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JEVP: 20010205 6.

06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

Journal of Environmental Psychology (2001) 21, 000^000 0272 - 4944/01/000000 + 00$35.00/0

# 2001 Academic Press
doi:10.1006/jevp.2001.0205, available online at on




University of WisconsinMadison


When do humans extend their ethical scope to include nature? Anthropocentrism and ecocentrism are two
ways of understanding an extension of ethics to nature. In an anthropocentric ethic nature deserves moral
consideration because how nature is treated aects humans. In an ecocentric ethic nature deserves moral
consideration because nature has intrinsic value. In two experiments participants (n = 91 and 84) generated
moral reasoning responses to ecological moral dilemmas. The reasoning was coded as ecocentric, anthropo-
centric, or nonenvironmental (i.e., social contracts, truthfulness). Individual dierences and situational vari-
ables were examined in relation to moral reasoning about ecological dilemmas. Pro-environmental attitudes
were related to more ecocentric and anthropocentric and less nonenvironmental reasoning. The presence of
information about the impact of ecological damage on the environment, especially a more wild environment,
elicited more ecocentric reasoning, while the presence of a social commitment elicited more nonenvironmen-
tal moral reasoning. The implications of the research for conicts over environmental commons dilemmas are
discussed. # 2001 Academic Press

Ecocentrism and Anthropocentrism: Moral gave us his land ethic, just how far and in what
Reasoning about Ecological Dilemmas ways have our land ethics developed?
The purpose of this project is to examine some is-
There is as yet no ethic dealing with mans relation sues in how people extend ethics to the natural en-
to land and to the animals and plants which grow vironment. Environmental ethics was given a
upon it. . . The extension of ethics to this third ele- central place in debate among scientists by Hardin
ment in human environment is. . .an evolutionary (1968) who argued that the human race is faced with
possibility and an ecological necessity. (Leopold, the dilemma of how to prevent overuse and deple-
1949, pp. 238^9) tion of natural resources when individuals desire
to maximize their gains. As noted by Dawes (1980),
many environmental issues can be construed as so-
Aldo Leopold, sometimes called the father of en- cial dilemmas:
vironmental ethics, expressed these ideas over 50
years ago in his revolutionary essay The Land a) each individual receives a higher payo for a so-
Ethic. Today we have clearly not accomplished the cially defecting choice (e.g., having additional chil-
ecological necessity he called for. Environmental dren, using all the energy available, polluting his
or her neighbors) than for a socially cooperative
crises, such as species extinction, global warming,
choice, no matter what the other individuals in the
air and water pollution, and wild land destruction, society do, but b) all individuals are better o if all
are some of the most important problems currently cooperate than if all defect (p. 169).
facing our society. How we deal with these problems
largely depends on how we perceive our relationship In the present research we examine moral reason-
with the land. Do we view nature as property for us ing about social dilemmas centered on environmen-
to use however we wish for our own benet, or does tal issues.
nature have intrinsic value, value aside from its use- Environmental ethics is based on the idea that
fulness to humans? A half-century after Leopold morality ought to be extended to include the rela-
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

2 K. V. Kortenkamp and C. F. Moore

tionship between humans and nature. Although the article, Land Ethic Realized. Dunlap and Van Liere
eld has its roots in the early writings of John claimed that Heberlein was examining . . .the conse-
Muir, Albert Schweitzer, and Aldo Leopold, environ- quences [environmental] problems can have for hu-
mental ethics only more recently began to gain sup- man beingsJrather than the total (nonhuman as
port in the 1960s with the growing popularity of the well as human) environment (p. 204). In our terms,
environmental movement. The journal Environmental Dunlap and Van Liere were claiming that Heberlein
Ethics was founded in 1979 and is devoted entirely was examining anthropocentrism rather than eco-
to the topic. centrism. Nevertheless, Heberleins application of
There are a number of dierent ways to under- Schwartzs (1977) norm-activation theory of altruism
stand an extension of moral consideration to nature to explain pro-environmental attitudes and beha-
(Nash, 1989). For example, is the extension indivi- viors led to further research using this model which
dualistic or holistic? In other words are individual nally did extend into examinations of ecocentrism
plants and animals given moral consideration, or is in a study by Stern, Dietz, and Kalof (1993). Stern
morality only extended to whole species or ecosys- and colleagues expanded the assumption in
tems? Another distinction is whether the extension Schwarzs model that people have a general altruis-
is rights based or responsibility based; in other tic value orientation to include value orientations
words does nature have the right to be protected or that are egoistic and biospheric (ecocentric) as well.
do humans simply have a responsibility to protect Meanwhile, Dunlap and Van Liere (1978) went on to
nature? Perhaps the most important distinction is incorporate ecocentric and anthropocentric items
whether the moral extension is anthropocentric or into their New Environmental Paradigm scale, a
ecocentric because this determines what is the fo- commonly used measure of pro-environmental atti-
cus of the environmental ethicJhumans or nature. tudes.
The term anthropocentric was rst coined in the Two other studies have also measured these two
1860s, amidst the controversy over Darwins theory constructs as aspects of environmental attitudes.
of evolution, to represent the idea that humans are Dreger and Chandler (1993) developed an anthropo-
the center of the universe (Campbell, 1983). Anthro- centrism scale, and Thompson and Barton (1994) de-
pocentrism considers humans to be the most impor- veloped both ecocentric and anthropocentric scales.
tant life form, and other forms of life to be Thompson and Barton found that people agreed
important only to the extent that they aect hu- more strongly with ecocentric than with anthropo-
mans or can be useful to humans. In an anthropo- centric attitude statements. However, the two stu-
centric ethic, nature has moral consideration dies used dierent conceptualizations of
because degrading or preserving nature can in turn anthropocentrism. For example, six of the 12 items
harm or benet humans. For example, using this in Dreger and Chandlers (1993) anthropocentrism
ethic it would be considered wrong to cut down scale refer to the superiority of humans as com-
the rainforests because they contain potential cures pared to animals. In principle, believing that hu-
for human diseases. mans are superior to animals could be independent
What is referred to here as an ecocentric ethic of an environmental ethic of preservation of natural
comes from the term rst coined biocentric in 1913 resources because natural resources are valuable to
by an American biochemist, Lawrence Henderson, humans. In contrast, in Thompson and Bartons
to represent the idea that the universe is the origi- anthropocentrism scale, items refer to either the
nator of life (Campbell, 1983). This term was adopted consequences of environmental degradation for hu-
by the so-called deep ecologists in the 1970s to refer mans (e.g., loss of rain forest will restrict develop-
to the idea that all life has intrinsic value (Nash, ment of new medicines), or refer directly to human
1989). In an ecocentric ethic nature has moral con- welfare as a motive for ecological conservation.
sideration because it has intrinsic value, value aside Thompson and Bartons constructs are closely re-
from its usefulness to humans. Using this ethic, for lated to the kinds of ethical reasoning examined in
example, one could judge that it would be wrong to the present study. However, Thompson and Barton
cut down the rainforests because it would cause the assessed the constructs as attitudes, whereas the
extinction of many plant and animal species. present study examines the use of these constructs
Very few studies in the past have addressed the in ethical reasoning about environmental dilemmas.
concepts of anthropocentrism and ecocentrism. A In a more directly related study, Kahn (1997) in-
distinction between these two concepts was rst terviewed children and coded ecocentric and
brought into social science research by Dunlap and anthropocentric moral reasoning responses to an
Van Liere (1977) in a comment on Heberleins (1972) ecological disaster (the Exxon oil spill of 1989).
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

Moral Reasoning about Ecological Dilemmas 3

Kahn found that use of both types of reasoning in- Finally, we were interested in how dierent dilem-
creased with age. Even with the oldest children he ma topics would inuence moral reasoning. For ex-
tested (eighth graders), anthropocentric reasoning ample, would a dilemma over wild land elicit more
continued to be used with higher frequency than ecocentric reasoning than a dilemma over agricul-
ecocentric reasoning (58% vs 20% of reasons given). tural land? Results from Experiment 1 led us to ex-
The Exxon oil spill was an environmental disaster. plore dilemma topic dierences in more depth in
Whether similar results would be obtained with Experiment 2.
ecological dilemmas that are not disasters or with
adults is not known. In light of these ndings on
ethical reasoning about ecological disasters, and in Experiment 1
light of the past research on ecocentrism and
anthropocentrism as scale-measured values or atti- Methods
tudes (but not spontaneously produced ethical rea-
soning), the rst goal of Experiment 1 was to
Participants. The participants were 91 (70 females,
measure the ecocentrism and anthropocentrism in
21 males, mean age of 1895 years) undergraduates
adults reasoning about ecological moral dilemmas
enrolled in introductory psychology classes at the
and to determine the relative frequency of use of
University of Wisconsin^Madison. They received ex-
each type of ethic.
tra credit for participating.
A second goal of the research was to explore how
important aspects of the content of ecological di- Materials and design. The stimuli consisted of eco-
lemmas would inuence moral reasoning. Because logical moral dilemmas modied from previous stu-
anthropocentric ethics focus on how nature aects dies (Axelrod, 1994; Beringer, 1994). The dilemmas
humans, we hypothesized that if the impact of en- were modied in order to make the natural environ-
vironmental damage on humans were enhanced in ment more central to the story and in order to add
a dilemma, participants would use more anthropo- the experimental manipulations. Four dilemma to-
centric reasoning. In turn, since an ecocentric ethic pics were used: overgrazing a commons, logging
values nature for natures sake, we hypothesized old growth stands, cutting rewood in a protected
that if the impact of environmental damage on nat- forest, and building a new landll (the dilemmas
ure were enhanced, participants would use more are reproduced in Appendix A). In the dilemmas
ecocentric reasoning. By examining these situa- the main characters were set in situations in which
tional inuences, our study diers from past work they could support or not support actions that da-
on anthropocentric and ecocentric reasoning. How- mage the environment. Within the dilemmas two
ever, it is related to the research applying factors were manipulated in a 262 factorial design:
Schwartzs (1977) norm-activation theory. Norm acti- 1) additional information on how the environmental
vation theory states that an awareness of conse- damage would impact the environment was either
quences of environmental damage will compel a added or not, and 2) additional information on how
person who believes his or her actions can amelio- the environmental damage would impact humans
rate those consequences to feel a sense of moral ob- was either added or not. Dilemma topic was a with-
ligation to act. In this research, we are examining in-subjects factor and information enhancement
the object of that moral obligation and hypothesize was manipulated between-subjects. The order of
that an emphasis on consequences to humans will the dilemmas was counterbalanced with a latin
lead to a human object of moral obligation, while squares design, and participants were randomly as-
an emphasis on consequences to nature will lead to signed to one of the four conditions of information
an ecocentric object. enhancement.
A third goal of Experiment 1 was to examine the In addition to the dilemmas, participants also
role of environmental attitudes as an individual dif- answered the Environmental Attitudes Scale (EAS)
ference variable that might account for dierences (Ebenbach, Moore, & Parsil, 1998; Ebenbach, 1999).
in use of one type of ethic over the other. Axelrod The 17-item EAS was used because it distinguishes
(1994) found that participants dominant value orien- between internally and externally motivated pro-en-
tations (e.g., economic, social) inuenced which rea- vironmental attitudes in a way similar to the
sons they chose as important in making decisions distinction made in recent studies of racial preju-
about ecological dilemmas. In this study we ex- dice (Plant & Devine, 1998) and in older studies of
pected that environmental attitudes would relate religiosity (Allport & Ross, 1967; Donahue, 1985).
to use of ecocentric and anthropocentric reasoning. The EAS internal dimension is a better measure of
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

4 K. V. Kortenkamp and C. F. Moore

environmental attitudes and a better predictor of Results

pro-environmental behaviors than environmental at-
titude scales that do not take attitude motivations A 2 (Impact on Environment Information)62 (Im-
into account (Ebenbach, 1999). The scale has good pact on Humans Information)63 (Moral Considera-
internal reliability (EAS-Internal Cronbachs tions Category) mixed ANOVA was conducted with
alpha = 090; EAS-External alpha = 085) and test- frequency of use of each consideration category as
retest reliability over a 12-week time period (EAS- the dependent variable. There was a signicant
Internal r(72) = 077, p50001; EAS-External main eect for Moral Consideration Category, F(2,
r(72) = 045, p50001). The EAS internal scores also 172) = 12379, p5001. Participants did not use signif-
correlate appropriately with other environmental at- icantly more anthropocentric than ecocentric moral
titudes scales (Dunlap & Van Liere, 1978) and mea- reasoning (M = 398, S.D. = 218; M = 340, S.D. = 215 re-
sures of pro-environmental behavior (Maloney & spectively), but did use signicantly more nonenvir-
Ward, 1973), providing evidence for the validity of onmental moral reasoning (M = 882, S.D. = 273) than
the scale (Ebenbach, 1999; Ebenbach, Moore & either anthropocentric or ecocentric reasoning. The
Parsil, 1998). The full scale is reproduced in presence of information about the impacts of envir-
Appendix B. onmental damage on humans had no eect on moral
considerations, F51.
There was also a signicant interaction between
Procedure. Small groups of participants (n=2 to 8) Impact on Environment Information and Moral
met for one session with an experimenter and an- Consideration Category, F(2272) = 2118, p5001. This
swered the packet of materials individually in writ- result supports our second hypothesis that provid-
ing. For each moral dilemma they were asked to ing details of the impacts of environmental damage
decide whether the main character should or should would inuence participants use of eco- and anthro-
not support or perform an environmentally dama- pocentric considerations. The means presented in
ging action. They were then asked to list and ex- Figure 1 show that when additional information
plain four factors they had considered most about environmental impacts was present in the
important in making their decision. All individuals dilemmas, participants used more eco- and anthro-
listed at least one consideration, and seven was the pocentric moral considerations but fewer nonenvir-
maximum number listed for any one dilemma. They onmental considerations compared to when the
answered the EAS following the dilemmas. information was absent. One surprising aspect of
The moral considerations given by the partici- the results is that the presence of information about
pants were coded into three categories: ecocentric,
anthropocentric, and nonenvironmental. The criter-
ia were similar to those of Kahn (1997). For exam-
ple, a response was categorized as ecocentric if it
referred to the rights or intrinsic value of nature
or proposed protecting nature for natures sake. A
response was coded as anthropocentric if it pro-
posed preserving nature to benet humans or be-
cause humans cannot survive without nature, and
the non-environmental category was used when a re-
sponse referred to social contracts, guilt, or truth-
fulness. An example of an ecocentric consideration
is, Plants and animals that live there would have to
nd a new habitat. An example of an anthropo-
centric consideration is, Additional cattle will de-
plete the land of its resources, and make it
unusable for many years to come. An example of a
nonenvironmental consideration is, Steve should
honor the unwritten commitment. Trust is very im-
portant. . . Twenty percent of the questionnaires
were coded by a second rater for reliability (percent FIGURE 1. Mean number of ecocentric (eco), anthropocentric
(anthro) and nonenvironmental (non-env) moral considerations
agreement = 856). Disagreements were resolved by used as a function of environmental information enhancement
using the decisions of the primary coder. in ecological dilemmas.
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

Moral Reasoning about Ecological Dilemmas 5

environmental damage led to an increase in the use

of anthropocentric moral considerations.
The results also showed that environmental atti-
tudes were correlated with the type of moral reason-
ing used. Higher pro-environmental scores on the
internal scale of the attitudes questionnaire were
positively correlated with both eco- and anthropo-
centrism (r = 035 and 030 respectively, p5001) but
were negatively correlated with use of non-environ-
mental moral considerations (r = 7040, p5001).
The external environmental attitude scale did not
correlate signicantly with any of the three types
of moral reasoning (rs = 005, 009, and 7009 for
ecocentric, anthropocentric, and nonenvironmental
moral reasoning, respectively).
In order to examine the joint inuences of inter-
nal environmental attitudes and the manipulated FIGURE 2. Mean number of ecocentric moral considerations used
environmental information on the use of dierent by participants as a function of ecological dilemma topic.
moral reasoning types, hierarchical multiple linear
regression was used (Cohen & Cohen, 1983). (In hier- Discussion
archical regression the increment in the R2 due to
each independent variable is obtained after all The results of Experiment 1 reveal that ecological
other independent variables have been entered in dilemmas most frequently elicit moral reasoning
the regression equation.) The presence of informa- that is not related to the environment but to human
tion on environmental impacts had signicant posi- relationships (e.g., social contracts, guilt, truthful-
tive eects on use of both eco- and anthropocentric ness). However, when ethics are extended to the en-
moral reasoning (DR2=014, b=033, p5001; vironment, both ecocentric and anthropocentric
DR2=014, b=038, p5001 respectively) and signi- reasoning are used with equal frequency. The use
cant negative eects on use of nonenvironmental of all three types of moral reasoning is inuenced
reasoning (DR2=022, b=7047, p5001). Internal en- strongly by information about the impact of ecologi-
vironmental attitudes also had eects on moral rea- cal damage on the environment but not by informa-
soning, a result which supports our hypothesis that tion about the impact on humans. As predicted,
individual dierences in environmental attitudes environmental impacts information did cause parti-
might account for dierences in use of ecocentric, cipants to use more ecocentric moral reasoning, but
anthropocentric, or nonenvironmental moral rea- that information also caused an increase in use of
soning. Specically, internal environmental atti- anthropocentric reasoning, something that was not
tudes had signicant positive eects on both the hypothesized. It seems that providing information
use of eco- and anthropocentric moral considera- on the environmental impacts of actions did induce
tions (DR2=005, b=025, p5005, R2=009, b=030, the participants to think more about the environ-
p5001 respectively) and had signicant negative ef- ment, but it did not aect how they were thinking
fects on use of nonenvironmental considerations about the environment.
(DR2=008, b=7030, p5001). Perhaps how people think about the environment
Lastly, the eects of dilemma topic on use of eco- (ecocentrically or anthropocentrically) has more to
centric moral reasoning were tested in a 2 (Environ- do with individual dierences in attitudes than
mental Information Enhancement)62 (Human with situational variables. However, the individual
Information Enhancement)64 (Dilemma Topic) mixed dierence variable we investigated in Experiment
ANOVA with mean number of ecocentric moral con- 1, internally motivated pro-environmental attitudes,
siderations as the dependent variable. There was a sig- was positively correlated with use of both eco-
nicant main eect for dilemma topic, F(1, 86) = 1425, centric and anthropocentric moral reasoning. The
p5001. Fewer ecocentric moral considerations were items on the environmental attitude scale that we
used in the overgrazing dilemma than in the other used were not intended to distinguish between en-
three dilemmas (see Figure 2). This nding is of par- vironmental attitudes that are ecocentric or anthro-
ticular interest because Hardin (1968) used a grazing pocentric. Based on the results of Experiment 1,
dilemma to illustrate the tragedy of the commons. participants with internally motivated pro-environ-
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

6 K. V. Kortenkamp and C. F. Moore

mental attitudes found validity in both ecocentric mean age = 1899 years) enrolled in introductory psy-
and anthropocentric moral considerations in ecolo- chology classes at the University of Wisconsin-Madi-
gical moral dilemmas. This studys inability to sepa- son. They received extra credit for participating.
rate proponents of ecocentric and anthropocentric
Materials and design. The stimuli consisted of an
reasoning is in agreement with a related nding in
ecological moral dilemma on the topic of overgraz-
Stern and Dietz (1995). In measuring value orienta-
ing a commons, modied from Experiment 1. Within
tions, Stern and Dietz reported that could not dif-
the original overgrazing dilemma two factors were
ferentiate biospheric (ecocentric) from altruistic
manipulated in a 262 factorial design: 1) A social
(anthropocentric) values. They hypothesized that
conict was presented or not; and 2) A land-use con-
the clear distinction between these two concepts
ict was enhanced or not (see Appendix C). For the
that exits in theory may not exist in the minds of
social conict factor, the main character either
people in the general population but perhaps would
shares a commons with other ranchers with whom
exist in a population of environmental activists.
he has a commitment not to overgraze the land (so-
cial conict present) or he alone grazes an area of
land (social conict not present). For the land use
Experiment 2 conict, the grazing area is either land in the moun-
tains of a diverse national forest that has never
The results of Experiment 1 also raised interesting been grazed before (land-use conict enhanced) or
questions about the dierences among the ecological private land that has been grazed for many years
dilemmas. The overgrazing dilemma elicited fewer (land-use conict not enhanced). Both factors were
ecocentric considerations than the other dilemmas, tested within subjects and counterbalanced with a
even when environmental impact information was latin squares design. Thus, each participant re-
present. This result is interesting, especially in light sponded to four separate dilemmas.
of the extent to which Hardins original overgrazing
dilemma has become paradigmatic in discussions of Procedure. Small groups of participants met for
ecological issues in general and ecological moral di- one session with an experimenter and answered
lemmas in particular (see Dawes, 1980; Gardner & the questionnaires individually in writing. For each
Stern, 1996). The overgrazing dilemma contains two dilemma they decided whether the main character
features not present in the other dilemmas: a) an should or should not buy additional cattle. They
emphasis on social conict, and b) no emphasis on were then asked to list and explain four factors they
land-use conict. In the dilemma the main character had considered most important in making their de-
had a commitment to his peers, and the environmen- cision; however, in the coding process the number of
tal damage was to land that was not untouched by dierent factors mentioned was not limited to four.
humans but used for agriculture. In contrast, in the Finally, participants were asked if the main charac-
other dilemmas social commitments were much less ters dilemma was moral and why or why not. Fol-
salient, and the damage was done to protected, pre- lowing the dilemmas, they answered the EAS.
served, or pristine nature areas. The results from The moral considerations were coded, using the
Experiment 1 prompted us to conduct Experiment 2 same methods from Experiment 1, into ecocentric,
in which we manipulated both the social and land- anthropocentric, and non-environmental moral con-
use conicts in the overgrazing dilemma. We hy- sideration categories. Twenty percent of the ques-
pothesized that a dilemma containing a social con- tionnaires were coded by a second rater for
ict would make ecocentric reasoning less likely, reliability (percent agreements = 883). Disagree-
and a dilemma depicting damage to a more wild ments were resolved by using the decision of the
ecosystem (emphasis on land-use conict) would primary coder.
make ecocentric reasoning more likely. Such situa-
tional factors have general importance because they Results
arise to dierent degrees in real world conicts over
environmental issues. A 2 (land-use Conict)62 (Social Conict) within
subjects ANOVA with the number of ecocentric mor-
Methods al considerations as the dependent variable was con-
ducted to test the hypothesis that land-use and
social conict information would inuence use of
Participants. The participants were 84 undergradu- ecocentric reasoning. There was a main eect for
ates (36 females, 46 males, 2 gender unreported; Land-use Conict, F(1, 81) = 1454, p5001, and a
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

Moral Reasoning about Ecological Dilemmas 7

main eect for Social Conict, F(181) = 1705,

p5001. When a social conict was present in the
moral dilemma, participants used less ecocentric
moral reasoning compared to when it was absent
(M = 107, S.D.=008; M = 140, S.D. = 011 respectively).
Also, participants used more ecocentric reasoning
when a land-use conict was emphasized compared
to when it was not (M = 138, S.D. = 010; M = 109,
S.D. = 009 respectively). When no land-use conict
was combined with a social conict, participants
used the least amount of ecocentric moral reason-
ing (see Figure 3). This latter result replicates the
environmental impacts information condition of
Experiment 1.
In order to compare the dierential eects of so-
cial and land-use conicts on all three types of mor-
al reasoning, a 2 (Social Conict)62 Land-use
Conict)63 (Moral Consideration Category) re-
peated measures ANOVA was conducted, with num- FIGURE 4. Mean number of ecocentric (eco), anthropocentric
ber of considerations in each category as the (anthro), and nonenvironrnental (non-env) moral considerations
used as a function of social-conict presence in a grazing
dependent variable. There was a signicant interac- dilemma.
tion between Social Conict and Moral Considera-
tion Category, F(2, 162)=2720, p5001. Although the
presence of a social conict caused less use of
ecocentric reasoning, it induced more use of non-en-
vironmental reasoning, and had no eect on anthro-
pocentric reasoning (see Figure 4). There was also a
signicant interaction between Land-use Conict
and Moral Considerations, F(2, 162)=39, p5005. A
dilemma with a land-use conict elicited more eco-
centric considerations but there was no eect of
land use conict on use of non-environmental or

FIGURE 5. Mean number of ecocentric (eco), anthropocentric

(anthro), and nonenvironmental (non-env) moral considerations
used as a function of stressing the land-use conict in a grazing

anthropocentric reasoning (see Figure 5). There

was also no main eect of Moral Consideration Ca-
tegory. Overall, participants did not use signi-
cantly more nonenvironmental reasoning than eco-
and anthropocentric reasoning.
FIGURE 3. The eect of social conict and land-use conict on par- As in Experiment 1, internal pro-environmental
ticipants use of ecocentric moral considerations. attitudes again correlated negatively with use of
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

8 K. V. Kortenkamp and C. F. Moore

non-environmental moral reasoning (r = 7237, centric reasoning. Our results also show a very
p5001). However, the EAS internal scale did not strong inuence of situational variables on environ-
correlate signicantly with ecocentric and anthro- mental ethical reasoning. Inclusion of information
pocentric moral reasoning (although the correla- about environmental impacts elicited more eco-
tions were in the positive direction, r = 019 and centric and anthropocentric and less nonenviron-
013 respectively, n.s.). mental moral reasoning. It is clearly more dicult
to take the interests of the environment into consid-
Discussion eration if those interests and the eects on them
are either not known or not salient. For example, a
The results from Experiment 2 help to explain the person who does not know that over-fertilizing city
dierences that were found between the grazing di- lawns has a negative impact on nearby waterways
lemma and the other dilemmas in Experiment 1. The would not perceive lawn fertilization as an ecologi-
presence of a social conict and absence of an em- cal dilemma and would not take the waterways into
phasis on land-use conict caused participants to consideration when making decisions about apply-
reason less ecocentrically, but these same variables ing fertilizer.
had no eect on use of anthropocentric reasoning. A second situational variable found to be impor-
This result is consistent with Experiment 1 because tant was an emphasis on a land-use conict. Land-
anthropocentrism was used as frequently in the use conict evoked more ecocentric reasoning. A
grazing dilemma of Experiment 1 as in the other land-use conict between pristine land vs degraded
three dilemmas. Perhaps the land-use conict had land causes more of a focus on the damaging eects
no eect on anthropocentric reasoning because re- to the environment, perhaps because this damage is
gardless of whether land is pristine or used for agri- viewed as more extreme. In contrast, when the con-
culture, it is still useful to humans in some way ict is over agricultural land versus degraded agri-
(i.e., for recreation or food production). The social cultural land, the environmental damage may be
conict manipulation also had no eect on the use viewed as less extreme, and therefore more accepta-
of anthropocentric reasoning. Including an explicit ble. Also, it is possible that agricultural land may
social conict does not detract from anthropo- not be viewed as a part of nature by some indivi-
centric reasoning because anthropocentrism in- duals. Because ecocentric reasoning requires a fo-
cludes a focus on both people and the environment. cus on the intrinsic value of nature, without
On the other hand, nonenvironmental thinking is viewing agricultural land as nature there can be
only focused on people, so when a social conict is no ecocentric reasoning. The nal important situa-
absent, this type of reasoning is no longer elicited tional variable was the presence of social conict is-
as frequently. sues, which elicited less ecocentric and more non-
Non-environmental reasoning was not more com- environmental reasoning. Salient social issues seem
monly used overall than ecocentric or anthropo- to attract peoples focus away from thinking about
centric reasoning in Experiment 2, in contrast to land issues.
Experiment 1. This is most likely due to the inclu- One limitation on the generalizability of this re-
sion of additional environmental impact informa- search is that the sample consisted of college stu-
tion in all versions of the dilemmas in Experiment dents who strongly endorsed pro-environmental
2. In Experiment 1, the additional environmental attitudes (the mean on the 1 to 9 scale for internal
impact information was found to increase use of pro-environmental attitudes was 650). In view of
ecocentric and anthropocentric reasoning and to this, it is perhaps even more impressive that such
decrease use of non-environmental reasoning. striking eects of the situational variables were ob-
tained. It would be interesting to study the use of
ecocentric and anthropocentric ethical reasoning
General Discussion in samples of other populations, such as the general
public, environmental activists, and those who use
The present research shows that both individual dif- natural areas for recreation (hunters, anglers, hi-
ferences and situational variables are important fac- kers, campers, mountain bikers, etc.). It is likely that
tors related to the expression of environmental ecocentric and anthropocentric reasoning will vary
ethical reasoning. Internally motivated pro-environ- among such interest groups because such groups
mental attitudes were negatively associated with use have been shown to dier in their evaluation of re-
of nonenvironmental moral reasoning and positively creational impacts on nature (Shindler & Shelby,
associated with use of ecocentric and anthropo- 1993).
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

Moral Reasoning about Ecological Dilemmas 9

Another potential limitation of our study is that the U.S. and globally. The present research shows
the participants were not necessarily personally fa- that both individual dierences and situational fac-
miliar with the dilemmas we used. Would they have tors inuence the type of moral reasoning an indivi-
used the same moral reasoning when considering dual may bring to bear on a tragedy of the
personal decisions about ecological dilemmas? One commons. These results have importance for social
way to nd out would be to use dilemmas based on conicts that arise around specic environmental
environmental issues that college students are more issues. Where knowledge or beliefs about the envir-
likely to encounter and make decisions about, such onmental impacts dier between so-called stake-
as food consumption habits or use of campus natur- holders, our research provides reason to expect
al areas. Another alternative would be to have the dierences in moral reasoning. Those who believe
participants generate environmental dilemmas from the environmental impacts of a project are lower
their own experiences and then explain their moral would be expected to emphasize non-environmental
reasoning (although a problem with this is the wide moral issues such as social contracts, whereas those
variability among individuals in the types of events who believe that environmental impacts are large
that would be posed as ecological dilemmas). Past would be expected to emphasize both the morality
moral reasoning research based on Kohlbergs ap- of damaging nature and the impacts on humans of
proach has shown that real-life dilemmas provided damage to nature. Thus, satisfactory conict resolu-
by participants elicit dierent moral orientations tion is not likely to result from simply bringing sta-
than hypothetical dilemmas (Walker, 1989). There- keholders together to negotiate because they are
fore, it is possible that real-life ecological dilemmas speaking in dierent moral voices.
may also elicit dierent types of environmental ethi-
cal reasoning than hypothetical dilemmas. Such a
result would be consistent with our ndings that si- Acknowledgements
tuational variables in the dilemmas have a strong
inuence on the environmental moral reasoning This research was supported in part by a Hilldale
shown. If participants were to report or invent their Research Grant from the University of Wisconsin-
own ecological moral dilemmas (as was done for Madison. Special thanks to the Psychology of Envir-
non-environmental moral reasoning in Walker, onmental Issues Research Lab (Scott Caldwell, Mat-
1989), the dilemmas would be likely to vary in many thew Kolinski, Ellen Merten, Penny Pobiecke, and
ways including the degree to which they include so- David H. Ebenbach, Ph.D.), Elizabeth Kortenkamp,
cial contracts, violations of law, impacts on humans, and Nancy Kortenkamp for all their help with con-
as well as known impacts on nature itself. Thus, the ducting this research.
present research may provide an approach for pre-
dicting why familiar dilemmas may evoke reasoning
that diers from that shown in unfamiliar moral di-
lemmas. A careful content analysis of the dilemmas
produced by participants might reveal a focus on
Reprint requests and correspondence should be ad-
dierent aspects of the situation (specically, hu-
dressed to Colleen F. Moore, University of Wiscon-
man relationships vs nature itself) that are shown
sin, Department of Psychology, 1202 West Johnson
by our research to be powerful inuences on envir-
Street, Madison. WI 53706, U.S.A. E-mail cfmoore@-
onmental moral reasoning.
This study makes valuable strides forward by ex-
perimentally examining ecocentrism and anthropo-
centrism in the context of moral dilemmas, since References
up until recently these concepts have been studied,
and minimally at that, with correlational studies of Allport, G. W. & Ross, J. M. (1967). Personal religious or-
ientation and prejudice. Journal of Personality and So-
attitudes and values. Studies of ethical reasoning for cial Psychology, 5, 432^443.
environmental dilemmas are very important because Axelrod, L. J. (1994). Balancing personal needs with envir-
most real world environmental issues can be consid- onmental preservation. Journal of Social Issues, 50,
ered to be social dilemmas, social traps (Dawes, 85^104.
1980), or tragedies of the commons (Hardin, 1968). Beringer, A. (1994). The moral ideals of care and respect.
In European university studies: Series 20, philosophy
Examples given by Dawes (1980) include air pollu- (Vol. 425, pp. 10^260). Berlin: Frankfurt am Main.
tion caused by auto trac and world overpopula- Campbell, E. K. (1983). Beyond anthropocentrism. Journal
tion. Such issues are highly controversial, both in of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 19, 54^67.
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

10 K. V. Kortenkamp and C. F. Moore

Cohen, J., & Cohen, P. (1983). Applied Multiple Regression/ Thompson, S. C. G., & Barton, M. A. (1994). Ecocentric
Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd and anthropocentric attitudes toward the environ-
ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. ment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 14, 149^157.
Dawes, R. M. (1980). Social dilemmas. Annual Review of Walker, L. J. (1989). A longitudinal study of moral reason-
Psychology, 31, 169^193. ing. Child Development, 60, 157^160.
Donahue, M. J. (1985). Intrinsic and extrinsic religious-
ness: A review and meta-analysis. Journal of Personal-
ity and Social Psychology, 48, 400^419.
Dreger, R. M., & Chandler, E. W. (1993). Anthropocentr- Appendix A
ism: Construct validity and measurement. Journal of
Social Behavior and Personality, 8, 169^188. Information contained within the brackets repre-
Dunlap, R. E., & Van Liere, K. D. (1977). Land ethic or sents the information enhancement manipulation.
golden rule. Journal of Social Issues, 33, 200^207.
Dunlap, R. E., & Van Liere, K. D. (1978). A proposed mea- Enhanced information on impacts to the environ-
suring instrument and preliminary results: The new ment is to the left of the slash, and enhanced infor-
environmental paradigm. Journal of Environmental mation on impacts to humans is to the right of the
Education, 9, 10^19. slash. When no information was enhanced, the
Ebenbach, D. H. (1999). Behind beliefs and controversies: bracketed sentences were left out.
The relationship between motivation and the expression
of pro-environmental attitudes. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Grazing
Ebenbach, D. H., & Moore, C. F. (2000). Incomplete infor-
mation, inferences, and individual dierences: The A common area of grazing land is shared by ten
case of environmental judgments. Organizational Be-
ranchers. All the ranchers know that the common
havior and Human Decision Processes, 81, 1^27.
Ebenbach, D. H., Moore, C. F., & Parsil, S. A. (1998). Intern- grazing land is the perfect size for the total amount
ally and externally motivated environmental attitudes. of cattle that they collectively own. [If all the ran-
Paper presented at the annual convention of the chers bought extra cattle they would overgraze the
Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. land, causing plant cover depletion, soil infertility
Gardner, G. T., & Stern, P. C. (1996). Environmental Pro-
and erosion, and the pollution of nearby waterways./
blems and Human Behavior. Needam Heights, MA: Al-
lyn & Bacon. If all the ranchers bought extra cattle they would
Hardin, G. (1968). The tragedy of the commons. Science, run each other out of business.] The ranchers have
162, 1243^1248. an unwritten commitment not to overuse the com-
Heberlein, T. A. (1972). The land ethic realized: Some social mon grazing land. Though all the ranchers are busi-
psychological explanations for changing environmen- ness associates, they rarely socialize and are not
tal attitudes. Journal of Social Issues, 28, 79^87.
Kahn, P. H. (1997). Childrens moral and ecological reason- really friends with each other. One of the ranchers,
ing. Developmental Psychology, 33, 1091^1096. Steve, comes across a special deal where he can pur-
Leopold, A. (1949). A Sand Country Almanac: With Essays chase a number of additional cattle for a very low
on Conservation from Round River. New York: Oxford price.
University Press. Should Steve purchase additional cattle?
Maloney, M. P., & Ward, M. P. (1973). Lets hear from the
people: An objective scale for the measurement of
ecological attitudes and knowledge. American Psychol- Old Growth
ogist, 28, 583^586.
Nash, R. F. (1989). The Rights of Nature: A History of Envir- Up until recently a large area of old growth forest
onmental Ethics. Madison, WI: University of Wiscon-
sin Press.
has been set aside as parkland in a small town in
Plant, E. A., & Devine, P. G. (1998). Internal and external British Columbia. Now the local lumber company,
motivation to respond without prejudice. Journal of which owns the forest land, is planning a clear-cut
Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 811^832. harvest of the old growth trees. It has been a low
Schwartz, S. H. (1977). Normative inuences on altruism. period for the town and this new project means jobs
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 10, 221^279.
and income for a number of years. Marie has lived
Shindler, B. & Shelby, B. (1993). Regulating wilderness
use: An investigation of user group support. Journal in this town all her life. Most of Maries friends and
of Forestry, 91, 41^44. previous co-workers are very excited about the new
Stern, P. C., Dietz, T., & Kalof, L. (1993). Value orienta- harvest and want to see the project happen. Both
tions, gender, and environmental concern. Environ- Marie and her husband were recently laid o by
ment and Behavior, 25, 322^348. the company and will be rehired when this new har-
Stern et al. (1995). Values, beliefs, and pro-environmental
action: Attitude formation toward emergent attitude vest begins. [However, she has learned that about
objects. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25, 98% of old growth forests in North America have
1611^1636. already been destroyed and that the unique old
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

Moral Reasoning about Ecological Dilemmas 11

growth ecosystem is home to many rare species that the rewood needs of the community.] Past the for-
cannot survive in other habitats. /However, she has est preserve there is a designated rewood gather-
learned that the jobs created by the harvest will ing area. The local women all have the daily job of
only last until all the trees are cut, a few years, at walking up the steep mountain slopes toward the
which time Marie and her husband will again be designated area to cut rewood for use in cooking
laid o.] and heating. This task grows harder over time be-
Should Marie actively support or oppose the har- cause the women have to go farther and farther be-
vest? fore they can obtain enough wood for their families
needs. One of the women, Sandy, hikes past the
Garbage nearby forest preserve and thinks to herself, My
task would be so much easier if I could only cut
A regional area in the Midwest has a beautiful nat- those trees. She would then be able to bring back
ure preserve [that supports a diverse ecosystem of some extra wood to sell. However, she knows that
native plant and animal species/that is a very popu- it is against the law to take trees from the preserve,
lar place for recreational activities.] But this region and that anyone who is caught doing so will be se-
also has a growing problem with what to do with verely punished. But she also knows the forest ran-
the peoples garbage. The landll site is almost at ger has gone to the city for a few days. She wonders,
capacity. The local governmental department of Perhaps today I will cut just one tree.
waste management has developed two proposals to Should Sandy cut a tree from the government forest?
deal with the situation. The rst is to build a second
landll site. The best location for the new site is the
nature preserve. [If the landll is sited here it Appendix B
would completely destroy the preserves ecosystem.
/ If the landll is sited here it would decrease prop- EAS
erty values of the many neighboring residences.]
However, the land already belongs to the district Please read the following statements carefully, and,
and no new fees would be required under this pro- in the space provided, rate your agreement with
posal. The second proposal would involve creating a each of the statements, on a scale from 1^9
new collection system that would force all people to (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = neither agree nor disagree,
separate their garbage a into seven categoriesJsix 9 = strongly agree).
for recycling and one for composting. Substantial strongly neither agree strongly
nes would be charged to anyone who doesnt abide disagree nor disagree agree
by the new regulations. Additionally, the residents
of the greater regional area would be charged with
a monthly fee in order to pay for the added costs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
necessary to run this waste collection system. Sar- 1. ______I______ I try hard to carry my pro-
ah and Kurt, residents of the area, will participate environmental beliefs over into all the
in a public vote on this issue next week. other parts of my life.
Should Sarah and Kurt vote for building the new 2. ______N______ I try to appear pro-environmental to
landll or vote to establish the new collection system? please others, but I really dont believe
environmental issues are important.
Gathering Firewood 3. ______-I______ Because of my personal values, I
believe that ignoring environmental
In a rural area, a government forest preserve has matters is OK.
been set up as part of a project to restore the moun- 4. ______E______ I try to act pro-environmentally
tain forests. The forests are rapidly disappearing be- because of pressure from others.
cause so much wood is needed by the village people 5. ______N_____ Although todays PC (Politically
for cooking and heating. On the mountain slopes Correct) standards pressure me to
that have been deforested, the soil is being washed express pro-environmental views, I
away by the heavy rains which makes it very di- dont really believe the environment is
cult for young tree seedlings to grow into mature threatened.
trees. [As a result the decient forest is unable to 6. ______I______ When it comes to questions about the
support a diverse and healthy animal population. / environment, I feel driven to know the
As a result the decient forest is unable to support truth.
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan

12 K. V. Kortenkamp and C. F. Moore

7. ______E______ If I did something that might harm the native plant and animal species and is a very popu-
environment, I would be concerned lar place for recreational activities. An area of the
that others would be angry with me. national forest that was never previously used for
8. ______-E______ I do not attempt to appear pro- grazing has recently been leased to ten ranchers. /
environmental to others. An area of private land in the western U.S. has a
9. ______-I______ According to my personal values, long history of grazing use and is currently shared
ignoring human impacts on the larger by ten ranchers.] All the ranchers have been in-
ecosystem is OK. formed that the common grazing area is the perfect
10. ______-E______ It is not important for me to appear size for the total amount of cattle that they collec-
pro-environmental to others. tively own. If all the ranchers bought extra cattle
11. ______I______ I am motivated by my personal beliefs they would overgraze the land, causing plant cover
to try to protect the environment. depletion, soil infertility and erosion, and the pollu-
12. ______-I______ The interrelatedness of all living things tion of [nearby waterways within the national for-
in the ecosystem is something I have ne- est. /nearby waterways.] They would also run each
ver felt personally compelled to consider. other out of business. The ranchers have an unwrit-
13. ______E______ I try to express only my pro- ten commitment not to overgraze the land. One of
environmental views in order to avoid the ranchers, Steve, comes across a special deal
negative reactions from others. where he can purchase a number of additional cat-
14. ______-I______ What happens to the larger ecosystem, tle at a very low price.
beyond what happens to humans, Should Steve purchase additional cattle?
doesnt make much dierence to me.
15. ______-I______ I have not found it essential to try to
protect the larger ecosystem, beyond
what happens to humans. No Social Conict
16. ______E______ Because of todays PC (Politically
Correct) standards, I try to appear [A national forest in the mountains of the western
pro-environment. U.S. supports a diverse and sensitive ecosystem of
17. ______E______ It is personally important to me to try native plant and animal species and is a very popu-
to protect the larger ecosystem, beyond lar place for recreational activities. An area of the
what happens to humans. national forest that was never previously used for
grazing has recently been leased to a local rancher,
Steve. / An area of private land in the western U.S.
Appendix C has a long history of grazing use and is currently
used by a local rancher, Steve.] Steve has been in-
Information contained within the brackets represents formed that the grazing area is the perfect size for
the land use conict manipulation. Enhanced land- the total amount of cattle that he owns. Extra cattle
use conict is to the left of the slash and not en- would overgraze the land, causing plant cover deple-
hanced land-use conict is to the right of the slash. tion, soil infertility and erosion, and the pollution of
[nearby waterways within the national forest./ near-
Social Conict by waterways.] Steve comes across a special deal
where he can purchase a number of additional cat-
[A national forest in the mountains of the western tle at a very low price.
U.S. supports a diverse and sensitive ecosystem of Should Steve purchase additional cattle?
JEVP: 20010205 6.06e/W (Aug 31 2000) GRACY Mohan


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