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Table 1: School Profile

Name of school: American School of creative School Location: Sharjah Maleha

Principal: Majed C.Hussain

Tel:06-5055055 Fax: 06-5458363

Address: Maleha PO Box:

Teachers Starting Time: 7:00 Finishing Time: 2:45

Students Starting Time: 7:15 Finishing Time: 12:30

Total Number of Classroom Teachers in the school Department: (Kg1 & Kg2) : KG 1 are 12
classes and KG 2 are 15 classes.

Total Number of Children in the Preschool Section: -

Teacher / student ratio: -

Number of Classrooms:

Facilities available to student teachers:

Art room
Inner player ground
Swimming room
Physical Education

Class for this Practicum: KG 2 L

Mentoring Classroom Teacher: Dana Marda

Classroom Teaching Assistant: Rizwana

Number of children in this class: 23

Number of children identified as having SEN in this class: 1

Additional information: e.g. English, Arabic, Islamic Studies teachers

Dana Marad ( English)

Ayat Jabr (Arabic and Islamic)

School Nurse: Salma Nasser School TP Coordinator:


Resource Room Manager: Shamima


Table 2: Map of indoor learning


Table 3: Reframing Classroom Rules

Discuss classroom rules with your MST. Identify any other rules which need to be
made explicit. Frame all rules using positive language. Identify how these rules are
being reinforced during the school day and note opportunities to teach these rules
Construct your own means of recording this. E.g. Table 3 below.

Table 3: Example Reframing Classroom Reframing Rules Record Sheet

Classroom rules Reframe using Opportuinities to teach these
positive language rules
(both observed and ideas of your own)
1. Dont run in the Walk carefully in the Picture signs on display
classroom classroom Teacher praises children who are
following this rule
Teacher asks children how they
should walk in the classroom
During circle time the teacher asks
the children to think about what
might happen if this rule is not

2. Hand are still Hands should be down and they

But your hand still to dont should be careful while they move
tuch your friend who behind they hand to dont hurt their friend.
you .
Rising their hand if they want

3. Leg are cross They should set like the rules to

But your leg cross to let have place on the mad for other
other students have a students.
Before start the lesson they should
set like a rule and if they will not set
I will tell them to cross they leg.
4. Eyes are watching Watch the teacher while I will focus with the students who
she teaching. sleep while Im teaching and tell
them to be with me or you should to
sleep early.

Discuss visual means of representing these rules

with your MST to be developed and introduced to

children over the next three weeks for example.


Table 4: Reframing Behavioural Characteristics

Discuss the general behavioural characteristics of all the children in your class with
the class teacher and record these in table form. E.g. Table 4 below.

Table 3: Example Reframing Behavioural Characteristics Record Sheet

Name of General behavioural Reframed Suggestions to
child characteristics help improve
1 Anna She always knocks over She may want to join
other childrens in with other childrens
constructions or tries to play but may not
destroy other childrens art know how to ask
She may be frustrated
because she does not
know how to play with
the materials or
complete her own art
2 Zein He always make nuisance He do this things
while the teacher teach and because he want all
corners time. children love him and
play with him
3 Omar He dont listen for anyone He love draws
and move from his place. attention and all
children look at him
while he did these
things and make
children laugh.

Reframe these behavioural characteristics and suggestions for improvements.

Table 5: Learning styles

Make notes about activities you observe in the classroom which use the learning
styles below:

Math Science Reading Other

Auditory I ask them about Song the seasons Read the word

mathematic and they with the video and all the

tell me the answer.


Visual Puzzles about match Stick the season Words about the

how many pictures on the paper. lesson in story

with the write number. corner.

Kinesthetic Take the number from Act each season Act the litters

the table and put it in using their body

the other table. for example, cold

they used their

hand like its cold

Answer the following questions:

Which learning styles did all the children seem to enjoy and why?

Bodily Kinesthetic, because they like to move their body and dance with the

Why do you think the teacher incorporates a variety of learning styles for the
Because all students have different learning style and teacher should use all
of the learning style to be complete.

Notice which activities are repeated with a variety of learning styles e.g. read
a story, listen to a story, act the story, draw the story. Can you find other
examples e.g., math or science.

How can teachers improve student learning by using a range of learning

styles? Give them different activates or teach using all the learning style to children
be perfect in all learning style.

Table 6: Mathematical resources in the Classroom

Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer

List of resources that target specific mathematical skills and concepts in the school

Mathematical Resources Mathematics Skill / Concept that can be Exploring on possible activities to develop
found in the preschool developed with it. mathematical skills and concepts using these
classroom: materials

cubes Mathematical calculations. Using cubes makes calculate easy for them to
count the numbers.

Cotton I told the number for child and use the

cotton and put it in the box and then
Mathematical calculations.
gave me the answer.

Table 7: Scientific resources in the Classroom

Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer

A List of resources that target specific scientific skills and concepts in the school:

Resources for Science Scientific Skill(s) / Concept(s) that can be Exploring on possible activities to develop
teaching classroom: developed with it. mathematical skills and concepts using these

Libra Use the Libra to measure the weight of things Use libra to know what have more weight.


Use temperature for the weather Use this for the season theme and they
measure the temperature of the weather

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