Combustion Tutorial Question

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HH MEHB312 Tut5

Department Of Mechanical Engineering

College Of Engineering
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
MEHB312 Thermodynamics 2
Tutorial 5 (Chemical Reaction & Combustion)

1. For the combustion of Heptane (C7 H1 6) in air, find:

(a) the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio by mass

(b) the % excess air and the % O2 (by volume) in the dry products of complete combus-
tion when air/fuel ratio is 20
(c) the % CO (by volume) in the dry exhaust products when the air/fuel ratio is 12,
assuming that the fuel is all converted into CO, CO2 and H2 O

[Ans: (a)15.1 (b)32.5, 5.46 (c)11.3]

2. A fuel gas has the following volumetric analysis:

Methane (CH4 ) 80%, Ethane (C2 H6 ) 15%, Hydrogen (H2 ) 5%

(a) the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio both by mass and by volume (same T, p for air and
fuel) [Ans: 17.0, 10.2]
(b) the lower calorific value at 25 C, both per kg and per m3 at 1 atm
[Ans: 49.9 MJ/kg, 35.5 MJ/m3 ]
(c) an analysis by % mass of the products of complete combustion with 100% excess air
[Ans: 8.0% CO2 , 6.2% H2 O, 11.3% O2 , 74.5% N2 ]

3. The ultimate analysis of a coal by mass is: 87% Carbon, 4% Hydrogen, 9% Ash. Calculate
the air/fuel ratio and % excess air used by a boiler burning the coal if an Orsat analysis of
the flue gas shows 9.9% CO2 , 2.5% CO, 8.3% O2 (79.3% N2 by difference) [Ans: 16.9, 50%]

4. Methane gas with 100% excess air is preheated to 400 K and burns in a steady flow
combustion chamber. Find the adiabatic flame temperature. [Ans: 1288 C]

Updated: July 11, 2006 Page 1 of 1

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