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Lesson Plan Template

Name Melanie Trzeciak
Subject History
Grade Level 3rd Grade
Date/Duration One 40 minutes class for instruction (1 week for project
Big Ideas The Liberty Bell is the symbol of freedom in the United
Essential What is the Liberty Bell?
Questions Where is the Liberty Bell?
Why is the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia?
What does the Liberty Bell symbolize?
Why does the Liberty Bell symbolize freedom?
PA/Common Standard - 5.1.3.F
Core/Standards Identify state symbols, national symbols, and national
Standard - 8.2.3.A
Identify the social, political, cultural, and economic
contributions of individuals and groups from
Standard - 8.2.3.B
Identify historical documents, artifacts, and places
critical to Pennsylvania history.
Standard - 8.3.3.B
Identify and describe historical documents, artifacts,
and places critical to United States history.
Objective All third grade students will accurately complete and
present a project on The Liberty Bell based off of books,
Bloom's websites, and apps in groups of three with 90%
Taxonomy accuracy.

Webb's Depth of
Formative & Formative
Summative Students will fill out a lab sheet while working through
Assessment finding information for their presentation.
Evidence Summative
Students will be evaluated on their presentation based
on a rubric.
ISTE Standards Students will work on their career and life skills through
for Students leadership and responsibility.
Students will be working on their 21st century
Framework for technology skills through researching the Liberty Bell
21st Century online.
Learning Students will work on their public speaking skills by
presenting their project to the class.
Accommodation Jennifer will use behavioral management strategies put
s, Modifications in place at the start of the year.
Jennifer will be able to sit in her quiet area and research
on an iPad.
Jennifer will be intentionally paired with students in the
Jennifer will have a personal iPad that does not need
shared to work on researching.

Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step

the Learning
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
Ask students to define what a symbol is. Write a
definition on the board
Have students share symbols and what they represent
Ask students if they know any of the symbols of the
United States
Write the symbols on the board
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Show students Symbols of the United States video
Show students the four symbols in the video and have
them discuss what they have learned in the video.
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions The Liberty Bell is the symbol of freedom in the United
Essential Questions Statement
Why does the Liberty Bell represent freedom?
Objective Statement
All third grade students will accurately complete and
present a project on The Liberty Bell based off of books,
websites, and apps in groups of three with 90%
Key Vocabulary
Liberty Bell
Lesson PreAssessment of Students
Procedure On the smart board have students match United States
symbols with what they represent.
Modeling of the Concept
Show students a tri-fold poster board of what they are
expected to do.
Introduce websites, books, and apps that will help
students find information on the Liberty Bell
Guiding the Practice
Model a Think-Aloud to show students how to fill out the
lab sheet and how to place item on the poster board for
the presentation.
Instruct students that presenting is not reading off of a
piece of paper. They need to know the information well
enough to teach their classmates. Demonstrate
presenting information to the students.
Providing the Independent Practice
Students will complete the lab sheet and prepare a
project on the Liberty Bell to present to the class
One students are completed with their project they will
create their own Liberty Bell
Reading Cup, foil, sharpie, toilet paper tube, brown construction
Materials paper
Technology HWT: Philadelphia
Supplies Saving the Liberty Bell- Marty Rhodes Figley
Pennsylvania: What's So Great About State (Arcadia Kids)- Kate
Boehm Jerome

Evaluation of Formal Evaluation

the Students will present a project on the Liberty Bell to the
Learning/Master class. Presentation will be graded on a rubric
y of the Informal Evaluation
Concept Students will fill out a lab sheet while working through
finding information for their presentation.
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
Students will present their project to the class
All students will be active in the presentation process
Complete Lab Sheet
Prepare for the presentation

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