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My name is Julia and I am eight years old. I like reading and playing with my

My fathers name is Antonio. He is 52 years old. He likes swimming and

going to his village.

My mothers name is Clara. She is 47 years old. She likes reading novels
and riding her bike.

My oldest brother is Gonzalo. He is 9 years old. He is in fourth grade. He

likes riding his bike and playing football.

We are all learning English because we think English is very important for
travelling and communicating with other people.


My village is Vegas de Matute in Segovia, Castilla y Len. It is a small village.

It has many animals like donkeys, cows and horses. Last summer we were
there and we saw all these animals really close. In the village we have two
city halls, one is older than the other. The oldest one is not used anymore.
We have a church as well that has a stork nest . We have many traditions
during the festival. We have The parcel contest. The contestants have to
throw parcels really far and the winner wins some meat : jamn, chorizo or

We have plenty of things to see in my village. We have an acueduct, and

several things from the Middle Age . The acueduct is much smaller than the
Acueduct of Segovia and it's no so old.


In Vegas de Matute there are many animals like donkeys, cows and horses.
Last summer we were there and we saw all these animals really close. My
favourite animals are donkeys and my brother's favourite animals are
horses . Donkeys are similar to horses but they have got floppy and longer
ears.They are also shorter than horses. Donkeys are very social and usually
live in a group called a herd. Donkeys are herbivore animals and typically
like to eat grass. Baby donkeys are called foals. I saw a very little foal in
Vegas de Matute. I was very excited. I had never seen such a beautiful thing
Cows are also very interesting animals. They are big and heavy.


I am still thinking about what I am going to become when I grow up but

what I know for sure is that I am going to have a big house and a farm in
Vegas de Matute. I am going to have got many animals like cows, donkeys,
pigs, sheep and horses. I would also like to have some dogs. I will hire a vet
to check the health of the animals and some helpers to supervise them
when I am working in the city. To be a farmer is not a simple thing. Farmers
are usually very busy. They work long hard hours.They have to milk the
cows, feed all the animals, keep them clean ...

I think that it would be great if children could visit my farm and learn form
the things we do!!!


1. Have you ever been in Segovia?

2. Do you like animals? IF yes, what is your favourite animal?

3. Have you ever been in a farm?

4. Would you like to be a farmer?

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