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Name : M. Syahrul R.

Class : VII A
School : SMP N IV Karawang Barat

Fried green chili chicken


1. 1/2 chicken tail (village), cut into pieces

2. Salt to taste

Chicken chili spices:

1. 1 ounce Chillies Green, pulverized rough

2. 3 pieces of fragrant leaf
3. 7 items Onion, thinly sliced
4. 3 eggs Garlic, thinly sliced
5. Salt to taste

How to Make Chicken Chili Green / green:

1. The first step Wash chicken thoroughly and drain.

2. Then buddy coat with salt, and let stand for 1/4 hour late.
3. Then heat the cooking oil in a pan, please use medium heat alone, then fry the chicken
until cooked.
4. Now try to saute the ingredients in the wok, the first input also white onion until wilted.
5. Then enter all other spices, simultaneously to smell the scent.
6. Well buddy Reduce the heat, put the chicken and stir. cook until sauce seasoning seep
into the meat of chicken. lift, sorted out ya Recipe Chicken fried green pepper.

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