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Melissa Rosanio

SERP 475
19 April 2016
Classroom Behavior Management and Communication
1) What are the methods used for quieting the students and
helping them focus on instruction (set induction)?
Willow has a fairly common method for quieting the students in
all of her classes. Once students become too noisy Willow stands in the
middle of the room and speaks quietly until the students around her
have become silent. Students are very quick to recognize the signal
and they generally pay attention to it.

2) How are classroom rules determined? By the teacher? By

students and teacher together? (Be specific.) What are the
main rules for this classroom? What is your reaction to the
rules? Would you change or modify them for your own
classroom? How and why? Explain your answer.
I have little information on the classroom rules because they
were established long before I began shadowing. The rules established
by the school have been displayed on a board on one wall within the
room since the beginning of the school year. Students have mentioned
that she has not changed those rules. Other staff members I have met
have also clearly established their own classroom rules and students
have discussed them at length.

3) Describe the consequences if students do not follow the

rules. How are the consequences delivered?
The most commonly broken rule in Ms. Schroeders class is the
no-cell phone rule. Students who use their phones in front of the
teacher are asked to turn them off and put them in their backpacks. If
they refuse to put their phones away then they are taken by Willow for
the remainder of the school day. If the problem persists the phone is
taken to the office where it is stored up until the end of the school year.
Willow is very consistent when delivering punishments; I have yet to
see any kind of special treatment from her.

4) Describe the positive reinforcers used when students follow

the rules. How are the reinforcers delivered?
When students are consistently on task and are providing Willow
with strong work she allows them to plug in their headphones and
listen to music through their computers. If students are working on
something that requires more of their attention she will quietly
approach them and thank them for their efforts. She likes to keep
students in a positive mood despite what may be occurring outside of
her classroom.

5) Describe how the classroom discipline plan involves other

teachers or staff members. Be specific.
I have heard other instructors call certain students repeat
offenders. Those who continuously break rules and disrespect
authority go against the idea that students should know better. If there
is a serious discipline issue Willow usually discusses the problem with
various staff members. That may include general ed. teachers, other
special ed. teachers, and administration. Together, they decide what is
most appropriate for the student and in some cases, the well being of
his/her peers.

6) How are serious behavioral incidents dealt with in this

class? Who is involved? Give two examples and describe the
procedures for handling the problem.
Serious behavioral incidents typically result in students being
escorted to the office by a member of the security team. The principal
or vice principal is responsible for meeting with the student. Verbal
outbursts (depending on the severity) may result in a meeting with the
principal leading to detention or sometimes an automatic referral.
When a referral is necessary the teacher fills it out on the spot. They
copy down what the student said verbatim and write a quick
explanation of why the referral is necessary.

7. How often and in what way(s) does the teacher

communicate with the parents? How do YOU plan to
communicate with parents in your own classroom, if different
from what you observe in this site? Explain.
Willow communicates with parents via phone when attempting to
set up IEP meetings and to notify them of any concerning behavior that
their child exhibits. If the parents do not respond to her phone calls she
will send them an email and reference any telephone messages she
has already left for them to review.
8. Describe how bulletin boards and other display areas are
utilized. What are their purposes and/or functions in the
classroom? Who creates the bulletin boards or displays?
Bulletin boards are utilized by each class period. The boards are
split between the Integrated Science and English classes. She has
rules, procedures, tips and tricks, and homework reminders on the
bulletin. Each board is updated weekly to reflect changes. Willow
creates the bulletin boards and updates them before class has started
at the beginning of each week.

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