Serraminutes3 9 2017

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Minutes of Serra Club Meeting

Thursday,March 9, 2017

Members present: Linda Kerkman, Kathleen OBrien, Beth Gentrup, Pat & Jerry Schmit, Ivan & Mary Van
Dyke, Mary & Dave Lux, Kristi Steffen, Paul & Sue Weeder, Ree Riley & Marilyn Kathol

Guests : none

The meeting was opened by Linda Kerkman. The meeting began with Serra Vocation Prayer

Program: Dr. Dave Lux introduced the members to a new resource for our Parish called Formed. Sacred Heart
is currently subscribed to this service which has a wealth of information, videos, books and course that can be
taken online. Dave showed us around the website and we watched one of the short videos found on the site.
Secretary: The minutes of the previous meeting were read & approved and can be found on the website. Memorials can be found under Minute Tab.

Treasurer: Expenses: Mary Lux, Navigator bus for Deacon Ordination : $175
Income: $50 memorials, $40 habits
Ending balance: $6,965.49

Reports of vice presidents:

Communication: Thank Yous sent to Server Award Pastors along with $50 - approved
Vocations: Mel Spader:
Appointment with Pastors: Battle Creek, Stanton, Madison & Pierce - talk about our hopes for the
Serra Club
Vestments that Inspire: Linda brought examples of the habits she has made to go with the other
vestments she has made. Habits will cost $40 per outfit
Programs: See Above

Old Business:
Leadership Training - no date set at time of meeting
Vocation Summit April 8th -
Bus for Deacon Ordination: Announcement was put in the bulletin for the trip on April 29th to St. Cecilia
Cathedral. Bus will leave Norfolk at 6:30 am and should return home by 5:00. The cost is $25
Serran Server Awards:
Fordyce: has 18 servers signed up
Humphrey: 41 signed up
College Connections: Jerry called St. Louis concerning this program. Serra is no longer doing the program
but the Newman Center is taking over. Jerry will get more information from there
Reminder about Catholics at the Capitol: March 23rd at St. Marys Church basement in Lincoln :at 8:30 am.
Will include concerns that we as Catholics should know about what is happening in the State Government.

New Business:
Appoint nominating committee : Linda asked Dave Lux to take this on
Vision Vocation Magazine: Linda handed out magazine to the members and asked us to look it over and
read articles.
Chaplains Comments : Father Ross was not in attendance
Next Meeting: Next meeting is April 20th at the Immaculata Monastery
Lunch Committee for April: Sandy Moser
Respectfully submitted,

Beth Gentrup

Food Schedule:
May - 11th - Marilyn Kathol & Kathleen OBrien
June - TBA
July - Seminarian Picnic

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