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British Journal of Anaesthesia 113 (S1): i74i81 (2014)

Advance Access publication 23 May 2014 . doi:10.1093/bja/aeu110

Risk of new or recurrent cancer after a high perioperative

inspiratory oxygen fraction during abdominal surgery
C. S. Meyhoff 1*, L. N. Jorgensen 2, J. Wetterslev 3, V. D. Siersma 5 and L. S. Rasmussen 4 PROXI Trial Group

Department of Anaesthesiology, Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Herlev Ringvej 75, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
Digestive Disease Center, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Bakke 23, DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark
Copenhagen Trial Unit, Centre for Clinical Intervention Research and 4 Department of Anaesthesia, Centre of Head and Orthopaedics,
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen , Denmark
The Research Unit for General Practice and Section of General Practice, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, ster
Farimagsgade 5, DK-1014 Copenhagen K, Denmark
* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Background. Administration of supplemental oxygen in the perioperative period is

Editors key points controversial, as it may increase long-term mortality. Our aim was to assess the association
High inspired oxygen between 80% oxygen and occurrence of subsequent cancer in patients undergoing
supplementation during abdominal surgery in a post hoc analysis of the PROXI trial.
anaesthesia may be Methods. The 1386 patients in the PROXI trial underwent elective or emergency laparotomy
associated with adverse between 2006 and 2008 with randomization to either 80% or 30% oxygen during and for
outcomes. 2 h after surgery. We retrieved follow-up status regarding vital status, new cancer
This post hoc analysis of diagnoses, and new histological cancer specimens. Data were analysed using the Cox
the PROXI trial evaluated proportional hazards model.
the association between Results. Follow-up was complete in 1377 patients (99%) after a median of 3.9 yr. The primary
F IO2 = 0.8 or F IO2 = 0.3 and outcome of new cancer diagnosis or new malignant histological specimen occurred in 140 of
cancer incidence or 678 patients (21%) in the 80% oxygen group vs 150 of 699 patients (21%) assigned to 30%
recurrence after a median oxygen; hazards ratio 1.06 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84, 1.34], P0.62. Cancer-free
time of 4 yr. survival was significantly shorter in the 80% oxygen group; hazards ratio 1.19 (95% CI 1.01,
Although the incidence of 1.42), P0.04, as was the time between surgery and new cancer, median 335 vs 434 days in
cancer was similar, higher the 30% oxygen group. In patients with localized disease, non-significant differences in
mortality was observed in cancer and cancer-free survival were found with hazard ratios of 1.31 and 1.29, respectively.
the high inspired O2 group, Conclusions. Although new cancers occurred at similar rate, the cancer-free survival was
and shorter cancer-free significantly shorter in the 80% oxygen group, but this did not appear to explain the excess
survival. mortality in the 80% oxygen group.
Clinical trial registration. (NCT01723280).
Keywords: laparotomy; neoplasms; oxygen therapy; postoperative complications
Accepted for publication: 24 February 2014

Oxygen is essential for human survival, but the oxygen partial prevent wound infection, and some randomized trials have
pressure is drastically reduced to the site of utilization,1 2 shown benefit,10 12 whereas others, including the PROXI
because formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) may trial, have not.13 16
damage cell components including DNA if the ROS are not neu- In the PROXI trial, 30 day mortality tended to be higher
tralized by antioxidant systems.3 4 when 80% oxygen was given during laparotomy compared
An overload of oxygen may thus not be desirable,4 and with 30% oxygen, and a subsequent analysis detected in-
recent studies have indicated increased morbidity and mortal- creased long-term mortality with hyperoxia, predominantly
ity with excess oxygen administration in various emergency in patients undergoing cancer surgery.17 The effect of hyper-
medical conditions.5 8 On the other hand, oxygen supple- oxia on cancer development is, however, sparsely elucidated,
mentation is often used during general anaesthesia, where although high levels of oxygen in addition to DNA damage
an impairment of cardiovascular and pulmonal function can induce angiogenesis and may increase erythropoietin produc-
compromise oxygen delivery.9 A high perioperative inspiratory tion, which is a potent cellular growth factor.3 18 19 Angiogen-
oxygen fraction (F IO2 ) of 0.80 has therefore been proposed to esis, erythropoietin, and DNA damage from oxidative stress

& The Author [2014]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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80% oxygen and risk of subsequent cancer BJA
could thus lead to growth of new or remaining tumour cells We classified all patients into the following groups at
after otherwise curative surgery. Thus, we found it important baseline:
to evaluate the risk of developing new or subsequent cancers
after exposure to perioperative hyperoxia. No cancer, defined as no cancer diagnosed before ran-
The aim of this post hoc study of the PROXI trial13 was domization.
to assess the possible association between an F IO2 of 0.80 Localized cancer, defined as any cancer without meta-
during and after laparotomy on the occurrence of a subse- static spread diagnosed before randomization or within
quent, new or recurrent, cancer over a 4 yr follow-up period. 30 days after surgery, if the cancer was diagnosed
during index surgery.
Metastasized cancer, defined as any cancer with meta-
Methods static spread diagnosed before randomization or within
Approval was obtained for the PROXI trial and this follow-up 30 days after surgery, if the cancer was diagnosed
study from the regional Ethics Committee (The Capital during index surgery.
Region, Denmark, KF 02 306766), the Danish Medicines
Agency (registered with EudraCT no. 2006-001710-32), and Outcomes
the Danish Data Protection Agency.13 20 After written informed The primary outcome measure was a composite outcome
consent, 1386 patients were included in 14 Danish hospitals measure of either a new or subsequent cancer diagnosis or a
between October 8, 2006, and October 6, 2008. Patients were new or subsequent histological cancer specimen. Cancer
aged 18 yr or older, and undergoing elective or emergency diagnosis was defined as any cancer diagnosis in the Danish
laparotomy. Exclusion criteria were: surgery performed under Cancer Registry after index surgery, but excluding those
general anaesthesia within the preceding 30 days, chemo- cases of cancer that were diagnosed within 30 days after
therapy for malignant disease within the preceding 3 index surgery. Recurrence of a cancer is not reportable to the
months, inability to give informed consent, and preoperative Danish Cancer Registry, and may therefore only be detected
arterial oxygen saturation below 90% without supplemental in histological specimens (such as lung metastases without
oxygen.13 20 specification), which therefore were included in the primary
Patients were randomized to either the 80% or the 30% outcome. Histological specimens from the Danish Patobank
oxygen group with stratification for: centre, diabetes mellitus, were analysed according to the Systematized NOmenclature
elective or emergency surgery, and body mass index (BMI) of MEDicine (SNOMED) code, and a histological cancer specimen
(,30 or 30 kg m22).20 A trial protocol was used to standard- was defined as any specimen indicating a new or recurrent
ize key elements of perioperative care, including temperature malignant neoplasm between 31 days after index surgery
and glucose control, prophylactic antibiotics administration, and follow-up. The Danish Cancer Registry has a 12 yr delay
epidural analgesia, general anaesthesia without nitrous because of extensive data validation, and follow-up in this
oxide, and normovolaemic fluid therapy.20 registry is therefore December 31, 2009, but follow-up for the
The interventions consisted of an F IO2 of 0.80 or 0.30 given primary outcome was September 28, 2011, where any indica-
after tracheal intubation and until tracheal extubation. For tion of cancer in the two registries was retrieved.
the first 2 postoperative hours, the allocated oxygen concen- Secondary outcomes included: new or subsequent cancer
tration was delivered through a non-rebreathing face mask diagnosis, any new histological cancer specimen, new cancer
with reservoir with a flow of either 14 litres of O2 and 2 litres specimen of a histological type not previously found, cancer-
of air per minute or 2 litres of O2 and 14 litres of air per free survival, and readmissions with cancer as primary or sec-
minute. The intervention was blinded to patients, surgeons, ondary diagnosis code. Readmissions were defined as any
the staff on the wards, outcome assessors, and statisticians.20 new admission to a Danish hospital after discharge from
Extended follow-up was performed on September 28, 2011, index surgery. If the postoperative hospital course involved
where data were collected from the Danish National Patient admissions to other wards, intensive care units, or other hospi-
Registry, the Danish Cancer Registry, the Danish Cause of tals, we defined readmission as the first hospital admission
Death Registry, and the Danish Patobank (collecting all histo- after final discharge. Diagnosis codes for readmission were
logical specimens in Denmark). There are mandatory registra- classified according to the primary ICD-10 and the secondary
tion to all databases from all Danish hospitals, and all Danish ICD-10 codes. Cancer-free survival was the time from index
citizens are registered with a unique 10 digit number.21 surgery to the first of the following events: death, new can-
Cancer diagnoses were classified according to the ICD-10 cer diagnosis, or new histological specimen showing any
and graded with the tumour, node, and metastasis classifica- malignant neoplasm within the longest follow-up period
tion (TNM), and underwent extensive validation at the Danish until September 28, 2011. As other explorative outcomes, we
Cancer Registry for duplicate information and consistency. In described histological type of new cancer specimen and
cases with multiple previous cancers, we classified T, N, and cause of death, which was classified according to the primary
M as the worst grade, respectively. Metastatic spread was and secondary ICD-10 codes for cause of death listed on the
defined as any N.0 or any M1. Patients with a cancer diagno- death certificate. The Danish Cause of Death Registry has a
sis, but unknown N and M status were classified as having no 12 yr delay for data validation, and the follow-up date for
metastatic spread. cause of death was therefore December 31, 2009.

BJA Meyhoff et al.

Statistical analysis Table 2). In patients meeting the composite outcome, the
The statistical analyses were planned before data were avail- time between surgery and new cancer was shorter in 80%
able (NCT01723280). The primary and secondary outcomes oxygen group, median 335 vs 434 days in the 30% oxygen
were first investigated in the KaplanMeier plots of the survival group, P0.047 (Table 4).
curves, stratified for 80% vs 30% oxygen and additionally on In the subgroup analysis according to baseline cancer
cancer status at the time of index surgery. Thereafter, the status, the largest differences were found in patients with loca-
primary and secondary outcomes were analysed in the Cox lized cancer. The median time between surgery and the
proportional hazards models in which a hazard ratio (HR) mea- primary outcome of new cancer was 390 and 567 days
sured the independent effect of 80% vs 30% oxygen. These (P0.03) in the 80% and 30% oxygen group, respectively.
analyses were done both unadjusted and adjusted for the Cancer-free survival was not significantly different in patients
following design and stratification variables:13 22 elective or with localized cancer; HR for death or cancer 1.29 (95% CI
emergency surgery, diabetes mellitus, BMI (,30 or 30 kg m22), 0.97, 1.72), P0.08 (Fig. 2, Table 2).
trial site, daily smoking, age (,40 or 40 yr), alcohol con- In the first sensitivity analysis, where follow-up was the
sumption .48 g day21, ASA physical status score, cardiovascu- latest time with available data sets in the Danish Patobank
lar disease other than hypertension, perioperative blood and the Danish Cancer Registry, the primary outcome was ful-
transfusion, and cancer status at the time of index surgery. filled in 118 of 678 patients (17%) vs 109 of 699 patients (16%)
The adjusted HR was used in the primary analyses. Time in the 80% and 30% oxygen group, respectively, HR 1.17 (95%
between surgery and events was compared using the Wilcoxon CI 0.89, 1.52), P0.26. Cancer-free survival was shorter in the
rank-sum test. 80% oxygen group, HR for death or cancer 1.24 (95% CI 1.02,
Subgroup analyses were performed according to patients 1.50), P0.03.
with no cancer, localized cancer, or metastatic cancer at base- The second sensitivity analysis, in which unknown baseline
line. Additionally, two sensitivity analyses were planned: one in cancer dissemination was classified as metastatic disease,
which follow-up for the primary outcome was December 31, showed a slightly larger difference in the primary outcome 47
2009, where complete data sets from the Danish Cancer of 175 patients (27%) vs 37 of 181 patients (20%), HR 1.56
Registry and the Danish Patobank were available, and (95% CI 1.01, 2.41), P0.04, and a slightly larger difference in
another which evaluated the primary outcome across sub- cancer-free survival, HR for death, or cancer 1.43 (95% CI
groups when patients with unknown status for disseminated 1.04, 1.98), P0.03, when comparing 80% with 30% oxygen
cancer disease were classified as having metastasized cancer. in patients with localized disease.
The original sample size calculation is described else- As explanatory analysis, we performed a survival analysis
where.20 All intervention effect estimates were analysed with new cancer as censoring event in order to investigate
according to the intention-to-treat principle and reported whether a higher cancer occurrence may explain the previously
with 95% confidence interval (CI) and a two-sided P,0.05 found higher mortality (Table 2). This analysis showed a slightly
was considered statistically significant. Analyses were per- more pronounced risk of long-term mortality; HR 1.40 (95% CI
formed using SAS for Windows, version 9.3 (SAS Institute, 1.08, 1.80).
Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
Results In this long-term follow-up study of new or recurrent cancers
The PROXI trial included 1386 patients, and at follow-up, six after 80% vs 30% oxygen was given during abdominal
patients were no longer Danish citizens, and three patients surgery, we found that the overall frequency of cancers were
could not be located in the patient registries. Complete data similar. However, the time to new cancer and cancer-free sur-
were obtained from 1377 patients (99.4%) after a median vival was shorter in the 80% oxygen group, with the largest
follow-up of 3.9 (range 2.95.0) yr with comparable patient burden of early cancer and death among patients with loca-
characteristics at baseline in the two groups (Table 1). lized disease at baseline.
There were 57 new cancer diagnoses and 782 histological This first description of association between supplemental
specimens in 290 patients after index surgery showing malig- oxygen and subsequent cancers with almost complete follow-
nant neoplasia. The primary composite outcome of either a up rate (99.4%) of a randomized trial are the primary strengths
subsequent cancer diagnosis or a new histological cancer spe- of our study together with the high validity of data in the na-
cimen occurred in 140 of 678 patients (21%) in the 80% oxygen tional patient registries in Denmark,21 which receive manda-
group vs 150 of 699 patients (21%) patients assigned to 30% tory reporting from all hospitals based on a unique ID for
oxygen; HR 1.06 (95% CI 0.84, 1.34), P0.62 (Table 2). There every patient.
were no significant differences in new histological malignancy The extended follow-up of our trial comes with limitations
or readmission for cancer (Tables 2 and 3). Long-term mortality as well. The outcomes were defined after enrolment of the
was significantly higher in the 80% oxygen group, with an HR 1400 patients in the trial, a sample size calculated to evaluate
of 1.29 (95% CI 1.05, 1.58), P0.02 (Table 2), and cancer-free surgical site infection. On the other hand, we defined and pub-
survival was lower in the 80% oxygen group with an HR for lished the research plan for this follow-up study before cancer
death or cancer of 1.19 (95% CI 1.01, 1.42), P0.04 (Fig. 1, data were extracted. We had 86% power to detect an HR of

80% oxygen and risk of subsequent cancer BJA

Table 1 Characteristics of 1377 patients undergoing laparotomy. Values are presented as median (5 95% range). All characteristics have ,0.5%
missing data, unless stated below. *Previous cancer defined as a cancer diagnosed before index surgery. N status was unknown for 27 vs 29
patients, and M status was unknown for 20 vs 25 patients in the 80% and 30% oxygen group, respectively. Current cancer at index surgery defined
as a cancer diagnosed in connection to index surgery. Tstatus was unknown for 38 vs 38 patients, N status was unknown for 48 vs 52 patients, and M
status was unknown for 28 vs 35 patients in the 80% and 30% oxygen group, respectively. Localized cancer defined as previous or current cancer at
index surgery with N0 and M0; metastasized cancer defined as either previous or current cancer at index surgery with N.0 or M1

Characteristic 80% oxygen group (n5678) 30% oxygen group (n5699)

Age (yr) 64 (27 85) 64 (34 84)
Gender (M/F) 284/394 292/407
BMI (kg m22) 25 (18 35) 25 (19 35)
ASA physical status 174/371/129/4 196/373/125/5
class (I/II/III/IV)
Emergency surgery 185 (27%) 194 (28%)
History of
Current smoking 202 (30%) 211 (30%)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 35 (5.2%) 34 (4.9%)
Other respiratory disease 45 (6.6%) 48 (6.9%)
Alcohol consumption .48 g day21 28 (4.1%) 35 (5.0%)
Diabetes mellitus 51 (7.5%) 53 (7.6%)
Hypertension 207 (31%) 186 (27%)
Other cardiovascular disease 124 (18%) 96 (14%)
Epidural analgesia 468 (69%) 498 (71%)
Surgical procedure
Colorectal procedures 301 (44%) 329 (47%)
Other surgery 377 (56%) 370 (53%)
Duration of surgery (min) 126 [38 310] 132 [35 295]
Peroperative blood transfusion 121 (18%) 120 (17%)
Previous cancer status*
Any previous cancer 137 (20%) 157 (22%)
Any previous N.0 28 (4.1%) 33 (4.7%)
Any previous M1 14 (2.1%) 13 (1.9%)
Current cancer at index surgery
Any current cancer at index surgery 333 (49%) 348 (50%)
T0 2 (0.3%) 1 (0.1%)
T1 51 (7.5%) 50 (7.2%)
T2 33 (4.9%) 32 (4.6%)
T3 128 (19%) 135 (19%)
T4 81 (12%) 92 (13%)
N0 148 (22%) 159 (23%)
N1 74 (11%) 87 (12%)
N2 54 (8.0%) 45 (6.4%)
N3 9 (1.3%) 5 (0.7%)
M0 242 (36%) 230 (33%)
M1 63 (9.3) 83 (12%)
Histology of previous or current cancer
Adenocarcinoma 326 (48%) 353 (51%)
Basocellular carcinoma 28 (4.1%) 28 (4.0%)
Planocellular carcinoma 14 (2.1%) 9 (1.3%)
Other carcinoma 55 (8.1%) 56 (8.0%)
Haematological malignancy 16 (2.4%) 9 (1.3%)
Other malignant neoplasia 68 (10%) 62 (8.8%)
Cancer status classification
No cancer 264 (39%) 260 (37%)
Localized cancer 208 (31%) 221 (32%)
Metastasized cancer 206 (30%) 218 (31%)

BJA Meyhoff et al.

Table 2 Long-term outcomes after laparotomy. Percentages are calculated per group or subgroup where relevant. HRs are presented with the 30%
oxygen group as reference group. P-values are calculated with the Cox proportional hazards ratio. *Adjusted for elective or emergency surgery,
diabetes mellitus, BMI (,30 or 30 kg m22), trial site, daily smoking, age (,40 or 40 yr), alcohol consumption .48 g day21, ASA physical status
score, cardiovascular disease other than hypertension, perioperative blood transfusion, and cancer status at the time of index surgery

Outcome 80% oxygen 30% oxygen Adjusted hazards P-value Unadjusted hazards P-value
group (n5678) group (n5699) ratio (95% CI)* ratio (95% CI)
Primary outcome, new or subsequent cancer
diagnosis or new histological cancer specimen
Overall 144 (21%) 150 (21%) 1.06 (0.84 1.34) 0.62 1.03 (0.82 1.29) 0.81
No cancer (n264 vs 260) 16 (6.0%) 18 (6.9%) 0.93 (0.47 1.83) 0.84 0.87 (0.45 1.71) 0.70
Localized cancer (n208 vs 221) 57 (27%) 54 (24%) 1.31 (0.90 1.91) 0.16 1.25 (0.86 1.81) 0.24
Metastasized cancer (n206 vs 218) 71 (34%) 78 (36%) 0.93 (0.67 1.29) 0.65 1.02 (0.74 1.41) 0.89
New or subsequent cancer diagnosis 25 (3.7%) 30 (4.3%) 0.88 (0.51 1.50) 0.63 0.88 (0.52 1.50) 0.65
New histological cancer specimen 141 (21%) 144 (21%) 1.08 (0.85 1.36) 0.53 1.05 (0.83 1.32) 0.68
New cancer specimen of a histological type 33 (4.9%) 37 (5.3%) 0.95 (0.59 1.52) 0.82 0.95 (0.59 1.51) 0.81
not previously found
Readmission with cancer as primary 264 (39%) 270 (39%) 1.01 (0.85 1.21) 0.87 1.02 (0.86 1.20) 0.85
Readmission with cancer as secondary 295 (44%) 295 (42%) 1.06 (0.89 1.26) 0.53 1.03 (0.87 1.22) 0.72
Overall 208 (31%) 182 (26%) 1.29 (1.05 1.58) 0.02 1.21 (0.99 1.48) 0.06
No cancer (n264 vs 260) 26 (10%) 21 (8.1%) 1.24 (0.69 2.21) 0.47 1.23 (0.69 2.18) 0.49
Localized cancer (n208 vs 221) 70 (34%) 57 (26%) 1.28 (0.90 1.82) 0.18 1.38 (0.98 1.96) 0.07
Metastasized cancer (n206 vs 218) 112 (54%) 104 (48%) 1.30 (0.99 1.72) 0.06 1.19 (0.91 1.56) 0.19
Mortality or cancer
Overall 280 (41%) 268 (38%) 1.19 (1.01 1.42) 0.04 1.12 (0.95 1.32) 0.19
No cancer (n264 vs 260) 36 (14%) 34 (13%) 1.08 (0.67 1.73) 0.75 1.04 (0.65 1.66) 0.86
Localized cancer (n208 vs 221) 102 (49%) 90 (41%) 1.29 (0.97 1.72) 0.08 1.33 (1.00 1.77) 0.048
Metastasized cancer (n206 vs 218) 142 (69%) 144 (66%) 1.16 (0.91 1.47) 0.23 1.10 (0.88 1.39) 0.40
Mortality with cancer as censoring event
Overall 136 (20%) 118 (17%) 1.40 (1.08 1.80) 0.01 1.23 (0.96 1.57) 0.10
No cancer (n264 vs 260) 20 (7.6%) 16 (6.2%) 1.22 (0.63 2.37) 0.56 1.23 (0.64 2.38) 0.53
Localized cancer (n208 vs 221) 45 (22%) 36 (16%) 1.33 (0.85 2.07) 0.21 1.46 (0.94 2.26) 0.09
Metastasized cancer (n206 vs 218) 71 (35%) 66 (30%) 1.50 (1.05 2.13) 0.03 1.20 (0.86 1.86) 0.29

1.19 for cancer-free survival with 5% type 1 error risk based on procedures involved manipulation of a tumour, which could in-
our subjects included over 730 days with additional follow-up fluence the risk of micrometastases and cancer recurrence.23
for 1087 days after inclusion of last patient, the median cancer- On the other hand, although tumour stage was not available,
free survival time being 363 days in the control group, but the we had thorough knowledge of all known previous and current
power to detect an HR of 1.06 for our primary outcome is cancers, and those were evenly distributed between the
much lower. Although an HR of 1.19 for cancer-free survival groups.
must be considered important, smaller differences are also We observed a virtually identical frequency of new cancers
clinically relevant, and the power to explore this in the sub- in the 80% and 30% oxygen group, but cancer-free survival
groups is even smaller. Secondly, we could not measure the dis- and time to cancer were shorter in the 80% oxygen group, rec-
tribution between recurrent cancers and new cancers among ognizing that time to new cancer is an explanatory outcome
our primary outcome, because information about peroperative and a much lower P-value is needed to achieve firm evidence.25
margin-free resection was not available, but our composite We have previously reported increased long-term mortality in
primary outcome is the most sensitive measure of new our 80% oxygen group,17 and it is therefore likely that the
cancer burden for the patient. The sensitivity analysis with problem of competing outcomes could influence the interpret-
the shortest follow-up did in fact result in marginally larger dif- ation of certain results, that is: the patients in the 30% oxygen
ferences between the 80% and 30% oxygen group. Thirdly, the group live longer and have thus a higher risk of developing a
patient population underwent a broad range of elective and new cancer in the follow-up period, which again can mask a po-
emergency laparotomy procedures, and only some of the tentially increased frequency of cancers in the 80% oxygen

80% oxygen and risk of subsequent cancer BJA
Nevertheless, we found that patients in the localized sub-
Table 3 New histological findings and cause of death after group, that is, patients with previous or current cancer at the
laparotomy. *Cause of death is reported until follow-up of the
time of index surgery who has no lymph node or distant metas-
Danish Cause of Death Registry, December 31, 2009
tases, may be somewhat vulnerable to perioperative hyper-
Outcome 80% oxygen 30% oxygen oxia. Subsequent cancers in this subgroup represent
group (n5678) group (n5699) recurrence or a new cancer, and we found statistically non-
Histology of new cancer specimen significant hazards ratios of 1.31 for new cancer and 1.29 for
Adenocarcinoma 84 (12%) 90 (13%) cancer or death, and these differences were in fact statistically
Basocellular carcinoma 20 (3.0%) 24 (3.4%) significant in the sensitivity analysis with unknown N and M
Planocellular carcinoma 4 (0.6%) 2 (0.3%) status classified as metastatic disease. Further, if new cancer
Other carcinoma 23 (3.4%) 23 (3.3%) developed in the localized subgroup, this occurred at a
Haematological 6 (0.9%) 3 (0.4%) median of 177 days earlier in the 80% oxygen group.
malignancy A number of aspects are important during surgery for the
Other malignant neoplasia 23 (3.4%) 31 (4.4%) course of a localized cancer, because manipulation of the
Cause of death* tumour may result in release of tumour cells to the blood or
All-cause mortality 152 (22%) 127 (18%) lymph stream24 and micrometastases may be present in one-
Cancer 107 (70%) 95 (75%) quarter of lymph node-negative patients.23 The progression of
Cardiovascular 14 (9.2%) 8 (6.3%) such minimal residual disease is dependent on intact immune
Infection 10 (6.6%) 7 (5.5%) function, and a number of perioperative factors are in fact
Other 10 (6.6%) 6 (4.7%) depressing the cell-mediated immune system, and increasing
Unknown 11 (7.2%) 11 (8.7%) angiogenesis and growth factors that promote local and distant
growth of malignant cells.24 Supplemental perioperative oxygen
has a strong positive effect on angiogenesis,18 whereas the
effects on growth factor stimulation and the local immune
system are not fully clarified,19 26 leading to hypotheses with
tumour suppression and tumour progression.19 Hyperoxia may
increase the production of erythropoietin, a potent cellular
growth factor,9 27 and the formation of ROS in the hyperoxic en-
80 vironment may promote DNA damage.3 19 26 29 The sum of
% cancer-free survival

angiogenesis, erythropoietin production, and oxidative stress

could thus lead to growth of minimal residual disease after
otherwise curative surgery.
Other studies have investigated long-term outcomes after
40 anaesthesia, and a 3.5 yr follow-up of the ENIGMA trial,30
comparing 70% nitrous oxide with 80% oxygen, found no sig-
nificant difference in long-term mortality. The investigated
interventions may, however, have resulted in similar peri-
30% oxygen operative harm. The frequency of new cancers and can-
0 80% oxygen cer-free survival in our study are comparable with those
0 1 2 3 4 5 found in studies on epidural analgesia to prevent cancer
Years since operation recurrence.31 32
Recently, major concerns have been raised with hyperoxia in
Fig 1 Cancer-free survival after abdominal surgery. emergency medical settings.4 A randomized trial of patients
with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
found increased mortality with prehospital hyperoxia.5 Large
retrospective studies have found higher morbidity and mortal-
group. Therefore, to alleviate this problem, we chose to analyse ity when hyperoxia is present after resuscitation from cardiac
the primary and secondary outcomes in a model for arrest and traumatic brain injury,6 7 and a Cochrane review
time-to-event datathe Cox regression model. suggest increased mortality after myocardial infarction with
Some of our findings oppose cancer as causing the supplemental oxygen therapy.8
increased mortality, because the point estimate of HR of time Our study can generate new hypotheses, but not prove caus-
to death with cancer as censoring event (1.40) was in fact ality between perioperative hyperoxia, subsequent cancers, and
slightly higher than the HR of time to death (1.29). This sug- long-term mortality. Furthermore, other hypotheses for the
gests that other explanations than new cancer should larger long-term mortality with 80% oxygen also deserve atten-
explain the observed increased mortality in the 80% oxygen tion, such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Hyperoxia
group. We could furthermore not identify a specific type of hist- result in perioperative arterial vasoconstriction and reduced
ology that was more vulnerable to perioperative hyperoxia. coronary blood flow,33 34 and together with oxidative stress

BJA Meyhoff et al.

Table 4 Time between surgery and events. Time is presented as the duration in days between index surgery and the first occurring outcome only
among patients meeting the respective outcomes

Outcome 80% oxygen group (n5678) 30% oxygen group (n5699)

n Median (IQR) n Median (IQR)
Time to cancer (days)
Overall 144 335 (146 658) 150 434 (214 797)
No cancer (n264 vs 260) 16 493 (239 1196) 18 607 (248 776)
Localized cancer (n208 vs 221) 57 390 (176 677) 54 567 (324 913)
Metastasized cancer (n206 vs 218) 71 281 (116 532) 78 318 (150 741)
Time to death (days)
Overall 208 392 (138 835) 182 416 (82 874)
No cancer (n264 vs 260) 26 338 (7947) 21 183 (43 654)
Localized cancer (n208 vs 221) 70 373 (112 899) 57 585 (82 995)
Metastasized cancer (n206 vs 218) 112 405 (164 745) 104 414 (99 798)
Time to cancer or death (days)
Overall 280 311 (115 660) 268 363 (96 776)
No cancer (n264 vs 260) 36 358 (68 992) 34 376 (50 760)
Localized cancer (n208 vs 221) 102 319 (134 706) 90 484 (152 874)
Metastasized cancer (n206 vs 218) 142 298 (116 573) 144 310 (88 605)

localized disease, but this did not seem to influence the

shorter survival in the 80% oxygen group.

Authors contributions
C.S.M.: study design, data collection, analysis and interpret-
% cancer-free survival

ation of data, drafting of manuscript, and critical revision of

60 the manuscript. L.N.J.: study design, analysis and interpret-
ation of data, and critical revision of the manuscript. J.W.:
study design, analysis and interpretation of data, and critical
revision of the manuscript. V.D.S.: statistical analysis and critic-
30% oxygen, No cancer al revision of the manuscript. L.S.R.: study design, analysis and
30% oxygen, Localized cancer
20 interpretation of data, and critical revision of the manuscript.
30% oxygen, Metastases
80% oxygen, No cancer
80% oxygen, Localized cancer
0 80% oxygen, Metastases
Declaration of interest
None declared.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Years since operation
Fig 2 Cancer-free survival in subgroups according to baseline
This work was not directly supported, but the Tryg Foundation
disease. provided funding (L.S.R.), and a number of grants were originally
received to conduct the PROXI trial.13

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Handling editor: D. J. Buggy


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