Unit Plan 1

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Unit Plan
Cells and organism

Subject Area Developmental Profile

Models of cells-basic units Students are late childhood from 8 to 11 years
of life in Biology old. At this age students are more likely to
distinguish themselves from others. Students
Length of Time are familiar with technology .Students are given
difficult tasks and later provide feedbacks on it.
10 periods of 45minutes According to Eriksons eight stages of human
Total: 450minutes development this age appear in industry versus
inferiority. The term industry express that
Grade Level students are interested in how things work and
made. If students are not encouraged they
show inferiority. Therefore committed teachers
are need in this age.

Main Idea (Claim)

In this unit, students will build on their previous knowledge of livings things and the senses to
develop their knowledge about Cellular organization. It is worthwhile education for students to
learn through experiments and practical science. Students will become more confident and
develop ideas through research using technology and presentation. Students will be familiar
with follwing things:
List and describe the chracteristics of living things.
How living things are made?
How cells, tissues, oragns and organ system oranize together to
functio well in living things?
What are functions of organism?
Biblical Perspective and Interdisciplinary Connections

Cells are made of smalll building blocks of life and organ system are big building blocks of life. And

the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;

and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7). In the begining God created life and gave it to man.

Cells are made of smalll building blocks of life and organ system are big building blocks of life. And

the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;

and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7). In the begining God created life and gave it to man.

God created human being out of nothing and form a whole body as a living thing. Tt is wonderful that

he created human who can breath, move, growth, reproduce and soon. The small cells formed tissues,

tissues formed organ, organ formed whole organ systme which is called body. Reading this chapter the

students will students see how God created simple to complex thing. They will know thathuman being

are created in a complex way. They started to see their body as a gift of God. Each parts or system of

the body has purpose and functions. By knowing this chapter, they will appreciate God more and

encouraged to learn more about it for the glory of the God. Likewise by doing different activities such

as presenation, drawing, laboratory they will appreciate more Gods creation and his creativity.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

In this untit, students will build What are the characteristics of
their previous knowledge and living things?
develop their knowledge in: What are cells?
Charcteristics of living things and What is inside typical cell?
their role to make an organism. What is division of Labor?
That all living things are made of What are levels of organization?
cells and it has its own functions. What are parts of animal and
How cells are adapted and function plant cells?
int the living things? What are examples of cells and
How cells are organised in tissues, organism?
tiises in organs, organs in organ What are the parts of
How all cellular organization
How the cut out letter e is
functions well aand what are some
different through microscope?

The parts of microscope?

How cut out letter e is different
looking through micrscope?

Scientifc inquiry on:

Observation and illustration
of organism
Recording arts of students
such as drawing,
constrcution paper.
Communication: group
discussion, group project.
Presenation: research,
Recommended vocabulary:
Divison of labour

Knowledge Skills Dispositions

The learner will know: The learner will be able to: The learner will value:
Integrate their Observe carefully Gods creation
previous ideas to the charcteristics of through caring their
develop new ideas living things. body
about content Describe the See the structure of
content. functions of cellular our body from
be encoraged to organization in simple(cells) to
have effective body. complex(organ) and
communication with Communicate their appreciate Gods
their groups. ideas through group create.
Classify plant and discussion and Appreciate and
animal cells usinge activities listen to their
examples Present and share friends ideas to
Investigate the their research about learn better.
functions of cellular organism to their Find the
organization friends which importance of
Identify the increase drawing, visual
charcteristics of cooperative aids,worksheet and

living things and learning. Develop attitude to

connect it with whole Draw the parts of inquiry and safe
oraganism. organism which practise
Compare and helps them to (laboratory).
constrast the remeber its Promote an
structure of plant and structure. awareness to
animal cells. Develop their art investigate to know
Recognize the skill using scissor langauge of
importance of and paper in cutting science.
different parts of and pasting. Importance to
micrscope secondary sources
Differeniate between (research) to learn
plant and animal better the primary
cells. source.

Objectives Summative Objective

Formative Assessments
Assessed Assessment(s) s Assessed
1.Work sheet: look the 1. students will be Teacher will Chapter
pictures given and write able to observe know the test
whether it is living or carefully and how students
non-living? describe living are
2. whole class will things. progessing
research about different 2. students will
parts of plants and increase their ideas
animal cells. through research
3. presentation: 3. students will able
students will present to present their
what they have conclusion about
discovered from research by making
4. activity from 6.1 from and presenting
their practical book. conclusion bringig all
5. laboratory: students evidence
will observe cut out letter 4. studenst will be
e and fill the given able to remeber
question on worksheet. parts of micrscope
6. and write it on their
practical book.
7. functional card: 5. observe carefull
define, function and the parts of
funtcions of given organ microscope and its
system in 5 sheets of observation which
card and tie it with rope increase their ability
(thread) to inquiry.

8. pyramid worksheet, 7. students will recall
games: students will see and investigate
the pyramid and write the theinformation about
levels of organism and its given organ system.
functions in the layer of 8. students will
pyramid. identify and remeber
9. post chart paper: the model of cells
students will draw in their (small) to organ
group given names of system(bigger as
cellular organism. size of pyramid)
10. cut and paste: through model of
students will be able to pyramid.
cut the given paper listed 9. able to record
of functions of organsim accurately though
and paste it to the box of and incease
organism collbaoration while
develop ideas to
10. student will be
able to differentiate
the functions and
examples of

Unit Schedule

Day Lesson Focus

1 Characteristics of living things: list and describe the characteristics
of organism, define the terms nutrition, excretion, respiration,
sensitivity, reproduction, growth, movement.
2 Parts of animal and plant cell: recognize the different parts of
animal and plant cell, compare the structure of plant and animal cell,
familiar with the organelles function.
3 Parts of microscope: identify the parts and function of microscope,
label the parts of microscope.
4 Working with a simple light microscope: identify the different parts
of a simple light microscope, use a light microscope to observe a given
e cutout letter.
5 Compare the structure of plants and animal cells: what are cells,
what is inside a typical cell?
6 Examine plant and animal cell: relate the structure of cells to their
7 Forming a plant multicellular organism: see that cells can be

grouped together to form tissues, organs and organisms.

8 Divison of Labour: compare and contrast the functions of levels of
organizations, identify the examples of cellular organization.
9 Levels of organization: able to compare a flow pyramid of the
sequences of organism, create a chart to level its functions.
10 Organelles and its function: able to recall and write the functions of
organelles using functional card will be able to remember organelles by
using memory items box.

Lesson Plans
Lesson: 1 Characteristics of living things
Duration: 45 minutes
Name: Reshma
Grade: 7 (Science)
Instructional mode: constructive approach

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Mrs. Nerg Chapter test
Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)
What are the 7 characteristics of living
organism? Students will be able to identify 7
What are the characteristics that define seven characteristics of living
life? things.
Do living things have to move? Students will know differentiate
between living and non-living
things and recognize that living
things have modifications
according to their habits and

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

7min Introduction:-
Introduce myself to students and tell them overview of what I am going to
teach them. (2min).
Ask questions about what are characteristics of living things to know their
basic understanding ( 2min)
Show short video about subject to recall and getting attention of students

35mi Explain the seven characteristics of living things and its importance. (5min)
n Movement

Students will be doing worksheet paper where they need to identify things are
living or not.
Have students to read out their answer and discuss the answer. (5min)
Asking different questions related to subjects (5min)
Do living things have to move, why plants do not move their position?
Plants move their roots towards the water and towards the center
of the earth.
Why fire is not considered as living things? If no, then why?

Explain how to recognize it is alive? (3 min)

Utilize energy from other source to drive chemical reaction
Is capable of reproduction
Can undergo evolution.
Work sheet- students will be given a list of things in paper. They should work
in a pair to discuss an answer. Students will fill in the blanks from given
word bank of characteristics of living things. (7min).
Review ( 1Min)
Homework They should write yes for living things and no for non-living
3min things. (1min)

Closing (1Min)
Formative Assessment Differentiation
Worksheet, pair work

Reshma Guidey
Grade- seven
Lesson 2 animal cells plant cells
Date: 31 January 2017
Instruction: discovery learning

Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Different parts of cells and its function
Chapter test

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

What are the different parts of cells? Students will recognize the
What are the parts of animal different parts of cells.
cells? Students can contrast between
What is common between animal and plant cells.
animal and plant cells? Students will value the functions
What are the functions of of plant and animal cells.
different parts of cells?

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

6min Beginning the Lesson:
The teacher will play the video of cell
Student will be taking note about the parts of cells.

Developing the Lesson:

Activity: using the Jigsaw strategy, the students will find out the functions of
35mi different parts of animal and plant cells.
n Students are divided in 5 groups. Each group of students will have 4
people. 4 members of each group are name called A,B,C,D
Students A are called as experts group.
Each group of members will find out the functions about parts of cells they area
Then expert groups will gather together and discuss about their research.
At last experts group will be back and discuss with their group what they have

Closing the Lesson:

Students will make a short presentation. Only the member A
will be presenting. They should include these things in their

Names of the organelles.

4min Where does it belong? (plant or animal?)

Homework: practice for next presentation.

Formative Assessment Differentiation
Worksheets using Jigsaw Method. Experts groups will share what they
have discovered to other members of
their group.

Paper, laptop, pen


Lesson: 3 Characteristics of living things]

Duration: 45 minutes
Name: Reshma
Grade: 7 (Science)
Instructional mode: presentation approach

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Structures of cells and its function Chapter test

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

What are different parts of cells? Students will able to present the different
What are parts of animal cells? parts of cells.
What are parts of plants cells? Students will know the difference
What is common between parts between animals and plants cells.
of animal and plants cells? Students will recognize and be able to
What are functions of different define the functions of parts of plants and
parts of cells? animal cells.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

In the beginning:
30mi Explanation activity- students will give presentation in front of class of
n research they did previous class.

In the middle:
Elaboration activity- answers worksheet about cells. Students will label the
10mi plant and animal cells in the blank space.

Reflection part: Students will write reflection about that they have learned in
class. They can also review their worksheet and write what they discovered
5 min from presentationn

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Worksheet, pair work

In In Resources
Paper, video, Power point

Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Examine microscope
Chapter test

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

Students will observe carefully
What are the parts of the parts of microscope.
microscope? Students will identify the parts
What are the functions and and functions of microscope
parts of microscope? Students will observe ecut
What did you find observing letter in the glass slide through
ecut out from the glass slide and see the difference while
under microscope? seeing it without microscope.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

6min Beginning the Lesson:
Teacher will greet students saying hello> and tell them the
overview that we ar going to do an activity 6.1 working with a
simple Microscope.
Teacher will ask students to open their practical book pg 60-65
Teacher will introduce the man named Robert hooke who first
observed things in microscope.
Students will be reading about the rules that we should be
followed before using microscope.
Do not put microscope in wet place
Do not clean the objectives lens with hands
Hold carefully when you carry the microscope.

Developing the Lesson:

Teacher will show the real Microscope to whole class. After that
class teacher will point to the different parts of microscope and
tell students to name it.
The students will raise their hands one by one and tell names of
parts of microscope shown by teacher.
The students will also tell the functions of each parts of
microscope. After that the techer will be explaining the
differences between objective lens.

Scanning objective lens 4X

4min Low power objective lens. 10x
High power objective lens 40X

Teacher will tell students to switch on the light. After that the
teacher will explain function of diaphragm.
Students will examine parts of microscope. Then after they will
observe the cut out letter e in the slides microscope.

Student will see the cut out letter e using three objective lens.
And find out the difference.

Main Idea (Claim)the Lesson:

Closing Summative Assessment
After the observation students will open their practical book and answers the
Examine microscope
given questions. The questions are Chapter
to the observation of cut out letter
e in the glass slide of microscope.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Experts groups will share what they
Observation of microscope, do the have discovered to other members of
activity 6.1 from the practical book. their group.
Laboratory, microscope, book

Reshma Guidey
Grade 7
Lesson 5- Working with a simple microscope
Instruction: Constructivist learning
Duration: 45minutes
Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)
Students will observe carefully
What are the parts of the parts of microscope.
microscope? Students will identify the parts
What are the functions and and functions of microscope
parts of microscope? Students will observe ecut
What did you find observing letter in the glass slide through
ecut out from the glass slide and see the difference while
under microscope? seeing it without microscope.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

6min Beginning the Lesson:
Teacher will greet students saying hello> and tell them the
overview that we ar going to do an activity 6.1 working with a
simple Microscope.
Teacher will ask students to open their practical book pg 60-65
Teacher will introduce the man named Robert hooke who first
observed things in microscope.
Students will be reading about the rules that we should be
followed before using microscope.
Do not put microscope in wet place
Do not clean the objectives lens with hands
Hold carefully when you carry the microscope.

Developing the Lesson:

Teacher will show the real Microscope to whole class. After that
class teacher will point to the different parts of microscope and
tell students to name it.
The students will raise their hands one by one and tell names of
parts of microscope shown by teacher.
The students will also tell the functions of each parts of
microscope. After that the techer will be explaining the
differences between objective lens.

Scanning objective lens 4X

Low power objective lens. 10x
High power objective lens 40X

Teacher will tell students to switch on the light. After that the
teacher will explain function of diaphragm.
Students will examine parts of microscope. Then after they will
observe the cut out letter e in the slides microscope.
Student will see the cut out letter e using three objective lens.
And find out the difference.

Closing the Lesson:

After the observation students will open their practical book and answers the
given questions. The questions are related to the observation of cut out letter
e in the glass slide of microscope.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Observation of microscope, do the

activity 6.1 from the practical book.
Laboratory, microscope, book

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Chapter test
Purpose of multicellular organization

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

What is multicellular organism? Students will identify that organism are
What is unicellular organism? multicellular
How many cells are in Students will recognise that organsims
multicellular and unicelluar can be unicellular
organism? Student will describe features of
What is the main charcteristic multicellular organism.
of living thing? Student will describe the importance of
the divison of labour in an organism.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10mi Beginning the Lesson: recall: teacher will ask students the difference
n between a typical plant cell and animal cell
What is the function of the parts of animal and plant cells?
Explain that organism is made up of many cells or more than one
Explain single cell of organism is called unicellular organism

25mi Developing the Lesson: Have students to work in a groups of five and tell students to
n research how single cell can perform works in living process and what is the fucntion of
multicellular organism? (10min)
Tell students to research about advantages of unicelluar oragnsims
Tell students to research about disadvantages of unicellular organism
Teacher will explain the concept f cells in multicellular organisms.
Quizz: have a mini quiz to recall the parts levels of organization: cells, tissues,
organ, oragan system. (5min)
Teacher will explain along with question answer with students the
concept of cells, tissues, organ, organ system
Briefly explain the concept of:- tissues: cells are grouped together, organ:
tissues are grouped together, oragn system- organs are grouped togther.

Closing the Lesson: discussion (5min)

Tell students to discuss in your group the importance of divison of labour?, what
10mi are the function of organ, organ system and tissues are different?
n Why each function differently?
Teacher will relate the concept of school and staff wiith divison of labour and
explain its important. (2min)
Teacher will give 5 names of school staffs and tell 5 students to come infront and
act out. It helps to assess students understanding of the lesson.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Discussion, acting, quizz

Book, laptop(if available), paper
Reshma Guidey
Grade- seven
Lesson 7 Cellular organization
Date: 31 january 2017
Instruction: discovery learning

Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Levels of organization
Chapter test

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

What is the level of
organization? Students will be understand the levels of
Organization including cells, tissues,
What is the definition of each organs, organ systems, and organism
organization (cells, tissue,
organ, organ system, organism) Students will be able to identify,
Compare and Contrast Levels of
What are some examples if Organization including cells, tissues,
cellular organization? organs, organ systems, and organisms;
compare a flow pyramid of the sequence
What are the specific functions of levels and create a chart to level its
and interactions of these function.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

5 min Beginning the Lesson:
Greeting: teacher will say Good morning to students and tell the overview
that what we are going to learn today.
Teacher will show short video to catch students attention about cellular

Teacher will ask students and review class the cellular organization term:
cells, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism


Developing the Lesson:

25 Pyramid activity:
Teacher will provide each students picture of pyramid and students will fill
the five layers of pyramid. Students will also write examples and parts of
levels of organization. Top level will be the students own design (choose one:
cell, tissue, organ, organ system, and organism). Students will be allowed to
Reshma Guidey
Grade- seven
Lesson 7 Cellular organization
Date: 31 january 2017
Instruction: discovery learning

use the textbook and computer for their research. (10min).

Students will discuss what they have discovered in their home group (2min)
Students will present in their group the functions and parts of cellular
organization (5min).

Games activity:
Student will play a game called kahoot where they all need computer.
Students will be answering the quiz questions at the same time
through kahoot.com (10min).

Closing the lesson:

Chart paper activity:
10mi Students will be given a chart paper in their groups. They will be
n drawing images of levels of organization. They will write its parts and
functions. They can post anything in their chart paper to make it
Students will tell students to further work on chart paper and submit
Teacher will also give a worksheet paper as their assignment.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Activities, games Experts group will share their
discovery to other members in their

Chart paper, power point, video, worksheet.


Reshma Guidey

Reshma Guidey
Grade: 7
Lesson 8: Activity on levels of organisation

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Post chart paper Chapter test

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will appreciate the Gods
what are the levels of creation from simple to complex doing
oragnaism? the paper post project.
What are the functions of The students will be able to create
levels of organism? different organs and it related images
Which are the images of in paper post.
cells, tissues, organ and
organ system?
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
Beginning the Lesson: student will start to research about the paper project.

Developing the Lesson: students will work on their projects of paper post.

Closing the Lesson: student will finish their project and submit.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Paper post project


Chart paper

Reshma Guidey
Lesson: review of cells and organelles
Grade: seven (science)
Lesson: 9
Duration: 45minutes

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Organelles and its function
Chapter test

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

Have you all brought your Students will be able to recall

scissors and glue? and write the functions of
Have you all got two sheets of organelles using functional card.
paper? Student will be able to
remember organelles by using
memory items box.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

5min Beginning the Lesson:
Teacher will give two sheets of paper to each student.
The students should have glue and scissors with them.
Teacher will explain to students what they are going to do with the given
Teacher explains that they should cut the function cards and glue it in the
functional description box. In the same way teacher explains that students
should cut the memory items and paste it to how do I remember box.

Developing the Lesson:

Student will cut the functional cards and paste it to the functional box.
Likewise they will also cut the memory items and put it in the how do I
remember box.

Closing the Lesson:

Teacher will tell them to return their worksheet.
5min Teacher said that those who have submitted the worksheet can help their
other friends.

Formative Assessment Differentiation


Reshma Guidey
Students who are good in cutting and
worksheets pasting can help other friends if they
finish earlier.
Paper, scissors, glue

Lesson: 10 (levels of organization)

Duration: 45 minutes
Name: Reshma
Grade: 7 (Science)
Instructional mode: constructive approach and inquiry based

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Organells and its function Poster making test
Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)
What are cells? Students will develop in
What is inside a typical cell? communication ideas through 2
What is division of labour? gathering evidence about levels
of organization
Student will record accurately
functions of cellualar
organization through given
sheets of paper.
Students will recall about
multicellular organism
Student will
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
5min Engagement:
Teacher will show one figure in the power point where there are living things
and non- living animals.
Students will figure out five living things and five non living things from the
figure and note in their paper
Answers will be discuss together in the class.

Exploration: student will be given 5 sheets of paper along 5 threads. In their sheets
20mi of paper they are supposed to write following things:
n Definition in the given paper
Function in the given paper
Examples in the given paper
Organ system: heart, nucleleous, body, excretion, growth, nerve, expiratory
After they finish, they will tie with thread.
After that all students will submit
They may use book to write answers

Explanation: teacher will explain together with the answers of given sheets.

Evaluation: Teacher will check the sheets.

Reflection: Students will write what they can remember of doing sheets of paper.
They will write in their paper and recall answers.


Formative Assessment Differentiation

Worksheet, pair work Students who finish earlier will help other.

In In Resources
Paper, thread, book

Rubric for poster making


criteria Excellent Good Accompli Developi

Total 4 3 shed ng
percent 2 1
Content 25% Knows the Knows the Knows the Knows
of content content content content
knowled well: pretty and pretty but little
ge surface to well; explained
depth of surface to
subject complexit
Paste 10% Pasting of Pasting of pasting of Visual aids
pictures different different different but lack
suitable visual aids visual aids informatio
visual aids but lacks n
Drawing 15% Graphics Graphics Graphics Graphics
of content of content of content with
with with some with liitle content
attractive arractivne coloring with no
coloring ss coloring

Design 10% Shape and Shape and Shape and Shape and
size of size of size of the size of the
letters are letters are letter are letters are
creative enaging understan unclear
Organiza 10% Pictures, Pictures, Pictures, Pictures,
tion letter and letter and letter and letter and
explainati explainati explainati explainati
on are on are on are on are
clear esay to hard to poorly
follow follow written
Clarity of 20% All All All All
subject illustration illustration illustration illustration
matter s are clear s are easy s are hard are poorly
to follow to follow written
Cleanline 10% All All All All
ss illustration illustation illustration illustration
s, visual s, visual s, visual s, visual
aids are aids are aids are aids are
written neatly neat but not neat
very lack some
neatly cleanlines
Score: .
Group: A,B, C,D,E

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