2.2 Minisum & Minimax - L2

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Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 1

The Single-Facility Rectilinear Distance

Location Problem

 Minisum model
Objective: to locate the new facility to minimize a
weighted sum of the rectilinear distances from the new
facility to existing facilities
 Minimax model
Objective: to determine the location of the new facility
to minimize the maximum distance to the existing
facilities rather than the total distance

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 2

1) Minisum model

 Objective: to locate the new facility to

minimize a weighted sum of the rectilinear
distances from the new facility to existing
 Example: to determine the location of
photocopy machine in the office

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 3

1) Minisum model
Background of the problems

 To identify the optimum location for

new facility X, (x*,y*) that have activity
relationship with current facility Pi, (
 The optimum location must satisfy the
median and cost function f(X).

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 4

Minisum model


Median wi (First time achieved)

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 5

Minisum model

Cost function f(X):

f ( x, y ) = wi x ai + y bi
i =1
 f(x,y) = The total of movement cost within
the new facility and current facility.
wi = weight
x = Coordinate x for new facility
y = Coordinate y for new facility
ai = Coordinate x for current facility
bi = Coordinate y for current facility

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 6

Minisum model

Example 1

A new machine will be fixed at shop

machine workshop. The five (5) location of
the current machines are given as P1 (1,1),
P2 (5,2), P3 (2,8), P4 (4,4) and P5 (8,6).
The daily number of trips estimation (wi)
within new machine and current machine
are shown in table below:

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 7

Minisum models
Example 1
Current m/c, Pi Coordinate, ai Coordinate, bi Number of
(x) (y) trips,wi

1 1 1 5

2 5 2 6

3 2 8 2

4 4 4 4

5 8 6 8

Total 25

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 8

Minisum model
Example 1

 Assume that, the costs per unit

movement are the same within both
machines. Determine the optimum
location for this new machine.

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 9

Coordinate, ai (x)

Arrange from
lowest value to
highest value

Current m/c, Pi Coordinate, ai Number of

1 1 5
3 2 2
4 4 4
2 5 6
5 8 8

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 10

Minisum models

Solution 1
Median wi

= 25 = 12.5

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Coordinate-X (ai)

Pi ai wi wj
1 1 5 5
3 2 2 7
4 4 4 11<12.5
2 5 6 17>12.5
5 8 8 25

x* = a2 = 5
Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 12
Coordinate-Y (bi).

Pi bi wi wj
1 1 5 5
2 2 6 11 < 12.5
4 4 4 15 > 12.5
5 6 8 23
3 8 2 25

y* = b4 = 4
Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 13
Minisum model
Solution 1

Therefore the optimum location

for new machine, X(x*, y*) = (5,4)

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 14

X(x*, y*) = (5,4)

The cost for this optimum location;

f(5,4) = 5(I5-1I+I4-1I) + 6(I5-5I+I4-2I) +

2(I5-2I+I4-8I) + 4(I5-4I+I4-4I) +
= 35+12+14+4+40
= 105

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 15

Minisum models
Solution 1

If the cost is RM1.50/distance,

therefore the total cost for this optimum
location is RM 157.50 (105 x 1.50).
This optimum location also can be
determined by plotting the graph f(a) vs
ai and f(b) vs bi. The optimum point is
located at the lowest curve.

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 16

2) Minimax model

 Objective: to determine the location of the

new facility to minimize the maximum
distance to the existing facilities
 Example: to determine the location of
hospital, transmitter, hospital

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 17

2) Minimax models
Background of the problems

 To identify the optimum location to be

minimized for new facility X (x*,y*) that
have activity relationship with current
facility Pi ( ai,bi).
 The optimum location must satisfy the
median and cost function f(X).

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 18

Minimax models

Cost function f(X):

f(x,y) = (
max x ai + y bi
1i n
f(X) = The Total of movement cost within the
new facility and current facility.
x = Coordinate x for new facility
y = Coordinate y for new facility
ai = Coordinate x for current facility
bi = Coordinate y for current facility

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 19

Minimax models

The minimax solution should satisfy this

c1 = min (ai + bi )
c 2 = max(ai + bi )
c3 = min ( ai + bi )
c 4 = max( ai + bi )
c5 = max(c 2 c1, c 4 c3 )

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 20

Minimax models

The optimum solution will be occurring at a

line that connecting this two point.

First point :(xi , yi) = 0.5 (c1-c3, c1+c3+c5)

Second point :(x2 , y2) = 0.5 (c2-c4, c2+c4 - c5)

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 21

Minimax models

The maximum distance between the new

facility and the current facility is given as:

= C5

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 22

Minimax models

Example 2

There are 8 machines need to be maintained

and their location are given as P1 (0,0), P2
(4,6), P3 (8,2), P4 (10,4) and P5 (4,8), P6 (2,4),
P7 (6,4) and P8 (8,8). The company intends to
establish centralize maintenance department
for doing this purpose. Identify the optimum
location of this maintenance department so that
it can minimize the number of machine

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 23

c1 = min (ai + bi )
c 2 = max(ai + bi )
c3 = min ( ai + bi )
c 4 = max( ai + bi )
c5 = max(c 2 c1, c 4 c3 )

Pi ai bi ai+bi -ai+bi
1 0 0 0 0
2 4 6 10 2
3 8 2 10 -6
4 10 4 14 -6
5 4 8 12 4
6 2 4 6 2
7 6 4 10 -2
8 8 8 16 0
c1 = 0 c 2 = 16 c 3 = -6 c4 = 4 c 5 = 16
Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 24

First point:
(x*1,y*1) = 0.5 (c1-c3, c1+c3+c5)
= 0.5 (6,10)
= (3,5)
Second point:
(x*2,y*2) = 0.5 (c2-c4, c2+c4-c5)
= 0.5 (12,4)
= (6,2)

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 25

Minimax models
Solution 2
- The maximum distance between
maintenance departments
and current machine is:

= C5 = 16/2 = 8

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 26

f(x,y) = (
max x ai + y bi
1i n

P1 = | 3 - 0 | + | 5 - 0 | = 8
P2 = | 3 - 4 | + | 5 - 6 | = 2
P3 = | 3 - 8 | + | 5 - 2 | = 8
P4 = | 3 - 10 | + | 5 - 4 | = 8
P5 = | 3 - 4 | + | 5 - 8 | = 4
P6 = | 3 - 2 | + | 5 - 4 | = 2
P7 = | 3 - 6 | + | 5 - 4 | = 4
P8 = | 3 - 8 | + | 5 - 8 | = 8

First point (3,5) is 8 distance unit (rectangular) away from P1, P3, P4 & P8

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 27

f(x,y) = (
max x ai + y bi
1i n
2ND POINT (6,2)

P1 = | 6 - 0 | + | 2 - 0 | = 8
P2 = | 6 - 4 | + | 2 - 6 | = 6
P3 = | 6 - 8 | + | 2 - 2 | = 2
P4 = | 6 - 10 | + | 2 - 4 | = 6
P5 = | 6 - 4 | + | 2 - 8 | = 8
P6 = | 6 - 2 | + | 2 - 4 | = 6
P7 = | 6 - 6 | + | 2 - 4 | = 2
P8 = | 6 - 8 | + | 2 - 8 | = 8

Second point (6,2) is 8 distance unit (rectangular) away from P1, P5 & P8

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 28

Solution 2
Minimax models
The optimum location as shown in graph below:
Graph coordinate current machine location

Maintenance department
Coordinate - y

will be located along the line

6 which connecting the 1st
and 2coordinate
nd point. current

4 machine location
P1 & P8 is having max.
2 distance between the line
0 compare to other machines.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Coordinate -x

Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 29


Monday, September 23, 2013 Industrial Engineering 30

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