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TECHNIQUES OF MEDIEVAL ARMOUR REPRODUCTION : eC aes Brian R. Price Se Ee CR Ce CRR Onc TG Cee Dae RU TICS Techniques of Medieval Armour Reproducion The 14" Century by Bian R, Price Copyright © 2000 by Brian R, Price ISBN 1-S8160.008-4 Printed inthe United States of America Publisher's Cataloging-in-Pablication (Provided by Quality Books, In.) Price, Brian R. “Techniques of Medieval armour reproduction: the 1th sontury “by Brian R, Price, ~ Ist pei, Tncdes bibliographical references and inde. ISBN: 1-58160-098-4 1. Armour, Medieval-Desiga and constuction 2, Historical Reenactments--Equipment and supplies. 3, Tournaments, Medieval--Equipment and supplies. Title, usto.P75 2000 23441 ‘QBI00-s0004 Published by Paladin Press, a division of Paladin Enterprises Ine., BO. Box 1307, Boulder, Colorado 80306, USA, (203) 443-7250 Ditect inquiries andor orders to the abowe adress PALADIN, PALADIN PRESS, and he “horse head” design are trademarks belonging to Paladin Enterprises and registered in United States Patent and Trademark Office, All rights reserved. Except for use ina review, 26 Potton ofthis book may be repreduced in any form ‘without the express writen permission ofthe publisher. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes ay responsibility for the use or misuse of inoemation contained inthis book. ‘Visit our Web site at Photo Credits (copyrights reserved by the following) Wade Allen, 2.6; Bibliotidque Nationale de France, S.1; Board of Trustees ofthe Raval Armouries: 12, 1.6, 1.10, 1.11.64 610, 6.32, 21.4 Hop, middle), 23.3, 26.2, 29.5, 30.17 (lf), 34.1; British Library, 19.2, 29.4; Charles Davis, 4.14, 646, 182, 23.12; Peer 2.3; Christian Fletcher, 418; Pett Fuller, 3, 14,424, 6.40, 11.1, 29,3, 31.1, 31.5; James Gillasie, 11,420, 4.21, 16. Historical Armed Comat Association, 3.12; Tom Buguenin, 4.17; Brent Sunkins, 34, 3.10, 3.1 (eit 42, 43,413, 20.11; die Klanveris, 32; Kunstanmlungen der Veste Choburg, 30.1; Karl Lieder, 21.3, 9.1, 21.5 (right); Robert MacPherson, 4.1, 4.26 (ight) 30.1 (inset); Nathan Miller, 25,14: Steve Moffe, 3.14, 4.16; Theodore Monch, 425, 52, 10. Musée des Beaux Arts de Chartes, 20.22: National Gallery of Prague, 3.1; Paragon Industries, 19:3 Joseph Piel 419; Jessica Rechsthalfer, 415; Erik Schmid, 26.13 16, 26.17-19: Schweicerisctes Landesmuseum, 31.4; Stadt Nuruburg Stadtorchiv, 6.44, 22.2, 22.3, 26.3, 26.11: Aaron Toman or Wade Allen, 44,45, 46.4.7: Frustecs af the British Musewn, 6.33, 27.1: Trastees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art 17.1.9, WA2, 21.50 Universitatsiblioniek Ehrlangen, 6.52; Rober Valentine, 4.22, 4.23, 29.8; Count von Trapp, 20.19, 29.1 31.16, 3117, 32.2: Wallace Collection 1, 20,1, 20:7, 33.1, 33.2; Alan Williams, 81,82, 83, 84.85, 86.

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