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1. The cyclone 'SIDR' hit Bangladesh in?

(1) 2009
(2) 2007
(3) 2008
(4) 2006
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2. Disasters can be categorised into various types on the

basis of?

(1) Its speed

(2) Its previous history
(3) Loss of property they result
(4) Loss of human life they result
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3. Disaster Management covers ?

(1) Maintaining control over disasters

(2) Reducing the effects of disasters
(3) Briefing the top officials of govt.on the effect of disasters
(4) All the above
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4. Which of the following is a disaster mitigation stretegy?

(1) Constructing cyclone shelters

(2) Givingloans from banks
(3) Providing cheap electricity
(4) Providing school uniforms to children
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5. The term Tsunami is coined from?

(1) Chinese term

(2) Indian term
(3) German term
(4) Japanase term
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6. Amateur Radio is also known as?

(1) Ham radio

(2) Home radio
(3) Pocket radio
(4) Silent radio
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7. A series of earthquakes shook the Central American Nation

Of Nicarague and killed many people in the year?

(1) 1974
(2) 1972
(3) 1973
(4) 1975
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8. In which year a cyclone struck the Coastal Andhra in

Krishna Godavari delt and caused havoc?

(1) 1976
(2) 1979
(3) 1978
(4) 1977
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9. Tsunami can occur ony during?

(1) Morning
(2) Noon
(3) Evening
(4) Any time of day or nights
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10. The National Civil Defence college was founded in 1957


(1) Bombay
(2) Nagpur
(3) Cochin
(4) Hyderabad
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11. National Institute of Disaster management is located at?

(1) Poona
(2) Midnapur
(3) New Delhi
(4) Calcutta
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12. Which of the following activities is covered by Disaster

Management before, during or after a disaster?

(1) Reconstruction and Rehabilitation

(2) Mitigation
(3) Emergency response
(4) All the above
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13. The phrase WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION entered

widespread usage in?

(1) 2003
(2) 2001
(3) 2002
(4) 2004
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14. Landslides occur because of?

(1) Intensity of rainfall

(2) Steep slopes
(3) Deforestation leading it soil erosion
(4) All the above
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15. On Novemer 19,1977, a cyclone, which had been

operated to hit Tamil Nadu, instead struck the Central Coast
of and diverted several villages?
(1) Kerela
(2) Andhra Pradesh
(3) Orissa
(4) Karnataka
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16. For coordinating disaster management activities for all

natural hazards, the Nodal Agency at the Central Govt is the?

(1) Ministry of Home Affairs

(2) Ministry of Rural Development
(3) Ministry of Communication
(4) Ministry of Urban Mfair
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17. U.N. Disaster Management Team UNDMT. is responsible

for solving problems resulting from disasters in?

(1) India
(2) Iran
(3) Bangladesh
(4) All countries the world
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18. National Disaster Management Division of the Govt. of

India wherever necessary, sendsto disaster affected areas?

(1) Coordanation its containing satilitephones

(2) Medicines for affected people
(3) Provides relief measures
(4) All the above
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19. When a powerful earthquake struck South Eastern Iran

and caused enormous loss of life and property Killing 30,000

(1) 26.12.2003
(2) 26.11.2003
(3) 26.10.2003
(4) 26.10.2002
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20. Of the following, which is a natural hazard?

(1) Earthquake
(2) Cyclone
(3) Landslide
(4) All the above
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21. The ground movements caused by earthquakes can have

a damaging effects such as?

(1) Ground shaking

(2) Landslides
(3) Surface rupters
(4) All the above
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22. International Tsunami Information Centre is in?

(1) Honolalu
(2) Goa
(3) J akartha
(4) Pondicherry
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23. The main objectives of First Aid?

(1) To preserve life

(2) To prevent the victims condition from worsening
(3) To promote recovery
(4) All the above
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24. First Aid it shouldcontain ?

(1) Cotton Wool, Crepre bandage

(2) Sterile dressing, pain reliever
(3) Scissors, Gloves, Antacids
(4) All the above
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25. Report on Training on Search and Rescue for the members
of the village Disaster Management Team is prepared by?

(1) Govt. of Manipur

(2) Govt. of Indonesia
(3) Govt. of Uttaranchal
(4) Indian Red Cross
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26. Tsunamis are waves generated by ?

(1) Earthquakes
(2) Volcanic eruptions
(3) Underwater landslides
(4) All the above
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27. In which year the violens explosion of the famous

Volcano, Krakatoa in Indonesia, produced Tsunamis
measuring 40 feet?

(1) 1883
(2) 1881
(3) 1882
(4) 1884
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28. According to World Disasters Report of 2010, during 2000-

09, 85% of affected people belonged to the? ?

(1) Asia Pacific Region

(2) Afrcian region
(3) Japan region
(4) Australian region
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29. Area of Indian coastline which is vulnerable tostorm

surges, cyclones and tsunamis is?
(1) 5700 Km
(2) 3700km
(3) 2700km
(4) 4700km
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30. The date when the super cyclone hit the Orissa coast
which killed nearly 10,000 pepple and affected over 15
million people across 12 districts of Orissa is?

(1) 29.08.1999
(2) 29.08.1997
(3) 29.08.1998
(4) 29.08.1996
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31. The Disaster management Act was enacted in India in the


(1) 2006
(2) 2005
(3) 2008
(4) 2007
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32. According to the World Bank, during the period 1996 to

2000, the approximate percentage loss of gross domestic
produce due to disasters was?

(1) 2.85%
(2) 2.25%
(3) 2.50%
(4) 1.95%
Show Answer

33. The National Policy on Disaster Management was

approved by the Union Cabinet in?

(1) 2008
(2) 2009
(3) 2007
(4) 2010
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34. The Chairman of the National Disaster management

Authority is?

(1) Home Minister

(2) Vice President
(3) Minister,Human Resource Developement
(4) Prime Minister
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35. ational Disaster Reserve Fund is the result of?

(1) 12th Finance Commission

(2) 11thFinance Commission
(3) 13th Finance Commission
(4) None of the above
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36. By what measures can we significantly reduce the impact

of disasters on our people?

(1) Better planning

(2) Preparedness awerness
(3) Mitigation measures
(4) All the above
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37. Of the total 35 States/Union Territories in India, how many

are disaster prone?

(1) 22
(2) 24
(3) 25
(4) 23
Show Answer
38. Number of people killed by natural disasters in India from
1980 to 2010?

(1) 1,13,039
(2) 1,43,039
(3) 1,23,039
(4) 1,03,039
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39. National Institute of Disaster Management is located at?

(1) New Delhi

(2) Cuttack
(3) Baroda
(4) Cochin
Show Answer

40. First Indian Disaster Management Congress was

inaugurated on?

(1) 29-11-2006
(2) 26-10-2006
(3) 29-8-2006
(4) 29-10-2006
Show Answer

41. National Institute of Disaster Management publishes a

biannual journal titled?

(1) Disaster India

(2) Disaster Mitigation
(3) Disaster & Developement
(4) IndianDisaster
Show Answer

42. The term " Cyclone " is derived from?

(1) Greek Word

(2) French Word
(3) Latin Word
(4) Chinese Word
Show Answer

43. What percent of earthquakes and tsunamis account for

world disasters?

(1) 8%
(2) 3%
(3) 9%
(4) 7%
Show Answer

44. Mechanisms established under Disaster Management Act,

2005 include?

(1) National Disaster Management Authority

(2) State Disaster Management Authority
(3) District Disaster Management Authority
(4) All the above
Show Answer

45. According to World Bank Estimate, direct losses from

natural disasters ar upto percent of GDP?

(1) 4%
(2) 2%
(3) 1%
(4) 3%
Show Answer

46. SAARC Disaster Management Centre is at?

(1) Dhaka
(2) Coloumbo
(3) New Delhi
(4) Khatmandu
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47. Tsunamis are waves generated by ?

(1) Earthquakes
(2) Volcanic eruptions
(3) Underwater landslides
(4) All of the above
Show Answer

48. A Certificate course in Disaster Management is offered


(1) Indira Gandhi National Open University

(2) B.R. Ambedkar National Open University
(3) Nalanda Open University
(4) Vardhaman Mahavir Open University
Show Answer

49. Which is the nodal agency at the Indian Union

Government for coordinating disaster management activities
for all natural hazards?

(1) Minister of Home affairs

(2) Ministry of social justice and Empowerment
(3) Ministry of Science and Technology
(4) Ministry of Environment and Forests
Show Answer

50. United Nations Disaster Management Team(UNDMT) is

responsible for solving problem resulting from disasters in?

(1) Afica
(2) Asia
(3) Australia
(4) In all continents
Show Answer

51. On what date a powerful earthquake struck South Eastern

Iran and Caused heavy loss of lifeand property?

(1) 26.12.2004
(2) 26.12.2003
(3) 26.12.2002
(4) 25.11.2003
Show Answer
52. Which of the following is a natural hazard?

(1) Earthquake
(2) Tsunami
(3) Cyclone
(4) All the above
Show Answer

53. First Aid Kit should contain?

(1) Cotton Wool, Bandage

(2) Pain Relievers, Medicines
(3) Scissors, Gloves,Antacids
(4) All the above
Show Answer

54. Tsunami's can occur only during ?

(1) Morning
(2) Noon
(3) Evening
(4) Any time in day or night
Show Answer

55. Andhra Pradesh was servely battered by a cyclonic storm

killed more than 10,000 lives on ?

(1) 15.11.1976
(2) 15.11.1977
(3) 15.11.1978
(4) 15.11.1975
Show Answer

56. Disaster Management icludes?

(1) Rehabilitation
(2) Reconstruction
(3) Mitigation
(4) All the above
Show Answer
57. Disaster Management Team should include?

(1) Awerness generation team

(2) First aid team
(3) Search and Rescue team
(4) All of the above
Show Answer

58. 11-03-2012 marked one year sine an earthquake and

tsunami killed thousand of people in?

(1) Japan
(2) South Korea
(3) North Korea
(4) Indonesia
Show Answer

59. How many of 35 Indian States and Union Territories are

disaster prone?

(1) 24
(2) 25
(3) 23
(4) 22
Show Answer

60. Number of human live lost during 1980-2010 due to

natural and induced hazards in India?

(1) 1.20,162
(2) 1,22,162
(3) 1,21,162
(4) 1,20,282
Show Answer

61. Who is the Chairman of the National Disaster

Management Authority set up under Disaster Management
Act,2005 in India?
(1) Home Minister
(2) Prime Minister
(3) Finance Minister
(4) Rural Development Minister
Show Answer

62. National Institute of Disaster Management is at?

(1) New Delhi

(2) Surat
(3) Cochin
(4) Visakhapatnam
Show Answer

63. On what date an earthquake trigged a tsunami that killed

abiut 19,000 people in Japan's north eastern coast ?

(1) 11.1.2011
(2) 11.3.2011
(3) 11.4.2011
(4) 11.3.2010
Show Answer

64. Earthquake under the sea is called?

(1) Tsunami
(2) Hurrican
(3) Cyclone
(4) Thunder
Show Answer

65. The term ' disaster' is derived from which of the following
languge ?

(1) Arabic
(2) Latin
(3) French
(4) Greek
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66. In which month in India, floods are likely to occur?

(1) June-December
(2) June-September
(3) May-October
(4) Aril-June
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67. According to U. N. O. there were about ______ disasters

per year between 1992 - 2000 in the world ?

(1) 100
(2) 300
(3) 500
(4) 800
Show Answer

68. In which year the violens explosion of the famous

Volcano, Krakatoa in Indonesia, produced Tsunamis
measuring 40 feet ?

(1) 1881
(2) 1882
(3) 1883
(4) 1884

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