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Peter J. Sousounis*

Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences Department

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

1. INTRODUCTION countered by the fact that shallow (convergence)

boundaries are sometimes all that is needed to initiate
A considerable amount of research has been done deep and intense convection.
historically to explore the impacts of the Great Lakes on
regional weather during cold conditions, when the lake The development of thunderstorms in weakly
surfaces are warmer than the overlying air. By far the sheared environments along lake/sea breeze
most celebrated of these impacts comes from lake boundaries is common and reasonably well understood
effect storms. It is not an overstatement to say that (Byers and Rodebush 1948). However, the occasional
perhaps hundreds of studies (e.g., Mitchell 1921, evolution of such storms into damaging supercells is
Braham 1983 to name but two) have been conducted to not. Recently, some of the most damaging severe
examine various aspects of this phenomenon. thunderstorms in Michigan have occurred in such
Considerably fewer studies have been conducted to environments. On July 7, 1996, a severe hail and
examine the larger scale impacts of the Great Lakes. windstorm unexpectedly intensified as it encountered a
Sousounis and Fritsch (1994) demonstrated using with- lake breeze boundary in southeast Lower Michigan. As
lake and no-lake numerical simulations how the Great this storm developed, a fully loaded Northwest Airlines
Lakes influence synoptic scale low and high pressure 747 departing Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW) bound
systems in late fall and winter. They showed how heat for Tokyo, Japan encountered severe hail during ascent.
and moisture fluxes from the lakes to the atmosphere The hail damaged the aircraft and shattered several
during cold air conditions (e.g., cold air outbreaks) lead windows forcing an emergency landing back at DTW.
to the development of a meso-a scale vortex over the The storm continued to intensify as it moved into a
region. Weiss and Sousounis (1999) found that 25-40 heavily populated area with winds in excess of 100 mph.
such vortices occur each year and thus have a Damage estimates from this storm totaled 3 million
significant influence on the winter climate of the region. dollars. As another example, the July 2, 1997 supercell
outbreak in Michigan may have been influenced by the
The impacts of the Great Lakes on regional Great Lakes. During that outbreak, sixteen tornadoes
weather during the warm season have only been and damaging winds in excess of 100 mph occurred in
studied very sparingly. For example, Cox (1917) noted Michigan, causing numerous deaths and extensive
almost a century ago that the Great Lakes seem to property damage. Early indications were that squall line
attract and strengthen highs in the summer. Other morphology would be the preferred convective system.
studies have since noted the relatively high frequency of However, supercells were the preferred convective
Great Lakes anticyclones in summer, but the system. It is hypothesized that the Great Lakes may
mechanisms have never been explored. An obvious have altered the low-level wind shear profile to one that
hypothesis is that the relatively cool water causes a favored supercell development.
transfer of heat and moisture from the air to the lakes,
which cools, dries, and stabilizes the air and While the weak lake-generated boundaries certainly
hydrostatically increases the sea-level pressure over the play a role in convective initiation, it is not known
region. For example, in early summer, air temperatures whether they come from individual lakes or from several
can exceed 30 C and lake temperatures can be less lakes. For example, anticyclonic flow associated with
than 10 C, making for a 20+ C temperature difference higher pressure over the region from the lake aggregate
similar in magnitude to what can exist in winter! The may also enhance convergence or confluence on the
resulting surface fluxes (combined sensible and latent) southern or western sides of the lakes. The altered wind
can exceed 500 Wm-2! configuration may create a more favorable low level
wind shear profile in addition to providing a stronger
Despite the potential for relatively large surface convergence boundary and/or more moisture transport.
fluxes during the summer, a key difference between the Moreover, the processes forced by the Great Lakes may
summer and winter seasons as far as lake effects go is alter the low level wind profile such that either a pre-
that the summer season is a stable season e.g., cool existing mesoscale convective system or a developing
water underneath warm air - so that the cooling of the one may evolve differently.
atmosphere by the lakes does not get transferred very
deeply into the atmosphere. This limitation is somewhat This paper describes some preliminary numerical
simulations that have been performed to evaluate the
impacts of the Great Lakes on surface convergence
*Corresponding Author Address: Dr. Peter J. Sousounis, boundaries, frontal development, and precipitation
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143. during summertime conditions.
a b

c H H


e f

Fig. 1. Selected FGM output from with-lake (WL) and no-lake (NL) simulations valid at 48 h (12 UTC 24 May 1989).
a) WL and b) NL 48 h precipitation totals (cm) with 0.635 cm contour highlighted. c) WL and d) NL sea level pressure
(2 hPa contour interval). e) WL and f) NL 900 hPa winds.
2. METHODOLOGY reveals a more pronounced surface trough located just
to the north and east of the region (cf. Fig. 1c and d).
A modeling strategy similar to that used by Sea level pressure over the central part of the Great
Sousounis and Fritsch (1994) was used to examine Lakes region (e.g., Michigan) is 1-2 hPa lower than in
summertime effects. Specifically, the Penn the WL simulation. The southern low is shifted several
State/National Center for Atmospheric Research gridpoints farther to the west and winds on the northern
Mesoscale Model Version 3 (MM5V3) was run with side of the low are weaker.
the Great Lakes (WL) and without them (NL) for a
selected case. A coarse grid domain spanning the The 48 h accumulated WL and NL precipitation
eastern two-thirds of the US with 90 km resolution totals reveal consistent differences (cf. Fig. 1a and b).
provided lateral boundary conditions to a fine grid The NL precipitation shield associated with the cold
domain that covered the Great Lakes region with 30 km front extends ~200 km farther to the east (e.g., covering
resolution. A total of 25 vertical levels were used, with the northwestern portion of the lower peninsula of
10 of the levels being located below 700 hPa. The Michigan) than the WL precipitation shield. This
Burke-Thompson and the Kain-Fritsch schemes were extension is likely attributable to the better organization
used to simulate boundary layer processes and of the surface trough in the NL simulation. Specifically,
convection respectively on the fine grid mesh. low level winds in the NL simulation exhibit more
organized convergence along the trough (cf. Fig. 1e and
The case described here occurred during the period f). Slightly higher precipitation amounts along the
12 UTC 22 May 1989 12 UTC 24 May 1989. The southern shores of Lakes Erie and Ontario may be the
synoptic features of interest included a short wave at result of the mere presence of the lakes but may also be
500 hPa that moved eastward from Iowa to central the result of low level convergence and ascent that has
Pennsylvania during the 48 h period. At the surface, a been enhanced by slightly higher surface pressure over
weak low in northeastern Missouri moved eastward, just the central portion of the Great Lakes region.
south of the Great Lakes, through the Ohio Valley. At
the same time, a surface low in Canada moved
eastward across Hudson Bay, while an attendant cold 4. CLOSING REMARKS
front moved across the Great Lakes. Afternoon surface
temperatures ranged from the upper 20s C in the Preliminary simulations support the initial
northern Great Lakes states to the low 20s C across hypothesis that the cooling (and drying) effects of the
the Ohio Valley. Lake surface temperatures ranged from Great Lakes on the regional atmosphere during spring
3-4 *C for Lake Superior to 10-12 C for Lake Erie. By and summer can alter directly the sea level pressure
12 UTC on the 24th, the cold front had generated 2-4 field enough so that the low level wind field and the
mm of precipitation through most of Wisconsin, the precipitation distributions are subsequently altered over
upper peninsula of Michigan, and northwestern lower a lake-aggregate scale region.
Michigan. The low that moved through the Ohio Valley
generated more significant precipitation with 12-18 An extension and refinement of the current case, as
mm being common along the southern shores of Lakes well as other cases, will be performed and described.
Erie and Ontario.
Acknowledgements. This study was supported by NSF
Grant ATM 9908978 to the University of Michigan.
The control (WL) simulation agreed well with
observations, except the modeled cold front after 48 h of Braham, R. R., Jr., 1983: The midwest snowstorm of 8-11
simulation was ~200 km farther south and east of the December 1977. Mon. Wea. Rev., 111, 253-272.
analyzed one and the modeled surface low in the
southern portion of the domain (Fig. 1c) was ~200 km Byers, H. R., and H. R. Rodebush, 1948: Causes of
inland of the analyzed one that was just east of southern thunderstorms off the Florida peninsula. J. Meteor., 5 ,
New Jersey. Simulated precipitation amounts in the WL 275-280.
simulation also agreed well with observed amounts. Cox, H. J., 1917: Influence of the Great Lakes upon movement
of high and low pressure areas. Proc. Second Pan Amer.
The NL simulation was obtained by respecifying Sci. Congr., 2, 432459.
lake points in both the coarse and fine grid mesh
domains to some other land-use category that was Mitchell, C. L., 1921: Snow flurries along eastern shores of
consistent with that of adjacent (non-lake) points. For Lake Michigan. Mon. Wea. Rev., 49, 502.
this preliminary attempt, initial substrate temperatures
were not re-specified as they were for the NL Sousounis, P. J., and J. M. Fritsch, 1994: Lake aggregate
simulations performed by Sousounis and Fritsch (1994). mesoscale disturbances. Part II: A case study of the
effects on regional and synoptic scale weather systems.
A comparison of WL and NL results after 48 h of Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 75, 1793-1812.
simulation reveals differences in the precipitation, sea
level pressure, and low level wind, geopotential height, Weiss, C., and P. J. Sousounis, 1999: The climatology of
mesoscale aggregate vortices over the Great Lakes. Mon.
and temperature fields. Specifically, the NL simulation Wea. Rev., 127, 565-574.

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