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ContinentalDriftSONAR ContinentalDriftSONAR

Continents Studies Cutoutfrom Heproposed Studies Disagreed
Narrator: CDtheory
alltogether Rocks amap CD Weather withCD

2Activities theonly Whatwas theonly Continental

Studies Studies He'sinthe
atPlate thingthat's CDtheory thingthat's Drift
Weather Rocks Navy
Boundaries driftin' missing? driftin' FreeSpace

2Activities Don'tignore Foundon

Ocean Disagreed He'sinthe Continents
Narrator: atPlate the different
movingapart withCD Navy alltogether
Boundaries ________ continents

Continental Foundon Don'tignore Where Where

Cutoutfrom Heproposed Ocean
Drift different the magmais magmais
amap CD movingapart
FreeSpace continents ________ oozing oozing

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