin if h/o GIB,
uncontrolled HTN, erratic INR or >8 0 y; ASA + clopidogrel (or warfarin) × 3–6
mo after TAVR

• If thrombosis, ↑ intensity (eg, INR 2 –3 → 2 .5–3.5; 2 .5–3.5 → 3.5–4.5; add ASA if

not on)

Correction of overanticoagulation (Circ 2008; 118:e626)

• Risk from major bleeding must be weighed against risk of valve thrombosis

• Not bleeding: withhold warfarin, give vit K 1–2 .5 mg PO only if INR 5–10, ✓ serial
• Bleeding or INR >10: FFP ± low-dose (1 mg) vit K IV

Endocarditis prophylaxis: for all prosthetic valves (see “Endocarditis”)


• Structural failure (r/o endocarditis); mechanical valves: rare excep t for Bjork-Shiley;
biop rosthetic valves: up to 30% fail rate w/in 10–15 y, mitral > aortic

• Paravalvular leak (r/o endocarditis); small ce ntral jet of regurg is normal in mech.
• Obstruction from thrombosis or p annus ingrowth: ✓ TTE, TEE and/or fluoroscop y if
? clot significantly sx pannus ingrowth: remove w/ surgery
thrombosis: surgery if L-sided valve & either severe sx or lg (? >1 cm) clot
burden; lytic often ine ffe ctive for L-sided thrombosis & 12 –15% risk of stroke;
consider UFH ± lytic (? low-dose tPA via slow infusion, JACC CV Imag ing
2 013;6:2 06) if mild sx & small clot burden or p oor surg candidate; lytic
reasonable for R-sided

• Infective endocarditis ± valvular abscess and conduction system dis. (see

“Endocarditis” )

• Embolization (r/o endocarditis); risk ~1% /y w/ warfarin (vs. 2 % w/ ASA, or 4%

w/o meds)

mech MVR 2 × risk of embolic events vs. mech AVR (Circ 1994;8 9:635)
• Bleeding (from anticoag), hemolysis (esp . w/ caged-ball valves or p aravalvular
HEART VALVES (superior view, JAMA 1976; 235:1603)



• 2 -layered (p arietal & visceral) tissue sac surrounding heart & p roximal great vessels
Disease states
• Inflammation (w/ or w/o fluid accumulation) → p ericarditis
• Fluid accumulation → effusion ± tamp onade

• Decrease in comp liance (sequela of inflammation) → constrictive p ericarditis

• Tamp onade and constriction characterized by increased ventricular interdep endence

Clinical manifestations (NEJM 2004; 351:2195)

• Pericarditis: retrosternal chest p ain that is p leuritic, p ositional (↓ by sitting

forward), radiates to trap ezius; may be abse nt in tuberculous, neop lastic, p ost-
XRT and uremic p ericarditis; ± fever; ± s/s of systemic etiologies
• Effusion: ranges from asx to tamp onade (see below)

Physical exam

• Pericarditis: multip hasic friction rub best heard at LLSB w/ diap hragm of
stethoscop e. Notoriously variable and evanescent leathery sound w/ up to 3
comp onents: atrial contraction, ventricular contraction, ventricular relaxation
(NEJM 2 012 ;367:e2 0).

• Effusion: distant heart sounds, dullness over left p osterior lung field due to
comp ressive atelectasis from p ericardial effusion (Ewart’s sign)

Diagnostic studies (EHJ 2004; 25:587; Circ 2006; 113:1622 & 2010; 121:916)

• ECG: may show diffuse STE (concave up) & PR dep ression (excep t in aVR: ST ↓ & PR
↑), TWI; classically and in contrast to STEMI, TWI do not occur until STs normalize

Stages: (I) STE & PR ↓; (II) ST & PR normalize; (III) diffuse TWI; (IV) Tw normalize

ECG may show evidence of large effusion w/ low voltage & electrical alternans
(beat-to- beat Δ in QRS amp litude and/or axis due to swinging heart)

• CXR: if large effusion (>2 50 mL of fluid) → ↑ cardiac silhouette w/ “water-bottle”

heart and ep icardial halo

• Echocardiogram: p resence, size, & location of e ffusion; p resence of tamponade

physiolog y; p ericarditis itself w/o sp ec. abnl (∴ echo can be nl), although can see
p ericardial stranding (fibrin or tumor); can also detect LV/RV dysfxn (myocarditis

• CT will reveal p ericardial effusions, often ap p earing larger than on

echocardiograp hy
• CK-MB or trop onin ( in ~30% , JACC 2 003;42 :2 144) if myop ericarditis.
Consider CRP/ESR.

Workup for effusion

• r/o infxn: usually ap p arent from Hx & CXR; ? value of ✓ acute and convalescent

• r/o noninfectious etiologies: BUN, Cr, ANA, RF, HIV, screen for common
• Pericardiocentesis if susp ect infxn or malignancy or large effusion (>2 cm) or
✓ cell counts, TP, LDH, glc, Gram stain & Cx, AFB, cytology
ADA, PCR for MTb, and sp ecific tumor markers as indicated by clinical susp icion

“exudate” criteria: TP >3 g/dL, TPeff/TPserum >0.5, LDH eff/LDH serum >0.6 or
glc <60 mg/dL high Se (~90% ) but ve ry low Sp (~2 0% ); overall low utility
(Che st 1997;111:12 13)
• Pericardial bx if susp icion remains for malignancy or tuberculosis

Treatment of pericarditis (EHJ 2004; 25:587; Circ 2006; 113:1622)

• NSAIDs (eg, ibup rofen 600–8 00 mg tid × 7–14 d then tap er) ± colchicine 1–2 mg
× 1 → 0.5–1 mg bid × 3 mo (Circ 2 005;112 :2 012 ; He art 2 012 ;98 :1078 ); sx
usually subside in 1–3 d

• Steroids (usually systemic; occ. intrap ericardial) only for systemic rheum or
autoimmune disorder, uremic, p reg., contraindication to NSAID, or refractory
idiop athic dis.

Systemic steroids ap p ear to ↑ rate of p ericarditis recurrence (Circ 2 008 ;118 :667).
• Avoid anticoagulants

• Infectious effusion → p ericardial drainage (p referably surgically) + systemic


• Acute idiop athic effusion self-limited in 70–90% of cases

• Recurrent p ericarditis (Circ 2 007;115:2 739)

risk factors: subacute, lg effusion/tamp onade, T >38 °C, lack of NSAID resp onse
after 7 d treatment: add colchicine 0.5–1 mg bid × 6 mo (Annals 2 011;155:409)

• Recurrent effusion: consider p ericardial window (p ercutaneous vs. surgical)



• Any cause of p ericarditis but esp . malignancy, uremia, idiopathic, p roximal aortic
dissection with rup ture, myocardial rup ture

• Rap idly accumulating effusions most likely to cause tamp onade as no time for
p ericardium to stretch (eg, to ↑ comp liance) and accommodate ↑ intrap ericardial
fluid volume
Pathophysiology (NEJM 2003; 349:684)
• ↑ intrap ericardial p ressure, comp ression of heart chambers, ↓ venous return → ↓
• Diastolic p ressures ↑ & equalize in all cardiac chambers → minimal flow of blood
from RA to RV when TV op ens → blunted y descent
• ↑ ventricular interdep endence → p ulsus p aradoxus (p athologic exaggeration of nl
p hysio)
Insp iration → ↓ intrap ericardial & RA p ressures → ↑ venous return → ↑ RV size
→ sep tal shift to left. Also, ↑ p ulmonary vascular comp liance → ↓ p ulm venous
return. Result is ↓ LV filling → ↓ LV stroke volume & blood p ressure.

Clinical manifestations
• Cardiogenic shock (hyp otension, fatigue) without pulmonary edema

• Dysp nea (seen in ~8 5% ) may be due to ↑ resp iratory drive to augment venous
Physical exam ( JAMA 2007; 297:1810)

• Beck’s triad (p resent in minority of cases): distant heart sounds, ↑ JVP,

• ↑ JVP (76% ) w/ blunted y descent

• Reflex tachycardia (77% ), hyp otension (2 6% ; occasionally hyp ertensive), cool


• Pulsus paradoxus (Se 8 2 % , Sp 70% ) = ↓ SBP ≥10 mmHg during insp iration

LR 3.3 (5.9 if p ulsus >12 ), LR 0.03

Ddx = PE, hyp ovolemia, severe COPD, constriction (~ 1⁄3), RV infarct

Can be absent if p re-existing ↑ LVEDP, arrhythmia, severe AI, ASD, regional

tamp onade

• Distant heart sounds (2 8 % ), ± p ericardial friction rub (30% )

• Tachyp nea but clear lungs

Diagnostic studies

• ECG: ↓ voltage (seen in 42 % ), electrical alternans (2 0% ), ± signs of p ericarditis

• CXR: ↑ cardiac silhouette (8 9% )

• Echocardiogram: effusion, IVC p lethora, septal shift with insp iration

diastolic collapse of RA (Se 8 5% , Sp 8 0% ) and/or RV (Se <8 0% , Sp 90% )

respirophasic Δ’s in transvalvular velocities (↑ across TV & ↓ across MV w/

insp ir.)

p ostsurgical tamp onade may be localized and not easily visible

• Cardiac cath (right heart and p ericardial): elevation (15–30 mmHg) and equalization

intrap ericardial and diastolic p ressures (RA, RV, PCWP), blunted y descent in RA

↑ in stroke volume p ostp ericardiocentesis = ultimate p roof of tamp onade

if RA p ressure remains elevated after drainage, may have effusive-constrictive
disease (NEJM 2 004;350:469) or myocardial dysfxn (eg, from concomitant

• Volume (but be careful as overfilling can worsen tamp onade) and inotrop es
(avoid bB)
• Avoid vasoconstrictors as will ↓ stroke volume & p otentially ↓ HR

• Pericardiocentesis (excep t if due to aortic or myocardial rup ture, in which case

consider removing just enough fluid to reverse PEA en route to emergent surgery)

Etiology (Circ 2011; 124:1270)

• Any cause of p ericarditis (~1–2 % incidence overall after acute p ericarditis)

• Highest risk w/ TB, bacterial, neoplastic, connective tissue, p ostcardiac surgery

• Viral/idiopathic, as most common cause of p ericarditis, also account for signif
p rop ortion
• Adhesion of visceral and p arietal p ericardial layers → rigid p ericardium that limits
diastolic filling of ventricles → ↑ systemic venous p ressures
• Venous return is limited only after early rap id filling p hase; ∴ rap id ↓ in RA
p ressure with atrial relaxation and op ening of tricusp id valve and promine nt x and
y de sce nts

• Kussmaul sign: JVP does not decrease with insp iration (↑ venous return with
insp iration but negative intrathoracic p ressure not transmitted to heart because of
rigid p ericardium)

Clinical manifestations (NEJM 2011; 364:1350)

• Right-sided > left-sided heart failure (systemic congestion > p ulmonary congestion)
Physical exam

• ↑ JVP with prominent y descent, Kussmaul sign (Ddx: tricusp id stenosis, acute
cor p ulmonale, RV failure and RV infarct, RCMP)

• Hep atosp lenomegaly, ascites, p erip heral edema. Consider on Ddx of idiop athic

• PMI usually not p alp able, pericardial knock, usually no p ulsus p aradoxus
Diagnostic studies

• ECG: nonsp ecific, AF common (up to 33% ) in advanced cases

• CXR: calcification (MTb most common), esp . in lateral view (although not sp ecific)

• Echocardiogram: ± thickened p ericardium, “septal bounce” = abrup t disp lacement

of sep tum during rap id filling in early diastole

• Cardiac catheterization

atria: Ms or Ws (p rominent x and y descents)

ventricles: dip-and-plateau or square-root sign (rap id ↓ p ressure at onset of

diastole, rap id ↑ to early p lateau)

discordance between LV & RV p ressure p eaks during resp iratory cycle (Circ
1996;93:2 007)

• CT or MRI: thickened p ericardium (>4 mm; Se ~8 0% ), w/ tethering (Circ

2 011;12 3:e418 )


• Diuresis for intravascular volume overload; surgical p ericardiectomy in advanced


• ? MRI able to p redict reversibility with anti-inflammatory agents (Circ

2 011;12 4:18 30)

BP should be determined by making ≥2 measurements sep arated by >2 min.

Confirm stage 1 w/in 2 mo; can Rx stage 2 immediately.

Epidemiology ( JAMA 2003; 290:199 & 2010; 303:2043)

• Prevalence 30% in U.S. adults; >68 million affected (2 9% in whites, 33.5% in

• Only 50% of p atients with dx of HTN have adequate BP control


• Essential (95% ): onset 2 5–55 y; FHx. Unclear mechanism but ? additive

renal injury over time w/ contribution of hyp eractive symp athetics (NEJM
2 002 ;346:913).

↑ Age → ↓ arterial comp liance → syst HTN. Genetics also involved (Nature
2 011;478 :103).

• Secondary: Consider if Pt <2 0 or >50 y or if sudden onset, severe, refractory HTN

Standard workup

• Goals: (1) identify CV risk factors or other diseases that would modify p rognosis or
(2 ) reveal 2 ° causes of hyp ertension; (3) assess for target-organ damage

• History: CAD, HF, TIA/CVA, PAD, DM, renal insufficiency, sleep ap nea,
p reeclamp sia; FHx for HTN; diet, Na intake, smoking, alcohol, p rescrip tion
and OTC meds, OCP
• Physical exam: ✓ BP in both arms; funduscop ic exam, cardiac (LVH, murmurs),
vascular (bruits, radial-femoral delay), abdominal (masses or bruits), neuro exam

• Testing: K, BUN, Cr, Ca, glc, Hct, U/A, lip ids, TSH, urinary albumin:creatinine (if ↑
Cr, DM, p erip heral edema), ? renin, ECG (for LVH), CXR, TTE (eval for valve abnl,

Complications of HTN
• Each ↑ 20 mmHg SBP or 10 mmHg DBP → 2× ↑ CV complications (Lance t
2 002 ;360:1903)

• Neurologic: TIA/CVA, rup tured aneurysms, vascular dementia

• Retinop athy: stage I = arteriolar narrowing; II = cop p er-wiring, AV nicking; III =
hemorrhages and exudates; IV = p ap illedema

• Cardiac: CAD, LVH, HF, AF

• Vascular: aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm (HTN = key risk factor for aneurysms)

• Renal: p roteinuria, renal failure

Treatment (Lancet 2012; 380:591)

• Goal: <140/90 mmHg; if DM or CKD goal is <130/8 0 mmHg (nb, in DM, target of
<12 0 does not ↓ CV risk & ↑ adverse events; NEJM 2 010;362 :1575)

• Tre atme nt re sults in 50 % ↓ HF, 40 % ↓ stroke , 20 –25% ↓ MI (Lance t

2 000;356:1955); benefits of Rx’ing stage II HTN extend to Pts >8 0 y, goal BP
<150/8 0 (NEJM 2 008 ;358 :18 8 7)
• Lifestyle modifications (each ↓ SBP ~5 mmHg)

weight loss: goal BMI 18 .5–2 4.9; aerobic exercise: ≥30 min exercise/d, ≥5 d/wk

diet: rich in fruits & vegetables, low in saturated & total fat (DASH, NEJM
2 001;344:3)

sodium restriction: ≤2 .4 g/d and ideally ≤1.5 g/d (NEJM 2 010;362 :2 102 )

limit alcohol consump tion: ≤2 drinks/d in men; ≤1 drink/d in women & lighter-
wt Pts

• Pharmacologic options (if HTN or p re-HTN + diabetes or renal disease)

Pre-HTN: ARB p revents onset of HTN, no ↓ in clinical events (NEJM

2 006;354:168 5)

HTN: choice of the rapy controve rsial, concomitant dise ase and stag e may he lp g uide
uncomplicated: thiazide if likely salt sensitive (eg, elderly, black, obese), o/w
start w/ ACEI or CCB (NEJM 2 009;361:2 153). bB not first line (Lance t
2 005;366:1545).

+high-risk CAD: ACEI or ARB (NEJM 2 008 ;358 :1547); ACEI + CCB sup erior to
ACEI + thiazide (NEJM 2 008 ;359:2 417) or bB + diuretic (Lance t 2 005;366:8 95)
+angina: bB, CCB, nitrates

+post-MI: ACEI, bB ± aldosterone antagonist (see “ACS” )

+HF: ACEI/ARB, bB, diuretics, aldosterone antagonist (see “Heart Failure” )

+2° stroke prevention: ACEI (Lance t 2 001;358 :1033); ? ARB (NEJM

2 008 ;359:12 2 5) +diabetes mellitus: ACEI or ARB; can also consider
diuretic, bB or CCB
+chronic kidney disease: ACEI/ARB (NEJM 1993;32 9:1456 & 2 001;345:8 51 &
8 61)
• Tailoring therapy
if stage 1, start w/ monoRx; if not at goal, Δ to different class rather than adding
2 nd agent
if stage 2 , consider starting w/ combo (eg, ACEI + CCB; NEJM 2 008 ;359:2 417) as
most will require ≥2 drugs; low–mod doses of 2 drugs generally p referred over
max dose of 1 drug (b/c of dose-related AEs)
if resistant [= HTN desp ite ≥3 drugs (incl diuretic) at op t doses], consider
noncomp liance, volume overload, secondary causes; ? renal artery denervation
(Lance t 2 010;376:1903)

• Secondary causes
Renovascular: control BP w/ diuretic + ACEI/ARB (watch for ↑ Cr w/ bilat. RAS)
or CCB Atherosclerosis risk-factor modification: quit smoking, ↓ chol. If
refractory HTN, recurrent flash p ulm edema, worse CKD, consider revasc
For atherosclerosis: stenting ↓ restenosis vs. PTA alone, but no clear
imp rovement in BP or renal function vs. med Rx (NEJM 2 009;361:1953;
Annals 2 009;150:8 40)

For FMD (usually more distal lesions): PTA ± bailout stenting

Renal parenchymal disease: salt and fluid restriction, ± diuretics

Endocrine etiologies: see “Adrenal Disorders”

• Pregnancy: methyldop a, labetalol, nifedip ine, hydralazine; avoid diuretics;


• Hypertensive emergency: ↑ BP → acute target-organ ischemia and damage

neurologic damage: encep halop athy, hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, p ap illedema

cardiac damage: ACS, HF/p ulmonary edema, aortic dissection

renal damage: p roteinuria, hematuria, acute renal failure; scleroderma renal crisis
microangiop athic hemolytic anemia; p reeclamp sia-eclamp sia
• Hypertensive urgency: SBP >18 0 or DBP >12 0 (?110) w/ min. or no target-organ

• Progression of essential HTN ± medical noncomp liance (esp . clonidine) or Δ in diet

• Progression of renovascular disease; acute glomerulonep hritis; scleroderma;
p reeclamp sia
• Endocrine: p heochromocytoma, Cushing’s

• Symp athomimetics: cocaine, amp hetamines, MAO inhibitors + foods rich in

• Cerebral injury (do not treat HTN in acute ischemic stroke unless Pt getting lysed,

BP (>2 2 0/12 0), Ao dissection, active ischemia or HF (Stroke 2 003;34:1056)

Treatment (Chest 2007; 131:1949)

• Tailor goals to clinical context (eg, more rap id lowering for Ao dissection)

• Emergency: ↓ MAP by ~2 5% in mins to 2 h w/ IV agents (may need arterial line for

monitoring); goal DBP <110 w/in 2 –6 h, as tolerated

• Urgency: ↓ BP in hours using PO agents; goal normal BP in ~1–2 d

• Watch UOP, Cr, mental status: may indicate a lower BP is not tolerated


• True aneurysm (dilation of all 3 layers of aorta) vs. false (rup ture contained by

• Location: root (annuloaortic ectasia), thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA),

thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA), abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
• Type: fusiform (circumferential dilation) vs. saccular (localized dilation of aortic
Epidemiology (Circ 2010; 121:e266; Nat Rev Cardiol 2011; 8:92)
• In U.S., ~15,000 deaths/y from aortic rup tures; overall ~50,000 deaths/y from Ao

• TAA: : ~1.7:1; ~60% root/ascending Ao; 40% descending Ao; arch & TAAA
Risk factors: HTN; atherosclerosis; congenital (bicuspid AoV, Turner’s);
connective tissue diseases (Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos typ e IV, Loeys-Dietz);
aortitis (Takayasu’s, GCA, sp ondyloarthritis, IgG4, syp hilis); familial
syndromes; chronic AoD; trauma

• AAA: ~4–8 % p rev. in those >65 y; 5–10× more common in vs. ; mostly

Risk factors = similar to atherosclerosis: smoking, HTN, hyp erlip idemia, age,
Pathophysiology (NEJM 2009; 361:1114; Nat Med 2009; 15:649)
• LaPlace’s law: tension across a cylinder ∝ [(ΔP × r) / (wall thickness)]

• TAA: medial degeneration = muscle ap op tosis, elastin fiber weakening, mucoid


• AAA: atherosclerosis & inflammation → matrix degeneration → medial weakening

• Inflammatory and infectious (“mycotic” ) aneurysms relatively rare

Screening (Annals 2005; 142:203; JAMA 2009; 302:2015; Circ 2010; 121:e266)

• TAA: no consensus guidelines; ? screen if bicusp id AoV or first-degree relative

• AAA: ✓ for p ulsatile abd mass; U/S >60 y w/ FHx of AAA & 65–75 y w/
p rior tobacco
Diagnostic studies (Circ 2005; 111:816 & 2010; 121:e266)

• Contrast CT: quick, noninvasive, high Se & Sp for all aortic aneurysms

• TTE/TEE: TTE most useful for root and p roximal Ao; TEE can visualize other sites of

• MRI: p referred over CT for aortic root imaging for TAA; also useful in AAA but time-
consuming; noncontrast “black blood” MR to assess aortic wall

• Abdominal U/S: screening and surveillance test of choice for infrarenal AAA
Treatment (Circ 2006; 113:e463; 2008; 177:1883; 2010; 121:1544 & e266)

• Risk factor modification: smoking cessation, statin to achieve LDL-C <70 mg/dL
• BP control: bB (↓ dP/dt) ↓ aneurysm growth (NEJM 1994;330:1335); ACEI a/w ↓
risk of rup ture (Lance t 2 006;368 :659), ARB may ↓ rate of aortic root growth in
Marfan (NEJM 2 008 ;358 :2 78 7); no burst activity/exercise requiring Valsalva
maneuvers (eg, heavy lifting)
• Indications for surgery: individualize based on FHx, body size, gender

TAA: sx; asc Ao ≥5.5 cm (? 5.0 cm Marfan, bicusp id AoV; 4.2 –4.4 cm Loeys-
Dietz); descending >6 cm; ↑ >0.5 cm/y; aneurysm ≥4.5 cm and p lanned AoV

AAA: infrarenal ≥5.5 cm (NEJM 2 002 ;346:1437) but consider ≥5.0 cm in ; sx;
↑ >0.5 cm/y; inflam/infxn

• Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) (NEJM 2 008 ;358 :494; Circ 2 011;12 4:2 02 0)
↓ short-term mort., bleeding, LOS; but long-term graft comp lic. (3–4% /y;
endoleak, need for reintervention, rup ture) necessitate p eriodic surveillance, with
no p roven Δ in overall mortality, excep t ? in those <70 y (NEJM
2 010;362 :18 63, 18 8 1 & 2 012 ;367:198 8 )
Guidelines sup p ort op en rep air or EVAR for infrarenal AAA in good surg

In Pts unfit for surgery or high p eri-op risks: ↓ aneurysm-related mortality but no
Δ in overall mortality over medical Rx (NEJM 2 010;362 :18 72 ). EVAR
noninferior (? sup erior) to op en rep air in rup tured AAA w/ favorable anatomy
(Ann Surg 2 009;2 50:8 18 ).

TEVAR (thoracic EVAR) for descending TAA ≥5.5 cm may ↓ p eri-op morbidity, no
p roven mortality benefit (Circ 2 010;12 1:2 78 0; JACC 2 010;55:98 6;  J Thorac CV
Surg 2 010;140:1001)
Complications (Circ 2010; 121:e266; Nat Rev Cardiol 2011; 8:92)
• Pain: gnawing chest, back or abdominal p ain; new or worse p ain may signal
rup ture

• Rupture: risk ↑ w/ diameter, , current smoking, HTN

TAA: ~2 .5% /y if <6 cm vs. 7% /y if >6 cm; AAA: ~1% /y if <5 cm vs. 6.5% /y
if 5–5.9 cm

rup ture p /w severe constant p ain and hemorrhagic shock; ~8 0% mortality at 2 4

• Acute aortic syndromes (qv)

• Thromboembolic ischemic events (eg, to CNS, viscera, extremities)

• Compression of adjacent structures (eg, SVC, trachea, esop hagus, laryngeal nerve)

Follow-up (Circ 2010; 121:e266; Nat Rev Cardiol 2011; 8:92; JAMA 2013; 309:806)

• Exp ansion rate ~0.1 cm/y for TAA, ~0.3–0.4 cm/y for AAA
• AAA: q3y if 3–3.9 cm; q6–12 mo if 4.0–5.4 cm (? q2 y if 4–4.4)

• TAA: 6 mo after dx to ensure stable, then annually.

• Screen for CAD, PAD and aneurysms elsewhere, esp . p op liteal. About 2 5% of Pts w/

TAA will also have AAA, and 2 5% of AAA Pts will have a TAA: consider p an-Ao

Definitions (Circ 2003; 108:628 & 2010; 121:e266; Eur Heart J 2012; 33:26)

• Aortic dissection: intimal tear → blood extravasates into Ao media (creates false

• Intramural hematoma (IMH): vasa vasorum rup ture → medial hemorrhage that
does not communicate with aortic lumen; 6% of aortic syndromes; clinically
identical to AoD
• Penetrating ulcer: atherosclerotic p laque p enetrates elastic lamina → medial

Classification (proximal twice as common as distal)

• Proximal: involves ascending Ao, regardless of origin (= Stanford A, DeBakey I &
• Distal: involves descending Ao only, distal to L subclavian art. (= Stanford B,
DeBakey III)
Risk factors

• Hypertension (h/o HTN in >70% of dissections); male sex (~70% ); cocaine

• Connective tissue disease: Marfan (fibrillin-1): arachnodactyly, joint disloc.,

p ectus, ectop ia lentis, MVP; Ehle rs-Danlos typ e IV (typ e III p rocollagen):
translucent skin; bowel or uterine rup ture; Loe ys-Die tz (TGFbR); annuloaortic
ectasia, familial AoD; PCKD

• Congenital aortic anomaly: bicusp id AoV, coarctation (eg, in Turner’s syndrome)

• Aortitis (eg, Takayasu’s, GCA, Behçet’s, syp hilis, now rare); pregnancy (typ . 3rd

• Trauma: blunt, deceleration injury; IABP, cardiac or aortic surgery, cardiac


Diagnostic studies (Circ 2005; 112:3802; & 2010; 121:e266; Annals 2006; 166:1350)

• Check bilateral BP and radial p ulses for symmetry

• CXR: abnl in 60–90% (↑ mediastinum, left p l effusion), but cannot be used to r/o

• CT: quick, noninvasive, readily available, Se ≥93% & Sp 98 % ; however, if &

high clin. susp icion → additional studies (2 ⁄3 w/ AoD have ≥2 studies; AJC
2 002 ;8 9:12 35)

• TEE: Se >95% p rox, 8 0% for distal; can assess cors/p eric/AI; “blind sp ot” behind
• MRI: Se & Sp >98 % , but time-consuming test & not readily available

• Aortography: Se ~90% , time-consuming, cannot detect IMH; can assess branch

• D-dimer: Se/NPV ~97% ; ? <500 ng/mL to r/o dissec (Circ 2 009;119:2 702 ); does
not r/o IMH

Treatment (Lancet 2008; 372:55; Circ 2010; 121:1544; JACC 2013; 61:1661)
• Initial Medical: ↓ dP/dt targeting HR ~60 & central BP 100–12 0 (or lowest that
p reserves p erfusion; r/o p seudohyp otension, eg, arm BP ↓ due to subclavian

first with IV bB (eg, p rop ranolol, esmolol, labetalol) to blunt reflex ↑ HR &
inotrop y that would occur in resp onse to vasodilators; verap /dilt if bB

then ↓ SBP with IV vasodilators (eg, nitrop russide)

control p ain with MSO 4 p rn to blunt symp athetic resp onse

• Proximal: surgery (root rep lacement); all acute; chronic if c/b p rogression, AI or
• Distal: med Rx unless c/b p rogression, branch artery involvement → malp erfusion/
ischemia, refractory HTN, refractory p ain, rap id ↑ aneurysm size, rap id ↑ false
lumen size. Rep eat imaging: routinely (eg, 7 d, 3 wk, then q yr) & with any clinical
or significant lab Δ. If comp lic., endovascular rep air (covered stent graft to seal
off entry, fenestrate flap , op en occluded branch) p referred over surgery due to
p ossible ↓ mort. ( JACC 2 013;61:1661).


• Rupture: p ericardial sac → tamp onade (avoid p ericardiocentesis unless PEA); blood
in p leural sp ace, mediast., retrop eritoneum; ↑ in hematoma on imaging p ortends
rup ture.
• Malperfusion (obstruction of branch artery)

can be static (avulsed/thrombosed) or dynamic (Δs in p ressure in true vs. false

coronary → MI (usually RCA → IMI, since dissection often along outer Ao

innominate/carotid → CVA, Horner; intercostal/lumbar → sp inal cord

ischemia/p arap legia

innominate/subclavian → up p er extremity ischemia; iliac → lower extremity


celiac/mesenteric → bowel ischemia; renal → acute renal failure, refractory HTN

• AI: due to annular dilatation or disrup tion or disp lacement of leaflet by false lumen

• Mortality: 1–2 % /h × 48 h for acute p roximal; 10% at 30 d for acute distal



Sinus bradycardia (SB) (NEJM 2000; 342:703)

• Etiologies: meds (incl bB, CCB, amio, Li, dig), ↑ vagal tone (incl. athletes, sleep ,
IMI), metabolic (hyp oxia, sep sis, myxedema, hyp othermia, ↓ glc), OSA, ↑ ICP

• Treatment: usually none required; atrop ine, b1 agonists or temp . p acing if

symp tomatic

• Most common cause of sinus p ause is blocke d pre mature atrial be at

Sick sinus syndrome (SSS)
• Features may include: p eriods of unp rovoked SB, SA arrest, p aroxysms of SB and

tachyarrhythmias (“tachy-brady” syndrome), chronotrop ic incomp etence w/ ETT

• Treatment: meds alone usually fail (adeq. control tachy → unaccep table brady);
usually need combination of meds (bB, CCB, dig) for tachy & PPM for brady

AV dissociation

• De fault: slowing of SA node allows subsidiary p acemaker (eg, AV junction) to take


• Usurpation: acceleration of subsidiary p acemaker (eg, AV junctional tach, VT)

• 3° AV block: atrial p acemaker unable to cap ture ventricles, subsidiary p acemaker

emerges distinguish from isorhythmic dissociation (A V rate, some P waves

Temporary pacing wires

• Consider w/ bradycardia with hemodyn instability or unstable escap e rhythm when
p erm p acer not readily available. Risks: RV p erf, VT, PTX, CHB if existing LBBB,
• Consider instead of PPM for sx bradycardia due to reversible cause (bB/CCB O/D,
Lyme, myocarditis, SBE, s/p cardiac surgery/trauma), TdP, acute MI (sx brady,
high grade AVB)

Arise above the ve ntricle s, ∴ narrow QRS unle ss abe rrant conduction or pre -e xcitation.

Figure 1-4 Ap p roach to SVT (adap ted from NEJM 2 012 ;367:1438 )
• Cathe te r ablation: high overall success rate (AFL/AVNRT ~95% , AVRT ~90% , AF
~8 0% )

Comp lications: stroke, MI, bleeding, p erforation, conduction block (JAMA

2 007;2 90:2 768 )


• Accessory pathway (byp ass tract) of conducting myocardium connecting atria &
ventricles, allowing imp ulses to byp ass normal AVN delay

• Preexcitation (WPW) pattern: ↓ PR interval, ↑ QRS width w/ Δ wave (slurred

onset, can be subtle ), ST & Tw abnl (can mimic old IMI); only se e n w/ pathways
that conduct ante g rade (if p athway only conducts retrograde then
ECG will be normal during SR; “concealed” byp ass tract)
PAC can exaggerate p reexcitation if AV node conduction slowed
• WPW syndrome: accessory p athway + p aroxysmal tachycardia

Classic tachycardias of WPW

• Orthodromic AVRT: narrow-comple x SVT (typ ically), conducting ↓ AVN & ↑

accessory p athway; requires retrograde conduction and ∴ can occur w/ concealed
byp ass tracts

• Antidromic AVRT (rare): wide -comple x SVT, conducting ↓ accessory p athway & ↑

requires antegrade conduction and ∴ should see WPW p attern during SR

• AF w/ rap id conduction down accessory p athway; ∴ wide-comp lex irregular SVT;

requires antegrade conduction; ∴ should see WPW p attern in SR. Rarely can
degenerate into VF.

• AVRT: vagal, bB, ? CCB; caution w/ adenosine (can p recip . AF); have de fibrillator
re ady

• AF/AFL w/ conduction down accessory p athway: need to Rx arrhythmia and ↑

p athway

refractoriness; use procainamide, ibutilide, amio, flecainide or DCCV; avoid CCB

& bB (ineffective), dig/adenosine (can ↓ refractoriness of p athway → ↑ vent. rate
→ VF)
• Long term: Rx sx tachycardias w/ RFA, antiarrhythmics (IA, IC) if not candidate for

consider RFA if asx but AVRT or AF inducible on EPS (NEJM 2 003;349:18 03) of if
rap id conduction p ossible (✓ w/ EPS if p reexcitation p ersists desp ite exercise
risk of SCD related to how short RR interval is in AF and if SVT inducible w/

Etiologies (Lancet 2012; 380:1520)

• Ventricular tachycardia (VT)

• SVT conducted with aberrancy: either fixed BBB, rate-dep endent BBB (usually
RBBB), conduction via an accessory p athway or atrially triggered ventricular
p acing
Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (MMVT)
• All beats look similar; p redominantly up ward in V1 = RBBB-typ e vs. downward =
LBBB-typ e

• In structurally abnormal heart: prior MI (scar); CMP; myocarditis;

arrhythmogenic RV CMP (ARVC): incomp lete RBBB,

ε wave (terminal notch in QRS) & TWI in V1–V3 on resting ECG, LBBB-typ e VT, dx
w/ MRI (Lance t 2 009;373:12 8 9)
• In structurally normal heart (w/ normal resting ECG):

RVOT VT: LBBB-typ e VT w/ inferior axis; typ ically ablate

idiopathic LV VT: RBBB-typ e VT w/ sup erior axis; resp onds to verap amil

Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (PMVT)

• QRS morp hology changes from beat to beat

• Etiologies: ischemia; CMP; catecholaminergic;

torsades de pointes (TdP = “twisting of the p oints,” PMVT + ↑ QT): ↑ QT

acquired (meds, lytes, stroke, see "ECG") w/ risk ↑ w/ ↓ HR, freq PVCs (p ause
dep endent) or cong e nital (K/Na channelop athies) w/ resting Tw abnl & TdP
triggered by symp athetic stimulation (eg, exercise, emotion, sudden loud noises)
(Lance t 2 008 ;372 :750).

Brugada syndrome (Na channelop athy): > ; p seudo-RBBB w/ STE in V1–

V3 (p rovoked w/ class IA or IC) on resting ECG

Diagnostic clues that favor VT (assume until proven o/w)

• Prior MI, CHF or LV dysfunction be st pre dictors that WCT is VT (Am J Me d

1998 ;8 4:53)

• Hemodynamics and rate do not reliably distinguish VT from SVT

• MMVT is regular, but initially it may be slightly irregular, mimicking AF w/

aberrancy; g rossly irregularly irregular rhythm suggests AF w/ aberrancy

• ECG features that favor VT (Circ 1991;8 3:1649)

AV dissociation (indep endent P waves, cap ture or fusion beats) p roves VT

ve ry wide QRS (>140 ms in RBBB-typ e or >160 in LBBB-typ e); e xtre me axis
de viation

QRS morpholog y atypical for BBB RBBB-typ e: absence of tall R′ (or p resence of
monop hasic R) in V1, r/S ratio <1 in V6 LBBB-typ e: onset to nadir >60–100
ms in V1, q wave in V6

concordance (QRS in all p recordial leads w/ same p attern/direction)

Long-term management ( JACC 2006; 48:1064)

• Workup : echo to ✓ LV fxn, cath or stress test to r/o ischemia, ? MRI and/or RV bx

look for infiltrative CMP or ARVC, ? EP study to assess inducibility

• ICD: 2 ° p revention after documented VT/VF arrest (unless due to reversible cause)
1° p rev. if high risk, eg, EF <30–35% , ARVC, Brugada, certain LQTS, severe
HCMP. See “Intracardiac Devices.” ? Wearable vest if revers. etiol. waiting for
ICD (Circ 2 013;12 7:8 54).
Antitachycardia p acing (ATP = burst p acing faster than VT) can terminate VT w/o

• Meds: bB, antiarrhythmics (eg, amio, mexiletine) to sup p ress VT which could trigger

• If med a/w TdP → QT >500 ± VPBs: d/c med, rep lete K, give Mg, ± p acing (JACC
2 010;55:934)
• Radiofrequency ablation if isolated VT focus or if recurrent VT triggering ICD
firing; ablation before ICD imp lantation ↓ discharge rate by 40% (Lance t
2 010;375:31)

Classification (Circ 2006; 114:e257 & 2011; 123:104)

• Paroxysmal (self-terminating, usually <48 h) vs. persistent (sustained >7 d or

terminated after Rx) vs. permanent (typ ically >1 y and when cardioversion has
failed or is foregone)
• Valvular (rheumatic MV disease, p rosthetic valve or valve rep air) vs. nonvalvular
• Lone AF = age <60 y and w/o clinical or echo evidence of cardiac disease
(including HTN)
Epidemiology and etiologies (Annals 2008; 149:ITC5-2)
• 1–2 % of p op . has AF (8 % of elderly); lifetime risk 2 5% ; mean age at p resentation
~75 y
• Acute (up to 50% w/o identifiable cause)

Cardiac: HF, myo/p ericarditis, ischemia/MI, hyp ertensive crisis, cardiac surgery
Pulmonary: acute p ulmonary disease or hyp oxia (eg, COPD flare, PNA), PE, OSA

Metabolic: high catecholamine states (stress, infection, p ostop , p heo),

Drugs: alcohol (“holiday heart” ), cocaine, amp hetamines, theop hylline, caffeine

Neurogenic: subarachnoid hemorrhage, ischemic stroke

• Chronic: ↑ age, HTN, ischemia, valve dis. (MV, TV, AoV), CMP, hyp erthyroidism,


• H&P, ECG, CXR, TTE (LA size, thrombus, valves, LV fxn, p ericardium), K, Mg, FOBT
before anticoag, TFTs; r/o MI not necessary unless other ischemic sx

Figure 1-5 Ap p roach to acute AF

(Adap ted from NEJM 2 004;351:2 408 ; JACC 2 006;48 :e149)

Strategies for recurrent AF (Circ 2011; 123:104; Lancet 2012; 379:648)

• Rate control: goal HR <110 at rest if EF >40% and asx (NEJM 2 010;362 :1363)

AV node ablation + PPM as a last resort (NEJM 2 001;344:1043; 2 002 ;346:2 062 )
• Rhythm control: no clear survival benefit vs. rate cntl (NEJM 2 002 ;347:18 2 5 &
2 008 ;358 :2 667)

Consider if sx w/ rate cntl, difficult to cntl rate, ? unable to anticoag, ? benefit in


• Consider p harm or electrical cardioversion w/ 1st AF ep isode or if sx;

if AF >48 h, 2 –5% risk stroke w/ cardioversion (pharmacolog ic or e le ctric) ∴
either TEE to r/o thrombus or ensure therap eutic anticoagulation for ≥3 wk p rior
• Likelihood of success ∝ AF duration & atrial size; control p recip . (eg, vol status,

• Consider p re-Rx w/ antiarrhythmic drugs (esp . if 1st cardioversion attemp t fails)

• For p harmacologic cardioversion, class III and IC drugs have best p roven efficacy

• If SR returns (sp ont. or w/ Rx), atria may be me ch. stunne d; also, high risk of
recurrent AF over next 3 mo. ∴ Anticoag postcardioversion ≥4–12 wk (? unless
<48 h and low risk).

Nonpharmacologic therapy

• Radiofrequency ablation (circumferential p ulm. vein isolation; Lance t

2 012 ;38 0:1509): ~8 0% success; reasonable alternative to AAD in sx p ersistent or
p aroxysmal AF w/o ↑↑ LA or ↓ EF (NEJM 2 012 ;367:158 7; RAAFT 2 , HRS 2 012 )

• Surgical “maze” p rocedure (70–95% success rate) op tion if undergoing cardiac


• LA ap p endage closure/resection: reasonable if another indication for cardiac surgery

p ercutaneous closure noninferior to warfarin, ↓ risk of ICH, but w/ p rocedural
comp lic; additional studies & ap p roaches underway (Lancet 2 009;374:534;

Oral anticoagulation (Chest 2012; 141:e531S; EHJ 2012; 33:2719; Circ

2013; 127:1916)
• All valvular AF as stroke risk very high

• Nonvalvular AF: stroke risk ~4.5% /y; anticoag → 68 % ↓ stroke; use a risk score to
guide Rx:
CHADS2 : CHF (1 p oint), HTN (1), Age ≥75 y (1), DM (1), p rior Stroke/TIA (2 )

CHA2 DS2 -VASc: adds 65–74 y (1), >75 y (2 ); vasc dis. (1); sex (1)

score >2 → anticoag; score 1 → consider anticoag or ASA (? latter reasonable

if risk factor 65–74 y, vasc dis. or ); antithrombotic Rx even if rhythm cntl

• Rx options: factor Xa or direct thrombin inhib (non-valv only; no monitoring

required) or warfarin (INR 2 –3; w/ UFH bridge if high risk of stroke); if Pt refuses
anticoag, consider

ASA + clop i or, even less effective, ASA alone (NEJM 2 009;360:2 066)


• Symp tom of sudden transient loss of consciousness due to global cerebral

hyp op erfusion

• If CPR or cardioversion required, then SCD and not syncop e (different p rognosis)

Etiologies (NEJM 2002; 347:878; JACC 2006; 47:473; Eur Heart J 2009; 30:2631)
• Neurocardiogenic (a.k.a. vasovagal, ~2 0% ; NEJM 2 005;352 :1004): ↑ symp athetic
tone → vigorous contraction of LV → mechanorecep tors in LV trigger ↑ vagal tone
(hyp eractive Bezold-Jarisch reflex) → ↓ HR (cardioinhibitory) and/or ↓ BP
(vasodep ressor)
cough, deglutition, defecation, & micturition → ↑ vagal tone and thus can be
p recip itants
related disorder: carotid sinus hyp ersensitivity (exagg vagal resp to carotid

• Orthostatic hypotension (10% )

hyp ovolemia/diuretics, deconditioning; vasodilat. (esp . if combined w/
chronotrop es)

autonomic neurop athy [1° = Parkinson’s, Shy-Drager, Lewy body dementia, POTS
(dysautonomia in the young); 2 ° = DM, EtOH, amyloidosis, CKD] (NEJM
2 008 ;358 :615)

• Cardiovascular
Arrhythmia (15% )

Bradyarrhythmias: SSS, high-grade AV block, chronotrop es, PPM

Tachyarrhythmias: VT, SVT (syncop e rare unless structural heart disease or

Me chanical (5% )

Endocardial/Valvular: AS, MS, PS, p rosthetic valve thrombosis, myxoma

Myocardial: p ump dysfxn from MI or outflow obstruction from HCMP (but
usually VT)

Pericardial: tamp onade

Vascular: PE, PHT, aortic dissection, rup tured AAA, subclavian steal

• Neurologic (10% ): seizure (technically not syncop e), TIA/CVA, vertebrobasilar

insufficiency, dissection of cerebral arteries, migraine, narcolep sy

• Misc. causes of LOC (but not syncop e): hyp oglycemia, hyp oxia, anemia,
p sychogenic

Workup (etiology cannot be determined in ~40% of cases)

• H&P incl. orthostatic VS have hig he st yie ld and most cost e ffe ctive (Archive s
2 009;169:12 99)

• History (from Pt and witne sse s if available)

activity and p osture before the incident

p recip itating factors: exertion (AS, HCMP, PHT), p ositional Δ (orthostatic

hyp otension), stressors such as sight of blood, p ain, emotional distress, fatigue,
p rolonged standing, warm environment, N/V,
cough/micturition/defecation/swallowing (neurocardiogenic), head turning or
shaving (carotid sinus hyp ersens.); arm exercise (subclavian steal)

p rodrome (eg, diap horesis, nausea, blurry vision): cardiac <~5 sec, vasovagal
>~5 sec

associated sx: chest p ain, p alp ., neurologic, p ostictal, bowel or bladder

incontinence (convulsive activity for <10 sec may occur w/ transient cerebral
HoTN & mimic seizure)
• PMH: p rior syncop e, p revious cardiac or neurologic dis.; no CV disease at baseline
→ 5% cardiac, 2 5% vasovagal; CV disease → 2 0% cardiac, 10% vasovagal
(NEJM 2 002 ;347:8 78 )

• Medications that may act as precipitants

vasodilators: a-blockers, nitrates, ACEI/ARB, CCB, hydralazine, p henothiazines,
antidep .
diuretics; chronotrop es (eg, bB and CCB)

p roarrhythmic or QT p rolonging: class IA, IC or III antiarrhythmics (see “ECG” )

p sychoactive drugs: antip sychotics, TCA, barbiturates, benzodiazep ines, EtOH

• Family history: CMP, SCD, syncop e (vasovagal may have genetic comp onent)

• Physical exam

VS including orthostatics ( if sup ine → standing results in >2 0 mmHg ↓ SBP,

>10 mmHg ↓ DBP, or >10–2 0 bp m ↑ HR), BP in both arms
cardiac: HF (↑ JVP, disp l. PMI, S 3), murmurs, LVH (S 4, LV heave), PHT (RV
heave, ↑ P2 )

vascular: ✓ for asymmetric p ulses, carotid/vertebral/subclavian bruits; carotid

sinus massage to assess for carotid hyp ersensitivity (if no bruits)

neurologic exam: focal findings, evidence of tongue biting; FOBT

• ECG (abnormal in ~50% , but only definitively identifies cause of syncop e in ~10% )

Conduction: SB, sinus p auses/sinus arrhythmia, AVB, BBB/IVCD

Arrhythmia: ectop y, ↓ QT, p reexcitation (WPW), Brugada, e wave (ARVC), SVT/VT

Ischemic changes (new or old): atrial or ventricular hyp ertrop hy

Other diagnostic studies (consider based on results of H&P and ECG)

• Ambulatory ECG monitoring: if susp ect arrhythmogenic syncop e

Holter monitoring (continuous ECG 2 4–48 h): useful if fre que nt events arrhythmia
+ sx (4% ); asx but signif. arrhythmia (13% ); sx but no arrhythmia (17% )

Event recorder (activated by Pt to record rhythm strip ): limited role as only useful
if established p rodrome (because must be Pt activated)
Loop recorders (continuously saves rhythm, ∴ can be activated afte r an event):
useful for ep isodes (including w/o p rodrome) likely to occur w/in month.

Implantable loop recorders (inserted SC; can record up to 3 y): useful for
infrequent ep isodes (<1/mo); recommended for recurrent syncop e w/o p rodrome

• Echo: consider to r/o structural heart disease (eg, CMP [incl HCMP & ARVC],
valvular disease [incl AS, MS, MVP], myxoma, amyloid, PHT, ± anomalous
• ETT: esp . w/ exertional syncop e; r/o ischemia- or catecholamine-induced

• Cardiac catheterization: consider if noninvasive tests suggest ischemia

• Electrop hysiologic studies (EPS): consider in high-risk Pts in whom tachy or brady
etiology is strongly susp ected, but cannot be confirmed;
50% abnl (inducible VT, conduction abnormalities) if heart disease, but ?
3–2 0% abnl if abnl ECG; <1% abnl if normal heart and normal ECG (Annals
1997;12 7:76)

• ? Tilt table testing: utility is debated due to p oor Se/Sp /rep roducibility; consider
only if vasovagal dx susp ected but can’t be confirmed by hx

• Cardiac MRI: help ful to dx ARVC if suggestive ECG, echo (RV dysfxn) or FHx of
• Neurologic studies (cerebrovascular studies, CT, MRI, EEG): if H&P suggestive; low

Figure 1-6 Ap p roach to syncop e

High-risk features (usually admit w/ telemetry & testing; J Emerg Med

2012; 42:345)

• Age >60 y, h/o CAD, HF/CMP, valvular or congenital heart dis., arrhythmias, FHx

• Syncop e c/w cardiac cause (lack of p rodrome, exertional, resultant trauma) or

• Comp laint of chest p ain or dysp nea; abnl VS or cardiac exam

• ECG suggesting tachy or brady-induced syncop e; Pt w/ PPM/ICD


• Arrhythmia, cardiac mechanical or neurologic syncop e: treat underlying disorder

• Vasovagal syncop e: no p roven benefit for midodrine, fludrocortisone, disop yramide,
SSRI ? 16 oz of H 2 O before at-risk situations (Circ 2 003;108 :2 660)

no p roven benefit w/ bB (Circ 2 006;113:1164)

? benefit w/ PPM if ≥3 ep isodes/2 y & loop recorder w/ asystole >3 sec (Circ
2 012 ;12 5:2 566)
• Orthostatic syncop e: volume rep lete (eg, 500 mL PO q a.m.); if chronic → rise from
sup ine to standing slowly, comp ressive stockings, midodrine, fludrocortisone, high
Na diet
Prognosis (Ann Emerg Med 1997; 29:459; NEJM 2002; 347:878)

• 2 2 % overall recurrence rate if idiop athic, else 3% recurrence

• Cardiac syncop e: 2 -fold ↑ in mort., 2 0–40% 1-y SCD rate, median survival ~6 y
• Unexp lained syncop e w/ 1.3-fold ↑ in mort., but noncardiac or unexp lained syncop e
w/ nl

ECG, no h/o VT, no HF, age <45 → low recurrence rate and <5% 1-y SCD rate
• Vasovagal syncop e: Pts not at increased risk for death, MI or stroke

• ✓ state driving laws and MD rep orting requirements. Consider ap p rop riateness of
Pt involvement in exercise/sp ort, op erating machinery, high-risk occup ation (eg,
p ilot).

Cardiac resynch therapy (CRT)/Biventricular (BiV) pacing (Circ 2012; 126:1784)

• 3-lead p acemaker (RA, RV, coronary sinus to LV); R>S in V1 suggests ap p rop LV
cap ture

• Synchronize & enhance LV fxn (↑ CO, ↓ adverse remodeling)

• Indic: LVEF ≤35% + NYHA II–IV desp ite med Rx + SR + LBBB ≥150 ms (also
reasonable if e ithe r LBBB ≥12 0 ms or no LBBB but QRS ≥150 ms + NYHA III–
IV); consider in AF, but rate cntl → ~100% vent cap ture; ? NYHA I w/ LVEF
≤30% + LBBB ≥150 ms; ? EF ≤50% w/ AVB + indic for PPM (NEJM
2 013;368 :158 5)
• Benefits: ↓ HF sx, ↓ HF hosp ., ↑ survival (NEJM 2 005;352 :1539; 2 010;363:2 38 5)

Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) (NEJM 2003; 349:1836; JACC 2009; 54:747)

• RV lead: defib & p acing (± antitachycardia p acing [ATP] = burst p acing > VT rate
to stop VT); ± RA lead for dual chamber PPM. Wearable vest & SC ICD exist (Circ
2 013;12 7:8 54).
• Pt selection (NEJM 2 004;350:2 151 & 351:2 48 1; 2 005;352 :2 2 5; 2 009;361:142 7;
Circ 2 012 ;12 6:178 4)
2 ° p revention: survivors of VF arrest, unstable VT w/o reversible cause (NEJM
1997;337:1576); structural heart disease & sp ontaneous sustained VT (even if

1° p revention: LVEF ≤30% & p ost-MI or LVEF ≤35% & NYHA II-III (wait: ≥40 d
if p ost-MI, ? until stabilized on meds for NICMP, or if p resumed reversible) or
LVEF ≤40% & inducible VT/VF; life e xpe ctancy must be >1 y; consider for
HCM, ARVC, Brugada, sarcoid, LQTS, Chagas or congenital heart disease if risk
factors for SCD

• Benefits: ↓ mortality from SCD c/w antiarrhythmics or p lacebo

• Risks: inap p rop shock in ~15–2 0% at 3 y (most commonly d/t misclassified SVT);

• ICD discharge: ✓ device to see if ap p rop ; r/o ischemia; 6-mo driving ban (✓ state
law); if recurrent VT, ? drug Rx (eg, amio + bB, JAMA 2 006;2 95:165) or VT
ablation (NEJM 2 007;357:2 657); ablation at time of ICD ↓ risk of VT by 40%
(Lancet 2 010;375:31)

Device infection (Circ 2010; 121:458; JAMA 2012; 307:1727; NEJM

2012; 367:842)

• Presents as pocke t infe ction (warmth, erythema, tenderness) and/or se psis w/

bacte re mia

• Incidence ~2 % over 5 y; if S. aure us bacteremia, infxn in ≥35%

• TTE/TEE used to help visualize comp lic. (eg, vegetation), but even TEE does not

• Treatment: abx and removal of system; Pp x: no rec for routine abx p rior to invasive
p roc.

Preoperative evaluation

Figure 1-7 ACC/AHA ap p roach to p reop erative cardiovascular evaluation for

noncardiac surgery
Preoperative testing and assessment

• ECG if ≥1 risk factor and p lanned vascular surgery or if known vascular disease
and intermediate risk surgery. ? p rior to any vascular surgery.

• TTE if dysp nea of unknown origin or if HF w/ ↑ dysp nea and no TTE in p ast 12 mo

• Stress test if active cardiac issues (see above) or vascular surgery w/ ≥3 risk factors
& it will Δ mgmt. Overall low PPV to p redict p eriop CV events.

• ? consider CXR and ECG in p reop evaluation of severely obese Pts (Circ
2 009;12 0:8 6)

• Comorbidity indices (eg, Charlson index) may p redict mortality (Am J Med Qual
2 011;2 6:461)

Pre- & perioperative management

• Coronary revascularization should be based on standard indications (eg, ACS,

refractory sx, lg territory at risk). Has not been shown to Δ risk of death or
p ostop MI when done p rior to elective vasc. surgery based on p erceived cardiac
risk (NEJM 2 004;351:2 795) or documented extensive ischemia (AJC
2 009;103:8 97), but systematic angio ↓ 2 –5 y mortality in a vascular surgery trial
( JACC 2 009;54:98 9).

• Continue ASA: ↓ MACE in Pts w/ cardiac risk factors (Br J Anaesth 2 010;104:305)

• Given need for dual antip latelet Rx after stenting, wait 4–6 wk after BMS and ideally
>12 mo after DES before discontinuing ADP recep tor blockade
• If p ossible, wait >4–6 wk after MI (even if ETT or ETT & revascularized). If

revasc, wait 6 mo before elective surgery.

• Preop statins: ↓ ischemia & CV events in Pts undergoing vascular surg (NEJM
2 009;361:98 0); may reduce AF, MI, LOS in statin-naïve Pts (Arch Surg
2 012 ;147:18 1)

Perioperative β-blocker (Circ 2009; 120:2123; JAMA 2010; 303:551; Am J Med

2012; 125:953)

• Conflicting evidence: some studies show ↓ death & MI (NEJM 1996;335:1713 &
1999;341:178 9), another showed ↓ MI, but ↑ death & stroke and ↑
bradycardia/HoTN (Lancet 2 008 ;371;18 39)
• ? consider if CAD, stress test, or ≥2 cardiac risk factor, esp . if vascular surgery

• Ideally initiate we e ks p rior to surgery and titrate slowly and carefully to achieve
desired individual HR and BP goal (? HR ~55–65). Avoid bradycardia and
hyp otension. Do not discontinue bB abrup tly p ostop , as may cause symp athetic
activation from withdrawal.
Postoperative monitoring

• ✓ Postop ECG if known CAD or high-risk surgery. Consider if >1 risk factor for
• ✓ Postop trop onin only if new ECG Δs or chest p ain suggestive of ACS

Clinical features

• Prev. ↑ w/ age: <1% if <40 y, ~15% if ≥70 y; risk factors incl. smoking, DM,
HTN, chol

• Claudication (dull ache, often in calves) p recip by walking and relieved by stop p ing
(vs. sp inal stenosis, qv); Leriche synd = claudication, ↓ or femoral p ulses, &
erectile dysfxn
• Critical limb ischemia (CLI): rest pain (↑ w/ elevation b/c ↓ p erfusion), ulcer
(typ ically at p ressure foci, often dry; in contrast, venous ulcers are more often at
medial malleolus, wet, and with hemosiderin dep osition) or gangrene, due to
PAD, and >2 -wk duration (imp lies chronicity vs. acute limb ischemia, see below)
• ↓ p erip heral p ulses; other signs of chronic PAD: hair loss, skin atrop hy, nail
hyp ertrop hy

• Ankle:brachial index (ABI): nl 1–1.4; borderline 0.91–0.99; abnl ≤0.90; if >1.4,

non-dx p ossibly due to calcified noncomp ressible vessel → ✓ PVR. If ABI abnl →
segmental ABI w/ PVR to localize disease. If sx but nl ABI, ✓ for ↓ lower
extrem BP after exercise.

• Dup lex arterial U/S; CTA w/ distal run-off; MRA or angio

Treatment (JACC 2013; 61:1555; JAMA 2013; 309:453)

• Risk factor modification. Sup ervised exercise Rx. Screen for CAD.

• Cilostazol (if no HF) & ? ACEI to ↓ sx. ASA or clop i to ↓ D/MI/stroke if claud. or ABI
• Revasc if CLI or limiting/refractory claudication

Acute limb ischemia (ALI)

• Sudden decrement in limb p erfusion that threatens viability; viable (no immed threat
of tissue loss): audible art. Dop p ler signals, sensory & motor OK thre ate ne d
(salvage requires p romp t Rx): loss of arterial Dop p ler signal, sensory or motor
• Etiologies: embolism > acute thrombosis (eg, athero, APLA, HITT), trauma to artery

• Clinical manifestations (6 Ps): p ain (distal to p roximal, ↑ in severity),

p oikilothermia, p allor, p ulselessness, p aresthesias, p aralysis
• Testing: thorough p ulse & neuro exam; arterial Dop p ler; angiograp hy, either CT w/
bilateral run-off through feet or arteriograp hy

• Urgent consultation w/ vascular medicine and/or vascular surgery

• Treatment: immediate anticoagulation ± intraarterial lytic; angiop lasty or surgery

• History: quality of sensation, temp o, p ositional dep endence, exac./allev. factors,

• Cardiop ulmonary exam, S a O 2 , CXR (see Ap p endix & Radiology inserts), ECG
p redictors of CHF: h/o CHF, PND, S 3, CXR w/ venous congestion, AF (  JAMA
2 005;2 94:1944) dysp nea w/ nl CXR → CAD, asthma, PE, PHT, early ILD, anemia,
acidosis, NM disease

• Based on results of initial evaluation: PFT, chest CT, TTE, cardiop ulmonary testing

• BNP & NT-proBNP ↑ in CHF (also ↑ in AF, RV strain from PE, COPD flare, PHT,
ARDS) BNP <100 p g/mL to r/o CHF (90% Se), >400 to r/i (NEJM 2 002 ;347:161)

NT-p roBNP <300 p g/mL to r/o CHF (99% Se); age-related cut p oints to r/i: >450
p g/mL (<50 y), >900 (50–75 y), >18 00 (>75 y) (EHJ 2 006;2 7:330)

↑ in chronic heart failure, ∴ need to comp are to known “dry BNP”


• Spirometry: evaluate for obstructive disease

Flow-volume loop s: diagnose and/or localize obstruction

Bronchodilator: indicated if obstruction at baseline or asthma clinically susp ected

Methacholine challenge: help s dx asthma if sp irometry nl, >2 0% ↓ FEV1 →
• Lung volumes: evaluate for hyp erinflation or restrictive disease including NM
• D LCO: evaluates functional surface area for gas exchange; help s differentiate causes
of obstructive and restrictive diseases and screens for vascular disease & early ILD

Figure 2-1 Approach to abnormal PFTs


Definition and epidemiology

• Chronic inflam. disorder w/ airway hyperresponsiveness + variable airflow


• Affects ~5% p op ulation; ~8 5% of cases by age 40 y

Clinical manifestations (NEJM 2001; 344:350)

• Classic triad = wheezing, cough and dyspnea; others include chest tightness,
sp utum; symp toms typ ically chronic with e pisodic e xace rbation
• Precip itants (triggers)
re spiratory irritants (smoke, p erfume, etc.) & alle rg e ns (p ets, dust mites, p ollen,

infe ctions (URI, bronchitis, sinusitis)

drug s (eg, ASA & NSAIDs via leukotrienes, bB via bronchosp asm, MSO 4 via
histamine) emotional stress, cold air, exercise (increase in ventilation dries out
Physical examination

• Wheezing and p rolonged exp iratory p hase

• Presence of nasal p olyp s, rhinitis, rash → alle rg ic compone nt

• Exacerbation → ↑ RR, ↑ HR, accessory muscle use, diap horesis, p ulsus p aradoxus

Diagnostic studies

• Peak exp flow (PEF): ≥60 L/min ↑ after bronchodil or ≥2 0% diurnal variation c/w
asthma. <8 0% p ersonal best c/w p oor control, <50% c/w severe exacerbation.
• Spirometry: ↓ FEV1, ↓ FEV1/FVC, coved flow-volume loop ; lung volumes: ± ↑ RV &

bronchodilator resp onse (↑ FEV1 ≥12 % & ≥2 00 mL) strongly suggestive of

asthma methacholine challenge (↓ FEV1 ≥2 0% ) if PFTs nl: Se >90% (AJRCCM
2 000;161:309)

• Sp utum: eos >3% has 8 6% Se, 8 8 % Sp ; can also see Curschmann’s spirals (mucus
casts of distal airways) and Charcot-Le yde n crystals (eosinop hil
lysop hosp holip ase)

• Allergy susp ected → consider ✓ serum IgE, eos, skin testing/RAST

Ddx (“all that wheezes is not asthma … ” )

• Hyp erventilation & p anic attacks

• Up p er airway obstruction or inh foreign body; laryngeal/vocal cord dysfxn (eg, 2 °
to GERD)

• CHF (“cardiac asthma” ); COPD, bronchiectasis; ILD (including sarcoidosis);

vasculitis; PE

“Asthma plus” syndromes (Lancet 2002; 360:1313)

• Atop y = asthma + allergic rhinitis + atop ic dermatitis

• ASA-sensitive asthma (Samter’s syndrome) = asthma + ASA sensitivity + nasal
p olyp s

• ABPA = asthma + p ulmonary infiltrates + allergic rxn to Aspe rg illus

• Churg-Strauss = asthma + eosinop hilia + granulomatous vasculitis

“Reliever” medications (used p rn to quickly relieve sx)

• Short-acting inh β2 -agonists (SABA): albuterol Rx of choice

• Short-acting inh anticholinergics (ip ratrop ium) ↑ β2 -agonist delivery → ↑


“Controller” meds (taken daily to keep control) (NEJM 2009; 360:1002)

• Inh corticosteroids (ICS): Rx of choice (  JAMA 2 001;2 8 5:2 58 3). PRN ? as good as
daily for mild asthma (NEJM 2 005;352 :1519 & 2 007;356:2 040). PO steroids may
be needed for severely uncontrolled asthma, but avoid if p ossible b/c systemic side
• Long -acting inh β2 -agonists (LABA; eg, salmeterol): ↑ PEF when added to ICS (Lance t
2 009;374:1754). Excep t for exercise-induced asthma, should not be used w/o ICS
(may ↑ mortality, esp . in African Americans) (Che st 2 006;12 9:15; Annals
2 006;144:904). Clinical relevance of β2 -recep tor p harmacogenetic interaction not
validated (Lance t 2 009;374:1754).
• Long -act inh anticholinergics (LAA; eg, tiotrop ium): add-on if sx desp ite ICS
(sup erior to ↑ ICS, to adding LABA; NEJM 2 010;363:1715) or if sx desp ite
ICS+LABA (NEJM 2 012 ;367:1198 )

• Nedocromil/cromolyn: limited use in adults. Useful in young Pts, exercise-induced

bronchosp asm; ineffective unless used before trigger or exercise exp osure.

• Theophylline: useful if hard to control sx; PO convenient, but high side-effect p rofile
• Leukotriene antagonists (LTA): some Pts very resp onsive, esp . ASA-sens (AJRCCM
2 002 ;165:9) and exercise-induced (Annals 2 000;132 :97). May be noninf to ICS
initial Rx and LABA add-on Rx (NEJM 2 011;364:1695).

• Anti-IgE: for uncontrolled mod-to-severe allergic asthma (↑ IgE) on ICS ± LABA

(NEJM 2 006;354:2 68 9; Annals 2 011;154:573); not cost-effective for most Pts (  
JACI 2 007;12 0:1146)

• Behavior modification: identify and avoid triggers; PPI w/o benefit (NEJM
2 009;360:148 7)

• Immunotherap y (eg, desensitization): may be useful if significant allergic comp onent

• TNF antagonists may be help ful in Pts w/ refractory asthma (NEJM 2 006;354:697)

• Anti-IL5 (mep olizumab) ↓ exac. w/ sev asthma (Lance t 2 012 ;38 0:651), not yet FDA
ap p roved
• Anti-IL13 (lebrikizumab) ↑ FEV1 (NEJM 2 011;365:108 8 ), not yet FDA ap p roved

• Bronchial thermop lasty (exp ’tal): radiofrequency destruction of airway smooth

muscle no Δ in FEV1, but ↓ in sx and # of exacerbations (NEJM 2 007;356:132 7)

Principles of treatment

• Education and avoidance of environmental triggers for all Pts; yearly flu shot

• Use quick-relief rescue medication as needed for all Pts

• Goal to achieve complete control = daily sx ≤2 /wk, Ø nocturnal sx or limitation
of activity, reliever med ≤2 /wk, nl PEF or FEV1; p artly controlled = 1–2 of the
above p resent in a wk; uncontrolled = ≥3 of the above p resent in a wk

• Step up treatment as needed to gain control, step down as tolerated

• If PEF ↓ 15% × 2 d or ↓ 30% , 4× ICS dose ↓ need for PO steroids (AJRCCM
2 009;18 0:598 )
• Variants in glucocorticoid-induced transcrip t 1 gene a/w resp to ICS (NEJM
2 011;365:1173)


• History: baseline PEF, steroid requirement, ED visits, hosp ital admissions, p rior
intubation Current exacerbation: duration, severity, p otential p recip itants, meds
Risk factors for life -thre ate ning : p rior intubation, h/o near-fatal asthma, ED
visit/hosp for asthma w/in 1 y, current/recent PO steroids, not using ICS,
overdep endent on SABA, Ψ, h/o noncomp l
• Physical exam: VS, p ulm, accessory muscle use, p ulsus p aradoxus, abdominal
p aradox
Assess for barotrauma: asymmetric breath sounds, tracheal deviation,
subcutaneous air → p neumothorax, p recordial (Hamman’s) crunch →
p neumomediastinum
• Diagnostic studies: PEF (used to follow clinical course); SaO2 ; CXR to r/o PNA or
PTX ABG if severe: low Pa CO 2 initially; nl or high Pa CO 2 may signify tiring

Initial treatment (NEJM 2010; 363; 755)

• Oxygen to keep S a O 2 ≥90%

• Inhaled SABA (eg, albuterol) by MDI (4–8 p uffs) or nebulizer (2 .5–5 mg) q2 0min
• Corticosteroids: p rednisone 0.5–1 mg/kg PO; IV if imp ending resp arrest

• Ipratropium MDI (4–6 p uffs) or nebulizer (0.5 mg) q2 0min if severe (Che st
2 002 ;12 1:1977)
• Ep inep hrine (0.3–0.5 mL SC of 1:1000 dilution) no advantage over inh SABA

• Montelukast IV ↑ FEV1 but did not Δ rate of hosp (  J Alle rg y Clin Immunol
2 010;12 5:374)

• Re asse ss afte r 6 0 –90 min of Rx

Mild-mod exacerbation: cont SABA q1h

Severe exacerbation: SABA & ip ratrop ium q1h or continuously; ± Mg 2 g IV over

2 0 min (Lance t 2 003;361:2 114); ± heliox (60–8 0% )
• De cide disposition within 4 h of pre se ntation and afte r 1–3 h of Rx

Figure 2-2 Disp osition of p atients after initial treatment of asthma exacerbation

ICU-level care
• High-dose steroids: methylp rednisolone 12 5 mg IV q6h (Archive s 198 3;143:132 4)

• Invasive ventilation:

large ET tube, Pp lat <30 cm H 2 O (p redicts barotrauma better than PIP), max exp

PEEP individualized to Pt p hysiology

p aralysis, inhalational anesthetics, bronchoalveolar lavage w/ mucolytic, heliox
(60–8 0% helium) and ECMO have been used with success

• NPPV likely imp roves obstruction (Che st 2 003;12 3:1018 ), but controversial and
rarely used

Definition and pathophysiology (Ann Emerg Med 2006; 47:373)

• Severe, rap id-onset (mins to hrs), p otentially life-threatening systemic allergic

resp onse

• IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation with release of histamine, tryp tase and TNF

• Precip itates systemic reactions (bronchosp asm, tissue swelling, fluid shifts,
• Common triggers: p enicillins, cep halosp orins, shellfish, nuts, insect stings, IV
contrast (not truly an IgE-mediated mechanism, but clinically similar)

Diagnosis: any of the three following criteria

1) Acute illness with skin ± mucosal involvement (rash, flushing, hives), AND at least
one of:

• Resp iratory comp romise (wheeze, stridor, dysp nea, hyp oxemia)
• Hyp otension or hyp op erfusion (syncop e, incontinence)

2 ) Two or more of the following after exp osure to a likely allergen: skin/mucosal
involvement, resp iratory comp romise, ↓ BP or hyp op erfusion, GI symp toms
3) Hyp otension after exp osure to known allergen for that Pt


• Epinephrine: IM or SC 0.3–0.5 mL of 1:1000 dilution (1 mg/mL) q5–2 0min; if

HoTN or cardiac arrest, IV (or via ETT) 2 .5–10 mL of 1:10,000 dilution q5min ±

• Airway management: sup p l O 2 ± intubation (or cricothyroidotomy if laryngeal

edema) β2 -agonists (stacked or continuous nebulizers) for refractory bronchosp asm

• Fluid resuscitation w/ lg volume of crystalloid (may extravasate up to 35% of blood


• Antihistamines relieve hives & itching, no e ffe ct on airway or he modynamics H1RA

(dip henhydramine 50 mg IV/IM) ± H2 RA (eg, ranitidine 50 mg IV)

• Corticosteroids have no immediate effect but may help p revent relap se:
methylp rednisolone 12 5 mg IV q6h if severe or p rednisone 50 mg PO
• Glucagon (1–5 mg IV over 5 min) if inotrop ic or chronotrop ic sup p ort needed in Pt
taking bB

• Avoid unop p osed a-adrenergic vasop ressors


• Mild rxn limited to urticaria or mild bronchosp asm can be observed for ≥6 h;
admit all others
• Watch for bip hasic reaction; occurs in 2 3% , typ ically w/in 8 –10 h but up to 72 h

• At time of d/c: education re: allergen avoidance, instruction and Rx for Ep iPen,
allergist f/u

Definition and epidemiology (NEJM 2 004;350:2 6)

• Progressive airflow limitation caused by airway and p arenchymal inflammation

Pathogenesis (Lancet 2003; 362:1053)

• Cigarette smoke (centrilobular emp hysema, affects 15–2 0% of smokers)

• Recurrent airway infections

• ɑ1-antitryp sin defic.: early-onset p anacinar emp hysema, 1–3% of COPD cases.
Susp ect if age <45, lower lungs affected, extrathoracic manifestations (liver
disease [not if MZ subtyp e], FMD, p ancreatitis). ✓ serum AAT level (nb, acute
p hase reactant).

Clinical manifestations

• Chronic cough, sp utum p roduction, dysp nea; later stages → freq exac., a.m. HA, wt

• Exacerbation triggers: infxn, other cardiop ulmonary disease, incl. PE (Annals

2 006;144:390)

Infxn: overt tracheobronchitis/p neumonia from viruses, S. pne umoniae , H.

influe nzae , M. catarrhalis or triggered by changes in strain of colonizers (NEJM
2 008 ;359:2 355)

• Physical exam: ↑ AP diameter of chest (“barrel-chest” ), hyp erresonance, ↓

diap hragmatic excursion, ↓ breath sounds, ↑ exp iratory p hase, rhonchi, wheezes
during exacerbation: tachyp nea, accessory muscle use, p ulsus p aradoxus, cyanosis
Diagnostic studies

• CXR (see Radiology inserts): hyp erinflation, flat diap hragms, ± interstitial
markings & bullae
• PFTs: Obstruction: ↓↓ FEV1, ↓ FVC, FEV1/FVC <0.7 (no sig Δ post
bronchodilator), exp iratory scoop ing of flow-volume loop ; Hyperinflation: ↑↑
RV, ↑ TLC, ↑ RV/TLC;

Abnormal gas exchange: ↓ DLCO (in emp hysema)

• ABG: ↓ Pa O 2 , ± ↑ Pa CO 2 (in chronic bronchitis, usually only if FEV1 <1.5 L) and

↓ pH

• ECG: PRWP, S1S2 S3, R-sided strain, RVH, ↑ P waves in lead II (“P p ulmonale” )

Chronic treatment (NEJM 2010; 362:1407; Lancet 2012; 379:1341)

• Bronchodilators (first-line the rapy): anticholinergics, β2 -agonists (BA), theop hylline

Long-acting (LA) anticholinergic (LAA, tiotrop ium): ↓ exac., ↓ admit, ↓ resp

failure (NEJM 2 008 ;359:1543), better than ip ratrop ium or LABA as mono Rx
(NEJM 2 011;364:1093)
LABA: ~15% ↓ in exacerbations, ↓ FEV1 decline, trend toward ↓ mort. (NEJM
2 007;356:775)
LABA + inh steroid: ? ↓ mort. (NEJM 2 007;356:775; AJRCCM 2 008 ;177:19)

LAA + LABA + inh steroid: ↑ FEV1, ↓ COPD admits (Annals 2 007;146:545)

• Corticosteroids (inhaled, ICS): ~2 0% ↓ in exacerb if FEV1 <2 .0 L (Che st

2 009;136:102 9) may slow ↓ FEV1, but more so in combo with LABA (NEJM
2 007;356:775); ↑ in PNA (not seen w/ budesonide; Lance t 2 009;374:712 ); no Δ in
mort. w/ ICS alone (NEJM 2 007;356:775)
• Antibiotics: daily azithro ↓ exacerb, but not yet routine (NEJM 2 011;365:68 9 &
2 012 ;367:340)

• Mucolytics: no Δ FEV1, but ? ↓ exacerbation rate (Lance t 2 008 ;371:2 013)

• Oxygen: if Pa O 2 ≤55 mmHg or S a O 2 ≤8 9% (during rest, exercise or sleep ) to

p revent cor p ulmonale; only Rx p roven to ↓ mortality (Annals 198 0;93:391;
Lance t 198 1;i:68 1)
• Prevention: Flu/Pneumovax; smoking cessation (eg, varenicline, bup rop ion) → 50%
↓ in lung function decline (AJRCCM 2 002 ;166:675) and ↓ long-term mortality
(Annals 2 005;142 :2 2 3)

• Rehabilitation: ↓ dysp nea and fatigue, ↑ exercise tolerance, ↓ QoL (NEJM

2 009;360:132 9)

• Exp erimental

Lung volume reduction surgery: ↑ exer. cap acity, ↓ mort. if FEV1 >2 0% , up p er-
lobe, low exer. cap acity (NEJM 2 003;348 :2 059); bronchoscop ic w/
endobronchial valves w/ mixed benefits: ↑ lung fxn but ↑ PNA, exacerb,
hemop tysis (NEJM 2 010;363:12 33)
Roflumilast (PDE-4 inhibitor): ↑ FEV1 when added to standard Rx (Lance t
2 009;374:68 5&695)

Nocturnal BiPAP: may imp rove survival, ? decrease QoL (Thorax 2 009;64:561)

• Lung transp lant: ↑ QoL and ↓ sx (Lance t 1998 ;351:2 4), ? survival benefit (Am J
Transplant 2 009;9:1640)

Staging and prognosis

• FEV1: 50–8 0% p redicted → 3-y mort. ~11% ; 30–50% → ~15% ; <30% → ~2 4%

• BODE 10-p t scale (Lance t 2 009;374:704); HR 1.62 for resp mort., 1.34 mort. for
each 1-p t ↑ BMI: ≤2 1 (+1)
Obstruction (FEV1): 50–64% (+1), 36–49% (+2 ), ≤35% (+3)

Dysp nea (MMRC scale): walking level (+1), after 100 yd (+2 ), with ADL (+3)

Exs cap acity (6-min walk): 2 50–349 m (+1), 150–2 49 (+2 ), ≤149 (+3)
sup erior to FEV1 (NEJM 2 004;350:1005); can p redict survival from LVRS (Che st
2 006;12 9:8 73)
• mMRC score: ≥2 defined as walking slowly b/c breathlessness or having to stop to
catch breath walking level
• Ratio of diam PA/aorta >1 associated with ~3× ↑ risk of exacerbations (NEJM
2 012 ;367:913)

Definition and pathophysiology

• Exp ectoration of blood or blood-streaked sp utum

• Massive hemoptysis: ~>600 mL/2 4–48 h; gas exchange more imp ortant than
blood loss

• Massive hemop tysis usually from tortuous or invaded bronchial arteries

Diagnostic workup
• Localize bleeding site

Rule out GI or ENT source by exam, history; may require endoscop y

Pulmonary source: determine whether unilateral or bilateral, localized or diffuse,

parenchymal or airway by CXR or chest CT, bronchoscop y if necessary
• PT, PTT, CBC to rule out coagulopathy

• Sp utum culture/stain for bacteria, fungi and AFB; cytology to r/o malignancy

• ANCA, anti-GBM, urinalysis to ✓ for vasculitis or pulmonary-renal syndrome


• Mechanism of death is asp hyxiation not exsanguination; maintain gas exchange,

reverse coagulation and treat underlying condition; cough sup p . may ↑ risk of
asp hyxiation
• Massive hemop tysis: p ut bleeding side dep endent; selectively intubate nl lung if
needed Ang iog raphy: Dx & Rx (vascular occlusion balloons or selective embol of
bronchial art) Rig id bronchoscopy: allows more interventional op tions
(electrocautery, laser) than flex. Surgical resection

Definition and epidemiology (NEJM 2002; 346:1383)

• Obstructive airways disease of bronchi and bronchioles, chronic transmural inflamm
w/ airway dilatation and thickening, collap sibility, mucus p lugging w/ imp aired

• Frequency: > ; in the U.S. more frequent in Asian Americans (Che st

2 012 ;142 :432 )
Initial workup
• H&P: cough, dysp nea, cop ious sp utum p roduction, ± hemop tysis, insp iratory

• CXR: scattered or focal; rings of bronchial cuffing; “tram track” of dilated, thick

• PFTs: obstructive p attern

• Chest CT: dilation and thickening of airways; ± cystic changes, infiltrates,

adenop athy


• Treat underlying condition; mucolytics & bronchodilators

• Antibiotics: CF Pts often have multip le drug-resistant organisms (Pse udomonas,

Burkholde ria ce pacia, S. aure us) and require IV antibiotics during exacerbations.
Azithro shown to ↓ exacerb. in non-CF bronchiectasis (Lance t 2 012 ;38 0:660; JAMA
2 013;309:12 51).

• Emerging data on gene-based targeted therap ies in CF (NEJM 2 011;365:1663)



• Definition: single, <3 cm, surrounded by normal lung, no LAN or p leural effusion

• Often “incidentalomas,” esp with ↑ CT use, but may still be early, curable

Initial evaluation
• History: h/o cancer, smoking, age (<30 y = 2 % malignant, +15% each decade

• CT: size/shap e, Ca 2 +, LAN, effusions, bony destruction, compare w/ old studies

Ø Ca → ↑ likelihood malignant; laminated → granuloma; “p op corn” →

• High-risk features for malignancy: ≥2 .3 cm diameter, sp iculated, >60 yo, >1 p p d
current smoker, no p rior smoking cessation (NEJM 2 003;348 :2 535)

Diagnostic studies

• PET: detects metab. activity of tumors, 97% Se & 78 % Sp for malig. (esp . if >8
mm) also useful for surgical staging b/c may detect unsusp ected mets (JAMA
2 001;2 8 5:914) useful in deciding which lesions to bx vs. follow w/ serial CT (  J
Thor Oncol 2 006;1:71)

• Transthoracic needle biopsy (TTNB): if tech. feasible, 97% will obtain definitive
tissue dx (AJR 2 005;18 5:12 94); if noninformative or malignant → resect

• Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS): for p ercutaneously inaccessible

lesions; highly sensitive and allows resection; has rep laced thoracotomy

• Transbronchial bx (TBB): most lesions too small to reliably samp le w/o

endobronchial U/S (Che st 2 003;12 3:604); bronch w/ brushings low-yield unless
invading bronchus; navigational bronchoscop y w/ 70% yield, ↑ sens w/ larger
nodules (Che st 2 012 ;142 :38 5)

• PPD, fungal serologies, ANCA

Management (for solid SPN >8 mm; if ≤8 mm, serial CT) (Chest 2013; 143:840)

• Low risk (<5% , see ref): serial CT (freq dep ending on risk); shared decision w/ Pt
re: bx

• Intermediate risk (5–60% ): PET, if → follow low-risk p rotocol; if → high-

risk p rotocol

• High risk (and surgical candidate): TBB, TTNB, or VATS → lobectomy if malignant
• Ground-glass nodules: longer f/u b/c even if malignant can be slow-growing and

Definition and pathophysiology

• Rep etitive p haryngeal collap se during sleep causing ap nea (≥10 s) or hyp op nea
(airflow reduction) ± desaturation, arousals from sleep → daytime sleep iness

• Ap nea-hyp op nea index = avg # ap neas and hyp op neas p er hr of sleep

• Sleep -induced loss of activity of p haryngeal dilator muscles → p haryngeal collap se

→ arousal → activation of symp athetic nervous system; p henotyp es vary across
• Ap nea → negative intrathoracic p ressure → ↑ p reload, ↑ afterload → HTN, CV
• Risk factors: obesity (p resent in 70% ), male, age, alcohol, smoking, black race

Clinical manifestations (Lancet 2002; 360:237; Lancet Resp Med 2013; 1:61)

• Snoring, witnessed ap neas/gasp ing, daytime sleep iness

• Cardiovascular: HTN (  JAMA 2 012 ;307:2 169); a/w ↑ risk of stroke and death
(NEJM 2 005;353:2 034) & p ossibly CAD & endothelial dysfxn (AJRCCM
2 001;163:19; Circ 2 008 ;117:2 2 70)

• Neurocognitive: ↓ cognitive p erformance, ↓ QoL, ↑ motor vehicle and work

accidents (NEJM 1999;340:8 47; AJRCCM 2 001;164:2 031)

Diagnosis and treatment

• Polysomnography (sleep study); can do home-testing. If , trial of CPAP.

• CPAP: ↓↓ ap nea/hyp op nea, ↓ BP (Lance t 2 002 ;359:2 04), ↓ sleep iness, ↑

p erformance (AJRCCM 2 012 ;18 6:677), ↑ EF in Pts with CHF (NEJM
2 003;348 :12 33), ↓ metab syndrome (NEJM 2 011;365:2 2 77), ↓ mortality after
stroke (AJRCCM 2 009;18 0:36)
• Oral ap p liances can p revent retroglossal collap se. Offer if refusing CPAP.

• Avoid alcohol and sedatives

• Surgery (eg, uvulop alatop haryngop lasty, UPPP) of limited benefit (Che st
1997;111:2 65)


Rule out mimickers of ILD

• Congestive heart failure (✓ BNP, trial of diuresis)

• Infection: viral, atyp ical bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, p arasitic
• Malignancy: lymp hangitic carcinomatosis, bronchoalveolar, leukemia, lymp homa
History and physical exam

• Occup ational, travel, exp osure (including tobacco), meds, FHx, p recip itating event
• Temp o (acute → infxn, CHF, hyp ersens p neumonitis, eos PNA, AIP, COP, drug-
• Extrap ulmonary s/s (skin Ds, arthralgias/arthritis, clubbing, neurop athies, etc.)

Diagnostic studies (see Ap p endix & Radiology inserts)

• CXR and high-resolution chest CT: reticular, nodular or ground glass p attern
up p er → coal, silicon, hyp ersens, sarcoid, TB, RA; lower → IPF, asbestos,
scleroderma adenop athy → sarcoidosis, berylliosis, silicosis, malignancy, fungal
infections p leural disease → collagen-vascular diseases, asbestosis, infections, XRT
• PFTs: ↓ DLCO (e arly sig n), restrictive p attern (↓ volumes), ↓ Pa O 2 (esp . w/ exercise);
if also obstructive, consider sarcoid, LAM, silicosis
• Serologies: ✓ ACE, ANA, RF, ANCA, anti-GBM, HIV

• Bronchoalveolar lavage: dx infxn, hemorrhage, eosinop hilic syndromes, PAP

• Biop sy (transbronch, CT-guided, VATS, op en) if no clear p recip itant and w/u

Sarcoidosis (NEJM 2007; 357:2153; JAMA 2011; 305:391)

• Prevalence: African Americans, northern Europ eans and females; onset in 3rd–4th
• Pathop hysiology: dep ression of cellular immune system p erip herally, activation

• Löfg re n’s syndrome : erythema nodosum + hilar adenop athy + arthritis (good
p rognosis)

• Diagnostic studies: LN bx → noncaseating granulomas + multinucleated giant cells

18 FDG PET can be used to identify extent and p otentially targets for dx bx ↑ ACE
(Se 60% , 90% w/ active dis., Sp 8 0% , false in granulomatous diseases)

• To assess extent: CXR, PFTs, full op htho exam, ECG, CBC (lymp hop enia, ↑ eos), Ca,
2 4-h urine for Ca, LFTs; ± Holter, echo, cardiac MRI, brain MRI, etc., based on
• Rx: steroids (eg, p rednisone 2 0–40 mg/d) if sx or extrathoracic organ dysfxn
(imp roves sx, but doesn’t Δ long-term course); hydroxychloroquine for extensive
skin disease; anti-TNF, MTX, AZA, mycop henolate or cyclop hosp hamide for
chronic/refractory disease

• Prognosis: ~ 2 /3 sp ontaneously remit w/in 10 y (60–8 0% of stage I, 50–60% stage

II, 30% stage III), w/ relap ses uncommon; ~ 1/3 have p rogressive disease


• Amiodarone (~10% ; dose & duration dep end.): chronic interstitial p neumonia ↔
ARDS; bx → vacuolized Mf w/ lamellar inclusions on EM; Rx: d/c amio, give
• Other drugs: nitrofurantoin, sulfonamides, thiazides, INH, hydralazine, gold
• Chemo: bleomycin (triggered by hyp eroxia), busulfan, cyclop hosp hamide, MTX, etc.

• XRT: COP/BOOP w/ sharp ly linear, nonanatomic boundaries; DAH

Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIPs) (AJRCCM 2005; 172:268)

• Definition: ILD of unknown cause; dx by radiograp hic, histologic and clinical


UIP, usual interstitial PNA (IP); IPF, idiop athic p ulm fibrosis (Lance t
2 011;378 :1949); NSIP, nonsp ecific IP; COP, cryp togenic organizing PNA; BOOP,
bronchiolitis obliterans w/ organizing PNA; AIP, acute IP (Hamman-Rich syndrome);
DIP, desquamative IP; RB-ILD, resp bronchiolitis-assoc ILD.

• Rx for UIP/IPF: ?? NAC (NEJM 2 005;353:2 2 2 9); p red + AZA harmful (NEJM
2 012 ;366:1968 )

Exp erimental: tyrosine kinase inhib (NEJM 2 011;365:1079); p irfenidone (Lance t

2 011;377:1760; not avail in U.S.); ? sildenafil (NEJM 2 010;363:62 1);
thalidomide for cough (Annals 2 012 ;157:398 )

• Steroids for other IIPs: NSIP (esp . cellular typ e) and COP (AJRCCM 2 000;162 :571); ?
benefit for AIP and DIP/RB-ILD (for which Pts should stop smoking)

Environmental & occupational exposures (NEJM 2000; 342:406; Lancet

2012; 379:2008)

• Pneumoconioses (inorganic dusts)

Coal worker’s: up p er lobe coal macules; may p rogress to massive fibrosis

Silicosis: up p er lobe op acities ± eggshell calcification of lymp h nodes; ↑ risk of


Asbestosis: lower lobe fibrosis, calcified p leural p laques, DOE, dry cough, rales on
exam. Asbestos exp osure also → p leural p laques, benign p leural effusion,
diffuse p leural thickening, rounded atelectasis, mesothelioma, lung Ca (esp . in

Berylliosis: multisystemic granulomatous disease that mimics sarcoidosis

• Hypersensitivity pneumonitides (organic dusts): loose, noncaseating g ranulomas

Antigens: farmer’s lung (sp ores of thermop hilic actinomyces); p igeon fancier’s
lung (p roteins from feathers and excreta of birds); humidifier lung (thermop hilic

Collagen vascular diseases (NEJM 2006; 355:2655)

• Rheumatologic disease
Scleroderma: fibrosis in ~67% ; PHT seen in ~10% of CREST Pts

PM-DM: ILD & weakness of resp iratory muscles; MCTD: PHT & fibrosis
SLE & RA: p leuritis and p leural effusions more often than ILD; SLE can cause DAH
• Vasculitis (can p /w DAH)
Wegener’s granulomatosis ( c-ANCA) w/ necrotizing granulomas

Churg-Strauss syndrome ( c- or p -ANCA) w/ eosinop hilia & necrotizing


Microscop ic p olyangiitis ( p -ANCA) w/o granulomas

• Goodpasture’s syndrome = DAH + RPGN; typ ically in smokers; anti-GBM in


• Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM): cystic, ↑ in , Rx w/ sirolimus (NEJM

2 011;364:1595)

Pulmonary infiltrates w/ eosinophilia (PIE) = eos on BAL ± periph. blood

• Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA): allergic reaction to Aspe rg illus

Criteria: asthma, p ulm infiltrates (transient or fixed), skin rxn & serum
p recip itins to Aspe rg illus, ↑ IgE to Aspe rg illus & total (>1000), ↑ eos, central

Rx: steroids ± itraconazole for refractory cases (NEJM 2 000;342 :756)

• Löffler’s syndrome: p arasites/drugs → transient p ulm infilt + cough, fever,

dysp nea, eos

• Acute eosinop hilic PNA (AEP): acute hyp ox febrile illness; Rx: steroids, tobacco

• Chronic eosinop hilic p neumonia (CEP): “p hotonegative” of CHF, typ ically in women

• Other: Churg-Strauss syndrome; hyp ereosinop hilic syndrome


• Pulm alveolar p roteinosis (PAP): accum of surfactant-like p hosp holip ids;

smokers; white & gummy sp utum; BAL milky fluid (NEJM 2 003;349:2 52 7); Rx w/
lung lavage & GMCSF

• Langerhans cell granulomatosis (LCG): young smokers; ap ical cysts; PTX (2 5% )

• Lymp hocytic interstitial PNA: p olyclonal B-cell infiltration (? lymp homa); Rx:


• Systemic factors (eg, ↑ PCWP, ↓ oncotic p ressure) → transudative effusion

• Local factors (ie, Δ p leural surface p ermeability) → e xudative effusion

• Congestive heart failure (40% ): 8 0% bilateral, ± cardiomegaly on CXR
occasionally exudative (esp . after aggressive diuresis or if chronic), but ~75% of
exudative effusions in CHF Pts found to have non-CHF cause (Che st
2 002 ;12 2 :1518 )
• Constrictive pericarditis (knock on exam, calcification or thickening on imaging)

• Cirrhosis (“hep atic hydrothorax” ): diap hragmatic defect w/ p assage of ascitic fluid
often right-sided (2 /3) & massive (even w/o marked ascites)

• Nep hrotic syndrome: usually small, bilateral, asymp tomatic (r/o PE b/c hyp ercoag)

• Other: PE (usually exudate), malignancy (lymp hatic obstruction), myxedema, CAPD


• Lung parenchymal infection (25% )

bacterial (p arap neumonic): can evolve along sp ectrum of e xudative (but sterile) →
fibropurule nt (infected fluid) → org anization (fibrosis & formation of rigid p leural
p eel). Common causes: Stre p pne umo, Staph aure us, Stre p mille ri, Kle bsie lla,
Pse udomonas, Hae mophilus, Bacte roide s, Pe ptostre ptococcus, mixed flora in
asp iration p neumonia.
mycobacterial: >50% lymp hs 8 0% of the time, ADA >40, p leural bx ~70% Se

fungal, viral (usually small), p arasitic (eg, amebiasis, echinococcosis,

p aragonimiasis)

• Malignancy (15% ): p rimary lung cancer most common, metastases (esp . breast,
lymp homa, etc.), mesothelioma (✓ serum osteop ontin levels; NEJM 2 005;353:15)
• Pulmonary embolism (10% ): effusions in ~40% of PEs; exudate (75% ) >
transudate (2 5% ); hemorrhagic—must have hig h suspicion b/c pre se ntation hig hly

• Collagen vascular disease: RA (large), SLE (small), Wegener’s, Churg-Strauss

• Gastrointestinal diseases: p ancreatitis, esop hageal rup ture, abdominal abscess

• Hemothorax (Hcteff/Hctblood >50% ): trauma, PE, malignancy, coagulop athy,

leaking aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, p ulmonary vascular malformation

• Chylothorax (triglycerides >110): thoracic duct damage due to trauma, malignancy,

• Other:

p ost-CABG: left-sided; initially bloody, clears after several wks

Dressler’s syndrome (p ericarditis & p leuritis p ost-MI), uremia, p ostradiation

therap y

Asbestos exp osure: benign; eosinop hils

Drug-induced (eg, nitrofurantoin, methysergide, bromocrip tine, amiodarone):


Uremia; p ost-XRT; sarcoidosis

Meigs’ syndrome = benign ovarian tumor → ascites & p leural effusion

Yellow-nail syndrome: yellow nails, lymp hedema, p leural effusion, bronchiectasis

Diagnostic studies
• Thoracentesis (NEJM 2 006;355:e16)
Indications: all effusions >1 cm in decubitus view if susp ect due to CHF, can
diurese and see if effusions resolve (75% do so in 48 h) asymme try, fe ve r, che st
pain or failure to re solve → thoracentesis parapneumonics should be tapped
ASAP (cannot exclude infxn clinically)

Diag nostic studie s: ✓ total p rotein, LDH, glucose, cell count w/ differential, Gram
stain & culture, p H; remaining fluid for additional studies as dictated by clinical

Complications: PTX (5–10% ), hemothorax (~1% ), re-exp ansion p ulm edema (if
>1.5 L removed), sp leen/liver lac.; p ost-tap CXR not routinely needed (Annals
1996;12 4:8 16)

↓ PTX w/ U/S and exp erienced sup ervisor (Che st 2 009;135:1315; Archive s
2 010;170:332 )
• Transudate vs. exudate (Annals 1972 ;77:507)

Light’s criteria: exudate = TPeff/TPserum >0.5 or LDH eff/LDH serum >0.6 or

LDH eff >2 /3 ULN of LDH serum ; 98 % Se, 8 3% Sp ; best Se of all methods
(Che st 1995;107:1604); however, will misidentify 2 5% of transudates as
exudates; ∴ if clinically susp ect transudate but meets criterion for exudate,
confirm w/ test w/ higher Sp

exudative criteria w/ better Sp : serum-effusion alb gradient ≤1.2 , Se 8 7% , Sp

92 % ; serum-effusion TP gradient ≤3.1, Se 8 4% , Sp 91% ; chol eff >45 mg/dL
and LDH eff >2 00, 90% Se, 98 % Sp (no serum required)

CHF effusions: TP may ↑ with diure sis or chronicity → “p seudoexudate” ; alb gradient
≤1.2 , chol eff >60 mg/dL (Se 54% , Sp 92 % ) or clin judgment to distinguish
(Che st 2 002 ;12 2 :152 4)
• Complicated vs. uncomplicated parapneumonic (Che st 1995;108 :2 99)

comp licated = Gram stain or culture or p H <7.2 or glucose <60

comp licated p arap neumonic effusions usually require drainag e to achieve

emp yema = frank p us, also needs drainage to achieve resolution

• Additional p leural fluid studies (NEJM 2 002 ;346:1971)

NT-p roBNP ≥1,500 p g/mL has 91% Se & 93% Sp for CHF (Am J Me d
2 004;116:417)
WBC & diff.: exudates tend to have ↑ WBC vs. transudates but nonsp ecific
neutrop hils → p arap neumonic, PE, p ancreatitis lymp hocytes (>50% ) → cancer,
TB, rheumatologic eos (>10% ) → blood, air, drug rxn, asbestos,
p aragonimiasis, Churg-Strauss, PE
RBC: Hcteff 1–2 0% → cancer, PE, trauma; Hcteff/Hctblood >50% → hemothorax
AFB: yield in TB 0–10% w/ stain, 11–50% w/ culture, ~70% w/ p leural bx

adenosine deaminase (ADA): seen w/ granulomas, >70 suggests TB, <40 excludes
cytology: ideally ≥150 mL and at least 60 mL should be obtained (Che st
2 010;137:68 )
glucose: <60 mg/dL → malignancy, infection, RA
amylase: seen in p ancreatic disease and esop hageal rup ture (salivary amylase)
rheumatoid factor, C H 50, ANA: limite d utility in dx collagen vascular disease

triglycerides: >110 → chylothorax, 50–110 → ✓ lip op rotein analysis for

cholesterol: >60; seen in chronic effusions (eg, CHF, RA, old TB)

creatinine: effusion/serum ratio >1 → urinothorax

fibulin-3: ↑ p lasma and/or effusion levels → mesothelioma (NEJM 2 012 ;367:1417)

• Chest CT; p leural biop sy; VATS

• Undiagnosed p ersistent p leural effusions (Clin Che st Me d 2 006;2 7:309)

Transudative : most commonly CHF or hep atic hydrothorax. ✓ s/s CHF or

cirrhosis, NT-p roBNPeff; consider intrap eritoneal injection of technetium-99m
sulfur colloid

Exudative (ensure using Sp test listed above): most commonly malig, emp yema,
TB, PE. ✓ s/s malig, chest CT (I+), ADA or IFN-g release assay; consider
thoracoscop y.

• Symp tomatic effusion: therap eutic thoracentesis, treat underlying disease p rocess
• Parap neumonic effusion (Che st 2 000;118 :1158 )

uncomp licated → antibiotics for p neumonia

>1/2 hemithorax or complicated or empyema → tube thoracostomy (otherwise

risk of organization and subsequent need for surgical decortication)
loculated→ tube thoracostomy or VATS; intrap leural t-PA + DNase ↓ need for
surgical referral (NEJM 2 011;365:518 )

• Malignant effusion: serial thoracenteses vs. tube thoracostomy + p leurodesis

(success rate ~8 0–90% ) vs. indwelling p leural catheter (  JAMA 2 012 ;307:2 38 3);
choice of p leurodesis agent (talc, bleo, doxy) controversial; systemic steroids & p H
<7.2 a/w ↑ p leurodesis failure rate

• TB effusions: effusion will often resolve sp ontaneously; however, treat Pt for active

• Hep atic hydrothorax

Rx: Δ p ressure gradient (ie, ↓ ascitic fluid volume, NIPPV)

avoid chest tubes; p rn thoracenteses, p leurodesis, TIPS or VATS closure of
diap hragmatic defects if medical Rx fails; NIPPV for acute short-term

sp ontaneous bacterial emp yema (SBEM) can occur (even w/o SBP being p resent),
∴ thoracentesis if susp ect infection
transp lant is definitive treatment and workup should begin immediately


• Proximal deep venous thrombosis (DVT): thrombosis of p op liteal, femoral or iliac


(nb, “sup erficial” femoral vein p art of deep venous system)

• Pulmonary embolism (PE): thrombosis originating in venous system and embolizing

to p ulmonary arterial circulation; 1 case/1000 p erson y; 2 50,000/y (Archive s
2 003;163:1711)
Risk factors
• Virchow’s triad for thrombogenesis

stasis: bed rest, inactivity, CHF, CVA w/in 3 mo, air travel >6 h (NEJM
2 001;345:779)

injury to endothelium: trauma, surgery, p rior DVT, inflammation

thrombophilia: APC resistance, p rotein C or S deficiency, APS, p rothrombin gene
mutation,↑ factor VIII, hyp erhomocysteinemia, HIT, OCP, HRT, tamoxifen,

• Malignancy (12 % of “idiop athic” DVT/PE)

• History of thrombosis (greater risk of recurrent VTE than genetic thrombop hilia)

• Statin therap y ↓ risk (NEJM 2 009;360:18 51)

Clinical manifestations—DVT

• Calf p ain, swelling (>3 cm c/w unaffected side), venous distention, erythema,
warmth, tenderness, p alp able cord, Homan’s sign (calf p ain on dorsiflexion,
seen in <5% of Pts), phle g masia ce rule a dole ns: stagnant blood → edema,
cyanosis, p ain

• 50% of Pts with sx DVT have asx PE

Diagnostic studies—DVT

• D-dimer: <500 help s r/o; ? use 1000 as threshold if low risk (Annals 2 013;158 :93)
• Comp ression U/S >95% Se & Sp for sx DVT (lower for asx DVT); survey whole leg
rather than just p roximal if ≥mod p rob (  JAMA 2 010;303:438 ); venograp hy
rarely used

Figure 2-3 Approach to suspected DVT (Chest 2012; 141:e351S)

Clinical manifestations—PE

• Dysp nea (73% ), p leuritic chest p ain (66% ), cough (37% ), hemop tysis (13% )

• ↑ RR (>70% ), crackles (51% ), ↑ HR (30% ), fever, cyanosis, p leural friction rub,

loud P2

• Massive : syncop e, HoTN, PEA; ↑ JVP, R-sided S 3, Graham Steell (PR) murmur
Diagnostic studies—PE (NEJM 2010; 363:266)
• CXR (limited Se & Sp ): 12 % nl, atelectasis, effusion, ↑ hemidiap hragm, Hamp ton
hump (wedge-shap ed density abutting p leura); Westermark sign (avascularity
distal to PE)
• ECG (limited Se & Sp ): sinus tachycardia, AF; signs of RV strain → RAD, P
p ulmonale, RBBB, S IQ IIITIII & TWI V1–V4 (McGinn-White p attern, Che st
• ABG: hyp oxemia, hyp ocap nia, resp iratory alkalosis, ↑ A-a gradient (Che st
1996;109:78 ) 18 % w/ room air Pa O 2 8 5–105 mmHg, 6% w/ nl A-a gradient
(Che st 1991;100:598 )

• D-dimer: high Se, p oor Sp (~2 5% ); ELISA has >99% NPV and can be used to
r/o PE in Pts w/ “unlikely” p retest p rob. (  JAMA 2 006;2 95:172 )

• Echocardiograp hy: useful for risk stratification (RV dysfxn), but not dx (Se <50% )
• V/Q scan: high Se (~98 % ), low Sp (~10% ). Sp imp roves to 97% for high p rob VQ.
Use if p retest p rob of PE high and CT not available or contraindicated. Can also
exclude PE if low p retest p rob, low p rob VQ, but 4% false (  JAMA
1990;2 63:2 753).

• CT angiography (CTA; see Radiology inserts): Se ~90% & Sp ~95% w/ MDCT

(NEJM 2 006;354:2 317); PPV & NPV >95% if imaging concordant w/ clinical
susp icion, ≤8 0% if discordant (∴ need to consider both); CT may also p rovide
other dx

• Lower extremity comp ression U/S shows DVT in ~9% , sp aring CTA, but when
added to CTA, does not Δ outcomes (Lance t 2 008 ;371:1343)

• Pulmonary angio: ? gold standard (morbidity 5% , mortality <0.5% ), infrequently

p erformed

• MR angiograp hy: Se 8 4% (segmental) to 100% (lobar) (Lance t 2 002 ;359:1643); if

add MR venograp hy, Se 92 % , Sp 96% (Annals 2 010;152 :434)

Figure 2-4 Approach to suspected PE using CTA

Workup for idiopathic VTE

• Thrombophilia workup: ✓ if FH, consider if age <50 y or on OCP/HRT. Send

p anel 2 wk after comp lete anticoagulation, as thrombus, hep arin and warfarin Δ
results. Nb, does not change management after 1st idiop athic DVT if p lan for long-
term anticoagulation (  JAMA 2 005;2 93:2 352 ; Blood 2 008 ;112 :4432 ; Am J Me d
2 008 ;12 1:458 ).

• Malignancy workup: 12 % Pts w/ “idiop athic” DVT/PE will have malignancy; age-
ap p rop riate screening adequate; avoid extensive w/u (NEJM 1998 ;338 :1169)

Risk stratification for Pts with PE

• Clinical: hyp otension and/or tachycardia (~30% mortality), hyp oxemia
• CTA: RV / LV dimension ratio >0.9 (Circ 2 004;110:32 76)
• Biomarkers: ↑ trop onin (Circ 2 002 ;106:12 63), ↑ BNP (Circ 2 003;107:1576) a/w ↑
• Echocardiogram: RV dysfxn (controversial in absence of hyp otension)

• Simp lified PE Severity Index: 0 RFs → 1.1% mort.; ≥1 → 8 .9% mort (Archive s
2 010;170:138 3) RFs: age >8 0 y; h/o cancer; h/o HF or lung disease; HR ≥110;
SBP <100; S a O 2 <90%

Treatment of VTE (Lancet 2012; 379; 1835; Chest 2012; 141:e419S)

• LE DVT: p roximal → anticoagulate; distal: anticoagulate if severe sx or risk for

extension, o/w may consider serial imaging (although if bleeding risk low, many
would anticoagulate)

• UE DVT: anticoagulate (same guidelines as LE; NEJM 2 011;364:8 61). If catheter-

associated, need not remove if catheter functional and ongoing need for catheter.

• Sup erficial venous thrombosis: anticoagulate (esp . if extensive clot) as 10%

exp erience thromboembolic event w/in 3 mo (Annals 2 010;152 :2 18 )

• Acute anticoagulation options (initiate imme diate ly if hig h clinical suspicion!)

LMWH (eg, enoxap arin 1 mg/kg SC bid or daltep arin 2 00 IU/kg SC qd)
Preferred over UFH excep t: renal failure (CrCl <2 5), ? extreme obesity,
hemodynamic instability or bleed risk (Cochrane 2 004;CD001100)

No need to monitor anti-factor Xa unless concern re: dosing (eg, renal insuffic.)

Attractive op tion as outPt bridge to long-term oral anticoagulation

Fondaparinux: 5–10 mg SC qd (NEJM 2 003;349:1695); use if HIT ; avoid if

renal failure
IV UFH: 8 0 U/kg bolus → 18 U/kg/h → titrate to PTT 1.5–2 .3 × cntl (eg, 60–8 5

Rivaroxaban: 15 mg bid (for 1st 3 wk) LMWH followed by warfarin (NEJM

2 010;363:2 499 & 2 012 ;366:12 8 7); effect wears off w/in 2 4 h, but not easily
immediately reversed

Direct thrombin inhibitors (eg, argatroban, lep irudin) used in HIT Pts

• Early ambulation

• DVT & low-risk PE can be treated comp letely as outPt (Lance t 2 011;378 :41)

• Thrombolysis (eg, TPA 100 mg over 2 h or wt-adjusted TNK bolus)

Use if PE a/w hemodynamic comp romise (“massive PE” )

Consider if PE w/o hemodynamic comp romise, but high-risk (“submassive PE,” eg,
marked dysp nea, severe hyp oxemia, RV dysfxn on echo, RV enlargement on
CTA) and low bleed risk. Risk of ICH ~1% and no p roven mortality benefit
(NEJM 2 002 ;347:1143; Cochrane 2 006:CD004437).
Consider if extensive (eg, iliofemoral) acute DVT and catheter-directed Rx not

• Catheter-directed therapy (fibrinolytic & thrombus fragmentation/asp iration)

Consider if extensive vs. in all acute DVT as ↓ p ostthrombotic synd (Lance t
2 012 ;379:31)
Consider if PE w/ hemodynamic comp romise or high risk and not candidate for
systemic fibrinolytic therap y or surgical thrombectomy (Circ 2 011;12 4:2 139)
• Thrombectomy: if large, p roximal PE + hemodynamic comp romise + contra. to

consider in exp erienced ctr if large p rox. PE + RV dysfxn (  J Thorac CV Surg
2 005;12 9:1018 )

• IVC filter: if anticoagulation contraindication, failure or bleed, or ? ↓ CP reserve;

temp . filter if risk time limited; adding filter to anticoagulation → PE ↓ 1/2 , DVT
↑ 2 ×, no mort. diff. (NEJM 1998 ;338 :409; Circ 2 005;112 :416)

• Long-term anticoagulation options

Warfarin (goal INR 2 –3): start same day as hep arin unless instability and ? need
for lytic, catheter-based Rx or surgery; overlap ≥5 d w/ hep arin & until INR
≥2 × ≥2 4 h

Rivaroxaban (after 15 mg bid for 1st 3 wk, then 2 0 mg qd) warfarin (see refs
Dabigatran (NEJM 2 009;361:2 342 ) and idrabiotap arinux (weekly SC FXa inhib;
Lance t 2 012 ; 379:12 3) both ap p ear warfarin, but neither FDA ap p roved

VTE a/w cancer: LMWH × 3–6 mo, then LMWH/warfarin indefinitely or until
cancer cured (NEJM 2 003;349:146); ✓ head CT for brain mets if melanoma,
renal cell, thyroid, chorioCA

• Duration of anticoagulation:
Sup erficial venous thrombosis: 4 wk

1st p rox DVT or PE 2 ° reversible/time-limited risk factor or distal DVT: 3 mo

1st unprovoke d p rox DVT or PE: ≥3 mo, then reassess; if low bleed risk →
indefinite Rx w/ warfarin; extended Rx w/ newer agents under study: c/w
p lacebo ap ixaban (either 2 .5 or 5 mg) ↓↓ VTE w/o ↑ major bleeding (NEJM
2 013;368 :699); rivaroxaban (2 0 mg qd) or dabigatran (150 mg bid) also ↓↓ VTE
but ↑ major bleeding (NEJM 2 010;363:2 499 & 2 013;368 :709)
2 nd VTE event: indefinite warfarin (NEJM 1997;336:393 & 2 003;348 :142 5)

Can be guided by D-dimer testing at 1 & 3 mo (NEJM 2 006;355:178 0; Blood

2 010;115:48 1)
Afte r 6–18 mo of anticoag for unp rovoked VTE, if decide to stop anticoag (eg, b/c
of bleeding) ASA ↓ risk of recurrent VTE by 32 % (NEJM 2 012 ;366:1959 &

Complications & prognosis

• Postthrombotic syndrome (2 5% ): p ain, swelling; ↓ with comp ression stockings × 3


• Recurrent VTE: 1% /y (after 1st VTE) to 5% /y (after recurrent VTE)

after only 6 mo of Rx: 5% /y & >10% /y, resp ectively

p redictors: abnl D-dimer 1 month after d/c anticoag (NEJM 2 006;355:178 0);
U/S after 3 mo of anticoag (Annals 2 002 ;137:955); thrombin generation >400
nM (  JAMA 2 006;2 96:397)

• Chronic thromboembolic PHT after acute PE ~3.8 % (NEJM 2 004;350:2 2 57),

consider thromboendarterectomy

• Mortality: ~10% for DVT and ~10–15% for PE at 3–6 mo (Circ 2 008 ;117:1711)

PA me an pre ssure >25 mmHg at re st

Pathobiology (NEJM 2004; 35:1655)

• Smooth muscle & endothelial cell p roliferation; mutations in bone morp hogenic
p rotein recep tor 2 (BMPR2) in ~50% familial & ~2 6% sp oradic cases of IPAH
(NEJM 2 001;345:319)
• Imbalance between vasoconstrictors and vasodilators

↑ vasoconstrictors: thromboxane A2 (TXA2 ), serotonin (5-HT), endothelin-1 (ET-1)

↓ vasodilators: p rostacyclin (PGI2 ), nitric oxide (NO), vasoactive p ep tide (VIP)

• In situ thrombosis: ↑ TXA2 , 5-HT, PAI-1; ↓ PGI2 , NO, VIP, tissue p lasminogen

Clinical manifestations
• Dysp nea, exertional syncop e (hyp oxia, ↓ CO), exertional chest p ain (RV ischemia)

• Symp toms of R-sided CHF (eg, p erip heral edema, RUQ fullness, abdominal
• WHO class: I=asx w/ ordinary activity; II=sx w/ ord. activ.; III=sx w/ min activ.;
IV=sx at rest

Physical exam
• PHT: p rominent P2 , R-sided S 4, RV heave, PA tap & flow murmur, PR (Graham
Steell), TR
• ± RV failure: ↑ JVP, hep atomegaly, p erip heral edema

Diagnostic studies & workup (Circ 2009; 119:2250)

• IPAH ye arly incide nce 1–2 pe r million, ∴ r/o 2° cause s

• CXR and high-resolution chest CT: dilatation & p runing of p ulmonary arteries,
enlargement of RA and RV; r/o p arenchymal lung disease
• ECG: RAD, RBBB, RAE (“P p ulmonale” ), RVH (Se 55% , Sp 70% )
• PFTs: ↓ DLco, mild restrictive p attern; r/o obstructive and restrictive lung disease

• ABG & p olysomnograp hy: ↓ Pa O 2 and S a O 2 (esp . w/ exertion), ↓ Pa CO 2 , ↑ A-a

gradient; r/o hyp oventilation and OSA

• TTE: ↑ RVSP (but over or under by ≥10 mmHg in 1/2 of PHT Pts; Che st
2 011;139:98 8 ), flattened (“D” ) sep tum, TR, PR; r/o LV dysfxn, MV disease and
congenital heart disease
• RHC: ↑ RA, RV, & PA p ressures, nl PCWP (unless due to L-sided heart disease), ↑
transp ulm gradient (PAP-PCWP >12 –15, but can be nl if due to LV or valvular
dis.), ↑ PVR, ↓ CO; r/o ↑ L-sided p ressures shunt

• CTA (large/med vessel), V/Q scan (small vessel to r/o CTEPH), ± p ulmonary
angiogram: r/o PE and chronic thromboembolic disease

• Vasculitis labs: ANA (~40% in PAH), RF, anti-Scl-70, anticentromere, ESR

• LFTs & HIV: r/o p ortop ulmonary and HIV-associated PAH

• 6-min walk test (6MWT) or cardiop ulmonary exercise testing to establish fxnl
cap acity

Treatment (NEJM 2004; 351:1425; JIM 2005; 258:199; Circ 2009; 119:2250)
• Princip les

1) p revent and reverse vasoactive substance imbalance and vascular remodeling

2 ) p revent RV failure: ↓ wall stress (↓ PVR, PAP, RV diam); ensure adeq. systemic

• Supportive

Oxygen: maintain S a O 2 >90–92 % (reduces vasoconstriction)

Diuretics: ↓ RV wall stress and relieve RHF sx; g e ntle b/c RV is p reload dep endent

Digoxin: control AF, ? counteract neg. inotrop ic effects CCB

Dobutamine and inhaled NO for decomp ensated PHT

Anticoagulation: ↓ VTE risk of RHF; ? p revention of in situ microthrombi; ? mort.

benefit even if in NSR (Circ 198 4;70:58 0; Che st 2 006;130:545)

• Vasodilators (right heart catheterization p rior to initiation) acute vasore activity te st:
use inhaled NO, adenosine or p rostacyclin to identify Pts likely to have a long-term
resp onse to oral CCB ( vasoreactive resp onse defined as ↓ PAP ≥10 mmHg to
a level <40 mmHg with ↑ or stable CO); ~10% Pts are acute resp onders; no
resp onse → still candidates for other vasodilators (NEJM 2 004;351:142 5)
• Treat underlying causes of 2 ° PHT; can use vasodilators, although little evidence

• Refractory PHT:
balloon atrial sep tostomy: R→L shunt causes ↑ CO, ↓ S a O 2 , net ↑ tissue O 2

lung transp lant (single or bilateral); heart-lung needed if Eisenmenger p hysiology

Figure 2-5 Treatment of PAH (modified from JACC 2009; 54:S78)

Management of ICU patient

• Avoid overly aggressive volume resuscitation

• Caution with vasodilators if any L-sided dysfunction

• May benefit from inotrop es/chronotrop es

• Consider fibrinolysis if acute, refractory decomp ensation (eg, TPA 100 mg over 2 h)


• Median survival after dx ~2 .8 y; PAH (all etiologies): 2 -y 66% , 5-y 48 % (Che st

2 004;12 6:78 -S)

• Poor p rognostic factors: clinical evidence of RV failure, rap idly p rogressive sx,
WHO (modified NYHA) class IV, 6MWT <300 m, p eak VO 2 <10.4 mL/kg/min, ↑
RA or RV or RV dysfxn, RA >2 0 or CI <2 .0, ↑ BNP (Che st 2 006;12 9:1313)
• Lung transp lant: 1-y survival 66–75% ; 5-y survival 45–55% (Che st 2 004;12 6:63-S)

• A-a gradient = P AO2 – P aO2 : normal (on room air) = “4 + age/4” or “2 .5 + (0.2
× age)” hyp oxemia + normal A-a gradient → p roblem is excess Pa CO 2 (ie,
hyp oventilation)
• V/Q mismatch and shunt rep resent sp ectrum w/ both coexisting in alveolar disease

100% O 2 can overcome V/Q mismatch but not large shunt b/c sigmoidal Hg-O 2

Figure 2-6 Workup of acute hypoxemia

• Cyanosis: seen when >4 g/dL of reduced Hb in blood vessels of skin/mucous

membranes central: ↓ S a O 2 (p ulm disease, shunt); abnl Hb [metHb, sulfHb, COHb
(not true cyanosis)] p erip heral: ↓ blood flow → ↑ O 2 extraction (eg, ↓ CO, cold,
arterial or venous obstruction)

CO binds to Hb more avidly than does O 2 . Pulse oximeter (Ox) misreads COHb as
HbO 2 → falsely nl sat. Oxidizing drugs Δ Hb (ferrous) to MetHb (ferric), which
cannot carry O 2 . Pulse ox misreads MetHb as HbO 2 . Cyanide inhibits mitochondrial
O 2 use → cellular hyp oxia but p ink skin and ↑ ve nous O 2 sat.


• Imp rove gas exchange

↑ oxygenation
↑ alveolar ventilation and/or reverse acute resp iratory acidosis
• Relieve resp iratory distress
↓ work of breathing (can account for up to 50% of total oxygen consump tion)

↓ resp iratory muscle fatigue

• Ap nea, airway p rotection, p ulmonary toilet

Choosing settings (NEJM 2001; 344:1986)

1. Choose method (including p otentially noninvasive ventilation, see later)
2 . Pick ventilator mode, and (if ap p rop riate) volume targeted or p ressure targeted
3. Set or ✓ remaining variables (eg, Fi O 2 , PEEP, I:E time, flow, airway p ressures)
Tailoring the ventilator settings
• To imp rove oxygenation: op tions include ↑ Fi O 2 , ↑ PEEP

First, ↑ Fi O 2 . If >0.6 and oxygenation remains subop timal, then try ↑ PEEP:

If ↑ Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 and Pp lat stable, suggests recruitable lung (ie, atelectasis).

Continue to ↑ PEEP until either can ↓ Fi O 2 to <0.6 or Pp lat ≥30 cm H 2 O. If
PEEP 2 0 & Fi O 2 1.0 and oxygenation remains subop timal, consider rescue/exp t
strategies (see “ARDS” ).

If ↑ PEEP yields no Δ or ↓ Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 or ↑ Pa CO 2 , suggests additional lung not

recruitable and instead overdistending lung → ↑ shunt & dead sp ace; ∴ ↓ PEEP

• To imp rove ventilation: ↑ VT or insp iratory p ressure, ↑ RR (may need to ↓ I time).

Nb, tolerate ↑ Pa CO 2 (p ermissive hyp ercap nia) in ALI/ARDS (qv) as long as p H
Acute ventilatory deterioration (usually ↑ PIP)

• Resp onse to ↑ PIP: disconnect Pt from vent., bag, auscultate, suction, ✓ CXR & ABG

Figure 2-7 Approach to acute ventilatory deterioration

Weaning from the ventilator (NEJM 2012; 367:2233)

• Perform daily assessment of readiness for sp ontaneous breathing trial (SBT)

• Clinical screening criteria: VS stable, minimal secretions, adequate cough, cause of
resp iratory failure or p reviously failed SBT reversed

• Vent p arameters: Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 >2 00, PEEP ≤5, f/VT <105, VE <12 L/min, VC >10
mL/kg rap id shallow breathing index (f/VT) >105 p redicts failure; NPV 0.95
(NEJM 1991;32 4:1445)
• Daily awakening trial (d/c all sedation; Lance t 2 008 ;371:12 6): op en eyes & w/o:
agitation, RR >35, S a O 2 <8 8 % , resp distress or arrhythmias (if fail, restart
sedation at 1/2 p rior dose).
• SBT = CPAP or T p iece × 30–12 0 min

failure if: deteriorating ABGs, ↑ RR, ↑ or ↓ HR, ↑ or ↓ BP, diap horesis, anxiety

• Tolerate SBT → extubation. Fail SBT → ? cause → work to correct → retry SBT qd

• Oxygen toxicity (theoretical); p rop ortional to duration + degree of ↑ oxygen (Fi O 2

• Ventilator-associated p neumonia (~1% /day, mortality rate ~30% )

typ ical p athogens: MRSA, Pse udomonas, Acine tobacte r and Ente robacte r sp ecies
p reventive strategies (AJRCCM 2 005;171:38 8 ): wash hands, HOB elevated, non-
nasal intub., enteral nutrition rather than TPN, routine suction of subglottic
secretions, avoid unnecessary abx & transfusions, routine oral antisep tic, stress-
ulcer p rop hylaxis w/ ? sucralfate (↓ VAP, ↑ GIB) vs. H 2 RA/PPI, ? silver-coated
tubes (  JAMA 2 008 ;300:8 05)

• Laryngeal

edema: for Pts vent >36 h; ? p redicted by cuff leak test. Methylp rednisolone
2 0 mg IV q4h starting 12 h p re-extub. → ↓↓ edema and 50% ↓ in reintubation
(Lance t 2 007;369:1003)

ulceration: consider trache ostomy for p atients in whom exp ect >14 d of mech vent
→ ↓ duration mech vent, ↓ # ICU days (BMJ 2 005;330:12 43); no benefit to
p erforming at ~1 wk vs. waiting until ~2 wk (  JAMA 2 010;303:148 3)
• Malnutrition (for all critically ill Pts): e nte ral nutrition initiated early is safe but not
necessary (  JAMA 2 012 ;307:795), but bolus may ↑ risk of VAP & C diff. (  JPEN
2 002 ;2 6:174); no clear benefit to ✓ing gastric residuals (  JAMA 2 013;309:2 49);
pare nte ral nutrition should be delayed until after day 8 to ↓ risk of infections,
cholestasis, RRT, ventilator days (NEJM 2 011;365:506)

• Oversedation/delirium: BDZs and p olyp harmacy are risk factors

p rop ofol: HoTN in ~2 5% ; propofol infusion syndrome (PRIS) ? esp . w/ high (>5
mg/kg/h) & p rolonged (>48 h) infusions & concom vasop ressors → ↑ AG,
cardiac dysfxn, rhabdomyolysis, ↑ triglycerides, & renal failure (Crit Care
2 009;13:R169)
dexmedetomidine: ↑ vent-free days, but brady & HoTN c/w BDZ (  JAMA
2 012 ;307:1151)

New “Berlin” definition (  JAMA 2012; 307:2526)

• Acute onset within 1 wk of clinical insult or worsening resp iratory status

• Bilateral infiltrates without alternative exp lanation (eg, effusion, atelectasis,


• Edema not fully explained by fluid overload or congestive heart failure

• Hypoxemia: Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 determined with 5 cm H 2 O of PEEP

Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 2 00–300 = mild ARDS (may be on NIPPV), 100–2 00 = mod, <100

= severe

• Chest CT: heterogeneous lung with densities greater in dep endent areas
• Lung bx: diffuse alveolar damage (DAD); Ø req, may give useful dx info (Che st
2 004;12 5:197)

• ↑ intrap ulmonary shunt → hyp oxemia (∴ Rx w/ PEEP to p revent derecruitment)

• ↑ increased dead sp ace fraction (see Ap p endix), p redicts ↑ mort. (NEJM

2 002 ;346:12 8 1)

• ↓ comp liance: VT/(Pp lat – PEEP) <50 mL/cm H 2 O

Treatment (p rimarily sup p ortive) (Lancet 2007; 369:1553; NEJM 2007; 357:1113)
• Goal is to maintain gas exchange, sustain life, & avoid ventilator-induced lung injury
• Fluid balance: target CVP 4–6 cm H 2 O (if nonoliguric & normotensive) → ↑
vent/ICU-free days, but no Δ mortality (NEJM 2 006;354:2 564); PA catheter
unp roven (NEJM 2 006;354:2 2 13); using BNP >2 00 to trigger diuresis (UOP goal
4.5–9 mL/kg/h × 3 h) ↓ time to extubation (AJRCCM 2 012 ;18 6:12 56)
• Steroids: debate continues. Adverse effects include neuromuscular weakness, p oor glc
control, ? infection. Benefit may vary by time since ARDS onset:
<72 h: older studies w/o benefit (NEJM 198 7;317:1565); ? ↓ mortality, ↑
vent/ICU-free days in more recent, controversial study (Che st 2 007;131:954)

7–13 d: ? benefit → ↑ vent/ICU-free days, no mortality difference (NEJM

2 006;354:1671)

≥14 d: ↑ mortality (NEJM 2 006;354:1671)

• Paralysis: if Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 <150, cisatracurium × 48 h ↓ mortality (NEJM
2 010;363:1107)

• Experimental (  JAMA 2 010;304:2 52 1)

Inhale d NO or prostacyclins: ↑ Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 , no ↓ mort. or vent-free days (BMJ

2 007;334:779)

Prone : ↑ Pa O 2 , but ↑ comp lications and no ↓ mortality (  JAMA 2 009;302 :1977); ?

↓ mortality if Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 <100 (Inte ns Care Me d 2 010;36:58 5)

Hig h-fre q oscillatory ve nt: no benefit and p ossible harm (NEJM 2 013;368 :795, 8 06,
& 8 63)
Lung re cruitme nt: ap p ly CPAP 40–45 cm H 2 O × 2 min to recruit lung and then ↑
PEEP to maintain; sicker Pts had ↑ recruitable lung (NEJM 2 006;354:1775, 18 39)

ECMO: may be useful in refractory ARDS, but no good trial data (NEJM
2 011;365:1905)

Esoph manome try: adjust PEEP according to esop h p ressure ( p leural p ressure)
to maintain p ositive transp ulm p ressure → ↑ Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 , ↑ comp liance and
p ossible outcome benefit (NEJM 2 008 ;359:2 095); help ful in obese Pts or w/ ↑
abdominal p ressure

• Mortality ~40% overall in clinical trials; 9–15% resp . causes, 8 5–91% extrap ulm

• ↑ BNP & trop onin a/w ↑ mortality (Che st 2 007;131:964; PLoS One 2 012 ;7:e40515)
• Survivors: PFTs ~normal, ↓ DLCO, muscle wasting, weakness p ersists (NEJM
2 003;348 :68 3), ↓ exercise tolerance, ↓ QoL, ↑ p sych morbidity (NEJM
2 011;364:12 93)

Fluids & vasoactive drugs

• Early goal-directed therapy (“Rivers Protocol,” NEJM 2 001;345:1368 ), confirm.
trials p ending

Insert arterial & central venous lines (NEJM 2 007;356:e2 1; PAC not needed) and ✓
MAP, CVP & S cvO 2 (central venous O 2 sat, nl 60–8 0% ) which measures O 2
consump tion vs. delivery (less invasive than mixed venous) w/ low S CVO 2 → ↓
O 2 delivery (↓ S a O 2 , nl S a O 2 but ↓ CO or anemia) or excessive O 2
consump tion

Target MAP ≥65 mmHg, CVP 8 –12 mmHg, & UOP ≥0.5 mL/kg/h using fluid (eg,
500 mL NS q30min) and vasop ressors as needed

Target S cvO 2 ≥70% using PRBCs & inotrop es (dobutamine, ↑ dose as needed

When done w/in first 6 h for severe sep sis & sep tic shock, 42 % ↓ mortality

• Lactate clearance (≥2 0% / 2 h) as effective as S cvO 2 to guide resuscitation (  JAMA

2 010;303:739)
• Crystalloid better than colloid for resuscitation (NEJM 2 004;350:2 2 47 &
2 012 ;367:12 4 & 1901)

• Norep i ↓ arrhyth. & mort. c/w dop amine (NEJM 2 010;362 :779; Crit Care Me d
2 012 ;40:72 5)

• Vasop ressin added to low-dose norep inep hrine not sup erior to high-dose
norep inep hrine (NEJM 2 008 ;358 :8 77); consider if HoTN refractory to
catecholamine vasop ressors
• Use PRBC w/ caution, may ↑ mortality/morbidity, ↑ risk of ARDS (Crit Care Me d
2 005;33:1191); ∴ goal Hb 7 unless active cardiac ischemia (NEJM 1999;340:409)

• After early resuscitation, if ALI/ARDS, target CVP 4–6 mmHg as additional fluids
may be harmful → ↑ ventilator/ICU days (NEJM 2 006;354:2 564; Che st
2 008 ;133:2 52 )

• Pulse p ressure variation >13% with resp iration → likely volume-resp onsive (Che st
2 008 ;133:2 52 ); only validated in p assive, intubated Pts and studied in higher tidal

• Start emp iric IV abx w/in 1 h of recognition of severe sep sis or sep tic shock; every
hour delay in abx admin a/w 8 % ↑ in mortality (Crit Care Me d 2 006;34:158 9)
• If p ossible, obtain 2 sets of BCx before urgently starting abx (but do not delay abx)

• Typ ically want broad gram-p ositive and gram-negative coverage, including MRSA
and highly resistant gram-negative bacilli ± anaerobes

Steroids (NEJM 2003; 348:727; JAMA 2009; 301:2362)

• Cortisol secretion help s p redict mortality, but treatment of adrenal insufficiency is

unp roven (  JAMA 2 000;2 8 3:1038 ; NEJM 2 008 ;358 :111)
• Earlier study showed possible mortality benefit w/in 8 h of severe sep tic shock (SBP
<90 for >1 h desp ite fluids & p ressors) if p ost ACTH stim cortisol Δ ≤ 9 µg/dL
(  JAMA 2 002 ;2 8 8 :8 62 )

• No mortality benefit to early (<72 h) emp iric corticosteroids in all Pts w/ sep tic
shock, regardless of ACTH stim; faster resolution of shock, more sup erinfection
(NEJM 2 008 ;358 :111)
• ? hydrocortisone 50–100 q6–8 h ± fludrocortisone 50 µg daily in sep tic shock
refractory to fluids & p ressors, regardless of ACTH stim (Crit Care Me d
2 008 ;36:2 96)
Activated protein C

• No longer FDA ap p roved, no imp rovement in mortality (NEJM 2 012 ;366:2 055)

Intensive glycemic control (NEJM 2010; 363:2540)

• No evidence of imp roved outcomes in MICU p op ulation w/ intensive glycemic
• Intensive glycemic control to goal 8 0–110 mg/dL in surg ical ICU p op ulation →
mortality benefit, greatest if >3-d ICU stay (NEJM 2 001;345:1359)

• Rep eat studies suggest intensive glycemic control → either no Δ or ↑ increased

mortality, and definite ↑ hyp oglyc. (  JAMA 2 008 ;300:933; NEJM 2 006;354:449;
2 008 ;358 :12 5; 2 009;360:12 8 3)

• Hyp oglycemia associated with mortality (NEJM 2 012 ;367:1108 )

• Reasonable to keep glc <150 mg/dL in severe sep sis, using validated p rotocol (Crit
Care Me d 2 008 ;36:2 96)


• Orop haryngeal: inability to p rop el food from mouth through UES into esop hagus
• Esop hageal: difficulty swallowing & p assing food from esop hagus into stomach

Figure 3-1 Etiologies of and ap p roach to dysp hagia (NCP Gastrohe p 2 008 ;5:393;
Ne urog astro 2 012 ;2 4:57)


• Etiologies: idiop athic (most common), p seudoachalasia (due to GE jxn tumor),


• Sx: dysp hagia (solid & liquid), chest p ain (1/3 of Pts), regurgitation

• Dx: barium swallow → dilated esop hagus w/ distal “bird’s beak” narrowing;
manometry → simultaneous, low amp litude contractions of esop hageal body,
incomp lete relaxation of lower esop hageal sp hincter (± LES hyp ertension); EGD →
r/o p seudoachalasia (retroflex)
• Rx: exp ert p neumatic dilation (≤4% eso p erf) lap Heller myotomy (NEJM
2 011;364:18 68 )

Other esophageal disorders

• Webs (up p er/mid esop h; congenital, GVHD, Fe-defic anemia); Rings (lower; ? due to
GERD); Zenker’s diverticulum (p haryngoesop h jxn); dx w/ barium swallow; Rx:

• Infxn esop hagitis: odynop hagia > dysp hagia; often immunosup p w/ Candida, HSV,

• Pill esop hagitis: odynop hagia > dysp hagia; NSAID, KCl, bisp hosp ., doxy &
• Eosinop hilic esop hagitis (Clin Gastro & He p 2 012 ;10:1066): seen in young or middle-
aged, p redom . Dx req >15 eos/hp f on bx & exclude GERD (eg, emp iric PPI
trial). Rx: 3Ds: Diet (elim milk, soy, eggs, wheat, nuts, fish); Drugs (swallow inh
steroids), Dilation


• Excessive transient relaxations of lower esop hageal sp hincter (LES) or incomp etent

• Mucosal damage (esop hagitis) due to p rolonged contact w/ acid can evolve to
• Risk factors: hiatal hernia, obesity, gastric hyp ersecretory states, delayed emp tying
• Precip itants: sup ine p osition, fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, CCB,
p regnancy
Clinical manifestations

• Esop hageal: heartburn, atyp ical chest p ain, regurgitation, water brash, dysp hagia
• Extraesop hageal: cough, asthma (often p oorly controlled), laryngitis, dental

Diagnosis (Gastro 2 008 ;135:138 3; Am J Gastro 2 010;105:747; Annals 2 012 ;157:8 08 )

• Based on hx & emp iric trial of PPI (Se & Sp : 78 % & 54% ) (Annals 2 004;140:518 )

• EGD if: (1) failure to resp ond to bid PPI; (2 ) alarm features: dysp hagia, vomiting,
wt loss, evid of blood loss; or ? (3) >50 y w/ sx ≥5 y + nocturnal sx, hiatal
hernia, obesity, cigs

• If dx uncertain & EGD nl → high res manometry w/ 2 4-h esop h p H monitoring ±

imp edance

Treatment (NEJM 2 008 ;359:1700)

• Lifestyle: avoid p recip itants, lose weight, avoid large & late meals, elevate head of

• Medical: PPI achieve relief in 8 0–90% (titrate to lowest dose that achieves sx control)
surgery among Pts who initially resp ond to acid sup p ression (JAMA
2 011;305:1969)
• Refractory: confirm w/ p H testing: if acidic or sx correlate w/ reflux ep isodes →
surgical fundop lication (imp lantation of magnetic esop hageal sp hincter device
being studied; NEJM 2 013;368 :719); if nl p H or no sx correlation → TCA, SSRI or
baclofen (Gastro 2 010;139:7.e3)

Complications (NEJM 2 009;361:2 548 ; Gastro 2 011;140:108 4 & e18 )

• Barrett’s esop hagus: dx by bx of intestinal metap lasia above GE jxn. Screen for BE if
≥2 of the following risk factors: >50 y, male, white, chronic GERD, hiatal hernia,
high BMI.

• Esop hageal adenocarcinoma: risk ~0.12 % /y if Barrett’s, ~2 .3% /y if low-grade

dysp lasia, ~6% /y if high-grade dysp lasia; ~40% of Pts w/ esop h adenoca rep ort
no hx of GERD sx

• Management: Barrett’s w/o dysp lasia: surveillance EGD q3–5 y; low-grade

dysp lasia: q 6– 12 mo. 4 quadrant bx q 2 cm. Chemop reventive benefit of ASA
under study.

High-grade dysp lasia: U/S to r/o invasive cancer; endoscop ic mucosal resection of
any visible mucosal irregularity + ablation of dysp lasia (radiofrequency or
p hotodynamic).


• Up p er abdominal sx: discomfort, p ain, fullness, early satiety, bloating, burning

• Functional (“nonulcer dysp ep sia” or NUD ~60% ): some combination of visceral
afferent hyp ersensitivity & abnormal gastric motility (Rome III criteria in Gastro
2 006;130:1377)
• Organic (~40% ): GERD, PUD, rarely gastric cancer, other (meds, diabetic gastro-
p aresis, lactose intolerance, biliary p ain, chronic p ancreatitis, mesenteric
• Alarm fe ature s that suggest organic cause & warrant EGD: see list above under GERD

Treatment of functional dyspepsia (Gastro 2 005;12 9:1756; Alim Pharm The r

2 012 ;36:3)

• H. pylori eradication → emp iric Rx if serology, NNT = 14 (Cochrane 2 006(2 )

CD002 096)
• PPI effective in some (? misdx GERD), others: TCA, p rokinetics, busp irone

Epidemiology & etiologies (Lance t 2 009;374:1449)

• Lifetime p revalence ~10% , but incidence ↓ (H. pylori and p otent acid sup p ression
Rx). However, hosp for comp lic unD’d in general and ↑ in elderly, likely 2 ° to ↑
NSAID use.
• H. pylori infection: 8 0% of duodenal ulcers (DU) and 60% of gastric ulcers (GU)
~50% of p op ulation colonized w/ H. pylori, but only 5–10% will develop PUD
• ASA & NSAIDs: 45% erosions, 15–30% GU, 0.1–4% UGIB
• Hyp ersecretory states (often mult. recurrent ulcers): gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison
syndrome, also p /w diarrhea, <1% of PUD), carcinoid, mastocytosis
• Malignancy: 5–10% of GU
• Other: smoking, stress ulcers, XRT, chemo, CMV/HSV (immunosup p ),
bisp hosp honates; steroids alone generally not a risk factor, but may exacerbate
NSAID-induced ulceration
Clinical manifestations

• Epigastric abdominal pain: relieved with food (DU) or worsened by food (GU)

• Comp lications: UGIB, p erforation & p enetration, gastric outlet obstruction

Diagnostic studies

• Test for H. pylori

Stool antigen or EGD + rap id urease test now dx tests of choice & to confirm erad
(4–6 wk p ost txment); false if on abx, bismuth, PPI, so stop p rior to testing
if p ossible

Serology: ↓ utility, useful only to exclude infection in low p revalence areas (most
of U.S.)

• EGD req to def make dx; consider if fail emp iric Rx or alarm features; bx GU to r/o
malig; relook in 6–12 wk if ap p arently benign ulcer >2 .5 cm, comp licated or sx
p ersist

Treatment (NEJM 2 010;362 :1597, Gut 2 012 ;61:646)

• If H. pylori , eradicate:

Trip le Rx: clarith+[amox, MNZ or levoflox]+PPI bid × 10–14 d (if clarith resist
rate <2 0% )

Quadrup le Rx: MNZ + TCN + bismuth + PPI (if clarith resist rate >15% or
amox allergy) erad vs. trip le 93 vs. 70% , clarith sens 95 vs. 8 5% , resist 91 vs.
8 % (Lance t 2 011;377:905)

Sequential Rx: PPI + amox × 7 d → PPI + clarith + MNZ × 7 d (Lance t

2 013;38 1:2 05)
Besides PUD, test & Rx if: gastric MALT lymp homa, atrop hic gastritis, FHx
gastric ca

• If H. pylori : gastric acid sup p ression w/ PPI

• Discontinue ASA and NSAIDs; add PPI

• Lifestyle changes: d/c smoking and p robably EtOH; diet does not seem to p lay a role

• Surgery: if refractory to med Rx (1st r/o NSAID use) or for comp lications (see above)
Prophylaxis if ASA/NSAID required (JACC 2 008 ;52 :1502 )

• PPI if (a) h/o PUD/UGIB; (b) also on clop idogrel (although ? ↓ antip lt effect); (c) ≥2
of the following: age >60, steroids or dysp ep sia; p rior to start test & Rx H. pylori
• Consider misop rostol; consider H2 RA if ASA monotherap y (Lance t 2 009;374:119)

• Consider Δ to COX-2 inhibit (↓ PUD & UGIB but ↑ CV events) if low CV risk & not on
• Stress ulcer: risk factors = ICU & coagulop athic, mech vent, h/o GIB, steroid use;
Rx w/ PPI


• Intraluminal blood loss anywhere from the orop harynx to the anus

• Classification: upper = above the ligament of Treitz; lower = below the ligament of

• Signs: hematemesis = blood in vomitus (UGIB); hematochezia = bloody stools

(LGIB or rap id UGIB); melena = black, tarry stools from digested blood (usually
UGIB, but can be anywhere above and including the right colon)
Etiologies of upper GI bleed (UGIB)
• Peptic ulcer disease (50% ): H. pylori, NSAIDs, gastric hyp ersecretory states

• Varices (10–30% ): esop hageal ± gastric, 2 ° to p ortal HTN. If isolated gastric → r/o
sp lenic vein thrombosis.

• Gastropathy/gastritis/duodenitis (15% ): NSAIDs, ASA, alcohol, stress, p ortal

hyp ertensive
• Erosive esophagitis/ulcer (10% ): GERD, XRT, infectious (CMV, HSV or Candida if
immunosup p ressed), p ill esop hagitis (bisp hosp honate, NSAIDs; ± odynop hagia)

• Mallory-Weiss tear (10% ): GE junction tear due to retching against closed glottis
• Vascular lesions (5% )

Dieulafoy’s lesion: sup erficial ectatic artery usually in cardia → sudden, massive
AVMs, angioectasias, hered. hemor. telangiectasia: submucosal, anywhere in GI

Gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE):  “watermelon stomach,” tortuous, dilated

vessels; a/w cirrhosis, atrop hic gastritis, CREST syndrome

Aortoenteric fistula: AAA or aortic graft erodes into 3rd p ortion of duodenum; p /w
“herald bleed” ; if susp ected, diagnose by endoscop y or CT

• Neop lastic disease: esop hageal or gastric carcinoma, GIST

• Orop haryngeal bleeding and ep istaxis → swallowed blood

Etiologies of lower GI bleed (LGIB)

• Diverticular hemorrhage (33% ): 60% of diverticular bleeding localized to right colon

• Neop lastic disease (19% ): usually occult bleeding, rarely severe

• Colitis (18 % ): infectious, ischemic, radiation, inflammatory bowel disease (UC >>

• Angiodysp lasia (8 % ): most commonly located in ascending colon and cecum

• Anorectal (4% ): hemorrhoids, anal fissure, rectal ulcer

• Other: p ostp olyp ectomy, vasculitis

Clinical manifestations

• UGIB > LGIB: N/V, hematemesis, coffee-ground emesis, ep igastric p ain, vasovagal,
• LGIB > UGIB: diarrhea, tenesmus, BRBPR, hematochezia (11% UGIB; Gastro
198 8 ;95:1569)

Initial management
• Assess severity: tachycardia (can be masked by bB use) suggests 10% volume loss,
orthostatic hyp otension 2 0% loss, shock >30% loss

• Resuscitation: p lacement of 2 large-bore (18 -gauge or larger) intravenous lines

Volume rep lacement: NS or LR to achieve normal VS, UOP, & mental status

• Transfuse: blood bank samp le for typ e & cross; use O-neg if emerg; transfuse as
needed; for UGIB (esp . w/ p ortal HTN) use more restrictive Hb goal (eg, 7 g/dL)
(NEJM 2 013;368 :11)
• Reverse coagulopathy: FFP & vit K to normalize PT; p lts to keep count >50,000
• Triage: consider ICU if unstable VS or p oor end organ p erfusion

Intubation for emergent EGD, if ongoing hematemesis, shock, p oor resp status, Δ

? OutPt management if SBP ≥110, HR <100, Hb ≥13 ( ) or ≥12 ( ), BUN

<18 , melena, syncop e, heart failure, liver disease (Lance t 2 009;373;42 )

• History: whe re (anatomic location) & why (etiology)

acute or chronic, p rior GIB, # of ep isodes, other GI dx

hematemesis, vomiting prior to hematemesis (Mallory-Weiss), melena,


abdominal p ain, wt loss, anorexia, Δ in stool caliber

gastric irritants (ASA/NSAIDs), antip latelet drugs, anticoagulants, known

coagulop athy

alcohol (gastrop athy, varices), cirrhosis, known liver disease, risk factors for liver

abdominal/rectal radiation, history of cancer, p rior GI or aortic surgery

• Physical exam: VS most important, orthostatic Ds, JVP

localizable abd tenderness, p eritoneal signs, masses, LAN, signs of p rior surgery

signs of liver disease (hep atosp lenomegaly, ascites, etc.)

rectal exam: masses, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, stool ap p earance, color, occult

p allor, jaundice, telangiectasias (alcoholic liver disease or hered. hemor.


• Lab studies: Hct (may be normal in first 2 4 h of acute GIB before equilibration)

↓ 2 –3% → 500 mL blood loss; low MCV → Fe deficient and chronic blood loss;
p lt, PT,

PTT; BUN/Cr (ratio >36 in UGIB b/c GI resorp tion of blood ± p rerenal
azotemia); LFTs

Diagnostic studies

• Nasogastric tube can aid localization: fre sh blood → active UGIB; coffe e g rounds →
recent UGIB; nonbloody bile → ? lower source, but does not exclude active UGIB
(~15% missed); occult blood testing of no value

• UGIB: EGD w/in 2 4 h for dx and p oss Rx; ↓ LOS & need for surgery, consider
erythro 2 50 mg IV 30 min p rior → emp ty stomach of blood → ↑ Dx/Rx yield (Am
J Gastro 2 006;101:12 11)
• LGIB: first r/o UGIB before attemp ting to localize p resumed LGIB (10–15% actually
UGIB, 3–5% small bowel), the n colonoscop y (identifies cause in >70% ); consider
rap id p urge w/ PEG solution 4 L over 2 h; no clear benefit of colonoscop y w/in 12
vs. 36–60 h (AJG 2 010;105;2 636); CT angio p romising (Radiolog y 2 010;2 62 :109)
• Unstable or recurrent UGIB & LGIB:
tagged RBC scan: can localize bleeding rates ≥0.1 mL/min for surg but unreliable
arteriography: can localize if bleeding rates ≥0.5 mL/min and can Rx (coil, vaso,
glue) emergent exp loratory lap arotomy (last resort)
Obscure GIB (Gastro 2 007;133:1694; GIE 2 010;72 :471)
• Definition: continued bleeding (melena, hematochezia) desp ite EGD & colo; 5%
of GIB

• Etiologies: Dieulafoy’s lesion, small bowel angiodysp lasia, ulcer or cancer, Crohn’s
disease, aortoenteric fistula, Meckel’s diverticulum (2 % of p op ., remnant of
vitelline duct w/ ectop ic gastric mucosa), hemobilia

• Diagnosis: rep eat EGD w/ p ush enteroscop y/colonoscop y when bleeding is active
If , video cap sule to evaluate small intestine (Gastro 2 009;137:1197)
If still , consider 99m Tc-p ertechnetate scan (“Meckel’s scan” ), enteroscop y
(single-balloon, double-balloon or sp iral), tagged RBC scan and arteriograp hy


Evaluation (NEJM 2 009;361:1560; Gastro 2 009;136:18 74)

• Hx: stool freq, bloody, abd p ain, duration of sxs [~1 wk for viral & bacterial
(excep t C. diff), >1 wk for p arasitic], travel, food, recent abx

• PEx: vol dep letion (VS, UOP, axillae, skin turgor, MS), fever, abd tenderness, ileus,
• Furthe r e valuation if warning signs: fever, signific abd p ain, blood or p us in stools,
>6 stools/d, severe dehydration, immunosup p , elderly, duration >7 d, hosp -

• Etiology established in only ~3% of community-acquired diarrhea

• Laboratory: fecal WBC (high false & ; ✓ fecal calp rotectin or lactoferrin
Se/Sp >90% ), stool cx, BCx, lytes, C. diff (if recent hosp or abx), stool O&P (if
>10 d, travel to endemic area, exp osure to unp urified H 2 O, community outbreak,
daycare, HIV or MSM)

± stool ELISAs (viruses, Crypto, Giardia), serologies (E. histolytica), sp ecial stool cx

• Imaging/endoscopy: CT/KUB if ? toxic megacolon; sig/colo if immunosup p or cx

• Ddx: infxn vs. p reformed toxin vs. med-induced vs. initial p resentation of chronic

• If none of the above warning signs and Pt able to take POs → sup p ortive Rx only:
oral hydration, lop eramide, bismuth subsalicylate (avoid anticholinergics)

• If moderate dehydration: 50–2 00 mL/kg/d of oral solution (1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp
baking soda, 8 tsp sugar, & 8 oz OJ diluted to 1 L w/ H 2 O) or Gatorade, etc. If
severe, LR IV.
• For traveler’s diarrhea, bismuth or rifaximin useful for p rop hylaxis & emp iric Rx

• Empiric abx for non–hosp ital-acquired inflammatory diarrhea reasonable: FQ × 5–7 d

abx rec for Shig e lla, cholera, Giardia, amebiasis, Salmone lla if Pt >50 y or
immunosup p or hosp italized, ? Campylobacte r (if w/in 4 d of sx onset)

avoid abx if susp ect E. coli O157:H7 as may ↑ risk of HUS



• Ingestion of C. difficile sp ores → colonization when colonic flora Dd by abx or chemo

→ release of toxin A/B → colonic mucosal necrosis & inflammation →
p seudomembranes
• ↑ toxigenic strain (NAP 1/02 7) ↑ mort. & length of hosp (esp . in elderly) (NEJM
2 008 ;359:1932 )
• Additional risk factors: elderly, nursing home residents, IBD, PPI (CID 2 011;53:1173)

Clinical manifestations (a sp ectrum of disease)

• Asx colonization: <3% healthy adults; ~2 0% in hosp italized p atients on antibiotics
• Acute watery diarrhea (occ bloody) ± mucus, often w/ lower abd p ain, fever, ↑↑↑

• Pseudomembranous colitis: above sx + p seudomembranes + bowel wall thickening

• Fulminant colitis (2 –3% ): toxic megacolon (colon dilatation ≥6 cm on KUB,

atony, systemic toxicity) and/or bowel p erforation


• Only test if symptomatic; test liquid stool (unless concern for ileus)

• Stool EIA: detects toxin B and/or A (1–2 % strains make A); fast (2 –6 h); most often

• PCR: quick, becoming test of choice (Mayo 2 012 ;8 7:643)

• Alternative is 2 -step method: ✓ glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) EIA (high Se,
even if no toxin p roduction), then if , ✓ cytotoxin assay or toxigenic cx

• Consider flex sig if dx uncertain and/or evidence of no imp rovement w/ standard Rx

Treatment (Infe ct Control Hosp Epide miol 2 010;31:431)

• Start contact p recautions; if p ossible d/c abx ASAP; stop antimotility agents
• Mild-Moderate (WBC <15k, Cr <1.5 × baseline, age <65 y and no p eritoneal sx):
MNZ 500 mg PO tid × 10–14 d

• Severe (WBC >15k or Cr >1.5× baseline or age ≥65 y): vanco 12 5 mg PO qid ×
10–14 d

• Complicated (ileus, malabsorp tion, shock, megacolon, p eritonitis): vanco 500 mg

PO q6h and MNZ 500 mg IV q8 h; PR vanco if ileus, but avoid if evidence of toxic
megacolon; abd CT & urgent surg consult re: colectomy; ? IVIG fidaxomicin 2 00
mg bid noninferior to vanco PO & ↓ rate of recurrence (NEJM 2 011;364:42 2 )

• If Pt needs to stay on original abx, continue C. diff. Rx for ≥7 d p ost-abx cessation

• Stool carriage may p ersist 3–6 wk p ostcessation of sx and should not trigger further

• Recurrent infection: 15–30% risk after d/c of abx, most w/in 2 wk of stop p ing

1st relap se: if mild; rep eat 14-d course of MNZ or vanco

2 nd relap se: PO vanco tap er for 6 wk

>2 relap ses: vanco tap er & adjunctive Rx such as S. boulardii, p robiotics,
rifaximin, nitazoxanide, fidaxomicin or cholestyramine (binds vanco so cannot
take concurrently)

Fecal transp lant in refractory disease ap p ears safe and effective (Clin Gas He p
2 011;9:1044; NEJM 2 013;368 :407)

• Probiotics may p revent CDAD by 66% in non-immunosup p ressed Pts (Annals

2 012 ;157:8 78 )
CHRONIC DIARRHEA (>4 wk; Gastro 2004; 127:287)

Medications (cause ↑ secretion, ↑ motility, Δ flora, ↑ cell death or inflammation)

• PPI, colchicine, abx, H2 RA, SSRIs, ARBs, NSAIDs, chemo, caffeine

Osmotic (↓ diarrhea with fasting, fecal fat, ↑ osmotic gap )

• Lactose intolerance: seen in 75% nonwhites & in 2 5% whites; can be acquired after
gastroenteritis, med illness, GI surgery. Clinical: bloating, flatulence, discom- fort,
diarrhea. Dx: hydrogen breath test or emp iric lactose-free diet. Rx: lactose- free
diet, use of lactose-free dairy p roducts and lactase enzyme tablets.

• Other: lactulose, laxatives, antacids, sorbitol, fructose

Malabsorption (↓ diarrhea with fasting, ↑ fecal fat, ↑ osmotic gap )

• Celiac disease (NEJM 2 012 ;367:2 419)

Immune rxn in genetically p redisp osed Pts (~1% p op ) to gliadin, a comp onent of
gluten (wheat p rotein) → small bowel inflammatory infiltrate → cryp t
hyp erp lasia, villus atrop hy → imp aired intestinal absorp tion

Other s/s: Fe/folate defic anemia; osteop orosis; dermatitis herp etiformis (p ruritic
p ap ulovesicular); ↑ AST/ALT
Dx: IgA tissue transglutaminase or endomysial Abs ~90% Se & >98 % Sp (JAMA
2 010;303:1738 ). Small bowel bx and clinical/serologic resp onse to gluten-free
diet definitive.

Rx: gluten-free diet; 7–30% do not resp ond to diet → ? wrong dx or noncomp liant
Comp lic: ~5% refractory (sx desp ite strict dietary adherence), risk of T-cell lym-
p homa and small bowel adenocarcinoma

• Whipple’s disease: infxn w/ T. whipple i (NEJM 2 007;365:55)

Other s/s: fever, LAN, edema, arthritis, CNS Ds, gray-brown skin p igmentation, AI
& MS, oculomasticatory myorhythmia (eye oscillations + mastication muscle

Rx: (PCN + strep tomycin) or 3rd-gen cep h × 10–14 d → Bactrim for ≥1 y

• Small Intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO; Inf Dis Clin 2 010;2 4:943): ↑ SI
bacteria from incomp etent/absent ileocecal valve, s/p RYGB, scleroderma,
diabetes, s/p vagotomy → fat & CHO malabsorp tion. Dx: 14C-xylose & H +

breath tests; Rx: cycled abx (eg, MNZ, FQ, rifaximin)

• Pancreatic insufficiency: most commonly from chronic p ancreatitis or p ancreatic

• ↓ bile acids due to ↓ synthesis (cirrhosis) or cholestasis (PBC) → malabsorp tion

• Other: s/p short bowel resection (short bowel syndrome), Crohn’s disease, chronic
mesenteric ischemia, eosinop hilic gastroenteritis, intestinal lymp homa, trop ical
sp rue

Inflammatory ( FOB, fever, abd p ain, fecal WBC or lactoferrin or calp rotectin)

• Infections: p articularly p arasitic (incl above p athogens & Strong yloide s), CMV, TB

• Inflammatory bowel disease

• Radiation enteritis, ischemic colitis, neop lasia (colon cancer, lymp homa)

Secretory (nocturnal diarrhea freq described, no Δ diarrhea after NPO, normal osmotic
gap )
• Hormonal: VIP (VIPoma, Verner-Morrison), serotonin (carcinoid), thyroxine,
calcitonin (medullary cancer of the thyroid), gastrin (Zollinger-Ellison), glucagon,
substance P

• Laxative abuse

• Neop lasm: carcinoma, lymp homa, villous adenoma

• ↓ bile acids absorp tion (s/p ileal resection, Crohn’s) → colonic exp osure & ↑
• Lymp hocytic colitis, collagenous colitis (may be a/w meds, including NSAIDs)

Motility (normal osmotic gap )

• Irritable bowel syndrome (10–15% of adults; BMJ 2 012 ;345:e58 36; NEJM
2 012 ;367:162 6)
Due to altered intestinal motility/secretion in resp onse to luminal or
environmental stimuli w/ enhanced p ain p ercep tion and dysregulation of the
brain–gut axis
Rome III criteria: recurrent abd p ain ≥3 d/mo over last 3 mo plus ≥2 of
following: (i) imp rovement w/ defecation, (ii) onset w/ Δ freq of stool, (iii) onset
w/ Δ in form of stool

Rx sx-guided (AJG 2 009;104:51)

Pain: antisp asmodics, TCA, SSRI
Bloating : rifaximin (NEJM 2 011;364:2 2 ), p robiotics
Diarrhe a: lop eramide, alosetron (5-HT3 antagonist) for women (↑ risk of
ischemic colitis), rifaximin

Constipation: ↑ fiber 2 5 g/d, lubip rostone (Cl – channel activator)

• Scleroderma; diabetic autonomic neurop athy; hyp erthyroidism; amyloidosis; s/p

Figure 3-2 Workup of chronic diarrhea


Constipation (Gastro 2 013;144:2 11 & 2 18 )

• Definition (Rome III): ≥2 of the following during last 3 mo at least 2 5% of time:
straining, lump y/hard stools, incomp lete evacuation, sensation of anorectal
obstruction, manual maneuvers to facilitate defecation, stool frequency <3 p er wk
• Etiology
Functional: normal transit, slow transit, p elvic floor dysfunction, constip ation-
p redom IBS
Meds: op ioids, anticholinergics (TCAs & antip sychotics), Fe, CCB, diuretics,
Obstruction: cancer, stricture, rectocele, anal stenosis, extrinsic comp ression
Metabolic/endo: DM, hyp othyroid, uremia, p reg, p anhyp op it, p orp hyria, ↑ Ca, ↓
K, ↓ Mg

Neuro: Parkinson’s, Hirschsp rung’s, amyloid, MS, sp inal injury, autonomic

neurop athy

• Diagnosis: H&P w/ DRE. Labs: consider CBC, electrolytes w/ Ca, TSH

Colonoscop y if alarm sx: wt loss, FOBT, fever, FHx of IBD or colon cancer.
Sigmoidoscop y if no alarm sx & <50 y

For functional constip ation: Sitzmark study, anorectal manometry, defecograp hy

• Treatment: Bulk laxatives (fiber ~2 0 g/d) → osmotic laxative → stimulant laxative

Bulk laxatives (p syllium, methylcellulose, p olycarbop hil): ↑ colonic residue, ↑

p eristalsis

Osmotic laxatives (Mg, sodium p hosp hate [avoid if CKD], lactulose): ↑ water in

Stimulant laxatives (senna, castor oil, bisacodyl, docusate sodium): ↑ motility &

Enema/sup p ository (p hosp hate, mineral oil, tap water, soap suds, bisacodyl)

Lubip rostone (see “IBS” ). Methylnaltrexone and alvimop an for op ioid-induced

(AJG 2 011;106:8 35)

Linaclotide ↑ stool freq, ↓ straining/bloating (NEJM 2 011;365;6:52 7)

Acute pseudo-obstruction (adynamic ileus)

• Definition: loss of intestinal p eristalsis in absence of mechanical obstruction

Ogilvie’s = acute colonic adynamic ileus in p resence of comp etent ileocecal valve

• Precip itants: intra-abd p rocess (surgery, p ancreatitis, p eritonitis); severe medical

(eg, PNA, sep sis); intestinal ischemia; meds (op iates, anticholinergics); electrolyte

• Clinical manifestations: abd discomfort, N/V, hiccup s, abd distention, ↓ or absent


sounds, no p eritoneal signs (unless p erforation); cecum ≥10–12 cm → ↑ risk of

rup ture

• Dx: sup ine & up right KUB vs. CT→ gas-filled loop s of small & large intestine. Must
exclude mechanical obstruction (absence of gas in rectum).
• Treatment: NPO, mobilize (walk, roll), d/c Rxs that ↓ intestinal motility, enemas;
decomp ression (NGT, rectal tube, colonoscop e); neostigmine (for colonic),
methylnaltrexone (for small bowel, ? colonic)


• When acutely ill, catabolism > anabolism, carbohydrates p referred due to ↓ fat

• When recovering, anabolism > catabolism, so body restores p rotein and muscle loss

Critical illness (see “Mech Ventilation” for recs in that setting) (JPEN 2 009;33:2 77)
• Goals not well validated but 18 –30 kcal/kg/d & 1.2 –1.5g/kg/d p rotein
• Enteral: start w/in 2 4–48 hrs of admission, trend toward ↓ infxns and mortality in
early (<48 h) feeding in critically ill Pts who are adequately nourished at
p resentation Contraindic: inadequate volume resusc, intestinal obstruction, major
GIB, severe vomiting, ischemic bowel
• Parenteral: start if unable to tolerate enteral w/in 7 d or evidence of p rotein/cal
malnutrition on admission; may be beneficial in those below calorie goal w/
enteral (Lance t 2 013;38 1:38 5) Contraindic: hyp erosmolality, severe electrolyte
disturbances, severe hyp erglycemia; sep sis is re lative contraindication

End-stage liver disease (Clin Gastro & He p 2 012 ;10:117)

• Nutrition status p redicts morbidity/mortality; malnutrition in 50–90% of cirrhotics

• Protein requirement hig he r than healthy adults (1–1.5 g/kg/d vs. 0.8 g/kg/d);
p rotein restrict only if acute hep atic encep halop athy Sup p lement vitamins ADEK,
zinc, selenium; do not carbohydrate restrict

Refeeding syndrome (BMJ 2 008 ;336;1495)

• Fluid/electrolyte shifts in malnourished Pts receiving artificial nutrition;
hyp op hosp hatemia is hallmark, but also ↓ K & Mg, hyp erglycemia, ↓ thiamine,
hyp ervolemia

• Prevention: (1) thiamine 300 mg PO qd, vit B comp lex tid, MVI; (2 ) start feeding at
~10 kcal/kg/d (or 2 5% of estim goal) & ↑ over 3–5 d; advance only when
electrolytes are w/in nl range; (3) follow electrolytes and volume status,
rehydrating and rep leting


Definition & pathobiology (Lance t 2 004;363:631)

• Acquired herniations of colonic mucosa and submucosa through the colonic wall
• Existing dogma is low-fiber diet → ↑ stool transit time and ↓ stool volume → ↑
intraluminal p ressure → herniation where vasa recta p enetrate, but now ?’d
(Gastro 2 012 ;142 :2 66)

• Prevalence higher w/ ↑ age (10% if <40 y; 50–66% if >8 0 y); “Westernized”
• Left side (90% , mostly sigmoid) > right side of colon (excep t in Asia, where R > L)

Clinical manifestations

• Usually asx, but 5–15% develop diverticular hemorrhage and <5% diverticulitis
• Nuts, etc. intake in asx diverticulosis does not ↑ risk of diverticulitis (JAMA
2 008 ;300:907)

Pathophysiology (NEJM 2 007;357:2 057)

• Retention of undigested food and bacteria in diverticulum → fecalith formation →
obstruction → comp romise of diverticulum’s blood sup p ly, infection, p erforation
• Uncomplicated: microp erforation → localized infection

• Complicated (2 5% ): macrop erforation → abscess, p eritonitis, fistula (65% w/

bladder), obstruction, stricture

Clinical manifestations
• LLQ abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, constip ation
• PEx ranges from LLQ tenderness ± p alp able mass to p eritoneal signs & sep tic shock
• Ddx includes IBD, infectious colitis, PID, tubal p regnancy, cystitis, colorectal cancer

Diagnostic studies
• Plain abdominal radiograp hs to r/o free air, ileus or obstruction

• Abdominal CT (I+O +): >95% Se & Sp ; assess comp licated disease (abscess,

• Colonoscop y contraindicate d acutely ↑ risk of p erforation; do 6 wk after to r/o

neop lasm

Treatment (Am J Gastro 2 008 ;103:1550)

• Mild: outPt Rx indicated if Pt has few comorbidities and can tolerate POs

PO abx: (MNZ + FQ) or amox/clav for 7–10 d; liquid diet until clinical
imp rovement, though recent evidence suggest abx may be unnecessary (Br J Surg
2 012 ;99:532 )

• Severe: inPt Rx if cannot take POs, narcotics needed for p ain, or comp lications
NPO, IV fluids, NGT (if ileus)

IV abx (GNR & anaerobic coverage): amp /gent/MNZ or p ip eracillin-tazobactam

• Abscesses >4 cm should be drained p ercutaneously or surgically

• Surgery: if p rogression desp ite med Rx, undrainable abscess, free p erforation or
p ossibly recurrent disease (≥2 severe ep isodes)

• Colonic stricture: late comp lication of diverticulitis; Rx w/ endoscop ic dilation vs.

resection; colonoscop y after 6 wk to exclude neop lasm


• Low-fibe r diet immediately after acute ep isode; hig h-fibe r diet when >6 wk w/o sx

• Consider mesalamine ± rifaximin if multip le ep isodes

• Risk of recurrence 10–30% w/in 10 y of 1st ep isode; more likely 2 nd ep isode

comp licated


• Intimal thickening and medial thinning of vasa recta as they course over dome of
diver- ticulum → weakening of vascular wall → arterial rup ture

• Diverticula more common in left colon; but ble e ding dive rticula more ofte n in rig ht
Clinical manifestations
• Painless hematochezia/BRBPR; can have abdominal cramp ing

• Usually stop s sp ontaneously (~75% ) but resolution may occur over hrs–days;
~2 0% recur

Diagnostic studies
• Colonoscop y: rap id p rep w/ PEG-based solution via NGT (4–6 L over 2 –4 h)

• Arteriograp hy ± tagged RBC scan if severe bleeding


• Colonoscop y: ep inep hrine injection ± electrocautery (NEJM 2 000;342 :78 ),

hemoclip , banding
• Arteriograp hy: intra-arterial vasop ressin infusion or embolization

• Surgery: if above modalities fail & bleeding is p ersistent & hemodynamically



• Ulcerative colitis (UC): idiop athic inflammation of the colonic mucosa

• Crohn’s disease (CD): idiop athic transmural inflammation of the GI tract, skip are as
• Indeterminate colitis: in 5–10% of chronic colitis, cannot distinguish UC vs. CD even
w/ bx

Epidemiology & pathophysiology (NEJM 2 009;361:2 066; Gastro 2 011;140:178 5)

• 1.4 million p eop le in U.S.; p rev 1:1000 UC & 1:3000 CD; ↑ incidence in Caucasians,
• Age of onset 15–30 y in UC and CD; CD is bimodal and has second p eak at 50–70 y
• Smokers at ↑ risk for CD, whereas nonsmokers & former smokers at ↑ risk for UC

• Genetic p redisp osition + disrup tion of intestinal barrier (ep ithelial or ↓ defenses) ±
Δ in gut microbiota → acute inflam w/o immune downregulation or tolerance →
chronic inflam
ULCERATIVE COLITIS (NEJM 2011; 365:1713; Lancet 2012; 380:1606)

Clinical manifestations

• Grossly bloody diarrhea, lower abdominal cramp s, urgency, tenesmus

• Severe colitis (15% ): p rogresses rap idly over 1–2 wk with ↓ Hct, ↑ ESR, fever,
hyp otension, >6 bloody BMs p er day, distended abdomen with absent bowel
• Extracolonic (>2 5% ): erythema nodosum, p yoderma gangrenosum, ap hthous
ulcers, uveitis, ep iscleritis, thromboembolic events (esp . during a flare; Lance t
2 010;375:657), AIHA, seroneg arthritis, chronic hep atitis, cirrhosis, PSC (↑ risk
cholangio CA, CRC)

• Colonoscopy: involves rectum (95% ) & extends p roximally and contig uously within

• Classify by location: p roctitis (2 5–55% ), left-sided colitis (50–70% ) and p ancolitis

(2 0% )
• Ap p earance: granular, friable mucosa with diffuse ulceration; pse udopolyps

• Microscop y: sup erficial chronic inflammation; cryp t abscesses & architectural


• Toxic megacolon (5% ): colon dilatation (≥6 cm on KUB), colonic atony, systemic
toxicity, & ↑ risk of p erf. Rx w/ IV steroids & broad-sp ectrum abx; surgery if fail
to imp rove w/in 48 –72 h

• Stricture (5% ): occurs in rectosigmoid after rep eated ep isodes of inflammation

• 50% of Pts in remission at any given time; intermittent exacerbations in 90% ;
continual active disease in ~18 % . Rate of colectomy at 10 y is 2 4% .
• Mortality rate of severe UC flare is <2 % , & overall life exp ectancy in UC = non-
UC Pts
CROHN’S DISEASE (Lancet 2012; 380:1590)

Clinical manifestations

• Abdominal pain, fever, malaise, wt loss

• Mucus-containing, nongrossly bloody diarrhea; N/V, bloating, obstip ation

• ↓ albumin, ↑ ESR/CRP, ↓ Hct (due to Fe, B 12 , folate deficiency; chronic
• Extracolonic as in UC

• EGD/colonoscopy + small bowel imaging (eg, video cap sule endoscop y [if no
stricture] or CT/MR-enterograp hy); CD can affect any p ortion of GI tract with skip
le sions

• Classify by location: small bowel (47% ), ileocolonic (2 1% ), colonic (2 8 % ); up p er

tract rare

• Appearance: nonfriable mucosa, cobblestoning, aphthous ulcers, deep & long

• Microscopy: transmural inflammation with mononuclear cell infiltrate,
noncaseating granulomas (seen in <2 5% of mucosal biop sies), fibrosis, ulcers,

• Perianal disease: fissures, fistulas, p erirectal abscesses (up to 30% of Pts)

• Stricture: small bowel, p ostp randial abd p ain; can lead to comp lete SBO
• Fistulas: p erianal, enteroenteric, rectovaginal, enterovesicular, enterocutaneous

• Abscess: fever, tender abd mass, ↑ WBC; ste roids mask sx, ∴ need high-level
susp icion

• Malabsorption: ileal disease/resection: ↓ bile acids abs → gallstones; ↓ fatty acid

abs → Ca oxalate kidney stones; ↓ fat soluble vitamin abs → vit Δ deficiency →
osteop enia


• Variable at 1 y: ~50% in remission, ~2 0% flared, ~2 0% low activity, ~10%

chronic active

• At 2 0 y, majority will have required some surgery; overall life exp ectancy is slightly

MANAGEMENT (Gastro 2011; 140:1827)

Initial evaluation

• H&P (✓ for intestinal & extraintestinal manifestations) and endoscop y as above

• Laboratory: ESR, CRP, CBC, LFTs, Fe, B 12 , folate, vit D. Fecal calp rotectin ap p ears
useful for Ddx IBD vs. IBS & may p redict IBD flare (Infl Bowe l Dis 2 012 ;18 :2 2 18 ).
• Exclude other etiologies: infectious/ischemic colitis, med adverse effect, intestinal
lymp homa/carcinoma, colon cancer, IBS, vasculitis, Behçet’s, celiac disease, SIBO

• Rule out infection before treating with immunosup p ressants and biologics
Goals of treatment
• Avoid NSAIDs (both UC and CD)

• Induce remission of acute flare → maintain remission; mucosal healing 1° goal

• Convention has been step up Rx (least → most toxic). Recent shift to early and/or
combined immunomodulation to imp rove disease outcome (Lance t 2 008 ;371:660;
NEJM 2 010;362 :138 3).
Complications of therapy (Clin Gastro He p 2 009;7:8 74)

• Anti-TNFα: reactivation TB; must doc PPD p rior to Rx. Exclude viral hep atitis.
Small ↑’d risk of NHL. Other: infusion rxn; lup us-like rxn, p soriasis, MS, CHF.

• 6MP/AZA: BM sup p ression, lymp homa, p ancreatitis, hep atitis; ✓ TPMT genotyp e
p rior to dosing to ↓ risk of generation of toxic metabolites
• 5-ASA: diarrhea, abd p ain, p ancreatitis. If sx, consider 3-d holiday.

Cancer screening (Gastro 2 010;138 :738 )

• Colon cancer: risk in UC ~2 % at 10 y, ~8 % at 2 0 y, ~18 % at 30 y. Similar for

colonic CD, p lus risk of small bowel cancer as well. Dysp lasia best marker for
risk. Other risk factors include: PSC, FHx, greater extent of disease, stricture,
& p seudop olyp s.
• Surveillance: colonoscopy w/ random bx 8 y after dx to eval for dysp lasia, q1–3y
thereafter based on risk factors. If high-grade dysp lasia or dysp lasia assoc.
lesion/mass → colectomy. Chemop rop hylaxis: 5-ASA & ursodeoxycholic acid (if
PSC) ? beneficial (AJG 2 011;106:731; Alime nt Pharmacol The r 2 012 ;35:451).



• SMA embolism (50% ): from LA (AF), LV (↓ EF) or valves; SMA most p rone to

• Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia (2 5% ): transient intestinal hyp op erfusion due

to ↓ CO, atherosclerosis, sep sis, drugs that ↓ gut p erfusion (p ressors, cocaine, dig,
• SMA thrombosis (10% ): usually at site of atherosclerosis, often at origin of artery
• Venous thrombosis (10% ): hyp ercoagulable states, p ortal hyp ertension, IBD,
malignancy, inflammation (p ancreatitis, p eritonitis), p regnancy, trauma, surgery
• Focal segmental ischemia of the small bowel (<5% ): vascular occlusion to small
segments of the small bowel (vasculitis, atheromatous emboli, strangulated
hernias, XRT)
Clinical manifestations

• Occlusive: sudden abd pain out of proportion to abdominal tenderness on exam

at leastinitially (2 –4 h) until severe ischemia → frank infarction w/ p eritoneal signs
• Nonocclusive: abd distention & p ain, though up to 2 5% may be p ain-free, N/V;
often in setting of CHF ± h/o chronic mesenteric ischemia sx
• Hematochezia due to mucosal sloughing (right colon sup p lied by SMA)

• “Intestinal angina” : p ostp randial abd p ain, early satiety, & ↓ wt from gastric
vascular “steal” ; may occur wks to mos before onset of acute p ain in Pts w/
chronic mesenteric ischemia

Physical exam
• May be unremarkable, or may only show abdominal distention; FOBT ~75% of

• Bowel infarction suggested by p eritoneal signs (diffuse tenderness, rebound,


Diagnostic studies

• Dx relies on high level of susp icion; rap id dx essential to avoid infarction (occurs
w/in h)

• Laboratory: often nl; ~75% ↑ WBC; ↑ amylase, LDH, p hosp hate, D-dimer; ~50%
acidosis w/ ↑ lactate (late)

• KUB: nl early before infarct; “thumbp rinting,” ileus, p neumatosis in later stages

• CT angiography (arterial p hase imaging): noninvasive test of choice; can detect

thrombi in mesenteric vessels, colonic dilatation, bowel wall thickening,
p neumatosis/ p ortal venous gas; ve nous p hase imaging for dx of mesenteric vein

• Angiography: gold standard; p otentially therap eutic; indicated if vasc occlusion

susp ected

• Fluid resuscitation, optimize hemodynamics (minimize p ressors); broad-sp ectrum

• Emergent surgery for p romp t resection of necrotic bowel if evidence of p eritonitis
• Anticoagulation for arterial & venous thrombosis and embolic disease

• Papaverine (vasodilator) catheter-directed infusion into SMA, typ ically in nonocclu-

sive ischemia when sp asm is considered the p rimary cause of the ischemia
• SMA embolism: consider fibrinolytic; if no quick imp rovement → surgical
embolectomy if p ossible, o/w aortomesenteric byp ass
• SMA thrombosis: p ercutaneous or surgical revascularization (J Vasc Surg
2 009;50:341)
• Nonocclusive: correct underlying cause (esp . cardiac)
• Consider angiop lasty/stent vs. surg revasc in cases of chronic mesenteric ischemia if:
≥2 vessels or occl SMA, sup p ortive clinical hx, & other etiologies for abd p ain

• Mortality 2 0 to >70% if bowel infarcted; dx p rior to infarction strongest p redictor
of survival

Definition & pathophysiology

• Nonocclusive disease 2 ° to Ds in systemic circulation or anatomic/fxnal Ds in local

mesenteric vasculature; often underlying etiology unknown, frequently seen in
• “Watershed” areas (sp lenic flexure & rectosigmoid) most suscep tible, 2 5% involve
R side
Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, & treatment
• Disease sp ectrum: reversible colop athy (35% ), transient colitis (15% ), chronic
ulcerating colitis (2 0% ), resulting stricture (10% ), gangrene (15% ), fulminant
colitis (<5% )

• Usually p /w cramping LLQ pain w/ overtly bloody stool; fever and p eritoneal
signs should raise clinical susp icion for infarction

• Dx: r/o infectious colitis; consider flex sig/colonoscopy if sx p ersist and no

alternative etiology identified (only if p eritonitis not p resent, o/w avoid
overdistention of colon)

• Treatment: bowel rest, IV fluids, broad-spectrum abx, serial abd exams; surgery
for infarction, fulminant colitis, hemorrhage, failure of med Rx, recurrent sep sis,
• Resolution w/in 48 h w/ conservative measures occurs in >50% of cases


• Acinar injury via direct or indirect toxicity → release or imp aired secretion (ie, duct
obstruction) of enzymes → autodigestion → fat necrosis

• Profound acute inflammatory resp onse


• Gallstones (40% ): > , usually small stones (<5 mm) or microlithiasis

• Alcohol (30% ): > , usually chronic, w/ acute flares

• Drugs (via hyp ersens, toxic metab or direct toxicity): furosemide, thiazides, sulfa,
ddI, ? DPP- 4 inhib, asp araginase, estrogen, 6-MP/AZA, ACEI, dap sone, 5-ASA,
valp roic acid

• Obstructive: p anc/amp ullary tumors, mets (breast, lung), annular p ancreas,

divisum w/ concurrent minor p ap illa stenosis and ascaris
• Metabolic: hyp ertriglyceridemia (TG >1000 and usually ~4500; seen w/ typ es I, IV,
& V familial hyp erlip idemia), hyp ercalcemia

• Infections: coxsackie, mump s, EBV, CMV, HAV, HBV, mycop lasma, TB,
candida/toxo/cryp to
• Autoimmune: can p /w chronic disease or p anc mass; ↑ IgG4, ANA, duct abnl

• Ischemia: vasculitis, cholesterol emboli, hyp ovolemic shock, cardiop ulmonary

byp ass

• Post ERCP: ~5% w/ clinical, overt p ancreatitis; 35–70% with asx ↑ amylase;
p revent w/ indomethacin 100 mg PR immediately after ERCP (NEJM
2 012 ;366:1414)

• Post trauma: blunt abd trauma, p ancreatic/biliary surgery

• Familial: autosomal dominant w/ variable p enetrance (PRSS1, CFTR, SPINK1 genes)

• Scorp ion sting (in Trinidad): mechanism believed to be hyp erstimulation of p ancreas
Clinical manifestations

• Epigastric abdominal pain, radiating to back, constant, some relief w/ leaning

• Nausea and vomiting

• Ddx: acute cholecystitis, p erforated viscus such as DU, intestinal obstruction, mesen-
teric ischemia, IMI, AAA leak, distal aortic dissection, rup tured ectop ic p regnancy
Physical exam

• Abdominal tenderness and guarding, ↓ bowel sounds (adynamic ileus) ± p alp able
abdominal mass; ± jaundice if biliary obstruction
• Signs of retrop eritoneal hemorrhage (Cullen’s = p eriumbilical; Grey Turner’s =
flank) rare

• Fever, tachycardia, hyp otension ± shock

Diagnostic studies (Gastro 2 007;132 :2 02 2 )

• Laboratory
↑ amylase: levels >3× ULN suggestive of p ancreatitis; level ≠ severity

 false : acute on chronic (eg, alcoholic); hyp ertriglyceridemia (↓ amylase

 false : other abd or salivary gland p rocess, acidemia, renal failure,
macroamylasemia  (amylase binds to other p roteins in serum, cannot be
filtered by kidneys)

↑ lipase: more sp ecific than amylase

 false : renal failure, other abd p rocess, diabetic ketoacidosis, HIV,
macrolip asemia

ALT >3 × ULN suggests gallstone p ancreatitis (Am J Gastro 1994;8 9:18 63);  AΦ ,
bili not help ful

Other labs (see “Prognosis” ): ↑ WBC, ↑ or ↓ Hct, ↑ BUN, ↓ Ca, ↑ glc, ↑ CRP
• Imaging studies

KUB/CXR: can see “sentinel loop ” air in small bowel in LUQ, atelectasis, effusion

Abd CT: not required for dx, but test of choice to make dx. Help s exclude other dx,
stage severity, & r/o comp lications. CT w/ IV contrast on day 3 of p resenta- tion
in severe cases to evaluate for p ancreatic necrosis (avoid on p resentation b/c
theoretical concern of ↑ necrosis w/ IV contrast; defer if concomitant AKI).

Abd U/S: typ ically not useful to visualize p ancreas (obscured by bowel gas), but
help ful to investigate biliary etiology (ie, gallstones and BD dilatation); can see
p seudocyst

MRI/MRCP: can detect necrosis; also used to assess for stones & ductal disrup tion
Endoscop ic U/S (EUS): limited role acutely; useful for occult biliary disease

Treatment (Lance t 2 008 ;371:143; AJG 2 012 ;107:1146)

• Sup p ortive therap y: in mild cases, bowel rest is usually sufficient

Fluid resuscitation LR may be sup erior to NS (↓ SIRS, CRP at 2 4 h;

contraindicated if ↑ Ca); at least 2 50 mL/h, may need up to 10 L/d if severe;
titrate to UOP ≥0.5 mL/kg/h

Nutrition: if mild, initiate oral nutrition when p ain, nausea allow.

If severe and NPO >7 d exp ected, early (w/in 48 h) enteral nutrition indicated and
p referred over TPN; ↓ infectious comp lications & disease severity, & trend
toward ↓ mortality (BMJ 2 004;32 8 :1407). Ideally NJ tube, but NG okay.

Analgesia: IV mep eridine, morp hine, hydromorp hone (theoretical risk of

sp hincter of Oddi sp asm by op iates, but has not been shown to adversely affect

• Prop hylactic systemic abx (eg, imip enem) to ↓ mortality & p revent conversion of
sterile to infected necrosis controversial (Am J Surg 2 009;197:8 06; Gastro
2 007;132 :2 02 2 ); ? reserve for severe p ancreatitis w/ >30% necrosis by CT, & no
>14 d

• Debridement: infected necrosis usually requires p ercut, endoscop ic or surgical

debridement. Imp roved outcomes by delaying surgery ≥2 wk if p ossible to allow
organization of necrosis. CCY if gallstones (w/in 48 h if mild, o/w w/in 14 d; Surg
2 009;145:2 60; Ann Surg 2 010;2 51:615)

• ERCP + sp hincterotomy: in acute setting, reserved for severe cholangitis/sep sis and
T bili >5 (ie, p resump tive obstructive BD stone). Otherwise, early ERCP does not
reduce risk of local or systemic p ancreatitis comp lications (Ann Surg
2 007;2 45:10).


• Systemic: shock, ARDS, renal failure, GI hemorrhage, DIC

• Metabolic: hyp ocalcemia, hyp erglycemia, hyp ertriglyceridemia

• Acute fluid collection (30–50% ): seen early, no cap sule, no Rx required
• Pseudocyst (10–2 0% ): fluid collection, p ersists for 4–6 wk, encap sulated suggested
by p ersistent p ain & elevation of amylase or lip ase, or mass on exam most resolve
sp ont.; if >6 cm or p ersists >6 wk + p ain → endo/p erc/surg drainage

• Sterile pancreatic necrosis (2 0% ): area of nonviable p ancreatic tissue ?

p rop hylactic abx (see above); sup p ortive measures, surgery if Pt unstable

• Infection (5% of all cases, 30% of severe): usually 2 ° enteric GNR

infected pancreatic necrosis: new SIRS after 7 d typ ical; p erc drainage followed
by min invasive surg debridement or endoscop ic necrosectomy sup erior to op en
necrosectomy; FNA no longer routinely recommended (Pancre as 2 012 ;41:1176)
pancreatic abscess: circumscribed collection of p us (usually w/o p ancreatic
tissue) treat with abx + drainage (CT-guided if p ossible), usually seen ≥4 wk
into course
• Ascites or pleural effusion: occurs due to disrup ted p ancreatic duct; consider early
ERCP w/ stent across duct; can also occur from draining p seudocyst

Prognosis (Gastro 2 007;132 :2 02 2 )

• Severe p ancreatitis (2 0% ) = organ failure or local comp lications (necrosis,
p seudocyst)

• Scoring systems: HAPS, BISAP, APACHE II, Ranson’s criteria, CT Severity Index

HAPS: no abd tenderness or rebound on exam p lus nl Hct and Cr on admission

p redicts non-severe course w/ 98 % accuracy (Clin Gas He p 2 009;6:702 )

BISAP: 5-p oint scoring system on admission (BUN >2 5, GCS <15, SIRS, age
>60, and p leural effusion) identifies Pts at risk for ↑’d mortality (Am J Gastro
2 009;104:966)

APACHE II ( ache-ii-score-for-icu-mortality): severe if

score ≥8
Chronic pancreatitis (Lance t 2 011;377:118 4)
• 70–8 0% due to EtOH, also consider autoimmune p ancreatitis. Smoking major risk

• Often, but not always, recurrent acute attacks → inflammatory infiltrate → fibrosis
→ exocrine then endocrine insufficiency (eg, diabetes)

• Sxs include ep igastric p ain, N/V; over time will be p ainless and p /w steatorrhea and
wt loss

• Amylase/lip ase ↑ early, but may be nl later. fecal fat, ↓’d stool elastase &

chymotryp sin, Ca 2 + in p ancreas on KUB/CT.

• ERCP/MRCP/EUS high Se for dx: stricture, dilated ducts, honeycombing of

p arenchyma

• Treatment is low-fat diet and enzyme rep lacement. Avoid EtOH & tobacco. Analgesia
w/ NSAID ± mild op ioid (eg, tramadol). Surgery in selected cases.

Tests of hepatocellular injury or cholestasis

• Aminotransferases (AST, ALT): intracellular enzymes released 2 °


ALT more sp ecific for liver than is AST (heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, brain,
ALT > AST → viral hep atitis or fatty liver/nonalcoholic steatohep atitis
(p recirrhotic)
AST: ALT >2 :1 → alcoholic hep atitis, cirrhosis; nonhep atic source
ALT/AST >15× ULN → etiologies of acute liver failure (↑↑↑ LDH →
• Alkaline phosphatase (AΦ ): enzyme bound in hep atic canicular membrane

besides liver, also found in bone, intestines, kidney and p lacenta

confirm liver origin with: ↑ 5′-NT, ↑ GGT or AΦ heat fractionation

↑ levels seen with biliary obstruction or intrahep atic cholestasis (eg, hep atic
Tests of hepatic function

• Albumin: marker for liver p rotein synthesis, ↓ slowly in liver failure (t1/2 ~2 0 d)

• Prothrombin time (PT): dep ends on synthesis of coag factors by liver (excep t FVIII);
b/c t1/2 of some factors (eg, V, VII) is short, ↑ PT can occur w/in hrs of liver

• Bilirubin: p roduct of heme metab (unconjugated, “indirect” ) carried by alb to liver

where taken up for conjugation (“direct” ) to make soluble, then excreted into bile;
most sensitive test to detect p arenchymal disease; in those w/ normal LFTs, high nl
Tbili (? marker of ↑ heme oxygenase) a/w ↓ resp disease & death (JAMA
2 011;305:691)

Patterns of liver injury

• Hepatocellular: ↑↑ aminotransferases, ± ↑ bilirubin or AΦ

↑↑↑ ALT & AST (>1000): severe viral hep atitis, drugs, ischemia, Wilson’s, AIH
• Cholestasis: ↑↑ AΦ and bilirubin, ± ↑ aminotransferases

• Isolated hyperbilirubinemia: ↑↑ bilirubin (direct or indirect), nl AΦ and

• Infiltrative: ↑ AΦ , ± ↑ bilirubin or aminotransferases

• Jaundice is a clinical sign seen when bilirubin >2 .5 mg/dL (esp . in sclera or under

tongue); if hyp erbilirubinemia conjugated → ↑ urine bilirubin

Figure 3-3 Ap p roach to abnormal liver tests with hep atocellular p attern
• Acute workup: toxins (EtOH, acetaminop hen); vascular abnl (U/S w/ Dop p ler); viral
te sts: IgM anti-HAV, HBsAg, IgM anti-HBc, HBV DNA, HCV RNA, anti-HEV, ±
EBV, CMV, HSV, VZV; autoimmune (ANA, ASMA, ALKM); ce ruloplasmin

• Chronic workup: HBsAg, anti-HCV; Fe, TIBC; glc, HbA1c, TG; ANA, ASMA, ALKM;
anti-tissue transglutaminase; cerulop lasmin & ɑ1-AT; TSH; vascular abnl (U/S w/
Dop p ler)

Figure 3-4 Ap p roach to abnormal liver tests with cholestatic p attern

Figure 3-5 Ap p roach to abnormal liver tests with isolated hyp erbilirubinemia
Figure 3-6 Ap p roach to abnormal liver tests with infiltrative p attern

Abnormal liver tests in asymptomatic patients (Clin Live r Dis 2 009;13:167)

• Careful review of history (meds, EtOH/drug use, exp osures, risk factors for liver
disease) and p hysical exam. Evaluate for any clues to etiology 1st (eg, d/c med and
rep eat LFTs).
• Confirm hep atic source: if p rimarily ↑ AΦ (✓ GGT) or AST > ALT (✓ CK, aldolase,

• Hepatocellular
Evaluate for most common causes: hep atitis A/B/C, hemochromatosis; screen for
evidence of chronic liver disease (p latelets, PT/INR, albumin)

If evaluation → lifestyle modification (wt loss, DM control) + rep eat test 6

If evidence of chronic liver disease or p ersistent lab abnl, screen for less common
causes: AIH, Wilson’s, celiac, ɑ1-AT; ✓ U/S & consider liver bx

If still → liver bx if ALT or AST >2 × ULN for >6 mo; o/w observe

• Cholestatic: ✓ RUQ U/S, AMA

if biliary dilatation or obstruction → MRCP

if AMA and U/S , or AMA and U/S w/ abnl p arenchyma → liver bx

if AMA & U/S :  AΦ >1.5× ULN → consider bx;  AΦ <1.5× ULN → observe

• Isolated hyperbilirubinemia: ✓ conjugated vs. unconjugated

conjugated → p erform abdominal U/S → MRCP if dilatation or obstruction; if nl

ultrasound ✓ AMA and consider MRCP or liver bx

unconjugated → ✓ Hct, retic count, smear, LDH, hap toglobin

Common medications that cause abnormal liver tests (http ://



Hepatitis A (ssRNA; 30–45% of acute viral hep atitis in U.S.)

• Transmission: fecal–oral route; contaminated food, water, shellfish; daycare ctr


• Incubation: 2 –6 wk; no chronic carrier state

• Sx: ↓ ap p etite, malaise, fever, N/V, RUQ p ain, ± jaundice; rarely fulminant
• Diagnosis: acute hep atitis = IgM anti-HAV; p ast exp osure = IgG anti-HAV
( IgM)

• Treatment for acute HAV sup p ortive. Prevention: vaccinate children & Pts w/ chronic
HBV, HCV (? if cost-effective) or other chronic liver disease (2 doses at 0, 6–12

• Postexp osure p p x: age 1–40 y → vaccine; age <1 or >40 y or immunosup p → Ig

Hepatitis B (dsDNA; ~45% of acute viral hep atitis in U.S.; Lance t 2 009;373:58 2 )

• Transmission: blood (IVDU, transfusion), sexual, p erinatal

• Incubation: 6 wk–6 mo (mean 12 –14 wk)

• Acute infxn: 70% subclinical, 30% jaundice, <1% fulminant hep atitis (up to 60%

• Chronic infxn: <5% (adult-acquired; higher if immunosup p ), >90% (p erinatally

acquired); ~40% chronic carriers → cirrhosis; ↑ risk of cirrhosis if HCV, HDV or
HIV coinfection
• Hep atocellular carcinoma (w/ or w/o concurrent cirrhosis); ↑ risk w/ p erinatal
transmission & ↑’d HBV DNA. Screen chronic carriers w/ AFP & U/S vs. MRI

• Extrahep atic syndromes: PAN (<1% ), MPGN, arthritis, dermatitis, PMR

• Serologic and virologic tests

HBsAg: ap p ears before sx; used to screen blood donors; p ersists >6 mo =
chronic HBV

HBeAg: evidence of viral rep lication and ↑ infectivity

IgM anti-HBc: first Ab to ap p ear; indicates acute infection window p eriod =

HBsAg become , anti-HBs not yet , anti-HBc only clue to infection

IgG anti-HBc: indicates p revious (HBsAg ) or ongoing (HBsAg ) HBV


anti-HBe: indicates waning viral rep lication, ↓ infectivity

anti-HBs: indicates resolution of acute disease & immunity (sole marker after vac)
HBV DNA: p resence in serum correlates w/ active viral rep lication in liver

Figure 3-7 Serologic course of acute HBV infection with resolution

• Treatment for acute HBV: sup p ortive; hosp italize for Δ MS or ↑ INR (liver
transp lant ctr)
• Treatment for chronic HBV if: (1) HBeAg w/ DNA >2 0,000 IU/mL & elevated
ALT; (2 ) HBeAg w/ DNA >2 000 IU/mL & elevated ALT or liver bx
demonstrates stage ≥2 fibrosis (NEJM 2 008 ;359:148 6; He p 2 009;50:661; Clin Gas
He p 2 011;9:2 8 5)

• 1st line is nucleo(s/t)ide analogues: entecavir or tenofovir; well tolerated & low
resistance (1% for entecavir at 5 y in Rx-naïve Pts); at 5 y HBeAg seroconversion
is 30–40% & loss of HBsAg is 5–10% (Gastro 2 012 ;142 :1360; Lance t
2 013;38 1:468 )

• PEG IFNɑ-2 a: best rate of HBeAg seroconversion at 1 y (2 7% ), low tolerability

limits use

• Goal: if HBeAg → HBeAg , anti-HBe ; if HBeAg or seroconversion

or Asian Pt → indefinite tx or until HBsAg clears (if ever)

• If undergo liver transp lant: HBIG + nucleo(s/t)ide analogue effective in p reventing

• HIV/HBV coinfe ction: Rx w/ 2 drugs active against both HBV & HIV (NEJM
2 007;356:1445)

• If inactive carrier scheduled to receive immunosup p ression/chemotherap y → Rx

• Prevention: vaccinate all infants & children and at-risk adults (3 doses 0, 1 & 6–12
• Postexp osure (risk infxn ~30% ) p p x: HBIG → vaccine (if unvac or known
nonresp onder)

Hepatitis C (ssRNA; ~10% of acute viral hep atitis in U.S.; NEJM 2 011;364:2 42 9)
• Transmission: blood (IVDU, transfusion) >> sexual; 2 0–30% w/o clear p recip itant
• Incubation: 1–5 mo; mean 6–7 wk
• Natural hx

acute infxn: 8 0% subclinical; 10–2 0% sx hep atitis w/ jaundice; fulminant

hep atitis very rare; p rob of sp ont clearance a/w IL28 B & HLA class II genotyp es
(Annals 2 013;158 :2 35)
chronic: up to 8 5% → chronic hep atitis, 2 0–30% of whom develop cirrhosis
(after ~2 0 y) ↑ risk of cirrhosis in men, EtOH, HIV; HCC in 2 –5% of
• Extrahep atic syndromes: cryoglobulinemia, p orp hyria cutanea tarda (blistering rash
in sun-exp osed areas), MPGN, MGUS, IPF, NHL and DM

• Serologic, virologic, & genetic tests

anti-HCV (ELISA): in 6 wk, does not = recovery or immunity; can be after
HCV RNA: w/in 2 wk, marker of active infection

HCV RIBA: used to confirm anti-HCV ELISA in Pts w/ undetectable HCV RNA

HCV genotyp e (1–6): guides duration & p redicts resp onse to Rx

• Dx: acute hep atitis = HCV RNA, ± anti-HCV; re solve d = HCV RNA, ±
anti-HCV; chronic = HCV RNA, anti-HCV

• Treatment indications (He p 2 009;49:1335 & 2 011;54:1433; NEJM 2 013;368 :1907)

Acute: if no sp ont. clearance at 8 –12 wk, consider PEG-IFNɑ-2 a/b ± RBV × 12 –

2 4 wk

Chronic: RNA , p lus bx w/ either chronic hep atitis & fibrosis stage >1 or
comp ensated liver disease (in genotyp e 2 or 3, may p roceed to Rx w/o bx b/c
high resp onse rate)

• Triple therapy (genotyp e 1): PEG-IFN ɑ-2a/b, RBV, & protease inhibitor (PI), either
bocep revir (BOC) or telap revir (TVR) (NEJM 2 011;364:1195 & 2 405). Rx 2 4–48
wk; SVR rate 30–8 0% based on variables such as advanced fibrosis, IL28 B
genotyp e, p rior resp onse to IFN and rap id virologic resp ( RNA at wk 4 [TVR] or
wk 8 [BOC]) (Gastro 2 012 ;142 :1314)

• Dual therapy (genotyp es 2 & 3): PEG-IFNɑ-2 a/b + RBV; Rx 2 4 wk; SVR rate ~8 0%

• Goal is sustaine d virolog ic re sponse (SVR) = viremia 2 4 wk after comp letion of Rx

• IFN-free regimens incl. rep lic. comp lex, p olymerase, & microRNA-12 2 inhibs. &
other direct acting antivirals under study (NEJM 2 012 ;366:2 16; 2 013;368 :34, 45,
168 5, 18 67 & 18 78 )
• Risks of Rx: flu-like sx, p sych sx (if dep ressed can give SSRI), thyroid dysfxn,
marrow sup p ression (can give EPO & G-CSF), hemolysis (RBV), sexual dysfxn; PIs
w/ sig drug-drug interactions, worsen anemia, & TVR a/w rash/p ruritus in 6% ,
DRESS/SJS in <1%
• Contraindic.: decomp ensated cirrhosis, p reg, severe p sych illness, active substance
abuse, severe cardiac/p ulm disease, uncontrolled DM, seizure d/o, autoimmune

• CDC rec screening for HCV in anyone born 1945–1965 (Annals 2 012 ;156:2 63)
• Vaccinate all chronic HCV p atients against HBV and HAV if not immune
• Postexp osure (needlestick risk ~3% ) p p x: none; if HCV RNA → , consider Rx
w/in 3 mo

Hepatitis D (RNA)

• Transmission: blood or sexual; endemic in Africa & E. Europ e

• Pathogenesis: requires HBV to cause either simultaneous or sup erimp osed infection

• Natural hx: in HBV ↑ severity of infxn and ↑ p rogression to cirrhosis and HCC in
chronic carriers; clears w/ HBV
• Serologic/virologic tests: anti-HDV; follow HDV RNA during Rx (high relap se rate)

Hepatitis E (ssRNA; NEJM 2 012 ;367:12 37; Lance t 2 012 ;379:2 477)

• In endemic areas most common cause of acute viral hep atitis

• Transmission: fecal–oral; travelers to central & SE Asia, Africa and Mexico, exp . to

• Natural hx: acute hep atitis w/ ↑ mort. (10–2 0% ) if p regnant; rare chronic in
transp lant Pts

• Dx: IgM anti-HEV (through CDC)

• Extrahep atic sx: arthritis, p ancreatitis, neuro (GBS, inflam p olyradic.,

meningoencep h.)

Other viruses (HGV, CMV, EBV, HSV, VZV)


Classification (J He p 2 011;55:171; He p 2 010;51:1)

• Typ e 1: antismooth muscle Ab (ASMA), ANA; antisoluble liver antigen (anti-SLA),
a/w more severe disease and relap sing disease
• Typ e 2 : anti–liver/kidney microsome 1 (anti-LKM1) or liver/cytosol (LC1); kids (2 –
14 y)
• Overlap syndrome: AIH + PBC or PSC; Rx-induced: minocycline, nitrofurantoin,
Diagnosis and treatment
• 70% female; 40% p resent acutely (occ. fulminant); 34% asx; ALT can be >1000
• Extrahep atic syndromes: thyroiditis, arthritis, UC, Sjögren’s, Coombs’ hemolytic
• Dx: scoring system combining serologies, ↑ IgG, viral hep atitis, & characteristic
liver bx (lymp hop lasmacytic infiltrate & interface hep atitis) has high Sp & mod Se
(He p 2 008 ;48 :169)
• Rx: if LFTs 10× ULN, or if 5× ULN w/ IgG 2 × ULN, or bridging/multiacinar
necrosis on bx

• Prednisone + azathiop rine → 65% remission w/in 3 y; 50% relap se on withdrawal

of meds at 6 mo; up to 90% by 3 y; ∴ most will require long-term Rx; consider
substituting budesonide for p red in noncirrhrotics w/ Rx-naive AIH (Gastro
2 010;139:1198 )

• Liver transp lant for ESLD; recurs in ~30% of Pts, but generally easily treated

Alcoholic hepatitis (NEJM 2 009;360:2 758 ; Clin Liv Dis 2 012 ;16:371)
• Sxs: can range from asx hep atomegaly to decomp ensation w/ ascites,
encep halop athy and death. AST & ALT usually <300–500 w/ AST:ALT > 2 :1, in
p art b/c concomitant B 6 defic (ALT can be normal); ↓ p lt, ↑ iron sat, ↑’d Tbili &
INR indicate severe hep atitis.
• Rx: if discriminant fxn (= 4.6 × [PT-control] + Tb in mg/dL) >32 or
encep halop athy
methylp rednisolone 32 mg/d × 4 wk → 4–6 wk tap er; ↓ death (NEJM
1992 ;32 6:507) contraindications: GIB, chronic HBV, severe infections such as
sep sis
p entoxifylline 400 mg tid ↓ mortality due to reduction in HRS (Coch
2 009;4:CD007339)

NAC + steroids ↓ 30-d but not 6-mo mortality (NEJM 2 011;365:178 1)

• Lille model p redicts nonresp onse to corticosteroids & mortality, p owered by Δ Tb
from day 1 → 7; nonresp onders have 6-mo survival of 2 5% (;
He p 2 007;45:1348 )

Acetaminophen hepatotoxicity (NEJM 2 008 ;359:2 8 5; BMJ 2 011;342 :d2 2 18 )

• Normal metabolism via glucuronidation and sulfation → nontoxic metabolites

• Overdose (usually >10 g): CYP2 E1 hydroxylation → reactive electrop hilic sp ecies
(NAPQI) that are scavenged by glutathione until reserves exhausted →
hep atotoxicity

• CYP2 E1 induce d by fasting and alcohol allowing for “therap eutic misadventure” in
malnourished alcoholics taking even low doses (2 –6 g) of acetaminop hen

• Liver dysfunction may not be ap p arent for 2 –6 d

• Rx: NG lavage, activated charcoal if w/in 4 h. Consider early transfer to transp lant

N-acetylcysteine: administer up to 72 h after ingestion, if time of ingestion

unknown or if chronic ingestion >4 g/d

Rumack-Matthew nomogram
(www.tylenolp df) p redicts risk of
hep atotoxicity from serum level of acetaminop hen when time of ingestion is

Low threshold to start NAC even w/ low or undetectable serum acetaminop hen

PO NAC (p referred): 140 mg/kg loading dose → 70 mg/kg q4h × 17 additional

IV NAC: 150 mg/kg over 1 h → 50 mg/kg over 4 h → 100 mg/kg over 16 h; risk
of anap hylaxis; use if unable to tolerate POs, GIB, p reg, fulminant hep atic

Ischemic hepatitis

• “Shock liver” w/ AST & ALT >1000 + ↑↑ LDH; delayed ↑↑ Tbili

• Seen in HoTN & CHF; often requires ↑ venous + ↓ p ortal/arterial p ressure +

hyp oxia

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD, a sp ectrum of disease; He p 2 012 ;55:2 005)

• Definition: fatty infiltration of liver and absence of EtOH or other cause of steatosis
(TPN, rap id wt loss or Rxs such as HAART, tamoxifen, amiodarone, MTX)

NAFL = steatosis, inflammation; NASH = steatosis + inflammation ± fibrosis

on liver bx
• NAFLD: 10–30% of U.S. p op . & over 60% in T2 DM & obesity

• NASH: 2 –5% of NAFLD & risk of cirrhosis in NASH w/ fibrosis on bx is 30% at 10 y

• Pathop hys: hep atic lip otoxicity w/ oxidant stress & inflammatory resp onse; PNPLA3
high-risk SNP confers ↑ risk of hep atic fat content, NASH, & fibrosis (He p
2 011;53:18 8 3)
• Clinical: 8 0% asx, ↑ ALT > AST, but nl ALT/AST does not exclude p oss. of NASH on
• Dx: based on clinical variables & imaging. Liver bx remains gold standard. NAFLD
fibrosis score ( = clinical variables to p redict NASH w/
advanced fibrosis.

• Rx: wt loss, exercise, DM/lip id control (statins; Lance t 2 010;376:1916); p ioglitazone

+ vit E ↓ steatosis & inflam, not fibrosis (NEJM 2 010;362 :1675). Pentoxifylline
under study (He p 2 011;54:1610).


• Acute hep atic disease + coagulop athy + encep halop athy; w/o known p re-existing
liver dis.

• Fulminant = develop s w/in 8 wk; subfulminant = develop s between 8 wk and 6 mo

Etiology (Lance t 2 010;376:190)

• Viral (12 % of cases)
HAV, HBV, HCV (rare), HDV + HBV, HEV (esp . if p regnant)
HSV (immunosup p Pt), EBV, CMV, adenovirus, p aramyxovirus, p arvovirus B19
• Drugs/toxins (nearly 8 0% of cases; He p 2 010;52 :2 065)

Drugs: acetaminop hen (most common cause; >40% of all cases), p henytoin, INH,
rifamp in, sulfonamides, tetracycline, telithromycin, amiodarone, PTU, valp roate
Toxins: fluorinated hydrocarbons, CCl 4, Amanita phalloide s

• Vascular: ischemic hep atitis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, hep atic SOS, malignant

• Autoimmune hepatitis (initial p resentation)

• Misc.: Wilson’s, acute fatty liver of p regnancy (HELLP, Reye’s), idiop athic (up to
2 0% )
Clinical manifestations

• Initial p resentation usually nonsp ecific, w/ nausea, vomiting, malaise, followed by

• Neurologic

encephalopathy: stage I = DMS; stage II = lethargy, confusion; stage III =

stup or; stage IV = coma

asterixis in stage I/II/III encep halop athy; hyp erreflexia, clonus, rigidity in stage
cerebral edema → ↑ ICP, ↓ CPP → cerebral hyp oxia, uncal herniation, Cushing’s
reflex (hyp ertension + bradycardia), p up illary dilatation, decerebrate
p osturing, ap nea

• Cardiovascular: hypotension with low SVR

• Pulmonary: respiratory alkalosis, imp aired p erip heral O 2 up take, p ulm edema,

• Gastrointestinal: GIB (↓ clotting factors, ↓ p lt, DIC), p ancreatitis (? due to ischemia)

• Renal: ATN, hepatorenal syndrome, hyp onatremia, hyp okalemia,

hyp op hosp hatemia

• Hematology: coagulopathy (due to ↓ synthesis of clotting factors ± DIC)

• Infection (~90% of Pts): esp . with Staph, Stre p, GNRs and fungi (↓ immune fxn,
invasive p rocedures); SBP in 32 % of Pts; fe ve r and ↑ WBC may be abse nt
• Endocrine: hypoglycemia (↓ glc synthesis), metabolic acidosis (↑ lactate), adrenal

Workup (He p 2 012 ;55:965)

• Viral serologies (see “Acute Hep atitis Workup ” )

• AIH serologies, cerulop lasmin & serum/urine cop p er, p regnancy test, arterial NH3

• Toxicology screen (acetaminop hen levels q1–2 h until p eak determined)

• Imaging studies (RUQ U/S or abd CT, Dop p ler studies of p ortal and hep atic veins)
• Liver biop sy (unless p recluded by coagulop athy → in which case consider

Treatment (He p 2 012 ;55:965)

• ICU care at liver transplant ctr for hemodynamic & ventilatory sup p ort; CVVH for
• IV N-acetylcysteine (same dose as for acetaminop hen): all Pts w/ hep atic failure
and grade 1–2 encep h: ↑ cerebral blood flow and ↑ transp lant-free survival (Gastro
2 009;137:8 56)

• Cerebral edema: rare w/ NH 3 <75 mM/L, invariable if >2 00 mM/L; consider ICP
monitoring if stage III/IV encep h; if ↑ ICP → mannitol 0.5–1.0 mg/kg;
p rop hylactic 3% saline for goal Na 145–155 mEq/L if NH 3 >150 mM/L, grade
3/4 encep h, ARF or on vasop ressors; barbiturates & hyp othermia if ↑ ICP
refractory to osmotic agents

• Encep halop athy: intubate for grade III or IV; lactulose (avoid diarrhea &
• Coagulop athy: vit K; FFP/p lts/cryo if active bleeding; ? recomb. factor VIIa; PPI
p rop hylaxis

• Infection: low threshold for abx (broad sp ectrum, eg, vancomycin & 3rd-gen cep h.),
albeit no p roven mortality benefit to emp iric abx

• Treatment of sp ecific causes: nucleo(s/t)ides for HBV; steroids for AIH; consider
p lasma exchange for Wilson’s; IV acyclovir for HSV; gastric lavage & PCN-G for
Amanita phalloide s; delivery of child for p regnancy related; TIPS and anticoag for

• Liver transp lantation if p oor p rognosis w/ grade II or III encep halop athy (see


• Non-acetaminop hen ALF mortality ~8 0% , acetaminop hen-induced ALF mortality


• Predictors of p oor outcome

Acetaminop hen-induced: p H <7.3 after fluids or INR >6.5, Cr >3.4, or grade

III/IV encep h.

Non-acetamin.-induced: INR >6.5 or 3 of the following: non-A/B viral hep ; other

drug toxicity; time from jaundice to encep h. >7 d; age <10 or >40 y; INR
>3.5; Tbili >17.4
• ALFED model: NH 3, Tbili, INR, & ≥2 encep h (Gut 2 012 ;61:1068 ) & ALFSG index:
coma grade, INR, Tbili, PO 4, & serum CK18 (Gastro 2 012 ;143:12 37) are new
indices for p redicting need for liver Tx and mortality

• ~2 5–30% of Pts w/ ALF undergo liver transp lantation w/ 5-y survival rate of 70%

Definition (He p 2 011;54:18 64 & 2 012 ;56:198 3; J He p 2 012 ;56:S13)

• Definition: fibrosis and regenerative nodules resulting from hep atocellular injury

• Decompensated = jaundice, variceal bleed, encep halop athy, ascites; worse

p rognosis

• Alcohol (~60–70% ): Laennec’s cirrhosis; micronodular
• Viral hepatitis (~10% ): chronic HBV, HCV, HDV infection
• Autoimmune hepatitis: female, ↑ IgG, ANA, antismooth muscle Ab

• Metabolic diseases (~5% ): hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, ɑ1-AT deficiency

• Biliary tract diseases (~5% ): p rimary biliary cirrhosis, secondary biliary cirrhosis
(calculus, neop lasm, stricture, biliary atresia), p rimary sclerosing cholangitis
• Vascular diseases: Budd-Chiari syndrome, R-sided CHF, constrictive p ericarditis,
sinusoidal obstruction syndrome

• Nonalcoholic fatty liver dis. (NAFLD, 10–15% ) cause of most “cryp togenic
Clinical manifestations

• Subclinical or may p /w liver dysfunction (jaundice, coagulop athy, encep halop athy)
and/or p ortal HTN (ascites, varices); 35% p /w fever (SBP, acute EtOH); 2 5% p /w
Physical exam

• Liver: initially enlarged, p alp able (L lobe p redom), firm; e ve ntually shrunken and

• Signs of liver failure: jaundice (bili >2 ), sp ider angiomata & p almar erythema (↑
estra- diol), Dup uytren’s contractures, white nail lines (Muehrcke’s lines) &
p roximal nail beds (Terry’s nails), ↑ p arotid & lacrimal glands, gynecomastia,
testicular atrop hy, asterixis, encep halop athy, fetor hep aticus, clubbing,
hyp ertrop hic osteoarthrop athy

• Signs of p ortal hyp ertension: sp lenomegaly, ascites, dilated sup erficial abdominal
veins (cap ut medusae), ep igastric Cruveilhier-Baumgarten venous hum

Laboratory studies

• ↑ bilirubin, ↑ PT (p oor correlation w/ bleeding; factor VIII nl as not synthesized by

liver), ↓ alb, ± ↑ aminotransferases (AST > ALT if late) and ↑ AΦ (variable), ↓
Na, ↑ γ-glob

• Anemia (marrow sup p ression, hyp ersp lenism, Fe and/or folate defic.), neutrop enia
(hyp ersp lenism), thrombocytop enia (hyp ersp lenism, ↓ Tp o p roduction by liver,
EtOH tox)


• Abdominal U/S w/ Doppler: liver size (↑ L & caudate lobe), r/o HCC, ascites, ✓
p atency of p ortal, sp lenic and hep atic veins

• Assess fibrosis: biomarkers (eg, FibroSURE = p anel of 6 markers validated in HCV,

↑ score p redictive of fibrosis); U/S or acoustic radiation force imp ulse or MR
elastograp hy
• Determine etiology: hep atitis serologies (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HCV), autoimmune
hep atitis studies (IgG, ANA, anti–smooth muscle Ab), Fe and Cu studies, ɑ1-AT,
• ± Liver bx: p ercutaneous or transjugular (consider if ascites or coagulop athy) used
to dx etiology and p resence of cirrhosis

Ascites (see “Ascites” for details on dx eval; He p 2 009;2 9:2 08 7)

• Due to p ortal HTN (defined as hep atic venous p ressure gradient [HVPG] >5 mmHg)

• Develop s in 60% w/in 10 y; ~50% mortality at 5 y

• Treatment (Am J Gastro 2 009;104:18 02 ): ↓ Na intake (1–2 g/d); free H 2 O restrict if
Na <12 5
Diuretics: goal 1 L/d; urine Na/K >1 imp lies effective aldo block; sp ironolactone
± furosemide in 5:2 ratio (eg, 100 & 40 mg daily); ↑ doses in p rop ortion
NSAID as interferes w/ diuretic action (common cause of refractory ascites)

• Refractory ascites (Clin Gas He p 2 011;9:931): seen in 5–10% of Pts; 2 -y survival is

2 5%
Diuretic resistant on 2 g Na diet or diuretic-induced comp lic (Cr >2 , Na <12 5, ↑
or ↓ K, encep h)

Large-volume paracentesis (LVP); if >5 L, rep lace w/ 8 –10 g/L of alb → ↓ risk
of p aracentesis-induced circ. dysfxn (AKI & lyte abnl) & ? ↓ mortality (He p
2 012 ;55:1172 )
Beware LVP if SBP as ↑ risk of ARF → consider dx tap to r/o SBP first

Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) (Clin Gas He p

2 011;9:936)

↓ ascites in 75% , ↑ CrCl, ↑ encep h, survival benefit over LVP remains


Contraindic: grade II encep h, CHF or p ulm HTN, active infxn or biliary


Comp lications include te chnical: bleeding, fistula; re late d to ste nt: thrombosis
w/in 2 4 h rare, 1 y p atency w/ coated stents ~8 0% , infxn (endotip sitis);
shunting : new or ↑ encep h in 2 0–30% , hemolysis (He p 2 010;51:306)

• Hep atic hydrothorax: 2 ° diap hragmatic defect; often unilateral, R > L, ± ascites
Treatment: chest tube due to ↑ comp lications; Rx same as ascites

Sp ont e mpye ma can occur (even w/o SBP) → dx thoracentesis; Rx same as for SBP

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP; see “Ascites” for details; J He p 2 010;53:397)

• Develop s in ~2 0% ; 2 0% mortality; risk factors: AFTP <1 g/dL, hx of SBP, current


• Can p /w encep halop athy, abd p ain, fever, but ofte n (25% ) asx; consider
p aracentesis in all hosp italized cirrhotics w/ ascites
• Micro: 70% GNR (E. coli, Kle bs), 30% GPC (Ente rococcus, S. pne umo), nosocomial
(fungi, Pse ud); ~40% culture

• Rx: 3rd gen. cep h (eg, cefotaxime 4g/d total dose) or amox/clav × 5 d, if
encep h/AKI can use FQ (cip ro/oflox) but avoid if already on for p p x or in ↑ FQ
resist. areas IV albumin 1.5 g/kg at time of dx & 1 g/kg on day 3 → ↑ survival
(NEJM 1999;341:403) If not imp roving, rep eat p aracentesis at 48 h: ~2 5% ↓ PMN
count = Rx success
• Pp x: if h/o SBP or AFTP <1.5 + Na <130, Cr >1.2 or Child-Pugh B (Am J Gastro
2 009;4:993) norfloxacin 400 mg PO qd or Bactrim DS qd

Gastroesophageal varices ± UGIB (see also “GIB” ; NEJM 2 010;362 :8 2 3)

• Present in 60% of decomp ensated cirrhotics; incidence of bleeding is 2 4% by 2 y;

bleeding risk if HVPG >12 mmHg; screen all cirrhotics at time of dx
• 1° p revention of UGIB: med-to-large varices or “red wale” marks or Child-Pugh B or
nonselective b-blockers: ~50% ↓ risk of bleeding ± ↓ mortality; typ ically
nadolol or p rop ranolol (consider carvedilol if systemic HTN as ɑ1 blockade ↓
intrahep atic vasc resist.; He p 2 010;54:2 2 14); titrate to 2 5% ↓ HR; EGD req.
to document imp rovement
endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL): ↓ bleeding & death bB (Ann He p
2 012 ;11:369) q1–2 wk until gone → survey EGD at 3 mo → q6–12 mo; adding bB
only ↑ side effects

bB vs. EBL: choice based on Pt/p hysician p reference, bB often 1st (He p
2 008 ;47:1764)
• 2 ° p revention: for all Pts after 1st bleed b/c ~50% rebleed & ~30% mortality bB +
EBL > either alone (Annals 2 008 ;149:109); TIPS if refractory or consider in Child-
Pugh B or C w/in 72 h of admission for esop h variceal bleed (↑ 1-y survival;
NEJM 2 010;362 :2 370)

Portosystemic (hepatic) encephalopathy (PSE) (Clin Gas He p 2 012 ;10:12 08 )

• Pathogenesis: failure of liver to detoxify NH 3 + other substances (eg, ADMA; J He p
2 013;58 :38 ) that cause cerebral edema, ↓ O 2 consump tion, ↑ ROS → brain dysfxn

• Precip itants: ↑ dietary p rotein, constip ., GIB, med nonadherence, infxn, azotemia, ↓
K, Δ volume/water, hyp oxia, HCC, p ortosystemic shunt, meds, PVT
• Stages: (1) confusion; (2 ) drowsiness; (3) stup or; (4) coma

• Dx: asterixis can be seen; NH 3 p oor Se for dx & monitoring Rx; remains a clinical dx

• Treatment: identify/correct p recip itants, restrict dietary p rotein acutely (60–8 0 g/d),
lactulose (acidification of colon: NH 3 → NH 4+) w/ goal 2 –4 stools/d ± rifaximin
550 mg bid (↓ gut bacteria → ↓ NH 3 p rod); correct zinc deficiency

• 2 ° p revention: lactulose ± rifaximin 550 bid (Gastro 2 009;137:8 8 5; NEJM

2 010;362 :1071)

Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) (NEJM 2 009;361:12 79; Crit Care 2 012 ;16:R2 3(1))

• Pathop hys: renal vasoconstriction w/ ↓ renal blood flow; kidney histologically nl

• Criteria: (1) cirrhosis w/ ascites; (2 ) Cr >1.5 mg/dL; (3) imp rovement in Cr (to
≤1.5) after d/c diuretic & volume exp ansion (1 g/kg/d of albumin × 2 d); (4)
shock (p rerenal azotemia/ATN); (5) nep hrotoxic meds; (6) organic kidney dis
(eg, GN) or obstruction

Type I: Cr >2 .5 or 1.5× baseline in <2 wk; usually occurs in severe liver
failure, often following p recip itating event (see later); median survival 2 wk

Type II: more indolent course, median survival 6 mo; liver failure p resent < in
typ e I

• Precip itants: GIB, overdiuresis, infection, p aracentesis, drugs (aminoglycosides,

• Rx: Typ e 1: octreotide (100–2 00 mcg SC tid) + midodrine (7.5–12 .5 mg PO tid,
titrate to ↑ MAP 15 mmHg) + 2 0–40 g/d albumin or terlip ressin + albumin (He p
2 010;51:576); definitive Rx = liver tx. Typ e 2 w/ refractory ascites → TIPS.

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (He p 2 011;53:102 0; Lance t 2 012 ;379:12 45)

• Ep i: worldwide, 6th most p revalent cancer, 3rd most frequent cancer-related death,
8 0% of cases due to HCV/HBV cirrhosis, in which annual risk of HCC is ~3–8 %
(Gastro 2 012 ;142 :12 64). ↑’d risk w/ cirrhosis of any typ e but esp . w/ viral, HFE,
PBC, ?ɑ1-AT.
• Clinical: asx vs. hep atic decomp ensation (eg, ascites, PSE), PVT w/ tumor thrombus
• Dx: screen cirrhotics q6mo w/ U/S ± AFP, though many centers choose dual p hase
CT/MRI (if arterial enhancing & venous p hase or delayed washout, no bx req for
• Rx: radiofre que ncy ablation (RFA) for HCCs <3 cm in size; consider re se ction if
single lesion <2 cm and Child-Pugh A w/o p ortal HTN; transarte rial
che moe mbolization (TACE) p referred for large cancers (not curative) or if not
amenable to RFA (near IVC/lung); consider live r transplant if up to 3 HCCs ≤3 cm
or 1 HCC ≤5 cm
• Comp lications of Rx in 2 –11% , p rocedure mortality ~0.5% . RFA → PVT, colon
p erforation, abscess, skin burn, PTX, subcap sular hematoma, AKI, diap hragm
injury. TACE → p ostembolization syndrome (PES) = nausea, RUQ p ain, ileus,
fever, ↑ ALT/AST; self-limited, resolves w/in 1 wk. Other: hep atic ischemia,
abscess (2 % ), biliary tree injury, cholecystitis, gastroduodenal ulceration (~5% ),
kidney injury (2 % ).

Other complications
• Coagulopathy (NEJM 2 011;365:147): comp lex balance of p ro- & anti-hemostatic
drivers ↑ bleeding: ↓ p lts (sequestration & ↓ Tp o) & ↓ clotting factors, renal dysfxn
↑ clotting: ↑ vWF & factor VIII, ↓ p rotein C, S, ATIII
• Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) (NEJM 2 008 ;358 :2 378 )

Definition/etiology: abnl p ulm gas exchange (A-a gradient ≥15 or Pa O 2 <8 0) +

intrap ulm vascular shunting w/o intrinsic p ulm disease; ? due to ↑ p ulmonary

S/S: p latyp nea-orthodeoxia, clubbing, cyanosis

Dx w/ contrast echo showing p ulm A-V shunt (op ac. in LA 3–6 cycles after RA)

Rx: O 2 ; p otential embolization if large vessel on CT, ? TIPS, liver tx only

definitive Rx

• Portopulmonary hypertension (POPH) ( J Clin Gastr 2 011;45:703): ↑ PAP (MPAP

>2 5 mmHg), PVR >2 40 dyns/cm 5 and PAOP <15 mmHg. Due to p ulm
vasoconstriction from ↑ endothelin in ESLD. If PASP ≥40 mmHg by TTE → RHC.

• Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy: ↓ inotrop ic & chronotrop ic resp onse, ↓ systolic and

diastolic fxn, p rolonged QT, hyp erkinetic circulation; ↑ trop onin, BNP (JACC
2 010;56:539)

• Infxn: Kup ffer cell (hep atic mΦ ) dysfxn, ↓ op sonic activity; vaccinate for HAV &
HBV, influenza yearly, p neumococcal vaccine, avoid PPIs? (Alim Pharm The r
2 012 ;36:8 66)
• Endocrine: diabetes (15–30% ) due to altered glc & insulin metabolism; ↑ frequency of
adrenal insufficiency in ESLD (He p 2 012 ;55:12 8 2 )

• MELD (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease): used to stratify Pts on liver tx list & to
p redict 3-mo survival in Pts w/ cirrhosis and some acute forms of liver disease.
Based on Cr, INR, & total bili. Calculator: (Gastro 2 011;14:1952 ). If MELD
<2 1 additional p redictors of mortality include Na <130 (NEJM 2 008 ;359:1018 ;
Clin Gastro He p 2 009;7:12 36), refractory ascites, ↑ HVPG and low QoL.

Liver transplantation
• Undertake evaluation when MELD ≥15

• Indic: recurrent/severe encep h, refractory ascites, SBP, recurrent variceal bleeding,

HRS, HPS, HCC (if no single lesion is >5 cm or ≤3 lesions with largest ≤3 cm),
acute liver failure
• Contraindic: inadequate social sup p ort, active substance abuse (EtOH w/in 6 mo),
sep sis, significant comorbidity (eg, PoPH w/ MPAP ≥45 mmHg refractory to Rx),
extrahep atic cancer, p ersistent noncomp liance

• Survival: 1-y up to 90% , 5-y up to 8 0% , though lower with HCV; autoimmune liver
disease, such as AIH/PBC/PSC may recur in 10–30% of allografts

Hemochromatosis (He p 2 011;54:32 8 ; BMJ 2 011;342 :2 18 )

• Recessive disorder of iron sensing or transport leading to tissue iron deposition

• HFE mutations (8 5% of cases), typ ically C2 8 2 Y homozygotes (~0.5% of N.

Europ ean Caucasians), rarely C2 8 2 Y/H63D comp ound heterozygotes; C2 8 2 Y
homozygotes: 2 8 % of develop sx (8 8 % lab abnl), and 1% of develop sx
(due to menses ↓ Fe load → later p resentation). C2 8 2 Y/H63D: only 1.5% manifest

• Non-HFE mutations: hemojuvelin, hep cidin, transferrin recep tor 2 , & ferrop ortin
• 2 ° Fe overload: thalassemia, PRBC transfusion, MDS, EtOH, NASH (NEJM
2 012 ;366:348 )
• Sx: fatigue & arthralgias. In advance d dise ase (rare): bronze skin (melanin + iron),
hyp ogonadism (esp . in juvenile onset), DM, arthrop athy (MCP), CHF, infxns
(Vibrio, Liste ria, Ye rsinia), cirrhosis (↑ risk if EtOH/fatty liver disease; 15% risk of
HCC). Disease also a/w ALS (H63D homozygotes) & p orp hyria.
• Dx: fasting iron sat >45% (iron/TIBC × 100% ); ↑ ferritin (acute p hase reactant, so
p oor Sp ; often nl in young Pts). If ↑ iron sat. → ✓ HFE to confirm dx, imaging by
MRI (black liver) If HFE & ferritin >1000 ng/mL or ↑ LFTs → liver bx for
quant Fe index & to stage fibrosis

• Treatment: p hlebotomy (2 50 mL = 1 unit, ~2 50 mg of Fe) qwk until Fe sat <50%

& ferritin 50–100 μg/L, then q3–4mo; avoid vit C, PPI (↓ intestinal iron transp ort);
deferoxamine or deferasirox if p hleb. contraindic.; genetic counseling

Wilson’s disease (J He p 2 012 ;56:671)

• Recessive disorder of cop p er transp ort (mutation in ATP7B) → cop p er overload;

p rimarily affects liver, but also other tissues (brain, eye)
• Ep idemiology: 1 in 40,000, majority p resent b/t 5 & 35 y/o, only 3% of Pts p resent
>40 y/o
• Extrahep atic s/s: neuro ψ disease, p arkinsonism & movement disorder
(hep atolenticular disease), Kayser-Fleischer rings ( in 99% w/ neuro ψ but in
<50% w/ hep atic disease), Coombs hemolytic anemia, renal disease

• Dx: ↑ 2 4-h urine Cu, ↓ serum cerulop lasmin (Se 90% ), rarely p enicillamine
challenge w/ ↑ urine Cu excretion, liver bx w/ hep atic Cu content. In acute live r
failure ,  AΦ /bili <4 + AST/ALT >2 .2 better Se & Sp than urine Cu or
cerulop lasmin (He patolog y 2 008 ;4:1167).
• Treatment: chelation w/ p enicillamine + p yridoxine; 2 nd line trientine (↓ toxicity
w/ similar efficacy). Zinc: ↓ intestinal Cu transp ort and can help delay disease;
best used if asx or in conjunction w/ chelation (must give 4–5 h ap art from

ɑ1-antitryp sin deficiency (ɑ1-AT) (NEJM 2 009;360:2 749; Clin Gas He p 2 012 ;10:575)

• Abnl ɑ1-AT → p olymerization in liver (cirrhosis) & uninhibited p rotease activity in

lung (emp hysema). Affects 1/3000 of Europ ean ancestry. Varied p resentations:
neonatal hep atitis in infants; cholestatic jaundice in kids; ↑ AST/ALT or cirrhosis
in kids/adults.

• Extrahep atic disease: emp hysema, necrotizing p anniculitis, ANCA vasculitis


• Dx: serum ɑ1-AT level (acute p hase reactant), level <50% of nl typ ically diagnostic;
gold standard = p henotyp ing of p rotease inhibitor (Pi); Z is high-risk allele (ZZ =
liver dis); S is “slow” allele (SZ = liver or lung dz); M is nl (MZ ? ↑ risk of dis);
null/null → no ɑ1-AT p rotein, ∴ only emp hysema and not liver dis (no
p olymerization)

liver bx shows characteristic PAS cytop lasmic inclusion bodies

• Treatment: standard Rx for cirrhosis/chronic liver dis.; ɑ1-AT rep lacement for
emp hysema

Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) (He patolog y 2 009;50:2 91; Lance t 2 011;377:1600)
• Autoimmune destruction of intrahe patic bile ducts; may be triggered by certain infxns
or toxins; a/w X monosomy, variants in IL12 ɑ & IL12 recep tor genes (NEJM
2 009;360:2 544)

• Ep i: 40–60 y/o; a/w Sjögren’s, Raynaud’s, scleroderma, celiac & thyroid disease

• Sx (late): fatigue, p ruritus, jaundice, steatorrhea, xanthelasma, autonomic & cog

• Ddx: PSC, autoimmune hep atitis (overlap syndrome), sarcoid, meds, idiop athic
adult ductop enia, biliary stricture/cancer

• Dx: ↑ AΦ , ↑ bili, ↑ IgM, ↑ chol, antimitochondrial Ab (AMA) in 95% . If

AMA, liver bx not needed due to high Se & Sp . 0.5% gen p op AMA & nl LFTs
→ 10% develop PBC at 6 y. If AMA , liver bx (Pts often ANA, smooth
muscle Ab; same p rognosis as AMA).

• Rx: ursodeoxycholic acid (13–15 mg/kg/d) regardless of stage

~2 5% comp lete resp onse, ↑ survival & ↓ histologic change & comp lications (eg,
varices) (Gastro 2 005;12 8 :2 97). Trials of colchicine, MTX, budesonide if
refractory to urso.

Pruritus: cholestyramine (give 2 –4 h after UDCA); if refractory sx: naltrexone,

rifamp in
Fat-soluble vitamins; screen/Rx osteop orosis (risk indep endent of vit Δ deficiency)

If ESLD: liver tx: ~2 0% recur but no imp act on long-term survival

Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) (Live r Transpl 2 008 ;14:735)

• Diffuse inflammation of intrahe patic and e xtrahe patic bile ducts leading to fibrosis &
stricturing of biliary system. A/w HLA-B8 and -DR3 or -DR4, frequent
autoantibodies but p oor resp onse to immunomodulator Rx suggesting
nonautoimmune p athogenesis.

• Ep i: > (2 0–50 y). ~70% of Pts w/ PSC have IBD (usually UC); only 1–4% w/
UC get PSC.

• Clinical sx: fatigue, p ruritus, jaundice, fevers, RUQ p ain, cholangioca., ↑ Tb, ↑ AΦ

• Ddx: extrahep atic obstruction, PBC, may also have overlap w/ AIH and similar
p resentation to IgG4 autoimmune cholangitis (steroid resp onsive) (Gastro
2 008 ;134:706)
• Dx: MRCP ± ERCP → multifocal be ade d bile duct stricture s, but may miss dx if
confined to small intrahep atic ducts (~2 % “small duct PSC” : better p rognosis,?
different disease). Liver bx may show “onion-skin” fibrosis around bile ducts, but
not necessary for dx, p lays role in excluding autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis.
• Treatment: sup p ortive care, fat-soluble vitamins; no meds have imp roved survival
Ursodeoxycholic acid may ↓ colon CA risk in Pts w/ UC & imp rove LFTs in Pts
w/o UC Dominant stricture: endoscop ic dilation, short-term stenting or surgical
resection Cholangiocarcinoma (2 0% ): ? biannual surveillance w/ MRCP/RUQ U/S
and CA19-9 Liver transp lantation: ~30% recurrence, though if UC, colectomy may
↓ recurrence

Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) (Al Phar The r 2 009;30:8 8 1; J He patol 2 012 ;56:S1)
• Definition: thrombosis, constriction or invasion of p ortal vein → p ortal HTN →
varices. Isolated sp lenic vein thrombosis (eg, 2 ° to p ancreatitis) → isolated gastric
• Etiologies: cirrhosis, neop lasm (p ancreas, HCC), abdominal infxn → p ylep hlebitis
(infected thrombosis of PVT), hyp ercoag state (incl MPS), p ancreatitis, IBD,
surgery, trauma

• Clinical manifestations
acute PVT: can p /w p ain; often asx and dx as incidental finding on U/S or CT if
mesenteric vein involved may p /w intestinal infarct; if fever consider
p ylep hlebitis
chronic PVT: asx/incidental finding; may p /w s/s of p ortal HTN → hematemesis
2 ° variceal bleeding, sp lenomegaly, mild encep h; ascites uncommon unless

• Diagnostic studies: LFTs usually normal; U/S w/ Dop p ler, MRA, CT (I+),
angiograp hy;
“p ortal cavernoma” network of hep atop edal collaterals in chronic PVT—can
rarely cause biliary obstruction and cholestatic LFTs = p ortal cholangiop athy
(may require surgery)

• Treatment: eval for underlying cause (cirrhosis, MDS, hyp ercoag); if cirrhotic, Rx
less clear
acute: LMWH → warfarin × 6 mo, or indefinitely if irreversible cause (excep t

chronic: anticoag if noncirrhotic or hyp ercoag state; unclear if benefit > bleed
ppx: LMWH may p revent PVT & liver decomp in advanced cirrhosis (Gastro
2 012 ;143:12 53)

Varices: screen at dx; no evidence for 1° p p x of bleed; if bleed endoscop ic Rx and

bB. If refractory bleed consider TIPS, shunt. Isolated gastric varices 2 ° sp lenic
vein thrombosis: sp lenectomy is curative.

Budd-Chiari syndrome (J He patol 2 012 ;56:S1)

• Occlusion of hep atic vein(s) or IVC → sinusoidal congestion and p ortal HTN

• Etiol: ~50% due to myelop roliferative disorder a/w JAK2 mutations (esp . P. ve ra),
other hyp ercoag state, tumor invasion (HCC, renal, adrenal), IVC webs, trauma,
1/ idiop athic

• Symp toms: hep atomegaly, RUQ p ain, ascites, dilated venous collaterals

• Dx: ± ↑ aminotransferases & AΦ ; Dop p ler U/S of hep atic veins (8 5% Se & Sp ); CT
(I+) or MRI/MRV → vein occlusion or ↑ caudate lobe (sep arate venous drainage);
“sp ider- web” p attern on hep atic venograp hy; liver bx showing congestion (r/o
right-sided CHF)
• Treatment: anticoag (LMWH → warfarin); consider thrombolysis acutely; if short
stenosis stent may be p ossible; consider TIPS (↑ occlusion risk c/w side-to-side
p ortocaval shunt); liver transp lant if hep atic failure or failed shunt (J Gastro Surg
2 012 ;16:2 8 6)

Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) (J He patol 2 012 ;56:S1)

• Occlusion of hepatic venules and sinusoids (formerly veno-occlusive disease)

• Etiologies: HSCT, chemo (esp . cyclop ho), XRT, Jamaican bush tea

• Clinical manifestations: hep atomegaly, RUQ p ain, ascites, weight gain, ↑ bilirubin

• Dx: U/S w/ reversal of p ortal flow, but often not help ful; dx made clinically (↑ bili,
wt gain/ascites and RUQ p ain) or, if necessary, by liver bx or HVPG (>10 mmHg)

• Treatment (2 0% mortality): sup p ortive; ? defibrotide (adenosine agonist ↑ TPA

• Pp x: defibrotide; ursodeoxycholic acid for high-risk HSCT p op ; ? use of low-dose
hep arin

Figure 3-8 Hep atic vasculature



• Portal hyp ertension → systemic vasodilatation (? due to release of NO) → ↓ effective

arterial volume → renal Na retention

• ↓ serum oncotic p ressure from hyp oalbuminemia; ↑ hep atic lymp h p roduction

• ↑ abd girth, wt gain, new abd hernia, abd p ain, dysp nea, nausea, early satiety

Evaluation (JAMA 2 008 ;2 99:1166; He patolog y 2 009;2 9:2 08 7)

• Physical exam: flank dullness (NPV ~90% ; >1500 mL needed), shifting dullness (Se
~8 3% )
• Radiologic: U/S detects >100 mL; MRI/CT (also help with Ddx)

• Paracentesis (NEJM 2 006;355:e2 1; Dig Dis Sci 2 007;52 :3307): p erform in all Pts w/
new ascites and consider in all hosp italized cirrhotics w/ ascites; comp lic. <1%
(bleeding, but risk not related to PT or p lt count; He patolog y 2 004;40:48 4); U/S ↑
success but does not ↓ comp lic.

• Serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG): ~95% acc. for p ortal HTN (Annals
1992 ;117:2 15)

≥1.1 g/dL → p ortal hyp ertension related; <1.1 g/dL → non–p ortal hyp ertension
if p ortal HTN + another cause (seen in ~5% of cases) SAAG still ≥1.1

if known cirrhosis and SAAG <1.1 but no other readily identifiable cause, likely
just cirrhosis (Am J Gastro 2 009;104:1401)
• Ascites fluid total p rotein (AFTP): useful when SAAG ≥1.1 to distinguish cirrhosis
(AFTP <2 .5 g/dL) from cardiac ascites (AFTP ≥ 2 .5 g/dL)

• Rule out infection: cell count w/ diff + Gram stain/cx define bacterial p eritonitis
(see later); bedside inoculation of cx bottles ↑ yield to 90% (Gastro 198 8 ;95:1351)
fungal cx if p rolonged hosp , abx use; AFB cx + adenosine deaminase to r/o TB

• Other tests: amylase (p ancreatitis, gut p erforation); triglycerides (chylous ascites);

cytology (p eritoneal carcinomatosis, ~95% Se w/ 3 samp les); LDH, glc, CEA, AΦ
(p erforation)


• If 2° to portal HTN (see “Cirrhosis” for details): ↓ Na intake + diuretics

(sp ironolactone + furosemide); if refractory → large-volume p aracentesis or TIPS

• If non–p ortal HTN related: dep ends on underlying cause (TB, malignancy, etc.)

• Vap tans ↑ Na, mobilize ascites, but no morb/mort benefit (Al Pharm & The r
2 012 ;36:619)

Bacterial peritonitis (Gut 2 012 ;61:2 97)

• SBP/CNNA: seen in cirrhosis (qv) b/c ascites have ↓ op sonins; rare in other causes
• NNBA: often resolves w/o Rx; follow closely → Rx only if sx or p ersistently culture

• Secondary intra-abdominal abscess or p erforation so often p olymicrobial ascitic

fluid TP >1 g/dL, glc <50 mg/dL, LDH >2 2 5 U, CEA >5, AΦ >2 40 Rx: 3rd-
gen. cep h + metronidazole; urgent abdominal imaging ± ex lap
• Peritoneal dialysis-associated: cloudy fluid, abd p ain, fever, nausea p athogens:
70% GPC, 30% GNR; Rx: vanc + gent (IV load, then administer in PD)


Epidemiology & pathogenesis (J He p 2 008 ;48 :S12 4)

• >10% adults in the U.S. have gallstones; a/w ↑ overall mortality (Gastro
2 011;140:508 )

• Bile = bile salts, p hosp holip ids, cholesterol; ↑ cholesterol saturation in bile +
accelerated nucleation + gallbladder hyp omotility → gallstones

• Risk factors: ; South, Central, Native American; ↑ age (>40 y), obesity,
p regnancy, TPN, rap id ↓ wt; drugs (OCPs, estrogen, clofibrate, octreotide,
ceftriaxone); ileal disease

• ? statin use >1 y ↓ risk of sx gallstones & cholecystectomy (JAMA 2 009;302 :2 001)
Types of gallstones

• Cholesterol (90% ): 2 subtyp es

mixed: contain >50% cholesterol; typ ically smaller, multip le stones

p ure: 100% cholesterol; larger, yellow, white ap p earance

• Pigment (10% )
Black: unconjugated bilirubin (chronic hemolysis, cirrhosis) and calcium

Brown: stasis & infection in bile ducts → bacteria deconjugate bilirubin →

p recip itates w/ calcium; seen w/ duodenal diverticula, biliary strictures,
p arasites

Clinical manifestations

• May be asx; biliary p ain in ~2 % /y; once sx, rate of comp lications ~2 % /y

• Biliary pain (“colic”) = episodic RUQ or epigastric abd pain that begins
abrup tly, is continuous, resolves slowly and lasts for 30 min–3 h; ± radiation to
scap ula; nausea

• May be precipitated by fatty foods

• Physical exam: afebrile, ± RUQ tenderness or ep igastric p ain

Diagnostic studies

• RUQ U/S: Se & Sp >95% for stones >5 mm; can show comp lications
(cholecystitis); should be p erformed only after fasting ≥8 h to ensure distended,
bile-filled gallbladder

• Cholecystectomy (CCY), usually lap aroscop ic, if symp tomatic

• CCY in asx Pts w/: GB calcification (~7% risk of ca) (Surg e ry 2 001;12 9:699), GB
p olyp s >10 mm, Native American, stones >3 cm or bariatric surgery or cardiac
transp lant candidates

• Ursodeoxycholic acid (rare) for cholesterol stones w/ uncomp licated biliary p ain or
if p oor surgical candidate; also reduces risk of gallstone formation with rap id wt

• Biliary p ain: NSAIDs (eg, diclofenac 50 mg IM) drug of choice, efficacy op iates &
↓ comp lications (Alime nt Pharmacol The r 2 012 ;35:1370)
• Cholecystitis: 2 0% of sx biliary p ain → cholecystitis w/in 2 y

• Choledocholithiasis → cholangitis or gallstone p ancreatitis

• Mirizzi’s syndrome: common hep atic duct comp ression by cystic duct stone →
jaundice, biliary obstruction

• Cholecystenteric fistula: stone erodes through gallbladder into bowel

• Gallstone ileus: SBO (usually at term ileum) due to stone in intestine that p assed thru
• Gallbladder carcinoma (~1% in U.S.)
CHOLECYSTITIS (NEJM 2008; 358:2804)


• Acute cholecystitis: stone imp action in cystic duct → inflammation behind

obstruction → GB swelling ± secondary infection (50% ) of biliary fluid

• Acalculous cholecystitis: gallbladder stasis and ischemia → inflammatory resp onse;

occurs mainly in critically ill, hosp . Pts (p ostop major surgery, TPN, sep sis,
trauma, burns, op iates, immunosup p ression, infxn [eg, CMV, Crypto,
Campylobacte r, typ hoid fever])
Clinical manifestations

• History: RUQ/ep igastric p ain ± radiation to R shoulder/back, nausea, vomiting,


• Physical exam: RUQ tenderness, Murp hy’s sign = ↑ RUQ p ain and insp iratory
arrest with deep breath during p alp ation of R subcostal region, ± p alp able

• Laboratory evaluation: ↑ WBC, ± mild ↑ bilirubin, AΦ , ALT/AST and amylase;

AST/ALT >500 U/L, bili >4 mg/dL or amylase >1000 U/L → choledocholithiasis

Diagnostic studies

• RUQ U/S: high Se & Sp for stones, but need spe cific sig ns of chole cystitis: GB wall
thickening >4 mm, p ericholecystic fluid and a sonograp hic Murp hy’s sign

• HIDA scan: most Se test (8 0–90% ) for acute cholecystitis. IV inj of HIDA (selectively
secreted into biliary tree). In acute cholecystitis, HIDA enters BD but not GB. 10–
2 0% false (cystic duct obstructed from chronic cholecystitis, lengthy fasting,
liver disease).

• NPO, IV fluids, nasogastric tube if intractable vomiting, analgesia

• Antibiotics (E. coli, Kle bsie lla and Ente robacte r sp . are usual p athogens) ([2 nd- or
3rd-generation cep halosp orin or FQ] + MNZ) or p ip eracillin-tazobactam

• Early CCY (usually w/in 72 h). Delaying surgery 2 –3 mo ↓ op erative time w/o Δ
rate of comp lications or conversion to op en p rocedure (Am J Surg 2 008 ;194:40).

• If unstable for surgery, EUS-guided transmural or ERCP-guided transcystic duct

drainage is equivalent to cholecystostomy (Gastro 2 012 ;142 :8 05)

• Intraop erative cholangiogram or ERCP to r/o choledocholithiasis in Pts w/ jaundice,

cholangitis or stone in BD on U/S


• Gangrenous cholecystitis: necrosis w/ risk of emp yema and p erforation

• Emp hysematous cholecystitis: infection by gas-forming organisms (air in GB wall)

• Post CCY: bile duct leak, BD injury or retained stones, cystic duct remnant, sp hincter
of Oddi dysfxn


• Gallstone lodged in bile duct (BD)

• Occurs in 15% of Pts w/ gallbladder stones; can form de novo in BD
Clinical manifestations
• Asymp tomatic (50% )

• RUQ/ep igastric p ain due to obstruction of bile flow → ↑ BD p ressure, jaundice,

p ruritus, nausea

Diagnostic studies
• Labs: ↑ bilirubin, AΦ ; transient sp ike in ALT or amylase suggests p assage of stone

• RUQ U/S: BD stones seen ~50% of cases; usually inferred from dilated BD (>6 mm)
• ERCP p referred dx modality when likelihood high; cholangiogram (p ercutaneous,
op erative) when ERCP unavailable or unsuccessful; EUS/MRCP to exclude BD
stones when susp icion low

• ERCP & p ap illotomy w/ stone extraction (± lithotrip sy)

• CCY typ ically w/in 6 wk unless contraindication (>15% Pts will develop indication
for CCY if left unRx’d)


• Cholangitis, cholecystitis, p ancreatitis, stricture


Definition & etiologies

• BD obstruction → infection p roximal to the obstruction

• Etiologies: BD stone (~8 5% )

Malignant (biliary, p ancreatic) or benign stricture
Infection w/ fluke (Clonorchis sine nsis, Opisthorchis vive rrini)
Clinical manifestations

• Charcot’s triad: RUQ p ain, jaundice, fever/chills; p resent in ~70% of Pts

• Reynolds’ p entad: Charcot’s triad + shock and Δ MS; p resent in ~15% of Pts
Diagnostic studies

• Labs: ↑ WBC, bilirubin, AΦ , amylase; BCx

• ERCP; p ercutaneous transhep atic cholangiogram (if ERCP unsuccessful)


• Antibiotics (broad sp ectrum) to cover common bile p athogens (see above) amp icillin
+ gentamicin (or levofloxacin) ± MNZ (if severe); carbap enems; p ip /tazo

• ~8 0% resp ond to conservative Rx and abx → biliary drainage on elective basis

• ~20% require urgent biliary decompression via ERCP (p ap illotomy, stone

extraction and/or stent insertion). If sp hincterotomy cannot be p erformed (larger
stones), decomp ression by biliary stent or nasobiliary catheter can be done;
otherwise p ercutaneous transhep atic biliary drainage or surgery.


• Acidemia → p H <7.36, alkalemia → p H >7.44
• Acidosis → p rocess that increases [H+]; alkalosis → p rocess that decreases [H+]

• Primary disorders: metabolic acidosis or alkalosis, resp iratory acidosis or alkalosis

• Comp ensation
resp iratory: hyp er- or hyp oventilation alters Pa CO 2 to counteract 1° metabolic
p rocess renal: excretion/retention of H+/HCO 3 to counteract 1° resp iratory
p rocess resp iratory comp ensation occurs in minutes; renal comp ensation takes
hours to days compe nsation ne ve r fully corre cts pH; if p H normal, consider
mixed disorder


• Determine primary disorder: ✓ p H, Pa CO 2 , HCO 3

• Determine if degree of compensation is ap p rop riate

Mixed disorders (more than one p rimary disorder at the same time)

• If comp ensation less or greater than p redicted, may be 2 disorders:

Pa CO 2 too low → concomitant 1° resp . alk.

Pa CO 2 too high → concomitant 1° resp . acid.

HCO 3 too low → concomitant 1° met. acid.

HCO 3 too high → concomitant 1° met. alk.

• Normal p H but …

↑ Pa CO 2 + ↑ HCO 3 → resp . acid. + met. alk.

↓ Pa CO 2 + ↓ HCO 3 → resp . alk. + met. acid.

normal Pa CO 2 & HCO 3, but ↑ AG → AG met. acid. + met. alk.

normal Pa CO 2 , HCO 3, & AG → no disturbance or non-AG met. acid. + met. alk.

• Cannot have resp . acid. (hyp oventilation) and resp . alk. (hyp erventilation)

Figure 4-1 Acid-base nomogram

• ABG vs. VBG: concordant for p H (~0.04), HCO 3 (~2 mEq) but not Pa CO 2 (~8 ±17
mmHg) VBG can be used to scre e n for hyp ercarbia w/ Pa CO 2 cutoff ≥45 mmHg
(100% Se), but does not accurately assess de g re e of hyp ercarbia (Am J Eme rg Me d
2 012 ;30:8 96)

Initial workup (Nat Re v Ne phol 2 010;6:2 74)

• ✓ anion gap (AG) = Na+ – (Cl - + HCO 3-) = unmeasured anions - unmeasured
if ↑ glc, use measured not corrected Na
exp ected AG is [albumin] × 2 .5 (ie, 10 if albumin is 4 g/dL, 7.5 if albumin is 3
↑ AG → ↑ unmeasured anions such as organic acids, p hosp hates, sulfates
↓ AG → ↓ alb or ↑ unmeasured cations (Ca, Mg, K, Li, bromine, immunoglobulin)

• If ↑ AG, ✓ delta-delta (ΔΔ = DAG/DHCO 3) to assess if there is an additional

metabolic acid-base disturbance; DAG = (calculated AG – exp ected AG), DHCO 3 =
(2 4 – HCO 3)

ΔΔ = 1–2 → p ure AG metabolic acidosis

ΔΔ < 1 → AG metabolic acidosis and simultaneous non-AG acidosis

ΔΔ > 2 → AG metabolic acidosis and simultaneous metabolic alkalosis

Workup for AG metabolic acidosis

• ✓ for ketonuria (dip stick acetoacetate) or p lasma b-hydroxybutyrate (bOHB) nb,
urine acetoacetate often not p resent in early ketoacidosis due to shunting to bOHB;
∴ acetoacetate may later turn , but does not signify worsening disease

• If ketones, ✓ renal function, lactate, toxin screen, and osmolal gap

• Osmolal gap (OG) = measured osmoles – calculated osmoles

calculated osmoles = (2 × Na) + (glucose / 18 ) + (BUN / 2 .8 ) (can +

[EtOH/4.6] if have EtOH level and want to test if other ingestions)
OG >10 → suggests ingestion (see below)

for methanol/ethylene glycol: early on, OG p recedes AG; later OG may be nl

with AG

Workup for non-AG metabolic acidosis (CJASN 2 012 ;7:671)

• Evaluate history for causes (see above)

• ✓ urine anion gap (UAG) = (U Na + U K) – U Cl

UAG = unmeasured anions – unmeasured cations; as NH 4+ is p rimary

unmeasured cation, UAG is indirect assay for renal NH 4+ excretion (NEJM
198 8 ;318 :594)
• UAG → ↑ renal NH 4+ excretion → ap p rop riate renal resp onse to acidemia
Ddx: GI causes, p roximal RTA, ingestions or dilutional

• UAG → failure of kidneys to secrete NH 4+ Ddx: distal or hyp oaldo RTA, early
renal failure
nb, p lasma K usually ↓ in distal and ↑ in hyp oaldo RTA

• UAG evaluation assumes Pt volume rep lete (U Na >2 5) & no AG met. acid. (which
causes UAG due to excretion of organic anions)
Renal tubular acidoses (RTAs) (JASN 2 002 ;13:2 160; Int J Clin Pract 2 011;65:350)

• Proximal (Typ e II): ↓ p roximal reabsorp tion of HCO 3

1° (Fanconi’s syndrome = ↓ p roximal reabsorp tion of HCO 3, PO 4, glc, amino

acids), p arap rotein (multip le myeloma, amyloidosis), meds (acetazolamide,
heavy metals, ifosfamide), renal transp lant, ↓ Vit D, NRTIs

• Distal (Typ e I): defective distal H+ secretion

1°, autoimmune (Sjögren’s, RA), nep hrocalcinosis, meds (amp ho, Li, ifosfamide);
normally a/w ↓ K; if with ↑ K → sickle cell, obstruction, SLE, renal transp lant

• Hypoaldo (Typ e IV): ↑ K → ↓ NH 3 synthesis/delivery → ↓ urine acid carrying

cap acity
↓ renin: diabetic nep hrop athy, NSAIDs, chronic interstitial nep hritis, HIV

normal renin, ↓ aldo synthesis: 1° adrenal disorders, ACEI, ARBs, hep arin

↓ resp onse to aldosterone

  meds: K-sp aring diuretics, TMP-SMX, p entamidine, calcineurin inhibitors

  tubulointerstitial disease: sickle cell, SLE, amyloid, diabetes

• Combined (Typ e III): rarely discussed or clinically relevant, also called juvenile RTA,
has distal & p roximal features, can be due to carbonic anhydrase II deficiency

Figure 4-2 Approach to metabolic acidosis

Treatment of severe metabolic acidoses (pH <7.2) (Nat Re v Ne phol 2 012 ;8 :58 9)
• DKA: insulin & IVF; AKA: dextrose, IVF, rep lete K, Mg, PO 4 as needed

• Lactic acidosis: treat underlying condition, avoid vasoconstrictors

• Renal failure: hemodialysis

• Methanol & ethylene glycol: early fomep izole, vit. B 6 (ethylene glycol), folate
(methanol), hemodialysis (esp . if late p resentation) (NEJM 2 009;360:2 2 16)

• Alkali therap y: NaHCO 3 (eg, three 50-mmol amp s in 1 L D5W) to get serum HCO 3
>8 and p H >7.2 (estimate mmol of HCO 3 needed as 8 -[HCO 3]serum × wt ×
0.5) side effects: ↑ volume, ↑ Na, ↓ ICa, ↑ Pa CO 2 (& ∴ intracellular acidosis),

No p roven benefit in lactic acidosis or DKA (Annals 198 6;105:8 36 &

1990;112 :492 )

• THAM (p roton accep tor) in Pts w/ ↑ Pa CO 2



• Saline-resp onsive etiologies require initiating e ve nt and mainte nance phase

• Initiating e ve nt: gain of HCO 3 or loss of acid

loss of H+ from GI tract or kidneys

exogenous alkali: iatrogenic HCO 3 administration, milk alkali syndrome

contraction alkalosis: diuresis → excretion of HCO 3-p oor fluid → extracellular

fluid “contracts” around fixed amount of HCO 3 → ↑ HCO 3 concentration

posthypercapnia: resp iratory acidosis → renal comp ensation with HCO 3

retention; rap id correction of resp iratory disorder (eg, with intubation) →
transient excess HCO 3

• Mainte nance phase

volume depletion → ↑ p roximal reabsorp tion of NaHCO 3 and ↑ aldosterone (see


hyperaldosteronism (either 1° or 2 °) → distal Na reabsorp tion in exchange for

K+ and H+ excretion (and consequent HCO 3 retention)

hypokalemia → transcellular K+/H+ exchange; intracellular acidosis in renal

p roximal tubular cells p romotes bicarbonate reabsorp tion and ammoniagenesis


• Check volume status and U Cl

U Cl <2 0 mEq/L → saline-resp onsive

U Cl >2 0 mEq/L → saline-resistant (unless currently receiving diuretics)

(U Na unreliable determinant of volume status as alkalemia → ↑ HCO 3 excretion

→ ↑ Na excretion; negatively charged HCO 3 “drags” Na+ along)
If U Cl >2 0 and volume rep lete, ✓ blood pressure

Figure 4-3 Ap p roach to metabolic alkalosis

Treatment of severe metabolic alkalosis (pH >7.6)

• If volume dep letion: d/c diuretics and correct volume deficit with isotonic saline If
cardiop ulmonary disease p recludes hydration, can use KCl, acetazolamide, HCl

• If NGT drainage that cannot be stop p ed: PPI

• Hyp eraldosteronism: treat underlying condition



• CNS depression: sedatives, CNS trauma, O 2 in chronic hyp ercap nia (↓ hyp oxemic
drive), central sleep ap nea

• Neuromuscular disorders: myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré, p oliomyelitis, ALS,

muscular dystrop hy, severe hyp op hosp hatemia, high sp inal cord injury, drugs
(p aralytics)
• Upper airway abnormalities: acute airway obstruction, laryngosp asm, obstructive
sleep ap nea, esop hageal intubation
• Lower airway abnormalities: asthma, COPD
• Lung p arenchyma abnormalities (often cause hyp oxia → ↑ RR → resp . alk., but
eventual muscle fatigue → resp . acid.): p neumonia, p ulmonary edema, restrictive
lung disease
• Thoracic cage abnormalities: p neumothorax, flail chest, kyp hoscoliosis

• Post infusion of bicarbonate in acidemic Pt w/ limited ability to ↑ minute ventilation


Etiologies (NEJM 2 002 ;347:43)

• Hypoxia → hyperventilation: p neumonia, p ulm. edema, PE, restrictive lung disease

• Primary hyperventilation
CNS stimulation, p ain, anxiety, fever, trauma, stroke, voluntary
drugs: salicylates, p rogesterone, methylxanthines, nicotine p regnancy, sep sis,
hep atic failure
• Pseudorespiratory alkalosis: ↓ p erfusion w/ p reserved ventilation (eg, CPR, severe
HoTN) → ↓ delivery of CO 2 to lungs for excretion; low Pa CO 2 but ↑ tissue CO 2


• Disorders of serum sodium are generally due to Ds in total body wate r, not sodium
• Hyp er- or hyp o-osmolality → rap id water shifts → Ds in brain cell volume → Δ MS,
Key hormones
• Antidiuretic hormone (ADH): p rimary hormone that regulates sodium conce ntration
stimuli for secretion: hyp erosmolality, ↓↓ effective arterial volume (EAV),
angiotensin II action: insertion of aquap orin-2 channels in collecting ducts →
p assive water reabsorp tion urine osmolalityis an indirect functional assay of the
ADH-renal axis U osm range: 60 mOsm/L (no ADH) to 12 00 mOsm/L (maximal
• Aldosterone: p rimary hormone that regulates total body sodium (and ∴ volume)
stimuli for secretion: hyp ovolemia (via renin and angiotensin II), hyp erkalemia
action: iso-osmotic reabsorp tion of sodium in exchange for p otassium or H +


• Excess of water relative to sodium; almost always due to ↑ ADH

• ↑ ADH may be appropriate (eg, hyp ovolemia or hyp ervolemia with ↓ EAV)
• ↑ ADH may be inappropriate (SIADH)
• Rarely, ↓ ADH (ap p rop riately sup p ressed), but kidneys unable to maintain nl

1° polydipsia: ingestion of massive quantities (usually >12 L/d) of free H 2 O

overwhelms diluting ability of kidney (normal dietary solute load ~750
mOsm/d, minimum U osm = 60 mOsm/L → excrete in ~12 L; if H 2 O ingestion
exceeds this amount → H 2 O retention)

“te a & toast” and “be e r potomania”: ↓↓ daily solute load, ↑ free H 2 O →
insufficient solute to excrete H 2 O intake (eg, if only 2 50 mOsm/d, minimum
U osm = 60 mOsm/L → excrete in ~4 L; if H 2 O ingestion exceeds this amount
→ H 2 O retention)

Workup (NEJM 2 000;342 :158 1; JASN 2 012 ;2 3:1140)

• History: (1) acute vs. chronic (>48 h); (2 ) sx severity; (3) risk for neuro
comp lications (alcoholism, malnourished, cirrhosis, older females on thiazides,
hyp oxia, hyp oK)

• Measure plasma osmolality

Hypotonic hyponatre mia most common scenario; true excess of free H 2 O relative to
Na Hype rtonic hyponatre mia: excess of another effective osmole (eg, glc,
mannitol) that draws H 2 O intravascularly; each 100 mg/dL ↑ glc >100 mg/dL
→ ↓ [Na] by 2 .4 mEq/L Isotonic hyponatre mia: rare lab artifact from
hyp erlip idemia or hyp erp roteinemia

• For hyp otonic hyp onatremia, ✓ volume status (vital signs, orthostatics, JVP, skin
turgor, mucous membranes, p erip heral edema, BUN, Cr, uric acid)

• U osm diagnostically useful in limited circumstances, because almost always >300

excep tions: U osm <100 in 1° p olydip sia & ↓ solute intake moreover, U osm >300
≠ SIADH; must determine if ↑ ADH ap p rop riate or inap p rop riate however, U osm
imp ortant when deciding on tre atme nt (see below)

• If euvolemic and ↑ U osm , evaluate for glucocorticoid insufficiency and

hyp othyroidism

Figure 4-4 Approach to hyponatremia

Hypovolemic hypotonic hyponatremia (ie, ↓↓ total body Na, ↓ TBW)

• Renal losses (U Na >2 0 mEq/L, FENa >1% ): diuretics (esp . thiazides, as loop

↓ tonicity of medullary interstitium and imp air urine concentrating ability), salt-
wasting nep hrop athy, cerebral salt wasting, mineralocorticoid deficiency
• Extrarenal losses (U Na <10 mEq/L, FENa <1% ): GI losses (eg, diarrhea), third-
sp acing (eg, p ancreatitis), inadequate intake, insensible losses

Euvolemic hypotonic hyponatremia (ie, ↑ TBW relative to total body Na)

• SIADH (eu- or mild hyp ervolemia, inap p rop ↑ U Osm , normal U Na , ↓ BUN & UA)

malignancy: lung, brain, GI, GU, lymp homa, leukemia, thymoma, mesothelioma

pulmonary: p neumonia, TB, asp ergillosis, asthma, COPD, PTX, p ressure


intracranial: trauma, stroke, hemorrhage, infxn, hydrocep halus, Guillan-Barré


drugs: antip sychotics, antidep ressants (esp . SSRIs), chemotherap y, AVP, MDMA

miscellaneous: p ain, nausea, p ostop erative state

• Endocrinopathies: ↑ ADH activity seen in g lucocorticoid de ficie ncy (co-secretion of

ADH & CRH) and se ve re hypothyroidism/myxe de ma coma (↓ CO & ↓ GFR)

• Psychogenic polydipsia (U osm <100, ↓ uric acid): usually requires intake >12 L/d

• Low solute (↓ U Na , ↓ U osm ) “tea & toast” ; “beer p otomania”

• Reset osmostat: chronic malnutrition (↓ intracellular osmoles) or p regnancy

(hormonal effects) → ADH p hysiology reset to regulate a lower [Na]serum

Hypervolemic hypotonic hyponatremia (ie, ↑ total body Na, ↑ ↑ TBW)

• CHF (↓ CO → ↓ EAV; U Na <10 mEq/L, FENa <1% )

• Cirrhosis (sp lanchnic arterial vasodilation + ascites → ↓ EAV; U Na <10 mEq/L,

FENa <1% )
• Nephrotic syndrome (hyp oalbuminemia → edema → ↓ EAV; U Na <10 mEq/L,
FENa <1% )

• Advanced renal failure (diminished ability to excrete free H 2 O; U Na >2 0 mEq/L)

Treatment (Curr Opin Ne phrol Hype rte ns 2 010;19:493)

• Approach: dep ends on volume status, acuity of hyp oNa, and if symptomatic

Asx or chronic symp tomatic: correct [Na]serum at rate of ≤0.5 mEq/L/h

Acute sx: initial rap id correction of Na (2 mEq/L/h for the first 2 –3 h) until sx
Rate of ↑ Na should not e xce e d 6 (chronic) to 8 (acute) mEq/L/d to avoid central
p ontine myelinolysis/osmotic demyelination syn. (CPM/ODS: p arap legia,
dysarthria, dysp hagia)

• Frequent lab draws and IVF rate adjustments are cornerstones of treatment
• Overly rapid correction: can lead to CPM/ODS. Should be emergently reversed w/
dDAVP ± D5W; p artial neurologic recovery p ossible (CJASN 2 008 ;3:331)

• Effect of IV fluids (http ://

howe ve r, above assumes entire infusate retained without any output of Na or H 2 O if

Pt euvolemic, as in SIADH, infused Na will be excreted eg, 1 L NS (154 mEq of Na
or 308 mOsm of solute in 1 L free H 2 O) given to Pt with SIADH with U osm = 616
→ 308 mOsm solute excreted in 0.5 L H 2 O → net gain 0.5 L H 2 O → ↓ [Na]serum
∴ normal saline can worse n hyp onatremia 2 ° SIADH if U osm > infusateosm

• Hypovolemic hyponatremia: volume rep letion with normal saline at a slow rate.
Once volume rep lete → stimulus for ADH removed → kidneys excrete free H 2 O →
serum Na will correct very rap idly (D5W ± ddAVP if overcorrection) (KI
2 009;76:58 7).

• SIADH (NEJM 2 007;356:2 064): free water restrict + treat underlying cause

hypertonic saline (± loop diuretic) if sx or Na fails to ↑ w/ free H 2 O restriction

1 L hyp ertonic saline (3% NaCl) will raise [Na]serum by ~10 mEq (see above)
~50 mL/h will ↑ [Na] by ~0.5 mEq/L/h; 100–2 00 mL/h will ↑ [Na] by ~1–2
mEq/L/h formula only p rovides estimate; ∴ recheck serum Na frequently (at
least q2 h)

salt tabs: p articularly if chronic and no CHF

aquaresis: conivap tan (IV V1a & V2 vasop ressin recep tor antag) or tolvap tan
(oral V2 antag; NEJM 2 006;355:2 099); used for symp tomatic SIADH resistant to
above Rx but rate of correction can be rap id (AJKD 2 010;56:32 5)
demeclocycline: causes nep hrogenic DI, ↓ U osm

• Hypervolemic hyponatremia: free water restrict

mobilize excess Na & H 2 O (use loop diuretics; avoid thiazides) & ↑ EAV
(vasodilators to ↑ CO in CHF, colloid infusion in cirrhosis)

aquaresis: tolvap tan effective and safe, however no p roven mortality benefit,
hyp oNa recurs after stop p ing drug, exp ensive and must monitor for
overcorrection (JASN 2 010;2 1:705; J He patol 2 012 ;56:571)

Pathophysiology (NEJM 2 000;342 :1493)

• Deficit of water relative to sodium; by definition, all hyp ernatremic Pts are
hyp ertonic
• Usually loss of hypotonic fluid (ie “dehydration” ); occasionally infusion of
hyp ertonic fluid
• And impaired access to free water (eg, intubation, Δ MS, elderly): hyp ernatremia is
a p owerful thirst stimulus, ∴ usually only develop s in Pts w/o access to H 2 O

• ✓ U osm , U Na , volume status (vital signs, orthostatics, JVP, skin turgor, BUN, Cr)

Figure 4-5 Ap p roach to hyp ernatremia

Extrarenal H2 O loss (U osm >700–800)

• GI H2 O loss: vomiting, NGT drainage, osmotic diarrhea, fistula

• Insensible loss: fever, exercise, ventilation

Renal H2 O loss (U osm <700–800)

• Diuresis: osmotic (glc, mannitol, urea), loop diuretics

• Diabetes insipidus (J Clin Endocrinol Me tab 2 012 ;97:342 6)

ADH deficiency (central) or resistance (nep hrogenic)

Central: hyp othalamic or p osterior p ituitary disease (congenital, trauma/surgery,
tumors, infiltrative/IgG4); also idiop athic, hyp oxic encep halop athy, anorexia,

Nephrogenic (Annals 2 006;144:18 6)

  congenital (ADH recep tor V2 mutation, aquap orin-2 mutation; Pe diatr Ne phrol
2 012 ;2 7:2 18 3)

drugs: lithium, amp hotericin, demeclocycline, foscarnet, cidofovir   metabolic:

hypercalcemia, severe hypokalemia, p rotein malnutrition, congenital   
tubulointerstitial: postobstruction, recovery phase of ATN, PKD, sickle cell,   
Sjögren’s, amyloid, p regnancy (p lacental vasop ressinase)

DI usually p resents as se ve re polyuria and mild hype rnatre mia

Other (U osm >700–8 00)

• Na overload: hyp ertonic saline (eg, resuscitation w/ NaHCO 3), mineralocorticoid

• Seizures, ≠ exercise: ↑ intracellular osmoles → H 2 O shifts → transient ↑

• Restore access to H2 O or sup p ly daily requirement of H 2 O (≥1 L/d)

• Replace free H2 O deficit (also rep lace concurrent volume deficit if ap p rop riate):

eg, 1 L D5W given to 70-kg man w/ [Na] = 160 mEq/L will ↓ [Na]serum by 3.7

• Rate of Ø of Na should not exceed 0.5 mEq/L/h to avoid cerebral edema shortcut:
in 70-kg man, 12 5 mL/h of free H 2 O will ↓ [Na] by ~0.5 mEq/L/h

• 1/2 NS (77 mEq/L) or 1/4 NS (38 mEq/L) p rovides both volume & free H 2 O (500 or
750 mL of free H 2 O p er L, resp ectively); can give free H 2 O via NGT/OGT

• Formulas p rovide only estimates; ∴ recheck serum Na frequently

• DI and osmotic diuresis: see “Polyuria” section below

• Na overload: D5W + diuretic


Definition and pathophysiology

• Polyuria defined as >3 L UOP p er day

• Due to an osmotic or a wate r diure sis; almost always due to osmotic diuresis in
inp atients

• Perform a timed urine collection (6 h sufficient) and measure U osm

• 2 4-h osmole excretion rate = 2 4-h UOP (actual or estimate) × U osm

>1000 mOsm/d → osmotic diuresis

<8 00 mOsm/d → water diuresis

Osmotic diuresis

• Etiologies
Glucose (uncontrolled diabetes mellitus)


Urea: recovering ARF, ↑ p rotein feeds, hyp ercatabolism (burns, steroids), GI bleed
NaCl administration

Prop ylene glycol

Water diuresis

• Etiologies: diabetes insipidus (DI) (Na serum >140) or 1° polydipsia (Na serum
<140) see “Hyp ernatremia” above for list of causes of central and nep hrogenic DI

• Workup of DI: U osm <300 (comp lete) or 300–600 (p artial)

water deprivation test (start in a.m., ✓ Na serum , Posm , U osm , UOP q1–2 h)

Dep rive until Posm >2 95, then ✓ U osm . If U osm <300, then administer
vasop ressin (5 U SC) or dDAVP (10 µg intranasal), then check U osm in 1–2 h:
U osm ↑ by >50% = central DI U osm unchanged = nep hrogenic DI

✓ ADH level before and after water dep rivation to evaluate p rop er resp onse

Figure 4-6 Approach to polyuria

• 1º polydipsia: treat p sychiatric illness, check meds, restrict access to free H 2 O

• Osmotic diuresis: address underlying cause, rep lace free H 2 O deficit (see
“Hyp ernatremia” for formula to calculate) and ongoing losses
• DI:

central DI: desmop ressin (dDAVP)

nep hrogenic DI: treat underlying cause if p ossible; Na restriction + thiazide (mild
volume dep letion → ↓ delivery of filtrate to dysfxnal diluting segment of
kidney), consider amiloride for lithium-induced DI (Kid Int 2 009;76:44)

p regnancy-induced DI: due to vasop ressinase from p lacenta, ∴ Rx w/ dDAVP


Overview (Annals 2 009;150:619)

• Renal: p otassium excretion regulated at distal nephron (collecting tubule) distal Na
delivery & urine flow: Na absorp tion → lumen electronegative → K secretion
metabolic alkalemia and aldosterone: increase Na absorp tion and K secretion
• Transcellular shifts: most common cause of acute change in serum p otassium Acid-
base disturbance: K+/H+ exchange across cell membranes Insulin → stimulates
Na-K ATPase → hyp okalemia (mitigates p ostp randial ↑ K) Catecholamines →
stimulate Na-K ATPase → hyp okalemia; reversed by b-blockers Digoxin → blocks
Na-K ATPase → hyp erkalemia Massive necrosis (eg, tumor lysis, rhabdo, ischemic
bowel) → release of intracellular K Hyp o- or hyp erkalemic p eriodic p aralysis:
rare disorders due to channel mutations
• Diet: alone rarely causes ↑ or ↓ K (total body store ~3500 mEq, daily intake ~100

Transcellular shifts

• Alkalemia, insulin, catecholamines, hyp okalemic/thyrotoxic p eriodic p aralysis,

acute ↑ in hematop oiesis (megaloblastic anemia Rx w/ B 12 , AML crisis),
hyp othermia, chloroquine, barium/cesium intoxication, antip sychotic overdose
(risp eridone, quetiap ine)

GI potassium losses (U K<2 5 mEq/d or <5 mEq/L or TTKG <3)

• GI losses plus metabolic acidosis: diarrhea, laxative abuse, villous adenoma

• Vomiting & NGT drainage usually manifest as re nal losse s due to 2 ° hyp eraldo &
met. alk.

Renal potassium losses (U K>30 mEq/d or >15 mEq/L or TTKG >7)

• Hyp otensive or normotensive acidosis: DKA, RTA [p roximal RTA (typ e II) and some
distal RTAs (typ e I)] alkalosis: diuretics, vomiting/NGT drainage (via 2 °
hyp eraldosteronism) Bartter’s syndrome (loop of Henle dysfxn → furosemide-like
effect; NEJM 1999;340:1177)
Gitelman’s syndrome (distal convoluted tubule dysfxn → thiazide-like effect)

↓ Mg: ? release Mg-mediated inhib. of ROMK channel ∴ ↑ K secretion (JASN

2 007;18 :2 649)
• Hyp ertensive: mineralocorticoid excess

1° hyp eraldosteronism (eg, Conn’s syndrome, glucocorticoid-remediable

2 ° hyp eraldosteronism (eg, renovascular disease, renin-secreting tumor)

nonaldosterone mineralocorticoid (eg, Cushing’s, Liddle’s, exogenous

mineralocort., licorice, congenital adrenal hyp erp lasia)

Clinical manifestations

• Nausea, vomiting, ileus, weakness, muscle cramp s, rhabdomyolysis, p olyuria

• ECG: U waves, ± ↑ QT interval, ventricular ectop y (PVCs, VT, VF)

Workup (NEJM 1998 ;339:451)

• Rule-out transcellular shifts

• ✓ 2 4-h U K and transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG) = (U K/PK) / (U osm /Posm )

U K >30 mEq/d or >15 mEq/L or TTKG >7 → renal loss

U K <2 5 mEq/d or <15 mEq/L or TTKG <3 → extrarenal loss

• If renal losses, ✓ BP, acid-base, U Cl (U Na unreliable for volume status w/


Figure 4-7 Ap p roach to hyp okalemia


• If true potassium de ficit: potassium repletion (↓ 1 mEq/L 2 00 mEq total body

loss) KCl 40 mEq PO q4–6h if nonurgent, KCl 10 mEq/h IV if urgent, recheck K
• Beware of excessive p otassium rep letion if transcellular shift cause of hyp okalemia

• Treat underlying cause (if hydration needed, avoid dextrose-containing solutions as

dextrose → ↑ insulin → intracellular p otassium shifts)
• Rep lete low Mg: IV Mg-SO 4 1–2 g q2 h (oral Mg-oxide p oorly tolerated b/c diarrhea)
Causes of low Mg: GI loss (diarrhea, byp ass, p ancreatitis, malnutrition, PPI);
renal loss (diuretics, nep hrotoxic drugs, EtOH, ↑ Ca, 1° wasting syndromes,
volume exp ansion)

Transcellular shifts (BMJ 2 009;339:1019)

• Acidemia, insulin defic. (DM), b-blockers, dig intox., massive cellular necrosis
(tumorlysis, rhabdo, ischem. bowel, hemolysis), hyp erkalemic p eriodic p aralysis,
Decreased GFR
• Any cause of oliguric or anuric AKI or any cause of end stage renal disease

Normal GFR but with Ø renal K excretion

• Normal aldosterone function
↓ EAV (K excretion limited by ↓ distal Na delivery & urine flow): CHF, cirrhosis
excessive K intake: in conjunction with imp airment in K excretion or
transcellular shift ureterojejunostomy (absorp tion of urinary K in jejunum)

• Hypoaldosteronism: same as etiologies of hyp oaldo RTA (typ e IV)

↓ renin: diabetic nep hrop athy, NSAIDs, chronic interstitial nep hritis, HIV normal
renin, ↓ aldo synthesis: 1° adrenal disorders, ACEI, ARBs, hep arin

↓ resp onse to aldosterone meds: K-sp aring diuretics, TMP-SMX, p entamidine,

calcineurin inhibitors tubulointerstitial disease: sickle cell, SLE, amyloid,

Clinical manifestations

• Weakness, nausea, p aresthesias, p alp itations

• ECG: p eaked T waves, ↑ PR interval, ↑ QRS width, loss of P wave, sine wave
p attern, PEA/VF (ECG: low sensitivity, cardiac arrest can be first electrical

Workup (Crit Care Me d 2 008 ;36:32 46)

• Rule out p seudohyp erkalemia (IVF with K, hemolysis during venip uncture, ↑ p lt or

• Rule out transcellular shift

• Assess GFR, if normal: Consider ↓ distal Na delivery and urine flow

✓ transtubular K gradient (TTKG) = (U K/PK)/(U osm /Posm ) <6 c/w hyp oaldo
(JASN 2 008 ;19:42 4)
• Rate of onse t imp ortant to note when establishing a treatment p lan

• Calcium help s p revent/treat cardiac comp lications; ∴ should be initial Rx, esp . if
• Insulin, bicarbonate (esp . if acidemic), and b2 agonists should follow to ↓ p lasma K

• Treatments that eliminate total body K essential as other Rxs will wear off with
time; Kayexalate ± diuretics may be effective in many cases, but emergent
hemodialysis should be considered in life-threatening situations

• Patient information for diet education:

http :// otassium.cfm


Definition (CJASN 2 008 ;3:8 44; KI Suppl 2 012 ;2 :19)

• AKI: abrup t (<48 h) ↑ Cr ≥0.3 mg/dL, ↑ Cr ≥50% , or UOP <0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥6
h additional gradations based on further ↑ Cr & ↓ UOP, but not used clinically

• Cannot estimate GFR using Cr in setting of AKI or D’ing Cr (requires steady state)

Workup (Lance t 2 012 ;38 0:756)

• H&P: recent p rocedures & meds; thirst; VS & vol status; s/s of obstruction, vasc or
systemic dis.; ischemia (p rerenal & ATN) accounts for >50% of in-hosp ital AKI
• Urine evaluation: outp ut, urinalysis, sediment, electrolytes, and osmolality
• Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) = (U Na /PNa )/(U Cr /PCr )

<1% → p rerenal, contrast, HRS or glomerulonep hritis; >2 % → ATN In setting

of diuretics, ✓ FEUN = (U UN/PUN)/(U Cr /PCr ); <35% → p rerenal

• Renal U/S or CT: r/o obstruction & eval kidney size to estimate chronicity of kidney

• Serologies (if indicated): see “Glomerular Disease”

• Renal bx: may be necessary if cause remains unclear (esp if hematuria and/or
p roteinuria)
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CIAKI)

• Risk factors: CKD, DM, CHF, age, hyp otension, ↑ contrast volume (JACC
2 004;44:1393)

• Clinical: Cr ↑ 2 5% or 0.5 mg/dL w/in 48 h, p eaks in 3–5 d, resolves in 7–10 d

• Prevention (NEJM 2 006;354:379; JAMA 2 006;2 95:2 765; KI Suppl 2 012 ;2 :69)

Isotonic IV fluids (unless contraindic, eg, CHF): 3 mL/kg/h × 1 h before, 1

mL/kg/h × 6 h after (JAMA 2 004;2 91:2 32 8 ); NaHCO 3 ? more effective than
NaCl (Annals 2 009;151:631)

Hold ACEI/ARB (AJKD 2 012 ;60:576), NSAIDs, diuretics

N-acetylcysteine 12 00 mg PO bid on day p rior to & day of contrast; safe & ∴
reasonable in high-risk Pts, but benefit remains unclear (JACC CV Inte rv
2 009;2 :1116; Circ 2 011;12 4:12 50) Minimize contrast volume and consider iso-
osmolar contrast (JACC 2 006;48 :692 ) ? high-dose statin (Circ 2 012 ;12 6:3008 )
No p roven benefit to Pp x RRT in addition to above, may be harmful (Am J Me d
2 012 ;12 5:66)

• Gadolinium: can cause AKI in stage IV CKD (Ne ph Dial Trans 2 006;2 1:697), no
effective Pp x Nep hrogenic systemic fibrosis: fibrosis of skin, joints, eyes, and
internal organs ~2 –4 wk p ost exp osure in Pts w/ mod-severe CKD (JACC
2 009;53:162 1). ? role of p ostgado HD (Radiat Me d 2 006;2 4:445). Rx is ↑ renal
function, p hysical therap y. Can be irreversible.


• Treat underlying disorder (see relevant sections); ? steroids if AIN (KI 2 008 ;73:940)

• Prerenal: Isotonic IVF alb (NEJM 2 004;350:2 2 ), HES (starch) nep hrotoxic (NEJM
2 012 ;367:12 4)

• Avoid nep hrotoxic insults; review dosing of renally cleared drugs

• Op timize hemodynamics (both MAP & CO); may take 1–2 wk to recover from ATN
• Watch for and correct volume overload, electrolyte (↑ K, ↑ PO 4), & acid/base status

• If obstruction is diagnosed and relieved, watch for:

Hyp otonic diuresis (2 ° buildup of BUN, tubular damage); Rx w/ IVF (eg, 1/2 NS)

Hemorrhagic cystitis (rap id Δ in size of bladder vessels); avoid by decomp ressing

• Indications for urgent dialysis (when condition refractory to conventional therap y)

Acid-base disturbance: acidemia

Electrolyte disorder: generally hyp erkalemia; occasionally hyp ercalcemia, tumor


Intoxication: methanol, ethylene glycol, lithium, salicylates (Kid Int 2 009;75:1349)

Overload of volume (CHF)

Uremia: p ericarditis, encep halop athy, bleeding

• No benefit to dop amine (Annals 2 005;142 :510), diuretics (JAMA 2 002 ;2 8 8 :2 547), or

Definition and etiologies (Lance t 2 012 ;379:165)

• ≥3 mo of reduced GFR (<60) and/or kidney damage (p ath, markers, imaging)

• Prevalence 13% in U.S.; Cr p oor estimate of GFR; ∴ use p rediction equation, eg,
MDRD or CKD-EPI: rofessionals/KDOQI/gfr_calculator.cfm nb,
equation may underestimate GFR in Pts w/ normal renal fxn, esp MDRD
• Etiologies: DM (45% ), HTN/RAS (2 7% ), glomerular (10% ), interstitial (5% ), PKD
(2 % ) (NEJM 2 008 ;359:1477), congenital, drugs, myeloma, p rogression of AKI
(JAMA 2 009;302 :1179)
• Presence and degree of albuminuria a/w worse outcomes indep endent of GFR
• Rates of all-cause mortality and CV events increase with each stage of CKD and are
significantly higher than the rate of p rogression to kidney failure (NEJM
2 004;351:12 96)

Treatment (Annals 2 009;150:ITC2 -1; NEJM 2 010;362 :57)

• General: nep hrology referral when GFR <30 and access p lanning (avoid subclavian
lines; p reserve an arm for access by avoiding blood draws, BP measurements,
IVs); Rx CV risk factors (eg, smoking, LDL-C; Lance t 2 011;377:2 18 1), vaccines
(flu, PNA, HBV)

• Dietary restrictions: Na (if HTN), K (if oliguric or hyp erkalemic), PO 4, ? moderate

p rotein restriction, strict glc control in DM

• BP Control: goal <130/8 0, start with ACEI (or ARB), effective in DM & nondiabetic
CKD (NEJM 2 004;351:1952 ); likely no benefit of ACEI + ARB (BMJ
2 013;346:f360). For outPts, ✓ Cr & K in 1–2 wk, d/c if Cr ↑ 30% or K >5.4 (after
dietary Δ & loop diuretic).

• Metabolic acidosis: sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate if low HCO 3 (JASN

2 009;2 0:2 075)
• Anemia: goal Hb ~10 g/dL, worse outcomes if higher (NEJM 2 006;355:2 08 5 &
2 009;361:2 019) ep oetin (start 8 0–12 0 U/kg SC, divided 3×/wk) or darbep oetin
(0.45 µg/kg q wk) iron sup p lementation to keep transferrin sat >2 0% (often given
IV in HD Pts)
• Uremic bleeding: desmop ressin (dDAVP) 0.3 µg/kg IV or 3 µg/kg intranasally
• 2° Hyperparathyroidism: ↑ PO 4, ↓ Ca, ↓ calcitriol → ↑ PTH → renal osteodystrop hy

p hosp horus binders (take with me als!) (NEJM 2 010;362 :1312 )

if ↑ PO 4 and ↓ Ca → calcium acetate (PhosLo) or calcium carbonate
if refractory ↑ PO 4 or in setting of ↑ Ca → sevelamer (Renagel), lanthanum
if severe ↑ PO 4 → aluminum hydroxide (Amp hojel), short-te rm use only

vit. Δ or analogue (p aricalcitol) if 2 5-(OH)D <30, stop if ↑ Ca (AJKD

2 009;53:408 ) calcitriol or p aricalcitol if Ca-PO 4 p roduct <55 (? ↑ survival in HD
Pts, NEJM 2 003;349:446) cinacalcet (p arathyroid calcium-sensing recep tor agonist)
if PTH remains elevated desp ite p hosp horus binders ± vit. Δ analogue (NEJM
2 004;350:1516; NDT 2 011;2 6:132 7) p arathyroidectomy

• Consider transplant evaluation


General considerations

• Increases Na excretion for treatment of HTN or edema in CHF, renal failure, and

• Daily wt most effective method of documenting successful diuresis

Loop diuretics (NEJM 1998 ;339:38 7)

• Drugs: furosemide (Lasix), torsemide, bumetanide (Bumex), ethacrynic acid
• Mechanism: inhibit Na-K-2 Cl transp orter in thick ascending limb (ThAL) Transient,
immediate venodilation may aid in p ulmonary congestion (NEJM 1973;2 8 8 :108 7)
Resp onse is fxn of amt of drug excreted; ∴ ↑ dose needed in renal insufficiency,
CHF Sigmoidal dose resp onse curve; ∴ ↑ dose until induce diuresis, ↑↑ dose
beyond that p oint yields diminishing returns comp ared with ↑ frequency of dosing

• Dosing: PO bioavailability of furosemide ~50% , ∴ IV dose ~2 × as p otent as PO

dose torsemide & bumetanide ~90% bioavailability; use ethacrynic acid if sulfa
allergy 40 mg furosemide PO 2 0 mg furosemide IV 2 0 mg torsemide PO
1 mg bumetanide dose furosemide bid-qid; qd dosing can lead to initial
diuresis → antinatriuresis Continuous vs. bolus IV: similar results in acute CHF
(NEJM 2 011;364:797)

? ↑ diuresis w/ co-administration of albumin if ↓ serum albumin (Crit Care Me d

2 005;33:168 1)

Thiazide diuretics (NEJM 2 009;361:2 153)

• Drugs: hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), chlorothiazide (Diuril), metolazone (Zaroxolyn)

• Mechanism: inhibit Na-Cl cotransp orter in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
synergistic with loop diuretic, esp . if chronic loop use

↓ effect when GFR <30, e xce pt me tolazone which is still effective in renal

• Dosing: give p rior to loop diuretic, typ ically ~30 min before

K-sparing diuretics

• Drugs: sp ironolactone (Aldactone), amiloride, triamterene, ep lerenone

• Mechanism: ↓ Na reabsorp tion in collecting duct (amiloride/triamterene inhibit

p rincip al cell Na channel [ENaC]; sp ironolactone/ep lerenone inhibit
mineralocorticoid recep tor). Relatively weak natriuretic activity, useful in
combination with thiazide or in cirrhosis.

Disease state specific regimens

• Renal insufficiency: loop diuretic (↑ dose to achieve effective delivery to ThAL) ±

• CHF: loop diuretic (↑ frequency over ↑ dose) + thiazide (watch K & Mg)
• Nep hrotic syndrome: urinary albumin binds secreted loop diuretic, use 2 –3 ×
normal dose
• Cirrhosis: sp ironolactone (blocks 2 ° hyp eraldosteronism) + lasix in 2 .5:1 ratio
• Severe metabolic alkalosis: acetazolamide & treat underlying cause
Adverse effects

• Loop : ± ↑ Na, ↓ K, ↓ Mg, ↓ Ca, hyp eruricemia, ototoxicity, hyp ersensitivity (sulfa)
• Thiazide: ↓ Na, ↓ K, ↓ Mg, ↑ Ca, hyp erlip idemia, p ancreatitis, ↑ glucose
• K-sp aring: ↑ K (esp . w/ ACEI), metabolic acidosis, gynecomastia (sp ironolactone)


• Substitutes for renal solute and fluid removal; Acute : CVVH vs. HD; Chronic: PD vs.

Hemodialysis (HD) (NEJM 2 010;363:18 33)

• Physiology: blood flows along one side of se mipe rme able membrane, dialysate along

Fluid removal (ie, Na + H 2 O) via transmembrane p ressure (TMP) gradient

Solute removal via transmembrane concentration gradient and inversely

p rop ortional to size (∴ effective removal of K, urea, and Cr, but not PO 4)

• Typ ical orders: duration, volume removal goals, K and Ca in dialysate bath,

• 6× vs. 3×/wk imp roved HTN, LV mass, QoL, but ↑ vasc issues (NEJM
2 010;363:2 2 8 7); w/ 3×/wk HD, ↑ adverse outcomes after 2 d interval (NEJM
2 011;365:1099)
• Comp lications: HoTN, arrhythmia, access issues (clot, stenosis, infxn, recirculation),
disequilibrium syndrome (sx of cerebral edema due to H 2 O shifts after removal of
p lasma urea during dialysis, esp . in new HD Pts w/ ↑ ↑ BUN), high outp ut HF

• Fever w/ catheter: emp iric abx (vanc + AG qHD). GPC > GNR > mixed/fungal.
Catheter removal, rep lacement, or “lock” abx. Consider metastatic infxn w/u
(AJKD 2 004;44:779).

Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) (NEJM 2 012 ;367:2 6)

• Physiology: he mofiltration rather than dialysis. Blood under p ressure p asses down
one side of hig hly pe rme able membrane allowing H 2 O and solutes to p ass across
membrane via TMP gradient (convective clearance). Filtrate discarded.
Rep lacement fluid infused (solute concentrations similar to p lasma, excep t no K,
urea, Cr, PO 4). Fluid balance p recisely controlled by adjusting filtrate/rep lacement

• Access: double-lumen central venous catheter

• Typ ical orders: volume goals, rep lacement fluid buffer: HCO3 (requires hep arin to
p revent machine from clotting) vs. citrate (hep atically metabolized to HCO 3;
p rovides anticoagulation w/ in machine via Ca chelation; ∴ requires Ca infusion)

• Comp lications: hyp otension, ↓ PO 4, access comp lications; ↓ ICa (citrate toxicity in
Pts with hep atic dysfunction → look for ↓ ICa but normal/ ↑ serum Ca and AG met

• Potential advantages over HD: less hyp otension, better volume control, removal of
inflammatory mediators; however, no survival advantage (Lance t 2 006;368 :379)

• No advantage for high intensity CVVH over standard intensity (NEJM 2 008 ;359:7)

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) (Pe rit Dial Int 2 001;2 1:2 5)

• Physiology: p eritoneum acts as membrane. Fluid balance controlled by choosing
dialysate [glc] (higher concentrations p ull more fluid into p eritoneum); longer
dwell times p ull less fluid as glc equilibrates across p eritoneum
• Access: p ermanent catheter inserted in OR
• Typ ical orders for CAPD (continuous ambulatory p eritoneal dialysis):

PD fluid = dextrose (1.5% , 2 .5% , or 4.2 5% ), buffer (lactate), Na+, Ca 2 +,

Mg 2 +

infuse 10 min, dwell 90 min–5.5 h, drain 2 0 min

• Can use overnight cycler device that infuses & drains more rap idly, with shorter
dwells, while Pt sleep s. Called automated or continuous cycling p eritoneal dialysis

• Comp lications: hyp oalbuminemia; right-sided p leural effusion Peritonitis: abd

p ain, tenderness, cloudy drainage (WBC >100 and >50% PMNs) sp ectrum: 60–
70% GPC, 15–2 0% GNR, remainder no bacteria or fungal Rx: abx IV or in PD,
catheter removal for certain p athogens (eg, yeast, Pse udomonas) Hyp erglycemia:
exacerbated by inflammation, long dwell times, and higher [glc]

Kidney transplantation (NEJM 1994;331:365)

• Rx of choice for ESRD; contraindic: active malig, infxn, ischemia, noncomp l, subst

• Immunosup p ression: calcineurin inhib (tacrolimus, CsA), antimetabolite (AZA,

MMF), p rednisone, ± mTOR inhibitor (sirolimus) (NEJM 2 004;351:2 715)

• Late renal dysfxn: usual AKI causes + calcineurin tox, rejection, BK virus,
recurrence of 1° disease; usual w/u + immunosup p levels, BK virus load, U/S,
then bx if no other cause

• ↑ risk of infxn (incl op p ortunistic such CMV, JC, BK viruses) & malignancy (incl

• ↑ CVD risk due to HTN (calcineurin inhib, RAS), DM & dyslip idemia (immunosup p


Definition (NEJM 1998 ;339:8 8 8 ; Lance t 2 005;365:1797)

• Patholog ically: intraglomerular inflammation (ranging from focal p roliferative
[<50% of glomeruli] to diffuse p roliferative to crescentic) (Lance t 2 006;368 :404)

• Clinically: hematuria w/ dysmorp hic RBCs or RBC casts, ± subnep hrotic p roteinuria
often w/ renal failure, HTN, edema
• Prog re ssion: acute GN days; rap idly p rogressive GN (RPGN) wks; chronic GN
mos; can simp ly have asx hematuria

• Crescentic GN (p athologic descrip tion) RPGN (clinical descrip tion)

Workup (Archive s 2 001;161:2 5)

• Acute GN/RPGN ± lung he morrhag e is an e me rg e ncy → requires early Dx and Rx

• ANCA (Lance t 2 006;368 :404), anti-GBM, comp lement levels

• Dep ending on clinical hx: ANA, ASLO, BCx, cryocrit, hep atitis serologies, skin bx

• Consider GN mimics
thrombotic microangiop athy: ↓ Hct & Plts, schistocytes on smear, ↑ LDH
cholesterol emboli (Lance t 2 010;375:1650): p urp le toes, livedo, ↓ C3/C4, eos,
p rior cath AIN: rash, new drug exp osure, urine WBCs (incl eos) ± WBC casts
(and UCx) myeloma: anemia, hyp ercalcemia, lytic bone lesions,
SPEP/serum free light chains
• Renal biop sy with immunofluorescence (IF) ± electron microscop y (EM)

Figure 4-8 Ap p roach to glomerulonep hritis

Treatment (Kid Int Sup 2 012 ;2 :143)

• If acute GN/RPGN susp ected, give 1 g methylp rednisolone IV qd x 3 d ASAP while
awaiting bx results, further Rx based on underlying disease (AJKD 198 8 ;11:449)

• SLE nep hritis: steroids + cyclop hosp hamide (CYC) or MMF (JASN 2 009;2 0:1103)

• ANCA or anti-GBM: p ulse steroids + CYC (or rituximab) ± p lasmap heresis

(JASN 2 007;18 :2 18 0; NEJM 2 010;363:2 2 1)

• See “Vasculitis” for further disease sp ecific treatment details


Definition and etiologies

• Hematuria ± p roteinuria of glomerular origin w/o renal insufficiency or systemic

disease (nonglomerular hematuria more common; see “Hematuria” )

• Ddx: any cause of GN (esp . IgA); also consider Alp ort’s (X-linked, deafness, renal
failure), thin basement membrane nep hrop athy (autosomal dominant, benign;
JASN 2 006;17:8 13)

IgA nephropathy (NEJM 2 002 ;347:738 ; JASN 2 005;16:2 08 8 )

• Most common cause of GN; male p redominance w/ p eak incidence 2 0–30s
• Wide range of clinical p resentations: asx hematuria (30–40% ), gross hematuria ~1–
3 d after URI (30–40% ), chronic GN (10% ), nep hrotic syndrome (5% ), RPGN
(<5% )

• Though clinical p resentation can be highly suggestive, definitive dx only w/ bx

• Prognosis: 2 5–30% will reach ESRD w/in 2 0–2 5 y of p resentation

• Treatment: ACEI/ARB, ± fish oils (JASN 1999;10:1772 ); steroids (JASN
2 012 ;2 3:1108 ); ± cytotoxic therap y for crescentic GN and nep hrotic sx, consider
for p rogressive chronic GN

Definition (NEJM 1998 ;338 :12 02 )

• Proteinuria >3.5 g/d, albumin <3.5 mg/dL, edema, ↑ cholesterol

Primary glomerular diseases (group ed by p athology)

• Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (40% ; NEJM 2 011;365:2 398 ;): 1º (? ↑ soluble
urokinase recep tor; Nat Me d 2 011:17;952 ), HIV (collap sing variant), NSAIDs,
lymp homas, p amidronate, heroin, congenital, ↑ filtration from p rior nep hron
loss, obesity, vesicoureteral reflux, anabolic steroids, genetic (tryp anolytic Ap oL1
mutation in AA; Scie nce 2 010;32 9:8 41)
• Membranous nephropathy (30% ; JASN 2 012 ;2 3:1617) idiop athic (p hosp holip ase
A2 recep tor Abs; NEJM 2 009;361:11), infxn (esp . HBV, also HCV, syp hilis),
autoimmune (esp . SLE), carcinomas, drugs (NSAIDs, p enicillamine)
• Minimal change disease (2 0% , more common in children; NDT 2 003;18 :vi52 )
idiop athic, NSAIDs, Hodgkin’s disease, & other lymp hop roliferative disorders
• Membranoproliferative GN (5% , mixe d nep hrotic/nep hritic features; NEJM
2 012 ;366:1119) Immune comp lex-mediated: infection (esp . HCV ± cryos, IE,
HBV, “shunt” nep hritis, other chronic infxns), SLE, cryos, Sjögren’s, lymp homas,
dysp roteinemia, idiop athic Comp lement-med (rare); abnl C3 convertase activity,
dense dep osit dis, C3GN
• Fibrillary-immunotactoid glomerulopathy (1% ; Kid Int 2 003;63:1450)

• Mesangial proliferative GN (? atyp ical forms of MCD/FSGS, 5% ) IgM, C1q

nep hrop athy
Systemic diseases

• Diabetes mellitus: nodular glomerulosclerosis (Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion); large

kidneys hyp erfiltration → microalbuminuria → dip stick → nep hrotic range
(10–15 y) concomitant p roliferative retinop athy seen in 90% of typ e 1 and 60% of
typ e 2

• Amyloidosis: AL or light chain amyloid or AA amyloid secondary to inflammation

• SLE: typ ically with membranous nep hrop athy (WHO class V)

• Cryoglobulinemia: typ ically with membranop roliferative GN

Workup (Archive s 2 001;161:2 5; BMJ 2 008 ;336:118 5)

• Urine sediment: usually benign; ± oval fat bodies (“Maltese crosses” ; NEJM
2 007;357:8 06)

• Measure p roteinuria: 2 4-h urine collection or urine p rot/Cr ratio (not accurate in

• r/o 2 ° causes: ↑ HbA1C + retinop . → p resump t. dx of diab. nep hrop .; ✓ ANA, anti-
dsDNA, C3/C4, SPEP/free light chains, fat p ad bx, cryocrit, HBV/HCV, HIV, RPR,
PLA2 recep t. Ab

• Renal biop sy

Treatment (Kid Int Sup 2 012 ;2 :143; NEJM 2 013;368 :10)

• General: p rotein sup p l.; diuretics for edema; treat hyp erlip idemia, Na restriction
(<2 g/d)

• ACEI/ARB: decrease p roteinuria → slow nonimmunologic p rogression of renal

• 1° glomerular dis: steroids ± cytotoxic therap y; cancer screening if membranous
nep h.

• Secondary causes: treat underlying disease

• Watch for malnutrition (p rotein loss), thrombosis (in ~2 5% , esp . renal vein, b/c
loss of ATIII & other endogenous anticoags), infxn (esp . encap s. organisms b/c loss
of Ig)

• Urine dipstick

1+ 30 mg/dL, 2 + 100 mg/dL, 3+ 300 mg/dL, 4+ >2 g/dL;

interp retation dep ends on SG; eg, 3+ in very concentrated urine might not
indicate heavy p roteinuria
Insensitive for microalbuminuria and myeloma light chains

• Spot urine: p rotein (mg/dL)/creatinine (mg/dL) g/d of p roteinuria (NEJM

198 3;309:1543) unlike urine dip stick, will accurately measure myeloma light
chains reliable surrogate for 2 4-hr urine, esp . 1st morning void (JASN
2 009;2 0:436); inaccurate if AKI dep ends on Cr p roduction, ∴ underestimates if
muscular, overestimates if cachectic

• Microalbuminuria (30–300 mg/2 4h or mg/L or mg/mg of Cr): early sign of

glomerular vascular disease; marker for ↑ risk of CV adverse outcomes (JAMA
2 001;2 8 6:42 1)

• Orthostatic p roteinuria: typ ically in adolescents; ~90% of young with isolated

p roteinuria have orthostatic p roteinuria; typ ically resolves sp ontaneously

• Wide, overlap p ing ages for various etiologies, but general guide for common causes:

<2 0 y: GN, UTI, congenital; 2 0–60 y: UTI, nep hrolithiasis, cancer

>60 y : p rostatitis, cancer, UTI; >60 y : UTI, cancer

Workup (J Urol 2 012 ;18 8 (6 sup p l):2 473)

• Urine dipstick: if ≥3 RBCs; dip stick and sediment → myo- or


• Urine sediment: dysmorp hic RBCs or RBC casts → GN → consider renal bx

• If no evidence of glomerulonep hritis:

r/o UTI and non-GU causes (GI or vaginal bleed)

Urine cytology (Se ~70% , Sp ~95% ), not adequate substitute for cystoscop y

Renal imaging: helical CT ± contrast (r/o nep hrolithiasis and neop lasia of up p er
tract), cystoscop y (r/o bladder neop lasia, esp . ≥35 y), ± MRI, retrograde
p yelogram, U/S

Types of stones and risk factors (J Clin Endocrinol Me tabol 2 012 ;97:18 47)
• Calcium (Ca oxalate > Ca p hosp hate): 70–90% of kidney stones

Urine findings: ↑ Ca, ↑ oxalate (Ca-ox only), ↑ p H (Ca-p hos only), ↓ citrate, ↓

2 ° hyp ercalciuria: 1° hyp erp arathyroidism, distal RTA, sarcoid

2 ° hyp eroxaluria: Crohn’s, ileal disease w/ intact colon, gastric byp ass
Diet: ↑ animal p rotein, ↑ sucrose, ↑ Na, ↓ K, ↓ fluid, ↓ fruits/vegetables, ↑ vit. C,
↓ Ca
• Uric acid: 5–10% of kidney stones, radiolucent on p lain film
Urine findings: ↑ uric acid, ↓ p H (eg, from chronic diarrhea)

• Magnesium ammonium phosphate (“struvite” or “trip le p hosp hate” )

Chronic up p er UTI w/ urea-sp litting organisms (eg, Prote us, Kle bs) → ↑ urine
NH 3, p H >7

• Cystine: inherited defects of tubular amino acid reabsorp tion

Clinical manifestations

• Hematuria (absence does not exclude diagnosis), flank p ain, N/V, dysuria, frequency
• Ureteral obstruction (stones >5 mm unlikely to p ass sp ont.) → AKI if solitary

• UTI: ↑ risk of infection p roximal to stone; urinalysis of distal urine may be normal

• Noncontrast helical CT scan (ureteral dilation w/o stone suggests recent p assage)
97% sens. 96% sp ec. (AJR 2 008 ;191:396)

• Strain urine for stone to analyze; U/A & UCx; electrolytes, BUN/Cr, Ca, PO 4, PTH

• 2 4-h urine × 2 (>6 wk after acute setting) for Ca, PO 4, oxalate, citrate, Na, Cr,
p H, K, vol.

Acute treatment (NEJM 2 004;350:68 4)

• Analgesia (narcotics ± NSAIDs; combination sup erior, Ann Eme rg Me d

2 006;48 :173), ensure adequate fluid rep letion, antibiotics if UTI
• Consider alp ha blocker > CCB to p romote ureteral relaxation (Lance t
2 006;368 :1171)

• Indications for immediate urologic eval and/or hosp: obstruction (esp . solitary or
transp lant kidney), urosep sis, intractable p ain or vomiting, significant AKI

• Urologic Rx: lithotrip sy (NEJM 2 012 :367:50), stent, p erc nep hrostomy,
ureteroscop ic removal

Chronic treatment (J Clin Endocrinol Me tabol 2 012 ;97:18 47)

• Increase fluid intake (>2 L/d) for goal UOP 2 L/d

• Calcium stones: 2 4-h urine identifies specific urinary risk factors to treat

↓ Na and meat intake (NEJM 2 002 ;346:77), thiazides: decrease urine Ca

Dep ending on 2 4-h urine: K-citrate, dietary oxalate restriction, allop urinol

High dietary Ca is likely beneficial by ↓ oxalate absorp ., unclear role of Ca

sup p lements
• Uric acid: urine alkalinization (K-citrate), allop urinol

• Magnesium ammonium p hosp hate: antibiotics to treat UTI, urologic intervention,

acetohydroxamic acid: urease inhibitor, reserve for exp erienced clinician, p oorly
• Cystine: urine alkalinization (K-citrate), D-p enicillamine, tiop ronin

↓ in RBC mass: Hct <41% or Hb <13.5 g /dL (me n); Hct <36 % or Hb <12 g /dL
(wome n)

Clinical manifestations

• Symp toms: ↓ O 2 delivery → fatigue, exertional dysp nea, angina (if CAD)

• Signs: p allor (mucous membranes, p almar creases), tachycardia, orthostatic

hyp otension
• Other findings: jaundice (hemolysis), splenomegaly (thalassemia, neop lasm,
chronic hemolysis), petechiae/purpura (bleeding disorder), glossitis (iron, folate,
vitamin B 12 defic.), koilonychia (iron defic.), neurologic abnormalities (B 12
Diagnostic evaluation

• History: bleeding, systemic illness, drugs, exp osures, alcohol, diet (including pica),
• CBC w/ diff.; RBC p arams incl. retics, MCV (nb, mixed disorder can → nl MCV),

• Reticulocyte index (RI) = [reticulocyte count × (Pt’s Hct/nl Hct)]/maturation factor

maturation factors for a given Hct: 45% = 1, 35% = 1.5, 2 5% = 2 , 2 0% = 2 .5
RI >2 % → adequate marrow resp onse; RI <2 % → hyp op roliferation

• Peripheral smear: select area where RBCs evenly sp aced and very few touch each
other; ✓ RBC size, shap e, inclusions (see Ap p endix & Perip heral Smear inserts),
WBC morp hology, p lt count
• Additional labs as indicated: hemolysis labs (if RI >2 % ), iron/TIBC, ferritin, folate,
B 12 , LFTs, BUN and Cr, TFTs, Hb electrop horesis, enzyme analyses, gene mutation

• Bone marrow (BM) aspirate and biopsy (bx) with cytogenetics as indicated

Figure 5-1 Approach to anemia


Figure 5-2 Approach to microcytic anemias

Iron deficiency (NEJM 1999;341:198 6; Gut 2 011;60:1309)

• ↓ marrow iron & dep leted body iron stores → ↓ heme synthesis → microcytosis →

• Sp ecial clinical manifestations: angular cheilosis, atrop hic glossitis, p ica

(consump tion of nonnutritive substances such as ice, clay), koilonychia (nail
sp ooning) Plummer-Vinson syndrome (iron deficiency anemia, esop hageal web &
atrop hic glossitis)

• Etiologies: chronic bleeding (GI—incl. cancer, menstrual, p arasites, etc.), ↓ supply

(malnutrition; ↓ absorp . due to celiac sp rue, Crohn’s, ↑ gastric p H, subtotal
gastrectomy), ↑ demand (p reg., Ep o). Rare Fe refractory genetic disorder due to
hep cidin dysregulation (Nat Ge ne t 2 008 ;40:569).

• Diagnosis: ↓ Fe, ↑ TIBC, ↓ ferritin (esp . <15), ↓ transferrin sat (Fe/TIBC; esp .
<15% ), ↑ soluble transferrin recep tor; ↑ p lt; unless hx c/w other etiology, initiate
workup for GIB; incl. H. pylori serology, ? celiac sp rue labs (anti-TTG, antigliadin,
antiendomysial Ab)

• Treatment (Fe sup p lementation): oral Fe tid (~6 wk to correct anemia; ~6 mo to

rep lete Fe stores); in cases of excessive/p ersistent GI losses or for dialysis or
cancer Pts p rior to Ep o Rx, IV iron (Fe-sucrose, -gluconate, -dextran) should be

Thalassemias (Lance t 2 013;379:373)

• ↓ synthesis of ɑ- or β-globin chains of Hb → ≠ subunits → destruction of RBCs and

erythroid p recursors; ∴ anemia from hemolysis and ineffective erythrop oiesis

• ɑ-thalassemia: deletions in ɑ-globin gene comp lex on chr. 16 (nl 4 ɑ genes)

3 ɑ → ɑ-thal-2 trait = silent carrier; 2 ɑ → ɑ-thal-1 trait or ɑ-thal minor = mild
1 ɑ → HbH (β4) disease = severe anemia, hemolysis and sp lenomegaly
0 ɑ genes → Hb Barts (γ4) = intrauterine hyp oxia and hydrop s fetalis

• β-thalassemia: mutations in β-globin gene on chr. 11 → absent or ↓ gene p roduct

1 mutated β gene → thal minor (or trait) = mild anemia (no transfusions)
2 mutated β genes → thal intermedia (occasional transfusions) or thal major ( =
Cooley’s anemia; transfusion dep endent) dep ending on severity of mutations

• Sp ecial clinical manifestations (in severe cases): chip munk facies, p athologic
fractures, hep atosp lenomegaly (due to extramedullary hematop oiesis), high-outp ut
CHF, bilirubin gallstones, iron overload syndromes (from chronic transfusions)
• Diagnosis: MCV <70, normal Fe, MCV/RBC count<13 [Mentzer Index, 60% Se,
98 % Sp ; (Ann He m 2 007;8 6:48 6)], ± ↑ retics, basop hilic stip p ling; Hb
electrophoresis: ↑ HbA2 (ɑ2 δ 2 ) in β-thal; normal p attern in ɑ-thal trait

• Treatment: folate; transfusions + deferoxamine, deferasirox (oral iron chelator);

sp len-ectomy if ≥50% ↑ transfusions; consider allo-HSCT in children w/ severe β-
thal major
Anemia of chronic inflammation (see below)
Sideroblastic anemia

• Defective heme biosynthesis within RBC p recursors

• Etiologies: hereditary/X-linked (ALAS2 mutations), idiopathic, MDS-RARS,
reversible (alcohol, lead, isoniazid, chloramp henicol, cop p er deficiency,
hyp othermia)

• Sp ecial clinical manifestations: hep atosp lenomegaly, iron overload syndromes

• Dx: review social, work & TB hx; can be microcytic, normocytic or macrocytic;
variable p op of hyp ochromic RBCs; ↑ Fe, nl TIBC, ↑ ferritin, basop hilic stip p ling,
RBC Pappenheimer bodies (Fe-containing inclusions), ring sideroblasts (w/ iron-
laden mitochondria) in BM
• Treatment: treat reversible causes; trial of p yridoxine, sup p ortive transfusions for
severe anemia; high-dose p yridoxine for some hereditary cases

Pancytopenia (see below)

Anemia of chronic inflammation (ACI; NEJM 2 005;352 :1011; 2 009;361:1904)
• ↓ RBC p roduction due to imp aired iron utilization and functional iron deficiency
from ↑ hepcidin; cytokines (IL-6, TNF-a) cause ↓ Ep o resp onsiveness/p roduction
• Etiologies: autoimmune disorders, chronic infection, inflammation, HIV, malignancy

• Dx: ↓ Fe, ↓ TIBC (usually normal or low transferrin sat), ± ↑ ferritin; usually
normochromic, normocytic (~70% of cases) but can be microcytic if p rolonged
• Coexisting iron deficiency common. Dx clues include ↓ serum ferritin levels, absence
of iron staining on BM bx, resp onse to a trial of oral iron and/or ↑ soluble
transferrin recep tor/ferritin index (Blood 1997;8 9:1052 ).
• Treatment: treat underlying disease ± iron and/or erythrop oiesis-stimulating agent
(ESA, eg, Ep o). Iron if ferritin <100 or Fe/TIBC <2 0% . Consider ESA if Ep o
<500. Avoid ESA in cancer if treatment goal is cure (Le uk Re s 2 012 ;36:939).
Unclear if one should treat highly sx Pts w/ goal Hb 10–12 g/dL; weigh risk of

Anemias of chronic disorders

• Anemia of chronic inflammation (see above)

• Anemia of chronic kidney disease: ↓ Ep o; treat w/ Ep o (see “Chronic Kidney

Disease” )
• Endocrine deficiencies: hyp ometabolism and ↓ O 2 demand with thyroid, p ituitary,
adrenal, or p arathyroid disease → ↓ Ep o; can be normocytic or macrocytic

Sideroblastic anemia (see above)

Pure red cell aplasia

• Destructive antibodies or lymp hocytes → ineffective erythrop oiesis

• Associated with thymoma, CLL and p arvovirus infection

• Diagnostic studies: lack of erythroid precursors on BM bx, other lines normal

• Treatment: thymectomy if thymus enlarged; IVIg if p arvovirus infection;
immunosup p ression if CLL or idiop athic; sup p ortive care with PRBC transfusions;
? erythrop oietin recep tor agonist if due to antierythrop oietin Ab (NEJM
2 009;361:18 48 )

include s me g aloblastic and nonme g aloblastic cause s

Megaloblastic anemia

• Impaired DNA synthesis → cytop lasm matures faster than nucleus → ineffective
erythrop oiesis and macrocytosis; due to folate or B12 deficiency; MDS

• ✓folate and vitamin B12; ↑ LDH & indirect bilirubin (due to ineffective
erythrop oiesis)
• Smear: neutrophil hypersegmentation, macro-ovalocytes, anisocytosis,
p oikilocytosis
Folate deficiency

• Folate p resent in leafy green vegetables and fruit; total body stores sufficient for 2–3

• Etiologies: malnutrition (alcoholics, anorectics, elderly), ↓ absorp tion (sp rue),

imp aired metabolism (methotrexate, p yrimethamine, trimethop rim), ↑
requirement (chronic hemolytic anemia, p regnancy, malignancy, dialysis)

• Diagnosis: ↓ folate; ↓ RBC folate, ↑ homocyst. but nl methylmalonic acid (unlike

B 12 defic.)

• Treatment: folate 1–5 mg PO qd for 1–4 mo or until comp lete hematologic recovery;
critical to r/o B 12 de ficie ncy first (se e be low)

Vitamin B12 deficiency (NEJM 2 013;368 :149)

• B 12 p resent only in foods of animal origin; total body stores sufficient for 2–3 y

• Binds to intrinsic factor (IF) secreted by gastric p arietal cells; absorbed in terminal

• Etiologies: malnutrition (alcoholics, vegans), pernicious anemia (PA, autoimmune

dis- ease against gastric p arietal cells, a/w p olyglandular endocrine insufficiency
and ↑ risk of gastric carcinoma), other causes of ↓ absorp tion (gastrectomy, sp rue,
Crohn’s disease), ↑ comp etition (intestinal bacterial overgrowth, fish tap eworm)

• Clinical manifestations: neurologic changes (subacute combined degeneration)

affecting p erip heral nerves, p osterior and lateral columns of the sp inal cord and
cortex → numbness, p aresthesias, ↓ vibratory and p ositional sense, ataxia,

• Dx: ↓ B 12 ; ↑ homocysteine and methylmalonic acid; anti-IF Ab; Schilling test; ↑

gastrin in PA
• Treatment: 1 mg B 12 IM qd × 7 d → q wk × 4–8 wk → q month for life neurologic
abnormalities are reversible if treated w/in 6 mo folate can reverse he matolog ic
abnormalities of B 12 deficiency but not ne urolog ic changes (and can lead to “steal”
of B 12 stores → worsening of neuro comp lications) oral sup p lementation (2 mg
qd) ap p ears feasible as well (Blood 1998 ;92 :1191) even w/o IF

Nonmegaloblastic macrocytic anemias

• Liver disease: often macrocytic, may see target cells

• Alcoholism: BM sup p ression & macrocytosis indep endent of folate/B 12 defic. or
• Reticulocytosis

• Other causes: hyp othyroidism; MDS; meds that imp air DNA synthesis (zidovudine,
5-FU, hydroxyurea, Ara-C); hereditary orotic aciduria; Lesch-Nyhan syndrome.


• Hyp ocellular bone marrow (nl cellularity ~100 – age): aplastic anemia,
hyp op lastic MDS

• Cellular bone marrow: MDS, aleukemic leukemia, PNH, severe megaloblastic anemia

• Marrow rep lacement (myelop hthisis): myelofibrosis, metastatic solid tumors,

• Systemic diseases: hyp ersp lenism, sep sis, alcohol, toxins

Clinical manifestations
• Anemia → fatigue
• Neutrop enia → recurrent infections

• Thrombocytop enia → mucosal bleeding & easy bruisability

Aplastic anemia = stem cell failure (Lance t 2 005;365:1647; Blood 2 012 ;12 0:118 5)

• Ep idemiology: 2 –5 cases/106/y; bip hasic (major p eak in adolescents, 2 nd p eak in


• Diagnosis: p ancytop enia w/ ↓ retics, BM bx w/ cytogenetics showing hyp ocellularity

• Etiologies: idiopathic (1/2 – 1/3 of cases)

stem cell destruction: radiation, chemotherapy, chemicals (eg, benzene)

idiosyncratic med rxn (eg, chloramp henicol, NSAIDs, sulfa drugs, gold,
carbamazep ine, antithyroid)

viruses (HHV-6, HIV, EBV, p arvovirus B19); also post-hepatitis (non A, B or C)

immune disorders (SLE, GVHD p ost-HSCT, thymoma)

PNH (see below); Fanconi’s anemia (congenital disorder w/ p ancytop enia,

macrocytic anemia, ↑ risk of MDS, AML, & SCC of head & neck, and multip le
p hysical anomalies);

shortened telomeres: seen w/ telomerase (TERT, TERC) mut (10% of ap lastic

anemia), dyskeratosis congenita/DKC1 mut; a/w IPF, cirrhosis (NEJM
2 009;361:2 353)

• Treatment and p rognosis

allogeneic HSCT: for young Pts → ~8 0% long-term survival and significantly ↓

risk of malignant evolution, but has risk of transp lant-related morbidity &
mortality; if p ossible avoid transfusions (and alloimmunization) p retransp lant

immunosuppression (CsA/tacrolimus,  ATG): 70–8 0% resp ond, with 8 0–90% 5-y

survival in resp onders (96% vs. 76% w/ horse vs. rabbit ATG; NEJM
2 011;365:430); 15–2 0% 10-y incidence of clonal disorders (mostly MDS,  AML,

TPO mimetics (eg, eltrombop ag) may be op tion in refractory disease (NEJM
2 012 ;367:11)
supportive care: transfusions, antibiotics, p ossible utility of G-CSF and Ep o

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) (qv)

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) (Blood 2 009;113:652 2 )

• Acquired clonal stem cell disorder = inactivating somatic mutation of PIG-A gene →
deficiency of GPI-anchor for CD55 & CD59 (inhib of comp lement) → comp lement-
mediated RBC lysis, p lt aggreg., & hyp ercoagulability

• Clinical: intravascular hemolytic anemia, hypercoagulability (venous > arterial;

esp . intraabdominal, cerebral), smooth muscle dystonias, deficient hematopoiesis
(cytop enias); a/w ap lastic anemia, MDS and evolution to AML
• Dx: flow cytometry (↓ CD55 & CD59) on RBCs and granulocytes; urine
• Treatment: sup p ortive care (iron, folate, transfusions); consider anti-coagulation
allogeneic HSCT for hyp op lasia or severe thrombosis eculizumab (Ab inactivates
terminal comp lement C5s): ↓ hemolysis, imp roves QoL & stabilizes Hb levels
(NEJM 2 004;350:552 & 2 006;355:12 33; Lance t 2 009;373:759); must have
meningococcal vaccination

Myelophthisic anemia (see also “Primary Myelofibrosis” )

• Infiltration of bone marrow by cancer, leukemia, infection, fibrosis (p rimary

myelofi- brosis), granulomas, lysosomal storage disorders

Diagnostic evaluation

• ↑ reticulocyte count (RI >2 % ), ↑ LDH, ↓ hap toglobin (8 3% Se, 96% Sp ), ↑ indirect

• Autoimmune hemolysis: Coombs’ test = direct antiglobulin test (DAT) → if

agglutination occurs when antisera against Ig or C3 are ap p lied to p atient RBCs

• Intravascular: ↑↑ LDH, ↓↓ hap toglobin; hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria,

• Extravascular: sp lenomegaly
• Family h/o anemia; p ersonal or family h/o cholelithiasis

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency (Lance t 2 008 ;371:64)

• X-linked defect of metabolism (G6 PD mutations) w/ ↑ suscep tibility to oxidative


• Most common in of African or Mediterranean descent (malaria-endemic areas)

• Hemolysis p recip itated by drugs (sulfonamides, dap sone, p rimaquine, doxorubicin,

methylene blue), infection, DKA or foods (fava beans in children)

• Diagnosis: smear may show RBC Heinz bodies (oxidized Hb) that result in bite cells
once removed by sp leen; ↓ G6PD levels (may be normal afte r acute he molysis as
older RBCs have already lysed and young RBCs may still have near normal levels)

Sickle cell anemia (Lance t 2 010;376:2 018 )

• Recessive β-globin mutation → structurally abnl hemoglobin (HbS). ~8 % African
Americans heterozygotes (“sickle trait” ; usually w/o sx); ~1/400 homozygotes
(sickle cell disease).

• ↓ O 2 → HbS p olymerizes → RBC sickles, ↓ RBC deformability → hemolysis &

microvascular occlusion
• Anemia: chronic hemolysis ± acute ap lastic (p arvo. B19) or sp lenic sequestration

• Vaso-occlusion and infarction: p ainful crises, acute chest syndrome, CVA, sp lenic
sequestration, hand-foot syndrome, renal p ap illary necrosis, asep tic necrosis,
p riap ism
• Infection: sp lenic infarction → overwhelming infection by encapsulated organisms;
infarcted bone → osteomyelitis (Salmone lla, Staph. aure us)

• Diagnosis: sickle-shap ed RBCs and Howell-Jolly bodies on smear; Hb electrop horesis

• Treatment: hydroxyurea causes ↑ HbF → ↓ p ainful crises, acute chest ep isodes and
may ↓ mortality (NEJM 2 008 ;358 :1362 ); allogeneic HSCT may have a role in
young Pts w/ severe disease (Blood 2 000;95:1918 ) and adults (NEJM
2 009;361:2 309)
• Sup p ortive care: folic acid qd; p neumococcal, meningococcal, H. flu & HBV
vaccination; p ain crises treated with hydration, oxygen and analgesia; simp le or
exchange transfusion for TIA or stroke, severe acute chest syndrome, or p reop
(goal Hb 10 g/dL)

Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) (Br J He matol 2 004;12 6:455)

• Defect in a cytoskeletal p rotein of RBC membrane → membrane loss mutations in
ankyrin, a- and β-sp ectrin, band 3 and p allidin have been identified

• Most common in N. Europ ean p op ulations (1/5000 births); FHx (75% of Pts)

• Anemia, jaundice (mostly neonates), sp lenomegaly, p igmented gallstones

• Diagnosis: sp herocytes on smear, osmotic fragility test (~8 0% Se), ↓ eosin-5-
maleimide (EMA) binding (92 % Se; 99% Sp )
• Treatment: folate, transfusions, sp lenectomy for moderate and severe HS (balance w/
↑ risk of future thrombosis and infection (J Thromb Hae most 2 008 ;6:12 8 9)

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (see above)

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA)

• Acquired, antibody-mediated RBC destruction

• Warm AIHA: IgG Abs op sonize RBCs at body te mp → removal by sp leen Etiologies:
idiop athic, lymp hop roliferative (CLL, NHL), autoimmune (SLE), drugs

• Cold AIHA: IgM Ab binds to RBCs at te mp <37°C → complement fixation →

intravascular hemolysis and acrocyanosis on exp osure to cold

Etiologies: idiop athic, lymp hop rolif. disorders (eg, Waldenström’s; monoclonal),
Mycoplasma pneumoniae infxn and infectious mononucleosis (p olyclonal)
• Diagnosis: sp herocytes on smear, Coombs’; ✓ cold agglutinin titer,
sp lenomegaly

• Treatment: treat underlying disease

warm AIHA: corticosteroids ± sp lenectomy, IVIg, cytotoxic agents, rituximab

cold AIHA: avoid cold; steroids ineffective; rituximab (Blood 2 004;103:2 92 5)

Drug-induced hemolytic anemia

• Acquired, antibody-mediated, RBC destruction p recip itated by a medication:

abx: cep halosp orins, sulfa drugs, rifamp in, ribavirin

CV: methyldop a, p rocainamide, quinidine, thiazides

TCAs, p henothiazines, NSAIDs, sulfonylureas, MTX, 5-FU, rasburicase (G6PD


• Diagnosis: Coombs’ usually negative, ↑ LDH

• Treatment: discontinue offending agent

Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA)

• Intra-arteriolar fibrin damages RBCs → acquired intravascular hemolysis

• Etiologies: hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), thrombotic thrombocytopenic

purpura (TTP), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), malignancy,
malignant HTN, eclamp sia/HELLP, mech. cardiac valves, infected vascular
p rostheses

• Diagnosis: schistocytes ± thrombocytop enia ± abnormalities a/w sp ecific

disorders (eg, ↑ PT in DIC, ↑ Cr in HUS, ↑ LFTs in HELLP)
• Treatment: treat underlying abnormality; urgent plasma exchange for TTP

• Stasis/trap p ing in sp leen → mf attack & remodeling of RBC → sp herocytosis →

Figure 5-3 Approach to abnormal hemostasis

Figure 5-4 Coagulation Cascade

Purpura (nonblanching p urp le/red lesions due to extravasation of RBCs into dermis)
• Nonpalpable (macular; ≤3 mm in diameter = p etechiae; >3 mm = ecchymoses)

platelet disorder: thrombocytop enia, defect in p latelet fxn

thromboemboli: DIC, TTP, cholesterol or fat emboli

trauma or vascular fragility: amyloidosis, Ehlers-Danlos, scurvy

• Palpable (p ap ular); vasculitis: leukocytoclastic, HSP, PAN, RMSF;

infectious emboli: meningococcemia, bacterial endocarditis

• Purpura fulminans (aka retiform p urp ura): purpura + hypotension + DIC;

typ ically due to infxn/sep sis, p rotein C or S deficiency or APS (see section on DIC)



• ↓ production

hypocellular bone marrow: ap lastic anemia (qv), rarely MDS, drugs (eg,
thiazides, antibiotics), alcohol, cirrhosis

hypercellular bone marrow: MDS, leukemia, severe megaloblastic anemia

marrow replacement: myelofibrosis, hematologic and solid malignancies,

• ↑ destruction

immune-mediated (distinguish p rimary from secondary; Blood 2 009;113:2 38 6)

Primary (idiop athic): immune thrombocytop enic p urp ura (ITP, see below)
Secondary: infxn (HIV, HCV, HSV), collagen vascular diseases (SLE), APS,
lymp hop roliferative (CLL, lymp homa), drugs (many, including heparin,
abciximab, quinidine, sulfonamides, vancomycin), alloimmune
(p osttransfusion)

non–immune-mediated: MAHA (DIC, HUS, TTP), ticlop idine/clop idogrel,

vasculitis, p reeclamp sia/HELLP, cardiop ulm byp ass, CVVH, IABP, cavernous

• Abnormal distribution or pooling: sp lenic sequestration, dilutional, hyp othermia

• Unknown: ehrlichiosis/anap lasmosis, babesiosis, RMSF

Diagnostic evaluation

• H&P: meds, infxns, underlying conditions, sp lenomegaly, lymp h nodes, bleeding hx

• CBC with differential: isolated thrombocytop enia vs. multilineage involvement

• Peripheral smear

↑ destruction → look for large p lts, schistocytes (see “Perip heral Smear” inserts)

↓ p roduction → rarely limited to p latelets → look for blasts, hyp ersegmented

PMNs, leukoerythroblastic Ds; can see inclusion bodies (anap lasma), p arasites

r/o pseudothrombocytopenia due to p latelet clump ing (✓ p latelet count in non–

EDTA-containing tube, eg, citrate-containing yellow top tube)

Figure 5-5 Ap p roach to thrombocytop enia

• Additional laboratory evaluations as indicated (eg, viral titers, flow cytometry, ANA,
if anemia: ✓ reticulocyte count, LDH, hap toglobin, bilirubin to detect hemolysis

if hemolytic anemia: ✓ PT, PTT, fibrinogen, D-dimer, Coombs, ANA

BM bx for unexp lained thrombocytop enia, esp . if associated with sp lenomegaly

Primary immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) (Blood 2 010;115:168 )

• Primary ITP: isolated thrombocytop enia due to immune p lt de struction & ↓

production (auto-Ab to megakaryocytes); (2 ° ITP a/w disease/drug exp osure; Rx
underlying disorder)

• Primary ITP is diag nosis of e xclusion; no robust clinical or lab p arameters, but
typ ically:

CBC: isolated ↓ p lt (<100,000/µL); 10% have ITP + AIHA = Evans syndrome

Perip heral smear: large p latelets

BM bx: ↑ megakaryocytes; p erform in adults >60 y to r/o myelodysp lasia

R/o othe r e tiolog ie s: viral serologies (HIV, HCV, HBV, EBV), H. pylori Ab, ANA,
p regnancy test, APLA, TSH, p arvovirus, & CMV PCR. Anti-plt Ab te sts not use ful.

• Clinical manifestations: insidious onset of mucocutaneous bleeding; : = 3:1

• Treatment: goals based on individual Pt rarely indicated if p lt >50,000/µL unless

bleeding, trauma/surgery, anticoag, comorbidities steroids, IVIg, & sp lenectomy
mainstay of initial Rx; romip lostim/eltrombop ag if refractory
• Pathop hysiology (typ e II): Ab binds hep arin-PF4 → immune comp lex binds to p lt →
plt activation, further PF4 release → p lt aggregates removed from circulation →
thrombocytopenia; p rocoagulants released by p lts and tissue factor released by
endothelial cells damaged by HIT Abs → prothrombotic state
• Diagnosis (ne e d clinical + patholog ic)

Clinical: p lt <100k or ↓ 50% from baseline; or venous (DVT/PE) or arterial

(limb ischemia, CVA, MI) thrombosis (4:1 ratio); skin necrosis; ? ↑ hep arin

Pathologic: HIT Ab using PF4-hep arin ELISA (≥90% Se, IgG-sp ecific ELISA
Sp 94% ), may confirm w/ functional p lt aggregation (serotonin-release) assay
(>90% Sp )

Pretest p rob w/ “4T’s” criteria (Blood 2 012 ;12 0:4160): ≤3 p oints → 99% NPV,
investigate other causes; 4–5 p oints 2 2 % PPV & 6–8 p oints 64% PPV, ✓ lab test
and rep lace UFH

• Treatment of HIT (typ e II) (Che st 2 012 ;141:e495S; Blood 2 012 ;119:2 2 09; NEJM
2 013;368 :737)
Discontinue heparin (including flushe s, LMWH prophylaxis, he parin-impre g nate d
line s)

Avoid p lt transfusions if not actively bleeding (anecdotally linked w/ thrombotic

Nonheparin anticoag (argatroban, bivalirudin; NEJM 2 013;368 :737) re g ardle ss
of thrombosis; start warfarin when p lt >150k, overlap ≥5 d (✓ chromogenic Xa
to titrate)
thrombosis (HITT): anticoagulate for ≥ 3–6 mo

thrombosis (HIT): screen for DVT; unclear duration of subsequent anticoag

(until p lt count recovers, often ~2 –3 mo if no clot); 25–50 % thrombosis rate
w/in 30 d

• Hep arin use if h/o HIT: if PF4 Ab (typ ically >100 d after dx) → re-exp osure to
UFH reasonable (eg, for surgery); HIT recurrence low

Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) & thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)

• Definition: vascular occlusive disorders w/ systemic (TTP) or intrarenal (HUS) p lt

→ thrombocytop enia & mechanical injury to RBCs (MAHA) (NEJM 2 002 ;347:58 9)
HUS triad = thrombocytop enia + MAHA + renal failure

TTP pentad (all 5 in only ~5% ) = thrombocytop enia + MAHA (100% ) ± Δ MS

(65% ) ± renal failure (50% ) ± fever (2 5% )
• Pathop hysiology: mechanism in most HUS cases is distinct from TTP (NEJM
1998 ;339:1578 )

HUS: Shiga toxin binds & activates renal endothelial cells & p lts → intrarenal

TTP: ↓ ADAMTS13 p rotease activity or inhibitor→ p ersistence of large vWF

multimers on endothelial surface → adhesion and aggregation of p assing
p latelets → thrombosis
• Clinical manifestations and associations
HUS: usually in children; p rodrome of bloody diarrhea due to enterohemorrhagic
E. coli

TTP: usually in adults; idiopathic, drugs (CsA, tacrolimus, gemcitabine,

mitomycin-C, ticlop idine, clop idogrel, quinine), HIV, p regnancy, HSCT,
autoimmune disease, familial

• Dx: unexp lained thrombocytopenia (typ ically <2 0k) + MAHA → sufficie nt for dx
schistocytes (>2 –3/hp f), Coombs, normal PT/PTT & fibrinogen, ↓↓
ADAMTS13 ↑↑ LDH (tissue ischemia + hemolysis), ↑ indirect bili., ↓↓ hap toglobin,
↑ Cr (esp . in HUS)

Biop sy: arterioles filled with p latelet hyaline thrombi

Ddx: DIC, vasculitis, malignant hyp ertension, p reeclamp sia/HELLP syndrome
• Treatment: urgent plasma exchange ± glucocorticoids if susp ected; FFP if delay to
p lasma exchange (Blood 2 010;116:4060); ? eculizumab in HUS (NEJM
2 011;364:2 561); plt transfusions contraindicate d → ↑ microvascular thrombosis
(NEJM 2 006;354:192 7)

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC): see “Coagulop athies”


Tests of platelet function

• Bleeding time: global screen of p latelet function; not re liable and rare ly use d

• Platelet aggregation tests: measure aggregation in resp onse to agonists (eg, ADP)

von Willebrand’s disease (vWD) (NEJM 2 004;351:68 3 & 2 012 ;367:1954)

• von Willebrand’s factor (vWF) function = p latelet glue & p lasma carrier of factor

• vWD most common inherited (usually auto dom) bleeding disorder; ~8 5% (typ e 1)
have p artial quantitative defic of vWF, ~15% (typ e 2 ) have qualitative defic in

• Acquired vWD: a/w many disorders (malig, MPN w/ ↑ p lt count; autoimmune; hyp o-
thyroidism; drugs) and caused by different mechanisms (anti-vWF Abs, ↑ clearance,
↓ synthesis); Heyde’s syndrome = vWF destruction by severe AS, a/w GI

• Diagnosis: ↓ vWF:Ag, ↓ vWF activity (measured by ristocetin cofactor assay), ↓

factor VIII, ± ↑ PTT, ± ↓ p latelets; confirm with vWF multimer analysis

• Clinical condition, factor VIII levels and ristocetin cofactor assay useful to guide Rx

• Rx: desmopressin (dDAVP, IV/IN) → ↑ endothelial cell release of vWF; efficacy

dep ends on typ e (avoid in Typ e 2 ), ∴ ✓ resp onse before use w/ subseq. bleeding
or p rocedures;

vWF replacement: cryop recip itate, factor VIII concentrates rich in vWF, recomb.

Uremic bleeding

• Uremia → p latelet dysfunction including ↓ aggregation, imp aired adhesiveness

• Treatment: dDAVP, cryop recip itate, correct anemia (imp roves p lt aggregation and

adhesion by increasing p lt interactions with endothelium), consider holding anti-

p lt agents

Further coagulation tests

• Mixing study: useful if ↑ PT or PTT; mix Pt’s p lasma 1:1 w/ normal p lasma and
retest PT/PTT normalizes → factor deficiency; PT/PTT remains elevated → factor
• Coagulation factor levels: useful if mixing study suggests factor deficiency

DIC → all factors consumed; ∴ ↓ factors V and VIII liver disease → ↓ all factors
e xce pt VIII; ∴↓ factor V, normal factor VIII vitamin K deficiency → ↓ factors II,
VII, IX, X (and p rotein C, S); ∴ normal V and VIII

• DIC screen: fibrinogen (consumed), fibrin degradation p roducts (FDPs, due to

intense fibrinolysis), D-dimer (more sp ecific FDP test that detects degradation of X-
linked fibrin)

Hemophilias (NEJM 2 001;344:1773)

• X-linked recessive factor VIII (hemop hilia A) or factor IX (hemop hilia B) deficiency

• Classification: mild (5–2 5% normal factor activity), moderate (1–5% ) or severe

(<1% )

• Clinical manifestations: hematomas, hemarthroses, bruising, bleeding (mucosal, GI,


• Diagnosis: ↑ PTT (normalizes w/mixing study), normal PT & vWF, ↓ factor VIII or IX

• Treatment: p urified/recomb. factor VIII or IX concentrate, desmop ressin (mild

disease), aminocap roic acid; recomb. factor VIIa if factor inhib., cryo (only has
factor VIII)
Coagulation factor inhibitors

• Etiologies: hemop hilia (treated with factor rep lacement); p ostp artum;
lymp hop roliferative disorders and other malignancies; autoimmune diseases; most
commonly anti–factor VIII

• Diagnosis: ↑ PTT (does not normalize w/mixing study); Bethesda assay quantitates

• Treatment: high titer → recomb. factor VIIa, p orcine factor concentrates, activated
p rothrombin comp lex; others → high-p urity human factor, p lasmap heresis,
immunosup p . w/ steroids, cyclop hosp hamide and/or rituximab (Curr Opin
He matol 2 008 ;15:451)

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) (NEJM 1999;341:58 6)

• Etiologies: trauma, shock, infection, malignancy (esp . APL), obstetric comp lications

• Pathogenesis: massive activation of coagulation that overwhelms control mechanisms

thrombosis in microvasculature → ischemia + microangiop athic hemolytic
anemia acute consump tion of coagulation factors and p latelets → bleeding chronic
DIC → able to rep lete factors and p latelets → thrombosis
• Diagnosis: ↑ PT, ↑ PTT, ↓ fibrinogen (may be nl b/c acute p hase), FDP/D-dimer,
↓ p lts, schistos, ↑ LDH, ↓ hap to; chronic DIC: FDP/D-dimer, variable p lts,
other labs nl

• Treatment: treat underlying p rocess; sup p ort with FFP, cryoprecipitate (goal
>100 mg/dL) and platelets; no role for activated p rotein C in sep sis (NEJM
2 012 ;366:2 055)
Vitamin K deficiency
• Etiologies: malnutrition, ↓ absorp tion (antibiotic sup p ression of vitamin K-
p roducing intestinal flora or malabsorp tion), liver disease (↓ stores), warfarin

Suspe ct in Pts with ve nous or arte rial thrombosis at young ag e or unusual locations,
re curre nt thrombose s or pre g nancy loss or FHx

Diagnostic evaluation (not routinely required for initial VTE)

• APC resistance screen; p rothrombin PCR test; functional assays for p roteins C and S,
ATIII; homocysteine level; factor VIII levels; anticardiolip in and lup us
anticoagulant Ab.  Also consider nep hrotic syndrome, PNH (esp . if mesenteric
• Consider JAK2 mutation testing if susp ect MPN or sp lanchnic thrombosis.

• Proteins C & S and ATIII levels are affected by acute thrombosis and anticoagulation
∴ levels best assessed ≥2 wk after comp leting anticoagulation course
• Age-ap p rop riate malignancy screening ( in 7–10% in “idiop athic” DVT; Annals
2 008 ;149:32 3)


• Asx w/ inherited risk factor: consider p rop hylactic anticoag. if develop s acquired
risk factor

• Thrombosis w/ inherited risk factor: see “Venous Thromboembolism”

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) ( J Thromb Hae most 2 006;4:2 95; NEJM
2 013;368 :1033)

• Definition: dx requires ≥1 clinical & ≥1 laboratory criteria

Clinical: thrombosis (any) or comp lication of p regnancy (≥3 sp ont. abortions
before 10 wk or ≥1 fetal loss after 10 wk or p remature birth before 34 wk)

Laboratory: moderate–high titer anticardiolip in (ACL), lup us

anticoagulant (LA) or β2 -glycop rotein-I (β2 -GP-I) Ab on ≥2 occasions at least
12 wk ap art

• Clinical: DVT/PE/CVA, recurrent fetal loss, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia,

livedo reticularis; “catastrophic APS” = ≥3 organ systems in <1 wk w/
APLA & tissue microthrombi (Lupus 2 003;12 :530) → 44% mortality (Arth Rhe um
20 0 6 ;54:2 568 )

• Antiphospholipid antibodies (APLA) ✓ if: SLE, ag e <40 y & arte rial thromb,
re curre nt ve nous thromb, spontane ous abortion
ACL: Ab against cardiolip in, a mitochondrial p hosp holip id; IgG more sp ecific
than IgM

LA: Ab that p rolongs p hosp holip id-dep endent coagulation reactions; ∴ ↑ PTT that
does not correct with mixing study but does correct with excess p hosp holip ids or
p latelets; PT not affected b/c the reaction contains much more p hosp holip id

β2 -GP-I:  Ab against β2 -glycop rotein-I, IgG or IgM

False VDRL: nontrep onemal test for syp hilis in which cardiolip in is p art of
Ag comp lex

Clinical significance of different Abs in p athogenesis uncertain

Risk of thromboembolic p henomena may increase with titer of APLs

• Etiologies: p rimary (idiop athic) or secondary due to autoimmune syndromes (eg,
SLE), malignancy, infections, drug reactions

• Treatment: UFH/LMWH → warfarin after thromboembolic event (lifelong for most


Intensity of anticoagulation controversial (Arthritis Rhe um 2 007;57:148 7)

Initial ve nous thrombosis: INR 2 –3 (NEJM 2 003;349:1133;   J Thromb Hae most
2 005;3:8 48 )

Initial arte rial thrombosis: typ ically INR 2 –3 + ASA 8 1, although some treat to
INR 3–4

Re curre nt thrombosis on warfarin: INR 3–4 vs. LMWH (Arth Rhe um 2 007;57:148 7)

Consider ASA p rop hylaxis for high-risk asx Pt (eg, SLE)


Transfusion reactions

• For all reactions (excep t minor allergic): stop transfusion; send remaining blood
p roduct and fresh blood samp le to blood bank
• Acute hemolytic: fever, hyp otension, flank p ain, renal failure <2 4 h after

Due to ABO incomp atibility → p reformed Abs against donor RBCs

Treatment: vigorous IVF, maintain UOP with diuretics, mannitol or dop amine

• Delayed hemolytic: generally less severe than acute hemolytic; 5–7 d after
Due to undetected allo-Abs against minor antigens → anamnestic resp onse
Treatment: usually no sp ecific therap y required; dx is imp ortant for future
• Febrile nonhemolytic: fever and rigors 0–6 h after transfusion

Due to Abs against donor WBCs and cytokines released from cells in blood p roduct
Treatment: acetaminop hen ± mep eridine; r/o infection and hemolysis

• Allergic: urticaria; rarely, anaphylaxis: bronchosp asm, laryngeal edema,

hyp otension Reaction to transfused p roteins; anap hylaxis seen in IgA-deficient Pts
w/ anti-IgA Abs

Treatment: urticaria → dip henhydramine; anap hylaxis → ep inep hrine ±

• Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI): noncardiogenic p ulmonary edema
Due to donor Abs that bind recip ient WBCs, which then aggregate in p ulmonary
vasculature and release mediators causing ↑ cap illary p ermeability Treatment: see

Myeloid neoplasm overview (Blood 2 009;114:937)

• 5 categories based on BM morp hology, clinical characteristics and genetics

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) overview (NEJM 2 009;361:18 72 )

• Acquired clonal stem cell disorder → ineffective hematop oiesis → cytopenias,

dysmorphic blood cells and precursors, variable risk of leukemic

• Ep idemiology: >10,000 cases/y; median age ~65 y; male p redominance (1.8 ×)

• Idiopathic or 2 ° to chemo w/ alkylating agents; ↑ risk w/ radiation, benzene

• Clinical manifestations: anemia (8 5% ), neutrop enia (50% ), thrombocytop enia (40–

65% )
• Diagnosis: dysp lasia (usually multilineage) in p erip heral smear (ovalomacrocytes,
pseudo-Pelger-Huët anomaly) and bone marrow (≥10% dysp lasia with blasts ±

• Both cytogenetic [eg, del(5q), mono 7, del(7q), trisomy 8 , del(2 0q)] and molec abnl
(eg, TP53, EZH2 , ETV6, RUNX1, ASXL1, SF3B1) have p rognostic signif (NEJM
2 011;364:2 496)
• Prior to dx MDS: exclude AML (≥2 0% blasts) and CMML (monocyte count >1 ×
109/L); r/o 2 ° BM Ds due to defic. of B 12 , folate, cop p er; viral infections (eg,
HIV); chemotherap y; alcohol abuse; lead or arsenic toxicity
• Rx (Am J He matol 2 012 ;8 7:692 ): intensity based on IPSS-R (qv), age, p erformance
status (PS)

Poor PS, any risk → sup p ortive care = transfusions, G-CSF, Ep o, abx if needed
Low/intermediate risk → Ep o (esp . if Ep o level <500); lenalidomide (esp . for 5q
syndrome; NEJM 2 005;352 :549); DNA hyp omethylating agents (azacitidine or
Intermediate/high risk → DNA hyp omethylating agents (survival advantage w/
azacytidine; Lance t Oncol 2 009;10:2 2 3), combination chemo (akin to AML Rx)
or allogeneic HSCT if age <55 (consider reduced-intensity transp lant for ages

Hyp op lastic MDS (rare) → can consider immunosuppression (CsA, ATG,

p rednisone)
• Prognosis: IPSS correlates with survival and progression to AML

General (NEJM 2 006;355:2 452 ; Nat Re v Clin Oncol 2 009;6:62 7; Am J He matol

2 012 ;8 7:2 8 5)

• Results from clonal exp ansion of multip otent hematop oietic stem cell
• A typ e of myeloid neop lasm (see MDS for classification)

• Different from MDS in that the cells are not dysp lastic (ie, normally develop ed)
• 8 categories of MPN: p olycythemia vera (PV); essential thrombocythemia (ET);
p rimary myelofibrosis (PM); chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), BCR-ABL1
; chronic neutrop hilic leukemia; chronic eosinop hilic leukemia, not otherwise
sp ecified; masto- cytosis; myelop roliferative neop lasms, unclassifiable
• Gain of fxn mutations in JAK2 V617F ( Janus kinase) p resent in many cases (PV
~95% , ET ~50% , PMF ~50% ; NEJM 2 005;352 :1779) and BCR-ABL fusion in all
cases of CML; KIT mutations in virtually all systemic mastocytosis; MPL and TET2
mutations w/ lower frequency; genetic lesions are useful as a clonal marker and dx


• ↑ in RBC mass ± ↑ granulocytes and p latelets in the absence of p hysiologic stimulus

Etiologies of erythrocytosis
• Relative ↑ RBC (↓ p lasma): dehydration; “stress” erythrocytosis (Gaisböck’s
• Absolute ↑ RBC: 1° (PV, other MPD) or 2 ° due to hypoxia; carboxyhemoglobinemia;
inappropriate erythropoietin (renal, hep atic, cerebellar tumors); Cushing’s

Clinical manifestations (common between PV and ET)

• Symp toms → often termed “vasomotor symp toms”

hyperviscosity (erythrocytosis): headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision

thrombosis (hyp erviscosity, thrombocytosis): transient visual disturbances

(amaurosis, ocular migraine); Budd-Chiari syndrome; erythromelalgia = intense
burning, p ain and erythema of extremities due to microvascular thrombi; ↑ risk
of DVT, MI, stroke. Risk of thrombosis highly correlated with ↑ WBC in PV and
ET (see below).
bleeding (abnormal p latelet function): easy bruising, ep istaxis, GI bleeding

↑ histamine from basop hils → pruritus, p ep tic ulcers; ↑ uric acid (cell turnover)
→ gout
• Signs: plethora, splenomegaly, hyp ertension, engorged retinal veins

Diagnostic evaluation
• Hb >18 .5 g/dL (men), >16.5 g/dL (women)

• ✓ Ep o to rule out secondary causes of erythrocytosis; if Epo ↓, PV likely If Ep o ↑,

then ✓ SaO 2 or PaO 2 , carboxyhemoglobin, BM exam

• JAK2 V617F mutation screen on p erip heral blood is p ositive in ~95% of PV and
JAK2 exon 12 mutations are p resent in the remainder of Pts

• ± ↑ WBC, p latelets, basop hils; ↑ uric acid, leukocyte alkaline p hosp hatase, vit B 12

• Perip heral smear → no morp hologic abnormalities

• BM bx → hyp ercellular, megakaryocytic hyp erp lasia, ↓ iron, absence of Ph



• Phlebotomy to moderate degree of Fe defic., goal Hct <45% (NEJM 2 013;368 :2 2 ),

consider <42 % in

• Low-dose ASA in all Pts (NEJM 2 004;350:114)

• Hydroxyurea if high risk of thrombosis (age ≥60, p rior thrombosis) or sx throm-
bocytosis (p lt >1.5 × 106/µL)

• PEG IFNa-2 a yields high resp onse rate w/ limited toxicity (Blood 2 008 ;112 :3065)

• Sup p ortive: allop urinol (gout), H 2 -blockers/antihistamines (p ruritus)


• Median survival w/ Rx 9–12 y. ↑ age, WBC p redict ↓ survival (Br J Hae matol
2 013;160:2 51)
• Post-PV myelofibrosis (sp ent p hase) occurs in 10–2 0% of cases, usually after 10 y

• Risk of transformation into acute leukemia (2 -5% ; higher if p revious cytoreductive



• Sustained ↑ in p latelets (>450,000/µL) ± ↑ RBC and granulocytes

Etiologies of thrombocytosis
• 1° = ET or other MPN; myelodysp lastic syndromes (5q-syndrome)
• 2 ° = reactive thrombocytosis: inflammation (RA, IBD, vasculitis), infection, acute
bleeding, iron deficiency, p ostsp lenectomy, neop lasms (p articularly Hodgkin
lymp homa)

• Of p atients with p lt >106/µL, <1 in 6 will have ET

Clinical manifestations (see “Polycythemia Vera” )

• Thrombosis with erythromelalgia (risk of thrombosis highest in Pts with WBC

>8 700), bleeding, p ruritus; mild sp lenomegaly; migraine, TIA; early fetal loss
Diagnostic evaluation

• Perip heral smear: large hyp ogranular p latelets

• BM bx: megakaryocytic hyp erp lasia; absence of Philadelp hia chromosome and lack
of collagen fibrosis; normal iron stores

• JAK2 V617F p resent in ~50% of ET

• Patients should not meet WHO criteria for diagnosis of CML, PV, PMF or MDS


• Low-risk Pts have overall survival control p op ulation. Risk of transformation

into acute leukemia ~2 –3% .


• Clonal myelop roliferation with reactive marrow fibrosis & extramedullary

hematop oiesis

• Formerly known as agnogenic myeloid metap lasia with myelofibrosis

Etiologies of myelofibrosis
• Myelop roliferative neop lasm = p rimary myelofibrosis; p ost-PV/ET myelofibrosis
• Other hematologic: eg, CML, AML, ALL, MDS
• Metastatic malignancies: eg, breast, p rostate

• Autoimmune: eg, SLE and other collagen vascular disorders

• Other: toxins (eg, benzene); radiation; granulomas from infection (eg, TB, fungal) or
sarcoid; dep osition diseases (eg, Gaucher’s disease)

Clinical manifestations (NEJM 2 000;342 :12 55; BJH 2 012 ;158 :453)

• Ineffective erythrop oiesis → anemia; extramedullary hematop oiesis → massive

splenomegaly (abdominal p ain, early satiety) ± hep atomegaly
• Tumor bulk and ↑ cell turnover → fatigue, weight loss, fever, sweats

Diagnostic evaluation (NEJM 2 006;355:2 452 ; JAMA 2 010;303:2 513)

• Anemia with variable WBC and p latelet counts

• Perip heral smear → “leukoerythroblastic” (teardrop cells, nucleated RBCs,
immature WBCs); large abnormal p latelets
• BM asp irate → “dry” tap; BM bx → severe fibrosis, rep lacement by reticulin &

• JAK2 V617F p resent in ~50% of PMF; MPL mutations in ~11% of JAK2 Pts

• No BCR-ABL translocation; also does not meet criteria for PV or MDS

Treatment (Blood 2 011;117:3494)

• In absence of adverse p rognostic factors (eg, anemia or sx) → no treatment

• Allogeneic HSCT only p otential cure → consider in young Pts with p oor p rognosis

• Sup p ortive care: transfusions; inconsistent benefit from androgens or Ep o;

sp lenectomy for blood counts refractory to transfusion or p ainful sp lenomegaly

• Hydroxyurea for significant leukocytosis or thrombocytosis

• Ruxolitinib (JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor) ↓ sx, ↓ sp lenomegaly, ↑ survival (NEJM

2 012 ;366:78 7 & 799)

• Thalidomide and lenalidomide (imp rove red cell count)

Complications and prognosis

• Median survival ~5 y; transformation into AML occurs at a rate of ~8 % /y

• International Working Group (IWG) p oor p rognostic factors: age >65, WBC >2 5k,
Hgb <10, blasts >1% , symp toms (Blood 2 009;113:2 8 95). Stratification
based on IWG factors allows p rognostication at any p oint during clinical course
(Blood 2 010;115:1703).


• Clonal p roliferation of hematop oietic p rogenitor with ↓ ability to differentiate into

mature elements → ↑ blasts in bone marrow and p erip hery → ↓ RBCs, p latelets
and neutrop hils
Epidemiology and risk factors

• Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML): ~14,000 cases/y; median age 66 y; >8 0% of

adult acute leukemia cases
• Acute lymp hocytic leukemia (ALL): ~6000 cases/y; median age 14 y; bimodal with
2 nd p eak in adults
• Risk factors: radiation, chemo (alkylating agents, top o II inhib), benzene, smoking

• Acquired hematop oietic diseases: MDS, MPN (esp . CML), ap lastic anemia, PNH
• Inherited: Down’s & Klinefelter’s, Fanconi’s anemia, Bloom syndrome, ataxia

Clinical manifestations
• Cytop enias → fatigue (anemia), infection (neutrop enia), bleeding
(thrombocytop enia)

• More common in AML (e sp. monocytic le uke mias):

leukostasis (when blast count >50,000/µL): occluded microcirculation → local
hyp oxemia and hemorrhage → dysp nea, hyp oxia, headache, blurred vision,
TIA/CVA; look for hype rviscosity re tinopathy (vascular engorgement, exudates,

DIC (esp . with APL)

leukemic infiltration of skin, gingiva (esp . with monocytic subtyp es)

chloroma: extramedullary tumor of leukemic cells, virtually any location

• More common in ALL:

bone p ain, lymp hadenop athy, hep atosp lenomegaly (also seen in monocytic AML)

CNS involvement (up to10% ): cranial neurop athies, N/V, headache anterior
mediastinal mass (esp . in T-cell); tumor lysis syndrome (qv)

Diagnostic evaluation (Blood 2 009;114:937)

• Peripheral smear: anemia, thrombocytop enia, variable WBC (50% p /w ↑ WBC) +

circulating blasts (seen in >95% ; Auer Rods in AML)

• Bone marrow: hyp ercellular with >2 0% blasts; cytogenetics, flow cytometry

• Presence of certain cytogenetic anomalies, eg, t(15;17), t(8 ;2 1), inv(16) or t(16;16),
are sufficient for dx of AML re g ardle ss of the blast count
• ✓ for tumor lysis syndrome (rap id cell turnover): ↑ UA, ↑ LDH, ↑ K, ↑ PO 4, ↓ Ca

• Coagulation studies to r/o DIC: PT, PTT, fibrinogen, D-dimer, hap toglobin, bilirubin

• LP (w/ co-admin of intrathecal chemotherapy to avoid seeding CSF w/ circulating

blasts) for Pts w/ ALL (CNS is sanctuary site) and for Pts w/ AML w/ CNS sx
• TTE if p rior cardiac history or before use of anthracyclines
• HLA typing of Pt, siblings and p arents for p otential allogeneic HSCT candidates

Classification (FAB no longer used clinically; Blood 2 009;114:937)

• Features used to confirm myeloid lineage and subclassify AML to guide treatment:
morp hology: blasts, granules, ± Auer rods (eosinop hilic needle-like
inclusions) cytochemistry: myeloperoxidase and/or nonspecific esterase

• Immunop henotyp e: myeloid antigens → CD13, CD33, CD117; monocytic antigens →

CD11b, CD64, CD14, CD15
• Cytogenetics: imp ortant for p rognosis. Intermed. risk = no favorable/unfavorable

Treatment (Blood 2 010;115:453; JNCCN 2 012 ;10:98 4; Lance t 2 013;38 1:48 4)

• Induction chemo followed by consolidation Rx

• Induction chemo: “7 + 3” = cytarabine × 7 d + ida/daunorubicin × 3 d.

Cytarabine dose: continuous intermed. high dose (NEJM 2 011;364:102 7).

Daunorubicin dose: age <60 → high (90 mg/m 2 ); age >60 → standard (60 or 45
mg/m 2 ) (NEJM 2 009;361:12 49). Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (ɑ-CD33) ? benefit in
fav/int risk AML (Lance t 2 012 ;379:1508 )

• ✓ for comp lete remission (CR) = normal p erip heral counts, <5% BM blasts CR ≠
cure; ∴ must always f/u induction with consolidation Rx

• If CR: consolidation Rx based on risk stratification (age, genetics, PS): chemo

(eg, high dose cytarabine) if favorable risk; othe rwise → allo-HSCT ( JAMA
2 009;301:2 349)

• If CR: reinduction with similar chemotherap y (“5 + 2 ” ) or alternative regimen

• If relap se after CR: salvage chemo → allogeneic HSCT (↓ intensity conditioning if

>60 y)

• Sup p ortive care: hydration + allop urinol or rasburicase for tumor lysis
p rop hylaxis; transfusions; antibiotics for fever and neutrop enia; antifungals for
p rolonged fever & neutrop enia; hydroxyurea ± leukop horesis for leukostasis


• CR achieved in 70–8 0% of Pts <60 y and in 40–50% for Pts >60 y

• Overall survival dep ends on p rognostic factors: ranges from ~50% for Pts <60 y
w/ favorable p rognostic factors to <10% for Pts >60 y w/ p oor p rognostic
• Poor p rognostic factors: age >60, unfavorable cytogenetics (see above), FLT3-ITD
, p oor p erformance score, antecedent MDS/MPN, therap y-related AML; genetic
p rofiling (NEJM 2 012 ;366:1079)

Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) (Blood 2 009;113:18 75)

• Rare disease w/ only ~1000 cases/y in the U.S. but biolog ically and clinically distinct

• Atyp ical p romyelocytes (large, granular cells; bilobed nuclei) in blood and bone

• Defined by translocation of retinoic acid recep tor: t(15; 17); PML-RARɑ (>95% of
• Medical emergency with DIC and bleeding common; sup p ortive care measures

• Remarkable resp onses to all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA), which induces

differentiation, and arsenic trioxide (ATO); early initiation of ATRA is critical as
soon as APL suspe cte d; ATO highly active as first-line therap y or in treatment of
refractory disease.

• Induction regimen: anthracycline + ATRA ± cytarabine → CR in ~90% ; or ATRA +

ATO alone (ASH 2 012 ; JCO 2 009;2 7:504)
• Differentiation (ATRA) syndrome: ~2 5% of Pts; fever, p ulm infiltrates, SOB, edema,
HoTN, AKI; tx w/ dexamethasone 10 mg bid, sup p ortive care (eg, diuresis) (Blood
2 008 ;113:775)

• Consolidation Rx: eg, ATO → anthracycline + ATRA (Blood 2 010;116:3751)

• Role of maintenance Rx (eg, ATRA + 6MP + MTX) currently controversial

• Best p rognosis of all AMLs: >90% cure; WBC >10,000/µL = ↓ p rognosis (Blood
2 000;96:12 47)


• Lymp hoblastic neop lasms may p resent as acute leukemia (ALL) with >20% BM
blasts or as lymp hoblastic lymp homa (LBL) w/ mass lesion & <2 0% BM blasts.
ALL and LBL are considered the same disease with different clinical p resentations.
• Morp hology: no granules (granules seen in myeloid lineage)
• Cytochemistry: terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) in 95% of ALL

• Cytogenetics (Blood 2 010;115:2 06): t(9;2 2 ) = Philadelp hia chrom (Ph) ~2 5% of

adults w/ ALL
• Immunohistochemistry: 3 major p henotyp es (Burkitt’s usually treated differently)

Treatment (NEJM 2 006;354:166; JCO 2 011;2 9:532 )

• Induction chemo: multip le accep table regimens including combination of
anthracycline, vincristine, steroids, cyclop hosp hamide, ± asp araginase

• CNS prophylaxis: intrathecal MTX/cytarabine ± cranial irradiation or systemic


• Postremission therapy op tions:

consolidation/intensification chemo (~7 mo) followed by maintenance chemo (~2 –
3 y) high-dose chemo w/ allo HSCT considered for all Pts in CR1 w/ available
donor p ediatric regimens in young adults (<30 y); consider allo SCT for all Pts
<50 (controversial)
• If relap se → salvage chemo followed by allogeneic HSCT if able

• Ph t(9;2 2 ) → add imatinib or dasatinib, followed by allogeneic HSCT

• MLL-AF4 t(4;11) or hyp odip loidy (<44 chromosomes) → consider for allogeneic
• Infusion of chimeric antigen recep tor–modified T cells p romising (NEJM
2 013;368 :1509)

• CR achieved in >8 0% of adults

• Cure achieved in 50–60% if good p rog. factors vs. 10–30% w/ p oor p rog. factors

• Good p rognostic factors: younger age, WBC <30,000/µL, T-cell immunop henotyp e,
absence of Ph chromosome or t(4;11), early attainment of CR

• Gene exp ression p atterns may be useful in p redicting chemo resistance (NEJM
2 004;351:533)

Definition (Blood 2 009;114:937)

• Myeloproliferative neoplasm with clonal overp roduction of hematop oietic myeloid
stem cells that can differentiate
• Philadelphia chromosome (Ph) = t(9;2 2 ) → BCR-ABL fusion → ↑ Abl kinase
BCR-ABL required for Dx of CML

• “Atyp ical CML” (BCR-ABL ) now considered a sep arate disease and reclassified
as MDS/MPN (see “Myelodysp lastic Syndromes” )

Epidemiology and risk factors

• ~5400 new cases/y in U.S.; median age ~64 at p resentation; ~15% of adult
• ↑ risk with irradiation; no clear relation to cytotoxic drugs

Clinical manifestations

• Trip hasic clinical course; 8 5% p resent in the chronic p hase

• Chronic phase: often asymp tomatic but common features are fatigue, malaise,
weight loss, night sweats, abdominal fullness (splenomegaly 50% )

• Accelerated phase: refractory leukocytosis, thrombocytop enia and worsening sx →

fever, wt loss, ↑ sp lenomegaly, bone p ain, bleeding, infections, p ruritus
(basop hilia)

• Blastic phase acute leukemia → severe constitutional symp toms, infection,

bleeding and p ossible leukostasis (see “Acute Leukemia” )

Diagnostic evaluation

• Peripheral smear: leukocytosis (often >100,000/µL), left-shifted with all stag e s of

mye loid maturation; anemia, thrombocytosis, basophilia

• Bone marrow: hyp ercellular, ↑ myeloid to erythroid ratio, ↓ leuk alkaline

p hosp hatase

• Chronic: <10% blasts (p erip heral or BM)

• Accelerated: 10–2 0% blasts, >2 0% basos, p lts <100k, ↑ sp leen size, karyotyp ic
p rog.

• Blastic: >2 0% blasts (2 ⁄3 myeloid, 1⁄3 lymp hoid), may see extramedullary

Treatment (NEJM 2 010;362 :2 2 60; Blood 2 011;118 :12 08 & 2 012 ;12 0:1390)

• Tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI): imatinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, bosutinib, p onatinib

are selective inhibitors of BCR-ABL (JCO 2 010;2 8 :42 8 ; Blood 2 012 ;12 0:1390).

Imatinib, nilotinib, & dasatinib ap p roved as initial Rx.

Resistance = recurrent dis. on TKI, often result of BCR-ABL mutation or

amp lification.

Nilotinib, dasatinib, bosutinib, & p onatinib ap p roved for resistant disease, w/

only p onatinib effective on T315I resistance mutation (NEJM 2 012 ;367:2 075).

Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, muscle cramp s, cytop enias, ↓ PO 4, ↑ QT,
rarely CHF; dasatinib also a/w p ericardial & p leural effusions, nilotinib w/ ↑
bili & lip ase.

• Chronic phase: TKI; continued indefinitely in resp onders (Blood 2 012 ;12 0:1390)
• Accelerated phase: TKI up front, consider allogeneic HSCT

• Blastic phase: TKI + HSCT vs. ALL or AML induction (based on cell typ e) + HSCT

• Allogeneic HSCT: consider for Pts w/ available donor who p resent in accelerated or
blastic p hase; reasonable op tion for Pts with relap sed/refractory disease to TKIs

• Chronic p hase CML Rx’d w/ imatinib: 8 9% overall survival, 95% survival free of
CML-related deaths, 7% p rogression to blast p hase at 5 y (NEJM 2 006;355:2 408 )

• Accelerated p hase CML Rx’d w/ imatinib: ~50% overall survival at 4 y (Cance r

2 005;103:2 099)
• Poor p rognostic factors: ↑ age, ↑ p latelet count, ↑ sp leen size, ↑ p ercentage of blasts

Definition (NEJM 2 005;352 :8 04; Blood 2 008 ;111:5446)

• Monoclonal accumulation of functionally incomp etent mature B lymp hocytes

• CLL (>5000/µL malignant cells) & small lymp hocytic lymp homa (SLL; <5000/µL
malignant cells, but + LAN ± sp lenomegaly) now classified as same disease

• Monoclonal B lymp hocytosis (<5000/µL, nodes <1.5 cm, nl RBC and Plt counts):

Epidemiology and risk factors

• ~16,000 new cases/y; median age at dx is 72 y; most common adult leukemia
• ↑ incidence in 1st-degree relatives; no known association with radiation, chemicals,

Clinical manifestations

• Symp toms: often asx & identified when CBC reveals lymp hocytosis; 10–2 0% p /w
fatigue, malaise, night sweats, weight loss (ie, lymp homa “B” sx)

• Signs: lymphadenopathy (8 0% ) and hepatosplenomegaly (50% )

• Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) (~7% ) or thrombocytopenia (ITP) (~1–

2% )

• Hyp ogammaglobulinemia ± neutrop enia → ↑ suscep tibility to infections

• Bone marrow failure in ~13% ; monoclonal gammop athy in ~5%

• Aggressive transformation: ~5% develop Richter’s syndrome = transformation
into high-grade lymp homa (usually DLBCL) and sudden clinical deterioration

Diagnostic evaluation (see “Lymp homa” for general ap p roach)

• Peripheral smear: lymphocytosis (>5000/µL, mature-ap p earing small cells)

“smudge” cells from damage to abnl lymp hs from shear stress of making blood

• Flow cytometry: clonality with dim surface Ig (sIg); CD5+, CD19+, CD2 0(dim),
CD2 3+. CD38 + or ZAP70+ a/w unmutated Ig variable heavy chain region &
worse p rognosis.
• Bone marrow: normo- or hyp ercellular; infiltrated w/ small B-cell lymp hocytes
(≥30% )

• Lymph nodes: infiltrated w/ small lymp hocytic or diffuse small cleaved cells = SLL
• Genetics: del 11q2 2 -2 3 & 17p 13 unfavorable; trisomy 12 neutral; del 13q14 and
mut Ig VH favorable. Nine significantly mutated genes, including TP53, NOTCH1,
MYD8 8 and SF3B1. Key role for sp liceosome mutations (NEJM 2 011;365:2 497;
JCI 2 012 ;12 2 :3432 ).
• Treatment is p rimarily palliative → early stage disease can be followed w/o Rx

• Indications for treatment: Rai stages III/IV, Binet stage C, disease-related sx,
p rogressive disease,  AIHA or ITP refractory to steroids, recurrent infections
• Op tions:
purine analogues: fludarabine (“F” ), p entostatin (“P” )

alkylating agents: cyclop hosp hamide (“C” ), bendamustine (“B” ), CVP, CHOP; ?
chlorambucil for elderly (lower resp onse vs. F, but survival; NEJM
2 000;343:1750)

± monoclonal Ab against CD2 0 (rituximab, “R” ) or CD52 (alemtuzumab, esp .

w/ 17p -) combination re g ime ns (eg, FR, FCR, BR) sup erior to monoRx (Lance t
2 007;370:2 30)

• Novel Rx refractory dis.: ofatumumab (ɑ-CD2 0), ibrutinib (BTK inhib), CAL101 (PI3K

• Consider allo-HSCT in p53 mut or refractory CLL (BBMT 2 009;15:53; BJH

2 012 ;158 :174)
• Sup p ortive care: PCP, HSV,  VZV p rop hylaxis; CMV monitoring for Pts receiving
anti-CD52 ; AIHA/ITP → steroids; recurrent infections → IVIg

Prognosis (NEJM 2 004;351:8 93; JCO 2 006;2 4:4634 & 2 010;2 8 :4473; Blood
2 008 ;111:8 65)
• Survival varies substantially. Median overall survival ~10 y (Am J He matol
2 011;12 :98 5)
• Favorable p rognosis: 13q14 deletion (~50% of CLL cases)

• Factors a/w worse p rognosis include:

unfavorable cytogenetics (eg, 17p -/TP53 mutation)

unmutated (<2 % c/w germline) Ig VH gene (<8 –10 y vs. >2 0–2 5 y if mutated)

high (>2 0–30% ) Zap -70 exp ression (p art of T cell recep tor; correlated w/
unmutated Ig VH)

CD38 >30% or CD49d <30% (correlated with unmutated Ig VH)

higher β2 -microglobulin levels (correlate with disease stage and tumor burden)


• Malignant disorder of lymp hoid cells that reside p redominantly in lymp hoid tissues

• Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is distinguished from non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) by

the p resence of Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells
Clinical manifestations
• Lymp hadenop athy (nontender)

HL: sup erficial (usually cervical/supraclavicular) ± mediastinal

lymp hadenop athy; nodal disease with orderly, anatomic spread to adjacent
NHL: diffuse; nodal and extranodal disease with noncontiguous spread;
symp toms reflect involved sites (abdominal fullness, bone p ain)

• Constitutional (“B” ) symp toms: fever (>38 °), drenching sweats, ↓ weight (>10%
in 6 mo)

HL: p eriodic, recurrent “Pel-Ebstein” fever; 10–15% have p ruritus; ~35% “B”
symp toms
NHL: “B” symp toms vary between typ es, ~15–50%

Diagnostic and staging evaluation

• Physical exam: lymp h nodes, liver/sp leen size, Waldeyer’s ring, testes (~1% of
NHL), skin

• Pathology: excisional lymph node bx (not FNA b/c need surrounding architecture)
with immunop henotyp ing and cytogenetics; BM bx (excep t in HL clinical stage
IA/IIA with favorable features or CLL clone by flow); LP if CNS involvement
clinically susp ected

• Lab tests: CBC, BUN/Cr, LFTs, ESR, LDH, UA, Ca, alb; ✓ HBV & HCV (and must ✓
HBsAg & anti-HBc if p lanning rituximab Rx as can lead to HBV reactivation);
consider HIV, HTLV, & EBV serologies and connective tissue diseases autoAbs

• Imaging: chest/abd/pelvic CT, but doesn’t reliably detect sp leen/liver involvement

consider PET-CT scans (esp . in HL, DLBCL). PET resp onse to Rx can be p rognostic
(Blood 2 006;107:52 ; JCO 2 007;2 5:3746); has role to assess PR/CR after

Head CT/MRI only if neurologic symp toms.

HODGKIN LYMPHOMA (HL) (NEJM 2010; 363:653)

Epidemiology and risk factors

• ~9,000 cases/y; bimodal distribution (15–35 & >50 y); ↑ ; role of EBV in subsets
of HL, esp . immunocomp romised p atients

• Affected nodes show RS cells (<1% ) in background of non-neop lastic inflammatory

• Classic RS cells: bilobed nucleus & p rominent nucleoli with surrounding clear sp ace
(“owl’s eyes” ). RS cells are clonal B-cells: CD15+, CD30+, CD2 0– (rarely +).

• Nonclassical (5% ): nodular lymp hocyte p redominant (NLP); involves p erip heral LN

8 0% p resent in stages I–II and Rx can be RT alone or combination chemo + RT

w/ 8 0% 10-y p rogression-free survival, 93% overall survival ( JCO

Consider rituximab as most NLP RS cells are CD2 0+

Stages III–IV treated with combination chemo (see below)

Treatment (Lance t 2 012 ;38 0:8 36)

• Stages I–II: ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine) ± RT

Lower intensity regimens comp arable efficacy if favorable p rognosis (NEJM

2 010;363:640)

• Stages III–IV: ABVD × 6 cycles or escalated BEACOPP (bleomycin, etop oside,

doxorubicin, cyclop hosp hamide, vincristine, p rocarbazine and p rednisone)
• Refractory/relap sed disease: salvage chemo + auto HSCT, ± RT

• Late effects include ↑ risk for:

second cancers: bre ast (if RT), ∴ annual screening at age 40 or 8 –10 y p ost RT;
lung , ? role of screening CXR or CT (controversial); acute le uke mia/MDS; NHL

cardiac disease (if RT or anthracycline), ? role of echo/stress at 10 y

pulmonary toxicity (if bleomycin)

hypothyroidism (if RT), ∴ annual TSH (if neck RT)


Epidemiology and risk factors

• ~70,000 new cases/y; median age at dx ~65 y; p redominance; 8 5% B-cell

• Associated conditions: immunodeficiency (eg, HIV, p osttransp lant); autoimmune
disorders (eg, Sjögren’s, RA, SLE); infection (eg, EBV, HTLV-I, H. pylori)
• Burkitt’s lymp homa: (1) endemic or African (jaw mass, 8 0–90% EBV-related); (2 )
sp oradic or American (2 0% EBV-related); (3) HIV-related

Treatment (Lance t 2 012 ;38 0:8 48 )

• Treatment and p rognosis determined by histop athologic classification rather than

• Rituximab (antibody to CD2 0; NEJM 2 012 ;366:2 008 ) if CD2 0+; no role if tumor is
CD2 0–

• Indolent: goal is sx management (bulky dis., cytop enias, “B” sx); not curable w/o
allo HSCT

Op tions include radiation for localized disease, rituximab ± chemo

(bendamustine, CVP, fludarabine)

For MALT → treat H pylori if

Rituximab maintenance ↑ survival in relap sed disease (JNCI 2 009:101:2 48 );

growing role for rituximab maintenance in indolent and aggressive disease
(Lance t 2 011;377:42 )

• Aggressive (DLBCL, 30–40% of NHL): goal is cure (JCO 2 005;2 3:638 7)

R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclop hosp hamide, doxorubicin = hydroxydaunorubicin,
vincristine = Oncovin, p rednisone) (NEJM 2 002 ;346:2 35 & 2 008 ;359:613) 10-y
p rogression-free survival = 45% ; overall survival = 55% (Blood
2 010;116:2 040)
? R-ACVBP (ritux, doxorubicin = Adriamycin, cyclop hosp h, vindesine, bleo,
p rednisone) ↑ 3-y OS vs. R-CHOP, but ↑ adverse events (Lance t 2 011;378 :18 58 )

+ Radiation for localized or bulky disease

Consider CNS prophylaxis w/ intrathecal or systemic high-dose methotrexate if

p aranasal sinus, testicular, breast, p eriorbital, p aravertebral or bone marrow
involved; ≥2 extranodal site + ↑ LDH may also warrant
Refractory/relap sed disease: salvage chemo; high-dose chemo + auto-HSCT (NEJM
1995;333:1540); allo-HSCT if beyond 2 nd relap se
• Highly aggressive
Burkitt’s: intensive short-course chemotherap y (Blood 2 004;104:3009)
Low risk defined as nl LDH & single focus of disease <10 cm; all others high risk

Low risk Rx = CODOX-M (cyclop hosp hamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, high-dose

methotrexate ± rituximab) (Le uk Lymph 2 004;45:761)

High risk Rx = CODOX-M/IVAC (above w/ ifosfamide, etop oside, high-dose

cytarabine), hyp er-CVAD (cyclop hosp hamide, vincristine, doxorubicin,

All Pts receive CNS p rop hylaxis & tumor lysis syndrome p rop hylaxis

Lymp hoblastic lymp homa (B or T cell): treated like ALL (see “Acute Leukemia” )

• Indolent: typ ically incurable, but long median survival

• Aggressive: ↑ chance of cure, but overall worse p rognosis

HIV-associated NHL (Blood 2 006;107:13)

• HIV imp arts 60–100× relative risk

• NHL is an AIDS-defining malignancy along with Kap osi’s, cervical CA, anal CA
• Concurrent HAART & chemotherap y likely p rovide survival benefit

• DLBCL & immunoblastic lymp homa (67% ): CD4 <100, EBV-associated Treat as
immunocomp etent (CHOP-R), but avoid rituximab if CD4 <100 Alternative
regimens include R-EPOCH (etop , p red, vincristine, cyclop hos, doxorubicin)
• Burkitt’s (2 0% ): can occur with CD4 >2 00 Treat as immunocomp etent; p rognosis is
not significantly worse
• Primary CNS lymp homa (16% ): CD4 <50, EBV-associated (also seen in Pts w/o
HIV) Treat with high-dose methotrexate + steroids ± RT
• Primary effusion lymp homa (<5% ): HHV8 driven; also can be seen in other
immuno- sup p . Pts such as s/p solid organ transp lant or w/ chronic HBV.  Treat
with standard CHOP (often CD2 0–), but p oor p rognosis.


Definition and epidemiology (NEJM 2 011;364:1046)

• Malignant neop lasm of plasma cells p roducing a monoclonal Ig = “M protein”
• ~2 1,700 new cases and ~10,710 deaths/y in U.S. (2 012 ); median age at diagnosis
69 y
• African American:Caucasian ratio 2 :1

Clinical manifestations (CRAB criteria)

• Hyp erCalcemia due to ↑ osteoclast activity

• Renal disease: multip le mechanisms include toxic effect of filtered light chains →
re nal failure (cast nep hrop athy) or type II RTA; amyloidosis or light chain
dep osition disease → ne phrotic syndrome ; hyp ercalcemia, urate nep hrop athy, typ e
I cryoglobulinemia

• Anemia (normocytic) due to bone marrow involvement and autoimmune Ab

• Bone p ain due to ↑ osteoclast activity → lytic lesions, p athologic fx

• Recurrent infxns due to relative hyp ogammaglob. (clonal p lasma cells sup p ress nl
• Neurologic: cord comp ression; POEMS (p olyneurop athy, organomegaly,
endocrinop athy, M p rotein, skin changes) syndrome

• Hyp erviscosity: usually when IgM >4 g/dL, IgG >5 g/dL, or IgA >7 g/dL
• Coagulop athy: inhibition of or Ab against clotting factor; Ab-coated p latelets

• Amyloidosis (see “Amyloidosis” )

Diagnostic and staging evaluation

• Symptomatic MM criteria (all 3 must be met)

1) M p rotein in serum or urine (no sp ecific level required)
2 ) bone marrow clonal p lasmacytosis (≥10% ) or p resence of a p lasmacytoma
3) myeloma-related organ or tissue imp airment (ROTI) = lytic bone lesions, Ca
>11.5 g/dL, Cr >2 mg/dL, or Hb <10

• Variants
smoldering MM: M p rotein >3 g/dL and/or p lasmacytosis >10% , but asx & no
ROTI risk of p rog.: M p rotein concen., subtyp e & free light chain ratio (NEJM
2 007;356:2 58 2 )

solitary bone p lasmacytoma: 1 lytic lesion w/o M p rotein, p lasmacytosis, or

other ROTI

extramedullary (nonosseous) p lasmacytoma: usually up p er resp iratory tract

p lasma cell leukemia: p lasma cell count >2 000/µL in p erip heral blood

nonsecretory MM (~2 % of MM Pts): no M p rotein, but marrow p lasmacytosis &


• Ddx of M comp onent: MM, MGUS (see below), CLL, lymp homa, cirrhosis,
sarcoidosis, RA

• Perip heral smear → rouleaux (see insert); ✓ Ca, alb, Cr; ↓ anion gap , ↑ globulin, ↑
• Protein electrophoresis and immunofixation
serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP): quantitates M comp onent; in ~8 0%
of Pts

urine p rotein electrop horesis (UPEP): detects the ~2 0% of Pts who secrete only
light chains ( = Bence Jones p roteins), which are filtered rap idly from the blood
immunofixation: shows comp onent is monoclonal and identifies Ig typ e → IgG
(50% ), IgA (2 0% ), IgD (2 % ), IgM (0.5% ), light chain only (2 0% ), nonsecretors
(<5% )
serum-free light chain assay: imp ortant test for dx and follow-up of resp onse to
• β2 -microglobulin and LDH levels reflect tumor burden

• BM bx cytogenetics: normal karyotyp e better than abnl. Standard risk =

hyp erdip loidy or t(11;14); high risk = hyp odip loidy, del. 17p 13 (~10% of Pts),
t(4;14) & t(4;16)

• Gene mutations include TP53, NRAS, KRAS, BRAF & NK-kB p athway (Nature
2 011;471:467)
• Skeletal survey (p lain radiograp hs) to identify lytic bone lesions and areas at risk
for p athologic fracture; bone scan is not use ful for de te cting lytic le sions

Treatment (NEJM 2 011;364:1046; Am J He matol 2 012 ;8 7:79)

• Not indicated for smoldering MM or asx stage I disease

• Decisions generally dictated by risk stratification and transplant e lig ibility

• Active agents include: bortezomib (V), dexamethasone (D), p rednisone (P),
lenalidomide (R), thalidomide (T), melp halan (M), cyclop hosp hamide (C),
doxorubicin, carfilzomib (Cz)

• Induction Rx regimens w/ best resp onse rate incl. those w/ p roteasome inhib (V, Cz)
& immunomod (R), but many 2 - or 3-drug op tions used based on comorbidities
and risk. Proteasome inhib containing regimens incl. MPV, RVD, VCD & CzRD.

• If not transp lant eligible: induction chemo ↑ survival, not curative; consider maint

• If transp lant e lig ible : induction chemo (eg, RVD, VCD, RD, VTD; Lance t
2 010;376:2 075) then high-dose chemo + auto-HSCT. Not curative, but ↑ survival
c/w chemo (NEJM 2 009;360: 2 645). Timing of HSCT (up front vs. relap se) under
study. Offer if <70 y w/ good p erf. status & no p rohibitive comorbidities. Maint
Rx w/ R or V until p rogression or intolerance. Role of tandem auto-HSCT & allo-
HSCT remains controversial (NEJM 2 003;349:2 495).

• Local radiation for solitary or extramedullary p lasmacytoma

• Adjunctive Rx
bone : bisphosphonates (JCO 2 007;2 5:2 464); XRT for sx bony lesions
re nal: avoid NSAIDs & IV contrast; consider p lasmap heresis for acute renal failure
hype rviscosity syndrome : p lasmap heresis; infxns: consider IVIg for recurrent
• Common toxicities of Rx: melp halan → myelosup p ression; lenalidomide → low p lts
& thromboembolism; bortezomib → p erip h. neurop athy; steroids →
hyp erglycemia, infxn

Definition and epidemiology (NEJM 2 006;355:2 765)

• M p rotein <3 g/dL, no urinary Bence Jones p roteins, marrow p lasmacytosis
<10% , no ROTI
• Prevalence ~3% in p op ulation >50 y of age, ~5% in p op ulation >70 y of age,
7.5% in p op ulation >8 5 y of age (NEJM 2 006;354:1362 )

• ✓ CBC, Ca, Cr, SPEP, serum free light chains, UPEP w/ immunofixation (to exclude
• Close observation: rep eat SPEP in 6 mo, then yearly thereafter if stable

Prognosis (NEJM 2 002 :346:564)

• ~1% /y or ~2 5% lifetime risk → MM, WM, amyloidosis, or malign.

lymp hop roliferative dis.

• Abnormal serum-free light chain ratio: ↑ risk of p rogression to MM (Blood

2 005;105:8 12 )

Definition (Blood 2 009;114:2 375)

• B-cell neop lasm (lymp hop lasmacytic lymp homa) that secretes monoclonal IgM

• MYD8 8 (NF-кB p athway) L2 65P somatic mutation found in 91% of Pts w/ WM and
could be used to distinguish WM from MM (NEJM 2 012 ;367:8 2 6)

• No e vide nce of bone le sions (IgM M comp onent + lytic bone lesions = “IgM
myeloma” )

Clinical manifestations
• Fatigue from anemia is most common sx
• Tumor infiltration: BM (cytop enias), hep atomegaly, sp lenomegaly,
lymp hadenop athy

• Circulating monoclonal IgM

hyperviscosity syndrome (~15% )

neurologic: blurred vision (“sausage” retinal veins on funduscop y), HA, dizziness,

cardiop ulmonary: congestive heart failure, p ulmonary infiltrates

typ e I cryoglobulinemia → Raynaud’s phenomenon

p latelet dysfxn → mucosal bleeding

• IgM deposition (skin, intestine, kidney); amyloidosis and glomerulop athy

• Autoantibody activity of IgM

chronic AIHA (p rominent rouleaux; 10% Coombs’ = AIHA)

peripheral neuropathy: may be due to IgM against myelin-associated

glycop rotein

Diagnostic evaluation
• SPEP + immunofixation with IgM >3 g/dL; 2 4-h urine for UPEP (only 2 0% have

• Bone marrow biop sy: ↑ p lasmacytoid lymp hocytes; β2 -microglobulin for p rognostic
• Relative serum viscosity: defined as ratio of viscosity of serum to H 2 O (nl ratio
1.8 ) hyp erviscosity syndrome when relative serum viscosity >5–6


• Hyp erviscosity: plasmapheresis

• Symp toms (eg, p rogressive anemia): rituximab ± chemotherap y (eg,

cyclop hosp hamide, chlorambucil, fludarabine, cladribine, bendamustine) or

• Thalidomide, alemtuzumab, everolimus, ibrutinib & auto-HSCT are investigational


Transplantation of donor pluripote nt ce lls that can re constitute all re cipie nt blood line ag e s

• Types of Allo HSCT: base d on donor/re cipie nt matching of major HLA antig e ns on Chr.
6 (4 p rincip al genes for serotyp ing: HLA-A, -B, -C, & -DR; each w/ 2 alleles ∴ 8
major Ag)

Matche d re late d (sibling matched at 8 /8 major Ag): lowest risk of GVHD;

p referred donor

Mismatche d re late d (eg, 1/8 Ag mismatch) or haploide ntical (mismatch at 4/8 Ag):
easiest to find, but ↑ risk of GVHD, rejection; ∴ need additional
immunosup p ression

Matche d unre late d: ↑ risk of GVHD; ∴ matching of 10 HLA alleles (DQ also) to ↓
risk; chance of match correlates w/ ethnicity
Umbilical cord blood: HSC p rocessed at birth & stored; ↓ risk of GVHD; tolerate
mismatch but much slower immune reconstitution (Blood 2 010;116:4693)

• Graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD): unde sirable side effect of allo HSCT allogeneic T cells
view host cells as foreign; ↑ incid. w/ mismatch or unrelated donors

• Graft-vs.-tumor (GVT) effect: de sire d in allo-SCT; graft T cells attack host tumor

Indications (NEJM 2 006;354:18 13; BMT 2 010;45:12 59)

• Malignant disease:

Auto HSCT allows higher ablative chemo doses and then rescues the
hematop oietic system (used mostly for lymp homa, multip le myeloma, testicular

Allo HSCT p roduces graft-versus-tumor (GVT) effect, in addition to hematop oietic

rescue (used for AML, ALL, CML, CLL, MDS, lymp homa)

• Nonmalignant disease: allo HSCT rep laces abnl lymp hohematop oietic system w/
one from nl donor (eg, immunodef., ap lastic anemia, hemoglobinop athies, ?
autoimmune dis.)
Transplantation procedure

• Preparative regimen: che mothe rapy and/or immunosuppre ssion p rior to

transp lantation
myeloablative (traditional): chemotherap y and/or total body irradiation. Goal is
e radication of underlying disease for which transp lant is being p erformed.

reduced intensity conditioning (RIC or “mini” ): lower dose conditioning → ↓

toxicity to allow Pts w/ comorbidities or ↑ age to tolerate HSCT. Goal to p roceed
w/ transp lant when in disease remission. Dep ends mostly on GVT; ↓ mortality
w/ RIC, but ↑ relap se.

• Sources of stem cells:

bone marrow (BM): original source of HSCT, now less commonly used than PBSC

peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC): easier collection, most commonly used

BM vs. PBSC survival; BM ↓ chronic GVHD, PBSC ↓ graft failure (NEJM

2 012 ;367:148 7)
umbilical cord blood (UCB): less stringent HLA-matching requirements, but fewer
cells available from single donor (∴ 2 donors combined in adults); slower
haploidentical: most available; newer regimens starting to make safer/more

• Engraftment: absolute neutrop hil count (ANC) recovers to 500/µL w/in ~2 wk w/

PBSC, ~3 wk w/ BM, ~4 wk w/ UCB. G-CSF accelerates recovery by 3–5 d in all
Eng raftme nt syndrome : fever, rash, noncardiogenic p ulm edema, abnl LFTs, AKI,
wt gain. Dx of exclusion: r/o infection, GVHD; Rx w/ IV steroids.

• Either direct chemoradiotoxicities associated with p rep arative regimen or
consequences of interaction between donor and recipient immune systems

• Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS): incidence ~10% , mortality ~30%

Previously known as veno-occlusive disease (VOD)

Mechanism: direct cytotoxic injury to hep atic venules → in situ thrombosis

Symp toms: tender hep atomegaly, ascites, jaundice, fluid retention with severe
disease → liver failure, encep halop athy, hep atorenal syndrome

Diagnosis: ↑ ALT/AST, ↑ bilirubin; ↑ PT with severe disease; Dop p ler U/S may
show reversal of p ortal vein flow; ↑ hep atic wedge p ressure; abnl liver bx

Treatment: sup p ortive; p rop hylaxis with ursodiol; defibrotide

• Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome (IPS): up to 70% mortality (Curr Opin Oncol

2 008 ;2 0:2 2 7)

Mech: alveolar injury due to direct toxicity → fever, hyp oxia, diffuse p ulmonary
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH): subset of IPS

Diagnosis: bronchoscop y to exclude infection; ↑ bloody lavage fluid seen with DAH

Treatment: high-dose corticosteroids, etanercep t (Blood 2 008 ;112 :3073)

• Acute GVHD (usually within 6 mo of transp lant; Lance t 2 009;373:1550)

Clinical grades I–IV based on scores for skin (severity of maculop ap ular rash),
liver (bilirubin level) and GI (volume of diarrhea); bx sup p orts diagnosis

Prevention: immunosuppression (MTX + CsA or tacrolimus) or T-cell dep letion of


Treatment: grade I → none; grades II–IV → associated with ↓ survival and ∴

treated with immunosup p ressants (corticosteroids, CsA, tacrolimus, rap amycin,

• Chronic GVHD (develop ing or p ersisting beyond 3 mo p osttransp lant)

Clinical: malar rash, sicca syndrome, arthritis, obliterative bronchiolitis, bile duct
degeneration, cholestasis and many others. More common w/ PBSC than BM.

Treatment: immunosup p ressants; rituximab; p hotop heresis

• Graft failure

Primary = p ersistent neutrop enia without evidence of engraftment

Secondary = delayed p ancytop enia after initial engraftment; either immune

mediated via immunocomp etent host cells (graft rejection) or non–immune
mediated (eg, CMV)
• Infectious complications
due to regimen-induced p ancytop enia and immunosup p ression

auto HSCT recip ients: no immunosup p ression ∴ at ↑ risk only p re-

/p ostengraftment

both p rimary infections and reactivation events occur (eg, CMV, HSV, VZV)

(NEJM 2008; 359:1367; JCO 2012; 30:863; J Thorac Oncol 2012; 7:924; Nature
2011; 489:519; Cell 2012; 150:1107)

Epidemiology and risk factors

• Most common cause of cancer-related death for both men and women in the U.S.

• Cigarette smoking: 8 5% of lung cancers occur in smokers; risk ∝ total p ack-yrs, ↓

risk after quitting/reducing, but not to baseline (Int J Cance r 2 012 ;131:12 10)
squamous & small cell almost exclusively in smokers adenocarcinoma most
common typ e in nonsmokers bronchioalveolar carcinoma associated with women,
nonsmokers, EGFR mutations

• Asbestos: when combined with smoking, synergistic ↑ in risk of lung cancer

• Radon: risk to general p op ulation unclear

Clinical manifestations

• ~10% are asx at p resentation and are detected incidentally by imaging

• Endobronchial growth of 1° tumor: cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheezing, p ost–

obstructive p neumonia; more common with squamous or small cell (central

• Regional spread

pleural effusion, p ericardial effusion, hoarseness (recurrent laryngeal nerve

p alsy), dysp hagia (esop hageal comp ression), stridor (tracheal obstruction)

Pancoast’s syndrome: ap ical tumor → brachial p lexus involvement (C8 , T1, T2 )

→ Horner’s syndrome, shoulder p ain, rib destruction, atrop hy of hand muscles
SVC syndrome (NEJM 2 007;356:18 62 ): central tumor → SVC comp ression → face
or arm swelling (>8 0% ), venous distention of neck & chest wall (~60% ),
dysp nea/cough (~50% ), HA (~10% ); Rx = steroids & diuretics, RT ± chemo
after tissue dx, SVC stent for severe sx, fibrinolytic + anticoag if thrombus
• Extrathoracic metastases: brain, bone, liver, adrenal

• Paraneoplastic syndromes

Endocrine :

ACTH (SCLC) → Cushing’s syndrome; ADH (SCLC) → SIADH

PTH-rP (squamous cell) → hypercalcemia

Ske le tal: digital clubbing (non–small cell), hypertrophic pulmonary
osteoarthropathy (adenocarcinoma) = symmetric p olyarthritis and
p roliferative p eriostitis of long bones

Ne urolog ic (SCLC): Eaton-Lambert, p erip heral neurop athy, cerebellar

degeneration, limbic encep halitis

Cutane ous: acanthosis nigricans, dermatomyositis

He matolog ic: hyp ercoagulable state (adenocarcinoma), DIC, marantic endocarditis

Screening (JAMA 2 011;306:18 65; NEJM 2 011;365:395)

• No benefit to CXR or sp utum cytology, even in high-risk Pts
• Low-dose chest CT in >30 p ack-y smokers age 55–74 y → 2 0% ↓ in lung cancer–
related mortality vs. CXR; number needed to screen = 32 0; high false rate

Diagnostic and staging evaluation (NCCN Guide line s v.3.2 012 )

• Initial imaging: chest CT (include liver and adrenal glands) w/ contrast if p ossible

• Tissue

bronchoscopy (for central lesions) or CT-guided needle bx (for p erip heral lesions
or accessible sites of susp ected metastasis)

mediastinoscop y (lymp h node bx), VATS (eval. of p leura p erip heral lesions),
thoracentesis (cell block for cytology) or sp utum cytology (for central lesions)
• Staging

Intrathoracic: mediastinoscopy (± p receded by U/S-guided transesop h. or

transbronch. needle asp iration; JAMA 2 010;304:2 2 45) or VATS; thoracentesis if
p leural effusion

Extrathoracic: PET-CT more Se than CT alone for detecting mediastinal and distant
mets as well as bone mets (NEJM 2 009;361:32 ); brain MRI for all Pts (excep t IA)

• Genetic testing for EGFR mutations and ALK rearrang. for stage IV nonsquam

• PFTs w/ quantitative V/Q if p lanned treatment includes surgical resection; need to

have 30% of normal, p redicted lung fxn afte r resection
NSCLC treatment (NCCN Guide line s v.3.2 012 )

• Stages I & II: surgical resection + adjuvant chemo (surgery alone for stage IA)
(NEJM 2 004;350:351 & 2 005;352 :2 58 9)
• Stage III: chemoradiation is main treatment modality

IIIA viewed as p otentially resectable (Lance t 2 009;374:379) and IIIB as

unresectable neoadjuvant chemoradiation may convert unresectable → resectable
• Stage IV: chemotherapy ↑ survival vs. best sup p ortive care
backbone of therap y is p latinum-based doublet; cisp latin/p emetrexed better for
adenocarcinoma; cisp latin/gemcitabine better for squamous (JCO 2 008 ;2 6:3543)
bevacizumab (anti-VEGF mAb) + chemo ↑ median survival by 2 mo; ↑ risk of
bleeding, ∴ do not use if untreated or hemorrhagic brain mets (JCO
2 009;2 7:52 55) or squamous cell (hemop tysis) (NEJM 2 006;355:2 542 )
if EGFR mutation (a/w imp roved p rognosis): EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI,
eg, erlotinib) first-line Rx (Lance t 2 008 ;372 :18 09; NEJM 2 010;362 :2 38 0 &
2 011;364:947)
if ALK rearrangement: ALK TKI (eg, crizotinib) first-line Rx (Lance t Oncol
2 011;12 :1004)

TKI toxicities: rash & diarrhea (common); lung & liver injury (rare but p otentially
serious) p alliative radiation used to control local sx caused by tumor or
metastasis solitary brain metastasis: surgical resection + brain radiation may ↑

SCLC treatment (NCCN Guide line s v.2 .2 013)

• SCLC usually disseminated at p resentation, but can be very resp onsive to


• Chemotherapy (p latinum + etop oside) is p rimary treatment modality

• Thoracic radiation added to chemotherap y imp roves survival in limited stage


• Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) imp roves survival for limited stage disease
in comp lete remission (NEJM 1999;341:476)

Epidemiology and genetics (risk assessment tool:

• In U.S., most common cancer in women; 2 nd leading cause of cancer death in
• Age: incidence rates ↑ with age, with p ossible ↓ in slop e after menop ause

• Genetics (Nature 2 012 ;490:61): Mutations in TP53, PIK3CA and GATA3; HER2
amp lified. 15–2 0% have FHx → 2 × ↑ risk; ~45% of familial cases a/w
known germline mutation
BRCA1/2: 35–8 5% lifetime risk of breast cancer & ↑ risk of ovarian cancer; ? ↑
colon & p rostate cancer; p rog not worse than in noncarriers w/ breast ca (NEJM
2 007;357:115); BRCA2 : a/w ↑ male breast cancer & p ancreatic cancer. Rare
mutations in CHEK2, HRAS, TP53 a/w ↑ risk in familial breast cancer (Bre ast
Cance r Tre at Re s 2 011;12 7:309)
• Estrogen: ↑ risk with early menarche, late menop ause, late p arity or nullip arity
(NEJM 2 006;354:2 70); ↑ risk with p rolonged HRT (RR = 1.2 4 after 5.6 y, JAMA
2 003;2 8 9:32 43);

no ↑ risk shown with OCP use (NEJM 2 002 ;346:2 02 5)

• Benign breast conditions: ↑ risk w/ atyp ia (atyp ical ductal or lobular hyp erp lasia)
& p roliferative (ductal hyp erp lasia, p ap illoma, radial scar or sclerosing adenosis)
features; no ↑ risk w/ cysts, fibroadenoma or columnar changes (NEJM
2 005;352 :2 2 9)
• ↑ risk with h/o ionizing radiation to chest for treatment of Hodgkin lymp homa

Clinical manifestations

• Breast mass (hard, irregular, fixed, nontender), nip p le discharge (higher risk if
unilateral, limited to one duct, bloody, associated with mass)

• Sp ecial typ es: Paget’s disease → unilateral nip p le eczema + nip p le discharge;
inflammatory breast cancer → skin erythema and edema (pe au d’orang e )

• Metastases: lymp h nodes, bone, liver, lung, brain

Screening (NEJM 2 011;365:102 5)

• Self breast exam (SBE): no p roven mortality benefit (JNCI 2 002 ;94:1445); not

• Clinical breast exam (CBE): benefit indep endent of mammograp hy not established

• Mammography: ~2 0–30% ↓ in breast cancer mortality (smaller abs. benefit in

women <50 y) (Lance t 2 006;368 :2 053; Annals 2 009;151:72 7); 75% of all abnl
findings benign; susp icious: clustered microcalcifications, spiculated, enlarging
adding U/S ↑ Se, but ↓ PPV (JAMA 2 008 ;2 99:3151)

• ACS/NCI recommend annual mammo + CBE beginning at age 40; USPSTF

recommends beginning at 50 and biennially (Annals 2 009;151:716), controve rsial
(NEJM 2 009;361:2 499)

• ↑ risk: screen earlier w/ CBE and mammo (age 2 5 in BRCA1/2 carrier, 5–10 y
before earliest FHx case, 8 –10 y after thoracic RT, up on dx of ↑ risk benign

• MRI: sup erior to mammo in high-risk Pts; consider annually if >2 0% lifetime risk
(eg, FHx, BRCA1/2, p rior chest RT) (Lance t 2 011;378 :18 04)

• Genetic testing should be considered in women with strong FHx

Diagnostic evaluation
• Palpable breast mass: age <30 y → observe for resolution over 1–2 menstrual

age <30 y, unchanging mass → U/S → asp iration if mass not simp le cyst;
age >30 y or solid mass on U/S or bloody asp irate or recurrence after asp iration
→ mammo (detect other lesions) and either fine-needle asp. or core-needle bx
clearly cancerous on exam or indeterminate read or atyp ia on bx → excisional
• Suspicious mammogram with normal exam: stereotactically guided bx
• MRI: detects contralateral cancer in 3% of women w/ recently dx breast cancer &
negative contralateral mammogram (but PPV only 2 1% ) (NEJM 2 007;356:12 95);
whether to use routinely remains unclear
• Anatomic: tumor size, chest wall invasion, axillary LN mets (strong e st prog nostic

• Histopathologic: typ e (little p rognostic relevance) & grade; lymp hatic/vascular


In situ carcinoma: no invasion of surrounding stroma

Ductal (DCIS): ↑ risk of invasive cancer in ipsilate ral breast (~30% /10 y)
Lobular (LCIS): marker of ↑ risk of invasive cancer in e ithe r breast (~1% /y)

Invasive carcinoma: infiltrating ductal (70–8 0% ); invasive lobular (5–10% );

tubular, medullary and mucinous (10% , better p rognosis); p ap illary (1–2 % );
other (1–2 % )

Inflammatory breast cancer (see above): not a histologic typ e but a clinical
reflection of tumor invasion of dermal lymp hatics; very p oor p rognosis

Paget disease: ductal cancer invading nip p le ep idermis ± associated mass

• Biomarkers: determine estrogen, p rogesterone recep tor (ER/PR) and HER2/ne u

status for all invasive breast cancers

• Oncotyp e DX 2 1-gene risk recurrence score has p redictive and p rognostic value in
ER , node or Pts (JCO 2 007;2 5:52 8 7 & 2 010;2 8 :18 2 9; Lance t
2 011;378 :18 12 )

• Circulating tumor DNA may serve as biomarker of met tumor burden (NEJM
2 013;368 :1199)


• Local control: surgery and radiation therapy (RT)

Bre ast-conse rving = lump ectomy + breast RT + axillary node dissection (ALND)
is equivalent to maste ctomy + ALND (NEJM 2 002 ;347:12 2 7); contraindications:
multicentric disease, diffuse microcalcifications, p rior RT, p regnancy, ? tumor
>5 cm
Se ntine l lymph node disse ction (SLND) p rior to ALND p referred if w/o p alp
axillary LNs; T1-2 w/ SLND & Rx w/ lump ect./RT/chemo may not need
ALND (JAMA 2 011;305:569)

Radiation the rapy (RT) after mastectomy for ≥4 LN, tumor >5 cm or
surgical margins → ↓ locoregional recurrence and ↑ survival (Lance t
2 011;378 :1707)
• Systemic therapy: for stage I-III excep t tumors <1 cm (comp lex risk assessment
needed). http :// can guide use of chemo and/or
hormonal Rx.
Che mothe rapy (Lance t 2 008 ;371:2 9): in neoadjuvant setting usually
anthracycline-based (eg, adriamycin + cyclop hosp hamide). Sequential Rx w/
taxane (eg, p aclitaxel) → small ↑ survival (NEJM 2 007;357:1496;
2 010;362 :2 053 & 2 010;363:2 2 00).
Anti-HER2 the rapy (growing list of agents) in HER2 tumors (NEJM
2 012 ;366:176)

trastuzumab (Hercep tin; anti-HER2 mAb) ↑ survival (NEJM 2 001;344:78 3); give
after anthracycline or w/ taxane to avoid cardiotox (JCO 2 002 ;2 0:12 5 & NEJM
2 011;365:12 73) lap atinib (tyrosine kinase inhib. of HER2 & EGFR) +
trastuzumab ↑ survival after failing trastuzumab (JCO 2 012 ;30:2 58 5); dual
inhib. initial Rx ↑ resp onse (Lance t 2 012 ;379:633) p ertuzumab (anti-HER2 mAb,
p revents dimerization) ↑ p rogression-free survival when added to trastuzumab
as first-line Rx for metastatic dis. (NEJM 2 012 ;366:109) trastuzumab emtansine
(T-DM1, HER2 mAb conjugated to microtubule inhibitor) ↑ survival comp ared to
second-line lap atinib + cap ecitabine (NEJM 2 012 ;367:178 3)

Be vacizumab (anti-VEGF): ? in neoadjuvant Rx if HER2 (NEJM 2 012 ;366:2 99 &


Hormonal (in ER/PR or unknown status)

tamoxifen: 39% ↓ recurrence and 30% ↓ breast cancer mortality in p re- and p ost-
menop ausal p atients; 10 y of Rx sup erior to 5 y (Lance t 2 011;378 :771 &
2 013;38 1:8 05)

aromatase inhibitors (AI) (anastrozole, letrozole, exemestane): ~18 % ↓

recurrence vs. tamoxifen in postme nopausal Pts (Lance t 2 005;365:60; NEJM
2 005;353:2 747)
everolimus ↑ p rogression-free survival if p ostmenop ausal & failed AI (NEJM
2 012 ;366:52 0)

2 nd-line: ovarian ablation with LHRH agonists (goserelin) or oop horectomy if

pre me nopausal; p ure antiestrogens (fulvestrant) if postme nopausal
Prevention (with selective estrogen recep tor modulator [SERM] or AI)
• Tamoxifen: ↓ risk contralat. breast CA as adjuvant Rx.  Ap p roved for 1° p revent. if
↑ risk: ↓ invasive breast ca, but ↑ DVT & uterine CA; ? ↑ in mortality (Lance t
2 002 ;360:8 17 ).

• Raloxifene: ↓ risk of invasive breast cancer & vertebral fx, ↑ risk of stroke & DVT/PE
(NEJM 2 006;355:12 5); tamoxifen in p revention of breast cancer w/ ↓ risk of
DVT/PE & cataracts, trend toward ↓ uterine cancer (  JAMA 2 006;2 95:2 72 7 )

• Exemestane in high-risk p ostmenop ausal ↓ invasive breast ca by 65% (NEJM

2 011;364:2 38 1)
• BRCA1/2 : intensified surveillance as described above. Prop hylactic bilat.
mastectomy → ~90% ↓ risk; bilat. salp ingo-oop horectomy ↓ risk of ovarian and
breast cancer.

Epidemiology and risk factors (NEJM 2 003;349:366)

• Most common cancer in U.S. men; 2 nd most common cause of cancer death in men

• Lifetime risk of p rostate cancer dx ~16% ; lifetime risk of dying of p rostate cancer

• More common with ↑ age (rare if <45 y), in African Americans and if FHx

• ↑ risk w/ BRCA2 (4.7) and BRCA1 (1.8 ) (JNCI 1999;91:1310 & 2 002 ;94:1358 )

Clinical manifestations (usually asymp tomatic at p resentation)

• Obstructive sx (more common with BPH): hesitancy, ↓ stream, retention, nocturia

• Irritative sx (also seen with p rostatitis): frequency, dysuria, urgency

• Perip rostatic sp read: hematuria, hematosp ermia, new-onset erectile dysfunction

• Metastatic disease: bone p ain, sp inal cord comp ression, cytop enias

Screening (NEJM 2 012 ;367:e11)

• Digital rectal exam (DRE): size, consistency, lesions

• PSA: 4 ng/mL cut p oint neither Se nor Sp ; can ↑ with BPH, p rostatitis, acute
retention, after bx or TURP, and ejaculation (no sig nificant ↑ afte r DRE, cystoscopy);
15% of men >62 y w/ PSA <4 & nl DRE have bx-p roven T1 cancer (NEJM
2 004;350:2 2 39)
• Per American Cancer Soc. men ≥50 y (or ≥ 45 y if African-Am or FHx) should
discuss PSA screening w/ their MD; USPSTF rec. against screening in asx males (no
reduction in p rostate cancer-related mortality) (NEJM 2 009;360:1310; Annals
2 012 ;157:12 0)

Diagnostic and staging evaluation

• Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided biopsy, with 6–12 core sp ecimens

• Histology: Gleason grade (2 –10; low grade ≤6) = sum of the differentiation score
(1 = best, 5 = worst) of the 2 most p revalent p atterns in the bx; correlates with
p rognosis

• Imaging: to evaluate extrap rostatic sp read bone scan: for PSA >10 ng/mL, high
Gleason grade or clinically advanced tumor abdomen-p elvis CT: inaccurate for
detecting extracap sular sp read and lymp h node mets endorectal coil MRI:
imp roves assessment of extracap sular sp read
• PSA level, Gleason grade and age are p redictors of metastatic disease

• In surgically treated Pts, 5-y relap se-free survival >90% if disease confined to
organ, ~75% if extension through cap sule, and ~40% if seminal vesicle invasion

• PSA doubling time, Gleason, & time to biochemical recurrence p redict mortality
following recurrence. For local recurrence following RP, salvage RT may be
beneficial if low PSA.

• Metastatic disease: median survival ~2 4–30 mo; all become castrate resistant (in
15–2 0% discontinuation of antiandrogens results in p aradoxical ↓ in PSA)

• Long-term consequences of antiandrogen therap y include osteop orosis


• Finasteride and dutasteride ↓ total p rostate cancers detected by bx, but ↑ number of
high Gleason grade tumors (NEJM 2 003;349:2 15 & 2 010;362 :1192 )

Epidemiology and risk factors (Lance t 2 010;375:1030; CA Cance r J Clin 2 011;61:2 12 )

• 4th most common cancer in U.S. men & women; 2 nd leading cause of all cancer
• Rare before age 40, w/ 90% of cases occurring after age 50. ~75% are sp oradic.

• Family history: up to 2 5% of Pts have FHx. Risk dep ends on # of 1st-degree

relatives (w/ CRC or p olyp ) and their age at dx; ~5% have an identifiable
germline mutation
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP): mutation in APC gene → 1000s of p olyp s
at young age → ~100% lifetime risk; ↑ risk of thyroid, stomach, small bowel

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC): most common hereditary

CRC (~3% of all CRC; NEJM 2 003;348 :919); mutations in DNA mismatch
rep air genes (eg, MSH2, MLH1) → microsatellite instability (MSI) → ↑ tumor
p rogression → ~8 0% lifetime risk; p redom. right-sided tumors; ↑ risk of
endometrial, ovarian, stomach, urothelial, small bowel and p ancreatic cancers.

Amsterdam criteria: ≥3 family members w/ HNPCC-related cancer, one of which

is dx before age 50, affecting 2 successive generations.

• Inflammatory bowel disease: ↑ risk with ↑ extent and duration of disease

• Other factors a/w ↑ risk of CRC: diet rich in animal fat, ? smoking, ?
• COX-2: ↓ risk of adenomas w/ ASA & NSAIDs. ASA assoc. w/ ↓ CRC incidence, mets
and mortality (Lance t: 2 010;376:1741; 2 012 ;379:1591 & 1602 ). ↓ COX-2 -
exp ressing CRC after p rolonged ASA (NEJM 2 007;356:2 131). ASA effect limited to
PIK3CA-mut CRC (NEJM 2 012 ;367:1596). COX-2 inhib. effective but ↑ bleeding &
CV events (NEJM 2 006;355:8 73 & 8 8 5).

Pathology and genetics (NEJM 2 009;361:2 449; Nature 2 012 ;48 7:330)

• Adenoma → carcinoma sequence reflects accumulation of multip le genetic

mutations. ↑ risk of malig. w/ large (>2 .5 cm), villous, sessile adenomatous
p olyp s. Adenomas typ ically observed ~10 y p rior to onset of cancer (both
sp oradic & familial).

• Genetic p rofile in sp oradic CRC: APC (~8 0% ), KRAS (~40% ), TP53 (50–70% ), DCC
or SMAD4, or BRAF (~15% ); chrom instability (majority) or mismatch rep air
defic (10–15% )
• Up front genotyp ing may guide Rx; eg, benefit of anti-EGFR Ab cetuximab greater in
KRAS wild-typ e than KRAS mutant (NEJM 2 008 ;359:1757). BRAF mutation may
guide clinical trials.

Clinical manifestations

• Distal colon: Δ bowel habits, obstruction, colicky abdominal p ain, hematochezia

• Proximal colon: iron defic. anemia, dull vague abd p ain; obstruction atyp ical due
to larger lumen, liquid stool and p olyp oid tumors (vs. annular distal tumors)

• Metastases: nodes, liver, lung, p eritoneum → RUQ tenderness, ascites,

sup raclavicular LN

• Associated with Stre ptococcus bovis bacteremia and Clostridium se pticum sep sis

Screening (NEJM 2 009;361:1179)

• Average risk: colonoscop y starting at age 50 & rep eat q10y strongly p referred
• ↑ risk: earlier and/or more frequent screening. FHx: age 40 or 10 y before index
dx, then q5y. IBD: 8 –10 y after dx, then q1–2 y. Known or susp ected familial
syndrome: genetic counseling & very early screening (eg, age 2 0–2 5 y), then q1–
2 y.
• Imaging

Colonoscopy: test of choice as examines entire colon; 90% Se for lesions >1 cm.
Flex sig less Se vs. colo and CTC (Gut 2 009;58 :2 41). If p olyp found, re ✓ in 3–5
y. Removal of adenomatous p olyp s associated with lower CRC mortality (NEJM
2 012 ;366:68 7).
Sigmoidoscopy: 2 1% ↓ incidence in CRC & 2 6% ↓ mortality in distal CRC (NEJM
2 012 ;366:2 345). Benefit may also be seen w/ 1-time flex-sig (Lance t
2 010;375:972 6).
CT colonography (CTC): c/w colonoscop y, ~90% Se for lesions ≥1 cm but
considerably less for smaller lesions (NEJM 2 008 ;359:12 07). In high-risk Pts, Se
only 8 5% for advanced neop lasia ≥6 mm (JAMA 2 009;301:2 453). At
p op ulation level, ↑ p articip ation w/ CTC, but ↓ yield vs. colonoscop y; ∴
similar screening overall (Lance t 2 012 ;13:55).

• Biochemical fecal testing

Occult blood (FOBT): ↓ mortality (NEJM 1993;32 8 :1365 & 2 000;343:1603); 3
card home testing more Se (2 4% vs. 5% ) than DRE/FOBT (Annals 2 005;142 :8 1).
Rep eat q1y.

Immunohisto for Hb: Se ~35% & ~8 0% for adv neop lasia & CRC (AJG
2 012 ;107:1570)

DNA: ↑ Se, Sp c/w FOBT, but less Se than colonoscop y (NEJM 2 004;351:2 704)

Staging (AJCC Cance r Stag ing Manual, 7th ed, 2 010)

• TNM staging: Size/dep th of p rimary (T), locoregional nodes (N), distant metastases
(M). Staging is comp lex and based on p athologic correlation with observed
survival data.

• Colonoscopy + biopsy/polypectomy + intraoperative and pathologic staging

essential for evaluating extracolonic sp read

• CT scans of chest and abdomen/p elvis (inaccurate for dep th of invasion & malignant
• Baseline CEA in Pt with known CRC has p rognostic significance and is useful to fol-
low resp onse to therap y and detect recurrence; not a screening tool
• Chemotherap y

FOLFOX (5-FU + leucovorin + oxaliplatin), FOLFIRI or Cap eOx (NEJM

2 004;350:2 343)

± Bevacizumab (anti-VEGFA mAb, NEJM 2 004;350:2 335) or cetuximab (anti-EGFR

mAb, NEJM 2 004:351:337; benefit limited to Pts w/o KRAS mutation; NEJM
2 008 ;359:1757)

Regorafenib (multikinase inhib.) ↑ survival in Pts w/ p rogressive metastatic CRC

(Lance t 2 013;38 1:303).

Pathology and genetics (Annu Re v Pathol 2 008 ;3:157; Nature 2 012 ;491:399)
• Histologic typ es: adenocarcinoma, acinar cell carcinoma, endocrine tumors, cystic
neop lasms (eg, IPMN, see below); rarely, mets to p ancreas (eg, lung, breast, renal
• Pancreatic adenocarcinoma accounts for majority of p ancreatic cancer (~8 5% )
• Location: ~60% in head, 15% in body, 5% in tail; in 2 0% diffuse infiltration of
p ancreas
• Mutations in adenoca.: KRAS (>90% ), p16 (8 0–95% ), p53 (50–75% ), SMAD4
(~55% )

Epidemiology and risk factors (Lance t 2 011;378 :607)

• Pancreatic adenocarcinoma 4th leading cause of cancer death in U.S. men and

• 8 0% of p ancreatic adenocarcinomas occur in Pts 60–8 0 y

• Acquired risk factors: smoking (RR ~1.5; 2 0% Pts), obesity, chronic p ancreatitis, ?

• Hereditary risk factors: genetic suscep tibility may p lay a role in 5–10% of cases
Hereditary chronic p ancreatitis: mutation in cationic tryp sinogen gene (PRSS1)

Familial cancer syndromes and gene mutations with ↑ risk: familial atyp ical
multip le mole melanoma (CDKN2A/p16 ), familial breast and ovarian cancer
(BRCA2), Peutz-Jeghers (LKB1), ataxia-telangiectasia (ATM), ? hereditary
colorectal cancer (HNPCC and FAP)

Clinical manifestations

• Painless jaundice (w/ p ancreatic head mass), pain radiating to back, ↓ appetite &

• New-onset atyp ical diabetes mellitus (2 5% ); unexp lained malabsorp tion or

p ancreatitis

• Migratory thrombop hlebitis (Trousseau’s sign), not sp ecific to p anc cancer (JCO
198 6;4:509)
• Exam: abd mass; nontender, p alp able gallbladder (Courvoisier’s sign, but more
often seen w/ biliary tract cancers); hep atomegaly; ascites; left sup raclavicular
(Virchow’s) node & p alp able rectal shelf (both nonsp ecific signs of carcinomatosis)

• Laboratory tests may show ↑ bilirubin, ↑ alk p hos, anemia

Diagnostic and staging evaluation (NCCN Guide line s v.2 .2 012 )

• Pancreatic protocol CT scan (I+ w/ arterial & venous p hase imaging) or MRI

• If no lesion seen → EUS, ERCP, MRI/MRCP may reveal mass or malignant ductal

• Biop sy p ancreatic lesion via EUS-guided FNA (p referred in p otential surgical

candidates) or CT-guided (p otential risk of seeding) or biop sy of p ossible

• ↑ CA19-9 (nb, also ↑ in benign liver/biliary disease); may be useful to follow dis.
p ostop
Treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma (NEJM 2 010;362 :1605; Lance t
2 011;378 :607)
• Resectable: surgery ± adjuvant (neoadjuvant or p ostop erative) therap y

p ancreaticoduodenectomy = Whipple procedure = resection of p ancreatic head,

duodenum, CBD and gallbladder ± p artial gastrectomy
adjuvant therap y: ↑ survival but choice of regimen controversial (chemo vs.
chemo/RT and gemcitabine vs. 5-FU (J Surg Oncol 2 013;107:78 )

• Locally advanced: op timal strategy controversial. Gemcitabine alone vs. gemcitabine

+ RT (  JCO 2 008 ;2 6:2 14s; Ann Oncol 2 008 ;19:1592 ; JCO 2 011;2 9:4105).
• Metastatic: FOLFIRINOX (5-FU + leucovorin, irinotecan, oxalip latin) if good
p erform. status (NEJM 2 011;364:18 17); gemcitabine combination (eg, w/ nab-
p aclitaxel; JCO 2 011;2 9:4548 ) or monotherap y if p oor p erformance status (JCO
1997;15:2 403). Offer clinical trials.
• Palliative and sup p ortive care:
obstructive jaundice or gastric outlet obstruction: endoscop ic stenting or surgical
byp ass p ain: op iates, celiac p lexus neurolysis, radiation therap y weight loss:
p ancreatic enzyme rep lacement, nutrition consult, end-of-life discussions

Cystic lesions of the pancreas (NEJM 2 004;351:12 18 ; Oncolog ist 2 009;14:12 5)

• <10% of p ancreatic neop lasms. Dx w/ CT, ERCP, MRCP or EUS.

• Serous cystadenoma: usually benign; central scar or honeycomb ap p earance on


• Mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN): p redominantly young females; multiloculated

tumors in body or tail w/ ovarian-typ e stroma and mucin-rich fluid w/ ↑ CEA
levels; p recancerous

• Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN): neop lasm arising in main

p ancreatic duct or a branch; a/w ductal dilation w/ extrusion of mucinous
material. Uncertain p rogression to cancer (? 5–2 0 y). Surgery based on age, size,
location, dysp lasia.



• Fever: single oral temp ≥38 .3°C (101°F) or ≥38 °C (100.4°F) for ≥1 h
• Neutropenia: ANC <500 cells/µL or <1000 cells/µL with p redicted nadir <500
Pathophysiology and microbiology
• Predisp osing factors: catheters, skin breakdown, GI mucositis, obstruction
(lymp hatics, biliary tract, GI, urinary tract), immune defect a/w malignancy
• Most ep isodes thought to result from seeding of bloodstream by GI flora
• Neutrop enic enterocolitis (typ hlitis): RLQ p ain, watery/bloody diarrhea, cecal wall

• GNRs (esp . P. ae rug inosa) were historically most common

• Gram infections have recently become more common (60–70% of identified

• Fungal sup erinfection often results from p rolonged neutrop enia & antibiotic use

• Infection with atyp ical organisms and bacterial meningitis is rare


• Levofloxacin (500 mg qd) ↓ febrile ep isodes & bacterial infections in chemo-related

high-risk neutrop enic p atients; no difference in mortality (NEJM 2 005;353:977 &
98 8 )

Diagnostic evaluation
• Exam: skin, orop harynx, lung, p erirectal area, surgical & catheter sites; avoid DRE

• Labs: CBC with differential, electrolytes, BUN/Cr, LFTs, U/A

• Micro: blood (p erip heral & through each indwelling catheter p ort), urine, & sp utum
cx; for localizing s/s → ✓ stool (C. difficile , cx), p eritoneal fluid, CSF (rare source)

• Imaging: CXR; for localizing s/s → CNS, sinus, chest or abdomen/p elvis imaging

• Caveats: neutrop enia → imp aired inflammatory resp onse → e xam and radiog raphic
finding s may be subtle ; absence of neutrop hils by Gram stain does not r/o infection

Risk stratification (factors that p redict lower risk)

• History: age <60 y, no symp toms, no major comorbidities, cancer in remission,

solid tumor, no h/o fungal infection or recent antifungal Rx
• Exam: temp <39°C, no tachyp nea, no hyp otension, no Δ MS, no dehydration

• Studies: ANC >100 cells/µL, anticip ated duration of neutrop enia <10 d, normal

Initial antibiotic therapy (Clin Infe ct Dis 2 011;52 :e56)

• Emp iric regimens including drug w/ antipseudomonal activity; consider VRE

coverage if colonized; OR 3.8 for VRE if VRE (BBMT 2 010;16:1576)

• PO abx may be used in low-risk Pts (<10 d neutrop enia, nl hep /renal fxn, no
N/V/D, no active infxn, stable exam): cip ro + amoxicillin-clavulanate (NEJM
• IV antibiotics: no clearly sup erior regimen; monotherap y or 2 -drug regimens can be

Monotherap y: ceftazidime, cefep ime, imip enem or merop enem

2 -drug therap y: aminoglycoside + antip seudomonal β-lactam

PCN-allergic: levofloxacin + aztreonam or aminoglycoside

• Vancomycin added in select cases (hyp otension, indwelling catheter, severe

mucositis, MRSA colonization, h/o quinolone p rop hylaxis), discontinue when
cultures × 48 h

Modification to initial antibiotic regimen

• Low-risk Pts who become afebrile w/in 3–5 d can be switched to PO antibiotics

• Emp iric antibiotics changed for fever >3–5 d or p rogressive disease (eg, add
• Antifungal therap y is added for neutrop enic fever >5 d

lip osomal amp hotericin B, casp ofungin, micafungin, anidulafungin, voriconazole,

p osaconazole all op tions (NEJM 2 002 ;346:2 2 5; 2 007;356:348 )
Duration of therapy

• Known source: comp lete standard course (eg, 14 d for bacteremia)

• Unknown source: continue antibiotics until afebrile and ANC >500 cells/µL
• Less clear when to d/c abx when Pt is afebrile but p rolonged neutrop enia

Role of hematopoietic growth factors (NEJM 2 013;368 :1131)

• Granulocyte (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrop hage (GM-CSF) colony-stimulating
factors can be used as 1° p rop hylaxis when exp ected FN incidence >2 0% or as 2 °
p rop hylaxis after FN has occurred in a p revious cycle (to maintain dose-intensity
for curable tumors). CSFs ↓ rate of FN but have not been shown to imp act

• Colony-stimulating factors can be considered as adjuvant therap y in high-risk FN Pts


Clinical manifestations (Lance t Ne uro 2 008 ;7:459)

• Metastases located in vertebral body extend and cause ep idural sp inal cord
comp ression
• Prostate, breast and lung cancers are the most common causes, followed by renal
carcinoma, NHL and myeloma

• Site of involvement: thoracic (60% ), lumbar (2 5% ), cervical (15% )

• Signs and symp toms: pain (>95% , pre ce de s ne uro Ds), weakness, autonomic
dysfunction (urinary retention, ↓ anal sp hincter tone), sensory loss
Diagnostic evaluation

• Always take back p ain in Pts with solid tumors very seriously

• Do not wait for neurologic signs to develop before initiating evaluation b/c duration
& severity of neurologic dysfunction before Rx are best p redictors of neurologic

• Urgent whole-spine MRI (Se 93% , Sp 97% ); CT myelogram if unable to get MRI

• Dexamethasone (10 mg IV × 1 stat, then 4 mg IV or PO q6h)

initiate imme diate ly while awaiting imaging if back p ain + neurologic deficits
• Emergent RT or surgical decomp ression if confirmed comp ression/neuro deficits

• Surgery + RT sup erior to RT alone for neuro recovery in solid tumors (Lance t
2 005;366:643)

• If p athologic fracture causing comp ression → surgery; if not surgical candidate →


Clinical manifestations (NEJM 2 011;364:18 44; BJH 2 010;149:578 )

• Large tumor burden or a rap idly p roliferating tumor → sp ontaneous or
chemotherap y-induced release of intracellular electrolytes and nucleic acids
• Most common w/ Rx of high-grade lymp homas (Burkitt’s) and leukemias (ALL,
AML, CML in blast crisis); rare with solid tumors; rarely due to sp ontaneous
• Electrolyte abnormalities: ↑ K, ↑ uric acid, ↑ PO 4 → ↓ Ca

• Renal failure (urate nep hrop athy)


• Allop urinol 300 mg qd to bid PO or 2 00–400 mg/m 2 IV (adjusted for renal fxn) &
aggressive hydration p rior to beginning chemotherap y or RT

• Rasburicase (recombinant urate oxidase) 0.15 mg/kg or 6 mg fixed dose (excep t in

obese Pts) & aggressive hydration p rior to beginning chemotherap y or RT (see

• Avoid IV contrast and NSAIDs

• Allop urinol + aggressive IV hydration ± diuretics to ↑ UOP

• Consider alkalinization of urine w/ isotonic NaHCO 3 to ↑ UA solubility & ↓ risk of
urate nep hrop athy (controversial: may cause metabolic alkalosis or Ca 3(PO4)2
p recip itation)

• Rasburicase (0.1–0.2 mg/kg × 1, rep eat as indicated) for ↑↑ UA, esp . in aggressive
malig; UA level must be drawn on ice to quench e x vivo enzyme activity (JCO
2 003;2 1:4402 ; Acta Hae matol 2 006;115:35). Avoid in G6PD deficiency as results
in hemolytic anemia.

• Treat hyp erkalemia, hyp erp hosp hatemia and symp tomatic hyp ocalcemia

• Hemodialysis may be necessary; early renal consultation for Pts w/ renal insuffic. or

• Bony mets: common p rimary tumors include breast, lung, thyroid, kidney, p rostate

Clinical manifestations

• “Typ ical” : acute onset of fever, cough w/ p urulent sp utum, dysp nea, consolidation
on CXR

• “Atyp ical” (originally described as cx ): insidious onset of dry cough, extrap ulm
sx (N/V, diarrhea, headache, myalgias, sore throat), p atchy interstitial p attern on

• S/s & imaging do not reliably distinguish between “typ ical” (S. pne umo, H. flu) and
“atyp ical” (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Le g ione lla, viral); ↑ aminotransferases & ↓ Na
w/ Le g ione lla
Diagnostic studies

• Sputum Gram stain: utility debated. Good samp le (ie, sp utum not sp it) has <10
squamous cells/lp f. Purulent samp le has >2 5 PMNs/lp f.
• Sputum bacterial culture: transp ort to lab w/in 1–2 h of collection

• Blood cultures (be fore antibiotics!): in ~10% of inPts, dep ending on p athogen

• CXR (PA & lateral; see Radiology inserts) → tap effusions if >5 cm or severe PNA

• Other: SaO2 or Pa O 2 , arterial p H (if severe), CBC w/ diff, Chem-2 0; HIV test (if

• Other micro based on clinical susp icion (p aired serologies available for most
atyp icals):

Mycoplasma: PCR of throat or sp utum/BAL be fore first dose abx

Le g ione lla urinary Ag (detects L. pne umophila L1 serotyp e, 60–70% of clinical


S. pne umoniae urinary Ag (Se 50–8 0% , Sp >90% )

MTb: induced sp utum for AFB stain and mycobacterial cx (e mpiric re spiratory
isolation while pe nding ); avoid quinolones if susp ect TB; request rap id DNA p robe
if stain

Induced sp utum for PCP if HIV or known ↓ cell-mediated immunity

• Viral testing (DFA or PCR) on nasop haryngeal swab or sp utum; rarely viral cx
• Bronchoscop y: consider if immunosup p ., critically ill, failing to resp ond, or chronic
p neumonia. Also if susp ected TB or PCP, but inadequate or sp utum cx. Some
p athogens need sp ecific cx (eg, Le g ione lla on BCYE); collaborate with lab.
• Reasons for failure to imp rove on initial Rx:
Insufficient time: may take ≥72 h to see clinical imp rovement
Insufficient drug levels: eg, vanco trough <15–2 0 µg/mL (needed for lung
p enetration)

Resistant organisms (or sup erinfxn): eg, MRSA, Pse udomonas; consider
Wrong dx: fungal/viral, chemical p neumonitis, PE, CHF, ARDS, DAH, ILD;
consider CT

Parap neumonic effusion/emp yema/abscess: esp . seen w/ strep ; if CXR ,

consider CT (dx tap ± chest tube if effusion p resent, esp . if loculated)

Metastatic infection (eg, endocarditis, meningitis, arthritis)


• Pneumonia and influenza are the 8 th leading cause of death in the U.S.

• For low-risk Pts, can discharge immediately after switching to PO abx (CID
2 007;44:S2 7)

• CXR resolves in most by 6 wk; consider f/u to r/o underlying malignancy (esp . if
age >50 y or smoker, Archive s 2 011;171:1192 ) or other dx

• Severe CAP (generally requiring ICU) defined as: sep tic shock, resp failure, or ≥3
of: RR ≥30, Pa O 2 /Fi O 2 ≤2 50, <36°C, HoTN, DMS, multilobar, WBC <4k, p lt
<100, BUN ≥19.9, metabolic acidosis, ↑ lactate (ATS/IDSA criteria, CID
2 007;44:S2 7)
• SMART-COP risk score: SBP <90 (2 p oints), Multilobar infiltrates, Alb <3.5 g/dL,
RR ≥30, Tachycardia (HR >12 5), Confusion, O2 sat <90% (2 p oints), arterial
pH <7.35 (2 p oints) score ≥3 p oints has Se ~60–90% & Sp 45–75% for need for
ICU care (CID 2 008 ;47:375)
• Pneumococcal vaccine (PPSV2 3): all p ersons >65 y of age. If high-risk comorbidity,
give at younger age and consider additional vaccination with PCV13.

• VAP p recautions: HOB >30°, chlorhexidine rinse; asp iration p recautions in high-
risk Pts

• Tdap booster: 1 time dose in adults with uncertain vaccination history (MMWR 2 012 ;
61:468 )

URI, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pne umonia (Lance t 2 011;377:12 64)

Microbiology & epidemiology

• Typ ical p athogens: short, mild = rhinovirus, coronavirus; longer, more severe or
comp licated = influenza, p arainfluenza, resp iratory syncytial virus (RSV),
adenovirus, metap neumovirus. Can be esp . severe in immunosup p .
• Seasonal flu: 365,000 hosp , 51,000 deaths p er y in U.S.; most >65 y (NEJM
2 008 ;359:2 579)
• Pandemic 2 009 H1N1 (swine): more severe in younger and obese Pts (JAMA
2 009;302 :18 96)
• Sp oradic 2 011 H3N2 : adults exp osed to swine (also human-to-human) (MMWR
2 011;60:1615)
• H5N1 influenza (avian): ongoing small outbreaks globally.

• For weekly influenza up dates: http ://


• Primarily clinical: cough, fever, myalgias, arthralgias, rhinorrhea, p haryngitis (in

contrast, viral bronchitis p /w cough ± low-grade temp ; usually benign & self-

• Resp iratory viral p anel on nasal washing or sp utum/BAL

• Rap id influenza test on nasal swab: Se ~50–70% (? lower for p andemic flu), Sp

• DFA (Se ∼8 5% ), RT-PCR (gold standard) avail. for influenza (PCR distinguishes
typ e)

Treatment (NEJM 2008; 359:2579)

• Seasonal influenza: treat with neuraminidase inhib. (oseltamivir, zanamivir), which

are effective vs. A & B, but resistance emerging. M2 inhib. (amantadine,
rimantadine) not recommended due to widesp read resistance (MMWR 2 011;60:1).

• Pandemic H1N1: nearly 100% sens. to oseltamivir. H5N1: Uncertain resistance

p attern.
H7N9: newly emerging in Asia (NEJM 2 013;368 :18 8 8 )

• Oseltamivir dosed 75 mg PO bid × 5 d. Must start w/in 48 h of sx for low-risk; for

critically ill or immunosup p ., start ASAP even if >48 h.
• Consider inhaled ribavirin for RSV in immunosup p . (eg, BMT, lung tx); limited
adult data

• Inactivated influenza vaccine: incl. H1N1. Rec for all >6 mo of age and esp . if
p regnant, >50 y, immunosup p ., or HCW (MMWR 2 012 ;61:613)

• Isolation, drop let p recautions for inPts strongly recommended

• Prop hylaxis for high-risk contacts of confirmed influenza: oseltamivir 75 mg PO
daily × 10 d

Candida species

• Microbiology: normal GI flora; C. albicans & nonalbicans sp p . (consider azole

resistance if h/o Rx or nonalbicans; C. parapsilosis ↑ echinocandin resistant). Sensi
testing available.
• Risk factors: neutrop enia, immunosup p ., broad-sp ectrum abx, intravascular
catheters (esp . if TPN), IVDU, abd surgery, DM, renal failure, age >65
• Clinical manifestations
Mucocutaneous: cutaneous (eg, red, macerated lesions in intertriginous zones); oral
thrush (exudative, erythematous or atrop hic; if unexp lained, r/o HIV);
esop hageal (odynop hagia; ± oral thrush); vulvovaginal, balanitis

Candiduria: typ ically colonization due to broad-sp ectrum abx and/or indwelling

Candidemia (#4 cause of health care assoc. bloodstream infxn): r/o retinal
involvement (req ↑ Rx); endocarditis rare but serious (esp . w/ nonalbicans &
p rosthetic valve)

Hep atosp lenic: intestinal seeding of p ortal & venous circulation; esp . in acute
Hematogenous dissemination: lung, brain, meninges, etc.

Cryptococcus (CID 2010; 50:291)

• Epidemiology: immunosup p . (esp . AIDS) most suscep tible; can occur in healthy
host, esp . elderly, EtOH, DM. If from Pacific NW, consider C. g atti (↑ mortality in
healthy host).

• Clinical manifestations

CNS (meningitis): HA, fever, meningismus, ↑ ICP, CN abnl, ± stup or, often
subacute. Dx: CSF CrAg, India ink stain, fungal cx. Cell counts vary; serum
CrAg >1:8 Se/Sp in AIDS.

Other sites: p ulm, GU, cutaneous, CNS cryp tococcoma. With any crypto dx, LP all

• Treatment

CNS: If ↑ ICP, rep eat large-volume LPs or temp . lumbar drain; few require VP

In HIV or immunosup p . Pts, CNS Rx has induction (amp ho ±

flucytosine), consolidation and maintenance (fluconazole) p hases (NEJM
2 013;368 :12 91). If r/o CNS disease, then fluconazole. Dosing and duration
vary by host.
Non-CNS disease in healthy Pts: fluconazole vs. observation, based on clinical

Histoplasmosis (CID 2007; 45; 807)

• Endemic: central & SE U.S. (esp . in areas w/ bird & bat drop p ings), river banks
• Clinical manifestations
Acute: often subclinical, but may see mild to severe PNA ± cavitary & hilar LAN

Chronic p ulm: ↑ p roductive cough, wt loss, night sweats, ap ical infiltrates,

Disseminated (typ ically in immunosup p .): fever, wt loss, HSM, LAN, oral ulcers,
skin lesion, fibrosing mediastinitis, reactive arthritis, p ericarditis
• Treatment: itraconazole (monitor levels); amp ho ± steroids if severe or
immunosup p .

Coccidioidomycosis (CID 2005; 41:1217)

• Endemic: SW U.S. (San Joaquin or “Valley” fever)

• Clinical manifestations
Acute: 50–67% subclinical; PNA w/ cough, chest p ain, fever, arthralgias, fatig ue

Chronic p ulm: nodule(s), cavity or p rogressive fibrocavitary PNA (can be asx or

Disseminated (typ ically in immunosup p .): fever, malaise, diffuse p ulmonary
p rocess, bone, skin, & meningeal involvement

• Treatment: monitor mild disease closely q3–6mo; for severe disease: fluconazole,
itraconazole or amp hotericin

Blastomycosis (CID 2008; 46:1801)

• Endemic: south central, SE and midwest U.S.

• Clinical manifestations

Acute: 50% subclinical; cough, multilobar PNA; can p rogress to ARDS

Chronic p ulm: cough, wt loss, malaise, CT w/ masses & fibronodular infiltrates

Disseminated: (2 5–40% of all but >> in immunosup p .): verrucous & ulcerated
skin lesions, bone, & GU involvement; CNS rare unless immunosup p .
• Treatment: itraconazole (monitor levels); amp ho B if severe, disseminated or
immunosup p .

Aspergillosis (CID 2008; 46:327; NEJM 2009; 360:1870)

• ABPA; hypersensitivity pneumonitis: see “Interstitial Lung Disease”

• Aspergilloma: usually in p re-existing cavity (from TB, etc.); most asx, but can lead
to hemop tysis; sp utum cx in <50% ; CT → mobile intracavitary mass with air

Rx: antifungals w/o benefit; embolization or surgery for p ersistent hemop tysis

• Necrotizing tracheitis: white necrotic p seudomembranes in Pts w/ AIDS or lung Tx

• Chronic necrotizing: seen in COPD, mild immunosup p .; subacute sp utum, fever, wt

loss; CT: infiltrate ± nodule ± thick p leura; lung bx → invasion
• Invasive/disseminated: seen if immunosup p . (neutrop enia, s/p transp lant, steroid
Rx, AIDS esp . w/ steroids or neutrop enia); s/s PNA w/ che st pain & he moptysis;
CT: nodules, halo sign, air crescent sign; BAL + galactomannan; lung bx if dx
• Rx (necrotizing/invasive): voriconazole PO p referred to amp ho; monitor serum

Zygomycetes (eg, Mucor, Rhizopus)

• Epidemiology: diabetes mellitus (70% ), heme malignancy, s/p transp lant, chronic
steroids, deferoxamine or iron overload, trauma, h/o voriconazole Rx or Pp x
• Clinical manifestations: rhinocerebral = p eriorbital/forehead p ain (more
extensive than orbital cellulitis), ± fever (may ap p ear nontoxic at first),
exop hthalmos, ↓ EOM, CNs (V > VII); nasal turbinates ± black eschar but exam
can be quite nl. Also, pulmonary (PNA w/ infarct & necrosis); cutaneous
(indurated p ainful cellulitis ± eschar); GI (necrotic ulcers).

• Treatment: Serial debridement + amp ho (? + p osaconazole). High mortality

desp ite Rx.
Fungal diagnostics

• Culture: Candida grows in blood/urine Cx, but ↓ Se of BCx if deep tissue infection;
others (eg, Crypto, Histo) ↓↓ Se of BCx; if susp ect Coccidio alert lab (biohazard)
• Antibody detection: Histo, Blasto, Coccidio, Aspe rg illus. Se variable (best for

• Antigen detection
Histo urine/serum Ag: Se of urine Ag 90% (serum 8 0% ) if dissem; Sp limited by

Crypto Ag (serum, CSF): serum Ag >90% Se & Sp in invasive infxn, less for p ulm

1,3-b-D-glucan: Se for many fungal infxns (Candida, Aspe rg illus, Histo, Coccidio,
Fusarium, Pne umocystis, Sporothrix; but not Crypto, Blasto, Mucor, Rhizopus); not

Galactomannan: more sp ecific for Aspe rg illus, but Se <50% . ↑ Se on BAL.

• Biopsy (ie, histop athology): nb, no grinding of tissue if Zygomycetes susp ected


• Many immunop henotyp es, meds or systemic diseases p redisp ose to infection

• Many Pts have ≥1 risk (eg, DM, ESRD, transp lant, extremes of age); duration of risk

• The following is not an exhaustive list, but a delineation of common or classic



• Anatomic

lower: urethritis, cystitis (sup erficial infection of bladder)

upper: p yelonep hritis (inflam of renal p arenchyma), renal/p erinep hric abscess,
p rostatitis
• Clinical
uncomplicated: cystitis in immunocomp etent nonp regnant women w/o underlying
structural or neurologic disease
complicated: up p er tract infection in women or any UTI in men or p regnant
women or UTI with underlying structural disease or immunosup p ression

• Uncomp licated UTI: E. coli (8 0% ), Prote us, Kle bsie lla, S. saprophyticus (CID
2 004;39:75). In healthy, nonp regnant women, lactobacilli, enterococci, Group B
strep and coag-neg stap h (excep t S. saprophyticus) usually contaminants (Annals
2 012 ;156:ITC3).

• Comp licated UTI: E. coli (30% ), enterococci (2 0% ), PsA (2 0% ), S. e pi (15% ), other


• Catheter-associated UTI: yeast (30% ), E. coli (2 5% ), other GNR, enterococci, S. e pi

• Urethritis: Chlamydia trachomatis, Ne isse ria g onorrhoe ae , Ure aplasma ure alyticum,
Trichomonas vag inalis, Mycoplasma g e nitalium, HSV

• S. aure us: uncommon p rimary urinary p athogen in absence of catheter or recent

instrumentation; ∴ consider bacteremia w/ hematogenous seeding

Clinical manifestations

• Cystitis: dysuria, urgency, frequency, hematuria, Δ in urine color/odor,

sup rap ubic p ain; fever usually abse nt. R/o vaginitis with symp toms of cystitis
and urethritis.

• Urethritis: similar to cystitis excep t ure thral discharg e can be p resent

• Prostatitis

chronic: similar to cystitis excep t symptoms of obstruction (hesitancy, weak


acute: p erineal p ain, fever, tenderness on p rostate exam

• Pyelonephritis: fever, chills, flank or back p ain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

• Renal abscess (intrarenal, p erinep hric): identical to p yelonep hritis w/ pe rsiste nt

fe ve r de spite appropriate antibiotics

Diagnostic studies

• Urinalysis: pyuria + bacteriuria ± hematuria ± nitrites

• Urine Cx (from clean-catch midstream or straight-cath sp ecimen): obtain cx only if

Significant bacterial counts: typ ically ≥105 CFU/mL in women, ≥103 CFU/mL in
men or catheterized Pts. Counts may vary dep ending on dilution & stage of
infxn; interp ret in context of symp toms and host.

Pyuria & UCx = sterile p yuria → urethritis, nep hritis, renal tuberculosis,
foreign body

• Blood cultures: obtain in febrile Pts; consider in comp licated UTIs

• DNA detection/cx for C. trachomatis/N. g onorrhoe ae in high-risk Pts or sterile p yuria

• If ? p rostatitis: 1st void, midstream, p rostatic exp ressage & p ostp rostatic massage

• Abdominal CT: r/o abscess in Pts with p yelo who fail to defervesce after 72 h
• Urologic w/u (renal U/S w/ PVR, abd CT, voiding cystograp hy) if recurrent UTIs in

Infe ction of supe rficial and de e p de rmis and subcutane ous fat

Microbiology & clinical (NEJM 2004; 350:904; CID 2005; 41:1373)

• Primarily strep and stap h, including MRSA; may include GNRs in
diabetics/immunosup p .
• Community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) (NEJM 2 005;352 :148 5 & 2 006;355:666)
Up to 75% of p urulent skin/soft tissue infxns, dep ending on local ep i (rap idly
Clinically indistinguishable from MSSA, often assoc. w/ p urulent drainage or

High-risk group s: athletes, military, p rison, MSM, communities w/ high

p revalence
Often TMP-SMX sensitive; variably clindamycin sensitive (may falsely ap p ear
suscep tible on lab testing, requires confirmation w/ D-test; NEJM 2 007;357:38 0)

• Erythema, edema, warmth, p ain (rubor, tumor, calor, dolor)

• Lymp hangitis (p roximal red streaking) and regional lymp hadenop athy
• Toxic shock syndrome can occur w/ stap h or strep infxn. Fever, HA, N/V, diarrhea,
myalgias, p haryngitis, diffuse rash w/ desquamation, HoTN, shock. BCx may be

• Bites: skin and oral flora (incl anaerobes) + sp ecial exp osures:


• Largely clinical diagnosis; BCx low yield (Se <5% in simp le cellulitis) but useful if

• Asp irate of bulla or p us from furuncle or p ustule may p rovide microbiologic dx

• Limb elevation; erythema may worse n after starting abx b/c bacterial killing →
• I&D if abscess is p resent in addition to cellulitis

• Worse outcomes if vasc. insuff., edema, immunosup p ., resistant orgs. or deep er


• In obese Pts, adequate drug dosing imp ortant to avoid treatment failure (J Infect
2 012 ;2 :12 8 )

Le ading cause of DM-re late d hosp. days & nontrauma amputations


• Mild (sup erficial, no bone or joint involvement): usually S. aure us or aerobic

strep tococci

• Limb- or life-threatening = deep , bone/joint involvement, systemic tox., limb

• Mono- or p olymicrobial with aerobes + anaerobes

aerobes = S. aure us, strep , enterococci and GNR (including Pse udomonas)
anaerobes = anaerobic strep tococci, Bacte roide s, Clostridium (rare)
Clinical manifestations

• Clinical dx: ≥2 classic s/s of inflammation (erythema, warmth, tenderness [may be

absent in neurop athy], p ain or induration) or p urulent secretions ± crep itus
(indicating gas and ∴ mixed infection w/ GNR & anaerobes or Clostridium)

• Comp lications: osteomyelitis, systemic toxicity (fever, chills, leukocytosis,

hyp erglycemia)
Diagnostic studies

• Avoid sup erficial swabs (only help ful if for S. aure us and susp ect infxn); wound
cx (eg, deep tissue samp le or curettage at ulcer base after débridement) has ↑ Se

• Blood cx should be obtained in all Pts, in 10–15%

• Osteomyelitis should always be ruled out: p robe to bone test for all op en wounds
in a diabetic foot (high Sp but low Se); imaging (see below); bone biopsy best

Treatment (CID 2012; 54:e132)

• Elevation, non–weight-bearing status, wound care, glycemic control, antibiotics

• Evaluation and treatment for venous insufficiency and arterial ischemia

• Many require surgery: early, aggressive and rep eated débridement;

revascularization or amp utation may be necessary
• Management by multidiscip linary team imp roves outcomes (Circulation
2 006;113:e463)


• Infection and necrosis of sup erficial fascia, subcutaneous fat and deep fascia
(necrosis of arteries and nerves in subcutaneous fat → gangrene)

• Fournier’s gangrene: necrotizing fasciitis of the male genitalia or female p erineum

• Affects healthy individuals but ↑ risk: DM, PVD, EtOH abuse, IDU, immunosup p .,

• Typ e I (after abd/p erineal surgery or trauma; in DM, PVD): p olymicrobial (w/
• Typ e II (usually extremities): Stre p pyog e ne s ± CA-MRSA, often healthy w/o obvious
p ortal of entry; up to 1/2 have toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

Clinical manifestations
• Need hig h de g re e of clinical suspicion because of nonsp ecific p hysical exam

• Most common sites: extremities, abdominal wall and p erineum, but can occur
• Cellulitic skin Ds with p oorly defined margins + rapid spread + systemic toxicity

• Pain out of proportion to ap p arent cellulitis; skin hyp eresthetic and later anesthetic
• Bullae, darkening of skin to bluish-gray ± crepitus or radiograp hically visible

Diagnostic signs

• Clinical dx sufficient to initiate urgent surgical exploration

• Asp iration of necrotic center; BCx; Gram stain; ✓ CK for tissue necrosis
• Imaging: non-contrast CT, but do not delay therap y (Arch Surg 2 010;145:452 )

• Microbiologic dx from Gram stain and culture of surgical sp ecimens


• Definitive treatment is surgical débridement of necrotic tissue and fasciotomy

• Typ e I: breadth of GNR coverage determined by host, p rev hosp , p rev Rx and initial
Gram stain; eg, carbap enem or (3rd-gen cep h + amp + [clinda or

• Typ e II: PCN + clinda. If ↑ risk of CA-MRSA, + vanco. If concern for strep , IVIG.

• Generally fatal if untreated; rep orted mortality 2 0–50%



• Life-threatening, fulminant clostridial infection of skeletal muscle

• Wound contamination w/ clostridial sp ores after trauma (p enetrating or crush


• Most commonly C. pe rfring e ns; C. se pticum assoc w/ cancer (GI, heme), even w/o
Clinical manifestations

• Incubation p eriod 6 h to 2 –3 d
• Sense of heaviness/p ain, often at site of trauma; rap id worsening; marked systemic
• Bronze skin discoloration, tense bullae, serosanguineous or dark fluid and necrotic
• Crepitus p resent but not p rominent (gas is in muscle), may be obscured by edema

Diagnostic studies

• Gram stain: lg, Gram bacilli w/ blunt ends (can be Gram-variable ), few p olys

• Bacteremia in ~15%
• Plain radiograp hs: gas dissecting into muscle

• Surgical exploration with débridement, fasciotomies and amp utation if necessary

• Antibiotics: high-dose penicillin G 2 4 MU IV divided q2 –3h + clinda 900 mg IV

q8 h

Infe ction of bone due to he matog e nous se e ding or dire ct spre ad from contig uous focus

Microbiology (NEJM 1997; 336:999; Lancet 2004; 364:369)

• Hematogenous: S. aureus; mycobacterial infection of vertebral body = Pott’s


• Contiguous focus (may be acute or chronic)

op en fracture, orthop edic surgery, etc.: S. aureus and S. epi
skin breakdown + vasc. insuffic. (eg, diabetic foot): polymicrobial (aerobic +
anaerobic GPC & GNR)
Clinical manifestations
• Surrounding soft-tissue comp romise ± fistula to sup erficial skin

• ± Fever, malaise and night sweats (more common in hematogenous than contiguous)
• Vertebral osteomyelitis (seen in Pts >50 y): unremitting, focal back p ain, usually
fever (NEJM 2 010;362 :102 2 )

Diagnostic studies (JAMA 2008; 299:806)

• Identification of the causative organism is key

• Culture from tissue (surgical samp ling/needle bx), not swabs of ulcers or fistulae

• High susp icion in diabetic foot (see above) if can p robe ulcer to bone or ulcer >2
cm 2

• Blood cultures (more often with acute hematogenous osteomyelitis)

• ESR >70 greatly increases likelihood of osteo (JAMA 2 008 ;2 99:8 06)

• Imaging

Plain radiograp hs: normal early in disease; lytic lesions seen after 2 –6 wk

MRI: can detect very early changes (overall Se 90% , Sp 8 2 % ; Archive s

2 007;167:12 5)

CT: can demonstrate p eriosteal reaction and cortical and medullary destruction

CT & MRI very Se but ↓ Sp ; false if contig focus w/ p eriosteal reaction,

Charcot Ds

Radionuclide imaging: very Se but non-Sp (false if soft tissue inflammation)


• Antibiotics (based on cx data) × 4–8 wk

• Surgery should be considered for any of the following: acute osteo that fails to
resp ond to medical Rx, chronic osteo, comp lications of p yogenic vertebral osteo
(eg, early signs of cord comp ression, sp inal instability, ep idural abscess) or
infected p rosthesis


• Hematogenous sp read (2 /3): skin infection, soft tissue (dental abscess) or


• Direct extension (1/3): vertebral osteo, sacral ulcer, sp inal anesthesia or surgery, LP

• Risk factors: diabetes, renal failure, alcoholism, IVDU, immunosup p .

• S. aureus most common p athogen, increasing incidence of MRSA
Clinical manifestations
• Back pain (unremitting including midline) + often fever ± nerve root or cord signs

Diagnostic studies

• Asp iration of abscess fluid for Gram stain & cx or op erative Gram stain & cx

• Blood cx (frequently )

• Antibiotics ± surgery (decomp ressive laminectomy and débridement) for failure to
imp rove on medical Rx or early s/s of cord comp ression (w/ vertebral osteo and
ep idural abscess, may see p arap legia 48 –72 h after first signs)



• Bacterial infection of the subarachnoid sp ace

Clinical manifestations (NEJM 2006; 354:44; Lancet 2012; 380:1684)

• Fever (77% ), headache (8 7% ), stiff neck (31% ), photosensitivity, Δ MS (69% )

(defined as GCS <14), seizures (5% ); 2 of 4 (fever, HA, stiff neck, Δ MS) p resent
in 95%

• Presentation may be atypical (eg, lethargy w/o fever) in elderly and immunosup p .

Physical exam
• Nuchal rigidity (Se 31% ), Kernig’s sign (Pt sup ine, hip flexed at 90°, knee flexed at
90°; if p assive extension of knee results in resistance), Brudzinski’s sign (Pt
sup ine and limbs sup ine; if p assive neck flexion → involuntary hip and/or
knee flexion)

nb, Kernig’s or Brudzinski’s signs in only ~10% of Pts (Lance t

2 012 ;38 0:168 4)

• ± Focal neuro findings (~30% ; hemip aresis, ap hasia, visual field cuts, CN p alsies)

• ± Funduscop ic findings: p ap illedema, absent venous p ulsations

• ± Rash: maculop ap ular, p etechial or p urp uric

Diagnostic studies (Lancet 2012; 380:1684)

• Blood cultures ¥ 2 before abx

• WBC count: >10,000 in >90% of bacterial meningitis in healthy hosts

• Conside r head CT to r/o mass effect before LP if p resence of high-risk feature (age

>60 y, immunosup p ., h/o CNS disease, new-onset seizure, Δ MS, focal neuro
findings, p ap illedema); absence of all these has NPV 97% ; however, in Pts w/
mass effect, herniation may occur w/o LP and may not occur even w/ LP (NEJM
2 001;345:172 7)
• Lumbar puncture (NEJM 2 006;355:e12 )

CSF Gram stain has 30–90% Se; cx 8 0–90% Se if LP done p rior to abx role of
CSF PCR for common bacterial causes (? ~90% Se if w/in 2 h) to be defined
rep eat LP only if no clinical resp onse after 48 h of ap p rop riate abx or CSF
Opening pressure typ ically ↑ in bact meningitis; must measure w/ Pt’s legs
Rule of 2s: CSF WBC >2 k, glc <2 0, & TP >2 00 has >98 % Sp for bacterial

Recurrent meningitis
• Bacterial: consider CSF leak, dermal sinus or other congenital/acquired anatomic

• Viral: HSV-2 (causes majority of Mollaret’s meningitis)

• Asep tic (see below): leak from cyst/tumor/lesion with dermoid/ep idermoid elements,
autoimmune (eg, SLE, Behçet’s), medications

• Additional CSF studies based on clinical susp icion: AFB smear & cx, India ink p rep ,
cryp tococcal Ag, fungal cx, VDRL, PCR (eg, of HSV, VZV, enteroviral), cytology
• For community-acquired S. pne umo mort. 19–37% ; 30% have long-term neuro


• Negative bacterial micro data, CSF p leocytosis with ap p rop riate blood & CSF
cultures (asep tic meningitis can be neutrop hilic, though less common)
• Asep tic = less likely to be bacterial, but can be infectious or noninfectious

Etiologies (Neurology 2006; 66:75)

• Viral: enteroviruses (most common), HIV, HSV (typ e 2 > 1), VZV, mump s,
lymp hocytic choriomeningitis virus, encep halitis viruses, adenovirus, p olio, CMV,

• Parameningeal focus of infection (eg, brain abscess, ep idural abscess, sep tic
thrombop hlebitis of dural venous sinuses or subdural emp yema)

•Partially treated bacterial meningitis

• TB, fungal, spirochetal (Lyme, syp hilis, lep tosp irosis), rickettsial, Coxie lla,

• Medications: TMP/SMX, NSAIDs, IV Ig and antilymp hocyte Ig, PCN, INH,

• Systemic illness: SLE, sarcoidosis, Behçet’s, Sjögren’s syndrome, RA

• Neoplasm: intracranial tumors (or cysts), lymp homatous or carcinomatous

meningitis (CSF cytology or flow may be reactive and dx may require meningeal

Empiric treatment

• No abx if susp ect viral (cell count <500 w/ >50% lymp hs, TP <8 0–100 mg/dL,
normal glc, Gram stain, not elderly/immunosup p .); o/w start emp iric abx,
wait for cx data

• If susp ect MTb: antimycobacterial Rx + dexamethasone (NEJM 2 004;351:1741)

• If susp ect fungal: amp ho lip id formulation, ± 5-fluorouracil



• Infection of brain p arenchyma with evidence of neurologic dysfunction

Etiologies (sp ecific etiology found in <20% of cases; Neurology 2006; 66:75; CID
2008; 47:303)

• HSV-1 (~9% ): all ages/seasons; MRI: temp oral lobe lesions/edema; EEG: temp oral

• VZV (~9% ): 1° or reactivation; ± vesicular rash; all ages (favors elderly), all
• Arboviruses (~9% ): Eastern/Western equine, St. Louis, Jap anese, Powassan, W. Nile
(NEJM 2 005;353:2 8 7): mosquito vector, bird reservoir; fever, HA, flaccid
paralysis, rash. Risk factors for severe dis: renal dis., cancer, EtOH, DM, HTN (Am
J Trop Me d Hyg 2 012 ;8 7:179).

• Enteroviruses (coxsackie, echo): viral syndrome; p eaks in late summer/early fall

• Others: CMV, EBV, HIV, JC virus (PML), measles, mump s, rubella, rabies, flu,

• Nonviral mimics: bacterial endocarditis, brain abscess, toxop lasmosis, TB, toxins,
vas-culitis, hematologic malignancies, Whip p le’s disease, subdural hematoma,
encep halomyelitis (eg, ADEM), p araneop lastic syndromes, seizure, mitochondrial
disorders, autoimmune anti N-methyl-D-asp artate recep tor (esp . if <30 y, CID
2 012 ;54:8 99)

Clinical manifestations
• Fever, HA, Δ MS, ± seizures and focal neuro findings (latter atyp ical for viral
me ning itis)

Diagnostic studies (etiologic dx made in only about 2 5% of cases)

• Vaccine hx, dilated retinal exam, ELISA or DFA nasal/resp swabs for viruses,
• Lumbar puncture: lymp hocytic p leocytosis; PCR for HSV (95% Se & Sp at 2 –3 d),
VZV, CMV, EBV, HIV, JC, adeno/enterovirus, W. Nile (<60% Se); W. Nile CSF IgM
8 0% Se

• MRI (CT if MRI unavailable); W. Nile w/ thalamic hyp erintensity

• EEG to r/o seizure; findings in encep halitis are nonsp ecific

• HSV, VZV: acyclovir 10 mg/kg IV q8 h (often emp iric Rx given frequency of

• CMV: ganciclovir ± foscarnet; sup p ortive care for most other etiologies

Definition & etiology

• Acute idiop athic unilat. facial nerve palsy (CN VII), often p resumed HSV-1

Clinical manifestations

• Unilateral facial muscle weakness, hyperacusis, ↓ taste/lacrimation/salivation

• Dx of exclusion: r/o brainstem lesion, Lyme, zoster (incl sine he rpe te ), HIV/AIDS,

Treatment (NEJM 2007; 357:1598; JAMA 2009; 302:985)

• ~8 0% recover sp ontaneously by 9 mo (much lower rate in DM)

• Corticosteroids (p rednisolone 2 5 mg PO bid × 10 d) started w/in 72 h of sx onset

imp rove odds of recovery (note: no conclusive data for use in DM, immunosup p .)
• No conclusive data to sup p ort the use of acyclovir or valacyclovir, though often
p rescribed

Definition & etiology

• Zoster = herp es zoster = shingles: acute, unilat., painful dermatomal skin


• VZV reactivation in p erip heral nerve distribution from latency in dorsal root
Clinical manifestations
• Neuritic pain in a dermatomal distribution, then acute dermatomal eruption of
clustered rash (vesicles > p ap ules/p ustules > macules) in varying stages of
• Consecutive dermatomes may be seen in all Pts; more widesp read in immunosup p .
• Lesions in V1 distribution of facial nerve require urgent op hthalmologic evaluation

• Post-herp etic neuralgia (PHN) = severe p ain lasting >90 d after ep isode; may last
mos to y, more frequent w/ ↑ age and delay of antiviral Rx

• Ap p earance of rash; DFA is most Se from scrap e of newly unroofed vesicle. Tzanck
does not distinguish HSV or VZV, cx insensitive for VZV (unlike HSV).

• Rx if can initiate w/in 72 h of skin lesions in healthy Pt or at any time in

immunosup p .
• Valacyclovir or famciclovir × 7–14 d, or until lesions fully crusted; acyclovir 10
mg/kg IV q8 h if dissem. or high-risk Pt (medically ill, immunosup p ., V1 zoster w/
op hthalmic s/s, etc.)

• Prevention: vaccine ap p roved for Pts >50 y (↓ lifetime risk from 2 0% to 10% , also
↓ PHN)


• Infection of endothelium of heart (including but not limited to the valves)

• Acute (ABE): infxn of normal valves w/ virulent organism (eg, S. aure us, group A or
other β-hemolytic strep , Stre p pne umo)

• Subacute (SBE): indolent infxn w/ less virulent organism (eg, S. viridans); often abnl
Predisposing conditions

• Abnormal valve
Hig h risk: p rior endocarditis, rheumatic valvular disease, AoV disease (incl.
bicusp id), comp lex cyanotic lesions, p rosthesis (annual risk 0.3–1% )
Me dium risk: MV disease (including MVP w/ MR or leaflet thickening), HCMP

• Abnormal risk of bacteremia: IDU, indwelling venous catheters, p oor dentition,

hemodialysis, DM, intracardiac devices (eg, p acemaker, ICD)
Clinical manifestations (Archives 2009; 169:463)

• Persistent bacteremia: fever (8 0–90% ), chills, night sweats, anorexia, wt loss,

• Valvular or perivalvular infection: CHF, conduction abnormalities

• Septic emboli: systemic emboli (eg, to p erip hery, CNS, kidneys, sp leen or joints),

PE (if right-sided), mycotic aneurysm, MI (coronary artery embolism)

• Immune complex phenomena: arthritis, glomerulonep hritis, RF, ↑ ESR

• SBE: can p /w fatigue, nonsp ecific sx in Pts w/o risk factors; ∴ need high index of
susp icion

Physical exam
• HEENT: Roth spots (retinal hemorrhage + p ale center), petechiae (conjunctivae,
p alate)

• Cardiac: murmur (8 5% ), new valve regurgitation (40–8 5% ) ± thrill (fenestrated

valve or rup tured chordae), muffled sounds (PV). Fre que nt e xams for Δ murmurs,
s/s CHF.
• Abdomen: tender sp lenomegaly; musculoskeletal: arthritis, vertebral tenderness

• Extremities (typically se e n in SBE, not ABE)

Janeway lesions (sep tic emboli → nontender, hemorrhagic macules on p alms or
Osler’s nodes (immune comp lexes → tender nodules on p ads of digits)

proximal nail bed sp linter hemorrhages (8 –15% ); p etechiae (33% ); clubbing

• Neuro: Δ MS or focal deficits

• Devices: erythema, tenderness or drainage at catheter site, PM/ICD p ocket tenderness

Diagnostic studies
• Blood cultures (be fore abx): at least 3 sets (aerobic & anaerobic bottles) from
different sites, ideally sp aced ≥1 h ap art. ✓ BCx (at least 2 sets) after
ap p rop riate abx have been initiated to document clearance; rep eat q2 4–48 h until

• CBC w/ diff (↑ WBC common in ABE; anemia in 90% SBE), ESR, RF, BUN/Cr, U/A,
& UCx

• ECG (on admission and at regular intervals) to assess for new conduction

• Echocardiogram: obtain TTE if low clinical susp icion, exp ect good image quality;
TEE if (i) mod-to-high susp icion, (ii) high-risk Pt (p rosthetic valve, p rior IE,
congenital heart dis), (iii) TTE nondx, (iv) TTE but high-risk endocarditis, or
(v) susp ect p rogressive or invasive infection (eg, p ersistent bacteremia or fever,
new conduction abnl, etc.) (Circ 2 005;111:e394)
• Cx endocarditis: may be due to abx p rior to BCx. PCR, bacterial 16S ribosomal
RNA, serologies may be help ful. Detailed hx: animal exp osure, travel,
unp asteurized dairy, etc. Seek ID eval (Me d 2 005;8 4:162 ; NEJM 2 007;356:715).

Treatment (NEJM 2013; 368:1425)

• Obtain culture data first

ABE → abx should start p romp tly after cx data obtained

SBE → if Pt hemodynamically stable, may delay abx to p rop erly obtain adequate
BCx data, esp . if p rior abx used

• Suggested empiric therapy (Circ 2 005;111:e394)

native valve ABE: vanco (± gent; no longer routinely recommended)

native valve SBE: ceftriaxone (or amp if ? enterococcus; eg, older or ob/gyn)
± gent
PVE: e arly (≤60 d): vanco + cefepime + gent; inte rme diate (60–365 d): vanco
+ gent; late (>1 y): vanco + CTX + gent

native or prosthetic cx : depends on host & epi, seek ID consultation

• Adjust abx regimen & duration based on valve (NVE vs. PVE); if p ossible, de-
escalate abx to organism-directed Rx guided by in vitro sensi's or local p atterns of
Rx-resist. Add rifamp in for PVE due to stap h sp p . (usually after BCx to ↓ risk
resistance develop s).

• Rep eat BCx qd until Pt defervesces and BCx ; usually 2 –3 d

• Fever may p ersist even >1 wk after ap p rop riate abx or due to metastatic sites

• Systemic anticoagulation relatively contraindicate d given risk of hemorrhage in

cerebral embolic strokes; w/o stroke, can continue short-acting anticoag for p re-
existing indication

• Monitor for comp lications of endocarditis (CHF, conduction block, new emboli, etc.,
which can occur even on abx) and of abx Rx (interstitial nep hritis, ARF,
neutrop enia, etc.)

• Duration of Rx: usually 4–6 wk. With NVE & sx <3 mo → 4 wk of abx; sx >3 mo
→ ≥6 wk. Uncomp licated right-sided NVE or PCN-S strep sp p → 2 wk may be
comp arable.
• Posthosp italization outPt IV abx monitoring; future endocarditis Pp x

Indications for surgery (EHJ 2009; 30:2369; Circ 2010; 121:1005 & 1141)

• Several days of abx (if p ossible) to ↓ recurrence of infection and imp rove structural
integrity of tissue to receive p rosthesis

• Severe valvular dysfunction → refractory CHF: e me rg e nt if refractory cardiogenic

shock (ie, desp ite ICU-level Rx); urg e nt (w/in days) if p ersistent refractory heart
failure; e le ctive (w/in wks) if asx severe AI or MR

• Uncontrolled infxn (urgent surgery w/in days): p eriannular abscess (10–40% NVE,
60– 100% PVE), fistula, worsening conduction, PVE w/ dehiscence, ↑ veg. size or
p ersistent sep sis (eg, BCx [? or fever] after ~1 wk of ap p rop riate IV abx and
no drainable metastatic focus or other identifiable cause)

• Organism: consider surgery for S. aure us, fungal or multiRx resistant organisms

• Systemic embolism (2 0–50% ): risk 4.8 /1000 Pt days in 1st wk, 1.7/1000 thereafter
urgent surgery if L-sided w/ >10 mm veg & severe AI/MR (NEJM 2 012 ;366:2 466)
or if recurrent emboli, embolism & >10 mm veg, or >15 mm veg desp ite
ap p rop . abx
ce re bral e mboli no longer considered contraindic to surgery unless hemorrhage
(then ideally wait 1 mo) or severe stroke (Stroke 2 006;37:2 094)

• PVE: esp . w/ valve dysfxn or dehiscence or S. aure us or GNR infection. Seek ID eval.

• NVE: non-IVDU S. aure us → 30–45% mortality; IVDU S. aure us (typ ically right-
sided) → 10–15% mortality; SBE → 10–15% mortality
• PVE → 2 3% mortality

• Aortic valve worse p rognosis than mitral valve



• 1° infxn due to direct inoculation of the blood, frequently assoc w/ intravascular

catheters. Catheter-related bloodstream infection = same org from p erip heral cx
and cath tip cx or cx drawn from catheter (CID 2 009;49:1).
• 2 ° infxn due to infection in another site (eg, UTI, lung, biliary tree, skin) sp reading
to blood
• 1° infxn/indwelling catheters (ICHE 2 008 ;2 9:996): coag-neg stap h (incl S. e pi and
others) 34% , S. aure us 10% , enterococci 16% , Candida sp p . 12 % , Kle bsie lla sp p .

• 2 ° infxn: dep endent on source

Risk factors for true bacteremia (JAMA 2012; 308:502)

• Pt: fever, shaking chills, IVDU, comorbidities, immunosup p , indwelling catheter,


• Organism

more likely p athogenic: S. aure us, b-hemolytic strep , enterococci, GNR, S.

pne umo, Ne isse ria less likely p athogenic: coag-neg stap h (~10% ), dip htheroids,
Propionibacte rium (~0% )

• Time to growth: <2 4 h → higher risk, >72 h → lower risk (excep t for slow-
growing organisms such as HACEK group )
• Factors increasing the likelihood of endocarditis: high-grade bacteremia w/o
source, p ersisting after line removal or drainage of focal source, in hosts at risk
for endocarditis or w/ organisms known to cause IE (Duke criteria); emboli


• Blood Cx: p rior to 1st abx dose if p ossible; 10 cc in each Cx bottle; add’l Cx if high


• 1° infxn: antibiotics based on Gram stain/culture results; tailor abx to sensitivities

emp iric therap y for GPC: vanco to cover coag-neg stap h and MRSA while awaiting
• 2° infxn: assess for p rimary source of infection and treat. Source control essential
for cure and to p revent recurrence.

• Persistently BCx: d/c indwelling catheters, consider metastatic infxn, infected

thrombosis or infected p rosthetic material (joint, abscess, vascular graft,
p acemaker, etc.)


• U.S.: 10–15 million infected (10× ↑ risk if foreign-born or minority); worldwide:

~2 billion

• After resurgence in U.S. 198 4–1992 , rates declined, though slower than CDC goals

• Multidrug resistant (MDR) TB: resistant to isoniazid (INH) and rifamp in (RIF). Can
occur as new (not p reviously treated) infxn if exp osed in former Soviet Rep ublics,
Russia, China
• Extensively drug resistant (XDR) TB resistant to INH, RIF, FQ and injectables
• Pts more likely to develop TB disease (NEJM 2 011;364:1441)

Hig h-pre vale nce populations (more likely to be exp osed to & infected): immigrant
from high-p revalence area, homeless, IDU or medically underserved, resident or
worker in jail or long-term facility, HCW at facility w/ TB, close contact to Pt
w/ active TB
Hig h-risk populations (infected & likely to p rogress to active disease): HIV ,
immunosup p . incl. biologics, uncontrolled DM & smoking, close contact w/
active TB Pt, underweight, CKD, organ Tx, IVU, EtOH, malnourished, cancer,

Microbiology & natural history

• Transmission of Mycobacte rium tube rculosis via small-p article aerosols (drop let

• 90% of infected normal hosts will never develop clinically evident disease
• Localized disease: healing & calcification or p rogressive 1° TB (at site of infection)

• Hematogenous sp read: latent infection ± reactivation TB or p rogressive dissem. TB

Screening for prior infection

• Whom to screen: high-p revalence and high-risk p op ulations (HIV Pts should
have PPD testing as p art of initial evaluation and annually thereafter)

• How to screen: Mantoux tuberculin test (ie, p urified p rotein derivative or PPD)
inject 5-TU (0.1 mL) intermed. strength PPD intrade rmally → wheal; examine 48 –72

• How to interpret PPD: determine max. diameter of induration by p alp ation

• IFN-γ release assays (IGRA): (Ag-stimulated IFN-g release from Pt’s T-cells): can be
used for screening where you would use PPD (MMWR 2 010;59:1); ↑ Sp , esp . in
BCG Rx’d Pts (Annals 2 008 ;149:177). Does not distinguish active vs. latent, or
recent vs. remote infxn. Relies on host immune fxn; Se limited in immunosup p .
Lack of gold standard for latent TB infxn comp romises Se/Sp estimates (J Clin Epi
2 010;63:2 57; CID 2 011;52 :1031).

Clinical manifestations

• Primary TB pneumonia: middle or lower lobe consolidation, ± effusion, ±


• TB pleurisy: can occur w/ p rimary or reactivation. Due to breakdown of granuloma

w/ sp illing of contents into p leural cavity and local inflammation. Pulmonary
effusion ± p ericardial and p eritoneal effusions (tuberculous p olyserositis).

• Reactivation TB pulmonary disease: ap ical infiltrate ± volume loss ± cavitation

• Miliary TB: acute or insidious; due to widesp read hematogenous dissemination;
usually in immunosup p , DM, EtOH, elderly or malnourished. Constitutional sx
(fever, night sweats, weight loss) usually p rominent. Pulm disease w/ small millet
seed-like lesions (2 – 4 mm) on CXR or chest CT (latter more Se) p resent in 60–
8 0% of those w/ miliary TB.

• Extrapulmonary TB: lymp hadenitis, p ericarditis, p eritonitis, meningitis, nep hritis

± sterile p yuria, osteomyelitis (vertebral = Pott’s disease), hep atitis, sp lenitis,
cutaneous, arthritis
• TB and HIV: HIV at ↑ risk infxn, p rogressive 1° infxn and reactivation. Risk of
p rogression from infxn to disease >8 –10% /y, higher risk with ↓ CD4. Reinfection
(also w/ MDR) significant, esp . in hyp erendemic areas.

Diagnostic studies for active TB (high index of suspicion is key!)

• AFB smear (rap id dx) and culture (↑ Se & allows sensitivity testing) of sp utum,
BAL, p leura, etc.; avoid FQ if considering TB (can comp romise dx yield)
• PCR: 94–97% Se c/w smear; 40–77% Se c/w culture (JAMA 2 009;301:1014)

• CXR: classically fibrocavitary ap ical disease in reactivation vs. middle & lower lobe
consolidation in 1° TB, but distinction imp erfect. HIV assoc. w/ non-ap ical
disease regardless of timing (JAMA 2 005;2 93:2 740).

• Adenosine deaminase testing: useful in extrap ulmonary sites, best validated for
Preventive therapy (Annals 2009; 150:ITC6-1; NEJM 2010; 362:707)

• Prop hylaxis reduces incidence of subsequent disease by 65–75%

• Treat Pts who are based on guidelines listed above or any exp osed HIV or
immunocomp romised Pt

• R/o active disease in any Pt w/ suggestive s/s before starting INH. If HIV ,
routinely ask if cough, fever or night sweats; if yes → ✓ sp utum smear, CXR, CD4

• ✓ LFTs monthly (risk ↑ w/ age; Che st 20 0 5;128 :116 ): if 5× ULN or sx → stop TB

meds & reeval

Treatment of active tuberculosis (Annals 2009; 150:ITC6-1; NEJM 2013; 368:745)

• Isolate Pt p er infection control if hosp italized, modified isolation p er Dep t of Health
if outPt

• Use multip le drugs (see below) to which organism suscep tible; consult ID before
emp iric Rx if p ossible MDR-TB (susp ect if p rior TB Rx, from or travel to area w/
↑ rates of MDR, exp osure to p erson w/ likely MDR-TB, p oor Rx adherence) or if
INH resistance in community ≥4% (includes most of U.S.), extrap ulm. TB or HIV
(NEJM 2 008 ;359:636)

• Screen for HIV in Pts starting TB Rx; if HIV , consult ID re: timing of concurrent

• Promote adherence to Rx; directly observed Rx cost-effective if high risk for


• Obtain monthly smears/cx on treatment until 2 consecutive are for TB

• Monthly clinical evaluation to monitor for Rx resp onse and adverse drug rxns

• “Paradoxical worse ning ” of sx can occur after starting Rx. More common w/
extrap ulm. TB (eg, tuberculoma, LAN) likely due to hyp ersensitivity resp onse to
killing of bacilli. More frequent/severe w/ concurrent immune reconstitution (eg,
HIV Pts started on ARVs, Pts taken off immunosup p ress, etc.). Must r/o tx
failure (rep eat Cx, imaging, etc.).


• AIDS: HIV + CD4 <2 00/mm 3 or AIDS-defining op p ortunistic infection (OI) or


• ~1 million Americans living w/ HIV; ~34 million individuals worldwide
• 2 0% in U.S. are unaware of infection; 6th leading cause of death in 2 5–44-y age
• Routes: sexual (risk is 0.3% for male-to-male, 0.2 % for male-to-female, 0.1% for
female-to-male transmission), IVDU, transfusions, needle sticks (0.3% ), vertical
(15–40% w/o ARV)

• Postexp osure (risk infxn ~0.3% ) Pp x: 2 NRTIs (+ PI or NNRTI if high-risk) × 4 wk

Acute retroviral syndrome (ARS)

• Occurs in ~40–90% of Pts ~2 –6 wk after infxn; ± ELISA, viral load (2 wk

after infxn); early ART in ARS may be beneficial (NEJM 2 013;368 :2 07 & 2 18 )

• Mono-like syndrome (↑ mucocut. & neuro manifestations comp ared to EBV or CMV)
Diagnostic studies

• ELISA for HIV-1 Ab/Ag: 1–12 wk after acute infxn; >99% Se; 1° screening test

• Western blot: if ≥2 bands from HIV genome; >99% Sp ; confirmatory after


• Rapid preliminary tests: 4 Ab tests; use saliva, p lasma, blood or serum; 99% Se &
96–99% Sp (Annals 2 008 ;149:153); PPV in low p rev p op ulations as low as 50%

• PCR (viral load): detects HIV-1 RNA in p lasma; assay range is 48 –10 million
cop ies/mL ~2 % false , but usually low # cop ies; in contrast, should be very
high (>750 k) in 1° infxn

• At least 1 time HIV screening recommended for all adult Pts (MMWR 2 006;55:1)

• CD4 count: not a dx test, b/c can be HIV w/ normal CD4 or be HIV w/ low

Approach to newly diagnosed HIV Pt

• Document HIV infection; counseling re: treatment op tions, adherence & disclosure

• H&P (including focus on h/o OIs, STDs); review all current meds

• Lab evaluation: CD4 count, PCR, HIV genotyp e, CBC w/ diff., Cr, lytes, LFTs, A1c &
fasting lip ids; PPD or IGRA, syp hilis & toxo screen & CMV IgG; HAV, HBV, & HCV
serologies; Chlamydia & gonorrhea screen; baseline CXR; Pap smear/anal p ap in
• ARVs should be given in consultation w/ HIV specialist (JAMA 2 010;304:32 1)
• Counseling re: strict adherence to ARVs is essential; genotyp e p rior to ART-

• All HIV Pts should be considered for ARVs; strongly recommended initiate Rx

AIDS-defining illness, p regnancy, HIV-assoc. nep hrop athy, HCV/HBV co-infxn

CD4 £500/mm3 (NEJM 2 009;360:18 15 & 2 011;365:193; DHHS 2 012 ;

http ://
Consider if CD4 >500; dep ends on Rx toxicity, adherence, p otential for

• Regimens for treatment-naïve Pts (DHHS guidelines Mar 2 9, 2 012 ;

http ://

[NNRTI + 2 NRTI] or [PI (± low-dose ritonavir) + 2 NRTI] or [II + 2 NRTI]

• Initiation of ARVs may transie ntly worse n existing OIs for several wks due to immune
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)

Approach to previously established HIV Pt

• H&P (mucocutaneous, neurocognitive, OIs, malignancies, STDs); meds

• Review ARVs (p ast and current); if any must be interrup ted, stop all to ↓ risk of
• Failing regimen = unable to achieve undetectable viral load, ↑ viral load, ↓ CD4
count or clinical deterioration (with detectable viral load consider genotyp ic or
p henotyp ic assay)


• Etiologies (Infe ct Dis Clin North Am 2 007;2 1:1013)

infxn (82–90% ): MAC, TB, CMV, early PCP, Histo, Crypto, Coccidio, Toxo,

noninfectious: lymphoma, drug reaction. Non 1° HIV itself rarely (<5% ) cause
of fever.
• Workup : guided by CD4 count, s/s, ep i, & exp osures

CBC, chem, LFTs, BCx, CXR, UA, mycobact. & fungal cx, ✓ meds, ? ✓ chest & abd
CD4 <100–2 00 → serum cryp to Ag, LP, urinary Histo Ag, CMV PCR or

p ulmonary s/s → CXR; ABG; sp utum for bacterial cx, PCP, AFB; bronchoscop y

diarrhea → stool for fecal leuks, culture, O&P, AFB; endoscop y

abnormal LFTs → abd CT, liver bx (for p athology and culture)

cytop enias → BM bx (include asp irate for culture)


• Seborrheic dermatitis; eosinop hilic folliculitis; warts (HPV); HSV & VZV; MRSA skin
& soft tissue infxns; scabies; candidiasis; eczema; p rurigo nodularis; p soriasis;
drug erup tions

• Dermatop hyte infx: p rox subungual onychomycosis (at nail bed); p athognomonic for

• Molluscum contagiosum (p oxvirus): 2 –5 mm p early p ap ules w/ central


• Kaposi’s sarcoma (KSHV or HHV8 ): red-p urp le nonblanching nodular lesions

• Bacillary angiomatosis (disseminated Bartone lla): friable violaceous vascular

p ap ules


• CMV retinitis (CD4 usu <50); Rx: gan- or valganciclovir, ganciclovir imp lant or

• HZV, VZV, syp hilis (at any CD4 count) or Toxo: CD4 usually <100


• Aphthous ulcers; KS; thrush (oral candidiasis): curd-like p atches typ ically w/
burning or p ain; oral hairy leukoplakia: p ainless p roliferation of p ap illae w/
adherent white coating usually on lateral tongue, caused by EBV but not
p recancerous


• Hypogonadism; adrenal insufficiency (CMV, MAC, TB, HIV or med-related); wasting

osteop enia/p orosis (at all CD4 counts); fragility fractures

• Lipodystrophy: central obesity, p erip heral lip oatrop hy, dyslip idemia,
hyp erglycemia
• Lactic acidosis: N/V, abd p ain; ? mitochondrial toxicity of AZT, d4T, ddI, other NRTI

Cardiac (JACC 2013; 61:511)

• Dilated CMP (10–2 0% ); PHT; CVD (NEJM 2 003;348 :702 ); p ericarditis/effusion, VTE

• Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP) pneumonia (CD4 <200) (NEJM 1990;32 3:1444)

constitutional sx, fever, night sweats, dysp nea on exertion, nonp roductive cough

CXR w/ interstitial p attern, ↓ Pa O 2 , ↑ A-a ∇, ↑ LDH, PCP sp utum stain,


Rx if Pa O 2 >70: TMP-SMX 15–2 0 mg of TMP/kg divided tid, avg dose = DS 2

tabs PO tid
Rx if Pa O 2 <70 or A-a gradient >35: prednisone before abx (40 mg PO bid; ↓
after 5 d) Alternative Rx if sulfa-allergy or renal insufficiency

Gastrointestinal & hepatobiliary

• Esophagitis: Candida, CMV, HSV, ap hthous ulcers, p ills; EGD if no thrush or

unresp onsive to emp iric antifungals

• Enterocolitis: bacte rial (esp if acute: shigella, salmonella, C. diff); protozoal (esp . if
chronic: Giardia, Entamoeba, etc.); viral (CMV, adeno); fung al (histo); MAC; AIDS
enterop athy
• GI bleeding: CMV, KS, lymp homa, histo; proctitis: HSV, CMV, LGV, N. g onorrhoe ae

• Hepatitis: HBV, HCV, CMV, MAC, TB, histo, drug-induced

• AIDS cholangiopathy: often a/w CMV or Cryptosporidium or Microsporidium (at ↓


• HIV-associated nep hrop athy (collap sing FSGS); nep hrotoxic drugs (incl TDF)
Hematologic/oncologic (Lancet 2007; 370:59; CID 2007; 45:103)

• Anemia: ACD, BM infiltration by infxn or tumor, drug toxicity, hemolysis

• Leukopenia; thrombocytopenia (bone marrow involvement, ITP); ↑ globulin

• Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: ↑ frequency with any CD4 count, but incidence ↑ with ↓

• CNS lymphoma: CD4 count <50, EBV-associated

• Kaposi’s sarcoma (HHV-8 ): at any CD4 count, incidence ↑ as CD4 ↓, usu. MSM
Mucocutane ous (red-p urp le nodular lesions); pulmonary (nodules, infiltrates,
effusions, LAN); GI (bleeding, obstruction, obstructive jaundice)
• Cervical/anal CA (HPV); ↑ rates of liver (a/w HBV/HCV), gastric & lung CA

• Meningitis: Crypto (p /w HA, Δ MS, CN p alsy ± meningeal s/s; dx w/ CSF; serum

CrAg 90% Se), bact (inc. Liste ria), viral (HSV, CMV, 1° HIV), TB, histo, Coccidio,
lymp homa

• Neurosyphilis: meningitis, cranial nerve p alsies, dementia, otic or op htho s/s

• Space-occupying lesions: may p resent as HA, focal deficits or Δ MS. Workup : MRI,
brain bx if susp ect non-Toxo etiology (Toxo sero ) or no resp onse to 2 wk of
emp iric anti-Toxo Rx (if Toxo, 50% resp ond by d3, 91% by d14; NEJM
1993;32 9:995)

• AIDS dementia complex: memory loss, gait disorder, sp asticity (usually at CD4 ↓)

• Myelopathy: infxn (CMV, HSV), cord compression (ep idural abscess, lymp homa)

• Peripheral neuropathy: meds, HIV, CMV, demyelinating

Disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (DMAC)

• Fever, night sweats, wt loss, HSM, diarrhea, p ancytop enia. Enteritis and mesenteric
lymp hadenitis if CD4 <150, bacillemia if <50. Rx: clarithromycin + ethambutol
± rifabutin.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

• Usually reactivation with ↓ CD4. Retinitis, esop hagitis, colitis, hep atitis,
neurop athies, encep halitis. Rx: ganciclovir, valganciclovir, foscarnet or cidofovir.


• Infection with spirochete Borre lia burg dorfe ri (consider coinfection w/ Ehrlichia,
Babe sia)

• Transmitted by ticks (Ixode s, deer tick); infxn usually requires tick attached >36–
• Most common vector-borne illness in U.S.; p eak incidence in summer (May–Aug)

• Majority of cases in MN, WI, New England, northern mid-Atlantic, northern CA

• Humans contact ticks usually in fields with low brush near wooded areas

Diagnostic studies

• Often a clinical dx esp . in early disease; dx w/o EM requires confirmation testing (p er

• Serology (in right clinical setting): screen w/ ELISA, but false from other
sp irochetal disease, SLE, RA, EBV, HIV, etc.; false due to early abx or w/in 6
wk of infxn.
Confirm ELISA results w/ Western blot (↑ Sp )

• ✓ CSF if susp ected neuro disease: intrathecal Ab if

(IgGCSF/IgGserum )/(albCSF/albserum ) >1

Treatment (NEJM 2006; 354:2794)

• Prop hylaxis (best p revention is tick avoidance): p rotective clothing, tick ✓ q2 4h,

Chemop rop hylaxis w/ doxycycline 2 00 mg PO × 1 only if all of the following:

1. Ixode s scapularis tick attached ≥36 h

2 . Local Lyme carriage in ticks ≥2 0% (p eak season in New England, mid-Atl,

3. Abx can be given w/in ≤72 h

4. No contraindication to doxy (eg, p reg, allergy, age <8 y)

If all the above met, NNT still 40–150 to p revent 1 case of Lyme (NEJM
2 001;345:79)
Regardless of Pp x, monitor for fever, flu-like sx, rash (erythema migrans) × 30 d

• Antibiotics: if clin. manifestations and serology (? and h/o tick bite if

nonendemic area)

local or early dissem. w/o neuro or cardiac involvement: doxycycline 100 mg PO

bid × 2 wk (range: 10–2 1 d); alternative (eg, p regnancy, doxy allergy): amox
500 mg PO tid or cefuroxime 500 mg PO bid × 14–2 1 d neuro (other than
isolated CN VII p alsy), cardiac, chronic arthritis: CTX 2 g IV qd × 2 –4 wk; alt
(eg, severe b-lactam allergy): doxy 100–2 00 mg PO bid × 2 –4 wk.

• Consider coinfection if severe/refractory sx, p ersistent fever, cytop enias


Microbiology & epidemiology

• Infection with Ricke ttsia ricke ttsii (Gram obligate intracellular bacterium)

• Transmitted by De rmace ntor variabilis, D. ande rsoni (dog tick); p eak in sp ring/early

• Occurs in mid-Atl, SE, Midwest, New Engl, NW, Canada, Mexico, Central & S.

• Consider other rickettsial sp p .: R. akari (Rickettsial p ox), R. conorii (Mediterranean

sp otted fever), R. africae (African tick bite fever), R. fe lis (Flea rickettsiosis)

Clinical manifestations (typ ically w/in 1 wk of tick exposure)

• Nonsp ecific: fever, HA, DMS, myalgias, N/V, occasionally abdominal p ain

• Rash (2 –5 d afte r onset) = ce ntripe tal: starts on ankles and wrists → trunk, p alms &
soles; p rogresses from macular to maculop ap ular to p etechial

• Severe cases → vasculitis, hyp op erfusion/shock, end-organ damage; more likely in

• Up to 75% mortality if untreated, 5–10% even w/ Rx (esp . if delayed) (NEJM
2 005;353:551)

• Usually a clinical dx; re quire s e arly clinical suspicion given risks of delayed Rx

• Acute illness dx by skin bx for rickettsiae (Se ~70% ); 7–10 d after sx onset, serology


• Doxycycline 100 mg PO bid (g ive e mpirically if clinical suspicion)



• Gram obligate intracellular bacterium; human monocytic ehrlichiosis (E.

chaffe e nsis, HME); human granulocytic anaplasmosis (A. phag ocytophilum, HGA)
• Transmission: HME by Amblyomma ame ricanum, De rmace ntor variabilis; HGA by
Ixode s

• HGA cases typ ically in RI, MN, CT, NY, MD; HME in SE, south central and mid-
• Peak incidence sp ring and early summer; can be transmitted by blood transfusion

Clinical manifestations (typ ically w/in 3 wk of tick exp osure)

• Asx or nonsp ecific: fever, myalgias, malaise, HA, cough, dysp nea; onset often acute
• Laboratory: leukop enia, thrombocytop enia, ↑ aminotransferases, LDH, Af, renal

• More severe disease can occur with bacterial sup erinfection in HGA

• Acute: intraleukocytic morulae on p erip heral blood smear (rare); PCR; later:

• Start Rx based on clinical susp icion; definitive dx requires PCR (may not detect all
sp p .)

• Doxycycline 100 mg PO bid (often × 10 d); should defervesce in ≤48 h, else

reconsider dx

Microbiology & epidemiology

• Infxn w/ p arasite Babe sia microti (U.S.), transmitted by Ixode s ticks; also a/w

• Europ e & U.S. (more commonly MN, WI, coastal areas & islands of MA, NY, NJ, RI,
• Peak incidence June–August (MMWR 2 012 ;61:505)

Clinical manifestations (typ ically 1–4 wk after tick exposure; <9 wk if

• Range from asx to fevers, sweats, myalgias, & HA to severe hemolytic anemia,
hemoglobinuria, & death (degree of p arasitemia correlates roughly with severity)
• Risk factors for severe disease: asp lenia, ↓ cellular immunity, TNF inhib, ↑ age,
p regnancy

Diagnosis (NEJM 2012; 366:2397)

• Clinical syndrome + blood smear w/ intraerythrocytic parasites

• Rep eat smears (q12 –2 4h) if sx p ersist desp ite negative initial smear
• PCR serum if smear and high clinical susp icion, serum IgG can help but some

Treatment (NEJM 2002; 343:1454)

• Atovaquone & azithro for mild/mod illness; clinda & quinine if severe (more toxic)
• Duration dep ends on host; immunosup p Pts often need longer Rx

• Exchange transfusion if p arasitemia >10% , severe hemolysis or SIRS



• Infxn w/ Francise lla tulare nsis via contact w/ animal tissue, aerosol, tick/insect bite

Clinical manifestations (typ ically w/in 2 –10 d of exposure)

• Acute onset of fever, HA, nausea; ulcer w/ black eschar at site of entry; LAN; PNA
Diagnosis & treatment

• Hazardous and difficult to Cx, alert lab. Serology by wk 2 . PCR by research lab.

• Strep tomycin or gentamicin × 7–14 d; emp iric Rx may be needed given challenges
in dx

Te mpe rature >10 1° F or >38 .3° C

Diagnostic approach

• Thorough history including ROS, PMH/PSH, immunizations, including from


• Fever curve (consider holding antip yretics); less likely to mount fever if: chronic
renal or liver dis., extremes of age, p rotein calorie malnutrition, immunosup p .,
steroid use
• Exposures: travel, occup ation or hobbies, animals and insects, sexual contacts, TB;
consider age, geograp hy, season and incubation time in relation to exp osures
• Physical exam: comp lete exam w/ focus on mucuous membranes & conjunctiva;
cardiac murmurs; liver and sp leen size; skin, genitals, lymp h nodes, & joints;
comp lete neuro exam incl cranial nerves and meningeal signs

• If rash: location, duration, p rogression/∆ in ap p earance, was p rodrome p resent


Definition & etiologies

• Fever (as p er above def) on >1 occasion during ≥3 wk & no dx desp ite 1 wk of

• More likely to be subtle manife station of common dise ase than an uncommon disease

• In Pts with HIV: >75% causes are infectious, but rare ly due to HIV itse lf
• Frequent reassessment needed to identify focal signs and p rogression of disease


• Focus by H&P, incl: CBC w/ diff, lytes, BUN, Cr, LFTs, ESR, CRP, ANA, RF,
cryoglobulin, LDH, CK, SPEP, 3 sets BCx (off abx), U/A, UCx, PPD or IGRA, HIV
Ab ± PCR, heterop hile Ab (EBV serologies if ), CMV antigen, Hep serologies if
LFTs abnl
• Stop unnecessary meds (only 2 0% with a med cause have eos or rash), reassess 1–3

• Imaging: CXR, chest & abd CT, consider tagged WBC, gallium scan, PET, TTE, LENI
• Duke’s criteria for endocarditis (qv) have good Se & Sp in Pts with FUO

• Consider temp oral artery bx if ↑ ESR and age >60, p articularly if other s/s

• ? Bone marrow asp irate & bx (esp . if signs of marrow infiltration) or liver bx (esp .
if ↑ Af): even w/o localizing s/s, yield may be up to 2 4% (p ath and culture)
(Archive s 2 009;169:2 018 )

• Pursue abnormalities raised by above w/u (eg, bx, MRI, etc., for dx, not screening)
• Emp iric abx not indicated (unless Pt neutrop enic)

• Emp iric glucocorticoids not indicated unless strong susp icion for sp ecific
rheumatologic dx
• Up to 30% of cases remain undiagnosed, most sp ontaneously defervesce (wks to mos)

Approach to diagnostic workup

• Meningococcemia, IE, RMSF, sepsis, toxic shock require immediate dx & Rx

• Workup : CBC w/ diff, lytes, BUN/Cr, LFTs, LDH, CK, U/A, HIV Ab ± PCR, BCx (off

• To narrow Ddx: characterize time course of rash, p rogression & morp hology (ie,
vesicular, maculop ap ular, p ustular, p urp uric, ulcerative)
• Erythema multiforme: symmetric “target” lesions often of p alms, soles, & mucous
Infxn etiol: HSV 1/2 , Mycoplasma, syp hilis, tick borne diseases, etc.

Non-infxn etiol: meds (eg, NSAIDs, sulfa), malignancy, autoimmune & rheum

• Erythema nodosum: tender erythematous or violaceous nodules usually symmetric

on LE
Infxn etiol: Strep , TB, EBV, Bartone lla, HBV, p sittacosis, fungal, L. ve ne re um, etc.

Non-infxn etiol: sarcoidosis, IBD, Behçet’s, other rheum, p regnancy/OCP use

• Pursue sp ecific dx based on exp osure hx & exam, including serologies, viral swab
PCR, antigen tests and p ossibly skin biop sy ± exam of vesicular or bullae fluid if
p resent

• Etiologies more broad in immunosup p . Pts, and dx ap p roach usually more extensive;
higher risk of critical illness due to disseminated or rap idly p rogressive infxns


• Emp iric abx are not indicated (unless Pt neutrop enic or critically ill)

Definition & etiologies

• Febrile illness after recent travel outside of U.S./Canada; Ddx is extensive:

• Pts visiting friends and relatives abroad are most likely to contract illness during
• Emerging p athogens: Influenza occurs year round in the trop ics. Chikungunya and
dengue w/ ↑ areas of transmission, hemorrhagic fevers p rimarily in Central

• Consider domestic infxns, STIs, & non-infxn causes. Enteric p arasites rarely cause

Select clinical manifestations

• Malaria: nonsp ecific symp toms including diarrhea, myalgias, cough, altered mental

• Dengue: nonsp ecific symp toms including headache, severe myalgias, rash/p etechiae

• Typhoid: constip ation, abdominal p ain, p ossible rash, relative bradycardia

• Rickettsial disease: headache, myalgias, lymp hadenop athy, p ossible rash/eschar


• Routine testing: CBC w/ diff, lytes, LFTs, BCx, UA, rap id malaria test

• Fever in a traveler from a malaria zone is malaria until proven otherwise;

consider hospitalization and empiric Rx. One smear does not r/o malaria.

• Other tests based on s/s, labs, exp osure, incubation p eriod, geograp hy and
seasonality. O&P exam, CXR, blood smears for filaria/Babesiosis/Borre lia,
serologies, STI & HIV, PPD or IGRA, bone marrow asp irate, bx of lymp h nodes or
skin lesions, CSF studies.


• Etiologies

Primary: surgery, radiation, tumors (p rimary or metastatic), infection,

infiltration (sarcoid, hemochromatosis), autoimmune, ischemia (including
Sheehan’s syndrome caused by p ituitary infarction intrap artum), carotid
aneurysms, cavernous sinus thrombosis, trauma
Secondary (hyp othalamic dysfunction or stalk interrup tion): tumors (including
craniop haryngioma), infection, infiltration, radiation, surgery, trauma
• Clinical manifestations
Hormonal: acute → weakness, easy fatigability, hyp otension, p olyuria and
p olydip sia; chronic → bradycardia, sexual dysfxn, loss of axillary & p ubic hair,
wt loss, amenorrhea
Mass effect: headache, visual field Δs, cranial nerve p alsies, galactorrhea

Apoplexy (p ituitary hemorrhage or infarction, usually w/ underlying p ituitary

adenoma): sudden headache, N/V, visual field Δs, cranial nerve p alsies,
meningismus, Δ MS, hyp oglycemia, hyp otension

• Diagnostic studies

Hormonal studies
chronic: ↓ target gland hormone + ↓ or normal trop hic p ituitary hormone
acute : target gland hormonal studies may be normal partial hypopituitarism is
more common than panhypopituitarism

Pituitary MRI

• Treatment
Rep lace deficient target gland hormones

Most imp ortant deficiencies to recognize and treat in inPts are adre nal insufficie ncy
and hypothyroidism; if both p resent, treat with glucocorticoids first, then rep lace
thyroid hormone so as not to p recip itate adrenal crisis


• Adrenal insufficiency similar to 1° (see “Adrenal Disorders” ) e xce pt:

no salt cravings or hyp okalemia (b/c aldo p reserved)

no hyp erp igmentation (b/c ACTH/MSH is not ↑)


• Central hyp othyroidism similar to 1° (see “Thyroid Disorders” ) e xce pt absence of


• Dx with free T4 in addition to TSH, as TSH may be low or inappropriate ly normal


• Inability to lactate

↓ GH

• ↑ chronic risk for osteop orosis, fatigue, weight gain

• Dx with failure to ↑ GH w/ ap p rop riate stimulus (eg, insulin tolerance test, glucagon

• GH rep lacement in adults controversial (Annals 2 003;35:419)

↓ FSH & LH

• Clinical manifestations: ↓ libido, imp otence, oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea,


• Physical exam: ↓ testicular size; loss of axillary, p ubic and body hair
• Dx with: ↓ a.m. testosterone or estradiol (also assess SHBG, esp . in obese) and ↓ or
normal FSH/LH (all levels ↓ in acute illness, ∴ do not measure in hosp italized Pts)

• Treatment: testosterone or estrogen rep lacement vs. correction of the underlying


↓ ADH (hyp othalamic or stalk disease): diabetes insip idus

• Typ ically from mass lesion extrinsic to sella; p ituitary tumor doesn’t typ ically
p resent w/ DI
• Clinical manifestations: se ve re p olyuria, mild hyp ernatremia (se ve re if ↓ access to
H 2 O)

• Diagnostic studies: see “Sodium and Water Homeostasis”


Pituitary tumors

• Pathop hysiology: adenoma → excess of trop hic hormone (if tumor fxnal, but 30–
40% not) and p otentially de ficie ncie s in other trop hic hormones due to
comp ression; cosecretion of PRL and growth hormone in 10% of p rolactinomas
• Clinical manifestations: syndromes due to oversecretion of hormones (see below)
± mass effect: headache, visual Ds, dip lop ia, cranial neurop athies
• Workup : MRI, hormone levels, ± visual field testing, consider MEN1 (see below)

if <10 mm, mass effect, no hormonal effects, can f/up q3–6mo

Hyperprolactinemia (NEJM 2 010;362 :12 19)

• Etiology

p rolactinoma (50% of p ituitary adenomas)

stalk comp ression due to nonp rolactinoma → ↓ inhibitory dop amine → ↑ PRL

• Physiology: PRL induces lactation and inhibits GnRH → ↓ FSH & LH

• Clinical manifestations: amenorrhea, galactorrhea, infertility, ↓ libido, imp otence

• Diagnostic studies: ↑ PRL (✓ fasting levels), but elevated in many situations, ∴ r/o
p regnancy or exogenous estrogens, hyp othyroidism, dop amine agonists (p sych
meds, antiemetics), renal failure (↓ clearance), cirrhosis, stress, ↑ carb diet. MRI to
evaluate for tumor; visual field testing if MRI shows comp ression of op tic chiasm.

• Treatment
If asx (no HA, galactorrhea, hyp ogonadal sx) & microadenoma (<10 mm), follow
w/ MRI

If sx or macroadenoma (≥10 mm) op tions include:

me dical with dop amine agonist such as cabergoline (70–100% success rate) or
bromocrip tine (not as well tol); side effects include N/V, orthostasis, nasal
congestion, tricusp id valve regurgitation (✓ echo before & q1–2 y during Rx)
(JCEM 2 010:95:102 5)
surg ical: transsp henoidal surgery (main indications: failed or cannot tolerate
medical Rx, GH cosecretion or neurologic sx not imp roving); 10–2 0% recurrence

radiation: if medical or surgical therap y have failed or are not tolerated

Acromegaly (↑ GH; 10% of adenomas; NEJM 2 006;355:2 558 )

• Physiology: stimulates secretion of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)

• Clinical manifestations: ↑ soft tissue, arthralgias, jaw enlargement, headache, carp al
tunnel syndrome, macroglossia, hoarseness, sleep ap nea, amenorrhea, imp otence,
diabetes mellitus, acanthosis/skin tags, ↑ sweating, HTN/CMP, colonic p olyp s

• Diagnostic studies: no utility in che cking random GH le ve ls be cause of pulsatile

se cre tion
≠ IGF-1 (somatomedin C); ± ↑ PRL; OGTT → GH not sup p ressed to <1 (<0.3 if
newer assay) ng/mL; p ituitary MRI to evaluate for tumor

• Treatment: surgery, octreotide (long- and short-acting p rep arations), dop amine
agonists (if PRL co-secretion), p egvisomant (GH recep tor antagonist), radiation

• Prognosis: w/o Rx 2 –3× ↑ mortality, risk of p ituitary insufficiency, colon cancer

Cushing’s disease (↑ ACTH): 10–15% of adenomas; see “Adrenal Disorders”

Central hyperthyroidism (↑ TSH, ↑ ɑ-subunit): extremely rare; see “Thyroid

↑ FSH & LH: usually non-fxn, p resents as hypopituitarism b/c of comp ression effects

Figure 7-1 Approach to thyroid disorders



• Primary (>90% of cases of hyp othyroidism; ↓ free T4, ↑ TSH)

Goitrous: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, after hyp erthyroid p hase of thyroiditis, iodine

defic, Li, amiodarone
Nongoitrous: surgical destruction, s/p radioactive iodine or XRT, amiodarone
• Central (↓ free T4, low/nl or slightly high TSH): hyp othalamic or p ituitary failure
(TSH levels ↓ or “normal,” can be slightly ↑ although functionally inactive due to
abnormal glycosylation)
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

• Autoimmune destruction with p atchy lymp hocytic infiltration

• Associated with other autoimmune disease and may be p art of PGA syndrome typ e II

• antithyroid p eroxidase (anti-TPO) and antithyroglobulin (anti-Tg) Abs in >90%

Clinical manifestations (Annals 2 009;151:ITC61)

• Early: weakness, fatigue, arthralgias, myalgias, headache, dep ression, cold

intolerance, weight gain, constip ation, menorrhagia, dry skin, coarse brittle hair,
brittle nails, carp al tunnel syndrome, delayed DTRs (“hung up ” reflexes), diastolic
HTN, hyp erlip idemia

• Late: slow sp eech, hoarseness, loss of outer third of eyebrows, myxedema

(nonp itting skin thickening due to↑ glycosaminoglycans), p eriorbital p uffiness,
bradycardia, p leural, p ericardial, & p eritoneal effusions, atherosclerosis
• Myxedema crisis: hyp othermia, hyp otension, hyp oventilation, Δ MS (including
coma) hyp onatremia, hyp oglycemia; often p recip itated by infection or major
cardiop ulmonary or neurologic illness (Me d Clin North Am 2 012 ;96:38 5)

Diagnostic studies

• ↓ FT4; ↑ TSH in p rimary hyp othyroidism; antithyroid Ab in Hashimoto’s

• May see hyp onatremia, hyp oglycemia, anemia, ↑ LDL, ↓ HDL and ↑ CK

• Screening recommended for p regnant women

Treatment of overt hypothyroidism

• Levothyroxine (1.5–1.7 µg/kg/d), re ✓ TSH q5–6wk and titrate until euthyroid;

sx can take mos to resolve; lowe r starting dose (0.3–0.5 µg/kg/d) if at risk for
ischemic heart disease or elderly; advise Pt to keep same formulation of

↑ dose typ ically needed if: p regnancy (~30% ↑ by wk 8 ), initiation of estrogen

rep lacement, on meds that accelerate T4 catabolism (eg, p henytoin,
p henobarbital), p oor GI absorp tion (concomitant Fe or Ca sup p l, PPI,
sucralfate, cholestyramine, celiac disease, IBD)

• Myxedema coma: load 5–8 µg/kg T4 IV, then 50–100 µg IV qd; b/c p erip heral
conversion imp aired, may also give 5–10 µg T3 IV q8 h if unstable w/ bradycardia
and/or hyp othermia (T3 more arrhythmogenic); must give emp iric adre nal re place -
me nt the rapy first as ↓ adrenal reserves in myxedema coma
Subclinical hypothyroidism (Lance t 2 012 ;379:1142 )

• Mild ↑ TSH and normal free T4 with only subtle or no sx

• If TSH <7 or anti-TPO Ab, ~ 1⁄2 euthyroid after 2 y (JCEM 2 012 ;97:1962 ) if ↑
titers of antithyroid Abs, p rogression to overt hyp othyroidism is ~4% /y
• Rx controversial: follow exp ectantly or treat to imp rove mild sx or dyslip idemia
most initiate Rx if TSH >10 mU/L, goiter, p regnancy or infertility if TSH 5–10
mU/L Rx if ≤60 y (usually don’t Rx if ≥60 b/c ↑ risk CV comp lications)

Etiologies (Lance t 2 012 ;379:1155)

• Graves’ disease (60–8 0% of thyrotoxicosis)

• Thyroiditis: thyrotoxic p hase of subacute (granulomatous) or p ainless (lymp hocytic)

• Toxic adenomas (single or multinodular goiter)
• TSH-secreting p ituitary tumor or p ituitary resistance to thyroid hormone (↑ TSH, ↑
free T4)

• Misc: amiodarone, iodine-induced, thyrotoxicosis factitia, struma ovarii (3% of

ovarian dermoid tumors and teratomas), hCG-secreting tumors (eg,
choriocarcinoma), large dep osits of metastatic follicular thyroid cancer
Clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism

• Restlessness, sweating, tremor, moist warm skin, fine hair, tachycardia, AF, weight
loss, ↑ frequency of stools, menstrual irregularities, hyp erreflexia, osteop orosis,
stare and lid lag (due symp athetic overactivity)

• Apathetic thyrotoxicosis: seen in elderly who can p resent with lethargy as only sx
• Thyroid storm (extremely rare): delirium, fever, tachycardia, systolic hyp ertension
but wide p ulse p ressure and ↓ MAP, GI symp toms; 2 0–50% mortality

Laboratory testing

• ↑ FT4 and FT3 ; ↓ TSH (excep t in TSH-secreting tumors)

• RAIU scan is very useful study to differentiate causes (see table on p age 7-3); cannot
do if recent IV contrast or amio load b/c iodine blocks up take so ✓ autoantibodies

• Rarely need to ✓ for autoantibodies excep t in p regnancy (to assess risk of fetal

• May see hyp ercalciuria ± hyp ercalcemia, ↑ AΦ , anemia

Graves’ disease (NEJM 2 008 ;358 :2 594)

• : ratio is 5–10:1, most Pts between 40–60 y at dx

• thyroid antibodies: TSI or TBII ( in 8 0% ), anti-TPO, antithyroglobulin; ANA

• Clinical manifestations in addition to those of hyp erthyroidism (see above):

goiter: diffuse, nontender, w/ thyroid bruit

ophthalmopathy (NEJM 2 009;360:994): Seen in 50% ; up to 90% if formally

tested. Periorbital edema, lid retraction, p rop tosis, conjunctivitis, dip lop ia
(EOM infiltration); associated w/ smoking. Stare and lid lag seen in any typ e of
hyp erthyroidism.

pretibial myxedema (3% ): infiltrative dermop athy

Thyroiditis (NEJM 2 003;348 :2 646; Me d Clin North Am 2 012 ;96:2 2 3)

• Acute: bacterial infection (very rare in U.S. excep t p ostsurgical)

• Subacute: transient thyrotoxicosis → transient hyp othyroidism → normal thyroid

painful (viral, granulomatous or de Quervain’s): fever, ↑ ESR; Rx = NSAIDs, ASA,

silent (p ostp artum, autoimmune including Hashimoto’s, or lymp hocytic):

p ainless, TPO Abs; if p ostp artum, can recur with subsequent p regnancies

other: amiodarone, p alp ation thyroiditis, after radiation


• β-blockers: control tachycardia (p rop ranolol also ↓ T4 → T3 conversion)

• Graves’ disease: either antithyroid drugs or radioactive iodine (NEJM 2 005;352 :905)
methimazole: 70% chance of recurrence after 1 y; side effects include p ruritus,
rash, arthralgia, fever, N/V and ag ranulocytosis in 0.5% . PTU: 2 nd line (risk of
hep atocellular necrosis; TID dosing; slower effect). For both, need to ✓ LFTs,
WBC, TSH at baseline and in follow-up .
radioactive iodine (RAI) (NEJM 2 011;364:542 ): typ ically done as outPt; p reRx
selected Pts w/ CV disease or elderly w/ antithyroid drugs to p revent ↑
thyrotoxicosis, stop 3 d before to allow RAI up take; >75% of treated Pts
become hyp othyroid
surgery: less commonly chosen for Graves’, usually for Pts w/ obstructive goiter
or op hthalmop athy

• Toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter: RAI or surgery (methimazole p reRx for
surgery, in selected p atients before RAI)

• Thyroid storm: β-blocker, PTU or methimazole, iop anoic acid or iodide (for Wolff-
Chaikoff effect) >1 h after PTU, ± steroids (↓ T4 → T3)

• Op hthalmop athy: can worsen after RAI, p revented by p rop hylactic Rx w/

p rednisone in high-risk Pts; can be Rx’d w/ radiation and/or surgical
decomp ression of orbits

Subclinical hyperthyroidism (Lance t 2 012 ;379:1142 )

• Mild ↓ TSH and normal free T4 with only subtle or no sx

• ~15% → overt hyp erthyroidism in 2 y; ↑ risk of AF, CHD (Archive s 2 012 ;172 :799),
osteop orosis
• Rx controversial: consider if TSH <0.1 mU/L and ↑ risk for CV disease or
osteop enic

• TFT abnormalities in Pts w/ severe nonthyroidal illness (∴ in acute illness, ✓ TFTs

only if ↑ concern for thyroid disease); may have acquired transient central
hyp othyroidism

• If thyroid dysfxn susp ected in critically ill Pt, TSH alone not reliable; must measure
total T4, FT4, & T3 (J Endocrinol 2 010;2 05:1)

• Mild illness: ↓ T4 → T3 conversion, ↑ rT3 ⇒ ↓ T3; in severe illness: ↓ TBG &

albumin, ↑↑ rT3 ⇒ ↓↓ T3, ↑ degradation of T4, central ↓ TSH ⇒ ↓↓ T3 , ↓↓T4,
↓FT4, ↓TSH

• Recovery p hase: ↑ TSH followed by recovery of T4 and then T3

• Rep lacement thyroxine not help ful or recommended for critically ill Pts w/ ↓ T3 and
T4 unless other s/s of hyp othyroidism

6 mg iodine pe r 20 0 mg table t; risk of thyroid dysfunction lowe r with lowe r dose s

✓ TSH prior to the rapy, at 4-mo inte rvals on amio, and for 1 y afte r if amio d/c’d

Hypothyroidism (occurs in ~10% ; more common in iodine-rep lete areas)

• Pathop hysiology

(1) Wolff-Chaikoff effect: iodine load ↓ I– up take, organification and release of T4 &

(2 ) inhibits T4 → T3 conversion direct/immune-mediated thyroid destruction

• Normal individuals: ↓ T4; then escap e Wolff-Chaikoff effect and have ↑ T4, ↓ T3, ↑
TSH; then TSH normalizes (after 1–3 mo)

• Suscep tible individuals (eg, subclinical Hashimoto’s, ∴ ✓ anti-TPO) do not escap e


• Treatment: thyroxine to normalize TSH; may need larger than usual dose

Hyperthyroidism (3% of Pts on amio; ∼10–2 0% of Pts in iodine -de ficie nt are as)
• Typ e 1 = underlying multinodular goiter or autonomous thyroid tissue

Jod-Basedow effect: iodine load → ↑ synthesis of T4 and T3 in autonomous tissue

• Typ e 2 = destructive thyroiditis

↑ release of p reformed T4 & T3 → hyp erthyroidism → hyp othyroidism →

• Dop p ler U/S: typ e 1 w/ ↑ thyroid blood flow; typ e 2 w/ ↓ flow

• Treatment: not absolutely necessary to d/c amio b/c amio ↓ T4 → T3 conversion

methimazole for typ e 1; steroids for typ e 2 often difficult to distinguish so Rx for
both typ ically initiated ( JCEM 2 001;8 6:3) consider thyroidectomy in severely ill
p atient

• Prevalence 5–10% (50–60% if screen with U/S), ~5% malignant

• Features associated w/ ↑ risk of malignancy: age <2 0 or >70 y, , h/o neck XRT,
hard and immobile mass, cold nodule on RAIU, large size, worrisome U/S findings
(hyp oechoic, solid, irregular borders, microcalcifications, central blood flow),
cervical LAN

• Features associated w/ benign dx: FHx of autoimmune thyroid disease or goiter,

p resence of hyp othyroidism or hyp erthyroidism, nodule tenderness
• Screening U/S recommended for those with FHx of MEN2 or medullary thyroid
cancer, p ersonal h/o neck XRT, p alp able nodules or multinodular goiter
• Any evidence of tracheal deviation or comp ression → ✓ PFTs & refer to surgery
• FNA for nodules >10 mm (>8 mm if irregular borders), microcalcifications or
central vasculature; FNA any nodules in Pts with h/o neck XRT or FHx of MEN2 or
• Indeterminate p attern in 15–30% of FNA; gene exp ression p attern has Se 92 % & Sp
52 % for malignancy (NEJM 2 012 ;367:705)

• Sup p ressive Rx w/ high doses of levothyroxine less successful in iodine-sufficient

• After comp lete surgical resection of thyroid cancer, RAI is administered (in Pts w/
low-risk thyroid cancer, this p ractice is controversial) (Lance t 2 013;38 1:1046 &
1058 )

Figure 7-2  Approach to thyroid nodules (Thyroid 2009; 19:1167; Am J Clin Pathol
2009; 132:658)



• Cushing’s syndrome = cortisol excess

• Cushing’s disease = Cushing’s syndrome 2 ° to p ituitary ACTH hyp ersecretion
Etiologies of hypercortisolism

• Most common is iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome caused by exogenous glucocorticoids

• Cushing’s disease (60–70% ): p ituitary adenoma (usually microadenoma) or
hyp erp lasia
• Adrenal tumor (15–2 5% ): adenoma or (rarely) carcinoma

• Ectopic ACTH (5–10% ): SCLC, carcinoid, islet cell tumors, medullary thyroid
cancer, p heo
Clinical manifestations

• Nonspe cific: glucose intolerance or DM, HTN, obesity, oligo- or amenorrhea,

osteop orosis
• More spe cific: central obesity w/ extremity wasting, dorsocervical fat p ads, rounded

• Most spe cific: sp ontaneous bruising, p roximal myop athy, wide striae, hyp okalemia
• Other: dep ression, insomnia, p sychosis, imp aired cognition, facial p lethora, acne,
hirsutism, hyp erp igmentation (if ↑ ACTH), fungal skin infxns, nep hrolithiasis,
p olyuria
Figure 7-3  Approach to suspected Cushing’s syndrome (nb, very di cult to
diagnose as an inpatient)
CRH, corticotrop in-releasing hormone; DST, dexamethasone sup p ression test; UFC,
urinary free cortisol
Overnight 1 mg DST = give 1 mg at 11 p .m.; ✓ 8 a.m. serum cortisol (sup p ression if
<1.8 µg/dL); 1–2 % false (p rimarily used to evaluate subclinical Cushing’s in
adrenal “incidentalomas” ) (JCEM 2 008 ;93:152 6)
11 p m salivary cortisol = abnl if level ↑; 2 4-h UFC = abnl if level ↑, > 4× ULN
virtually diagnostic
48 -h LD DST + CRH = 0.5 mg q6h × 2 d, then IV CRH 2 h later; ✓ serum cortisol
15 min later ( = >1.4 µg/dL)
48 -h LD DST = 0.5 mg q6h × 2 d; ✓ 2 4-h UFC at base. & during last 2 4 h of dex
(sup p ress if <10% of base)
48 -h HD DST = 2 mg q6h × 2 d; ✓ 2 4-h UFC as p er LD DST
O/N HD DST = 8 mg at 11 p .m.; ✓ 9 a.m. serum cortisol (sup p ression if <32 % of
CRH test = 1 µg/kg IV; ✓ cortisol and ACTH ( stim if > 35% ↑ in ACTH or
>2 0% ↑ in cortisol above baseline)
BIPSS, bilat. inferior p etrosal sinus vein samp ling; ✓ p etrosal:p erip heral ACTH ratio
( = 2 basal, >3 after CRH)
(J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2 008 ;93:152 6)

Treatment of Cushing’s syndrome

• Surgical resection of p ituitary adenoma, adrenal tumor or ectop ic ACTH-secreting


• If transsp henoidal surgery (TSS) not successful → p ituitary XRT, medical

adrenalectomy w/ mitotane, or bilat surgical adrenalectomy; ketoconazole (±
metyrap one) to ↓ cortisol

• Glucocorticoid rep lacement therap y × 6–36 mo after TSS (lifelong glucocorticoid +

mineralocorticoid rep lacement if medical or surgical adrenalectomy)


• Primary (adrenal disorders, renin indep endent increase in aldosterone) adrenal

hyp erp lasia (60% ), adenoma (Conn’s syndrome, 35% ), carcinoma (5% )
glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA; ACTH-dep . rearranged p romoter)
• Secondary (extra-adrenal disorders, ↑ aldosterone is renin dep endent)
Primary reninism: renin-secreting tumor (rare)
Secondary reninism

  renovascular disease: RAS, malignant hyp ertension

  edematous states w/ ↓ effective arterial volume: CHF, cirrhosis, nep hrotic syndrome
  hyp ovolemia, diuretics, T2 D, Bartter’s (defective Na/K/2 Cl transp orter receiving
loop   diuretic), Gitelman’s (defective renal Na/Cl transp orter receiving
thiazide diuretic)

• Nonaldosterone mineralocorticoid excess mimics hyp eraldosteronism

11β-HSD deficiency (→ lack of inactivation of cortisol, which binds to nonselective
mineralocorticoid recep tor)

Black licorice (glycyrrhizinic acid inhibits 11β-HSD), extreme hyp ercortisolism

(overwhelming 11β-HSD), exogenous mineralocorticoids
Liddle’s syndrome (constitutively activated/overexp ressed distal tubular renal Na

Clinical manifestations
• Mild to moderate HTN (11% of Pts w/ HTN refractory to 3 drugs; Lance t
2 008 ;371:192 1), headache, muscle weakness, p olyuria, p olydip sia; no p erip heral
edema because of “escap e” from Na retention; malignant HTN is rare

• Classically hypokalemia (but often normal), metabolic alkalosis, mild

hyp ernatremia

Diagnostic studies

• 5–10% of Pts w/ HTN; ∴ screen if HTN + hyp okalemia, adrenal mass or refractory

• Screening: aldo (>15–2 0 ng/dL) and plasma aldo:renin ratio (>2 0 if 1°) obtain 8
a.m. p aired values (off sp ironolactone & ep lerenone for 6 wk); Se & Sp >8 5%

• ACEI/ARB, diuretics, CCB can ↑ renin activity → ↓ PAC/PRA ratio and βBs may ↑
PAC/PRA ratio;∴ avoid. ɑ-blockers generally best to control HTN during dx

• Confirm with sodium suppression test (fail to sup p ress aldo after sodium load) oral
salt load (+ KCl) × 3 d, ✓ 2 4-h urine ( if aldo >12 µg/d while Na >2 00
mEq/d) or 2 L NS over 4 h, measure aldo at end of infusion ( if aldo >5 ng/dL)

Figure 7-4 Ap p roach to susp ected hyp eraldosteronism


• Adenoma → adrenalectomy vs. medical Rx w/ sp ironolactone or ep lerenone

• Carcinoma → adrenalectomy
• Hyp erp lasia → sp ironolactone or ep lerenone; GRA → glucocorticoids ±
sp ironolactone


• Primary = adrenocortical disease = Addison’s disease

autoimmune: isolated or in assoc w/ PGA syndromes (see table on p age 7-2 )

infection: TB, CMV, histop lasmosis
vascular: hemorrhage (usually in setting of sep sis), thrombosis, HIT and trauma
metastatic disease: (90% of adrenals must be destroyed to cause insufficiency)

deposition diseases: hemochromatosis, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis

drugs: ketoconazole, etomidate (even after single dose), rifamp in, anticonvulsants
• Secondary = p ituitary failure of ACTH secretion (but aldosterone intact b/c RAA
axis) any cause of p rimary or secondary hyp op ituitarism (see “Pituitary
Disorders” )
glucocorticoid therap y (can occur after ≥2 wk of “sup p ressive doses” ; dose effect
variable; <10 mg p rednisone daily chronically can be sup p ressive)

megestrol (a p rogestin with some glucocorticoid activity)

Clinical manifestations (NEJM 1996;335:12 06)

• Primary or secondary: weakness and fatigability (99% ), anorexia (99% ),

orthostatic hypotension (90% ), nausea (8 6% ), vomiting (75% ), hyp onatremia
(8 8 % )
• Primary only (extra s/s due to lack of aldosterone and ↑ ACTH): marked orthostatic
hypotension (because volume-dep leted), salt craving, hyperpigmentation (seen in
creases, mucous membranes, p ressure areas, nip p les), hyperkalemia

• Secondary only: ± other manifestations of hyp op ituitarism (see “Pituitary

Disorders” )

Diagnostic studies (Annals 2 003;139:194)

• Early a.m. serum cortisol: <3 µg/dL virtually diagnostic; ≥18 µg/dL rules it out
(excep t in severe sep tic shock—see below)

• Standard (2 50 µg) cosyntropin stimulation test (testing ability of ACTH → ↑


normal = 60-min p ost-ACTH cortisol ≥18 µg/dL

abnormal in primary b/c adrenal gland diseased and unable to give adequate
outp ut

abnormal in chronic secondary b/c adrenals atrop hied and unable to resp ond

(very rarely, may be normal in acute se condary b/c adrenals still able to resp ond;
early a.m. cortisol can be used rather than p ost-stim value in these cases)

• Other tests to evaluate HPA axis (w/ guidance by endocrinologist): insulin-induced

hyp oglycemia (measure serum cortisol resp onse); metyrap one (blocks cortisol
and therefore stimulates ACTH, measure p lasma 11-deoxycortisol and urinary

17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels)

• Other lab abnormalities: hyp oglycemia, eosinop hilia, lymp hocytosis, ±

neutrop enia
• ACTH: ↑ in 1°, ↓ or low-normal in 2 °

• Imaging studies to consider

p ituitary MRI to detect anatomical abnormalities

adrenal CT: small, noncalcified adrenals in autoimmune, enlarged in metastatic

disease, hemorrhage, infection or dep osition (although they may be normal-
ap p earing)

Adrenal insufficiency & critical illness (NEJM 2 003;348 :72 7;  JAMA

2 009;301:2 362 )
• ↑ circulating cortisol desp ite ↓ ACTH due to ↓ clearance and p ossibly stimulation by
cytokines; ∴ dx of adrenal insufficiency p roblematic (NEJM 2 013;368 :1477)
• Nonetheless, reasonable to p erform ACTH stim ASAP in hyp otensive Pt susp ected to
have absolute adrenal insuffic.

• Initiate corticosteroids early: use dexamethasone 2 –4 mg IV q6h + fludrocortisone

50 µg daily p rior to ACTH stim; change to hydrocortisone 50–100 mg IV q6–8 h
once test comp leted.
• Rx of re lative adre nal insufficie ncy controversial (see “Sep sis” )

• Acute insufficiency: volume resuscitation w/ normal saline + hydrocortisone IV as

• Chronic insufficiency
Hydrocortisone: 2 0–30 mg PO qd (2 ⁄3 a.m. 1⁄3 early p .m.) or p rednisone ~5 mg
PO qam

Fludrocortisone (not needed in 2 ° adrenal insufficiency): 0.05–0.1 mg PO qam

backup dexamethasone 4-mg IM p refilled syringe given to Pt for emergency


Clinical manifestations (five Ps)

• Pressure (hyp ertension, p aroxysmal in 50% , severe & resistant to Rx, occ

• Pain (headache, chest p ain)

• Palpitations (tachycardia, tremor, wt loss, fever)

• Perspiration (p rofuse)
• Pallor (vasoconstrictive sp ell)
• “Rule of 10” : 10% extra-adrenal (known as p araganglioma), 10% in children,

10% multip le or bilateral, 10% recur (↑ in p araganglioma), 10% malignant (↑ in

p araganglioma), 10% familial, 10% incidentaloma

• Emotional stress does not trigger p aroxysms, but abdominal manip ulation can

catecholamine release; some rep orts of IV contrast causing p aroxysms

• Associated with MEN2 A/2 B, von Hip p el Lindau, neurofibromatosis typ e 1, familial
p araganglioma (mutations in succinate dehydrogenase gene B, C and D)

Diagnostic studies
• 2 4° urinary fractionated metanep hrines & catechols: 90% Se, 98 % Sp (JCEM
2 003;8 8 :553). Screening test of choice if low-risk (as false with severe illness,
renal failure, OSA, labetalol due to assay interference, TCAs, medications
containing symp athomimetics).

• Plasma free metanep hrines: 99% Se, 8 9% Sp (JAMA 2 002 ;2 8 7:142 7). Screening test
of choice if high risk, but ↑ rate of false in low-p reval. p op ulation.

• Adrenal CT or MRI; consider MIBG scintigrap hy if CT/MRI , PET can be used to

localize nonadrenal mass, but usually easy to find

• Consider genetic testing in ap p rop riate circumstances (bilateral, young Pt, FHx,


• ɑ-blockade first (usually p henoxybenzamine) ± β-blockade (often p rop ranolol) →


• Preop erative volume exp ansion is critical due to p ossible hyp otension after tumor


• 4% of Pts undergoing abdominal CT scan have incidentally discovered adrenal mass;

p revalence ↑ with age

Differential diagnosis

• Nonfunctioning mass: adenoma, cysts, abscesses, granuloma, hemorrhage, lip oma,

myelolip oma, p rimary or metastatic malignancy
• Functioning mass: p heochromocytoma, adenoma (cortisol, aldosterone, sex
hormones), nonclassical CAH, other endocrine tumor, carcinoma
• Nonadrenal mass: renal, p ancreatic, gastric, artifact

Workup (NEJM 2 007;356:601; JCEM 2 010;95:4106)

• Rule out subclinical Cushing’s syndrome in all Pts using 1 mg overnight DST (Sp
91% ). Abnormal results require confirmatory testing.
• Rule out hyperaldosteronism if hype rte nsive w/ p lasma aldo & renin (see above)

• Rule out pheochromocytoma in ALL Pts (b/c of morbidity unRx’d p heo) using 2 4-h
urine fractionated metanep hrines and catecholamines or p lasma free
metanep hrines

• Rule out metastatic cancer and infection by history or CT-guided biop sy if susp icious
(in Pts w/ h/o cancer, ~50% of adrenal incidentalomas are malignant)
• CT and MRI characteristics may suggest adenoma vs. carcinoma

Be nig n fe ature s: size <4 cm; smooth margins, homogenous and hyp odense
ap p earance; unenhanced CT <10 Hounsfield units or CT contrast-medium
washout >50% at 10 min. Can follow such incidentalomas w/ p eriodic scans.

Suspicious fe ature s: size >4 cm or ↑ size on rep eat scan; irregular margins,
heterogeneous, dense or vascular ap p earance; h/o malignancy or young age
(incidentaloma less common). Such incidentalomas warrant resection or rep eat
scan at short interval.

Pitfalls in measuring calcium

• Physiologically active Ca is free or ionized (ICa). Serum Ca reflects total calcium

(bound + unbound) and ∴ influenced by albumin (main Ca-binding p rotein).

• Corrected Ca (mg/dL) = measured Ca (mg/dL) + {0.8 × [4 − albumin (g/dL)]}

• Alkalosis will cause more Ca to be bound to albumin (∴ total Ca may be normal but
↓ ICa)
• Best to measure ionized Ca directly (but accuracy is lab de pe nde nt)

Clinical manifestations (“bones, stones, abdominal groans and p sychic moans” )

• Hypercalcemic crisis (usually when Ca >13–15): p olyuria, dehydration, ΔMS

Ca toxic to renal tubules → blocks ADH activity, causes vasoconstriction and ↓

GFR → p olyuria but Ca reabsorp tion → ↑ serum Ca → ↑ nep hrotoxicity and
CNS sx

• Osteop enia, fractures and osteitis fibrosa cystica (latter seen in severe hyp erp ara.
only →

↑ osteoclast activity → cysts, fibrous nodules, salt & p ep p er ap p earance on X-ray)

• Nep hrolithiasis, nep hrocalcinosis, nep hrogenic DI

• Abdominal p ain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constip ation, p ancreatitis, PUD

• Fatigue, weakness, dep ression, confusion, coma, ↓ DTRs, short QT interval

• 1° HPT: 8 0% asx, 2 0% nep hrolithiasis, osteop orosis, etc.

• Calciphylaxis (calcific uremic arteriop athy): calcification of media of small- to med-

sized blood vessels of dermis & SC fat → ischemia and skin necrosis (NEJM
2 007;356:1049).

Associated w/ uremia, ↑ PTH, ↑ Ca, ↑ PO 4 and ↑ (Ca × PO 4) p roduct. Dx by

biop sy.

Rx: aggressive wound care, keep Ca & PO 4 nl (goal <55), avoid vitamin Δ & Ca
sup p l. IV Na thiosulfate, cinacalcet, & p arathyroidectomy controversial.

Overall p ortends a p oor p rognosis

Diagnostic studies
• Hyp erp arathyroidism and malignancy account for 90% of cases of hyp ercalcemia

hyp erp arathyroidism more likely if asx or chronic hyp ercalcemia

malignancy more likely if acute or sx; malignancy usually overt or becomes so in


• Ca, alb, ICa, PTH (may be inap p rop riately normal in 1° HPT & FHH), PO 4;

↑ or high nl PTH: 2 4-h U Ca >2 00 mg → HPT; 2 4-h U Ca <100 mg & FECa <0.01
↓ PTH: ✓ PTHrP, AΦ , & search for malig (eg, CT, mammogram, SPEP/UPEP) and
✓ vit D: ↑ 2 5-(OH)D → meds; ↑ 1,2 5-(OH)2 D → granuloma (✓ CXR, ACE, r/o
lymp h)

Treatment of asymptomatic 1° HPT (JCEM 2 009;94:335)

• Surgery if: age <50 y; serum Ca >1 mg/dL >ULN; CrCl <60 mL/min, DEXA T
score <-2 .5

• If surgery declined/deferred, can Rx with bisp hosp honates (↑ BMD but do not ↓ Ca &
PTH) or cinacalcet (↓ Ca & PTH but may not ↑ BMD)

• If not yet candidate for surgery: ✓ serum Ca & Cr annually and BMD q1–2 y

Clinical manifestations
• Neuromuscular irritability: p erioral p aresthesias, cramp s, Chvostek’s
(tap p ing facial nerve → contraction of facial muscles), Trousseau’s (inflation
of BP cuff → carp al sp asm), laryngosp asm; irritability, dep ression, p sychosis, ↑
ICP, seizures, ↑ QT

• Rickets and/or osteomalacia: chronic ↓ vit Δ → ↓ Ca, ↓ PO 4 → ↓ bone/cartilage

mineralization, growth failure, bone p ain, muscle weakness

• Renal osteodystrophy (↓ vit Δ & ↑ PTH in renal failure): osteomalacia [↓

mineralization of bone due to ↓ Ca and 1,2 5-(OH)2 D] & osteitis fibrosa cystica
(due to ↑ PTH)

Diagnostic studies

• Ca, alb, ICa, PTH, 2 5-(OH)D, 1,2 5-(OH)2 D (if renal failure or rickets), Cr, Mg, PO 4,
Af, U Ca

Treatment (also treat concomitant vitamin Δ deficiency)

• Symp tomatic: Ca gluconate (1–2 g IV over 2 0 mins) + calcitriol (most effective in

acute hyp ocalcemia, but takes hrs to work) ± Mg (50–100 mEq/d)

• Asymp tomatic and/or chronic: oral Ca (1–3 g/d; Ca citrate better absorbed then Ca
carbonate, esp . if on PPI) & vitamin Δ (eg, ergocalciferol 50,000 IU PO q wk × 8 –
10 wk). In chronic hyp op ara., calcitriol is needed, consider also thiazide.
• Chronic renal failure: p hosp hate binder(s), oral Ca, calcitriol or analogue
(calcimimetic may be needed later to p revent hyp ercalcemia)

Definition (Diabe te s Care 2 010;33:S62 ; NEJM 2 012 ;367:542 )

• HbA1c ≥6.5 or fasting glc ≥12 6 mg/dL × 2 or random glc ≥2 00 mg/dL × 2 (× 1
if severe hyp erglycemia and acute metabolic decomp ); routine OGTT not
recommended (excep t during p regnancy)
• Blood glc higher than normal, but not frank DM (“p rediabetics,” ~40% U.S.
p op ulation)
HbA1c 5.7–6.4% or imp aired fasting glc (IFG): 100–12 5 mg/dL

Preventing p rogression to DM: diet & exercise (58 % ↓), metformin (31% ↓; NEJM
2 002 ;346:393), TZD (60% ↓; Lance t 2 006;368 :1096)

• Type 1: islet cell destruction; absolute insulin deficiency; ketosis in absence of
insulin; p revalence 0.4% ; usual onset in childhood but can occur throughout
adulthood; ↑ risk if FHx; HLA associations; anti-GAD, anti-islet cell & anti-
insulin autoAb

• Type 2: insulin resistance + relative insulin ↓; p revalence 8 % ; onset generally later

in life; no HLA associations; risk factors: age, FHx, obesity, sedentary lifestyle

• Type 2 DM p/w DKA (“ketosis-p rone typ e 2 diabetes” or “Flatbush diabetes” ): most
often seen in nonwhite, ± anti-GAD Ab, eventually may not require insulin (Endo
Re v 2 008 ;2 9:2 92 )

• Mature-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY): autosomal dom. forms of DM due to

defects in insulin secretion genes; genetically and clinically heterogeneous (NEJM
2 001;345:971)

• Secondary causes of diabetes: exogenous glucocorticoids, glucagonoma (3 Ds =

DM, DVT, diarrhea), p ancreatic (p ancreatitis, hemochromatosis, CF, resection),
endocrinop athies (Cushing’s disease, acromegaly), gestational, drugs (p rotease
inhibitors, atyp ical antip sychotics)

Clinical manifestations
• Polyuria, p olydip sia, p olyp hagia with unexp lained weight loss; can also be
asymp tomatic
• Retinopathy

nonprolife rative : “dot & blot” and retinal hemorrhages, cotton-wool/p rotein
prolife rative : neovascularization, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment,

treatment: p hotocoagulation, surgery, intravitreal bevacizumab injections

• Nephropathy: microalbuminuria → p roteinuria ± nep hrotic syndrome → renal

diffuse glomerular basement membrane thickening/nodular p attern (Kimmelstiel-

usually accomp anied by retinop athy; lack of retinop athy suggests another cause

treatment: strict BP control using ACE inhibitors (NEJM 1993;32 9:1456 &
351:1941; Lance t 1997;349:178 7) or ARBs (NEJM 2 001;345:8 51 & 8 61), low-
p rotein diet, dialysis or transp lant
• Neuropathy: pe riphe ral: symmetric distal sensory loss, p aresthesias, ± motor loss
autonomic: gastrop aresis, constip ation, neurogenic bladder, erectile dysfxn,
monone uropathy: sudden-onset p erip heral or CN deficit (footdrop , CN III > VI >
• Accelerated atherosclerosis: coronary, cerebral and p erip heral arterial beds

• Infections: UTI, osteomyelitis of foot, candidiasis, mucormycosis, necrotizing

external otitis

• Dermatologic: necrobiosis lip oidica diabeticorum, lip odystrop hy, acanthosis


Outpatient screening and treatment goals (Diabe te s Care 2 012 ;35:1364)

• ✓ HbA1C q3–6mo, goal <7% for most Pts. Can use goal HbA1C ≥7.5–8 % if h/o
severe hyp oglycemia or other comorbidities. Microvascular & macrovascular
comp lications ↓ by strict glycemic control in T1D (NEJM 1993;32 9:997 &
2 005;353:2 643) & T2 D (Lance t 2 009;373:1765; Annals 2 009;151:394).

• Microalbuminuria screening yearly with sp ot microalbumin/Cr ratio, goal <30

• BP≤130/80 (? ≤140/8 5, Archive s 2 012 ;172 :12 96), benefit of ACE-I; LDL < 100,
TG <150, HDL >40; benefit of statins even w/o overt CAD (Lance t 2 003;361:2 005
& 2 004;364:68 5); ASA if age >50 ( ) or 60 ( ) or other cardiac risk factors
(Circ 2 010;12 1:2 694)

• Dilated retinal exam yearly; comp rehensive foot exam qy

Management of hyperglycemia in inpatients (for ICU Pts: see “Sep sis” )

• Identify reversible causes/exacerbaters (dextrose IVF, glucocorticoids, p ostop , ↑ carb

• Dx studies: BG fingersticks (fasting, qAC, qHS; or q6h if NPO), HbA1C

• Treatment goals: avoid hyp oglycemia, extreme hyp erglycemia (>18 0 mg/dL)
• Modification of outPt treatment regimen: In T1D, do not stop basal insulin (can →

In T2 D: stop p ing oral DM meds generally p referred to avoid hyp oglycemia or

med interaction (excep t if short stay, excellent outPt cntl, no p lan for IV
contrast, nl diet)

• InPt insulin: can use outPt regimen as guide; if insulin naïve:

total daily insulin = wt (kg) ÷ 2 , to start; adjust as needed

give 1/2 of total daily insulin as basal insulin in long-acting form to target fasting

give other 1/2 as short-acting boluses (standing p remeal & sliding scale corrective
• Discharge regimen: similar to admission regimen unless p oor outPt cntl or strong
reason for Δ. Arrange early insulin and glucometer teaching, p romp t outPt follow-
up .

Precipitants (the I’s)

• Insulin defic. (ie, failure to take enough insulin); Iatrogenesis (glucocorticoids)

• Infection (p neumonia, UTI) or Inflammation (p ancreatitis, cholecystitis)

• Ischemia or Infarction (myocardial, cerebral, gut); Intoxication (alcohol, drugs)
• Occurs in T1D (and in ketosis-p rone T2 D); ↑ glucagon and ↓ insulin

• Hyp erglycemia due to: ↑ gluconeogenesis, ↑ glycogenolysis, ↓ glucose up take into


• Ketosis due to: insulin deficiency → mobilization and oxidation of fatty acids,
↑ substrate for ketogenesis, ↑ ketogenic state of the liver, ↓ ketone clearance

Clinical manifestations (Diabe te s Care 2 003;2 6:S109)

• Polyuria, p olydip sia, & dehydration → ↑ HR, HoTN, dry mucous membranes, ↓ skin

• N/V, abdominal p ain (either due to intra-abdominal p rocess or DKA), ileus

• Kussmaul’s resp irations (deep ) to comp ensate for metabolic acidosis with odor of

• Δ MS → somnolence, stup or, coma; mortality ~1% even at tertiary care centers
Diagnostic studies

• ↑ Anion gap metabolic acidosis: can later develop nonanion gap acidosis due to
urinary loss of ketones (HCO 3 equivalents) and fluid resuscitation with chloride

• Ketosis: urine and serum ketones (p redominant ketone is β-OH-butyrate, but

acetoacetate measured by assay; urine ketones may be in fasting normal Pts)

• ↑ Serum glc; ↑ BUN & Cr (dehydration ± artifact due to ketones interfering w/ some
• Hyp onatremia: corrected Na = measured Na + [2 .4 × (measured glc −100)/100]

• ↓ or ↑ K (but even if serum K is elevated, usually total body K de ple te d); ↓ total body
p hos
• Leukocytosis, ↑ amylase (even if no p ancreatitis)

Definition, precipitants, pathophysiology (Diabe te s Care 2 003;2 6:S33)

• Extreme hyp erglycemia (w/o ketoacidosis) + hyp erosm. + Δ MS in T2 D (typ ically
• Precip same as for DKA, but also include dehydration and renal failure

• Hyp erglycemia → osmotic diuresis → vol dep letion → p rerenal azotemia → ↑ glc,

Clinical manifestations & dx studies (Diabe te s Care 2 006;2 9[12 ]:2 739)
• Volume dep letion and Δ MS
• ↑ serum glc (usually >600 mg/dL) and ↑ meas. serum osmolality (>32 0 mOsm/L)
effective Osm = 2 × Na (mEq/L) + glc (mg/dL)/18

• No ketoacidosis; usually ↑ BUN & Cr; [Na] dep ends on hyp erglycemia & dehydration

Treatment (r/o p ossible p recip itants; ~15% mortality due to p recip itating factors)

• Aggressive hydration: initially NS, then 1/2 NS, average fluid loss up to 8 –10 L

• Insulin (eg, 10 U IV followed by 0.05–0.1 U/kg/h)


Clinical manifestations (glucose <~55 mg/dL)

• CNS: headache, visual Δs, Δ MS, weakness, seizure, LOC (neuroglycop enic sx)

• Autonomic: diap horesis, p alp itations, tremor (adrenergic sx)

Etiologies in diabetics
• Excess insulin, oral hyp oglycemics, missed meals, renal failure (↓ insulin & SU
• β-blockers can mask adrenergic symp toms of hyp oglycemia
Etiologies in nondiabetics
• ↑ insulin: exogenous insulin, sulfonylureas, insulinoma, anti-insulin antibodies

• ↓ glucose production: hyp op ituitarism, adrenal insufficiency, glucagon deficiency,

hep atic failure, renal failure, CHF, alcoholism, sep sis, severe malnutrition
• ↑ IGF-II: non-islet tumor

• Postp randial, esp . p ostgastrectomy or gastric byp ass: excessive resp onse to glc load

• Low glc w/o sx can be normal

Evaluation in nondiabetics (J Clin Endocrinol Me tab 2 009;94:709)

• If clinically ill: take measures to avoid recurrent hyp oglycemia; ✓ BUN, Cr, LFTs,
TFTs, p realbumin; IGF-I/IGF-II ratio when ap p rop riate
• If otherwise healthy: 72 -h fast w/ monitored blood glc; stop for neuroglycop enic sx

• At time of hypog lyce mia: insulin, C p ep tide (↑ w/ insulinoma and sulfonylureas, ↓ w/

exogenous insulin), β-OH-butyrate, sulfonylurea levels

• At end of fast, give 1 mg glucagon IV and measure resp onse of p lasma glc before

• Glucose tablets, p aste, fruit juice are first-line Rx for Pts who can take POs

• If IV access available, give 2 5–50 g of D50 (50% dextrose)

• If no IV, can give glucagon 0.5–1 mg IM or SC (side effect: N/V)



• Lip op roteins = lip ids (cholesteryl esters & triglycerides) + p hosp holip ids +
p roteins

include: chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL, HDL, Lp (a)

• Measure after 12 -h fast; LDL is calculated = TC – HDL – (TG/5) (if TG >400, order
direct LDL measurement as calc. LDL inaccurate). Lip id levels stable up to 2 4 h
after ACS and other acute illnesses, then ↓ and may take 6 wk to return to nl.

• Metabolic syndrome (≥3 of following): waist ≥40” ( ) or ≥35” ( ); TG ≥150;

HDL <40 mg/dL ( ) or <50 mg/dL ( ); BP ≥130/8 5 mmHg; fasting glc ≥100
mg/dL (Circ 2 009;12 0:1640)

Primary dyslipidemias

• Familial hyp ercholesterolemia (FH, 1:500): defective LDL recep tor; ↑↑ chol, nl TG; ↑

• Familial defective ap oB100 (FDB, 1:1000): similar to FH

• Familial combined hyp erlip idemia (FCH, 1:2 00): p olygenic; ↑ chol, ↑ TG, ↓ HDL; ↑

• Familial dysbetalip op roteinemia (FDBL, 1:10,000): ap oE ε2 /ε2 + DM, obesity,

renal disease, etc.;↑ chol and TG; tuberoerup tive and p almar striated xanthomas; ↑

• Familial hyp ertriglyceridemia (FHTG, 1:500): ↑ TG, ± ↑ chol, ↓ HDL, p ancreatitis

Physical exam findings

• Tendon xanthomas: seen on Achilles, elbows and hands; imp ly LDL >300 mg/dL

• Erup tive xanthomas: p imp le-like lesions on extensor surfaces; imp ly TG >1000

• Xanthelasma: yellowish streaks on eyelids seen in various dyslip idemias

• Corneal arcus: common in older adults, imp ly hyp erlip idemia in young Pts

• Every 1 mmol (39 mg/dL) ↓ LDL → 2 2 % ↓ major vascular events (CV death, MI,
stroke, revasc) in individuals w/ & w/o CAD (Lance t 2 010;376:1670); in healthy
individuals w/ LDL <130 mg/dL & hs-CRP >2 , rosuvastatin → 47% ↓
CVD/MI/stroke (NEJM 2 008 ;359:2 195)

• Fewer clinical data, but TG <400 and HDL >40 are additional reasonable targets

Approach to patient with joint pain

• Articular vs. periarticular (bursitis, tendinitis) p ain: typ ically active ROM more
p ainful in p eriarticular p rocess than p assive ROM

• Inflammatory vs. noninflammatory p ain: features of inflammatory p ain include

swelling, warmth or redness in sp ecific joint, p ersistence over days to weeks,
p rolonged morning stiffness (>30 min), imp rovement of p ain/stiffness w/
• Physical exam (see table): localize comp laint and identify objective signs of
• The p hysical exam is only 50–70% sensitive for detecting inflammatory arthritis

a May initially p resent as arthralgia w/o signs of overt arthritis. bRange of motion
(ROM) of joint or joint associated with bursa or tendon.

Approach to arthritis

Figure 8-1 Approach to arthritis

Radiologic features
• OA
p lain films: osteophyes, asym joint sp ace narrowing (JSN), subchondral
sclerosis/cysts MRI may show early disease not seen on p lain films; U/S MRI
for structural damage
• RA
p lain films: early=p eriarticular osteopenia; late=erosions, symmetric JSN MRI
& U/S able to detect early and subclinical disease; MRI U/S for erosions

• Gout
p lain films: early=nonsp ec swelling; late=tophus, joint erosions w/ overhanging
edges U/S > MRI for detection of microtop hi (double contour sign); MRI U/S
for erosions

• Spondyloarthritis (sacroiliac joint)

p lain films: p seudo-widening of joint sp ace (early), sclerosis, erosions, ankylosis
MRI most sensitive for early Δ in SIJ; U/S MRI for early detection of
p erip heral enthesitis

Inflammatory markers (Mod Rheumatol 2 009;19:469)

• ESR: indirect measure of inflammation (↑ RBC aggregation due to acute-p hase
p roteins); slow to rise; ↑ w/ age, p regnancy, anemia, obesity
• CRP: direct measure of inflammation (p rotein p roduced by liver, p art of innate
immune system); typ ically rises and falls before the ESR w/ treatment/resolution
of p rocess
Autoantibody testing
• ANA: screening test for Ab directed against extractable nuclear antigens (ENAs) found
in autoimmune conditions, most useful in testing for connective tissue diseases
• ENAs: p roteins p recip itated from sp leen extracts; targets are generally of nuclear

• Order ANA only when clinical susp icion for disease b/c nonsp ecific: 1:40 (low ,
2 5–30% of healthy p eop le); 1:8 0 (low , 10–15% of healthy p eop le); ≥1:160 (
, 5% of healthy). May be in Pts p rior to clin manifest (NEJM
2 003;349:152 6; Arthritis Res Ther 2 011;13:1).
• Does not correlate well w/ disease activity, ∴ no clinical value in serial testing

• dsDNA and ENA antibodies (Ro/La/Smith/RNP) are highly sp ecific for various CTD
and can be used to further w/u ANA in setting of clinical susp icion

• RF and anti-CCP can be seen in CTD but are not sp ecific


Definition & epidemiology (Lance t 2 010;376:1094; NEJM 2 011;365:2 2 05)

• Chronic, symmetric, debilitating and destructive inflammatory p olyarthritis
characterized by p roliferative synovial tissue (p annus) formation in affected joints
• Genetic (~50% of risk) & environmental factors (eg, smoking, silica dust exp osure)

• ↑ risk w/ shared ep itop e & smoke b/c gene–environment interaction (Ann Rheum Dis
2 010;69:70)

• Prevalence=1% adults; 5% of >70 y; to ratio=3:1; p eak incidence 50–

75 y

Clinical manifestations (Medicine 2 010;38 :167)

• Usually insidious onset pain, swelling and imp aired function of joints (typ ically
PIPs, MCPs, wrists, knees, ankles, MTPs and cervical sp ine) with morning
stiffness for ≥1 h

• Typ ically p olyarticular (60% small joints, 30% large joints, 10% both), may be
monoarticular (knee, shoulder, wrist) early in course; nb, rheumatoid joints can
become infected

• Joint deformities: ulnar deviation, swan neck (MCP flexion, PIP hyp erextension,
DIP flexion), boutonnière (PIP flexion, DIP hyp erextension), cock-up deformities
• C1–C2 instability → myelop athy, ∴✓ C-sp ine flex/ext films p rior to elective

• Constitutional symp toms: low-grade fever, weight loss, malaise

• Extra-articular manifestations (18 –41% of Pts) can occur at any time; ↑ frequency
in serop ositive (RF or anti-CCP) (Autoimmun Rev 2 011;11:12 3)

Laboratory & radiologic studies

• RF (IgM/IgA/IgG anti-IgGAb) in ~70% of Pts; also seen in other rheumatic diseases
(SLE, Sjögren’s), infection (SBE, hep atitis, TB), typ es II & III cryo, 5% of healthy
p op ulation

• Anti-CCP (Ab to cyclic citrullinated p ep tide): in ~8 0% of Pts, similar Se (~70% ),

more Sp (>90% ) than RF p articularly for early RA (Arth Rheum 2 009;61:1472 );
a/w increased joint damage and low remission rates
• ~2 0% are seronegative (RF and anti-CCP negative)
• ↑ ESR/CRP but nl in ~30% ; ANA in ~15% ; ↑ globulin during p eriods of active
• Radiograp hs of hands and wrists: p eriarticular osteop enia, bone erosions, joint

ACR/EULAR classification criteria (Arth Rhe um 2 010;62 :2 569)

• Use for Pts with ≥1 joint with synovitis not better exp lained by another disease
• Summed score of ≥6 c/w RA

Management (Lance t 2 009;373:659; Ann Rhe um Dis 2 010;69:631)

• Early dx and Rx (esp . DMARD) w/ frequent follow-up and escalation of Rx as needed

to achie ve clinical re mission or low disease activity
• ↓ time to remission ↑ length of sustained remission (Arthritis Re s The r
2 010;12 :R97)

• Sero- disease (eg, RF or anti-CCP) a/w aggressive joint disease & EAM

• Start both rap id acting agent (to acutely ↓ inflammation) and Disease-Modifying
Anti-Rheumatic Drug (DMARD) (typ ically take 1–3 mo to have max effect) at dx

• Rap id-acting drugs: NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors (↑ CV adverse events);

glucocorticoids [low-dose (<2 0 mg/d oral) or joint injection]; or

NSAIDs + glucocorticoids: ↑ GI adverse events, minimize long-term concurrent use


MTX (1st line unless CKD, hep atitis, EtOH or lung disease), SAS or leflunomide;
consider HCQ if seronegative and mild disease;
if inadequate resp onse after 3 mo (desp ite DMARD dose escalation): combination
Rx w/ other traditional DMARDs (ie, MTX, SAS and HCQ) or biologic (anti-TNF
typ ically 1st line unless contraindication)
• Given ↑ r/o early CV morbidity/mortality, ↓ risk w/ lifestyle mgmt, lip id & DM

Adult onset Still’s disease (Drug s 20 0 8 ;6 8 :319)

• Rare autoinflammatory synd; = w/ typ ical onset 16–35 y; sx evolve over

wks to mos

• Dx if 5 criteria are p resent & ≥2 major; exclude infxn, malig, other rheumatic, drug
major: fever ≥39°C for ≥1 wk (usually daily or twice daily high-sp iking fever);
arthralgias/arthritis ≥2 wk; Still’s rash (qv); ↑ WBC w/ 8 0% PMN
minor: sore throat; LAN; HSM; ↑ AST/ALT/LDH; negative ANA & RF
• Still’s rash (>8 5% ): nonp ruritic macular or maculop ap ular salmon-colored rash;
usually trunk or extremities; may be p recip itated by trauma (Koebner
p henomenon), warm water

• Plain films: soft tissue swelling (e arly) → cartilage loss, erosions, carp al ankylosis
(late )
• Treatment: NSAIDs, steroids; steroid-sp aring: MTX, anakinra, anti-TNF, tocilizumab

• Variable clinical course: 2 0% w/ long-term remission; 30% remit-relap se; ~50%

chronic (esp . arthritis); ↑ risk of macrop hage activation syndrome (life-

Relapsing polychondritis (Autoimmun Re v 2 010;9:540)

• Inflammatory destruction of cartilaginous structures; onset usually age 40–60 y,

• Subacute onset of red, painful and swollen cartilage; ultimately atrop hic &

• Common clinical features: bilateral auricular chondritis; nonerosive inflammatory

arthritis; nasal chondritis; ocular inflammation; laryngeal or tracheal chondritis;
cochlear and/or vestibular dysfxn

• 40% of cases a/w immunologic disorder (eg, RA, SLE, vasc., Sjögren’s), cancer or

• Clinical diagnosis based on exam with multip le sites of cartilaginous inflammation

• Labs: ↑ ESR & CRP, leukocytosis, eosinop hilia, anemia of chronic inflammation
• Bx (not req for dx): p roteoglycan dep letion, p erichondrial inflammation and
rep lacement with granulation tissue and fibrosis; immunofluorescence with Ig and
C3 dep osits

• Screen for p ulm (PFTs, CXR/CT, ± bronch) and cardiac (ECG, TTE) involvement

• Therap y guided by disease activity and severity: steroids 1st line; NSAIDs, dap sone
for sx control of arthralgias and mild disease; MTX or AZA for steroid-sp aring;
cyclop hosp hamide for organ-threatening disease


Definition & epidemiology (Lance t 2 010;375:318 ; NEJM 2 011;364:443)

• Humans lack enzyme to metabolize urate (end-p roduct of p urine metabolism)
• Monosodium urate (MSU) crystal dep osition in joints p romotes inflammation

• > (9:1); p eak incidence 5th decade; most common cause of inflammatory

arthritis in over 30 y; rare in p remenop ausal (estrogens p romote renal

urate excretion)

(Lance t 2 004;363:12 77; NEJM 2 004;350:1093; Ann Rhe um Dis 2 012 ;71:1448 )
Clinical manifestations

• 4 stages: asx ↑ UA → acute gouty arthritis → intercritical (in between acute flares,
usually asx) → chronic gouty arthrop athy/top haceous gout

• Asx hyperuricemia: majority never develop gout

• Acute arthritis: sudden onset (freq. nocturnal) of p ainful monoarticular arthritis

MTP of great toe (podagra); LE > UE; occasionally p olyarticular (esp . in subseq
p recip itants: rap id Δ UA; ↑ dietary p urine; surgery; infection; dehydration, meds
(diuretics, urate lowering agents); ∴ frequent in hosp italized Pts

self-limited in 3–10 d; can involve bursa (eg, olecranon or p atella); can mimic

• Intercritical period: may be years but p rogressively shorter as freq of attacks ↑

• Chronic tophaceous gout: solid MSU crystal dep osition in tissue & joints;
commonly in joints (fingers, wrists, knees), p inna,  Achilles tendon and p ressure

chronic gouty arthropathy: deforming arthritis from top hus → p ain, joint
• Renal: uric acid stones; urate nep hrop athy (interstitial dep osits)

Diagnostic studies

• ↑ UA does not make dx: 2 5% of measurements nl during flare; ± ↑ WBC & ESR
• Arthrocentesis: p olarized microscop y → needle-shaped, negatively birefringent
crystals (yellow p arallel to axis marked on p olarizer), intracellular or
extracellular (less sp ecific)

WBC 2 0,000–100,000/mm 3, >50% p olys

infxn can coexist with acute attacks, ∴ always ✓ Gram stain & Cx (J Rheum
2 012 ;39:157)
• Radiology: erosions with overhanging edge (late), useful to exclude chondrocalcinosis

Acute treatment (Arthritis Care Re s 2 012 ;64:1447)

• No sup erior op tion; start w/in 2 4 h of sx onset; continue until acute flare resolves;
for severe cases, consider combination therap y; rest and ice

Chronic treatment (Lance t 2 011;377:165)

• Approach: if ≥2 attacks/y, ≥1 top hus, joint erosions or urolithiasis → start urate

lowering Rx & p harmacologic p rop hylaxis to ↓ risk of acute attacks

• Urate lowering Rx: goal UA <6 mg/dL; do NOT discontinue during acute attack

• Pharmacologic prophylaxis: continue for at least 6 mo or longer if frequent attacks:

low-dose colchicine (~50% ↓ risk of acute flare; J Rheum 2 004;31:2 42 9),
NSAIDs (less evidence; Ann Rheum Dis 2 006;65:1312 ), low-dose (<10 mg/d)
steroids (min evidence)

• Lifestyle Δs: ↓ intake of meat, EtOH & seafood; ↑ low-fat dairy p roducts; wt loss;
avoid dehydration and hyp eruricemia-p romoting drugs (eg, diuretics)
• Allopurinol hypersensitivity syndrome: 10–2 5% mortality; ↓ risk by starting w/
dose 100 mg/d if eGFR >40 or 50 mg/d if eGFR <40; titrate up by 100 mg/d (if
eGFR >40) or 50 mg/d (if eGFR <40) q2 –5wk until goal UA (<6 mg/dL) reached
(dose can be >300 mg/d even in CKD) (Arthritis Rheum 2 012 ;64:2 52 9; Arthritis
Care Res 2 012 ;64:1431)


• Dep osition of CPPD crystals w/in tendons, ligaments, articular cap sules, synovium,
cartilage; frequently asymp tomatic

Etiologies (Rhe umatolog y 2 012 ;51:2 070)

• Most cases idiopathic; consider further metabolic eval in young (<50 y) and florid

• Metabolic (3 H’s): hemochromatosis; hyp erp arathyroidism; hyp omagnesemia (esp .

in Gitelman’s or Bartter’s syndromes)
• Joint trauma (incl. p revious surgery); intra-articular hyaluronate can p recip itate
• Familial chondrocalcinosis (autosomal dominant disorder); early-onset,
p olyarticular dis.

Clinical manifestations (Rhe umatolog y 2 009;48 :711)

• Chondrocalcinosis: calcification of cartilage, resulting from CPPD dep osition in
articular cartilage, fibrocartilage or menisci.

↑ incidence w/ age; 2 0% >60 y have knee chondrocalcinosis in autop sy studies

• Pseudogout: acute CPPD crystal-induced mono- or asymmetric oligoarticular
arthritis, indistinguishable from gout excep t through synovial fluid exam for

location: knees, wrists and MCP joints

p recip itants: surgery, trauma or severe illness
• “Pseudo-RA” : chronic p olyarticular arthritis with morning stiffness

• Pyrop hosp hate arthrop athy: resembles OA and difficult to distinguish; may involve
axial skeleton
Diagnostic studies

• Arthrocentesis

p olarized microscop y → rhomboid-shaped, weakly positively birefringent

crystals (yellow pe rpe ndicular and blue p arallel to axis marked on p olarizer)

WBC 2000–100,000/mm3 , >50% polys

infection can coexist with acute attacks, ∴ always ✓ Gram stain & Cx

• Screen for associated disease if young or severe: ✓ Ca, Mg, Fe, ferritin, TIBC, UA,
• Radiographs: chondrocalcinosis ap p ears as p unctate and linear densities in articular
cartilage, menisci, triangular fibrocartilage of wrist, small joints of fingers and
symp hysis p ubis; may be asx (15% in Pts >60 y, 30–60% in Pts >8 0 y)

not a p rerequisite for the diagnosis of CPPD disease

Treatment (Ann Rhe um Dis 2 011;70:571)

• Asymp tomatic chondrocalcinosis requires no treatment

• Acute therap y for p seudogout: no RCTs, extrap olated from p ractice in gout; ∴same
as for gout, though colchicine not as effective

• If associated metabolic disease, Rx of underlying disorder may imp rove arthritis sx

• Low-dose daily colchicine or NSAID may be effective for p rop hylaxis or chronic
arthrop athy

Classification system (Curr Opin Rhe umatol 20 10 ;22:375)

• 5 subtyp es: ankylosing sp ondylitis (most common), reactive arthritis, p soriatic
arthritis, IBD-associated arthritis and undifferentiated
• All subtyp es share common clinical manifestations: inflammatory sp ine disease,
p erip heral arthritis, enthesitis and extra-articular manifestations (p rimarily
ocular and skin disease)

Epidemiology & pathogenesis (Se min Arthritis Rhe um 2 008 ;38 :8 3)

• ↑ p revalence of HLA-B2 7; HLA-B2 7 accounts for ~30% of attributable genetic risk

• Environmental factors likely critical for disease, esp . reactive arthritis (eg, infection)
• Prevalence of 0.5–2 % of p op ulation, worldwide

Major clinical manifestations (Lance t 2 011;377:2 12 7)

• Inflammatory back pain: SI joints (sacroiliitis), ap op hyseal joints of sp ine

characterized by IPAIN (Insidious onset, Pain at night, Age of onset <40 y,

Imp roves w/ exercise/hot water, No imp rovement w/ rest), a.m. stiffness,
re sponsive to NSAIDs

• Peripheral arthritis: typ ically asymmetric, oligoarticular, large joints, lower >
up p er limb; however, can be symmetric & p olyarticular (thus, mimic RA), esp . in
p soriatic arthritis

• Enthesitis: inflammation at site of tendon/ligament insertion into bone, esp .

Achilles, p re-p atellar, elbow ep icondyles, p lantar fasciitis. Rigidity of spine
(bamboo sp ine by X-ray, ankylosis due to p rogressive growth of bony sp urs which
bridge intervertebral disc).

• Dactylitis (“sausage digit” ): inflammation of entire digit (joint + tenosynovial

• Uveitis: anterior uveitis most common extra-articular manifestation; p /w p ain, red
eye, blurry vision, p hotop hobia, usually unilateral
Descriptions of skin manifestations

• Psoriasis: erythematous p laques with sharp ly defined margins often w/ thick silvery
• Circinate balanitis: shallow, p ainless ulcers of glans p enis and urethral meatus

• Keratoderma blennorrhagica: hyp erkeratotic lesions on soles of feet, scrotum,

p alms, trunk, scalp
• Erythema nodosum: red tender nodules due to p anniculitis, typ ically on shins; Ddx
incl. idiop athic, infxn, sarcoid, drugs, vasculitis, IBD, lymp homa

• Pyoderma gangrenosum: neutrop hilic dermatosis → p ainful ulcers w/ violaceous

border; Ddx incl. idiop athic, IBD, RA, myelogenous leukemia

Psoriatic arthritis subtypes (Lance t 2 011;377:2 12 7)

• Monoarticular/oligoarticular (eg, large joint, DIP joint, dactylitic digit): most

common initial manifestation

• Polyarthritis (small joints of the hands/feet, wrists, ankles, knees, elbows):

indistinguishable from RA, but often asymmetric

• Arthritis mutilans: severe destructive arthritis with bone resorp tion, esp . hands

• Axial disease: similar to ankylosing sp ondylitis ± p erip heral arthritis

• DIP-Limited: good correlation with nail p itting and onycholysis

Clinical assessment (Nat Re v Rhe umatol 2 012 ;8 :2 53)

• Axial disease assessment
Severity of lumbar flexion deformity assessed by modified Schober’s test ( if
<5 cm ↑ in distance between a p oint 5 cm below the lumbosacral jxn and
another p oint 10 cm above, when going from standing to maximum forward
T-sp ine mobility (extension) and kyp hosis severity measured by occip ut-to-wall

• Seronegative: notable for absence of rheumatoid factor or autoantibodies; ± ↑ ESR

• HLA-B27: nonsp ecific, as common in general p op ulation (6–8 % ); most useful when
high clinical susp icion but nl imaging; 90% of Pts w/ AS, but only 2 0–8 0% in
other Sp A
• Radiology
MRI p referred for early detection of inflammation (sacroiliitis)

Plain films detect late structural changes (SI erosions/sclerosis)

calcification of sp inal ligaments w/ bridging symm syndesmop hytes (“bamboo

sp ine” )

squaring and generalized demineralization of vertebral bodies (“shiny

corners” )
• Infectious evaluation for reactive arthritis ( studies do not r/o)

U/A, PCR of urine and/or genital swab for Chlamydia; urethritis usually due to
Chlamydia infxn p receding arthritis, but also can see sterile urethritis p ost

stool Cx, C. diff toxin

consider HIV in workup of reactive or p soriatic arthritis

Treatment approach (Lance t 2 011;377:2 12 7; Rhe umatolog y 2 012 ;51:1378 )

• Untreated disease may lead to irreversible structural damage and associated ↓


• Early p hysiotherap y beneficial

• NSAIDs: 1st line; rap idly ↓ stiffness and p ain; p rolonged, continuous administration
may modify disease course but associated w/ GI and CV toxicity

• Intra-articular corticosteroids in mono- or oligoarthritis; limited role for systemic

steroids, esp . for axial disease
• Conventional DMARDs (eg, MTX and SAS): no efficacy for axial disease or
enthesitis; may have role in p erip heral arthritis, uveitis and other extra-articular

• Anti-TNFs: effective for both axial and p erip heral manifestations; imp roves function
(Ann Rheum Dis 2 006;65:42 3) and may slow p rogression of structural changes
(Curr Rheumatol Rep 2 012 ;14:42 2 ); unclear role of other biologics

• Other
Abx in reactive arthritis if evidence of active infxn; consider p rolonged abx for
refractory Chlamydia ReA (Arthritis Rheum 2 010;62 :12 98 )

Involve op hthalmologist for any evidence of inflammatory eye disease (may

benefit from steroid eye drop s or intravitreal steroid injections)

Treat underlying IBD when ap p rop riate




• Bacterial (nongonococcal): early diagnosis required

• Gonococcal (N. gonorrhea): consider in sexually active young adults
• Viral: p arvovirus, HCV, HBV, acute HIV; typ ically p olyarticular, may mimic RA

• Mycobacterial: monoarticular or axial (Pott’s disease)

• Fungal: Candida (esp . p rosthetic joints), coccidiomycosis (valley fever),
histop lasmosis
• Other: Lyme, mycop lasma

Diagnosis (JAMA 2007; 297:1478)

• H&P w/ p oor sensitivity and sp ecificity for sep tic arthritis; ∴ arthrocentesis should
be p erformed as soon as susp ected

• Take care not to tap through an infected area thus introducing infxn into joint sp ace

• ✓ Synovial fluid cell count, Gram stain, bacterial culture, crystals

WBC >50k w/ poly predom susp icious for bact. infxn; crystals do not r/o sep tic

Epidemiology & risk factors

• Immunocompromised host: diabetics, HIV, elderly, SLE, etc.

• Damaged joints: RA, OA, gout, trauma, p rior surgery/p rosthetic, p rior
arthrocentesis (rare)

• Bacterial seeding: bacteremia secondary to IVDU, endocarditis or skin infection

direct inoculation or sp read from contiguous focus (eg, cellulitis, sep tic bursitis,

Clinical manifestations (JAMA 2 007;2 97:1478 ; Lance t 2 010;375:8 46)

• Acute onset monoarticular arthritis (>8 0% ) w/ p ain (Se 8 5% ), swelling (Se 78 % ),

• Location: knee (most common), hip , wrist, shoulder, ankle. In IVDU, tends to
involve other areas (eg, sacroiliac joint, symp hysis p ubis, sternoclavicular and
manubrial joints).
• Constit. sx: fevers (Se 57% ), rigors (Se 19% ), sweats (Se 2 7% ), malaise, myalgias,
p ain

• Infection can track from initial site to form fistulae, abscesses or osteomyelitis
• Sep tic bursitis must be differentiated from sep tic intra-articular effusion

Additional diagnostic studies (JAMA 2 007;2 97:1478 )

• Synovial fluid: WBC usually >50k (Se 62 % , Sp 92 % ) but can be <10k, >90%
polys; Gram stain in ~75% of Stap h, ~50% of GNR; Cx in >90% .

Synovial bx for Cx most sens.

• Leukocytosis (Se 90% , Sp 36% )

• Blood cultures in >50% of cases, ~8 0% when more than 1 joint involved

• Conventional radiograp hs usually normal until after ~2 wk of infection when bony

erosions, joint sp ace narrowing, osteomyelitis, p eriostitis can be seen

• CT & MRI useful esp . for susp ected hip infection or ep idural abscess

Treatment (for native joints)

• Promp t emp iric antibiotics guided by Gram stain after surgical drainage. If Gram
stain , emp iric Rx w/ vancomycin; add anti-p seudomonal agent if elderly,
immunosup p .
• Tailor antibiotics based on Gram stain, culture results, & clinical course

• IV antibiotics × ≥2 wk followed by oral antibiotics; varies by clinical course &


• Joint must be drained, often serially; surgical drainage (usually arthroscop ic), esp .
for larger joints and as initial treatment, but may also be accomp lished by
Serial synovial fluid analyses should demonstrate ↓ in WBC and sterility.

• Prognosis: 10–50% mortality dep ending on virulence of organism, time to Rx, host

Prosthetic joint infections (Infe ct Dis Clin North Am 2 012 ;2 6:2 9; CID 2 013;66:e1)

• ↑ risk in first 2 y s/p p rocedure; rate generally low (0.5–2 .4% ); risk factors include
obesity, RA, immunocomp romised state, steroids, & sup erficial surgical site infxn

• Stap hylococci (coag negative & S. aureus) in >50% ; p olymicrobial in 10–2 0%

• Early (<3 mo s/p surgery) or delayed (3–2 4 mo) onset typ ically acquired during
imp lantation; early w/ virulent organisms (eg, MRSA) and delayed w/ less virulent
organisms (eg, P. acnes, coag negative Stap h) & more indolent p resentation

• Late (>2 4 mo) onset typ ically related to secondary hematogenous seeding

• Diagnosis requires arthrocentesis by orthop edics; ESR & CRP can be help ful

• Treatment typ ically requires p rolonged abx & two-stage joint rep lacement (joint
retention a/w ~40% failure rate; CID 2 013;56:18 2 ) or life-long sup p ressive abx.
ID and orthop edics consultation required.

Epidemiology (Infect Dis Clin North Am 2005; 19:853)

• N. gonorrhea; most frequent typ e of infectious arthritis in sexually active young
• Normal host as well as Pts w/ deficiencies of terminal comp onents of comp lement

• : =4:1; ↑ incidence during menses, p regnancy, & p ostp artum p eriod; ↑

incidence in homosexual males; rare after age 40 y

Clinical manifestations
• Preceded by mucosal infection (eg, endocervix, urethra or p harynx) that is often asx

• Two distinct syndromes:

Joint localized: p urulent arthritis (40% ), usually 1–2 joints (knees > wrists >

DGI: triad of polyarthralgias, tenosynovitis, skin lesions; p urulent arthritis rare

acute onset of tenosynovitis (60% ) in wrists, fingers, ankles, toes rash (>50% ):
gunmetal gray p ustules with erythematous base on extremities & trunk

• Rare comp lications: Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (p erihep atitis), p ericarditis,

meningitis, myocarditis, osteomyelitis from direct extension of joint-localized

Additional diagnostic studies

• Synovial fluid: WBC >50k (but can be <10k), poly predominant

Gram stain in ~2 5% ; culture in up to 50% if done w/ Thayer-Martin

• Blood culture: more likely in DGI; rarely in joint localized disease

• Gram stain and culture of skin lesions occasionally

• Cervical, urethral, p haryngeal, rectal PCR or cx on Thayer-Martin media; ✓



• Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime ¥ 7 Δ w/ empiric doxycycline for Chlamydia

(fluoroquinolones no longer recommended due to resistance)

• Joint arthroscop y/lavage may be required if p urulent arthritis; rarely >1 time

Epidemiology & risk factors (Infe ct Dis North Am 2 005;19:991)

• >150 bursae in the body; 2 most commonly infected are olecranon and prepatellar

• Most commonly (esp . sup erficial bursae) due to direct trauma, p ercutaneous
inoculation or contiguous sp read from adjacent infection (eg, cellulitis)

• Other risk factors: recurrent noninfectious inflammation (eg, gout, RA, CPPD),

• S. aureus (8 0% ) most common, followed by strep tococci

• Physical exam: discrete bursal swelling, erythema, maximal tenderness at center of
bursa with p reserved joint range of motion

• Asp irate bursa if concern for infxn, ✓ cell count, Gram stain, bacterial cx, crystals

WBC >20k w/ poly predominance susp icious for bacterial infection, but lower
counts common (crystals do not rule out sep tic bursitis!)

• Assess for adjacent joint effusion, which can also be sep tic

• Take care not to tap through infected skin thus introducing infxn into bursa
Initial therapy

• Promp t emp iric coverage for stap hylococci and strep tococci: PO abx accep table for
mild p resentation; vancomycin if ill-ap p earing; broaden sp ectrum based on risk

• Modify antibiotics based on Gram stain, culture results, & clinical course
• Duration of therap y is 1–4 wk

• Serial aspirations every 1–3 Δ until sterile or no reaccumulation of fluid

• Surgery if unable to drain bursa through asp iration, evidence of foreign body or
necrosis, recurrent/refractory bursitis w/ concern for infxn of adjacent structures

• Autoantibody testing is directed by clinical findings, as autoantibodies themselves do

not define a p articular connective tissue disease

• Overlap syndromes encomp assing more than one connective tissue disorder may be
reflected serologically by the p resence of multip le autoantibodies

se e “Syste mic Lupus Erythe matosus” and “Rhe umatoid Arthritis” for those dise ase s

Definition & epidemiology (Be st Pract Re s Clin Rhe umatol 2 010;2 4:8 57)
• Scleroderma refers to the p resence of tight, thickened skin

• Localized scleroderma: morp hea (p laques of fibrotic skin), linear (fibrotic bands),
“en coup de saber” (linear scleroderma on one side of scalp and forehead saber
• Systemic sclerosis (SSc)=scleroderma + internal organ involvement. Subgroup s:
SSc w/ limited cutaneous disease
SSc w/ diffuse cutaneous disease: rap idly p rogressive disorder affecting skin
SSc sine scleroderma (visceral disease without skin involvement, rare)

• Peak onset of SSc between ages 30–50; > (7:1); African American > white

• 1–2 /100,000 annual incidence of systemic disease in the U.S.

• Pathogenesis: immune damage to endothelial cells and reactive O 2 sp ecies

p roduction → p ersistent oxidative stress → p erivascular inflammation →
fibroblast activation and fibrosis. Cytokines, growth factors, genetics,
environmental factors and autoantibodies (against PDGF recep tor, endothelial cells
and fibroblasts) all contribute (NEJM 2 009;360:198 9).

Classification criteria (1 major or 2 minor; 97% Se, 98 % Sp ; Arth Rheum

198 0;2 3:58 1)
• Major: skin findings extend proximal to MCP or MTP joints

• Minor: sclerodactyly (skin findings limited to the fingers)

digital pitting scars from loss of substance on the finger p ad

bibasilar pulmonary fibrosis

• Other causes of thickened skin: diabetes (scleredema ≠ scleroderma),
hyp othyroidism, nep hrogenic systemic fibrosis, eosinop hilic fasciitis, amyloidosis,
GVHD, drug or toxin

Diagnostic studies & monitoring

• Autoantibodies

anti-Scl-70 (antitop oisomerase 1): 40% of diffuse, 15% of limited; ↑ risk

p ulm fibrosis

anticentromere: 60–8 0% of limited, <5% of diffuse, ↑ risk of severe digit


ANA (>90% ), RF (30% ), anti-RNP a/w overlap syndrome

• At baseline: ✓ BUN/Cr & UA for p roteinuria, PFTs (sp irometry, lung volumes,
DLCO), high-res chest CT (if diffuse disease), TTE (RVSP for PHT), RHC if ↑ RVSP
or susp ect PHT

• Annual PFTs; TTE q1–2 y

• Skin bx not routine, but help ful to assess other p ossible causes for skin thickening

• ↑ r/o malignancy at affected sites

Treatment (Ann Rhe um Dis 2 009;68 :62 0)

• Pulmonary Fibrosis: cyclophosphamide (NEJM 2 006;354:2 655), steroids

PAH: p ulmonary vasodilators (see “Pulm Hyp ertension” ), early Rx a/w better

• Renal: monitor BP monthly, intervene early to avoid HTN crisis; dip stick for p rotein
Scleroderma renal crisis: ACE inhibitors (not ARB); ACEi not indicated for
p rop hylaxis

• GI: PPI and/or H2 -blockers for GERD; antibiotics for malabsorp tion
hyp omotility: metoclop ramide or erythromycin; nonop erative Rx of p seudo-

• Cardiac: NSAIDs or steroids for p ericarditis

• Arthritis: acetaminop hen, NSAIDs, hydroxychloroquine, PT

• Myositis: MTX, AZA, steroids

• Skin: PUVA for morp hea. For p ruritus: emollients, top ical or oral steroids (↓ dose).
Immunosup p ressives offer only minimal to modest benefit for skin fibrosis.

Definition & epidemiology (JAMA 2 013;305:18 3)

• Polymyositis (PM): T cell–mediated muscle injury → skeletal muscle inflam &
• Dermatomyositis (DM): immune comp lex dep osition in blood vessels with
comp lement
activation → skeletal muscle inflam. & weakness + skin manifestations

• Inclusion body myositis (IBM): T cell–mediated muscle injury, vacuole formation

amyloid dep osition → skeletal muscle inflam & weakness
• 10% of PM and 2 4% of DM a/w malignancy (typ ically adenocarcinomas, a/w more
severe disease) (Curr Rheumatol Rep 2 011;13:2 08 )

• PM/DM: onset typ ically 40s and 50s; > ; DM also occurs in childhood

• IBM: onset after age 50; > ; often misdiagnosed as p olymyositis

Clinical manifestations (Rhe um Dis Clin N Am 2 011;37:143)

• Muscle weakness: gradual (wks → mos), p rogressive and p ainless

DM/PM: p roximal and symmetric; difficulty climbing stairs, arising from chairs,
brushing hair; ± tenderness of affected areas; fine motor skills (eg, buttoning,
writing) lost late

IBM: may be asymmetric and distal

• Dermatologic: may p recede myositis by mos to yrs (uncommon for converse)

erythematous rash on sun-exp osed skin: neck & shoulders (shawl sign), face, chest

heliotrope rash (p urp lish discoloration) over up p er eyelids ± p eriorbital edema

Gottron’s papules (in >8 0% & p athognomonic): violaceous often scaly areas
symmetrically over dorsum of PIP and MCP joints, elbows, p atellae, medial

subungual erythema, “mechanic’s hands” (skin cracks on digits), p ruritus

dermatologic features w/o myositis=DM sine myositis (amyop athic DM) in 10–
2 0%

• Polyarthralgias or p olyarthritis: usually early; nonerosive; small joints > large


• Raynaud’s (30% , DM and overlap CTD) w/ dilatation & drop out of nailbed
cap illaries

• Visceral involvement (J Rheumatol 2 009;36:2 711)

pulmonary: acute alveolitis; ILD; resp iratory muscle weakness; asp iration

cardiac (33% ): often asx; conduction abnl; myo/p ericarditis; HF uncommon; ↑


GI: dysp hagia, asp iration

• Antisynthetase syndrome (PM > DM): fever, ILD, Raynaud’s, mechanics hands,
• Ddx: drug-induced myop athy (statins, cocaine, steroids, colchicine); infxn (HIV, EBV,
CMV); metabolic (hyp othyroid, hyp o-K, hyp o-Ca); neuromuscular dis. (eg,
myasthenia gravis); glycogen storage disease; mitochondrial cytop athy; muscular
dystrop hy
Diagnostic studies

• ↑ CK (rarely >100,000 U/L), aldolase, SGOT and LDH; ±↑ ESR & CRP

• Autoantibodies: ANA (>75% ), RF (33% )

anti-Jo-1 (2 5% ): most common sp ecific Ab; a/w antisynthetase syndrome

myositis antibody p anel may assist in p rognosis (anti-Mi-2 better, anti-SRP

• EMG: ↑ sp ontaneous activity, ↓ amp litude, p olyp hasic p otentials with contraction

• Muscle biopsy: all with interstitial mononuclear infiltrates, muscle fiber necrosis,
degeneration & regeneration (required for definitive diagnosis)
PM: endomysial inflam. (CD8 T cells) surrounds non-necrotic fibers, ↑ MHC class I

DM: p erimysial, p erivascular inflam (B & CD4 T cells), comp lement in vessels

IBM: same as PM with eosinop hilic inclusions and rimmed vacuoles (EM)

Treatment (PM & DM, no effective treatment for IBM) (Autoimmun Rev 2 011;11:6)

• Steroids (p rednisone 1 mg/kg); MTX or AZA early if mod/severe or tap er fails (2 –3

• For resistant (30–40% ) or severe disease: AZA/MTX combo, IVIg (DM ± PM),
rituximab, MMF, cyclop hosp hamide (esp . if ILD or vasculitis)
• IVIg w/ p ulse steroids acutely for life-threatening esop h or resp muscle involvement

• ✓ for occult malignancy (esp . if DM); monitor resp iratory muscle strength with
sp irometry

Definition & epidemiology

• Chronic dysfxn of exocrine glands (eg, salivary/lacrimal) due to

lymp hop lasmacytic infiltration. Extraglandular manifestations common in
p rimary form.
• Can be p rimary or secondary (a/w RA, scleroderma, SLE, PM, hyp othyroidism, HIV)

• More p revalent in than ; typ ically p resents between 40 & 60 y of age

Clinical manifestations

• Dry eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca): ↓ tear p roduction; burning, scratchy sensation

• Dry mouth (xerostomia): difficulty sp eaking/swallowing; dental caries; xerotrachea;

• Parotid gland enlargement: intermittent, p ainless, typ ically bilateral

• Vaginal dryness and dyspareunia

• Recurrent nonallergic rhinitis/sinusitis due to up p er airway gland involvement

• Extraglandular manifestations: arthritis; interstitial nep hritis (40% ); typ e I RTA

(2 0% ); cutaneous vasculitis (2 5% ); neurop athies (10% ); PNS or CNS disease; ILD;

• ↑ risk of lymp hop roliferative disorders (~50× ↑ risk of lymp homa and WM in 1°
Diagnostic studies

• Autoantibodies: ANA (95% ), RF (75% )

Primary Sjögren’s: anti-Ro (anti-SS-A, 56% ) and/or anti-La (anti-SS-B,

30% )
• Schirmer test: filter p ap er in p alp ebral fissures to assess tear p roduction

• Rose-Bengal staining: dye that reveals devitalized ep ithelium of cornea/conjunctiva

• Ocular staining score: substitute for Rose-Bengal staining to determine degree of

keratoconjunctivitis sicca using fluorescein and lissamine green

• Biopsy (minor salivary, labial, lacrimal or p arotid gland): lymp hop lasmacytic

Classification criteria (2 of 3 have 93% Se & 95% Sp ; Arthritis Care Re s 2 012 ;64:475)
1. anti-Ro or anti-La or RF + ANA>1:32 0

2 . Labial salivary gland bx w/ lymp hocytic sialadenitis and score >1 focus/4 mm 2

3. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca w/ ocular staining score ≥3


• Ocular: artificial tears, cyclosp orine eyedrop s

• Oral: sugar-free gum, lemon drop s, saliva substitute, hydration, p ilocarp ine,

• Systemic: NSAIDs, steroids, DMARDs, rituximab


Definition (Be st Pract Re s Clin Rhe umatol 2 012 ;2 6:61)

• Features of SLE, systemic sclerosis and/or polymyositis that ap p ear gradually and
often evolve to a dominant p henotyp e of SLE or systemic sclerosis
• Different from undifferentiated CTD (UCTD): fail to meet criteria for any CTD; 30%
go on to develop CTD over 3–5 y (usually SLE)

Clinical manifestations (variable clinical course)

• Raynaud’s phenomenon typ ical p resenting symp tom (75–90% )
• Hand edema (“p uffy hands” ), sclerodactyly, RA-like arthritis w/o erosions,
p olyarthralgias
• Pulmonary involvement (8 5% ) with pulmonary hypertension, fibrosis

• Pericarditis most frequent cardiovascular manifestation; GI: dysmotility (70% )

• Membranous & mesangial GN common (2 5% ); low risk for renal HTN crisis or
severe GN (if either, reconsider diagnosis of MCTD)

Diagnostic studies

• ANA (>95% ); RF (50% ); anti-U1-RNP in all, but not sp ecific (seen in

~50% SLE)

• As p er sp ecific rheumatic diseases detailed above

Clinical manifestations (NEJM 2 002 ;347:1001 & 2 013;368 :1344; BMJ

2 012 ;344:e2 8 9)

• Ep isodic, reversible digital ischemia, triggered by temp Δ (cold) or stress,

classically: blanching (white, ischemia) → cyanosis (blue, hyp oxia) → rubor
(red, rep erfusion); color Δ usually well demarcated; affects fingers, toes, ears, nose
associated sx include cold, numbness, & p aresthesias → throbbing & p ain
• Key to diagnosis and Rx is distinguishing between p rimary and secondary Raynaud’s

Primary (8 0–90% =Raynaud’s disease; excluded all secondary causes)

• Onset 2 0–40 y, > (5:1); thought due to functional abnl of vessel wall

• Clinical: mild, symmetric ep isodic attacks; no evidence of p erip h vascular disease;

no tissue injury; nl nail-fold cap illary exam; no systemic sx; ANA; nl ESR

Secondary (10–2 0% )
• Typ ically >35 y of age; due to structural abnl of vessel wall

• Tissue ischemia & injury (eg, digital ulcers), which is not seen in p rimary
• Etiologies: CTD (abnl nail-fold exam): SSc, SLE, PM-DM, MCTD, Sjögren’s, RA

Arterial disease: p erip h atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis obliterans (abnormal

pulse s)
Hematologic: cryoglobulinemia, Waldenström’s, antip hosp holip id syndrome

Trauma (vibration or rep etitive motion injury) & drugs (ergot alkaloids, estrogens,

Treatment (Curr Opin Rhe umatol 2 011;2 3:555; BMJ 2 012 ;344:e2 8 9)

• All: avoid cold, maintain warmth of digits & body; avoid cigarettes, drugs and

• Mild–mod: long-acting CCB, top ical nitrates, SSRI, ARB, ɑ-blockers,

ASA/clop idogrel
• Severe: PDE inhibitors, anti-ET-1 recep tor (if ulcers esp . w/ PHT), digital
symp athectomy

• Digit-threatening: IV p rostaglandins, digital symp athectomy, ± anticoagulation

• Others: fish oil (1° RP only; Am J Med 198 9;8 6:158 ), abx for infected ulceration

Multisystem inflammatory autoimmune disease with a broad sp ectrum of clinical

manifestations in association with antinuclear antibody (ANA) p roduction
Epidemiology (NEJM 2 011;365:2 110)

• Prevalence 15–50/100,000; p redominantly affects women 2 nd to 4th decade

• : ratio=8 :1; African American:Caucasian ratio=4:1

• Comp lex genetics; some HLA assoc.; rare C1q & C2 defic.

• Autoantibodies: ANA, if → ✓ anti-ds-DNA, anti-Sm, anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-U1-


• Lytes, BUN, Cr, U/A, urine sed, sp ot microalb:Cr ratio or 2 4-h urine for CrCl and
p rotein

• CBC, PTT, APLA ( in 2 0–40% ; ACL IgG/IgM, B2 GP1, lup us anticoagulant), C3,
• If ↓ GFR, active sediment, hematuria or p roteinuria → renal bx to guide Rx

• 5-y survival rate >90% , 10-y survival rate >8 0%

• Leading causes of morbidity and mortality: infection, renal failure, neurologic and
cardiovascular events; thrombotic comp lications (Medicine 2 003;8 2 :2 99)

Drug-induced lupus (DLE) (Drug Saf 2 011;34:357; Curr Opin Rhe umatol
2 012 ;2 4:18 2 )

• Many drugs: procainamide, hydralazine, p enicillamine, minocycline, INH,

methyldop a, quinidine, chlorp romazine, diltiazem, anti-TNF (esp . infliximab),
• Idiosyncratic onset; generally mild disease with arthritis, serositis, skin disease

• Anti-histone (95% ) (may be in anti-TNF); anti-ds-DNA (may be in

anti-TNF) & anti-Sm; normal comp lement levels

• Usually reversible w/in 4–6 wk after stop p ing medication


• Inflammation w/in blood vessel walls causing end-organ damage often a/w systemic
sx; may be p rimary or secondary (eg, infection, malignancy) in etiology
• Classified by size of p redominant vessel affected (Arthritis Rheum 2 013;65:1);
overlap of vessel size affected is common
• Clinical manifestations based on size of vessels involved; constitutional sx (low-grade
fever, fatigue, weight loss, myalgias, anorexia) common to all

Takayasu’s arteritis (“p ulseless disease” )

• Arteritis of aorta and its branches → stenosis/aneurysm → claudication; onset
<50 y
• Pattern of involvement: aorta and branches; most often subclavian and innominate
arteries (>90% ), as well as carotid, coronary, renal, p ulmonary (~50% )

• Ep idemiology: Most common in Asia; : ~9:1; age <50 y

• Clinical manifestations and p hysical findings

Systemic inflamm with fever, arthralgias, wt loss

Vessel inflamm w/ p ain & tenderness, ↓ & unequal pulses/BPs in extremities,

bruits, limb claudication, renovascular HTN (>50% ), neurogenic syncop e; Ao
aneurysm ± AI

“Burnt out” or fibrotic p eriod (eg, vascular stenosis)

• Dx studies: ↑ ESR (75% ), CRP; arteriography → occlusion, stenosis, irregularity and
aneurysms; carotid U/S Dop p ler studies; PET-CT; MRA; pathology → focal
p anarteritis, cellular infiltrate with granulomas and giant cells (bx not required
for dx)
• Treatment: steroids ± MTX or AZA; anti-TNF (2 nd line, Autoimmun Rev
2 012 ;11:678 ), ASA, surgical/endovascular revasc (Circ 2 008 ;69:70)

• Monitoring: MRA or PET-CT (Arth Rheum 2 012 ;64:8 66); ESR/CRP (Ann Rheum Dis
2 009;68 :318 )

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) (Curr Rhe umatol Re p 2 010;12 :436)

• Granulomatous arteritis of aorta/branches w/ p redilection for temporal artery,
a/w PMR, onset >50 y

• Pattern of involvement: extracranial branches of carotid artery, esp . temp oral

artery (thus also called temporal arteritis); aorta and/or its branches in 10–8 0%

• Ep idemiology: 90% of Pts >60 y, extremely rare <50 y; : =3:1

• Clinical manifestations (JAMA 2 002 ;2 8 7:92 )

constitutional sx: fevers, fatigue, wt loss, PMR sx (see below)

temporal artery (TA) → headache, tender TAs and scalp ; absent TA p ulse

op hthalmic artery (2 0% ) → op tic neuritis, dip lop ia, amaurosis fugax, blindness
facial arteries → jaw claudication

large vessel vasculitis → intermittent claudication of extremities; thoracic Ao

• Dx studies: ↑ ESR (ESR <40 in ~5% ), ↑ CRP,  anemia

(ESR related to fibrinogen & Ig in blood; Ddx for >100: malignancy esp . multip le
myeloma, lymp homa; GCA or other vasculitis; ESRD; endocarditis, TB,

temporal artery bx whenever GCA suspe cte d (Se ≤8 5% ); 1–2 cm ± bilat to ↑

yield (3–7% discordance) (Ann Rheum Dis 2 009;68 :318 ) → vasculitis &

if susp ect aortitis or lg vessel involvement (BP Δ or bruits) → MRI/MRA or PET-CT

• Polymyalgia rheumatica (Lancet 2 013;38 1:63)

seen in 50% of GCA Pts; 15% of Pts w/ PMR develop GCA

age ≥50 y; ESR >40 mm/h (and/or ↑ CRP); bilateral pain & morning stiffness
(>30 min × ≥1 mo), involving 2 of 3 areas: neck or torso, shoulders or p rox.
arms, hip s or p rox. thighs; nighttime p ain; exclude other causes of sx (eg, RA);
nl CK

• Rx: steroids (do not await bx/p ath results to begin steroids, have at least 2 wk to
GCA: 40–60 mg/d w/ slow tap er, ASA daily; consider IV p ulse if vision threatened

PMR:10–2 0 mg/d (Semin Arthritis Rheum 2 007;37:13)

• Monitoring: follow clinical status & ESR/CRP (Ann Rheum Dis 2 009;68 :318 )

Polyarteritis nodosa (“classic” PAN) (Arth Rhe um 2 010;62 :616)

• Necrotizing nongranulomatous vasculitis of medium and small arteries (w/
muscular media) w/o glomerulonep hritis or cap illary involvement (ie, DAH), not
a/w ANCA

• Ep idemiology: > ; average age of onset ~50 y; p rimary or HBV-associated

(~10% )
• Clinical manifestations
constitutional sx (8 0% ): wt loss, fever, fatigue
neuro (79% ): mononeuritis multiplex, p erip heral neurop athies, stroke
musculoskeletal (64% ): extremity pain, myalgias, arthralgias, arthritis

renal (51% ): HTN, hematuria, p roteinuria, renal failure, glomerulonep hritis

GI (38 % ): abd pain, GIB/infarction, cholecystitis; GU (2 5% ): ovarian or testicular
p ain

skin (50% ): livedo reticularis, p urp ura, nodules, ulcers, Raynaud’s

op hthalmic (9% ): retinal vasculitis, retinal exudates, conjunctivitis, uveitis

cardiac (2 2 % ): coronary arteritis, cardiomyop athy, p ericarditis

if lung involvement, susp ect other vasculitis

• Dx studies: ↑ ESR/CRP, ANCA; ✓ HBs Ag; ↓ C3/C4 if HBV-associated

angiogram (mesenteric or renal vessels) → microaneurysms & focal vessel


CTA may be adequate to make dx, but conventional angiogram is most sensitive

biopsy (sural nerve, skin or affected organ) → vasculitis of small and medium
vessel arteries with fibrinoid necrosis without granulomas

• Treatment: steroids ± CYC (if severe or failure to induce remission); antivirals if a/w

Microvascular vasculitis (e g , capillarie s, postcapillary ve nule s, & arte riole s)

Differential diagnosis of ANCA

• anti-PR3 (c-ANCA): granulomatosis w/ p olyangiitis, eosinop hilic granulomatosis
and p olyangiitis, microscop ic p olyangiitis (rarely)

• anti-MPO (p-ANCA): microscop ic p olyangiitis, eosinop hilic granulomatosis and

p olyangiitis, granulomatosis w/ p olyangiitis, drug-induced vasculitis,


rheumatic diseases

• Atypical ANCA patterns: drug-induced vasculitis, nonvasculitic rheumatic diseases,

ulcerative colitis, p rimary sclerosing cholangitis, endocarditis, cystic fibrosis

Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA, formerly Wegener’s granulomatosis)

• Necrotizing granulomatous systemic vasculitis frequently affecting nose, sinuses

and/or up p er resp iratory tract in addition to kidneys, lungs, etc.

• Ep idemiology: any age, but ↑ incidence in young and middle-aged adults; =

• Clinical manifestations

respiratory (90% )
uppe r: sinusitis, rhinitis, oral/nasal ulcers, saddle-nose deformity, otitis,
hearing loss, subglottic stenosis

lowe r: p ulmonary infiltrates, nodules, p ulmonary hemorrhage, hemop tysis,

p leurisy

renal (8 0% ): RPGN (p auci-immune), RBC casts, dysmorp hic RBCs, hematuria

ocular (50% ): ep iscleritis, scleritis, uveitis, orbital granulomas → p rop tosis,

corneal ulcer

neurologic: cranial and p erip heral neurop athies, mononeuritis multip lex

skin (50% ): p alp able p urp ura, livedo reticularis

hematologic: ↑ incidence DVT/PE (2 0×) when disease active (Ann Intern Med
2 005;142 :62 0)

• Dx studies: 90% ANCA (8 0% PR3, 2 0% MPO), less Se in limited up p er airway


CXR or CT → nodules, infiltrates, cavities; sinus CT → sinusitis ± bone erosions

↑ BUN & Cr, p roteinuria, hematuria; sediment w/ RBC casts, dysmorp hic RBCs

Biop sy → necrotizing granulomatous inflammation of arterioles, cap illaries, veins

• Treatment (Annals 2 009;150:670; NEJM 2 010;363:2 11 & 2 2 1)

Induction: RTX (375 mg/m 2 /wk × 4 wk) + steroids (1 g IV × 3 Δ → 1–2

mg/kg/d) or CYC (2 mg/kg/d × 3–6 mo or p ulse 15 mg/kg q2 –3wk) + steroids
RPGN: ± p lasma exchange to ? ↓ risk of ESRD (Am J Kidney Dis 2 011;57:566)

if mild (nonorgan- or life-threatening): MTX + p rednisone may be adequate for

induction (Arth Rheum 2 012 ;64:3472 )

Mainte nance : MTX or AZA for ≥2 y after CYC induction (NEJM 2 008 ;359:2 790);
after RTX induction rep eat RTX q6mo (Arth Rheum 2 012 ;64:3760) vs. watchful

Re lapse : if severe, reinduce w/ steroids + RTX or CYC; steroids ± MTX or AZA if

↑ ANCA w/o clinical evidence of flare should not p romp t Δ Rx (Annals
2 007;147:611)

Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) (Rhe um Dis Clin North Am 2 010;36:545)

• Similar to GPA, but w/o ENT/airway involvement & nongranulomatous

• Ep idemiology: > ; avg onset 50–60 y

• Clinical manifestations: similar to GPA w/o up p er resp iratory involvement; renal

(8 0–100% ): glomerulonep hritis pulmonary (2 5–50% ): p ulmonary cap illary
alveolitis, p ulmonary fibrosis constitutional and neuro sx similar to GPA; skin
lesions (eg, p alp able p urp ura) in 30–60%
• Dx studies: 70% ANCA (almost all anti-MPO)

biop sy → necrotizing, nongranulomatous inflammation of small vessels, p auci-

immune (minimal dep osition of comp lement or Ig; contrast w/ HSP,
cryoglobulinemia, etc.)

urine sediment and CXR findings similar to those seen in GPA

• Treatment: as for GPA; ↓ relap se rate comp ared to GPA

Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA, formerly Churg-Strauss)

• Similar to GPA w/ more frequent cardiac involvement, a/w asthma and


• Ep idemiology: rare; can p resent at any age (typ ically 30–40 y); a/w HLA-DRB4

• Clinical manifestations (Curr Rheumatol Rep 2 011;13:48 9)

initial sx: asthma, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis (new asthma in adult raises
susp icion)

eosinop hilic infiltrative disease: shifting or transient pulmonary infiltrates,

gastroenteritis or esop hagitis

systemic small-vessel vasculitis: neuropathy (mononeuritis multip lex), renal

(glomerulonep hritis), skin (p alp able p urp ura, p etechial, nodules)
cardiac: coronary arteritis, myocarditis, CHF, valvular insufficiency (Medicine
2 009;8 8 :2 36)

• Dx studies: 50% ANCA (MPO > PR3), eosinophilia (5–10 k/µL, 8 0–100% ),

biop sy → microgranulomas, fibrinoid necrosis and thrombosis of small arteries


veins with eosinop hilic infiltrates

• Treatment: high-dose corticosteroids + cyclop hosp hamide if severe
Renal-limited vasculitis

• Small vessel p auci-immune vasculitis causing RPGN w/o other organ involvement
• Dx studies: 8 0% ANCA (MPO > PR3); biop sy with p auci-immune GN ±

• Treatment identical to that for GPA/MPA


Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP)

• IgA-mediated vasculitis w/ p redilection for skin, GI tract and kidneys

• Ep idemiology: > , children > adults, onset in winter > summer

• May develop after up p er resp iratory tract infection (esp . strep ) or drug exp osure
• Clinical manifestations
palpable purpura on extensor surfaces (lower extremity first) & buttocks

polyarthralgias (nondeforming) esp . involving hip s, knees, & ankles

colicky abdominal pain ± GIB or intussuscep tion

nep hritis ranging from microscopic hematuria & p roteinuria to ESRD

• Dx studies: skin bx w/ immunofluorescence → leukocytoclastic vasculitis w/ IgA

and C3 dep osition in vessel wall; renal bx → mesangial IgA dep osition

• Treatment: often self-limiting over 4 wk; steroids ± DMARDs for renal or severe
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (see “Cryoglobulinemia”)

Connective tissue disease–associated vasculitis

• Small vessel vasculitis a/w RA, SLE or Sjögren’s syndrome

• Clinical manifestations
distal arteritis: digital ischemia, livedo reticularis, p alp able p urp ura, cutaneous

visceral arteritis: p ericarditis and mesenteric ischemia

p erip heral neurop athy

• Dx studies: skin/sural nerve bx, angiograp hy, EMG; ↓ C′ in SLE; RF or anti-CCP

in RA

• Treatment: steroids, cyclop hosp hamide, MTX (other DMARDs)

Cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis

• Heterogeneous group of clinical syndromes due to immune complex deposition in

cap illaries, venules and arterioles; includes hypersensitivity vasculitis

• Overall the most common typ e of vasculitis

• Etiologies

drugs: PCN, ASA, amp hetamines, levamisole, thiazides, chemicals, immunizations

infections: Strep , Stap h, endocarditis, TB, hep atitis

malignancy (p araneop lastic)

• Clinical manifestations: abrup t onset of palpable purpura and transient arthralgias

after exp osure to the offending agent; visceral involvement rare but can be severe

• Dx studies: ↑ ESR, ↓ comp lement levels, eosinop hilia; ✓ U/A; skin biopsy →
leukocytoclastic vasculitis w/o IgA deposition in skin (to distinguish from HSP); if
etiology not clear, consider ANCA, cryoglobulins, hep atitis serologies, ANA, RF
• Treatment: withdrawal of offending agent ± rap id p rednisone tap er

Behçet’s syndrome (Curr Rhe um Opin 2 010;12 :42 9)

• Systemic vasculitis affecting all vessel sizes, a/w oral and/or genital ulcers

• Ep idemiology: usually young adults (2 5–35 y); a/w HLA-B51 in areas of highest
p revalence on the old Silk Road (Turkey, Middle East and other Asian countries)

• Classification criteria (#1 + ≥2 others is 91% Se & 96% Sp ; Lancet

1990;335:1078 )

1. recurrent oral aphthous ulceration (≥3× in 1 y, usually 1st manifestation)

2 . recurrent genital ulceration (labia in females, scrotum in males)
3. eye lesions: uveitis, scleritis, retinal vasculitis, op tic neuritis (may threaten vision)
4. skin lesions: p ustules, p ap ules, folliculitis, erythema nodosum (scarring)

5. p athergy test (p rick forearm w/sterile needle → p ustule) (not sensitive in


• Other clinical manifestations: most recur but are not chronic

arthritis: mild, ± symmetric, nondestructive, involving knees and ankles

neurologic: usually involvement of midbrain p arenchyma; p erip heral neurop athy

vascular: sup erficial or deep vein thrombosis (2 5% ); arterial stenosis, occlusion
and aneurysm can also occur; low incidence of thromboembolism

• Dx studies: ↑ ESR/CRP; ulcer swab to r/o HSV; ulcer bx nonsp ecific; op htho eval if

• Treatment (Rheumatology 2 007;46:736; Ann Rheum Dis 2 008 ;67:1656 &

2 009;68 :152 8 )


mild: topical steroids, colchicine (esp . for erythema nodosum), dap sone
severe: oral steroids, steroid-sp aring agents

arthritis: NSAIDs, colchicine, steroids, steroid-sp aring agents

ocular: topical and/or systemic steroids ± steroid-sp aring agents

steroid-sp aring: AZA, anti-TNF, CYC (large vessel and CNS ds), CsA, MTX, IFNɑ-

venous thrombosis: steroids and anticoagulation (careful if aneurysm p resent)


Definition & etiology (NEJM 2012; 366:539)

• Resp onsible for tumor-like inflammatory lesions of nearly every organ/tissue

• Etiology unclear: ? autoimmune; unclear role of IgG4 Ab; may have h/o atop y
Clinical manifestations
• Commonly p ancreatitis, aortitis, cholangitis, sialadenitis, orbital structures,
retrop eritoneal fibrosis
• Multip le lesions may be p resent synchronously or metachronously

Diagnosis (Mod Pathol 2 012 ;2 5:118 1)

• Biopsy w/ sp ecific histop athology & immunohistochemistry findings:
lymp hop lasmacytic infiltrate w/ significant IgG4+ p lasma cell infiltrate, fibrosis,
obliterative p hlebitis

• ↑ serum IgG4 in 40% ; not sp ecific seen in GPA, bronchiectasis, etc (Modern Rheum
2 012 ;2 2 :419)


• Prednisone vs. rituximab (Medicine 2 012 ;91:57)


Definition & types (Lancet 2 012 ;379:348 )

• Proteins that precipitate on exposure to the cold and redissolve on rewarming,
characterized by their comp osition
• Cryoglobulins=p roteins that p recip itate from serum and p lasma when cooled

• Distinguish from cryofibrinog e ne mia=p roteins (eg, fibrin, fibrinogen) that

p recip itate only from p lasma; found in autoimmune dis, malignancies, infxns;
unclear clinical significance


• Infections (typ es II & III): viral (HCV, HBV, HIV, HAV, EBV, CMV), bacterial
(endocarditis, strep , etc.), fungal (coccidiomycosis, etc.) and p arasitic (malaria,

• Hematologic diseases

typ e I: MM, CLL, Waldenström’s

typ e II: B-cell lymp homas, solid organ malignancies

• Autoimmune syndromes (typ e III > II): Sjögren’s syndrome, SLE, RA, PAN

• Essential (idiop athic) in 10% of cases

• Renal transp lant recip ients (Clin Nep hrol 2 008 ;69:2 39)


• Chronic immune stimulation and/or lymp hop roliferation → cryoglobulin generation

• Typ e I: cryo p recip itation in microcirculation → hyperviscosity & vascular

• Typ es II/III: defective/insufficient immune comp lex (IC) clearance → IC-mediated

inflammation of blood vessels w/ comp lement activation → vasculitis

Clinical manifestations (systemic sx usually due to typ e II > III)

• Most p atients with cryoglobulinemia are asx

• Typ e I: hyp erviscosity (cold worsens sx) → H/A, visual disturbance, livedo, digital

• Typ e II: vasculitis (sx not affected by cold exp osure)

General: weakness, low-grade fever
Dermatologic (54–8 0% ): lower extremity purpura, livedo reticularis, leg ulcers

Joint (44–70% ): symmetric, migratory arthralgias of small or medium joints

Renal (50% ): glomerulonephritis (p roteinuria, hematuria, ARF, HTN, edema)

Neurologic (17–60% ): peripheral neuropathy (p olyneurop athy > mononeuritis

multip lex)

Hematologic: anemia, thrombocytop enia, ↑ risk of B-cell lymp homa

GI (5% ): abdominal p ain, hep atosp lenomegaly, abnormal LFTs
Diagnostic studies
• ✓ Cryoglobulins; must keep blood warmed to 37°C at all times en route to lab; early
cooling causes false cryoglobulin, loss of RF and ↓↓ comp lement

• Cryocrit is quantification of cryop rotein, does not always correlate w/ disease


• False ↑ in WBC or p lt on automated CBC, due to cryop recip itation

• Typ e I: ✓ serum viscosity, symp tomatic if ≥4.0 centip oise; comp lement levels

• Typ e II: ↓ C4 levels, variable C3 levels, ↑ ESR, rheumatoid factor (RF)

✓ HCV, HBV, & HIV serologies in all Pts w/ mixed cryoglobulinemia

Bx of affected tissue: hyaline thrombi; vasculitis w/ mixed inflammatory infiltrates of

small vessels; leukocytoclastic vasculitis in p urp uric lesions

Treatment (Autoimmun Rev 2 011;10:444; Arth Rheum 2 012 ;64:604; Blood

2 012 ;119:5996)

• Treat underlying disorder:

Lymp hop roliferative disease: chemotherap y and/or radiation

HCV: antivirals ± immunosup p ression for severe disease

Connective tissue-related disease: DMARD/steroids ± rituximab

• Typ e I: Plasma exchange if hyp erviscosity

• Typ e II: NSAIDs for control of mild symp toms for Pts w/ normal renal function

Rituximab or cyclop hosp hamide for major organ involvement

Plasmap heresis or p lasma exchange in severe, life-threatening disease


The dep osition of misfolded and insoluble fibrous p roteins in normal organs and

Diagnostic studies

• If susp ect AL → ✓ SIEP & UIEP (↑ Se vs. SPEP & UPEP) & free light chains, ± BM bx

• If susp ect renal involvement ✓ U/A (p roteinuria)

• If susp ect cardiac involvement: ✓ ECG (↓ voltage, conduction abnl), echo

(biventricular thickening with “granular sp arkling” ap p earance; ↑ wall w/o ↑ volt
75% Se, 95% Sp ), MRI

• Biop sy (abdominal SC fat p ad, rectal or affected tissue) → ap p le-green birefringence

on Congo red stain; fat p ad bx Se 60–8 5% , Sp 90–100%

• Genetic testing for hereditary forms

• AL: ? high-dose melp halan → auto HSCT if limited organ dysfxn (NEJM
2 007;357:108 3); o/w low-dose melp halan + dexamethasone; novel agents (eg,
bortezomib, lenalidomide, thalidomide) being evaluated (J Hematol Oncol
2 011;4:47)
• AA: Rx underlying disease; colchicine for FMF esp . to p revent p rogressive renal
disease (NEJM 2 007;356:2 3); ep rodisate p romising for renal disease (NEJM
2 007;356:2 349)
• For hereditary amyloidoses in which amyloid p recursor p rotein is p roduced by the

liver (eg, TTR), liver transp lantation may p revent further dep osition
• Cardiac involv.: diuretics; avoid dig & CCB; avoid vasodilators; ? ICD for 1°
p revention

• Heart, kidney and liver Tx may be considered in those w/ advanced disease


• AL amyloid: median survival ~12 –18 mo; if cardiac involvement, median survival
~6 mo
• AA amyloid: median survival ~11 y (NEJM 2 007;356:2 361)

Definitions (description of patient & timing is most helpful)

• Unresponsive: imp lies ↓ arousal or ability to follow commands, sp ecify w/ exam

• Delirium (aka acute confusional state or encep halop athy): acute change in attention
and consciousness with fluctuations. May include sleep –wake dysregulation,
autonomic changes, abnormal sensory p ercep tion and changes in affect as
additional features.
• Dementia: imp aired cognition, often incl. memory. Usually chronic & p rogressive,
eventually encomp assing more anatomical & functional p arts of the nervous

Initial evaluation

• History (witness & background crucial): time course, p revious illnesses including
dementia or p sych; head trauma; meds, drug/alcohol use; infection/immune status

• General physical exam: vital sig ns, signs of trauma, asterixis, stigmata of liver
disease, embolic p henomena, signs of drug use, nuchal rigidity (may be p resent in
meningitis or SAH, but do not te st if p ossible trauma/cervical sp ine fracture)
• Neurologic exam (most meaningful off sedatives/p aralytics): look for focality or s/s
of ↑ ICP (eg, HA, vomiting, p ap illedema, unilateral dilated p up il, ↑ BP)
Initial treatment

• Resuscitation, control airway, monitor vital signs, fingerstick glucose, IV access

• Immobilization of C-sp ine if concern for cervical trauma

• Thiamine (100 mg IV) prior to de xtrose to p revent exacerb. of Wernicke’s

encep halop athy
• Dextrose (50 g IV p ush)

• Naloxone 0.01 mg/kg if op iates susp ected; sup p ortive care imp ortant in nearly all
tox cases
• If concern for ↑ ICP ± herniation: ↑ head of bed; osmotherap y w/ mannitol or
hyp ertonic saline; ↑ ventilation; dexamethasone for tumor edema; c/s neurosurgery
(? decomp ress)

Diagnostic studies (Continuum 2011; 17:967)

• Labs: CBC, electrolytes, BUN/Cr, LFTs, NH 3, tox screen, TSH, B 12 , ABG, U/A, ECG

• Imaging: head CT, consider MRI; radiograp hs to r/o C-sp ine fracture; CXR

• Lumbar p uncture to r/o meningitis, SAH or noninfectious inflammation (eg,

• EEG to evaluate for nonconvulsive seizures, toxic/metabolic encep halop athy

Further treatment of delirium (Annals 2011; 154:746)

• Treat underlying acute illness, eliminate p recip itating factors, p rovide sup p ortive

• Address sensory & cognitive imp airments, increase familiarity

• Decrease/p revent infection/restraints if p ossible, remove lines/catheters if

• Promote good sleep : reduce noise & night-time interventions; selective med if
• Meds: consider antip sychotics, avoid benzos excep t for alcohol withdrawal or

Prevalence (NEJM 2012; 367:1912)

• Pts with at least 5 min of cerebral hyp oxia at risk

• 1.5 million cardiac arrests p er year in U.S.; for inPt arrest, ~2 0% survival, ~70%
of Pts who survive will have a good long-term neurologic outcome

Initial evaluation (Circulation 2010:S768)

• Neuro exam: arousal/verbal, eyes & other cranial nerves, motor resp onse to p ain
• Imaging: usually not informative w/in first day after arrest, but should be done
p rior to initiating hyp othermia if p atient found down or has had head trauma
Induced hypothermia (Circulation 2008; 118:2452 & 2013; 127:244)
• Indications: comatose (eg, no meaningful resp onse to verbal stimuli) <6 h following
cardiac arrest (not isolated resp . arrest). Fully studied only in VT/VF, but consider
after asystole or PEA arrest or 6–12 h after cardiac arrest.
• Exclusion: p regnancy, CV instability desp ite p ressors/assist devices, other cause of
coma, p ersistent ↓ O 2

• Relative contraindications: major head trauma, coagulop athy/bleeding, major

surgery <14 d, systemic infection/sep sis

• Method: target temp 32 –34°C × 2 4 h (from time of initiation of cooling). Can use
cold saline infusions; ice p acks to the head, neck and torso; cooling blankets;
cooling vest or endovascular catheter if available. Goal to achieve target temp <6
h. Start rewarming 2 4 h after cooling is initiated (rewarm no faster than 0.5°C p er

• Comp lications

cardiac dysrhythmias (bradycardia most common): if signif dysrhythmia or

hemodynamic instability, d/c cooling and rewarm p atient

coagulop athy: Pts can receive fibrinolytics, GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors, etc., and still
undergo cooling. ✓ PT and PTT.

infection: ✓ surveillance blood cultures during cooling

hyp erglycemia during cooling, hyp oglycemia w/ rewarming; stop insulin if glc
<2 00 mg/dL

hyp okalemia during cooling, hyp erkalemia w/ rewarming; keep K 4–5 mEq/L

Ongoing evaluation

• Neuro exam: daily focus on coma exam. No exam finding is reliable <2 4 h or on
sedation. Pt needs to be off sedation for an adequate time to evaluate (dep ends on
doses used, duration of Rx, metabolic p rocesses in the individual Pt).
• Labs: daily CBC, PT/PTT, electrolytes. Serum neuron-sp ecific enolase (NSE) on days

• Imaging: noncontrast CT 2 4 h after arrest; if unrevealing, consider MRI around days


• EEG: consider in all to exclude seizures or myoclonus; greatest risk during


• Somatosensory evoked p otentials (SSEP): help ful for p rediction of p oor outcome if
cortical resp onses are absent bilaterally; p erform 48 h after arrest (72 h if cooled)

Prognosis (Neuro 2006; 67:203; NEJM 2009; 361:605)

• Prior to cooling era, uniformly p oor p rognosis could be p redicted at 72 h only in
Pts who have absent p up illary and corneal reflexes, and no motor resp onse to
p ain; or with absent SSEPs at 48 h. With cooling, it is less clear if the p rior
measures are as reliable.
• Otherwise, p rognosis requires multifactorial ap p roach considering exam, age,
comorbid diseases, ancillary data (NSE, EEG, SSEP; imaging is less reliable for
p oor outcome)

• When in doubt, err on the side of giving more time (esp . in younger Pts and induced
hyp othermia Pts)

Definitions (NEJM 2003; 349:1257; Epilepsia 2010; 51:676)

• Seizure = abnormal, p aroxysmal, excessive discharge of CNS neurons; occurs in 5–

10% of the p op ulation; can range clinically from dramatic to subtle

• Epilepsy = recurrent unp rovoked seizures; 0.5–1.0% of p op ulation

• Generalized seizures (involves brain diffusely)

Tonic-clonic (grand mal): tonic p hase (10–2 0 sec) with contraction of muscles
(causing exp iratory moan, cyanosis, p ooling of secretions, tongue biting) →
clonic p hase (~30 sec) with intermittent relaxing and tensing of muscles
Abse nce (p etit mal): transient lap se of consciousness w/o loss of p ostural tone,
usu p edi
Myoclonic (infantile sp asms & juvenile myoclonic ep ilep sy): sudden, brief

• Focal (partial) seizures (involves discrete brain area, imp lies a structural lesion)
Simple (w/o Δ MS) vs. comple x (w/ Δ MS): motor, sensory and/or autonomic

Focal with se condary g e ne ralization: starts focal, becomes generalized

Differential diagnosis

• Syncope (Lance t Ne urol 2 006;5:171)

• Nonepileptic seizure (NES, aka “p sychogenic” ): may see side-to-side head turning,
asymmetric large-amp litude limb movements, diffuse shaking w/o LOC, and
crying or talking during event

• Other: metabolic disorders (eg, alcoholic blackouts, hyp oglycemia), migraine, TIA,
transient global amnesia, narcolep sy (catap lexy), nonep ilep tic myoclonus, tics,

Etiologies (varies strongly by age)

• Alcohol withdrawal, illicit drugs, meds (eg, β-lactams, bup rop ion, tramadol,
metronidazole, mep eridine, CsA, antidep ., clozap ine can lower seizure threshold)

• Brain tumor or p enetrating trauma

• Cerebrovascular disease, including subdural hematomas, hyp ertensive

encep halop athy

• Degenerative disorders of the CNS (eg, Alzheimer’s)

• Electrolyte (hyp onatremia) & other metabolic (eg, uremia, liver failure,
hyp oglycemia)
• Idiop athic (in ~60% )

Clinical manifestations
• Aura (sec to mins): p remonition with p aresthesias, focal motor contractions,
abnormal smells/tastes, fear, dep ersonalization, déjà vu, autonomic changes,

• Ictal period (sec to mins): tonic and/or clonic movements of head, eyes, trunk or

• Postictal period (mins to h): slowly resolving p eriod of confusion, disorientation,

and lethargy. May be accomp anied by focal neurologic deficits (Todd’s p aralysis).
• Status epilepticus: continuous tonic-clonic seizure ≥30 min or rep eated seizures w/o
resolution of p ostictal encep halop athy. Comp lications include neuronal death,
rhabdomyolysis and lactic acidosis.

• Nonconvulsive status epilepticus: alteration of awareness (ranging from confusion

to coma) w/o motor manifestations of seizure. Dx with EEG.

Clinical evaluation
• Seizure: p atient usually w/o recollection, must talk to witnesses

unusual behavior before seizure (ie, an aura)

typ e & p attern of abnl movements, incl. head turning & eye deviation (gaze
p reference usually away from seizure focus)

loss of resp onsiveness

• HPI: recent illnesses/fevers, head trauma, sleep dep rivation, medication comp liance

• PMH: p rior seizures or FHx, p rior meningitis/encep halitis, p rior stroke or head

• Medications, alcohol and illicit drug use

• General p hysical exam should include the skin, looking for neuroectodermal
disorders (eg, neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis) that are a/w seizures
• Neurologic exam should look for focal abnormalities → underlying structural

Diagnostic studies (Neurology 2007; 69:1996)

• Laboratory: full electrolytes, BUN, Cr, glc, LFTs, tox screen, medication levels

• EEG: during seizure can cap ture rep etitive rhythmic activity (generalized seizures
will typ ically have abnl EEG; p artial may not); interictal EEG normal in 50% of
Pts w/ ep ilep sy, and interictal ep ilep tiform activity (sp ikes or sharp waves) seen
in only 2 5% of Pts w/ ep ilep sy but up to 2 % of normal p op ulation; sleep
dep rivation and rep eated studies ↑ dx yield of EEG; video monitoring may help w/
nonep ilep tic seizures

• MRI to r/o structural abnormalities; ↑ Se w/ fine coronal imaging of frontal &

temp oral lobes

• LP (if no sp ace-occup ying lesion on imaging): if susp ect meningitis (eg, fever, ↑
WBC, nuchal rigidity) or encep halitis and in all HIV Pts

Treatment (Lancet 2006; 367:1087 & 2007; 369:1000, 1016; NEJM 2008; 359:166)
• Treat any underlying causes, including CNS infections, intoxication, withdrawal, etc.

• Antiep ilep tic drug (AED) therap y is usually reserved for Pts w/ underlying structural
abnormality or an idiop athic seizure plus (i) status ep ilep ticus on p resentation, (ii)
focal neurologic exam, (iii) p ostictal Todd’s p aralysis or (iv) abnormal EEG

• After 1st unp rovoked sz, if EEG and MRI nl → 65% sz-free at 5 y (Lance t Ne urol
2 006;5:317)
• For Pts w/ infrequent seizures, early (vs. delayed) intervention w/ AED ↑ time to
seizure recurrence, but has no effect on long-term seizure-free status (Lance t
2 005;365:2 007)

• AED choice dep endent on typ e of seizure, side effects, cost, mechanism of elimination
(if hep atic or renal insufficiency), teratogenesis and drug interactions

• Introduce gradually, monitor carefully

• May consider withdrawal if seizure-free (typ ically for at least 1 y) and normal EEG
• Individual state laws mandate seizure-free duration before being allowed to drive

Status epilepticus (consult neurology)

• Place Pt in semip rone p osition to ↓ risk of asp iration

• Oral airway or, if p rolonged, endotracheal intubation

• IV access, start normal saline infusion

• STAT labs including glc, Na, Ca, serum & urine toxicology screen, anticonvulsant

• Thiamine (100 mg IV) prior to dextrose to p revent Wernicke’s encep halop athy

• Dextrose (50 g IV p ush)



• Alcohol is a CNS dep ressant

• Chronic use → insensitivity to inhibitory neurotransmitter g-aminobutyric acid


• Abrup t alcohol cessation → CNS overactivity

Clinical manifestations
• Minor withdrawal sx (6–48 h after last drink): mild anxiety, tremulousness, HA

• Withdrawal seizures: typ ically w/in 48 h after last drink; if unRx’d, 1⁄3 →
delirium tremens
• Alcoholic hallucinosis: isolated hallucinations (typ ically visual) 12 –48 h after last

• Delirium tremens (DT): disorientation, agitation, hallucinations, ↑ HR & BP, fever,

diap horesis; begins 48 –96 h after last drink, lasts 5–7 d
• Consider other dx: CNS infxn or bleed, sz, drug O/D, coingestions, acute liver
failure, GIB

Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment scale for alcohol (CIWA-Ar)

• Assign p oints for each of the 10 criteria; each criteria is scored 0–7 excep t
orientation which is scored 0–4; add p oints to calculate score
Treatment (NEJM 2003; 348:1786)

• Benzodiazepines (BDZ)

Drug: diazep am (long-acting w/ active metab; ↓ risk of recurrent withdrawal),

lorazep am (short half-life), chlordiazep oxide, oxazep am (no active metab; good
if cirrhosis)
Route: start IV, transition to PO

Dosing: typ ically start w/ diazep am 10–15 mg IV q10–15min (or lorazep am 2 –4

mg IV q15–2 0min) until ap p rop riate sedation achieved, then titrate to CIWA-Ar
scale, evaluating q1h until score <8 × 8 h, then q2 h × 8 h, and if stable, then
q4h (JAMA 1994;2 72 :519)

• If refractory to BDZ p rn, consider BDZ gtt, p henobarbital or p rop ofol (& intubation)

• Avoid halop eridol (↓ seizure threshold) or βB/central ɑ2 -agonists (mask sx)

• Mechanical restraints as needed until chemical sedation achieved

• Volume resuscitation as needed; thiamine the n glc to p revent We rnicke ’s

e nce phalopathy (ataxia, op hthalmop legia, short-term memory loss); rep lete K,
Mg, PO 4
• Prop hylaxis: if min sx or asx (ie, CIWA score <8 ) but p rolonged heavy EtOH con-
sump tion or h/o withdrawal seizures or DTs → chlordiazep oxide 2 5–100 mg
(based on severity of EtOH use) q6h × 2 4 h, then 2 5–50 mg q6h × 2 d



• Embolic (~75% ): artery → artery, cardioembolic, p aradoxical (NEJM

2 007;357:2 2 62 ), cryp togenic

• Thrombotic (~2 5% ): large vessel (atherosclerosis) vs. small vessel (“lacunar,”

lip ohyalinosis of small arteries, often related to HTN, hyp erlip idemia, & DM)
• Other: dissection, vasculitis, vasosp asm, p rothrombotic states, hyp op erfusion,
Clinical Manifestations

• Timing: embolic → sudden onset; thrombotic → stuttering course

Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

• Sudden deficit due to cerebral ischemia; no stroke on imaging; sx resolve <2 4 h

(most <1 h)

• Ddx: seizure, migraine, hyp oglycemia, amyloid sp ells, TGA, anxiety

• Risk of subsequent stroke p er ABCD 2 : Age ≥60 y (+1); BP ≥140/90 (+1); Clin
features: unilat. weak. (+2 ), sp eech imp air. w/o weakness (+1); Duration ≥60
(+2 ) or 10–59 min (+1); DM (+1)

risk of stroke at 48 h: low risk (0–3) = 1.0% ; moderate (4–5) = 4.1% ; high (6–7)
= 8 .1%

Physical exam

• General: assess for arrhythmias, murmurs, carotid & subclavian bruits, p erip heral

• Neurologic exam, NIH stroke scale

(http :// df)

Acute workup (w/in 8 h for anterior and w/in 24 h for posterior circulation)
• Electrolytes, Cr (relevant for contrast); glc, CBC, coags (see exclusion criteria for

• Cardiac biomarkers, 12 -lead ECG, tox screen

• STAT CT to r/o ICH p rior to lysis (Se MRI, faster, more widely available)

early signs: hyp erdense artery, loss of gray-white differentiation, edema, insular

CT can be nl in first hrs after sx onset, not Se for small strokes & brainstem
obtain CT-angio head & neck or CT p erfusion if endovascular intervention
Workup to assess for etiology/modifiable risk factors
• Cardiac: Holter to assess for arrhythmias; echo to assess for thrombus or vegetation,
w/ bubble study to assess for PFO/atrial sep tal aneurysm if susp ected embolic
• Vessel imaging: carotid U/S and Dop p ler (if no vessel imaging obtained in acute

• Labs: lip ids, HbA1c, TSH, homocysteine, Lp (a), hyp ercoag w/u (if <65 y or
cryp togenic stroke; ideally drawn before starting anticoag), ESR/CRP, blood cx if
s/s systemic infection
• MRI help ful if dx of stroke unclear (esp . p ost circ) or to define stroke subtyp e, age,
exact size

DWI bright/ADC dark = earliest finding in acute ischemia (~ w/in mins, up to


T2-FLAIR: hyp erintense w/in hrs, p ersists for wks; PWI differentiates irreversibly
infarcted core vs. viable p enumbra; T1 fat-sat (neck vessels) if susp icious for

Acute treatment of ischemic stroke (NEJM 2011; 364:2138; Stroke 2013; 44:870)
• Thrombolysis (IV): tPA 0.9 mg/kg (max 90 mg), w/ 10% as bolus over 1 min, rest
over 1 h

consider if onset w/in 4.5 h, ICH, contraindic. (incl. current/p rior ICH; head
trauma or stroke w/in 3 mo; intracranial neop lasm, AVM or aneurysm; recent
intracranial/intrasp inal surgery; active internal bleeding; noncomp ressible
arterial p uncture; ↑ BP; multilobar infarct; p lt <100k, INR >1.7, on Xa inhib,
PTT >40, glc <50)

0–3 h: 12 % absolute ↑ in good neuro outcome (min/no disability), 5.8 % absolute

↑ in ICH, trend toward 4% absolute ↓ mortality

3–4.5 h: 7.2 % absolute ↑ in good neuro outcome, 1.8 % absolute ↑ in ICH,

mortality benefit (nb, trial excluded p atients with p revious strokes + DM)
tenectep lase 0.2 5 mg/kg IV bolus p romising (NEJM 2 012 ;366:1099)

• Endovascular (eg, intra-arterial lysis, thrombectomy): w/o p roven benefit over

thrombolysis IV alone (NEJM 2 013;368 :8 93, 904, 914); thus still exp erimental, ?
consider for major vascular occlusions (distal ICA, p rox MCA, esp basilar given
high mortality or disability untreated)
• BP: lower to <18 5/110 to consider lysis; if lyse keep <18 0/105 × 2 4 h (consider
labetalol or nicardip ine), o/w p ermissive HTN unless >2 2 0/12 0 or sx; if sx HoTN
consider vasop ressors

• Initiate ASA w/in 2 4–48 h; avoid anticoagulation w/in 2 4 h of lysis; see below for
long-term Rx
• Cerebral edema → herniation: often occurs 1–5 d p ost large MCA or cerebellar
strokes, ↑ risk in young. Temp orize: elevate HOB >30°; mannitol ± 2 3% NaCl.
Hemicraniectomy ↓ mortality (Lance t Ne urol 2 007, 6:2 15). Neurosurgery consult
in select MCA and all large cerebellar strokes.
Secondary stroke prevention (NEJM 2012; 366:1914)

• Antiplatelet therapy: different agents likely have similar efficacy

ASA ↓ death & rep eat stroke; equal to warfarin in nonembolic stroke (NEJM
2 001;345:1444)
ASA + dipyrimadole: sup to ASA (Lance t 2 006;367:1665), but bid dosing, HA →
↓ comp liance
clopidogrel: marginally sup to ASA, slightly ↑ ICH (Lance t 1996:348 :132 9)

cilostazol: sup erior to ASA, less bleeding (Lance t Ne urol 2 010;9:959)

clop idogrel + ASA not more effective than ASA alone and ↑ ICH (Lance t
2 004;364:331)
• Anticoagulation (AC): not routinely indicated

Indications: cardiac/p aradoxical emboli (excep t bacterial endocarditis); long

segment extradural dissections; hyp ercoag state; bridge to CEA in sx carotid
stenosis w/ongoing TIAs.
INR goal 2 –3 for warfarin. Consider LMWH in Pts w/malignancy.

Hold off on AC in large strokes for ~2 –4 wk given risk of hemorrhagic

• Long-term SBP target 12 0–139 mmHg ( JAMA 2 011;306:2 137)

• Statin: ↓ recurrent stroke w/ atorvastatin 8 0 mg, LDL goal <70 (NEJM

2 006;355:549)
• Fluoxetine: ? imp roved motor recovery after 3 mo (Lance t Ne urol 2 011;10:12 3)

• Carotid revascularization

CEA (if surgical morbidity & mortality ≤6% ) indicated for:

sx ste nosis 70–99% (benefit ↑ for males, >75 y, ≤2 wk from stroke) → 65%
↓ RR of rep eat stroke, slight benefit for 50–69% stenosis (NEJM
1991;32 5:445; Lance t 2 004;363:915)

asx ste nosis 70–90% , <79 y: 50% ↓ RR of rep eat stroke (Lance t
2 004;363:1491 & 2 010;376:1074)
stenting: comp ared w/ CEA, p erip rocedural risk of stroke ↑ (esp . in elderly) & MI
↓ (although many asx), subsequent rates of stroke similar (NEJM 2 010;363:11;
Lance t 2 010;376:1062 )

Patent foramen ovale (PFO; in ~27% of population) (NEJM 2005; 353:2361)

• ↑ stroke risk: ≥4 mm sep aration, R→L shunting at rest, ↑ sep tal mobility, atrial
sep tal aneurysm

• If PFO & stroke/TIA: no benefit of warfarin over ASA (Circ 2 002 ;105:2 62 5), but
consider if at high risk for or has DVT/PE. No sig benefit shown for PFO closure so
far, albeit studies small & w/ favorable trends (NEJM 2 012 ;366:991; 2 013:108 3 &
1092 ).

Classification by location

• Hemorrhagic strokes: intrap arenchymal hemorrhage (IPH) & subarachnoid

hemorrhage (SAH)

• Other ICH: ep idural hematoma (EDH) & subdural hematoma (SDH)

• AVM, aneurysm, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis → IPH or SAH
• HTN (basal ganglia, cerebellum, brainstem), cerebral amyloid (lobar), tumor (esp .
w/ melanoma, renal cell CA, chorio-CA, thyroid CA) → IPH
• Trauma → all locations (nb, IPH or SAH caused by trauma technically not a stroke)
Clinical manifestations (Lancet Neurol 2005; 4:662; BMJ 2010; 341:c5204)

• ↓ consciousness, N/V, HA, p rogressive focal neurologic deficits

• SAH: thunderclap HA, onset w/ exertion; nuchal p ain/rigidity; LOC. EDH: initial
lucid interval.

• STAT CT brain, angio (CT-A or conventional) if susp icious for vascular source

• LP to ✓ for xanthochromia if no evidence of ICH on CT and susp icious for SAH

• Coags (PT, PTT, INR)


• Reverse coagulop athies w/ vit K & FFP, goal INR <1.4. Plt goal >100k; no clear
evidence for p lt transfusion if on ASA but may consider with exp anding ICH;
DDAVP if uremic.

• HOB elevation to 30–45°; strict BP control w/ arterial line, use nicardip ine or
labetalol gtt, goal SBP <160, for aneurysmal SAH <140, unless risk for
hyp op erfusion b/c of crit carotid stenosis

• SAH: surgical clip p ing vs. endovascular coiling (dep ending on location,
comorbidities) of aneurysm/AVM; nimodip ine to ↓ risk of vasosp asm (monitor w/
TCDs), seizure Pp x

• Surgical evacuation: any EDH; SDH if >1 cm or rap id exp ansion; IPH: consider in
younger Pts w/ ICH, data controversial, p otential benefit in sup erficial IPH (Lance t
2 005, 365:38 7)
• Venous sinus thrombosis: start anticoagulation, manage ↑ ICP and seizures as needed


• Mononeuropathy (one nerve): entrap ment, comp ression, trauma, DM, Lyme.

Commonly seen: median n. (carp al tunnel syndrome); ulnar n. (at elbow or

wrist); common p eroneal n. (at knee with habitual leg crossing); lateral
femoral cutaneous n. (at inguinal ligament).
• Mononeuropathy multiplex (axonal loss of multip le, sep arate, noncontiguous
vasculitides, sarcoid, DM, Lyme, Sjögren, hereditary neurop athy with p ressure
p alsies
• Small fiber neuropathy: (unmyelinated or thinly myelinated nerves): idiop athic,
DM, CTD, alcohol, sarcoid, thyroid dysfxn, B 12 defic, p arap roteinemia, p araneo,
celiac, hered.
• Polyneuropathy (multip le symmetric nerves, generally length dep endent)

De mye linating

acute: acute inflammatory demyelinating p olyneurop athy (AIDP) = Guillain-


subacute: meds (p aclitaxel), p araneop lastic

chronic: idiop athic, DM, CIDP, hyp othyroidism, toxins, p arap roteinemia,


acute: acute motor axonal neurop athy (AMAN), p orp hyria, vasculitis, uremia

subacute: DM, meds (cisp latin, p aclitaxel, vincristine, INH, ddI), EtOH, sep sis,
p araneo.

chronic: DM, uremia, lead, arsenic, HIV, p arap roteinemia, B 12 defic

Clinical manifestations

• Weakness, fasciculations, numbness, dysesthesias (burning/tingling), allodynia

• ± Autonomic dysfxn (orthostasis, bowel/bladder retention/incontinence, imp otence)

• Dep ressed or absent DTRs (may be normal in small fiber neurop athy)

Diagnostic studies

• Distal symmetric p olyneurop athy: start w/ HbA1C or glc tolerance test, B 12 , SPEP

• EMG & NCS (often no change in first 10–14 d or in small fiber neurop athy)
• Electrolytes, BUN/Cr, CBC, TSH, LFTs, ANA, anti-Ro, anti-La, ESR, HIV, Cu, Lyme
titers, genetic testing and heavy metal screening as indicated by clinical history
and exam

• Autonomic testing/skin bx (small fiber), nerve bx (mononeurop athy multip lex)

• MRI if p ossible radiculop athy or p lexop athy (after EMG)

Treatment of neuropathic pain

• Pharmacologic: p regabalin, gabap entin, TCAs (nortrip tyline, amitrip tyline), SSRIs
(duloxetine, venlafaxine), tramadol, top ical analgesics (lidocaine, cap saicin),
op iates

• Nonp harmacologic: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)


Definition & epidemiology

• Acute inflammatory demyelinating p olyneurop athy (AIDP)

• Incidence 1–2 p er 100,000; most common acute/subacute p aralysis

• Precip itants in 60% : viral illness (CMV, EBV, HIV), URI (Mycoplasma),
gastroenteritis (Campylobacte r), Lyme, immunizations (no p roven risk w/ current),
Clinical manifestations

• Distal sensory dysesthesias and numbness often first symp toms, back p ain also

• Ascending symmetric p aralysis over hours to days; p lateau in 1–3 wk

• Hyp oactive then absent reflexes

• Resp failure requiring mech vent occurs in 30% ; autonomic instability &
arrhythmias in 50%

• Fisher variant: op hthalmop legia, ataxia, areflexia; associated with anti-GQ1b

Diagnostic studies (results may be normal in first several days)

• LP: albuminocytologic dissociation = ↑ p rotein w/o p leocytosis (<10 WBCs) seen in

up to 50% of Pts in 1st wk, 75% by 3rd wk of symp toms
• EMG & NCS: ↓ nerve conduction velocity, conduction block, p rolonged F wave

• FVC & NIF: to assess for risk of resp iratory failure (cannot rely on Pa O 2 or S a O 2 )


• Plasma exchange (Coch Data Syst Re v 2 002 ;2 :CD001798 ) or IVIg of equal efficacy
and no additional benefit with both (Ne uro 2 012 ;78 :1009), steroids not beneficial

• Sup p ortive care with monitoring in ICU setting if rap id p rogression or resp . failure

• Watch for autonomic dysfunction: labile BP, dysrhythmias (telemetry)

• Most recover near baseline; axonal variant (~5% ) with incomp lete recovery; 3–5%

Definition & epidemiology

• Autoimmune disorder with Ab directed against acetylcholine recep tor (AChR) in NMJ

• Prevalence: 1 in 7500; affects all ages, p eak incidence 2 0s–30s (women), 60s–70s

Clinical manifestations
• Fluctuating weakness w/ fatig ability (worse w/ rep etitive use, relieved by rest)
• Cranial muscles involved early → ocular (p tosis, dip lop ia) in 50% ; bulbar
chewing, dysarthria, dysp hagia) in 15% . Often later p rogresses to generalized
• Limb weakness p roximal > distal; DTRs p reserved; minimal/no atrop hy

• Exacerbations triggered by stressors such as URI, surgery, p regnancy or

p ostp artum, meds (eg, aminoglycosides, p rocainamide, p henytoin); p rednisone
can worse n acutely

• Myasthenic crisis = exacerbation → need for resp iratory assistance

• Cholinergic crisis = weakness due to ove rtre atme nt with anticholinesterase
medications; may have excessive salivation, abdominal cramp ing and diarrhea;
rare at normal doses

Diagnostic studies
• Bedside: p tosis at baseline or after >30 sec of sustained up gaze, imp roved with ice
p ack over eyes for 2 –5 min, Se 77% , Sp 98 %

• Neostigmine test: temp orary ↑ strength; false & occur; p remedicate w/

atrop ine

• EMG: ↓ resp onse with rep etitive nerve stimulation (vs. ↑ resp onse in Lambert-Eaton)

• Anti-AChR Ab: Se 8 0% , 50% if ocular disease only; Sp >90% ; muscle sp ecific

recep tor tyrosine kinase (MuSK) Ab account for most AchR Ab cases

• CT or MRI of thorax to evaluate thymus (65% hyp erp lasia, 10% thymoma)


• Thymectomy if thymoma; may lead to imp rovement in up to 8 5% Pts w/o thymoma

• Cholinesterase inhibitors (eg, p yridostigmine) are most rap id acting (benefit in 30–
60 min)

• Immunosup p ression: p rednisone (benefit in wks) ± azathiop rine, cyclop hosp hamide
(benefit in 6–12 mo)

• Myasthenic crisis: treat p recip itant

consider d/c anticholinesterase if susp ect cholinergic crisis

immunosup p ression with glucocorticoids (in monitored setting as risk for initial

IVIg or p lasmap heresis of equal efficacy (Ann Ne urol 2 010;68 :797)

ICU if rap id or severe (follow FVC, NIF)



• Hereditary: Duchenne, Becker, limb-girdle, myotonic, metabolic, mitochondrial

• Endocrine: hyp othyroidism, hyp erp arathyroidism, Cushing syndrome

• Toxic: statins, fibrates, glucocorticoids (incl. critical illness myop athy), zidovudine,
alcohol, cocaine, antimalarials, colchicine, p enicillamine
• Infectious: HIV, HTLV-1, trichinosis, toxop lasmosis
• Inflammatory (see “Rheumatology” ): p olymyositis, dermatomyositis, inclusion body
Clinical manifestations
• Progressive or ep isodic weakness (not fatigue)

• Weakness most often symmetric, p roximal > distal (stairs, rising from sitting, etc.)
• ± Myalgias (though not p rominent or frequent), cramp s, myotonia (imp aired

• May develop either p seudohyp ertrop hy (dystrop hies) or mild muscle atrop hy
• Assoc. organ dysfxn: cardiac (arrhythmia, CHF), p ulmonary (ILD), dysmorp hic

Diagnostic studies
• CK, aldolase, LDH, electrolytes, ALT/AST, PTH, TSH, ESR, HIV

• Autoantibodies (anti-Jo1, antisynthetase, anti-Mi-2 , anti-SRP, ANA, RF)

• EMG/NCS: low-amp litude, p olyp hasic units with early recruitment, ± fibrillation
p otentials

• Muscle biop sy, molecular genetic testing (where indicated)


Primary headache syndromes (International Headache Society Classification)

• Tension-type: constant p ressure, freq bilateral; a/w myofascial sensitivity in neck or


Triggers: stress, sleep dep rivation, dehydration, hunger

Treatment: OTC analgesics (NSAIDs, acetaminop hen; risk of med overuse HA!) for
ep isodic; TCAs for chronic
• Cluster HA and trigeminal autonomic cep halgias (TACs)

Characterized by unilateral rhinorrhea, red/tearing eye, miosis/p tosis, lid edema,

sweating, differentiated by timing

Cluste r: > , unilateral eye p ain, attacks 15 min–3 h, worsened by EtOH.

Pp x: CCB (verap amil). Rx: high-flow O 2 , sumatrip tan IN/SC, lidocaine IN.

Paroxysmal he micrania: similar to cluster, but > , attacks 2 –45 min. Rx:

He micrania continua: > , icep ick-like p ain lasting >3 mo. Rx: indomethacin.

Short-lasting unilate ral ne uralg iform HA w/ conjunctival inje ction and te aring
(SUNCT): > , excruciating, stabbing, electrical p ain, 5 sec–6 min, up to
2 00×/d. Rx: lamotrigine, gabap entin, top iramate.

• Migraine: se e be low

Secondary causes of headaches

• Traumatic: p ostconcussion, SAH, SDH, p ostcraniotomy

• ↑ ICP: mass (tumor, abscess, vascular malformations, ICH), hydrocep halus,

idiop athic intracranial hyp ertension (p seudotumor cerebri), altitude associated
cerebral edema

• ↓ ICP: p ost-LP headache, CSF leak/dural tear, overshunting

• Vascular causes: stroke (esp . p osterior circ), dissection, vasculitis (incl. temp oral
arteritis), reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS), ICH, venous sinus

• Meningeal irritation: meningitis, SAH

• Trigeminal neuralgia

• Extracranial: sinusitis, TMJ syndrome, glaucoma

• Systemic causes: hyp oxia, hyp ercap nia, dialysis HA, HTN, hyp oglycemia, ↓TSH
• Medication overuse (analgesics), withdrawal (caffeine, op ioids, estrogen)

Clinical evaluation ( JAMA 2006; 296:1274)

• History: onset (sudden vs. gradual), quality, severity, location, duration, triggers,
alleviating factors, p ositional comp onent, hormonal triggers (menstruation),
p receding trauma, associated sx (visual Δs, “floaters,” N/V, p hotop hobia, focal
neurologic sx)

• Medications (analgesics), substance abuse (op ioids, caffeine)

• General and neurologic exam (fundoscop ic exam, visual fields)

• Warning signs (should prompt neuroimaging)

e xplosive onse t (vasc); “worst HA of my life ” (SAH, RCVS); me ning ismus (SAH,

positional: lying > standing (↑ ICP); N/V (↑ ICP; migraines)

visual sx: dip lop ia, blurring, ↓ acuity (GCA, glaucoma, ↑ ICP); e ye pain
(glaucoma, cluster)
abnl ne uro e xam (struct. lesion, p oss. in migraine); ↓ consciousne ss (± fever):
infxn, ICH
ag e >50 y; immunosuppre ssion (CNS infections, PRES)

• LP if susp icious for SAH (✓ for xanthochromia), p seudotumor (✓op ening p ress);
image first!

Epidemiology: affects 15% of women and 6% of men; onset usually by 30 y

Definition & clinical manifestations (Lancet 2004; 363:381; JAMA 2006; 296:1274)

• H/o ≥5 attacks lasting 4–72 h and with (a) N/V or p hotop hobia & p honop hobia,
and (b) ≥2 of following: unilat., p ulsating, mod–severe intensity, aggravated by
routine activity
• Migraine w/o aura (64% ): most common, p reviously called “common” migraine

• Typ ical aura w/ migraine (18 % ): visual aura (scotomata with jagged/colored edge)
p recedes HA, can also be reversible sensory or sp eech symp toms, <1 h
• Comp licated: accomp anied by stereotyp ical neurologic deficit that may last hrs (DDx
includes stroke : in migraine onset is rather gradual, sx sp read over mins)
• Precip itants: stress, hunger, foods (cheese, chocolate) and food additives (MSG),
fatigue, alcohol, menstruation, exercise

Treatment (NEJM 2002; 346:257)

• Eliminate p recip itants

• Prop hylaxis: TCA, βB, CCB, valp roic acid, top iramate ( JAMA 2 004;2 91:965),
gabap entin
• Abortive therap y: ASA, acetaminop hen, caffeine, high-dose NSAIDs

metoclop ramide IV, p rochlorp erazine IM or IV, valp roate IV, steroids
5-HT1 agonists (“trip tans” ): most sp ecific therap y, contraindicated if comp licated
migraine, CAD, p rior stroke. Trip tan + NSAID stronger than either alone
( JAMA 2 007;2 97:1443)

ergotamine, dihydroergotamine: use with caution in Pts w/ CAD


Differential diagnosis of back pain

• Musculoskeletal: musculoligamentous “strain” (exp erienced by up to 8 0% of

p op ulation at some time), OA, RA, sp ondylolisthesis, vertebral fx, inflammatory
sp ondyloarthritis (ankylosing sp ondylitis, reactive, p soriatic), myofascial p ain

• Spinal cord (myelop athy)/nerve root (radiculop athy):

Degenerative/traumatic: disc herniation, sp ondylosis, vertebral fx and subluxation
Neop lastic: lung, breast, p rostate, RCC, thyroid, colon, multip le myeloma,
lymp homa
Infectious (also see ID section): osteomyelitis, ep idural abscess, zoster, Lyme,
• Referred pain from visceral disease: (quality of p ain can be imp ortant to
GI: PUD, cholelithiasis, p ancreatitis, p ancreatic cancer

GU: p yelonep hritis, nep hrolithiasis, uterine or ovarian cancer, salp ingitis

Vascular: aortic dissection, leaking aortic aneurysm

Initial evaluation

• History: location, radiation, trauma, wt loss, cancer hx, fever,

immunocomp romised, neurologic symp toms, saddle anesthesia, incontinence,
urinary retention, IV drug use

• General physical exam: local tenderness, ROM, signs of infection or malignancy,

signs of radiculop athy (exp erienced as sharp /lancinating p ain radiating into

Sp urling sign (radicular p ain w/ downward force to extended & ip silaterally

rotated head): 30% Se, 93% Sp

straight leg raise (radicular p ain at 30–70°): ip silateral: 92 % Se, 2 8 % Sp ;

crossed (contralateral leg raised): 2 8 % Se, 90% Sp

• Neurologic exam: full motor (including sp hincter tone), sensory (including p erineal
region) and reflexes including anal (S4) and cremasteric (L2 )

• Laboratory (dep ending on susp icion): CBC, ESR, Ca, PO 4, AФ, CSF

• Neuroimaging: low yield if nonradiating p ain, high false rate (incidental

sp ondylosis) dep ending on susp icion: X-rays, CT or CT myelograp hy, MRI, bone

• EMG/NCS: may be useful to distinguish root/p lexop athies from p erip heral
neurop athies

Clinical manifestations

• Acute: flaccid p arap aresis and absent reflexes (“sp inal shock” )

• Subacute–chronic: sp astic p arap aresis and hyp eractive reflexes

• Posterior column dysfunction in legs (loss of vibratory sense or p rop riocep tion)
• Sensory loss below level of lesion
• Bilateral p rominent Babinski resp onses ± ankle clonus

Evaluation & treatment

• Emp iric sp ine immobilization (collar, board) for all trauma p atients
• STAT MRI (at and above clinical sp inal level, p re- and p ostgadolinium) or CT

• Emergent neurosurgical and/or neurology consultation

• Urgent radiation therap y ± surgery for comp ression if due to metastatic disease

• High-dose steroids dep ending on cause:

Tumor: dexamethasone 16 mg/d IV (usually 4 mg q6h) with slow tap er over wks

Trauma: methylp rednisolone 30 mg/kg IV over 15 min then 5.4 mg/kg/h × 2 4 h

(if started w/in 3 h of injury) or × 48 h (if started 3–8 h after injury) ( JAMA
1997;2 77:1597)

Clinical manifestations

• Radicular p ain aggravated by activity (esp . bending, straining, coughing), relieved

by lying

• Sciatica = radicular p ain radiating from buttocks down lateral asp ect of leg, often
to knee or lateral calf ± numbness and p aresthesias radiating to lateral foot
Treatment of nerve root compression
• Conservative: avoid bending/lifting; NSAIDs; Rx neurop athic p ain (see “Perip heral
Neurop athies” ); p hysical therap y
• Sp inal ep idural steroid injections (ESI): limited short-term relief of refractory
radicular p ain

• Surgery: cord comp ression or cauda equina syndrome; p rogressive motor

dysfunction; bowel/bladder dysfunction; failure to resp ond to conservative Rx
(NEJM 2 007;356:2 2 45)


Figure 10-1 Etiologies of abdominal p ain based on location

Initial evaluation

• History: onset of p ain, location, exacerbating/relieving factors

• Assoc. sx: fevers/chills, N/V, Δ in bowel habits (diarrhea/constip ation, stool diam.
or color, hematochezia, melena), jaundice, Δ in urine color, Δ in wt, menstrual hx
in women

• PMHx: p revious incisions or abdominal surgeries; Ob/Gyn hx

• Exam: VS; general p osture of Pt; comp rehensive abdominal exam sp ecifically
looking for signs of p eritonitis, which include rebound tenderness and involuntary
guarding, abdominal wall rigidity, p ain w/ p ercussion/minimal p alp ation;
p resence of hernias; rectal/p elvic

• Labs: CBC, electrolytes, LFTs, amylase/lip ase, p regnancy test

• Imaging: dep ends on susp ected etiology, may include RUQ U/S for biliary/hep atic
disease, KUB for intestinal obstruction, CT for p ancreatitis or intestinal disease.
Do not delay resucitation or surgical consultation for ill Pt while waiting for


• Acute onset abdominal p ain that p ortends need for urgent surgery

• Perforated viscous → p eritonitis (p erforated ulcer, comp licated diverticulitis,
• Intrap eritoneal bleed
• Bowel obstruction (adhesions from p revious surgeries, malignancies, hernias)
• Mimics: severe p ancreatitis can resemble p eritonitis; renal colic causes severe
abdominal p ain but not abdominal rigidity
Initial evaluation

• H&P as above
• Labs as above p lus: PT/INR, PTT, typ e & screen

• Imaging: KUB (up right) or if stable, CT abomen/p elvis w/ IV contrast (IV/PO if

susp ect obstruction)
Initial management

• Immediate surgical consultation for susp ected acute abdomen

• NPO, start IV fluids (NS or LR)

• Broad sp ectrum abx if p erforation susp ected

Acute limb ischemia (see “Perip heral Artery Disease” for details)
• Definition: sudden ↓ in p erfusion causing threat to limb viability

• Evaluation: detailed vascular exam; CT angiograp hy or arteriograp hy

• Initial management: anticoag for embolism/thrombosis; immediate surgical

Compartment syndrome (Clin Orthop Relat Res 2010; 468:940)

• Definition: ↑ intracomp artmental p ressure w/ comp ressive closure of venules → ↑
hydrostatic force resulting in further increases in comp artment p ressure
• Etiologies: orthop edic (fracture), vascular (ischemia-rep erfusion), iatrogenic (eg,
vascular injury in anticoagulated Pt), soft tissue injury (eg, p rolonged limb
comp ression)

• Clinical manifestations: p ain esp . on p assive movement, swollen/tense

comp artment, p araesthesia, p allor, p ulselessness, p aralysis (late)
• Evaluation: ✓ comp artment p ressures (needle manometry), ICP >30 or difference
between diastolic p ressure and ICP of >10–30 is diagnostic

• Treatment: fasciotomy

Tracheostomy (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2013; 148:6)

• Inserted either p ercutaneously or surgically

• Monitor for secretions and suction frequently

• Typ ically a cuffed tube, which creates a tight seal to facilitate ventilation throught
• Sp eaking valve (eg, Passy-Muir): 1-way valve that allows inhalation through tube,
but exhalation around tube through vocal cords (nb, cuff should not be inflated)
• 1st routine tube change for p ercutaneously p laced tubes should be ~10 d p ostop ,
whereas surgically p laced tubes can be changed >5 d p ostop and should be
overseen by exp erienced p ersonnel
• Accidental dislodgement of tube:

intubate from above (if airway/vent necessary & anatomically p ossible)

w/in 7 d of p lacement: emergent surgical consultation

>7 d after p lacement: rep lace with a similar size tube or smaller

Chest tubes (Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2011; 40:291)

• Inserted for PTX, chest trauma or after thoracic surgery for drainage of air/ fluid
from thoracic cavity. Tubes range from small 10-Fr catheters p laced for
sp ontaneous PTX to large bore tubes (2 8 –32 Fr) p laced after p ulmonary
• Connected to 3-chamber chest drainage system:

1st: collection chamber for p leural fluid

2 nd: water seal chamber used to allow air to exit p leural sp ace on exhalation and
p revent air from entering on inhalation

3rd: suction control chamber which regulates suction transmitted to p leural sp ace

• Monitor for oup ut and p resence of air leak (indicated by bubbling in wate r se al
chambe r)

• Removal determined by overall daily outp uts and p resence of air leak

• If accidentally removed or dislodged so not functional, tube should be comp letely

removed and an occlusive dressing (eg, 4 × 4 covered w/ Tegederm or silk tap e)
should be p laced rapidly over site. CXR STAT; new tube should be p laced if
p ersistent PTX.

Gastrostomy/jejunostomy tubes (Paediatr Child Health 2011; 16:281)

• Placed for tube feedings, hydration and delivery of medications

• Securely anchor to skin to p revent inadvertent removal

• Surrounding skin should be kep t dry to p revent breakdown

• Should not be removed for ≥6–8 wk to allow establishment of mature

gastrocutaneous tract
• Obstructed tubes can be cleared by flushing with agents such as carbonated water,
meat tenderizer, p ancreatic enzymes. ↓ obstruction by flushing before & after meds
and flushing q4–6h when receiving continuous feeds.

• If becomes inadvertently removed a foley catheter of similar size or smaller should

be p laced in the tract imme diate ly to p revent stoma from closing. Tube then
rep laced and confirmed via fluoro study w/ gastrograffin.

Suture/staple removal

• Should be done in consultation w/ surgical team

• Timing of removal dep ends on location of wound: wait 3–4 d before removal from
face, 6 d for scalp , 7 d for chest, abdomen & arms, 10 d for back & legs, 14 d for
• Should not be re move d if the re is e vide nce of wound se paration during re moval!
• After removal, wound should be reap p roximated w/ steri-strip s

• For ill Pt, call surgical consult early, do not wait for labs & imaging results

• If p otential surgical emergency, make Pt NPO, start IVF, ✓ coags, typ e & screen

• Have ap p rop riate-level MD who knows & has examined Pt call consult


Abnormal ble e ding from lowe r (vulva, vag ina, ce rvix) or uppe r g e nital tract (ute rus)

• Premenop ausal
Not p regnant: menses, dysfunctional uterine bleeding (menorrhagia), leiomyoma,
p olyp , trauma, cervical dysp lasia/cancer (rare), endometrial
hyp erp lasia/cancer (rare)

1st trimester: threatened abortion, sp ont. abortion (missed, incomp lete or
comp lete), ectop ic p regnancy, molar p regnancy (p artial or comp lete
hydatidiform mole)

2 nd or 3rd trimester: p reterm labor, p lacenta p revia, p lacental abrup tion

• Postmenop ausal: atrop hy, p olyp , leiomyoma, endometrial hyp erp lasia/cancer,
cervical dysp lasia/cancer

History & exam

• Age, menop ausal status, gestational age if p reg.; volume & duration of current

• If p remenop ausal: menstrual hx including age of onset, interval between & duration
of menses, any assoc. sx and LMP to assess timing of menstrual cycle
• Past Ob/Gyn hx (any structural abnl, STD and contracep tion)

• Health maint. (Pap smear, HPV screening); domestic violence; anticoag or antip lt
• General p hysical & abdominal exam (incl. tenderness, masses)

• Pelvic exam: external (quantity of bleeding seen on vulva, any lesions, any trauma);
also, w/ assistance from Ob/Gyn, sp eculum exam (quantity of bleeding; cervical os
op en or close and if op en, dilation; any p olyp s) & bimanual exam (uterine size
and tenderness, adnexal mass and tenderness)

Laboratory evaluation & imaging

• Urine (rap id test) & serum p regnancy test (bhCG); Hct/hemoglobin

• Pelvic U/S: visualize intrauterine p reg to r/o ectop ic; if p reg., intrauterine not seen,
& bHCG > discrim. zone → concern for ectop ic; if bHCG < discrim. zone →
follow bHCG; nl p lacental p osition to r/o p lacenta p revia and likely severe
abrup tion

• Ectopic pre g nancy is life -thre ate ning diag nosis, ∴ must rule out if Pt pre g nant

Fluid or mucus from vag ina, ce rvix or ute rus


• Infectious: bacterial vaginosis, candida vulvovaginitis, trichomoniasis

• Noninfectious: p hysiologic (in p reg. or non-p reg.), rup ture of membranes, foreign-
body rxn
Initial evaluation
• Age, LMP, gestational age if p reg. or menop ausal status
• Discharge quantity, color, consistency, odor, assoc. sx (itchiness, redness, abd/p elvic
p ain)
• Past gyn hx incl STD and contracep tion usage (condoms ↓ STD risk)

• Tamp on or condom use as risk factors for retained foreign body

• Pelvic exam: external (quantity & quality of discharge on vulva, any lesions);
sp eculum (discharge, ap p earance of cervix), bimanual (cervical motion tenderness)

• Laboratory: p H of discharge; microscop y (saline & KOH wet mounts); urine

p regnancy test

• Bacterial vaginosis: oral or vaginal metronidazole or clindamycin

• Candida vulvovaginitis: oral or top ical antimycotic medications

• Trichomoniasis: oral metronidazole


Mass arising from ovary, fallopian tube or surrounding conne ctive tissue


• Ovarian: functional (follicular and corp us luteum) or hemorrhagic cyst,

endometriomas, ovarian torsion, tubo-ovarian abscess, benign & malignant
ovarian tumors
• Fallop ian tube: p aratubal cyst, hydrosalp inx, ovarian torsion, tubo-ovarian abscess
Initial evaluation

• LMP / menop ausal status; associated sx of abd/p elvic p ain, FHx of gyn cancers
• Abd exam (distension, tenderness, masses); bimanual (uterine or adnexal masses)
• Preg. test if p remenop ausal (if , then mass likely p regnancy); CA-12 5 if
p ostmenop ausal

• Pelvic U/S (even if mass first identified on CT as U/S is best modality); U/S
ap p earance of mass most imp ortant factor used to determine risk of malignancy


Description & common etiologies of other visual changes

• Fluctuation in vision (ie, blurry): med-induced refractive error (eg, systemic

steroids, chemotherap y), hyp erglycemia, dry eye (common)

• Double vision (diplopia): fixed double vision w/ op hthalmop legia from orbital
p rocess or cranial nerve p alsy. Transient “dip lop ia” due to fatigue or sedation.
• Visual field defect: bilateral (homonymous → contral. CNS lesion; bitemp oral →
p ituitary, glaucoma or toxic/nutritional); unilateral (ip silat. orbital, retinal or
op tic nerve p rob)

• Floaters: vitreous detachment (common, benign); retinal detachment (uncommon,

“flashing lights,” unilateral visual field defect); hemorrhage; intraocular
lymp homa

Optic nerve disorders

• Ischemic optic neuropathy: p /w acute unilat. visual loss, altitudinal field defect
ante rior: a/w GCA; non-arteritic a/w HTN, hyp erchol., DM, thrombop hilia
poste rior (very rare): seen after severe blood loss; hyp otension during surgery
• Optic neuritis: often p /w unilat. central scotoma, p ain with EOM,↑ visual loss over
days; a/w demyelinating disease (eg, MS), also seen w/ sarcoidosis & CTD
Ocular motor palsies
• CN III palsy: EOM restricted in all directions excep t laterally (eye is “down & out” );
a/w p tosis & mydriasis; seen w/ uncal herniation, aneurysm of p ost com art.,

• CN IV palsy: up ward deviation & lack of dep ression on adduction; congenital 4th (no
dip lop ia); a/w trauma, p ost fossa tumor (vertical dip lop ia, better with head tilt)

• CN VI palsy: failure of abduction (eye is “turned in” ), horizontal dip lop ia worse at
distance than near, worse w/ gaze to affected side; a/w ↑ ICP, HTN, diabetes,

Other Dx

• Orbital cellulitis: p /w fever, p rop tosis, ↓ EOM, sinusitis; requires e me rg e nt abx &
re fe rral to ophtho; differentiate from p resep tal cellulitis by p resence of p ain w/ eye
movement, p rop tosis, p up il reaction abnl, op hthalmop legia, ± visual changes

• SJS/TEN/facial burn/acute GVHD: conjunctival/lid/cornea involvement → may

lead to corneal p erforation, p ermanent vision loss; e me rg ophtho consult

• Ocular p resentation: onset (sudden or p rogressive) & duration of sx; unilateral vs.
bilateral; p ain; p hotop hobia; discharge; Δ in near (eg, book) or far (eg, TV across
room) vision

• Pre-existing ocular conditions, eye meds (incl any Ds), recent h/o ocular surgery
• Ocular exam: vision (✓with Pt’s correction [glasses/contacts]) w/ each eye;
p up illary exam; EOM; confrontation visual fields (imp ortant if susp ect CNS
p roblem)
• Overall status: VS, immunocomp romised, s/s of infxn, h/o malignancy, CNS issues,
Δ in meds, CBC, coags
Figure 11-1 ACLS pulmonary edema, hypotension or shock algorithm

The following table s of spe ctra of activity for diffe re nt antibiotics are g e ne ralizations.
Se nsitivity data at your own institution should be use d to g uide the rapy.


Fick cardiac output

Oxygen consump tion (L/min) = CO (L/min) × arteriovenous (AV) oxygen difference
CO = oxygen consump tion/AV oxygen difference
Oxygen consump tion must be measured (can estimate w/ 12 5 mL/min/m 2 , but
AV oxygen di erence = Hb (g/dL) × 10 (dL/L) × 1.36 (mL O 2 /g of Hb) × (S a O 2 —
S vO 2 )
S a O 2 is measured in any arterial samp le (usually 93—98 % )
S vO 2 (mixed venous O 2 ) is measured in RA, RV or PA (assuming no shunt) (nl
~75% )

CXR in heart failure

• ↑ cardiac silhouette (in systolic dysfxn, not in diastolic)
• Pulmonary venous hyp ertension: cep halization of vessels (vessels size > bronchi in
up p er lobes), p eribronchial cuffing (fluid around bronchi seen on end → small
circles), Kerley B lines (horizontal 1—2 -cm lines at bases), ↑ vascular p edicle
width, loss of sharp vascular margins, p leural effusions (~75% bilateral)
• Pulmonary edema: ranges from ground glass to consolidation; often dep endent and
central, sp aring outer third (“bat wing” ap p earance)
Dead space = lung units that are ventilated but not p erfused
Intrapulmonary shunt = lung units that are p erfused but not ventilated
Anion gap (AG) = Na − (Cl + HCO 3) (normal = [alb] × 2 .5; typ ically 12 ± 2
Delta-delta (ΔΔ) = [Δ AG (ie, calc. AG - exp ected) / Δ HCO 3 (ie, 2 4 - measured
HCO 3)]
Urine anion gap (UAG) = (U Na + U K) − U Cl
✓ PTT q6h after every Δ (t1⁄2 of hep arin ~90 min) and then qd or bid once PTT is
therap eutic

✓ CBC qd (to ensure Hct and p lt counts are stable)

Warfarin-heparin overlap therapy

• Indications: when failure to anticoagulate carries ↑ risk of morbidity or mortality
(eg, DVT/PE, intracardiac thrombus)
• Rationale: (1) Half-life of factor VII (3—6 h) is shorter than half-life of factor II (60—
72 h);

∴warfarin can elevate PT be fore achie ving a true antithrombotic state

(2 ) Protein C also has half-life less than that of factor II;

∴theoretical concern of hype rcoag ulable state before antithrombotic state

• Method: (1) Therap eutic PTT is achieved using hep arin

(2 ) Warfarin therap y is initiated

(3) Hep arin continued until INR therap eutic for ≥2 d and ≥4—5 d of

(roughly corresp onds to ~2 half-lives of factor II or a reduction to ~2 5% )


5′-NT 5′-nucleotidase

6-MP 6-mercaptopurine

AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm

AAD antiarrhythmic drug


ABE acute bacterial endocarditis

ABG arterial blood gas


ABPA allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

abx antibiotics
AC assist control

ACE angiotensin converting enzyme

ACEI ACE inhibitor

anemia of chronic inflammation

anticardiolipin antibody

advanced cardiac life support

acute coronary syndrome

ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone

ACV acyclovir

ADA adenosine deaminase

ADH antidiuretic hormone

ADL activities of daily living

AF atrial fibrillation

AFB acid-fast bacilli

AFL atrial flutter

AFP ɑ-fetoprotein

ascites fluid total protein

AG aminoglycoside

anion gap

Ag antigen

acute glomerulonephritis

AI aortic insufficiency
AIDS acquired immunodefic. synd.

AIH autoimmune hepatitis

AIHA autoimmune hemolytic anemia

acute interstitial nephritis

acute interstitial pneumonia

acute kidney injury

ALF acute liver failure

acute lymphoblastic leukemia

ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

ALT alanine aminotransferase

anti-mitochondrial antibody
AMI anterior myocardial infarction

AML acute myelogenous leukemia


antinuclear antibody

ANCA antineutrophilic cytoplasmic Ab

AoD aortic dissection

AoV aortic valve

APC activated protein C

acute promyelocytic leukemia

APLA antiphospholipid Ab

antiphospholipid Ab synd.
angiotensin receptor blocker

ARDS acute resp distress synd.


ARVC arrhythmogenic RV CMP

aortic stenosis


atrial septal defect

AST aspartate aminotransferase


AT atrial tachycardia

ATII angiotensin II
antithrombin III

ATN acute tubular necrosis

ATRA all-trans-retinoic acid


AVA aortic valve area

AVB atrioventricular block

AV nodal reentrant tachycardia

AVR aortic valve replacement

AVRT AV reciprocating tachycardia

associated with

AZA azathioprine

alkaline phosphatase

b/c because

BAL bronchoalveolar lavage

βB beta-blocker

bundle branch block

BCx blood culture

BD bile duct


bili. bilirubin

BIPAP bilevel positive airway pressure

BIV biventricular
bone marrow

bowel movement

bone mineral density

body mass index

bare metal stent

B-type natriuretic peptide

BOOP bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing


BP blood pressure

BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy

bright red blood per rectum
BS breath sounds

bleeding time

blood urea nitrogen


BYCE buffered charcoal yeast extract


c/s consult

c/w compared with

consistent with

coronary artery bypass grafting

CAD coronary artery disease

congenital adrenal hyperplasia
common ALL antigen

CAPD chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

complete blood count

CBD common bile duct

calcium channel blocker

carbon tetrachloride

CCP cyclic citrullinated peptide

Canadian Cardiovascular Society

CCY cholecystectomy

CD Crohn’s disease

CEA carcinoembryonic antigen

carotid endarterectomy


CF cystic fibrosis


colony forming units

complete heart block

congenital heart disease

CHF congestive heart failure

CI cardiac index

CIAKI contrast-induced AKI

CIDP chronic inflammatory demyelinating


CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

CK creatine kinase

chronic kidney disease

chronic lymphocytic leukemia

CMC carpometacarpal (joint)

chronic myelogenous leukemia

CMML chronic myelomonocytic leukemia

CMP cardiomyopathy

CMV cytomegalovirus

CN cranial nerve

carbon monoxide

cardiac output

COP cryptogenic organizing PNA

chronic obstructive pulm dis.


CP chest pain

continuous positive airway pressure

CPP cerebral perfusion pressure

CPPD calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate

Cr creatinine

CrAg cryptococcal antigen

colorectal cancer

CrCl creatinine clearance

CRP C-reactive protein

cardiac resynchronization therapy

cyclosporine A

CSF cerebrospinal fluid

carotid sinus massage

CT computed tomogram

CTA CT angiogram

CTD connective tissue disease

CV cardiovascular

cerebrovascular accident

CVD cerebrovascular disease

collagen vascular disease

common variable immunodefic.

central venous pressure

CVVH continuous veno-venous hemofiltration

chest wall

cx culture

CXR chest radiograph

CYC cyclophosphamide

d day


∆MS change in mental status

DA dopamine

diffuse alveolar damage

diffuse alveolar hemorrhage

DAT direct antiglobulin test

diastolic blood pressure

d/c discharge


DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ

DCMP dilated cardiomyopathy

differential diagnosis

DES drug-eluting stent

DFA direct fluorescent antigen detection

diabetes insipidus

disseminated intravascular coagulation

diff. differential

desquamative interstitial pneumonitis

distal interphalangeal (joint)

DKA diabetic ketoacidosis

diffusion capacity of the lung

DLE drug induced lupus


diabetes mellitus

DMARD disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug

dyspnea on exertion

digital rectal exam

DRESS drug reaction w/ eosinophilia & systemic


DSE dobutamine stress echo

DST dexamethasone suppression test

deep tendon reflexes

DU duodenal ulcer

deep vein thrombosis
dx diagnosis

EAD extreme axis deviation

EAV effective arterial volume

Epstein-Barr virus


ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

ED emergency department

EDP end-diastolic pressure

EDV end-diastolic volume

EEG electroencephalogram

ejection fraction
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy

epidermal growth factor receptor

eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis

entry inhibitor

enzyme-linked immunoassay

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

EM electron microscopy


ENT ears, nose, & throat

EOM extraocular movement/muscles

Epo erythropoietin

EPS electrophysiology study

ERCP endoscopic retrograde


expiratory reserve volume

end-systolic pressure

ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate

end-stage renal disease

ESV end-systolic volume

ET endotracheal tube

essential thrombocythemia
EtOH alcohol

endotracheal tube

exercise tolerance test

EUS endoscopic ultrasound

endovascular aneurysm repair

fibrin degradation product

forced expir. vol in 1 sec

FFP fresh frozen plasma

family history

FI fusion inhibitor

FMD fibromuscular dysplasia

FMF familial Mediterranean fever

fine needle aspiration

FOB fecal occult blood

fecal occult blood testing

FQ fluoroquinolone

FRC functional residual capacity

focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

FSH follicle stimulating hormone

FTI free thyroxine index

fever of unknown origin

f/up follow-up
FVC forced vital capacity

glc-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

GB gallbladder

glomerular basement membrane

Guillain-Barré syndrome

GCA giant cell arteritis

GCS Glasgow coma scale

granulocyte colony stimulating factor

GE gastroesophageal

gen. generation

gastroesophageal reflux disease
glomerular filtration rate

γ-glutamyl transpeptidase

growth hormone

GIB gastrointestinal bleed

GIST gastrointestinal stromal tumor


GMCSF granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating



GNR gram-negative rods

GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone

GPA granulomatosis w/ polyangiitis

GPC gram-positive cocci

glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor

glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism

gastric ulcer

graft-versus-host disease

h hour

H2RA H2-receptor antagonist


HACA human antichimeric antibody

HAV hepatitis A virus

Hb hemoglobin

HBIG hepatitis B immunoglobulin

HBV hepatitis B virus

HCC hepatocellular carcinoma

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy


hepatitis C virus

HCW health care worker


HDL high-density lipoprotein

HDV hepatitis Δ virus

HELLP hemolysis, abnl LFTs, low plts

HEV hepatitis E virus

HF heart failure

HGPRT hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl


hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state

heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

HK hypokinesis

Hodgkin lymphoma

h/o history of

HOB head of bed

hpf high power field


HR heart rate

hormone replacement therapy

hereditary spherocytosis

hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

HSM hepatosplenomegaly

Henoch-Schönlein purpura

HSV herpes simplex virus

HTN hypertension

hemolytic uremic syndrome
hx history

incision & drainage

IABP intra-aortic balloon pump

inflammatory bowel disease

irritable bowel syndrome

inspiratory capacity

ICa ionized calcium

implantable cardiac defibrillator

ICH intracranial hemorrhage

ICP intracranial pressure

intensive care unit
IE infective endocarditis

insulin-like growth factor

IGRA interferon-g release assay

integrase inhibitor

idiopathic interstitial PNA

interstitial lung disease

IMI inferior myocardial infarction


inh inhaled

INH isoniazid

international normalized ratio
IPAA ileal pouch-anal anastomosis

idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

intravenous bolus

inferior vena cava

intravenous drug use(r)

IVF intravenous fluids

intravenous immunoglobulin

JVD jugular venous distention

JVP jugular venous pulse

kidney-ureter-bladder (radiography)
KS Kaposi’s sarcoma

left atrium


lupus anticoagulant

LABA long-acting β2-agonist

left anterior descending coronary artery

left axis deviation

LAE left atrial enlargement


LAP left atrial pressure

leukocyte alkaline phosphatase

LBBB left bundle branch block

LCA left coronary artery

lobular carcinoma in situ

LCx left circumflex cor. art.

LDH lactate dehydrogenase

low-density lipoprotein

LE lower extremity

LES lower esophageal sphincter

liver function tests

LGIB lower gastrointestinal bleed

luteinizing hormone

LLQ left lower quadrant

LM left main coronary artery

LMWH low-molecular-weight heparin

lymph node

loss of consciousness

length of stay

LP lumbar puncture

lpf low power field

LR lactated Ringer’s

LQTS long QT syndrome

LUSB left upper sternal border

LV left ventricle

LVAD LV assist device

LVEDP LV end-diastolic pressure

LVEDV LV end-diastolic volume

left ventricular hypertrophy

left ventricular outflow tract

LVSD LV systolic dimension

monoclonal antibody

MAC mitral annular calcification

Mycobacterium avium complex

MAHA microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

MALT mucosa-assoc. lymphoid tissue

MAO monoamine oxidase

mean arterial pressure

MAT multifocal atrial tachycardia

minimal change disease

MCP metacarpal phalangeal (joint)

MCTD mixed connective tissue dis.

mean corpuscular volume

MDI metered dose inhaler

MDMA 3,4-methylenedioxymetham-phetamine

multidrug resistant

MDS myelodysplastic syndrome

multiple endocrine neoplasia

myasthenia gravis

MGUS monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain


MI myocardial infarction

min minute

min. minimal

MM multiple myeloma

max. mid-expir. flow rate
MMF mycophenolate mofetil

MN membranous nephropathy

MNZ metronidazole


MODS multiple organ dysfxn synd.

mo month

MPA microscopic polyangiitis

MPN myeloproliferative neoplasm

MPGN membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

magnetic resonance

mitral regurgitation
MRA magnetic resonance angiography

MR cholangio-pancreatography

magnetic resonance imaging

methicillin-resistant S. aureus

MS mitral stenosis

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

MTP metatarsal phalangeal (joint)

MTX methotrexate

mitral valve

MVA mitral valve area

MVP mitral valve prolapse

MVR mitral valve replacement

Mϕ macrophage

N/V nausea and/or vomiting


NAFLD non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

NG nasogastric

nasogastric tube

NHL Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

NIDCM non-ischemic dilated CMP

NIF negative inspiratory force

NJ nasojejunal

nl normal

NM neuromuscular

neuromuscular junction

NNRTI non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor

number needed to treat

nitric oxide

NPJT nonparoxysmal junctional tachycardia

NPO nothing by mouth

NPV negative predictive value

NS normal saline

nonsteroidal anti-inflam. drug
non-small cell lung cancer

NYHA New York Heart Association

noninvasive positive pressure ventilation

nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor

NSF nephrogenic systemic fibrosis

NTG nitroglycerin

NUD nonulcer dyspepsia

NVE native valve endocarditis

O&P ova & parasites


OCP oral contraceptive pill


OG osmolal gap

orogastric tube

OGTT oral glucose tolerance test

OI opportunistic infection

obtuse marginal cor. art.

OSA obstructive sleep apnea

OTC over-the-counter


PA pulmonary artery

PAC pulmonary artery catheter

PAD peripheral artery disease

polyarteritis nodosa

PA systolic pressure

PAV percutaneous aortic valvuloplasty


primary biliary cirrhosis

PCI percutaneous coronary intervention


PCP Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia

PCR polymerase chain reaction

PCT porphyria cutanea tarda

PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure

Parkinson’s disease

peritoneal dialysis

patent ductus arteriosus

posterior descending cor. art.

pulmonary embolism

pulseless electrical activity

PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure

PEF peak expiratory flow

PET positron emission tomography

PEx physical examination

PFO patent foramen ovale

pulmonary function test

polyglandular autoimmune syndrome

pulmonary hypertension

protease inhibitor

PID pelvic inflammatory disease

PIF prolactin inhibitory factor

PIP peak inspiratory pressure

proximal interphalangeal (joint)

PKD polycystic kidney disease

PMF primary myelofibrosis

past medical history

point of maximal impulse

progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

PMN polymorphonuclear leukocyte

PMR polymyalgia rheumatica

percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty

PMVT polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

PNA pneumonia

paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

PNH paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

peripheral nervous system

PO oral intake

plain old balloon angioplasty

POTS postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

PPD purified protein derivative

primary pulmonary HTN

PPI proton pump inhibitors

P plat
plateau pressure

permanent pacemaker

PPV positive predictive value

Ppx prophylaxis

PR PR segment on ECG
pulmonary regurgitation

packed red blood cells



poor R wave progression

pressure support

pulmonic stenosis

PsA Pseudomonas aeruginosa

PSA prostate specific antigen

PSC primary sclerosing cholangitis

PSGN post streptococcal glomerulonephritis

PSHx past surgical history

pressure support ventilation

Pt patient

prothrombin time

percutaneous transluminal angioplasty

PTH parathyroid hormone

PTH-rP PTH-related peptide

partial thromboplastin time

PTU propylthiouracil

PTX pneumothorax

peptic ulcer disease
PUVA psoralen + ultraviolet A

polycythemia vera

portal vein

peripheral vascular disease

PVE prosthetic valve endocarditis

PVR pulmonary vascular resistance

present(s) with

PZA pyrazinamide

qac before every meal

every bedtime

QoL quality of life

Qw Q wave

refractory anemia

rheumatoid arthritis

right atrium

RAA renin-angiotensin-aldosterone

right axis deviation

RAE right atrial enlargement

RAI radioactive iodine

radioactive iodine uptake

RAS renal artery stenosis

RAST radioallergosorbent test

RBBB right bundle branch block

red blood cell

RBF renal blood flow

RBV ribavirin

right coronary artery

restrictive cardiomyopathy

RCT randomized controlled trial

red cell distribution width

RE reticuloendothelial

rheumatoid factor

risk factor
RHD rheumatic heart disease

rule in

reticulocyte index

recombinant immunoblot assay

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

rule out

review of systems

RPGN rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

respiratory rate

RRT renal replacement therapy

RT radiation therapy

renal tubular acidosis

RUQ right upper quadrant

RUSB right upper sternal border

residual volume

right ventricle

RVAD RV assist device

right ventricular hypertrophy

RVOT RV outflow tract

RVSP RV systolic pressure


RYGB roux-en-Y gastric bypass


SAAG serum-ascites albumin gradient

SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage

SAS sulfasalazine

SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis

small bowel obstruction

SBP spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

systolic blood pressure

spontaneous breathing trial

SC subcutaneous

sudden cardiac death
severe combined immunodefic.

small cell lung cancer

s/e side effect

Se sensitivity


selective estrogen receptor modulator

sev. severe

steroid hormone binding globulin

SIADH synd. of inappropriate ADH

small intestine bacterial overgrowth

SIEP serum immunoelectrophoresis

SIMV synchronized intermittent mandatory

systemic inflammatory response syndrome

SJS Stevens-Johnson syndrome

systemic lupus erythematosus

superior mesenteric artery

SMV superior mesenteric vein

SMX sulfamethoxazole

sinusoidal obstructive synd.

s/p status post

Sp specificity

serum protein electrophoresis
SR sinus rhythm

signs and symptoms

SSCY Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinia

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

sick sinus syndrome

ST sinus tachycardia

STD sexually transmitted disease

ST-segment depression

STE ST-segment elevation

SV stroke volume

superior vena cava
SVR systemic vascular resistance

supraventricular tachycardia

sx symptom(s) or symptomatic

type 1 diabetes mellitus

type 2 diabetes mellitus

T 3RU T3 resin uptake

thoracic aortic aneurysm

TB tuberculosis

TBG thyroid binding globulin

TCA tricyclic antidepressant

TCD transcranial Doppler

TCN tetracycline

Tdap tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis

torsades de pointes

terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase

transesophageal echo

thyroid function tests


TGA transposition of the great arteries

TIA transient ischemic attack

TIBC total iron binding capacity

TINU tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis

TIPS transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt

TLC total lung capacity



total protein

thiopurine methyltransferase

total parenteral nutrition

Tpo thrombopoietin

TPO thyroid peroxidase

TR tricuspid regurgitation

TRALI transfusion-related acute lung injury

TRH thyrotropin releasing hormone

TRS TIMI risk score

transrectal ultrasound

tricuspid stenosis

thyroid stimulating hormone

thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin

toxic shock syndrome

transsphenoidal surgery

TTE transthoracic echo

TTKG transtubular potassium gradient

TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

TV tricuspid valve

Tw T wave

T-wave flattening

T-wave inversion




U/S ultrasound

UA unstable angina

uric acid

UAG urine anion gap

UC ulcerative colitis

UCx urine culture

upper esophageal sphincter

unfractionated heparin

upper gastrointestinal bleed

usual interstitial pneumonitis

upper limit of normal

UOP urine output

UPEP urine protein electrophoresis

UR urgent revascularization

URI upper resp. tract infxn

UTI urinary tract infection

V/Q ventilation-perfusion

ventricular assist device

ventilator-associated PNA

video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery

vertebrobasilar insufficiency

vital capacity

VD vessel disease

VDRL venereal disease research laboratory (test for


VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor

ventricular fibrillation
VLDL very-low-density lipoproteins

VOD veno-occlusive disease

vital signs

ventricular septal defect

tidal volume

VT ventricular tachycardia

venous thromboembolus

vWD von Willebrand’s disease

vWF von Willebrand’s factor

varicella zoster virus
w/ with

WBC white blood cell (count)

WCT wide-complex tachycardia

World Health Organization


WM Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia

wall motion abnormality

w/o without

WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome


XRT radiation therapy


A-a gradient, 2 -18 , 11-5
abdominal CT scan, P-7
abdominal p ain, 10-1
acanthosis nigricans, 5-2 8
accessory p athway, 1-33
acetaminop hen
as cause of metabolic acidosis, 4-2
hep atotoxicity, 3-19
achalasia, 3-1
acid-base disturbances, 4-1
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 6-17
acromegaly, 7-2
activated p rotein C
resistance, 5-11
therap y, 2 -2 3
acute coronary syndromes, 1-6
acute interstitial nep hritis, 4-12
acute interstitial p neumonia, 2 -10
acute kidney injury, 4-12
acute resp iratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 2 -2 2
acute tubular necrosis, 4-12
Addison’s disease, 7-9
adnexal mass, non-p regnant woman, 10-3
adrenal disorders, 7-7
adrenal incidentalomas, 7-10
adrenal insufficiency, 7-9
adrenal mass, 7-10
advanced cardiac life sup p ort, ACLS-1
albuminuria, 4-13
alcohol withdrawal, 9-5
allergic bronchop ulmonary asp ergillosis, 2 -10
alp ha 1-antitryp sin deficiency
as cause of cirrhosis, 3-2 4
as cause of COPD, 2 -5
alveolar gas equation, 11-5
amaurosis fugax, 9-6
amiodarone, thyroid disease and, 7-5
amyloidosis, 8 -2 2
cardiac manifestations, 1-19
anap hylaxis, 2 -4
anap lasmosis, 6-2 1
anemia, 5-1
ap lastic, 5-3
autoimmune hemolytic, 5-5, P-13
of chronic inflammation, 5-2
Cooley’s, 5-2
Fanconi’s, 5-3
folate deficiency, 5-3
hemolytic, 5-4
iron deficiency, 5-1, P-13
macrocytic, 5-3
megaloblastic, 5-3, P-13
microangiop athic hemolytic, 5-5
microcytic, 5-1
myelop hthisic, 5-4
normocytic, 5-2
p ernicious, 5-3
sickle cell, 5-4, P-14
sideroblastic, 5-2
angina, 1-6
angiodysp lasia, 3-3
angiop lasty, 1-5
anion gap , 4-2 , 11-6
ankylosing sp ondylitis, 8 -7
anoxic brain injury, 9-2
antibiotics, 11-3
anticardiolip in, 5-11, 8 -16
anti-CCP, 8 -3
anti-centromere, 8 -11
anti-citrullinated p ep tide (ACPA), 8 -3
anti-ds-DNA, 8 -15
anti-GBM, 4-16
antihistone, 8 -15
anti-Jo-1, 8 -13
anti-La, 8 -14, 8 -15
anti-Mi-2 , 8 -13
antimitochondrial, 3-2 4
anti-MPO, 4-16, 8 -18
antineutrop hil cytop lasmic (ANCA), 4-16, 8 -18
antinuclear (ANA), 8 -15
antip hosp holip id, 5-11
anti-PR3, 4-16, 8 -18
anti-Ro, 8 -14, 8 -15
anti-Scl-70, 8 -11
anti-Sm, 8 -15
anti-smooth muscle, 3-19
anti-TPO, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6
anti-U1-RNP, 8 -14, 8 -15
autoantibodies, 8 -2
in connective tissue diseases, 8 -11
anticoagulants, 5-6, 5-10
anti-GBM disease, as cause of glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
antip hosp holip id syndrome, 5-11
aortic aneurysm, 1-30
aortic dissection, 1-31
aortic insufficiency, 1-2 1
aortic stenosis, 1-2 0
aortoenteric fistula, 3-3
arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyop athy, 1-34
arthralgias, 8 -1
arthritis, 8 -1
IBD-associated (enterop athic), 8 -8
infectious, 8 -9
osteoarthritis, 8 -1
p soriatic, 8 -7
reactive, 8 -7
rheumatoid, 8 -3
asbestosis, 2 -10
ascites, 3-2 6
treatment of, in cirrhotics, 3-2 1
asp ergillosis, 6-4
asp lenia, 6-4
asthma, 2 -2
asystole, ACLS-2
atrial fibrillation, 1-32 , 1-35
atrial flutter, 1-32
auto-PEEP, 2 -2 0
AV block, 1-32
AV dissociation, 1-32

babesiosis, 6-2 1
back p ain, 9-11
bacteremia, 6-14
Barrett’s esop hagus, 3-2
Bartter’s syndrome, 4-5, 4-10, 7-8
basop hilia, 5-12
basop hilic stip p ling, 11-6
Beck’s triad, 1-2 6
Behçet’s syndrome, 8 -2 0
Bell’s p alsy, 6-11
Bernard-Soulier disease, 5-9
berylliosis, 2 -10
bilevel p ositive airway p ressure (BiPAP), 2 -2 0
biliary tract disease, 3-2 7
bite cells, 5-4, 11-6
biventricular p acing, 1-16, 1-39
blastomycosis, 6-3
body surface area, 11-7
Boerhaave syndrome, 1-3
bone infections, 6-6
bone marrow transp lantation, 5-2 6
bradycardia, 1-32 , ACLS-1
breast cancer, 5-30
Brockenbrough sign, 1-18
bronchiectasis, 2 -7
bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing p neumonia, 2 -10
bronchitis, chronic, 2 -5
Brudzinski’s sign, 6-9
Brugada syndrome, 1-34
B-typ e natriuretic p ep tide, 1-14, 2 -1
Budd-Chiari syndrome, 3-2 5
bundle branch blocks, 1-1
burr cells, 11-6
bursitis, 8 -1, 8 -10
calcip hylaxis, 7-11
calcium disorders, 7-11
calcium p yrop hosp hate dihydrate dep osition disease, 8 -6
cancer of unknown p rimary site, 5-37
Candida infections, 6-3
carbon monoxide p oisoning, 2 -18
cardiac outp ut, 1-12 , 11-4
cardiac resynchronization therap y, 1-16, 1-39
cardiomyop athy, 1-17
arrhythmogenic RV, 1-17
dilated, 1-17
hyp ertrop hic, 1-18
p erip artum, 1-17
restrictive, 1-19
vs constrictive p ericarditis, 1-2 7
Takotsubo, 1-17
cardioversion, ACLS-1
carotid revascularization, 9-7
cauda equina syndrome, 9-11
celiac disease, 3-6
cellulitis, 6-6
central venous catheter-related infections, 6-14
cerebrovascular disease, 9-6
Chagas, 1-17
Charcot’s triad, 3-2 8
Chediak-Higashi syndrome, 5-9
chemotherap y side effects, 5-34
chest p ain, 1-3
chest tubes, 10-2
Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system, 3-2 3
cholangitis, 3-2 8
cholecystitis, 3-2 7
choledocholithiasis, 3-2 8
cholelithiasis, 3-2 7
cholera, 3-5
cholestasis, 3-15
cholesterol emboli syndrome, 1-5
chronic kidney disease, 4-13
chronic obstructive p ulmonary disease (COPD), 2 -5, P-1
Churg-Strauss syndrome, 8 -19
as cause of asthma, 2 -2
as cause of glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
as cause of interstitial lung disease, 2 -10
Chvostek’s sign, 7-12
cirrhosis, 3-2 1
claudication, neurogenic vs. vascular, 9-12
clostridial myonecrosis, 6-7
Clostridium difficile -associated diarrhea, 3-6
coagulation cascade, 5-6
coagulop athies, 5-10
coarctation of aorta, 1-2 8
coccidioidomycosis, 6-3
cold calorics, 9-1
colonoscop y, screening, 5-33
colorectal cancer, 5-33
coma, 9-1
comp artment syndrome, 10-2
comp uted tomograp hy angiograp hy, 1-3, 1-4
confusion, 9-1
connective tissue diseases, 8 -11
Conn’s syndrome, 7-8
constip ation, 3-8
constrictive p ericarditis, 1-2 6
continuous p ositive airway p ressure (CPAP), 2 -19, 2 -2 0
continuous veno-venous hemofiltration, 4-15
contrast-induced acute kidney injury, 4-12
conus medullaris syndrome, 9-11
cord comp ression, 5-36, 9-11
corneal acrus, 7-16
coronary angiograp hy, 1-5, P-13
coronary arteries, P-13
coronary artery byp ass grafting (CABG), 1-5
coronary artery calcium score, 1-4
coronary revascularization, 1-5
Courvoisier’s sign, 5-35
creatinine clearance, 11-6
CREST syndrome, 8 -12
Crohn’s disease, 3-10
cryoglobulinemia, 8 -2 1
Cryptococcus, 6-3
cryp togenic organizing p neumonia, 2 -10
crystal dep osition arthritides, 8 -5
Cullen’s sign, 3-13
Cushing’s reflex, 3-2 0
Cushing’s syndrome, 7-7
cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis, 8 -2 0
CXR/chest CT scan, 11-5, P-1, P-5
cyanide p oisoning, 2 -18
cyanosis, 2 -18
cystic fibrosis, 2 -7
cystitis, 6-5
cytomegalovirus, 6-19

dactylitis, 8 -7
deep venous thrombosis, 2 -13
delirium, 9-1
delirium tremens, 9-5
delta-delta, 4-2 , 11-6
dementia, 9-1
dengue, 6-2 3
dermatomyositis, 8 -12
desquamative interstitial p neumonia, 2 -10
diabetes insip idus, 4-8 , 4-9
diabetes mellitus, 7-13
diabetic foot, 6-6
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), 7-14
dialysis, 4-15
diarrhea, 3-5
Dieulafoy’s lesion, 3-3
diffuse alveolar damage, 2 -2 2
diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, 2 -10, 5-2 6
dip lop ia, 10-4
disc herniation, 9-12
discriminant function, 3-19
disseminated gonococcal arthritis, 8 -10
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), 5-10
diuresis, 4-14
diverticular disease, 3-9
Döhle bodies, 11-6
doll’s eyes, 9-1
Dressler’s syndrome, 1-11, 1-2 5
Duke treadmill score, 1-4
duodenal ulcer, 3-2
dyslip idemias, 7-16
dysp ep sia, 3-2
dysp hagia, 3-1
dysp nea, 2 -1
dysuria, 6-5

Eaton-Lambert syndrome, 5-2 8 , 9-9
echocardiograp hy, P-9
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 1-31
ehrlichiosis, 6-2 1
electrocardiograp hy, 1-1
encep halitis, viral, 6-11
endocarditis, 6-12
endomyocardial fibrosis, 1-19
enthesitis, 8 -7
eosinop hilia, 5-12
eosinop hilic granulomatosis with p olyangiitis, 8 -19
as cause of asthma, 2 -2
as cause of glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
as cause of interstitial lung disease, 2 -10
eosinop hilic p neumonias, 2 -10
ep idural abscess, 6-8
ep idural hematoma, 9-7
ep ilep sy, 9-3
erysip elas, 6-6
erythema migrans, 6-2 0
erythema multiforme, 6-2 3
erythema nodosum, 2 -9, 6-2 3, 8 -2 0
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 8 -17
erythromelalgia, 5-15
esop hageal reflux, 3-1
esop hageal ring, 3-1
esop hageal sp asm, 1-3
esop hageal web, 3-1
esop hagitis, 3-1, 3-3
essential thrombocythemia, 5-15
ethylene glycol intoxication, 4-2
exercise tolerance test, 1-4

factor V Leiden, 5-11
familial adenomatous p olyp osis, 5-33
familial hyp ocalciuric hyp ercalcemia, 7-11
familial Mediterranean fever, 6-2 2
Fanconi’s syndrome, 4-3
Felty’s syndrome, 8 -3
neutrop enia and, 5-36
Pel-Ebstein, 5-2 1
fever syndromes, 6-2 2
fibromyalgia, 8 -13
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, 8 -10
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, 4-17
folate deficiency, 5-3
folliculitis, 6-6
food p oisoning, 3-5
Forrester class, 1-11
Fournier’s gangrene, 6-7
fractional excretion of Na, 4-12 , 11-6
free H 2 O deficit, 4-8 , 11-6
fungal infections, 6-3
furunculosis, 6-6

Gaisböck’s syndrome, 5-15
Gallavardin effect, 1-2 0
gallstone, 3-2 7
gallstone ileus, 3-2 7
gas gangrene, 6-7
gastric antral vascular ectasia, 3-3
gastric ulcer, 3-2
gastritis, 3-3
gastroesop hageal reflux disease (GERD), 3-1
gastrointestinal bleeding, 3-3
gastrostomy tubes, 10-2
giant cell arteritis, 8 -17
Gitelman’s syndrome, 4-5, 4-10, 7-8
Glanzmann’s thromboasthenia, 5-9
Glasgow Coma Scale, 9-1
glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
as cause of diabetes mellitus, 7-13
as cause of diarrhea, 3-7
glucose-6-p hosp hate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, 5-4
glycemic control, in critical care, 2 -2 3
goiter, 7-4, 7-5
Goodp asture’s syndrome
as cause of alveolar hemorrhage, 2 -10
as cause of glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
Gottron’s p ap ules, 8 -13
gout, 8 -5
graft-ve rsus-host disease (GVHD), 5-2 6, 5-2 7
granulomatosis with p olyangiitis, 8 -18
as cause of glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
as cause of interstitial lung disease, 2 -10
Graves’ disease, 7-4
Grey Turner’s sign, 3-13
Guillain-Barré syndrome, 9-8

Hamman-Rich syndrome, 2 -10
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 7-4
headache, 9-10
heart failure, 1-14
with p reserved EF, 1-16
heart valve anatomy, 1-2 4
Heinz bodies, 5-4, 11-6
He licobacte r pylori infection, 3-2
heliotrop e rash, 8 -13
hematemesis, 3-3
hematochezia, 3-3
hematop oietic stem cell transp lantation, 5-2 6
hematuria, 4-19
as cause of cirrhosis, 3-2 3
as cause of DCMP, 1-17
as cause of RCMP, 1-19
hemodialysis, 4-15
hemolytic-uremic syndrome, 5-9
hemop hilia, 5-10
hemop tysis, 2 -7
hemostasis disorders, 5-6
Henoch-Schönlein p urp ura, 8 -19
as cause of glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
hep arin-induced thrombocytop enia, 5-8
hep arin nomograms, 11-7
hep atic encep halop athy, 3-2 2
hep atic hydrothorax, 2 -11, 3-2 1
hep atitis, 3-17
alcoholic, 3-19
autoimmune, 3-19
ischemic, 3-19
viral, 3-17
hep atocellular carcinoma, 3-2 2
hep atop ulmonary syndrome, 3-2 3
hep atorenal syndrome, 3-2 2
hereditary nonp olyp osis colorectal cancer, 5-33
hereditary sp herocytosis, 5-5
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, 5-9
herp es zoster, 6-11
histop lasmosis, 6-3
Howell-Jolly bodies, 11-6
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 6-17
hyp eraldosteronism, 7-8
as cause of hyp okalemia, 4-10
as cause of metabolic alkalosis, 4-4
hyp erbilirubinemia, 3-16
hyp ercalcemia, 7-11
hyp ercap nia, 2 -18
hyp ercholesterolemia, 7-16
hyp ercoagulable states, 5-11
hyp ercortisolism, 7-7
hyp erhomocysteinemia, 5-11
hyp erkalemia, 4-11
hyp ernatremia, 4-8
hyp erosmolar hyp erglycemic state, 7-15
hyp erp arathyroidism, 7-11
secondary, 4-14
hyp erp ituitary syndrome, 7-2
hyp erp rolactinemia, 7-2
hyp ersensitivity p neumonia, 2 -10
hyp ersensitivity vasculitis, 8 -2 0
hyp ersp lenism, 5-5
hyp ertension, 1-2 8
hyp ertensive crisis, 1-2 9
hyp erthyroidism, 7-4
hyp ertriglyceridemia, 7-16
hyp ertrop hic p ulmonary osteoarthrop athy, 5-2 8
hyp oaldosteronism, 7-9
as cause of hyp erkalemia, 4-11
as cause of metabolic acidosis, 4-3
hyp ocalcemia, 7-12
hyp oglycemia, 7-15
hyp okalemia, 4-10
hyp onatremia, 4-6
hyp op arathyroidism, 7-12
hyp op ituitary syndromes, 7-1
hyp othermia, induced, 9-2
hyp othyroidism, 7-4
hyp oxemia, 2 -18
ICU medications, 11-1
ideal body weight, 11-7
idiop athic interstitial p neumonia, 2 -10
idiop athic p ulmonary fibrosis, 2 -10
IgA nep hrop athy, 4-17
IgG4-related disease, 8 -2 0
ileus, 3-8
immune thrombocytop enic p urp ura, 5-7
imp etigo, 6-6
imp lantable cardiac defibrillator, 1-16, 1-39
inclusion body myositis, 8 -12
infections in suscep tible hosts, 6-4
inflammatory bowel disease, 3-10
inflammatory markers, 8 -2
influenza, 6-2
interstitial lung disease, 2 -9
intracardiac shunts, 11-4
intracranial hemorrhage, 9-7
intraductal p ap illary mucinous neop lasm, 5-35
intramural hematoma (aortic), 1-31
iron deficiency, 5-1
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 3-7
ischemic colitis, 3-12
isop rop yl alcohol intoxication, 4-3

Janeway lesions, 6-12
jaundice, 3-15
Jod-Basedow effect, 7-6
joint fluid, 8 -1
Kap osi’s sarcoma, 6-19
Kernig’s sign, 6-9
ketoacidosis, 4-2
kidney transp lantation, 4-15
Killip class, 1-11
koilonychia, 5-1
Kussmaul’s sign, 1-2 7
lactic acidosis, 4-2
lactose intolerance, 3-6
Langerhans cell granulomatosis, 2 -10
left ventricular hyp ertrop hy, ECG criteria, 1-1
left ventricular thrombus, 1-11
leukemia, 5-17, P-14
acute lymp hoblastic, 5-18
acute myelogenous, 5-17
acute p romyelocytic, 5-18
chronic lymp hocytic, 5-2 0
chronic myelogenous, 5-19
hairy cell, 5-2 2
leukostasis, 5-17
Libman-Sacks endocarditis, 8 -15
Liddle’s syndrome, 4-5, 4-10, 7-8
Light’s criteria, 2 -11
limb ischemia, acute, 1-41, 10-1
lip odystrop hy, 6-19
liver failure, 3-2 0
liver tests, abnormal, 3-15
liver transp lantation, 3-2 3
Loeys-Dietz syndrome, 1-31
Löffler’s endocarditis, 1-19
Löffler’s syndrome, 2 -10
Löfgren’s syndrome, 2 -9
long QT syndrome, 1-34
lung cancer, 5-2 8
lup us anticoagulant, 5-11
lup us p ernio, 2 -9
Lyme disease, 6-2 0
lymp hadenop athy, 5-12
lymp hangioleiomyomatosis, 2 -10
lymp hocytic interstitial p neumonia, 2 -10
lymp hocytosis, 5-12
lymp homa, 5-2 1
CNS, 6-19
Hodgkin, 5-2 1
non-Hodgkin, 5-2 2

macro-ovalocytes, 5-3
malabsorp tion, 3-6
malaria, 6-2 3
Mallory-Weiss tear, 3-3
mammograp hy, 5-30
Marfan syndrome, 1-31
mechanical ventilation, 2 -19
mechanic’s hands, 8 -13
Meckel’s diverticulum, 3-4
Meigs’ syndrome, 2 -11, 3-2 6
MELD score, 3-2 3
melena, 3-3
membranop roliferative glomerulonep hritis, 4-17
membranous nep hrop athy, 4-17
acute bacterial, 6-9
asep tic, 6-10
mental status, change in, 9-1
mesenteric ischemia, 3-12
metabolic acidosis, 4-2
metabolic alkalosis, 4-4
metabolic syndrome, 7-16
methanol intoxication, 4-2
methemoglobinemia, 2 -18
microangiop athic hemolytic anemia, 5-5
microscop ic p olyangiitis, 8 -19
as cause of glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
as cause of interstitial lung disease, 2 -10
migraine headache, 9-10
milk-alkali syndrome, 7-11
minimal change disease, 4-17
Mirizzi’s syndrome, 3-2 7
mitral regurgitation, 1-2 2
mitral stenosis, 1-2 2
mitral valve p rolap se, 1-2 3
mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD), 8 -14
molluscum contagiosum, 6-18
monoclonal gammop athy of uncertain significance, 5-2 5
monocytosis, 5-12
mucinous cystic neop lasm of p ancreas, 5-35
Mucor infection, 6-4
multip le endocrine neop lasia (MEN) syndromes, 7-2
multip le myeloma, 5-2 4
murmurs, ep onymous
Austin Flint, 1-2 1
Graham Steel, 2 -14
Murp hy’s sign, 3-2 7
myalgias, 8 -13
myasthenia gravis, 9-9
Mycobacte rium avium comp lex, disseminated, 6-19
mycosis fungoides, 5-2 2
myelodysp lastic syndromes, 5-14
myelofibrosis, p rimary, 5-16
myeloid neop lasms, 5-14
myelop roliferative neop lasms, 5-15
myocardial infarction (MI)
non ST elevation, 1-7
ST elevation, 1-9
myocardial viability, 1-4
myocarditis, 1-3, 1-17
myop athies, 8 -12 , 9-9
myositides, 8 -13
myxedema, 7-4

necrotizing fasciitis, 6-7
nep hrogenic systemic fibrosis, 4-12
nep hrolithiasis, 4-19
nep hrotic syndrome, 4-17
nerve root comp ression, 9-11
neurop athies, 9-8
neutrop enia, 5-12 , 5-36, 6-4
neutrop enic enterocolitis, 5-36
neutrop hilia, 5-12
New York Heart Association classification, 1-14
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), 3-19
noninvasive ventilation, 2 -2 0
nonsp ecific interstitial p neumonia, 2 -10
nonulcer dysp ep sia, 3-2
nutrition, in hosp italized, 3-8

obstructive sleep ap nea, 2 -8
ocular motor p alsies, 10-4
oculocep halic maneuver, 9-1
Ogilvie’s syndrome, 3-8
omega-3 fatty acids, 1-16, 7-16
op tic neuritis, 10-4
op tic neurop athy, ischemic, 10-4
oral hairy leukop lakia, 6-18
orbital cellulitis, 10-4
orthostatic hyp otension, 1-37
Osler’s nodes, 6-12
osmolal gap , 4-3, 11-6
osteoarthritis, 8 -1, 8 -2
osteomyelitis, 6-8

p acemakers, 1-39
Paget’s disease
of bone, 7-11
of breast, 5-30
Pancoast’s syndrome, 5-2 8
p ancreatic cancer, 5-35
p ancreatic insufficiency, 3-7
p ancreatitis, 3-13
p ancytop enia, 5-3
p anhyp op ituitarism, 7-1
p ap illary muscle rup ture, 1-10
Pap p enheimer bodies, 5-2
p aracentesis, 3-2 6
p aroxysmal nocturnal syndromes, 5-4
p atent foramen ovale, 9-7
p ep tic ulcer disease (PUD), 1-3, 3-2
p ercutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), 1-5
p ericardial effusion, 1-2 5
p ericardial tamp onade, 1-2 6
p ericarditis, 1-2 5
p eriodic p aralysis
hyp erkalemic, 4-11
hyp okalemic, 4-10
p erip heral smear, findings in, 11-6
p eritoneal dialysis, 4-15
p eritonitis, 3-2 6
p etechiae, 5-6
p heochromocytoma, 7-10
p hlegmasia cerulean dolens, 2 -13
p ica, 5-1
p ituitary disorders, 7-1
p ituitary tumors, 7-1
p lasma cell dyscrasias, 5-2 4
p latelet disorders, 5-7
p leural effusion, 2 -11, P-4
p leuritis, 1-3
Plummer-Vinson syndrome, 5-1
p neumoconioses, 2 -10
p neumocystis, 2 -10
Pne umocystis jirove ci p neumonia, 6-19
p neumonia, 6-1, P-2
p neumothorax, P-4
POEMS syndrome, 5-2 4
p olyarteritis nodosa, 8 -18
p olycythemia vera, 5-15
p olydip sia, 4-9
p olyglandular autoimmune (PGA) syndromes, 7-2
p olymyalgia rheumatica, 8 -13, 8 -18
p olymyositis, 8 -12
p olyuria, 4-9
p orp hyria cutanea tarda, 3-18
p ortal hyp ertension, 3-2 1
p ortal vein thrombosis (PVT), 3-2 5
p ortop ulmonary hyp ertension, 2 -16, 3-2 3
p ortosystemic encep halop athy, 3-2 2
Pott’s disease, 6-8 , 6-15
p reexcitation, 1-33
p regnancy, ectop ic, 10-3
p reop erative risk assessment, 1-40
p rerenal azotemia, 4-12
p rimary biliary cirrhosis, 3-2 4
p rimary sclerosing cholangitis, 3-2 4
Prinzmetal’s angina, 1-6
p rogressive multifocal leukencep halop athy, 6-19
p rolactinoma, 7-1
p rop ylene glycol intoxication, 4-2
p rostate cancer, 5-32
p rostate-sp ecific antigen (PSA) testing, 5-32
p rostatitis, 6-5
p rosthetic heart valves, 1-2 4
p roteinuria, 4-18
p rothrombin mutation, 5-11
p seudogout, 8 -6
p seudo-hyp op arathyroidism, 7-12
p seudo-Pelger-Huët cells, 5-14, 11-6
p seudotumor cerebri, 9-10
p ulmonary alveolar p roteinosis, 2 -10
p ulmonary artery catheter, 1-12 , 11-4
p ulmonary edema
CXR p attern in, 11-5, P-2
treatment of, 1-15, 11-2
p ulmonary embolism, 2 -14, P-6
p ulmonary function tests, 2 -1
p ulmonary hyp ertension, 2 -16
p ulseless electrical activity, ACLS-2
p ulsus p aradoxus, 1-2 6
p ure red cell ap lasia, 5-2
p urified p rotein derivative (PPD) test, 6-15
p urp ura, 5-6
p yelonep hritis, 6-5
p yoderma gangrenosum, 3-10, 8 -8

QT interval, 1-1
radiculop athies, 9-11
radioactive iodine up take scan, 7-3
Raynaud’s p henomenon, 8 -14
red eye, 10-4
Reed-Sternberg cells, 5-2 1
refeeding syndrome, 3-8
Reiter’s syndrome, 8 -7
relap sing p olychondritis, 8 -4
renal abscess, 6-5
renal artery stenosis, 1-2 8
renal failure, 4-12
renal osteodystrop hy, 7-12
renal rep lacement therap y, 4-15
renal tubular acidosis, 4-3
resp iratory acidosis, 4-5
resp iratory alkalosis, 4-5
resp iratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease, 2 -10
resp iratory failure, 2 -18
reticulocyte index, 5-1
Reynold’s p entad, 3-2 8
rheumatoid factor, 8 -3
Rhizopus infection, 6-4
Richter’s syndrome, 5-2 0
Rocky Mountain sp otted tick fever, 6-2 1
Roth sp ots, 6-12

salicylate intoxication, 4-2
Samter’s syndrome, 2 -2
sarcoidosis, 2 -9, P-6
cardiac manifestations of, 1-19
schistocytes, 5-5, 11-6, P-14
sciatica, 9-11
scleroderma, 8 -11
seizures, 9-3
sep sis, 2 -2 3
seronegative sp ondyloarthritis, 8 -7
serum-ascites albumin gradient, 3-2 6
Sézary syndrome, 5-2 2
Sheehan’s syndrome, 7-1
shock, 1-13, 11-2
cardiogenic, 1-13
sep tic, 2 -2 3
sicca syndrome, 8 -13
sick euthyroid syndrome, 7-5
sick sinus syndrome, 1-32
silicosis, 2 -10
sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, 3-2 5, 5-2 6
Sjögren’s syndrome, 8 -13
smudge cells, 5-2 0
soft tissue infections, 6-6
solitary p ulmonary nodule, 2 -8
sp inal cord comp ression, 5-36, 9-11
sp inal stenosis, 9-12
sp lenomegaly, 5-5
sp ontaneous bacterial p eritonitis, 3-2 6
treatment of in cirrhosis, 3-2 2
sp ur cells, 11-6, P-14
stap le removal, 10-2
statistics, 11-7
status ep ilep ticus, 9-4
ST dep ression, 1-2
ST elevation, 1-2
stent thrombosis, 1-5
steroids, in critical care, 2 -2 3
Still’s disease, adult onset, 6-2 2 , 8 -4
stool osmotic gap , 3-7
stress test, 1-4
stroke, 9-6
struma ovarii, 7-4
subarachnoid hemorrhage, 9-7
subdural hematoma, 9-7
sup erior vena cava syndrome, 5-2 8
suture removal, 10-2
syncop e, 1-37
syndrome of inap p rop riate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), 4-7
systemic lup us erythematosus (SLE), 8 -15
systemic sclerosis, 8 -11
tachycardias, 1-32 , ACLS-1
atrial, 1-32
atrioventricular recip rocating, 1-32 , 1-34
AV nodal reentrant, 1-32
multifocal atrial, 1-32
nonp aroxysmal junctional, 1-32
sinus, 1-32
sup raventricular, 1-32
ventricular, 1-34, ACLS-1, ACLS-2
wide-comp lex, 1-34
Takayasu’s arteritis, 8 -17
target cells, 11-6
teardrop cells, 5-16, 11-6, P-14
temp oral arteritis, 8 -17
thalassemias, 5-2
thrombocytop enia, 5-7
thrombotic thrombocytop enic p urp ura, 5-9
thrush, 6-18
thyroid disorders, 7-3
thyroid function tests, 7-3
thyroiditis, 7-4, 7-5
thyroid nodules, 7-6
thyroid storm, 7-4
TIMI risk score for UA/NSTEMI, 1-8
Todd’s p aralysis, 9-3
torsades de p ointes, 1-34
total body water, 11-6
toxic megacolon, 3-6, 3-10
toxic shock syndrome, 6-6
toxop lasmosis, 6-19
tracheostomy, 10-2
transfusion-related acute lung injury, 2 -2 2 , 5-13
transfusion therap y, 5-13
transient ischemic attack (TIA), 9-6
trans-tubular p otassium gradient, 4-10, 11-6
tricusp id regurgitation, 1-2 4
trop ical sp rue, 3-7
trop onin, 1-3, 1-6
Trousseau’s sign
of hyp ocalcemia, 7-12
of malignancy, 5-35
tuberculosis, 6-15
tularemia, 6-2 1
tumor lysis syndrome, 5-37
T wave inversion, 1-2
typ hilitis, 5-36
typ hoid fever, 6-2 3

ulcerative colitis, 3-10
ulcers, 3-2
unstable angina, 1-7
uremia, 4-13
uremic bleeding, 5-9
urethritis, 6-5
urinalysis, 4-18
urinary tract infection, 6-5
urine anion gap , 4-3
urine dip stick, 4-18
urine osmolality, 4-6
urine sediment, 4-18 , P-15
usual interstitial p neumonia, 2 -10
uveitis, 8 -7
vaginal bleeding, 10-3
vaginal discharge, 10-3
varices, 3-3, 3-2 2
vasculitis, 8 -17
veno-occlusive disease
hep atic, 3-2 5, 5-2 6
p ulmonary, 2 -16
venous thromboembolism, 2 -13
ventricular aneurysm, 1-11
ventricular fibrillation, ACLS-2
ventricular p seudoaneurysm, 1-11
ventricular sep tal defect, 1-10
Verner-Morrison syndrome, 3-7
vestibular caloric stimulation, 9-1
Virchow’s node, 5-35
visual changes, 10-4
visual field defect, 10-4
vitamin B 12 deficiency, 5-3
vitamin Δ deficiency, 7-12
vitamin K deficiency, 5-10
von Willebrand’s disease, 5-9
V/Q mismatch, 2 -18
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, 5-2 5
warfarin loading nomogram, 11-7
warfarin overdose, 5-10
Wegener’s granulomatosis, 8 -18
as cause of glomerulonep hritis, 4-16
as cause of interstitial lung disease, 2 -10
Wernicke’s encep halop athy, 9-5
Whip p le’s disease, 3-7
Wilson’s disease, 3-2 4
Wolff-Chaikoff effect, 7-5
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, 1-33

xanthelasma, 7-16
xanthomas, 7-16

yellow-nail syndrome, 2 -11
Zenker’s diverticulum, 3-1
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 3-2 , 3-7
zoster, 6-11
zygomycetes, 6-4

1 Normal PA CXR. The convex right cardiac border is formed by the right atrium
(straight arrows), and the curved arrows indicate the location of the sup erior vena
cava. The left cardiac and great vessels border what might be considered as four
skiing moguls. From cep halad to caudad, the moguls are the aortic arch, the main
and left p ulmonary arter-ies, the left atrial ap p endage, and the left ventricle.
(Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
2 Normal lateral CXR. (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
3 COPD: with hyp erlucent, overinflated lungs and flat diap hragms. (Radiolog y 10 1,
3rd ed, 2 009.)

4 Interstitial pulmonary edema: with Kerley A, B, and C lines and cep halization of
the vascular markings. (Fund. Diag . Radiolog y 3rd ed, 2 006.)
5 Alveolar pulmonary edema. (Fund. Diag . Radiolog y 3rd ed, 2 006.)
6 Right upper lobe pneumonia. (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
7 Right middle lobe pneumonia. (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
8 Right lower lobe pneumonia (PA). (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
9 Right lower lobe pneumonia (lateral). (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
10 Bilateral pleural effusions (curved arrows) and enlarged azygous vein (straight
arrow) (PA). (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
11 Bilateral pleural effusions (curved arrows) (lateral). (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed,
2 009.)
12 Pneumothorax. (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)

13 Normal chest CT at level of p ulmonary arteries (p arenchymal windows).

(Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
14 Bilateral PE (mediastinal windows). (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)

15 Sarcoidosis with p erilymp hatic nodules. (Fund. Diag . Radiolog y 3rd ed, 2 006.)
16 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (Fund. Diag . Radiolog y 3rd ed, 2 006.)
17 Normal abdomen CT at level of liver & sp leen. (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)
18 Normal abdomen CT at level of p ancreas. (Radiolog y 10 1, 3rd ed, 2 009.)

1 Parasternal long-axis view allows visualization of the right ventricle (RV), ven-
tricular sep tum (VS), p osterior wall (PW) aortic valve cusp s, left ventricle (LV),
mitral valve, left atrium (LA), and ascending thoracic aorta (Ao). *Pulmonary artery.
(Top : From Mayo Clinic Proce e ding s. [Tajik AJ, Seward JB, Hagler DJ, et al. Two-
dimensional real-time ultrasonic imaging of the heart and great vessels: Technique,
image orientation, structure identification, and validation. Mayo Clinic Proce e ding s,
1978 ;53:2 71–303], with p ermission. Bottom: From Oh JK, Seward JB, Tajik AJ. The
Echo Manual, 3rd e d. Philadelp hia: Lip p incott Williams & Wilkins, 2 006. By
p ermission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights
2 Parasternal short-axis view at the level of the aorta: LA, left atrium; PV, p ul-
monary valve; RA, right atrium; RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract. (Top : From
Mayo Clinic Proce e ding s. [Tajik AJ, Seward JB, Hagler DJ, et al. Two-dimensional
real-time ultrasonic imaging of the heart and great vessels: Technique, image
orientation, structure identification, and validation. Mayo Clinic Proce e ding s,
1978 ;53:2 71–303], with p ermission. Bottom: From Oh JK, Seward JB, Tajik AJ. The
Echo Manual, 3rd e d. Philadelp hia: Lip p incott Williams & Wilkins, 2 006. By
p ermission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights
3 Parasternal short-axis view at the level of the papillary muscles: AL,
anterolateral p ap illary muscle; PM, p osteromedial p ap illary muscle; RV, right
ventricle; VS, ventricular sep tum; LV, left ventricle. (Top : From Mayo Clinic
Proce e ding s. [Tajik AJ, Seward JB, Hagler DJ, et al. Two-dimensional real-time
ultrasonic imaging of the heart and great vessels: Technique, image orientation,
structure identification, and validation. Mayo Clinic Proce e ding s, 1978 ;53:2 71–303],
with p ermission. Bottom: From Oh JK, Seward JB, Tajik AJ. The Echo Manual, 3rd
e d. Philadelp hia: Lip p incott Williams & Wilkins, 2 006. By p ermission of Mayo
Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved.)

4 Apical four-chamber view: Note that at some institutions the image is re- versed
so that the left side of the heart ap p ears on the right side of the screen. LA, left
atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (Top : From Mayo
Clinic Proce e ding s. [Tajik AJ, Seward JB, Hagler DJ, et al. Two-dimensional real-time
ultrasonic imaging of the heart and great vessels: Technique, image orientation,
structure identification, and validation. Mayo Clinic Proce e ding s, 1978 ;53:2 71–303],
with p ermission. Bottom: From Oh JK, Seward JB, Tajik AJ. The Echo Manual, 3rd
e d. Philadelp hia: Lip p incott Williams & Wilkins, 2 006. By p ermission of Mayo
Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved.)
Coronary Angiography
Peripheral Blood Smears

1 Normal smear.

2 Hyp ochromic, microcytic anemia due to iron-deficiency.

3 Macrocytic anemia due to p ernicious anemia; note macro-ovalocytes and
hyp ersegmented neutrop hils.

4 Sp herocytes due to autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

5 Sickle cell anemia.

6 Schistocytes.

7 Teardrop shaped RBC (dacrocyte).

8 Acanthocytes.
9 Nucleated RBC.

10 Rouleaux.

1 AML with Auer rod.

2 ALL.
3 CML.

4 CLL.

All p hotos excluding Leukemias Fig. 4: From Wintrobe’s Clin. He matol. 12 th ed, 2 009:
Leukemias Fig. 4 From Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cance r: Princip. & Prac. of
Oncol. 8 th ed, 2 008 .

1 “Muddy brown” or granular cast (courtesy Nicholas Zwang, MD)

2 Hyaline cast (courtesy Nicholas Zwang, MD)

3 “Waxy broad” cast (courtesy Nicholas Zwang, MD)

4 Renal tubular epithelial cell (courtesy Nicholas Zwang, MD)

5 RBC cast. (Dis. of Kidne y & Urinary Tract, 8 th ed, 2 006.)

6 WBC cast. (Clin. Lab. Me dicine , 2 nd ed, 2 002 .)

7 Calcium oxalate crystals (courtesy Mallika Mendu, MD). Calcium monohydrate
(arrow), calcium dihydrate (dashed arrow), and amorp hous calcium crystals

8 “Struvite” magnesium ammonia phosphate crystals (courtesy Brett Carroll, MD)

9 Cystine crystals (Clin. Lab. Medicine, 1994.)

10 Sulfadiazine “shock of wheat” crystals (courtesy Nicholas Zwang, MD)


Figure ACLS-1 ACLS Tachycardia Algorithm

Figure ACLS-2 ACLS Bradycardia Algorithm

Figure ACLS-3 VF/Pulseless VT, Asystole & PEA Algorithms

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